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SWF- Staying on Top

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I hadn’t been in my office more than five minutes than who but Richard Eisen, one of the biggest names in professional wrestling, knocked on the door and let himself in. “Hey Rich,” I said, looking up from my computer screen. Eisen outside of the TV cameras was a really nice guy, and he was practically beaming as he came in. “Have you gotten a chance to check out the feedback from the show last night?” said Richard, unable to contain himself. “No, I just got back from the gym. Did the fans like it?” “Like it? Jack, they loved it! Everybody loved it. I heard some of the boys in the back talking, and they said it was probably the best show they’ve been a part of. That means something around here. That means a lot.” “Great,” I said, unsure whether Richard came into my office just to tell me he liked the show. He was right though. It had been one hell of a show. Sam and Gilmore put on a great match, Christian Faith made his return, and Steve Frehley brought the best out in Train, a guy that we had been trying to motivate for months. “I came in here to ask you about something,” said Richard. “Go ahead,” I said. “How much of The World did you personally book, and how much was Sam Keith?” In my head, warning bells were going off. Keith was supposed to be the head booker, but he had been delegating to me almost exclusively since my rib injury. “Well, Sam’s been doing a lot of work with Angry and some of the other guys. I mean, he and Chris…” “Just answer the question,” said Richard. “I booked everything but Sam’s match,” I said. “Eric and Peter had input, obviously,” I added quickly. “Well, that was the best pay per view we’ve had in years. We’re finally putting some distance between us and the competition. We’re on the verge of something big- silencing all the critics, showing why we’re the best wrestling promotion in the world,” Richard paused while I tried to guess where he was going with this. “Sam’s got a great head for this business, and he’s made a lot of money here, but to be honest, I think he might be running low on creativity. The second you came in, it was a shot in the arm. Suddenly Christian is putting up five star epics again. Suddenly everybody remembers just how talented the boys in the back really are.” “I was just doing my job,” I said. “Well, you’ve been doing your job and Sam’s job, from what I hear. So I want to make it official. As of now, you’re the head booker. Keep Sam on the team, but you’ve got the final word.” With that, Richard shook my hand and turned to go, stopping just outside the doorway. “Once again, great show,” he said. As soon as he was gone I let his words sink in. Sure, I had been doing a lot of the booking, but it had been behind the scenes. The boys knew and respected Sam; he was an icon. I was just a rookie Sam had brought in, and Eisen wanted me to book? I knew it was an opportunity, but right then I was more worried about not screwing up than anything else. I turned back to the computer; the future of the largest and most successful wrestling promotion ever was in my hands. I was completely terrified. Short Results from The World is Watching: Eric Eisen defeated Enygma with a Silver Spoon Shock, and beat down the enigmatic one after the match. The Amazing Bumfholes won a four way elimination tag match to defend their titles, last eliminating High Concept. Robbie Retro defeated Rich Money to become the new North American champion. Sam Keith defeated Angry Gilmore in a submission match with a proton lock. Remo pinned Skull DeBones after a Destroyer. Marc DuBois won a six man ladder match to become #1 contender to the North American title. Jack Bruce defeated Joe Sexy after Christian Faith made his surprise return to SWF, costing Sexy the match. Runaway Train retained his title in a double count out after Steve Frehley hit a brainbuster through the announce table that left both men unable to answer the count. From swf.com: [quote]Only 24 Hours after The World is Watching, SWF is back with the aftermath on SWF Ultimate Impact! Swf.com has already confirmed that Remo has challenged Robbie Retro to a match tonight in response to Rich Money’s loss last night. Remo has made it clear he is not interested in the SWF title: he just wants to make Retro pay! All this and more, tonight at 12:00 on CBA![/quote]
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Live from the Sold Out Laurent Ballroom, it’s SWF Ultimate Impact! Dark Match Private Parker vs. Mikel Alonso Private Parker (Steven Parker in an armed forces gimmick) hit Mikel Alonso with a Future Shock in a short, mediocre match. Carl Bach and Knuckles are in the ring, and hype up how hardcore Knuckles is. Jungle Jack vs. Knuckles, hardcore match Jack and Knuckles overcame a few awkward moments and put on a pretty good hardcore brawl, ending when Jack hit the Stay of Execution. Show Opens Jerry Eisen, Richard Eisen, and Duane Fry are at ringside. Jerry Eisen announces the first match is for the #1 contendership to the shooting star title. Akima Brave vs. Bart Biggz vs. Brett Bigz vs. Calamari Kid (Backstory: Bart turned on Brett two months ago, costing the Biggz brothers their tag team titles) Bart wastes no time in going straight after his brother, knocking him out of the ring and then hitting cross body over the ropes, taking both men out. Akima Brave controlled Kid in the ring, using his strength advantage to set Kid up for some brutal clotheslines. Kid went up top but missed on a splash. Bart ran in and hit a dropkick on Brave, then he and Kid hit a double team move and both made the cover. Bart Biggz refused to enter the ring, so Calamari Kid attacks Brett. They go through some cruiserweight exchanges before Biggz hits a