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WCW: The Shane McMahon Era

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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/THNDRLOG.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"] The pyro hits and Thunder opens up with Bill Goldberg already in the ring with a mic in hand….. [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionGoldberg.jpg[/IMG] Goldberg looks into the camera and tells Rob Van Dam that what happened during there tag match was a miscommunication and a result of them never teaming together before. He explains that he saw RVD going up top and was looking to hit the five star frog splash and Lance Storm was able to get to his feet and he was trying to shoot Storm off the ropes and spear him to set Van Dam up for the splash but the timing was all off and that caused Van Dam to get sent to the outside. Goldberg says he thanks god that the world champion was not injured and will be able to continue to defend his….I mean, THE WCW Heavyweight Title. He again apologizes to RVD and hopes they can partner together again in the future. RATING: B+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBryanClarke.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionNormanSmiley.jpg[/IMG] Big Bryan Clarke gets a chance to compete in singles competition here tonight taking on veteran Norman Smiley. Clarke overpowers the smaller Smiley and dominates him for several minutes with a combination of rights and lefts, kicks and chops before scooping up Smiley and hitting a nice sidewalk slam. Clarke sends Smiley into the turnbuckle so hard he flips upside down and Clarke pounces in and hits the meltdown to get the win. RESULT: Clarke def. Smiley with a Meltdown RATING: C- [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionEZMoney.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionElixSkipper.jpg[/IMG] Elix Skipper takes former ECW star Jason Jett, AKA EZ Money. Skipper is clearly the superior athlete in this match and as a matter of fact is one of the superior athletes in WCW. Skipper dominates Jett with a combination of speed and power for most of the match. Skipper goes up top and hits a headstand corkscrew leg drop onto Jett and then puts Jett away with Sudden Impact. Skipper looked very impressive tonight. RESULT: Skipper def. Jett with Sudden Impact RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionJohnnyStamboli.jpg[/IMG] Johnny Stamboli’s Godfather music hits and he makes his way to the ring to some pretty serious heat from the fans in attendance…. Stamboli snatches a mic out of the hand of the ring announcer at ringside. Stamboli says everyone has been wondering why he has been targeting Diamond Dallas Page? He says because Page is old and washed up and he is sick and tired of watching him in the main event of Nitro and Thunder. So he decided to do something about it and is going to end DDP’s career and every other washed up forty something in the WCW. DDP’s music hits and he comes out to the runway and says that Stamboli is jealous of all the veteran workers in the back who have worked there ass off to get where they are and keep there spot at the top. DDP says he sent a message to Stamboli on Nitro Monday night when he cost Stamboli a match with a diamond cutter. Stamboli is furious and tells DDP to stop talking and get his ass in the ring and face him like a man. Page drops the mic and makes his way to the ring and when he gets there Stamboli rolls out of the ring. Stamboli spits at DDP and Page leaves the ring and gives chase to Stamboli who starts to run toward the back when Mike Sanders and Shawn Stasiak come out of nowhere and attack DDP and lay a vicious beating on him leaving him down and out on the ramp while Stamboli smiles and laughs at DDP before getting in a couple shots of his own. Will Page be able to recover in time for the big six man tag main event? RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSteveCorino.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/BJWhitmer.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionDustinRhodes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBillDeMott.jpg[/IMG] The Kings of Old School look to keep there momentum going tonight against veterans Hugh Morrus and Dustin Rhodes. Morrus and Corino start the match off and Morrus takes the advantage with a arm bar reversal into a belly to back suplex. Morrus keeps the pressure on by pounding on Corino with very stiff chops that have Corino thriving in pain. Morrus hits a quick powerbomb and goes a early pin and Whitmer gets in and breaks it up. Morrus gets the tag to Rhodes and he goes to work on Corino with rights and lefts before taking him down with a hip toss, Corino is quick to his feet and Rhodes takes him down again with a body slam. Corino gets going with a couple of blocked punches followed up with a enziguri that sends Rhodes down to the mat allowing Corino to get the tag to Whitmer. BJ is on fire and hammers away at Rhodes and sends him over the top with a running lariat and goes after Morrus on the apron. The ref is trying to keep Morrus out of the ring and Harley Race and Steve Corino assault Rhodes on the outside and roll him back in the ring. Whitmer pounces and hits a irish whip exploder suplex on Rhodes. Whitmer climbs to the top and ala Chris Benoit hits a flying headbutt and gets the pin. RESULT: The Kings of Old School def Morrus and Rhodes when Whitmer hits the Flying Headbutt on Rhodes RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/HarleyRace.jpg[/IMG] Race is in the ring and raises his two young stars hands in victory while Rhodes and Morrus look on from the outside pissed off about the interference from Race. RATING: C [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] Joey Styles is in the back with Scott Steiner. Styles questions Steiner on Sting’s comments from Monday night when he said Steiner is all talk and cant back it up in the ring and that Sting will meet him anytime anyplace. Steiner returns fire on Sting saying he is a freak who likes to hide up in the rafters and talk. He tells Sting to come down from the rafters and say what he has to say to him face to face and then Steiner will show him what a man really is. RATING: B A video is aired that hypes the upcoming six man tag match tonight and highlights the events of the last few weeks between