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Adrenaline Wrestling - A New Beginning (CornellVerse)

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Cyrus, John, Ota and I all met inside my apartment for the creative meeting. I informed them first that the industry and economy were much the same as they were last month. Ota then asked about our figures for the month. I was happy to report to him that even running the second show in the Tri-State region; we turned a little under $500 profit. We all concurred that some profit is better than none. We then decided it wouldn’t be wise to hold our Rush Hour show in December as we were probably going to spend huge money for the Road to Glory Tournament and didn’t want to lose too much. Next, talks went on to our next show, Insanity Plea. We had big plans for this show already and just needed some stuff to round out the card. We also spoke about our plans for the Road to Glory tournament. I told them I had tried bringing in a few outside names, but only got one of my targets. Talks here were brief as we’d plan this informally as the month went on. After a while, we had a card for Insanity Plea and I started to make up the ads. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"][U][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Insanity Plea[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] Live from The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"] Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] [I]So far, Jay Chord and Tyler Chance each have a win in this round robin style series. A win by Chord here would give him the nod as number one contender. Can Andrews put a stop to that or will Chord become the thorn in John Covel’s side again?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mario Heroic[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] [I]Mario would like to get his groove back after losing in a fantastic match last month with John Covel. Steven Parker has been absent from AW events for a few months and wants to prove he still belongs here. Can the first ever Road to Glory winner make an impact just one month before the third installment?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] [I]Hugh made an impressive and entertaining debut last month as he went to a time limit draw. This entertaining pirate from the Caribbean has told us he can beat Jacob Jett given another chance, so we’ve granted him that. Can he do as he said he could, matey?[/I] [B] Also featuring:[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Mark Smart[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Al Coleman[/COLOR][/B] [B] Also scheduled to appear: Ota, Casey Valentine and more![/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Insanity Plea[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 902 [/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Casey Valentine[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Backdrop Driver at 3:37 [B]to make defense number 3 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid pre show opener here. Casey and I have pretty good chemistry and that helped us in this match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Al Coleman[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 4:34 [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd wasn’t impressed by this match, but I needed it for reasons that will be revealed later on tonight.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Mark Smart[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 4:52 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid match here even though Mark seemed to be off tonight. This is another match that was needed. The crowd seemed to like it. [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER][/I] Main Show[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B]We start right into the action tonight![/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Omega Driver at 12:58 [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Jay and Aaron seemed to clash in the ring and it hurt the match, but they still did a wonderful job to pen the show. I bet the crowd is wondering what’s going on with this match opening up the show.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] gets on the microphone. [B]“This round robin **** has gone far enough. We are right back where we started. Each of us has one win and one loss and nobody has the advantage. That’s what everyone thinks. But I’m the former champion and I never got a one on one rematch after I lost the Heavyweight Title. So I demand I be made the number one contender right now.” [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]More solid promo time for Chord here.[/I] Suddenly some new music hits and a new face walks out from the back. She gets a microphone and gets into the ring. [B]“Hello AW fans! I am Laura Lincoln and I have been hired on as the new AW Commissioner. The higher ups here in the company said that they were sick of some of the workers demanding and then just taking what they wanted. So I’m here to control the happenings of AW. And right now as my first order of business I am putting Aaron Andrews, Jay Chord and Tyler Chance into a four corner elimination match with John Covel for the AW Heavyweight Championship. Tonight! And to second that, I want to congratulate Thomas Morgan and Trent Shaffer, because their wins tonight earned them spots in the Road to Glory Tournament!” [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Kind of sucked having Laura follow up Chord on the stick, but she did well. I’ve wanted to bring in an authority figure for a while and she seemed like the best girl for the job. Most of the internet fans will recognize her as Vita. We revamped and gave her a new name and look and debuted her.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] [B]went to a 10 minute Time Limit Draw [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid match between the two that was helped by the work of Katie Cameron. [/I] A video plays hyping the main event elimination match tonight! [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]It was kind of thrown together last minute, which hurt the quality of the hype video.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steven Parker[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mario Heroic[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Future Shock at 9:55 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some solid work from these two. Steven Parker gets a much needed win. He’ll probably be seeing more in ring work now that Brandon Smith, Façade and Ultimate Phoenix are gone.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring and announces that he has [B]officially been entered into the 2009 Road to Glory Tournament[/B] and tonight he wants to warm up for his upcoming tournament victory by issuing an open challenge. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] The crowd goes nuts as [COLOR="Blue"][B]Frankie Perez[/B][/COLOR] pushes from the back to accept the challenge! [B]“I’ll take your challenge Ota because I’d like to get some first hand experience of my competition. That’s right; I’m entered into the Road to Glory too! And I’m in it to win it!” [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Perfect Parity at 9:03 [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd was into the match. It could have been better if Ota and Frankie had shown more selling. Either way, solid build up for the Road to Glory.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall after an Omega Driver at 28:57 [B]to win the Heavyweight Championship. The order of elimination was Tyler Chance first, Jay Chord second and finally John Covel [SIZE="3"]B[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic match up to close out the show. Andrews takes the belt from Covel in his first big success in AW. John said he was getting burnt out defending the title month in and month out, so we decided to give it to Aaron. He should be a solid base in our main event.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Overall Rating: B-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A GREAT show heading into Road to Glory. We were able to announce four of the eight spots in the tournament tonight and debut our new authority character. I feel like good things are going to happen in 2010. [/I]
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We extended Steven Parker and Remmington Remus this month. At the same time we finished the deal with Vita, now known as Laura Lincoln and finalized the talent trade to bring Frankie Perez in for Road to Glory. Past that we had nothing else. Elsewhere in the wrestling industry for November 2009… [B] Recent News[/B] If I had gone to Vegas, I’d be a very rich man right now. SWF fell back to Cult size. Ekuma the Hawaiian Strong Man a HUGE six foot six inch three hundred forty pound worker entered the business. His skills are limited, but we all know he’ll become a big star. Sally Anne Christianson, whom was trained by Victoria Stone debuted. She should have an easy time finding work. Sammy Bach went on TV and made it public that he and Rudy Velasquez don’t get along. D.C. Rayne went on the radio and put over Flash Savage as a really good friend. Both Burning Exile and Marat Khoklov have dumped their freelance style and decided to look for a place to settle down long term. [B] Singings/Releases[/B] American Machine signed with USPW Andy Gordy, Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man and Joss Thompson signed with CGC Cyrus Raynes, Joey Poison, Lois Hudson and Steven Gumble signed with DAVE. Gumble signing is a hit to me as I was going to contact him about bringing him in at the beginning of the year. But with Ota’s ban on our home grown talent I can’t now. Fox Mask signed with NYCW As they downsized their roster again, SWF releases California Love Machine, Jumbo Shrimp, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Sgt. Bubba Lee West, Jim Force, Valiant, The Guru and Jay Fair. [B] Title Changes[/B] Grease Hogg captured the DAVE Brass Knuckles title Shady K defeated Groucho Bling to win the SWF National Title. That’s a questionable decision in my book. Joey Sexy captured the SWF North American title from Eric Eisen. Lane Stevens beat Joel Bryant for the TCW World Heavyweight Title. The Darkness Warriors make a return to glory as they defeat Ice Man C.A and Arik Cannon for the TCW Tag Titles. American Machine captured the vacant USPW National Title Billy Tempest beat Randall Hopkirk for the USPW World title The Hillbillies (Pete and Al) captured the USPW Tag Titles.
