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Kingdom Hearts Pro Wrestling: The quest to save Disneyland

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[CENTER] [I](This diary is loosely based on the Kingdom Hearts video game. The story has been changed so that it can involve a Pro Wrestling Promotion. The entire game will be played on TEW 07 using a custom mod. Blade(not the vampire slayer), Soul and Sara are completly made up characters, they do not appear in Kingdom Hearts nor in any Disney movies/televison shows. Enjoy.) [/I] [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/kingdomhearts.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Once upon a time in a far away land lived 3 children, Sara, Blade and Soul. They're three friends who lived in a small little island for their entire lives and are now bored of their current surrondings. Once hot and sticky day, the three friends were sitting around and fishing, talking about their futures. [/COLOR] [B]Sara[/B]: I'm sooo bored [COLOR="red"]Sara's sitting at the dock with her feet in the water, holding her fishing rod lazily. [/COLOR] [B]Soul[/B]: Sara, if you don't hold onto your fishing rod tighter it's going to go flying into the water and I ain't getting it back. [COLOR="red"]Sara shrugs her shoulders as if she could care less about her rod. [/COLOR] [B]Blade[/B]: You know what would be cool? We should just get on my dad's boat and explore! We could visit a new island or something. [B]Sara[/B]: Ya!! That would be such an awesome adventure!! [B]Soul[/B]: I don't know guys. What if our parents start to worry? We could get in so much trouble. [B]Blade:[/B] Argh...don't be such a baby, Soul. You're either coming with us or staying cause we're getting out of this lame island. [COLOR="red"]Blade and Sara run off to get the boat ready as Soul sits there with her arms crossed. He looks on over towards his friends, they look as if they're having fun. Soul jumps to his feet and runs after them.[/COLOR] [B]Soul:[/B] Hey!! Guys!! Don't leave without me!!! [COLOR="red"]The three friends spent the entire day getting their boat ready for their travels. They loaded the bottom of the boat with food, extra clothes and tons of bottled water. Soul managed to find a compass laying around at home and made sure he tossed it in his pocket. Tonight would be their last night in their small town before their trip around the world. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The next day, they sneaked out of their homes after breakfast and headed to their boat. It was a windy day, the boat was rocking back and forth a bit while it was tied down at the dock. [/COLOR] [B]Soul:[/B] Man, it's really windy today. Maybe we should just call our trip off untill there's better weather. [B]Blade[/B]: No way! We spent our entire day preparing for this trip, a little wind isn't gonna stop us. [B]Sara[/B]: I'm with Blade. There's no way I'm staying in this boring town for another day. Let's do this! [COLOR="red"]Blade and Sara jumped right into the boat, Soul looked back at his town, hesitating a bit, he turns back towards his friends and steps inside the boat. They were off, sailing over windy seas. Soul looked at his town slowly disapear. There was no turning back now. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The boat was hard to handle, the wind rocking the boat from side-to-side, it almost felt as if the wind was leading them to a certain destination. It was getting dark. Soul and Sara started to become concerned. [/COLOR] [B]Sara[/B]: Blade, it's getting dark. Do you know where you are? [B]Blade[/B]: For the million-th time, YES!! There's an island coming up soon. [B]Soul[/B]: I knew this was a bad idea.... [B]Blade:[/B] Shut it. [COLOR="red"]Deep down inside Blade knew that they were lost, he had no idea where they were. Luckily, he saw land just a few miles ahead of them. [/COLOR] [B]Blade[/B]: Look!! See!! There's an island right there! Told you guys. [COLOR="red"]Sara and Soul jump to their feet looking at the unknown island. Their concerns now turned into excitement. This was the first island they been to outside of their home. The boat sailed up to the loading dock, Blade tied it down. [/COLOR] [B]Blade:[/B] Okay, take some food with us. We'll find a place to stay the night here. [COLOR="red"]Soul looks around, it's foggy and dark. [/COLOR] [B]Soul[/B]: Are you sure this place is safe? It's awfully dark here... [B]Blade[/B]: It's fine. Let's go!! [COLOR="red"]Soul, Sara & Blade explore the dark island. There's nobody in sight. Suddenly, 2 creatures walk out from the darkness and stand infront of