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Turner Wrestling Enterprise: Ted Turner is baack!

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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="3"]T[/SIZE][/B]he conclusion of-- [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]Latest News[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Week 3, January 2008[/B] [B]Semi-Finals here we come:[/B] [I]Andrew Martin, Steve Corino, Nathan Jones & Monty Brown have all advanced into the semi-finals of the World Heavyweight Tournament. [/I] [B]More talent added to Jr. Heavyweight Division:[/B] [I]Former ECW, WWE & WCW Superstar, Juventud Guerrera, has signed a 3 year deal with the company. Guerrera was a dominant force in bringing Lucha Libre into North America. His matches against Rey Mysterio Jr. are still regarded as some of the best Luchadore matches in North America.[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B]Broadcasting from Atlanta, GA We're down to the final four. Nathan Jones, Monty Brown, Andrew Martin & Steve Corino will duke it out to determine who will fight in the tournament's finals. Last week, American Gangstaz accepted the Fabulous Duo's challenge. Will the Fabulous Duo fabulously defeat American Gangstaz or will American Gangstaz steal another victory? Also, the Jr. Heavyweight Division makes it's T.W.E. debut with a 1 Fall 3-Way Dance. Don't miss out on Tuesday Night All-Stars, only on Turner Entertainment TV![/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Turner Wrestling Enterprise presents... [COLOR="Blue"]"Tuesday Night All-Stars"[/COLOR] [/B] [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Tag Team Fab-Challenge[/COLOR] American Gangstaz challenges the Fabulous Duo[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]1 Fall Jr. Heavyweight 3-Way Dance[/COLOR] Tony Mamaluke vs Jerry Lynn vs Juventud Guerrera[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Semi-Finals of the World Heavyweight Tournament[/COLOR][/B] [B]"The Punisher" Andrew Martin vs "King of Old School" Steve Corino "Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs Nathan Jones[/B][/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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Tag Team Fab-Challenge [B]American Gangstaz[/B] challenges the Fabulous Duo 1 Fall Jr. Heavyweight 3-Way Dance Tony Mamaluke vs [B]Jerry Lynn[/B] vs Juventud Guerrera Semi-Finals of the World Heavyweight Tournament "The Punisher" Andrew Martin vs [B]"King of Old School" Steve Corino[/B] [B]"Alpha Male" Monty Brown[/B] vs Nathan Jones
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Tag Team Fab-Challenge American Gangstaz challenges [B]the Fabulous Duo[/B] 1 Fall Jr. Heavyweight 3-Way Dance Tony Mamaluke vs [B]Jerry Lynn[/B] vs Juventud Guerrera Semi-Finals of the World Heavyweight Tournament [B]"The Punisher" Andrew Martin[/B] vs "King of Old School" Steve Corino [B]"Alpha Male" Monty Brown[/B] vs Nathan Jones
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Tag Team Fab-Challenge [B]American Gangstaz[/B] challenges the Fabulous Duo Reason: Shad and Hoodie are just gold on promos and are great as a team. 1 Fall Jr. Heavyweight 3-Way Dance Tony Mamaluke vs [B]Jerry Lynn [/B]vs Juventud Guerrera Reason: You are about as bad as Dean (in a good way) with his NJPW diary! I had to go with Lynn even though I am a big fan of all three wrestlers. Damn you, Watcher!!!!! Semi-Finals of the World Heavyweight Tournament "The Punisher" Andrew Martin vs [B]"King of Old School" Steve Corino[/B] Reason: No way I'm going against Corino!!! [B]"Alpha Male" Monty Brown[/B] vs Nathan Jones Reason: POOOOOOOOUUUNCCCEEEE. . . .should win, hopefully.
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[CENTER] [B]Shown on Turner Entertainment TV infront of 2,745 people[/B] [B]Your hosts are Bobby "The Brain" Heenan & Tony Schiavone [/B] [COLOR="Blue"]We're introduced to Tuesday Night All-Stars with a video package of last week tournament matches. We cut to the announcer's table where Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Tony Schiavone are ready to welcome us to the show. [/COLOR] vs [B][COLOR="Red"]Semi-Finals of the World Heavyweight Championship Tournament[/COLOR][/B] [B]"The Punisher" Andrew Martin vs "King of Old School" Steve Corino[/B] Andrew Martin steamrolls over Corino, beating him down with some power moves. Corino rolls to the outside to recover, Martin jumps outside of the ring and tosses The King of Old School into a ring pole. They brawl around ringside, beating each other inches away from the fans. Back in the ring, Martin attempts his TKO but Corino counters it into a quick roll-up, he puts his feet on the ropes. 1.... 2.... 3!!!! [B]Winner: Steve Corino (14:44) C[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Corino quickly rolls out of the ring, raising his hands over his head in celebration. Andrew Martin tries to tell the referee that Corino cheated but the offical sticks with his decision. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]A video package, interviewing TWE's Jr. Heavyweight's airs. We get clips of the Jr. Heavyweight's talking about how unique their division is...[/COLOR] [B]"Since day one I've been told that I was too small, too short. It frusterated me to no end. I knew I can wrestle just as good as the Heavyweights, why can't I get a chance to shine? Finally, I found a home, the Jr. Heavyweight divison is MY division. The entire Italian nation will be watching me as I sit ontop of the division." [COLOR="Red"]-Tony Mamaluke[/COLOR][/B] [B]"The Juice brought Lucha Libre and the Jr. Heavyweight division style to America. Before The Juice came to America there were no Hurricanranas, there were no Moonsaults! I brought them into America! I am the king of Jr. Heavyweights." [COLOR="red"]-Juventud Guerrera[/COLOR][/B] [B]"I started my wrestling career in 1988. My legs aren't as fast as they used to be, my body isn't as strong as it was a few years ago but I will not sit-back and die. I will prove that I can still hang in there with the younger generation and I will lead MY division to the top of the wrestling world." -[COLOR="red"]Jerry Lynn[/COLOR][/B] vs vs [COLOR="Red"][B]1 Fall 3-Way Jr. Heavyweight Dance[/B][/COLOR] [B]Tony Mamaluke vs Jerry Lynn vs Juventud Guerrera[/B] All 3 men wrestle at full speed. They take each other down with unique hurricanrana's and headscissor takedowns. Lynn clotheslines Tony Mamaluke out of the ring, they land on the outside. Juvi dives ontop of them with a diving Moonsault to the outside. All 3 men are laid out. Back inside, Tony Mamaluke hits Lynn with a Kiss of Death... 