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WWE into The Golden Era

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As many of you know I had to stop the abw diary, so Credit to The Human Cancer, for his mod, I have started a new diary, WWE- Start of the Golden Era! [B][COLOR="Black"]Backstory[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B] WWE comes to a sudden drop in fans due to Steroids and Deaths, of Former Superstars. Vince tried his best to come up with new Storylines, but Falied, slowly the fans left, until all but the True Fans stayed! With costs catching up with him, Vince was soon in Debt, and Sold WWE. The man who bought WWE, was Joe King, and he promised he would get WWE back on Track. Within a day, being in charge Joe King Mixed up all 3 Rosters of ECW, RAW, and Smackdown, Promising a new Flavour to look forward to, staring Monday Week 1 November Also Every Title has been Vacated, and the Rebirth of The Hardcore Title for the ECW Brand![/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Rosters[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Raw GM- Jonathon Coachmen[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Faces The Undertaker Matt Hardy Shawn Michaels Kane Rey Mysterio Ashley (out) Brian Kendrick Paul London Candice Michelle (out) D H Smith John Cena (out) Hornswoggle Maria Michelle Mcool Ron Simmons Torrie Wilson Heels M Kenedy Elijah Burke John Morrison Umaga Beth Phoenix Deuce Domino Edge (out) Jillian Hall Kenny Dykstra Robbie McAllister Rory McAllister [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]ECW GM- Armando Estrada [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]Faces Super Crazy CM Punk Stevie Richards Balls Mahoney Chuck Palumbo Eva Torres Jim Duggan (out) Kelly Kelly Ric Flair Tommy Dreamer Heels Big Daddy V The Miz Charlie Hass Shelton Benjamin MVP Chavo Guerrero Dave Taylor Hardcore Holly Layla Brooke Matt Striker Mike Knox [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Smackdown GM- Teddy Long Faces Triple H Cody Rhodes Jeff Hardy Batista Brett Major Brian Major Lashley (out) Festus Jessy Funaki Jimmy Wang Yang Chris Jericho Mickie James Shannon Moore The Boogeyman (out) Val Venis Heels Randy Orton Finlay The Great Khali Carlito Chris Masters (out) Drew Mcintyre Gregory Helms (out) Jamie Knoble Kevin Thorne Lance Cade Trevor Murdoch Melina Nunzio Santino Marrella Snitsky Victoria[/B][/COLOR]
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Thnx for reply, i have changed the colour, [COLOR="Red"][B][COLOR="Red"]Raw Preview[/COLOR] The First Raw in Joe Kings Power. Beginning of a Tournament for The WWE Title The First Step into The Golden Era A Showcasing of The Halve of the Raw Tag Teams Match Robbie McAllister vs. Paul London vs. Deuce Womens Tag Team Match Jillian Hall and Beth Phoenix vs. Torrie Wilson and Michelle McCool The 4 People in the 2 other Tournament matches Compete in a Tag Match Elijah Burke and Umaga vs. Shawn Michaels and Kane Tournament Match 1 Matt Hardy vs. John Morrison Main Event Tournament Match 2 Mr Kenedy vs. Rey Mysterio[/B][/COLOR]
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A Showcasing of The Halve of the Raw Tag Teams Match Robbie McAllister vs. [B]Paul London [/B]vs. Deuce Womens Tag Team Match [B]Jillian Hall and Beth Phoenix[/B] vs. Torrie Wilson and Michelle McCool The 4 People in the 2 other Tournament matches Compete in a Tag Match Elijah Burke and Umaga vs. [B]Shawn Michaels and Kane[/B] Tournament Match 1 [B]Matt Hardy[/B] vs. John Morrison Main Event Tournament Match 2 [B]Mr Kennedy [/B]vs. Rey Mysterio
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A Showcasing of The Halve of the Raw Tag Teams Match [B]Robbie McAllister[/B] vs. Paul London vs. Deuce [i]I always gotta back the Canadian boys. Especially when they're from my neck of the woods.[/i] Womens Tag Team Match [B]Jillian Hall and Beth Phoenix[/B] vs. Torrie Wilson and Michelle McCool [i]Lambs to the slaughter. I don't really care for Jillian Hall (good character work, but sloppy in the ring), but Beth Phoenix is awesome. She can hurt me any day.[/i] The 4 People in the 2 other Tournament matches Compete in a Tag Match [b]Elijah Burke and Umaga[/b] vs. Shawn Michaels and Kane [i]I expect Michaels & Kane to roll through in the tournament, so classic booking says they'll lose here. Great rub for Burke, who's a big ball of potential at this point.[/i] Tournament Match 1 Matt Hardy vs. [b]John Morrison[/b] [i]Hardy comes knocking on the door of the Shaman's temple, but he's no match for the Monday Night Delight.[/i] Main Event Tournament Match 2 [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] vs. Rey Mysterio [i]Normally, I'd pick Mysterio, because he's got a lot more to offer in the ring, but as I said, I'm going with both Faces next week. This one's just a numbers game.[/i] Great card, bud. I'm looking forward to the tournament, but where's the Taker???????