them. [/COLOR] [B]Blade[/B]: Hey, we were traveling and stumbled on your island, is there any place to stay for the night? [COLOR="red"]The creatures stare at them, not saying a word. [/COLOR] [B]Blade:[/B] Umm...hello? You guys okay? [B]Soul[/B]: I think it'd be better if we left... [B]Sara:[/B] I have to agree with Soul on this one. Those guys look creepy. [COLOR="red"]Before the 3 friends could leave, the creatures stop them. They circle them and try to attack. One of the creatures leaps at Sara and grabs a hold of her. Blade and Soul try to fight them off but they get smacked around. Luckily before anyone else could get hurt, two mysterious men jump out from the dark. They chase the creatures back into the darkness, unfortunately with Sara in their possession.[/COLOR] [B]Soul[/B]: Sara!!!! [B]Blade[/B]: We gotta go after them. [B]Donald Duck[/B]: No! It-sh too dangerish!! [B]Blade[/B]: Listen, duck, I don't know who you are but I'm going after them. [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Meck name is-h Donald Duck and you'll never sha-urvive alone. [B]Goofy:[/B] He's right. [B]Blade[/B]: And who the hell are you? [B]Goofy[/B]: I'm Goofy, hehehe! [B]Soul:[/B] Where are we? [B]Goofy[/B]: You're in Disneyland. It used to be a peacefull place untill the darkness took over. [B]Soul[/B]: Darkness? [B]Goofy[/B]: A man called Ansem led an army of Shadow Creatures to feed off of our hearts. We tried to stop them but they were just too strong. Now we live in darkness untill we're able to win the Kingdom's Heart from Ansem. [B]Blade[/B]: Shadow Creatures? Were those two jerks that kidnapped Sara Shadow Creatures?? [B]Goofy[/B]: Yep. They're heartless and feed off of people with pure hearts. I guess it was dinner time and her heart smelt delicious, hehehe. [B]Soul:[/B] Look. We're not leaving this place without Sara, is there any way we can get her back? [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Well...ahhhh...there-sh one way. Come wit-sh us. [COLOR="red"]Donald Duck and Goofy lead the two friends somewhere safe. Sould quickly follows them while Blade hesitates a bit. [/COLOR] [B]Blade:[/B] Great. My best friend has been kidnapped by two freaks who eat hearts and I'm following orders from a talking Duck and Dog... [COLOR="red"]After a few minutes of walking into the foggy darkness, Donald and Goofy lead the two friends into a small broken down house. They walk into the house to be confronted by a man who's sitting on a chair with his head down, it's hard to make out who he is. [/COLOR] [B]Goofy[/B]: Sir, we found three children lost in the darkness, one of them was caught by Shadow Creatures. They wan't to save her, what do we do with them? [B]Mysterious Man[/B]: Go home... [B]Blade:[/B] No way! We're not leaving without our friend!! [B]Mysterious Man[/B]: Such fire. I had your courage once but after years and years of fighting, you quickly realize that courage doesn't do you any good. [B]Blade[/B]: Look I don't know what happened to you nor do I care. I just want to save my friend. I would die to save her. [COLOR="red"]The mysterious man slowly raises his head to look up at the lost strangers. It's Mickey Mouse. A single tear slowly drops down his face, he doesn't even try to wipe it. [/COLOR] [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: If you truly mean what you said than you are welcomed here. Tonight we'll rest, tomorrow we'll start training. [B]Soul[/B]: Training for what? [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: To compete in Kingdom Hearts Pro Wrestling. [B]Blade/Soul[/B]: Wha?! [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: I'll explain in the morning. Go rest... [COLOR="red"]Mickey drops his head down and continues his slumber. Goofy and Donald Duck show them to their own respective bed. The three young children from a small boring island wanted an adventure and now they got it. Welcome to [B]Kingdom Hearts Pro Wrestling...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]The next morning, Mickey Mouse awakes his visiters by pouring a bucket of water over their heads.