1.... 2.... Juventud Guerrera breaks up the pinfall. The Juice nails Mamaluke with a Juvi Driver, dead center in the ring. 1... 2... 3!!! [B]Winner: Juventud Guerrera (13:04) C+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Kristal Marshall is backstage with "Stormin" Norman Smiley. [/COLOR] [B]Kristal Marshall[/B]: I'm backstage with former - [COLOR="blue"]Buff Bagwell shoves Norman Smiley off of camera. Bagwell gets in Kristal's face, he seems angry. [/COLOR] [B]Buff Bagwell[/B]: I called you 10 times last night, Kristal! What'samatter your phone is broken?! [B]Kristal Marshall[/B]: I-I-I- [B]Buff Bagwell[/B]: Shut up! You're leaving with me tonight wether you like it or not! [COLOR="blue"]Bagwell grabs Marshall by her arm and trys to drag her away. Luckily, DDP interrupts and snatches Kristal away. [/COLOR] [B]DDP[/B]: Is there a problem? The lady says she doesn't wan't to leave with you... [B]Buff Bagwell[/B]: (chuckles) There's no problem, Page. I was just about to leave... [COLOR="blue"]Bagwell walks off, obviously angry. DDP checks up on Kristal, asking her if she's okay. Suddenly, Bagwell hits DDP across his head outta nowhere with a Chairshot. DDP is laid out on the ground, a bloody mess. Kristal starts screaming for help. [/COLOR] [B]Buff Bagwell[/B]: This is your fault!! He's hurt because of you Kristal!! [COLOR="blue"]Road Agents run to DDP & Kristal's aid. They seperate Bagwell away from the two before any more damage could be done. [/COLOR] vs [B][COLOR="Red"]Tag Team Fab-Challenge[/COLOR] American Gangstaz vs The Fabulous Duo[/B] The Fabulous duo tag each other by slapping each other on their behinds. American Gangstaz work well together, double teaming Rico. Rico crawls over to his tag team partner and hugs him. While the Fabulous Duo are busy hugging, the American Gangstaz nail Rico into his partner, sending Kwee-Wee crashing off of the ring apron and into a guardrail. The American Gangstaz hit Rico with a Samoan Drop/Flipping Neckbreaker Combo to win the match. [B]Winners: American Gangstaz (9:31) D[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]After the match, American Gangstaz celebrate their victory when suddenly all of the lights go out. [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]When the lights return Crowbar, Slash & Daffney are standing behind American Gangstaz. Crowbar and Slash spit "Red Myst" into their eyes and nail them with a pair of Implant DDT's. Daffney cheers them on. We get a close up of this brand new team, [B][COLOR="Red"]the Devils Rejects[/COLOR][/B]. [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Elsewhere, Andrew Martin is walking around backstage, angry about losing his Semi-Final match tonight when Boogie Knights walk by. [/COLOR] [B]Disco Inferno:[/B] Hey, bad break about losing your match tonight, buddy. Don't PUNISH yourself over it... [COLOR="blue"]Disco Inferno and Alex Wright start laughing. [/COLOR] [B]Alex Wright[/B]: I see what you did there. He's "The Punisher" so you said, "don't punish yourself"...HAHAHAHAHAHA!! [COLOR="blue"]The Punisher grabs Disco by his leather jacket's collar and lifts him off of the ground. [/COLOR] [B]Andrew Martin[/B]: Look, I'm not in the mood. Why don't you guys get out of my face before I make you!! [COLOR="blue"]Martin turns his back on them, trying to walk away when they ambush him from behind. Disco tosses the Punisher into a wooden box, knocking him out. [/COLOR] [B]Disco Inferno:[/B] Nobody...NOBODY...ever messes with our duds!! Come on, Alex, I feel like dancing... vs [B][COLOR="Red"]Semi-Finals of the World Heavyweight Tournament[/COLOR] "Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs Nathan Jones[/B] Jones and Brown try to knock each other down with shoulder tackles, unfortunately neither man is successfull. The match turns into a full-out slugfest. Both men are nailing each other with stiff punches. Monty Brown gets the upperhand, knocking Nathan Jones around like nobody has ever done in TWE before. Brown hits the ropes, attempting his POUNCE but gets nailed by a Big Boot. Jones pins him... 1... 2... 3..no...NO!...Monty Brown kicked out at the last second!! Nathan Jones can't believe it. Jones stalks Brown for another kick. He charges at Brown and throws up his Big Boot, Monty ducks and hits the ropes, POOUUUNNNCCCEEE!!! Brown covers him... 1... 2... 3!!! [B]Winner: Monty Brown (12:41) D+[/B] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="red"]Final Rating: D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="3"]T[/SIZE][/B]he World Heavyweight Title match is set, "King of Old School" Steve Corino will take on "Alpha Male" Monty Brown at TWE's "Night of Champions" this Sunday night on Turner Entertainment TV. But before watching the conclusion of the Championship Tournament, catch Tuesday Night All-Stars, this Tuesday Night. It's the calm before the storm, Monty Brown and Steve Corino will sign a World Heavyweight Championship match Contract. [B]Tuesday Night All-Stars: Contract Signing - This Tuesday Night Night of Champions: World Heavyweight Title Fight - This Sunday Night[/B] Only on Turner Entertainment TV, check your local listings. [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]Latest News[/SIZE][/COLOR] Week 4, January 2008[/B] [B]Suspended!:[/B] [I]TWE Commissioner, Jimmy Hart, has informed twe.com that Buff Bagwell has been suspended without pay for 1 month. Bagwell was extremly angry at Kristal Marshall, TWE's backstage interviewer, for giving him the cold shoulder. When DDP tried to calm things down during a shouting match between Buff and Kristal, Page ended up getting busted open by a chairshot. DDP was rushed to the local hospital and given 12 stitches to close his forehead. [/I] [B]Two more added to Jr. Heavyweight Division:[/B] [I]The Jr. Heavyweight division gets two major stars added to it's lineup. Former WWE Cruiserweight Superstars, Shawn Diavari and Psychosis have signed 