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Adrenaline Wrestling - A New Beginning (CornellVerse)

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We met inside my apartment as usual to discuss our previous month. I was happy to report that both the economy and industry were on the rise after their slumps. They were still relatively weak, but with time they should recover. I then informed Ota and John that we had made almost 4k for the month. This was great news for us. Our talks now moved to the card for Center Stage. We needed to test a few things out this month. After a few hours of deliberation, I started to design the ads. [B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Center Stage[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]John Covel is officially the longest reigning Heavyweight Champion in the history of the company and Aaron Andrews would like nothing more than to end that reign at Center Stage. Can Andrews claim glory of his own or will Covel continue the legacy he’s been building?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord has had two impressive matches here in AW and now looks for a third. On the other side of the ring is Brandon Smith, a man who’s been in AW for almost a year and seems stuck in the middle. Can he gain a victory over Chord that might propel him to the next level or will the second generation superstar continue his success?[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Jacob Jett was bitter about losing his title, so he stole the belt from rightful owner Cyrus Raynes. Raynes has defended the belt he doesn’t carry with pride and now looks to regain possession of that piece of gold.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey ©[/COLOR] for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]The debuting Nathaniel Ca$ino gets an opportunity to put Robbie’s name down in the record books as the shortest title reign ever. Can this newcomer defeat the new champion?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: Thomas Morgan, Cameron Vessey, Angel De Mexico and many more![/B] Aaron Andrews vs. John Covel © Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Jay Chord Jacob Jett vs. Cyrus Raynes © Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Robbie Clavey ©
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[B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Center Stage[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 874[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Al Coleman and Casey Valentine[/B][/COLOR] defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Gauge Brothers[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall at 3:59 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]After seeing Sam Keith’s sons break into the business at the beginning of the month, we decided to start to figure out a tag team division. With the Gauge Brothers being the only actual tag team on our roster, we needed to look for guys to throw together. I think we may have a winning combination with Coleman and Valentine.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Primus Allen[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Vessey Driver at 4:42 [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]These two meshed perfectly. The both knew exactly what the other was going to do next. The crowd was liking the match as well.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Angel De Mexico[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Bob Casey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Mexican Death at 5:24 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Bob Casey did exactly what he’s here for, making his opponent look great. These two also meshed really well also.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest and Mitch Naess plugged the main event of Aaron Andrews and John Covel for the Heavyweight Championship![B][SIZE="3"] D+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Valentine[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 3:58 [B][SIZE="3"]E-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not what I was expecting. These two meshed fairly well, but the crowd just wasn’t into the match.[/I] A video is played on our video wall that goes over [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade’s[/B][/COLOR] recent path of destruction. [SIZE="3"][B]E[/B][/SIZE] [I]An average segment here to keep what Façade has done fresh in everyone’s mind.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 7:52. [B]Robbie Clavey makes defense number 1 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Nice match between myself and the new comer. I really feel like he’s got some potential in him.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Reverse Pedigree at 10:15. [B]Cyrus Raynes makes defense number 4 of his Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Katie Cameron is proving to be great at ringside for us. This match was great and did its job to end the program between the two.[/I] Cyrus Raynes watches as Katie helps Jacob to his feet. Raynes is handed his title belt before he walks over to Jett and extends his had. Jett stares at it for a few moments and then shoves it away before heading towards the back with Katie. [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice segment to keep some heat on Jett, whom we believe could help lead the company some day.[/I] As Raynes remains in the ring watching Jacob Jett retreat, [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] busts through the crowd and attacks the champion. The assault is quick and brutal, leaving Raynes down in the center of the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another segment that helps to establish Façade as our monster.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Cradle Piledriver at 16:35 [B][SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]An outstanding match between these two. It could have been better, but neither one really likes to put over their opponent’s moves. Still a good pre-main event.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes out and plugs the new Steven Parker t-shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 28:57. [B]John Covel makes defense number 8 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another great match to round out our August event. Covel and Andrews drew big time here and got the crowd involved. Great job.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A show that’s a little bit above the quality we’ve been putting out. I was a big fan with the pre and actual main event. The somewhat lower attendance might have made us take a drop in our gains for the month, but I’m hoping we’ll still be in the black. [/I]
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I renewed the contract of Trent Shaffer and signed up Sam Keith’s boys this month. Other than that, I didn’t really have much to do. So, here’s the news from the industry in August 2008 [B]Recent News[/B] Both 4C and NYCW rose to Regional size this month. That’s something I need to keep my eye on. NYCW has already offered up some contracts to some of my talent. Scout appeared on a TV show and proved that he’s not an easy man to get along with. He and Jason Azaria have been having trouble backstage at TCW shows. BJ O’Neill got on the radio yesterday and said a lot of good things about Professor Nero NOTBPW gets another TV show [B]Signings/Firings[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson, Scout, Adam Matravers and Guide all signed up to tour with GCG Insane Machine, American Elemental, Nathan Coleman and our own Brandon Smith and Rhino Umaga signed up to tour with BHOTGW. This meant they would be unavailable to work for us for three months. That puts a halt on the forward progression to one of our storylines. Primus Allen has impressed while in AW, signing with USPW. Randal Hopkirk also signed up with them. Calamari Kid signed with NYCW. Sammy Bach signed with 4C. [B] Title Changes[/B] There were no title changes that really interested me this month. Interesting.