[/COLOR] [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Good morning. Sorry about last night, I had to make sure you were pure of heart. [COLOR="red"]Blade and Soul are soaked in water, they rub their eyes trying to get as much water out of their eyes as possible. [/COLOR] [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Put on some dry clothes and meet me in the front. [COLOR="red"]The two wet friends look at each other in disbelief as if they had just woke up from a bad dream. They quickly change clothes and walk outside, it's still dark. Mickey Mouse strikes them both from behind with a high kick. [/COLOR] [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: You have to learn to see with your senses instead of your eyes. It's dark all day long here so your vision won't do you any good. [COLOR="red"]Blade checks to see if he's bleeding. He looks up at Mickey, angry. [/COLOR] [B]Blade[/B]: What's your deal, man?! We came here to save our friend, not to get our buts kicked. [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: If you wan't to save your friend you have to train. The only way to save her is to win the Kingdom's Heart. [B]Blade[/B]: Kingdom's Heart? [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: I'm sure Goofy and Donald Duck told you about Ansem. When he took over our Magical Kingdom he decided to hold weekly wrestling events pitting the good vs. the evil. He holds the Kingdom's Heart, the key to this islands heart around his waist in a Championship Belt. If any of us are able to defeat him then we can use the title to restore light to our country and live once again as we were before the darkness took over. [B]Soul[/B]: So what you're saying is that we need to beat Ansem for his Title in order to save Disneyland and Sara? [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Yes. [B]Soul[/B]: What if we can't? [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Then I'm afraid Disneyland and you're friend are doomed. [B]Blade[/B]: (sighs) We have no choice then. Please, train us, teach us. We wan't to win the Kingdom's Heart. [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Very well... [COLOR="red"]Mickey Mouse spent hours upon hours training Soul and Blade to wrestle. It wasn't long untill Soul and Blade were sparring with Mickey, able to keep up with his fighting ability. They were ready for battle but was it enough? Later on, the three ate dinner inside of the house. Mickey shared stories about the old Disneyland, it seemed like it was such a great place before the take over. [/COLOR] [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Tomorrow I will take you to Kingdom Heart's Pro Wrestling, you're ready to battle. [B]Blade:[/B] Yes!! I can't wait to beat those darkness freaks down!! [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Go rest. You'll need it. I'll awake you when we need to leave. [B]Soul[/B]: You aren't going to soak us in water again are you? [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Haha...no. Go rest... [COLOR="red"]Soul and Blade slide into their beds.[/COLOR] [B]Soul[/B]: Blade? [B]Blade:[/B] Yes? [B]Soul[/B]: You think Sara's alright? [B]Blade[/B]: She has to be. [B]Soul:[/B] I just hope she isn't... [B]Blade:[/B] She's tough. If there's anybody who can survive the Shadow Creatures it's Sara. [B]Soul[/B]: I hope so... [B]Blade[/B]: We should sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. [B]Soul[/B]: Okay, good night. [B]Blade:[/B] Night... [COLOR="red"]Soul closes his eyes and quickly falls asleep. Blade pulls the covers over his head and starts crying. He looks down at his necklace, there's a heart shaped medallion hanging from it. It opens up. There's a picture of Blade, Soul & Sara in it. Blade grips onto his medallion and wipes away his tears. [/COLOR] [B]Blade[/B]: Please, hold on Sara. Please... [COLOR="red"]Elsewhere, in the pits of darkness in Disneyland, the Kingdom's Heart Champion, Ansem lounges around with his Shadow Creatures. [/COLOR] [B]Ansem[/B]: You did good bringing the girl to me. I might be the King of Darkness and ruler of Disneyland but I am also very lonely. Once we take her heart away from her and fill her with darkness then she shall stand next to me as my queen!! [COLOR="Red"]Ansem stands over a tied up and gaged Sara, she struggles to break free. Ansem smacks her across the face, knocking her out. The Shadow Creatures jump ontop of her, feeding off of her heart. [/COLOR] [B]Next: Kingdom Heart Pro Wrestling's weekly event...[/B][/CENTER]
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Having played/beaten both Kingdom Hearts games, I have to say that I'm interested to see how you have this set up. Although...if Sora comes in to run interference, I'm calling shenanigans. :D I do agree with falling_star though...Lance Bass as Sephiroth made me lose repect for the FF7 evil villain...though the KH fights against him are a pain in the...erm...Keyblade.