DDP and Stamboli and recaps what happened earlier between DDP and Sanders, Stasiak and Stamboli. RATING: B- [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSeanOHaire2001.jpg[/IMG] After we return from commercial Sean O’Haire who is increasingly becoming more confident makes his way to the ring a nice expensive suit and the US Title on his shoulder. O’Haire on the mic says he told everyone in the crowd, in management and all the boys in the back that he is the most dangerous man in WCW and he proved it on Monday night when he successfully defended his United State title again former world champion Booker T. He proved to the world that he is superior in all phases to Booker T and hopes Booker learned a lesson on Monday night that Sean O’Haire is the franchise and Booker T is past his prime and needs to learn his role and stay out of O’Haire’s way and move on to someone he has a chance to defeat. RATING: B+ Joey Styles is at the announce desk and he hypes the upcoming match between two of the best young cruiserweights on the roster AJ Styles and Jamie Knoble. RATING: C- [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionAJStyles.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionJamieKnoble.jpg[/IMG] AJ Styles and Jamie Knoble have been on a nice roll here over the last few weeks which should make this an interesting match up. Knoble proves early on that at this stage of the game he is a little more well rounded than the high flying Styles keeping Styles grounded with his technical abilities and hurting him with stiff chops to the chest area and hard roundhouse kicks to the legs grounding Styles. [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] During the match we cut to the back where Chavo is watching the match on a monitor. RATING: C+ Knoble continues to work on the legs of AJ and then shows he can fly as well when he goes up top and hits a guillotine leg drop and goes for the pin, Styles kicks out at two showing his guts.Knoble gets Styles to his feet to continue his assault but AJ hits a awesome pele kick to gain the advantage. Styles hammers away with European uppercuts and a enziguri to take Knoble down. Styles goes up top and goes for the Styles clash but Knoble rolls out of the way. Knoble sets up Styles and hits a jumping tombstone piledriver to get the win. Big win for Knoble! RESULT: Knoble def Styles with a jumping tombstone piledriver RATING: C- [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRicFlair.jpg[/IMG] Ric Flair makes his way to the ring to announce the three opponents Mark Jindrak will have to defeat in order to get his rematch at The Great American Bash. Flair says that before he announces his selections he first wants to look Mark Jindrak in the eyes and to see if he is man enough for this challenge. Jindrak makes his way to the ring and gets right in the face of Ric Flair. Flair backs off and tells Jindrak to relax and save his energy, While this is happening Bryan Clarke, Vampiro and Chris Kanyon roll out from under the ring and enter the ring. Flair tells Jindrak to turn around. When he does he gets jumped by all three of his opponents and beaten down. Vampiro and Kanyon hold a beaten Jindrak up and Flair smacks him across the face and spits on him before pound away on his forehead with hard right hands busting Jindrak wide open and they leave him a bloody mess in the ring. RATING: B- A video shows hyping the dominance of the world tag team champions Lance Storm and Mike Awesome and after the video Joey Styles speculates as to whether or not there is any team in WCW right now that can beat them. RATING: B+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionReyMysterioJr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] The cameras cut to the back where Rey Mysterio Jr. has cornered Billy Kidman in the locker room with his Cruiserweight title. Kidman begs off but Mysterio goes after him and takes him down with a flury of lefts and rights before sending him face first into the lockers and taking his belt back. As he turns to leave with his belt Chavo Guerrero blasts Mysterio in the head with a chair shot knocing him out cold. Guerrero takes the title and gives it back to a groggy Kidman and they both leave Mysterio out cold. Why is Guerrero getting involved in this? RATING: B- [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] We return from commercial to Rob Van Dam making his way to the ring to a huge pop from the fans in attendance. He grabs the mic and addresses Bill Goldberg saying that he gave him the benefit of the doubt for what happend in Van Dam's match with Steiner because he knows the history between Goldberg and Steiner and understood how emotions can get the best of people sometimes. RVD goes on to say that he went back and watched the tape of the tag team match on Nitro and it is unclear to him why Goldberg pushed Storm into the ropes causing him to nearly break his neck on the outside. Van Dam says he respects what Goldberg has done is WCW and is not going to rush to judgement about the tag match. He says that for now it would be in everyone's best interest if Goldberg stayed out of Van Dam's business and Van Dam will do the same for Goldberg to keep this thing from escalating any further because RVD has seen it happen to many times and he doesnt want problems with Goldberg because of the respect he has for him. RATING: B [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionDiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/invasionchuckpalumbolz0.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionShaneHelms.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionJohnnyStamboli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionShawnStasiak.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMikeSanders.jpg[/IMG] DDP and Stamboli open up this six man tag match and they go toe to toe exhchanging lefts and rights with Stamboli eventually getting the better of the exchange. Stamboli bounces Page's head off the turnbuckle multiple times dazing DDP before Stamboli shoots himself off the ropes and pounces with a vicious lariat. Stamboli continues his assault on Page for several more minutes before making the tag to Sanders. Sanders quickens the pace a little bit before trapping DDP in his teams corner and Stasiak and Stamboli takes shots at Page. Sanders wth a tag to Stasiak who pounds away on Page some more before lifting him up over his head and dropping him face first onto the mat. Stasiak with a cover and Page kicks out at two. Stasiak tries to shoot DDP into the turnbuckle but DDP reverses and follows Stasiak in with a lariat. Page continues his work with knee's to the midsection and a vicious european uppercut. DDP gets the tag to Helms who is on fire!!! Helms takes down Stasiak with some quick offense and then clears out Stamboli and Sanders from the corner. Helms makes the tag to Palumbo and Helms looks at Stamboli and Sanders on the outside and takes off with a flying shoulder block through the middle rope!!! Palumbo is waiting out Stasiak and when he gets to his feet Palumbo hits a super kick and gets the pin!!!! RESULT: DDP, Palumbo, Helms Def Stamboli, Stasiak and Sanders when Palumbo hits the super kick on Stasiak RATING: C+ OVERALL: C+ ATTENDANCE: 5575 RATING: 25.24 [/COLOR][/FONT]
