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WWE. The giant isnt sleeping, its just resting its eyes!

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OK first of all, apologies to anyone who read the backstory to my last attempt of a diary only for it to disappear without trace. I quickly realised that I didnt know enough about the wrestlers or company I was using and didnt think that my spin on things would appeal to people. I have recently downloaded the death of the wwe scenario. For anyone who doesnt know, basically the WWE is in bad shape with low prestige and few workers and a lot of old companies have been bought by people like Stone Cold and Hogan. This is my attempt to get the WWE back to the number 1 brand in sports entertainment. You join me a month into the game, the day after the royal rumble of 2008. The following is a quick recap of that event as well as whats been happening so far on RAW (p.s. RAW is the only tv show wwe has left.) WWE champion Triple H has been feuding with Batista. Batista gained a pinfall victory over HHH on RAW in a non title match and fought to a double count out at the Royal Rumble. A tournament was held to determine the number one contender for the WWE title. The semi finals saw Randy Orton beating Bobby Lashley and John Cena beating Edge. John Cena was victorious at the Royal Rumble and now has a title shot against HHH Ken Kennedy and Matt Hardy are fueding over the intercontinental title. Kennedy lost the title to Hardy at the Royal Rumble Tag team champions London and Kendrick are being chased by JBL and Hardcore Holly (The New APA) and The unlikely duo of Khali and Big Daddy V and defended the titles against The New APA at the Rumble. The Royal Rumble match itself featured many debuting wrestlers due to the lack of depth of the roster. These included Johnny Stamboli, Norman Smiley and Joe Muraco. The rumble also featured the in ring returns of Shane Mcmahon and his father Vince. Before the show, Shane offered Edge payment if he protected Vince during the match. Edge went out of his way to make sure vince was not hurt or eliminated until Vince eliminated edge himself and was then quickly knocked over the top rope by Lashley. The final four was The Great Khali, Big Daddy V, Cena and Orton. Cena and Orton teamed up to eliminate the two big men then Orton pushed Cena over whilst he was celebrating, giving Orton a title shot at Wrestlemania. This brings you up to date and Raw will follow shortly!
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RAW Preview The fallout from The Royal Rumble meets the road to Wrestlemania tonight! Triple H and Batista pushed each other to the limit but neither man gained the upper hand. Batista is surely not going to let the matter lie, but HHH will want to concentrate his attentions on his next challenger John Cena. Add new Royal Rumble winner Randy Orton to the mix and you have three men with legitimate claims to be the true number one contender. No doubt this situation will get even more heated tonight Vince Mcmahon was impressed by one individual inparticular last night...himself! Seemingly oblivious to the fact that the R rated superstar was helping him every step of the way. Vince has decided to step into the ring again tonight as he faces the rainbow haired warrior Jeff Hardy. New Intercontinental champion Matt Hardy will be in the Arena to talk about his victory last night Also, Big Daddy V and Khali will be looking to build on their impressive showings in the Royal Rumble when they take on Norman Smiley and Stevie Richards in tag team competition.
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[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]JR: Welcome to Monday Night Raw, brought to you live from the sold out Alumni Arena! the Royal Rumble has been and gone, and the road to wrestlemania seems to be that little bit clearer.[/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Sienna"] TIME TO PLAY THE GAME![/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] [LEFT][SIZE="2"]Last night Batista, I gotta admit, you had me worried. I hit you with everything I've got. I hit you with a pedigree and you did what nobody else can. You kicked out. I had you in the figure four in the center of the ring and you broke the hold. Hell, I cracked your skull with a sledgehammer...but you still got up. On any other night, against any other wrestler in the world, you would have walked out of that arena the new heavyweight champion. But you see, im not any other wrestler Batista, Im the game! Im the cerebral assassin. You may be strong but you sure as hell aint smart big guy. You let your emotions get to you animal. You let these fans get into your head and I capitalised on it and thats why Im the champ, and as long as im champ you will never get another title match again.[/SIZE][/LEFT] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Batista's music hits and he makes his way to the ramp[/COLOR][/CENTER] Ive been listening to this crap backstage Hunter, and guess what? Your...right. Last night I made a mistake. I let you fool me into following you out of the ring and we both got counted out. And yeah, I let the fans get into my head, and I heard them chanting my name. I dont think [I]these[I]fans wanted to see the match end in a double disqualification, which is why Im suggesting you and me give them a real finish...tonight! [CENTER][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]HHH thinks it over then responds[/COLOR][/CENTER] That sounds like a great Idea to me Batista. We should do this right now! But wait, what am I forgetting? Oh thats right, you dont have a rematch clause in your contract do you? No rematch clause, NO DICE! [CENTER][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Batista gives him a sly grin[/COLOR][/CENTER] I had a feeling you were going to say something like that Hunter.... [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][CENTER]He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a piece of paper[/CENTER][/COLOR] ...which is why I had a little something added to my contract. There will be no rematch should Batista fail to win...UNLESS the result is indecisive or occurs due to HHH deliberately getting eliminated or counted out. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][CENTER][SIZE="5"]THE CHAMP IS HERE![/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/JohnCena4.jpg[/IMG] Whoa whoa whoa whoa WHOA!! Now correct me if Im wrong, but Im pretty sure that last night I beat Randy Orton in the final of a number one contender tournament. That happened right? I mean im pretty exhausted after that and getting to the last four of the Rumble but unless someones been slipping some extra sugar in my coffee I think that I'm the new number one contender! saying that, my beef aint with you Batista, so if you wanna go down there and soften him up a little bit for me, be my guest! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][CENTER]Batista contemplates it, but is stopped by the appearence of Vince Mcmahon[/CENTER][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] Oh my gosh what a Royal Rumble that was. My congratulations to you all, the three of you put in a tremendous effort, but if I could just spend a moment to talk about the real breakout superstar of last night....me! Did you see when I tossed London and Kendrick over the top rope? Did you see me skin the cat when Jeff Hardy tried to eliminate me? Speaking of which, you better be ready for an ass kicking Jeff, because quite frankly, im in the prime of my life! Now, Batista, I was made aware of your contract ammendment and you have a strong case. On the other hand, youv'e had your chance. Cena, you won your right to face Triple H but these are extenuating circumstances. I'll tell you what. Im going to think this one over and give you a definitive answer next week. As for this week, why dont we make things interesting? Lets see if You, Batista, can coexist with Cena as you take on HHH and Legend Killer Randy Orton in that very ring tonight! [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]What a match thats going to be King![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]KING: I can't believe it JR! Those four are going to tear each other apart! Theres no way this one ends well![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]JR:That match and more still to come, but after the break we have got more tag team action as Khali and Big Daddy V take on Norman Smiley and his tag partner Stevie Richards[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Khali and Big Daddy V vs Norman Smiley and Stevie Richards[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] As you can imagine this is pretty much a squash match with Khali dominating against both men and Big V getting the pin on Stevie after three big elbow drops. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]In the back we see Shane Mcmahon in his office. There is a knock at the door.[/COLOR] Shane O' : Yeah, come in...Hey Edge! I was just coming to look for you man! Edge: Well it looks like I saved you a job. Speaking of which, I think you will agree I upheld my end of the bargain last night, now its time for you to uphold your's... Shane O' : Yeah about that.... Look, you know that my father's got another match tonight, and I think it would be such a shame if something happened to Jeff to...you know... Edge:... Hey if you're asking me what I think your asking forget it! If the crazy old bastard thinks he's doing well on his own let him find out the hard way. Shane O' : I hear you buddy, I wouldnt dream of asking you something like that! I just mean that certain people could make some serious money out of Jeff Hardy being injured tonight. And now that I think about it, the more time my father spends thinking he's a legitimate wrestler, the more power he passes to me to make the kind of matches I want to see. Like, I dont know, Title matches? Dont give me an answer, just think it over and we'll see what happens ok? [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Kane vs CM Punk[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Kane enters the ring to lots of "You're not Kane!" Chants. This is because the real Kane has gone to TNA and is using a simular character named Doomsday. Kevin Furtig was repackaged as Kane several months ago and the fans havent bought it from day one. The match is ok for what it is. Furtig is limited to basically ripping off all of Kanes trademark moves and mannerisms which the crowd boo heavily. CM Punk controls most of the match showcasing a lot of the moves that he has had to tone down since his move to the WWE. "Kane" looks like his head isnt in the match at all and looks legitimately angry at the fans reactions to him even though he is playing the heel in this match. CM Punk wins with the Go 2 Sleep in an uneven match. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]After the match, backstage reporter Micah Stanford catches up with Kane[/COLOR] Stanford: Kane, your thoughts on your match tonight? "Kane": My thoughts? You really want to know what I'm thinking right now? First of all, I think you should stop calling me Kane [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]He removes his mask[/COLOR] You heard the fans out there right Stanford? They know im not Kane! I mean sure I went along with it, just like I went along with being a god damn vampire! Just like once upon a time I was a freaking pale rider, what ever the hell that is! Well Ive had enough of this bull**** and if anyones got a problem with that they can come and tell it to my face! From now on I go by my real name and I do things my way. Next week I want CM Punk again 1 on 1. Not as Kane, not as Kevin the Vampire and certainly not as freaking Mordecai. Next week call me Kevin Furtig, occupation, wrestler. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]He throws the mask to the ground and walks off talking to himself[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]JR: Well there were certainly some outspoken comments there from...well I guess we call him Kevin Furtig from now on, unless you want to tell him to his face king?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]Are you kidding me? You've seen the size of that guy right? I'll call him whatever he wants me to![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]JR: I think thats a wise move! Stay tuned for Jeff Hardy vs Vince Mcmahon and that HUGE main event featuring Cena and Batista against Orton and HHH![/COLOR]
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[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Jeff Hardy is in the back with Candice Michelle[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Candice: Good luck with your match tonight Jeff. I cant believe your wrestling against the boss![/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Jeff: I know, I kinda feel sorry for him. I just hope I still have a job tomorrow.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] Mr. Ken Kennedy and Johnny Stamboli approach[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Kennedy: You dont need to worry about still having a job, Hardy, you need to worry about still having a career![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]With that, Kennedy and Stamboli proceed to beat the holy hell out of Jeff, slamming him into everything in sight.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Next, we get a recap of the match between Matt Hardy and Ken Kennedy from the Royal Rumble, in which Matt becomes the new Intercontinental champion. Mat is in the ring when the video ends.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Matt Hardy: I was going to come out here and talk about how I whooped Ken Kennedy's ass at the Royal Rumble. That was until you took a cheap shot at my brother you son of a bitch! You just made this thing personal Kennedy, so get your ass out here and fight me like a man![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Kennedy doesnt respond[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]OK Kennedy, if thats the way you want it, I guess I'm gonna have to come back there and teach you a lesson in respect![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Matt runs towards the back whilst the crowd cheer him on. He gets to the entrance area and Ken Kennedy is waiting behind the curtain to clothesline him down hard. He continues to kick and punch the fallen Matt Hardy. When he is happy with his destruction, he puts one foot on Hardy's chest and signals for the microphone from the rafters.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Kennedy: Matt Hardy got lucky at the Royal Rumble. He caught me on the one and only off night of my career. I went back to my hotel room that night, knocked back half a dozen overpriced Vodka's, got down on my knees and prayed. Thats right, I prayed to god for forgiveness for what I was about to do to everybody who stands in my way on my ascension to the very top. So get ready Matt Hardy because Im coming back for my title, and Im going to win it back, or my name isnt MISTAAAAAAAAAAAAH KENNEDY..................KENNNEDY! [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]JR: Ken Kennedy is one twisted individual who looks intent on destroying everything in his path! Im getting news.....yes.... it appears that Jeff Hardy has been advised not to compete tonight following the vicious beatdown from Kennedy and Stamboli[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]King: After what we just witnessed, I dont think we will be seeing either Hardy boy compete for a long time![/COLOR]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Olive"]NO CHANCE IN HELL!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Vince Mcmahon: Ive just been informed that Jeff Hardy has been advised not to compete here tonight. The thing is Jeff, I have a responsibility to my fans to make sure that the matches we advertise go ahead as planned, so if you dont compete tonight, I will be taking that as your letter of resignation. You have thirty seconds to get out here DAMMIT![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Jeffs music hits and he slowly makes his way to the ring with the help of a couple of trainers. He climbs into the ring and props himslef up against the corner.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Vince: Ring the bell![/COLOR] [B]Vince McMahon vs Jeff Hardy[/B] The early part of the match consists of Vince taking pot shots and beating down a defenceless Jeff Hardy. Vince sets him back up in the corner and goes for a a big charging clothesline but Jeff gets out of the way just in time. Both men are down and Vince is the first man up. He trades punches with Jeff who gets his first offence of the match. Vince gets the better of the exchange and continues his assault. Vince tries to go for a suplex but its blocked and reversed by Jeff. Running on instinct now, Jeff hits a whisper in the wind and goes up top for a Swanton bomb. EDGE runs down to the ring and hits Jeff with a steel chair to the back and pushes Jeff off the top into the ring out of view of the referee and Vince. Vince slowly makes his way to his feet and see's Jeff laying prone in the ring. He picks him up and delivers a stunner before getting the 1-2-3!
