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SWF/TCW- I Have No Shame

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Welcome one, welcome all to the only place that makes cornier jokes than...(Submit a name via PM to me, and if yours is judged the best, you win!) [SIZE="4"]The Tuesday Night Wars![/SIZE] [I]Again? Be more original, man! I am NOT being hypocritical- do I look anything like a hippopotamus to you?[/I] Well....[I]**** you.[/I] Bitch #1 is my alter ego, Fred. He will be controlling TCW. The products will differ...we have nothing in common. Bitch #2 is that 400 pound transvestite who stalks me like some sort of animal...ew. Anyways... One nation...one product...different dreams. When it's all over, only one will stand. Fasten your seatbelts, compadres, it's gonna be a BUMPY RIDE. Sitting around a table in a luxurious house are [COLOR="Blue"]Sam Keith[/COLOR], [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Calamari Kid" Sam Pratt[/COLOR], [COLOR="Sienna"] "Angry" Tom Gilmore[/COLOR], [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Jessie Gilmore[/COLOR], and [COLOR="Magenta"]Dawn The Cheerleader[/COLOR]. Let's listen in on the scintillating conversation. [COLOR="Blue"]So then he said, 'No, that's not it. YOU are!' [/COLOR] (crickets) (more crickets) (even more crickets) (SOMEBODY SAY SOMETHING AND SHUT THESE ****ING CRICKETS UP!) [COLOR="SeaGreen"]What?[/COLOR] (Thank you!) [COLOR="Sienna"]Huh?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]I don't get it.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Me neither.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]I hate you all...[/COLOR] Suddenly, we hear Sam Keith's entrance music. This can mean two things. A. The 400 pound tranny is stalking Sam now, and her cell phone rang. (Yeah, right.) or B. Sam's cell phone is going off. It's B. Sam fishes out his cell phone, and checks Caller ID. 555-7932. Richard Eisen's office. [COLOR="Blue"]What?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Get the hell down here right now![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Augh....why?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Because I said so! Now hurry the **** up![/COLOR] Rich Eisen can be a nice guy. Except when his business is in trouble. Then he may as well be a rampaging lion. Later... *knock, knock* [COLOR="Olive"]Get the **** in here, Gauge.[/COLOR](Sam's real name, check the database.) [COLOR="Blue"]What?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Look, Sam, things haven't been going right the past while now, and so I was- ah **** it. You're fired. Mark Gordon is straight out of Yale, and he has about 7 PhD's...get out of here![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Rich, you can't be serious-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]I am. Get out of here, we've got work to do.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Rich-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]OUT NOW BEFORE I CALL SECURITY![/COLOR] Sam turned and left... [COLOR="Blue"]Little ****...[/COLOR][SIZE="2"] [COLOR="Olive"]Let's get down to business.[/COLOR][/SIZE] My user character is Mark Gordon, and I will be telling the story from his perspective...that was the backstory. The card is through, and was a huge success. "Fred"'s was too, and it will be up soon, along with the other, and the TCW backstory.
