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Adrenaline Wrestling - A New Beginning (CornellVerse)

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[B][CENTER]Photobucket Live at the SOLD OUT War Memorial Auditorium Attendance: 2000[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Canadian Blondes (Flash Savage and Oscar Golden)[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Edward Cornell and Nigel Svennsson [/B][/COLOR]in 5:35 when Flash Savage defeated Nigel Svennsson by submission with a Canadian Crab [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid tag team match here. I still want to get a tag division going and hope this actual tag team will help me do it.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Kendrick Kade [/COLOR][/B]defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] in 3:33 by pinfall with a Discovery Driver [SIZE="3"][B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [I]Solid work by Kendrick and me. I was glad I could get in there and help him get his new look off the ground.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell [/COLOR][/B]defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Brendan Idol[/B][/COLOR] in 4:28 by pinfall [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic match to close out our pre-show. Ryan Powell is going to be a great addition for us. [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"] Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring with a microphone to open the show. [B][COLOR="Red"] “I tried to tell you people month after month that I was going to enter 2011 as the champion. I was right. I told you all that I was going to become the longest reigning champion in history and I did it. And now I stand before you and proclaim that there is NOBODY on this roster that could take this title from me. Jay Chord lost his opportunity at my title after he bad mouthed you fans. I don’t see what he did wrong, because you aren’t anything but smelly, ugly wastes of air.”[/COLOR][/B] The crowd boos for a moment until [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] comes through the curtain and gets in the ring with his own microphone. [B][COLOR="Blue"]“Are you serious? Well then oh important one, why don’t you put your title on the line against me? Tonight. I mean if nobody can beat you then you should have nothing to worry about. And you never mentioned last month when I sent you running during your attack on Tyler Chance. Are you scared of me? Are you Aaron?” [/COLOR][/B] The two come face to face for a moment before Aaron bails out of the ring and agrees to meet Jett in the main event. [B][SIZE="3"] C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great opening segment here to set up our main event. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Nomad[/B][/COLOR] in 7:06 by submission. [B]Casey Valentine makes defense number 7 of his AW LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a bad debut for Nomad here. He and Casey put on a solid opener that the crowd seemed to like.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]KC Glenn [/COLOR][/B]defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Mark Smart[/B][/COLOR] in 7:50 by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band [SIZE="3"][B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [I]Another solid match from KC Glenn. Mark Smart did good in the ring as well. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] stands backstage with [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jacob Jett,[/B][/COLOR] hyping him up for his match against Aaron Andrews. [SIZE="3"][B]D[/B][/SIZE] [I]An okay segment here that provided a little bit of hype for the match. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Hugh de Aske[/B][/COLOR] in 11:07 by pinfall [B]with a handful of tights [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another great match between these two. Their program is really doing well. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] gets on the microphone after the match. [B]“Ota! I’m sick and tired of you cheating to get the victories. I want you back in this ring next month to settle this once and for all. We will answer the eternal question; which is better? Ninjas? Or Pirates?” [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a great promo by Hugh here, but it’s the first time we’ve let him talk. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] in 17:46 by pinfall with a Half and Half Suplex [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd loved this match as Trent Shaffer did VERY well. There were a lot of believable near falls to help get Trent over.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Tracy Brendon [/COLOR][/B]comes to the ring and shows off our new AW shirt. [B][SIZE="3"] C+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"] Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] in 21:52 by pinfall [B]while using the ropes for leverage. Aaron Andrews makes defense number 8 of his AW Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match for these two to start off what could be a new main event program. Jacob stepped up to get himself some more support. I have a feeling when the fans really connect with Jett his match ratings will go up. [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A solid show for us as we debut in a new venue. It was nice to see we sold out 2000 seats and still turned away 400 fans. I’m very interested to see what our profit will be this month. [/I]
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In January we signed Flash Savage, Oscar Golden and Nomad. We also extended Jacob Jett. I read a story on the internet that said Jack Griffith was upset that he hadn’t worked in over a year, so I sent him an offer because I’ve always liked his stuff. He rejected it of course, but I tried. Elsewhere in the industry for January… [B]Recent News[/B] - UCR have finally closed their doors after months upon months of financial troubles - John Covel left CGC abruptly, vacating the head booker position. With in two days, CGC had named Sam Keith the new head booker - European Wrestling Federation opened up - Crusher Von Steinberg debuted. He’s a large worker that can play the strange gimmicks well. He’s a bit too big for our product, so he’s not on the radar. - Mammoth officially hung up his boots. - K’Lee Hawkins died at the age of 33. - TCW signed a PPV deal with North America Prime Select [B]Signings/Releases[/B] - Henry Lee and Java will tour with INSPIRE - Claudio Burdisso, KC Glenn and Merle O’Curle signed with PGHW - Jack Bruce signed with CGC [B]Title Changes[/B] - Shawn Gonzalez won the Coastal Zone Championship from the departing Hell’s Bouncer - Joey Poison beat Donnie J for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Title - Grease Hogg defeated Mainstream Hernandez for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Title - Kurt Laramee won the Rip Chord Invitational - Jay Chord defeated Duane Stone for the NOTBPW Canadian Title - Davis Wayne Newton won the NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title - Emma Bitch won the NOTBPW Women’s Title - Chance fortune won the SWF North American Title - Robbie Retro won the USPW World Title
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Thanks for your comments. One of the things I did have in mind when I added those characters was that I knew with their skills they would eventually leave me and that would help create a challenge for me. It worked as I only have one left. I enjoy reading your comments so keep them coming.