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We held our creative meeting at my apartment once again. The first question on everyone’s mind was what the economy and industry were doing. I told them that the economy had taken a dive since last month and was pretty weak. The industry on the other hand was at the same level as the economy but was still rising. At least interest in wrestling was increasing. Next I informed them that the internet was raving about Insanity Plea and we had made just under 8k for the event. I briefly went over an idea I had with them to try once this year. We had been making our DVDs available for order on our website. I thought we might want to sacrifice the income we were getting from the DVDs and see how much we could grow by distributing our shows on the website for free. We decided it wouldn’t be a bad idea to at least try it once to see exactly how much money we were getting from DVD sales. Next we got on to our plans for Road to Glory. We had the basic outline completed in our head; we just now needed to get things in motion. After discussing possible match-ups we finally came up with our opening round matches and contacted extra talent for the pre-show and filler matches. [B][CENTER] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Road to Glory 2009[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Title[/B] [I]John Covel is granted his rematch just one month after losing the Heavyweight Title in an amazing four corners match. Aaron Andrews is a man who’s been with AW since it’s beginning and this is his first taste of gold. Can Andrews continue his success with a defense? Or will Covel recapture the title he held for nearly a year?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steven Parker[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] [B]in the first round of the Road to Glory Tournament[/B] [I]Steven Parker won the first ever Road to Glory Tournament in 2007. Since then he has only been a small blip on the radar. He gets another shot to regain his glory, but he has to topple the first ever AW Heavyweight Champion in Tyler Chance. Tyler came up just short in the finals of the 2007 Road to Glory tournament and wants to go all the way here.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] [B]in the First Round of the Road to Glory Tournament[/B] [I]Frankie Perez has once again made his return to AW for the Road to Glory tournament. Last year he made it to the semi-finals where he came up against the unstoppable force of Jay Chord. This year he says he’s in it to win it. Last month these two squared off with Perez getting the victory. One can only guess that Ota would like some retribution by eliminating Perez from the tournament and moving on.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] vs.[B][COLOR="Red"] Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] [I]New AW Commissioner Laura Lincoln gave Trent Shaffer an entry into the 2009 Road to Glory Tournament as one of her first acts in power. It’s just too bad that Trent has come against the defending winner in Jay Chord. Since losing the Heavyweight Title a few months ago, Jay Chord has been hell bent on regaining it and eliminating anyone who stands in his way. Can Trent Shaffer score one of the biggest upsets in AW history by eliminating the 2008 Road to Glory winner in the first round?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] vs.[B][COLOR="Red"] Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] [I]One couldn’t argue very easily that Thomas Morgan doesn’t deserve his spot in the tournament. He’s proven himself worthy all year, including going toe to toe with Jay Chord just two months ago. Jacob Jett on the other hand has been quiet as of late. He ahs told numerous friends that he wants to break back into the thick of things, skipping over regaining the Midwest Title and going right for the Heavyweight Title. Which of these bright young talents can come out on top?[/I] [B]Plus the semi-finals and finals in the 2009 Road to Glory tournament![/B] [B] Also scheduled to appear: AW LiveWire Champion Robbie Clavey, Hugh de Aske, Nathaniel Ca$ino and AW Midwest Champion Cameron Vessey [/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Road to Glory 2009[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: [SIZE="2"]1000 SOLD OUT![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall with a Double or [I]Nothing at 5:38 [B]to win the LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] A very nice match between Nathaniel and myself. He’s been working nicely as of late and deserved this win. I think it will make things interesting in the lower card.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Hugh de Aske[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a roll up and placing his feet on the ropes at 8:08 [B]to make defense number 7 of his Midwest Title [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid pre-show match that helps to establish Cameron Vessey. He looks good coming off of his tour of Japan.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring and hype up the crowd for the huge line up for tonight! [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid hype work to put over the main event and all of the guys in the tournament.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Super DDT at 7:58 [B]to advance to the Semi-Finals of the Road to Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A very good match between these two. Trent Shaffer really stepped up and showed exactly what he can do in the ring. Chord moves on and the crowd hates it.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] gets on the stick after his match. [B]“Trent Shaffer was just the first step on my climb to become the first two time Road to Glory Winner. I’m going for it all tonight and there is nobody that can stop the snap of the Chord.” [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Great promo work by Chord here.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 7:41 to advance [B]to the Semi-Finals of the Road to Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]I had my notes mixed up. These guys did fine together in the ring, but the crowd was just too hyped up after the last couple of segments. Morgan moves on to continue his momentum.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Perfect Parity at 8:58 [B]to advance to the Semi-Finals of the Road to Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]These two did just as good as they did last month at Insanity Plea. They were solid in the ring and got the crowd into it.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] was backstage and cut a promo. [B]“Ever since this company opened I’ve been on the roster. The first show we held, I was in the main event. A four corners match for the Heavyweight Championship and I lost. For the next two years I scrapped around and tried to make a name for myself in this company, but nothing ever clicked. Finally last month in another four corners match, I pinned John Covel and made a name for myself. I beat the longest reigning Heavyweight Champion in the history of the company. And tonight, the result will be the same. I’ll beat him again and walk into Dawnings to defend my title against which ever sorry excuse for a wrestler wins the Road to Glory tournament. And I’ll walk out of there with the title too. Why? Because I’m drug free, alcohol free and I’m just flat out better than everyone. Period.” [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good promo here for a man that never really had the chance to speak before.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Steven Parker[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Half and Half Suplex at 7:45 [B]to advance to the Semi-Finals of the Road to Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another match I had gotten my notes mixed up with. Steven and Tyler have zero chemistry and it really hurt the match. Luckily the crowd was still hot for it and happy Tyler advances.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Cradle Piledriver at 12:44 [B]to advance to the Finals of the Road to Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd was so into Morgan in this match. These two did a wonderful job as I had expected. There was an AWESOME spot they put together where Chord tried for the Cradle Piledriver, Morgan reversed and tried the Packaged Piledriver but Chord reversed. They did this one more time, but Morgan hit the Packaged Piledriver and got a believable near fall. Excellent job by these guys. [/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Frankie Perez[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] by submission with a P-Clutch at 11:49 [B]to advance to the Finals of the Road to Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid work by these two here. They had good chemistry and really got the crowd into the match. They seem to be hyped leading into the last two matches of the evening.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Andrews Bomb at 21:54 [B]to make defense number 1 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A GREAT match here that the crowd really loved. Andrews and Covel work very well together and put on a hell of a show. Andrews should bring some freshness to the main event scene.[/I] A video plays to hype the finals of the Road to Glory Tournament [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Perfect Parity at 17:33 [B]to win the 2009 Road to Glory Tournament [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Wow. These two didn’t have any chemistry together at all and it really hurt the match. The crowd didn’t seem to mind though as they remained hot all the way through. This was a solid match even through the bad chemistry.[/I] Frankie Perez celebrates in the ring as the show comes to a close. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER] Overall Rating: C-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]Not as good as I wanted for what is arguably our biggest show of the year, but good none the less. The crowd was a little upset that there wasn’t more time devoted to the angles and promos, but we’ll get back to that next month. All in all I was content with the show, but I know we can do better. [/I]
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We extended Katie Cameron, Aaron Andrews, Thomas Morgan, Arthur Dexter Bradley, Trent Shaffer, Kashmir Singh and Nathaniel Ca$ino this month. Else where in the wrestling industry: [B] Recent News[/B] MAW rose to regional size. I’m happy to see them fighting for all these years. Noboru, Hell Fire Kid and Oleg Dorosklov all debuted this month. None look spectacular though. Warlord Pain retired. Thank God. He doesn’t need to be dominating any titles anymore. The Wolverine went on the radio and had a lot of good things to say about Chris Caulfield. WLW signed a PPV deal. TCW Wrecking Ball ended its run. [B] Signings/Releases[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Mario Heroic signed with CZCW. Randy Bumfhole and Champagne Lover are the notables on the new WLW tour. Davis Wayne Newton and Kurt Laramee signed with MAW. Valiant signed with USPW. Hugh de Aske signed with NYCW. Randal Hopkirk signed an exclusive extension with TCW, so he left USPW and NYCW. [B] Title Changes[/B] Air Attack Weasel and Brett Fraser captured the 4C Tag Team Titles Hell’s Bouncer and Primus Allen won the CZCW Tag Team Titles American Buffalo defeated Shady K to win the SWF National Championship Billy Tempest captured the USPW World Title from Randal Hopkirk.