big hurrancanrana that knocks Kid loopy. Biggz goes up top and hits a twisting moonsault to take Kid out. Brett is back in the ring, and the two trade a few punches before Brett locks in a headlock and turns it into a bulldog. Brett keeps Bart off his feet, but Bart powers out of a resthold and goes up top, only to get the ropes shake treatment. He crotches himself, and Brett makes the cover with his feet on the ropes for leverage. Brett Biggz gets a shot at Zimmy Bumfhole. [B]Winner[/B]: Bart Biggz via feet on the ropes. C- Backstage, Angry Gilmore runs into Lobster Warrior, who is getting ready for his match by stretching out. Gilmore asks if Lobster’s still sore from the proton lock Lobster received twice in the past month. Lobster nods, and seems interested when Angry says he wants to “take down that old bastard.” B- Lobster Warrior vs. Enforcer Roberts (Backstory: None) In a battle of speed vs. technique, Lobster was able to overcome Enforcer’s submission skills, hitting a Lobster Trap out of nowhere to end the match abruptly after only five minutes. [B]Winner[/B]: Lobster Warrior via the Lobster Track. B- The Guru is backstage with Runaway Train. “Steve Frehley, you must be feeling pretty good about yourself. After all, you did what nobody else could do: you knocked out the most dangerous man in this sport, put him through a table, and left him on the ground, beaten, battered, broken.” Train starts fuming in the background, but Guru ignores him. “But Steve Frehley, let me tell you, you’ve won NOTHING. You couldn’t beat the Runaway Train fairly in the ring. You couldn’t beat him at all. So all you’ve really done is make him mad. And if you thought Runaway Train was a vicious, unfeeling monster, you’re about to see what happens when you make a vicious, unfeeling monster mad.” Runaway Train continues to fume at the camera while Jerry Eisen wonders whether Steve Frehley hasn’t bought more than he bargained for. Rating: A Jack Torrent vs. Eric Eisen (Backstory: Jack Torrent is coming off a loss last week in a cage match against Marc DuBois, while Eisen is involved in a feud with Enygma) Jack is all business, trying to ground Eisen’s aerial ability and controls the match during the early going. Eisen starts recovering and hits a low blow, setting up for the Silver Spoon Shock when Enygma runs in from the crowd. Engyma and Eisen brawl, causing Shane Stones to ring the bell. [B]Winner[/B]: Eric Eisen via DQ by interference. C+ Next up, Joe Sexy comes out. “Jack Bruce, I knew you were a washed up rocker, but I underestimated just how nasty your groupies have gotten. Christian Faith, I know I’m a magnetic guy, but you’ve got to pull yourself free. I don’t know where you developed your little crush, but I need to make it clear that Joe doesn’t roll that way. I don’t know what Jack Bruce told you, but I don’t have anything to do with you. As for you Jack, I just can’t get over how bad you looked last night. Losing is one thing, but I hate losing to somebody that looked the way you did last night. I mean, your hair was all over the place, and that outfit? Just what were you thinking? The 1980’s are over, man. But I’ll tell you what, I’m a good guy. You ever want to look this good, I can help. Because I’m Joe Sexy, and so can you!” Rating: B+ After a break, the main event is up next: Robbie Retro w/ Jenny Playmate v. Remo (Background: Retro recently won the SWF North American title from Rich Money, Remo's friend and sometimes partner) Robbie opens by trying a test of strength, but Remo slaps his hand away. Remo doesn’t waste any time and hits a high kick, staggering Robbie into the corner. Remo follows up with three more stiff kicks, finishing him with an elbow. Retro recovers and hits some big punches, but Remo no-sells them and tosses Retro to the outside. Remo stalks Retro and bounces the afro off the steps before tossing him back inside. Robbie counters a charge into a high back drop, and tries to lock in a chin lock to keep Remo off his feet. Remo powers out of it and hits Retro with an absolutely brutal kick to the head that leaves Retro on the ground. Remo stalks Retro and sets up a spinning fisherman driver aka the Destroyer, and this one’s over. [B]Winner[/B]: Remo via pinfall after the Destroyer. B- Show ends with Richard Eisen putting over what a monster Remo really is. Overall Rating: C+ TV Rating: 10.84
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Tuesday, on Supreme TV: [quote=swf.com]On the heels of SWF The World is Watching, Supreme TV returns this Tuesday with all your pay per view fallout. Will Steve Frehley get a rematch at Runaway Train’s title? Christian Faith also makes his first appearance since the pay per view, and three matches have already been booked. In a match that may have title implications, Jack Bruce faces Eric Eisen, while Sam Keith squares off with Robbie Retro. Finally, Marc DuBois defends his #1 contendership of the North American title in a match against Lobster Warrior. All this and more at the next SWF Supreme TV![/quote]