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Ota and Marv came over on the fifth of February for our creative meeting. The weather had gotten pretty bad and had delayed our meeting a couple of days. The first thing I did was apologize to Ota for my explosion last month after seeing how we faired with the larger show and venue. First thing as always was the industry and economy. Neither had fallen much since our last meeting but were still in downward trends. Next I reported we had made a little over 17k in our first show in a bigger venue. Not only had we made some good money while selling out, Dawnings had been bumped in importance from Normal to Above Average. Everyone was excited with this news. Next I told the guys that I wanted to increase our event length for Afflicted glory to two hours instead of just an hour and a half to hopefully be able to develop more talent. They didn’t seem to have a problem with it. So we moved on to a card for Afflicted Glory. We already had one match in place but needed a solid main event and mid card. After some deliberation we came up with what we wanted and I went to work on a flier. [B][CENTER]Photobucket Live from The War Memorial Auditorium[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]This month Aaron Andrews will defend his title against Trent Shaffer. Trent is looking for a big win and what could be bigger than winning the Heavyweight Title? Can he take that big win? Or will Aaron Andrews live to defend his title again?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]JD Morgan[/B][/COLOR] [I]Both men here are looking for a momentum booster after their performances at the Road to Glory. This month they get the sub-main event spot light. Can Tyler get his career back on track after failing to become the Heavyweight Champion? Or will JD be able to get the victory and take his career to a new level here in AW?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR][/B] [I]Ryan Powell was upset that he made his debuted during the pre-show last month and has demanded a spot on the main show. We’ve given it to him but pitted him against the hottest young man in AW today, Jacob Jett. Can Jacob continue his drive to the title? Or will Ryan put the brakes on his trip?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] [I]These two are looking to finally end their rivalry this month after months of back and forth action. Ota has the advantage, having beaten Hugh their last time out. So who will come out on top? The ninja? Or the Pirate?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: AW LiveWire Champion Casey Valentine, KC Glenn, Kendrick Kade, Robbie Clavey, Thomas Morgan and many more! [/B] Trent Shaffer vs. Aaron Andrews © Tyler Chance vs. JD Morgan Jacob Jett vs. Ryan Powell Hugh de Aske vs. Ota
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[B][CENTER]Photobucket Live at the SOLD OUT War Memorial Auditorium Attendance: 2000[/CENTER][/B] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Pre-Show[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Canadian Blondes (Flash Savage and Oscar Golden)[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Arthur Dexter Bradley and Bob Casey[/B][/COLOR] in 3:24 when Oscar Golden defeated Bob Casey by pinfall with a Golden Shower [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="3"]This wasn’t a bad match but the crowd wasn’t quite ready for a tag match. They seemed to be a little restless. [/SIZE][/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jared Johnso[/B][/COLOR]n in 4:55 by pinfall with a Packaged Piledriver [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]I didn’t expect much out of this and got just that. Morgan with an easy win. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]KC Glenn[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Rob Reynolds[/B][/COLOR] in 6:23 by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band [SIZE="3"][B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [I]Crowd comes alive here. Just in time for our main show to start. KC Glenn looked good in the ring.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring and plug the card for the evening. [B][SIZE="3"] D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd seems sort of hyped for the night’s matches.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Kendrick Kade[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"][B]Nigel Svennsson[/B][/COLOR] in 6:50; the order of elimination was Nigel Svennsson first, and finally Kendrick Kade [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid opening match here. I felt like if I was going to continue to help get people over I’d need a victory or two here and there to make the wins over me meaningful.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Edward Cornell [/COLOR][/B]defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Mark Smart[/B][/COLOR] in 5:56 by submission [SIZE="3"][B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [I]I’m just not doing well at all so far. I figured Mark would be able to help put on a good match here, but it flopped completely.[/I] We head backstage where[B][SIZE="3"] Hugh de Aske[/SIZE][/B] is laying on the ground and just getting up. He is bleeding a bit from the forehead when referee Bret Graveson approaches him. He doesn’t know who attacked him but has a guess. [B][SIZE="3"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I]This was just a segment to build up some more heat for Hugh[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Erik Strong[/B][/COLOR] in 4:52 by submission. [B]Casey Valentine makes defense number 8 of his AW LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]The bad matches just keep coming tonight. The crowd didn’t crap on this one though. That made me happy. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] stands backstage and cuts a promo on[B][COLOR="Blue"] Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B]. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some solid promo time from Andrews here. He’s really developing well there.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Hugh de Aske[/B][/COLOR] in 10:36 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match to end this feud. It should have helped Hugh even though he didn’t come out on top.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] is seen backstage as he tells his manager Katie Cameron that he’s confident about his match with[B][COLOR="Red"] Ryan Powell[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Jacob needs some work on his entertainment skills. Katie helped him out a bit. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ryan Powell[/B][/COLOR] in 13:47 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]This blows my mind. These two had pretty good chemistry in the ring, but this match just didn’t come out that well. This show is looking to be a little bit of a flop. [/I] Jacob Jett is celebrating when Aaron Andrews rushes in and lays him out. [SIZE="3"][B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [I]Some more heat for their program. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] drew with [COLOR="Red"][B]JD Morgan[/B][/COLOR] in 15:00 when the time limit expired[B][SIZE="3"] C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A good match that helped the show. Luckily the crowd has been pretty into the matches on the main show. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tracy Brendon[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring and announces that she will be leaving AW this month, But before she goes she displays the new Angel de Mexico shirt. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Tracy’s contract came up and she was asking too much for a good looking girl that comes to the ring to promote our merchandise. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] in 22:50 by pinfall with an Omega Driver.[B] Aaron Andrews makes defense number 9 of his AW Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]These two still don’t have great chemistry together, but the still put on a good match.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: D+[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] Ouch. This is our worst show in a LONG time. Relying on my undercard talent to run the opening hour of the main show now just won’t work. We’ll be ditching the two hour show length for an hour and a half again. [/I]
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In February we extended nearly half our roster in Erik Strong, Casey Valentine, Tyler Chance, Kendrick Kade, Al Coleman, Brendan Idol, Angel de Mexico, Curt O’Malley, Shane Stones, Angela Morgan, Marv Earnest, Bret Graveson and Hugh de Aske. We also signed BJ O’Neill to take Tracy Brendon’s place. Elsewhere in the wrestling industry: [B] Recent News[/B] 21CW rose to Cult size this month Louis Figo Manico took over EWF Captain Hero was then brought in to be Head Booker of EWF Simon Ice, a British worker debuted this month. He has a unique ability to be good on the mat and in the air, but his consistency sucks. I thought about him and decided not to offer him a job Sam Keith and Kiko Sakakibara both retired from the business CGC, NOTBPW and WLW signed new PPV deals with Public Access Select, North America Prime Select and Emperor Choice respectively NOTBPW also got a new TV show on GNN Total Sports [B] Signings/Releases[/B] Jack Griffith finally got some work as he will tour with BHOTGW Clinton Sage signed with TCW Bulldozer Brandon Smith signed with DAVE [B]Title Changes[/B] Jack Bruce defeated Skull DeBones for the CGC Canadian Title Jay Chord captured the DAVE Brass Knuckles Title. WTF? T-Rex defeated Robbie Retro to win the SWF National Title Angry Gilmore captured the TCW Intercontinental Title
