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WCW: The Shane McMahon Era

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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/2781699072.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Blue"]BOOKING MEETING[/COLOR][/B] [B] SHANE: "Our first PPV is this Sunday and I think we have done a pretty good job building the core matches. The Fatal Four Way followed up by the World Title Match for the winner should really help to re-establish the WCW World Title." DUSTY: "The US Title Tournment should provide a nice payoff at the PPV and I think O'Haire, Palumbo and Jindrak have benefited from this tournament." SHANE: "I agree and Dusty I want you to keep the momentum going for them and get them involved in storylines following the PPV." ARN: "The Billy Kidman heel turn came off pretty well on Thunder and there is a lot of heat on him heading into the PPV and Mysterio is really over with the fans and this should make for a great match." SHANE: "Arn I am counting on you to keep the cruiserweight division going in the right direction as well as keeping an eye on new talent ready to come up from development in NWA:Wildside. SHANE: "Terry, You are off to a good start with rebuilding the tag team division. I think The Kings of Old School with Harley Race as there manager should be very succesful if we book them properly." TERRY: "Thanks Shane. I am really high on The Kings of Old School and have one or two other teams I am looking to put together in the coming weeks." ERIC: Mr. McMahon I have a storyline I have been working on I want to run by you." SHANE: Eric, lets talk about this and a couple other things one on one after this meeting. SHANE: "Thanks guys. I feel good about where we are going and I am confident that with us working together on the Main Event storylines and each of you working on your specific area's we are going to be succesful in the coming weeks."[/B]
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[B][U]THE DIRTSHEET:[/U][/B] [FONT="Georgia"]Rumors swirling around Christopher Daniels and the WCW and WWF have been making there way around this week. It is being reported that Shane McMahon offered Daniels a 2 year written contract. Then the following day Vince McMahon and the WWF contacted Daniels to begin negotiations on a contract. It is not know whether the WWF offered a written contract or a pay per appearance deal. Stay tuned for more details. A source within the WCW says that there is some pretty serious tension between Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff. The source also stated that Shane McMahon wanted to buyout Bischoff's contract we he purchased WCW but there was language in his deal that would not allow him to be terminated and Bischoff has no intentions of accepting a buyout. Word out of NWA: Wildside is that Arn Anderson has really been impressed with CM Punk since he signed a development deal with WCW.[/FONT]
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[COLOR="Red"][U]THE BIG BANG! PREVIEW[/U][/COLOR] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]The Big Bang comes to you live this Sunday! The WCW World Champion Booker T will put his title on the line in the main event when he faces off with the winner of the fatal four way between Bill Goldberg, Sting, Scott Steiner and Rob Van Dam. Sean O'Haire will face off with his former tag team partner Mark Jindrak for the WCW US Title in what should be a great match between two of WCW finest young talents. Billy Kidman showed his true colors over the course of the #1 contenders tournament for the Cruiserweight title by cheating his way to the finals and then jumping Rey Mysterio Jr. from behind at the end of Thunder this week. These two high flyers will face off for the right to face Shane Helms for the Cruiserweight title on Nitro next week! Lance Storm and Mike Awesome have requested a rematch with the WCW World Tag Team Champions The Insiders and Shane McMahon has signed this match for The Big Bang. Can The Insiders keep rolling or will Storm and Awesome get the upper hand? "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair made his return to a WCW ring this week appearing as Scott Steiner's partner in the main event on Thunder. Shane McMahon has told Flair to be ready to wrestle at The Big Bang against a mystery opponent of his choosing. Who will McMahon bring in to face Flair?[/COLOR][/FONT] [B][I][I][U]PREDICTION KEY:[/U][/I][/I][/B] BILL GOLDBERG VS STING VS STEINER VS RVD BOOKER T VS WINNER OF FATAL FOUR WAY SEAN O'HAIRE VS MARK JINDRAK REY MYSTERIO JR. VS BILLY KIDMAN THE INSIDERS VS STORM AND AWESOME RIC FLAIR VS MYSTERY OPPONENT
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Hey Guys... Im looking for a little feedback on this diary. I have tried a few different ways of writing out the shows and I want to make it cohesive week in and week out and was curious as to what everyone's preference is for reading shows? Also any other feedback about the diary and what you like or what you thinkc can be better are welcome....
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/2781699072.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Blue"]WCW PRESENTS: THE BIG BANG![/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Styles: "Hello and welcome everybody to the first PPV of the new era. We are about to open the show with with the biggest match in recent memory here in WCW. The Fatal Four Way to determine who will go on later tonight to face off with Booker T for the WCW World Heavyweight Title."[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionGoldberg.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/Sting1998.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]The match opens with all four men in the ring starring each other down. Steiner nails Sting with a sucker punch and Van Dam and Goldberg begin brawling. Steiner spills Sting to the outside with a clothsline over the top rope and goes out after him and continues his assault on Sting at ringside. In the ring Van Dam has the upper hand on Goldberg. Van Dam is working on Goldberg in the corner with kicks to the legs and European uppercuts before taking him down with a spinning cresent kick, With Goldberg down RVD connects with Rolling Thunder and Goldberg rolls to the outside to regroup! RVD standing alone in the ring looks around and gets a R-V-D chant going. He spots Sting and Steiner locked up on the outside and takes them out with a suicide dive through the middle rope!!!! RVD is up and he rolls back into the ring as does Sting and Stinger buckles RVD over with a boot to the midsection followed up with a high knee lift. Sting sends a reeling RVD into the ropes and hits a nasty clothsline to take RVD down. Sting scoops him up and send him into the corner. Sting hits a few high elbow shots to the head of RVD and Steiner is back in the ring. Sting hits him with a running clothsline to take him down, Steiner gets right back to his feet and Sting hits a dropkick to put him down again. Goldberg is in and he throws Sting across the ring with a belly to belly suplex. Goldberg goes after RVD in the corner with a few shoulders to the midsection. Steiner nails Goldberg from behind and locks him up and hits a belly to back suplex, he hangs on and hits another, he still has Goldberg and hits a 3rd belly to back suplex!!!! Sting is up top and hits Steiner with a flying clothsline. Goldberg rolls to the outside and RVD goes out after him. He lays Goldberg out of the barricade and gets up on the ring apron, He points to himself and the crowd follows along ROB-VAN-DAM and RVD nails Goldberg with a spinning heel kick onto the barricade. RVD rolls back in and goes for a kick to the stomach on Sting but Sting catches his foot, RVD counters and takes Sting down with a step over heel kick. RVD into the corner with a high knee on Steiner down he goes. Van Dam with a split legged moonsault on Steiner. Sting is up and RVD takes him over the top with a high dropkick. RVD climbs to the top and hits a five star frog splash on Steiner. 1-2-3 and RVD is going on to face Booker T in the main event for the World Heavyweight title tonight!!! The crowd is going crazy for RVD! RATING: B+[/COLOR][/FONT] [B][COLOR="blue"]Joey Styles: OH MY GOD RVD HAS A SHOT AT THE WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE!!!! Up next a new WCW United States champion will be crowned when Sean O'Haire faces off with Mark Jindrak. Sean O'Haire has destroyed everything and everyone in his path on his way to this match and the question remains whether Jindrak can tame O'Haire. We find out now.... RATING: C+[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSeanOHaire2001.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]Jindrak and O'Haire lock up in the center of the ring and O'Haire pushes Jindrak into the corner and hits a few hard rights and he follows up with a shoulder to the midsection. O'Haire chokes Jindrak in the corner until the ref breaks it up. O'Haire hits three vicious chops to the chest of Jindrak leaving him writhing in pain and O'Haire raises his arms and smiles and laughs. O'Haire scoops up Jindrak and drops him face first on the top turnbuckle. O'Haire is working a slow methodical match as he again picks up Jindrak but as he goes to punch Jindrak he blocks the punch and comes back with a flurry of lefts and rights of his own to stagger O'Haire. Jindrak sends O'Haire into the ropes and hits a lariat to send O'Haire to the mat. O'Haire back up and Jindrak hits a picture perfect standing dropkick and O'Haire rolls to the outside in frustration. Jindrak follows him out and they brawl on the outside. O'Haire sends Jindrak shoulder first into the ringpost and that kills Jindrak momentum. They take it back into the ring and Jindrak gets back up and hits O'Haire with kicks to the head before he is able to get back to his feet after re-entering the ring. O'Haire is groggy and on his feet and Jindrak again shows his athletisism and hits a nice enziguri. Jindrak see's his opening and goes up top and goes for a splash but O'Haire rolls out of the way.O'Haire hits a middle roundhouse kick and follows up with a crucifix powerbomb!!! O'Haire plays to the crowd and goes up top and hits a Seanton Bomb. O'Haire with the cover, 1-2-3 and O'Haire is the new United States Champion!!! RATING: D+[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMikeAwesome.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionKevinNash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionDiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]DDP and Storm open the bout, Storm gains control immediatley taking it to DDP with stiff chops and kicks right out of the gate. Storm then slows it down by taking down DDP and showing his superior mat wrestling skills. Storm has DDP on the mat with a front choke hold applied leaving DDP gasping for air. The crowd is really getting behind DDP and he begins to rise up to the dismay of Storm. DDP get to his feet and hits a couple of back elbows to the stomach of Storm followed up with a clothsline to take him off his feet. DDP tries to get to the outreached hand of Kevin Nash but Storm takes him down with a shoulder block into the knee. Storm and Awesome isolate DDP working nicely with quick tags. With the crowd once again behind him DDP fights off Awesome with some hard right hands sending Awesome staggering into the turnbuckle.. DDP stumbles over to try and make the tag and DOES! Nash is in and he takes down Awesome with a lariat and punches Storm sending him flying off the mat and into the barricade on the outside. Nash continues the assault on Awesome hitting him with a brutal series of right hands. He sends him into the corner and follows him in with a clothsline. He sets up Awesome for the Powerbomb but Storm is in with a chair and he nails Nash in the back with multiple chair shots sending him down to a knee. The ref calls for the bell and Storm and Awesome get out of the ring and head down the aisle towards the back clearly frustrated with there inability to get a win of the tag team champs.... RATING: C+[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBookerT.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]We cut to Booker T in the back with his championship belt over his shoulder. He congratulates Rob Van Dam on winning a hard fought match against some of the best WCW has to offer. But he stresses that he beat some of the best not the best. He says he needs the World Title to survive and will give RVD everything he has tonight to ensure that comes away as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion... NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKAAA!!!! (Big Pop By the fans). RATING: B+[/COLOR][/FONT] [I][COLOR="Blue"]We see a video recap of the Cruiserweight tournament highlighting Mysterio and Kidman. RATING: B+[/COLOR][/I] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionReyMysterioJr.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]Mysterio makes his way to the ring clutching his ribs. Kidman and Mysterio lock up and Kidman hits an armdrag to start things off followed up by a dropkick that sends Mysterio into the middle rope and Kidman scoops him up as he comes back off the ropes and hits a powerslam. Kidman has Mysterio back on his feet and knocks him off balance with two european uppercuts. Mysterio fires back with quick kicks to the legs that drop Kidman to a knee and Mysterio fires off the ropes and hits a dropkick to the face of Kidman!!! Rey locks in a hammerlock stretch hold and Kidman reverses but Rey reverses again and locks Kidman up in a armbar. Kidman with a summersault out of the armbar and gets Rey into a firemans carry and hits a kneebreaker out of the firemans. Kidman hits Rey with an inverted BK bomb and he is in full control of the match again. Kidman goes for a KidCrusher but misses and Rey hits an Asai Moonsault. Kidman rolls out of the ring and Rey hits him with a apron dive hurricanrana!!!! Kidman with a low blow on Rey and he sends him into the steel steps head first. Kidman rolls him back in and goes to work on the ribs leaving Rey down in pain. Kidman goes up to for the shooting star press and Rey rolls out of the way!!! Mysterio is up and he hits a springboard hurricanrana 1-2-KICKOUT by Kidman. Rey cant believe it. Rey hits a bronco buster and sets Kidman up for a 619. Rey off the ropes and he hits the 619 on Kidman. 1-2-3, Mysterio wins! RATING: A[/COLOR][/FONT] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Styles: Folks what an amazing match we just witnessed between Kidman and Mysterio! Who did Shane McMahon pick to wrestle "The Nature Boy" tonight? (The Nature Boy's music hits) Looks like we are about to find out. [/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionChristopherDaniels.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRicFlair.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]Flair makes his way to the ring and plays to the crowd and then turns his attention to the entrance to see who his oppponent is tonight. It is young Christopher Daniels who impressed everyone in the cruiserweight tournament who makes his way to the ring to a decent response from the fans in attendance. Daniels goes to shake Flairs hand and Flair slaps him across the face. Flair goes on the offensive immediatly and lights up Daniels with stiff chops as the crowd WHOO'S with each shot. Flair continues the assault on Daniels with a shoulder block to the knee to take him down and then proceeds to work the leg of Daniels for several minutes. Daniels manages to get to his feet and hits a few forearms to Flair's head to get some breathing room. Flair rushes in with a wild lariat attempt giving Daniels the opening he was looking for, Daniels hits a spicy drop on Flair (A torture rack into a DDT)!!!Daniels sends Flair into the ropes and takes him down with a leg lariat. Flair rolls to the outside and is regrouping at the announce table and appears to have pulled something out his trunks... Daniels goes out after Flair and Flair punches him with the brass knucks busting Daniels open. Flair continues to work over the wound on the outside before rolling Daniels into the ring where he locks in the figure fore... Daniels put up a good long fight but couldnt take anymore and tapped out. RATING: C- [/COLOR][/FONT] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Styles: Its time for the main event of the night. Does RVD have enough in the tank after the brutal fatal four way he took part in earlier in the night to get past Booker T who said flat out earlier that he would do whatever it takes to remain the WCW World Champion?[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBookerT.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]Booker T and RVD lock up and break. They lock up again and Booker T locks in a nice arm bar on RVD.Booker continues to work on the arm and shoulder area of RVD before twisting it up with another arm bar taking RVD down to a knee, he tries to summersault out of it but Booker hangs on. Booker with some stiff forearms to the head stunning Van Dam. Booker whips Van Dam hard into the turnbuckle and catches him coming back out with a nice suplex and he goes back to work on the arm and shoulder. He works Van Dam down to the mat and drops his knee onto the right arm numerous times. Booker scoops up RVD and hits a clean body slam followed up by a whip to the ropes and a shoulder block. Booker T is in complete control of Van Dam. Booker T out on the apron and he locks another arm bar in before drapping the arm and shoulder over the ropes and dropping to the ring floor sending RVD down in serious pain. Booker T is back in and goes for the cover and RVD kicks out at two. Booker picks up RVD and sends him to the ropes again and hits a hard spinebuster and goes for another pin with RVD kicking out again at two. Booker is getting a little frustrated and he sends RVD over the top rope to the outside. He goes out after him and sends him crashing into the steel steps shoulder first sending the stairs flying. Booker T stays all over Van Dam's shoulder sending him into the ring post shoulder first. Booker rolls him into the ring and goes up to the top rope!!! RVD to his feet MISSLE DROP KICK off the top rope!!! Booker with the pin 1-2-KICK OUT!!!! Booker cant believe it. RVD to his feet and Booker goes for the scissors kick and RVD moves out of the..spinning heel kick send Booker T staggering back to the ropes and as he comes off the ropes Van Dam hits a enziguri sending Booker T staggering into the corner and he is down on the turnbuckle. An exausted Van dam climbs to the top and hits a VANTERMINATOR ON BOOKER T!!!!! Split legged moonsault and a cover 1-2-3RVD IS THE NEW WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!!! RATING: B[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"] Rob Van Dam is exausted standing in the center of the ring with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and the crowd is going nuts. Van Dam gets up on all four turnbuckles and raises the title belt high. He goes to the barricade and gets up and gives the fans a ROB - VAN - DAM before he heads into the crowd to celebrate as the show goes off the air. RATING: B+[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/nitro1_193.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]PREVIEW[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]Tune into WCW Monday Nitro live on TNT Monday night for all of the fallout from The Big Bang PPV! Rob Van Dam had an amazing night on Sunday defeating Goldberg, Sting and Scott Steiner in the fatal four way and then in the main event he shocked everyone in attendance and watching by defeating Booker T to become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. We Will hear from the new champ live! Also Shane McMahon has signed a huge main event for Nitro when Bill Goldberg gets another shot at the world championship against Rob Van Dam. Does Van Dam have enough left in the tank to retain against Goldberg after wrestling in two brutal matches at The Big Bang? WCW.com has reported that Shane McMahon has fired Kevin Nash and stripped The Insiders of the WCW Tag Team Championships! McMahon also announced via WCW.com that to be fair to DDP he will pair up Diamond Dallas Page with one of the greatest tag team wrestlers of all time Rick Steiner and they will face of with Lance Storm and Mike Awesome for the Tag Team Titles. Shane McMahon will also explain why he has taken these actions against Kevin Nash. Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Billy Kidman last night in an amazing match to become the #1 contender for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. Tonight he gets his shot at Shane Helms and the Cruiserweight Championship in a ladder match! Sean O'Haire has announced that he will hold a celebration ceremony honoring his US Title victory! Sting will be in action going one on one with Chris Kanyon and Chuck Palumbo will faces off with Brian Adams. PREDICTION KEY: ROB VAN DAM VS GOLDBERG FOR THE WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE STORM AND AWESOME VS DDP AND STEINER FOR THE WCW TAG TEAM TITLES REY MYSTERIO JR. VS SHANE HELMS FOR THE WCW CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE - LADDER MATCH STING VS CHRIS KANYON CHUCK PALUMBO VS BRIAN ADAMS[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[B][COLOR="Red"]Nitro opens with the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam in the ring...[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Mr. Monday Night" ROB - VAN - DAM is the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion!! (Big pop from crowd). Last night at The Big Bang was most difficult night of my career. To open the night I had to face off with three legends of WCW Sting, Goldberg and Scott Steiner in a fatal four way and I was able to pull out the win. Then in the main event I had to wrestle another WCW legend Booker T for this WCW World Heavyweight Title. To be honest Booker T kicked my ass all over the ring for most of our match but on the biggest night of my life I wasnt going to come up short and I rallied back with the support of my fans and reached my goal of becoming World Heavyweight champion. This is the new era of WCW and to be champion in the new era you have to be able to back it up in the ring and "Mr. Monday Night" is going to bring it week in and week out to the best WCW has to offer. Starting tonight Shane has booked me to take on Goldberg for the World Title. Like I said before Goldberg is a legend and the most powerful wrestler I have ever been in the ring with and I am beat down tonight but I will be ready to defend this title (Raises title in the air) and give 110% in the main event tonight because I am ROB - VAN - DAM and I am the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!! RATING:B+[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/invasionchuckpalumbolz0.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBrianAdams.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]Chuck Palumbo faces off with one half of Kronik Brian Adams. Palumbo and Adams lock up and struggle for the advantage before finally breaking. Adams puts his hand up and wants to test Palumbo's strength. Palumbo reaches in and Adams hits him with a boot to the midsection followed by a high knee lift. Adams sends Palumbo off the ropes and hits a lariat. Adams slows it down with a front face lock but Palumbo is to his feet and gets out of the hold with a couple of elbows to the mid section. Palumbo off the ropes and hits Adams with a big boot to the face. Palumbo sends Adams off the ropes and hits him with a sidewalk slam. Palumbo waits for Adams to get to his feet and puts him away with a superkick!!! Nice win for Paumbo coming back after the beatings by Sean O'Haire. RATING: D[/COLOR][/FONT] [B][COLOR="red"]The WCW Ring is prepared for Sean O'Haire's celebration ceremony with red carpet drapped on the mat and a table set up with the United States title on it. O'Haire is in the ring with a nice suite on and he addresses the crowd who rains down on him with boo's....[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSeanOHaire2001.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Thank you very much!!! Lets make one thing perfectly clear. Sean O'Haire is the best athlete in WCW, I am the biggest powerhouse in WCW and every man in the back fears me. I rolled through the competition to earn the United States title and I will roll through every single man who tries to take this belt from me....[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="red"]O'Haire is interupted by Booker T's music and the former WCW champion makes his way down the aisle with a mic in hand....[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBookerT.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]O'Haire, I was sitting in the back listening to the crap you were spouting about how everyone is scared of you...Well Booker T is not scared of you and as a matter of fact that is my US Title belt you are wearing that I never lost and I want it back. So O'Haire I am challenging you to match for that US Title belt..[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSeanOHaire2001.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Take is easy Booker T... I saw you lose the WCW World Heavyweight Title to Rob Van Dam last night so I understand you are bitter. I tell you what though you want a shot at my US Title you got it, any time any place!![/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionShaneHelms.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionReyMysterioJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/WCWCruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]Mysterio Jr. and Helms lock up with the ladder outside the ring and the Cruiserweight title flying high above it. Mysterio starts out with some karate style kicks to the legs of Helms and Helms return fires with a few of his own. Helms send Rey to the ropes and Mysterio with a baseball slide through Helms legs. Rey pops up on the other side and takes Helms down with a standing hurricanrana followed by a dropkick to the face of Helms. Rey rolls to the outside and folds the ladder up and slides it into the ring. Rey rolls back in and Helms is to his feet and Rey hits him in the midsection with the ladder sending Helms into the turnbuckle. Rey sets the ladded up in the opposite corner and whips Helms into the ladder. Rey sets the ladder up in the center of the ring and begins to climb. About half way up Helms attacks from behind pulling him off the ladder. Helms hits a nice looking belly to back suplex. Helms scoops Rey back up and hits an inverted unprettier and makes his way toward the ladder. Helms is close to the top and pauses to gain his balance. Mysterio back up quickly and drop kicks the ladder sending Helms to the outside. Mysterio up top and hits an asai moonsault on Helms on the outside!!! Rey back in and he sets the ladder back up, Helms works his way back in and begins climbing the other side. They get to the top rung and exchange blows with Rey sending Helms off the ladder and to the mat. Rey climbs to the very top of the ladder and looks around... He doesnt go for the belt but springboards to the other side of the ladder and hits a leg drop on Helms who is on the mat. Both men are down. Mysterio is up first and Helms is leaning on the middle rope trying to regroup... 619!!!!! Mysterio back up to the top of the ladder and he unhooks the belt and we have a new Cruiserweight Champion!!!! RATING: C+[/COLOR][/FONT] [B][COLOR="red"]Mysterio puts the belt around his waist and celebrates in the ring to a huge pop from the fans in attendance. RATING: B+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]The lights go out in the arena and a spotlight flashes onto to Sting up in the rafters!!!![/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/Sting1998.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Rob Van Dam you were the better man last night in the fatal four way and I give you credit. But know this somewhere down the line you will run into Sting again. But my immediate attention is focused on Scott Steiner who leading up to the pay per view last night took every chance he had to cheap shot me with chair shots and Steiner recliners after my matches and with my back turned... Well Steiner I am warning you tonight that my eyes are on you now and what goes around comes around so watch your back Steiner. (Sting points his black bat to the camera)[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Red"]We cut to the back where Shane McMahon is in his office ready to speak on the Kevin Nash and Tag Team Title Situation....[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]As reported on WCW.com this morning Kevin Nash was terminated immediatley following the Pay Per View last night. You see when I purchased the WCW and announced that this was the new era of WCW I wasnt blowing smoke. The new era is all about competition in the ring and Mr. Nash was more interested in playing by the old rules and playing politics in the back than conforming with where we are going as a company. So we wish Mr. Nash the best in the future. Now as far as DDP is concerned he will get a chance to regain the tag title belts with one of the greatest tag team wrestlers of all time Rick Steiner as his partner against Lance Storm and Mike Awesome tonight. Good luck to the competitors and thank you.[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Red"]We return from commerical to Stacy Kiebler making her return to WCW with an announcment....[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionStacyKeibler.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]I am happy to announce that I have accepted a new contract from Shane McMahon to be a part of the new era of WCW. While I was away I had to decide if and when I did return to the WCW what did I want my role to be? It became clear to me that I want to be a manager in this business and guide the careers of some of the young talent here in WCW, I am happy to say that I have reached agreement with my first client and would like to introduce him now... MARK JINDRAK!!!![/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="red"]Jindrak makes his way to the ring to join Kiebler and he plays to the crowd a bit to a decent pop. [/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Mark is one of the best young talents to come through the WCW in a long time and I have promised him I would help him take his career to the next level. Our first order of business is to issue an open challenge to the locker room to face Mark on Thunder this week....