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Adrenaline Wrestling - A New Beginning (CornellVerse)

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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Ground Zero[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: [SIZE="2"]1000 SELL OUT![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Alan Parent[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 4:45 [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not horrible, but the crowd wasn’t quite settled in yet and didn’t really like it. [/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes [/B][/COLOR]defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]Angel De Mexico[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall after a Brainbuster at 9:03 [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match to get the crowd hot for the main show. These two have amazing chemistry. [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest comes to the ring and says he is happy to announce his new partner at the announce table, [B]Remington Remus! [/B] The crowd gives a warm welcome for the only announcer in the wrestling industry confined to a wheel chair. They then go over the card for the night and touch on the Jay [I]Chord and Davis Wayne Newton main event. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] A good way to open the show. Glad to have Remington on board.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Erik Strong[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 4:42 [B]to make defense number 5 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Erik and myself had fairly good chemistry and worked well together. The crowd seemed to like the match and I came out of it looking strong.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] comes to the ring and grabs a microphone. “[B]You know, two months ago I was one-upped by Jay Chord. I’m not going to say what he did with his extra title shot was cheap or anything, because let’s face it; it was a clever way of doing things. But last month in my rematch for the Heavyweight Title I WAS cheated out of the title. I had the match won until his three side kicks came running out and got involved. I deserve another rematch for my title. So Chord, get out here and accept my challenge!” [/B][B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] After a few moments, [COLOR="Red"][B]Chord[/B][/COLOR] emerges from the back. He has his own microphone. [B]“I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about John. I remember a clean defense of my title. And that means you lost. That means you get to head right back to the end of the line of people waiting for a shot at this belt. Earn your way back up to my level and then maybe I’ll grant your wish. And by the way, tell, your mother I had a great time last night.” [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] Covel hears the cheap shot and rushes out of the ring towards Chord, who takes off back stage. Just as Covel gets to the top of the entrance way, [B][COLOR="Red"]Steven Parker, Nathaniel Ca$ino and Ota[/COLOR][/B] come through the curtain and blindside him. After a few moments of beatdown, Chord re-emerges and stands over Covel. [B]“Like I said, earn your way back up to my level. That begins tonight when you face Nathaniel over here. Good luck.” [SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]This nice series of segments helps to advance our program. We both did some good stick work.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Vessey Driver at 8:10 [B]to make defense number 2 of his Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match here that the crowd really enjoyed. Trent put up a nice effort and looked good while doing so. Vessey keeps the belt to build up some momentum for our plans for him.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] is backstage, taunting [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] about his up coming match against Nathaniel Ca$ino. [B][SIZE="3"] B[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great piece of interview work here by Chord. He’s probably the best we have on the stick right now.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol [/COLOR][/B]defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 11:13 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid match here. Katie Cameron did some great work at ringside. Jett is happy to establish Idol as a threat in the upper card.[/I] The monster [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade [/B][/COLOR]is seen walking backstage when out of nowhere [COLOR="Blue"][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/COLOR] jumps him. Smith goes nuts, laying his foe out before stepping over him to say a few words. [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [B]“I’m sick of your ****! You think you’re such a bad ass attacking young people from behind after their matches? You made a mistake when you attacked me almost a year ago and put me out of action for three months. And then you decided to do it again twice more! Well I want you in that ring next month! Be prepared to be humiliated!” [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A small culmination of one of our angles here.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/B][/COLOR] by submission at 7:53 with a Broken Wings [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice match by John and the youngster. The crowd was of course behind Covel and exploded when he got the submission.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes out and plugs the new Davis Wayne Newton shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Cradle Piledriver at 25:11 [B]to make defense number 2 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd was really into the match. I decided to give the ball to these two young stars this month and they ran with it. The match was better that I could have imagined and should really give both these guys a boost.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Overall Rating: C+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] A nice solid show here that was capped off by the great main event. Another sold out crowd at The Junkyard should help us remain in the black this month. We’ve already got a partial card for next month, so hopefully we can sell out again![/I]
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In March of 2009 we signed Remington Remus and extended both Brandon Smith and Katie Cameron. Other than that it was a quiet month for us, so let’s look elsewhere in the industry. [B] Recent News[/B] Dark Angel appeared on TV and put over Dean McWade Alison Capone put over Sister Beth Mercy on TV Frederique Antonio Garcia went on the radio and tried to earn himself a title shot, praising Liberty NOTBPW Breakdown ended its run. [B] Signings/Firings[/B] BLZ Bubb, Chance Fortune, Clinton Sage, Mick Muscles and Jim FOOOOOOOORRRRRCCCEEEEE signed with SWF to continue their growth. Kid Toma and Nathaniel Ca$ino were announced for WLWs next tour. Adam Matravers, UK Dragon, Lane Stevens and Cameron Vessey will be touring with GCG. Ric Young, Citizen X, Calamari Kid, Lead Belly and Nathan Coleman signed with TCW Kurt Laramee and Façade signed with DAVE. [B] Title Changes[/B] John Maverick defeated Ed Monton for the CGC Canadian Title Big Cat Brandon defeated Chris Caulfield to win the DAVE Unified Title and ending his year and a half reign Jeremy and Dan Stone Jr. won the Ed Henson Memorial Cup for the 5th time overall and the 3rd year in a row Edd Stone defeated Sean Deeley for the NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title Stephanie Hazel won the vacant NOTBPW Womens Title Johnny Martin ended Nevada Nuclear’s year long reign as RIPW Champion Big Smack Scott beat Robbie Retro for the SWF National Title Darryl Devine and Frederique Antonio Garcia beat Big Smack Scott and Enforcer Roberts for the SWF Tag Titles Joel Bryant takes advantage of his head booker job and defeated Tommy Cornell for the TCW Heavyweight Title “Trust me boss, it’s for the better of the story!” Warlord Pain is still a double champion in USPW The three year reign in the USPW Tag division was ended when Mick Muscles left for SWF