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/nitro1_193.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]MONDAY NITRO PREVIEW The main event for Monday Nitro this week features the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam going one on one with former ECW nemesis and one half of the WCW World Tag Team Champions Mike Awesome in a non title match. Goldberg will be in attendance on Monday night as well. Will he heed RVD's advice for them each to stay out of each others business to avoid any further issues like we have seen the last couple of weeks? The war of words between Sting and Scott Steiner is really starting to heat up and could explode this week on Nitro where both these legends will be in the house. In a huge tag team match we will see Booker T team up with Diamond Dallas Page to take there respective rivals on Sean O'Haire and Johnny Stamboli. Mark Jindrak begins his quest for a rematch with Ric Flair at The Great American Bash when he takes on Bryan Clarke the first of three competitors Jindrak must get through to get his hands on Flair. Young AJ Styles looks to get back on track this week after a tough loss to Jamie Knoble on Thunder when he takes on Little Guido of The FBI. Coming off a impressive win in the six man tag main event on Thunder Chuck Palumbo and Shane Helms take on The Natural Born Thrillers, Mike Sanders and Shawn Stasiak in tag team action. Also in Tag Team action we will see a rematch from Thunder when The Kings of Old School take on Dustin Rhodes and Hugh Morrus. PREDICTION KEY: ROB VAN DAM VS MIKE AWESOME DDP AND BOOKER T VS SEAN O'HAIRE AND JOHNNY STAMBOLI MARK JINDRAK VS BRYAN CLARKE AJ STYLES VS LITTLE GUIDO CHUCK PALUMBO/SHANE HELMS VS MIKE SANDERS/SHAWN STASIAK THE KINGS OF OLD SCHOOL VS DUSTIN RHODES/HUGH MORRUS[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[b]rob Van Dam[/b] Vs Mike Awesome Ddp And Booker T Vs [b]sean O'haire And Johnny Stamboli[/b] [b]mark Jindrak[/b] Vs Bryan Clarke [b]aj Styles[/b] Vs Little Guido Chuck Palumbo/shane Helms Vs [b]mike Sanders/shawn Stasiak[/b] [b]the Kings Of Old School[/b] Vs Dustin Rhodes/hugh Morrus
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/nitro1_193.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"]The pyro explodes and Joey Styles welcomes everyone to WCW Monday Nitro! [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/Sting1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] The lights go down when they come back up Sting is in the center of the ring. He says this war of words between him and Scott Steiner has gone far enough and it is time to settle this thing man to man. He calls out Steiner and drops the mic and takes off his trench coat and gets ready to go to war. Steiner’s music hits and he comes out to the arena with a mic in hand to a loud boo from the fans in attendance. Steiner tells Sting that they have both been at the top of WCW for a long time and that two ego’s that size are bound to collide eventually, but he is not going wrestle Sting tonight because Big Poppa Pump is the franchise player here in WCW and he is not going to give these idiots here in attendance tonight an opportunity to see him in action. Sting picks his mic back up and says that this is what Scott Steiner is all about – ALL TALK NO ACTION. Sting calls Steiner a juiced up has been!!! Steiner flips out and rips his shirt off and makes his way down the aisle before being intercepted by officials and security who drag him to the back. This thing is getting personal. RATING: B+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/BJWhitmer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSteveCorino.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionDustinRhodes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBillDeMott.jpg[/IMG] Last week on Thunder The Kings of Old School ran into there first real test here in WCW when they faced off with Dustin Rhodes and Hugh Morrus in tag team action. The Kings needed interference from their manager Harley Race to get the win. In a rematch from Thunder Hugh Morrus opens up the match against BJ Whitmer. Morrus and Rhodes are working really well together and dominate the match at the beginning keeping Whitmer cornered and tagging in and out quickly to stay fresh. Finally Whitmer is able to gain some control on Rhodes and goes to work on the big man with solid rights and lefts to stagger him and work his way out of the corner followed up with a inverted falling DDT before making the tag to a fresh Corino. The Kings then turn the tables and keep Rhodes in there corner and go to work on him. Corino keeps the pressure on and really works over Rhodes. Whitmer then holds Rhodes in the corner and Corino hits a high knee lift practically knocking Rhodes out cold. Whitmer flys across the ring and takes out Morrus and Corino is able to put Rhodes away with the old school expulsion. The Kings of Old School redeem themselves with a big clean victory this week. RATING: C [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/HarleyRace.jpg[/IMG] Harley Race is in the ring after the match and grabs a mic. He goes onto say that WCW fans are witnessing the molding of the greatest tag team in WCW history and that there is not a team in the back that can beat THE KINGS OF OLD SCHOOL!!!!! RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/invasionchuckpalumbolz0.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionShaneHelms.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMikeSanders.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionShawnStasiak.jpg[/IMG] Two of the other up and coming teams in WCW square off in our next match when Torrie Wilson’s team of Chuck Palumbo and Shane Helms face The Natural Born Thrillers. Sanders opens up against Shane Helms and is able to works on Helms legs with roundhouse kicks and takes him down with a belly to back suplex. Sanders stays on the offensive working on the high flying Helms legs for several minutes before tagging in Stasiak who picks up Helms over his head in a guerilla press and drops him throat first on the top rope leaving Helms gasping for air. Stasiak puts his boot into the throat of Helms in the corner until the ref breaks it up. Stasiak continues his assault on Helms for several more minutes before Helms uses his amazing athletic ability to hit a enziguri out of nowhere to take Stasiak down. Helms slowly works his way to the corner to make the tag to Palumbo. Palumbo comes in on fire and pounds away on Stasiak before taking him down with a superkick!!! Sanders tags himself in and Palumbo goes to work on him with rights and lefts before scooping him up and putting him down with a big body slam. Palumbo tags in Helms who hits the vertibreaker on Sanders and gets the pin!!!! RATING: C+ We cut backstage where Chavo Guerrero is showing AJ Styles some new wrestling moves. RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRicFlair.jpg[/IMG] The Nature Boy makes his way to the ring and talks about the challenge he laid out to Mark Jindrak last week. He says that Jindrak got a rude introduction to his three opponents in the gauntlet when Clarke, Vampiro and Kanyon kicked his ass all over the ring… WHOOO!!! Flair says that tonight Jindrak’s pipe dream of getting another shot at The Nature Boy comes to quick end when he faces off with the 6”6 290 pound freak Bryan Clarke. Flair says he made WCW and is not going to let a young punk like Jindrak make his way to the top riding his coat tails. Flair says he will end Jindrak’s career before he ever lets the young punk take his spot. RATING: B+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBryanClarke.jpg[/IMG] Jindrak and Clarke lock up in the center of the ring and Jindrak sends the larger Clarke down to the mat shocking Clarke. Clarke gets back to his feet and Jindrak unloads on him with lefts and rights sending Clarke reeling into the corner. Jindrak goes from turnbuckle to turnbuckle and kills Clarke with a high knee to the face!!! Jindrak continues on the offensive showing never before seen aggression on Bryan Clarke. Out of desperation Clarke hits Jindrak with a low blow and begins to get himself back in the match with some hard hitting offense before sending Jindrak to the outside over the top rope. Clarke goes out after him and Jindrak lights Clarke up with chops the chest almost mocking Ric Flair. With Clarke stunned on the outside Jindrak climbs to the top rope and hits a Moonsault onto Clarke on the outside!! What amazing athletic ability by Mark Jindrak!!! Jindrak rolls Clarke back into the ring and hits the mark of perfection on Clarke and covers him for the 1-2-3. Jindrak has defeated the first obstacle put in his way by Ric Flair in convincing fashion. RATING: C [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionVampiro.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionChrisKanyon.jpg[/IMG] As Jindrak celebrates in the ring Vampiro and Kanyon make there way down the aisle and corner Jindrak in the ring. Jindrak takes the fight to them but eventually the two on one advantage proves to be to much as Vampiro and Kanyon deliver a brutal beating in front of Flair who is looking on with a smile from the top of aisle. RATING: C We cut to the back again where Chavo Guerrero is now hyping up AJ Styles for his match tonight. What is Guerrero’s interest in AJ Styles success all of sudden? RATING: C- [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBookerT.jpg[/IMG] Booker T’s music hits and the fans go nuts!!! Booker is out on stage and paces back and forth not saying anything. Finally he says that Sean O’Haire screwed him out of regaining the US title last week on Nitro when he blasted him in the head with a steel chair behind the referee’s back and then O’Haire had the balls to come out on Thunder and say he dominated the match and that Booker T cant beat him and should move on. Booker says the fans all saw how that match ended and everyone knows that O’Haire had to cheat to win. Booker wants a rematch for the WCW US Title at The Great American Bash and this time he wants to do it in a steel cage match and then everyone will know who the better man is!!! RATING: B+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSeanOHaire2001.jpg[/IMG] O’Haire appears on the jumbotron and reminds Booker T that he is the most dangerous athlete in professional wrestling and that he should be careful what he wishes for. O'Haire accepts the challenge and promises to destroy Booker T once and for all in the steel cage!! RATING: A [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionAJStyles.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionLittleGuido.jpg[/IMG] AJ Styles and Guido lock up in the center of the ring and Styles takes the immediate advantage in the match by showing a new arsenal of moves which he may have picked up from Chavo Guerrero Jr. Styles dominated this match from start to finish with a combination of technical wrestling and his typical high flying arsenal. Styles picked up the win with the Styles clash. RATING: C+ Styles gets up on all four turnbuckles and salutes the fans…. RATING: D+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBookerT.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionDiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSeanOHaire2001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionJohnnyStamboli.jpg[/IMG] Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page are both in a fight for there survival here in WCW and Sean O’Haire and Johnny Stamboli are the men looking to take there spots at the top of the mountain. O’Haire and Page open this one up and O’Haire is very aggressive taking it to the veteran DDP looking to prove a point to Booker T going into there Steel cage match at The Great American Bash. O’Haire continues his dismantling of Page for several minutes before setting the groggy veteran on the top turnbuckle and climbing to the middle turnbuckle… O’Haire hits a top rope hurricanrana on DDP sending him sprawling to the mat. O’Haire stands in the center of the ring and holds his arms out and laughs as his confidence grows. He then turns his attention to Booker T and takes him out as he stands on the apron. O’Haire makes the tag to Stamboli and Stamboli pounds away on DDP’s head busting him wide open and Stamboli wipes DDP’s blood across his chest. The fans begin to chant for DDP and Page blocks a couple of right hand attempts by Stamboli and returns fire with a couple of his own. DDP catches fire and lights up Stamboli with vicious chops across the chest and then takes him over the top rope with a clothesline. Booker T and O’Haire continue to brawl on the outside and DDP recovers in the ring. Booker T gets back on the apron and DDP is able to make a tag!!! Stamboli back in and Booker T goes to work on Stamboli and takes back control of the match. O’Haire comes in and takes out Booker from behind and he and Stamboli double team Booker T. O’Haire gets Booker up on his shoulders and Stamboli goes up top and looks to hit a missile dropkick on Booker but Booker pounds away on O’Haire’s head causing him to drop him and Booker gets the tag to DDP who comes in and he and Stamboli go toe to toe exchanging blows as the crowd is really getting into it. Stamboli hits a vicious right and takes DDP down and then hits him with the forget about it for the win. RATING: B+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] Billy Kidman comes to the ring with Rey Mysterio Jr. cruiserweight title draped over his shoulder. He says he deserves to wear this belt more than anyone else in WCW and he will not give it back to Mysterio Jr. He says the only way Mysterio will get his title back is to face Kidman one more time in a ladder match for the WCW Cruiserweight title and Kidman will finally claim the title that was made for him to hold. Mysterio comes out to the ring to a huge pop from the fans and enters the ring sending Kidman quickly to the outside to avoid Mysterio taking his title back. Mysterio grabs the mic and simply says - I ACCEPT!!! RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMikeAwesome.jpg[/IMG] Mike Awesome attacks the world champion as soon as he enters the ring with stomps to the head and back. Awesome continues to pound away on Van Dam before shooting him into the ropes and almost taking his head off with a clothesline. Awesome remains in control using his size and strength to work over the champ. Awesome shoots RVD into the ropes again and Van Dam ducks the lariat attempt by Awesome and hits a super kick on him to get the momentum. As Van Dam goes to work on Awesome the action spills to the outside and Lance Storm gets in a cheap shot on Van Dam allowing Awesome to regain the advantage in the match. After the Lance Storm interference Bill Goldberg appears and begins making his way down the aisle to even the odds at ringside. Awesome sends RVD head first into the steel steps and rolls him back into the ring. Goldberg is at ringside now and Lance Storm begs off. Awesome is pounding away on RVD with vicious rights and lefts in the ring but RVD is able to hit a standing enziguri on Awesome sending him down to the mat. Van Dam hits a split legged moonsault on Awesome and leaps to the top rope. Lance Storm hops up on the apron and distracts the referee. Goldberg then hops up on the apron and pushes Rob Van Dam off the top rope sending him crashing to the mat and Mike Awesome gets a handful of tights and gets the pinfall!!!!! The crowd is booing Goldberg badly at this point and Storm and Awesome go to work on the champ after the match. Goldberg stands outside the ring looking torn on what to do, He folds up a steel chair and rolls into the ring sending Awesome and Storm scurrying out of the ring. Goldberg looks at RVD and blasts him in the head with a brutal chair shot busting him wide open. Goldberg waits for Van Dam to get up and almost breaks him in half with a spear!!! He scoops him up and puts him down with a jackhammer!!! Goldberg stands over the broken champion as Nitro goes off the air. RATING: A+ OVERALL:B+ ATTENDANCE: 5474 RATING: 16.12 [/COLOR][/FONT]
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/THNDRLOG.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]PREVIEW[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]Rob Van Dam was betrayed and brutally attacked by Bill Goldberg at the end of Nitro last week. The World Champion will be in the house on Thunder this week and he has something to say to Goldberg.... This week's main event will feature Booker T going one on one with long time rival Scott Steiner. The World Tag Team Champions Lance Storm and Mike Awesome look to continue there dominance when they go up against the up and coming team of Chuck Palumbo and Shane Helms. Mark Jindrak will continue his quest for a rematch with Ric Flair at The Great American Bash as he takes on the second competitor in Flair's gauntlet, the mysterious Vampiro. Diamond Dallas Page has had his career threatened by Johnny Stamboli and DDP has let it be known that he will be in attendance and will address Johnny Stamboli and the comments he made about ending DDP's career. Rey Mysterio Jr. and Billy Kidman are on a collision course for a rematch at The Great American Bash in a ladder match with the hijacked cruiserweight title on the line! Both these men will be in action on Thunder this week with Mysterio taking on Elix Skipper and Kidman going against Lash LaReux. Things are really starting to heat up in the tag team division and we will see more action on Thunder when The Kings of Old School take on KroniK and Sanders and Stasiak AKA The Natural Born Thrillers take on The Jung Dragons. PREDICTION KEY: Booker T vs Scott Steiner Storm/Awesome vs Palumbo/Helms Mysterio Jr. vs Skipper Jindrak vs Vampiro Kidman vs Lareux Stasiak/Sanders vs The Jung Dragons Kings of Old School vs KroniK [/COLOR][/FONT]