[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="red"]WHOOOOOO!!!!!! Ric Flair's music hits and he is out on the runway with a mic.[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRicFlair.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Stacy Kiebler you are one fine piece of (Long Pause) WHOOOOOO!!!!! But Stacy you have aligned yourself with a loser. If you wanted to come back to the business you should have come with the greatest of all time The Nature Boy. You see Jindrak is out here is in suite and he thinks he is a good looking young guy and a great natural athlete who is going to ride all the way to the top with Stacy Kiebler at his side. Jindrak you are nothing more than a punk wanna be Nature Boy!!!!! and I am going to end you like I did so many others like you in the past....WHOOOO!!!!!So I accept your challenge for this Thursday night on Thunder and Stacy when I am done with Jindrak I will do to what I have done to so many other ladies in the past...WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!![/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/Sting1998.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionChrisKanyon.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="red"]Sting goes one on one tonight with Chris Kanyon who hasnt been able to get on track here in the new WCW. He comes out like a man on a mission taking Sting down to the mat and keeping him down with a nice mat wrestling combination. Kanyon gets up and smiles to the crowd and raises his arms only to turn around and find the Stinger standing up right behind him. Sting with a kick to the midsection and a series of vicious chops sending Kanyon into the corner. Sting gets up on the middle rope and connects with a series of ten punches to the head while the crowds counts along....Sting with a suplex out of the corner and a lariat to take down Kanyon again who rolls out of the ring and has a temper tantrum at ringside and starts to walk toward the locker room area.... Sting is out and grabs him by the back of the head and leads a scared Kanyon back to ringside... Head first into the ring post followed up by a body slam on the concrete. Sting rolls Kanyon back into the ring and backs him into the corner. Stinger Splash!!!! Down goes Kanyon and Sting locks in the Scorpion Death Lock and Kanyon submits. RATING: B+[/COLOR][/FONT] [B][COLOR="Red"]Sting heads out of the arena through the crowd and the fans go nuts while Kanyon is actually crying in the ring! RATING: B+[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionDiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRickSteiner.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMikeAwesome.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/WCWWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]Awesome and Steiner open the match with Steiner taking the advantage early on Awesome as he takes him down to the mat immediatly and goes back to his amateur background to keep Awesome down. Steiner hits a belly to back and hangs on for another and another before letting go and running around the ring barking to get the fans going!! He tags in DDP who hits some hard right hands on Awesome. Awesome blocks the last punch and hits a head butt to stager DDP, Awesome with brutally stiff chops to the chest of DDP. Scoop slam taks DDP to the where Awesome hits a knee drop. Awesome sends DDP to the ropes and hits a running shoulder block showing his power. Tag to Storm who goes to work on the leg on Page hanging it up on the middle rope and stomping away. DDP is isolated in Storm and Awesome's corner as they continue with hard hitting offense and quick tags working very effectivly as a team. Storm throws DDP to the outside. Steiner is in and the ref is distracted trying to keep him out of the ring. Johnny Stamboli hops out the stands with a steel chair and is waiting for DDP to turn around and kills him with a chair shot to the head!!! He rolls him back and Storm covers 1-2-3. Storm and Awesome are the new WCW Tag Team Champions!!!! RATING: C+[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionGoldberg.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/WCWWorldHeavyweight2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="red"]Goldberg and RVD lock up and Goldberg immediatley scoops up Van Dam over his shoulder and rams him into the turnbuckle and lays his shoulder into his mid section multiple times followed up with a few hard right hands. Goldberg whips him into the opposite turnbuckles and follows up with a vicious lariat. Goldberg with a bearhug into a belly to belly suplex. Van Dam into the ropes and Goldberg ducks down allowing RVD to roll over his back and catch him with a spinning heel kick on the other side. Van Dam with some solid roundhouse kicks to the legs of Goldberg sending him to a knee where RVD kicks him in the back of the head which puts him down and Van Dam hits a corkscrew legdrop!! Here comes rolling thunder, NO, Goldberg got his knee's up!!! Knee's to the head by Goldberg followed up by a scoop slam. Goldberg holds RVD high in the sky like he is going to go for the jackhammer but hits a nice suplex instead. Guerilla press by Goldberg and he drops RVD behind his back face first!!! Goldberg is in position and waits for Van Dam to get to his feet and goes for the spear, leapfrog by the world champion followed by a superkick staggering Goldberg, RVD with a running high knee lift to the face of Goldberg and he's down, Split legged moonsault and a cover 1-2-KICKOUT!!! Van Dam climbs up top but Goldberg falls on the ropes causing Van Dam to fall on the top turnbuckle. Goldberg climbs to the middle turnbuckle and hits a superplex on Van Dam. Cover 1-2-KICKOUT BY THE CHAMP!!! Goldberg rolls out and begins to take the monitors off the announce table and turns to head back in to get RVD but he comes out of nowhere with baseball slide into the face Goldberg sending him back into the announce table. Van Dam rolls him back in the ring and this time connects with rolling thunder... Up top FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH, COVER 1-2-3!!! RVD RETAINS THE WORLD TITLE AGAINST GOLDBERG!!!! RATING: B[/COLOR][/FONT] [B][COLOR="Red"]RVD celebrates in the ring with his world title and Goldberg gets to his feet and is standing in the center of the ring. RVD turns and see's him and they are face to face, Goldberg extends his hand and they shake. The crowd pops big for this as Goldberg leaves the ring and heads to the back. RATING: B+[/COLOR][/B]
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[B][U]The Dirtsheet[/U][/B] [B]The WWF has signed Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall, Buff Bagwell, BG James, Simon Diamond, Curt Henning and Christopher Daniels. WWF sources are saying that Vince is determined to destroy Shane and the WCW and is bulking up his roster to do so. As reported last week on the dirtsheet WCW and the WWF were both bidding on Daniels with WCW offering a two year written deal and a mega push in the cruiserweight division but Daniels decided to go with the WWF. Sources inside the WCW say Shane McMahon was furious when he learned Daniels signed with the WWF. Good news out of WCW is they reached an agreement on a two year deal with AJ Styles who the company is very high on. A source inside the WCW confirms that Kevin Nash used the creative control clause in his contract and refused to do the job to Storm and Awesome at The Big Bang that would have set up a feud between the two teams over the WCW Tag Team Titles. McMahon fired him on the spot and the cost is reported to be a $250,000 buyout which Shane was willing to pay to set a presedent in the locker room. The same source says Nash didnt seem bothered about the firing saying Shane's father will sign him within a week anyways. Nitro did its highest rating this week since Shane McMahon took over posting a 14.69 and the feedback on the show from fans and wrestling community has been very good. It is unknown whether or not Goldberg has had a change of attitude or is affraid of losing his job following the Kevin Nash incident but Goldberg worked really hard at the PPV on Sunday and again on Nitro to put over Rob Van Dam which WCW is very pleased about. On that note there has been no backlash in the locker room about putting the title on Van Dam right away as most feel that the company has to create new stars to stay alive. Tune in next week for the latest wrestling news!!!![/B]
