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Back to Basics - A WWE Story

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[size=4][i][u][b]Back to Basics: - A WWE Story[/b][/u][/i][/size] [i][b]OOC:[/b] So, I just got a new TEW 07 licence, and I’ve decided to start a diary using the T-Zone data. Now, there’s a big chance that this diary won’t capture a lot of viewers, seeing as there’s no real back-story that catches the eye of the reader, but even so, I’m doing this for my own interest just as much as I’m doing it for other anyone else’s.[/i] [quote][u][b]June 2007 – An interview with C.E.O. Linda McMahon[/b][/u] [b]Source: WWE.com[/b] [i]Today, WWE.com hosted a special interview with WWE C.E.O., Linda McMahon. We covered many things in this interview, including the WWE PPVs and their schedule, and the up-and-coming Draft Lottery.[/i] [b]WWE.com:[/b] “Mrs. McMahon, we’re just of the heels of Judgement Day 2007, and what a Pay Per View it was. Were you, like many of us here at WWE.com, happy with the way the Pay Per View turned out?” [b]Linda:[/b] “You know, I’m sure some of the fans will disagree with me, and I can respect that, but yes, I was very happy with the Judgement Day PPV. The show was following an excellent PPV in Backlash, and so it had a lot to live up to, but I think it turned out very well indeed.” [b]WWE.com:[/b] “Mrs. McMahon, a lot of people have responded well to the new tri-branded PPV schedule, although a lot haven’t. What’s your opinion on it?” [b]Linda:[/b] “Well, thus far, the tri-branded experiment has gone quite well, although I remain doubtful about it. In my honest opinion, every event being tri-branded will affect the four main PPVs (those being Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series) negatively. Having big matches from each brand at every Pay Per View on the schedule means that it will become increasingly to make these four events seem special, and therefore may affect their buy rate and public response. Further more, the new tri-brand experiment means that much more superstars won’t be able to find a place on Pay Per View, due to timing and space issues. Of course, there are a lot of positives as well, but that’s my personal opinion on the matter.” [b]WWE.com: [/b]“Wow, some very interesting points there. We’ll see how the tri-branded schedule will turn out as time goes by I suppose. Mrs. McMahon, we know that the up-and-coming, Monday Night RAW will feature this year’s ‘Draft Lottery’. Have you any further details on that special event?” [b]Linda: [/b]“Yes actually, I do. It has now been confirmed that the Draft will proceed as follows. On the night, a series of interpromotional matches will take place. The winner of each match will secure a draft pick for his brand, chosen randomly. A supplementary draft will also take place on the following Wednesday, in which each brand will receive a second chance to bring random superstars over to their brand. The supplementary draft can be seen only here on WWE.com.” [b]WWE.com:[/b] “Huge news regarding the interpromotional matches there. Mrs. McMahon, is there any chance that you can inform us of some of the matches that’ll take place?” [b]Linda: [/b]“Well, I don’t want to spoil anything, but yes, I’m willing to let you in on a couple of the matches. Firstly, SmackDown’s United States Champion [b]Montel Vontavious Porter [/b]will take on ECW original [b]Tommy Dreamer [/b]in an ‘Extreme Rules’ match. Secondly, RAW’s WWE Champion [b]John Cena[/b] will take on SmackDown’s World Heavyweight Champion [b]Edge[/b].” [b]WWE.com: [/b]“An enormous match booked there! Champion vs. Champion on this Monday’s RAW, with a draft pick on the line. Make sure not to miss it!”[/quote] [quote][b][u]Wife of WWE Chairman Criticises WWE PPV system.[/u][/b] [b]Source: OnlineWorldOfWrestling.com[/b] WWE.com hosted an interview with Linda McMahon today (to see the interview, click [u][b]here[/b][/u]). Linda openly bashed the new tri-branded PPV formula, saying that it will result in a reduction of significance when it comes to the 'Big Four' PPVs, and also stated that it would hold back lowercard WWE talent, as it means that it will become increasingly hard for them to find a spot of Pay Per View. Keep reading Online World of Wrestling for more on this story as time goes by.[/quote]
