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PGHW: Re-gaining the Glory (C-Verse 2009)

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[center][b][u]DREAM Tour #5 [/u][/b] Wednesday, Week 3, December 2009 Held in front of 5,000 fans at the Akita Stadium in Tohoku [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Bryan Holmes vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue [/u] [i]Holmes gets the victory over PGHW’s resident jobber with the Final Impact 2 minutes in.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Bryan Holmes by pinfall [b]B[/b] [u]Match 2: Kazushige Matsuki & Strong Style Yoemon vs. Joshua Taylor & William Hayes[/u] [i]Hayes quickly ends this one by pinning Yoemon after a Slick Trick.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Taylor & Hayes by pinfall on Yoemon by Hayes. [b]B-[/b] [u]Match 3: White Samurai vs. Lee Bennett [/u] [i]Samurai has been brought in as a test subject, as he is a talented mat wrestler. He put on a surprisingly good match, but ends up losing to the tag champ Bennett after a Return Ticket[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Lee Bennett by pinfall [b]B+[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Tetsunori Yasuda vs. Kalu Owusu w/Masutaro Kataoka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] Owusu had the size and power advantage over Yasuda, and used it as much as possible. The match started out with Owusu in control, throwing Yasuda around like a rag doll, only to eventually have a suplex attempt countered into a float over neckbreaker, bringing him crashing down to the mat. Yasuda then took the match to the mat, trying to keep the big man down, but Owusu managed to power out of a headlock attempt and pushed Yasuda to the mat. He then tried to go for the Ivory Coast Driver, a Spinning Sit-Out Powerbomb, but Yasuda countered the move with some punches and then back flipped out of it. Owusu then charged towards him trying to nail a clothesline to get back control, but Yasuda rolled under it, and dropkicked Owusu in the back. Kalu began to get restless, and dropped down to one knee from the dropkick before being sent down to the mat with a Snap DDT right into the mat by Yasuda. Yasuda spent most of the rest of the match keeping control using his agility, with Owusu making occasional comebacks, but Yasuda eventually got the victory when he nailed the Rising Threat, a High Angle Backdrop Driver. Kalu landed right on his head, and Yasuda simply rolled over onto him to make the cover, as he was tiring from lifting up the big man. [b]Winner:[/b] Tetsunori Yasuda by pinfall in 7:31 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Roku Sotomura & Morimasa Kato vs. Ryoma Muruyama & Burning EXILE[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GCG%20Special%20Appearances/MorimasaKato.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG] These two teams were complete polar opposites in terms of style, with EXILE & Ryoma bringing flying to the table, while Sotomura & Kato brought vicious technical moves to the match. EXILE and Kato started off the match, and Kato instantly grounded EXILE, trying to take away his advantage of flying, but EXILE showed that he is quite talented on the mat when he went hold for hold with Kato, forcing the MMA star to knee him in the head in order to get control. Kato then dominated EXILE with several knees and strikes before tagging out to Sotomura. Roku took pretty much the same approach, grounding EXILE until he made the hot tag to Ryoma after flipping out of a head scissors. Ryoma then cleaned house with several beautiful dropkicks to both Roku and Kato, and managed to keep control until he was floored by a backbreaker from Roku. Sotomura then tagged out toe Kato, and Kato grounded Ryoma, and only lost control when Ryoma hit a float over DDT, spiking Kato into the mat, and then tagged out to EXILE. Both EXILE and Kato brawled for a while, and Kato whipped EXILE into the ropes, and when he came back, tried to nail EXILE with a clothesline, but the high flier floated over and then planted him with the EXILE Driver out of nowhere! He made the cover, and Ryoma flew across the ring into Roku, nailing a Snap Hurracanrana, and EXILE managed to get the victory. [b]Winners:[/b] Muruyama & EXILE by pinfall on Kato by EXILE in 10:55 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Chojiro Kitoaji vs. Masayuki Shiga[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasayukiShiga.jpg[/IMG] The match started out with Shiga in control from the get go, using his size advantage to keep the younger star in check for the early goings. Kitoaji managed to steal control from him however when he nailed a Spinning Lariat, knocking Shiga off of his feet, and then drove his elbow right into the gut of the veteran. Shiga managed to fight out of an arm bar attempt and threw Kitoaji over his head with an arm drag, and then floored the future legend with a clothesline to the neck, almost flipping Kitoaji over. He went for the cover, but Kitoaji kicked out just in time. Shiga pulled his opponent up to his feet and booted him in the gut, causing Kitoaji to double over. He then tried to knock the young star to the mat with a double axe handle to the back, but Kitoaji stood his ground, and kicked Shiga in the knee before sending him flying overhead with a Belly to Belly suplex. Kitoaji then began to run around the ring, and stomping his feet, signalling for the Kitoaji Lariat. However, when he went for it, Shiga ducked it and went for the Dead Lift German Suplex. Kitoaji flipped out of it however, catching Shiga off guard, and then nailed him with the Kitoaji Lariat when he turned around, and Kitoaji made the cover, getting the victory over the veteran Shiga. [b]Winner:[/b] Chojiro Kitoaji by pinfall in 12:32 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Masaru Ugaki vs. Washi Heat[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] Masaru used his technical advantage over the recently dominant Heat, taking the powerhouse to the mat, locking him in a variety of holds, aiming to keep him from using his power. However, Heat managed to get out of it when he bridged out of a Dragon Sleeper attempt, and then flipped Ugaki over his head, and then drove his elbow into the head of Ugaki. Heat then repeatedly drove his knees into the head of Ugaki as well, seemingly trying to destroy the rising star. However, Ugaki managed to ground him again after drilling Heat into the mat with a Spinning Neckbreaker and then locked him in a headlock followed by a hammerlock. He kept the dominant Heat on the mat by kneeing him in the shoulder several times, and then tried to go for the Ugaki Clutch, but it was too early on, as Heat powered out of the hold. Masaru then whipped Heat into the ropes, but was dropped by a sharp back elbow to the jaw when Heat returned, followed by a leg drop to the throat, taking away his air. Washi then began to stalk Ugaki, going for the Washi Explosion, and when Masaru got up, threw him into the air, caught him mid-air and then dropped him right on his head with the Washi Explosion before making the cover, and got the convincing victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Washi Heat by pinfall in 14:52 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Noriyori Sanda vs. Shingen Miyazaki Non-Title[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] Sanda went move for move with Shingen at the start of the match, ending up with control when he dropped Shingen right on his head with a Back Body Drop. Shingen got back up quickly, but probably too quickly, as he couldn’t move quick enough to get out of the way of a stiff kick to the chest, and Sanda unloaded the Sanda Series on Shingen, knocking the champ to the mat. Miyazaki tried to regain control several times, but Sanda kept hold of it with all of his heart, knocking the champ down each time. He eventually went for the first pinfall of the match after hitting a picture perfect Missile Dropkick, but Shingen kicked out of the cover. Miyazaki then began to get back in control after connecting with a Spinebuster to Sanda when Sanda tried to go for a Springboard Hurracanrana, and then went for the cover himself, but Sanda kicked out as well. Shingen slowly began to pick apart Sanada from that moment on, and looked like he was ready for the Miyazaki Destruction, but Sanda rolled out of it, and nailed a high elevation leg lariat. Sanda then pulled the champ to his feet, only to be booted in the gut and elbowed in the head. Shingen then backed off, and charged forward, going for the Cavalry Charge, but Sanda matrixed under the move, only to be hit by a jumping leg drop from Miyazaki, and was then promptly locked in the Miyazaki Destruction. Sanda desperately tried to get out of the hold, but Shingen had it in too tight, as well as in the middle of the ring, and Sanda was left with no choice but to tap out. Both men looked good coming out of this match, and the crowd applauded their efforts when they shook hands. [b]Winner:[/b] Shingen Miyazaki by pinfall in 15:51 [b]A[/b] – great chemistry [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Kozue Kawashima vs. Alexander Robinson[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AlexanderRobinson.jpg[/IMG] Kozue and Robinson went right to work with each other, hitting several suplex variations, with Kozue hitting the biggest, a much delayed suplex. Kozue then took the match to the mat, but soon found himself outmatched by Robinson, and fled to the corner to think up a game plan. Alexander didn’t give him time though, and splashed him in the corner, before pulling him out into a short-arm clothesline. Alex then went for a 360 Spin Leg Drop, but Kozue moved out of the way in time, causing Alex to hit the canvas. Kozue used this to his advantage, and kicked Alex right between his shoulders, causing the tag champ to scream in pain. Kozue then locked him in a tight chinlock, with his knee in Alex’s back, only to have Robinson eventually fight his way out of it and drive his elbows into the stomach of Kozue, forcing him to back off. Kozue tried to mount a counter to that, and spun Alex so he was facing the same way as him, but Kozue soon found himself on the mat after a Backflip Kick from Alex hit him right between the eyes. Alex went for the cover, but Kozue kicked out just in time. Robinson then tried to set Kozue up for the Canadian Violence, whipping Kozue into the ropes, but when he tried to go for it, Kozue ducked underneath and whipped Alex to the mat with a snap Dragon Screw leg whip. Kozue and Alex pretty much swapped momentum for the rest of the match, with Kozue getting the victory after ducking the Canadian Violence once again and instead planting Alex with the Kawashima Driver 2005, and made the cover. [b]Winner:[/b] Kozue Kawashima by pinfall in 16:42 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Yoshimi Musashibo #1 Contendership for the PGHW Glory Crown Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] Yoshimi and Tatsuko gave it their all, wanting to be the man to get the next title shot, and traded moves for about five minutes, resulting in a standoff afterwards which got the fans applauding them. Yoshimi was the first to move afterwards, and floored Tatsuko with a clothesline, and then locked him in a side headlock. Tatsuko got out of the move by elbowing Yoshimi in the temples, forcing to break the hold to escape the assault. He then kicked Yoshimi right in the jaw, before following up with the Tatsuko Roaring Kick, a one-footed dropkick to the face, knocking Yoshimi down. He then began to work on weakening the head of Yoshimi, kicking it and locking him in headlocks, but Yoshimi managed to power out of the holds and eventually floored Tatsuko with six rapid fire Kesagiri’s right to the throat, causing Tatsuko to crumple down to the mat. Yoshimi then began to weaken Tatsuko again, focusing on his back, kneeing him in the lower part of his back and then locking him in a Chin lock variation, causing Tatsuko to reach for the ropes. Luckily he was close and forced Yoshimi to break the hold, but Musashibo simply stood up and stomped on his back before dragging him back into the middle of the ring. The rest of the match was spent doing the same as before, with each trying to weaken the other, and Yoshimi doing better, until the very end of the match, when Tatsuko suddenly exploded and floored Yoshimi time after time, with kicks, punches and roaring elbows. He then began to taunt Yoshimi to get up, and when Musashibo did, he went for the Blind Kick right to the back, but Yoshimi realised and ducked before sweeping Tatsuko’s legs from under him. Nobuatsu quickly rolled away however, and got back up. He then floored Yoshimi with another one-footed dropkick, knocking Musashibo accidentally into the referee. Nobuatsu seemed ready to hit the Tatsuko blind kick on a stunned Yoshimi, when Shuji Inukai appeared out of nowhere and knocked Tatsuko out of his boots with the Untouchable Lariat, causing the fans to explode in boos. Yoshimi didn’t realise, and turned around to see Tatsuko on the floor. He also realised the ref was down, and woke him up before locking a prone Nobuatsu in the Yoshimi Lock, and got the victory when Tatsuko had his arm lifted three times and he failed to respond. [b]Winners:[/b] Yoshimi Musashibo by submission in 25:53 [b]A[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: A darn good show, and a great way to follow up on Night of WRESTLING. Burning EXILE and Muruyama seem to be coming along quite nicely, and seem to be fairly popular with the fans. [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER][U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] A great way to follow up from Night of WRESTLING, and what a show in itself. We have word that Mito Miwa has challenged his challenger at Night of FEROCITY, Yoshimi Musashibo, to a one-on-one non-title match for this show, to test out his opponent. Also, Tetsunori Yasuda has apparantly challenged the International Tag Champions, Kalu Owusu & Masutaro Kataoka, for their titles at Night of FEROCITY with his partner Chojiro Kitoaji, but we have been told the champs refuse to fight them yet. As a result, Masutaro Kataoka will take on Chojiro Kitoaji in singles action in an attempt to get a match out of the champs. [u]DREAM Tour Show #6[/u] [i]Singles[/i] Chojiro Kitoaji vs. Masutaro Kataoka [i]Singles Non-Title[/i] Masaru Ugaki vs. Ryoma Muruyama [I]Singles[/I] PROUD (Formerly BURNING) Exile vs. Bryan Holmes [i]Exile wants to prove his worth, so he was put in a match with the veteran Holmes.[/i] [i]Singles #1 Contendership for the Historical Japan Championship[/i] Noriyori Sanda vs. SUKI [i]Two very impressive young superstars face off to get a chance to wrestle Shingen Miyazaki at Night of FEROCITY. Can Sanda prove himself after losing to the champ on the last show?[/i] [i]Singles[/i] Akinori Kwakami vs. Lee Bennett [i]Singles[/i] Dread vs. Bryan Vessey [i]Singles[/i] [i]Non-Title[/i] Mito Miwa vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [i]Predictions always welcome[/i][/CENTER]