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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;312491]Having played/beaten both Kingdom Hearts games, I have to say that I'm interested to see how you have this set up. Although...if Sora comes in to run interference, I'm calling shenanigans. :D I do agree with falling_star though...Lance Bass as Sephiroth made me lose repect for the FF7 evil villain...though the KH fights against him are a pain in the...erm...Keyblade.[/QUOTE] Isn't Lass the gay one? From what i've seen at conventions, the voice fits ;) :P.
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[CENTER][CENTER][B]These are the rules of the Kingdom:[/B] [I]Kingdom Hearts Pro Wrestling pits those with Pure Hearts against the Darkness. In every match, each Pure Heart is put on the line, if any member of the Darkness is victorious they get to feed off of the loser's heart. If a Pure Heart is victorious they get ranked closer to getting a shot at fighting Ansem for the Kingdom's Heart Championship(the key to restoring Disneyland back to what it was). [/I] ______________________________________ [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/khb.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]It's dark and rainy. There's an old, beaten down wrestling ring set-up in the middle of Disneyland. The White Rabbit runs out towards ringside, he keeps on screaming to himself, "I'm Late! I'm Late! I'm Late!". He jumps inside of the ring and blows on a trumpet to get everyone's attention.[/COLOR] [B]White Rabbit[/B]: Court is now in session!! Your Majesty, the Queen of Hearts, residing... [COLOR="red"]The Queen of Hearts along with her Royal Army make their way out from the back. The soldiers are dragging a tied-up Alice behind them. The Queen steps inside of the ring, waving to the crowd, Alice is forced to kneel before her.[/COLOR] [B]Queen of Hearts[/B]: We are currently living in a dark time and this girl (pointing at Alice) is the culprit, there's no doubt about it! [B]Alice:[/B] Please, this is so unfair. [B]Queen of Hearts[/B]: Hmm...do you have anything to say in your defense? [B]Alice[/B]: Of course. I am innocent. I haven't done anything wrong. You may be the Queen but that doesn't give you the right to be so mean. [B]Queen of Hearts[/B]: SILENCE!!! You brought darkness upon my Kingdom and you stole my heart!! [B]Alice[/B]: But...but you never had a heart to begin with... [B]Queen of Hearts[/B]: The court finds the defendant, guilty as charged for the crimes of assault and the theft of my heart!! You will be forced to compete against me, in this very ring, for your Pure Heart. And once I have a brand new heart to replace mine, I'll be able to rule over my Kindom once again!! Guards!! Take her to her chamber!! [COLOR="red"]The Club Soldiers drag Alice to the back, she's kicking and screaming along the way. [/COLOR] [B][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/soul.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/blade.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/shadowcreature1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/shadowcreature2.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B]Soul & Blade vs The Shadow Creatures[/B] [QUOTE][I]Soul and Blade make their Kingdom Hearts Pro Wrestling debut against the creatures that kidnapped their best friend. The Shadow Creatures circle the two friends, they slash away at them, cutting their faces and ripping their clothes. Blade hits one of the Creatures with a Back-spin Kick, sending them soaring into the air. Soul avoids one of the Creature's attack, jumping over him, he then tosses him ontop of his head with a German Suplex. Blade leaps off of the top turnbuckle and comes crashing down ontop of the fallen Shadow Creature. He pins him, 1...2...3.[/I] [/QUOTE] [B]Blade & Soul defeated the Shadow Creatures by pinfall when Blade pinned Shadow Creature 1 with a Top Rope Splash. 7:23 D-[/B] [COLOR="red"]Blade & Soul watch each others back, not sure if the fight is over yet when Ansem walks out. They turn their attention towards him. Ansem steps inside of the ring and looks both of them over. [/COLOR] [B]Ansem[/B]: Blade & Soul, welcome to my dark land, it's a pleasure to meet you. You're welcome to stay as long as you wan't... [B]Blade[/B]: We wan't Sara back!! [B]Ansem[/B]: Haha...I have no idea who Sara is. [B]Soul[/B]: We know you have her and we're not leaving untill she's back with us. [B]Ansem:[/B] Well then, goodluck on your journey. I hope she is worth the trouble, boys. [COLOR="red"]Ansem gathers the Shadow Creatures together and makes his way to the back. Blade and Soul high five each other, congratulating each other on their first win. [/COLOR] [B][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/mickeymouse.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/soc.