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Orton and HHH vs Cena and Batista[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]HEY![/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Randy Orton makes his way to the ring with a microphone in his hand. Orton has been a lot more laid back recently, more like his first run as a heel back before evolution.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] Orton: Last night, John Cena may have won the battle in our number 1 contender match, but he certainly didn't win the war! Theres only one man in the WWE guaranteed to headline Wrestlemania, and you are all looking at him! With this in mind, starting next week, I start my intensive road to Wrestlemania training plan, funded by the friends of Randy Orton society. Now if you want to join and help me on my way to winning the world title, you can check out my myspace or my facebook site or you can join me on my whistlestop tour around the country. Thats right! The Orton Express will be heading to a town near you soon! Ive assembled the greatest team of trainers, nutritionalists, psychologists and fellow wrestlers to help me acheive my goal, so dig deep Orton fans and help make my dream come true! Thankyou![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]The crowd boo's heavily! HHH is out next , followed by the team of Cena and Batista[/COLOR] HHH and Cena to start things off. They trade powering out of headlocks. Cena indicates that he wants to face Orton. Orton says no but Hunter tags him in anyway. Orton stalls before finally cheapshotting Cena with a poke to the eyes and proceeds to dominate. Quick tags by Orton and Hunter as they keep Cena isolated with a number of double team moves and submission holds. Orton has Cena in a boston crab but Cena powers out and gets the hot tag to Batista! The animal cleans house and tosses Orton over the top rope as Cena does the same to Hunter. Both faces are in the ring now and stare each other down. The crowd is electric as it looks like the two are about to come to blows, but Orton and HHH attack from behind. Hunter gains control of Batista and the match slows down again. HHH wears Batista down and tries to go for the pedigree but Batista counters into a backdrop! Batista channels the spirit of Warrior Warrior and the crowd are eating it up! He signals for the Batista bomb but In comes Orton with a chair. Cena shoulderblocks Orton out of his boots but also hits the chair and takes himself out! Hunter low blows Batista for the blatant disqualification at around the 20 minute mark. Everybody is down in the ring. HHH is first to his feet and heads under the ring for his sledgehammer. Once back in the ring he surveys the damage, as if deciding who is his biggest threat. He stands over each man before finally settling on Cena. He positions Cena's leg as if he is aiming for his knee and raises the hammer above his head. Before he can swing, Batista is up and clotheslines HHH! Cena is now getting to his feet and realises what just happened. He picks Up HHH in position for and F-U and Batista gets Orton ready for the Batista bomb! Stereo finishers! Both faces stand tall and shake hands before both motioning that they want Hunters title. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]JR: Oh my gawd! What a main event we just witnessed! You gotta believe that Vince's decision just got a whole lot harder after that showing! Both those young superstars want their well earned shot at the WWE title, and it will be a braver man than you or me who stands in their way! Join us next week to find out who faces HHH at No Way Out folks![/COLOR]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Whats on tap for this weeks RAW?[/SIZE][/CENTER] Last weeks edition of Monday Night RAW seemed to provide more questions than answers. One thing for sure is that Vince McMahon has promised to make a decision tonight on who will face Triple H at No Way Out; Batista or John Cena? To help make up his mind, Vince has scheduled two huge singles matches for RAW tonight. John Cena will face off with the monsterous Big Daddy V and Batista will go one on one with the over seven foot tall Khali. Last week was also a bad week to be a Hardy boy as both Jeff and Matt were left bloody and beaten at the hands of Ken Kennedy. They will be hoping to turn the tables tonight as the Hardy Boyz reunite to take on Kennedy and his running buddy Johnny Stamboli. Also scheduled for tonight is a rematch of sorts between CM Punk and a remotivated Kevin Furtig. After Furtigs recent comments it is clear he is looking to make a statement, and a win over the straight edge superstar would do just that. All this as well as appearences from HHH and the first stop of the Orton Express on the next edition of Monday Night RAW! Confirmed matches: John Cena vs Big Daddy V Batista vs Khali The Hardy Boyz vs Kennedy and Stamboli CM Punk vs Kevin Furtig
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]JR's Blog[/SIZE][/CENTER] As far as I can see, the progress of Ken Kennedy is right where it should be, if not ahead of other wrestlers in his age bracket. I do not think he is a one dimensional character and think he brings a lot to the table, charisma-wise. I agree, Mike3;16, these are certainly exciting times to be a wrestling fan with the amount of new promotions springing up. I can honestly say I have not watched any of their broadcasts, not through spite, but because I have a full time schedule here with the WWE and spend my spare time with my family and of course at my restaurant! Yes I am still very good friends with Stone Cold. We speak on a semi regular basis and he is very excited about his company World class championship wrestling. I personally wish him all the luck in the world. From my understanding of the situation, Kevin Furtig has been offered a new contract and it will be signed in the next few days. I have been a big fan of Kevins for a few years, and hopes he finally gets a chance to flourish in his new role. There is no bad blood between Buchanan and WWE management. His brief return to the company was cut short due to commitments he made with several companies in Japan. The door is always open for a worker of his talents to return. I do not think that HHH is using his connections to keep himself in the main event picture. From what I have been told by my bosses is that he wanted to work with some younger workers on the roster. He was persuaded that with a number of wrestlers leaving the company that long term loyalists such as himself, Orton, Batista and John Cena should be in the main event picture in the short term at least. In my eyes, the game is still one of the most technically sound competitors we have and connects with the crowd every time he's in the ring. WWE management is always looking to make additions to the roster but will not panic and sign wrestlers who are not ready for the big time, nor will they offer workers more money than they are worth just to keep them away from the opposition. With that said, one of the things I've learnt the hard way is that you never know who is going to appear in a WWE ring! Im sure there will be more comings and goings over the coming months. Thats all from me this week. Make sure to make RAW a part of your monday night viewing! Jim Ross
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[FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]WWE RAW STARTS... NOW![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](RAW starts with the chairman of the board, Vince McMahon, in the center of the ring. There is a loud "You Suck," chant aimed at him)[/COLOR] VINCE: Usually I would respond to that by calling you son's of bitches and telling you to SHUT UP!! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](The crowd continues to boo)[/COLOR] Tonight however you can call me whatever you want because I'm in the best mood of my life! I feel on top of the world! I feel, I feel.....like a McMahon! You know being a McMahon doesn't always come easy. I may have destroyed Jeff Hardy last week but this week I have a decision to make. John Cena or Batista? Who deserves a title shot against Triple H at No Way Out? To help me make my decision, both men will be competing in beat the clock, impress the boss matches. The person who beats their opponent tonight in the quickest time will be named number one contender. Of course, if you both lose then the person who lasts the longest will be the winner. Good luck gentlemen, your going to need it! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Vince is halfway out of the ring then decides to come back in)[/COLOR] Whilst I'm out here, I might as well take care of some more business. There is a certain individual in the back who has been a constant thorn in my side for a couple of years. In the past I have let other people teach this man a lesson, BUT NOT ANY MORE! BOBBY LASHLEY! I was on a roll at the Royal Rumble until you tossed me over the top rope behind my back, once again proving to the fans what a coward you are! Well at No Way out there’s not going to be any other distractions when you face me one on one in a Greenwich street fight! [SIZE="4"](B+)[/SIZE] JR: Wow, that’s some blockbuster news from Vince! Does he actually believe that he has what it takes to beat a physical specimen like Bobby Lashley? King: Show some respect JR! Like Vince says he's on a roll! And when was the last time you bet against a McMahon and won? JR: You may have a point King. Up next is the first of tonight’s "beat the clock, impress the boss," matches, in which John Cena must prevail against Big Daddy V to have any chance of being the number one contender! [COLOR="DarkGreen"][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Match Number One "The Doctor of Thuganomics" John Cena vs Big Daddy V[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] Cena starts like a house on fire, working V into the corner. Big V turns the tides and gets some offence including a big elbow, but misses a big splash attempt. Cena counters a Samoan drop attempt into a roll up for 2. Cena tries an F-U but cant get Big V up, so he concentrates on the legs and wins with the STFU via submission at 6.37 [SIZE="4"](C+)[/SIZE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Vince is in his office. Shane McMahon comes in to join him)[/COLOR] Vince: Wow, what a match! [B]Shane: Yeah Batista is going to have to go some to beat Khali quicker than that![/B] Huh? Oh right...I was watching me beating up Jeff Hardy last week. [B]Yeah dad, about that....are you sure you want to have a one on one match against Lashley? Why not make it a handicap match or something to teach him a lesson?[/B] Are you kidding me? I'm in the best shape of my life! I'm going to teach that punk a lesson on my own! [B]OK dad if that’s what you want...[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Shane’s cell phone rings)[/COLOR] [B]I gotta take this call dad, I'll catch up with you later OK?[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Shane leaves the office and rolls his eyes. He answers his phone)[/COLOR] [B]Hey Yo! Tim! Yeah he got the video thanks for putting that together for me! Its amazing what you can do with computers these days, it actually looks like he won the match on his own![/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Shane bumps into somebody. The camera pans out to reveal...EDGE)[/COLOR] [B]Hey Edge! My man! I was just talking about you![/B] Edge: Look, cut the crap Ok? I've done everything you've asked of me and I havent even got a match tonight. You promised you'd help me out Shane. [B]And I will buddy! You stick with me and you'll get everything you want, it's just going to take a little time. Trust me... In the mean time, did you hear Vince out there? He's convinced he can beat Lashley! It would be a shame if...[/B] Oh no! I'm staying out of this one. Get somebody else to do your dirty work. [B]Edge. You've known me a long time right? You should know by now that it's much better to have me as a friend than an enemy. Think about it...[/B] [SIZE="4"][B](B+)[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Matt and Jeff Hardy are backstage in their locker room)[/COLOR] Matt: You sure you're up to this Jeff? You look a little beat up after "Vince" kicked your ass! [B]Jeff: You don't look so hot yourself![/B] Its going to take a lot more than a few aches and pains to stop me getting my hands on those bastards. You know we've had the crap kicked out of us by a lot of great tag teams over the years, but there's only one still around here to tell the tale brother. Come on, lets show them what being a Hardy Boy is all about. [SIZE="4"](C+)[/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Match Number Two Matt and Jeff The Hardy Boyz vs Mr Ken Kennedy and Johnny Stamboli[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] A back and forth match which kept Kennedy and Matt Hardy away from each other until the end. The Hardyz came out strong but Matt's emotions lead to him making a mistake and putting the heels on offence. They took turns beating on Matt Hardy until Hardy hit a desperation Side Effect and tagged in his brother. Jeff cleans house and hits a Whisper in the Wind on Stamboli. He goes for the pin but Kennedy breaks it up at 2. This brings Matt Hardy in who clears Kennedy over the top rope. Jeff goes up top for a Senton but sees Matt and Kennedy brawling on the outside and clears them both out! He gets back in the ring, hits Stamboli with a twist of fate and gets the pin at 14.32 [SIZE="4"](B-)[/SIZE] JR: Wow what a match! And a small measure of revenge for The Hardy Boyz. Next up, oh jees....The following is a presentation paid for by The Friends of Randy Orton. Join Orton and his "crew" as the Orton Express makes its first stop on the road to Wrestlemania. I can't believe I just said that.... [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Randy Orton is sat at a table on a tourbus. He is being interviewed by somebody off camera.)[/COLOR] Interviewer: Thankyou for letting us join you on this journey of discovery Randy. [B]Randy Orton: No problem. I know I've got a lot of fans out there who want to know about my training for Wrestlemania. Its all about giving back to the fans.[/B] You said on RAW last week that you have assembled a team? [B]Yeah. I've brought my trainers with me, a nutritionalist, and a couple wrestling buddies to help me out. Yo Guys! Get in here![/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Out come JBL and BOB HOLLY)[/COLOR] JBL: Hey Randy! Great news! I got us a warm up match at No Way Out. Me you and Bob are gonna team up to take on a team that will test your strength, speed and technique: Ron Simmons, Jeff Hardy and CM Punk! [B]Randy: That is great news. What do you think Bob?[/B] [U]Holly: HARDCORE![/U] [B]Randy: Riiiight...[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Cut to the three men stood outside the tour bus. It has "ORTON EXPRESS" written on the side and a huge American flag and bald eagle.[/COLOR] [B]Randy: Well we are finally here on the first stop of the Orton Express. My home town, Knoxville Tennessee! You know it's been years since Iv'e been home, but these are still my people. [/B] JBL: Now that we are here, I've got another surprise for you future-champ! I spoke to the mayor Bill Haslam and he's going to give you the key to the city! [B]Randy: Seriously?! Oh man! This tour just gets better and better! Lets hit the streets guys![/B] [U]Holly: HARDCORE!![/U] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Various clips are shown of the three guys walking the streets Knoxville. They try to high five strangers with little success. JBL gives out Randy Orton badges. Holly puts a small boy in a head lock.)[/COLOR] [B]Randy: Put him down Bob![/B] [U]Holly: HARDCORE!![/U] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](The moment has finally arrived for Randy Orton to recieve his key to the city. He is stood at a podium outside the town hall. There is a huge "Welcome Home Quentin Tarrantino" banner with Tarrantino crossed out and Randy Orton put in its place.[/COLOR] [B]Randy: Wow, this is a huge moment for me! I want to thank my parents, especially my father, for making me what I am today. I also want to thank my friends for being here today, and of course, the fine people of Knoxville![/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](The camera turns around to show the crowd, which is non existent apart from JBL and Bob, who still has a boy in a headlock)[/COLOR] [B]Randy: For god sake put him down Bob![/B] [U]Holly; HARDCORE!!!![/U] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]We cut back to the Orton Express)[/COLOR] Interviewer: Well, that’s all from us here in Knoxville. Join us next time as the Orton Express gathers steam on the road to Wrestlemania. [SIZE="4"](C)[/SIZE] JR: Well that was certainly...interesting....OK on with the show! Next... [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Bobby Lashley's music hits and he makes his way to the ring.)[/COLOR] Lashley: I thought Christmas was back in December but it seems like its come late for me this year. I get to kick Vince McMahon’s ass from pillar to post and it's all legal? You know Vince, I always knew you had a couple of screws loose but you actually think that you have the ability to beat me? You couldn't beat anybody without.... [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](EDGE'S music stops him in his tracks and the R Rated superstar comes out from the back.