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/THNDRLOG.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Blue"]THUNDER PREVIEW[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]Rob Van Dam is backing up his words that he will be a fighting champion and he goes one on one with "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner in a non title match. Ric Flair accepted Stacy Kiebler and Mark Jindrak's open challenge to the locker room. That match will take place this week live on Thunder! Diamond Dallas Page was screwed out the Tag Team titles twice on Monday night first with the firing of Kevin Nash and then by Johnny Stamboli later in the night during Page and Rick Steiner's match for the Tag Team Titles against Lance Storm and Mike Awesome when Stamboli came out of the crowd and attacked DDP causing him to lose out on the tag team titles. Page has gone to Shane McMahon and requested a match with Stamboli for this week on Thunder and McMahon has signed the match. The question remains though why did Stamboli target DDP? The Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr. will be in house as well as the United States Champion Sean O'Haire. The Kings of Old School will be in action against The Yung Dragons. Can they make it two in a row over the Dragons? Chris Kanyon will again be in action again trying to get on track against Dustin Rhodes after his complete meltdown on Nitro after his loss to Sting. Two of the young up and comers in the cruiserweight divison will be in action when Jamie Knoble takes on Evan Karagias and AJ Styles take on Christopher Daniels. PREDICITION KEY: Rob Van Dam vs Scott Steiner Mark Jindrak vs Ric Flair Diamond Dallas Page vs Johnny Stamboli Chris Kanyon vs Dustin Rhodes The Kings of Old School vs The Jung Dragons Christopher Daniels vs AJ Styles Jamie Knoble vs Evan Karagais[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/2781699072.jpg[/IMG] [B]BOOKING MEETING SHANE: To say this was an interesting week would be an understatement. First off I think the pay per view went relativley well and accomplished what we needed it to which was get our title situation squared away so we can move forward and we did that at The Big Bang. The other development that happend in the process was we made a statement to everyone in the locker room that we are no longer going to accept the things that went on under the old administration here and that is why we had to get rid of Nash because he was going to hold his creative control clause over our heads and the quarter million we paid to get rid of him will be well worth it in the end. (Bischoff rolls his eyes at the obvious dig on him with the comment about the old administration) SHANE: I am very pleased with how Rob Van Dam's title win played out and how it was solidified on Monday Night. Goldberg really worked hard to help put RVD over which is a good sign of things to come. Dusty, I like what I saw on Monday night with O'Haire, Jindrak and Stamboli I think the storylines you came up with should be very effective. DUSTY: Like everyone else in this room I was concerned with the reaction the US Title tournament and Sean O'Haire more specifically were getting. I think that was due to everyone involved being young and fairly unknown. But on Monday night the segment between Booker T and Sean O'Haire was the hottest segment on the show so this feud is going to go a long way toward establishing O'Haire. I really like the idea of pairing up Jindrak with Stacy Kiebler. There feud with Ric Flair should be really good and the reaction on Monday was pretty good, Flair is over as always. Finally Stamboli costing DDP the tag titles was a nice setup and with DDP really on top of his game lately this feud should get over very well. The match on Thunder between these two will tell us a lot about how this one is going to get over. SHANE: Arn, What are your thoughts on the cruiserweight division? ARN: Well Shane Rey Mysterio Jr. is the best of the best in the cruiserweight as far as being over as well as in the ring so putting the belt on him is going to really help put credibility back into that title. Kidman's turn better than expected and Kidman and Mysterio put on a match of the year canidate at the pay per view. We are going to focus the division around these two and work on building up Styles and Knoble who are tremendous talents. SHANE: Arn, What about Chavo Guerrero? He needs to get involved in my opinion. ARN: Agreed Shane. We have some plans for him as well. Stay tuned. SHANE: Terry - The tag division got a little messy there for a while but I love the titles on Storm and Awesome but my concern is who the hell is going to compete with them? TERRY: Arn and I have been working on putting together a couple of combinations down in NWA: Wildside that we are going to debut soon and we are working on building up The Kings of Old School. But as far as immediate competition for Storm and Awesome there is not much there as of right now but we are debuting a new team per our discussion on Thunder this week that hopefully will provide immediate competition to the champs. SHANE: Eric I liked the idea you bounced off me last week after the meeting and think it has some major potential in the future. Lets meet again this week to discuss further. Thanks.[/B]
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] [I][COLOR="blue"]We open with Joey Styles in the back with Scott Steiner....[/COLOR][/I] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"][QUOTE]Joey Styles: Scott Steiner what is your response to Sting who on Monday Nitro said that you took every chance you had to cheap shot him heading into the fatal four way at The Big Bang and warning you to watch your back because he is coming for you? Steiner: Sting, you are a punk bitch and you cant hang with The Big Bad Booty Daddy! So you can waive you bat at the camera and tell me to watch my back but Sting my eyes are on you so its you Sting who needs to watch your back because Big Poppa Pump owns you and I proved it time and time again over the last few weeks when I got to you when you least expected it and laid your punk ass out in the center of that ring. RATING: B[/QUOTE] [/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionJamieKnoble.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionEvanKaragias.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]Young Jamie Knoble faces off tonight with another young cruiserweight Evan Karagias and Knoble looks to get his momentum going following the cruiserweight tournament. Knoble quickly goes on the offensive hitting Karagias with stiff chops sending him reeling into the corner. Knoble follow him in with a high knee lift to the face of Karagias. Knoble with a beautiful set of german suplexes on Karagais. With Karagais down on the mat following the suplexes Knoble goes up top and hits a guillotine leg drop on Karagais!!! Knoble softens up Karagias some more with some stiff offense and then puts the match away with a jumping tombstone piledriver. A nice win for Jamie Knoble. RATING: C[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/BJWhitmer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSteveCorino.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionKazHayashi.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionJimmyYang.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]BJ Whitmer opens the match for The Kings of Old School and Jimmy Yang forThe Yung Dragons. Yang tries to stand toe to toe with Whitmer and Whitmer wins that exchange with some hard right hands taking down the smaller Yang. Whitmer stays on Yang like a pit bull and The Kings of Old School show great teamwork isolating Yang and staying on him with quick tags while receiving direction from Harley Race. Yang is being held in the corner by Corino when Whitmer flys across the ring and hits a vicious running back elbow smash on Yang. Whitmer plays to the crowd much to their displeasure and Yang comes out of nowhere and lays out Whitmer with first of fury and gets the tag to Hayashi!!! Whitmer to his feet but Hayashi chops him back down with kicks to the legs and follows with an enziguri to take put Whitmer down. Hayashi for the pin 1-2-KICKOUT!!! Hayashi goes for The Tombstone Piledriver but Whitmer escapes and reverses with a series of three straight german suplexes. Whitmer gets the tag to Corino who hits an old school suplex on goes to work on Hayashi with his old school style of offense before finally locking on the cobra clutch sleeper wearing down Hayashi before tagging Whitmer back in who puts the match away with an Exploder 98!!! RATING: C[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] [I][COLOR="blue"]Kidman makes his way to the ring and grabs a mic....[/COLOR][/I] [QUOTE][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]Rey Mysterio Jr. you should count your blessings because you are a very lucky man. You see, after I steamrolled through the competition in the cruiserweight tournament (Draws boo's from fans in attendance who knows he cheated his way to the finals) I was tired and wasnt 100% at the PPV and that is why you were able to beat me to become the #1 contender for the Cruiserweight title. Now that you are the champion Rey its time to put up or shutup. I am challenging you to a rematch and this time I will be 100% and if you have any guts you would put that Cruiserweight title on the line!! And when I win Billy Kidman will take his rightful spot on top of the cruiserweight division as the champion!!! So Mysterio I know you are not here yet probably because you were scared to see me in the back. But when you get the balls to show up, I will be waiting for your response. RATING: C[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionAJStyles.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionChristopherDaniels.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]Styles and Daniels lock up in the center of the ring and break with no one getting a clear advantage. They lock up again and Daniels hits a boot to the mid section and bounces off the ropes and hits a sharp leg lariat on Styles taking him down to the mat. Daniels stays on the offensive for several minutes and has Styles locked into the crossface. Styles tries to get the ropes on a couple of occasions but Daniels is able to keep him away. Styles looks like he is going to tap but gets one last burst of energy and gets to the ropes. Daniels breaks and stays right on Styles with quick stiff offense. Daniels scoops up Styles and hits a Sidewalk slam. Cover 1-2-KICKOUT by Styles who has been punished by Daniels in this match. A frustrated Daniels gets on Styles and pounds away with right hands until the ref breaks pulls Daniels off. Styles to his feet and blocks a right hand from Daniels and follows up with a couple of his own staggering Daniels and Styles hits a suplex lift into a neckbreaker and Daniels rolls to the outside clutching his back in pain, Styles with a springboard Crossbody onto Daniels on the outside!!! Styles rolls Daniels back into the ring, Daniels staggers to his feet and Styles with an amazing pele kick takes him down. Up top for Styles and he hits a Styles Clash!!!! Cover 1-2-3!!! A big win for AJ Styles. RATING: C-[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionShawnStasiak.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMikeSanders.jpg[/IMG] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Sanders and Stasiak are in the back with a mic....