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[center][img]http://www.thescore.ca/img/shows/wwe_raw.jpg[/img][/center] [size=2][b][center]WWE Champion: John Cena[/b] [i](d. Edge at Unforgiven 2006)[/i] [b]Intercontinental Champion: Santino Marella[/b] [i](d. Umaga on RAW)[/i] [b]World Tag Team Champions: Matt & Jeff Hardy[/b] [i](Won a Battle Royal on RAW)[/i] [b]Women’s Champion: Melina[/b] [i](d. Mickie James on RAW) [/i] [/size] [b]RAW Face Roster:[/b] [i]Men:[/i] John Cena Shawn Michaels Ric Flair Jeff Hardy Matt Hardy Santino Marella Eugene Val Venis JTG Shad Jim Duggan Rory McAllister Robbie McAllister [i]Women:[/i] Mickie James Candice Michelle Torrie Wilson Maria [i]Tag Teams:[/i] The Hardy Boyz Cryme Tyme The Highlanders [i]Injured and/or Inactive[/i] Triple H Super Crazy [b]RAW Heel Roster:[/b] [i]Men:[/i] Randy Orton The Great Khali Umaga Johnny Nitro Kenny Dykstra Carlito Chris Masters Lance Cade Trevor Murdoch Shelton Benjamin Charlie Haas Viscera [i]Women:[/i] Melina Victoria [i]Tag Teams:[/i] Trevor Murdoch & Lance Cade The World's Greatest Tag Team Johnny Nitro & Kenny Dykstra [i]Injured and/or Inactive[/i] N/A [img]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/WWFSMKDN.jpg[/img][/center] [size=2][b][center]World Heavyweight Champion: Edge[/b] [i](d. The Undertaker on SmackDown)[/i] [b]United States Champion: Montel Vontavious Porter[/b] [i](d. Chris Benoit at Judgement Day 2007)[/i] [b]WWE Tag Team Champions: Deuce 'N' Domino[/b] [i](d. Paul London & Brian Kendrick on SmackDown)[/i] [b]Cruiserweight Champion: Chavo Guerrero[/b] [i](Won a Gauntlet at No Way Out 2007) [/i] [/size] [b]SmackDown Face Roster:[/b] [i]Men:[/i] Batista Kane Chris Benoit The Boogeyman Paul London Brian Kendrick Funaki Shannon Moore Jimmy Wang-Yang [i]Women:[/i] Michelle McCool Kristal Maryse [i]Tag Teams:[/i] Paul London & Brian Kendrick Kane & The Boogeyman [i]Injured and/or Inactive[/i] The Undertaker Rey Mysterio Ashley [b]SmackDown Heel Roster:[/b] [i]Men:[/i] Edge Montel Vontavious Porter Finlay William Regal Dave Taylor Chavo Guerrero Deuce Domino Daivari Jamie Noble [i]Women:[/i] Jillian Hall Cherry [i]Tag Teams:[/i] Deuce 'N' Domino William Regal & Dave Taylor [i]Injured and/or Inactive[/i] King Booker Ken Kennedy Gregory Helms [img]http://www.teamdroid.com/img-2/ecw.jpg[/img][/center] [size=2][b][center]ECW Champion: Vince McMahon[/b] [i](d. Bobby Lashley at Backlash 2007)[/i] [/size] [b]ECW Face Roster:[/b] [i]Men:[/i] Bobby Lashley The Sandman Tommy Dreamer CM Punk Balls Mahoney Little Guido Maritato Brett Major Brian Major [i]Women:[/i] Kelly Kelly Layla Brooke Trinity [i]Tag Teams:[/i] The Major Brothers The ECW Originals [i]Injured and/or Inactive[/i] N/A [b]ECW Heel Roster:[/b] [i]Men:[/i] Elijah Burke Marcus Cor Von Kevin Thorn Matt Striker Mike Knox Snitsky Stevie Richards [i]Women:[/i] N/A [i]Tag Teams:[/i] The New Breed [i]Injured and/or Inactive[/i] Hardcore Holly[/center]
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[quote][center][size=4][b]Monday Night RAW Preview:[/b][/size][/center] After two years of absense, the WWE Draft Lottery is finally making a return on tonight's episode of Monday Night RAW. In an exclusive interview with WWE.com, [b]Linda McMahon[/b] revealed that there will be a series of interpromotional matches in which a draft pick will be at stake, meaning that the amount of superstars drafted to each brand will depend on how well their respective superstars perform in their matches. Perhaps the biggest and most anticipated of these matches was revealed by Mrs. McMahon in the same interview: WWE Champion [b]John Cena[/b] will square off against World Heavyweight Champion [b]Edge[/b]. These two superstars are not in any way strangers - their war over the WWE Championship burned on throughout most of 2006. Judging by the hellacious bouts they had last year, there is no doubt that tonight's battle will be just as intense, if not more so. Another match revealed in the interview pits SmackDown's United States Champion [b]Montel Vontavious Porter[/b] against ECW's 'Innovator of Violence' [b]Tommy Dreamer[/b] in an 'Extreme Rules' match. The match type seems to hint that Tommy Dreamer will have a big advantage here, but can SmackDown's MVP prove the critics wrong? Find out on RAW. WWE Chairman and ECW Champion [b]Vince McMahon[/b] has been at war with [b]Bobby Lashley[/b] for months now. Sparks are bound to fly between the two leading into their match at One Night Stand. Will the Chairman of the Board be able to thwart his nemesis once again here tonight, or will Bobby Lashley gain some valuable momentum with only two weeks to go until they fight live on Pay Per View? All this and more on tonight's Draft Lottery Special edition of RAW. [b][i]Confirmed matches:[/b] [color="#FF0000"]WWE Champion John Cena [/color]vs. [color="#0000FF"]World Heavyweight Champion Edge [/color](non-title) [color="#0000FF"]United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter [/color]vs. [color="#800080"]Tommy Dreamer [/color](non-title/Extreme Rules) Plus a special announcement from [b]Jonathan Coachman [/b]regarding the WWE title match at Vengeance. [/i][/quote] ...