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John, Ota and me all met at my apartment to discuss March. I was happy to report first that the economy and industry were both still on the rise. I then informed them that we had turned a 5k profit at Ground Zero. We were happy with this and even briefly discussed trying a show in another region. We had three more months to go before our goal of profits for 12 shows in a row were reached, but we figured it would hurt to begin discussing things now. We really liked the idea of trying the Great Lakes or Mid South, but we’re sure which. After about an hour we moved on to our April event, We’re No Joke and began discussing things. We already had a few matches announced to the crowd, so we didn’t have much to come up with. [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents We’re No Joke[/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]After a couple successful defenses, Jay Chord steps into the ring with former Heavyweight Champion Tyler Chance. Can Tyler become a two time champ or will Chord continue his first title reign in AW?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Façade[/COLOR][/B] [I]Over a year ago Façade attacked Brandon Smith and put him on the shelf for three months. Since then, the monster has been on a path of destruction, taking out other workers at every turn. Smith has stated he is sick of it and wants to end this once and for all.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes and Brendan Idol[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey and Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] [I]Vessey and Raynes have been at it for the Midwest Championship for some time now and have enlisted the help of a tag team partner for this month’s show. Can Raynes get a one up on the champion, or will Aaron Andrews prove to be a good partner?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Masked Cougar[/B][/COLOR] [I]Coming off of an impressive fight against the Heavyweight Champion last month, Davis Wayne Newton looks to get things straight and headed in the right direction. Can Masked Cougar score an upset over one of the most popular men in AW, or will Newton live up to his hype?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B] Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey ©[/COLOR] for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]Morgan has won a few matches in a row to earn another title shot against Robbie Clavey. Can Robbie continue his reign, or will Thomas come out on top?[/I] [B] Also scheduled to appear: John Covel, Raphael, Casey Valentine, Al Coleman and many more![/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents We’re No Joke[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: [SIZE="2"]1000 SELL OUT![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] I came out and got on the stick to build up my program with Thomas Morgan and our upcoming match. [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd seemed to like my promo and liked to boo me here.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 5:48 [B]to win the LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good match between us that still had me look good coming out of it. This continues our program. [/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Reckless Youth (Al Coleman and Casey Valentine)[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Primus Allen and Edward Cornell[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 3:29 [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a horrible match, but the crowd hated it. Even though our primary tag team was broken up, we still plan to have a tag division. This was our attempt to keep interest until the time is right.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Raphael[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Bob Casey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 3:52 [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd hated this match as well. I was just trying to get these guys some work and seemed to have picked the wrong opponents for them.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest and Remington Remus opened the show by plugging the card. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Masked Cougar[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Fisherman’s Suplex at 8:01 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great way to open our main show. Newton gets the momentum builder here.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] is seen backstage when [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota and Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] jump him from behind. After a few minutes of beating, Parker stands over him and says they’ll be squaring off later. [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good little segment to help advance what we’ve got going main event wise.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]The Fury of the Storm (Aaron Andrews and Cameron Vessey)[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes and Brendan Idol[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 11:33 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match that saw some tension built between Vessey and Raynes as they didn’t get much contact. The finish saw Andrews defeating Raynes.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Vindication at 15:04 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]This was a good way to end the feud between these two. They didn’t really click, which was a surprise to me. Good none the less. Façade continues with his momentum.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes to the ring and promotes the new Thomas Morgan t-shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 14:41 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]I’m surprised this match got such a low rating as John and Steven seemed to work well together. The crowd still liked the match and was hot throughout.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] did some stick work in the back plugging his match with [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR]. [SIZE="3"][B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [I]Some good microphone work here to help build just a little bit more hype for the main event.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Super DDT at 20:44 [B]to make defense number 3 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not as good as I thought it could be, but it wasn’t. The crowd was still into it.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]On par with what we’ve been doing. A lot of the combinations I thought would be good weren’t this month. Well, we’ll have to see how things end up after everything is balanced. [/I]
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We extended Thomas Morgan, Aaron Andrews, Greg Gauge, Trent Shaffer and Nathaniel Ca$ino this month and also signed Arthur Dexter Bradley and Kashmir Singh. I hope to debut them this month. Elsewhere in the wrestling world: [B]Recent News[/B] SWF took too many steps too fast and fell back down to Cult size In our own locker room, Cyrus Raynes and Façade have been hanging out recently. Ivan Ivanoff cut down Jeff Nova the other day PGHW signed a new PPV deal. Arthur Dexter Bradley debuted. He’s another member of the Umaga family, his brothers being Rhino Umaga and Akima Brave. [B] Signings/Firings[/B] Sean McFly signed with NOTBPW Ota signed a PPA deal with TCW Hell’s Bouncer signed with USPW Frankie Perez signed with 4C Rhino Umaga signed on with NYCW Valiant and Thomas Morgan signed with CGC SWF cleans house as they release Valiant, Enforcer Roberts, Mick Muscles, Grease Hogg, Jim Force, Giant Redwood, Queen Emily, Mitch Naess and Darren Smith. [B] Title Changes[/B] Freddy Huggins became the 4C Hardcore Champion when he defeated Sammy Bach Mainstream Hernandez captured the vacant Mid Atlantic Championship Black Hat Bailey defeated the departing Calamari Kid for the NYCW Empire Championship Land Mass and The Masked Mauler captured the NYCW Tag Team Titles Chance Fortune defeated Big Smack Scott to win the SWF National Title Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Al the Hillbilly won the vacant USPW Tag Titles. Yes, Warlord Pain is still a double champion.