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Ota and Marv came over for the monthly booking meeting. We started off as we always do, talking about the state of the industry and economy. Both were weaker than they were the month prior. And they were still falling. Next we moved on to our performance in February. I was happy to announce we had made another 13k for the month. Our profit was down from the previous month because of using extra talent to extend the show length. That helped me transition into my decision to leave our shows at an hour and a half in length. It gave us enough time to develop some talent on the under card and not enough time to use too much talent. Despite the bad overall rating for the February event Afflicted Glory was now being listed as an Above Average importance for us. Ota and Marv were happy to hear our second event in a row rising in importance. So we moved on to a card for our March event, Ground Zero. We wanted to do some more building in our main event program this month so we mulled everything around for a bit and came up with a presentable card. I went right to work on the flier. [B][CENTER]Photobucket Live at The War Memorial Auditorium[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Title[/B] [I]Hugh de Aske turned some heads despite his loss to Ota last month at Afflicted Glory. This month he gets a shot to become the Heavyweight Champion. Recently Aaron Andrews has been dealing with Jacob Jett who is proving to be a pain in his side. Can he concentrate on another young talent or will he be off his game?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] – [B]Two Out of Three Falls[/B] [I]These two came to management and asked for the opportunity to get some good competition and put on a show for the fans. This is what we came up with. Can either of these men sweep their opponents? Or will it go to a third fall?[/I] [B][COLOR="blue"] Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]JD Morgan[/B][/COLOR] [I]These two Morgans, no relation of course, will battle it out here in what should be a tremendous technical clinic. Thomas Morgan has been caught up in the midcard as of late but a win here would propel him upwards. Can he do just that? Or will JD be able to establish his position on the card even further?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Remmy Honeyman[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]KC Glenn[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Kashmir Singh[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Angel de Mexico ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Title[/B] [I]In Angel de Mexico’s first show back from his tour of Japan he has to defend his title in a four corners match. Each of the three challengers has a huge opportunity in this one fall match up. Can Angel walk out with his title? Or will one of these three men make the most of this opportunity? [/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Kendrick Kade[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine ©[/COLOR] for the AW LiveWire Title[/B] [I]Casey Valentine puts his title on the line against a former LiveWire Champion in Robbie Clavey and a hot youngster in Kendrick Kade. This one fall match should prove to be a solid opening match for our fans. Can one of these two contenders walk out with the title over their shoulders? Or will Casey make another successful defense?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: The Canadian Blondes, Edward Cornell and more! [/B] Hugh de Aske vs. Aaron Andrews © Tyler Chance vs. Jacob Jett Thomas Morgan vs. JD Morgan Remmy Honeyman vs. KC Glenn vs. Kashmir Singh vs. Angel de Mexico © Robbie Clavey vs. Kendrick Kade vs. Casey Valentine ©
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[B][CENTER]Photobucket Live at the SOLD OUT War Memorial Auditorium Attendance: 2000 [/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Kendrick Kade[/B][/COLOR] in 4:07 by pinfall with a Half and Half Suplex [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some solid work by Kendrick here as we give him the opportunity to work with one of our top guys. It seemed like he gained something from the match. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Edward Cornell[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Raphael[/B][/COLOR] in 3:37 by pinfall D [I]Another solid match between these two lower card guys. I was very happy with the match they put on. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]JD Morgan and Ryan Powell [/COLOR][/B]defeated[B][COLOR="Red"] The Canadian Blondes[/COLOR][/B] in 5:46 when Ryan Powell defeated Oscar Golden by pinfall [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Exactly what I wanted here. These two ring veterans helped out the relative youngsters in Flash and Oscar. A solid match to close out the pre-show and head into the main show. [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring to welcome our crowd to the show and plug the card. They touch on all the matches and the main event of Aaron Andrews facing Hugh de Aske [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd seems really hyped for the card tonight. Hopefully we can do much better than last month.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Kendrick Kade[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"][B]Casey Valentine[/B][/COLOR] in 5:59 when Robbie Clavey defeated Kendrick Kade by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. Robbie Clavey wins the AW LiveWire [B]Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid opening match up here. Casey was becoming a little out of place in the lower card and deserved a push up to the midcard. I looked at our possibilities and finally decided I was the best choice for the title at the time.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] stands backstage and cuts a promo on Jacob Jett. [B]“Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about you Jacob. I may have beaten you the last time we were in the ring together, but I’ve made it my goal to eliminate you from AW for good. So make sure you watch your back.” [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some more solid promo work by Andrews here. He’s been doing great for us. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ángel De México[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]KC Glenn[/B][/COLOR], [B][COLOR="Red"]Kashmir Singh[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="Red"][B]Remmy Honeyman[/B][/COLOR] in 9:39 when Ángel De México defeated Kashmir Singh by pinfall with a Mexican Death. [B]Ángel De México makes defense number 4 of his AW Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Great work by these four men. The crowd loved the match from start to finish and really got into the ending with the believable near falls. These guys just did a tremendous job. [/I] Backstage, Aaron Andrews and Jacob Jett come face to face and exchange a couple of words. The tension is very high as they stand so close, but finally they go their separate ways without trading blows. [B][SIZE="3"] D[/SIZE][/B] [I]These guys did fine with this segment. It was nothing outstanding but they did what needed to be done.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]JD Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] in 12:57 by submission with a Cross Atlantic Stretch [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]JD looked great during the match. Thomas also used this match to improve his technical skills. His improvement is definitely noticeable.[/I] A music video is shown hyping up [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] and his accomplishments in AW over the years. [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]We decided to start up these video segments for our veteran roster members. I hope it will allow some of our new fans to get a look at everything these guys did four years ago. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett [/COLOR][/B]defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] in 17:20 two falls to one after losing the first fall and winning the final two [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another good match for our guys here. Tyler had no problem helping Jett in his advancement up the card here and even made him look good in the ring. These two did exactly what I wanted from them.[/I] [B]BJ O’Neill[/B] comes to the ring and introduces herself as the new merchandise girl for AW. But she won’t be posing nude or prancing around like Tracy Brendon did. She then hyped our new shirts. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Hugh de Aske[/B][/COLOR] in 17:26 by pinfall with an Omega Driver.[B] Aaron Andrews makes defense number 10 of his AW Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great main event between these two. The crowd was behind Hugh for the entire match as we expected. He really stepped up his game to hang with the champion in this main event. I can’t commend him enough for his work tonight.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Better than last month, but not as good as we should be. One interesting note I got was that Jacob Jett was slightly over used. I had him in three segments. I’m worried his push might not be going over very well.[/I]
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In March we saw Tracy Brendon fulfill her contract with us. I personally thanked her for her time with AW and wished her nothing but the best. We also extended Bob Casey, Christian Vars, Cameron Vessey and Remmington Remus. For other things we look else where in the industry for March 2011. [B] Recent News[/B] Eri Sato, a female Japanese worker debuted this month. She’s solid early in her career. Reggie Bishop, a high flyer from Canada, also debuted this month. The term high flyer is used sparingly about him. His moves are nothing greatly spectacular, but he should have a long career. Carol Singer called it a career this month Joel Bryant had a lot of good things to say about Madman Boone Melody Cuthill went on radio and really put over Emma Bitch 21CW and INSPIRE signed PPV deals with Euro Your Demand and J-Remote 1 respectively [B] Signings/Releases[/B] Jumbo Shrimp signed with DAVE Grease Hogg, Big Smack Scott and Ox Kreviazuk signed with CZCW [B] Title Changes[/B] Marc Speed and Jeremiah Moore captured the vacant Coastal Zone Tag Team Titles but lost them promptly to James Prudence and Plague Donnie J captured the vacant Coastal Zone Xtreme Title Façade captured the DAVE Brass Knuckles Title Dark Angel and Eddie Chandler won the 2011 NOTBPW Ed Henson Memorial Cup