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SWF Supreme TV, airing Live from the Missouri State Armory! Pre-Show: Akima Brave vs. Hell Monkey Very good cruiserweight match with a quick pace and some nice brawling. Brave picked up the win with the suicide head-butt. [b]Winner[/b]: Akima Brave via head-butt. Rating: C In the ring, Sin Eater (Jack Griffith in a pair of leather pants and with vampire fangs) cuts a promo, calling Jungle Jack a “heathen.” Rating: C Jungle Jack vs. Sin Eater A short, unspectacular brawl, ending when Sin Eater hit the “Soul Taker,” his inverted facebuster finish. [b]Winner[/b]: Sin Eater via pinfall. Rating: C Ana Garcia, Pete Michaels and Duane Fry welcome the audience at home to SWF Supreme TV. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/ChristianFaith.jpg[/IMG] Christian Faith hits the ring to open the show. Crowd goes nuts as he grabs a mic. “You know this past month, I’ve had a lot of time to sit and think, lying on my couch, watching this show from home. I’ve been thinking about two things: what do I want to do, and who do I want to beat? Being on the shelf, I got to thinking, one more big injury, one more bad fall, and that’s it, I’m done.” Faith pauses as the crowd boos. “And so I thought about what I wanted to do with the time I’ve got left. Who did I want to beat, just once, so that when I do have to hang up my boots and sit around my couch and play with my kids, I could do it with no regrets. Well, there’s just one thing I want, and just one guy I want to beat! Runaway Train, you damn near ended my career once, and now I’m back, I’m healthy, and I want that title, and I want some payback! So Runaway Train, waltz your ass down here, because I want to take that title from you right here, right now, tonight!” Crowd pops like crazy at the idea, but Runaway Train doesn’t appear. Instead, Richard Eisen’s music plays and a cash register opens, as the owner and head honcho of SWF makes his way to the ring. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/RichardEisen.jpg[/IMG] “Hey Rich, it’s good to see you and all, but I’m looking for a guy a lot bigger to step between these ropes.” Richard Eisen glares at Christian as he enters the ring, his jaw clenched. Eisen has a mic. “Christian Faith, Runaway Train’s not coming down here, because I told him specifically not to.” Now Faith glares at Eisen, thinking about striking the most powerful man in wrestling as the crowd boos the news. “I told him not to come down here, because you’re the third guy to ask for a title shot today. So what I’m gonna do, I’m gonna announce a tournament, starting right here, tonight, with the winner getting a chance to wrestle Runaway Train at Master of Puppets! So Christian, you want that title shot, you’ll have to [b]earn[/b] it! And as long as I’m here, I’ve got one more announcement. As part of this little tournament, Steve Frehley has to face Remo, right here, in this ring, tonight!” Crowd pops the announcement, and Christian Faith is left glaring at the boss. Rating: A for Faith’s challenge, B for Eisen’s rejection, and a B+ for the match announcement. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/EnforcerRoberts.jpg[/IMG] Jack Torrent vs. Enforcer Roberts (Background: Jack Torrent is a relative newcomer brought in by Sam Keith. He recently was announced to be head booker. Roberts has been in career auto-pilot for months) Enforcer Roberts starts off by working over a hammerlock, then moves from that into a sleeper hold, and then into an arm wrench. Jack fights off after flipping through the arm wrench and tossing Roberts down. Jack hits some accurate kicks on Roberts, culminating in a nice enzuigiri. Jack sets up Roberts, hits a shining wizard from across the ring, and this one’s over. [b]Winner[/b]: Jack Torrent via pinfall. Rating: C+ After a short commercial break, the next match is: [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/LobsterWarrior.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/MarcDuBois.jpg[/IMG] Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois (Background: Lobster Warrior is challenging DuBois’ #1 contendership at the North American Title) Lobster goes straight after DuBois and the two trade punches before Lobster hits a standing dropkick for the takedown. Lobster follows up with an irish whip and a big clothesline that leaves DuBois on the mat. Lobster goes up top, but DuBois is on his feet and the two brawl on the turnbuckle, ending with DuBois hitting a superplex. DuBois starts taking control, wearing down Lobster Warrior with a standing headlock, then tosses him off the ropes where he gets a lot of elevation on the baaaack body drop. Lobster fights out of a grapple and hits a few punches, taking DuBois down with the big claw. He’s up top, and he goes for the senton splash, but DuBois rolls out of the way. Lobster’s on his back, and DuBois grabs the legs, setting up the Model Solution. Lobster tries to kick out of it, but DuBois rolls him over and locks it in. Lobster taps out to the Model Solution. “The Lobster just tapped to an elevated Boston Crab!” – Ana Garcia. Solid, athletic match. [b]Winner[/b]: Mard DuBois via submission. Rating: B+ A short video plays, hyping Frehley vs. Remo, showing a number of clips from their shoot fight and their cell match of several months ago. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/ElmoBenson.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/GrouchoBling.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/KurtLaramee.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg[/IMG] High Concept vs. Harlem Warriors (Kurt Laramee and Grandmaster Phunk) (Background: these two teams both participated in a four way elimination match at The World is Watching. This match is a result of Elmo Benson pinning Laramee during that match) Elmo and Phunk start off, and Elmo uses his quickness to get a couple of quick takedowns, but Phunk reverses a whip into a lariat to take Elmo off his feet. He tags in Kurt, and the two hit a double clothesline. Laramee works over Benson in the corner, tagging Phunk back in for another double team. Phunk sets up a piledriver in the middle of the ring, but Elmo gets out of it and hits a dropkick that leaves both men on the ground. Elmo tags in to Groucho, who hits a flying cross body on Phunk, broken up by Laramee. Laramee goes for a cheap shot punch while Phunk holds Groucho, but Groucho ducks it. Groucho tosses Laramee out of the ring and hits a tornado DDT before tagging in Elmo, who is already on the top ropes. He hits the Game Over, and it’s Game Over for the Warriors. [b]Winner[/b]: High Concept via pinfall. Rating: B- [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/JennyPlaymate.