3 year deals with the company. Diavari and Psychosis have made it clear to TWE offices that they want to be apart of this Sunday's "Night of Champions" supershow. It is uncertain right now if they'll make the fight card or not. Check back with twe.com for more info as it becomes available. [/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B]Broadcasting from Atlanta, GA[/B] [B]We're down to the final two in the World Heavyweight Championship Tournament. Monty Brown and Steve Corino have battled through some of the toughest competition and we'll get to see some clips of how they got to the finals and we'll see a preview of this Sunday's title fight. The Alpha Male and the King of Old School will also be in attendance to sign the offical Championship contract to fight each other. Jr. Heavyweight Division continues to heat up with Juventud Guerrera goes one-on-one against Jerry Lynn. D'Lo Brown has requested some time to give us the Lo'Down on what's on his mind. Don't miss out on Tuesday Night All-Stars, only on Turner Entertainment TV![/B] [QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Turner Wrestling Enterprise presents... [COLOR="Blue"]"Tuesday Night All-Stars" [/COLOR] [B] Rob Conway vs "Stormin'" Norman Smiley [COLOR="Red"]Jr. Heavyweight Division Match[/COLOR] Jerry Lynn vs Juventud Guerrera Johnny Stamboli vs Al Snow [COLOR="Red"]Grudge Match[/COLOR] "The Punisher" Andrew Martin vs Disco Inferno [COLOR="Red"]Contract Signing[/COLOR] Monty Brown & Steve Corino will be in attendance to sign a World Heavyweight Championship fight contract. [/B] [/B][/CENTER] [/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[B]Rob Conway[/B] vs "Stormin'" Norman Smiley Jr. Heavyweight Division Match Jerry Lynn vs [B]Juventud Guerrera[/B] [B]Johnny Stamboli[/B] vs Al Snow Grudge Match [B]"The Punisher" Andrew Martin[/B] vs Disco Inferno MORE DEVILS REJECTS!! I was kinda sad to see they werent included in this card especialy after their big debut. Oh well...still a solid card. My moneys on Steve Corino winning the tournament.
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[CENTER] [B]Shown on Turner Entertainment TV infront of 2,984 people[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Instead of being welcomed to the show by Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Tony Schiavone like usual, we're greeted by the American Gangstaz, sitting behind the announcer's booth.[/COLOR] [B]Shad Gaspard:[/B] Yo, yo! Devils Rejects, I know you can hear us!! [B]The Neighborhoodie:[/B] What you did last week was weak! How can you be proud of punking us out from behind? That's just straight out whack- [COLOR="blue"]A multi-colored bar card interrupts the American Gangstaz, suddenly the screen turns black. A deep and dark voice breaks the silence...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]"At Night of Champions, the Rejects will come out and play. Bye, bye, American Gangstaz..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]We cut back to the American Gangstaz, annoyed, sitting behind the announcer's booth. [/COLOR] [B]Shad Gaspard:[/B] I'm sick of these games! You wan't to play this Sunday night at Night of Champions, baby? Well it's gonna cost ya. American Gangstaz are the #1 tag team in TWE and we're about to prove that you whanksta's are nothin' but rejects!! [B]The Neighborhoodie:[/B] Word! [COLOR="Blue"]The American Gangstaz see a bunch of security guards heading their way. They take off, the security guards chase them off screen. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Tony Schiavone get their announcer's booth back.[/COLOR] [B]Bobby "The Brain" Heenan[/B]: Those ham n' eggers almost stole our announcer's table. [B]Tony Schiavone[/B]: Thankfully TWE has a great security team and we were able to get it back. [B]Bobby "The Brain" Heenan[/B]: Too bad American Gangstaz couldn't rob my broadcast partner, maybe then I'd get a better one. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] Very funny Brain, let's head down to ringside for some action... vs [B]"The Conman" Rob Conway vs "Stormin'" Norman Smiley[/B] Rob Conway points at Norman's shoes and informs him that they're untied. As Smiley bends over to tie his laces, Conway blasts him across his head with a kick. Rob Conway grounds and pounds his opponent, nearly beating him into a pulp. The Conman nails Smiley with a Suplex/Neckbreaker Combo then pins him for a 3 count. [B]Winner: Rob Conway(9:50) C-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]D'Lo Brown is sitting down in the middle of the arena's hallway with a Singapore Cane in his hand. He gently rests his head on the deadly weapon. [/COLOR] [B]D'Lo Brown[/B]: In the first round of the tournament, you nailed me across my head with a Singapore Cane. In the second round, you nailed me across my head with a Singapre Cane. Now at "Night of Champions", I'm giving you another chance to take my head off with your goddamn Cane! That's right. You wan't to use your Cane?! That's fine by me. If you have the guts to meet me in the ring this Sunday night, I'll be happy to fight you in a [B]Singapore Cane match[/B]! [COLOR="blue"]D'Lo stares at the Singapore Cane in his hand and starts laughing at it.[/COLOR] vs [B][COLOR="Red"]Jr. Heavyweight Division Match[/COLOR] Juventud Guerrera vs Jerry Lynn[/B] The match starts off slowly with some quick mat wrestling. It quickly evolves into some fast paced action. Later on in the match, both men exchange some close near falls. Juvi nails Lynn with the Juvi Driver but he's able to kick out at 2. After some quick counters, Jerry Lynn hits his Cradle Piledriver on Juvi. 1.... 2.... The bell rings. We're told that the time limit has expired before the 3 count. [B]Winner: DRAW(20:00) B[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Afterwards, Shawn Diavari runs out and attacks Jerry Lynn from behind. Juventud joins in on the attack, it's a 2-on-1 on Lynn. Thankfully, Psychosis runs out and clears the ring. Psychosis and Jerry Lynn are the only two men left standing inside of the ring.