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[B]Chojiro Kitoaji[/B] vs. Masutaro Kataoka Singles Non-Title Masaru Ugaki vs. [B]Ryoma Muruyama[/B] Singles PROUD (Formerly BURNING) Exile vs. [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] . Singles #1 Contendership for the Historical Japan Championship Noriyori Sanda vs. [B]SUKI[/B] Singles [B]Akinori Kwakami[/B] vs. Lee Bennett Singles [B]Dread[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey Singles Non-Title Mito Miwa vs. [B]Yoshimi Musashibo[/B]
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[center][I]Apologies for the late post guys, got back late from work tonight.[/I] [b][u]DREAM Tour #5 [/u][/b] Monday, Week 4, December 2009 Held in front of 2,000 fans at the Nagasaki Sports Park in Kyushu [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Billy Russell vs. Cameron Vessey [/u] [i]Russell dominates the young Vessey in under three minutes.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Billy Russell by submission [b]B[/b] [u]Match 2: White Samurai vs. Tetsunori Yasuda[/u] [i]This match is very back and forth, and ends up as a draw after the 10 minutes time limit ran out..[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Draw [b]C+[/b] [u]Match 3: Raymond Diaz vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue[/u] [i]Diaz destroys Hirokazu and gets the pinfall two minutes in with the Ray Gun.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Raymond Diaz by pinfall [b]B+[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Chojiro Kitoaji vs. Masutaro Kataoka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] Kitoaji spent the first part of the match trying to ground the veteran, hoping to take away his surprising agility, but failed in doing so when he was floored by a clothesline from Kataoka. Masutaro quickly followed up with a leg drop to the throat and then an elbow drop right to the gut of Kitoaji, knocking the air out of the youngster. He then went for the pin, but Kitoaji kicked out just in time, and Kataoka pulled him up to his feet in frustration. He did it too slowly however, as Kitoaji was able to break away and boot the veteran in the gut and then drove him into the mat with a spinebuster. He went for the cover himself this time, but the veteran kicked out, which Kitoaji suspected, and the youngster quickly locked Kataoka in a side headlock, before transitioning into a grounded hammerlock. Chojiro then did something unexpected when he placed his foot on the arm and stood up, and then drove his elbow right into the joint, causing Kataoka to scream out in pain. Kitoaji spent the rest of the match trying to keep control of this momentum, but Kataoka managed to fight back from the pain, and managed to catch Kitoaji with the Flying Forearm after being whipped off of the ropes, and got the victory. Chojiro was visibly upset at his loss, while Masutaro headed to the back in triumph. [b]Winner:[/b] Masutaro Kataoka by pinfall in 9:35 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Masaru Ugaki vs. Ryoma Muruyama Non-Title[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] Ryoma managed to get control in the early goings, knocking Ugaki off of his feet with a dropkick, and then a flip senton. He tried to go for the early cover, but Ugaki pushed him off right away, and scurried up to his feet. Ryoma tried to go for a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors, but Masaru countered by using Ryoma’s momentum against him and flinging him into the corner. Ryoma’s head bounced off of the turnbuckles, and Masaru dominated for a short while after that, constantly focusing on the head and throat of Ryoma, at one point dropping Ryoma’s neck onto the ropes. Ugaki then tried to go for a series of Jumping Knee Drops to the throat, but Ryoma rolled out of the way of the first, and then connected with an enziguri that knocked Ugaki down to the mat. Ryoma then promptly jumped up to the top rope, and waited for Ugaki to get up. When he did, Ryoma leapt off and connected with a massive Cross Body, and almost got the three count, but Masaru kicked out just in time. Masaru then managed to get control of the match again after nailing a back suplex, and then brought an end to the match shortly afterwards with the Ugaki Clutch when he reversed a Wheelbarrow Suplex attempt. Ryoma had nowhere to go, and tapped out rapidly. [b]Winner:[/b] Masaru Ugaki by submission in 9:55 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] PROUD Exile vs. Bryan Holmes [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] Exile came out to some new cheers from the audience, and he seemed to benefit a lot from it, as he brought a new fire to his usual routine. Holmes managed to ground the smaller worker in the early goings, but got nailed with a Float Over Head Scissors that flipped him over, and that allowed Exile to recover for a little bit. When he saw Holmes was getting up to his feet, Exile charged towards him and dropkicked him in the head before he could do so. He then went for the cover, but Holmes kicked out just before the two count. Holmes then fought back and dominated the smaller wrestler, throwing him around the ring, and at one point he nailed a running heel kick to the face, something we rarely see him do, before taking the match back to the mat. Exile once again showed off his skill when he went hold for hold with Holmes, and this resulted in a stand off between the two before long. Exile then took Holmes down again with agile moves, but Holmes managed to fight back one more time, and nailed the Cyclone Shock Kick when Exile came running towards him, causing him to flip over. Holmes then made the cover and got the victory. [b]Winners:[/b] Bryan Holmes by pinfall in 15:22 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Noriyori Sanda vs. SUKI #1 Contendership for Historical Japan Championship 15 Minute Time Limit[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] These two put on a classic that many people will never forget, despite being given such a short time. Sanda originally used his size advantage over SUKI, but he was eventually out manoeuvred by SUKI, and found himself on the defensive. SUKI brought his A-game to this match, and never let up on his assault. At one time, Sanda was attempting to connected with the Sanda Series, and SUKI took the first two kicks, but moved out of the way of the final leaping kick, and locked Sanda in a tight grapevine when he hit the mat. Sanda struggled for a little while, and fought out of the hold, getting back up to a kneeling position. SUKI locked him in a headlock to try and regain control, but found himself elbowed three times in the gut, and then the final leaping kick from the Sanda Series out of nowhere, knocking him right down to the mat. Sanda then went up top, aiming for the Dynamo Flying Elbow, but SUKI got up, and Sanda stopped when he realised. SUKI ran towards Sanda, trying to knock the rising star off the top, but got floored by a Spinning Back Elbow right to the jaw. Both men continued fighting for a long time, with each escaping/blocking or moving out of the way of each other’s finishers. In the last few moments before the time limit expired, both men tried one more time to go for their finishers, with Sanda breaking out of the Mountain SUKI, and tried to go for the Vortex Crush, but had that reversed into a Sunset Flip. He kicked out just in time, and the bell sounded to signal a draw, much to the disappointment of the fans. But they stood on their feet nonetheless in appreciation. [b]Winner:[/b] Draw at 15:00 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Akinori Kwakami vs. Lee Bennett[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/LeeBennett.jpg[/IMG] Kwakami and Bennett instantly tried to dominate the early goings using their strongest areas, the mat for Kwakami and straight out brawling for Lee, but they ended up in a stalemate, with neither man being able to gain control for a long enough time for it to matter. Kwakami looked to get it after a Full Nelson Slam followed by a chinlock, but Lee escaped it and floored Kwakami with a running boot to the face and then delivered a jumping splash to Kwakami before making the cover, but only got a two. Kwakami then desperately tried to steal control, but Lee managed to somehow keep control of it, using big moves whenever it seemed like Kwakami was going to break free. One such time was when Lee whipped Kwakami into the ropes, but Akinori jumped over a clothesline attempt. Lee quickly kicked Kwakami in the back and then in the chest, making sure he kept hold of the momentum. After a lot more trading of momentum, Lee managed to boot Kwakami and went for the Return Ticket, but Kwakami countered it into the Locomotion Knee Breakers, seemingly shattering Lee’s knee. Kwakami got a little too confident however, and got driven into the mat when he let down his guard for one moment with the Return Ticket, a Double Arm DDT, and Lee rolled him over for the cover, and got the revengeful cover, making the two teams 1-1, adding to the tension. [b]Winner:[/b] Lee Bennett by pinfall in 16:48 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Dread vs. Bryan Vessey[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Dread.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] Dread had not been seen in a while, but was still hugely popular. Vessey came out with a mammoth task ahead of him, down the big man and score the pin. Dread didn’t let him do it easily at all, dominating the smaller man with vicious brawling and powerful suplex variations. At one time during the match, Bryan tried to take the big man off of his feet with a shoulder block, but Dread didn’t go down the first time, so he tried again, only to be floored with a Dread Smack, simply a really hard backhand to the face. Dread remained in control for a little while before going up top, but he took a little too long, as Vessey quickly rushed up to him and flung him down to the mat, causing Dread to hit the mat with a huge thud that resounded throughout the arena. Vessey tried to capitalise on this with brawls and mat wrestling, and he succeeded, before trying to go for the Vessey Plex, as Dread easily resisted, then reversed, the move. Dread began to get pumped and stomped his feet on the ground, and Vessey slowly stood up in the corner, and was promptly flattened by a Onrushing Terror, a high velocity corner splash. Dread wasn’t done, and he waited for Vessey to get up, and when he did, booted him in the gut and then drove him into the mat at a sick angle with the Dread Bomb. He made the cover, and Vessey was seemingly out from the impact, and so couldn’t kick out. [b]Winner:[/b] Dread by pinfall in 14:35 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Mito Miwa vs. Yoshimi Musashibo Non-Title[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] Miwa and Musashibo just stared at each other for a very long time during the opening part of the bout, as each was waiting for the other to make the first mistake. Both men went for a punch, and both connected. The two men then began to brawl across the ring, ending in Miwa whipping Musashibo across the ring, and floored him with a double axe handle when he came back. He went for an elbow drop, but Yoshimi moved, and went for an elbow of his own, but Miwa moved this time. Both men stood up and had another staredown, broken by Yoshimi clotheslining the champ down to the mat. Yoshimi then began to pick apart the champ with several arm bar variations aimed at weakening Miwa up for the Yoshimi Lock, but the champ showed his resilience by not giving in to any of the holds, and fought his way back up to standing. Yoshimi was worried about Miwa gaining momentum, and whipped him across the ring. When he came back, Yoshimi tried to go for a discus clothesline, but in mid-swing he was driven head-first into the mat with a bulldog from Miwa. Mito then pulled Yoshimi up and went for the Amphora Clutch Bomb, a Full Nelson Bomb, but Yoshimi countered mid-move into an armbar takedown. Miwa clawed his way over to the ropes and forced Yoshimi to break the lock, and got a Kesagiri to the back of his head in return. Musashibo pulled Miwa up to his feet and whipped him into the corner. When the champ hit the turnbuckles, Yoshimi charged toward him and elbowed him in the side of the head, and then unloaded with Machine Gun Kesagiri. Miwa stumbled forward out of the corner afterwards, and fell flat on his face. Yoshimi went for the Yoshimi Lock, but he was too close to the ropes. The rest of the match was full of big moves and several near falls, which had the crowd on the edge of their seats. Yoshimi caused his own loss it would seem, as he tried to go for the Yoshimi Explosion ’02, but Miwa countered into the Amphora Clutch Suplex ’05, a Full Nelson Suplex done incredibly quickly, dropping Yoshimi right on his head. Miwa bridged for the cover, and he got the victory, as well as the lead of their feud so far. [b]Winners:[/b] Mito Miwa by pinfall in 25:19 [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: Another good show and some of the major storylines are hopefully coming to fruition. Sanda vs. SUKI was hands down the biggest surprise of the night in terms of ratings. I am beyond myself with happiness that we are able to pull of A* matches on pretty much a weekly basis.[/i] [i]Comments are greatly appreciated due to the recent change in writing style.[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] Another great night for PGHW. News on the International Tag Title contendership is that Kataoka, due to beating Chojiro Kitoaji, has once again declined defending the belts. Management have begun to get annoyed with them, and have order a #1 Contenders 3-Way Tag Team match to determine who will challenge for the belts at Night of FEROCITY. We are going to see Akinori Kwakami in action against his mentor Danger Kumasaka in a true battle of technicians. He will be attempting to make up for his loss against Lee Bennett last show, speaking of Team Toronto, will they make an appearance? In terms of new workers, Sam Keith has inked a permanent deal with PGHW for 18 months, and will make his full debut on this next show, in a match against William Hayes. [u]DREAM Tour Show #7[/u] [I]3-Way Tag Team #1 Contendership for International Tag Titles[/I] Yasuda & Kitoaji vs. Muruyama & Seiji Jimbo vs. Shiga & Yoemon [I]Singles[/I] Sam Keith vs. William Hayes [I]Singles[/I] Joshua Taylor vs. Noriyori Sanda [I]If Sanda wins, he gets put in the Historical Japan title match.[/I] [I]Singles[/I] PROUD Exile vs. SUKI [I]If SUKI wins, he gets a place in the title match at Night of FEROCITY.[/I] [I]Singles[/I] Bryan Holmes vs. Washi Heat [I]Will Heat continue his winning streak?[/I] [I]Singles[/I] Akinori Kwakami vs. Danger Kumasaka [I]Singles[/I] Yoshimi Musashibo vs. Bryan Vessey [I]Mito Miwa has order for this match, to see Yoshimi prove himself followed his loss.[/I] [I]Predictions always welcome [/I] [/CENTER]