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We met at my apartment and immediately discussed the economy and wrestling industry. The economy was average at the moment but still looked to be rising. On the other hand, the wrestling industry was still almost rock bottom, but had recovered from its slump. Moving forward, I let them know that we once again used a few too many guys at the show, but still were able to turn a profit of just under 1k. We all agreed some profit was better than none. Next, we began to talk about where we wanted to go with our midcard feud. We needed someone to work with Cyrus Raynes. After a while debating and throwing some ideas around we finally decided on our target. We’d kick things off at September’s show. We’d also be looking to find some more tag teams for the division we wanted to get going. Our meeting lasted a lot longer than usual with all the new plans having to be set, but I was left alone at around midnight to start work on the ads. [B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents KillZone[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] [B]for a shot at the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Both men have made waves of their own as of late. Jay Chord has proved himself inside the ring with victories over some of our top stars. Can he gain a second opportunity at the Heavyweight Championship?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]California Love Machine[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] [I]Both men came to management asking for work this month and we figured this could be a good match. Can Steven Parker regain his momentum or will CLM keep his moving?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/COLOR] [B]for an entry into the Road to Glory Tournament[/B] [I]At first, Phoenix was enjoying his time off. But now he has demanded a match to refill his wallet. So this month we’ve paired him with Newton. And we’ve sweetened the deal by putting one of the 8 Road To Glory spots up for grabs.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Angel De Mexico[/B][/COLOR] [B]for a shot at the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Both men are coming off victories last month. Vessey has been on a bit of a longer role, going undefeated for the better part of recent memory. Which one of these stars can gain a shot at gold?[/I] [B] Also scheduled to appear: AW LiveWire Champion Robbie Clavey, Thomas Morgan, Erik Strong and many more![/B] Cyrus Raynes vs. Jay Chord California Love Machine vs. Steven Parker Davis Wayne Newton vs. Ultimate Phoenix Cameron Vessey vs. Angel De Mexico
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents KillZone[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 856[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]The Gauge Brothers[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]defeated Erik Strong and Brendan Idol[/B][/COLOR] by submission at 5:06 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a bad show opener. Idol and Strong seemed to mesh okay together as a team and could be used down the road.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/B] As The Gauge Brothers are leaving the ring, [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] comes from the crowd and destroys both men, leaving them down in the center of the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another segment used to give Façade some momentum in the angle we’re running.[/I] Marv Earnest and Mitch Naess enter the ring as the young tag team is helped to the back and go over the night’s main event of Jay Chord and Cyrus Raynes. [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Our standard main show opener. I do like the combination we’ve got here of Marv and Mitch.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 5:44. [B]Robbie Clavey makes defense number 2 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match by Thomas and I to help give us an idea of what to do with the lower level title. I think Thomas and I could put on a good program.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Angel De Mexico[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Vessey Driver at 10:12 [B]to gain a shot at the AW Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice match up to help set up what we want to do with our midcard title.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/COLOR] by submission with an STF at 15:15 [B]to gain entry into the 2008 Road To Glory tournament [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]These two meshed perfectly. Ultimate Phoenix was great in helping DWN get through a huge match here. Their in ring communication was great and they really got the crowd into the match.[/I] As Newton is leaving the ring, I run out and blindside him. The crowd boos the crap out of me as I continue my assault and then leave, playing to them as I do. [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another segment to keep some heat built up leading into our finale match in a couple months.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]California Love Machine[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Future Shock at 13:39 [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]CLM was off again tonight. We’ve had him on three shows and he’s been out of it two of those three matches. We’ll have to monitor him closely.[/I] Tracy Brendon came out and plugged the new Jay Chord t-shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 22:45 [B]following interference by Cameron Vessey. Jay Chord gains a shot at the Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another fantastic main event. Cameron was used to build up some tension with Cyrus Raynes, which we feel could be something good.[/I] Jay Chord gets on the stick and begins teeing off on John Covel, saying how he is the man that will end the record breaking reign. But he’s going to bide his time in taking his shot at the title. He says he’s being nice and going off for a tour in Japan to allow Covel a couple extra months to cherish his gold. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice promo by Chord here to close out the show. Crowd seemed into it.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Overall Rating: C[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I] A show that is up to par with our level of production. I felt that we’d be close to the black again this month, so we’d have to wait and see. On top of that, our meeting was going to be interesting as I had been approached by a few more important members of our roster in relation to their careers. [/I]
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During September we extended Valentine, Mark Smart and Davis Wayne Newton for the future. Other than that, nothing much was happening. [B]Recent News[/B] SWF felt the effects of a few months of lowering productivity and fell to Cult size A lot of people felt the time was right to call it quits as Pistol Pete Hall, Lioness Mushashibo, Ryu Kajahara, Crusher Ichihara, Sensational Ogiwara and Masayuki Shiga all retired Michael Bull made everyone question his sanity when he put over Roger Dodger on a local TV show Craig Green put a ripple through NOTBPW and the wrestling industry when he was rushed to the hospital after a drug overdose [B] Signings/Firings[/B] NYCW followed their rise in size by signing up Madman Boone, Eddie Chandler and Ota Lee Rivera and Zeus Maxmillion signed with 4C Nathaniel Ca$ino, Fox Mask, Champagne Lover and Jay Chord were all announced for WLWs next tour Jungle Jack, Barry Griffin and Cameron Vessey will be touring with INSPIRE Squeeky McClean signed with TCW Troy Tornado turned down an extension offer from TCW and went to NOTBPW Bobby Thomas left CGC SWF cut a lot of people from their roster following their fall. Those included were Mario Heroic, Clinton Sage, Hell’s Bouncer, Jim Force, Kurt Laramee, Joey Minnesota, Lead Belly, Jessie, Ryan Richards and Ric Young [B] Title Changes[/B] Hardcore Killah and Warren Technique beat Phenomenal E and Duberry Express to win the 4C Tag Titles Ultimate Phoenix is no longer extreme as he lost his CZCW Xtreme Title to James Prudence Rocky Golden won the TCW International Title from Texas Pete
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We met at my apartment and the first thing I brought up was the fact we would be losing Cameron Vessey, Rhino Umaga and Jay Chord to tours of Japan over the next couple months. This was a big hit to us with Vessey and Chord as they were integral parts of our plans. We discussed it for a while and then settled on the fact that we could get through it. Next I talked to them about the economy and wrestling industry. Both were about the same place they were last month and were still showings signs of being on the slow rise. That brought up our money from last month. I was happy to inform them we had made 5k last month. We were extremely happy with this and felt we had taken the right approach to make this continue. We then moved onto what we wanted to move towards in October. [B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents ReVolution[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel ©[/COLOR][/B] [B]for the AW Heavyweight Title[/B] [I]Feeling as though he was screwed out of winning his chance at the Heavyweight Title, AW management has given Raynes that shot. Can he end the streak of John Covel, or will Covel continue his trek through 2008 as champion?[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] [I]We wanted to give the fans a match that would be guaranteed to deliver. Not only did we do it in the main event, but we’re doing it here. These two have locked up before and tore the house down. Can they do it again?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Mark Smart[/B][/COLOR] [I]Mark Smart came to us last week and complained about not getting some time in the ring. So this month we’ve given him a chance to turn some heads as he goes up against one of our brightest stars. Can he turn those heads or will they stay fixed on Davis Wayne Newton?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Casey Valentine[/B][/COLOR] [I]These two young men get a chance to showcase their stuff on the main show this month. Can Trent Shaffer stay on track after losing his LiveWire Title in a three way match or can Casey Valentine defeat the former champ? [/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: The Gauge Brothers, AW LiveWire Champion Robbie Clavey, Thomas Morgan and many more![/B] Cyrus Raynes vs. John Covel © Aaron Andrews vs. Tyler Chance Davis Wayne Newton vs. Mark Smart Trent Shaffer vs. Casey Valentine