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/THNDRLOG.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionRobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"]RVD makes his way to the ring looking bruised and battered from the beating he took from Bill Goldberg on Nitro. A very stoic Van Dam says that he blames himself for what happened on Nitro because he had respect for Bill Goldberg and trusted that the incidents that took place over the last few weeks were accidental. But after what happened on Monday Nitro he now knows that Bill Goldberg is jealous and bitter that Rob Van Dam came into WCW and beat his ass twice for the WCW World Heavyweight Title. Van Dam says in the new era it is all about the action in the ring and that he represents what fans want to see in the new era of WCW and Goldberg showed on Monday Nitro he is all about how things were done in the old WCW, Cheap shots, jealousy, backstage politics. RVD challenges Bill Goldberg at The Great American Bash for the WCW World Heavyweight Title and he will show Goldberg and all the others in the back that the dawn of the new era has begun!!!! RATING: B [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionSteveCorino.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/BJWhitmer.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBryanClarke.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBrianAdams.jpg[/IMG] Tonight we see the return of KroniK to the tag team ranks of WCW as they face off with the red hot Kings of Old School. Steve Corino starts off against Brian Adams and Adams takes control early with his size and power advantage. After several minutes on the short end of the stick with Adams Corino is able to get himself back in the match with a series of european uppercuts and nice standing enziguri to stagger Adams into the ropes. Corino takes Adams over the top rope with a lariat sending him to the outside. Corino springboards himself over the top rope and onto Adams. Corino gets Adams back into the ring and maintains the advantage by keeping Adams grounded with some nice mat wrestling moves. Corino gets the tag to Whitmer and they double team Adams with some nice teamwork in there corner. Adams is able to fight off Whitmer with some hard rights and lefts and gets the tag to Clarke who comes in and goes to work on Whitmer more hard hitting rights and lefts followed up by taking Whitmer’s head off with a lariat. Clarke scoops up Whitmer and sets him up for the powerbomb but Whitmer holds on at the top of the move and begins pounding away on Clarke’s head and then hits a hurricanrana out of the hold!!!! Whitmer stays on the offensive with stiff shots to the legs and chest of Clarke and when he see’s his opening he puts Clarke away with a nice wrist clutch exploder. The Kings of Wrestling are on fire, Could they be in line for a title shot? RESULT: The Kings of Wrestling def. KroniK when Whitmer hits a wrist clutch exploder on Clarke. RATING: C [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionAJStyles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] We cut to the back where Chavo Guerrero Jr. arrives in his limo as AJ Styles is walking by in the back. Styles looks on very impressed with Chavo’s limo and suit as he exits the limo. Styles stops and thanks Chavo for his advise last week saying it really helped him out in getting a win in his match with Little Guido. Chavo pats AJ on the back and says no problem as the two walk off. RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionDiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] Diamond Dallas Page makes his way to the ring to a huge pop from the fans in attendance. DDP says that since Shane McMahon took over WCW and dawned the new era we have seen a lot of new exciting things happen like RVD winning the world title and Sean O’Haire winning the US Title which is great for business. But for me I have had Johnny Stamboli gunning to end my career and as he has said take my spot at the top. Well Stamboli needs to learn that he needs to earn that spot at the top like I did by working my ass off for years. Page goes on to say he is feeling better than he has in years and wants to teach Mr. Stamboli some respect for the veterans in the locker room and challenges him to a match at The Great American Bash. RATING: B [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionJohnnyStamboli.jpg[/IMG] Stamboli’s music hits and he is out on the stage with a mic in hand. He says that he and O’Haire and Sanders and all the young guys sat in the back while the veterans like DDP, Sting, Steiner, Goldberg just about buried WCW. So when Shane McMahon purchased WCW I vowed that I going make my way to the top no matter what I had to do and honestly DDP it was a no brainer to start my climb to the top by ending the career of a washed up piece of crap like you. (Big boo from the fans in attendance). I accept your challenge for The Great American Bash and my advice to you Page is to enjoy the next couple of weeks leading up to our match because at the Great American Bash I am going to end you career once and for all!!! RATING:C [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionShawnStasiak.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMikeSanders.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionJimmyYang.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionKazHayashi.jpg[/IMG] The Natural Born Thrillers take on The Jung Dragons here tonight and Sanders opens up with the high flying Jimmy Yang and immediately hits him with a low blow to gain the advantage and keeps him grounded by going to work on the right knee for several minutes. Sanders and Staskiak corner Yang and double team him before Sanders gets the tag to Stasiak who comes in and overpowers Yang. Stasiak gets Yang in the Guerrilla slam position and throws him to the outside!!!! Staskiak then takes out Hayashi on the aprin and Sanders and Stasiak play to the crowd. Yang finally makes his way back into the ring and blocks a couple of punches from Staskiak and hits a nice enziguri to give him the opportunity to get the tag to Hayashi who comes in and lights up Stasiaks legs with roundhouse kicks. Staskiak catches Hayashi’s leg on the last attempt and buries him with a lariat. He tags in Sanders who toys with Hayashi for a while before setting him up and hitting the Thriller Killer for the win! RESULT: The Natural Born Thrillers def. Yung Dragons when Sanders hits the Thriller Killer on Hayashi. RATING: C- [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBookerT.jpg[/IMG] We cut to Booker T in the back and he cant wait to get to The Great American Bash and face off with Sean O’Haire for The WCW US Title in the steel cage. Booker