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WELCOME AMIGOS...TO..... [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]SWF SUPREME TV![/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]Before the show, we had Angry Gilmore defeat Calamari Kid in a good match, ending with Calamari Kid going for a moonsault off the top rope, but getting caught in midair and recieving the move Gilmore calls the Anger Management. Winner- Angry Gilmore by pinfall Match Rating: B[/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]I'm your host, Duane Fry, and here with me are my esteemed colleague Peter Michaels and the lovely Ana Garcia. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"]Right, and later, we will see the culmination of all these dates, when finally, Joe Sexy marries Jessie. Then I throw up. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Yeah...moving on. So, without further ado, let's get this ball rolling, cause, baby, this is gonna be a barnstormer![/COLOR] [B]Kurt Laramee vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player[/B] [I]It was everything you'd expect out of a heel versus heel matchup. That said- it sucked David Hasselhoff's balls. These two got bad results out of each other, ending with Puffy going for the golf club shot, but Laramee hitting him with the brass knuckles behind the ref's back, then the pin. Winner- Kurt Laramee by pinfall Match Rating: E+[/I] [COLOR="Gray"]This is Peter Michaels saying that Laramee man makes me sick! He sits there and acts all tough and crap, then he pulls some cheap stunt like that! That's bull****![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]I have to agree with you there, Pete. Kurt Laramee thinks he's so hardcore, then here we go, brass freakin' knuckles![/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"]Oh look. Christian Faith. I'm getting a Pepsi, call me when its over.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Grab me a Coke, one of us has to listen to this.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"](Ana Garcia) Can I leave? Please?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]No. Two of us have to be here.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]What are you doing, trying to turn me on or something, you ****ing perv? [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]What the hell? NO![/COLOR] [COLOR="[COLOR="SlateGray"]EXCUSE ME, ARE YOU QUITE FINISHED OVER THERE! I'M TRYING TO SAY SOMETHING! Thank you. Now, let's go back to last night, my match versus Runaway Train- winner gets a shot at the title tonight. As you can see here, I was locked up with Train, but then, LOOK who comes on down...Big Smack Scott. Bam! Chair shot to Train for no apparent reason (it was actually an legit botch by Scott that I put in...it also injured Train for a week.) and then he hits me. The referee counts the ten....double knock out. This sets up a match- Train versus me tonight to settle the score. But...Train has a concussion, so I hear they had to improvise an opponent for me....Remo Richardson. (heel pop aplenty here) REMO ****ING RICHARDSON! I don't care if you're tag team champ...anyone can look good when they have a street druggie covering their ass. Hey kids, some inside information- Remo- that's what happens when the condom breaks. See ya later, Remo.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]That...THAT was amazing.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]I have to agree.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]Do you agree with me on everything?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Yes, pretty much. PETE, WHERE's MY COKE?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"] I ran out of money. Sorry. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Well-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]Shut up guys, High Concept's coming out![/COLOR] [B]High Concept (Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling) versus The Dirty White Boys (Lead Belly and Grease Hogg)[/B] [I]Average match. About what you'd expect. Benson (Mr. Backstage Lateness!!!) gets the win with a flying dropkick off the top to Grease Hogg after Groucho distracted Lead Belly on the apron. Winner: High Concept by pinfall Match Rating: C[/I] [COLOR="Magenta"]Dawn The Cheerleader[/COLOR] is backstage and has another edition of Supremacy! Magazine, of which she is on the cover. he starts to unhook her dress...when in steps Joe Sexy and Jessie. They get into a big argument over who is hotter, and Joe says for them to prove it into a bikini contest later, with him playing the MC. We go to a commercial, as Peter and Duane seem a little...too excited. Ana just seems indignant. [B]Marc DuBois versus Steve Frehley in a No DQ Match[/B] [I]This rivalry comes to place after last Supreme TV, Frehley took offense to DuBois' ****iness. They had a match at the PPV two nights before, ending in a no contest after they both beat each other to exhaustion, and collapsed right in the middle of the ring. In this match, Frehley draws with Dubois after Frehley clotheslines Dubois out of the ring, and falls out himself. They brawl outside with Dubois hitting a vicious chair shot to the head of Frehley, who staggers. Another shot, and Frehley falls. The ref counts ten, but Marc Dubois doesn't care. he's made his point, but all watching can tell that this is FAR...FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR from over. Winner: Draw Match Rating: B+[/I] Sam Keith is walking backstage, and runs into bitter rival Skull DeBones. They exchange some heated words, but before it coems to blows, seemingly half the roster runs in to pull the furious workers apart. [COLOR="Navy"]Enygma[/COLOR] comes to the ring, and he has a mic. This should be interesting. Very interesting. [COLOR="Navy"]Frederique Antonio Garcia....that's a mouthful. Can I just call you by your initials? Anyways, Mr. Fabulous, we're on a timed schedule, so hurry out here, you little ****.[/COLOR] [B]Frederique Antonio Garcia versus Enygma [/B] [I]A good match with a lot of flexing and heat for the man formerly known as Flex, until the Enigmatic One scores a roll-up for the win. Winner: Enygma Match Rating: B-[/I] Dawn The Cheerleader defeats Jessie in a bikini contest, despite Joe Sexy's "helping" of Jessie, and his biased MCing. Jessie lookes downtrodden afterward, and Joe Sexy comforts her. [B]Christian Faith versus Remo[/B] [I]An epic match, Remo and Faith getting in moves...Remo's intensity and wrestling skills, with Faith's psychology and performance skills (and A* momentum!) making this a potential Match of the Year. Faith gets the win after a Leap of Faith. Winner: Christian Faith Match Rating: A!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/I] That's it. Sorry for no angle ratings except for the Faith promo. (A) Final Show- B or B+. Feedback or die.