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[B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents ReVolution[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 954[/CENTER][/B] r[B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Alan Parent[/B][/COLOR] by submission at 2:44 [B][SIZE="3"]E-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd wasn’t into the match at all. I hired some new talent this month to try and inject something into our lower card matches and the tag division. Alan Parent was one of them. I hope he catches on.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Gauge Bothers[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]K-Squared and Raphael[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall at 4:52 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good tag match in the pre show here. Raphael is another one of the new guys I brought on for the lower card. Crowd seemed to like their team work. We could have another team here.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest and Mitch Naess come out to open the main show by talking about the main event of Cyrus Raynes and John Covel for the Heavyweight Title. [SIZE="3"][B]D[/B][/SIZE] [I]The crowd seems to be excited for the main event.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Primus Allen[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 6:01. [B]Robbie Clavey makes defense number 3 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good main show opener here. I didn’t know how I was going to do working with this ginormous worker, but we worked well together. Crowd seemed to like the match.[/I] I am getting up after the match and hear the crowd begin to erupt in cheers as [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton [/B][/COLOR]runs down the aisle. I bail out of the ring and over the guardrail quickly, avoiding his wrath. [B]D-[/B] [I]A nice way to remind everyone that our rematch is coming up.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Casey Valentine[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 6:27 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]During the match Al Coleman ran down and tried to help his new partner out, but Trent overcame it and won anyway. This was a solid match that the crowd really seemed to enjoy. Great job by these two young guys.[/I] All three men remain in the ring when the monster [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] emerges from the crowd and blindsides all three of them. He lays them all out and stands over their fallen bodies as the crowd lays into him with boos. [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another segment to further Façade’s monster aura.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Mark Smart[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Fisherman’s Suplex at 6:50 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]DWN came out of the match looking good heading into a match with a lot of story behind it next month. This was another solid matchup in our under card.[/I] Newton looks to be doing the respectful thing of getting ready to offer Mark Smart a handshake when the crowd starts to boo as I come running down the aisle, looking to weaken Newton up. Newton avoids my attack and grabs a microphone as he leaves ringside. He reminds me that our rematch is next month and that he’s sick of the **** I’ve been putting him through since our last match. He warns me to come prepared to walk out a loser. After he exits to the back I turn around, frustrated and take out Mark Smart with a Backdrop Driver. [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] and [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] drew at 18:15 due to a double count out [B][SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]An outstanding match for the fans here. These two guys were able to tell a story that the fans could get with. Great job in the pre main event.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes out and plugs my new T-shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 26:56. [B]John Covel makes defense number 9 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another fantastic main event to one of our shows. The crowd was hot throughout the entire thing and really supported both men.[/I] After the match, Covel walked over to Raynes and extended his hand for a shake. Raynes accepted it and Covel raised his hand into the air. Raynes dropped to a knee and raised Covel’s hand as well as the crowd applauded both men. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great respect segment here. John asked for this match against Raynes to help get him ready for what we’re sure will be a successful career.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER] Overall Rating: B-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]This has been our best show to date. All the hard work put into the company is starting to pay off as our attendance is growing with each show. We have a lot of places we can go with our stories right now, which should keep things interesting. Gate should be good. We’re in the black again this month, I can feel it. [/I]
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No extensions on my plate in October, but I did sign a bunch of new talent. Alan Parent, Raphael, Masked Cougar, Antonio and Edward Cornell. Aside from that, this is what else happened in the wrestling industry for October 2008. [B]Recent News[/B] JEF finally fell victim to their financial whoas and closed up shop Torque went on the radio and put over Mexican Beast Steve Frehley went on TV and ripped apart Big Smack Scott WLW signed a new PPV deal SWF lost their TV show due to poor ratings Shockwaves rocked CGC and the DeColt family when Alex failed a drug test [B]Signings/Firings[/B] Clinton Sage signed with DAVE after being released from SWF Joey Minnesota signed with TCW Randy Bumfhole turned down an extension in SWF and left [B]Title Changes[/B] Sammy Bach became the 4c Hardcore champion by defeating The Wizard of Ottawa Calamari Kid finally ended Honest Frank’s Empire Title reign in NYCW Dan Stone Jr. became a 6 time Canadian Champion in NOTBPW The NOTBPW Tag Titles were vacated when The Natural tore his rotator cuff Emma Bitch captured the NOTBPW Women’s title for the second time Lobster Warrior ended the four month reign of Puerto Rican Power to win the SWF National Championship Steve Frehely proved that he can also piss people off in the ring by winning the North American Title in SWF The SWF Tag Titles were also declared vacant when Randy Bumfhole did not resign with the company
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We met inside my apartment like we do every month and first discussed the fact that both the economy and the industry both rose in strength during October. We were happy with that. Next, I was happy to report that my gut feeling was right, we had made a pinch under 3k for the month. That was 4 months in a row we had turned a profit. We took some time to discuss the Road to Glory tournament, which is next month. Ota thought it would be a good idea to see what we could get on talent trade for this show. I agreed and said I’d take a look. Next we moved on to talks about Insanity Plea this month. After a few hours trying to decide what do to, I was set to design the ads. But tonight, John and Ota hung around. They wanted to see how I worked my magic. [B][CENTER] [U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Insanity Plea[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Jett has demanded a title match this month. We know he meant he wanted a Midwest Title match, but we put him up against the domination of John Covel. Is Jett up for the challenge? Or can Covel continue into December as the champion?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] [B]for an entry into the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament[/B] [I]Steven Parker is the defending Road to Glory winner and thought he had a guaranteed spot in the 2008 edition. But here in AW everything is earned, so he gets a chance to earn the opportunity to defend his title.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Raynes is coming off of what can only be called a classic with John Covel last month. He came up short in his quest to win the Heavyweight Title and this month he must defend his own championship. Can Aaron Andrews use his strength to trump Raynes speed? Or will Raynes head into December with his title intact?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] [B]in a No Disqualification Match[/B] [I]These two had a tremendous series of matches at the beginning of the year, but were banned from facing each other for six months in fear of serious injury. Now that that ban has been lifted they look to settle the score in an anything goes environment.[/I] [B] Also scheduled to appear: Angel De Mexico, Trent Shaffer, Thomas Morgan and many more![/B] Jacob Jett vs. John Covel © Tyler Chance vs. Steven Parker Aaron Andrews vs. Cyrus Raynes © Davis Wayne Newton vs. Robbie Clavey