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Jimmy Hart is walking down a hallway with the World Heavyweight Championship in his hand. DDP bumps into him and stops him on his track. [/COLOR] [B]DDP[/B]: Jimmy, I gotta ask you a favor, man. I know that Buff Bagwell is suspended for a month but I gotta set things straight between us. [B]Jimmy Hart[/B]: You can settle things when he returns from his suspension. [B]DDP[/B]: Listen, you don't make another man bleed and get away with it. I'm not asking for a match, I'm asking for a Fight! [B]Jimmy Hart:[/B] Do you really wan't to do this, Page?! If TWE doesn't sanction your fight then there will be no referee's out there, no time keepers, no ring announcers, no money. [B]DDP[/B]: That's all I'm asking for... [B]Jimmy Hart[/B]: I'm washing my hands of this. You can do whatever you have to do but if anything happens, you'll be the man to blame... [COLOR="blue"]Jimmy Hart walks off. DDP has a huge grin on his face, it's as if he's imagining what he's about to do to Bagwell this Sunday night.[/COLOR] vs [B]Al Snow w/Head vs Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli[/B] Snow uses his speed and agility to avoid Stamboli's massive strength. Al Snow leaps off of the top rope with a Crossbody but Johnny Stamboli counters it into a Powerslam. Stamboli stomps away at his opponent, beating him down. The Bull attempts a Vertical Suplex but Snow rolls him up into a Small Package, 1...2...3!! [B]Winner: Al Snow(11:56) C-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Justin Credible is in the arena's parking lot with a Singapore Cane in his hand.[/COLOR] [B]Justin Credible[/B]: D'Lo, you wan't to feel the wrath of my Cane breaking across of your head again?! Haven't you had enough? I have no problem beating you in one of my favorite matches, Singapore Cane match, and after I'm done with you my targets are headed straight for the World Champion. And that's not just the greatest, that's not just the best, that's Justin Credible!! vs [B]"The Punisher" Andrew Martin vs Disco Inferno[/B] Alex Wright is mysteriously absent from this match. Andrew Martin totally destroys Disco Inferno. Litteraly tossing him around the ring with a ragdoll from pillar to pillar. Martin calls for the end, he attempts his TKO finisher when a camera man hops up on the apron and distracts him. The camera man takes a picture of Martin, blinding him with his Flash, Disco quickly rolls him up. 1.... 2.... 3!!!! [B]Winner: Disco Inferno(7:12) C[/B] [COLOR="blue"]After the match, the camera man takes off his baseball cap, jacket and fake mustache to reveal he's [B][COLOR="Black"]Alex Wright[/COLOR][/B]. Boogie Knights run to the backstage before Andrew Martin could grab ahold of them.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jimmy Hart is in the ring, a table is set up with two chairs behind it and two contracts ontop of it. Steve Corino makes his way out towards ringside first. He's accompanied by his Personal Trainers and Lawyers. Corino sits on one of the chairs as he hands his contract to his Lawyers to read. Monty Brown is out next. He walks out by himself, acknowledging the fans as he makes his way down towards ringside. Monty takes a seat next to Corino. [/COLOR] [B]Jimmy Hart[/B]: Gentlemen, I'd like to congratulate you on advancing to the World Heavyweight Title Tournament finals!! This Sunday night, at "Night of Champions", one of you will leave as our very first World Heavyweight Champion. But tonight, we have to make things legal, please look over your contracts and sign them. [COLOR="blue"]Monty Brown immediately signs his contract without any hesitation while Corino's lawyer whispers something in his ear. Steve Corino laughs then quickly signs the contract.[/COLOR] [B]Jimmy Hart:[/B] The contracts have been signed and the fight is offical. This Sunday night, Monty Brown will take on Steve Corino for the World Heavyweight Championship! Do you guys have any final words before your fight? [B]Steve Corino[/B]: Yes, as your future World Heavyweight Champion, I would like to inform the fans that I will do everything in my power to keep the title away from poor, "homeboys" like this tool sitting beside me. [COLOR="blue"]Monty Brown stands up from his chair and gets in Corino's face. The two stare each other down. Monty grabs the microphone from Corino's hand...[/COLOR] [B]Monty Brown[/B]: You're right. I'm broke, I don't have personal trainers or lawyers. All I have left is my family and fans, and that's all I need. Come Sunday, I'll be fighting for them. And when it's all said and done, you'll be a proud owner of a brand new...PPPPOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNCCCCCCCCEEEEEE!!!!....period! [COLOR="blue"]The shows goes off of the air with a close up of Steve Corino and Monty Brown staring each other down. Don't miss out on "Night of Champions"![/COLOR] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]TWE's "Night of Champions" Offical Theme Music[/B][/COLOR] -16 men were drafted to fight in the World Heavyweight Tournament, these two men are the last two survivors. Monty Brown has dedicated winning the tournament for his nephews, hoping that the money he earns as World Champion can give them food and a good education. Steve Corino has traveled the world and won some of the biggest Championships. He trains with the very best personal trainers that money can buy and you'll never see him without his lawyer. Corino's looking to add another title to his growing list of accomplishments. Only one man will leave as World Heavyweight Champion, who will be the sole survivor? -Justin Credible and D'Lo Brown met in the first round of the Championship Tournament. D'Lo accidentaly hit the referee during the match, while he was checking up on him, Credible nailed him across the head with a Singapore Cane. He pinned Brown for a 3-count. Luckily, another referee ran out and re-started the match. D'Lo Brown quickly defeated Justin Credible with his Lo'Down. In the Second round, D'Lo Brown had Steve Corino beat, he climbed to the top rope for his Frog Splash when Just Credible ran out and nailed him once again with the Singapore Cane. Corino rolled him up for an easy 3-count. This time using the Singapore Cane will be a little tricky. The Cane will hang above the ring and the only way to get it down will be to use a Ladder. Once someone is striked by the Cane then the match is over. -Andrew Martin made it all the way to the Semi-Finals of the Tournament, he fought hard but unfortunately