[/COLOR] [B]Edge: Whoa there Bobby, don't be saying anything you might regret.[/B] Lashley: And whose going to stop me? You? [B]Edge: No. He is...[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Edge points behind Lashley. Lashley turns around right into a chair shot from SHANE MCMAHON. Lashley completely no sells it and chases Shane into the crowd. Edge follows them.[/COLOR] [SIZE="4"](B+)[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][CENTER]Match Number Three Kevin Furtig Vs "The Straight Edge Superstar" CM Punk[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] Furtig is 100% more confident this week and takes control of the match up. He busts out a lot of impressive looking power moves. CM Punk makes the comeback and goes for the Go2Sleep but Furtig gets out of it and kicks Punk in the mid section. Furtig picks him up and delivers a vicious muscle buster for the 3 count. [SIZE="4"](D+)[/SIZE] JR: Wow. That was a lot more impressive from that man than we've seen in a long time. And what a finishing move! I've never seen anything like it! King: I spoke to Furtig in the back earlier and he said he calls that the F-Bomb. I guess we are going to see a lot more of that move! JR: I think your right...Hey! Wait a minute! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Furtig picks up Punk and drags him to the back. Punk tries to fight Furtig off but he delivers another F-Bomb, this time on the hard concrete floor. Punk is virtually motionless, and Furtig opens a door and literally throws him out of the arena. Various officials are shouting at Furtig. He slowly turns around.)[/COLOR] Furtig: If anyone’s got a problem with that, I dare you, SAY IT TO MY FACE! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](The officials fall silent)[/COLOR] Furtig: That’s what I thought. [SIZE="4"](D-)[/SIZE] JR: What a despicable act that was! Furtig already proved he can wrestle so why go and do something as dastardly as that!? King: Maybe you should tell him to his face JR? JR: .................... King: I thought so! [COLOR="DarkGreen"] [CENTER][SIZE="4"]Match Number Four "The Animal" Batista vs "The Punjabi Giant" Khali[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] Batista sizes up his opponent before the bell. The bell rings and Khali slaps Batista which only serves to piss him off. Punches by Batista rock Khali but he's still on his feet. With about four minutes to go clock stops counting down which JR and KING notice JR:We apologise for this folks. I'm afraid live TV still makes fools of us all. Our official time keeper is, well, keeping the time and we will keep you updated. Batista tries clotheslines to take Khali off his feet but it doesn’t work. He runs again, ducks a big boot from Khali and hits him with a spear for a two count. There are two minutes to go. Khali is choking Batista as time is running out. Batista gets out of the hold with a minute to go and trades blows with the giant. Batista wins the exchange and staggers Khali with 45 seconds left. Batista goes up top and hits a flying crossbody for a two count with 30 seconds to go. Khali grabs Batista as if to go for a chokeslam but Batista punches out and decides he can't get Khali up for the Batista bomb, so he PEDIGREE'S Khali! Batista covers for the three count! [SIZE="4"](B)[/SIZE] JR: Batista did it! Batista did it! King: Hold on JR that was too close to call! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Triple H comes down to the ring with a mic. He looks pissed off.)[/COLOR] HHH: What the hell! Did you just use my finisher? [B] Batista: [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Out of breath)[/COLOR] I did what I had to to win. Something you know a lot about.[/B] HHH: Last week I didn't care if I ever fought you again. I proved I was the better man at the rumble. But after pulling crap like that, hell, toss a coin, draw straws, pick a number, because I can beat you both! You better start wishing that its not you though big man, because I will give you the ass kicking of a lifetime, and show you what a real pedigree looks like! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Vince McMahon comes down to ringside without looking at either man or saying a word. He goes straight over to the time keeper who whispers the official time of Batista's match in his ear.[/COLOR] Vince: Triple H. At No Way Out its going to be you.....versus John Cena [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](There is a mixed reaction from the crowd. HHH smiles at Batista.)[/COLOR] Vince: Versus........BATISTA! We have a tie! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](The crowd goes wild as Batista shoots a sly grin right back at HHH and signals that he wants the title.[/COLOR] JR:I can't believe it! A triple threat match at No Way Out! HHH vs Cena vs Batista! King: This is so unfair! I want to see those times again! JR: HHH is going to have to work twice as hard to keep his title. If tonight proves anything it's that both men want that belt and they both deserve a shot at it![SIZE="4"](A)[/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"]OVERALL SHOW RATING: B-[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Updated Card for No Way Out WWE World Heavyweight Title Match Triple Threat Rules "The Game" Triple H vs "The Animal" Batista vs "The Doctor of Thuganomics" John Cena Intercontinental Title Match Matt Hardy vs Mr Ken Kennedy Greenwich Street Fight Vincent Kennedy McMahon vs Bobby Lashley WrestleMania Warm-up Match "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton/ Bob "Hardcore" Holly/ JBL vs "The Straight Edge Superstar" CM Punk/Ron Simmons/"The Enigma" Jeff Hardy [/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B] NEWS AND RUMOURS[/B][/COLOR] By The Notorious Space Ninja[/CENTER] The official crowd number was 7,646 at the Giant center for this past RAW. Not a sell out but a good number compared to what they have been doing lately. The WWE seems to be gaining a lot of momentum in the Tri-State area. My sources tell me that all is not well in the WWE. At least one high profile wrestler is said to be unhappy with the current Vince McMahon storyline saying that Vince is making the talent look bad by beating them. More on that as it develops. In other news, it appears that several independent wrestlers have been contacted to work in the WWE but simply refuse to begin negotiations due to better offers elsewhere. In my opinion, the WWE certainly needs more star power outside of the Power 4 of Cena, Batista, HHH and Orton, but they certainly have the talent to make stars out of the guys they have. People like Edge, Lashley and The Hardyz have been just below the main event for a long time and any of them could break out soon. The latest WrestleMania rumour is that Vince will be competing in a high profile match and that Orton will be facing Batista, but you know how WrestleMania stories change daily at this time of year! Love them or hate them, the Orton Express segments seem here to stay. Current word is that apart from his No Way Out match, Orton will be kept on the road until WrestleMania. This would obviously mean that Bob Holly and JBL will be with him and also out of action. Good news or bad news? Eh...a little from column A, a little from column B. Thats all from your friendly neighbourhood SpaceNinja for now, more breaking news as it happens.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Whats on tap for this weeks RAW?[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] With No Way Out less than a week away things are certainly very heated on RAW. Triple H has been looking for answers all week as to why he has to defend his championship in a triple threat match at No Way Out and will continue his quest on RAW. Bobby Lashley will be in action when he takes on the R Rated Superstar Edge. Edge and Shane McMahons attempted to put Lashley out of action before his match against Vince at No Way Out so Lashley will be looking for revenge tonight. Big Daddy V and Khali return to tag competition tonight as they take on the World Tag Team Champions Paul London and Brian Kendrick in a non-title match. Kevin Furtig has been on a path of destruction this past month. He will be looking to make another statement when he takes on Ron Simmons. The Enigmatic Jeff Hardy will also compete against Johnny Stamboli. Jeff will be accompanied by his brother, the Intercontinental Champion Matt Hardy, and Stamboli will be joined by Matt's opponent at No Way Out, Ken Kennedy. All this plus appearances from John Cena, Batista, and another enthralling installment of the Orton Express live on Monday Night RAW! Confirmed Matches: (Feel free to enter your predictions!) Jeff Hardy w/ Matt hardy vs Johnny Stamboli w/ Ken Kennedy London and Kendrick vs Big Daddy V and Khali Kevin Furtig vs Ron Simmons Edge vs Bobby Lashley