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[quote][b]Two More Matches Booked for RAW![/b] WWE.com can reveal two more interpromotional matches scheduled for the Draft Lottery Special edition of Monday Night RAW! The first of these matches will see World Heavyweight Champion [b]Batista [/b]square off against RAW's self-proclaimed '[b]World's Greatest Tag Team[/b]' in a Handicap match. Will Benjamin and Haas be able to live up to their name, or will Batista prove just why he is the World Heavyweight Champion? Find out on RAW. The second match booked will be a 15-man Battle Royal featuring 5 superstars from RAW, 5 superstars from SmackDown and 5 superstars from ECW. The winner of the match will earn not one, but two draft picks for his brand. Contestants are as follows: From RAW... - [b]Randy Orton[/b] - [b]Johnny Nitro[/b] - [b]Kenny Dykstra[/b] - [b]Eugene[/b] - [b]Santino Marella[/b] From SmackDown... - [b]Finlay[/b] - [b]The Boogeyman[/b] - [b]Paul London[/b] - [b]Brian Kendrick[/b] - [b]William Regal[/b] From ECW... - [b]CM Punk[/b] - [b]Elijah Burke[/b] - [b]The Sandman[/b] - [b]Matt Striker[/b] - [b]Snitsky[/b] Be sure not to miss RAW this Monday Night! [b][i]Confirmed matches:[/b] [color="#FF0000"]WWE Champion John Cena [/color]vs. [color="#0000FF"]World Heavyweight Champion Edge [/color](non-title) [color="#0000FF"]United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter [/color]vs. [color="#800080"]Tommy Dreamer [/color](non-title/Extreme Rules) [color="#0000FF"]World Heavyweight Champion Batista [/color]vs. [color="#FF0000"]The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas)[/color] A 15 Man Battle Royal featuring Superstars from [color="#FF0000"]RAW[/color], [color="#0000FF"]SmackDown [/color]and [color="#800080"]ECW[/color] Plus a special announcement from [b]Jonathan Coachman [/b]regarding the WWE title match at Vengeance. [/i][/quote] [quote][center][size=3][center][b][u]Five Wrestlers Signed to Developmental Contracts[/u][/b][/center][/size]
[b][i]Source: WWE.com[/i][/b][/center] [i][b]WWE.com are pleased to announce that five new aspiring stars have been signed to WWE Developmental contracts:[/b][/i] [size=3][b]Angel Williams:[/b][/size] Angel is a Canadian professional wrestler and valet straight from Toronto, and was previously released from her WWE contract in the past few weeks. It remains to be seen whether or not Angel will be able to live up to the bar set by another certain ex-WWE diva from Toronto. [img]http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/2575/angelwilliamsby8.jpg[/img] [size=3][b]Drew Galloway:[/b][/size] Galloway was born in Ayr, Scotland, and is hoping put his country's name on the WWE map. He claims to be every girl's dream and every boy's nightmare, but will he be able to back up this claim when he is called up into the big leagues? [img]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/d/drewgalloway/02.jpg[/img] [size=3][b]Kafu:[/b][/size] Little is known of this South American mad-man. Kafu is an expert on various martial arts, and his ferocity and thirst for causing pain are well known by independent wrestling fans. [img]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/k/kafu/01.jpg[/img] [size=3][b]Christian York:[/b][/size] Christian York was a tag team specialist in the original Extreme Championship Wrestling, but his chance of success there was abruptly brought to an end when the company closed its doors in 2001. York is hoping to regain his old fire in WWE. [img]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/c/christianyork/10.jpg[/img] [size=3][b]Talia Madison:[/b][/size] This beauty was born New Britain, CT, and now resides in Waterbury, Connecticut. Talia was best known in the independents for managing her men to success, but she's also trained in the ring, and is hoping to make a splash in the WWE women's division upon her call-up. [img]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/t/talia/09.jpg[/img]
[/quote] ...