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We met inside my apartment for the creative meeting on the first of the month. My first order of business was to talk about the economy and industry. The economy was pretty strong, but starting to decline again while the industry was still kind of weak. It was still climbing though. Next I informed them we had turned almost a 3k profit for We’re No Joke, as we used extra talent. Next, our talks went on to our May event. After a few hours of jokes and discussions, we had decided on what we wanted to do. [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][U][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents No Retreat, No Surrender[/COLOR][/U][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Last month Jay Chord made another defense of his newly acquired championship. This month we decided to pit him against Cyrus Raynes in a rematch of the 2008 Road To Glory Tournament finals. They put on a match of the year candidate then and should do the same here. Can Raynes become the new champion, or will Chord continue his success?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] [I]Newton has been on a small roll as of late. Even when he doesn’t win his matches he looks great. On the other side of things, Andrews has been in a slump, only winning a few matches in the past year. Can he break out and make a charge towards the main event? Or will Newton push past him and do the same?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]California Love Machine[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Cameron Vessey has shushed his critics now with two successful title defenses in a row, can he make it three? Or will CLM make an impact in 2009?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: John Covel, Trent Shaffer, Robbie Clavey, AW LiveWire Champion Thomas Morgan, Angel De Mexico and many more![/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][U][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents No Retreat, No Surrender[/COLOR][/U][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: [SIZE="2"]1000 SOLD OUT![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Edward Cornell[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 3:22 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice little squash here to keep some momentum going for me.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Angel De Mexico[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Antonio[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Mexican Death at 6:43 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another nice match here. Antonio and Angel De Mexico have pretty good communication skills together and it helped them produce a good quality match.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Main Show[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Remmington Remus and Marv Earnest ran down the card and plugged the fact that Davis Wayne Newton had an important announcement to make. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowed seems really hyped for Raynes/Chord II and they can’t wait to hear what Newton has to say. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Kashmir Singh[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 5:15 [B]to make defense number 1 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Wasn’t a horrible match, but I think the idea of a debuting worker getting a shot at a title upset the crowd. They hated the match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] is seen walking backstage when [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] comes out of nowhere and lays him out. After a few moments of beat down, Ota laughs and stands over the fallen man’s body before announcing they will be fighting later tonight.[B][SIZE="3"] C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good segment to set up our sub main event of the evening.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer [/COLOR][/B]defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 5:47 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good match here for the debuting ADB. The crowd seemed to like his look and gave his in ring work some credit. Trent gets the win here while helping to improve ADB’s flying skills.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes to the ring and puts over the new Aaron Andrews drug free shirt. [B][SIZE="3"] C[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]California Love Machine[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] by DQ[/B] when Vessey blatantly kicked him below the belt at 8:15. [B]Cameron Vessey makes defense number 3 of his AW Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]These two didn’t mesh quite as well as I had hoped. CLM just isn’t fitting in with our style and might be finding himself out looking for a job next time negotiations come around.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Andrews bomb at 14:41 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match here from these two. The crowd was really behind Newton all the way through. Andrews gets a nice momentum booster here.[/I] Davis Wayne Newton gets on the stick after his match and begins to address the crowd. [B]“You know, you guys have been awesome to me during my time in AW. I hate that this day had to come. I was sitting at home last week and got a phone call from Dan Stone of NOTBPW. He offered me a job. And I took it. You guys can call me a sell out if you want to. You can boo me as I leave the ring. But I will always know that I performed in front of the best wrestling fans right here at The Junkyard over these last two years. Thank you for supporting me and thank you for supporting AW.” [/B] Davis dropped the microphone and did a respectful “thank you” bow to each side of the arena before the fans broke out into a “Thank you! Thank you!” chant. As he exited the ring the chant became a “Please Come Back!” chant. [SIZE="3"][B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [I]It was true, he came to me last week and said he had been offered a job there. Even though they weren’t singing him exclusively, they would give him the exposure needed to make a lot of money in the business. I understood fully and gave him a hug.[/I] Jay Chord is backstage pacing around in front of Ota. Ota looks on intently as Chord hypes him up for his match up! [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 11:33 [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good match here that saw the fans really hate on Ota. Covel gets the win to advance his program with Chord.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 23:36 [B]following interference by Cameron Vessey to make defense number 4 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great main event to cap off our show. The interference helps to advance the program with Raynes and Vessey[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Not as good as we would have wanted, but good none the less. I’m sure we turned a little bit of a profit this month as well. Now that one of the guys I had major plans for in 2009 was leaving, I had to do some thinking and re-adjusting to my storylines. [/I]
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In May, we extended Valentine and Mark Smart. Other than that we had nothing going on, so elsewhere in the industry. [B] Recent News[/B] The face of the industry changed once again this month as both TCW and SWF rose to International size. I predict they’ll fall again in the next couple of months. Nigel Svennsson debuted. This guy is a solid strong style worker from Sweden. I’m going to have to keep an eye on him. Both Rick Sanders and Optimus retired this month. Larry Wood put over Kazuma Narato on a radio show. What goes around comes around as Kazutoshi Imoo had great things to say about Larry Wood WLW signed a new PPV deal. [B] Signings/Firings[/B] Grease Hogg and Lead Belly signed with NYCW Nate Johnson signed with 4C Eddie Peak, Art Reed, Jessie, Mitch Naess, Darren Smith, Ricky Dale Johnson, Queen Emily, Nemesis, Pat Deacon, Zimmy Bumfhole, Big Cat Brandon, Enygma, Enforcer Roberts, Matt Sparrow, Dylan Sidle, Stevie Grayson and Ryan Powell signed with TCW to fill out their roster. Dawn the Cheerleader, T-Rex and Kurt Laramee signed with SWF. Dan Dalay signed with CGC [B] Title Changes[/B] The CZCW Tag titles were vacated when Matt Sparrow left the company. James Prudence won the vacant CZCW Xtreme Title Honest Frank captured the NYCW Tri State Regional Title Harry Allen won the TCW Intercontinental Title Yes, Warlord Pain is still the King and Prince of USPW