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[B][CENTER][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Insanity Plea[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 944[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Edward Cornell[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 2:39 [SIZE="3"][B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [I]A nice little debut for Cornell. The crowd pretty much crapped all over the match. It was a fine match for what we did, but I think they hated it because we help Cornell down. Edward will be quite good in time, but he still needs some work. That means he starts at the bottom and works up.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Angel De Mexico[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Mark Smart[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Mexican Death at 3:55 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice match here. The crowd liked this match, despite its length. I’d really like to find something for these guys, but as of right now I don’t have anything.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest and Mitch Naess plugged the main event of Jacob Jett and John Covel for the Heavyweight Championship! [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Our usual opening to let the fans that didn’t see the card know what’s happening tonight.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Raphael[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 5:05 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good match to open the show. Trent is getting to the point where he seems to bring out the best in everyone. He does just that with Raphael’s second match in AW.[/I] Backstage, [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] appears and takes some time to talk about his match with myself. He revisits all of our previous encounters and turns them around to make me look bad. [SIZE="3"][B]D[/B][/SIZE] [I]The crowd seemed to really like the idea of someone bad talking me to death. Just used for some final build up to our match.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] by submission with an STF at [I]11:57 [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] A fantastic match to end our feud. I felt as though the fans were dying to see us again and that’s what we wanted. I’m sure this won’t be the last time we meet inside the ring, but we won’t be competing against each other every month.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes to the ring and plugs the new Trent Shaffer t-shirt. [SIZE="3"][B]C+[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] by disqualification at 12:18. [B]Cyrus Raynes makes defense number 5 of his Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]An outstanding match here. I never expected them to do this well. The crowd really seemed to like the ending which saw Andrews retrieve a chair after being unable to put the champ down.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Half and Half Suplex at 14:50 [B]to gain entry into the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Surprisingly, Tyler and Steven seemed to have communication problems here. Their experience still allowed them to churn out a good match, but I thought it could be better. Another seed planted for RTG.[/I] As the crowd cheers for Tyler after the match, [B][COLOR="Red"]Façade[/COLOR][/B] rushes in and blindsides him. The crowd really tears into him as he destroys Tyler and then leaves the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Façade seems to be getting over nicely with this monster unleashed thing.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] by submission with the Broken Wings at 21:49. [B]John Covel makes defense number 10 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another hot main event to close out November. Katie really added to the match at ringside throughout. Jett hit the Jett Take Off, but Covel was able to kick out. That brought the crowd to their feet. When Covel got the submission they absolutely exploded.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Not as good as we wanted going into our Road to Glory tournament, but it was right up to par with what we had been doing. We used a bit more talent than we had been, so I figured we’d be cutting it close this month. We’d have to wait and see.[/I]
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We extended Primus Allen this month and allowed Andre Jones’ deal to expire as we just didn’t have anything for him. I also began talking to a few more companies on getting working agreements in place. Past that, this is what happened in November 2008. [B] Recent News[/B] NOTBPW rose to International status this month Punisher Paul Hughes, a rough brawler from Wales debuted this month. He looks solid right out of the gate, but is already 30. Alysian Scottsfield retired this month INSPIRE, DAVE and TCW all signed new PPV deals [B]Signings/Firings[/B] NOTBPW showed their rise by signing Human Arsenal, Rich Money, Squeeky McClean, Jason Azaria, Archie Judge, Brent Hill, Eddie Chandler and Francis Long CGC signed BLZ Bubb and Jay Darkness Arthur T. Turtle signed with 21CW Valiant signed with TCW Kid Toma and Big Cat Brandon signed up to tour with GCG [B]Title Changes[/B] Ryan Powell regained the CGC Canadian Championship from Shane Nelson Shooter Sean Deeley captured the NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title from Edd Stone Big Smack Scott and Enforcer Roberts captured the vacant SWF Tag Team Titles Charlie Thatcher defeated Freddy Huggins for the TCW Intercontinental Title
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We all met inside my apartment like normal, but this month I was a lot more happy that normal. I had my reasons to be. Ota and John kept trying to pry it out of me before we had gotten settled in. Finally after about fifteen minutes, I busted. I had successfully added to our existing working agreements. Originally we had only 4C, USPW and MAW and hadn’t utilized them to this point. But heading into Road to Glory, I took Ota’s advice and looked into bringing in some outside talent for the show. That led me to contact other companies and successfully come to agreements with CGC, CZCW, TCW and most important of all NOTBPW. Both Ota and John yelled out in excitement. Not only did this mean we might be able to get some of the wrestling industry’s top stars on one of our shows, but it meant that with all the young guys who looked to be HUGE stars in the business on our roster, none of them could be signed away into exclusive contracts for the time being. When we put this into place I was so relieved to know I could almost set any plans with my future stars in stone, knowing they wouldn’t be leaving unless Ota refused to let me pay them. After we all settled down, I informed them I grabbed one outside talent for the tournament. We decided to leave it as a mystery for the card. Then I told them we had made a little over 3k for the month. Next, we discussed who we felt our best choices would be to include in the tournament, based on their performance the year before. We decided to reward a couple guys for their hard work. We had a fairly good idea where we were going to go with the tournament before we met, but hashed out the details here. After a while of contemplating and mulling, we finally settled on our plans. [B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Road To Glory 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] [B]in the First Round of the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament[/B] [I]Both men have impressed AW management this year and got the nod for spots in the tournament. Cyrus Raynes has dominated the Midwest Title for the last six months while Robbie Clavey has been showing great things in the ring all year, not to mention recently adding the LiveWire Title to his resume.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] [B]in the First Round of the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament[/B] [I]DWN earned his spot in the RTG tournament by defeating Ultimate Phoenix in September. Jett came into the year as Midwest Champion, but lost it to Cyrus Raynes towards July. He impressed enough to earn a spot in the tournament here.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR] in the First Round of the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament[/B] [I]Morgan has been on a recent winning streak and narrowly missed capturing the LiveWire Championship. His hard work and positive attitude was enough for management to give him a shot in the tournament. Jay Chord has only recently come to AW. As quickly as he arrived, he left for a tour of Japan. Upon his return this month, he was granted a spot in the 2008 RTG tournament as a reward for his great in ring work.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B]??? in the First Round of the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament[/B] [I]Aaron Andrews has been on the downhill end of a lot of things in 2008. He was in the title hunt towards the end of 2007, but now he’s nowhere near it. Management gave him this shot out of sheer pity, hoping he could turn things around. On the other hand, they didn’t deem it necessary to tell him who his opponent was. They don’t want to tell you guys either. All that can be said is this man is making his return to Adrenaline Wrestling after a near year long absence. He has told everyone he’s ready to go all the way and earn himself a shot at the title he never got the chance to win.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel ©[/B][/COLOR] [B]for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Management was going to give John the month off to enjoy and watch the tournament, but he requested another title defense. As surprised as they were, management obliged and set up this match. John has shattered the record for longest title reign in AW and now looks to make sure he can defend his title against the winner of the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament in January.[/I] [B]Also featuring the semi-finals and finals of the 2008 Road to Glory Tournament![/B] Cyrus Raynes vs. Robbie Clavey Davis Wayne Newton vs. Jacob Jett Thomas Morgan vs. Jay Chord Aaron Andrews vs. ??? Ota vs. John Covel ©
