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The Year 2000 - McMahon/Helmsley/Angle Rift

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(This is based on a complete what if scenario) In 2000, Stephanie McMahon & Paul Michael Levesque (Triple H) have just started dating, however, in the storylines in August, Stephanie is having and off and on love interest with Kurt Angle, the backstage scenes in real life were just as interesting...mostly because they were very similar. Paul walked in one day and saw Kurt & Stephanie "practicing" their kiss they had to film later for an angle. Low and behold Paul was livid. Stephanie tried to tell him that her and Kurt were just friends, but Paul wouldn't listen. So then Paul tried to physically attack Kurt, when Stephanie got in Kurt's way Paul inadvertently hit her, as well. Stephanie: You're never gonna work for my father again. It just so happened that Paul's contract was up in November. So Paul, being the businessman that he was called up his old friend, former WWF-writer and new WCW head Vince Russo who one month earlier had caused Hulk Hogan to leave WCW, and Paul asked Vince if he could have a job. Russo accepted, with one thing Paul had to do... Paul was scheduled to lose a loser leaves town match in his triple threat match against The Rock and Kurt Angle at Summerslam, however, he pinned Kurt Angle, after knocking out Stephanie who was supposed to secure Angle the win, Triple H walked out into the crowd, with the WWF title never to be seen in that company again. This caused a massive state of panic in the WWF, as not only was Paul not supposed to win the world tile, but Vince knew he was going straight to WCW. Many WWF superstars and agents tried calling Paul, the final person to call Paul was Vince McMahon, himself, for whom Paul answered the phone. Vince McMahon: What the hell do you think you're doing you ass hole, you saw what happened in Montreal, I thought you, of all people wouldn't do something like this... Paul: Well you know what Vince, I did, and I'm taking it to WCW in December, just like Ric took the NWA title to the WWF, 9 years ago. Vince: What do you want me to do to fix this mess... Paul: I don't really care, Vince, I'm leaving and don't let me see anymore of your stooges' numbers on my cell phone. *click* The next night on Raw Vince announced that Triple H was no longer a company member, and that his attack on Stephanie McMahon should've cost him the title, but it did cost him his job. Vince announced there would be a tournament to be held to decide the new champion. However, this title looked different, this was a new title, the WWF wasn't goin to suffer because Triple H, stole their title, they would create a new one. Needless to say, it didn't quite fit the bill as far as world titles were concerned and many people were disappointed by how it looked. There was no way even a huge corporation like the WWF could possibly create even an average belt in less than 24 hours. ...To Be Continued...
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The Rock won the tournament for the WWF's title (the new world title) WWF's popularity and respect has went down extremely due to the loss of its world title and Paul Levesque, as well as some other comrades Paul took along with him (all of his DX stablemates, including Shawn Michaels, minus Chyna, who has taken it up with Stephanie McMahon, talking about how much they hate Paul.) Paul Heyman, upon hearing the news that TNN was dropping ECW on TNN for Raw, and seeing Paul Levesque's jump to WCW, caused him to alter his convictions, and now ECW and WCW are working together to take down the WWF. ECW, has a new show on Saturdays at 11 on TBS. Paul and his former DX stablemates now all show up on WCW in the crowd, with the Federation World Championship (because they can't legally say WWF on WCW television). WCW's popularity and respect have gone up alot due to Paul showing up in the crowd with the Federation title. This is where this story really begins. [to be continued]
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