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Everyone met at my apartment this month just like normal to discuss January. The first thing I told them was that the economy and industry were at the same level, very low. But the industry was still slowly rising as the economy fell. The good thing about the economy falling is that contracts weren’t getting as expensive as they could be. We then mulled over our profit from Road to Glory, which came out to be a little over 9k. It was nice to hear. We then talked about trying the internet broadcast thing; just to see how much money we’d lose doing it. Finally our plans settled on the next show, Dawnings. Our main event was already set as Frankie Perez and Aaron Andrews for the Heavyweight Title. We just needed to round out the card. Another thing I wanted to try was double booking some of our guys for the pre-show as well. It would really help our younger talent if they got a pre show match against our main eventers. I think it will help them develop a bit faster. After a long discussion, we had our card in writing and myself and Cyrus Raynes went on to create the ads. [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Dawnings[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Frankie Perez earned this shot by winning the 2009 Road to Glory tournament. Aaron Andrews has already claimed that he will defeat whoever got the shot. Can he live up to his word? Or will the man not permanently on the AW roster walk away with the gold?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] John Covel and Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota and Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] [I]Both Ota and Jay Chord have a beef with Covel. And it’s basically the same thing. They’re unhappy that they couldn’t beat him for the Heavyweight Championship. So they asked Laura Lincoln for a match with Covel to get some retribution. Laura gave them their match, but booked a tag team match. It wasn’t hard for Covel to find a partner to take on his duo of foes. Which team can come out on top?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]After his performance in the first round of the RTG last month, Trent Shaffer has been rewarded with a Midwest Title shot. Can he make the most of it? Or will the inclined-to-cheat Cameron Vessey come out on top again?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] [I]Hugh has come up just short twice in a row against Jacob Jett; both matches have ended in time limit draws. He went to AW Commissioner Laura Lincoln and asked for one final chance, saying he could defeat the former Midwest Champion. Can he live up to his word? Or will Jacob Jett get his career back on track? [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino ©[/COLOR] for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]Nathaniel captured the gold last month and makes his first defense in a rematch against the former champion. Can he make a successful defense? Or will the two time former champion make it three times? [/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: Thomas Morgan, Al Coleman, Masked Cougar and many more![/B] Frankie Perez vs. Aaron Andrews © John Covel and Tyler Chance vs. Ota and Jay Chord Trent Shaffer vs. Cameron Vessey © Hugh de Aske vs. Jacob Jett Robbie Clavey vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino ©
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]2009 Year End Awards[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B]Wrestler of the Year:[/B] Jeremy Stone [B] Young Wrestler of the Year:[/B] Gino Montero [B] Veteran Wrestler of the Year:[/B] Haruki Kudo [B] Female Wrestler of the Year: [/B]Victoria Stone [B]Promotion of the Year:[/B] TCW [B] Most Improved Promotion of the Year:[/B] NOTBPW [B] Match of the Year:[/B] Jeremy Stone defeated Dan Stone Jr. at October Obliteration [B]Card of the Year:[/B] NOTBPW October Obliteration [B] WHM Magazine Top Ten Wrestlers[/B] 1. Jeremy Stone 2. Sean McFly 3. Duane Stone 4. Shuji Inukai 5. Nicolas Lopez 6. Tommy Cornell 7. Johnny Bloodstone 8. Eisaku Kunomasu 9. Dan Stone Jr. 10. Nobuatsu Tatsuko [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Adrenaline Wrestling Year End Awards[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B]Wrestler of the Year:[/B] Jay Chord/John Covel This year we hand out co-honors. These two men really brought their best in every match this year. Their records were almost identical and they held wins over each other. We felt no other option but to honor both men. [B]Young Wrestler of the Year:[/B] Cameron Vessey Cameron earned this honor with a 7 – 3 record and by holding the Midwest Title all year. He still hasn’t looked back and should continue his great work into 2010. [B] Match of the Year:[/B] Jay Chord defeated John Covel at Dawnings (January 2009) [B]Card of the Year:[/B] Dawnings (January 2009)
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[B][SIZE="5"]Adrenaline Wrestling Roster as of January 2010[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Main Eventers[/SIZE][/B] [B] [COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR] – Current AW Heavyweight Champion[/B] Andrews won the Heavyweight Title in November and looks to continue his young career in 2010. [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] We still don’t use Ota as a regular wrestler, but he’s a good man to throw into the ring if we need him for a short program. [B][COLOR="Blue"] John Covel[/COLOR][/B] This man has made AW what it is today. Without him and his talent we’d be floundering right now. [B][SIZE="3"]Upper Midcarders[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol[/COLOR][/B] Despite not much success or ring time in AW, his appearances in RIPW and CZCW have made him enough of a star to land this push. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] One of my buddies that started out with us. I’m surprised one of the big dogs haven’t come calling. He’s starting off 2010 with a push in the main event scene. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] Another of the backbones of this company. His program with John Covel in 2009 helped the company’s image greatly and he should do great things in 2010. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mario Heroic[/COLOR][/B] A relative newcomer to AW. He should get more ring time in 2010. [B][COLOR="Red"]Steven Parker[/COLOR][/B] A solid talent, but he has trouble working up any good matches with our top talent. We’ll have to see how we can fit him in or let him go in 2010. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] The former Heavyweight Champion didn’t have a great 2009 but looks to get things back on track in 2010. [B][SIZE="3"]Midcarders [/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Angel de Mexico[/COLOR][/B] A solid worker who will be out almost all of 2010 due to a major concussion suffered in MPWF. [B][COLOR="Red"] Antonio[/COLOR][/B] A solid worker that was brought in for the tag division that was looking to get jumpstarted in 2009. Has struggled to find a place since the plans were put on hold. [B][COLOR="Red"]Bob Casey[/COLOR][/B] We’re keeping him around to put people over. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] – Midwest Champion[/B] Vessey won the title at Dawnings in January and has held the title all year. He’s built a controversial reputation in that time and looks to continue. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR][/B] Another worker that has struggled to find his place. [B][COLOR="Blue"] Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] A very good worker that debuted in the last quarter of the year. Hiss skills should take him far in AW. [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] The only thing he was lacking in 2009 was great entertainment skills and that was improved upon by adding real life girlfriend Katie Cameron as his manager. [B][COLOR="Blue"] Masked Cougar[/COLOR][/B] Recently injured with a Major Concussion in MPWF as well. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Primus Allen[/COLOR][/B] One of the guys that was pegged to be the new face of AW. He has fizzled since his debut. [B][COLOR="Blue"] Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] One of the not so young talents in AW. At 35. he looks the best he ever has and should be a force in 2010. [B][COLOR="Blue"] Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] A former LiveWire Champion. He has made big impressions on a lot of people in 2009 and should continue to impress with age. [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Al Coleman[/COLOR][/B] Another guy that has been here since the beginning, but has struggled to find a place on the roster. [B][COLOR="Red"] Arthur Dexter Bradley[/COLOR][/B] A hot prospect when he first entered AW, lateness and tours of Japan have held him back. [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] Continuing to develop with age. Should be a solid talent in 2010. [B][COLOR="Red"]Mark Smart[/COLOR][/B] Another wrestler that was going to fit into the tag division in 2009, but got lost in the shuffle when plans were halted. [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR] – LiveWire Champion[/B] A solid worker that struggled to find a place in the overloaded heel ranks. A successful face turn has opened up new things for him. [B][COLOR="Red"]Raphael[/COLOR][/B] Another lost tag team talent. He should fit in somewhere in 2009 [B][SIZE="3"]Openers[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Alan Parent[/COLOR][/B] Another man that got brought in for the tag division in 2009. No real place as of yet. [B][COLOR="Red"]Kashmir Singh[/COLOR][/B] A solid worker that probably won’t rise any further, but will never be short of work. [B][COLOR="Blue"] K-Squared[/COLOR][/B] A solid worker who hopes a recent face turn provides more options for him. [B] Enhancement Talents[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Edward Cornell[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Valentine[/COLOR][/B] Non-Competitors [B][COLOR="Blue"] Angel Morgan[/COLOR][/B] - Announcer [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bret Graveson[/COLOR][/B] – Referee [B][COLOR="Blue"] Curt O’Malley[/COLOR][/B] – Road Agent [B][COLOR="Red"]Katie Cameron[/COLOR][/B] – Manager [B][COLOR="Blue"]Laura Lincoln[/COLOR][/B] – Authority Figure [B][COLOR="Blue"]Marv Earnest[/COLOR][/B] – Color Commentator [B][COLOR="Blue"] Remmington Remus[/COLOR][/B] – Announcer [B][COLOR="Blue"] Shane Stones[/COLOR][/B] – Referee [B][COLOR="Blue"][COLOR="Red"]Tracy Brendon[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B] - Personality
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Dawnings[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 1000 SOLD OUT![/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]K-Squared[/B][/COLOR] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall at 3:36 [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid work by these two in the opener, but the crowd wasn’t settled in. Even though the crowd was restless, I commended these guys when they came back.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]John Covel[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Al Coleman[/B][/COLOR] by submission with a Broken Wings at 3:46 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Al and John didn’t really work well. The match was just used to give Coleman some ring time with a veteran, something I plan on using more often I believe.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Ninja Strike at 4:49[B][SIZE="3"] C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid match here between a veteran and one of the less experienced guys. I really like Morgan and his style. He should get more opportunities like this in the future.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Main Show[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Mar Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Love come to the ring and hype the card on tap for tonight. They’re main subject is the main event of Frankie Perez against Aaron Andrews. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Perfect. The crowd seems hyped for the main event.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Double or Nothing at 8:46 [B]to make defense number 1 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid match between us, but the extra time over last month let the rating slip. Nothing that can’t be worked upon.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Cut-Throat Driver at 10:40 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Great work by these two men and Katie Cameron at ringside. These two are proving to me that they deserve their spots on the roster and they’ll be keeping them.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] is backstage in front of the promo curtain. [B]“You know Covel you really lucked out when you lost that title to Aaron Andrews. Because you didn’t have to experience the feeling of losing that title to me twice. I would have beaten you for it John. You know, I know it, everyone knows it. But just because that title isn’t around your waste doesn’t mean I’m completely through with you. It is my goal to put you out of action. It is my goal to make sure you NEVER hold that belt again.” [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid promo work by Chord to start up a new feud for us.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Vessey Driver onto a steel chair while the referee was down at 11:47 [B]to make defense number 8 of his Midwest Title [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Great match in our midcard here. I wish I had something solid and specific for Trent as he’s a great worker.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] is backstage and cuts a promo in reply to Jay Chord. [B]“Jay, if you want to end my career and take me out of wrestling for good, then go for it. All I have to say is good luck. I’m not going to go down without a fight. Tonight in that tag team match I’ll give you the first punch. Show me what you can do.” [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not as good as Chord’s but solid none the less. [/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota and Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel and Tyler Chance [/COLOR][/B]when Chord pinned Covel after a Super DDT at 14:53 [B][SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic tag team match here that really had the crowd going. They played the formula perfectly. Covel and Chord has some solid heat going for them already.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tracy Brendon[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring and shills the new AW t-shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Frankie Perez[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Omega Driver at 18:43 [B]to make defense number 2 of his Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]These two didn’t mesh in the ring at all and it really hurt what could have been a great main event. Oh well, you live and learn. Still a solid match that the crowd loved.[/I] As Aaron Andrews was leaving the ring, [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] appeared on the stage and stared him down, making a title belt motion at his waste. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A simple and fresh way to bring a new face into the title picture. I think Raynes could do good in the main event slot.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Overall Rating: C[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid show that was helped by the great tag match. It will be interesting to see exactly what our profits look like now that we’ll broadcast this on our website. This should also give us a little hype as we head into another show outside of the mid-west.[/I]
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We extended Valentine and Mark Smart in January. Other than that we were free for the month and took a look elsewhere in the industry for January of 2010… [B] Recent News[/B] - RIPW rose to regional size this month. They’ve been scrapping around for a long time too. - Hercules Johansson debuted this month. He is the brother of Bam Bam and has much the same aura to him. He’s big and muscular, but differs in that he went into an actual wrestling school. This guy should be good after his skills develop. - Nathan Black put over Dirty Frank as a good friend. - Art Reed went on the radio and had a lot of good things to say about Masked Cougar - INSPIRE and DAVE signed new PPV deals. [B]Signings/Firings[/B] - Arthur Dexter Bradley signed with MHW - Angry Gilmore signed with TCW. - Donnie J signed with NYCW - Ekuma the Hawaiian Strong Man signed with USPW - Jack Griffith left SWF - Grease Hogg left USPW [B] Title Changes[/B] - Brett Biggz and Vin Tanner defeated Alex Braun and Tank Bradley to end their 32 month reign as DAVE Tag Team Champions - Façade won the Rip Chord Invitational - Black Hat Bailey captured the vacant NYCW Empire Title - Steve Flash and Cyrus Raynes captured the NYCW Tag Team Championship - Edd Stone defeated Owen Love to capture his fifth NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title - Madman Boone beat Calamari Kid for the TCW Intercontinental Title - Tom E. Hawk captured the vacant USPW World Title - Savage Fury captured the USPW Tag Titles.