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Yasuda & Kitoaji vs. [B]Muruyama & Seiji Jimbo[/B] vs. Shiga & Yoemon [I]It's one of those stick a pin in any of them sort of matches[/I] [B]Sam Keith[/B] vs. William Hayes [I]No way Keith loses on his debut[/I] Joshua Taylor vs.[B] Noriyori Sanda[/B] [I]Sanda wins to set up a 3-way for the Historic Japan[/I] PROUD Exile vs. [B]SUKI[/B] [I]And like-wise so does SUKI[/I] Bryan Holmes vs. [B]Washi Heat[/B] [I]It appears you are giving Heat a push, so I see his momentum continuing[/I] [B]Akinori Kwakami[/B] vs. Danger Kumasaka [I]At near pensionable age Kumasaka, should only really be getting wins over 'young lions' lacking in the respect stat these days.[/I] [B]Yoshimi Musashibo[/B] vs. Bryan Vessey [I]Musashibo wins to continue his rivalry with Miwa[/I]
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[center][b][u]DREAM Tour #7[/u][/b] Friday, Week 4, December 2009 Held in front of 5,000 fans at the Osaka Athletic Stadium in Kinki [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Masaru Ugaki vs. Morimasa Kato [/u] [i]Both men put on a great technical match, but Ugaki steals the victory with the Ugaki Clutch.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Masaru Ugaki by submission. [b]B[/b] [u]Match 2: White Samurai vs. Kozue Kawashima[/u] [i]Kozue dominates in an amazingly good match, winning with a K-Killer.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kozue Kawashima by pinfall [b]A[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Yasuda & Kitoaji vs. Muruyama & Jimbo vs. Shiga & Yoemon #1 Contendership for the PGHW International Tag Championships[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GCG%20Special%20Appearances/SeijiJimbo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasayukiShiga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/StrongStyleYoemon.jpg[/IMG] Yasuda started off against Jimbo and Shiga, and gave up some size to both the others, but made up for it by using his agility to take down the veteran Shiga. Jimbo intervened however, and clotheslined Yasuda to the floor when Tetsunori tried to follow up, and then went for the cover on Yasuda. Shiga got up and broke the cover, and pulled Jimbo up to his feet. He then whipped the youngster strongly into the corner, and then whipped Yasuda into the corner too. Shiga stomped his feet before running towards the corner, only to crash into the turnbuckles when Yasuda & Jimbo moved out of the way. Yasuda and Jimbo the teamed up to whip Shiga into the ropes and floored him with a Double Clothesline, followed by a Double Elbow to the gut afterwards. It didn’t last long, and Jimbo caught Yasuda off guard by driving Yasuda into the mat with a brain buster. Jimbo then tagged out to Muruyama, but this killed his team’s momentum dead, as when Ryoma leapt into the ring, he found himself on the mat after a punch from Shiga. The veteran pulled Ryoma up to his feet, booted him in the gut and then planted him with a powerbomb, only to be kicked in the head by Yasuda afterwards. The rest of the match followed that routine, being a very even match, only ending when Kitoaji, who had been tagged in, threw Jimbo, who had been tagged back in, into his partner Ryoma. He then stalked a downed Shiga, and when he got up to both feet, floored the veteran with the Kitoaji Lariat for the second week in a row, and made the cover, with Yasuda coming into the ring to stop Yoemon, who hadn’t seen much action, from interfering. [b]Winners:[/b] Yasuda & Kitoaji by pinfall on Masayuki Shiga by Chojiro Kitoaji in 8:36 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Sam Keith vs. William Hayes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GCG%20Special%20Appearances/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] Keith came down to the ring to a huge ovation, as the fans were ecstatic to see him back in PGHW, and he seemed very confident. Hayes looked more c0cky than ever, as he felt Keith, an old man in his eyes, would be easy to beat. Keith showed him different however, keeping the youngster grounded and preventing him from gaining any sort of momentum. Hayes tried to break this control over him with a suplex to the veteran, but Keith reversed it into a suplex of his own. The veteran then began to work on the legs and back of Hayes, setting him up for the Proton Lock. Hayes finally managed to fight his way back into the match when he reversed a side headlock attempt and put Keith in a hammerlock, and then drove his knee into the shoulder of the veteran several times. When he was done, Keith was rolling around holding his arm in pain. Hayes used this to his advantage, keeping control of the match by always focusing a move on Keith’s shoulder, as he would stop the veteran from getting any momentum. However, it was not to last, as Keith overcame the pain and drove Hayes into the mat with a DDT near the end of the match, and drove his knee into the neck of the youngster as revenge, before swiftly locking him in the Proton Lock, causing the fans to explode in applause. Hayes flailed wildly, before quickly tapping out in pain. [b]Winner:[/b] Sam Keith by submission in 14:35 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Joshua Taylor vs. Noriyori Sanda [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] Taylor brought everything he had to this match, as he wanted to prove himself to the masses and management by taking Sanda out of title contention. Unluckily for him, Sanda also brought his A-game, and it was just a little bit better than Taylor’s. To start off, both men traded blows before Sanda hit a sick arc kick to the temple of Taylor, spinning him around from the impact. He then went up top and hit a diving leg drop before going for the pin, but Taylor kicked out just in time. Sanda then took the match to the mat, aiming to outwrestle Josh, but the young gaijin escaped Sanda’s first hold and floored the rising star with a clothesline. Taylor then remained in control for a little while, and almost put Sanda away with a quick Stitch In Time, but Sanda kicked out a millisecond before the three count, saving his title chances. Taylor was understandably angry, and pummelled Sanda into the mat, but got a little too angry, as Sanda was able to escape him and dropkick him in the back of the head, followed by a Flip Senton, landing on the back of Josh. Sanda then remained in control for pretty much the rest of the match, with Josh making occasional comebacks, using big moves, but Sanda eventually managed to win the match after escaping a second Stitch In Time attempt and driving Taylor into the mat with a Diving Reverse DDT, and then connected with the Dynamo Flying Elbow. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyori Sanda by pinfall in 13:17 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] PROUD Exile vs. SUKI[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] Exile was eager to win this match in order to get back on track, but SUKI proved too much for him in the early goings, surprising the more experienced Exile with his agility. Exile managed to take control of the match about half way through however, when he connected with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker to SUKI, and went for the cover. SUKI kicked out, but it was clear Exile was now in control. He then took to the air, connecting with a Springboard Corkscrew Splash, and going for the cover once again. SUKI kicked out again, but this time he leapt up to his feet, and booted Exile in the gut, causing him to double over. SUKI then jumped up and drove his knees into the face of Exile, sending the older star flying backwards. SUKI used his knees a lot throughout the match, driving them into the head, gut, neck and back of Exile, intent on destroying him, as he was potentially in his way for a title shot. Exile regained control later on, this time he reversed a snap suplex attempt into a flip hurracanrana, making SUKI land right on his head. Exile kept hold of the match for a little while after, but SUKI once again stole it away from him when he hit a double knee face buster, and then stalked the veteran. When Exile got up to his feet, SUKI booted him in the gut and nailed the Mountain SUKI, and made the cover, getting the victory, and securing his place in the Historical Japan title match at Night of FEROCITY. [b]Winner:[/b] SUKI by pinfall in 12:14 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Bryan Holmes vs. Washi Heat[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WashiHeat.jpg[/IMG] Holmes and Heat were very evenly matched, with their skills being very well rounded. Holmes was only slightly better in terms of consistency, but that didn’t matter, as this was an all-out brawl-fest. The match stared with the two pummelling away at each other, trying to gain control, and when each realised that was leading nowhere, they pulled apart and had a staredown. They then charged in again, except they were both going for a clothesline, and they collided in the middle of the ring and knocked each out down to the mat. The referee began to count, but both men were up by five and began to brawl some more. Heat managed to gain the first complete control when he drove Holmes into the mat with an STO, and then delivered a jumping elbow drop to the chest of the veteran before going for the cover, only to have Holmes kick out before two. Heat took the match to the mat next, but ended up in a stalemate there when Holmes went hold for hold with him. They wrestled their way up to standing, and Holmes then took the match with several suplexes and strikes. Heat only just managed to withstand the assault long enough to duck under a clothesline attempt and then boot Holmes in the gut. He then flung the veteran overhead with the Washi Explosion and hooked the leg, getting the ‘upset’ victory over Holmes. [b]Winner:[/b] Washi Heat by pinfall in 13:59 [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Akinori Kwakami vs. Danger Kumasaka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/DangerKumasaka.jpg[/IMG] This match was a technical showcase if we ever saw one. Kwakami and Kumasaka started off trying to hit arm drags, but were initially unsuccessful until Kwakami punched Kumasaka before throwing the veteran overhead with a huge arm drag, and kept hold of the arm to lock him in an arm bar. Kumasaka showed his experience when he fought his way back up to standing, and then did the same to Kwakami. Akinori swiftly repeated what his mentor did, but got floored with a stiff short-arm clothesline right to the throat, as Kumasaka had been expecting him to do so. Kumasaka then stretched out Kwakami’s arm on the floor before repeatedly driving his knee right into the elbow. Akinori yelled out in pain, but Kumasaka didn’t let up, and hit a leg drop to the elbow as well. He let go of the limb this time, and Kwakami withdrew his arm and rolled out of the ring to recover. Kumasaka followed him out, but was caught off guard by a flurry of punches, albeit using one arm, from Kwakami followed by a rarely seen dropkick. Kwakami rolled into the ring while Kumasaka lay on the outside, and it almost seemed like he would win by count out when the veteran rolled back in. Kumasaka tried to go back on the offensive, but Kwakami had recovered and floored him with a back elbow, followed by a snap driving elbow to the gut. Akinori then pulled the veteran up to his feet, booted him in the gut and then connected with a Knee Breaker, as well as two more for good measure. Kumasaka fell to the floor and clutched his leg, allowing Kwakami to catch him off guard with an elbow to the bad knee, followed by the Kwakami Painlock out of nowhere! Kumasaka fought for a very long time, making sure tapping out was the only option, trying to get to all the ropes etc., but eventually gave in and tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Akinori Kwakami by submission in 12:57 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Yoshimi Musashibo vs. Bryan Vessey[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] Musashibo was full of concentration for this match, as he had to prove himself to Miwa, although he didn’t feel he did, due to his loss on the last show in a non-title match. Vessey looked very confident heading into this match as well, as it was his first attempt to truly break into the main event. Both men started the match by trading holds, as both are very technically skilled, but it was Yoshimi who got the first chance when he tackled Bryan to the mat and locked him in a body scissors. Bryan forced Yoshimi’s legs apart however, and Musashibo had to club Bryan in the back of the head to stop him taking control. Yoshimi then got up to his feet, but found himself snapped over with a snap suplex, hitting the mat with a loud thud. Bryan then made the cover, trying to capitalise on the shock, but Yoshimi kicked out before the referee had even gotten into position. Vessey stomped on Yoshimi’s head and pulled him up to his feet, only to be shoved away by the Technical Assassin. Bryan tried to spear Yoshimi to the mat, but he found himself planted into the mat with a DDT instead when Yoshimi countered at the very last moment. Yoshimi then made the cover, and looked to get the easy victory, until Vessey kicked out just after the two. He then pulled Bryan up to his feet, and went for a delayed suplex, but Vessey countered it into a neckbreaker, turning the tide of the match. Bryan then unloaded with several punches right to the skull of Yoshimi, only backing away when the referee forced him to. Yoshimi staggered up to his feet, but was able to duck a clothesline, and connected with a back elbow and a neckbreaker of his own, regaining control of the match again. He then pulled Bryan up to his feet and booted him in the gut before going for the Musashibo-Plex I, and he got full momentum behind the lift, bringing Vessey crashing down to the mat. The rest of the match was full of swift changes of momentum, with each man going for a cover before losing control to his opponent. The match came in amazing fashion, when Vessey had just floored Yoshimi with a Vessey Line out of nowhere, but decided to truly prove he was better than Yoshimi by going for the Vessey Plex, a spinning Explosion Suplex. Unluckily, Yoshimi countered it mid-move and drove Bryan into the mat with the Yoshimi Explosion ’02, and made the cover unlike Bryan, bringing an end to a fantastic match. [b]Winner:[/b] Yoshimi Musashibo by pinfall in 27:58 [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: Yet another great show, and a great way to end 2009. The end of year awards will be posted next, and I am quite surprised by the recipients.