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[B][COLOR="Red"]Raw Monday, Week 1, Nov 2007 U.S. Cellular Arena (Great Lakes) 7,987 B+ The First Raw in Joe Kings Power. Beginning of a Tournament for The WWE Title The First Step into The Golden Era The Fireworks go of showing the Arena and Fans in Attendance, Jim Ross- Welcome everyone to another addition of Monday Night Raw Jerry Lawler- But The first Raw under neath the bookings of Joe King Mrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kenedy…… The Music hits and out comes Kenedy into the ring, he calls for the Microphone, MK- Ladies and Gentlemen, you are all in The Presence of the Future champ of Raw, Mrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kenedy! (He climbs up the top rope) Kenedy Don’t Waste……. My Time….. Elijah Burke comes out into the ring, the crowd don’t know where to boo, or cheer, due to hardly any one watched WWECW. Burke takes the Microphone of Kenedy EB- Kenedy, Tonight is my first night on Raw, and no one will Spoil it by, them Claming to be The Champ, You see Kenedy, I will be the new WWE Champ, so I have one thing to say, Don’t Waste my Time! Then John Morrison comes out to the Ring with a microphone, JM- Hey, Burke, Kenedy, I was out the back, and couldn’t, Stand listening to both Your Crap Anymore! Umaga then rushes into the Ring, staring down the Other Wrestlers Im Just a Sexy Boy….. Shawn Michaels comes to the Ring with Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy, and Kane, they run into the ring, The 4 Heels then try to attack the Faces, Kenedy comes at Rey, who hit’s a drop toe hold, to the ropes, 619! Rey Springboards, as Kenedy gets to his feet, who turns to a Hunicanrana sending Kenedy out of the Ring! Into the Steel Steps! Elijah Burke runs at Shawn, but runs into a Sweet Chin Music! Morrison runs at Matt, who hits John with The Side Effect! Morrison gets up, Twist of Fate! Umaga hits Kane with rights and lefts, but Kane lifts up Umaga, Power Slam, Umaga gets up, Chokeslam! With all the Heel down, The Faces Celebrate. JR- What a Brawl JL- Hey JR I understand The Coach wants a few Words The Cameras cut to the back, showing Johnathon Coachmen, JC- Following the wild Brawl Moments ago, I have decided That the Final Tournament Match will be a 2 out of 3 Falls! Held inside a Steel Cage! Also tonight, The Undertaker, tonight I want you to come to the ring, I have a Proposition for You! Hype for The Halve of Tag Teams Tripple Threat Match Match 1 Showcasing Halve of the Tag Teams, Tripple Threat Match Robbie McAllister vs. Paul London vs. Deuce An alright match, with its share of cheers for Paul London, The finish came when Robbie had London on the top rope, he lifts up London, and Inverted Suplex’s him of the rope, but Deuce catches London, but Londons snaps of a Hunincanran of Deuce sending him out of the ring, Paul Turns around, to a Crossbody by Robbie! 1 2.… 3! Shawn Michaels is shown backstage, SM- The Heart Brake Kid, The Show Stopper, Shawn Michaels. Elijah Burke, and any others who get in my way for my Quest for the WWE Title, Better Listen Clear to some Sweet Chin Music! Hype for the Women Tag Match Match 2 Womens Tag Match Beth Phoenix and Jillian Hall vs. Torrie Wilson and Michelle McCool The fans were pretty quite except for the Finish when, Beth had Torrie on her Shoulders, but Michelle jumped of the Top, hitting a dropkick on Beth, sending her out of the ring, with Torrie landing on Her! Jillian lifts up Michelle who fights her of and hit’s a Mounsault Flip Kick! 1 2.… 3! The Coach is shown in his office, JC- The Undertaker after the next Match I will call you out, for that proposition I was talking about The cameras cut to the Announcers, JR- What does The Coach want with The Undertaker JL- What ever it is, it must be Bad! Hype for Matt Hardy vs. John Morrison Match 3 Tournrament Match 1 Matt Hardy vs. John Morrison A very entertaining match, The Crowd into the Action, the ending came When, Morrison was at Top, he jumped The Corkscrew spin Leg Drop, But Matt rolls out of the Way! Both men get up, John runs at Hardy who ducks, Twist of Fate! 1 2.