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John and Ota came over for our monthly creative meeting. Our first discussion was about the economy and industry. I told them the economy had made its peak and was already declining again. The good news was that the industry was still rising. We then moved on to our own financials. I had thought we turned a small profit and had underestimated. We made almost 8k for the show. Things were solid financially as we were on our way to regaining the 80k I had lost in our first two years. The good news was that if this month’s show turned a profit, we were going to sacrifice the money to begin expansion. I liked the Great Lakes area, but Ota had a keen interest in the Tri State area. We figured we’d worry about it more when the time came. Next we began discussing our June event. We knew we needed to solidify some new guys up top and mulled over what we wanted to do to close out the year. After a few hours of discussion we settled on a card and I began to draw it up. [B][CENTER] [U][COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Summer Scorcher[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U] Live from The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]John Covel successfully went through all three of the champion’s associates and gets his rematch here. Can Covel retake the throne in AW? Or will Chord put Covel at the bottom of the ladder once again?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] [I]Both of these men were once in the thick of the Heavyweight Title picture, but have recently fallen out of the swing. A win here would help to solidify their place at the top tier of AW. Which man can come out with momentum on their side?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Cameron Vessey has plowed through all challengers to his title since winning it. This month Cyrus Raynes gets a chance to regain the belt he lost just months prior. Can Raynes reclaim his glory? Or will Vessey continue his own?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] [I]Jacob Jett has come to AW management upset with being left off of shows. He wants to get back into it and work to regain his Midwest Title. This month he’s been put up against one of AW newest workers in Arthur Dexter Bradley. Can ADB pull out an upset? Or will Jett cruise past him?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: Robbie Clavey, AW LiveWire Champion Thomas Morgan, Angel De Mexico and many more![/B]
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Summer Scorcher[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] Live at The Junkyard [SIZE="2"]Attendance: 1000 SOLD OUT![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show [/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Primus Allen[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 4:41 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice opener between the two of us as the crowd settled in. I like working with this kid.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]California Love Machine[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Bob Casey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after the LAX Departure at 5:48 [B][SIZE="3"]E-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Even when we put CLM with the guy who is meant to make his opponents look good, he can’t deliver. The crowd hated the matched and seemed to get a little antsy.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest and Remmington Remus come to the ring and run down the card on tap for the night. They briefly touch upon the main event of John Covel and Jay Chord for the AW Heavyweight Title [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good way to open the show.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Mark Smart[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 4:57 in a three way match also involving [COLOR="Red"][B]K-Squared[/B][/COLOR]. [B]Thomas Morgan makes defense number 2 of his LiveWire Championship. [SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]On paper these guys looked like a good main show opening match, but the crowd really crapped on it. I guess the only thing good that came from it was that a couple of our guys got some in ring time.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord [/COLOR][/B]is seen backstage in front of logo curtain. [B] “So the time has finally come. I’ll give you some credit for rolling over my three hand selected associates. But you should know better than anyone that I am a much better wrestler than anyone else in AW. Think back to January, was it an easy night? Did you walk out of the building with your title? No. And you won’t be walking out with it tonight either. You had better be prepared when you step into that ring tonight, or else your ass isn’t even walking out of here tonight period.” [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some solid promo work by Jay Chord here to hype the main event and rematch.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall with a Jett Take Off at 5:49 [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Katie did some more good work at ringside to help out the match. ADB seemed off tonight and it really hurt the match, which the crowd hated.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] came to the ring and cut a promo on Cameron Vessey before their match [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some more slid promo time here to help the show and the program these two have running.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] by DQ when Vessey purposely kicked the referee below the belt. Cameron Vessey makes defense number 4 of his Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another good match in these guys’ series. I hope this will help to bring the show rating up.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Andrews Bomb at 17:33 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good, but not as good as I thought it would be. None the less these two worked their butts off and put on a good show for the crowd, who was hot all the way through.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes to the ring and shows off the new John Covel t-shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 28:33 [B]to win the AW Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not nearly as good as their last encounters, but I think that can be attributed to the dead crowd. Still a good note to end their program on.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, so I’m happy. We had a major program conclude here, so we’ll begin setting our new plans in motion at our creative meeting. I’m almost positive that we’ve turned a profit, so we’ll look into what we want to do with that as well. [/I]
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We had a few guys to renew this month in Edward Cornell, Masked Cougar, Antonio and Raphael. Other than that we didn’t do anything. So elsewhere in the wrestling industry: [B]Recent News[/B] El Estrella debuted this month. He’s a fine looking luchador from Mexico that shouldn’t have any problem succeeding in the business. Miss Mexico called it a career and hung up her boots Barry Griffin was on the radio and put over Kazu Yoshizawa as a good person. Marcos Flores had a lot of good things to say about Mr. Lucha II on TV Luke Cool put over Trance Coleman as a great person TCW, DAVE and INSPIRE signed PPV deals NOTBPW SMASH ended its run [B]Signings/Firings[/B] American Machine, Henry Lee, Grandmaster Phunk, Jay Fair, Hell’s Bouncer and Mario Heroic signed with SWF. Rudy Velasquez and Insane Machine signed with TCW Bulldozer Brandon Smith will be touring with WLW….again. Marc Dubois, Ryan Richards, Valiant and Fox Mask signed with DAVE [B]Title Changes[/B] Alex DeColt beat Steve DeColt for the CGC World Title Fox Mask and Billy Tempest captured the vacant Coastal Zone Tag Titles Jack Giedroyc captured the vacant DAVE Unified Title Eric Eisen beat Jack Griffith to capture the SWF North American Title Enygma defeated Jay Darkness to win the TCW International Title And after almost TWO FULL YEARS Randal Hopkirk defeated Warlord Pain to win the USPW World Title.
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We held our creative meeting on the first of the month and began by discussing the face of the country. The economy was still declining, but had seemed to slow since last month. The industry was still rising, but was doing so at a very slow pace. Next John and Ota asked what our financials for the month were, eagerly waiting to hear if we’d be expanding. When I told them we had turned just over 9k in profits, we all went nuts. We were very happy to see this and talked about what we wanted to do for the expansion. We finally settled on trying the Tri-State region because we had three workers with fairly good popularity there and figured we could cash in on our talent trades to bring in some talent. We decided to keep the matches to three or four to keep losses to a minimum. So we began to advertise our show, which we’d give a month and a half to get the word around. So our first show outside of the Mid West would be in August. Next our discussions went to what we wanted to do to head into the end of the year. John was really keen on pushing Angel De Mexico, but I had to inform them he was going to be out of action for a bout a year after suffering a major concussion at a show in Mexico. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Something to Prove[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]After his victory last month, Andrews has declared himself the number one contender and demanded a shot at the title. After weighing everything, AW management decided this would be a great match no matter what and booked it. Can Covel begin his second reign as champion with a successful defense? Or will Andrews finally break out in AW?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] [I]Both men are former Heavyweight Champions. Neither man is happy about it either. Chord has to be bitter about losing his title last month and would love to defeat Tyler chance as a form of retribution. On the other hand Tyler is coming off a loss to Aaron Andrews last month and would love to get a win for his record.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes and Masked Cougar[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]The Fury of the Storm (Cameron Vessey and Al Coleman)[/COLOR][/B] [I]Vessey retained his Midwest Championship by getting himself disqualified last month. Raynes was not at all happy with this and asked for a match with him. This might not exactly what he had in mind, but he’ll be just happy to get his hands on Vessey.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan ©[/COLOR] for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]These men have been at each other for this belt for a few months now and this is just another chapter. Which of these up and comers will come out with the belt in their hands?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: Trent Shaffer, Raphael, K-Squared, Casey Valentine and many more![/B] Aaron Andrews vs. John Covel © Tyler Chance vs. Jay Chord Cyrus Raynes and Masked Cougar vs. Cameron Vessey and Al Coleman Robbie Clavey vs. Thomas Morgan ©