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[B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Road To Glory 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 989[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]K-Squared[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 4:41 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice little opener to get the crowd warmed up for a great night of wrestling.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]The Gauge Brothers[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Antonio[/B][/COLOR] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Mark Smart[/COLOR][/B] by submission at 4:41 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] Another solid tag match here. I like all the possible tag teams I’ve been finding. [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest and Mitch Naess enter the ring and plug the card for the night. They talk about the Road To Glory tournament and then touch upon the Heavyweight Title match. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great way to open the show. The crowd is just buzzing in anticipation for our second annual tournament.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Brainbuster at 7:04 [B]to advance to the semi-finals of the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]We did good, but not as good as we would have liked. We didn’t flow together tonight and it hurt the match. Luckily the crowd was still hot all the way through.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Fisherman’s Suplex at 7:54 [B]to advance to the second round of the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic match that was added to by the work of Katie Cameron at ringside. She is truly paying off for us.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes to the ring and plugs the Road to Glory shirt. It lists all the participants on the back with images of them all meshed together. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Cradle Piledriver at 6:55 [B]to advance to the semi-finals of the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid if not great match in the first round. The crowd was really into Chord’s return. They seemed to miss booing him. Morgan worked really well in such a big match situation and helped to bring Chord out of the match looking spectacular. [/I] Aaron Andrews comes to the ring, wearing his “Drug Free” shirt and taunts the crowd a bit as he gets into the ring and awaits his mystery opponent. The crowd explodes as some music hits and the curtains part to reveal [COLOR="Blue"][B]FRANKIE PEREZ[/B][/COLOR] as the last entrant in the tournament. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Frankie Perez[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Perfect Parity at 7:57 [B]to advance to the semi-finals of the 2008 Road to Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Ouch. These two didn’t flow at all together and it really hurt the match. Luckily the crowd was so into Perez’s return to AW that they never noticed and continued to be hot.[/I] Backstage, [COLOR="Blue"][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/COLOR] is walking and greeting some people he hasn’t seen because of his tours of Japan when [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] comes out of nowhere and blindsides him. Everyoen watches in horror as Façade decimates Smith, powerbombing him through a nearby table. [SIZE="3"][B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [I]Another nice segment to build up to where we’re going with Façade.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Brainbuster at 9:32 [B]to advance to the finals of the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A wonderful match up that saw a lot of near falls. I made it a point to only get involved in the planning of my own match in the tournament so I could be just as impressed as everyone else. This match blew me away and I hoped that there’d be more to come. [/I] After the match, Raynes helped Newton to his feet and offered his hand. Newton accepted it and the two hugged in the center of the ring as a show of respect. [I][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/I] [I]A good respect angle here that allowed Newton to stay hot.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Frankie Perez[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Cradle Piledriver at 13:39 [B]to advance to the finals of the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Wow! This match was amazing. It was great even though I could visibly tell Frankie and Jay were having communication problems. They still pulled out a helluva match and built a lot of heat for the finals to follow up. This concluded the one appearance we had gotten Frankie for, but he did exactly what we wanted him to and will probably be brought back in the future. As he exited the ring, he got a “Please Come Back” chant from the crowd. [/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 17:39 [B]to make defense number 11 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match here that saw Ota nearly collapse in weakness towards the end of the match. Covel gets another victory to move into January with a chance to become our first year long champion.[/I] A video played hyping the finals of the Road To Glory Tournament. The crowd was buzzing in anticipation. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Cradle Piledriver at 23:47 [B]to win the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]B[/SIZE][/B] [I]An outstanding match between these two 18 year old kids that look like they’ve been in the business for decades. The crowd gave both men, even Jay Chord, a standing ovation after the bell rang.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] celebrates his victory in the ring as the crowd continues to be loud. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]I was waiting behind the curtain, as was Ota, to hug and thank both men for putting on such a fantastic show. I then went to the ring to thank the fans for coming and they responded with very loud “AW!” and “That Was Awesome” chants. [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: B-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Exactly what we had hoped for when we booked this card. This show brought our highest attendance, probably our best matches and a close to a wonderful 2008. We might have made out big in the gate this month, but Monday morning would tell us for sure whether we were red or black for the month. [/I]
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I didn’t have anyone to renew in December, but January was going to be a big month. Other than having to make sure Road To Glory went off without a hitch, I did nothing in December. So here’s what happened around the industry. [B] Recent News[/B] MHW rose to Regional size Giant Redwood was fired as head booker of SWF due to poor performance. He was replaced by an old friend of mine, Mike Orlando. Runaway Train’s daughter Lisa Bowen debuted this month. She’s hot, don’t get me wrong, but she’s not up to par on her microphone skills to get another look from us. Ryan Holland went on TV and took some shots at Shaun Gonzalez CGC signed a new PPV deal with Public Access Select Herman The German got involved in an incident with the police. Details have been sketchy. [B] Signings/Firings[/B] NOTBPW signed Lee Rivera to continue their expansion Marc DuBois allowed his SWF contract to run out and then signed with TCW alogn with our old friend Tim Buberle and Ryan Richards Stevie Grayson, Ash Campbell, Henry Lee and Enygma signed up for the next WLW tour Ric Young, Rick Law and our own Jay Chord signed with CGC Ricky Dale Johnson, Rhino Umaga, Acid and Insane Machine signed up to tour with INSPIRE Clinton Sage signed with CZCW Angel De Mexico and Los Fury were signed by MHW in their expansion Jack Giedroyc, Masked Cougar and El Alborotador signed with MPWF Freddy Huggins signed with 4C Chance Fortune signed with DAVE Nathaniel Ca$ino signed with OLLIE [B] Title Changes[/B] Joey Poison defeated Davis Wayne Newton for the 4c Championship Dark Angel and Eddie Chandler captured the vacant NOTBPW Tag Titles Robbie Retro began his first reign as SWF National Champion by beating Lobster Warrior Liberty beat Lane Stevens for the SWF World title Jay Darkness grabbed the TCW International Title from Rocky Golden No title change to report here and that’s the main part. Warlord Pain is rapidly approached the TWO YEAR mark as USPW National Champion. Not only that, but he’s at almost a year and a half as USPW World Champ as well
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The year had come to a close and the End of the Year Awards were announced [B]Wrestler Of The Year:[/B] Human Arsenal [B]Young Wrestler of the Year:[/B] Lane Stevens for the second year in a row [B]Veteran Wrestler of the Year:[/B] Dread for the second year in a row [B]Female Wrestler of the Year:[/B] Sensational Ogiwara for the second year in a row [B]Promotion of the Year:[/B] SWF – I’m guessing this was for the first part of the year…. [B]Most Improved Promotion of the Year:[/B] INSPIRE [B]Match of the Year:[/B] Dan Stone Jr. defeated Jeremy Stone at October Obliteration [B]Card of the Year:[/B] NOTBPW October Obliteration [B]PWH Top 100 Wrestlers – Top Ten[/B] 1. Mito Miwa 2. Johnny Bloodstone 3. Yoshimi Mushashibo 4. Eisaku Kunomasu 5. Bryan Vessey 6. Duane Stone 7. Thunder Hike 8. Sensational Ogiwara 9. Sean McFly 10. Shuji Inukai AW Wrestlers in the top 100: [B]68. John Covel[/B] [B]Adrenaline Wrestling 2008 Awards[/B] [B]Wrestler of the Year:[/B] John Covel There was no doubt in our minds that he deserved this honor. He carried the belt throughout the entire year and really gave us a lot of flexibility in the main event. [B] Match of the Year:[/B] Tyler Chance and John Covel drew at We’re No Joke 2008 This 30 minute Iron Man match was the beginning of a lot of good things for us. Not only was it match of the year, it was match of the existence of AW. [B] Card of the Year:[/B] Road To Glory 2008 Everyone pulled out all the stops here to make this our best overall show in 2008 and all around. [B] Young Wrestler of the Year: [/B] Trent Shaffer Trent came out of the year with an 8 – 1 record, which earned him this honor. He was the LiveWire Champion for a good part of the year as well