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Marv and Ota came over for our monthly creative meeting. As the meeting started, Ota received a phone call. I could hear the raised voice coming from the other end of the line and began laughing aloud. The conversation lasted only two or three minutes but I knew what was going on. He hung up and looked right as me, saying Arthur Dexter Bradley was bitching because I had fired him. I didn’t lie to Ota. I told him I had. I had plans to use him in the pre-show at our event a few days prior but he just never showed up and then never gave an explanation. That was the final straw for me after his three late arrivals prior in his career. I just had no need to keep him around. He wasn’t that talented anyway. So we continued to the first order of business. The industry and economy were still in a downward trend but hadn’t fallen anymore from the previous month. Next I brought up our performance for the month of March. We had made a little over 19k. With this rate I’d make our money goal in about a year. I was ecstatic. So next we moved on to a card for our April show. After some deliberation we came up with a card and I went to work on the flier. [B][CENTER] Photobucket Live at The War Memorial Auditorium[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]JD Morgan[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Title[/B] [I]This month Aaron agrees to out his title on the line against a man he’s enlisted the help of before. Can JD Morgan upset the champion? Or will Aaron Andrews continue his historic reign as Heavyweight Champion? [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] vs.[B][COLOR="Blue"] Brendan Idol[/COLOR][/B] [I]These two youngsters get to showcase their talent in the sub main event. Jacob is trying to help his cause for a rematch with Aaron Andrews. Jett would want nothing more than to become the Heavyweight Champion. Another solid win here would help him. Can he pull it out or will Brendan Idol be able to make a case for his career?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Ryan Powell[/B][/COLOR] [I]This should be another classic as these two men meet for the first time. Can Ryan Powell make an impact here in AW by defeating a former Heavyweight Champion? Or can Tyler get back on track after a few straight losses? [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Erik Strong[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Angel de Mexico ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Angel de Mexico told us he had so much fun in his four corners defense last month that he wanted to do it again. So we’ve put him up against a former LiveWire Champion and the longest reigning Midwest champion in AW. Can one of these three dethrone him? Or will the champion walk out with the belt again? [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Kendrick Kade[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] [I]This non-title match stems from last month when Robbie pinned Kendrick to claim the LiveWire Championship in a triple threat match. Can Kendrick rebound and defeat the champ? Or will Robbie keep strong and get the victory himself?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: Jared Johnson, Amazing Fire Fly, Edward Cornell and many more![/B] JD Morgan vs. Aaron Andrews © Jacob Jett vs. Brendan Idol Tyler Chance vs. Ryan Powell Casey Valentine vs. Erik Strong vs. Cameron Vessey vs. Angel de Mexico © Kendrick Kade vs. Robbie Clavey
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[B][CENTER]Photobucket Live at the SOLD OUT War Memorial Auditorium Attendance: 2000[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jared Johnson[/B][/COLOR] in 3:44 by pinfall with a Packaged Piledriver [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]I never expected anything good here, and that’s what I got. The crowd was restless and crapped on the match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Amazing Fire Fly[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Al Coleman[/B][/COLOR] in 3:36 by pinfall with a Sky High Fire Fly [B][SIZE="3"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Same thing here. At least both men got some ring time.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Edward Cornell and KC Glenn[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]The Canadian Blondes[/B][/COLOR] in 5:54 when KC Glenn defeated Flash Savage by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match here that the crowd got into. KC Glenn came out of the match looking good.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER] [/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring and welcome the fans to We’re No Joke. They run down the card and talk about each of the matches briefly. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd seems to be hyped for our card tonight.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Kendrick Kade[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Robbie Clavey[/B][/COLOR] in 7:14 by pinfall with a Discovery Driver [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not a bad match for us here but I think we could do better. Kendrick gets the victory to build some tension between us. It also seems like his flying skills are getting better.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Ángel De México[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Erik Strong[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] in 8:41 when Ángel De México defeated Casey Valentine by pinfall with a Mexican Death. [B]Ángel De México makes defense number 5 of his AW Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another great four way match here. Casey Valentine looked solid stepping into a new level of the card for the first time. The crowd seemed to like the match [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] stands backstage and cuts a promo on Jacob Jett. He closes his statement by proclaiming that because he is drug free, Aaron Andrews is better than everyone. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Great promo work by Aaron here. His skills have improved vastly since we opened up.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR][/B] drew with [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] in 15:00 when the time limit expired [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]These two have amazing communication in the ring and it really helped the match. They new exactly what each other was doing at all times. A fantastic match here that the crowd really liked. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett [/COLOR][/B]stands backstage and cuts a promo on Aaron Andrews, telling him things aren’t over. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A nice promo by Jett here. He was helped out by Katie Cameron, but still a solid segment to continue their program. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Brendan Idol[/B][/COLOR] in 16:28 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid match up here. Brendan was offered a contract with SWF, so this might be the last match he has in AW. He went out there and laid it all on the line. It seems as though his performances are getting better each time he gets in the ring.[/I] [B]BJ O’Neill[/B] comes to the ring in an outfit that doesn’t show much skin and shows off some of our new t-shirts. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]JD Morgan[/B][/COLOR] in 14:57 by pinfall with an Omega Driver. [B]Aaron Andrews makes defense number 11 of his AW Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Awesome work between these two. The crowd really liked the match even though it was between two heels. Andrews and Morgan have really come into their own lately. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] walks out from behind the curtain as Andrews is mouthing off to some fans and challenges him to a non-title match next month. If he can beat the champion he says he deserves a title shot. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some more good stick work by Jett.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] A solid show overall for us tonight. It’s an improvement over the last two months. Our main event story line is progressing nicely and the fans are always there to support us. I feel like we’re in a good place right now. [/I]
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In the month of April we extended Remmy Honeyman, Katie Cameron, Thomas Morgan and Aaron Andrews. Nigel Svennsson was signed by INSPIRE, so he left the company a few days ago. We also decided not to renew Laura Lincoln. Other than that we had a quiet month and look elsewhere for news. [B] Recent News[/B] Delirium, a flashy luchadore debuted this month. His skills are solid but he’s limited himself to Mexico, so I won’t get the chance to try him out. Papa O’Keefe comes from the land of Ireland as a manager. He plays a leprechaun. Creative huh? [B]Signings/Releases[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Hell’s Bouncer signed with SWF. Nevada Nuclear was also called up to the main roster from RIPW. Frederique Antonio Garcia signed with 4C Billy Tempest signed with USPW Rhino Umaga signed with DAVE Cameron Vessey signed with CZCW [B] Title Changes[/B] Remmy Skye won the 4C Hardcore Championship Trent Shaffer captured the CGC World Title from Davis Wayne Newton Christian Faith and Liberty became the CGC Tag Team Champs Remmy Skye further proved how hardcore he is by winning the Coastal Zone Xtreme Title Oscar Golden and Air Attack Weasel won the MAW Tag Titles Johnny Bloodstone and Shooter Sean Deeley became the NOTBPW Tag Champs Bart Biggz won the TCW International Title Ice Man CA and Freddie Datsun won the TCW Tag Titles Primus Allen recaptured the USPW National Title from Tom E. Hawk