… But Morrison gets a foot on the Rope! Hardy picks up Morrison, but John fights of Matt, and rakes Hardy’s Eyes, he goes behind Hardy, in a Reverse DDT, Position, and Flips over Matt driving Hardy’s face into the Canvas called The Starshot! 1 2.… 3! JL- What a Match JR-Hell they were fighting like a Pack of Mules JL- Ill never understand you JR The Cameras cut to Elijah Burke, EB- Shawn Michaels earlier on listening to you, I Thought one thing, Don’t Waste My Time! You see Shawn Tonight and next week you will hear 1 2 and 3! The cameras show the ring, Jonathon Coachmen’s music plays, and he walks down into the ring, JC- Well people have you Enjoyed the Show…. Hang on, Don’t answer that because you haven’t, why have you not enjoyed it, I will tell you, because every minute of this show should Revolve around me! Which I why with my Power and The Undertaker as my Body Guard we can dominate Raw! And Mould the Superstars into Us! Dong………………………….. Dong……………………. The Undertaker slowly makes his way to the ring, he takes of his hat showing The his eyes Rolled up in his Head! The Undertaker stares down The Coach JC- So whats your answer, will you Join me! Taker still stare down The Coach JC- Listen Taker, you don’t want to be on my Bad Side! The Undertaker grabs The Coach’s Microphone, UT- Coach…… May you Rest…… In…… Peace!!! The Undertaker grabs Jonathon, Chokeslam!!! Taker, rolls the Corpse of John out of the Ring! The Lights go black and Taker Celebrates! Hype for Burke and Umaga vs. Shawn and Kane Match 4 The Tag Team Match of the 4 other Tournament Competitors Elijah Burke and Umaga vs. Shawn Michaels and Kane The were Crowd hot for the Action, the finish came When, Umaga jumped of the Top Rope with a Frogsplash on Shawn! 1 2.… Kickout! Umaga turns around Chokeslam! 1 2.… But Burke breaks it Up! Elijah stalks Kane, he lifts him up, and From a Firemans Carry, hit’s a Mounsault Flip, Splashing Kane into the Canvas! 1 2.… Kickout! Elijah turns around, Shawn tries The Sweet Chin Music, but Burke ducks, and Shawn runs into Umaga, Samoan Spike! 1 2.… 3! JR- Damm that Umaga one S.O.B JL- well you cant Disagree hes one hell of a Fighter! The Cameras cut to Rey Mysterio, RM- Booyka, Booyka, Mr Kenedy in my first night on Raw I can Guarantee you will feel Another 619! Mr Kenedy come up to Rey, MK- Rey after our match you will Remember one Thing and that is, Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kenedy!…….. Kenedy! The Cameras show The Coach in his Office, he hold his back throughout the Whole Segment, JC- Taker I will make you Regret what you Did to Me! Just then Kenny Dykstra storms into The Coach’s Office, KD- Hey Coach I want to know why I aint in The Tournament for The WWE Title, I mean come on, im the Best on Raw, I can beat Anyone JC- Anyone KD- Anyone JC- Fine then, since you said you can Beat anyone, Next Week you go one on one with The Undertaker! The Smile on Kenny’s Face tunrs upside down, as he slowly leaves the Room! Hype for Kenedy vs. Rey Main Event Tournament Match 2 Mr Kenedy vs. Rey Mysterio An A* Match, The fans were Red Hot! The Finish was When, Rey runs at Kenedy who ducks, and lifts up Rey Hitting The Plunge! (The Rolling Samoan Move)1 2.… Kickout! Kenedy picks up Rey, who Drop Toe Holds Kenedy to the Ropes, here it comes 619! Rey Springboards, Dropin the Dime! 1 2.… Kickout! Rey climbs up the top rope, but Kenedy climbs up to, and picks up Rey, Droping him onto the Turnbuckle on his Crotch!!! Kenedy picks up Rey, and Signals a Powerbomb from the Top, to the Announcers Table, he jumps of the ropes towards them, but Rey Reverses it, Hunicanranna, Sending Both Men, Through the Table!!! The Ref counts, 1, 2, 3.… 9, Both men don’t move …. 10! The Match is a Draw! JR- Look at there Lifeless Bodies JL- OMG! JR- King, what will happen, now, who Advances! The Coach’s Music plays, and he comes out to the Ramp, JC- Due to a Draw In Rey Mysterio vs. Mr Kenedy, Next Week, The Undertaker vs. Kenny Dykstra match will be a WWE Title Tournament Match! and Taker you Better Watch Out! The Show ends on the Lifeless Bodies of Rey and Kenedy[/COLOR][/B]