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/RobbieRetro.jpg[/IMG] In the back, Jenny Playmate is with Robbie Retro. Jenny’s got a microphone. “Sam Keith, you’re nothing but a bully,” says Jenny. “You think you’re a tough guy for picking on little guys? Well, Robbie here isn’t a little guy, and he’s not afraid of anything or anybody! Last week, he nearly took out Remo, and this week, he’s going to take you down, Keith! Robbie Retro is the future of this business, an unstoppable force…” Retro cuts her off. “Whoah, baby, cool it. I got enough problems without Sammy being cheesed at me.” “Robbie will take you down, Sam Keith, any time, any place!” says Jenny into the camera before Robbie pulls her back, obviously trying not to start trouble. Rating: C+ [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/RobbieRetro.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG] Robbie Retro (w/ Jenny Playmate) vs. Sam Keith (background: this match is to advance in the title tournament announced tonight) Keith just glares at Retro as they start off. Retro offers a handshake, but Keith smacks it away. The classic Sam Keith scowl is on, ladies and gentleman! Keith starts off with some amateur wrestling, and Robbie is a fish out of water, trying to keep up with the experienced veteran. He manages to take control, hit some punches, and get a two count off a samoan drop. Keith regains the advantage, wearing down Retro’s arm to set up the Proton Lock. Retro hits a few more clubbering punches before Keith reverses, locking in the Proton Lock out of nowhere! Retro has no choice but to tap while Jenny is left in shock at ringside as Sam Keith releases the hold and stares right at her. Jenny backs up against the guard rail as Keith starts climbing through the turnbuckles. But wait, Angry Gilmore is here! Gilmore with a flurry of punches puts Keith on the ground. Keith gets back to his feet… and gets locked in the Proton Lock himself! Angry Gilmore puts Keith in the Proton Lock, and Keith is left tapping out as referees come out to get the situation under control. [b]Winner[/b]: Sam Keith via submission. Rating: B-. Gilmore’s attack: B Next up, Jack Bruce faces Eric Eisen in a tournament match for Runaway Train’s title! [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/EricEisen.jpg[/IMG] Jack Bruce vs. Eric Eisen: Bruce uses his size advantage and technical expertise early on, hitting a number of amateur takedowns on Eisen. Eisen tried to rally back and tried to hit a leg drop off the top, but Bruce rolled out of the way. Bruce gets the finish with a New York Minute. [b]Winner[/b]: Jack Bruce via pinfall. Rating: B+ [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/SteveFrehley.jpg[/IMG] Frehley is backstage, looking intense. “Remo, you and me, we’ve had a lot of battles, a lot of wars, so I’m telling you, man to man, you get in that ring, you stop me from getting my rematch, I will take you out. You talk about being the most dangerous man, but brother, I took you down. I made you bleed. And I’ll do it again if you get in my way. You’re just one leg of the journey, and I’m not stopping until I’ve got that belt around my waist. So Remo, I know you’re a tough son-of-a-bitch, but damnit, so am I. You mess with me, you mess with the biggest dog in the yard, brother. You mess with me, and you’re gonna get bit.” Frehley stares at the camera a moment longer before walking way. Rating: B+ [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/SteveFrehley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/Remo.jpg[/IMG] Steve Frehley vs. Remo (Background: these two had a feud that concluded in a shoot-fight style match in March, which Frehley won. This match is for a chance to advance towards a title shot at Runaway Train) These two start off sizing each other up. Remo goes for a quick kick, but Frehley catches it and tosses Remo to the ground. Remo is up quick and goes after Frehley again, this time with a clothesline that knocks Frehley back, but not to the ground. Frehley answers with a clothesline, and it’s a battle to see who can be knocked off their feet! Frehley finally gets a takedown with a takedown where he grabs Remo’s legs and wrenches him into a slam. Remo takes control when he hits a brutal kick out of nowhere. Remo with some stiff kicks to Frehley has him on the ground, but Frehley recovers and gets to his feet. Remo rushes him again, but Frehley reverses into a neckbreaker, leaving both men on the ground. Frehley rolls over Remo and gets a 2 count, but Remo kicks out. Frehley in control now, hits a kick of his own, and follows that up with a Frehley’s Comet! He makes the cover, but Remo kicks out after 2! Frehley is frustrated, but he has Remo to his feet, ready for another when Remo powers out of it, tossing Frehley into the ropes, where he comes back with a sick DDT that leaves both men on the ground. Frehley is the first to his feet, but Runaway Train is here with a chair! [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/RunawayTrain.jpg[/IMG] He blasts Frehley, and Frehley goes down, then he spins around and blasts Remo, who has managed to get to his knees. Remo goes down, and the ref FINALLY calls for the bell, ruling the match a no-contest! Train goes to hit Frehley with another chair shot but he rolls out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp, a scowl on his face as the show ends. [b]Winner[/b]: No Contest due to interference. Rating: B+ Overall Rating: B Overall Attendance: 4,903 TV Rating: 9.55