also tells O’Haire to watch closely tonight and he will give him a sneak preview as to what he has in store for him when he defeats Scott Steiner!! NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKAAAAAA!!!! RATING: B+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] VS Lash Lareux Billy Kidman is in action tonight in a tune up match against Lash LaReux. Kidman takes control of this match from the beginning and is very aggressive really taking it to Lash with stiff shots. Kidman dumps LaReux to the outside and climbs up top and hits a sick moonsault onto LaReux on the outside. Kidman buries LaReux headfirst into the steel steps and then stomps on him busting him wide open. Kidman rolls a lifeless LaReux back into the ring and goes up top and nails the shooting star press to pick up the impressive win. Kidman looks to be rounding into top form going into his match with Mysterio Jr. at The Great American Bash. RESULT: Kidman def. LaReux with a shooting star press RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionVampiro.jpg[/IMG] Mark Jindrak will face a still test tonight in the second leg of Ric Flair’s gauntlet as he goes one on one with Vampiro. An aggressive Jindrak attacks Vampiro on the aisle and the brawl is on. They battle back and forth on the outside for several minutes before finally entering the ring. Once in the ring Jindrak has control of the match and works over Vampiro. Jindrak shoots Vampiro off the ropes and buries him with a lariat. Jindrak waits for Vampiro to get to his feet and hits a beautiful standing dropkick to the face of Vampiro sending Vampiro rolling to the outside to regroup. Jindrak sprints across the ring and leaps over the top rope and hits a crossbody on Vampiro!!! What an athletic move from the big man!!! Jindrak gets Vampiro back in the ring and sets him on the top turnbuckle and Jindrak climbs to the top rope and hits a superplex!!! Jindrak puts Vampiro away with The Mark of Perfection. An impressive showing by Jindrak. RESULT: Jindrak def. Vampiro with the Mark of Perfection RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionChrisKanyon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG] Kanyon runs out to ringside and he and Jindrak start brawling. They are exchanging blows and Kanyon gets the better of Jindrak by burying him spine first into the ring post. Kanyon unleashes a furious beating on Jindrak and leaves him laying face first out cold.. Can Jindrak get through the inovator of offense next week to claim his rematch with Flair? RATING: C+ [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionReyMysterioJr.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionElixSkipper.jpg[/IMG] Rey Mysterio Jr. saw his opponent for the Great American Bash Billy Kidman pick up an impressive victory earlier tonight. Mysterio Jr. looks focused as he enters his match with the athletic Elix Skipper. Mysterio looked awesome tonight flying around the ring the entire match keeping Skipper off his game. Mysterio in full control of the match from the opening bell dumps Skipper to the outside and hits a springboard hurricanrana on the outside!!! Mysterio gets Skipper back in the ring and hits a standing enziguri setting up Skipper on the middle rope and Mysterio put him away with the 619!!! Mysterio and Kidman matched each other tonight with great performances. RESULT: Mysterio Jr. def. Elix Skipper with the 619 RATING: B- [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionMikeAwesome.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/invasionchuckpalumbolz0.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionShaneHelms.jpg[/IMG] The World Tag Team Champions have been dominate since gaining the tag team titles. Tonight they faced off in non title action against Torrie Wilson’s upstart team of Chuck Palumbo and Shane Helms. Storm and Palumbo kick off the action and in typical Storm fashion he methodically worked over Palumbo with a combination of brutally stiff offense and masterful technical wrestling. Then Storm got the tag to his partner Mike Awesome who unleashed his intensity on Palumbo. Palumbo gets a little momentum back and he and Awesome go toe to toe exchanging lefts and rights in the center of the ring. Finally Storm sneaks in and hits Palumbo from behind giving Awesome the advantage. Awesome goes up top and goes for the awesome splash but Palumbo rolls out of the way. Both men are down and are looking to get a tag to there partners and Palumbo is able to get the tag first and Helms is in and on fire hammering away on Mike Awesome with roundhouse kicks and european uppercuts followed up by a standing hurricanrana that sends Awesome sprawling to the mat. Storm again enters the ring and locks a full nelson on Helms and hits a full nelson slam. Torrie Wilson is up on the aprin complaining to the referee about the interference when Storm hits Helms with a low blow and rolls Awesome on top in time for the referee to get the three count. RESULT: Storm/Awesome def. Palumbo/Helms when Storm cheats and hits Helms with a low blow allowing Awesome to get the pin. RATING: B- [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/Sting1998.jpg[/IMG] Scott Steiner makes his way to the ring to respond to the comments made by Sting on Nitro when Sting called Steiner a “juiced up has been”. Steiner looks furious and immediately tells Sting that the talking is over and to get his ass down to the ring. Sting appears on the runway and Steiner leaves the ring and rips his shirt off and they are about to square off but security and officials empty from the back and separate these two not allowing them to get near each other. This thing is about to explode! RATING: A [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/InvasionBookerT.jpg[/IMG] Scott Steiner is given some time to regroup after his altercation with Sting as Thunder went to commercial but he is in the ring ready for his main event match with Booker T. Steiner comes out guns blazing just firing off lefts and rights on Booker T before hitting his patent series of belly to back suplexes on Booker and remains in control as he works the lower back of Booker T. Steiner goes for a belly to belly suplex on Book but Booker reverses it and hits a belly to belly suplex of his own. Booker gains control of the match back from Steiner and lights him up with stiff chops to the chest. Booker sets Steiner