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Things to improve the game sales in the future

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Athough I agree that a thread like this before the game is releases doesnt make a lot of sense. I think we are being a bit harsh on Capeli King, he has seemed more excited about the release of this game over anyone that I have noticed. His over excitement may produce some threads that turn out like this but no need to attack a potentially good customer IMO. As for my opinion, I think the cornellverse is great and dont see any problems with how the default database is being set up in this game.
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I agree with the Dwarfs Division. I'm not sure what site the thread starter goes to but I've saw different topics about this game on sherdog, mmamania, mmajunkie, and some mention on scrubsports.com. Tons of people read those sites each day so the word is out. I'm sure Adam has the marketing technique down by now.
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[QUOTE=jbergey_2005;318087]I think we are being a bit harsh on Capeli King, he has seemed more excited about the release of this game over anyone that I have noticed. His over excitement may produce some threads that turn out like this but no need to attack a potentially good customer IMO.[/QUOTE] Well i am still as excited as i was before!:p I am still buying the game and my expectations have not changed even one bit! I know this game will rock! I do not really mind all the flamming from the admin and other guys here anyway. About the dwarf division. I think we should scrap all the heavyweights and just leave chicks and dwarfs!
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I'll still be buying this game as well. I made a post in the other thread, which opon rereading, did not come across they way I wanted it to. So I apologise to Adam and everyone who has put the time and effort in to make this game work. I didn't mean to bash the database for having women fighters, I was trying to rationalise the reasons why people are complaining about it, specifically the MMA fans. The UFC had Erica Montoya in one of its games, and all the mma fans could say was 'why?' Women's MMA is not something the mainstream MMA fan is familier with, and history shows people usually hate on things that are different to what they percieve as the norm. That said, female MMA has no exposure in the USA or UK. In Japan, where there is more exposure, womens MMA is accepted. While it doesnt draw any significant money, it has a following within the fanbase. I'm sure that if Female MMA was more on the radar, and the UFC had a womens division, you would have no complaints. :) I'm sure the game will do great, and I for one cant wait for it to come out.
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[QUOTE=Tommy J.;317460]To all you guys writing essays in this topic: Let's at least wait with the complaining until the demo is out and we actually get to see the database.[/QUOTE] I agree with this statement although it is clear that there will be a lot of women in the default DB but if people don't like that then they just need to play one of the soon to be produced real world databases. Having said that, I do dislike the way the women in the DB [U]appear[/U] to be handled as it just seems like a bunch of T&A renders for young boys to look at it and get excited about. Personally I am interested in the fighting and not a bunch of "sexy" cartoon characters. Also I LOVE how defensive Adam gets and it again is shown in this thread. I have never seen a business man who gets more angry with his clients aka THE PEOPLE WHO PUT FOOD ON HIS TABLE than our friend Adam. I know he has blasted me in the past and will surely do it again for this post and like a fool I just keep giving him my money! :D
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[QUOTE=Jim Force;322746]I agree with this statement although it is clear that there will be a lot of women in the default DB but if people don't like that then they just need to play one of the soon to be produced real world databases. Having said that, I do dislike the way the women in the DB [U]appear[/U] to be handled as it just seems like a bunch of T&A renders for young boys to look at it and get excited about. Personally I am interested in the fighting and not a bunch of "sexy" cartoon characters.[/quote] Well, you can only work with what you've got. If people keep rendering them, they'll make it into the game. But believe me, they aren't all supermodels in there. :) Although... if you're only interested in the fighting, surely the T&A renders shouldn't matter as you won't be looking at them anyway. [QUOTE]Also I LOVE how defensive Adam gets and it again is shown in this thread. I have never seen a business man who gets more angry with his clients aka THE PEOPLE WHO PUT FOOD ON HIS TABLE than our friend Adam. I know he has blasted me in the past and will surely do it again for this post and like a fool I just keep giving him my money! :D[/QUOTE] Most computer game developers don't really interact with their fans to this degree though. As someone who has answered a LOT of questions in the various TEW forums, you'd be amazed how incredibly repetitive and dull it gets answering the same questions over and over again. Especially when there are FAQ's pinned on forums and help files provided with the games that can give the answers. There have been a number of times where I've considered writing up a file and posting it as my own FAQ. But then I realised it'd be easier to just keep the file and post stock answers from it.... if I get tired doing this voluntarily, I can only imagine how frustrated Adam gets from doing it all the time. Oh... and it's pretty reasonable to be defensive when people are criticising something without thinking their points through first AND/OR having played the game. It's almost sabotage to NOT defend a product and let some false rumours get out of hand than to defend the product and stamp out inaccuracies/incorrectness/lies before they can spread. You've heard of Chinese whispers... :eek:
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I agree with Derek, when people are attacking Adam for having women fighters and judging the game BEFORE the demo..then he has a right to be a bit defensive. If there's something constructive that's being said and he blasts you, then complain. But expecting someone to bow at your feet for attacking a game that hasn't even been released is a tad out there.
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