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SWF Ultimate Impact is coming at you LIVE, from the sold out Gorski Auditorium this Friday, the third week of April! Pre-Show: The Harlem Warriors vs. The Squid Squad Short, mediocre match that ended when Phunk pinned Calamari Kid at around the 7 minute mark. [b]Winner[/b]: The Harlem Warriors via pinfall Match 2: Jungle Jack vs. Enforcer Roberts This match was not particularly good, considering how talented both workers are. Roberts' technical wrestling didn't go well with Jack's brawling. Roberts won with an R.C.T. [b]Winner[/b]: Enforcer Roberts via submission The show opens now, and the three man commentary team welcomes the folks at home to another edition of SWF Ultimate Impact [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/RandyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/ZimmyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/BartBiggz.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Bart Biggz and Fumihiro Ota for the SWF Tag Titles Randy and Bart start off, and Randy immediately takes control with a couple of takedowns and a discus clothesline. Zimmy tags in and hits a flying missile dropkick, then misses a springboard splash. Ota comes in and tries to ground Zimmy, but Zimmy reverses a headlock into a tornado DDT. Both men tag out, and it’s four men mayhem as Zimmy and Ota go over the top. Biggz goes for a low blow but Randy jumps it and hits a Bumfhole Buster as he lands, making the three count. [b]Winners and still champions[/b]: The Amazing Bumfholes via pinfall. Rating: C- [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/RichardEisen.jpg[/IMG] Richard Eisen, from the commentary booth, makes his way into the ring. “Runaway Train, last Tuesday you interfered in a match,” crowd boos at this already. “You interfered in a match that I personally set up, interfered in a match to determine the #1 contender for [b]your[/b] title. What you need to learn, Train, is that your actions have consequences. You can’t just interfere in matches willy-nilly- which means you don’t interfere in matches unless I give the order. And last Tuesday, I wanted to see the winner of that match. These fans wanted to see the winner of that match. And now we’ll never know. Well, Mr. Train, tonight your actions will have consequences. Tonight, right here, I’m booking you in a match, a match against one of the hottest stars in this business, a former world champion, a man you’ve tangled with before…. Enygma!” Mixed reaction to this statement, as the fans wanted Frehley to get the match. “And it’s gonna be… a non-title match!” Crowd turns completely, booing the owner as he makes his way back to the booth. Jerry Eisen is quick to defend his dad’s booking. “Great move, pop, always giving the fans what they want to see.” Duane Fry rolls his eyes, which Richard Eisen notices. “Something wrong, Duane?” asks Richard as he puts on his headset. “I must be a cynic, but it seems to me like Enygma is the one being punished. Who’s he been feuding with, again?” “Careful Duane,” is all Richard says in response. [B]Rating[/B]: C+ Back from a break, Jack Torrent’s music hits, and he’s all smiles as he makes his way to the entranceway. Richard Eisen points out Jack’s probably happy because he finally got a win last Tuesday, while Fry puts over what a competitor Jack is, putting over his ladder match from the show before The World is Watching. Jack’s opponent comes out, and it’s Frederique Antonio Garcia, who is oiled up and ready for action. Freddie glistens his way to the ring, and the match is on! [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/FrederiqueAntonioGarcia.jpg[/IMG] Jack Torrent vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia Jack looks really skeptical as Garcia sets up a test of strength. Jack ties up with him and ducks around behind Garcia, but he can’t keep his grip on him, and Garcia hits an elbow. Jerry Eisen on commentary is trying to goad Duane Fry into saying something about the Enygma situation, while Jack hits a beautiful standing dropkick and then follows it up with a short-arm lariat. Garcia fights back and ties up Torrent, going for a german suplex, but Torrent hooks a hand on the ropes. Fry puts over what a veteran move that is as Torrent reverses Garcia and this time keeps his grip to hit a german suplex with a bridge, 1-2-3 and it’s over. [b]Winner[/b]: Jack Torrent via pinfall. Rating: B- [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/ChristianFaith.jpg[/IMG] Christian Faith makes his way out after a brief commercial break, and he’s got a microphone. Faith gets in the ring, but before he can start to speak, he gets interrupting by an extremely loud “Let’s go Christian” chant. Faith drops the mic long enough for the crowd to settle a little. “Ladies and gentleman, welcome to SUPREME WRESTLING FAITH! I’m back, baby! Tonight it’s Joe Sexy, that tan-in-a-can doofus, but this is only the beginning. Tonight isn’t just about knocking the smile off that idiot’s face, it’s about making a statement.” Faith pauses again as the crowd is just eating this up. “You see, I’ve got that old fire back. That old… championship fire. Now I got to be honest with you people, not so long ago I didn’t think I had any fire left. Not so long ago I thought I was on my last legs. But then you came along, Joe Sexy. And your ugly mug brought that old fire back. That old desire, that desire to kick ass, to take names, to destroy everything and everyone that comes in my path. So I wanted to thank you for that, Joe. And I want to thank you in advance for the beating you’re gonna get later tonight. [B]Rating[/B]: A Next up, Runaway Train comes out with the Guru, who’s got the heavyweight title over his shoulder. Enygma comes out to a pretty decent pop, but before they can lock up, Eric Eisen comes down and takes over for his brother on commentary, after a brief commercial break, the match is next. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/RunawayTrain.