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Thanks. It's nice to know I have another reader. I seem to have a lot of reads, judging by the amounmt of views, they just don't respond. Or am i just so amazing that you come back 100+ times just to read it again, Greg? Sorry for the delay with the TCW shows. School and **** is swamping me.
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Two legends are together in the office- Falcon and Tommy Cornell. [COLOR="Blue"]"Listen, chap, you're a living legend- and you have a tremendous mind. So- it's up to you. Do you accept?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Yes, Tommy. I accept.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Glad to have you. we needed a new head booker, Joel didn't feel up to it; he said it caused him too much stress. TCW Presents Total Wrestling is tomorrow. Are you ready?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Of course.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Are those the plans in that folder?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Yes, yes they are.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Good. Let's get going.[/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Black"]TCW PRESENTS...............................TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTALLLLL WRRRRREEEESSSSSTTLIIIIIIIIIIIING![/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="Wheat"]Hello everybody, I am your host for this evening, jason Azaria, and I've got a fact to share with you![/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Good Lord, here we go again...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Wheat"]The owner of TCW before Tommy Cornell was J.K. Stallings, and its head booker was Kyle right there![/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Lord, kill me now. Or get me a new broadcast partner. In Jesus's name, Amen![/COLOR] [COLOR="Wheat"]You know, "Amen" means "So be it" so you're technically saying you don't care![/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]God, I was serious.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Wheat"]The show's about to start.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Only two more hours, Kyle, you can make it.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Hey, look. The new guy, Falcon.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Wheat"]He's hardly "new," Kyle. He's been wrestling for 19 years now.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Would you just shut up?![/COLOR] [COLOR="Wheat"]What about my vocal chords!? Don't you care about my-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Oh God, he's PMSing again. I'm going to the restroom, I have to crap. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Wheat"]Cool. Grab me one while you're there, would you?[/COLOR] Kyle looks mortified, as any man would. [COLOR="Wheat"]Wait, I thought you said you were going to the concession-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Jay, I don't want to know![/COLOR] Kyle sprints off, as Falcon looks ready to speak. [COLOR="Red"]Flockmates-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Wheat"]FALCONS DON'T TRAVEL IN FLOCKS![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]SHUT UP! Now, as I was saying...Tommy Cornell...I'm sure these fans were on totalchampionshipwrestling.com and they saw that I'm in a battle royal along with, to name a few...Joel Bryant? Troy Tornado? Robert Oxford? Wolf Hawkins? ****ING TEXAS PETE? I don't know what kind of sick joke this is, but-[/COLOR] Suddenly, Paul McCartney's "Rough Ride" begins to play over the PA system, signaling the appearance of one man- Tommy Cornell. He gets into the ring and stares down the rather imposing Falcon. [COLOR="Blue"]Falcon, Falcon, Falcon. You washed up piece of **** has-been![/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Wow, I missed a lot.