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] A fantastic way to finish off a great 2009 for PGHW. Yasuda & Kitoaji have gotten their match against Kataoka & Owusu at Night of FEROCITY, and we also learned it will be Noriyori Sanda vs. SUKI vs. Shingen Miyazaki for the PGHW Historical Japan title as well. With that said, we have only two weeks before the big event, and two shows to get through. However, we shall go over the end of year awards, except for Promotion of the Year and Improved Promotion of the year, as they were not awarded: [U][B]Wrestler of the Year Award[/B][/U] Sensational Ogiwara for her performances in 5SSW. [I]Comments: Fair enough choice, but I was expecting one of ours due to the performances. I guess some people just didn't have enough appearances, the minimum being 10.[/I] [U][B]Veteran Wrestler of the Year Award[/B][/U] Junnosuke Fukazawa [I]Comments: He deserves it to be honest, he helped build GCG up to Cult level with his year long reign as World Champ from June 2008 to June 2009, and had constantly great matches during.[/I] [U][B]Young Wrestler of the Year Award[/B][/U] Chojiro Kitoaji [I]Comments: YES! I bet it would have been SUKI if he was one year younger, but Kitoaji has earned this spot with his consistency.[/I] [U][B]Female Wrestler of the Year Award[/B][/U] Thunder Hike [I]Comments: Ok....so Sensational Ogiwara is Wrestler of the Year, but not Female Wrestler of the Year?....Hike has impressed however, so she was most likely deserving.[/I] [U][B]Match of the Year Award[/B][/U] Yoshimi Musashibo defeated Bryan Vessey at PGHW Dream Tour Show #7. [I]Comments: Fantastic, the final match for PGHW of 2009 ends up as match of the year. I will definitely be in talks with management about the future of these two.[/I] [U][B]Card of the Year Award[/B][/U] PGHW Night of WRESTLING [I]Comments: Wow, three awards. Night of WRESTLING was a very solid A, I would assume almost A* card, so I am very happy that it got Card of the Year, as I would have chosen both it and all the cards after it haha.[/I] [B][U]Top 100 Wrestlers - Top 20[/U][/B] 1. Yoshimi Musashibo 2. Bryan Vessey 3. SUKI 4. Kozue Kawashima 5. Noriyori Sanda 6. Joshua Taylor 7. Chojiro Kitoaji 8. Shingen Miyazaki 9. Washi Heat 10. Hiroyasu Gakusha (GCG) 11. Ryoma Muruyama 12. Tetsunori Yasuda 13. Washichi Inao (GCG) 14. Jimmy Cox (GCG) 15. Bairei Yasujiro (GCG) 16. Junnosuke Fukazawa (GCG) 17. Pistol Pete Hall (GCG) 18. Eagle Kawasawa (GCG, INSPIRE & WLW) 19. Sensational Ogiwara (5SSW) 20. Thunder Hike (5SSW) Other PGHW Rankings: William Hayes (No.21), Hirokazu Yamanoue (No.23), Masaru Ugaki (No.26), Bryan Holmes (No.29), Billy Russell (No.62), Sam Keith (No.75), Akinori Kwakami (No.89). [I]Comments: The Top 9 are completely ours, with only the GCG Champ taking No.10 to misplace one of our people. I'm pretty impressed with all the awards, as well as our places in the Top 100.[/I] Now, onto the next card for the show, and what a blockbuster it could be: [U][B]DREAM Tour Show #8[/B][/U] [I]Tag Team Non-Title[/I] Yasuda & Kitoaji vs. Kataoka & Owusu [I]Can Yasuda & Kitoaji upset the champs in a non-title match early on?[/I] [I]Singles[/I] Ryoma Muruyama vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Singles[/I] William Hayes vs. Bussho Makiguchi (WLW) [I]Singles[/I] Sam Keith vs. Joshua Taylor [I]Singles[/I] Kozue Kawashima vs. Lee Bennett [I]A match to see who is better one-on-one[/I] [I]Singles[/I] Buddy Garner vs. Shuji Inukai [I]Singles Non-Title[/I] Mito Miwa vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [I]Yoshimi challenged Miwa to face his old friend tonight to show Yoshimi he was worthy of facing such a great talent. Can Miwa come away with the win? Or will Tatsuko upset the champ?[/I] [I]Predictions always welcome[/I][/center]
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[B]Yasuda & Kitoaji[/B] vs. Kataoka & Owusu [I]Yasuda & Kitoaji have to win to make them look genuine contenders for when they do challenge for the titles. [/I] [B]Ryoma Muruyama[/B] vs. Roku Sotomura [B]William Hayes[/B] vs. Bussho Makiguchi (WLW) [I]Bussho who ?[/I] [B]Sam Keith[/B] vs. Joshua Taylor [I]Keith is not going to lose to a lower level Gaijin talent.[/I] [B]Kozue Kawashima[/B] vs. Lee Bennett [I]Kawashima is part of the long term future of PGHW, Bennett though a solid veteran is probably not.[/I] Buddy Garner vs. [B]Shuji Inukai[/B] [I]Garner is a solid Gaijin but Inukai seems to be one of your aces right now.[/I] [B]Mito Miwa[/B] vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [I]Tough one to call, but you've already had the non title earlier in the show, so I'll go for Miwa to show why he's the champion in this one.[/I]
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[center][b][u]DREAM Tour #5 [/u][/b] Friday, Week 1, January 2010 Held in front of 5,000 fans at the Akita Stadium in Tohoku [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Bryan Vessey vs. Toki Ubota[/u] [i]Toki, a very talented randomly generated worker, puts on a good debut match alongside Vessey, but ultimately loses following a Vessey Line.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Bryan Vessey by pinfall [b]B[/b] [u]Match 2: Kimitada Yanagita & Namboku Makuda (GCG) vs. Washi Heat & PROUD Exile[/u] [i]Heat and Exile take the GCG invaders to school, ending the match with an Exile Driver to Makuda.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Heat & Exile by pinfall on Namboku Makuda by PROUD Exile [b]C[/b] [u]Match 3: Hirokazu Yamanoue vs. Seiji Jimbo[/u] [i]Jimbo puts away the veteran in his last appearance with us using the Jimbo Driver.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Seiji Jimbo by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Tetsunori Yasuda & Chojiro Kitoaji vs. Masutaro Kataoka & Kalu Owusu Non-Title[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] Yasuda and Owusu were the first to face off, and Owusu put his power advantage to good use when he drove Yasuda right into the mat with a vicious spinning spinebuster when Yasuda tried to clothesline the champ down to the mat. Yasuda’s head bounced off of the mat, and Owusu unleashed a flurry of punches to the face of Yasuda, before pulling him up to his feet and whipping him into the ropes. Kataoka came in and stomped a mudhole in Yasuda’s gut, and pulled his challenger out of the corner, and went for the cover. Yasuda kicked out however, and began to fight his way back up to his feet, punching the veteran Kataoka in the gut. Yasuda then floored the champ with a dropkick to the face, and ran over to his corner, tagging in Kitoaji, who got a huge cheer when he entered the ring. Kataoka got up to his feet, but was floored by a jumping clothesline, as was Owusu when the big man tried to interfere. Kitoaji was on fire, and charged around the ring, flooring the champs at any time he could, before signalling for the Kitoaji Lariat. He attempted the move when Kataoka got up to his feet, but Owusu ran in front and caught Kitoaji mid-move, before planting him into the mat with the Ivory Coast Driver, a spinning sit-out powerbomb. The rest of the match had the champs in control for a large portion of it, which only ended when Yasuda & Kitoaji hit a Double Flapjack to Kataoka taking him out of the match. Owusu and Yasuda were the legal men, and the end of the match was pretty much filled with brawling between the two. Owusu went for the Ivory Coast Driver a second time, but Yasuda reversed it into a roll-up, and the champ only just kicked out. He quickly got up to his feet, but Yasuda drilled him into the mat again when he connected with the Glorious Experience, a Belly to Back Slam on the big man. He then hooked the leg and got the victory, as well as the momentum heading into next weeks title match. [b]Winners:[/b] Yasuda & Kitoaji in 9:49 by pinfall on Kalu Owusu by Yasuda. [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Ryoma Muruyama vs. Roku Sotomura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] Ryoma put up a tough fight here tonight, knocking down the bigger Roku off of his feet several times. Roku fought back early on against Ryoma’s aerial assault, when he caught a Cross Body attempt and slammed Ryoma into the mat, effectively gaining control. Ryoma was in a lot of pain, and rolled around in pain, but that was only the beginning, as Roku viciously picked apart his back and neck, setting him up for the Twisting Chinlock. Ryoma saw this was coming however, and managed to escape the holds put on him and darted out of the ring to escape. Roku tried to follow him out, but got a high elevation dropkick to the head when he lent through the ropes. Ryoma then stayed in control for a little while, at one moment he pulled off a spinning elbow smash to the face of Roku, toppling the technician, and then went for the cover, but Roku kicked out at two. Ryoma tried to follow up on his advantage, but he eventually began to tire, and Roku caught him out when Ryoma tried to go for a float over DDT, instead countering and driving Ryoma into the mat with a neckbreaker. He then went back to working on the neck of Ryoma, and this ended up helping him towards the end of the match, as Ryoma fell prey to the Twisting Chinlock, and had nowhere to go but tap out to it, giving Roku the win. [b]Winner:[/b] Roku Sotomura by submission in 12:23 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] William Hayes vs. Bussho Makiguchi [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BusshoMakiguchi.jpg[/IMG] Bussho, a protégé of PRIDE Koiso, was eager to prove himself in this match, as it was his first in a PGHW ring. Hayes was just as eager to end Bussho’s career. The two were pretty much evenly matched, except for Hayes being slightly better-rounded, and that showed, as Hayes was just that bit further ahead than Bussho, stopping the youngster from gaining any sort of momentum. The first part of the match was full of technical spots, with Hayes mainly dominating, but with Bussho catching Hayes off guard a couple of times as well. Bussho then took control of the match during the middle stages, hitting a front suplex and just generally striking Hayes across the jaw with punches and then stomping wildly on the gaijin’s stomach and chest. Bussho then tried to pull Hayes up to his feet, but failed to do it quick enough, and as a result, Hayes threw him overhead with a snap suplex, followed by a jumping leg drop right to the throat. Hayes then made a throat cutting gesture and pulled Bussho up to his feet, and booted him in the gut before placing Bussho on his shoulders, facing the mat. Hayes then leapt and twisted into the air, while also flinging Bussho to the side, bringing the WLW invader crashing to the mat with a Sit-Out Powerslam. He called this move the End of the Line, and he merely placed his hands on Bussho’s shoulders, and due to the impact of the move, got the victory in convincing fashion. [b]Winner:[/b] William Hayes by pinfall in 12:56 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Sam Keith vs. Joshua Taylor[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GCG%20Special%20Appearances/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] Sam was not himself tonight it would seem, probably due to personal problems, but he just didn’t seem to bring his A-game. Taylor looked impressive however, as he gained control of the veteran in the early goings, and began to lock Keith in several submission holds. This was a mistake however, as Keith suddenly flowed with energy and escaped a hold with ferocity before getting up to his feet. Taylor tried to clothesline him to the mat, but Keith ducked it and caught Taylor in a front slam, driving the youngster into the mat. He made the cover, only to have Josh kicked out at two. Sam then began to weaken up the youngster, particularly the neck and legs for the Proton Lock. Josh was fully aware he would do this it would seem, and he went hold for hold with the veteran on the mat trying to get away. Keith still managed to keep control when he elbowed Josh in the back of the head. He then pulled Josh to his feet before sending him to the mat again with a suplex. He tried for the cover again, and yet again Josh kicked out. Keith spent the rest of the match in this fashion, trying to destroy the youngster, only to have Josh come back for more. In the end however, Keith still emerged victorious when he slapped the Proton Lock on Josh after planting him with a DDT, and Taylor swiftly tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Sam Keith by submission in 10:54 [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Kozue Kawashima vs. Lee Bennett[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/LeeBennett.jpg[/IMG] Both men brought everything they had, as this was pretty much the last chance before Night of FEROCITY to get momentum heading into their title match. Lee surprised the crowd when he dominated Kozue in the early going, pummelling him into the mat with vicious shots, followed by a knee to the temple. He kept this up for a long time, as Kozue was unable to hold back the assault, until he missed a leg drop when Kozue moved out of the way, and was hit with a basement dropkick as punishment. Kozue went for the cover, but the veteran kicked out right away. Control kept shifting throughout the middle of the match, as neither could gain sufficient momentum to keep control. One such moment was when Lee booted Kozue in the gut and hit a double axe handle to the back, only to have Kozue leap up and connect with the K-Killer, sending the veteran over the ropes, while giving Kozue some recovery time. When Kozue saw Lee getting up, he ran to the ropes and connected with a suicide dive to the veteran. The referee began to count, and both men made it in before the ten count. The rest of the match had Kozue mainly dominating, and he got the victory when he countered a Return Ticket attempt with several kicks to the gut of the veteran, booted Lee in return and then drilled him with the Kawashima Driver 2005. Lee bounced off of the mat, and Kozue hooked the leg and got the victory, gaining a huge amount of momentum. [b]Winner:[/b] Kozue Kawashima by pinfall in 14:57 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Buddy Garner vs. Shuji Inukai[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BuddyGarner.