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Something to Prove[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard [SIZE="2"]Attendance: 1000 SOLD OUT![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]K-Squared[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Edward Cornell[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 2:58 [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A mediocre opener here that had the crowd a little restless.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 4:22 [SIZE="3"][B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [I]Another match the crowd hated. This had a reason though. Casey and Arthur have no chemistry in the ring at all and it really hurt their abilities tonight.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Raphael[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Primus Allen[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 4:58 [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another set of opponents that didn’t work well together and that left the crowd really restless heading into our main show.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER] Main Show[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Remmington Remus and Marv Earnest make their way to the ring and run down the card we have set up for tonight. They hype the two main events for most of the time. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice way to get the crowd back; trusting these guys to get them enthusiastic about the card.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer [/B][/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 6:08 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a bad match to open the main show here. Crowd seemed to like it and I was happy they were ready when we began taping.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 7:22 [B]to make defense number 3 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another good match for the two of us. The crowd really hates me and loves Thomas, which played perfectly.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord [/B][/COLOR]is backstage and cuts a promo on Tyler Chance, ripping him apart. He touches on the fact that they are both former Heavyweight Champions, but Jay is better. [B][SIZE="3"] B[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd really loved this segment. Jay hyped his match with Tyler up in a great way.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Cyrus Raynes and Masked Cougar[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Al Coleman and Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] when Raynes pinned Vessey[/B] at 10:50 after a Brainbuster [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid tag match here that helped to advance the program with Raynes and Vessey.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes to the ring and shows off some new merchandise including DVDs and the new Thomas Morgan shirt. [B][SIZE="3"] C+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] drew at 22:37 following a double disqualification [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not as good as I had expected, but good none the less. These two guys are great together and should continue to earn their top spots in the company.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] by submission with a Broken Wings at 25:44 [B]to make defense number 1 of his Heavyweight Title [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not as good as I thought, or as the sub main. These two still put on a good show and sent the fans home happy I hope.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER] Overall Rating: C [/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]Right up to par with what we’ve been doing. We just can’t seem to get those B rated shows back. I’m sure we’ve made money again and will be looking good heading into our expansion event.[/I]
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In the month of July I extended Alan Parent and Primus Allen as well as contacting Mario Heroic. He returned my call and we came to an agreement on a contract. I was happy about that. Elsewhere in the industry in July of 2009: [B]Recent News[/B] SWF did just as I expected and fell back to Cult size. Cut backs are coming. UCW Rose to Cult size. Opposite of what I expected, TCW rose to Global size. Ryan Richards took over the head booker spot in SWF after Mike Orlando was signed up by TCW. Steel, an untalented body builder, debuted into the business this month. Pit Bull Brown put over The Steamroller on the radio. Hell Monkey had a lot of good stuff to say about The Incredible Koyama Curtis Jenkins put over Knuckles as a good guy on TV NOTBPW, CGC and BHOTWG all signed PPV deals [B] Signings/Releases[/B] Ash Campbell and Joss Thompson both signed up with USPW TCW filled up their roster by signing Masked Cougar, Madman Boone, Mick Muscles, Jez McArthuer, Mike Orlando, Demon Anger and Lane Stevens. Our working agreement with TCw means Masked Cougar and Jez were just PPA deals. Greg Gauge signed with DAVE SWF trimmed their fat by releasing Mario Heroic, American Machine, Grandmaster Phunk, Kurt LarameeHell’s Bouncer, Henry Lee, Big Smack Scott, Eric Tyler, Peter Michaels and Sam Sparrow [B] Title Changes[/B] None of note.
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We met at my apartment once again and I told them that the economy was still falling, but had slowed its decent like it had last month. Interest in wrestling had taken a jump since our last meeting, which was good news. I then told them we made just a little over 9k for July. We were very happy with this because it gave us a good cushion heading into our show in two weeks. We had entitled it Rush Hour. Next we moved on to our plans for the next big event in our own area, Center Stage. We came up with an idea for the main event right away, and then filled out the card past that. [B][CENTER] [COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="5"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Center Stage[/U][/SIZE][/COLOR] Live from The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"] Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Aaron Andrews claims he was screwed last month, though we aren’t sure how. Tyler and Jay both say they deserve a title shot after their match last month and John has said he wants to defend the title. So we’ve come up with this elimination style match up to appease everyone. Who will come out with the title in hand?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mario Heroic[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] [I]Mario Heroic has just recently signed with AW and wants to make an impact. He gets a shot to do just that as he goes up against former Road to Glory winner Steven Parker.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Greg Gauge[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]After his brother left for RIPW, nobody gave Greg Gauge a chance to survive in AW. Now he gets a shot at a singles career as Cameron Vessey puts his title on the line. Can Greg shut everyone up and come out with singles gold? Or can Vessey continue his reign?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan ©[/COLOR] for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]Robbie Clavey has once again found himself in a heated series of matches. He has come to management and stated he wants to end it once and for all. Management granted his wish and added an element of their own. The title WILL change hands on DQs. This should prove to be interesting.[/I] [B] Also scheduled to appear: Trent Shaffer, Jacob Jett, Casey Valentine, Al Coleman and many more![/B] Aaron Andrews vs. Tyler Chance vs. Jay Chord vs. John Covel © Mario Heroic vs. Steven Parker Greg Gauge vs. Cameron Vessey © Robbie Clavey vs. Thomas Morgan ©
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][U][COLOR="navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Rush Hour[/COLOR][/U][/SIZE] Live at The Weston Gymnasium in the Tri State Region Attendance: 206[/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest and Remmington Remus welcomed the fans to the first AW show outside of the Midwest. They then ran down the card for the evening. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good way to help introduce the new fans to AW.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall with a Ninja Strike at 12:43 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match to get the Tri State fans introduced to our product and aura. Ota said he wanted to be on the show and his popularity in the region helped to justify him spot. He and Trent were able to combine together for this good opener.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Super DDT at 19:54 [B][SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another outstanding match here that should really help to get people to come back out to our shows. Jay and Cyrus did a wonderful job here and I couldn’t be happier. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Façade[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 19:33 [B]to make defense number 2 oh his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B[/SIZE][/B] [I]And a fantastic main event to close out the show. John and Façade just meshed very well in the ring and their match just flowed. The crowd really liked the match.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]The crowd seemed pleased with the in ring action, but most whom I spoke to outside after the show wanted to see some of our talent on the stick. I’ll have to appease them when we come back. [/I]