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[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]ECW Preview First ECW in Joe King’s Power Beginning of tournament for ECW World Title No DQ for Every Tournament Match on ECW Tag Team Action Mike Knox and Chavo Guerrero vs. Ric Flair and Tommy Dreamer The 4 People in the 2 other Tournament matches Compete in a Tag Match The Worlds Greatest Tag Team (Hass and Shelton) vs. MVP and Stevie Richards No DQ Tournament Match 1 The Miz vs. Supercrazy Main Event No DQ Tournament Match 2 Big Daddy V vs. CM Punk[/COLOR][/B]
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[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]ECW on Sci-Fi Tuesday, Week 1, November 2007 DCU Centre (New England) 6,725 C+ The Cameras Roll and the ECW Arena is Shown, Tazz- Hello Everyone Welcome To ECW putting The E in Extreme Joey Styles- Because tonight we have 2 No DQ Matches Armando Estrada’s Music plays, and he comes out into the Ring, AE- Welcome to ECW, where I, Armando Estradaaaa, Am proud to Announce, haha, That Followings the Surivor Series, Paya Per Viewa, That Every Matcha on ECW will be a No DQ Match! The Cameras cut to the Back, to Show CM Punk, CM- Your all looking at The Straight Edge Superstar, The Fans Own, CM Punk. Now Tonight I understand I got Some Fat Ass McDonalds Addict Called Big Daddy V! But before Punk say’s any thing else, Big Daddy V attacks him, Splashing him into the Wall! V turns around, and Super Crazy Dropkicks him, with a Chair to the Face, V Staggers but Lifts up Crazy, throwing him into the Wall! The Miz, hits V with a Chair but, V shrugs hit of and takes the chair of The Miz hitting him Back! Stevie Richards Jumps on V, who Drives Stevie into the Wall! V turns around and MVP and TWGTT Attack V with Chairs, V drops to his knees, where MVP places the chair in front of V’s Face, and hit’s a Big Boot! MVP and TWGTT, leave the fallen men! Hype for Ric Flair and Tommy Dreamer vs. Mike Knox and Chavo Guerrero Match 1 Tag Team Action Ric Flair and Tommy Dreamer vs. Mike Knox and Chavo Guerrero A Better Than Standard Match for ECW, The Ending was When, Dreamer was down, and Chavo went up top, but Flair Distracted the ref, and Chavo jumped up and tried the Frog Splash, but Dreamer grabed, a nearby Chair left in the ring and Threw it up hitting Chavo in the Face! Dreamer Throws the Chair out of the ring into Knox! Ric leaves the Ref alone, so Dreamer picks up Chavo, Dreamer DDT! 1 2.… 3! Hype for The Miz vs. Super Crazy No DQ Match 2 No DQ Tournament Match 1 The Miz vs. Super Crazy The Worst match of the night but Still a normal, ECW on Sci-Fi Standard Match, The Finish came When, Super Crazy Hit a Mounsault on the Miz on a Chair, 1 2.… Kickout! Crazy picks up Miz, but Miz hit’s a Low Blow and then hit’s the Mizzard of Ozz! Onto a Chair! 1 2.… 3! Hype for TWGTT vs. MVP and Stevie Richards Matt Striker is shown Backstage, MS- MVP and TWGTT, earlier one you attacked Big Daddy V, well because of you he is already Weakend for his Match against CM Punk, but don’t worry, because he has told me he will Deal with you 3 Next Week! Match 3 The Tag Team Match of the 4 other Tournament Competitors MVP and Stevie Richards vs. TWGTT Before the match Shelton Benjamin is shown looking worried. The Match was an Above ECW Standard Match, the finish came When, Richards had Hass Weakened, he Stalked him, but MVP attacked Richards from Behind, he lifts up Stevie and hit’s the Playmaker! MVP leaves the Ring, Hass covers Richards, 1 2.… 3! After the match Hass attacks Stevie, He calls for Shelton to help him, Shelton walks over to Stevie as, Hass kicks in Richards, but Shelton gets in the Way, blocking Hass! Hass argues with Shelton, telling him to get out of the way, but Shelton stays. Hass leaves the ring, and Shelton helps up Richards! Hype for Main Event, No DQ, Daddy V vs. CM Main Event No DQ Tournament Match 2 Big Daddy V vs. CM Punk Match of the Night, Raw or Smackdown Quality, The Finish was When, V ran at CM Punk but CM hit a Drop Toe Hold sending V into a Trash Can! Punk stalks V, and Delivers a Chair Shot to the Head of Big Daddy! Punk grabs a Barbed Wired Bat and Climbs up top, V Gets up and CM jumps of the Top, and Brings the Bat across The Skull of Big Daddy V, who Staggers, Punk then wraps the Barbwire around his Hand, and Clothlines V! 1 2.… 3! Tazz- Punk won, CM Punk has Beat Big Daddy V JS- What a Match The Show ends on CM Punk Celebrating, in the Ring![/COLOR][/B]