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Cyrus, Ota and John all came over to my apartment around noon on the second and we held our creative meeting. I brought up our first issue, which was the economy and industry. The Wrestling Industry had taken a nice leap since last month while the economy had stayed about where it was at. Next John asked how much we had lost by promoting our show on the internet. I told him we had still made over 4k for the month, but merchandise sales had cut in half from 6k to 3k. We discussed this and figured it was the best way to go for the time being in an attempt to get our product around. Next we discussed our upcoming Rush Hour in the Tri-State region. I told them I had utilized our working agreement with DAVE and brought in Kid Toma to face John at the event. John seemed excited. Toma’s popularity in the region should really help the crowd show up. Next we moved to discussions of our event at the end of the month, Afflicted Glory. We liked how our two feuds had developed in just one night in January and decided to start off a few more this month. We decided we’d also utilize the veteran/rookie matches before the show again as well. After some careful planning, we settled on a card and began making up the ads. [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Afflicted Glory[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord and Cyrus Raynes came to AW management after last month and both asked for matches. We both knew they meant against John Covel and Aaron Andrews respectively, but we decided to let them suffer a little bit longer by pitting them against one another in this main event.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Title[/B] [I]Cameron Vessey has told AW management he wanted a challenge this month, as he feels he has had it too easy for a while. We took his word to the extreme and pitted him against Tyler Chance. Can Tyler capture the Midwest Title? Or will Vessey find some way to retain his title?[/I] [B] Also featuring:[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Brendan Idol[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/B][/COLOR] [B]Also scheduled to appear: AW Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews, John Covel, AW LiveWire Champion Nathaniel Ca$ino, Al Coleman, Casey Valentine, Trent Shaffer and more![/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Rush Hour[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Weston Gymnasium Attendance: 189[/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring and hype up the card and highlighted it by mentioning Kid Toma and John Covel in the main event. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some solid hype here.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Katie Cameron[/COLOR][/B] was backstage with [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR]. She hyped up his upcoming match with [COLOR="Blue"][B]Hugh de Aske[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="3"]E-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Nothing spectacular here, but the crowd was still into it.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Cut-Throat Driver at 5:51 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid work by these two again. They work really well together.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Reverse Pedigree at 11:35 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Great ring work here even though they don’t work well together. Should help this show.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] stayed in the ring and cut a promo, hyping his desire to be the Heavyweight Champion [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid promo here by Raynes that should help to advance his program with Andrews.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Kid Toma[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 21:43 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Fantastic main event to close out this month’s show in the Tri-State region. I image we’ll be bringing Kid Toma back again.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] stays in the ring and cuts a promo on Jay Chord and half hyping our next big show. [B][SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]GREAT work here that I hope helps to bring in more fans next time we come here.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A solid show top to bottom that should help to increase our fan base here.[/I]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="3"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Afflicted Glory[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Junkyard Attendance: [SIZE="2"]1000 SELL OUT![/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Pre-Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Reckless Youth[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske and Erik Strong[/COLOR][/B] when Casey Valentine submitted Hugh de Aske at 4:51 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid tag team action to open the show. Hugh and Erik worked well together and are a consideration for a regular tag team.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mario Heroic[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Heart Burn at 9:19 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic match here to help propel Trent to the level I think he deserves to be at.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall after a Double or Nothing at 7:09 [B]to make defense number 2 of his LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a bad opener here. The crowd was into it. I was just happy that the crowd was still so hyped at this point.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] is backstage and cuts a promo on [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B]. He touches upon their history last year at this time and mentions how it will feel to end the career of a legend in the company. [B][SIZE="3"] C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not as good as his promos normally are, but solid still. This should add some heat to the program.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 7:02 [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]Ouch. I expected these two to do a little bit better together, but they didn’t. It was still a good match, just not up to the level the crowd had been brought to.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall at 11:12 [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]More solid action and another good job at ringside by Katie Cameron. This is one combination I had wanted to try for a while.[/I] Backstage we see [B][COLOR="Blue"]Laura Lincoln[/COLOR][/B] walking backstage when she is approached by Jay Chord. He sweet talks her a bit, hitting on her before asking for a match against John Covel. Laura beats around the bush a little bit and finally says she’ll think about it. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]An average segment here that helped to get Laura Lincoln visible and build some more heat for Covel and Chord.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a roll-up and a handful of tights at 13:34 [B]to make defense number 9 of his Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]I really wanted Vessey to get a big win to help solidify his position and Tyler was more than happy to let him go over. These two had some solid communication in the ring and put on a great match that the crowd got into.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tracy Brendon[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring and promotes the new Aaron Andrews shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] comes down the aisle for his match against Jay Chord, but [B][COLOR="Red"]Chord [/COLOR][/B]and [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] jump him and begin beating him down. They lead him into the ring and continue the beatdown until [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] comes running down the aisle to even the odds. Referee Bret Graveson lets it go, turning the singles match into a tag match! [I][B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] A great way to set up an un-announced main event.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes and John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] by pinfall when Cyrus Raynes pinned Aaron Andrews after a Brainbuster at 26:56 [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good but not great main event here. All four men did a wonderful job to build heat in their respective programs. Raynes pinning Andrews was a great touch too.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A solid show all around leads to exactly what our fans expect from us. I was happy with everything that happened here and am interested in seeing how this helps us develop.[/I]
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We extended Edward Cornell, but nothing else was going on. In the month of February, this is the news from elsewhere in the wrestling industry. [B] Recent News[/B] - SAISHO rose to regional size. Good to see they’re expanding. - Richie Riggins, a body builder like worker, entered the business. His skills leave something to be desired, but with work he could be a name. - Black Hat Bailey has been putting Marv Earnest over as a good friend. - Hell’s Bouncer went on the radio and said a lot of good things about Flyin’ Jimmy Fox - CGC signed a new PPV deal - DAVE and NOTBPW got new TV shows [B] Signings/Releases[/B] - Casey Valentine signed with NYCW - Valiant, Hollywood Brett Starr and Grandmaster Phunk were signed into SWF development and sent to RIPW. - Hugh de Aske signed with CZCW - K-Squared signed with 4C - Hell’s Bouncer signed with USPW [B] Title Changes[/B] - Ultimate Phoenix lost his CZCW Xtreme Title to Plague, who then lost it to Remmy Skye - Kurt Laramee won the vacant MAW Championship - Big Cat Brandon defeated Marc Dubois for the TCW International Title