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We held our monthly creative meeting at my apartment like we always do. The first thing I brought up was that I was looking for some fresh stars to inject into our upper card and I might end up releasing some more talent. Next I informed them that the industry and economy were still falling, but weren’t any weaker than they were the previous month. Next I let them know that we had made almost 16k in April. This was perfect for my money goal. Next we began discussing what we wanted to do for our May event. We already had a main event stemming from last month. After a few hours we came up with what we wanted to do and I went to work on the flier. [B][CENTER]Photobucket Live from The War Memorial Auditorium[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] [I]Jacob Jett closed our last show by challenging the champion to a non title match. If he can defeat Aaron Andrews in this match he’ll get his title match. Can Jett beat Andrews and move closer to his dream? Or will Andrews get Jett out of his hair?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Ota[/COLOR][/B] [I]This month Trent Shaffer comes back to action as he takes on the ring veteran Ota. Can Trent take a huge victory over this grizzled veteran? Or will the man with more experience be able to stop the youngster’s hopes of winning?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Ryan Powell[/B][/COLOR] [I]The young pirate comes back from a short hiatus with a match against relative newcomer Ryan Powell. Can Hugh make his return a successful one with a victory? Or will Ryan continue his impressive streak of victories? [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Angel de Mexico ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Title[/B] [I]Thomas Morgan gets an opportunity to capture AW second level title this month as he takes on reining champion Angel de Mexico. Thomas held the LiveWire Title back in 2009 and looks to move up the ranks here. Can he capture the Midwest Title? Or will Angel de Mexico continue his streak of impressive defenses?[/I] [B] Also scheduled to appear: AW LiveWire Champion Robbie Clavey, Kendrick Kade, Edward Cornell, Nomad and KC Glenn [/B] Jacob Jett vs. Aaron Andrews Trent Shaffer vs. Ota Hugh de Aske vs. Ryan Powell Thomas Morgan vs. Angel de Mexico ©
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[B][CENTER]Photobucket Live from the SOLD OUT Junkyard Attendance: 1000[/CENTER] [/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Valentine[/B][/COLOR] in 2:30 by pinfall [SIZE="3"][B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [I]A solid squash victory for Brendan here. Good work by these two to open the night.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] KC Glenn[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Nomad[/B][/COLOR] in 5:31 by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Another solid pre-show match here. I was really impressed with the work that Nomad did. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Canadian Blondes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Amazing Fire Fly and Erik Strong[/B][/COLOR] in 5:41 when Flash Savage defeated Erik Strong by submission with a Canadian Crab [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Nothing bad about this tag team match. I was happy with the results as we head into the main show with a hot crowd.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring and plug the night’s card. They touch on all the scheduled matches and talk a little more about the main event of Jacob Jett taking on Aaron Andrews. [SIZE="3"][B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [I]Some solid heat from the crowd for the main event.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Kendrick Kade[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"][B]Edward Cornell [/B][/COLOR]in 6:11 when Robbie Clavey defeated Kendrick Kade by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. [B]Robbie Clavey makes defense number 1 of his AW LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great opener to the main show here. The crowd was into the match and was hoping for either Kendrick or Edward to pull the victory out. I felt the lower card could get better with me as the champion for a while longer. Kendrick seems to be getting better in the mat abilities.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] stands backstage and cuts a promo on Jacob Jett. He touched upon their history and how he’ll never get past him tonight. He also closed by debuting a new catch phrase [B]“cause if you aren’t drug free, you aren’t worth it.”[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Great promo work by Aaron here.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ángel De México[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] in 8:43 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. [B]Ángel De México makes defense number 6 of his AW Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not as good as I thought it would be but solid none the less. A fine job by these two. Angel gets another successful defense. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ryan Powell[/B][/COLOR] in 13:45 by pinfall with a Skull And Cross Bones [SIZE="3"][B]C[/B][/SIZE] [I]Another solid match here. Ryan and Hugh didn’t seem to mesh that well, but they still put on a solid match.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] is seen backstage, laying down. He seems to be just coming to when Bret Graveson approaches him and asks what happened. Jett doesn’t know for sure who attacked him and left him bloodied, but he could guess who it was. [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Jett did okay with this segment but not great. Some more build up to his match with Andrews.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Ota[/B][/COLOR] in 10:57 by pinfall with a Heart Burn [B][SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Wow. This really surprised me. These two did wonderful together and put on a great show for the crowd. I was completely stoked.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/COLOR] in 25:33 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match up here to set up our main event for next month[/I] Jacob Jett was celebrating his win and making “new champion” motions at his waist when Andrews attacked him from behind and laid him out with an Omega Driver to end the show. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not bad here. Gave some more build up for the main event next month. [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A solid show here, but we can do better. The War Memorial Auditorium had to cancel our booking at the last minute and we had to move to the Junkyard. Luckily we still got our 1000 fan following and put on a good show. I’ll have to wait and see what our finances would look like. [/I]
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In May of 2011 we extended Kashmir Singh, KC Glenn and Valentine. We decided not to renew Nathaniel Ca$ino and wish him all the best in his future endeavors. Other than that we look elsewhere in the industry for news. [B] Recent News[/B] MPWF gained some more popularity and rose to Cult size Bradley Blaze, a wild brawler from Texas, debuted. He is primarily focused on fist fighting his opponents, but he also has some good skills that are hidden behind that. Rocky Golden had a lot of good things to say about Rick Law Hugh de Aske and Marc Speed have been becoming friends. SWF, GCG and CGC have all signed PPV deals with USA Free Choice, Emperor Choice and Public Access Select respectively. Charlize Angelle seems to have found religion. [B]Signings/Releases[/B] The Big Problem and Mikel Alonso signed with PPG. God help them. California Love Machine and T-Rex signed with CZCW Darryl Devine signed with NOTBPW Shady K, JD Morgan and Andre Jones signed for MAW Tana The Mighty signed with CGC Randy Bumfhole signed with TCW [B]Title Changes[/B] Liberty won the CGC Canadian Title Shady K won the vacant Mid Atlantic Championship The Masked Mauler and Rhino Umaga formed an unlikely duo to win the NYCW Tag Team Titles Edd Stone defeated Davis Wayne Newton to begin his sixth reign as NOTBPW Unlimited Action Champion Jumbo Shrimp won the SWF North American Championship Marc Dubois won the TCW Intercontinental Title Texas Pete defeated Bart Biggz for the TCW International Championship Lane Stevens defeated Big Cat Brandon for his second reign