[/COLOR][/I] [QUOTE][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]Since the new era began Shawn and I have been talking to the old boys from The Natural Born Thrillers trying to get the greatest group in WCW history back together. Well Jindrak is to busy trying to get with Stacy Kiebler and Stamboli and O'Haire have there hands full right now with other issues and we will be there for support for them. So for now it is Stasiak and myself but The Natural Born Thrillers are born again!!! So this is a message to the tag division of WCW, The Natural Born thrillers are back and we are going to take the tag scene by storm here in WCW!!! RATING: B[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionDiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionJohnnyStamboli.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]DDP gets his chance to exact some revenge on Stamboli for interfering and costing him the WCW Tag Team Titles. They lock up and begin to brawl back and forth for the first several minutes of the match with neither gaining a distinct advantage. Stamboli gets DDP in the corner finally and hammers away with shoulder blocks into the mid section and vicious chops to the chest of DDP. Stamboli sends page off the ropes and hits a nasty clothsline and follows it up with a knee drop to the head. Stamboli send DDP to the outside thru the middle rope and follows him out. Stamboli bounces DDP's head off the announce table and sends him crashing into the steel steps. Stamboli scoops him up and body slams him onto the concrete floor and DDP is in obvious pain. Stamboli rolls Page back into the ring and goes for the cover but DDP kicks out at 2!!!. Stamboli continues to assault Page in the ring. Stamboli has Page right where he wants him and is setting him up for the Forget About It when DDP hits the diamond cutter out of nowhere!!!! Page covers 1-2-3!!!! RATING: C+ [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]Page is regrouping in the ring when Stamboli nails him from behind and begins pounding away on Page's head busting him wide open. Stamboli rolls outside and grabs a steel chair. A dazed DDP is barely standing and Stamboli blasts him in the head with a brutal chairshot knocking Page out cold!!!! What is Stamboli's problem with DDP???? RATING: B[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRicFlair.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]Jindrak has just entered the ring and has helped Stacy to the outside and Flair from behind drops his shoulder into Jindrak's knee taking him down. Flair goes to work on the leg by stomping on it and drops a knee onto his leg. Flair continues to work the leg before rolling to the outside and and bouncing Jindrak's leg off the ringpost multiple times. Flair struts on the outside playing to the crowd before chasing after Stacy sending her running half way up the aisle. Flair rolls back in the ring and Jindrak is on his feet and fights back sending Flair reeling with some good right hands. Jindrak sends Flair off the ropes and hits a nice lariat, Flair bounces right back up and Jindrak hits a picture perfect dropkick to the mouth of Flair. Jindrak sends Flair into the turnbuckle and follows him in with another lariat. Flair stumbles out of the corner and falls face first onto the mat!!! Jindrak scoops him up and lifts him over his head into a guerilla press and drops him behind him once again face leaving Flair face first on the mat. Flair rolls outside and Jindrak goes out after him. Flair is circling the ring and Jindrak gives chase.. Flair grabs Stacy and holds her in front of him by the back of her hair causing Jindrak to stop dead in his tracks. Flair throws Stacy into Jindrak and rolls back into the ring to escape Jindrak's wrath. Jindrak checks on Stacy on the outside and Flair pulls something out of his tights in the ring while the ref is distracted trying to get Jindrak back in the ring. Jindrak back in and Flair punches him with the brass knucks KO'ing Jindrak. Flair with the cover, 1-2-3. The dirtiest player in the game wins with a cheap shot on Jindrak!!!! RATING: C+[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionReyMysterioJr.jpg[/IMG] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Mysterio Jr. has a mic in the back and addresses Kidman....[/COLOR][/I] [QUOTE][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]Billy Kidman first and foremost I accept your challenge for a rematch and I have no problem putting this Cruiserweight Title on the line (Rey raises the belt in the air). Like Rob Van Dam said to be a champion in the new era of WCW you need to be a fighting champion. Kidman you used to be my tag team partner and we made a hell of a team. But now you are just a bitter jealous wanna be champion. So your on Kidman, You and me for the WCW Cruiserweight title!!! RATING: B+ [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBookerT.jpg[/IMG] [I][COLOR="blue"]Booker T makes his way to the ring to address the fans....[/COLOR][/I] [QUOTE][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]Sean O'Haire lets make one thing perfectly clear. You earned that US Title you are wearing. But you see when Shane McMahon came to me and said he was stripping me of the US title I didnt want to give it up but I am a company man and I did what was best for WCW. I dont like you Sean O'Haire and I never have and I sure as hell dont want you wearing my US Title so im coming to get it back!!!! NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT.......[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSeanOHaire2001.jpg[/IMG] [I][COLOR="blue"]O'Haire's music hits and he is on the stage with a mic.....[/COLOR][/I] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"][QUOTE]Booker T you interupted my celebration ceremony on Nitro so I figured I would return the favor here on Thunder. I know damn well that I deserve to wear this US Title and I will be wearing it a very long time because there is no way in hell you are going to take this title from me ever!!!! Booker T you are old news, I am the new era of WCW and I will prove to you and everyone else that I am the best the most dangerous man in WCW.... RATING: A[/QUOTE][/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionDustinRhodes.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionChrisKanyon.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]Chris Kanyon had a breakdown in the ring after his loss to Sting on Monday night. Tonight he gets faces Dustin Rhodes. Kanyon opens the match by taking down Rhodes with a super russian leg sweep. Kanyon keeps Rhodes on the mat by going to work on the shoulder and arm area with a variety of nice moves. Kanyon continues the assault on Rhodes before taking him into the corner and hits a leg face driver!!!!! Rhodes staggers to his feet and Kanyon puts him down again with a super kick. Kanyon puts Rhodes away with a flatliner!!! This match showed how dominating Kanyon can be. RATING: C-[/COLOR][/FONT] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Video of Lance Storm and Mike Awesome winning the tag team titles. RATING:B[/COLOR][/I] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]Steiner and Van Dam have become very familiar with each other here in the first few weeks of the new era and they lock up again tonight. Steiner suprises the world champion by reverting to his amateur background with an early takedown and some nice mat combinations. They get to there feet and Steiner sends RVD off the ropes and hits a steinerline to take down RVD. Steiner hits RVD with some hard rights and lefts but RVD blocks the last couple and fires back with a set of european uppercuts to stagger Steiner and follows it up with a spinning roundhouse kick to the chest sending Steiner into the corner. RVD follows him in and hits a cartwheel backflip splash!!!! Van Dam throws Steiner to the outside. Van Dam goes up top and hits Air Van Dam onto Steiner on the outside leaving both men down and hurt on the outside. Steiner is up first and hits a super overhead belly to belly suplex onto the concrete and RVD is hurt. Steiner rolls him back into the ring. Steiner sets RVD on the top rope and climbs to the middle rope and looks to set RVD up for the franensteiner. Here comes Bill Goldberg down the aisle which gets Steiner's attention giving RVD a break and he hits Steiner with stiff forearm to the head sending him falling down to the mat. RVD climbs to the top rope and hits a five star frog splash!!!! Goldberg climbs up on the ring aprin distracting the referee. Van Dam gets up and goes over to get the ref. Steiner hits RVD with a low blow and rolls up RVD as Goldberg hops off the aprin the ref counts 1-2-3!!! Steiner wins. What the hell is Goldberg doing out here!!!! Goldberg looks genuinly sorry that he caused RVD to lose the match as he makes his way to the back. RVD is in the ring and cant believe what just happend. RATING: B+[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]OVERALL: B- ATTENDANCE: 8,017 RATING: 25.28[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/nitro1_193.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Red"]MONDAY NITRO PREVIEW[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]This week on Nitro we will hear from Bill Goldberg about the events that took place during the Thunder main event this week. Goldberg's attempted interference in the match caused Rob Van Dam to lose to Scott Steiner after Steiner hit RVD with a low blow while the referee's back was turned trying to keep Goldberg out of the ring. How will Goldberg explain his actions? The Main Event has been set by Shane McMahon and is going to feature Bill Goldberg teaming up with Rob Van Dam to take on the WCW World Tag Team Champions Lance Storm and Mike Awesome. Will Goldberg and Rob Van Dam be able to co-exist as a team? Booker T gets his shot this week at regaining the United States Championship when he faces off with Sean O'Haire for the gold. Rey Mysterio Jr. accepted Billy Kidman's request for a rematch for the WCW Cruiserweight Title and that match has been signed for this Monday night! Two of the more mysterious men in WCW history face off this week as well when Vampiro makes his return to a WCW ring to take Sting! Johnny Stamboli will be in action taking on Konnan. Stamboli better be looking over his shoulder after the brutal beating he put on Diamond Dallas Page on Thunder. We will hear from Mark Jindrak and Stacy Kiebler concerning Jindrak's match on Thunder with Ric Flair where the dirtiest player in the game was up to his old tricks to pick up the win against Jindrak. All this and more this Monday night live on TNT!!! PREDICTION KEY: Goldberg and RVD VS Lance Storm and Mike Awesome Sean O'Haire (C) VS Booker T for the United States Championship Rey Mysterio Jr.(C) VS Billy Kidman for the Cruiserweight Championship Sting VS Vampiro Johnny Stamboli VS Konnan[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[B]Goldberg and RVD[/B] VS Lance Storm and Mike Awesome Sean O'Haire (C) VS [B]Booker T [/B]for the United States Championship Rey Mysterio Jr.(C) VS [B]Billy Kidman[/B] for the Cruiserweight Championship Sting VS [B]Vampiro[/B] [B]Johnny Stamboli [/B]VS Konnan-Nice Heel Heat for Stamboli