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Here’s how our roster looked heading into 2009 [B]Main Eventers[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] Aaron is a solid worker who is continuing to develop each month. He’s young at only 22 and has a huge future ahead of him. He’s still using his drug free gimmick. [B][COLOR="Red"] Ota[/COLOR][/B] Ota is 34 now, but still shows a lot of good in ring skills. His stamina isn’t the greatest, but he does most of his in-ring work elsewhere in the industry. He’s got good performance which should help some of the other guys advance when he does wrestle here. [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR] – Current AW Heavyweight Champion[/B] John is 28 now but shows no signs of wear and tear as of yet. His record breaking title reign is on going and has really gotten people interested in our product. John can work well with anyone on our roster it seems. [B][COLOR="Red"] Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/B] His 2008 wasn’t quite as good as his 2007 but he’s still very strong in the ring at 33. We hope to get him some more ring time this year and get him back into the thick of things. [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR][/B] Brandon spent most of his 2007 touring Japan, so he didn’t work for us all that much. I can only guess he’ll be taking more tours this year, so we’ll have to play it by ear how we use him. He’s only 25 and looks to be improving. [B][COLOR="Blue"]California Love Machine[/COLOR][/B] CLM debuted last year and hasn’t really impressed anyone here. We’ve been unable to try him with a lot of people recently, but do plan to try and get him in the ring to see if he’s worth keeping around. He is still young at 20 and could probably improve. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR] – Current AW Midwest Champion[/B] Cyrus Raynes is a young kid, 19, who has really stepped up and earned his spot. He’s a solid all around wrestler already and shows the ability to improve. He put up a tremendous effort in the finals of the 2008 RTG Tournament but came up just short. [B][COLOR="Red"]Façade[/COLOR][/B] Façade is our monster. He’s been building heat for himself all year long with vicious attacks on most of the roster. He’s only 22 and will be big in this industry. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] Jay is a tremendous follower to his father. He’s not a perfect worker by any means, but at just 18 years old he is one of the best young prospects in wrestling. He won the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament. [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] Parker didn’t have an outstanding 2008, but he’s still up beat about his career. As we expand we hope to use Parker to help us grow stronger. At just 24 years of age, he’s got plenty of time left in him. [B][COLOR="Blue"] Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] Tyler was in the thick of the Heavyweight Title picture most of 2007, but remained quiet in 2008. He’s only 20 and has pledged his loyalty to us. He’ll be back where he deserves. [B]Midcarders[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Angel De Mexico[/COLOR][/B] This 26 year old Mexican worker has solid all around skills and could break out anytime. He seems to work well with a lot of guys, which is good. [B][COLOR="Red"] Antonio[/COLOR][/B] Antonio just recently came to AW and hasn’t gotten much time. It will just take some time to see where he fits in. [COLOR="Red"][B] Bob Casey[/B][/COLOR] Bob is a below average worker that spends most of his time on his back. All we need him for is to help advance our other workers. Don’t ask me why we’ve got him listed as a midcarder. That was the general consensus [B][COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol[/COLOR][/B] Brendan seems to be fitting in to the tag division we’re looking to develop. Other than that he hasn’t been used much at all in AW. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] This is a man we’ve pegged as a future major player in AW. He’s only 21 and has a lot of time to improve. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/B] This is part of our future. Davis is a spectacular worker at only 21 and has been connecting with the fans all year long. The only thing that could hold him back is his manipulative personality. [B][COLOR="Blue"] Matthew and Greg Gauge[/COLOR][/B] The two twin sons of Sam Keith. Both are fantastic workers at only 19 and are the reason we’re looking to develop a tag division. We feel these two are going to be the corner stones of that division. [B][COLOR="Red"] Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] Jacob started 2008 as the Midwest Champion and worked a successful program with Cyrus Raynes. Throughout the year we also brought in his real life girlfriend Katie Cameron to assist him entertainment wise. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR][/B] A young worker who has yet to appear for us, but was picked up in hopes of adding some depth to our lower card area. [B][COLOR="Blue"] Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] Trent had a good 2008 as LiveWire Champion. After losing it mid year, he looks to advance up the card in 2009. [B]Lower Midcarders [/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Al Coleman[/COLOR][/B] We didn’t have much of anything for Al at the beginning of 2008, but when talks of a tag division started, he was pegged with Casey Valentine as one of the possible teams. [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] Another one of our young workers who seemed somewhat lost in 2008. He and new teammate Al Coleman look to team up in 2009 to take AW by storm. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR][/B] Erik has been with us since the beginning and hasn’t really found his niche as of yet. He’s young still and could find a path of glory at any point in time. [B][COLOR="Red"] Mark Smart[/COLOR][/B] Mark is another one of the guys that could either sink or float in 2009. He’s a solid but unspectacular at the moment. With time he could develop into a good worker all around. [B][COLOR="Red"] Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR][/B] This is another one of our workers who arrived in AW and took off on tours of Japan. It’s fine by me as it will help advance him as a worker. He’s solid as is and could play a big part in our low card scene. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Primus Allen[/COLOR][/B] I had great ideas for this worker when we signed him, but after a few matches he just didn’t seem to be advancing at all. He’s still good enough to keep around for now, but will have to show some improvement to stay with us for the long term. [B][COLOR="Red"] Raphael[/COLOR][/B] Another one of the newer workers here. He’s been around the business for a while and is solid. We hope to find a place for him in 2009 [B] Openers[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Alan Parent[/COLOR][/B] Alan is an okay worker that was brought on to ad some depth to our roster. He probably won’t be making any runs at any championships, but should remain a member of the roster. [B][COLOR="Red"]K-Squared[/COLOR][/B] Kenny is another one of the out of place guys. We hope to be able to lengthen our shows in 2009 and allow more guys to get in ring time. He won’t be losing his job anytime soon. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] I feel Thomas can be great and know the time to get him moving is now. He’s 34 and hasn’t ever really gotten the recognition he deserves. [B] Enhancement Talents[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Edward Cornell[/COLOR][/B] The younger cousin of Tommy has great skills right out of his debut, but needs some fine tuning before he can climb up the card. [B][COLOR="Red"] Valentine[/COLOR][/B] Valentine is another guy who probably won’t be losing his job anytime soon, but won’t be moving up in the near future. [B]Other Workers[/B] [B]Road Agent [/B][COLOR="Red"][B]Curt O’Malley[/B][/COLOR] [B]Referee [COLOR="Blue"]Dewey Libertine[/COLOR][/B] [B]Referee [COLOR="Blue"]Jez McArthuer[/COLOR] Manager [COLOR="Red"]Katie Cameron[/COLOR] Color Commentator [COLOR="Blue"]Mitch Earnest[/COLOR] Announcer M[COLOR="Blue"]itch Naess[/COLOR] Personality [COLOR="Blue"]Tracy Brendon[/COLOR][/B]
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We met this month at my apartment, extremely happy with how Road To Glory did. It was our best show to date. Talks began with the fact that the economy was at it’s strongest since we opened and the industry was still strengthening as well. Next, we talked about our profits from December. For the sixth month in a row we had turned a profit. This month we made almost 3k. We briefly discussed taking our show to surrounding areas in an attempt to build somewhat of a cult following. We decided that if we could turn a profit for twelve months straight in the Midwest, we’d try the Great Lakes region. After that we began to discuss what we wanted to happen at Dawnings. After a few hours John and Ota left and I began on the ads. [B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Dawnings[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Jay Chord won the 2008 Road To Glory tournament to earn this shot at Covel’s belt. So far he’s come up short once before. Can he be the man to end Covel’s year long reign? Or will Covel continue his reign of record?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith & California Love Machine[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews and Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] [I]All four men have a reason for wanting action this month. Brandon Smith is looking to get back in touch with his AW fans after being gone most of last year on tours of Japan. California Love Machine feels as though he has something to prove here in AW. Aaron Andrews is unhappy he lost in the first round of the Road To Glory Tournament last month and just wants to take his frustrations out. Finally, Steven Parker wants to get some wins down on paper to get back into the thick of things.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes ©[/COLOR][/B] [B]for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Before Cameron left on his last tour of Japan, he successfully earned a shot at the Midwest Title. He’s already cashed that in and asked for the match here. Can Raynes continue his success or will Cameron Vessey get the biggest win of his career?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/B][/COLOR] [I]Nathaniel is coming of a tour of Japan of his own and feels as though everyone has overlooked him. We’ve given him this match against one of our best workers to see what he can do.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] [I]After being beaten by Robbie a few months back, Thomas Morgan has asked for another shot at the LiveWire Title. Of course Robbie denied it saying he had done nothing to deserve it. Surely a victory over the champion in a non title match could be a step in the right direction.[/I] [B] Also scheduled to appear: The Gauge Brothers, Masked Cougar, Trent Shaffer and many more![/B]
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I sat in my car at a stop light when my cell phone rang. I answered to hear Matthew Gauge on the other end. Me: Matt what's up man? Matt: Actually a lot is up. I've got some bad news boss. Me: Uh-oh. What happened man? There was a long pause before he spoke again. Matt: I'm really sorry to tell you this because you spent a lot of time and money getting ready for that tag division, but SWF called. They offered me a developmental contract and I took it. Me: I won't say I'm not upset, because I'd be lying Matt. But I don't blame you. I'm sure they're giving you good money for your talent. Go out there and make them know they made the right choice. Matt: Thanks boss. And if things don't work out there.... Me: Just call me and you'll have a spot on our roster.