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[center][img]http://www.thescore.ca/img/shows/wwe_raw.jpg[/img] [b][i][size=3]PRESENTS... [/size][/i][/b][/center] [font="Arial Black"][center][center][size=6]THE DRAFT LOTTERY SPECIAL[/size][/center][/center][/font] [size=3][center][i][b]Held LIVE in the Louisville Gardens, located in Louisville, Kentucky.[/b][/i][/center][/size] [size=3][center]Your hosts for the evening... [b]Jim Ross[/b] and [b]Jerry Lawler[/b][/center][/size] The show opened with an appearence from the ECW Champion and the Chairman of the WWE, [b]Vince McMahon[/b]. Ignoring the overwhelming boos from the audience, Mr. McMahon proceeded to greet the viewers to what was sure to be '[i]one of the most historic RAWs in WWE history[/i]'. He proceeded to run down the matches of the night, highlighted the Interpromotional Battle Royal and [b]John Cena[/b] vs. [b]Edge[/b] in particular... [quote]"Tonight, for the first time in RAW history, the World Heavyweight Champion and the WWE Champion will meet head to head in this very ring, with a draft pick at steak. While on the subject of 'champions', I'd now ask you to pay particular attention to this title hanging over my shoulder. Ladies and gentlemen, we are just two weeks away from [b]WWE One Night Stand[/b], the Pay Per View at which I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, will defend my ECW Championship against Bobby Lashley in an No Holds Barred match. Now, before we get to One Night Stand, I thought that it'd be wise to give my opponent a...warm-up match, to help him prepare. After a good while of pondering, it came to me: who better to face Bobby Lashley than the 7'3, 420 pound Punjabi Giant, [b]The Great Khali[/b]! That's right, tonight Bobby Lashley will represent the ECW brand when he takes on the man that will challenge John Cena for the WWE Championship at One Night Stand, two weeks from yesterday! Lashley, you'd better be ready, because that match is NEXT!"[/quote] [b]Bobby Lashley[/b] did indeed square off against [b]The Great Khali[/b] in the first bout of the evening. Despite a strong outburst by Lashley at the start of the bout, Khali took control from early in, and continued to dominate Lashley throughout the match, nailing him with various slams and a series of boots to the head. Khali looked to be moving in for the finish when Lashley fought back with a flurry of rights and lefts to the giant's face, wearing down the monster. Mustering up all the strength he had, Lashley lifted Khali up onto his shoulders, and nailed him with a frighteningly powerful powerslam. Lashley bounced off the ropes, and nailed the rising Khali with a devastating spear. Lashley covered the fallen beast, but before he could get the three count, he was nailed from behind by the Samoan Bulldozer, [b]UUUUUUUUMAGA![/b] The referee called for the bell, but despite Lashley's win, he was in no position to celebrate, as the two monsters were totally destroying him in the ring. As this is going on, the screen shows the computerised selection of the first draft pick, who will be joining ECW. After a few moments the draft pick is finally revealed. Joining the ECW brand... ... [font="Arial Black"][size=3][b]UUUUUUUUMAGA![/b][/size][/font] The Samoan Bulldozer immediately stopped beating down Lashley and looked in shock at the screen. Umaga is moving to Sci-Fi! [b]- Bobby Lashley d. The Great Khali via DQ. [color="#800080"]- Umaga drafted to ECW![/color] [/b] The acting General Manager of RAW [b]Jonathan Coachman[/b] is shown on the big screen... [quote]"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is [b]Jonathan Coachman[/b], and you are watching the Draft Lottery Special edition of Monday Night RAW. Before I make my announcement, I'd like to congratulate [i]my[/i] boss, [b]Mr. McMahon[/b], on that [i]outstanding[/i] opening speech he made earlier this evening." [i][b](Crowd boos)[/b][/i] "Really Mr. McMahon, it was beyond words. Anyway, without further ado I would like to announce the WWE Championship at the Pay Per View succeeding [b]One Night Stand[/b], [b]WWE Vengeance.[/b] Now, as you are aware, the Draft Lottery is occurring tonight. This means that we can not be sure which superstars will be exclusive to RAW after this show. Therefore, at Vengeance RAW will be hosting a 6-Man Free-For-All match, featuring the WWE Champion and open to five other ex-World Champions. Only superstars exclusive to the RAW brand will be allowed to enter for this bout. Thankyou."