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] Shuji and Buddy had not faced off many times before, but they wrestled so evenly it was as if they had met 100 times before, as both men were able to reverse a lot of the big moves that the other tried. One such time was when Buddy tried to throw Shuji to the mat with a Garner Belly To Belly Takedown, Shuji resisted the throw and clubbed Buddy in the back of the head before he locked in a front facelock. Buddy then punched away at Shuji’s gut, trying to force him to release the hold, but Shuji instead nailed a Twisting Hangman’s Neckbreaker, making Buddy grab his neck in pain. Buddy, despite this pain, managed to fight back, seemingly legitimately attacking Shuji when he tackled the veteran to the mat and punched his face into the mat, and then began to work over the legs of Shuji, most likely for the Garner Tendon Hold. Inukai wasn’t about to give up yet however, and he used his kicks to escape the holds he was placed in before getting up to his feet. Garner went for a spear, but Shuji side stepped it and kicked Buddy in the throat at the same time, taking control of the match. He then began to whittle away at Garner, trying to tire out the vicious superstar. Buddy had seemingly endless supplies of energy however, as he kept coming back for more. This all ended however, when Garner tried to whip Shuji into the ropes for a spinning Powerslam, but Shuji countered the whip, and bounced off the ropes himself. The two men met in the middle of the ring, with Shuji knocking Buddy over with an Untouchable Lariat. He then fell on top of Buddy for the cover, and got the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Shuji Inukai by pinfall in 17:47 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Mito Miwa vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko Non-Title[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] Mito started off the match with a show of respect, extending his hand to Tatsuko, and it was happily shaken. Both men then nodded to each other before charging into a collar and elbow tie up. There was a fairly long, for tie-up standards, struggle for control, until Miwa was able to force Tatsuko down to one knee. He then kneed Tatsuko in the stomach, chest and then in the head, knocking the veteran over. Miwa kept hold of the tie up however, which allowed Tatsuko to power himself back up to his feet, and then forced Miwa down to his knees, only to be headbutted in the stomach, making him double over. Miwa broke the tie up and kicked Tatsuko in the chest, only to get a Tatsuko Sole Kick right to the jaw, sending him flying backwards. Tatsuko made his way over and went for the cover, but Miwa kicked out just after the referee counted to one. Tatsuko then locked Miwa in a side headlock, but got elbowed in the head and rolled away, as that shot really had an impact. He slowly got up to his feet, and was trampled by a running forearm smash. Miwa pulled his opponent back up however, before unloading with four or five consecutive forearms to the face of Tatsuko, rocking the veteran. Miwa then spun around and connected with a Discus Clothesline. He went for the cover, but Tatsuko kicked out just in time. Miwa pulled him up to his feet, booted him in the gut and whipped him into the corner. The rest of the match was entirely open, as even though both men hit big moves, even coming close to hitting their respective finishers, neither man was able to keep constant control. After almost a half hour spectacle, Miwa was preparing for an Amphora Clutch Suplex, but Tatsuko span out of it and went for the Tatsuko Blind Kick. Miwa ducked it just in time, and connected with the Pride Bomber out of nowhere, and made the cover. The fans were on the edge of their seats, and Miwa got the very very hard fought victory. [b]Winners:[/b] Mito Miwa by pinfall in 26:53 [b]B+[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] B+ [i]Main Feelings: Disappointing Main Event, as I was expecting at least an A from two men of the calibre of Miwa and Tatsuko. Keith is also letting us down, he is actually performing poorly against better workers than Tetsunori Yasuda, something I don’t understand.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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Really good stuff here. I love the C-Verse Puro scene, so this was a top priority for me to reply to. Now. Miwa / Tatsuko should have been at least an A. But that seems to be the pattern in PGHW sometimes. Wrestlers like Musashibo or Eisaku Kumomasu should be putting on A* matches. But if you put on too many good matches before the main event, the crowd may end up burned out. So maybe you could set the match before the last one to work the crowd? It could keep the crowd's reaction high, for a great main event. Looking forward to more!
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[CENTER] [I]Thanks for the compliment Beezer, always great to have readers. I will definitely try to go for that working the crowd with the final match, and see if it helps[/I] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] A strong show for us, with Miwa remaining strong heading into Night of FEROCITY, and Kozue Kawashima gaining momentum heading into his title match alongside Akinori Kwakami at the event as well. On the final show before Night of FEROCITY however, all the challengers will be facing other challengers. Noriyori Sanda, contender for the Historical Japan Championship, will be in action against Akinori Kwakami. And SUKI, another contender for the Historical championship, will face Kozue Kawashima. Mito Miwa and Buddy Garner will also be tagging up to face their respective opponents Yoshimi Musashibo and Shuji Inukai. Who will gain the big advantage? Kataoka & Owusu will also be facing off with Shiga & Yoemon as a warm up match. Sam Keith will be tagging up with his son Greg as well to face his recent opponents Joshua Taylor & William Hayes. [u]DREAM Tour Show #8[/u] [I]Singles #1 Contendership for International Championship[/I] Masaru Ugaki vs. Roku Sotomura [I]Both men have wins over the champ Ryoma Muruyama, who will get the shot?[/I] [I]Tag Team Non-Title[/I] Team Power Experience (Kataoka & Owusu) vs. Masayuki Shiga & Strong Style Yoemon [I]Tag Team[/i] Sam Keith & Greg Keith vs. Joshua Taylor & William Hayes [I]Singles[/I] Akinori Kwakami vs. Noriyori Sanda [I]Singles[/I] Kozue Kawashima vs. SUKI [I]Singles[/I] Raymond Diaz vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [I]Tag Team[/I] Mito Miwa & Buddy Garner vs. Team Dynasty 2000 (Yoshimi Musashibo & Shuji Inukai) [I]Predictions always welcome [/I] [/CENTER]
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[B]Masaru Ugaki [/B]vs. Roku Sotomura [B]Team Power Experience (Kataoka & Owusu)[/B] vs. Masayuki Shiga & Strong Style Yoemon [B]Sam Keith & Greg Keith[/B] vs. Joshua Taylor & William Hayes [B]Akinori Kwakami [/B]vs. Noriyori Sanda Kozue Kawashima vs. [B]SUKI[/B] Raymond Diaz vs. [B]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B] Mito Miwa & Buddy Garner vs. [B]Team Dynasty 2000 (Yoshimi Musashibo & Shuji Inukai)[/B]
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Masaru Ugaki vs. [B]Roku Sotomura[/B] [I]One of those toss a coin matches[/I] [B]Team Power Experience (Kataoka & Owusu)[/B] vs. Masayuki Shiga & Strong Style Yoemon [I]I'm going with the team that has a name[/I] [B]Sam Keith & Greg Keith[/B] vs. Joshua Taylor & William Hayes [I]The father and son pairing get the job done, though Keith senior has been a little disappointing so far, I still think he'll take his first loss to either an established main eventer or an up-coming homegrown talent[/I] Akinori Kwakami vs. [B]Noriyori Sanda[/B] [I]Sanda's the one going after singles gold, so needs to look the stronger in this match up[/I] Kozue Kawashima vs. [B]SUKI[/B] [I]Likewise with SUKI[/I] Raymond Diaz vs. [B]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B] [I]Tatsuko just seems to be in that tier above the likes of Diaz[/I] Mito Miwa & Buddy Garner vs. [B]Team Dynasty 2000 (Yoshimi Musashibo & Shuji Inukai)[/B] [I]It's Team Dynasty 2000, when they decide to get together, they can be an unstoppable unit. [/I]
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DREAM Tour Show #8 Singles #1 Contendership for International Championship Masaru Ugaki vs. [B]Roku Sotomura[/B] Both men have wins over the champ Ryoma Muruyama, who will get the shot? [I]Sotomura's just feels like the winner to me, could be Ugaki easily.[/I] Tag Team Non-Title [B]Team Power Experience (Kataoka & Owusu)[/B] vs. Masayuki Shiga & Strong Style Yoemon [I]I'm with Tigerkinney, if there's a named team, they usually win.[/I] Tag Team [B]Sam Keith & Greg Keith[/B] vs. Joshua Taylor & William Hayes [I]I'm doing this for Greg Keith, a man who really has a future here. And Sam's still deserves another chance.[/I] Singles Akinori Kwakami vs. [B]Noriyori Sanda[/B] [I]I just love Sanda frankly.[/I] Singles Kozue Kawashima vs. [B]SUKI[/B] [I]SUKI's on a hot streak, therefore he wins here.[/I] Singles Raymond Diaz vs. [B]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B] [I]Despite Diaz's newfound talent, Tatsuko's still a PGHW superstar.[/I] Tag Team Mito Miwa & Buddy Garner vs. [B]Team Dynasty 2000 (Yoshimi Musashibo & Shuji Inukai)[/B] [I]Once again with Tigerkinney, a Dynasty 2000 apperance has to be special. So they beat Garner & Miwa here.[/I]
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[center][b][u]DREAM Tour #8 [/u][/b] Thursday, Week 1, January 2010 Held in front of 2,000 fans at the Nagasaki Sports Park in Kyushu [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Ryoma Muruyama vs. White Samurai For the PGHW International Title[/u] [i]Quick needed defence for Ryoma, getting the easy win over Samurai with the Muruyama Launch two minutes in.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Ryoma Muruyama by pinfall. Ryoma Muruyama makes defence number 9 of his PGHW International title. [b]C+[/b] [u]Match 2: Mohamed El Yaaggoudi vs. Washi Heat[/u] [i]Heat continues his undefeated streak.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Washi Heat by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Masaru Ugaki vs. Roku Sotomura #1 Contendership for the PGHW International Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RokuSotomura.jpg[/IMG] Both men are known for their technical skill, and both went right to the mat as soon as the bell rang, trying to get the submission as quickly as possible. Ugaki tried to weaken up the back and neck for Roku, but the tough fighter refused to give up and tried to weaken the head of Ugaki with several chinlocks and knee drops to the skull, gaining control for a short while. Ugaki fought back soon after, getting back to his feet and kicking Roku right in the jaw with an Ugaki Arc Kick, flooring Roku. Ugaki kept control of the match for quite a while, stopping Roku from getting up to his feet with several stiff kicks and elbow drops to the back of the head and neck. Roku eventually got up to his feet however, not giving up just yet, and floored Ugaki with a running clothesline. He went for the cover, but Ugaki kicked out just after the one count. He pulled Ugaki up to his feet and began to brawl with him, but was soon out punched by Ugaki, who had been training, and was then dropped with a leg lariat. Ugaki then booted Roku in the head several times before pulling him up to his feet. He made his first attempt at the Ugaki Clutch, but Roku spun out of it. Roku then went for a German Suplex, but Ugaki spun out of that as well, and locked in the Ugaki Clutch out of nowhere. Roku struggled and tried to get to the ropes, but eventually tapped out for fear of passing out. [b]Winner:[/b] Masaru Ugaki by submission in 7:39. [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Team Power Experience (Kataoka & Owusu) vs. Shiga & Yoemon[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasayukiShiga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/StrongStyleYoemon.jpg[/IMG] Kataoka and Owusu were very eager heading into this match-up. It was Owusu and Shiga who started off, and it began as a battle of power. Shiga put up a strong fight, but Owusu eventually lifted him right off the ground and threw the veteran overhead with a butterfly suplex. Shiga bounced off of the mat from the impact and Owusu went for the cover already, but Yoemon flew in, hitting a splash on the two to break up the cover. Owusu was right back up to his feet and floored Yoemon with a lariat. Owusu then pulled Shiga up to his feet and booted him in the gut, then clubbed him in the back with several punches, before driving the veteran into the mat with a gutwrench powerbomb. He then dragged the veteran over to his corner and tagged in Kataoka. Masutaro instantly went to the mat, trying to lock the more experienced Shiga in a variety of holds, but the stronger Shiga fought his way out and got back up to his feet. Kataoka then tried