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Ota and Marv came over to my apartment on the second of the month for our creative meeting. I first began discussing the state of the world at the moment. The economy had finally hit rock bottom and was still falling. The industry was weak and still getting weaker as well. Next I moved on to our performance for the month. The change in venue had cost us and we only made 4k for the month. I wasn’t worried about this affecting me meeting our goal so we moved on. We discussed future plans for feuds and the like and I piped up and offered up my services further up the card. Ota and Marv both agreed the time was now as I was approaching the age of 32. I felt like I’d be a fresh face for the midcard or wherever I ended up at by the end of the year. So next we went on to discuss our plans for our June event, Summer Scorcher. We were very hopeful that Summer Scorcher would gain importance just like all of our other events had so far this year. We already had a main event that we discussed for a while. We hadn’t decided for sure where we wanted to go with it but knew we’d be able to have a plan for after June as well. So we came up with a card to promote and I went to work on the fliers. [B][CENTER]Photobucket Live from The War Memorial Auditorium [/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Main Event[/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews ©[/COLOR] for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]Jacob Jett defeated Aaron Andrews last month for this opportunity to win the Heavyweight Title. He’s already been unsuccessful in defeating Andrews for the title once before. Will this be a repeat of that? Or will Jett walk out with the biggest win of his career? [/I] [B][U]Four Corner Survival[/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]JD Morgan[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR][/B] [B]to determine a number one contender for the AW Heavyweight Championship[/B] [I]A huge opportunity arises for these four men as they enter this elimination style match. Which one of these hungry stars can capitalize on in this match and walk out with a shot at the champion? All men have seen their share of success in an AW ring, but only one is a former Heavyweight Champion? The odds are for a new face to get a shot at the title, will it happen? [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Nomad[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Angel de Mexico ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]After an impressive showing against KC Glenn last month, Nomad gets a match for the AW Midwest Title. The champion has been on a roll as of late, but can this challenger knock him off? Or will Angel de Mexico make another successful defense? [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]KC Glenn[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Bob Casey[/B][/COLOR] [I]Bob Casey hasn’t had a match in AW for a long time and this may be his last hurrah. If he can defeat KC Glenn he might be able to resume his in ring work. Glenn has been on a roll and will be a tough opponent. Will Glenn get the victory? Or will Casey regain his foothold in AW?[/I] [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Edward Cornell[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey ©[/COLOR] for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]Robbie looks to defend his title for the second time as he faces Tommy Cornell’s nephew. Can the young man make good on his name and bring some gold home? Or will Robbie march right on into July with his title intact? [/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: Casey Valentine, Erik Strong, The Canadian Blondes and more! [/B] Jacob Jett vs. Aaron Andrews © Tyler Chance vs. JD Morgan vs. Trent Shaffer vs. Ryan Powell Nomad vs. Angel De Mexico KC Glenn vs. Bob Casey Edward Cornell vs. Robbie Clavey ©
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[B][CENTER]Photobucket Live from the SOLD OUT War Memorial Auditorium Attendance: 2000 [/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Erik Strong[/B][/COLOR] in 4:56 by submission[SIZE="3"][B] E+[/B][/SIZE] [I]I mixed up my notes. These two don’t mesh at all and it really brought the match down. The crowd hated it, as they should have. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]KC Glenn[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Kendrick Kade[/B][/COLOR] in 4:39 by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match here that sees Kendrick get some ring time with a more talented worker to help him improve. He did just that and I’m happy. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]The Canadian Blondes[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Raphael and Rob Reynolds[/B][/COLOR] in 3:34 when Oscar Golden defeated Raphael by pinfall with a Golden Shower [SIZE="3"][B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [I]Not a bad match here but the crowd became restless and crapped on it. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to find some viable teams for a tag division. I might have to start looking elsewhere. [/I] [B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Main Show[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring and welcome the crowd for the evening. They run down the card and plug the main event and the four corner survival match. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd was still a little restless from the pre show stuff but it seems like they’re hyped for our two main events.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Edward Cornell[/B][/COLOR] in 6:17 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. [B]Robbie Clavey makes defense number 2 of his AW LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great match between myself and Edward here. He’s really improving and I enjoyed being in the ring with him. The crowd seemed to like the match. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]KC Glenn[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Bob Casey[/B][/COLOR] in 5:21 by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band[SIZE="3"][B] D[/B][/SIZE] [I]I didn’t expect anything here and got it. Casey is on his way out this month upon my decision of us having too many midcarders. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] stands backstage with his title draped over his shoulder and cuts a promo on Jacob Jett talking about how he’ll never be a champion. He claims that Jacob Jett will always be second or even third best. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good promo work to build up some more hype for their match. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ángel De México[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Nomad[/B][/COLOR] in 10:39 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. [B]Ángel De México makes defense number 7 of his AW Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]This just didn’t turn out as good as I thought it might. Nomad and Angel seemed like a good fit, but I guess looks can be deceiving. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"][B]JD Morgan[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"][B]Ryan Powell [/B][/COLOR]in 16:48; the order of elimination was Ryan Powell first, then Tyler Chance, and finally JD Morgan [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A fantastic match here that sees Trent Shaffer going over. The crowd really liked the match. Ryan Powell also pushed his limits in stamina here. [/I] BJ O’Neill comes out to display our new merchandise while covering up her own. [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"] Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jacob Jett[/B][/COLOR] in 16:54 by pinfall with an Andrews Bomb. [B]Aaron Andrews makes defense number 12 of his AW Heavyweight Championship [SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid match here to close out their feud. The crowd was split in this match and it made things very exciting.[/I] As Andrews goes to leave the ring following his victory he comes back and begins stomping away at Jacob Jett, bringing a chorus of boos from the crowd. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] But out of the back runs [COLOR="Blue"][B]Trent Shaffer[/B][/COLOR]! He runs Andrews off and checks on Jacob Jett as Andrews retreats to the entrance curtain. [B][SIZE="3"] C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A couple of good segments here to start up a new main event program. [/I] Aaron Andrews gets a microphone and talks to Trent Shaffer. [B]“Trent you know better than to mess with me. This doesn’t look good for you. Because of what you just did, spoiling my moment, I’m going to get a hold of a special opponent for you next month. You know him very well. He’s beaten you here and in other promotions across the continent. And he wants to kick your ass again.” [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]More solid promo time for Andrews.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Right on par with what we’ve been doing. I was happy with the result because I knew we’d have a fairly good show next month. Everyone worked their asses off and we came out looking good. I can’t wait to see what our profits were. [/I]
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In May we extended Edward Cornell and Mark Smart and said good bye to Bob Casey and Al Coleman. Neither man was getting much in ring time and we felt it would be better to let them go explore other options. After our quiet month we look elsewhere in the industry. [B]Recent News[/B] Neville Jones is a young high flyer from the UK. His basic skills aren’t great, but he makes up for that with his breathtaking aerial arsenal. Washi Heat called it a career. Freddy Huggins and Kyle Rhodes have been having problems lately. MPWF, DAVE and PGHW signed new PPV deals with Seleccion Mexico, American Option and J-Remote 1 respectively SOTBPW Lucha Libre came to an end with no network to run it [B]Signings/Releases[/B] Jared Johnson signed with MPWF Juan Washington was signed into development by SWF. [B] Title Changes[/B] Hardcore Killah and K-Squared became the 4C Tag Team Champions Jumbo Shrimp and Bulldozer Brandon Smith won the DAVE Tag Titles SGT. Bubba Lee West won the NYCW Empire championship Bulldozer Brandon Smith won the SWF National Title Rocky Golden became the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Shady K and Puerto Rican Power won the SWF Tag Titles