lost to Steve Corino. After suffering his loss he bumped into Boogie Knights backstage. They teased him about losing and in-return Martin threatened their lives. Once the Punisher's back was turned Disco Inferno and Alex Wright ambushed him and put his head through a wooden crate. The following week, Andrew Martin got his hands on Disco Inferno in a Singles Match. Martin had the match won when a mysterious cameraman blinded him with his flash. Disco quickly rolled him up for a 3-count. Afterwards, the cameraman revealed himself to be Alex Wright. Andrew Martin has requested a match against both members of Boogie Knights. Can the Punisher handle two dancing fools? -A couple of weeks ago, Buff Bagwell requested interview time with Kristal Marshall. The interview became sour very quickly when Buff invited Kristal to his hotel room. Although Kristal resisited, Bagwell tried to force her to go. Luckily, DDP walked by and helped Kristal out. The following week, Bagwell tried to force Kristal to leave with him again. DDP had to come to her rescue once again, unfortunately this time he got a face full of chair for his efforts. Jimmy Hart suspended Buff Bagwell for his vicious attack on DDP and his constant harrassment towards Kristal. At Night of Champions, DDP will confront Buff Bagwell in an Unsanctioned Fight! -For weeks, TWE has been invaded by mysterious videos. It was only up untill a few weeks ago we found out who really was behind those dark videos. After American Gangstaz defeated the Fabulous Duo in a tag team match, the arena's lights wen't off, many thought it was a power failure. Once the lights returned Crowbar, Slash & Daffney were standing behind the American Gangstaz. They turned them around, spat red myst into their eyes and hit stero DDT's. This gothic trio are known as the Devils Rejects. Although not very much is known about them right now, they have promised to meet the American Gangstaz in the ring at Night of Champions. -Al Snow teams up with the Faces of Fear to take on the Austrailian Monster, Nathan Jones and the Fabulous Duo. Which team will survive this huge 6-man tag team war?! -The Jr. Heavyweight Division made it's debut two weeks ago. Juventud Guerrera managed to defeat Tony Mamaluke and Jerry Lynn in a 1 fall 3-way dance. The following week, Juvi meet up against Jerry Lynn in a singles match. These two fought to a Time Limit Draw and impressed everyone in the crowd and in TWE management. Afterwards, Shawn Daivari ran out and attacked Lynn from behind. Juvi quickly joined in on the attack, making it a 2-on-1 beatdown. Thankfully, Psychosis ran out and cleared the ring, helping Lynn out before he could get injured. At Night of Champions, these 4 Jr. Heavyweights will team up with each other and compete in a Tag Team match. -During the last episode of Tuesday Night All-Stars, Rob Conway managed to defeat Norman Smiley in singles competition. Smiley has contacted TWE offices and requested a re-match in order to redeem himself. [/CENTER] [QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Turner Wrestling Enterprise presents... [COLOR="Blue"]Night of Champions[/COLOR][/B] [B]World Heavyweight Championship Match[/B] "Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs "King of Old School" Steve Corino [B]Singapore Cane Match[/B] Justin Credible vs D'Lo Brown [B]Handi-Cap Match[/B] "The Punisher" Andrew Martin vs Boogie Knights [B]Unsanctioned Fight[/B] Diamond Dallas Page confronts Buff Bagwell [B]Tag Team Match[/B] American Gangstaz vs The Devils Rejects w/Daffney [B]6-Man Tag Team Match[/B] Al Snow & Faces of Fear vs Nathan Jones & The Fabulous Duo [B]Jr. Heavyweight Division Tag Team Match[/B] Juventud Guerrerra & Shawn Daivari vs Jerry Lynn & Psychosis [B]Singles Re-Match[/B] "The Conman" Rob Conway vs "Stormin'" Norman Smiley[/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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Turner Wrestling Enterprise presents... Night of Champions World Heavyweight Championship Match "Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs [B]"King of Old School" Steve Corino[/B] -Steve Corino reminds me of a modern day Ric Flair and I think he'd be the man to carrey TWE as champion. Singapore Cane Match [B]Justin Credible[/B] vs D'Lo Brown -You cant bet against Credible especialy in a singapore cane match Handi-Cap Match [B]"The Punisher" Andrew Martin[/B] vs Boogie Knights -I dont like Boogie Knights. Unsanctioned Fight Diamond Dallas Page confronts Buff Bagwell Tag Team Match American Gangstaz vs [B]The Devils Rejects w/Daffney[/B] -Devils Rejects are probably my favorite tag team of all time in these parts. I hope these guys get a well deserved push. 6-Man Tag Team Match Al Snow & Faces of Fear vs [B]Nathan Jones & The Fabulous Duo[/B] -Fabulous Duo are funny and Nathan Jones can be used as a good big man. Jr. Heavyweight Division Tag Team Match Juventud Guerrerra & Shawn Daivari vs [B]Jerry Lynn & Psychosis[/B] -Although i was hoping for a 4 way this tag match could get very interesting. Singles Re-Match "The Conman" Rob Conway vs [B]"Stormin'" Norman Smiley[/B] -Smiley gettin his win back
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World Heavyweight Championship Match "Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs "King of Old School" Steve Corino Steve Corino wins, I think he'll be the better champion. Singapore Cane Match Justin Credible vs D'Lo Brown Justin Credible its his match and it'd be a shame for him to lose it. Handi-Cap Match "The Punisher" Andrew Martin vs Boogie Knights Andrew Martin though I hate him and love The Boogie Knights Unsanctioned Fight Diamond Dallas Page confronts Buff Bagwell Buff Bagwell, why I haven't a clue Tag Team Match American Gangstaz vs The Devils Rejects w/Daffney The Devil Rejects, I Love Daffney 6-Man Tag Team Match Al Snow & Faces of Fear vs Nathan Jones & The Fabulous Duo Nathan Jones & The Favulous Duo, I love Al Snow but I think you are going to push the other 3 much harder. Jr. Heavyweight Division Tag Team Match Juventud Guerrerra & Shawn Daivari vs Jerry Lynn & Psychosis Jerry Lynn & Psychosis, Better talent Singles Re-Match "The Conman" Rob Conway vs "Stormin'" Norman Smiley Norman Smiley, by DQ leading to the return of the Hardcore Norman Smiley we all remember.