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Center Stage[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 949[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Reckless Youth (Al Coleman and Casey Valentine)[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar and Erik Strong[/COLOR] by pinfall at 6:44 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good pre-show match to get the crowd going. I’m not exactly sure what we want to do with the tag division, but we need to think about it.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest and Remmington Remus came to the ring and ran down the card for the evening. They plugged the main event and everything else. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice segment that helped to remind the crowd of what was going on tonight.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B]Thomas Morgan by DQ at 9:47 to win the LiveWire Championship C-[/B] The ending of the match comes when the referee was knocked down and Robbie grabbed a chair. He smacked the chair on the mat and then tossed it into Thomas’ hands. Robbie laid down and when the referee came to he disqualified Morgan. [I]A very nice match here between the two of us. Thomas’ position in our undercard had to be changed. He was far better, so we decided to give him a better push and needed a way to get the belt off of him.[/I] After the match, Robbie played the chair shot and left ringside with the belt as Thomas Morgan got on the stick. [B]“Congratulations on becoming the new LiveWire Champion. This just gives me the opportunity to advance to bigger and better things while you are left at the bottom to feed. I knew a few months ago I wanted a shot at the Midwest Championship, but couldn’t justify relinquishing this title knowing you’d be there to take it. Now that you’ve cheated your way into a second reign, I can finally go on my quest to become the Midwest Champion.” [SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice segment of promo time for Morgan here to help end our program and push him higher on the card.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] by submission with a Jett Engine at 9:42 [SIZE="3"][B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [I]A solid match with some great work done by Katie Cameron at ringside. These two meshed well and it helped their match. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] cuts a promo backstage, hyping the four way main event tonight. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good work by Chord here as he ripped apart each of his opponents. The crowd hates him, but loves it when he gets promo time.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Greg Gauge[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall [B]after throwing powder in his eyes and hitting the Vessey Driver at 10:41. Cameron Vessey makes defense number 5 of his Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic match here that the crowd really liked. Vessey played the cheating very well and it should help him. Greg Gauge did very well in his first singles match here in AW.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mario Heroic[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Hero Attack at 15:19 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not bad here. Heroic makes a nice debut. Steven Parker needs to improve a bit before he puts on stellar matches with our roster.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes out and plugs our new Cameron Vessey t-shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 20:18 [B]to make defense number 3 of his Heavyweight Championship. The order of elimination was Aaron Andrews, Tyler Chance and finally Jay Chord. [I][SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] A GREAT match by these four to help round out a solid card. All four men planned almost the entire match themselves and did a fantastic job. There were a lot of believable near falls that the crowd really got behind.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] A solid show here that should continue to increase our popularity. No sell out tonight, but I attribute that to the weakening economy. I know we’ll have lost money for the month with that extra show, but we shouldn’t do too bad.[/I]
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Nothing on our plate for the month of August, so elsewhere in the wrestling industry: [B] Recent News[/B] Lots of new guys breaking into the business this month. Island Boy Apollo, Roy Edison, Juan Washington, Jay Morris, Andre Rhodes, Keita Arai are all young workers looking to make it. Some of them look solid, but none spectacular, so nobody gets a call from me. UCR, SWF and GCG signed PPV deals. NOTBPW, TCW and USPW will all be getting new TV shows this season. [B] Signings/Firings[/B] Curt O’Malley signed up with TCW. Randall Hopkirk signed with CZCW Kid Toma and Bart Biggz signed with DAVE Hell’s Bouncer and Nomad signed with CGC [B] Title Changes[/B] Zeus Maxmillion defeated John Maverick for the CGC Canadian Title Shawn Gonzalez became the Coastal Zone Champion by defeating Ultimate Phoenix Snap Dragon and Plague captured the vacant CZCW Tag titles Remmy Skye defeated James Prudence for the CZCW Xtreme Title Grease Hogg defeated Black Hat Bailey for the NYCW Empire Championship Kid Toma won the NYCW Tri State Regional Title Jeremy Stone defeated Dan Stone Jr. for the NOTBPW Canadian Title Owen Love captured the NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title Groucho Bling defeated chance fortune for the SWF National Title
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We held the creative meeting at my apartment again and first on the table was the state of the industry and economy. The economy was still falling, but had once again remained in a slow descent. At the same time the industry was in a slow climb back up. Next we spoke about our debut show in the Tri-State region and were all pleased with how it went over. With the extra event we lost about 5k for the month, but that’s still not horrible. We spoke and decided it would be best if maybe we went out of region every other month for a show. Everyone liked that idea so we made it official and made the Tri-State or target, with a few random shows in other regions. Next talks continued about what we wanted to happen at our September show. After the outcome of the four way match last month, we figured a rematch would be in order at some point, but wanted to start things out slow. We discussed for a bit and came up with our card for KillZone. [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][U][COLOR="Navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents KillZone[/COLOR][/U][/SIZE] Live from The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Title[/B] [I]John has once again asked to defend his title this month. After considering the possibilities we gave Ota an opportunity to capture his first taste of gold here in AW. Can John Covel stop that chance?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] [I]Thomas Morgan lost the LiveWire Title last month, but declared that he was looking to advance his career to a new level. This month he gets a chance to do just that as he takes on former Heavyweight Champion Jay Chord. Can Morgan pull out the biggest win of his career? Or will Jay Chord turn his fall around and begin his trek back to the top?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Title[/B] [I]Vessey faces what could be his biggest challenge today in Brandon Smith. Brandon is just coming off a tour of Japan and asked for work in AW this month. Can he defeat Cameron Vessey and become the new Midwest Champion? Or will Cameron Vessey come out on top?[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Primus Allen[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey © [/COLOR]for the AW LiveWire Title[/B] [I]After cheating to re-capture the title last month, Robbie Clavey will defend his title against Primus Allen. Allen is a worker who was tagged for success in AW early, but has struggled to find a proper path. Can Robbie continue his second reign as LiveWire Champ? Or will Allen end it in his first defense?[/I] [B] Also scheduled to appear: Aaron Andrews, Tyler Chance, The Italian Americans of Antonio and Mark Smart, Greg Gauge, Cyrus Raynes and many more![/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][U][COLOR="navy"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents KillZone[/COLOR][/U][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 958[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B] The Italian Americans[/B] of [COLOR="Red"][B]Antonio and Mark Smart[/B][/COLOR] come to the ring and claim that they can beat anyone on the AW roster. They beg for a couple of losers from the back to march out so they can kick their butts. [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd seemed interested in this segment at least.[/I] The crowd waits a few moments and finally [B]Nathaniel Ca$ino and K-Squared[/B] emerge from the back and say that they accept the challenge that was put out. Nathaniel says that both he and K-Squared are both sick of egomaniacs like Antonio and Mark Smart making asses of themselves. [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid segment here that turned both K-Squared and Nathaniel Ca$ino face to help out our heel dominated undercard. Both of there turns were very well received.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Italian America[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]K-Squared and Nathaniel Ca$ino[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 4:50 [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]And here the crowd finally craps on something as the match just wasn’t that good. These guys did their best, just too many young guys in the ring.