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Ota and Marv came over on the fifth of the month for our creative meeting. I started the meeting off as I always did, reporting on the economy and industry. The economy had hit rock bottom last month but was starting to turn around it seemed and was on the rise. The industry on the other hand was still in a bad place and still getting weaker. Next I reported that we had made almost 17k for the month. This was great. Our totals were very dependable. Next we moved on to talks about our July event. We already had a main event set up at Summer Scorcher, so I was really hoping that that would give a lot of hype with the unknown opponent. We brain stormed for a while and decided we needed to set up some more feuds and thought about some possible pairings. After a while we came up with a card to promote and I got to work on the flier. [B][CENTER]Photobucket Live at The War Memorial Auditorium [/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Main Event[/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B]???[/B] [I]Last month Trent Shaffer won a four corner survival match to become the number one contender for the Heavyweight Title. Aaron Andrews was quick to call in a favor to set up a match between Trent and a man he knows very well. Aaron seems to be the only one who knows who this man is. Can Trent Shaffer beat the odds? Or will Aaron Andrews’ hand picked man come out victorious?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]JD Morgan[/B][/COLOR] [I]Hugh de Aske hasn’t been seen for a few months but he makes his return against JD Morgan. Which of these men will make an impact as we head into the end of the year and move towards the Road to Glory tournament?[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Angel de Mexico ©[/COLOR] for the AW Midwest Championship[/B] [I]Its been a few months since Cameron Vessey has been inside an AW ring. As he makes his return this month he demanded a shot at the title he claims he made famous. Management have granted him that. Can he become a two time Midwest Champion? Or will Angel de Mexico continue his success?[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] KC Glenn[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Casey Valentine[/B][/COLOR] [I]Both of these men have been on rolls lately and don’t want to stop. Who will take a victory from the other’s grasp as they face off?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: AW Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews, AW LiveWire Champion Robbie Clavey, Edward Cornell, Kendrick Kade and more! [/B] Trent Shaffer vs. ??? Hugh de Aske vs. JD Morgan Cameron Vessey vs. Angel de Mexico © KC Glenn vs. Casey Valentine
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[B][CENTER]Photobucket Live at the SOLD OUT War Memorial Auditorium Attendance: 2000[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Pre-Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"] Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]Kendrick Kade[/B][/COLOR] in 4:43 by pinfall with an Omega Driver [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great match here that was only supposed to give Kendrick some ring time with a veteran. They did some good work in the little time they had. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"][B]Erik Strong[/B] and Edward Cornell[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]The Canadian Blondes[/B][/COLOR] in 4:39 when Edward Cornell defeated Oscar Golden by pinfall [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid tag team match here. I figured we’d still try and find some tag team pairings in the lower cards and Erick Strong and Edward Cornell could be one of them. Edward also switched his gimmick to that of a Family traditionist. He’s playing off of his heritage.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring and plug the card. They really hype up the fact that we’ll be seeing Trent Shaffer take on a mystery opponent. [B][SIZE="3"] B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Wow. The fans are really hyped to see who Trent’s opponent will be. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Raphael [/B][/COLOR]in 4:10 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. [B]Robbie Clavey makes defense number 3 of his AW LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]A solid main show opener here between myself and Raphael. I decided I needed a change in gimmick myself and went for the Bad Ass thing. The crowd seemed to buy it.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]KC Glenn[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Casey Valentine[/B][/COLOR] in 6:58 by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band [SIZE="3"][B]C[/B][/SIZE] [I]A fantastic match here between these two. Casey came out and played up his new ****y Youth gimmick. He seems to fit with that persona nicely. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] stands backstage and cuts a promo. [B]“Trent, I hope you’ve thought long and hard about who your opponent will be. This man is in the building and he can’t wait to defeat you again. He’s going to show you no mercy and pound that stupid skull of yours in so I don’t have to deal with you again.” [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid promo work by Aaron here. The crowd is really beginning to get hyped for this program. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ángel De México [/COLOR][/B]defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR] in 10:52 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. [B]Ángel De México makes defense number 8 of his AW Midwest Championship [SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not bad here. The good matches keep coming. Cameron tried to cheat a bunch of times that got him heat with the fans. Angel goes over to make another defense of his title.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] stands backstage and taunts Aaron Andrews. [B]“You know Aaron, I stood back and listened to you run your mouth for long enough. You see, whether or not I had one that four corners match, I was coming after you to shut you up. None of these fans want to here you bitch and complain. They don’t want to see you duck everyone in your path. But what they do want to see is me put down the man you’ve brought in to do your bitch work. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do. And after I beat him, whoever he is, I’m coming after you and that belt.” [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Finally we’ve found someone that can match up to Aaron and the stick! Wonderful job by Trent here.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] drew with [COLOR="Red"][B]JD Morgan[/B][/COLOR] in 15:00 when the time limit expired [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]These two don’t click, but they still get by and put on good matches. The crowd seemed a little disappointed when it ended in a draw, but they were happy overall.[/I] [B]BJ O’Neill [/B]comes to the ring and promotes the new t-shirts we have. Trent Shaffer has a new one. [B][SIZE="3"] C-[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] makes his way to the ring and awaits his opponent for the main event. The crowd waits in anticipation until some familiar music hits and [B][COLOR="Red"]JAY CHORD[/COLOR][/B] comes from behind the curtain and begins taunting the fans. [B][SIZE="3"]B+[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR] in 25:57 by pinfall with a Heart Burn. During the match we also had Aaron Andrews run in and attack Trent Shaffer [B][SIZE="3"]B+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A FANTASTIC match between these two here. They told a great story in the ring. Jay tried cheating as much as he could and we even saw some interference from Aaron Andrews for a believable near fall. This is by far the best match we’ve ever had in AW.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C+ [/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]A great show for us here. We did put out a little extra money for the talent we used but the outcome was great. The crowd left happy and that means I left happy. So I’ll ride this out and see how our financials look. [/I]
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In July we extended Raphael, and Jared Johnson. That was all we had this month. So elsewhere in the industry the news was: [B]Recent News[/B] EWF finally gave in to mounting financial problems and closed their doors. Sterling Whitlock, the protégé of Alexander Robinson, entered the business. He uses a lot of low level strikes to set up some innovative bone crunching moves. Vendetta also entered the business. The only thing he has going for him right now is his look. His basic skills are horrible. Black Hat Bailey and Sanetomo Shiraishi retired this month. Chris Caulfield and Lois Hudson are an item now. Nomad went on the record to put over Ricky DeColt as a great person. [B] Signings/Releases[/B] Rick Law signed with CGC Steven Parker and Primus Allen signed with NYCW Jack Giedroyc signed with TCW T-Rex signed with USPW Angel de Mexico signed with MHW. Let’s hope he doesn’t get hurt again. [B] Title Changes[/B] James Prudence defeated Remmy Skye for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Shawn Gonzalez captured the DAVE Brass Knuckles Title Steve Flash and Marc Speed won the NYCW Tag Team Titles John Maverick and Davis Wayne Newton captured the NOTBPW Tag Titles John Maverick also won the NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title Victoria Stone won the NOTBPW Women’s Title Jim Force won the PPG Wrestling Spirit Title Mainstream Hernandez captured the SWF North American Title Jumbo Shrimp and Hell’s Bouncer won the SWF Tag Titles