up in the corner and hits a vicious running lariat. Booker T goes for the scizzor kick but Steiner is able to avoid it and takes down Booker T with a hard clothesline. Steiner gets on top of Book and unleashes vicious rights and lefts until the ref breaks it up. Steiner takes Booker T and sets him on the top rope and Steiner climbs up and is going to go for a top rope hurricanrana but Booker T holds on and Steiner falls violently to the mat. Booker stands up on the top and waits for Steiner to get to his feet and hits a scizzor kick from the top rope and gets the pin, The crowd is going nuts for the big win for Booker T. RATING: A+ Sean O’Haire sprints out of the back and attacks Booker T from behind. O’Haire sends Booker knees first into the ring steps and just unleashes rights and lefts busting Booker T wide open. O’Haire clears off the announce table and he and Booker are now on top of the announce table with O’Haire setting up Booker for a piledriver but before he does he looks around at the crowd and laughs and then hits a jumping tombstone piledriver much to the disgust of the fans in attendance. Sean O’Haire has destroyed Booker T as Thunder goes off the air. RATING: C+ OVERALL: B+ ATTENDANCE: 5000 RATING: 27.20 (TBS unhappy with ratings!!!) [/COLOR][/FONT]
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[IMG]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/shatts14/2781699072.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"] WCW BOOKING MEETING: [I][FONT="Georgia"]Shane meets in his office with Dusty Rhodes, Eric Bischoff, Arn Anderson and Terry Taylor.[/FONT][/I] SHANE: Good afternoon gentlemen. We are coming off another good week of shows and the build to The Great American Bash is in full swing. On the negative side I had a disturbing call with an executive from TBS last week complaining about the ratings from Thunder this week. Although we posted our highest rating since returning to TV and put on a great show apparently they are expecting more so lets continue the momentum because we will be negotiating with TBS soon on a new TV deal. We have the WCW World Title match set up nicely with Goldberg turning on Van Dam after a couple weeks of wondering. RVD and Goldberg for the title gives us a fresh world title match for one of the biggest shows of the year and I think there is a lot of legs left between these two especially with Goldberg just turning heel. DUSTY: I am thrilled with the way the Booker T versus Sean O'Haire US Title steel cage has come together. The segments between these two have been stealing the show over the last few weeks and have made O'Haire one of the top heels in the company and Booker is a popular as ever. This should be a great match!!! SHANE: I agree and we have already accomplished one goal which was to make O'Haire a main eventer and we have already accomplished that and the steel cage match at The Great American Bash should solidify his position as well as Booker T's. DUSTY: Shane I have nothing but praise for Diamond Dallas Page and the work he is putting into his feud with Stamboli and it is starting to payoff. The reaction to this feud started off slow but has been gaining momentum in the last couple of weeks and if the match goes well at the Bash between these two it should propel Stamboli to the next level. ERIC: On that same note Shane the Ric Flair and Mark Jindrak feud is starting to gain some traction with the fans as well. Flair has been great on the mic as always and has brought back the dirtiest player in the game with this feud by setting up Jindrak to run the gauntlet to get a rematch at the bash. The fans have been a little slow to warm to Jindrak but as he runs the gauntlet and gets closer to his rematch with Flair with the odds stacked against him the fans are starting to get behind him. SHANE: I hope Stamboli and Jindrak realize that this is there major opportunity to become stars and how important this is to the new era's success. They are working programs with two of the most popular stars in the history of WCW. Arn what are your thoughts on the cruiserweight division heading into the PPV?? ARN: Mysterio and Kidman in a ladder match for Mysterio's stolen cruiserweight title should be the match of the night based on what these two have done over the last month. At our last meeting I told you we were going to get Chavo Guerrero involved more on the programs and so far I have been happy with the interaction with him and AJ Styles and there is plenty left to be told in that story. Outside of those four we are going to be debuting some new cruiserweight talent next week. I have called up Paul London who has a ton of talent and I am excited to get him going. SHANE: Sounds great Arn. We need an influx of young talent in the cruiserweight division to compensate for Shane Helms and Mike Sanders working in the tag division. So I hope the new talent can make an impression because the cruiserweight division is crutial to our success moving forward. TERRY: Shane I am very pleased with the depth we have been able to build in the tag division. The Kings of Wrestling, The Natural Born Thrillers, Palumbo/Helms and a soon to be debuting team called The Second City Saints give us some good depth and young talent to work with and build up to go against the champs Storm and Awesome. SHANE: I am interested to see how CM Punk and Colt Cabana do as The Second City Saints. They are two of our more promising talents. Good job and we will meet again next week. [/FONT]
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Hi guys, I have really enjoyed writing this diary but having said that this being my first attempt at a diary I have learned a few things that I can do better and more importantly found that with work and personal life I dont have enough time to write 4 hours of TV per week, the details in between to keep things interesting and then the 3 hour ppv's once a month!!! So with that being said I am going to end this diary and start a new one where the amount of writing involved on TV per week to move the diary along is less cumbersome and I can focus on adding to the diary with more backstage detail etc. and keep it moving better than I have with this one. I have a couple ideas I am tossing around that should be interesting and hopefully I can improve on some things in this next diary.
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