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B]Mickey Mouse vs Soldier of Clubs[/B] [QUOTE][I]Soldier of Clubs is one of the Queen of Heart's soldiers. He has a long club which he uses in battle. The Soldier tries to strike Mickey with his club, missing him with every strike. Mickey Mouse dropkicks the Soldier of Club across the ring and into the corner. Mickey Mouse charges at his opponent, monkey flipping him out of the corner. The match comes to a quick end when Mickey hits Soldier of Club with a Mousebuster. [/I][/QUOTE] [B]Mickey Mouse defeated Soldier of Clubs via Mousebuster. 5:43 D+[/B] [COLOR="red"]The Queen of Hearts makes her way out towards ringside for her long awaited matchup. She steps inside of the ring and calls for her soldiers to drag Alice out. Alice gets dragged out to ringside. She's tossed inside of the ring, forced to go head-to-head with the much larger Queen. [/COLOR] [B][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/queenofhearts.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/alice.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B]Queen of Hearts vs Alice[/B] [QUOTE][I]The Queen of Hearts charges at her victim, Alice dodges her attack, rolling out of the ring. Alice tries to fight back, punching the Queen across her mid-section. The Queen swats her across the ring, like an annoying fly. Poor Alice is laid out, holding onto her head, trying to re-group. The Queen flattens her with a Jumping Elbowdrop. It doesn't look good for Alice. The Queen calls for the end, she attempts a Powerbomb, Alice quickly counters it into a Hurricanrana Roll-up, 1...2...3!! [/I][/QUOTE] [B]Alice defeated the Queen of Hearts via Hurricanrana 10:12 D+[/B] [COLOR="red"]Alice survives the matchup and gets to keep her Heart. The Queen of Hearts, embarrassed about her loss, quickly makes her way to the back with her royal army. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Backstage, Goofy is hyping Donald Duck up for his Kingdom's Heart Championship match. [/COLOR] [B]Goofy[/B]: This is our chance to live life like we used to. [B]Donald Duck[/B]: (as he's jumping up and down, hyping himself up) Tha-shh right! [B]Goofy:[/B] You can beat him. You can do it, hehehe. [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Ack can do it!! [B]Goofy[/B]: Let's go get him, buddy. [B]Donald Duck[/B]: AAAHHCCCCKKK!!! [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/ansem.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/donaldduck.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kingdom's Heart Championship Match Ansem defends against Donald Duck[/B] [QUOTE][I]Donald Duck comes out of his corner with a flurry and slaps, punches and kicks. It doesn't seem to phase Ansem much. Ansem punches Donald across his face, sending him soaring. The Champion tries to leap ontop of the Challenger, Donald rolls out of the way. Donald comes back with a running Kick to the side of his face. Spit flies out from Ansem's mouth. He wipes the blood dripping from his lip, he looks down at his finger covered in blood, he's angry. Ansem throws a flurry of punches, Donald tries his best to block as many punches as possible but some connect. Ansem leaps into the air and Spin Kicks his opponent down to the mat. The Champion jumps ontop of Donald, raining punches down at him. He jumps off, landing in the center of the ring. Ansem looks across the ring, down at Donald Duck, he starts laughing, amused by his destruction. Donald Duck musters whatever strength he has left to stand back up to his feet. It's all or nothing for the Pure Heart now. He fires up, using his intensity and aggression to thrust toward Ansem in a human Cannonball. Ansem looks surprised, he tries to avoid it but gets caught by the impressive attack. Both men are knocked out on the mat. Donald doesn't seem to have much left after that last attack while Ansem looks to be somewhat hurt. Ansem gets to his feet first while Donald Duck struggles to get back up. Suddenly, Scrooge McDuck runs out and distracts Donald. As Donald Duck's attention is turned towards Scrooge, Ansem nails him from behind with a Dragon Suplex. 1...2...3!![/I][/QUOTE] [B]Ansem retains against Donald Duck when Scrooge McDuck interfered. 16:23 D+[/B] [COLOR="red"]We get a closer look at Scrooge McDuck, he doesn't look like himself, he looks almost as if he's being controled by somebody else. The Shadow Creatures leap into Donald Duck's body, eating away at his Heart. Donald Duck's future does not look good, now that he's heartless he belongs to the Darkness. [/COLOR] [B]Overall Rating: D+[/B] [/CENTER][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/Donald20Duck203523d.