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[B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Dawnings[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 1000 [SIZE="2"]SELL OUT![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Masked Cougar[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]K-Squared[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar at 4:44 in a triple threat match that also included [B][COLOR="Blue"][B]Angel De Mexico[/B][/COLOR]. [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice opening three way match up that gave Masked Cougar a nice debut. The crowd seemed to like the match as well.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mitch Naess[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"][B]Marv Earnest[/B][/COLOR] came to the ring to welcome our first sellout to 2009 and plugged the card for the night. Their main topic was the main event of John Covel and Jay Chord. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd seems really excited for the main event tonight, which should be good.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 7:09 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice match here to open our main show. I really like working with Thomas as we just mesh really well.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Fisherman’s Suplex at 7:53 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid match here. These two worked well together and it seems as though Nathaniel is improving in his brawling abilities.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tracy Brendan[/B][/COLOR] comes to the ring and plugs the new Adrenaline Wrestling t-shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Vessey Driver at 12:05 [B]to win the Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid match here that had Vessey coming out looking good with his win, but Raynes came out looking great as well. These two put on good matches together. The crowd really seemed to like the match.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith & California Love Machine[/B][/COLOR] drew with [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews and Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] at 14:20 [B]when the referee lost control and threw the match out [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a horrible match, but worse than I thought it was going to be. Brandon Smith ended up looking great during the match. These guys just aren’t cut out for tag team matches. [/I] As Brandon Smith and CLM are leaving the ring, [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade [/B][/COLOR]comes from the crowd and blindsides them. He takes his time to maniacally destroy each man. He then powerbombed both men, CLM first and then Smith right on top of the other. [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid segment to advance Façade as our monster.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 25:17 [B]to make defense number 12 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] During the match, referee Dewey Libertine got knocked out allowing Chord to retrieve a chair and nail Covel in the skull. Chord covered it up and covered as the referee came to. The crowd went nuts when Covel kicked out. They got even louder when Covel nailed the Intellectual Impact and got the three count. [I]A fantastic match between these two that the crowd was really into. They were very vocal throughout and seemed to be standing for the last ten minutes of the match.[/I] Covel is standing on the turnbuckle holding his belt in the air when Chord attacks with the chair from behind. A shot to the back and he then drops the chair and gives Covel a Saito Suplex off the second rope onto the chair. The crowd went berserk when Chord grabbed a microphone and stood over the slowly recovering champion. [B] “You know John; I thought you would have known how I operate by now. Don’t you remember a few months ago right before I went off on my tour of Japan. Excuse me; Highly successful tour of Japan. I won a shot at your Heavyweight Championship. And then what do you know, I win the Road to Glory Tournament and get another one! What are the odds? Consider the match that just occurred my first shot. And now, I’m cashing in on my second one. And there’s nothing you can do about it. Ring the damn bell!”[/B] The crowd went nuts as the bell rang and Covel came to. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Jay pulled this off perfectly! I had been thinking about this ever since he went on his tour of Japan and knew it would work.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] defeated [B][SIZE="3"]John Covel[/SIZE][/B] by pinfall after a Cradle Piledriver at 3:40 [B]to win the Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd was so hot from what happened combining with the fact that Covel had a believable near fall led this match to be rated higher than the one just minutes prior. When Chord got the three count, the crowd exploded in boos and really let Chord know what they thought of him.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: B-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]I’m in awe at what my guys have been able to pull out over the last six months. Our first sellout crowd at The Junkyard and it proves to be one of our best shows to date. I made a note to step outside and make myself available to comment while the fans filed out and I know most of them were going home happy. I’m not sure if we’d be in the red or the black, but we’d soon find out.[/I]
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We had plenty to cover in January. Most of our roster was up for new contracts. We extended nearly everyone. Those who got new contracts were: California Love Machine, Jay Chord, Tyler Chance, Jacob Jett, Casey Valentine, Cyrus Raynes, Erik Strong, Façade, John Covel, K-Squared, Tracy Brendon, Angel De Mexico, Brendan Idol, Al Coleman, Dewey Libertine, Curt O’Malley and Jez McArthuer. The only person we did not renew was Rhino Umaga. We have nothing against the guy; he is just always off on tours of Japan and never works here. Elsewhere in the wrestling industry for January 2009: [B] Recent News[/B] Ring of Fire finally gave in to the banks as they closed their doors Easter European World Wrestling opened Giant Brody, a 6’9 326 lb monster of a man debuted. He’s huge and looks like your classic brawler, but he seems have some agility to him. I’ll be watching him. Rick Law has been putting Steve DeColt over any chance he gets. Jeremiah Moose went on TV and talked badly about Pee-Wee Germaine Raphael put over Justin Sensitive as a great worker. SWF and GCG signed PPV deals this month. [B]Signings/Firings[/B] Mario Heroic and Nathan Walter signed with CZCW My buddy Neil Morrison signed with RIPW along with Matt Gauge. Matt will be under a developmental deal with SWF there American Elemental signed with TCW Remmy Skye signed with 4C [B]Title Changes[/B] Ed Monton defeated Ryan Powell for the CGC Canadian Title Ultimate Phoenix defeated Donnie J in his 19th defense to win the CZCW Championship. He has now held all three belts in CZCW Matt Sparrow defeated James Prudence for the CZCW Xtreme Title The MAW Championship was declared vacant after Ota left the company Kid Toma won the Rip Chord Invitational for the second year in a row Rick Sanders and Honest Frank are beginning their 24th month as NYCW Tag Champs The SWF North American Title was the hot potato this month as Lobster Warrior took it from Steve Frehley and Jack Griffith won it from Lobster Warrior Ice Man C.A and Arik Cannon captured the vacant TCW Tag Team Titles Warlord Pain remains a double champion is USPW
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We all met like normal at my apartment to discuss January. We began by reminiscing about the event and exactly how well it went over. Talks then moved to the economy and industry. They were both continuing to rise. We then moved to our financials from last month. I was happy to report to them that we had made almost 4k for the month. As we began to talk about February’s event, John got a call and had to leave for a while. This gave Ota a chance to give me my evaluation for 2008. He was happy to pass me on everything he had set before me. He then went over the new goals he had set. He said he loved where we had moved to and didn’t want us to fall in size before the end of 2009. Next he said he didn’t want us to drop below $105,915 before the end of the year. I knew this wouldn’t be a problem, especially with how we’d been making money recently. Next he said he was over the former drug users thing, but still didn’t want anyone who was known to have problems with the law on our roster. He said the next two years were critical for us and having them on the roster would harm our image. Finally he told me he thought we’d get more respect if we featured our own homegrown talent during this growth period as well. That meant I couldn’t sign anyone who was employed elsewhere. Luckily he said he was okay with re-signing our existing talent. Soon after, John returned and we went back to discussions about Afflicted Glory. [B][CENTER] [U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Afflicted Glory[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard [/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord ©[/B][/COLOR] [B]for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]John has cashed in his rematch clause and will be looking to regain his title here. Jay Chord made huge waves in AW last month when he ended Covel’s 13 month reign. Can he prove to everyone that it wasn’t just his extra match that won him the title?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/COLOR] [I]We decided to book this rematch from our second ever show two years ago. Tyler won that match, but can Ultimate Phoenix change the outcome this time?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Angel De Mexico[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Just one month after winning the Midwest Title, Cameron Vessey will put the belt on the line against three hungry challengers. Davis Wayne Newton has never held gold in AW and wouldn’t mind adding some to his shoulder. Angel De Mexico is ready to step up and become a player in the midcard, while Jacob Jett wants to regain what he thinks was unrightfully stolen from him last summer. Can Vessey hush the doubters and retain his title?[/I] [B] Also scheduled to appear: AW LiveWire Champion Robbie Clavey, Thomas Morgan, Trent Shaffer, Casey Valentine and man more! [/B]
