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Just a few days to go!!!

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[QUOTE=RA27;323487]Honestly I haven't been this excited about a new release in a long time, I am curious if we will be able to use our custom databases for the Demo?[/QUOTE] More than likely. If it's anything like TEW, you can mod it to your heart's content, but only play up until the first month from whatever the start date is set at.
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I'm looking forward to the demo to get a feel for the game and to look around the database but it doesn't matter that much to me in the end. Short of the demo being a complete disaster, I'm buying the game the day it comes out. Can't wait for the 8th to get start on the game for real plus since it's the day after classes are over I'll have plenty of time to play.
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The 8th is gonna be a great day. this game comes out, the ultimate fighter finale on spike tv and i just heard the k1 world grand prix finals will be on the fight network live. I think there's a shooto card too for people who can get their hands on them.
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[QUOTE=Mr_Tricky;324751]I'm not completey sold on this game yet, the demo will be the deciding factor for wether I buy it or not.[/QUOTE] I know what you mean. Like many, I have been begging for a game like this for years...I really got into one of the old ERW games a few years back and was hoping that Adam would do one for MMA. Since then, I've got tired of wrestling, but on a whim downloaded the TEW2007 demo a few days ago, just to have a go in anticipation of WMMA. I must say, it was a little laborus and I was bored halfway through booking my first card. However, had I picked up this game 5 years ago when I was a mad wrestling fan, I probably wouldnt have played anything else. :) I'm just hoping now that WMMA is a little more fast paced. Obviously we dont have the long fued/card booking process to go through with WMMA, which should cut alot of the time out. Also, I'm guessing that because we will be booking events on a monthly basis rather than worrying about 3 or three TV shows a week, the game will run at a faster pace. I hate to sound like a scrooge, but as rich as I am ;) this close to christmas I'm not going to drop 17-18 quid on a game unless its worth it. That said, I'm really excited about the demo relase, and have my fingers crossed that WMMA is going to be as good as I hope it is!
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