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World Heavyweight Championship Match [B]"Alpha Male" Monty Brown[/B] vs "King of Old School" Steve Corino Singapore Cane Match [B]Justin Credible[/B] vs D'Lo Brown Handi-Cap Match "[B]The Punisher" Andrew Martin[/B] vs Boogie Knights Unsanctioned Fight [B]Diamond Dallas Page [/B]confronts Buff Bagwell Tag Team Match [B]American Gangstaz[/B] vs The Devils Rejects w/Daffney 6-Man Tag Team Match Al Snow & Faces of Fear vs [B]Nathan Jones & The Fabulous Duo[/B] Jr. Heavyweight Division Tag Team Match [B]Juventud Guerrerra & Shawn Daivari[/B] vs Jerry Lynn & Psychosis Singles Re-Match "[B]The Conman" Rob Conway[/B] vs "Stormin'" Norman Smiley
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[CENTER] [B]Shown on Turner Entertainment TV infront of 3,120 people[/B] [COLOR="blue"]A video package re-caping the entire World Heavyweight Championship Tournament airs. The video closes with a close up of Steve Corino and Monty Brown staring each other down. [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Fireworks explode inside of the arena. The camera pans through the screaming fans. It cuts to the announcer's table where Bobby Heenan and Tony Schiavone are seated. [/COLOR] [B]Tony Schiavone[/B]: Welcome everyone to "Night of Champions"! Tonight, we're concluding the World Heavyweight Tournament and crowning our very first champion!! [B]Bobby Heenan[/B]: 16 ham n' eggers stepped up to the plate and now we're down to the final two. I can't wait to see those two kill each other for a piece of gold. [B]Tony Schiavone[/B]: This may very well be the greatest moment in Pro Wrestling, EVER! Do not turn your channel! Do not go into your kitchen for a late night snack! Because "Night of Champions" starts right NOW!! vs [B]"The Conman" Rob Conway vs "Stormin'" Norman Smiley[/B] Smiley out-wrestles Conway in the earlier stages of the match. Conway gets thrown into the ropes but holds on, Norman Smiley comes crashing down, missing a dropkick. Conway stomps away at Smiley, making sure to keep his opponent grounded. Smiley fights back, punching him across his mid-section. "Stormin" Norman Smiley applies the Norman Conquest. Conway manages to counter the submission into a Neckbreaker/Suplex Combo. The Conman covers Norman Smiley, 1...2...3!! Rob Conway picks up yet another win. [B]Winner: Rob Conway (11:47) C[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Backstage, Kristal Marshall is about to interview Tony Mamaluke when Buff Bagwell interrupts.[/COLOR] [B]Kristal Marshall[/B]: Buff, what are you doing here?! [B]Buff Bagwell[/B]: You're coming with me wether you like it or not!! [COLOR="blue"]Bagwell grabs ahold of Kristal by her arm and drags her off camera. Kristal screams for help but nobody is brave enough to stop Buff. [/COLOR] vs [B][COLOR="Red"]6-Man Tag Team Match[/COLOR] Faces of Fear & Al Snow vs Fabulous Duo & Nathan Jones[/B] The Fabulous Duo continue to tag each other out by slapping each others behinds. Rico and Kwee-Wee double team Al Snow. They hit him with some impressive double team moves. Snow dodges a double clothesline and takes both of them down with a Crossbody Block. Al Snow tags out to Meng. The Samoan Monster starts cleaning house, knocking around Rico and Kwee-Wee with chops. Rico and Kwee-Wee crawl towards their partner. They both tag out to Nathan Jones, smacking him in his butt. Jones apparently didn't enjoy being smack in his behind, he enters the ring and nails Rico with a Big Boot, Kwee-Wee gets Choke Slammed by the Australian Madman. Nathan Jones leaves ringside, allowing Meng to cover Rico for the 3 count. [B]Winners: Al Snow & the Faces of Fear(12:06) D[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Camera's cut to the backstage area, Diamond Dallas Page has just arrived, he's greeted by a TWE staff member. [/COLOR] [B]Staff Member[/B]: Hey Page, Buff Bagwell just took Kristal... [B]DDP[/B]: Huh?! Where?! [B]Staff Member:[/B] I don't know. He interrupted an interview and just took her... [B]DDP[/B]: Why didn't anybody stop him?! [B]Staff Member[/B]: I-We--Well-- [B]DDP[/B]: Argh!! She could be in danger. If you see them, call me... [COLOR="Blue"]DDP runs off in search of Buff Bagwell. The staff member is left behind with a concerned look on his face. [/COLOR] vs [B][COLOR="Red"]Jr. Heavyweight Division Tag Team Match[/COLOR] Juventud Guerrera & Shawn Diavari vs Jerry Lynn & Psychosis[/B] Lynn and Juventud start things off with some mat wrestling. Lynn gets the upperhand and gets a few quick falls. Psychosis gets tagged in and so does Diavari. Psychosis shows off his impressive Lucha Libre skills, flying around the ring with Hurricanranas and unique Armdrags. Diavari stumbles outside of the ring to catch his breathe. Psychosis leaps over the top rope and lands ontop of Shawn Diavari on the outside. Juventud climbs to the top rope and hits a Crossbody Block to the outside on Psychosis. Before Juvi could do any celebrating, Lynn dives through the middle ropes and takes Juventud out with a Suicide Dive. The crowd is on their feet. Diavari nails Lynn from behind and tosses him back inside of the ring. Diavari attempts a Suplex but it gets blocked. Lynn hits him with a Cradle Piledriver. He covers him, 1...2...3!! [B]Winners: Jerry Lynn & Psychosis(19:57) C+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Backstage, DDP is looking for Kristal in the catering room. Tony Mamaluke & Johnny Stamboli are sitting down eating a plate of pasta. Page walks up to them. [/COLOR] [B]DDP[/B]: Hey, did any of you guys see Bagwell or Kristal around here? [B]Tony Mamaluke[/B]: Haha...yeah! That Buffhead interrupted my interview time and took the hot babe with him. [B]Johnny Stamboli[/B]: Is that guy gonna get lucky tonight or what? Hahaha... [COLOR="blue"]Page tosses their plates of pasta across the room and gets in their faces.