to take him to the mat with a Flying Forearm, but Shiga floored him with a punch right to the jaw. Shiga then pulled Kataoka up to his feet, and tried to go for the Dead Lift German Suplex, but Owusu had run in, and he clotheslined the veteran to the mat. He headed back to his corner, and Kataoka tagged him back in. He then quickly went after the veteran Shiga and pulled him up to his feet before drilling him back into the mat with an Ivory Coast Driver. He hooked the leg, and Kataoka kicked Yoemon off the apron, and Team Power Experience got the victory. [b]Winners:[/b] Team Power Experience by pinfall on Shiga by Owusu in 9:24 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Sam Keith & Greg Keith vs. William Hayes & Joshua Taylor [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] The fans were on their feet for the Keith’s, as they were eager to see how Greg would perform alongside his dad. The match started off with Greg against Hayes, and the two put on a technical masterpiece, going hold for hold for a long time, before Greg got control of the match after using an Inverted Atomic Drop, a move synonymous with his father, which got a lot of laughs from the audience, and then floored Hayes with a clothesline. He then went back to mat wrestling, and again went hold for hold with Hayes until they stood up and had a staredown. Greg went over to his dad and tagged him in, and Hayes tagged in his partner. Taylor leapt into the ring and charged over to Sam, only to be hit with an Inverted Atomic Drop as well, and then flipped overhead with a suplex. Keith then went to the mat and locked Taylor in a side headlock. Taylor fought his way up to standing, and found himself in a back suplex, landing right on his head. Keith then pulled Josh up to his feet and locked him in a standing side headlock, before switching to a hammerlock. Josh yelled out in pain, and Sam used this chance to drill him back into the mat with a Hammerlock Back Suplex, dropping him right on his arm. The rest of the match was full of tags, but in the end it was a double team effort that won the match after Sam and Greg double teamed Taylor with a double DDT, and then dropped Hayes with a double flapjack. They then looked at each other, and the fans went wild. Sam and Greg then laughed and locked in the Proton Lock on Hayes and Taylor respectively, and both men tapped out almost right away, giving the father and son duo their first win as a team since Greg debuted. [b]Winners:[/b] Sam & Greg Keith by double submission in 13:09 [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Akinori Kwakami vs. Noriyori Sanda[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] Kwakami and Sanda had two different styles, but tonight they just meshed in an excellent match. It started off with Sanda tried to knock Kwakami over with several quick, high impact, moves, but to no avail, as Kwakami caught him when he attempted a dropkick, and then locked him in an Indian Deathlock. Sanda screamed in pain, but clawed his way over to the ropes and latched onto the bottom, forcing Kwakami to back away, which he did. Sanda slowly got up to his feet, favouring his left leg, only to be picked up by Kwakami and hit with three knee breakers in a row. Akinori then went crazy and stomped, kicked and punched Sanda on the mat, mainly focusing on his knees and lower leg, weakening him up for the Kwakami Painlock, but Sanda managed to fight back, countering a Dragon Leg Whip attempt with an enziguri followed by the Sanda Series, knocking Kwakami over. Sanda went up top, trying to capitalise, but he was too slow due to the damage to his legs, and Akinori easily threw him back into the ring with a Superplex. Kwakami went for the cover, but Sanda kicked out just in time, which caused the fans to cheer. Kwakami spent the rest of the match focusing on Sanda legs, but once again fell victim to a spin kick right between the eyes, and Sanda used every ounce of energy in his body to leap up to the top rope. Akinori began to stir, causing Sanda to leap off of the top with the Dynamo Flying Elbow, and he connected! He hooked the leg, and managed to get the victory! Kwakami sat up after Sanda celebrated, and went into a fit of anger and annoyance, as he felt he had an easy win. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyori Sanda by pinfall in 15:56 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Kozue Kawashima vs. SUKI[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] Kozue had the height and strength advantage over SUKI, but the smaller man made up for it by taking Kozue to the very limit. He started off the match in control after hitting Kozue with snap monkey flip out of nowhere, and then connected with a snap driving elbow right to the sternum of Kozue, followed by a leg drop. However, he lost momentum when he went for another elbow drop, and Kozue moved out of the way, making him hit canvas. Kozue quickly got up to his feet and charged towards SUKI, flooring the smaller man with a sickening K-Killer right to the neck. SUKI flew backwards into the turnbuckles from the force behind the move before landing flat on his face. Kozue kept the momentum going by working away at the neck of SUKI for the Future Clutch, and kept the smaller worker grounded, only to have SUKI flip out of a head scissors attempt and get dropkicked right in the jaw. SUKI went right back to work on the tag challenger, working away at every bit of his body. Kozue fought of it soon enough however, powering out of a leg lock attempt, and then flooring SUKI with a discus punch. He then spent the rest of the match dominating SUKI, but the smaller SUKI made several effective comebacks that made his look very strong indeed. Kozue managed to get out of a Mountain SUKI attempt at the end of the match, booted SUKI in the gut and then planted him with the Kawashima Driver 2005, getting the victory. He stood up and waited for SUKI to do so, and when the smaller man did so, extended his hand. SUKI deliberated over shaking it, and then slapped Kozue right across the face before heading to the back! Kozue rubbed his face, and looked very angry at SUKI for what he just did. [b]Winner:[/b] Kozue Kawashima by pinfall in 14:57 [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Raymond Diaz vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] A battle of the behemoths here, as Diaz tried to put his power and size advantage to use over Tatsuko, but the veteran countered every attempt at powerful moves, surprising Diaz who had expected to easily steamroll over Tatsuko. At one time, Diaz went for a Fisherman Suplex, but Tatsuko countered with a Fisherman Suplex of his own and drove Diaz into the mat. The monster quickly got up, but it was clear that Tatsuko had done his research. Diaz exploded in rage by going for a lariat, but Tatsuko ducked under it and brought the monster down to the mat with neckbreaker. The rest of the match was filled with huge switches in momentum, with Diaz eventually managing to gain control over Tatsuko with huge moves, such as a spear in the corner which nearly broke the veteran in half, and a Tiger Bomb, only to have Tatsuko kick out after each one. The two then began to have a vicious brawl, with Diaz gaining control of it when he spiked Tatsuko into the mat with DDT. He then let out a roar of victory, only to turn around into a kick from Tatsuko, as Diaz had taken to long to taunt the crowd. Diaz stumbled backwards, but then charged forwards and floored Tatsuko with a huge, stiff, lariat that flipped the veteran over. Both men stayed on the floor, Diaz knocked out by the kick, and Tatsuko knocked out by the lariat. The referee made the count, reached 10, and called the match a draw, which caused the fans to applaud the efforts of the wrestlers, but also seem a little let down, as they wanted a winner. [b]Winner:[/b] Draw in 14:03 due to stoppage [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 7):[/b] Mito Miwa & Buddy Garner vs. Team Dynasty 2000 (Inukai & Musashibo)[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BuddyGarner.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] Inukai and Yoshimi worked perfectly together as always, separating Garner from Miwa by constantly tagging in and out, and double teaming the MMA Superstar from time to time. Garner was being annihilated inside the ring, and only came close to tagging in once, but it was all he needed. Yoshimi had whipped him off the ropes towards Inukai, but Garner got his energy and charged towards Inukai before throwing him overhead with a Belly to Belly Suplex. He actually threw Inukai so far; he landed on Yoshimi, effectively leaving him open to tag. Buddy slowly got up to his feet, walked to his corner, and then tagged in Miwa before falling to the mat and rolling the outside. Miwa came in like a house on fire, flooring both men with lariats, and then drove his elbow into each of their heads, making them roll around on the mat. Shuji rolled out of the ring, leaving the legal man, Yoshimi, to battle Miwa alone. Miwa pulled Yoshimi up and whipped him into the ropes, aiming for a spinebuster, but Yoshimi dropped the champ with a running Kesagiri. Yoshimi then fell on his face as well, as he was out of energy and used this time to recover. He eventually got up to his feet and began to pick apart the champ, but met a surprising amount of resistance from Miwa. The entire rest of the match was full of near falls and very tense moments, with it reaching boiling point several times when every person participating was in the ring. One such time involved Inukai and Buddy brawling, and Miwa nailing the Amphora Clutch Bomb to Yoshimi. The end of the match came when a similar situation occurred. Inukai had just knocked Buddy over the top rope with a clothesline, and followed him out before brawling with him. Miwa had Yoshimi in the Amphora Clutch, but when he tried to go for the Amphora Suplex, Yoshimi countered mid-move and planted Miwa into the mat with a Yoshimi Explosion ’02 out of nowhere, with amazing fluidity. He hooked the leg, and the fans were all on their feet, wanting to see the outcome. Garner realised and shot into the ring, but Inukai tripped him up and pulled him out. The referee slapped the mat 1… 2… 3! Yoshimi jumped up to his feet and celebrated, only to be hit from behind by Garner. Inukai was quickly in and nailed the MMA superstar with an Untouchable Lariat. Shuji pulled his partner up to his feet and they celebrated together, with the fans booing them, standing victorious over their foes. [b]Winners:[/b] Team Dynasty 2000 by pinfall on Mito Miwa by Yoshimi Musashibo in 30:44 [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: Yeeesss. This turned out to be our new best show and new best match in the main event according to my stats. The Sanda/Kwakami and Kawashima/SUKI matches surprised the heck out of me with their ratings. SUKI is really impressing me, as is Sanda and the tag challengers lol.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] A fantastic show the night before Night of FEROCITY. We now have a challenger for the International Title in Masaru Ugaki who beat the 'Master of the Chinlock' Roku Sotomura in a brutal contest. Noriyori Sanda beat Akinori Kwakami, while Kozue Kawashima defeated SUKI, which infuriated SUKI, who threw a fit backstage and said he should have won. In terms of workers, Toki Ubota, who worked a pre-show match for us, has been signed to a development deal and sent down to Pro Wrestling SAISHO. Bulldozer Brandon Smith, who currently works for USPW and CZCW in the United States, will be having a try-out match as well on the final show of the tour, called Farewell to Danger, named as such due to Danger Kumasaka retiring at the end of the month, and will be facing the winner of the Historical Japan title match for one last chance at gold. Now comes the finalised card for Night of FEROCITY. It will one to remember, as we are bound to have action packed matches throughout. Greg Keith and Sam face their opponents one more time, when Greg faces William Hayes and Sam faces Joshua Taylor. Bryan Holmes also faces off against old partner Billy Russell, mainly to solve their dispute over who is better after they lost to Kawashima & Kwakami last month. And following their draw last night, Raymond Diaz will be facing Nobuatsu Tatsuko again in a Last Man Standing Match. [u]PGHW Night of FEROCITY[/u] Held at the Nara Baseball Stadium in Kinki [I]Singles For the PGHW International Championship[/I] Ryoma Muruyama(c) vs. Masaru Ugaki [I]Singles[/I] Greg Keith vs. William Hayes [I]Singles[/I] Sam Keith vs. Joshua Taylor [I]Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Championships[/I] Team Power Experience (Owusu & Kataoka)(c) vs. Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) [I]Triple Threat For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship[/I] Shingen Miyazaki(c) vs. Noriyori Sanda vs. SUKI [I]Singles[/I] Billy Russell vs. Bryan Holmes [I]Tag Team For the PGHW Glory Tag Crown[/I] Team Toronto(c) vs. Kozue Kawashima & Akinori Kwakami [I]Singles Last Man Standing[/I] Raymond Diaz vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [I]Singles[/I] Shuji Inukai vs. Buddy Garner [I]Singles For the PGHW Glory Crown Championship[/I] Mito Miwa(c) vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [i]Predictions always welcome[/i][/CENTER]
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PGHW Night of FEROCITY Held at the Nara Baseball Stadium in Kinki Singles For the PGHW International Championship [B]Ryoma Muruyama(c)[/B] vs. Masaru Ugaki [I]Muyuyama's better then Ugaki. I think.[/I] Singles [B]Greg Keith[/B] vs. William Hayes [I]Greg Gauge is the man, even if he is Keith here.[/I] Singles [B]Sam Keith[/B] vs. Joshua Taylor [I]Sam Keith is a Main Eventer, and Joshua Taylor's a midcarder at best.[/I] Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Championships [B]Team Power Experience (Owusu & Kataoka)(c)[/B] vs. Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) [I]Uh....flip?[/I] Triple Threat For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship [B]Shingen Miyazaki(c)[/B] vs. Noriyori Sanda vs. SUKI [I]DAMN YOU! Three of my favorites, so I'll go with the champ, as they seem pretty equal.[/I] Singles Billy Russell vs. [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] [I]Holmes has a better future then Russell.[/I] Tag Team For the PGHW Glory Tag Crown [B]Team Toronto(c)[/B] vs. Kozue Kawashima & Akinori Kwakami [I]Either one could win. Again.[/I] Singles Last Man Standing [B]Raymond Diaz[/B] vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [I]With the draw, Diaz looks strong enough to get the win here.[/I] Singles [B]Shuji Inukai[/B] vs. Buddy Garner [I]The man! Inuaki is a PGHW superstar, Garner's just good.[/I] Singles For the PGHW Glory Crown Championship [B]Mito Miwa(c)[/B] vs. Yoshimi Musashibo [I]Long title reigns in PGHW are the standard. Miwa just beat Musashibo.[/I] [I]Damn good card. 90% of these matches could go either way.[/I]