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest and Remmington Remus come to the ring and welcome all the fans to KillZone. The run down the card and plug the main event of Ota taking on John Covel. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice segment to regain the crowd here.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring and gets on the stick saying after last month, he wants a one on one title shot against John Covel. The crowd boos at the mention. [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] comes out and gets on the stick himself, saying that he also wants a one on one shot. Before Chord can answer to him, [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] emerges from the back to a nice round of cheers and states that he also wants a one on one match with Covel. The three men argue a bit, but finally decided to face each other in a round robin like series to determine a contender. [B]Aaron Andrews and Tyler Chance will square off later tonight! [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice segment to kick start our new main event program.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Primus Allen[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 5:36 [B]to make defense number 1 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Nothing special here, but I come out looking good.[/I] A small video package is played, highlighting the title reigns of John Covel. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Just building some hype for our champion.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring and gets on the stick. [B]“I should have known. Brandon Smith isn’t here tonight. In fact he won’t be here at all anymore because the man you cheer has sold out and signed a written contract with SWF! He was scared of me and never wanted to get into the ring with me. But I came all the way here from my home and I’ll be damned if I am not going to get paid. So I will but my title on the line against the next person to walk through that curtain!” [SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] The crowd cheers as [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes’[/COLOR][/B] music hits and he saunters through the curtain, a smug smile on his face. Cameron Vessey looks down the aisle, a little worried. As Raynes makes his way to the ring, Vessey speaks again. [B] “All right Raynes. I’ll give you the shot at my title under one condition. If I beat you tonight, this thing with you and me is over. Done. Finished. I’m sick of having to watch my back every time I come to AW. What do you say?”[/B] Raynes nods and steps into the ring, ready for the match. [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice set of segments to set up this match and to announce the leaving of Brandon Smith.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a low blow followed by a Vessey Driver at 12:48 [B]to make defense number 6 of his [I]Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] A very nice match up between these two to end their program. Cameron is getting better and better each time he steps in the ring.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] is backstage in front of our promo curtain. [B]“Coming up tonight I have to face Thomas Morgan, who claimed last week he was taking his career to the next level. I’ve got news for that loser; I’m not going to be his first step. Morgan, I don’t know who or what you think you’re going to become in this business. I’m half your age and twice as successful, so don’t think you’re going to roll over me. You’d be ****ing stupid to even think you could beat me. Good luck tonight, pal.” [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another good block of promo time for Chord. I love handing him the stick. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Super DDT at 14:40 [SIZE="3"][B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [I]A solid match up that had both workers coming out of the match looking good. Morgan had a lot of near falls on Chord, which seemed to get the crowd behind him.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes out and shows off our new release DVDs and then plugs the new Cyrus Raynes shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Half and Half Suplex at 23:57 [SIZE="3"][B]C[/B][/SIZE] [I]A solid match up here that the crowd really got into. The main event program is getting off to a nice start and I think it’ll be pretty successful. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 11:27 [B]to make defense number 4 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great main event here. I was really worried the crowd would crap on it because of how short it had to be with Ota’s endurance being low. They didn’t and loved it from start to finish.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Another show right on par with what we’ve been doing. Even though we aren’t putting up as high rated shows as we were at the beginning of the year, our following is still increasing. With another month without a sell out, we might cut it close on income this month. Time will tell.[/I]
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We had quite a bit on our plate for the month of September as we renewed Jacob Jett, Casey Valentine, Jay Chord, Cyrus Raynes, Tyler Chance, Erik Strong., K-Squared, Tracy Brendon, Brendan Idol, John Covel and Al Coleman. We also extended Angel De Mexico, even though he’s injured. He doesn’t have a downside and I still want to use him when he gets back from his injury. On another side of business, Greg Gauge signed into development with SAISHO. He left, leaving no base for my tag division. I decided that I’d keep building up some of the teams I had formed and see what we could get going later on down the line. Elsewhere in the wrestling industry… [B] Recent News[/B] NOTBPW rose to Global size and SWF grew to International size. I’m sure NOTBPW will succeed, because they have proper management in place. SWF on the other hand will probably go on another spending spree and soon enough will be back to Cult status, releasing a bunch of talent. NOTBPW can’t exclusively sign any of my talent, but SWF can. Let’s see what happens. Hollywood Brett Star debuted this month. He looks to have good charisma, like his grandfather Micky Starr. But his in ring skills leave something to be desired. Suzi Slam, 33, and Torajiro Sekozawa, also 33, both passed away this month. RIP. Rob L. Miskovsky went on the radio and put over Nevada Nuclear. Emma Evans had a lot of good things to say about Scotty Gregory Oscar gave an interview, putting over Al the Hillbilly as a great person. SOTBPW signed a PPV deal [B]Signings/Releases[/B] Matthew Gauge signed with WLW while they also contacted Henry Lee, Adam Matravers, Arthur Dexter Bradley and Cameron Vessey for a tour. Both Vessey and Bradley will be absent from us for a few months because of this. Acid, Rhino Umaga, Barry Griffin and Roku Sotomura will tour with INSPIRE. CGC signed Hollywood Brett Star SWF filled up their roster with Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Ryan Holland, Duncan Kendall, Whistler and Sgt. Bubba Lee West. I expect them to be released within a few months. 4C signed Thomas Morgan. I love how we make ‘em and others take em. Means we’re doing something right to promote our product. Akima Brave signed with TCW [B] Title Changes[/B] Ultimate Phoenix is extreme again as he wins the CZCW Xtreme Title for a second time. Skull DeBones dethroned Liberty as the SWF World Champion
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Cyrus Raynes approached me at KillZone and said he had an interest in helping with AW, so I invited him to the booking meeting. I think he’ll do a good job helping on the booking team. My first order of business was to inform everyone I had made a few new additions to our roster. I had signed a new wrestler, an announcer to be added to the team already in place and a couple new referees. Ota expressed his concern about having four referees on our payroll now and I responded by telling him I had not brought Dewy Libertine or Jez McArtheur back. Jez was asking for $1300 a show, more than half our roster. And Dewey was getting $900. We found two referees who had just as much skill and even better leadership skills in Shane Stones and Bret Graveson. Our new announcer, Angela Morgan had just debuted in the business and had wonderful skills, which could help both Marv and Remmington. The worker, I told them, would be a nice addition to the roster and a fun gimmick. We had made 8k last month, and that pleased everyone. It would help pad us going into our second show in the Tri-State region. Ota asked about the industry and economy. The economy was still falling and still doing so slowly while the industry was doing the same, only rising. We first talked about our return to the Tri-State region. We knew we had to use a few more angles and I wanted to use Jay Chord and his promo skills, but he had signed up with NOTBPW and they were holding events every time we planned to visit another location, so he was out. We mulled everything over for a bit and decided on a card we could promote there. After that we discussed what we wanted to do with our big monthly event at home, ReVolution. We had plans for our main event scene and rounded out our midcard. Ota and John left, but Raynes stayed all night, really wanting to learn the ins and outs of AW. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents ReVolution[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mario Heroic[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Title[/B] [I]Even though Mario has only had one match in AW, management has booked this match up strictly for the fans. Both men are extremely talented inside the ring and should put on a good show. Can Mario take advantage of this huge opportunity?