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/Enygma.jpg[/IMG] Runaway Train (w/ the Guru) vs. Enygma After the commercial break, the bell rings and these two go at it. Enygma goes right after Train, hitting some punches that seem to take the bigger man by surprise. Enygma gets Train in the corner and goes for the mounted punches, but Train lifts him up out of the corner and hits a MASSIVE spinebuster that earns Train a quick two count. Train lifts up Enygma and immediately gets him set up for the Train Wreck, but Enygma wriggles out of it and lands on his feet behind Train. Enygma hits a couple more punches and then clotheslines Train straight out of the ring! Enygma pumps up the crowd while Eric Eisen calls Enygma dumb in unoriginal ways. “Look at Enygma: what a dummy” – Eric Eisen. Train gets back in the ring, and Enygma goes right back after him, but Train no sells it. Enygma tries to hit a slam on Train, but Train reverses it into a Train Wreck out of nowhere! And he hits it! Train makes the cover, and this one’s over! [b]Winner[/b]: Runaway Train via pinfall. B- Train is in the ring celebrating, and Guru comes in to give him his title. Suddenly Steve Frehley in a leather jacket and jeans jumps the barricade and is in the ring. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/SteveFrehley.jpg[/IMG] Frehley takes down Train with a series of punches, but Guru distracts him before he can hit the Comet. Runaway Train and The Guru back away up the entrance ramp as Frehley stands tall in the ring. [B]Rating[/B]: A After one last commercial break, the main event is up next! [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/ChristianFaith.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG] Christian Faith vs. Joe Sexy (background: this match is to advance in the #1 contendership tournament) Faith starts off as a house of fire, hitting a flurry of punches before Joe Sexy bails out of the ring. The ref starts counting as Faith hypes up the crowd. Sexy finally comes back in, and the two trade punches until Sexy blocks one and knocks Faith down. Sexy follows up with the dreaded chinlock, but Faith powers out of it and hits an elbow to free himself up. Sexy hits an eye poke and gets a surprise roll-up for a two count. Sexy tosses Faith into the corner, hits an avalanche, and goes for another roll-up, using the ropes for leverage. 1-2- and faith kicks out at the last second. Sexy complains to the ref before hitting a couple of punches to the top of Christian’s head, trying to keep him down. But Faith no sells them, and he’s on his feet! Sexy hitting some desperation punches, but Faith no sells them, grabbing Sexy by the neck. Sexy keeps trying to punch Faith, but Faith hits a chokeslam! Sexy’s down, and Faith quickly makes his way to the turnbuckle. He’s up, and he hits the Leap of Faith! Cover is academic, and this one’s a wrap. [b]Winner[/b]: Christian Faith via pinfall. Rating: B Post-match, Faith stays in the ring, celebrating the win in his first match since his return. [B]Rating[/B]: B+ [B]Overall Rating: B Attendance: 5,000 Rating: 11.08[/B] [Road Agent notes: Train and Enygma pulled off a surprisingly good match, considering Eric Eisen’s distracting commentary. And Christian Faith may not be the best technician on the planet, but he had that crowd eating out of his hand tonight. Unfortunately, his match with Sexy played out like a TV match, and wasn’t anywhere near the MOTY candidate they put on earlier in the year.]
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  • 3 weeks later...
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]SWF Supreme TV[/COLOR][/SIZE] is Live from the Lowe Ballroom for the Supreme TV of the month! [B]Pre-Show[/B] The Dirty White Boyz went over Mikel Alonso when Hogg hit the Grease Spot on Alonso. C- Randy Bumfhole defeated the Sin Eater in a good match. B- The opening pyro goes off, and the announcers are here to welcome the crowd to another edition of SWF Supreme TV! The announcers let us know that the show is starting with a match, and a chorus of drums signals Jungle Jack’s arrival. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/AkimaBrave.jpg[/IMG] Jungle Jack vs. Akima Brave These two waste no time before going right after each other, but Jack’s superior size means he gets the best of the exchange. Some mild brawling gets Brave into the corner, where he shoves Jack off and hits a flying tackle that earns him a quick two count. Brave tries to keep Jack grounded with an Indian Deathlock, but Brave rolls through the move and gets back to his feet. Northern Lights Bomb aka the Jungle Jackhammer gets a 3 count for Jack. [b]Winner[/b]: Jungle Jack via pinfall. Rating: C- Brave gets to his feet and offers to shake Jack’s hand, but Jack just stares at it before turning away and going through the ropes. The crowd boos as Jack makes his way up the ramp. Jack officially turns heel, and the crowd doesn’t seem to care for it. Rating: D Next up is hardcore tag action between the Harlem Warriors and The Squid Squad! [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/CalamariKid.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/JumboShrimp.