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[SIZE="6"][FONT="Impact"][/FONT][CENTER][COLOR="Red"] WWE RAW STARTS... NOW![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] JR: Welcome one and all to the sold out Eccles Center for Monday Night RAW! I’m Jim Ross joined as always by The King Jerry Lawler, and what a show we have in store for you tonight. [B] King: From what I hear HHH has been Irate all week after the triple threat was announced for No Way out, and I can't say I blame him. He's the champion yet he has to defend his title in a glorified handicap match! Even you must see how that's unfair JR![/B] JR: Well HHH certainly has his fair share of enemies gunning for him but that's what you get for treating people the way he does. With that said, in a triple threat match for the title all friendships go by the way side. The stakes are simply too high... [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/TripleH.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](Triple H's music hits and he makes his way to the ring) [/B][/COLOR] JR: Speak of the devil and he shall appear! By gawd he looks in a bad mood. [B]king: I think he heard you JR![/B] JR: Oh please! Will you stop! [B]HHH: Cut the music! Last week Batista and John Cena proved to everyone what a pair of losers they really are.[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](Boo's from the crowd)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Think about it. How the hell do you draw in a competition like beat the clock? As far as I'm concerned neither of you deserve a shot at this.[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](He holds the title aloft)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Batista, you’ve already shown the world that he can't beat me, so why bother getting your ass kicked again? John Cena, you talk a good talk but do you really think you can back it up in the ring? Am I pissed off that I have to defend my title against two men? You bet your sorry ass I'm pissed off. Hell, I've been pissed off for most of my career but it hasn't done me any harm so far. If you’re listening to this Vince, you just made the biggest mistake of your life, because I'm going to destroy Cena and Batista at No Way Out, and then I might just come looking for you for making me fight the damn match in the first place.[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](Shane McMahon comes out to the entrance ramp)[/B][/COLOR] Shane: Hey easy there champ! Save some of that aggression for No Way Out will you? [B]HHH: No offence Shane but I came out here to speak to the organ grinder, not his damn monkey.[/B] Shane: Hey that’s a good one! You think of that all on your own? Seriously though, I'd think long and hard about what you say to me, Hunter. Vince isn't here tonight because he's in training for his match up with Lashley. I guess that kinda makes me the Organ grinder for the night. [B] HHH: In that case maybe I should take out my frustrations on you.[/B] Shane: Steady on now Hunter. Don't be doing anything you'll regret. It just so happens that I agree with you. You shouldn’t have to defend your title against two men who hate and despise you. You’re the game! This is why I’m going to help you out tonight. I know people see you as a back stabbing Judas who turns on everyone, but they don’t see the HHH that I see. I see a team player who’s just...misunderstood. With that in mind, I've made a little tag match for later tonight. Its gonna be Matt Hardy and Ken Kennedy teaming up against you Triple H, and your tag team partner....Batista! [B]HHH: What the hell? Are you kidding me? Who the hell do I have to screw to get a fair match around here!?[/B] Shane: You and Batista used to be close Hunter. Think of this as a chance to put some water under the bridge and show you’re not such a bad guy after all. JR: Let me get this straight...Hunter and Batista hate each other but they have to team up to take on hardy and Kennedy who also hate each other? Rivals versus rivals? [B] King: What a match! That’s the kind of match that Vince would have been proud of coming up with. Looks like Shane is a true chip off the old block[/B] JR: I've got to question the sense in letting these four go at each other so close to their matches at No Way Out. This one could end badly! [SIZE="4"][B](B+)[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="4"][B]Match Number One Non Title Tag Team Match Tag Champions London and Kendrick vs Big Daddy V and "The Punjabi Giant" Khali[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/BrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/Viscera.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/GreatKhali.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Heels dominate, swatting off most of London and Kendrick’s offence. They isolate Kendrick and work him over in the corner. Kendrick makes a mini comeback with dropkicks to Khali, but Khali shrugs them off and tags in Big Daddy V. V dominates and gets a big splash on Kendrick. ONE TWO THR...No! London saves! This brings in Khali with a big boot to London. The Referee tells him to get out of the ring but Khali pushes the referee aside and continues to assault London. The referee throws the match out giving the DQ win to London and Kendrick! After the match, Khali Chokeslams London and Big Daddy V gives the Samoan drop to Kendrick. Referees and road agents come to the ring to stop the carnage. [SIZE="4"](C)[/SIZE] JR: Despicable! Those bullies should pick on someone their own size! [B] King: Hey, this was a sanctioned match. You can't blame them if things get rough! The tag champs have to defend against all comers, big or small JR.[/B] JR: Yeah, but there's no need to take it so far! I hope those two get what’s coming to them... [B]King: Hold on JR! I’m being told...yes! These two teams will have a rematch at No Way Out! And this time for the Tag Team Titles! What where you saying about getting what they deserve JR?[/B] [SIZE="4"](C)[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy are walking backstage) [/COLOR][/B] Matt Hardy: Are you sure you don't want me to come out there with you? [B]Jeff: Nah it's cool man, I can beat this chump on my own[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/JohnnyStamboli.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ken Kennedy: Well, well, well look what we've got here. How’s it going "partner?" Listen, I don't care what's gone on in the past between us Matt. Do you realise what this would do to my career if we beat HHH and Batista later? Just stay out of my way and follow my lead OK? [B]Matt Hardy: Me follow your lead? I think your forgetting who the Intercontinental champion is. I know how big our tag match is "partner," and as long as you don't pull any of your usual crap I can get along with you for tonight. After tonight, all bets are off.[/B] Kennedy: Screw this up for me Hardy and make no mistake, I WILL make your life a living hell! Come on Stamboli, we've got a match to get to [B]Hardy: Wait up Kennedy, there's no way I'm letting you out there to screw over my brother again![/B] Kennedy: Oh yeah tough guy? Whose gonna stop me? [B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"](Both men throw wild punches but are held back by their partners. Jeff and Johnny can't contain them and various officials step in to keep them apart)[/COLOR][/B] Kennedy: See you in the ring "partner." [SIZE="4"](B-)[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"](B-)[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Match Number Two Johnny Stamboli vs "The Enigma" Jeff Hardy[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/JohnnyStamboli.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Both men come out alone. Jeff Hardy takes the early advantage. He sends Stamboli over the top rope on the entrance ramp side. Jeff runs the rail and hits Stamboli with a flying clothesline. Stamboli decides he's had enough and takes a walk but Jeff follows and rams him headfirst into the rail. Jeff throws Stamboli back into the ring before the ten count. Jeff follows him in but Stamboli catches him with an elbow drop. Stamboli picks up on offence with some thunderous lefts and right. He suplexes Jeff and goes for leg drop but Jeff moves out of the way. Stamboli is first up and gets a headlock on Jeff. The crowd chant for Hardy and he struggles his way up to his feet. Elbows to the mid section break the hold. Jeff whips Stamboli into the corner and follows up with a big splash. A staggered Stamboli walks straight into a twist of fate for the 3 count! [SIZE="4"](C-)[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/KevinThorn.