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/nitro1_193.jpg[/IMG] [LEFT][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]The pyro hits and we kick off this weeks Monday Nitro with Bill Goldberg making his way to the ring. [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionGoldberg.jpg[/IMG] Goldberg opens up his promo by appologizing to Rob Van Dam for what happend during the main event of Thunder last week. He goes onto say that he did not interfere in RVD's match to cause him to lose but to attempt to help him. Goldberg says that he respects what Van Dam has done in his short time here in WCW and he knows Scott Steiner and his antics and he came out to ringside to help keep Steiner in check. Goldberg says that once he got to ringside Steiner was mouting off to him at ringside and he lost his cool and went after him. Goldberg once again appologizes to Rob Van Dam. Finally Goldberg says tonight that tonight in the main event on Nitro he and RVD will team up to take on the WCW World Tag Team Champions Lance Storm and Mike Awesome and he will redeem himself to Rob Van Dam in this match. RATING: B+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionElixSkipper.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionAJStyles.jpg[/IMG] Styles starts off the match showing some pretty good technical wrestling ability keeping Elix Skipper grounded. Skipper is able to reverse a couple of Styles holds and finally gains the advantage with a double underhook suplex. Skipper exerts his size advantage on Styles with his own show of impressive technical wrestling ability. Skipper sends Styles off the ropes and Styles hits a rebound dropkick. Styles shows some nice power by hitting a backbreaker into a gutbuster.Styles climbs to the top rope and hits the Styles Clash onto Skipper and gets the three count to pick up the win. OUTCOME: AJ Styles defeated Elix Skipper with The Styles Clash RATING: C The camera's cut to the back where Harley Race and The Kings of Old School and with Mike Tenay... [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/HarleyRace.jpg[/IMG] Race says that The Kings of Old School are the best young tag team in the business today and he hasonly scratched the surface with BJ Whitmer and Steve Corino and when he teaches them all the ingredients that made his a multi time world champion they will be the most dominate team in WCW!!! RATING: C [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionJohnnyStamboli.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionKonnan.jpg[/IMG] Konnan makes his return to WCW in this match going up against up and comer Johnny Stamboli. Stamboli takes advantage of Konnan's ring rust and pounces all over him with stiff hard hitting offense and is in full control of the match and is almost toying with Konnan.Diamond Dallas Page begins to make his way down the aisle taking Stamboli's attention off of Konnan allowing Konnan to gain the upper hand on Stamboli with some hard hitting shots of his own. Stamboli is quickly able to regain the advantage with his superior athletisism. Stamboli springboards to the top rope and hits a spinning leg drop onto Konnan!!!Stamboli goes for the pin and Page puts Konnan's foot on the rope at two from the outside. With the referee's attention on Konnan Page slips in and hits a Diamond Cutter on Stamboli and rolls back out the ring. Konnan to his feet and hits the 187 to get the upset win! Page holds up the Diamond cutter signal and gets a good pop from the crowd with a Bang!!! Stamboli is furious in the ring!! OUTCOME: Konnan defeats Stamboli after Diamond Dallas Page interferes allowing Konnan to hit the 187 RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/Sting1998.jpg[/IMG] Sting is in the back where the war of words continues between him and Scott Steiner. Sting states that he has known Steiner a long time and he knows that he is all talk. He goes onto say that The Stinger likes to settle his business in the ring and not behind a microphone.Sting tells Steiner that they can settle this thing anytime anyplace. RATING: B+ We see a video of the events leading up to the match between Sean O'Haire and Booker T tonightfor the United States title!!!! RATING: B+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionReyMysterioJr.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] In a rematch from a match of the year canidate from The Big Bang PPV the cruiserweight champion Rey Mysterio Jr.puts his title on the line against Billy Kidman. Kidman doesnt even give Mysterio Jr. a chance toget into the ring attacking with vicious stomps to the back and head. Kidman keeps the advantage and goes to work on Rey's knee in a effort to keep the highflyer grounded. After seriously weakening the knee Kidman gets Mysterio into a firemans carry and hits a brutal kneebreaker leaving Rey thriving in pain. Kidman doesnt give him a second to breath going right back to work on the knee. Mysterio is in trouble and Kidman goes up top and looks like he is going to go for a shooting star press but Mysterio gets to his feet and falls into the ropes sending Kidman falling onto the top turnbuckle. Mysterio climbs to the top rope and hits a top rope hurrcanrana leaving both men down on the mat. Mysterio is able to get to his feet first and finally is able to gain the advantage in the match and goes to work on Kidman with his typical fast paced offense.Rey shoots him off the ropes and lands a high dropkick to the mouth of Kidman sending him sprawling out on the middle rope. Rey off the ropes and connects with the 619 and covers Kidman to pick up the win! OUTCOME: Rey Mysterio Jr. defeats Billy Kidman with the 619 RATING: A Rey is celebrating in the ring after the match with his title and Kidman is on his feet and is furious about his loss and attacks Mysterio from behind and again targets the injured knee of Mysterio with a steel chair this time!! Kidman takes Mysterio's belt and puts it around his waist as he stands over Mysterio. Kidman leaves the ring with the cruiserweight title as Mysterio lay in the ring clutching his injured knee. RATING: B [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionTorrieWilson.jpg[/IMG] The beautiful Torrie Wilson is introduced to the fans here in Detroit and makes her suprise return to WCW! She announces that she is back in the WCW and has signed on to be the manager for the companies newest tag team. She says that her new team consists of two former champions here in WCW and they are the perfect combination of power and speed. She then introduces the first member of her new team is one half of the former tag team champions...Chuck Palumbo!!! Palumbo enters the ring and he hugs Torrie Wilson before playing up to the fans to a decent pop. Wilson then announces that the other half of team is the former Cruiserweight Champion Shane Helms!!! Helms makes his way to the ring and hugs Wilson and shakes hands with Palumbo. Torrie Wilson raises the hands of Palumbo and Helms in the center of the ring. RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/Sting1998.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionVampiro.jpg[/IMG] Sting is in action tonight taking on a returning Vampiro with whom he had a long running feud back in 2000. Vampiro looks impressive early on in this match taking it to the legendary Sting with some of the inovative offense that Vampiro has been known for over the years. Vampiro hits a flying spinning leg lariat on Sting and goes for the pin but Sting kicks out at two!! Sting starts to feel the momentum from the fans and takes control of the match. Sting shoot Vampiro off the ropes and hits a nice spike slam. Sting keeps the momentum in his favor with a brawling style offense on Vampiro. Sting sends Vampiro into the turnbuckle and hits a Stinger splash sending Vampiro face first into the mat. Sting locks on the Scorpion Death Lock and Vampiro submits. OUTCOME: Sting Def Vampiro via submission with a scorpion death lock RATING: B- Sting exits the arena through the crowd and the fans went nuts! RATING: B+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSeanOHaire2001.