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/KurtLaramee.jpg[/IMG] Hardcore Match: The Squid Squad (Calamari Kid and Jumbo Shrimp) vs. The Harlem Warriors (Grandmaster Phunk and Kurt Laramee) The Harlem Warriors bring chairs with them, and this match is on immediately as Phunk hits Kid with a chair, sending him staggering back. Jumbo Shrimp punches Laramee’s chair, knocking him down. Shrimp locks in a sleeper hold in the ring while Phunk and Kid go to the outside. Phunk drops the chair and bounces Kid head first off the guard rail before hitting a double leg takedown that slams Kid straight down on the chair. Meanwhile, Jumbo Shrimp tosses Laramee across the ring with a bodyslam. Shrimp goes for the cover, but Phunk slides in to break it up. Phunk and Shrimp trade punches, and Phunk gets Shrimp against the ropes. Phunk with a charging clothesline sends Shrimp to the outside, and leaves Phunk on the apron. Before he can get back in though, Calamari Kid is back in the ring! Kid with a high dropkick sends Phunk to the outside. Kid gets back to his feet and turns around to run straight into a brass knuckle punch from Laramee. Laramee scoops up Kid, tosses him off the ropes and hits the Switchblade Powerslam, this one’s all over. [b]Winners[/b]: The Harlem Warriors via pinfall. Rating: C- Before Kid can recover, Grandmaster Phunk slides a table into the ring, and sets it up in the corner. Laramee grabs Kid by the hood and drags him into the corner. Spike Powerbomb from the Harlem Warriors leaves Kid down and out in the middle of the ring! [b]Rating[/b]: D+ As road agents and referees take Calamari Kid to the back, Peter Michaels announces that next Friday on Ultimate Impact, Christian Faith will face Sam Keith in a quarterfinal matchup to get a shot at Runaway Train’s title! [b]Rating[/b]: A After a break, the next match is Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Rich Money! [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/ZimmyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG] Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Rich Money Zimmy comes straight after Money with a couple of quick jabs and a sweep kick that takes Money off his feet. Zimmy tries to follow it up with a leg lock, but Money kicks him in the face to break it. Money to his feet now, and he hits a face plant that stuns Zimmy. Rich goes for the quick roll-up, but only gets a one count. Money stays after Zimmy, hitting a big punch that sends him staggering back, and following that up with a big leaping clothesline. Another two count for Money, but this time Zimmy is up quickly and takes the offensive. Zimmy hits a couple of quick kicks, then an enziguiri when Money catches one of them. Money staggers into the corner, and Zimmy sets him on the turnbuckle, looking for a rana off the top, but Money hits a punch that levels Zimmy. Money off the top with the Dollars From Heaven, and he hits it! 1-2-3! [b]Winner[/b]: Rich Money via pinfall. Rating: C+ [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG] Jack Bruce is backstage, and he looks like he’s got something on his mind. “GOOD EVENING SEATTLE! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?!” Crowd goes wild for Bruce’s trademark cheap pop. “I wanted to talk about somebody who most definitely does not rock. He goes by the name Joe Sexy. And I’m not really sure if it’s supposed to be ironic, because everybody but EVERYBODY knows I am the sexy beast of S-W-F! But Joe, a few weeks ago, you called me a ‘washed up rocker.’” Crowd boos on cue. “That might have made a less confident man angry, but what do I have to worry about it? I’ve can shred like Axel and I’ve got stamina like Chamberlain, I’m the very definition of ‘rock star,’ baby! But Joe Sexy, what are you supposed to be? Is the name a joke that everyone gets but you? Was your dad a plumber named Biff Sexy? Was your sister named Suzie Sexy? Was she as goofy-looking as you? What about Grandma and Grandpa Sexy, Joe? What about all those Sexy family reunions? Some of us, Joe, some of us don’t need to make our last name an adjective! And if little Suzie Sexy ever does decide to become a hanger-on of the Rock God, well if she looks anything like you, she’s going to have to settle for my drummer; that’s why God invented drummers. But as for you, Joe, I see what you want: you think just by being in my presence, you can be just like me, but it doesn’t work that way: I’m cool [i]because[/i] I wrestle the chronically uncool, the perpetually stiff, and other assortments of loser-istas!” Jack shakes his rock star hair as the crowd cheers and the show goes to commercial. [b]Rating[/b]: A [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/SteveFrehley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/RunawayTrain.jpg[/IMG] Back from the break Frehley is looking for Runaway Train. He sees Squeeky McClean drinking a smoothie, and asks him if he’s seen Train. Squeeky points him down a hallway. Frehley sees Train and takes off running, but Train gets to the parking lot and dives into a car pulls into view, driven by the Guru. Frehley tries to stop Train from entering, but Train counters a punch and gets in and locks the door before Frehley can recover. Frehley tries to grab onto the car, but it’s already pulling away. Frehley is left in the parking lot as the champ gets away with the title. [b]Rating[/b]: B+ [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/ElmoBenson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/GrouchoBling.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/Enygma.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/EricEisen.jpg[/IMG] High Concept vs. Eric Eisen and Enygma (Background: Enygma and Eisen have been feuding recently) Peter Michaels talks about Enygma and Eisen’s current feud as Eisen and Elmo start in the ring. Elmo takes over with an arm wringer and a couple of quick punches, but misses a wheel kick. Eisen hits a legdrop that hits Elmo in the groin, and then makes the ****y tag. Enygma waits for Elmo to get up before attempting an irish whip. Elmo gets tossed into his own corner, and Groucho makes the blind tag. Enygma hits a dropkick that tosses Elmo out of the ring, but he doesn’t see Groucho until he hits Enygma with a flying crossbody that gets a 2-count. Groucho goes off the ropes and hits a sunset flip that gets another 2 count, then sets Enygma up for Pity The Fool, his Crucifix Powerbomb drop, when Enygma