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FM 2008-Tough nut!!!

Capelli King

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I have been playing FM ever since it was CM 93! In that game Ryan Giggs was a up and coming 17 year old wonderkid! But this one is by far the toughest one i have played! FM 2007 was more realistic if you ask me. Especially on the away games! I mean it plays such a HUGE difference if you are playing home or away in the new game. I would say that although big teams have slightly worse records away from home, i do not think it is to such an extent. Not to mention that the game is much more difficult! I have been playing as Spurs. I have not been able to beat damn Reading in 5 outings! I am fielding a far more talented lineup, but i struggle to get the results. One other thing is the defence. Sure Spurs has a weak back line, but i enhanced my back line with Metsacker, Rafina and play with a Strong Defensive Midfielder. I still struggle to keep any clean sheets!!! I mean the game is great as always, only think that overal, this was the smallest improvement on the previous version ever.
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I always play the lower leagues and start off in the N. Irish 2nd division or so... In 2008 EVERY youth player has a contract of 80€ till 2010 and you CAN NOT RELEASE HIM ON A FREE. RESULT: every low league club is impossible to manage!!!! I think FM2008 is full of bugs, I've installed the new patch and still think it stinks...hopefully they'll do something about this.
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Are you doing the tactics for each individual player? I have found that it makes a HUGE difference in this version, which is great because I do it and my brother doesn't and that provides great entertainment when my Derby team beats his Tottenham one :rolleyes: I think the smaller details have a greater emphasis, so on match days you need to be setting the specific instructions for the main opposition players. Also bringing in too many new players too quickly really upsets the balance of the team I've found, especially in defence and even moreso when they speak different languages, so that might contribute to why your defence is shaky.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;320733]I mean the game is great as always, only think that overal, this was the smallest improvement on the previous version ever.[/QUOTE] you know why? it's cause of fm live, they're spending most of their development time on that game, when live is out, fm09 or 10 will be back to it's normal greatness
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I must admit, I barely touched 07. I got it free with a subscription to 442, and my 06 game was just going so well I never had the motivation to switch. I did cough up for 08, but after three weeks all I've done is set up the training and work out who can stay and who can leave. I really need to spend a few hours on it. Cap, nice to know someone's been playing even longer than me. I started with CM2, and while I had a bash at the older ones, I don't think I'd have stuck it out if I'd started with them. For me, the series peaks and troughs a bit. The CM2 versions were all superb. The early CM3s were iffy, but 01/02 was amazing. CM4 was, well, average by their standards, but 03/04 was a classic. Since the shift to FM, as stated, I think they peaked with 06 - but then, I didn't get into that until it'd been out for six months.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;320907]Cap, nice to know someone's been playing even longer than me. I started with CM2, and while I had a bash at the older ones, I don't think I'd have stuck it out if I'd started with them. For me, the series peaks and troughs a bit. The CM2 versions were all superb. The early CM3s were iffy, but 01/02 was amazing. CM4 was, well, average by their standards, but 03/04 was a classic. Since the shift to FM, as stated, I think they peaked with 06 - but then, I didn't get into that until it'd been out for six months.[/QUOTE] Same. Having been a CM/FM man for a while, I do enjoy seeing how it evolves. I remember being particularly disappointed with CM3, it just left me with no reason to go back to it. I thought it was just so dull. But 01/02 was, in my opinion, the greatest game ever. No game has ever had playability like that. I just played that game for so long, to the extent that every single one of the original players had retired and new ones had replaced them. I personally love 07 though. Great game, I think there are just enough little tweaks to make it fun but not a chore. That said, I haven't played 08 so I don't know if that's better. But I have really enjoyed '07, and still do. And I'm determined to win the league with Spurs eventually, I'm fed up of getting close but not close enough.
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About the tactics. I pretty much know everything there is to know about the FM tactics!;) Usually with a talented squad i have now, i used to play a 4 back line with 2 the 2 fullbacks coming up allot. (attacking) A Mid player plaing more of a DM role. 2 agressive wingers going up allot. A AM with free role and moving into the strickers. 2 F moving left + right interchanging. Obviously i tweeked allot of internal things to it. I know the rotations very well, trainings ect. Well i just beat Reading on the 6th outing 2-0 and i have adjusted some things, but MAn U and the rest of the big boys seem out of sight! You could say that is realistic! But in previous games i was usually competing for the title in the 2nd year, making CL in 1st and then being a contender every year after that.......................forever!!!
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[QUOTE=TheEdgeOfReason;320995]Ah I see we have some 01/02 lovers here! That is where the game peaked in my opinion. Played it for days, weeks, months, years on end. I used to have a really slow computer so I played that game.[/QUOTE] I agree that 01\02 was the revelation in the series! There have always been improvements, but that one was the biggest improvement to the previous ones.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;321012]You could say that is realistic! But in previous games i was usually competing for the title in the 2nd year, making CL in 1st and then being a contender every year after that.......................forever!!![/QUOTE] That does just say that previous versions were easy. I mean, everyone had stories of taking their local clubs to the top of the Premiership. That should really be the exception rather than the rule! And tactics - you stated your tactics like they're what you always play - home or away. Even the top teams tend to be more cautious away, unless they're expecting a walkover. So two attacking full backs and a free role midfielder may be just that little bit too much. Not trying to say I'm an expert - the last version I got was '05, and although I played that to death, I've held off buying another version... until now.
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Well i am pretty determined in the new season i will be kicking some serious ass! 1st 2 seasons ended with Spurs in 5th place. Have worked on the tactics though and i like the new one 3-5-2 (but with a load of changes) Maybe it really is down to the tactics. I also looked carefully, frankly speaking the quality of my squad did not really deserve more than a 5th place anyway. The prediction in both years was a 6th placing. So getting 5th, finishing once in the final of the UEFA (lost to Blackburn on penalties!!!) i guess is not too bad. I mean Spurs does not do that in real life! Either way, this is much tougher than the previous versions. You do not amass loads of cash like before either (financials more strict)
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