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[B][COLOR="Blue"]Smackdown Preview First Smackdown in Joe King’s Power Beginning of a Tournament for the World Title Friday Nights Action turns Red Hot Kevin Thorn vows to Start his Road to The Top, with the Blood of his First Opponent, who he will Pick A Showcasing of The Halve of the Smackdown Tag Teams Match Trevor Murdoch vs. Jessie vs. Brett Major A Flying Action Match in Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Nunzio The 4 People in the 2 other Tournament matches Compete in a Tag Match Carlito and The Great Khali vs. Cody Rhodes and Triple H They Faced Each Other many time Before, Former Raw Match Tournament Match 1 Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy Main Event They Faced Each Other on Smackdown Many Times, Tournament Match 2 Finlay vs. Batista[/COLOR][/B]
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[B][COLOR="Blue"]Smackdown Friday, Week 1, November 2007 DCU Centre (New England) 6,725 C+ The Show Opens with a Hype Video for HHH and Rhodes vs. Khali and Carlito Match 1 The Tag Team Match of the 4 other Tournament Competitors Triple H and Cody Rhodes vs. The Great Khali and Carlito A Solid Match when Khali wasn’t in the Ring, The Finish came When, Triple H and Carlito set up, he went for the Pedigree, but Khali came into the ring, and hit H, with a Brain Chop, before tossing him over the ropes, Khali turns around and Rhodes Jumps of the ropes and hits Khali with a Dropkick to the Face, sending Khali trapped in the Ropes! The Fans go Nuts as Cody, hits Khali with rights and lefts, Cody Springs of the Opposite ropes, but Carlito catches him, rakes him to the Eye, and Hit’s the Back Cracker! 1 2.… 3! After the match Khali picks up Rhodes, as Carlito springs over the Ropes taking out Triple H, Khali Walks over to the Ropes, with Cody in the Air……… When Batista runs down from the Ramp, and Clothlines Carlito, then running into the Ring and Attacking Khali, Cody uses the ropes to get down, and then pulls the ropes down, Batista then throws Khali to the ropes Sending him over into a Knee by H. Randy Orton and Finlay come out through the Crowd and Attack Batista and Cody from Behind, but Jeff interferes Attacking Randy and sending him over the Ropes, But Jeff Turns around and Finlay with the Shillelagh! Jeff is Knocked out, H tries to get into the ring, but Carlito hits him with a Chair! Cody and Batista get up but Khali Tossed Rhodes into the Barricade, and Orton hits Batista with a Knee into the Steel Post! The Heel Celebrate there Victory! Hype for Nuzio vs. Jimmy Wang Yang Match 2 High Flying Action Nunzio vs. Jimmy Wang Yang A match where there Popularity brought the Match Down, the Ending was When, Wang was down, and Nuzio jumped of the Top hitting a Twisting Splash to Wang! 1 2.… Kickout! Nuzio picked up Wang, and whipped him to the ropes, but Wang Sprinboarded and Hit The Mounsault Crossbody! 1 2.… 3! After the Match Jamie Knoble Came out and Stared Down Wang and Nunzio! Hype for the Showcasing of Halve of the Tag Teams, Tripple Threat Match Match 3 Showcasing of Halve of the Tag Teams, Tripple Threat Match Trevor Murdoch vs. Jessie vs. Brett Major A Standard Smackdown Match where the Finish Came When, Jessie was up top, but Lance Cade Interfered and threw him of the rope into Brett, Trevor then picked up Major and Hit The Sunset Flip Pin! 1 2.