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]I sit here and bust my ass-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]We hear the fans' omnipresent "You suck! You suck! You suck!" chants ring throughout the arena. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Shut up, you brainwashed rubbish! Falcon, you're in the match- and I don't want to hear a word more about it! In fact- if you lose, even if you're the last one eliminated- YOU'RE FIRED![/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Damn.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Wheat"]You know, these two didn't always hate each other-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Nobody cares....[/COLOR] [COLOR="Wheat"]Okay,then. How about this one-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]The Machines are out...a blessing from God.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"][B]The Machines (Wrestling Machine #s 1 and 2, as if it weren't obvious versus The Nation of Filth (Stink and Grunt[/B][/COLOR] [I]Both these teams brought a pretty good match out of each other- a surprisingly good match for the Nation of Filth. The Machines, good as ever, score the win with a double legdrop to Grunt. YOOOOOOOOOUR WIIIIINERS- THEEEEEE WWWWWRRRRREEEEESSSSSSTTTLLIIIINNNNNNGGGG MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINES!!!! Match Rating- C+[/I] [COLOR="Wheat"]You know, Wrestling Machine #1 used to wrestle as- [/COLOR] Suddenly, from out of nowhere- [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Come back, you little punk![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]**** you![/COLOR] BLZ Bubb runs out, chased by Rick Law. This was supposed to be a match... [COLOR="Purple"]Thank you![/COLOR] [COLOR="Wheat"]I think it's rather rude-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]SHUT...THE...HELL....UP! UNDERSTAND?[/COLOR] *ding, ding* [B]BLZ Bubb versus Rick Law- Nightstick and Handcuffs Match[/B] [I]BLZ Bubb on the attack early, beating down Rick, who's in the match later for the Head Booker position. BLZ then runs off the ropes, but is handcuffed to them by an unknown man sporting a deputy badge. Rick groggily gets up, goes over, subdues the free, lashing arm, and cuffs it together with the other one, before furiously beating Bubb down with the nightstick. A knocked out Bubb falls when Law uncuffs him, and is easy prey for the 1, 2, 3. YOUUUUUUR WIIIIIINNNNNNEEEEEERRR- B L Z BUBB! Match Rating: B [B] 10 Man Mayhem Battle Royal for the Head Booker Position- Worker can only be eliminated by pinfall or submission. Participants: Robert Oxford Joel Bryant Texas Pete Wolf Hawkins Liberty Genghis Rahn Troy Tornado Rick Law Falcon [/B] Elimination: 1. Joel Bryant [I]Bryant and Oxford both struck the brawling (and feuding) Hawkins and Tornado with chairs at the same time before Bryant was rolled up by Rick Law.[/I] 2. Rick Law [I]Immediately after the roll-up, he is decimated by a wild Genghis Rahn, bashing him with a dented chair left over from Oxford's hit on the still knocked out Tornado, then pins the bloodied Law.[/I] 3. Troy Tornado[I]It was about time someone capitalized. Ricky Dale Johnson pins Tornado, whose limp body is then kicked out of the ring by RDJ.[/I] 4. Wolf Hawkins [I]Struggling to his knees, he is immediately kicked straight in the face by a Falcon, who pins him immediately.[/I] 5. Robert Oxford [I]Oxford, brawling with Liberty, eventually loses the fight when his head is rammed into a waiting table, then Liberation Slammed through it, and pinned.[/I] 6. Ricky Dale Johnson [I]Texas Pete has RDJ set for a DDT, when suddenly Genghis Rahn knocks Liberty off a ladder, and jumps off himself, stomping on the head of RDJ. RDJ falls with a thud, and Pete falls backward at the impact, onto Johnson for the 1, 2, 3.