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New Dairy WCW 94

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Hi ya peeps I'm kinda new to this but am going to do a dairy of my 1993. I'm WCW have a few people that you may be surprised to see and have been running since October 93, but because i'm now on my feet and am established i thought I'd st6art doing my own dairy. But only if anyone is going to want to read it as I know there are many out there
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There aren't enough "real" WCW ones (as in pre-2001) so yeah, I'd read. Just as long as it's realistic (if WCW has Undertaker/HBK/Bret Hart in it I won't read because I'll think you cheated, or if someone like The Rock or Rob Van Dam has A* popularity in '94, again, I'll think you cheated) and has decent grammar/spelling/punctuation. As long as those are there I'll give it a read fo' sure. I actually am running a WWC 93 game myself and I have to admit it's a brilliant game, a great challenge that is really fun, so I'm sure if you can get that across it'll go down well.
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well i'm using the 93 mod (so its as real as it could be) and have i played upto and just after Starcadde, so about 3 months. So i've got on my feet and my WCW is now up and running. I've just started planting the seeds for Mondasy night Wars as My new Nitro comes on at 10pm which is when RAW finishes, I'll post my roster later and my champs, with alos a brief back ground on how the last 3 months have panned out so that it sets the scene
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Right below is the current setup of my roster excluding Occassional wrestlers, Bookers, Authority Figures, Personality's and Refs. Also at the bottom is the name of my three TV shows. I'd like to point out that when this dairy start it will be in December week 3 1993 and Nitro only started in week one of December. Hopefully later I will do a brief 3 month update so that people know what has happend and have some back ground on a couple of stories. [B][U]Main Eventers[/U][/B] Big Van Vader (Heel) Davey Boy Smith (Face) Ric Flair (Face) Rick Rude (Heel) Road Warrior Hawk (Face) Ron Simmons (Face) Sid Vicious (Heel) Sting (Face) [B][U]Upper Midcarders[/U][/B] Beautiful Bobby Eaton (Heel) Brian Knobbs (Heel) Brian Pillman (Heel) Cactus Jack (Face) Chris Benoit (Face) Diamond Dallas Page (Heel) Jerry Saggs (Heel) Lord Steven Regal (Heel) Stunning Steve Austin (Heel) [B][U]Midcarders[/U][/B] Ax (Face) Booker T (Heel) Brad Armstrong (Face) Dustin Rhodes (Heel) Eddie Guerrero (Face) Honky Tonk Man (Heel) Hunter Hurst Helmsley (Heel) Johnny B Badd (Face) Marcus Bagwell (Face) Maxx Payne (Face) Paul Roma (Face) Shanghai Pierce (Heel) Smash (Face) Stevie Ray (Heel) The Shockmaster (Face) Tom Zenk (Face) [B][U]Lower Midcarder[/U][/B] Awesome Kong (Heel) Ice Train (Heel) Krusher Kong (Heel) Tex Slazenger (Face) Too Cold Scorpio (Face) [B][U]Opener[/U][/B] Charlie Norris (Face) Eric Watts (Face) The Equaliser (Heel) Yoshi Kwan (Heel) [U][B]Enhancement Talent [/B][/U] Lightening (Face) [U][B]Managers[/B][/U] Diamond Doll – Diamond Dalls Page Missy Hyatt – Hunter Hurst Helmsley Harley Race – Brian Knobbs Jerry Saggs [B][U]Announcers[/U][/B] Jesse Ventura (Heel) Gene Oakerland (Face) Tony Schiavone (Face) [B][U]Colour Commentator[/U][/B] Chris Armitage (Me – Heel) Dusty Rhodes (Face) Larry Zbyszko (Face) [B][U]TV Shows[/U][/B] Monday Night Nitro Thursday Main Event Saturday Night
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