… 3! Finlay is shown Backstage, Finlay- Batista, we had Matched before, and im Sure you Havent Forgotton, My Name is Finlay… And I Love To Fight! Hype for Finlay vs. Batista Match 4 Tournament Match 1 Finlay vs. Batista A Entertaining Match in which the Finish came When, Finlay grabbed the Shillelagh, but the Ref took it of him, as the Ref but the Shillelagh away, Finlay grabbed the Weakened Batista and took him to a Corner where The Cover had been Removed, but Batista Blocked Finlay and Tossed Finlay onto the Steel of the Turnbuckle and then hit a Spinebuster! 1 2.… 3! Funaki is Shown Backstage, When Kevin Thorne Attacks him, and puts his body onto a Table, and hit The Dark Kiss! KT- Funaki…… I Want Your Bloooood! Match 5 Following the Attack on Funaki Kevin Thorne vs. Funaki Before the match started, Thorne Dragged out Funaki to the Ring, it was a Basic Squash Match, The Finish Came When, Kevin Picked up Funaki over his Shoulder like the Border Toss, And Drove him down on Funaki’s Head in a move Called The Blackness! Backstage Teddy Long is Shown, TL- Every One in Attendance and Everyone Watching, I have Big News Concerning The World Title Final Match at Survivor Series, The Match will be a Iron Man Match under Hardcore Rules, so only Pinfalls and Submissions Apply! Randy Orton is Shown on Screen, RO- Jeff Hardy the Rainbow Haired Bimbo, In Our Matched just Remember 3 Letters, R.K.O! Main Event Tournament Match 2 Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy An Entertaining Match, with lots of Action, The Ending came When, Hardy grabbed Orton, but Randy raked Jeff’s Eyes and Hit a Reverse RKO Neckbraker! 1 2.… Kickout! Orton Stalked Jeff, who got up, and hit Orton with The Twist of Fate, 1 2.… Kickout! Jeff picks up Orton who, Playes Possum and then hit’s the RKO! 1 2.… 3! The Camera end on Randy Orton Celebrating! [/COLOR][/B]
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[B][COLOR="Lime"]The Following is From WWE.com, Following The Recent WWE Action The Following Matches will Take Place in 3 Weeks Time at Survivor Series, The WWE Title Final The World Title Final The ECW World Title Final A 5 on 5 Traditional Survivor Series Match Team Captain Mr Kenedy, Chavo Guerrero, Kevin Thorne, and 2 To be Named Superstars vs. Team Captain Rey Mysterio, Ric Flair and 3 To be Named Superstars Another 5 on 5 Traditional Survivor Series Match Team Captain Shane McMahon, Mike Knox, Finlay and 2 To be Named Superstars vs. Team Captain Unknown, Tommy Dreamer, Jeff Hardy and 2 To be Named Superstars Also 3 Huge Returns Are Surposed to Appear With Shane McMahon to be a Captain, Expect to See him At Monday Night Raw, and Watch all 3 Shows for The Road to Survivor Series! [/COLOR][/B]
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[B][COLOR="Red"]Raw Preview Shane McMahon Is Scheduled to Appear Show Casing The Other of Halve of the Raw Tag Teams Domino vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Rory McAllister Womens Number 1 Contender Match for Survior Series Against Next Weeks Winner Beth Phoenix vs. Torrie Wilson Tag Team Match Rey Mysterio and Mr Kenedy vs. John Morrison and Matt Hardy Tournament Match 2 The Coach vows Revenge on The Undertaker, Dykstra Walked into Match due to his Ego, Tournament Match due to Draw Last Week! Kenny Dykstra vs. The Undertaker Tournament Match 3 Shawn Michaels vs. Elijah Burke Main Event Tournament Match 4 Umaga vs. Kane[/COLOR][/B]
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Show Casing The Other of Halve of the Raw Tag Teams Domino vs. [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] vs. Rory McAllister Womens Number 1 Contender Match for Survior Series Against Next Weeks Winner [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] vs. Torrie Wilson Tag Team Match Rey Mysterio and Mr Kenedy vs. [B]John Morrison and Matt Hardy[/B] Tournament Match 2 The Coach vows Revenge on The Undertaker, Dykstra Walked into Match due to his Ego, Tournament Match due to Draw Last Week! Kenny Dykstra vs. [B]The Undertaker[/B] Tournament Match 3 [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] vs. Elijah Burke Main Event Tournament Match 4 Umaga vs. [B]Kane[/B]
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