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Cyrus, John and Ota came over to my apartment for the creative meeting on the third of March. The first thing I reported to them was that the industry was still on the rise while the economy was declining. Next off I told them we had lost just over 5k for the month. We then began discussing our expansion. I made a point that with our internet distribution our product was getting to a wide audience. I then told them I believed we should sacrifice our Tri-State shows to cut expenses seeing as we weren’t getting DVD sales anymore. After an hour or so of weighing our options, everyone finally agreed, and we decided to put shows outside of the Midwest on hold for a while. Next we began discussing our plans for Ground Zero, just 27 days away. We liked what we had going storyline wise and worked around that to base things. After a while, we began work on a flier for the show. [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Ground Zero[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Title[/B] [I]Trent Shaffer has been impressing the higher ups as of late and earns himself a title match here. One has to wonder where Aaron Andrews head will be in this one. Cyrus Raynes has been a little bit of a distraction as of late. Will Trent Shaffer pull out the upset, or will Andrews continue his reign as champion? [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mario Heroic[/B][/COLOR] [I]These two have asked for a friendly match to give the fans something special. With the fans in mind, management had to oblige. A win here would help push Cyrus Raynes into contention for the Heavyweight Title. But can Mario Heroic take that win from him?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord wants to vent some of his frustration with John Covel, and has been given this opportunity to do so. At the same time Brendan Idol has been looking for a career altering win. Could this bout with a former Heavyweight Champ be that?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Antonio[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Title[/B] [I]Cameron Vessey had an impressive win over Tyler Chance last month. This month he runs into Antonio and Hugh de Aske, two young guns hungry for gold. Will Cameron Vessey be able to continue his reign as champion? Or will two opponents prove to be too much?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino ©[/COLOR] for the AW LiveWire Title[/B] [I]Nathaniel has told management he wants to be a fighting champion. This month he’ll defend his belt against Casey Valentine. Can Casey get the biggest win of his career or will Nathaniel live to defend his title again?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: Thomas Morgan, John Covel, Raphael, Primus Allen and more![/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"][U]Adrenaline Wrestling presents Ground Zero[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Live at The Junkyard Attendance: 1000 SOLD OUT![/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Raphael[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Intellectual Impact at 5:12 [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match that gave Raphael an opportunity to get in the ring with a veteran.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Mark Smart[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Packaged Piledriver at 4:50 [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]I thought these two would work well, but they didn’t do as I thought. They worked well, but the crowd didn’t like the match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Primus Allen[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Jett Take Off at 3:35[B][SIZE="3"] D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Katie Cameron did some good work at ringside. These two had an okay match, but the crowd didn’t like it. [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan comes to the ring and out over the card for the night. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Crowd doesn’t seem too into the card tonight, but I hope the action will change their minds.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"] Nathaniel Ca$ino[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Casey Valentine[/B][/COLOR] after a Hard Eight at 5:46 [B]to make defense number 3 of his LiveWire Championship[SIZE="3"] D[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid opener here that should help Valentines cause. He did some good work in the ring. [/I] Nathaniel Ca$ino was celebrating his win when newcomer [COLOR="Red"][B]Jared Johnson[/B][/COLOR] ran through the crowed and attacked from behind. E- [I]An okay segment to debut our new undercard talent and jump start a new program.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] defeated Hugh De Aske by pinfall [B]using underhanded tactics at 10:45 to make defense number 10 of his Midwest Championship.[/B] This match also featured Antonio [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid, but poorly rated match. The crowd seemed to be into the match though. Vessey gains some more momentum with another win.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring before his match and cuts a promo on John Covel. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Nice promo work here by Chord that helped bring the crowd’s mood up.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Brendan Idol[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Cradle Piledriver at 12:07 [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic match here that should help Idol out despite the loss. The crowd seemed to like it a lot.[/I] Tracy Brendon comes to the ring and plugs all of our current t-shirts. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mario Heroic[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Brainbuster at 12:32 [B][SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great match here. Raynes and Heroic have fantastic chemistry together. The fans really loved the match.[/I] As [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] was leaving the ring, an upset look comes across [B]Mario Heroic’s[/B] face. All of a sudden he rushes Raynes and attacks. He continues beating him down for two minutes or so and leaves him lying before exiting and yelling at the fans. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid angle to turn Heroic heel. I was at a loss for good upper midcard heels, and Heroic is exactly what I need I believe.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after an Omega Driver at 20:58 [B]to make defense number 3 of his Heavyweight Title [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match here. These two had awkward chemistry in the ring and it kind of hurt the match. None the less, the crowd liked the match.[/I] After his match, Aaron Andrews cut a promo on Cyrus Raynes. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid promo work by Andrews to help continue things with Raynes[/I] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Overall Rating: C[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]Better than I expected after the lack luster undercard. I’m glad we’re developing new programs and advancing the ones we already have ongoing. We’ll have to wait to see what the finances look like.[/I]
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In March of 2010 we extended Antonio, Raphael, Masked Cougar and Alan Parent. The only other thing we did was make our cancellation of the Tri-State shows official. Other than that, we look elsewhere in the wrestling industry. [B] Recent News[/B] - Jeffery McPeterson inherited MOSC from his father. - Greg “The Highland Warrior” McPeterson became the head booker for MOSC UCR, SWF and GCG all signed new PPV deals [B] Signings/Releases[/B] - Skull DeBones and Liberty turned down SWF and signed with CGC - Brett Biggz signed with MAW - Lobster Warrior and Matthew Gauge signed with DAVE - Remo Richardson and Catherine Quinn signed with NOTBPW [B]Title Changes[/B] - Nate Johnson defeated Joey Poison to capture the 4C Championship - Davis Wayne Newton and Shane Nelson’s year long reign as CGC Tag Team Champions was ended by the new team of John Covel and Grimm Quible. This new team, named Team Edge lost the titles in their first defense to Dan Dalay and Joe Gilbert. - The Natural and Owen Love ended the three year winning streak of Jeremy and Dan Stone Jr. in the Ed Henson Memorial Cup, winning it for the first time - American Buffalo lost the SWF National Title to Lobster Warrior - Eric Eisen won the SWF North American Title for the third time - Rick Law defeated the exiting Skull DeBones to win the SWF World Heavyweight Title - Randall Hopkirk captured the TCW Intercontinental Title - Hell’s Bouncer won the USPW World Title - Des Davids and American Machine captured the USPW Tag Team Titles
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Everybody came over to my apartment on the second of April for the creative meeting. The first thing we discussed was the status of the industry and economy. The industry was still rising and almost as strong as it had been since we opened. The economy on the other hand was still declining and showing no signs of turning around. Next I brought up our financials for the month. We had made a little less 5k for the month. It was nice as we were nearing our $500,000 starting bank. It would be nice to soon be making money on top of what I had invested. Next, I brought up an idea I had been mulling over in my head for a few months. I wanted to give the Road to Glory a very important feel to it. I thought maybe making it a multiple night event and expanding the field of participants would help. Cyrus, John and Ota liked the idea, but suggested we look around and make sure we’d be able to do the multiple nights with some of our guys working elsewhere. Next, we began discussing plans for We’re No Joke, our April event. We had a wonderful idea for a main event and concentrated mostly on the midcard. After about three hours, we began to piece together a graphic and flier for the show. [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Live from The Junkyard![/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel, Cyrus Raynes and Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews, Jay Chord and Mario Heroic[/B][/COLOR] [I]Huge six man tag team action will be the main event for this show. Five of these men have had beefs over the last month or two and AW management felt like this was a good way to let all of it get out into the open. Can John, Cyrus and Tyler pull out a huge crowd pleasing victory? Or will Aaron, Jay and Mario end the night on a sour note?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/B][/COLOR] [I]Both of these men will get an enormous opportunity in the night’s pre-main event. Trent Shaffer is looking to get his career back on track after losing the LiveWire Championship a long time ago. At the same time, a win over Trent Shaffer would help to propel his career in a hurry. Which of these men can jump on the rocket?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske [/COLOR][/B]vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Title[/B] [I]Hugh de Aske felt slighted after Cameron Vessey’s use of underhanded tactics last month and has been granted a one on one rematch for the Midwest Title. Cameron Vessey wasn’t happy about this initially but has since changed his tune saying he can beat anyone at any time. Can he do just that and retain his championship, continuing his record breaking title reign? Or will Hugh dethrone him and start a new era?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Reckless Youth[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]The UPstarts[/B][/COLOR] [I]Rare tag team action here as AW Management really wants to jump start the tag team division. Casey Valentine and Al Coleman look to be the strongest force in the small and bleak tag division that is, but Brendan Idol and Erik Strong wouldn’t mind taking a spot on that pedestal. Can they do just that?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Kashmir Singh[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]K-Squared[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Nathaniel Ca$ino ©[/COLOR] for the AW LiveWire Title[/B] [I]The champion has his work cut out for him as he defends his title against not one but three challengers. Can Nathaniel take down all three men or will one of them emerge as new champion? Also, Jared Johnson made a swift impact on his debut by attacking the LiveWire Champion. Will that play a part in Ca$ino’s mindset? [/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: AW Commissioner Laura Lincoln, Jared Johnson, Steven Parker, Jacob Jett and more![/B]