slips out of it and hits a neckbreaker. Both men get to their corners and make tags, and it’s all four men brawling in the ring. Elmo and Groucho team up to clothesline Enygma over the top, and Groucho follows that up with a leap over the top. Eisen goes for the roll-up, but Elmo rolls through and hits a Diving DDT. Elmo goes up top and hits the Game Over to pick up the 1-2-3. [b]Winners[/b]: High Concept via pinfall. Rating: C+ [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/SteveFrehley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/RichardEisen.jpg[/IMG] The camera cuts to Richard Eisen’s office, where Steve Frehley is standing in a biker’s jacket looking intense. “Now Steve, I know you want a re-match, but there’s the tournament, and the fact is, you didn’t win your tournament match.” “That’s BS and you know it, Dick. Runaway Train didn’t beat me. I left that fool laid out, and now you’re telling me I don’t get another shot? What is it you said, that Train would be ‘punished’ for costing me my spot in the tournament? Now how about you actually punish that big SOB by giving me a re-match, next week on Supreme TV. If he wins, he gets to keep his damn title. But if I win, then I take on the winner of your little tournament.” Richard considers this for a moment. “Alright Steve, you got it. Train cost you your shot, and damnit, you deserve a shot. But I want you to know as soon as I make this match you waive any right to get another opportunity in my tournament.” “I don’t care about your tournament. Just give my match.” “You got it.” Crowd pops as Frehley vs. Train is booked for next week. [b]Rating[/b]: B- Next up is six man tag action! [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/RobbieRetro.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/LobsterWarrior.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/MarcDuBois.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/ShadyK.jpg[/IMG] Robbie Retro, Lobster Warrior, and Jack Torrent vs. Marc DuBois and Death Row (w/ Carl Batch) (background: DuBois is the #1 contender to Retro’s North American title. DuBois and Torrent have some bad blood between them) Lobster and Knuckles start off, and Knuckles controls with some basic brawling. He brings in Shady K and the two hit a double spinebuster that earns a two-count. Lobster recovers and hits a claw-assisted European uppercut. Claw locks in the Lobster Pinch, but DuBois is in to break it up. This brings in Torrent, and both men go over the top rope after a big clothesline from Torrent. Things finally settle down and Robbie Retro gets tagged in. Retro works over Shady with some clubbering blows, but Shady fights back with some punches of his own. He tags in Knuckles and Knuckles hits some punches, but Robbie fights out of a sleeper hold and nails a discus punch that barely connects. Robbie tags in Jack Torrent, who leaps into the ring with a missile dropkick. Torrent follows that up with a brutal DDT, and he makes the cover. DuBois tries to break the count, but Retro cuts him off, and that’s it. [b]Winners[/b]: Retro, Lobster and Jack. Rating: B- [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG] Backstage, Joe Sexy is in front of the SWF logo, looking unusually mad. “Jack Bruce, I’ve got a thick skin,” crowd pops, but Sexy ignores it. “But when you make fun of my family, that’s crossing the line. That’s making things personal. I’m a laid back guy, but you had to go too far. It’s all fun and games until somebody loses an eye, right Bruce. So Jack Bruce, if that is your real name, I want a match with you, next Friday at Ultimate Impact. Everything up to now, it’s only been an introduction. Get ready for the climax!” Crowd pops again as Sexy can’t help but smirk. [b]Rating[/b] B+ [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/lazorbeak1001/SkullDeBones.jpg[/IMG] Angry Gilmore vs. Skull DeBones (Background: this match is to advance in Richard Eisen’s #1 contender tournament) Brawling starts the match, with DeBones in control, using his size to move Gilmore around the ring. Skull hits a DeBones Shaker forearm that knocks Gilmore loopy and follows it up with some mounted punches. DeBones lifts up Gilmore and tries for a bodyslam, but Gilmore slips out and hits a powerful low blow and rolls up DeBones for a 2 count. Gilmore in control now, and he hits a clothesline, then follows that up with a leaping DDT that leaves both men down. DeBones is up first and he hits some punches, then grabs Gilmore and hits a double powerbomb! 1-2-No! DeBones lifts up Gilmore and irish whips him, then hits the Reaper Leaper clothesline and Gilmore sells it like it knocked off his head. 1-2-Gilmore kicks out again! DeBones is clearly getting frustrated and he lifts up Gilmore for a Dominator, but Gilmore slips out and reverses it into a neckbreaker. Gilmore gets to his feet and hits a quick dropkick, then hits the snap suplex. Gilmore kips up, and jumps up top. Angry’s ready to fly, as he goes for the Sky High Elbow! DeBones rolls out of the way at the last minute, and Gilmore is left on his back. DeBones gets to his feet, he hits the Two Handed Choke Bomb, and slowly gets to his feet. A hand across the neck means it’s time for the Six Feet Under. Gilmore struggles to his feet, and gets hit with the Six Feet Under Piledriver! It’s all over! 1-2-3! [b]Winner[/b]: Skull DeBones. Rating: A [b]Overall Rating: B+ Attendance: 4,612 TV Rating: 9.58[/b] [Road Agent notes: Gillmore and DeBones work very different styles, but the two actually seemed to complement each other nicely] (OOC: I’m still tinkering with the form, but this show was exhausting to write. I’m thinking I’m going to stick to recaps or a few highlights except in the case of main events and possibly pay per views)
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