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBookerT.jpg[/IMG] In the biggest match of young Sean O'Haire's career he goes one on one with multi time world champion Booker T for the US Title. The action goes back and forth for the first several minutes with neither of these two powerhouses able to gain an advantage on the other. Booker T finally gains the upperhand using his in ring savy when O'Haire sent him into the ropes and ducked and Booker came up short and hit O'Haire with a kick to face. Booker T stayed on the attack and wore down O'Haire. O'Haire ducks to the outside and the brawl continues at ringside with Booker Tgetting the worst of that exchage when O'Haire rams Booker back first into the retaining wall and then sends him head first into the steel steps. This gave O'Haire the opening he was looking for and once back in the ring O'Haire nails Booker T with the crucifix powerbomb and goes for the pin but Booker T kicks out at two much to the frustration of O'Haire!! O'Haire continues the assault on Booker really showing his power while hammering away on Booker. Booker T blocks a couple of combinations from the United States champion and Booker is on a roll... he sends O'Haire into the ropes and takes him down with a lariat.. O'Haire back up and Booker takes him down the body slam. O'Haire gets caught with a boot to the mid seciton and Booker T fires off the ropes and hits the scissor kick!! Booker with the cover and OHaire KICKS OUT AT TWO!!! O'Haire pushes Booker T into the ref pinning the referee into the corner and knocking him out. Booker tries to help the ref up and O'Haire rolls outside and grabs a steel chair from ringside and blasts Booker T in the head. He slides the chair out the ring and grabs the ref andgets the three count to pick up the win and retain the US Title! OUTCOME: Sean O'Haire retains the United States Championship after hitting Booker T with a chairshot while the ref was unconcious RATING: A [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionStacyKeibler.jpg[/IMG] Mark Jindrak and Stacy Kiebler make there way to the ring and Jindrak calls out Ric Flair who cheated to beat him on Thunder this week. He tells Flair that he cant beat Jindrak man to man and has to use Stacy a women as a shield and a low blow to defeat him. Jindrak challenges Flair to a rematch at The Great American Bash. RATING: C [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRicFlair.jpg[/IMG] Flair appears on the runway and tells Jindrak that he doesnt deserve another shot at The Nature Boy. He tells Jindrak that he doesnt have what it takes to be the best. But Flair says he will give him a glimmer of hope and if he can defeat three hand selected opponents by Flair between now and The Great American Bash he can have his rematch but he knows that will not happen becuase Jindrak doesnt have what it takes to get it done. RATING: B [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMikeAwesome.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionGoldberg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] Lance Storm and Goldberg open this one up and Goldberg looks really motivated tonight to make up for what happend on Thunder with RVD. He is absolutley taking it to Lance Storm in the opening minutes of the match before sending hit to the outside over the top rope and then goes after Mike Awesome on the ring apron and takes him out as well. Goldberg has cleared the ring and plays to the crowd. Storm is back in and is able to neutralize Goldberg with some methodical mat wrestling to keep the monster grounded. Storm is able to get thetag to Mike Awesome who comes in and he and Goldberg go face to face exchanging blows back and forth with Goldberg eventually getting the better of the exchange. Goldberg gets the tag to RVD who goes to work on his old ECW rival Mike Awesome with a series of European uppercuts followed up by a spinning roundhouse kick and a split legged moonsault onto Awesome!! Storm comes in out of nowhere and nails Van Dam from behind giving Awesome a chance to recoup. Awesome unleashes a vicious assault on Van Dam. Awesome with a Guerilla Press and throws Van Dam to the outside!!! Storm gets in some cheap shots on Van Dam on the outside before Goldberg runs him off. Awesome climbs to the top rope and hits a flying cross body onto RVD on the outside!! Awesome rolls RVD back into the ring and goes for the pin but GOldberg breaks it up at two. Awesome goes for a leg drop but Van Dam rolls out of the way. RVD hits a dropkick to the face of Awesome and both men are trying to get to there corners to make a tag and they both do and Goldberg and Storm are exchanging blows in the center of the ring.Goldberg shoots Storm off the ropes and hits a nasty spike slam.Tag to RVD who springboards to the top rope. Goldberg see's his partner on the top rope and pushes Storm into the ropes causing Van Dam to fall to the outside and land face first on the barrier. Awesome in the ring takes out Goldberg and they are brawling on the outside. Storm goes out and rolls Van Dam back into the center of the and waits for him to get up and nails a superkick and gets the pinfall on the world champion!!!! Goldberg looks shocked on the outside of the ring!!! RATING: A OVERALL: B+ ATTENDANCE: 5949 RATING: 16.47 DETROIT, MI[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT]
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[QUOTE=ADeezy62;342173]Good Show and I like to see how a WCW Original and ECW Original have a Rivalry[/QUOTE] Thanks... I am trying to do what WCW should have done in this time period and bring in some blood to the promotion. Putting the belt on RVD right away over Booker T, Goldberg, Sting and Steiner was risky but it is working pretty well so far and should give me some fresh rivalries for the title.
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[QUOTE=MVP!;342206]I've just read through this and I must say, I'm liking it, you're putting solid shows and being a former viewer of WCW myself, you seem to be handling the roster pretty well, keep up the good work![/QUOTE] Thanks MVP.. I am enjoying doing this diary because this is the time when I think WCW really dropped the ball with the likes of Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak, Johnny Stamboli, Chuck Palumbo, etc. and I think they could have had something big if they let these young up and comers feud with the older veterans that had been a staple of WCW but were on the downside of there career and created there next generation of stars. So we'll see how this plays out!!!
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[QUOTE=shatts14;342232]Thanks MVP.. I am enjoying doing this diary because this is the time when I think WCW really dropped the ball with the likes of Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak, Johnny Stamboli, Chuck Palumbo, etc. and I think they could have had something big if they let these young up and comers feud with the older veterans that had been a staple of WCW but were on the downside of there career and created there next generation of stars. So we'll see how this plays out!!![/QUOTE] Exactly, they had great young talent who was misused and practically had their careers ended, since Vince would hardly give a serious push to not so known former "WCW guys", regardless of their talent... The Cruiserweights weren't used right as well, but that's not the case here. And it's important to like doing this diary, I feel the same thing in mine, and if you feel like you're obliged to make 1 show a day, or that no one replies because the diary sucks, then you better stop doing it, motivation to write is very important to a diary imo, glad you're enjoying it, that means this has great potential!
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[QUOTE=shatts14;342232]Thanks MVP.. I am enjoying doing this diary because this is the time when I think WCW really dropped the ball with the likes of Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak, Johnny Stamboli, Chuck Palumbo, etc. and I think they could have had something big if they let these young up and comers feud with the older veterans that had been a staple of WCW but were on the downside of there career and created there next generation of stars. So we'll see how this plays out!!![/QUOTE] Your right with that if given a serious push they can become new blood for some titles
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/THNDRLOG.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="blue"]THUNDER PREVIEW[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]The road to The Great American Bash continues this week live on Thunder! What will Goldberg have to say about what happend in the tag team main event on Nitro? Once again he cost Rob Van Dam a chance at getting a victory when Goldberg pushed Lance Storm into the ropes when RVD was setting up for the five star frog splash sending him crashing to the outside and eventually leading to RVD getting pinned once again. We will hear from Goldberg and the World Champion Rob Van Dam live on Thunder! The main event for this weeks Thunder will feature Diamond Dallas Page teaming up with the newest tag team in WCW Chuck Palumbo and Shane Helms and they will face of with Johnny Stamboli and two of his old stable mates from the natural born thrillers Mike Sanders and Shawn Stasiak. Stamboli was hot at Nitro on Monday night when DDP exacted a little revenge on Stamboli by costing him his match Konnan. Look for this battle to rage on in this match! Also on Thunder we will hear from the United States Champion Sean O'Haire. O'Haire defended his title on Nitro against Booker T but had to resort to underhanded tactics to get the win. What will O'Haire have to say to Booker T? Mark Jindrak challenged Ric Flair to a rematch on Nitro and Flair declined and told Jindrak that if he wanted another shot at The Nature Boy he would have to through three opponents hand picked by Flair and if he does he gets his rematch at The Great American Batch. We will find out who Jindrak's three opponents will be this week. Two of the best young cruiserweights in WCW square off on Thunder when AJ Styles goes one on one with Jamie Knoble. The jealous Billy Kidman brutally attacked Rey Mysterio Jr. and stole the Cruiserweight title on Monday Night. These two will be in the house on Thunder, Can Mysterio get his title back? Joey Styles will interview Scott Steiner and the war of words is sure to continue between Steiner and Sting. The Kings of Wrestling will be in action against arguably there toughest test yet when they face off with the veterans Hugh Morrus and Dustin Rhodes. Elix Skipper will take on Jason Jett and the monster Bryan Clark will battle Norman Smiley. PREDICTION KEY: BRYAN CLARKE VS NORMAN SMILEY ELIX SKIPPER VS JASON JETT THE KINGS OF OLD SCHOOL VS MORRUS AND RHODES AJ STYLES VS JAMIE KNOBLE PALUMBO, HELMS,DDP VS SANDERS, STASIAK, STAMBOLI[/COLOR][/FONT]
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