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[CENTER]Photobucket [B]Live at the SOLD OUT Junkyard! Attendance: 1000[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steven Parker[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Edward Cornell[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Future Shock at 1:38 [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match here that gave both men some ring time. We need to work on Parker’s skills and exposure before he’ll get a major part in AW.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B][/COLOR] in 2:09 by pinfall with a Packaged Piledriver [B][SIZE="3"]E-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The debuting Amazing Fire fly must have been really nervous, because he was off his game. These too didn’t seem to mesh well, and it hurt the fight. Rightfully so, the crowd got restless during this short match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] in 3:36 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid work by myself and Jett here. Katie Cameron also did good work at ringside. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jared Johnson[/B][/COLOR] in 3:52 by pinfall with an Intellectual Impact. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic match up here that saw Johnson get some good offense in. That should help his overness despite the loss. On top of that, just one small match with the veteran is already showing improvement to his skills.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring and put over the fact that we'll be seeing Cyrus Raynes, John Covel and Tyler Chance take on Aaron Andrews, Jay Chord and Mario Heroic in a three-on-three match. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some solid heat is being built for our two major feuds.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Kashmir Singh,[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]K-Squared[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] in 7:22 when Nathaniel Ca$ino defeated Robbie Clavey by pinfall with a Double Or Nothing. [B]Nathaniel Ca$ino makes defense number 4 of his AW LiveWire title. [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some solid opening match work here. I double booked myself on purpose tonight, because I wanted to make sure we were getting our talent some ring time. A solid victory for Ca$ino.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] approaches [B]AW Commissioner [COLOR="Blue"]Laura Lincoln[/COLOR][/B] backstage and nicely lays out his case for an AW Heavyweight Title shot. Laura takes all of it into consideration and finally tells him that if he gets a pinfall or submission on Aaron Andrews in the main event, he can have his match next month. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid set up segment here. The crowd seems to be really liking the on air authority figure.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] The UPstarts[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Reckless Youth[/B][/COLOR] in 11:28 when Brendan Idol defeated Casey Valentine by pinfall. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid tag team match here. Until we build everyone up some more, this is probably going to be the rating of top value for these matches.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] defeated[COLOR="Blue"][B] Hugh de Aske[/B][/COLOR] in 12:38 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. [B]Cameron Vessey makes defense number 11 of his AW Midwest title. [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic midcard match here. Vessey gains more momentum with another defense.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] gets on the microphone after his match. [B]“I’m sick of coming out here every month and beating everyone that gets put in front of me to defend this title. So I am officially relinquishing this putrid excuse for a championship to begin my quest to the top of Adrenaline Wrestling.” [/B] After his speech is done, he throws the belt down and leaves the ring. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid segment here to build up Vessey and give him somewhat of an attitude[/I]. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Arthur Dexter Bradley[/COLOR][/B] in 10:43 by pinfall with a Heart Burn [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some more solid ring work here. Trent seemed a little off his game, but they were able to piece together a good match that the crowd could get into.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Tracy Brendon[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring and shows off the latest John Covel t-shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes, John Covel and Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews, Jay Chord and Mario Heroic[/COLOR][/B] in 23:31 when [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall with a Brainbuster [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not as good as I had wanted, but good still. This sets up a main event for us next month and builds heat for both of our major feuds. The one sad note of the night is that this was Mario Heroic’s last match. His contract came up about a week before the show and he simply asked for too much. Ota would have let me pay him, but I couldn’t justify it.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A solid show that should help us. I’m sad to see Mario Heroic go as I had plans for him to become a star in the coming months. That’s how the business goes though. We did use a lot of talent at this show, so I’m interested in seeing how we balanced out financially. [/I]
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In April of 2010 we extended no one. This meant the release of Primus Allen and Mario Heroic. We would have liked to have kept Allen around, but he was very upset with how we had been using him and wanted out of AW. Fair enough. Then the problems with Mario came up. Other than that and the signing of Amazing Fire Fly, we had nothing on tap and looked elsewhere in the industry for news. [B] Recent News[/B] - Peter Valentine and Greg “The Highland Warrior” McPeterson brought their careers to an end. - SOTBPW signed a new PPV deal with Seleccion Mexico [B]Signings/Releases[/B] - Jumbo Shrimp signed with MAW. - Shotaro Ikina, The Tic, Arata Yasuhiro and Sotatsu Saramura all signed with INSPIRE [B] Title Changes[/B] - Nomad defeated Trent Shaffer for the CGC Canadian Title, but lost it in his first defense to Liberty. - Johnny Martin defeated Grease Hogg for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Title - Jumbo Shrimp won the MAW Championship from Kurt Laramee - Johnny Bloodstone and Owen Love ended the near two year reign of Dark Angel and Eddie Chandler as NOTBPW Tag Champions. Unfortunately Owen was injured in the match and the titles were vacated and captured by Shooter Sean Deeley and Sean McFly - Ekuma the Hawaiian Strong Man defeated American Machine for the USPW National Title
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Ota, Cyrus and John came over to my apartment on the third of May for our monthly creative meeting. We first spoke about the industry and economy. The wrestling industry was still climbing and at a stronger level than the month prior. The economy on the other hand was still at a low level and falling. Next we brought up our financials from April. We had used a lot of talent at the last show and had only made around $700. But it was still a profit. This month, we’d be able to bring those numbers back up as we wouldn’t need all the extra talent. Talks then transitioned into talks for our May event, No Retreat, No Surrender. Our main event was already set from last month and we already knew what we wanted to do with that match so talks were focused on our secondary feud and exactly what we wanted to do with the vacated Midwest Championship. After hours of deliberation, we came to terms on the card for the event. [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Live from The Junkyard[/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Cyrus Raynes made it clear a couple of months ago that he wanted a shot at Aaron Andrews’ Heavyweight Championship. Last month, AW Commissioner Laura Lincoln made the stipulation that if hew pinned or submitted Andrews in the six man tag team match, he’d get his shot. He did just that and gets his opportunity here.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] [I]John Covel and Jay Chord got their hands on one another in last month’s main event six man tag team match, but the month their tension begins to build once again as they are separated for another month. John Covel has to concentrate on Jacob Jett this month. Can the youngster take his career to a new level, or will Covel continue in his march back to the top?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] [I]Cameron Vessey vacated the Midwest Title last month, declaring he was too good for the belt. This month he goes up against Trent Shaffer, a young man on another upward swing in his career. Can Cameron Vessey continue his winning streak? Or will Shaffer come out on top?[/I] [B]Ten Man Battle Royal for the Midwest Championship[/B] [I]A huge opportunity for ten lucky stars as they get the chance to compete for AW gold! Participants are Hugh de Aske, Robbie Clavey, Alan Parent, Arthur Dexter Bradley, Bob Casey, Erik Strong, Kashmir Singh, K-Squared, Mark Smart and Raphael. [/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: AW LiveWire Champion Nathaniel Ca$ino, Jared Johnson, Steven Parker and more![/B]