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[B][U]PGHW Night of FEROCITY[/U][/B] [B]Ryoma Muruyama(c) [/B]vs. Masaru Ugaki Greg Keith vs. [B]William Hayes[/B] [B]Sam Keith[/B] vs. Joshua Taylor [B]Team Power Experience (Owusu & Kataoka)(c) [/B]vs. Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) [B]Shingen Miyazaki(c) [/B]vs. Noriyori Sanda vs. SUKI Billy Russell vs. [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] [B]Team Toronto(c) [/B]vs. Kozue Kawashima & Akinori Kwakami Raymond Diaz vs. [B]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B] [B]Shuji Inukai [/B]vs. Buddy Garner Mito Miwa(c) vs.[B] Yoshimi Musashibo[/B]
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[center][b][u]PGHW Night of FEROCITY [/u][/b] Friday, Week 2, January 2010 Held in front of 15,000 fans at the Nara Baseball Stadium in Kinki [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Match 1: Dread vs. Hirokazu Yamanoue [/u] [i]Dread destroys his fellow veteran in under a minute with the Dread Bomb.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Dread by pinfall [b]A*[/b] – what in the world? [u]Match 2: Shiga & Yoemon vs. The Vessey Brothers [/u] [i]Noriyori Sanda got the win after nailing the Dynamo Flying Elbow after a spike DDT.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Vessey Brothers by pinfall on Shiga by Bryan. [b]B-[/b] [u]Match 3: Roku Sotomura vs. White Samurai [/u] [i]Sotomura locks in the Twisting Chinlock on the youngster to get the win.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Roku Sotomura by submission [b]C[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Ryoma Muruyama© vs. Masaru Ugaki For the PGHW International Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_International.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RyomaMuruyama.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasaruUgaki.jpg[/IMG] The match started out with Masaru taking the champ down to the mat in order to take away his speed advantage, but Ryoma countered a headlock attempt, got up, and then dropkicked Masaru right in the face. He then quickly went to work on Masaru, picking him apart, something we rarely see from Ryoma, before going back to using his speed when Masaru got up to his feet. He took the challenger off his feet with a dropkick and then followed up with an elbow drop and a flip senton before going for the cover, hoping to capitalise on the impact of the moves, but Masaru kicked out at two. Ugaki then exploded and floored Ryoma with a clothesline out of nowhere before taking the match back down to the mat. After weakening up the neck and head of Ryoma for several minutes, he pulled the champ up to his feet and attempted to go for the Ugaki Clutch, but Ryoma countered it and connected hurracanrana in response, sending the challenger over the ropes. Ryoma then flew through the second rope with a suicide plancha, crashing into Ugaki. The rest of the match was full of near falls, only for Ryoma to miss a Muruyama Launch attempt and hit nothing but canvas. Masaru quickly synched in the Ugaki Clutch, tighter than ever before, and forced the champ, albeit reluctantly, to tap out before he passed out. And we officially have a new International Champion in Masaru Ugaki, but credit has to be given to Ryoma, who seemed to have control of the match for a long time, but his missed Muruyama Launch proved fatal to him. [b]Winner:[/b] Masaru Ugaki by submission in 9:56. Masaru Ugaki wins the PGHW International Championship! [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Greg Keith vs. William Hayes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] Keith and Hayes instantly charged at each other as soon as the bell rang and brawled with each other. After a long struggle for power, it was Keith who gained control after a kick to the gut of Hayes followed by a kick to the side of the head, knocking Hayes to the floor. Keith promptly went to work on Hayes, setting him up for the Proton Lock, but Hayes fought out of a grounded headlock attempt, fighting his way up to his feet, before elbowing Keith in the gut four times. Keith backed away, and was quickly floored with a Double Knee Backbreaker, causing Keith to yell out in pain. Hayes then took the match to the mat himself, trying to outwrestle the son of Sam Keith, but failed miserably when Keith easily countered the first hold he attempted and got up to his feet. Hayes booted Keith in the gut and whipped him across the ring, but was dropped with a clothesline, quickly followed by a Fist drop right to the forehead. Keith spent much of the rest of the match whittling away at the back and neck of Hayes, but was constantly stopped in his tracks by Will. The end of the match came when Keith had booted Hayes in the gut and was setting him up for the Generation Buster, a spinning Fisherman Buster, but Hayes countered it before he could lift, and clotheslined Keith to the mat. Hayes scouted Keith, and as soon as he was up to his feet, Hayes booted him in the gut. Keith doubled over, and Hayes quickly nailed him with the Slick Trick, bringing Keith crashing down to the mat. Will hooked the leg, and the referee began to count as the crowd booed him. He got the victory, which caused the crowd to boo him even more, as they had wanted Keith to win. [b]Winner:[/b] William Hayes by pinfall in 10:02 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Sam Keith vs. Joshua Taylor[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/JoshuaTaylor.jpg[/IMG] Sam began the match in very much the same way his son had, by taking Taylor down to the mat with several holds. He first started off with a standing side headlock before switching to a hammerlock. Taylor tried to elbow Sam in the side of the head, but Sam ducked underneath it and used his position as leverage to throw Taylor overhead with a back body drop, sending the youngster crashing into the mat. Sam instantly took to the mat and locked Josh in a tight grounded headlock before transitioning to an armbar. Josh reached for the ropes, and managed to grab onto the bottom one, forcing Sam to break the hold. The veteran then stood up and waited for Josh to do the same. Taylor rushed Sam however, tackling him down to the mat and punching him in the chest and gut, winding the veteran. Josh then stood up and waited for Sam to get up to his feet, and when the veteran did, he charged forward and clotheslined Sam to the mat. He went for a quick cover, but Sam kicked out just after one, causing Josh to slap the mat in frustration. He spent the rest of the match trying to put the veteran away with big moves, including a brainbuster, but was unsuccessful, as Keith kept kicking out. In the end, Josh was getting very angry, and went for the Stitch In Time, but Sam countered with an elbow to the face. He then powerbomb Josh into the mat, and swiftly locked in the Proton Lock, and Josh immediately tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Sam Keith by submission in 11:36 [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Team Power Experience (Owusu & Kataoka)© vs. Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda) For the PGHW International Tag Championships[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_InternationalTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KaluOwusu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ChojiroKitoaji.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/TetsunoriYasuda.jpg[/IMG] The fans really loved this match, and were behind Team Omega all the way. The match started with Yasuda and Kataoka, and the veteran tried to keep control of the young Yasuda, but fell prey to a dropkick from the more agile youngster. Yasuda then quickly pulled Kataoka up to his feet and booted him in the gut, attempting to go for the Minilla Plunge early on, but Kataoka used his experience to counter the move into a suplex, taking control of the match. They continued for a few minutes with back and forth action before Kataoka tagged out to Owusu, and the Ivory Coast behemoth charged in, flattening Yasuda with a shoulder block. He ran to the ropes, but Yasuda rolled under his feet. He jumped over, but was hit with a dropkick from an intervening Kitoaji, and then a back suplex from Yasuda, displaying amazing teamwork. Yasuda managed to stay in control for a little while, but Owusu used his power to stop his momentum dead in it’s tracks with a huge spear, almost snapping Yasuda in half. This continued for a long time, with TPE making quick tags, making sure Yasuda never reached his partner. This was ended when Yasuda jumped off of Owusu’s shoulders, when the big man went for a powerbomb, and tagged in Kitoaji. Chojiro ran in and attacked the legs and knees of Owusu, before flooring him with a running forearm smash. Kitoaji remained in control somehow, but Owusu was able to throw him across the ring and tagged in Kataoka. The veteran tried to keep control of Kitoaji, but the youngster used his incredible athleticism to outsmart Kataoka, and eventually had him set up for the Kitoaji Lariat, only to be hit in the face with a flying forearm out of nowhere by Kataoka. The veteran hooked the leg, but Yasuda ran in and broke up the cover. Kataoka got up to his feet and was very angry, and took his anger out on Kitoaji. After a while, Chojiro tagged back out to Yasuda. The rest of the match was full of tension, and had a great end. Kataoka was about to go for another Flying Forearm, when Yasuda booted him in the gut. He then lifted the veteran up into the air for a powerbomb before moving towards his corner. Kitoaji climbed up onto the top rope, and flew off with a spinning back elbow, connecting with the face of Kataoka. Yasuda continued the momentum into a Sit-Out Powerbomb. This double team move is known as the Star Buster, and Yasuda made the cover, with Kitoaji managing to keep Owusu on the apron somehow. [b]Winner:[/b] Team Omega by pinfall in 11:44 on Masutaro Kataoka by Tetsunori Yasuda Team Omega win the PGHW International Tag Championships [b]B[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Shingen Miyazaki © vs. Noriyori Sanda vs. SUKI For the PGHW Historical Japan Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_Historical.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NoriyoriSanda.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/SUKI.jpg[/IMG] The match was something to really remember, as it was a fantastic match. All three men had sections of the crowd behind them, with SUKI having a few booing, but a surprising amount cheering him. When the bell rang, each looked at the others, seeing who would make the first move. SUKI let his ego get the better of him however, as he charged towards the champ, only to be dropped with an elbow smash to the face from Sanda. Miyazaki played it safe and left the ring while Sanda beat on SUKI. Noriyori pulled him to his feet and booted him in the gut before whipping SUKI into the corner. When the c0cky youngster had hit the turnbuckles, Sanda charged in after him and kicked him right in the jaw with a thrust kick, sending SUKI over the top rope to the outside. Miyazaki then entered the ring, and took control from Sanda with a bridging back suplex, driving Sanda head first into the mat. Sanda kicked out just in time, but favoured his head for a while afterwards. Shingen pulled him up to his feet and booted him in the gut before kneeing Sanda right in the head. Sanda caught the champ off guard when he retaliated with an enziguri out of nowhere. Both men were on the mat, and SUKI quickly capitalised, running in and covering Sanda. He kicked out just after two, causing SUKI to try and pin Shingen, but the champ kicked out right away. Shingen and Sanda both got up, and stood either side of SUKI. The c0cky youngster begged for mercy, but Shingen and Sanda let loose with several punches to the head, with Sanda flooring SUKI with a Spinning Kick to the face. Shingen and Sanda then nodded to each other and had a technical showdown on the mat, with Shingen getting the control when he locked Sanda in the Miyazaki Destruction after a while. Unfortunately, he was too close to the ropes; and Sanda quickly grabbed the bottom rope. The rest of the match was full of reversals and near falls, with Sanda coming extremely close to winning the belt following a Dynamo Flying Elbow to Shingen, when SUKI broke up the pin at the very last minute. What happened to end the match surprised the fans. Shingen was in control, and had just thrown SUKI outside with a Powerslam, only to be floored by a Diving Cross Body Splash from Sanda. Sanda kicked the champ in the head several times before heading back up top. He leapt off, spending forever in the air it seemed, before coming crashing down on the gut of Miyazaki. He stood up after the move, and seemed like he was about to go for the cover, when SUKI ran into the ring and booted him in the gut. Sanda was taken completely by surprise, and SUKI drove him into the mat with the Mountain SUKI. Shingen was out cold, and in no place to break up to cover, and SUKI hooked the leg of Sanda. The referee hit the mat. 1… 2… 3! SUKI leapt into the air when the referee hit the mat the third time, and began to point and laugh at Sanda and Miyazaki as he was handed the Historical Japan Championship. Fans were on their feet booing him, but there was a noticeable section cheering for his victory. [b]Winner:[/b] SUKI by pinfall on Noriyori Sanda in 17:35 SUKI wins the PGHW Historical Japan Championship [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Billy Russell vs. Bryan Holmes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] This was a short match, but it was very effective as it proved who the better of the two was. Billy started off the match by tripping Holmes up with a drop toehold and tried to work on his legs, but the more experienced Holmes escaped and got up to his feet. Billy then tried to clothesline Holmes to the mat, but the Canadian ducked underneath it and brought Billy down with a backslide. Russell only just kicked out in time, and was quickly floored with a spinning elbow smash to the face from Bryan. Holmes dominated for a short while afterwards, working on the back of Russell, setting up for the Final Impact. Russell fought back however, and picked Bryan apart as much as possible. At one point, he was almost able to lock in the Triangle Choke, but Holmes countered it into a roll-up, forcing Russell to break the hold and kick out. Bryan then took control of the match with a high angle back suplex, and began to focus on Billy’s back again, only to have the MMA superstar escape an attempted Body Scissors and knee Holmes right in the face. Billy unloaded with a barrage of knees right to the face, and seemed to have won the match when he went for a Brainbuster, but Bryan stopped him from lifting up, and booted the MMA star in the gut. Bryan then kicked Billy in the chest, and followed up with a Cyclone Shock Kick out of nowhere, flooring his ex-partner, and made the cover. He got the victory, and looked very pleased with himself. [b]Winners:[/b] Bryan Holmes by pinfall in 9:31 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Match 7:[/b] Team Toronto© vs. Kawashima & Kwakami For the PGHW Glory Tag Crown[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_GloryTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AlexanderRobinson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/LeeBennett.