[/I] 7. Texas Pete [I]Rahn then wastes no time in roughly pinning the fallen brawler.[/I] 8. Liberty [I]The ladder from before had fallen and crushed Liberty. Falcon heaves it off, and pins the KO'ed hippie.[/I] 9. Genghis Rahn [I]Rahn grabs Falcon from behind, and hits him with a hard running powerbomb. He then pins him, 1, 2, subtle, weak kickout. Genghis thought he had the win, and celebrated. He pushes the ref aside, not noticing that the bell hadn't rung. Rahn turns around to celebrate to the other die of the crowd, and Falcon hits him with the diving throat spike he calls the Flight, then pins him, to win the match.[/I] [I]YOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRR WIIIIIINNNNNNNEEEEEERRRR: FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNN! Match Rating- B[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Falcon- you haven't won your spot yet. Beat me, if you can, then it's yours. Good luck, old bean. You'll need it.[/COLOR] [B]Tommy Cornell versus Falcon[/B] [I]Falcon, visibly exhausted, works his way through for twenty minutes more after 40 minutes of fight before, and then misses a running punch and nearly collapses, but is rolled up by Tommy. He finds a burst of energy and spirit, though, and rolls out of it. He jumps up, and Cornell gets up, perplexed. Falcon runs in and hits a hard Flight, leaving Tommy sprawled for the pin, and the job of Head Booker.[/I] Thank you for watching. Please make sure to check out [url]www.totalchampionshipwrestling.com[/url] for all your latest TCW news, and make sure to watch next week on TCW PRESENTS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL WWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTLLLLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG!
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(Just a quick note: 7/3/07 is my real life birthday.) I got on supremewrestlingfederation.com and logged onto the official forum, very well disguised, as...SWFHeadBooker. I logged onto the topic "SWF Supreme TV 7/3/07" started by the newest mod, Gavin Harrison. The transcript goes like this for a while: [CODE]GavinHarrison: Did anyone watch SWF Supreme TV last night? Nigg@$: Man, if you didn't, your probably beat off to Tommy Cornell or something LennyD: Dude....you got a screwed-up mind.... TCWFOREVER: **** SWF! TCW FOR LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE! GavinHarrison: Yeah... TerrenceAshwin: Get out of here, troll. RunawayTrainRocks: I mark 4 Terrence! LennyD: I have to agree. *TerrenceAshwin has banned TCWFOREVER* MarkSmartIsTheFuture: Yeah! GO TERRENCE! Nigg@$: AWWWWWWW YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH! Sam_Keith_Wins: Yeah, baby, yeah! RunawayTrainRocks: What kind of sick porn movie are you people watching? Sam_Keith_Wins: I'm not. Nigg@$: The new Britney Spears one. GMcNeish: Get away from me. *TerrenceAshwin has disabled Nigg@$' s positng ability for 1 day* Reaper: Thank you. Greg McNeish: Thanks, Terrence. You have my vote for Mod of the Month. GavinHarrison: Get back to the topic. Warning 1 for all of you. LennyD: er.....what topic? GavinHarrison: SWF SUPREME TV, MAYBE? THE ONE THAT WAS ON LAST NIGHT? MarkSmartIsTheFuture: Chill out, man. TerrenceAshwin: Yeah, seriously. WarrickWeber: Gavin, might I remind you of our mod experience order? 1. Terrence 2. Me. 3. Gary Cochrane 4. Jerome Price 5. Kendrick Whitehead 6. Ivan Todd 7. Allen Richards 8. Ricky Donaldson 9. Tom Haddington 10. Partick Williams 11. You. Thusly: Don't try and take over a topic, regardless of whther you started it if you've only been a moderator for two days. Thank you. RunawayTrainRocks: Go Warrick! [/CODE] 4 more pages of that, then Mike Maccivanos (board admin) came in and closed the discussion. Sad, eh?