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[B][CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Afflicted Glory[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 1000[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Valentine[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 2:32 [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]This was just a filler match to give Morgan a win. Crowd kinda crapped on it.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Reckless Youth (Al Coleman and Casey Valentine)[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Greg Gauge & Masked Cougar[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 5:50 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice match that let us test out another tag partner for Greg. Masked Cougar seems to work well.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest and Mitch Naess come to the ring to hype up the card for the night. Before they do, [B]Mitch takes the time to announce that he has signed a contract with SWF and this will be his last show with AW.[/B] The crowd gives him a warm reception before they move on to another sad point. They announce that Ultimate Phoenix asked to void his contract with AW and it was approved, so he would not be wrestling tonight. [B]Taking his place would be Ota! [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Just as these two get good together, they get separated.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Alan Parent[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 6:29 [B]to make defense number 4 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match that had the crowd hot. I felt like I came out looking great.[/I] After my match, I got on the stick and threw down a quick rant on Thomas Morgan. [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 6:33 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid match here. We don’t have anything huge for Shaffer right now, so this is just something to keep his momentum moving.[/I] As Nathaniel and Trent are getting up, [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] busts through the crowd and destroys both of them. The crowd boos as he stands over his fallen foes. [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]It may not have been apparent where we’ve been wanting to do with Façade’s attacks, but it will be next month.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Angel De Mexico[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Vessey Driver at 12:28 [B]to make defense number 1 of his Midwest Championship[/B]. The match also included [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great four way match that saw great work from Katie Cameron. The fans really liked all the spots these guys threw in as well.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes to the ring and plugs the new Cameron Vessey t-shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Ninja Strike at 12:47 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice match considering it was thrown together last minute. Ota gets some momentum heading into his next appearances.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall following interference by Ota at 27:02 [B]to make defense number 1 of his Heavyweight Championship. The match also saw interference by Steven Parker and Nathaniel Ca$ino. [SIZE="3"]B[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great match here to jump start our main event feud. The crowd was REALLY into it.[/I] After Covel left the ring, Chord got the stick. [B]“Congratulations John; you took your rematch and you LOST. Ever heard of insurance? That’s what these three men were. And they will continue to be my insurance policy until I get you out of my hair.” [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Just a little segment to help explain why the interference happened.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Another good show in front of a sold out crowd. Our second sell out in a row at the bigger venue. This was making me happy. I was also pleased with how everything on our cards was advancing. [/I]
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In the month of February we extended Marv Earnest, Bob Casey, Cameron Vessey and Steven Parker. Our look for a replacement for Mitch continued as well. Ultimate Phoenix did ask for his release from AW, saying he wanted to explore other options. We thanked him for his services and wish him nothing but the best in all his future endeavors. Elsewhere in the industry for February 2009… [B]Recent News[/B] SWF rose to international size this month. This made me really nervous when they snatched Mitch from us. I’m worried with them being the only ones to deny our working agreement, that they’ll see all of our young, potential filled guys and take them away. Arson Wells took over EEWW. British Samurai was hired to be head booker of EEWW. Frankie Perez’s younger brother Jonnie debuted this month. He looks like a good cruiserweight right now, but definitely has room for improvement. We’ll be keeping our eyes on him. Vixxen called it quits this month. SOTBPW signed a new PPV deal. [B]Signings/Firings[/B] Jungle Jack, Champagne Lover, Randy Bumfhole and Joel Bryant signed on to tour with BHOTWG. Sammy Bach signed with TCW Marc Dubois, Brandon Smith and Barry Griffin signed on to tour with PGHW. This won’t affect Brandon’s appearances in AW. SWF flexed their muscles after the rise in size by signing Rick Law, American Buffalo, Playboy Jake Sawyer, Eric Tyler, Mitch Naess, Rocky Golden, Emma Chase, Ray Johnson, Robert Oxford, Valiant and Tana the Mighty. Frankie Perez signed with MAW. [B]Title Changes[/B] Davis Wayne Newton and Shane Nelson, using the name Hostile Intent, defeated John Maverick and Zeus Maxmillion to end their year and a half long reign as CGC Tag Champions. Kid Toma captured the MAW Championship after Ota vacated in when he left. USPW believes in LOOOOONG title reigns as Warlord Pain remains both the World and National Champion. At the same time Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore are now on their third year as USPW Tag Champs
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We met at my apartment to discuss things for March. The first order of business was to call up Ultimate Phoenix and thank him for his time. Next we moved on to talk about the economy and the wrestling industry. The economy was at its strongest point since we opened and looked to still be rising. The Industry was on the rise as well, slowly recovering. Next I informed Ota and John that we had turned almost 4k in profits again. We were very excited and were mulling over our plans to branch out into another region if we continued. Next we discussed about raising our ticket prices for the first time in a little over a year. We figured it probably wouldn’t hurt anything and decided to give it a shot. Next, we began discussions about the card for our March event, Ground Zero. After a few hours, we had our outline of what needed to happen. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Ground Zero[/U][/SIZE][/COLOR] Live from The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]We’ve given Davis this opportunity as a reward for all of his hard work in 2008. Can Jay Chord remain champion or can Newton bring the title back to a fan favorite?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Brendan Idol[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] [I]Both men have asked for a chance to make an impact in the first quarter of 2009. Which of these two young stars can begin a breakout year in March?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey ©[/B][/COLOR] [B]for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Vessey made an impressive defense last month in a fatal four way match. This month he gets a former LiveWire Champion in Trent Shaffer. Trent is looking for the opportunity to prove he belongs in the Midwest Title picture, so even a good showing in a loss here should help him. Can Shaffer pull off the victory? Or will Vessey continue to reign supreme?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: AW LiveWire Champion Robbie Clavey, Thomas Morgan, Cyrus Raynes, John Covel and many more! [/B] Davis Wayne Newton vs. Jay Chord © Brendan Idol vs. Jacob Jett Trent Shaffer vs. Cameron Vessey ©
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