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Soul, Blade, Goofy, Huey, Louie, Dewey, Daisy Duck & Mickey Mouse stand around one of Donald Duck's pictures, mourning his descent into the darkness. [/COLOR] [B]Daisy Duck[/B]: (crying) I can't believe you're gone. Donald, why did you have to be so foolish?! You never stood a chance against Ansem... [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Donald Duck was brave. We're all risking our lives, day in and day out, and I promise you that I will bring Donald Duck back once I win the Kindom's Heart Championship. [B]Goofy:[/B] I sure hope so, I miss him already... [COLOR="red"]Suddenly, a mysterious and dark figure hits Goofy with a Jumping Side Kick, Goofy falls to the ground, holding onto the side of his face. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The mysterious man steps out from the dark, it's Donald Duck. [/COLOR] [B]Soul:[/B] Donald? Is that really you?! [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Carefull, he's not the same anymore, he belongs to the darkness. [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Wha-shha matter? You at a funeral of shha-mthing? Ackahaha!! [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Listen, Donald, you can fight this, fight the darkness.... [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Why would I fight thi-shh? Thi-shh is the great-eshh feeling I have ever felt. [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: You don't mean that. You're not yourself, the darkness is talking... [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Well it'shh shh-aying all the right thing-shh. Accckahahaha!! You need to rela-sshx and let go, Mickey. You look shh-tressed. [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Errr.... [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Lo-sshen up. Accckkahaahha!! [COLOR="Red"]Mickey is annoyed, he clinches his fist and clocks it back. [/COLOR] [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Look I came here to invite you and Goofy to Kingdom Hearts Pro Wrestling next week, I wa-shh thinking you two could get in the ring with Shhcrooge and I for ol' time-shh shhh-ake? Whaddya shhh-ay? [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Donald, I love you but I would do anything to save Disneyland from this darkness and if that means fighting you, than so be it. [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Good. Than after we beat you maybe you'll undershhtand how good thi-shh really ishh. Goodbye...for now...Acccckahahahahaha!! [COLOR="red"]Donald Duck steps back into the darkness. He's gone. Soul walks over to Mickey and places his hand on his shoulder. [/COLOR] [B]Soul[/B]: Are you really going to fight him? [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: I have no choice.... [COLOR="red"]Meanwhile, in Ansem's castle, Ansem is yelling at the Shadow Creatures for not defeating Soul and Blade. [/COLOR] [B]Ansem[/B]: I asked you to do one thing, get rid of those annoying brats and you couldn't even do that!! Those two are up to no good and I can't risk them being Pure Hearts much longer!! [COLOR="red"]Ansem bangs on a table with his fist, taking his aggression out on his funiture. The Shadow Creatures scatter out of room. Suddenly, a gentle female hand finds it's way on his shoulder, it's Sara. Sara places her arm around the Kingdom's Heart Champion and whispers in his ear. [/COLOR] [B]Sara[/B]: Don't worry. They'll be looking for me and once they find me...(she snaps her fingers) I'll snap them in half. Muahahaha!! [B]Ansem[/B]: Muahahahahaha!!! [B]Next: Mickey Mouse & Goofy vs Donald Duck & Scrooge McDuck at Kingdom Hearts Pro Wrestling[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Shenzi, Banzai & Ed are already in the ring, feeding off of 3 Pure Hearts. They managed to defeat them in a matter of seconds. While these three are having the time of their lives, Huey, Dewey & Louie decide to interrupt. [/COLOR] [B]Huey[/B]: Hey, do you guys know anything about Scrooge McDuck's strange behaviour? [B]Banzai[/B]: Can't you guys leave us alone? Can't you see we're busy? [B]Shenzi[/B]: Strange Behaviour? [B]Ed:[/B] Hehahahawahhahahahaha!! (Ed runs around in a circle, chasing his own tail) [B]Shenzi[/B]: Maybe we know, maybe we don't. That's for us to know and you to find out. [B]Dewey[/B]: If you don't tell us what you know then we'll have to beat it outta you! [B]Banzai[/B]: I'd like to see you try... [B][B][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/huey.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/dewey.