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Marv and Ota came over for our monthly creative meeting happy with how Something to Prove had went. I told them that the industry was weaker than last month and still falling. The economy was still making its turn around and on the rise. We moved on to talk about our performance in July. We had made almost 17k again and were still doing good on attendance and show quality. We wanted to have a lot of hype heading into Road to Glory in five months and began to think about who we could use to try and top our 2010 edition. We discussed things for a long time and then decided to move on to current things. We needed to get a couple more storylines running and we were still not sure who would work well together. So we took the afternoon to discuss things. We decided that aside from our main event program we should have two or three more running. So we began studying the roster for people who deserved the air time. After about three hours we came up with two more feuds we’d give a shot. In doing this we came up with a partial card for our August event. We finished it off and I went to work making the flier. [B][CENTER]Photobucket Live at The War Memorial Auditorium[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Main Event[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] and [B]???[/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] and[B] ???[/B] [I]Trent and Aaron have agreed to meet in the ring this month. But they will do so in a tag team match. They’ve been asked to find partners by the end of the night or compete alone. Will both of them be able to find partners? Or will one get the opportunity to face the other with an advantage? [/I] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Four Corner Survival[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rob Reynolds[/B][/COLOR] [I]This elimination match will prove very important as AW Management considers the participants for the Road to Glory tournament. Can Jacob Jett get back to his winning ways after coming up short in his quest for the Heavyweight Title? Or will Rob Reynolds surprise everyone and come out on top? [/I] [B][U][SIZE="3"]One Fall to the Finish[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Jared Johnson[/COLOR][/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Mark Smart[/B][/COLOR] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey ©[/COLOR] for the AW LiveWire Championship[/B] [I]Robbie Clavey will put his LiveWire title on the line against two hungry challengers. Can one of them come in and steal the title from him? Or will Robbie make another successful defense?[/I] [B]Also scheduled to appear: AW Midwest Champion Angel de Mexico, Casey Valentine, Edward Cornell, KC Glenn and more![/B] Trent Shaffer & ??? vs. Aaron Andrews & ??? Jacob Jett vs. Cameron Vessey vs. Brendan Idol vs. Rob Reynolds Jared Johnson vs. Mark Smart vs. Robbie Clavey ©
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[B][CENTER]Photobucket Live at the SOLD OUT War Memorial Auditorium Attendance: 2000 [/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Edward Cornell[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Remmy Honeyman[/B][/COLOR] in 3:46 by pinfall [B][SIZE="3"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [I]These two youngsters didn’t seem to click but they still put together a solid opener. It was a warm welcome for the crowd and a good way to start out the evening.[/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"] Main Show[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Marv Earnest, Remmington Remus and Angela Morgan come to the ring to welcome everyone to the show. Their first order of business is to announce that Angel de Mexico has not arrived at the building so his appearance has been cancelled. No word if he’s okay or not yet. They then move on to the card that is set up for the night and hype up the mystery tag partner main event. [B][SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Some good hype for the main event. Some fans were disappointed, as was I, that Angel didn’t show up. I imagine it was a valid excuse and hope he’s doing allright.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Thomas Morgan and Amazing Fire Fly[/COLOR][/B] defeated [B][COLOR="Red"]The Canadian Blondes[/COLOR][/B] in 6:14 when Thomas Morgan defeated Flash Savage by pinfall with a Packaged Piledriver [B][SIZE="3"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I]We won’t even go into detail here. This match was just bad. The crowd hated it and they had the right to. Let’s go on. [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Robbie Clavey[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Jared Johnson[/B][/COLOR] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Mark Smart[/COLOR][/B] in 5:10 when Robbie Clavey defeated Mark Smart by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. [B]Robbie Clavey makes defense number 4 of his AW LiveWire Championship [SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not bad here. The crowd liked the match even though there were three heels. I’m probably going to have to drop the title soon so I can start working with guys higher up the card to get me built up for a program in the midcard or higher.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Blue"][B]KC Glenn[/B][/COLOR] in 9:41 by pinfall [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [I]Solid match here. I was originally going to have Casey against Angel de Mexico but this was a fine replacement. Both of these guys should have a home with us for a long time.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] stands backstage with his belt slung over his shoulder. [B]“I hope your search for a partner is going well Trent. I’ve already found my partner for our match tonight. He’s ready to help me methodically destroy you tonight. It’s doesn’t matter to me who you pick, even you can even find a partner. I mean look at you. You are a pathetic excuse for a wrestler. You look like a coward. Who would want to be your partner? So I’ll make this pact to you. If you can’t find yourself a partner tonight, me and mine will only half cripple you this month. Then next month we can have fun finishing the job next month.” [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]Good promo by Andrews here.[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] is standing backstage when [COLOR="Red"][B]Ryan Powell[/B][/COLOR] walks into him while his attention is else where. Powell immediately blames Chance for the collision and the two exchange a few words and separate with some tension in the air. [B][SIZE="3"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I]Not bad for a first time segment between the two. I’m hoping they work well together. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR][/B] defeated [COLOR="Red"][B]Cameron Vessey[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"][B]Brendan Idol[/B][/COLOR] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Rob Reynolds[/COLOR][/B] in 12:34; the order of elimination was Rob Reynolds first, then Cameron Vessey, and finally Brendan Idol [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]This was not as good as I thought it would be, but still it was good. Jett goes over to get some momentum back after his lack luster program with Andrews.[/I] [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] stood backstage and cut a promo. [B]“You know Aaron some times you amuse me. I already had a partner lined up before I got here tonight. He’s a man you’ve had some heated history with and that should prove to be very entertaining once our match starts. You can stand here and talk about how you’re going to destroy me all you want, but you know deep down inside of you that you’re actually scared. I am the man that is going to take that title away from you and end your near two year reign as Heavyweight Champion. You know it. I know it. And all the fans can sense it. Changes are in the wind; and I like the forecast.” [SIZE="3"]B-[/SIZE][/B] [I]Trent has officially taken over as the best speaker on our roster. He’s just got a great connection with the fans and his popularity elsewhere in the country helps him as well.[/I] [B] BJ O’Neill[/B] comes to the ring to promote our merchandise. [B][SIZE="3"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [I]The crowd didn’t want to see BJ tonight. They just wanted the main event, which has been highly hyped.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"] Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring and taunts the crowd for a few moments before introducing his partner for the evening. The crowd boos as [B][COLOR="Red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR][/B] comes from behind the curtain and saunters to the ring. [B][SIZE="3"] C-[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR][/B] emerges from the curtain to a large roar from the crowd and introduces his partner. The crowd cheers again as [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyler Chance[/B][/COLOR] pushes from behind the curtain and joins Trent at ringside. [B][SIZE="3"]C[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Aaron Andrews and Ryan Powell [/COLOR][/B]defeated [B][COLOR="Blue"]Trent Shaffer and Tyler Chance[/COLOR][/B] in 18:56 [B]when Aaron Andrews defeated Trent Shaffer by pinfall with a handful of tights [SIZE="3"]C+[/SIZE][/B] [I]A great main event here. The tension was high between all four men. There was an awesome spot in the middle of the match that saw Tyler hit a half and half suplex on Ryan. Aaron came in and hit a Backdrop Driver on Tyler. Trent came in and hit his signature Implant DDT and then Ryan came back up, hitting Trent with a CravatPlex for a believable nearfall. [/I] [B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Overall Rating: C-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Some lower rated segments and matches really brought the show down, but overall it was good for us. We had another sell out crowd and should do well in our financial standing. I’ll be waiting tomorrow to hear from Angel de Mexico to make sure he’s okay and crunching numbers. [/I]
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