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/KozueKawashima.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/AkinoriKwakami.jpg[/IMG] This match had a huge amount of tension present in it from start to finish. It started out with Kwakami and Robinson, and they started the match off slow with methodical mat wrestling, going hold for hold. Kwakami was eventually able to steal control when he slipped out of a headlock and locked Alex in a hammerlock. Akinori put his knees to good use when he relentlessly drove them into the champs exposed elbow. The veteran Alex screamed out in pain, and Kwakami seemed to enjoy it. The challenger then pulled Alex up to his feet, before attempting to go for a knee breaker. Alex countered the move into a DDT, driving Kwakami head first into the mat. He then clawed his way over to the corner and tagged in Bennett, who instantly ran in and put the boots to Kwakami’s head and gut. Kwakami was unable to resist the assault, and only managed to escape when he grabbed one of Lee’s legs and flung him to the mat with a dragon screw leg whip. He then quickly crawled over to his corner and tagged Kozue in. Kozue slowly entered the ring, but was quickly booted in the gut and flung overhead with a snap suplex from the veteran Bennett. The rest of the match was full of big spots, but had a surprising amount of technical moments as well, with Kwakami shining especially in this environment. The end of the match came when all four men were in the ring at the same time, Kwakami brawling with Bennett, and Kozue brawling with Alex. Kozue tried to go for a K-Killer on Alex, but the champ moved out of the way and connected with a Backflip Kick right to the head of Kozue, dropping the challenger. Alex dragged Kozue out of the ring while Bennett began to gain control of Kwakami. Akinori tried to go for a knee breaker again, and yet again it was countered when Lee punched Akinori in the face and dropped back down to his feet. Akinori swung wildly with his right fist, but the veteran side stepped it and booted Akinori in the gut, forcing him to double over, and then spiked him with the Return Ticket, a Double DDT, and rolled him over to make the cover. Kozue tried to enter the ring, but was floored with a Canadian Violence from Alex, and the champ managed to retain in an incredibly physical match. [b]Winners:[/b] Team Toronto by pinfall on Kwakami by Lee Bennett in 14:35 [b]A[/b] [B][U]Match 8:[/b] Raymond Diaz vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko Last Man Standing Match[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/RaymondDiaz.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/NobuatsuTatsuko.jpg[/IMG] Both of these men were incredibly focused and intent on winning. A win for Diaz would mean a huge leap to the Main Event scene, whereas a win for Tatsuko would prove he deserved his place. The match was incredibly stiff, with it starting with a brawl, in face most of the match was brawl. Diaz got the first control of the match after driving Tatsuko into the mat with a delayed suplex. He then sat down on the chest of Tatsuko and began unloading with vicious punches right to the face, almost knocking the legend out with each one. After twelve or so punches, Diaz got off and told the referee to count, only to have Tatsuko get up before he even reached three! Diaz kicked and punched away at Tatsuko, but the legend took the punishment, slowly getting up to his feet, and then kicked Diaz in the thigh. He then spun and kicked Diaz in the gut, before finishing with a Roaring Sole Kick, a running one foot dropkick, right to the side of Diaz’s head, knocking the monster over. He told the referee to count, and Diaz took longer to get up than Tatsuko, starting to move at four, and standing up at five. The two then engaged in a huge brawl, which ended up with both men on the outside. Tatsuko tried to go for a Blind Kick, but Diaz ducked it and then threw Tatsuko into the guard barrier with a modified leg-trap suplex. There were several more attempts by both of the men, but none of them were successful. The only time it seemed close that the match was over was when Diaz drove Tatsuko into the mat with a Ray Gun. Tatsuko got up at eight however, and stood up just in time. The final moments of the match were full of high impact moves, as Diaz tried to go for a Super Ray Gun, but Tatsuko fought out of it. He then threw Diaz off of the top rope before connecting with an elbow drop to the big man. He pulled Diaz up to his feet, only to be pushed away by the monster. Diaz then tried to go for a short-arm lariat, but Tatsuko ducked it and connected with the Tatsuko Blind Kick out of nowhere, flooring Diaz. Tatsuko fell to the floor out of exhaustion and the referee began to count. 1… 2… 3… 4…Tatsuko is stirring 5… 6… 7…Tatsuko is up 8… 9…Diaz begins to move 10! Diaz collapsed back down to the mat, clearly his mind was no longer with him, and Tatsuko was announced the winner of this terrific match. [b]Winner:[/b] Nobuatsu Tatsuko in 17:44 when Raymond Diaz was unable to get up before the 10 count. [b]A*[/b] [B][U]Match 9:[/b] Shuji Inukai vs. Buddy Garner[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/BuddyGarner.jpg[/IMG] This was a very technical match, with Shuji trying to beat Buddy at his own game, while Buddy was simply sticking with his strong suit so he could take away Shuji’s advantage of power. The match started off with several switches in momentum and control, as each man pulled off big moves right away to try and end the match quickly. Buddy once tried to throw Shuji over with a Belly to Belly Suplex, but Shuji countered with a Flash High Knee right to the face of Buddy, stopping him in his tracks. When Buddy came to, which was a little while after; Shuji kicked him stiffly in the back, causing the MMA superstar to wince in pain. He then pulled Garner up to his feet, and tried to connect with a slap kick to the thigh, but Buddy caught his leg and then elbowed Shuji in the knee, causing him to scream in pain and limp backwards. Buddy then kicked him in the gut, locked him in a front headlock, and then drove Shuji into the mat with a neckbreaker, with amazing fluidity. He went for the cover, but Shuji kicked out just in time. Garner then sat on the back of Shuji and unloaded with stiff punches right to the back of Shuji’s head, as well as his temples, showing no remorse. He again tried to go for the cover when Shuji looked to be knocked out, but Inukai once again kicked out. The rest of the match was very even and only ended when Shuji went for another Echo Kick following a missed Untouchable Lariat. Buddy caught his leg again, and whipped him down to the mat with a dragon screw leg whip. He kept hold of the leg, turned Shuji over and locked in the Garner Tendon Hold. Shuji screamed out in pain and desperately tried to get to the ropes. After many minutes of struggling to escape the move, Inukai eventually tapped out, causing the crowd to cheer and applaud for Garner. [b]Winners:[/b] Buddy Garner by submission in 21:58 [b]B+[/b] [B][U]Main Event (Match 10):[/b] Mito Miwa© vs. Yoshimi Musashibo For the PGHW Glory Crown Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/Belts/PGHW_Glory.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/MitoMiwa-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/YoshimiMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] This was easily the most anticipated match of the night, and it delivered beyond it’s expectations, putting on a true match of the year. It started off fairly routine, with both men trying to gain control during the initial tie-up, but neither could, and so both took a step back. Miwa charged forward, trying to catch Yoshimi off guard, but Yoshimi caught him off guard himself with an arm drag, throwing the champ across the ring. Miwa tried again, but met the same move again. When he tried a third time, Yoshimi instead caught Miwa’s arm, yanked it out of the socket, and then flipped Miwa over using it as leverage. He then dropped his leg across the elbow, causing Miwa to wince in pain. He quickly went to work on the champion, picking him apart very slowly. He even came close to locking in the Yoshimi Lock, but Miwa summoned up some strength and escape the attempt, getting back up to his feet. He then booted Yoshimi in the gut and elbowed him in the back of the head, causing Yoshimi to drop down to one knee. Miwa ran to the ropes, trying to capitalise with a running forearm smash, but Yoshimi caught him mid-move with a back body drop, throwing the champ high over head. When Miwa hit the mat, Yoshimi went back to picking the champ apart. He eventually got tired of doing so, and pulled Miwa up to his feet and whipped the champ into the corner. He then charged in after Miwa, and let loose with rapid fire Kesagiri chops to the chest and neck of Miwa. The crowd counted along with each successful one, and got to ten before Miwa caught Yoshimi’s hand and booted the challenger in the gut, before throwing him into the ring post. Yoshimi backed out of the corner clutching his shoulder, and was caught with an Amphora Clutch Suplex. Miwa made the cover, and it seemed like he was going to retain already, but Yoshimi grabbed the rope a millisecond before the referee counted to three. The crowd applauded his efforts, and Miwa pulled Yoshimi back up to his feet. The rest of the match was very intense, with a huge amount of near falls, and both men hitting their respective finishers. Yoshimi did manage to lock the Yoshimi Lock in, but Miwa fought his way to the ropes. The end of this epic match came in true PGHW fashion. Yoshimi was in control, and had just booted Miwa in the gut. He then went for the Yoshimi Explosion ’02, but Miwa reversed it mid-move into a suplex attempt. Yoshimi then countered that into a neckbreaker attempt, but Miwa escaped in quick manner and snapped off a second Amphora Clutch Suplex! Yoshimi was dumped right on his head in the middle of the ring, and Miwa fell on top for the cover. 1… 2… 3! The fans were on their feet in admiration of this match, and Miwa celebrated with them. Yoshimi simply made his way to the back, looking more depressed than usual. [b]Winner:[/b] Mito Miwa by pinfall in 32:45 to retain [b]A*[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] A [i]Main Feelings: A great night, with no let downs really, except maybe Inukai vs. Garner.[/i] [i]Comments appreciated[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [U]PrideGloryHonor.com[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PGHW%20Diary/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] A huge night for all the wrestlers in PGHW, as well as the fans. The newly dubbed Team Omega, Chojiro Kitoaji & Tetsunori Yasuda, managed to take the belts off of Team Power Experience in devastating fashion, giving both men their first taste of PGHW gold. The team will be making their first defence against the random teaming of Strong Style Yoemon & White Samurai, an interesting combination of speed and technical ability. SUKI managed to upset everyone when he won the PGHW Historical Japan Championship in sneaky fashion. He will now face Danger Kumasaka in the veterans final match at Farewell to DANGER. This week he will face the veteran in a non-title match. This week, Noriyori Sanda and Shingen Miyazaki, currently licking their wounds from the Historical Japan match, will be in singles competition to try and get back on track. Sanda will take on Masayuki Shiga, and Miyazaki will take on PROUD Exile. Mito Miwa won a very hard fought victory as well over Yoshimi Musashibo. This week, he will be facing his former challenger, and his old rival Eisaku Kunomasu, when he teams up with Nobuatsu Tatsuko, a man who defeated The Monster Raymond Diaz in a Last Man Standing Match. Speaking of Diaz, the behemoth will be out for revenge when he faces Akinori Kwakami. Finally this week, Greg Keith will face off against Joshua Taylor, hoping to make the series between him, his father and Hayes & Taylor 3-1. [u]PGHW Dream Tour Show #9[/u] [I]Singles[/I] Noriyori Sanda vs. Masayuki Shiga [I]Tag Team For the PGHW International Tag Championships[/I] Team Omega (Kitoaji & Yasuda)(c) vs. Strong Style Yoemon & White Samurai [I]Singles[/I] Joshua Taylor vs. Greg Keith [I]Singles[/I] PROUD Exile vs. Shingen Miyazaki [I]Singles Non-Title[/I] SUKI vs. Danger Kumasaka [I]Singles[/I] Raymond Diaz vs. Akinori Kwakami [I]Tag Team[/I] Miwa & Tatsuko vs. Kunomasu & Musashibo [I]This is sure to be a fantastic match, with the technical expertise of Kunomasu & Musashibo, and the hard hitting power of Miwa & Tatsuko. But who will get the leg up in the heated feud between Miwa & Musashibo?[/I] [i]Predictions always welcome[/i][/CENTER]
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