[/quote] The World Heavyweight Champion [b]Batista[/b] soundly defeated [b]Shelton Benjamin[/b] and [b]Charlie Haas[/b] of the [b]World's Greatest Tag Team[/b]. SmackDown's top dog was on top form here tonight. Despite Benjamin and Haas' talent as a tag team, Batista was able to over-power both men. After nailing Charlie Haas with a running powerslam, Shelton Benjamin tried to gain the advantage by diving off the top rope. But Batista cought him in mid-air and connected with a massive spinebuster, which was followed by the pinfall victory. After [b]Lilian Garcia[/b] announced Batista as the victor, all heads turned once again to the screen that was about to show the superstar selected to join the SmackDown roster... ... [font="Arial Black"][size=3][b]KEVIN THORN![/b][/size][/font] The follower of Vampirism made his way out onto the stage, dressed in full vampire-gear. Batista stared as SmackDown's newest superstar raised the goblet in his hands to his throats, and spat the blood-like substance into the air. [b]- Batista d. The World's Greatest Tag Team. [color="#0000FF"]- Kevin Thorn drafted to SmackDown![/color] [/b] Backstage, we see [b]Candice Michelle[/b] making her way down the hallway, until she is stopped by the Women's Champion, [b]Melina[/b]. [quote]"Wow, wait there Candice. Lately I've noticed that you've been picking up [i]quite[/i] the little winning-streak. Well, I'd just to...[i]congratulate[/i] you." [b][i](The crowd seem confused)[/i][/b] "Really Candice, I'd never have thought that you'd be able to accomplish anything in that ring, but, what do you know, I was proved wrong. A bit of advice though; with these...[i]wins[/i], you're steadily getting closer to the top. I know from experience, with glory comes a fair amount of trouble. I just thought I'd warn you to, erm, [i]watch your back[/i] in the future."[/quote] With that, Candice is attacked from behind by [b]Victoria[/b]! Melina and Victoria stomp Candice down, and Melina holds back for a few seconds. [quote]"Well, what do you know, I was right! In all seriousness, [i]Candice[/i], if you really want a shot at this Women's championship, I'm gonna give it to you, but it'll be under [i]my[/i] stipulations. At [b]One Night Stand[/b] it'll be the Go-Daddy Girl, the movie star, the [i]Playboy Cover Girl[/i] Candice Michelle, one-on-one against the most dominating woman in WWE history, Melina, in a [b]Latina Street Fight[/b]. Candice, if you win this match, you're the champ. But if you lose, you have to leave RAW and the entire women's division [i]for good.[/i] Then you can go back to the only thing you're good at. Perfecting the art of being a complete [i]slut.[/i] Hope you're happy Candice!"[/quote] We now see the United States Champion [b]Montel Vontavious Porter[/b] taking part in an interview with [b]Maria[/b]... [quote]"Maria, at Judgement Day, I showed [b]Chris Benoit[/b] just how good I really am. At Judgement Day, I cemented my status as the [i]future[/i] of Professional Wrestling. Tonight, I take on another [i]has-been[/i], ECW's own [b]Tommy Dreamer[/b]. Now please, I know I should feel threatened by a guy who should have retired five years ago. I mean, didn't Dreamer hold the ECW Championship for a few minutes back in 2000? [i]Real[/i] impressive! But honestly Maria, I'm SmackDown's Most Valuable Player. Why should I be threatened by anyone? Dreamer, tonight you're gonna see what it's like to go up against a real young stud, and hopefully, after I've beat you to a bloody stump, you'll realise that it's time to hang up those boots and watch the real talent of this company grow closer and closer to becoming the best EVER."[/quote] [b]MVP[/b] did indeed square off against the Heart and Soul of ECW, [b]Tommy Dreamer[/b], in an Extreme Rules match with a draft pick on the line. Despite it not being MVP's natural environment, he held his own throughout the match, even dominating Dreamer at certain stages. The ending came when the US Champ signalled for his Playmaker. He got into the position, but Dreamer, noticing the opportunity, nailed MVP with a low blow! He picked up a steel chair, slammed it over his opponent's head, and covered MVP for the 1-2-3 in this non-title match! As Porter rolled around the ring in a rage, Dreamer gazed at the screen, which was about to show ECW's next draft pick... ... [font="Arial Black"][size=3][b]CHRIS BENOIT![/b][/size][/font] The former World Champion made his way to ring, hugged Dreamer, and turned to his old nemesis. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Benoit nailed MVP with a trifecta of German Suplexes, and locked in the Crippler Crossface...[i]for old time's sake[/i]. [b]Tommy Dreamer d. Montel Vontavious Porter in a non-title Extreme Rules Match [color="#800080"]Chris Benoit drafted to ECW![/color][/b] We next see a video highlighting the various stages of the [b]John Cena[/b]/[b]Edge [/b]feud. From Edge cashing in his Money in the Bank title shot at [b]New Year's Revolution [/b]to win the WWE Championship, to Cena forcing Edge to submit to the STFU at the [b]Royal Rumble[/b], to Edge spearing Cena through a table at [b]One Night Stand 2006[/b], to Edge winning the title in a triple threat match on RAW, to Cena F-U'ing Edge off the ladder and through the tables to win TLC and the title at [b]Unforgiven[/b], it shows highlights of every match the two had. The video ends with a clip of Edge cashing in his second Money in the Bank against [b]the Undertaker[/b] and winning the World Heavyweight Championship on SmackDown. [center][b][size=4]JOHN CENA VS. EDGE TONIGHT![/size][/b][/center] [b]Melina[/b] is once again shown backstage, this time alongside [b]Johnny Nitro[/b]. She is psyching up Nitro for the Battle Royal. Meanwhile, Randy Orton is shown gazing into his reflection in a mirror, also awaiting the up-and-coming Battle Royal. [b]Jim Ross[/b] and [b]Jerry Lawler [/b]are at hand... [quote]"Ladies and gentlemen, we are just moments away from the 15-man interpromotional Battle Royal, worth two draft picks!"[/quote] [center][b][size=4]THE BATTLE ROYAL IS NEXT! [/size][/b][/center] [i]The Battle Royal features...[/i] - [b]Randy Orton[/b], [b]Santino Marella[/b], [b]Johnny Nitro[/b], [b]Kenny Dykstra [/b]and [b]Eugene[/b]; - [b]Finlay[/b], [b]Paul London[/b], [b]Brian Kendrick[/b], [b]William Regal [/b]and [b]The Boogeyman[/b]; - [b]Elijah Burke[/b], [b]CM Punk[/b], [b]The Sandman[/b], [b]Matt Striker [/b]and [b]Snitsky[/b]. Featuring five men from RAW, five men from SmackDown, and five men from ECW, the Battle Royal gets underway at once. Snitsky, as the biggest man in the match, is immediately targeted, but he shockingly pushes all of those attacking him away. Snitsky nails Brian Kendrick with a huge closeline, and connects with the Big Boot on Paul London. Eugene attacks from behind, but Snitsky grabs him by the neck and tosses him over the ropes with ease. [b][i]- Eugene has been eliminated.[/i][/b] Snitsky continues to dominate, when he suddenly meets a dead end - the bizzare Boogeyman is staring him right in the eyes. Both men begin brawling, and are so focused on trying to eliminate each other that neither notices Randy Orton coming from behind and pushing BOTH men over the top rope! [i][b]- Snitsky and The Boogeyman have been eliminated.[/b][/i] Randy Orton has little time to celebrate though, as he turns around to face both Paul London and Brian Kendrick. The former tag champs use their quick offence to back Orton into the corner, but are abruptly stopped by Finlay and William Regal, who nail from behind and toss both men over the top rope. [b][i]- Paul London and Brian Kendrick have been eliminated.[/i][/b] Orton, ever the opportunist, realises that Finlay is in a weak position, and clubs the irishman on the back of the neck, pushing him out. [i][b]- Finlay has been eliminated.[/b][/i] On the other side of the ring, CM Punk is brawling with Elijah Burke. He is on the verge of eliminating the leader of the [b]New Breed[/b] when Matt Striker comes to save his parter. He tries to toss Punk over, but is reversed. Punk sends Striker flying over the top! [b][i]- Matt Striker has been eliminated.[/i][/b] Kenny Dykstra and Johnny Nitro are double-teaming Santino Marella in the corner. Santino begins fighting back, with a series of punches and kicks on Dykstra, but Nitro is quick to capitalise with a neckbreaker from behind. He picks up Santino, and pushes him over the ropes. [i][b]- Santino Marella has been eliminated.