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SWF: Where Maria Kanellis is married to Richard Eisen's manly hair-care products. [SIZE="5"]SWF SUPREME TV[/SIZE] [I]While I gargled pink lemonade because I'm pumping up the quality of my vocal chords, and the only way to do that is to pimp them out, pink style. So here we go! Let the pop album crap ensue! Wait....what? Anyways, before the show, Eric Eisen defeated Squeeky McMr. Clean with a Silver Spoon Drop, which apparantly involves sticking a silver spoon where it just doesn't belong....in someone's throat, not the other place. Get your minds out of the gutter! Anyways, Eisen wins, the match gets a B+, but they were all over the case of Eric Eisen because he sucks David Hasselhoff's balls in the ring.[/I] That was the longest pre-show write-up I've ever seen anyone do for one match....even though only about 8 words out of about 50-some actually talked about the match. Before I do that again, on with the show! Duane Fry is sitting with a somber expression on his face, Ana Garcia looks like her mouth is so tight that if it tightens anymore each lip will go through the other one and her face will stretch and then sci-fi geeks who watch ECW (me) can take pictures. Oh, and Peter MIchaels is asleep. Not that anyone really cares. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Hello everybody watching at home, and welcome to SWF Supreme TV. Unfortunately, we have very sad news tonight. Chris Ben-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]Don't say his name![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]-son's almost-namesake who happens to have once been a pro wrestler before he went berserk has found a psychotic cult following in Atlanta, Georgia and apparantly members of racial white supremacy (ironic, the word supremacy being used) groups have sprung up major riots and violence (real violence, not this fake stuff we-)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]Stop it already! Do you want to get your ass fired?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Yes, with a burning passion. Anyways, this has caused police to arrest and detain many people. One of these people is SWF's own Barry Bowen, known to you all as Runaway Train. Thusly, he will not be appearing on tonight's show. Not that anyone cares anyways. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]Just then, someone from the top level throws a Pink doll. Somehow, I think that means we should get rolling here.[/COLOR] Suddenly, Sam Keith's entrace music plays. Someone tell the damn trannies to stop calling Sam's cell phone? He calls Crab Fighter or whoever that guy is to go kill you. Sadly, most American trannys weigh 400 pounds, and there are too many to distinguish one from another, it seems. Oh, wait, this is actually Sam Keith coming. The loud music woke Peter up, but then he fell back asleep when he saw who was coming, groggily citing the fact that he would fall asleep anyways once Keith started talking. Ironic, isn't it, that my eyes started to feel heavy the instant I started typing as Sam Keith? [COLOR="Blue"]Skull DeBones...I'm sick of this! Sick and tired of constantly being eluded by you! Sick and tired of your kid asking to play with my kid the same way his daddy plays with him....and I don't want to ponder what that might be! Skull....tonight...in the ring...[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]I accept, Sam. See you tonight. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA![/COLOR] [I]Robbie Retro defeated Mikel Alonso in an 3:36 with a Murder On The Dancefloor. This sucked, and in the time it took for them to **** it up, I'm beginning to realize why I don't ever use Robbie, and wonder why I still have Mikel on my roster. His gimmick of a Spanish patriot gets a ****ing D+ or something, just like this damn match, which is nothing like "this old man," that's more appropriate for...(you think of one and PM it to me, and win a prize!) Winner: Who cares? Rating: D+[/I] Sorry, I know we just go started, but I'm WAAAAAAAAAAAY to ****ing tired and recuperating from being sick to post the rest. It'll be up later, probably not tonight, as it's 7:56 already, but probably tomorrow. Peace out, brothas (and sistas.) Zach
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  • 3 weeks later...
Uh...yeah. Trying to keep this **** alive while I get the time to write it up. The SWF card IS MADE OUT. But I lost the paper, and thusly all but one of the remaining angles. Sucks, eh? Yeah. Maybe I'll find it in time to get back to my computer. Expect this **** sometime next year. As in: expect it January 1st or 2nd. That's when I'll be back. A quick info piece: the one angle I still have involves a heel turn for a major SWF fan favorite. Until then, this is the Rataq Of Whack saying "Peace out, Jack!"
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