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AAAWA: Bringing Action to Anaheim

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OOC: This diary is based around the fed I recently made in TEW. It's set a year after their inception, and they have just been promoted from Local to Small. The owner and head booker, James Morrison, has handed over control to a new head booker, so he can concentrate on his in-ring career. [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="3"]The History of the Anaheim All-Action Wrestling Alliance:[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [B]7/11/06:[/B] AAAWA becomes a mere idea in the head of its creator, James Morrison. [B]14/11/06:[/B] A week of planning then turns into a consult with best friend Ammar Nader. [B]20/11/06:[/B] A $5000 loan is taken out to help purchase ring equipment, and a bond on the rental of a local gymnasium. [B]1/12/06:[/B] Trying hard to raise their own funds and find sponsors, Morrison and Nader conduct research and scout local shows trying to find the perfect product. [B]3/12/06:[/B] Both influenced by the more modern style of wrestling, which involves fast-paced gymnastic moves and high spots, Morrison and Nader become the first members of the AAAWA roster and adopt the monikers 'Ezuma' and 'Godzilla Ratus', respectively. [B]4/12/06:[/B] The successful signing of two sponsors, and friends Chad Masterson, Wynand Gouws and Ethan Darnell all sign official contracts. [B]10/12/06:[/B] After a week of tryouts, Morrison and Nader have done nothing but knock back all applicants, firmly stating their requirement for 'real talent.' [B]14/12/06:[/B] After a show in Anaheim, Morrison and Nader sign Michael Blythe and Taylor Baldwin, who both recommend amateur wrestler Christopher T. Wolf, Jr. be considered for employment. [B]15/12/06:[/B] Wolf is signed to the company and he recommends the four Kelly brothers; Adam, Troy, Joel and Scott. [B]17/12/06:[/B] Impressed by the Kelly brothers' abilities, Morrison learns of their parents' dislike of their hobby, so cannot hire Scott, who is only 16. [B]20/12/06:[/B] Morrison and Nader hold a small Christmas dinner/fundraiser and raise over $2000 towards their company funding. [B]7/1/07:[/B] Morrison and Nader return from holiday to continue work. They hire friend Matthew Haywood as an announcer, despite his application to join the company as a referee. [B]14/1/07:[/B] Morrison designs and creates the AAAWA Championship belt, and announce to his workers his intention to hold a Battlew Royal for it. [B]17/1/07:[/B] There is dissent in the company as Morrison announces his intention to book himself as the inaugural winner, but all the wrestlers eventually agree he should, as creator of the company, he is entitled to win. [B]19/1/07:[/B] AAAWA announce their first show, to be held in a small gymnasium in Anaheim, on the 9th of February, the day of Morrison's birthday. [B]22/1/07:[/B] AAAWA release a newsletter in conjunction with a small community newspaper, to help promote wrestling in the community, but ultimately, themselves.[/B] [B]30/1/07:[/B] A band is booked and hired to open and close the show, and the AAAWA Championship title match is officially announced.[/B] [B]1/2/07:[/B] Flyers are placed on noticeboards, parked cars and in people's letterboxes to promote, "The Birth of Extremity."[/B] [B]7/2/07:[/B] Three workers break out with a contagious fever, prompting Morrison to consider rescheduling the show, but the costs wouldn't allow it.[/B] [B]9/2/07:[/B] Going into the show with eight wrestlers, the first-ever show becomes more of a disaster when Masterson contracts the fever and Darnell suffers a concussion in the first match of the night, leaving the roster down to Morrison, Baldwin, Wolf and the three Archers. In an impromptu booking, the AAAWA Championship goes on the line in an unconventional six-man 'Captain' match, with the captain of the winning side also winning the title. Morrison captained Baldwin and Wolf against the three Kelly brothers, with Joel leading his two older brothers. Baldwin pinned Joel Kelly 23-minutes in to give Morrison (Ezuma) the AAAWA Championship. [B]The Rest of 2007:[/B] The first show was considered a disaster by everyone, and the AAAWA struggled to develop a core audience. In June, Morrison secretely created the AAAWA Lightweight Championship, eligible only for the competitors under 200 lbs, and had them all compete for it, without telling them the reward for the winner, until after the match had been completed. Darnell won the five-man contest and Ethanator became the first-ever AAAWA Lightweight Champion. Having two divisions seemed to boost AAAWA's popularity, as the fairer competition seemed to appeal to the fans. Still boasting a flashy, high-speed product, the AAAWA also started promoting wrestling as a real sport, although all the competitors were trained in 'wrestling safety,' and while the wrestlers made their fake blows look real, nothing was booked and the winners weren't pre-determined. This earnt and lost them a lot of fans but they became very respected for approaching wrestling the way they did.
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Being hired by an 18-year-old wrestling promoter is slightly unusual. Even in this universe. But I guess it was a break for me, as I'd been trying for years to make it in this business, and never gotten anywhere. If I can show the AAAWA fans what I can do, maybe I can show the business what I can do. Well, I have 55 days before AAAWA Extreme Warfare to promote myself and my new company as much as I can. My entire first week I spent reviewing the roster, going over the current champions and who I thought would be best suited to go up against who. I have already announced that the AAAWA and AAAWA Lightweight Championships are going on the line at the event, and have already started promoting. So 55 days away from AAAWA Extreme Warfare, my job has officially started, and the first thing owner James Morrison wants from me is to hire some new wrestlers, to keep the talent pool full in case of injuries, suspensions, etc.
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