[/b][/i] William Regal and Elijah Burke have CM Punk locked into a double submission, but The Sandman comes for the save, kicking both Burke and Regal in their respective faces. Sandman picks up Punk, but Punk grabs his arms and quickly drags him over to the ropes, tossing him over. Regal comes from behind, but he gets tossed over as well! [b][i]- The Sandman and William Regal have been eliminated.[/i][/b] Johnny Nitro and Kenny Dykstra both attempt to eliminate each other at the same time, and are left hanging over the ropes. Burke and Punk both see the opportunity, and despite their difference, toss the RAW superstars overboard! [b][i]- Johnny Nitro and Kenny Dykstra have been eliminated.[/i][/b] The brief movement of partnership ends immediately, and Burke and Punk are at each others throats again. Burke lifts Punk up onto the turnbuckle, but Punk drags Burke up after him. The two extremists fight on top for a few minutes before Orton runs over and pushes move down to the floor below! [i][b]- CM Punk and Elijah Burke have been eliminated.[/b][/i] Randy Orton's music hits, and the third generation superstar celebrates in the ring. The celebration ends, however, when the usual computerised drawing system appears on the screen. RAW's first draft pick is... ... [font="Arial Black"][size=3][b]CM PUNK![/b][/size][/font] Still dazed on the floor, CM Punk looks in shock at the screen. Seeing his name there, he gets up and begins celebrating. Punk jumps into the crowd to celebrate with the fans, as the computer restarts... ... [font="Arial Black"][size=3][b]KANE![/b][/size][/font] The arena seems to go up in flames, and the big red monster makes his way down to the ring. He enters the ring, and looks at Orton, who is gazing at Kane in horror. Kane raises his arms, and brings them down to his sides, sending the second set of flames up from the surrounding turnbuckles. Kane is back on RAW! [b]Randy Orton wins the Battle Royal. [color="#FF0000"]CM Punk and Kane drafted to RAW![/color][/b] [b]Edge[/b] is seen walking backstage. He is approached by Todd Grisham, who is calling his name, but Edge just ignores him and walks on. [center][b][size=4]UP NEXT: JOHN CENA VS. EDGE [/size][/b][/center] The match is fairly even. Edge has the breif advantage, keeping Cena grounded with a headlock. But Cena slowly begins to fight back with some lefts and rights, knocking Edge down to his knees. As the match goes on, Cena slowly starts to get more and more momentum. He suplexes Edge, and nails him with one of his spin-out bombs. Cena signals for the F-U, but Edge escapes, falling off the shoulders and pushing Cena straight into the referee. Edge signals for a Spear, and runs at Cena, but Cena reverses with a big closeline. Cena once again signals for the F-U, but suddenly, familiar music hits, and The Great Khali makes his way down to the ring. He gets in, and goes face to face with the WWE Champion... [center][img]http://www.greatkhali.net/The_Great_Khali_Photo_Gallery/slides/010807khali1.jpg[/img][/center] Cena begins punching and kicking Khali, but the giant shrugs it off, chopping Cena across the head. He heads out of the ring, picks up the steel steps, and makes his way back in, nailing the rising Cena over the head with them. Khali then leaves the ring, leaving Edge to signal for a final spear. Cena rises, as does the referee, and Edge comes right at him... [center][img]http://img.search.com/thumb/0/0f/EdgeSpear.jpg/200px-EdgeSpear.jpg[/img][/center] BANG! Spear! Edge covers, and gets the [b]1...2...3[/b]! Edge wins! The computer resets, and the final SmackDown draft pick is revealed... ... WOOOO! [font="Arial Black"][size=3][b]RIC FLAIR![/b][/size][/font] Edge looks shocked as the 16-time World Champion makes his way out onto the stage, posing for a roaring crowd as RAW goes off the air... [center][img]http://images.art.com/images/products/large/10141000/10141120.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Edge defeats John Cena. [color="#0000FF"]Ric Flair drafted to SmackDown![/color][/b]