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] [I]After last month’s debacle to open the show, this is the second match in the round robin series to determine a new number one contender. Tyler Chance would like to redeem himself after losing to Aaron Andrews last week. Can he do just that? Or will Jay Chord push him to the bottom of contention?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] [I]Hugh will be making his in ring debut here and what a better way to do it than beating a former Midwest Champion? Jett has been on the down low since losing his title, but looks to regain some momentum here. Which of these young men with come out on top?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Antonio[/B][/COLOR] [I]Thomas Morgan had a very impressive showing last month against Jay Chord and even though he lost, he gained a lot of momentum heading into this show down with Antonio. Both want to make an impact here in AW and this is the perfect opportunity.[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey ©[/COLOR] for the LiveWire Title[/B] [I]Nathaniel came out and answered an open challenge by Antonio and Mark Smart last month, gaining the fan’s respect. This month he challenges Robbie Clavey for the LiveWire Title. Can Nathaniel take his career to a new level or will Robbie retain? [/I] Mario Heroic vs. John Covel (c) Tyler Chance vs. Jay Chord Hugh de Aske vs. Jacob Jett Thomas Morgan vs. Antonio Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Robbie Clavey (c)
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Rush Hour[/U][/COLOR] Live from The Weston Gymnasium Attendance: 208[/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring to welcome the Tri-State crowd to our second event in the Weston Gymnasium. They run down the card and plug each match. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid opening segment here to get the crowd into the show.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] got on the stick and cut a promo on Robbie Clavey, hyping their match. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Great microphone work by Raynes here. Without Jay Chord’s skills on the stick, Cyrus is just a little bit below him in skill.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] after a Reverse Pedigree at 13:25 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Surprisingly, Raynes and I don’t; “click” in the ring. We had trouble communicating with one another and it made for a bad match. Luckily the crowd was just into seeing wrestling other than NYCW.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Façade[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 14:05 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match here that should give Morgan a good boost. Façade asked for too much money in his recent negotiations and we had to let him go. So we asked him to put Morgan over here. He refused and we made him do it anyway. It’s just how we wanted him to go out. At least it wasn’t in front of our home crowd.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] gets on the stick before his match and hypes it up a bit. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Great promo here by our champ. The crowd gets behind him heading into the title bout. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel [/COLOR][/B]defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 13:47 [B]to make defense number 5 of his Heavyweight Title [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A GREAT match between these two that the Tri-State fans loved. This should help to increase our overness in the area.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Better than our recent shows at home. I’m happy we’re putting together good shows in another region. Our growth outwards should help us to secure interest from more sponsors, TV networks and hopefully PPV carriers. [/I]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents ReVolution[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 977[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]K-Squared[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Valentine[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 3:17 [SIZE="3"][B]E-[/B][/SIZE] [I]I just out these guys out there as an opener and you get what you deserve. The crowd didn’t like it and crapped on the match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Casey Valentine[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Strong Sault at 3:43 [SIZE="3"][B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [I]These two didn’t gel well in the ring, but still managed to put on an okay match. The crowd was still restless, seemingly not wanting to waste time on the undercard. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Bob Casey[/COLOR][/B] by submission at 4:49 [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match here to give Idol some momentum and get Casey some ring work. The crowd was into this match finally. [/I] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Main Show[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Mar Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring and run down the card for tonight. Angela introduces herself and gets a nice reception. [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Nothing special here. The crowd seems some what interested in the main event.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey [/COLOR][/B]defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 7:01[B] to make defense number 2 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great match here to open the main show. Nathaniel and I worked very well in the ring and I ended coming out looking strong while not trying particularly hard to.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Antonio[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 9:22[B][SIZE="3"] E[/SIZE][/B] [I]Ouch. I though these guys would do well with each other but they didn’t. The crowd was restless and hated the match. Morgan comes out with a victory to keep his momentum going.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] is backstage and cuts a promo on Tyler Chance. [B][SIZE="3"]B[/SIZE][/B] [I]More solid promo time for Chord. He can take anything and make everyone believe it. He drips with charisma.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] [B]went to a 10 minute Time Limit Draw [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid debut for Hugh here. Katie Cameron helped the match out as always. This match was a good alternative to a Midwest Title match as Cameron Vessey is in Japan. I’ll probably have to use this match again. [/I] Tracy Brendon comes to the ring and plugs our new DVD releases and existing t-shirts. No new merchandise this month. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Cradle Piledriver at 19:59 [B][SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic match to continue our main event storyline here. Jay and Tyler meshed very well and got the crowd into the story they told. There were a lot of believable near falls that helped the match as well.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mario Heroic[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 27:29 [B]to make defense number 6 of his Heavyweight Title [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid match to end the night here. Mario and John put on another great story for the fans to get into. It seemed like everyone was cheering for both men, which is exactly what we wanted.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Finally we do better than we have been with one of our big shows. Attendance was up a little from last month, which is a good sign. Road to Glory is coming up and that’s normally our best show of the year. I want a sell out for it.[/I]
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Had a few things to take care of in October. We extended our road agent Curt O’Malley. We decided not to re-up with California Love Machine. Bob Casey and Cameron Vessey both were brought back as well. We also completed the deals with our new referees and announcer, whom all debuted at ReVolution. Other than that, we look elsewhere in the industry. [B]Recent News[/B] EEWW went out of business. As quickly as they came, they were gone. Financial problems suck. In the most shocking news since AW had opened, CGC Head Booker and heir to the throne, Alex DeColt passed away due to a drug overdose at the age of 34. The news came as a shock to me and everyone I know. Our condolences go out to the DeColt and CGC family. With the head booker position coming available, our own John Covel took advantage and was hired for the job. He won’t be leaving us though. Kit Hatoyama called it a career. Arik Cannon went on TV and put over Zimmy Bumfhole. [B]Signings/Releases[/B] Grease Hogg, Mario Heroic, Eugene Williams, Calimari Kid, Steven Parker and Nathaniel Ca$ino signed with DAVE. Trent Shaffer, Jay Chord, Chance, Zeus Maxmillion, Bobby Thomas and Sam Sparrow signed with NOTBPW. Matty Phatty and Dirty Frank signed with CGC California Love Machine, Jim Force, Valiant, Mikel Alonso, Shady K and Warlord Pain signed with SWF. Jason Rogers, Jerry Martin and Stan “The Man” Manna signed with 4C Des Davids and Kurt Laramee signed with USPW Kid Toma signed with MAW [B] Title Changes[/B] Jerry Martin didn’t waste any time becoming successful in 4C as he captured the vacant HardCore Championship. Trent Shaffer captured the CGC Canadian Title Davis Wayne Newton captured the vacant CGC World Title. Helen Wheels beat Stephanie Hazel for the NOTBPW Women’s Title. Calimari Kid defeated Harry Allen for the TCW Intercontinental Title Marc Dubois beat Enygma to become the TCW International Champion
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