[/COLOR] [B]DDP[/B]: You guys just stood there and watched Bagwell kidnap Kristal?! If anything happens to her, I'm coming after you! [COLOR="blue"]Page storms off leaving Tony Mamaluke and Johnny Stamboli speechless. [/COLOR] [B]Johnny Stamboli[/B]: What's wrong with him? It looks like he has his meatballs tied up in a knot! vs [B][COLOR="Red"]Handi-Cap Match[/COLOR] Boogie Knights vs "The Punisher" Andrew Martin[/B] Boogie Knights ambush Martin from behind before the bell sounds. They hit Martin with a Double DDT, laying him out. Wright and Disco start celebrating their double team move by dancing for the crowd. It gives Martin some time to recover. Boogie Knights finish dancing and turn around to finish their opponent off, Andrew Martin clotheslines both of their heads off. Andrew Martin nails Alex Wright with a vicious Pump Handle Slam then hits Disco Inferno with a TKO. Martin pins both members of Boogie Knights, 1...2...3!! [B]Winner: Andrew Martin(10:04) D[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Backstage, DDP is walking through the hallways. He hears some muffled screaming. [/COLOR] [B]DDP[/B]: Kristal?! [COLOR="blue"]The screaming continues. It's coming from the Janitor's closet. Page opens up the door, Kristal is tied down to a chair. Page rushes to her aid, trying to untie her. Suddenly, a Chair slams across Page's back. It's Buff Bagwell. Bagwell grabs ahold of Page and rams his head into a wall. They start brawling all the way down the hallways, knocking over tables and sound equipment. It isn't long untill the fight spills outside toward ringside. Bagwell starts choking DDP out with some camera cables. Page gasps for air. He tosses DDP into the ring, Bagwell ties DDP's arms to the ring ropes and grabs a chair. Buff is going to slam the chair across Page's head and there's noway he can protect himself. Right before Bagwell could swing the chair, DDP kicks Buff down south. Bagwell drops the chair and falls over. Page unties himself and starts nailing Bagwell with some punches. DDP hits Bagwell with a Diamond Cutter ontop of an open chair. Buff is a bloody mess. Page crawls over to Bagwell and yells at him...[/COLOR] [B]DDP[/B]: If you ever come near Kristal again, I'll kill you!! [COLOR="Blue"]Page rolls out of the ring and stumbles towards the backstage. It looks as if he's more concerned about Kristal right now. [/COLOR] vs [B]Tag Team Match [COLOR="Red"]The Devils Rejects vs American Gangstaz[/COLOR][/B] This tag match quickly turns into an all-out brawl. They fight all over ringside, ignoring the referee's count. Back in the ring, Crowbar takes out the Neighbourhoodie's leg out with a basement dropkick. The Devils Rejects focus their attack on his injured leg. Neighbourhoodie fights off his attackers and tags out to his partner. Shad storms inside of the ring like a house of fire. He takes out both Crowbar and Slash with some intense strikes. Suddenly, Daffney runs out and spits Black Mist into Shad's eyes, Crowbar nails him from behind with a clubbing forearm. The Devils Rejects hit a German Suplex/Superkick combo then pin him for a 3-count. [B]Winners: The Devils Rejects(19:41) D[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]A video package airs highlighting the feud between Justin Credible and D'Lo Brown. We get to see D'Lo Brown getting knocked out with a Singapore Cane in the first round, yet managing to win the match after the referee reversed his decision. We see D'Lo yet again get smashed over the head with a Singapore Cane in the second round, costing him the match.[/COLOR] [I]"D'Lo, you wan't to feel the wrath of my Cane breaking across of your head again?! Haven't you had enough? I have no problem beating you in one of my favorite matches, Singapore Cane match, and after I'm done with you my targets are headed straight for the World Champion. And that's not just the greatest, that's not just the best, that's Justin Credible!!"[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]- Justin Credible[/COLOR][/B] vs [B][COLOR="Red"]Singapore Cane Match[/COLOR] D'Lo Brown vs Justin Credible[/B] Brown and Credible fight out from the backstage area. They brawl towards ringside, throwing each other into the steal guardrails. Credible tosses Brown into an open Ladder, left by ringside to use to obtain the Singapore Cane hanging above the ring. D'Lo crashes into the ladder, knocking it over and injuring his shoulder. The former ECW Heavyweight Champion slides the ladder inside of the ring and attempts to climb it. He gets mid-way untill D'Lo pushes the ladder over. D'Lo lays the ladder down flat in the middle of the ring and slams him ontop of it. He climbs to the top rope and attempts a Frogsplash, Credible rolls off of the ladder and Brown crashes ontop of it. He clutches onto his ribs, possibly re-injuring them. Credible calls for the end, he lifts D'Lo up for That's Incredible, Brown manages to slip away, landing behind him. Justin Credible turns around, walking right into the Sky High. Unable to capitalize, Brown falls to a knee and holds onto his ribs. D'Lo Brown slowly sets up the ladder and climbs it, dragging his body up the steps. Credible re-covers and climbs up the same side as D'Lo. Credible smashes him across the back and hits a [B]THAT'S INCREDIBLE OFF OF THE TOP OF THE LADDER![/B] Both men are laid out on the mat, barely able to move. Credible climbs up the ladder and grabs the Singapore Cane. He drops down onto the mat. Credible lifts D'Lo's limp body up off of the mat, he swings the Cane, Brown ducks. D'Lo kicks Credible in the mid-section, causing him to drop the Singapore Cane. D'Lo quickly grabs the Cane and nails Justin Credible across the head. The referee calls for the bell and D'Lo Brown collapses onto the mat. [B]Winner: D'Lo Brown(24:38) C[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]A video package re-capping the entire Championship Tournament airs. We see highlights of Monty Brown and Steve Corino winning their semi-finals match. It quickly cuts to a training montage, Steve Corino is training in a high class facility with 3 expensive personal trainers. He sits down inbetween sparring drills and drinks a large and expensive protein shake. [/COLOR] [I]"I've traveled the world, I've held every single championship worth holding, I'm the highest paid professional wrestler in North America and there's noway some hoodlum from Atlanta is going to take the World Heavyweight Championship away from me!"