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Kevin Furtig is in the backstage interview area with Micah Stanford)[/COLOR][/B] Micah: My guest at this time is Kevin Furtig. Kevin, a lot of people are saying that you crossed the line in your actions following last weeks match with CM Punk... [B]Furtig: Wait a minute Stanford! Who exactly is saying that?[/B] Micah: Well...you know, just some of the guys in the back [B]Furtig: And what do you think?[/B] Micah: I, I couldn’t possibly comment...it’s my job to stay impartial on these matters. [B]Furtig: It’s OK, you say it Stanford. You can TELL ME TO MY FACE![/B] Micah: I think that CM Punk deserved it and..and.. y,you had every right. [B]Furtig: That’s what I thought. Last week, I tossed out the garbage of the WWE. CM Punk aint here tonight because he's scared of what I'll do to him if he shows up! Sadly, that was only the tip of the iceberg, there's still plenty of crap around here. That's why tonight, I requested a match against one of CM Punks tag team partners at No Way Out, Ron Simmons. Now for those of you that don't know, Simmons used to be a real bad ass! He was the first African American to win the world title of that promotion I'm not supposed to mention, WCW! He was an NWA tag champion with Butch Reed! He was the leader of the nation! He was one half of one of the most dominant tag teams in WWE history, the APA! What are you famous for today though Ron? You’re just another washed up old bastard with a limited vocabulary! Well I don't give a damn about your legacy, I don't give a damn about you now, and I sure as hell won't give a damn about you once I've kicked your god damn ass all around that ring! And if you’ve got a problem with that...TELL IT TO MY DAMN FACE! [/B] [SIZE="4"](D)[/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Match Number Three Kevin Furtig vs Ron Simmons [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/KevinThorn.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/RonSimmons2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Furtig wants a test of strength. Simmons reluctantly accepts and actually gets Furtig down to his knees. Furtig smiles and reveals he is playing with Simmons and quickly turns the tides. Furtig kicks Simmons repeatedly in the midsection to take him down to the matt. He stretches out Simmons arm in an arm bar variation. Simmons is stirring with help from the crowd and gets to his feet. Furtig, still holding the arm pulls Simmons towards him and hits a clothesline. He picks Simmons off the canvas with the same arm and performs the same move. He goes to the well a third time but Simmons ducks and gets a clothesline of his own! Vicious rights and lefts rock the big man and a stalling vertical suplex shows that Simmons still has some fight in him! Simmons signals for the dominator but Furtig catches him off guard and trips him up. Furtig goes back to the arm and applies a cross arm choke! Simmons can't stand the pain and taps out! JR: Another big victory for Furtig! He made short work of Ron Simmons with that arm choke! I suppose you know the name for that move to King? [B]King: As a matter of fact I do! Furtig told me he call's it the Destabilizer[/B] JR: How did you two becomes such good friends? Hold the phone! What's Furtig up to now? [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](Furtig reapplies the hold to Simmons who tries to struggle out. The referee finally gets him to break but Furtig decides that he hasn’t quite dished out enough punishment. He hits Simmons with 2 F-Bombs before tossing him over the top rope and then over the barricade into the crowd before leaving him and grabbing a microphone.)[/B][/COLOR] Furtig: You’re a joke Ron! You don’t belong in the back any more. You belong here, in the crowd with these jackass fans! Good luck at No Way Out. [SIZE="4"](D-)[/SIZE] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/Edge.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](We go backstage where Shane McMahon is enjoying the show from his office. In comes Edge who clearly has something on his mind)[/B][/COLOR] Shane: Edgester! My man! You all ready for you match tonight? [B]Edge: You know me Shane, I was born ready....Its just that after what we did to Lashley last week, that guy wants to break my neck! I mean, I don't think Lashley is in a stable enough state of mind to compete tonight! [/B] Shane: Relax buddy, relax! I know what kind of mood Lashley's in. Do you really think, after all you have done for me, I would send you to the lions like that? I’ve got your back Edge, trust me... [SIZE="4"](B+)[/SIZE] JR: Next up....Oh not again! "Ladies and Gentlemen, The Friends of Randy Orton Society proudly present to you, the next thrilling instalment of The Orton Express. Join Randy, John and Bob as they travel the long and winding road to WrestleMania." I can't believe some of the things they make me say! [B]King: Can't be worse than those Skittles sponsor ad's![/B] JR: Are you kidding! I love delicious, delicious, fruity, oh my god FRUITY FRUITY SKITTLES! [SIZE="4"](C)[/SIZE] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/RandyOrton.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/JBL.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](ORTON, JBL and BOB are stood outside the Orton Express.)[/B][/COLOR] Orton: Welcome back friends! You join us here today in Belleville Kansas. I got a great letter from a young fan named Jimmy Abraham. Jimmy writes, " Dear Mr Orton, I am your number one fan! That is apart from my granddad Paul. He was the one that took me to my first wrestling show, but now he is too old, and lives in an old people home. It would really make both of our day if you came to Bellville!" Well little Jimmy, your letter moved us to near-tears didn't it Bob? [U]Bob: HARDCORE![/U] Orton: So we all volunteered to help out at Jimmy's granddad’s nursing home for the day! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](We see clips of the three wrestlers in a nursing home. Orton is signing autographs for $10, JBL is telling stories and Bob...well Bob has a senior in a headlock.)[/B][/COLOR] Orton: Put him down Bob! [U]Bob: Hardcore![/U] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](JBL is playing chess with an old man.)[/B][/COLOR] Old Man: How did you get here sonny? [B]JBL: I'm on the Orton Express, old-timer![/B] Old Man: I didn't think the Orient Express came round these parts! [B]No, the ORTON EXPRESS![/B] About ten to the hour. [B]What?[/B] What? [B]Ah shut the hell up and have a badge![/B] Help! He's got a knife! [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](We cut back to the Orton Express)[/B][/COLOR] Orton: Wow, that really was a fun day....Now that our match is set for No Way Out, we could really start to focus my training regime. I did a lot of speed work... [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](A montage begins to the sounds of Jump by Van Halen. JBL and Orton run down the beach ala Apollo Creed and Rocky Balboa. Bob Holly is timing them with a stop watch.)[/B][/COLOR] [U]Bob: Hardcore![/U] Orton: I also worked on my technique... [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](The montage continues. Orton is shown doing the crane position whilst stood on a tree trunk and avoiding a huge swinging chain whilst JBL shouts on encouragement.)[/B][/COLOR] Orton: And last but not least, I worked on my strength. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](Orton does push ups. First with both hands, then with one, then with one finger! Then with Bob Holly on his back![/B][/COLOR] JBL: As you can see we are ready for our opponents at No way Out, and Randy's looking better and better on his road to WrestleMania! The next time you see us will be live on PPV where the lights shine brightest, so, CM Punk, Jeff hardy and Ron Simmons better bring sunglasses! [B]Orton: Thank you for all your support friends, don't forget to check out my blog! Any last words Bob?[/B] [U]Bob: HARDCORE![/U] [SIZE="4"](C)[/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Match Number Four "The R Rated Superstar" Edge vs Bobby Lashley[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/Edge.