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[CENTER]Photobucket [B]Live at the SOLD OUT Junkyard Attendance: 1000[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Steven Parker[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Edward Cornell [/B][/COLOR]in 2:31 by pinfall with a Future Shock. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match to open the night. Parker seems to be getting better in his brawling abilities.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]K-Squared[/B][/COLOR] in 4:20 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]An outstanding match here that gave K-Squared some quality ring time with one of our stars. He seemed to get some tips from Chord and is improving his overall performance.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews [/COLOR][/B]comes to the ring and gets on the stick. [B]“Last month, Cyrus Raynes pinned me. He pinned me after I was softened up by John Covel and Tyler Chance. And now it’s said he gets a shot at my title tonight! Well I never agreed to those stipulations and I have final say in what goes on with this belt. So I’m sorry to disappoint all you fans out there. But there will not be a championship match here tonight!” [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some solid promo work here to set up our night.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Cyrus Raynes[/COLOR][/B] music hits and the crowd cheers as he emerges to the entrance. He has a microphone on his own. [B]“You know what Aaron? I’m getting sick of the crap you force these fans to accept. It’s time for you to step up and put up. And because I know what kind of a sniveling coward you are, I’m willing to put my CAREER on the line for a shot at your title. Because I know I can beat you. So what do you say? Your title against my career tonight?” [SIZE="3"]B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another awesome piece of microphone work to help build heat for the night’s main event. [/I] Andrews allows a smirk to cross his face. [B]“You are willing to put your career in AW on the line to get a shot at this championship? Hell son, I say you’ve got a match. I’ll be happy to send you packing and out of my hair.” [/B] And Cyrus Raynes was happy to respond. [B]“I’m glad you’ve accepted. Because I already had a talk with the Commissioner, Laura Lincoln, and she has already made that match a STEEL CAGE MATCH! I’ll see you later tonight!” [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid set up that the crowd loved. An unannounced cage match should really get the crowd going.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jared Johnson[/B][/COLOR] in 5:31 by pinfall with a Double Or Nothing. [B]Nathaniel Ca$ino makes defense number 5 of his AW LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A match I thought would be good, turned out to be horrible. The crowd hated it, as they should have. These two didn’t have bad communication; they just didn’t put on a good match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] won a battle royal in 11:56. The final four competitors also included [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR], [B][COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Bob Casey[/COLOR][/B], with Robbie Clavey being the final elimination.[B] Hugh de Aske wins the AW Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid battle royal here to crown our new Midwest Champion. Hugh de Aske was definitely the crowd favorite in the match. They were happy when he won.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] in 11:43 by disqualification. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match here that gives both men some momentum. Vessey continues his cheating ways, but was caught this month to cause the DQ.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring with a black velvet bag in hand. He gets into the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]“You know, I’ve been in Adrenaline Wrestling for a long time now. And after my first year, I won the Heavyweight Championship. But then I lost it to John Covel. And since then we’ve been pains in each other’s sides. His annoyance of me is what has stopped me from recapturing that Heavyweight Title. And now as our battle continues I remain the uncrowned Heavyweight Champion. I remain without the championship I rightfully deserve. But I will not remain the uncrowned champion, because what I have here in this bag is my title. The Jay Chord Appreciation Championship. I will get the respect I deserve from this point on.” [SIZE="3"]B[/SIZE][/B] [I]GREAT promo by Chord here. It is really helping the heat on his and Covel’s feud.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] in 11:57 by pinfall with an Intellectual Impact.[B] During the match we also had Jay Chord run in and attack Covel [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Katie Cameron did great work at ringside as she always does. Chord’s interference was essential in some more heat for his feud. Chord used his new championship belt to attack Covel, but John overcame the odds and won the match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cyrus Raynes[/B][/COLOR] in 18:40 [B]when Aaron Andrews escaped the cage after Cyrus Raynes had been taken out by Cameron Vessey. During the match we also had Al Coleman run in and attack Cyrus Raynes. Aaron Andrews makes defense number 4 of his AW Heavyweight title [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great main event for the night that gave us an on screen explanation for Cyrus Raynes departure. He had felt like he had run his course in AW and that it was time to move on to a bigger company. [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Overall Rating: C+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Not as good as I thought we would have gotten, but good none the less. I really like where we’re going with the Chord/Covel program and was happy the Raynes/Andrews match went over well. I just wish we could have built it up like we had wanted to. [/I]
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In May of 2010 we extended K-Squared, Tyler Chance, Erik Strong, Casey Valentine and Jacob Jett. I also called a few other people for contract offers, as I felt it might be time to freshen up the roster a bit. For everything else, we look elsewhere in the wrestling industry. [B]Recent News[/B] - The Hinote Dojo rose to regional size. - Wade Orson, a young British pure athlete debuted in the UK. He looks to have a great foundation to become a star in the business. - Atlas put over Ernie Turner as a great friend. - PGHW signed a PPV deal with Emperor Choice - TCW will be getting a new show, Full Throttle, on CBA - Igor Ivanoff was rushed to the hospital after a drug overdose. [B]Signings/Releases[/B] - Barry Griffin, Soul Taker and Nigel Svennsson will be touring with INSPIRE. - Robbie Retro signed with USPW - Lobster Warrior signed with NOTBPW [B]Title Changes[/B] - Tank Bradley captured the DAVE Brass Knuckles Title from Johnny Martin - Duane Stone defeated Jeremy Stone to capture his first NOTBPW Canadian Title - John Maverick defeated Edd Stone for the NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title - Jana Marie Bowen defeated Helen Wheels for the NOTBPW Women’s Title - Wolf Hawkins and BLZ Bubb captured the vacant SWF World Tag Team Titles - Tom E. Hawk won the USPW National Championship
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Everyone came over to my apartment on the second of June for our creative meeting. The industry had gotten a little bit stronger since last month’s meeting and the economy was still very week and in a downward trend, but had held steady for the month. Even using some extra talent for the Midwest title battle royal, we still came up with a 7k profit for the month. We hadn’t really been taking huge hits in the decrease in DVD sales, but had yet to see an increase in popularity across the board. We knew it would take some time, so we weren’t worried. Next we said good bye to Cyrus Raynes and thanked him for his services both in the ring and behind the scenes. He said he’d still be here for another few days until his contract officially ended and wanted to help booking one final AW card. We couldn’t turn down the guy or his input. WE mulled a lot of things over and after what seemed like an eternity, we had a card for our June event. [CENTER] Photobucket [B]Live from The Junkyard[/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Covel[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] [I]John Covel over came some outside interference by Jay Chord last month and went on to defeat Jacob Jett. This month he gets pitted against an old foe in Ota. Can Covel combat the mind games he knows Jay Chord will be playing? Or will Chord finally affect Covel enough to warrant a loss to Ota?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] [I]Trent Shaffer got a win over Cameron Vessey by DQ last month, ending his winning streak. This month he takes on Jay Chord in a huge opportunity. With the departure of Cyrus Raynes from the company, the main event is lacking a challenger for the Heavyweight Title. A victory here for either man would be major points in a push to be that challenger. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] [I]After his loss last month, Cameron Vessey will surely be looking for some retribution and to get back to his winning ways. Can Erik Strong make sure that doesn’t happen? Or will Vessey be able to cheat to win again?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Jacob Jett is a former Midwest champion and this month he gets the opportunity to win that belt again as he challenges Hugh de Aske in his first defense since winning the belt. Can the Pirate successfully make it through his first challenge as champ? Or will Jett remember what it takes to get the job done? [/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: AW Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews, AW LiveWire Champion Nathaniel Ca$ino, Robbie Clavey, Reckless Youth and many more![/B] John Covel vs. Ota Jay Chord vs. Trent Shaffer Erik Strong vs. Cameron Vessey Jacob Jett vs. Hugh de Aske ©
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