[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]-Steve Corino[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]We cut to Monty Brown's training montage, Brown is training himself in the streets of Atlanta. Brown's tossing tires around, curling huge cement blocks and doing pull-ups on a Jungle Gym in the local park. Instead of drinking expensive protein shakes, all Brown can afford to drink is raw eggs. [/COLOR] [I]"I'm broke, I don't have personal trainers or lawyers. All I have left is my family and fans, and that's all I need. Come Sunday, I'll be fighting for them. And when it's all said and done, you'll be a proud owner of a brand new...PPPPOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNCCCCCCCCEEEEEE!!!!.. ..period!"[/I][COLOR="Red"][B]-Monty Brown[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Back to ringside, the ring announcer is standing in the middle of the ring ready to announce tonight's main event. [/COLOR] [B]Ring Announcer:[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, the following is scheduled for 1-fall and it is for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!! [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Corino's theme hits. He walks out in a track suit with a towel over his head, he's accompanied by his personal trainers and lawyers. Corino steps inside of the ring to a sea of booo's.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Monty Brown's theme hits. Brown walks out to a loud ovation. He looks pumped up and ready to go. Monty Brown jumps onto the ring apron and steps inside of the ring, standing in his corner and ready to fight.[/COLOR] [B]Ring Announcer[/B]: Introducing first, in the blue corner, he is a former ECW, AWA, NWA, Zero-One, 1PW, IWA, WWC, NWA Florida, NWA New Jersey, World-1 Heavyweight Champion, he is an "International Superstar" and the highest paid wrestler in North America, this is the "King of Old School"...Steve Corino!! [COLOR="Blue"]Corino tosses the towel off of his head and throws it into the crowd, they boo him outta the building.[/COLOR] [B]Ring Announcer[/B]: and his opponent, in the red corner, he is a former All-American football linebacker for the Buffalo Bills and New England Patroits, this is the "Alpha Male" Monty Brown!!! [COLOR="red"]Brown poses for the crowd to their delight, he wipes his face on the top rope and then points around his waist signaling that the titles his.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The referee brings both men to the center of the ring, they stare each other down as he explains the rules of the match. The ref tells them to shake hands and return to their corners to wait for the bell, neither man shakes hand. The bell rings, it's time for our World Heavyweight Championship fight![/COLOR] vs [B][COLOR="Red"]World Heavyweight Championship Match[/COLOR] Steve Corino vs Monty Brown[/B] Both men fight over a lock-up. Brown bulls Corino into the corner turnbuckle, the referee calls for a break, Monty breaks the hold cleanly. They fight over a lock-up again. Corino bulls Brown this time into the corner, the referee calls for another break, Corino breaks the hold then follows up with a poke to the eye. Steve Corino starts stomping away on Brown, beating him down into the mat. Corino tosses him into the ropes, Brown ducks a clothesline and nails him with a Clothesline of his own. Monty Brown gorilla presses Corino up over his head and dumps him outside of the ring. The fight spills to the outside. Brown and Corino brawl around ringside. Corino tosses Brown into the steal post, knocking him out. The King of Old School tosses his opponent back into the ring and pins him. 1....2....Monty Brown kicks out! Corino stalks his opponent, he waits untill he gets up then charges at him, Brown ducks and Steve Corino accidentally nails the referee with a Lariat. One of Corino's personal trainers tosses a chair inside of the ring. Steve Corino grabs a chair and knocks Monty Brown across his head. He covers him, another referee runs out, 1.....2....KICK OUT!! Steve Corino can't believe it. He grabs the referee and punches him across the face, obviously angered about Brown kicking out. Corino grabs the chair again, he winds up, Monty Brown nails Corino outta nowhere with the POUNCE while he held the chair over his head. The original referee crawls over to make the count, 1.....2....3!!! [B]Winner and WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: Monty Brown(27:45) B-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The referee hands Brown the World Heavyweight Championship, Monty Brown is on his knees looking down at the championship, tears in his eyes. His family jumps inside of the ring to celebrate with him. Multi-colored confetti fall from the arena's skies, Monty Brown hugs his nephews then shows off his Championship to the crowd. The show comes to an end with Brown and his family celebrating his Championship win with fireworks exploding in the background. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="3"]Final Rating: C+[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B]Broadcasting from Atlanta, GA[/B] The World Heavyweight Championship Tournament is over and done-with and we have a brand new Champ, "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown. Monty Brown won't be taking any days off as he proves to be a fighting champion by teaming up with D'Lo Brown to take on Steve Corino and Justin Credible in a Tag Team Match. TWE's commissioner, Jimmy Hart, has told us that he will be making a special apperance to reveal what he has planned for TWE's upcoming Super Card. Jr. Heavyweight action continues when Jerry Lynn takes on Shawn Daivari and Juventud takes on Psychosis. Don't miss out on another action filled Tuesday Night All-Stars only on Turner Entertainment TV![/CENTER] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Turner Wrestling Enterprise presents... [COLOR="Blue"]"Tuesday Night All-Stars"[/COLOR] [/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Tag Team Grudge Match[/COLOR] Monty Brown & D'Lo Brown vs Steve Corino & Justin Credible[/B] [B]The Devils Rejects vs Faces of Fear Juventud Guerrera vs Psychosis Jerry Lynn vs Shawn Daivari [COLOR="Red"]Handi-Cap Match[/COLOR] Nathan Jones vs The Fabulous Duo[/B][/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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