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Emerald Pro Wrestling (CornellVerse)

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[b]Marcy's Bar & Grill - Early-December 2006[/b] It wasn't supposed to be this way. Yes, we were in the 'island' that was the Pacific Northwest. Yes, wrestling is a business filled with con artists and men who made politicians look like saints. All this was true. But, it still didn't explain why I and four other men had just appeared at our third failed promotion in the region in the past two years. "Jesse, you're stating off into space," said the man with the slight Texan accent. "Oh, right. Sorry, Rio. Was just figuring out why nobody can make a fed last around here accept f or the girls in Seattle." "Because the three feds we've worked for have been run by a self-obsessed wrestler, a money mark, and an idiot?" That was James Kira. Probably the best wrestler in the Northwest no one knew - and if no one else told you that, he would. "That may be true, but that hasn't stopped Hollywood and New York from being successful." "They have money." "Point. Still, this isn't a dead area." As I said that, my last two comrades joined the table. David Hall was a simply huge man, nearly seven foot and over three hundred pounds. Nobody understood why Eisen or Strong hadn't snapped him up. Then, there was Kevin. Known as Youth Gone Wyld, he was a future star for either some Japanese Junior division or some other fed that realized that he was a charismatic spot monkey who could make millions with some seasoning. "Is Jesse bitching again?" Dave asked in his usual blunt way. "Yeah," replied Rio. "Here he is, retired, do commentary basically for free, but yet, he's bitching more than all four of us combined." "Well, he is better at it than all of us," YGW mentioned as he scarfed down his burger. "Oh come on guys. Are you happy?" "NO!" replied all four at once. I took a deep breath. "Let's do something about it then. I've got $100,000 in the bank from that insurance settlement. All I need is a commitment from each of you for the first two years. After that, leave for greener pastures. But, I want a core. A core I can build something out of." Four of my best friends in the business looked at each other for a second. Then... "Sure." Rio was in. "Why not. It's not like you can be worse." James. "I'm in, boss," remarked David. "Does this mean we have to call you sir?" and Kevin. [b]Offices of Emerald Pro Wrestling - Mid-December 2006[/b] James and David walked in the door, as Kevin and Rio were already scattered on the couches and beanbag chairs that took up the 'offices' of EPW, also known as the basement of my house in suburban Issaquah. "So, any news?" asked David as he sat down. "Well, we've got confirmation from Club X for dates for the next six months guaranteed." "That's no huge surprise. They let Matt put on a show there with about seven people in attendence." James asked, "What about actual workers? I mean, I know all four of us are great. But, what about opponents?" "Well, here's a few thoughts I'm having. First, we need guys to be somewhat exclusive. The last thing we need is having to book around shows in Phoenix, the Carolinas, and Canada. So, we'll have to deal with some more green or less known guys to start with." "In other words, bums," noted Rio. "Hey, how many people know who you are?" "Point taken." "Fine," said David. "I know we'll have you in the booth. But, what about a color commentator who will be decent, but won't cost us a ton of cash?" "Crystal." "Crystal?" "Sure, why not. She's knowledgable, cute, and won't ask for a ton of cash. You've seen her spit out random facts about everybody from Chord to Miwa for Christ's sakes?" "But, a woman?" "Well, she's twenty. So, young women. But, look, she's a communications major at UW, so she can get some cut rates on supplies. Plus, again, we need someone who will stay with us." "I can deal with it." "Titles?" Simple question from Kevin from the couch. "I'm thinking one title for now. We're going to have only about fourteen or fifteen workers to start out with, we don't need a ton of titles. Plus, it'll build the one guy with the belt as the guy." "All right. Hey, is the domain registered?" "Yup. emeraldprowrestling.com is ours for the next year for the low, low price of 7.99 a month. Now, on to..." emeraldprowrestling.com - January 1, 2007 [quote] A NEW ERA FOR WRESTLING IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST by Jesse Ewiak For too many years, the Pacific Northwest has been a dead zone for wrestling unless you were a woman. Now, I have nothing against AAA, but there's no reason a men's wrestling promotion can't thrive right alongside the good women of AAA. That's why it is my privilige and honor to announce the opening of Emerald Pro Wrestling! It is also time to announce the first four signings to EPW. JAMES KIRA - He is perhaps the most-hated man in wrestling that no one knows outside the small arenas of the Pacific Northwest. ****y, arrogant, and highly talented, Kira comes to EPW knowing that this may be the first time to be the 'ace' of a promotion, at his young age. However, he'll also have a target on his back from day one. DIAMOND RIO - James Kira's running buddy. Wherever Kira is, the big Texan is close to follow. A middle linebacker at West Texas, Rio came into wrestler after tearing a knee in his senior year. He met up with Kira two years ago in Oregon and has been Kira's enforcer ever since. Don't doubt Rio's talent though, as his Diamond Death Drop (Razor's Edge) has ended many a match. THE REAPER - The mysterious warrior from the dark side is the biggest man in Northwestern wrestling and has been one of the most dominant, being undefeated for nearly a time period for a year before being pinned by Kira in October of last year. Will Kira be his target in EPW, or will another wrestler become a target for The Scythe? YOUTH GONE WYLD - The masked crowd pleaser. Originally from Philadelphia, YGW came to the Pacfic Northwest to improve his skills and prove to those on the East Coast that not signing him up was a bad decision. Now, the 'fun lovin' crowd poppin' dude' has a chance to have the spotlight shine down. In the coming weeks, the men joining these four in EPW and the lineup for our first show, BLASTOFF will be all announced here at emeraldprowrestling.com. Buy your tickets now at the website or Club X. [/quote] emeraldprowrestling.com - January 5, 2007 [quote] HUGE DAY OF SIGNINGS FOR EPW! by Jesse Ewiak Six names were the next batch of signings to EPW. Starting off, former CZCW star PRIMAL RAGE has joined EPW. Can the former Coastal Zone badass climb to the top of EPW, or will he be outgunned? Next, two young guns in the form of TJ BAILEY & BEN WILLIAMS have both signed on the bottom line. These two young stars have bright futures, but still have yet to pay their dues. After a short time away from wrestling, BRADY PRINCE has come back to active competition with Emerald Pro and has already stated his goal is becoming the first EPW champion. Plus, 'DAZZLING' DAVE DIAMOND is an older man for a rookie, but can age outdo youth? Finally, the vivacious LADY MELISSA has signed with EPW, stating that she's looking for a few good or bad men to lead to glory. [/quote] emeraldprowrestling.com - January 6, 2007 [quote]MORE NAMES SIGN FOR EPW! by Jesse Ewiak Four more grapplers have joined the roster of EPW and have only increased the quality of competition in the ring. First, joining his long-time partner, BUCK GRAHAM has come to the Pacific Northwest. Also, long-time independent stalwart ACE YOUNGBLOOD has added EPW to his long list of promotions he has wrestled for. Not surprisingly, EPW has been joined by its first Canadian wrestler, as CALVIN DARK has signed for EPW. Finally, a man who has a bright future in wrestling, RODERICK REMUS is the last man to sign for EPW today. [/quote] emeraldprowrestling.com - January 10, 2007 [quote]A 'BIG PROBLEM' FOR THE REST OF EPW? by Jesse Ewiak EPW officials announced their final in-ring signing before the lineup for BLASTOFF and it was a doozy - former NYCW tag champion and the 'biggest man in New York', The Big Problem! While some have labeled him a 'flop' for a few stumbles in the last year or so, The Big Problem is still one of the largest and most powerful man in wrestling. Already, he has to be one of the favorites for the EPW title just based on his size and strength.[/quote] emeraldprowrestling.com - January 15, 2007 [quote]THE LINEUP FOR BLASTOFF + HOW THE 1st EPW CHAMPION WILL BE DETERMINED! by Jesse Ewiak Ever since the opening of EPW, I've gotten two questions that have outweighed all others by a large amount. The first is 'what will the lineup be for the first show' and the second is 'how will the first EPW champion be crowned.' Well, let's take the second question first. The EPW champion will not be crowned in just a few short days at Club X. In fact, he will not be crowned for several months. EPW officials believe that in order to prove you are truly the number one man in EPW, it will take more than winning one tournament or a battle royal. That's why over the next several months, all wrestlers on the active roster will have a chance to become the champion. All they have to is keep on winning. Here is how it wll work. All matches will tie in to the crowning of the champion. Win and move on into the 'winner's bracket. Get pinned, you're in the 'loser's bracket.' Lose in the 'loser's bracket' elimination matches? You're out. It truly will be Survival of the Fittest and whoever ends up the EPW champion in a few months will be deserving of the title. Now, the lineup for 'Blastoff' First, two young stars will face off when TJ BAILEY meets BEN WILLIAMS. After that, two Northwest stalwarts will face off when DIAMOND RIO meets YOUTH GONE WYLD one-on-one. Then, the SOUTHERN THING of Brady Prince & Buck Graham will take on JAMES KIRA & 'DAZZLING' DAVE DIAMOND. Plus, in a three-way match where the first pinfall decides the winner, THE BIG PROBLEM, PRIMAL RAGE, and THE REAPER meet up in what should be nothing more than a seismic collision. Finally, in our main event. Three men will go in, but only one will come out in the 'winner's bracket.' In an elimination match, RODERICK REMUS, CALVIN DARK, and ACE YOUNGBLOOD will face off. Tickets are still on sale either online or at Club X! [/quote]
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