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/louie.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/Banzai.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/shenzi.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/ed.jpg[/IMG][/B] Huey, Dewey & Louie vs Banzai, Shenzi & Ed[/B] [QUOTE]The ducks use their speed and quick thinking to avoid any of their opponents attacks. Banzai, Shenzi & Ed end up colliding with each other after some misscommunication between the 3. Huey, Dewey & Louie climb to the top rope and hit stero splashes. They get a triple 3-count. [/QUOTE] [B]Winners: Huey, Dewey & Louie via Stero Splashes 8:32 D-[/B] [COLOR="red"]After the fight, Huey grabs ahold of Banzai and demands some answers.[/COLOR] [B]Huey[/B]: Tell us what you know! [B]Banzai:[/B] All I know is that there was some magic involved, some black magic. [COLOR="red"]Huey, Louie & Dewey head to the back to inform their friends about this information. Maybe there's another story behind Scrooge McDuck's interference. [/COLOR] [B][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/beagleboy2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/beagleboy1.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/soul.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/blade.jpg[/IMG] The Beagle Boys vs Soul & Blade[/B] [QUOTE]The Beagle Boys have strength and size over Soul and Blade. The two friends try to hit their opponents with some quick kicks but nether Bigtime or Bouncer seem affected. Bigtime and Bouncer toss Soul & Blade around the ring, hitting some impressive power moves. Bouncer holds Blade for Bigtime so that he can get a cheap shot in, Blade ducks, Bigtime accidentaly clotheslines Bouncer out of the ring. This gives Blade & Soul the opportunity to hit a Double Dropkick on Bigtime. They pin him for the 3 count.[/QUOTE] [B]Winners: Soul & Blade via Double Dropkick 10:01 D[/B] [COLOR="red"]Somewhere backstage, Magica de Spell is standing infront of a mirror, holding a magic wand. [/COLOR] [B]Magica de Spell[/B]: Now that I got on Ansem's good side there's no telling what he'll give me. Maybe he'll award me with half of Disneyland! And just to think, all I had to do was put a spell over Scrooge McDuck and make him cost Donald Duck his heart. Muahahaha!! [COLOR="red"]Daisy Duck, Donald's girlfriend, walks out from around the corner. Apparently, Daisy heard Magica de Spell's entire confession.[/COLOR] [B]Daisy Duck[/B]: It was you!! You made Scrooge McDuck help Ansem beat Donald!! [B]Magica de Spell[/B]: Yeah and what are you gonna do about it? [COLOR="red"]Daisy Duck lets out a warcry and leaps at Magica, the two roll around on the ground, fighting for dominance. They brawl all the way out towards ringside. Eventualy, they get inside of the ring and their fight officaly becomes a match. [/COLOR] [B][B][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/mds.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/daisyduck.jpg[/IMG][/B] Magica de Spell vs Daisy Duck[/B] [QUOTE]This fight is an all-out brawl. These two roll around inside of the ring, pulling each others hair and ramming their heads into the mat. Magica uses his magic to throw a fireball at Daisy but she reflects it with a handheld mirror, the fireball knocks Magica off of her feet. Daisy takes advantage of the situation and nails Magica with a Daisy Drop, she covers her for the pin. [/QUOTE] [B]Winner: Daisy Duck defeats Magica de Spell via Daisy Drop (6:43) D-[/B] [COLOR="red"]After the match, Daisy grabs Magica de Spell's magic wand and heads to the back. [/COLOR] [B][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/scrooge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/donaldduck.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/goofy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff110/dkhpw/disney/mickeymouse.jpg[/IMG] Scrooge McDuck & Donald Duck vs Goofy & Mickey Mouse[/B] [QUOTE]Donald and Mickey exchange punches around ringside while Scrooge and Goofy headbutt each other inside of the ring. Scrooge looks as if he's still under Magica's spell. Goofy attempts a running crossbody block but Scrooge catches him and nails a Powerslam. Outside, Mickey gets Piledriven on the solid ground. He gets ontop of Mickey and starts nailing him with a furry of punches. Later on, Scrooge and Donald double team Goofy, beating him down. They hit Goofy with a Spike Piledriver, knocking Goofy out. Scrooge and Donald have the match won when Daisy Duck runs out with the magic wand in her hand. She waves it and zaps Scrooge. Donald pins Goofy, 1....2....Scrooge breaks up the pinfall. Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck start arguing. Scrooge knocks Donald down with a stiff punch. Scrooge lifts Donald up on his shoulders and nails him with the Money Drop, Goofy crawls ontop of him, 1....2....3!![/QUOTE] [B]Winners: Goofy & Mickey Mouse defeated Scrooge McDuck & Donald Duck 15:12 D[/B] [COLOR="red"]After the match, Scrooge McDuck, Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Daisy Duck stands over a knocked out Donald. Scrooge drops his head in shame and apologizes. [/COLOR] [B]Scrooge McDuck[/B]: I don't know what came over me. All of a sudden all I could think about was helping Ansem defeat my nephew, I couldn't stop myself... [B]Daisy Duck[/B]: Don't blame yourself. Magica de Spell put you under a mind control spell and forced you to betray Donald. [B]Scrooge McDuck:[/B] That dang witch! If it wasn't for her, Donald wouldn't be heartless... [B]Daisy Duck[/B]: Well maybe he doesn't have to be. Mickey, last week you said that we all have to be brave untill Disneyland is restored to how it was before the Darkness took over. Well now it's time for me to be brave... [COLOR="Red"]Daisy waves the wand over her head then zaps Donald. A magical power lifts Daisy and Donald Duck into the air, Daisy's heart is magicaly placed inside of Donald's. She sacrifices herself to bring Donald back as a Pure Heart. Once the spell is over they both fall back down onto the mat. After a few seconds, Donald Duck awakes. Mickey, Goofy & Scrooge rush to his aid. [/COLOR] [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Wha-wha-wha happened? [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: You were taken over by the Darkness and Daisy Duck sacrificed herself to bring you back. [COLOR="red"]Donald looks over towards Daisy's lifeless body. He crawls on over to her.[/COLOR] [B]Donald Duck[/B]: No. No. Daisy?! DAISY?! [COLOR="red"]Donald Duck weeps over her descent into the Darkness. He clinches his fist and looks up into the sky. [/COLOR] [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Anshhh-em!!!!!!! [COLOR="red"]Mickey, Goofy & Scrooge help Donald up, getting him off of Daisy. They help him to the back, leaving Daisy's body alone inside of the ring. With Donald Duck back as a Pure Heart it looks like Disneyland has a better chance of being saved. What does Ansem have planned next for our heroes?[/COLOR] [B]Final Rating: D[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="red"]3 days have past since the last Kingdom Hearts Pro Wrestling event, Donald Duck is sitting inside, staring out of the window and gathering his thoughts. Mickey Mouse walks up to him, he places his hand gently on his shoulders. [/COLOR] [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Take all the time you need. She was a great girl and- [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Shhh-ee sacrificed hershh-elf for me... [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: She sacrificed herself for us... [B]Donald Duck[/B]: Mickey, can I be alone for awhile? [B]Mickey Mouse[/B]: Sure... [COLOR="red"]Mickey walks away allowing Donald to mourn over his loss. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Meanwhile, Blade & Soul decide to take a swim. They're playing around in the water, splashing each other when they see somebody floating above water. Soul points it out. [/COLOR] [B]Soul[/B]: Hey, look over there, who is that? [B]Blade[/B]: It kinda looks like... [COLOR="red"]Blade & Soul come to a sudden realization, it's Sara. Her lifeless body is floating above sea. Blade & Soul start swimming toward her, fighting the waves that push them back with every swim-stroke.[/COLOR] [B]Blade[/B]: Sara!?!? [B]Soul:[/B] Sara are you okay?!?! [COLOR="red"]Blade gets to her first, he grabs her and starts swimming back with one hand. Soul helps his friend drag Sara back onto land. She isn't breathing. [/COLOR] [B]Blade[/B]: Quick do something! [COLOR="red"]Soul nervously starts giving her mouth-to-mouth, praying that she revives. Sara coughs. She sits up and gags on the water that was preventing her from breathing. Soul & Blade embrace her with a hug. [/COLOR] [B]Soul[/B]: Sara, we were worried sick! [B]Blade[/B]: I-I-I can't believe we found you... [B]Sara:[/B] (Coughing) Where am I? [B]Soul:[/B] We're in Disneyland. [B]Sara:[/B] Disneyland? [B]Blade[/B]: Let's take you to Mickey's and get you out of those wet clothes. [COLOR="Red"]Blade and Soul help Sara up to her feet. They carrey her to Mickey's hideout, she looks up at Blade, grinning, a quick flash of red gilmmers in her eyes. [/COLOR][/CENTER]
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