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/BobbyLashley2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Edge appears very reluctant to even get into the ring! He tries to slide in but has second thoughts and stands back on the outside. Lashley has had enough and springboards over the top rope onto Edge. He drags Edge into the ring by his hair and the referee rings the bell. Lashley dominates until Edge gets a poke to the eyes to break the momentum. Edge rams Lashley's shoulder into the ring post looking to take out his ability to perform the spear. He continues to work on the shoulder area and Lashley is clearly in pain. Edge gets over confident and goes for a suplex. Lashley blocks it and reverses into one of his own. Lashley takes control with a succession of power moves before finally setting Edge up for the spear. Edge sees it in time and steps out of the way, but SHANE MCMAHON is on the apron and gets speared to the floor for his troubles! Lashley stumbles backwards in pain with his damaged shoulder and Edge goes for a quick roll-up for TWO! Both men are up and trading hard right hands. Lashley gets the better of the exchange and tosses Edge against the ropes and goes for a spear of his own, but he also misses, again spearing a recovering Shane McMahon! Edge sees what he has done and puts his hands to his head. He turns around into a dominator from Lashley! 1-2-3, Lashley gets the pin! JR: Bobby Lashley just picked up a huge win before his match against Vince McMahon at No Way Out! Despite having the decks stacked against him, Lashley took care of business tonight! [B]King: Yeah but at what cost Ross? You see how hurt Lashley's shoulder is! He might as well paint a huge bull’s-eye on it for his Greenwich street fight against Vince. And there's no chance of him hitting the spear.[/B] JR: We saw tonight that Lashley doesn’t need the spear to win matches and I gotta believe that come Sunday Bobby Lashley will be firing on all cylinders! [SIZE="4"](A)[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/JohnCena4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](John Cena comes down to the ring with microphone in hand.)[/B][/COLOR] Cena: THE NEXT CHAMP IS HERE! In less than a week I finally get my chance to reclaim MY WWE championship. For over a year I defended it against the biggest in The Great Khali, the baddest in...The Great Khali, and the ugliest in, well, The Great Khali! At No Way Out its triple threat rules, which means I can pin Triple H....or I can pin Batista...or I can make Triple H tap out, or I can make Batista tap out. I guess it really depends on what mood I'm in. The truth is, I don't care how I win my title back, be it pinfall, submission, double count out, double DQ, double trouble crap on a stick...! At the end of the night, hear this, I WILL be the new WWE champion! Now the reason I'm out here tonight is because I was invited to provide colour commentary on tonight’s main event. Now I know what usually happens. I'm supposed to interfere in the match up right? Or Batista or HHH are supposed to get in my grill and cheap shot me, right? Well all I gotta say is, you stay out of my face and I'll stay out of yours. [SIZE="4"](B-)[/SIZE] [B][CENTER][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="4"]Match Number Five Matt hardy and Ken Kennedy vs Triple H and Batista[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/TripleHDX.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/Batista.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ken Kennedy persuades Matt to let him start the match. HHH and Batista are still arguing so Kennedy attacks Batista from behind. Big mistake Kennedy! Batista no-sells and turns around to lay the smack down on Kennedy. Batista goes to tag HHH but Hunter doesn’t want in! This allows Kennedy to sneak away and get the tag to Matt. Batista slaps HHH, tagging him in in the process. Matt and HHH jockey for position with each man gaining a slight advantage before HHH takes the low road and knee's Matt in the mid section. HHH tosses Matt into the ropes and gets the running knee lift. He repays Batista by slapping him across the chest to tag him into the match. They exchange dirty looks and Matt gets a quick tag to Kennedy. Batista isolates Kennedy and him and HHH actually start to resemble a tag team! They work over Kennedy with a few double teams. Batista tags HHH then holds up Kennedy. HHH attempts a clothesline but Kennedy ducks and Batista is clotheslined over the top! Kennedy gets the hot tag to Hardy who has the momentum against a disorientated HHH! Hardy goes for a twist of fate but Kennedy stops him by tagging himself back in! Kennedy tries to take over on offence but HHH counters and hits the Pedigree on Kennedy for the win! [SIZE="4"](B+)[/SIZE] Matt and Batista make their way back to the ring to confront their tag partners over their actions. JR: What does Kennedy think he was doing? Matt looked like he had the match won for his team, but Kennedy had to have the last say! [B]King: You might be right JR, but I don't see why Batista has a problem with HHH. HHH was a real team player tonight but Batista was stupid enough to underestimate his opponents. It's not HHH's fault that Kennedy ducked! [/B] JR: Things don't look like calming down between these four individuals, I think you made the right decision to stay on this side of the ropes Cena! [B]Cena: Yeah, about that JR... I lied![/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B](Cena gets in his No Way Out opponent's faces. There is a lot of pushing going on. HHH swings for Cena who ducks and hits Batista, sparking a HUGE FIVE MAN BRAWL!)[/B][/COLOR] JR: You can literally feel the hatred behind each and every one of the punches being thrown in that ring! I knew this match spelt trouble! I just hope these men don't kill each other before No Way Out! What a show, and what a show in prospect less than 7 days away! GOOD GAWD! [SIZE="4"](B+)[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Final Show Rating: B- Attendance: 5000 sell-out TV Rating: 8.40 [/SIZE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Confirmed Card for No Way Out[/SIZE] [B] WWE World Heavyweight Triple Threat Title Match[/B] WWE Champion "The Game" Triple H vs "The Animal" Batista vs "The Doctor of Thuganomics" John Cena [B] WWE Intercontinental Title Match[/B] Intercontinental Champion Matt Hardy vs "Mr" Ken Kennedy [B] Greenwich Street Fight[/B] Vincent Kennedy McMahon vs Bobby Lashley [B]WrestleMania Warm-up Match[/B] "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton/Bob "Hardcore" Holly/ JBL vs "Straight Edge Superstar" CM Punk/ "The Enigma" Jeff Hardy/ Ron Simmons [B] WWE Tag Team Title Match[/B] Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs "The Punjabi Giant" Khali and Big Daddy V [B] (Confirmed on WWE.com)[/B] Candice Michelle vs Melina [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Notes from JR's Blog[/SIZE][/CENTER] The build to No Way Out has been, for the most part, excellent. In the past, No Way Out has suffered from being too close to WrestleMania and has come off as meaningless in the long run. The new booking team have really gone out of their way to increase interest in this PPV. Whilst our TV ratings have continued to increase under the new management and booking team, they are still some way behind WCW and TNA. Feedback from our shows has been excellent but the audience still isn't where we would ideally like it to be. Working relationships have been established with various wrestlers over the past couple of weeks. Former WWE wrestler Burchill, Puerto Rican superstar Apolo and Ted Dibiase Jnr have all worked recent dark matches. Look for these men and more to debut in the coming weeks. Whilst I haven't been the biggest fan of the Orton Express segments, I can see that they have a place on a modern sports entertainment broadcast. I am happy to report that CM Punk and Ron Simmons have been cleared to compete at No Way Out following the vicious attacks from Kevin Furtig in previous weeks. It is true, the WWE is currently in discussions with several smaller promotions to let some of our less experienced workers compete on their shows. [CENTER][SIZE="4"]JR's No Way Out Predicitons[/SIZE][/CENTER] Kennedy vs Hardy should be emotionally charged to say the least, but how can you look past the triple threat World Championship match? Orton may be deep in training, but his lack of competiton and the fact that he seems to be looking past his No Way Out opponents could mean an upset victory for Jeff, CM Punk and Ron Simmons Thats all for this week. See you at No Way Out! Jim Ross (Boomer Sooners!)
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Hey guysthanks for the feedback! Yeah I kinda spelt it wrong the first time even though his real name is in the Mod! I stuck with it though coz i figured it was a very wwe like move to say someone is using their real name then spell it differently! If its realy bugging people though its no problemo to change? that would also be very wwe of me to change a name with no explanation! let me know if i should change it. Also im very glad that after several days of writing,thats all anyone mentions! Only joking!
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