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Texas Backyard Wrestling: A Young Boy's Dream

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"So let me get this straight. You want to form a wrestling promotion?" "Yes sir, that is correct." "And what do you want from me?" "Well, I'm going around to all the local small businesses and asking if they want to sponsor us. If you do, you get your name on the apron of the ring." "Uh huh... ummm... how much would it be?" "It depends how big you want your name to be." A few minutes later, I walked out of Barry's Hardware with $150 in my pocket. A younger boy, about 16 came up to me. "Rick got the loan! $5,000 to start our own business!" That was Brian Garrett, my younger brother. Since we were little, watching the SWF, it had always been our dream to start our own wrestling promotion our small hometown in Windcrest, Texas. Rick Ramos was my friend who's father was a banker. He knew the in's and out's of financial affairs and was able to secure us a loan. The catch was, we had to pay back $7,000 at the end of the year. "Do you really think we could pull this off?" Brian asked me. We jumped into my pick up and I started the engine. "I really hope so. We'll see."
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"Have you been making any phone calls?" Rick and I were sitting in my kitchen, we had a year to make at least $2,000 and I didn't want it to have to come out of my pocket. "Yeah. Do you know how easy it is to come in contact with people? I thought it would be harder to talk to wrestlers." Rick said picking up a coke. "So?" "I got this chick Buttercup as a road agent." "Sounds like a stripper... how about a ref?" "Alan Gray." "The dude with the hats?" "Yep." "No way! How much?" "$100" "Serious?" "Yeah. We should be good to go!" I smiled. Things were looking up for Texas backyard Wrestling.
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[B]TBW Presents: Where It All Begins[/B] The first ever Texas Backyard Wrestling show kicked off with a tournament for the HBW Lonestar Championship. [B]Semifinals: Rex Reeves vs. "Outlaw" Johnny Garrett[/B] [I]The former SCCW wrestler took on local man Johnny Garrett, cofounder of HBW. The Outlaw looked good in his debut, but lost to the more experienced Rex. Rating: E+[/I] [B]Semifinals: Kashmir Singh vs. Mark Smart[/B] [I]The Insider fought a good match against Kashmir Singh, who wrestling fans might know has carved out a good name for himself in Puerto Rico. Mark put Singh away with a "Smart Attack". Rating: E[/I] [B]Lonestar Championship Finals: Rex Reeves vs. Mark Smart[/B] [I]What was strangely, the worst match of the card (this reporter thinks it's because the two were tired), Rex beat Mark in a yawner to win the title. Rating: E-[/I] [B]Final Thought and Rating:[/B] [I]Not a bad opener, the owners have to worry about putting on better main events though. I give this show an E- because of the main event. I wouldn't count these guys out though, and look forward to their next show. Rating: E-[/I]
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