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[quote][b]Supplementary Draft Picks Revealed![/b] WWE.com are pleased to announce the superstars drafted this Tuesday... [color="#FF0000"][b]To Raw...[/b][/color] - [b]The Boogeyman[/b] - [b]Daivari[/b] - [b]Stevie Richards[/b] - [b]Hardcore Holly[/b] - [b]Jillian Hall[/b] - [b]Ashley Massaro[/b] [color="#0000FF"][b]To SmackDown...[/b][/color] - [b]Carlito[/b] - [b]Viscera[/b] - [b]Eugene[/b] - [b]Matt Striker[/b] - [b]Torrie Wilson[/b] [b][color="#800080"]To ECW...[/color][/b] - [b]Gregory Helms[/b] - [b]The Miz[/b] - [b]Robbie McAllister[/b] - [b]Rory McAllister[/b][/quote] [quote][b]Reaction to WWE Draft Picks Source: [i]Online World of Wrestling[/i][/b] [i]WWE held their [b]Draft Lottery Special[/b] on [b]RAW[/b] yesterday night, and the general reaction to the show was good. In this report we're going to take a look at those superstars drafted in both the main and supplementary drafts. [/i] - [color="#FF0000"][b]RAW [/b][/color]certainly earned a good pick in internet-favourite [color="#FF0000"][b]CM Punk[/b][/color]. The former ECW sensation has been pleasing his fans for year, although it remains to be seen whether or not he will be able to hold his own on the WWE's main brand. Assuming that his reactions will remain solid, we can expect Punk to earn an Intercontinental title reign in coming months. - On the other hand, RAW didn't earn a great pick in former WWE and Intercontinental Champion [color="#FF0000"][b]Kane[/b][/color]. The WWE's 'Big Red Machine' has been losing steam for years now, and we honestly can't expect to see him acheive anything more on RAW, the brand he was exclusive to until October 2006, when he was drafted to SmackDown. Of course, who knows, we could be proved wrong. OWW doubts that though. - The supplementary draft was a bit of a disappointment for the red brand. Despite picking up talented workers in [color="#FF0000"][b]Stevie Richards[/b][/color] and [color="#FF0000"][b]Daivari[/b][/color], they've both been relegated to job duty, and it's doubtful that the draft will make a change to this. - Former SmackDown diva [color="#FF0000"][b]Jillian Hall[/b][/color] has talent, there's no doubt about that. Let's hope WWE can capitalise on this and give her a decent push in the women's division. If her singing-gimmick is anything to go by, she could be a great novelty act. - RAW also picked up two currently injured workers in veteran [color="#FF0000"][b]Hardcore Holly[/b] [/color]and 2005 Diva Search winner and former Playboy Cover Girl[color="#FF0000"] [b]Ashley Massaro[/b] [/color]. Holly is set to return in about three months, whereas we can expect Ashley to return in mid-July. Holly can be handy if used right, although Ashley has proven dire as a wrestler. Let's hope she improves before WWE put her in a women's title feud. - [b][color="#0000FF"]SmackDown's[/color][/b] two main draft picks, [b][color="#0000FF"]Kevin Thorn[/color][/b] and [b][color="#0000FF"]Ric Flair[/color][/b], are both solid. Since debuting under his current gimmick, Thorn has struck many as a potentially great upper-midcard act, whereas Flair is always good to have around. This will be Flair's first run as an official member of the SmackDown brand, making his switch even more intriguing. - SmackDown struck gold in the supplementary draft when they snatched [b][color="#0000FF"]Carlito[/color][/b], in OWW's opinion. The former Intercontinental and United States Champion has been at a dead-end on RAW for months, and we're predicting that he'll be able to break free on the less-competitive SmackDown brand. - Fellow Draft picks [b][color="#0000FF"]Viscera[/color][/b] and [b][color="#0000FF"]Eugene[/color][/b] have raised the eyebrows of a few WWE fans. Both have been used on RAW as comedy acts over the last few years, and it is unlikely that either will progress further on the blue brand. - [b][color="#0000FF"]Matt Striker[/color][/b] could be good as a wrestler or a manager. Personally, we'd like to see how far he could go in managing, but there's always the possibility of him competing in SmackDown's cruiserweight division. - [b][color="#0000FF"]Torrie Wilson[/color][/b] spent four-plus years on SmackDown, so it's not exactly a mystery when it comes to how she'll be received there. We can guess that she'll win a few contests, get involved in a few storylines and have a few matches. Nothing major. - [color="#800080"][b]ECW[/b][/color] received arguably the two best picks of the main Draft. [b][color="#800080"]Umaga[/color][/b] and [b][color="#800080"]Chris Benoit[/color][/b] were both big players on RAW and SmackDown, and we can expect them to headline ECW in coming months. - [b][color="#800080"]Gregory Helms[/color][/b] is expected to be out for a good while, but he'll probably do well enough on the brand. Unfortunately we won't be able to confirm this for at least a year. Meanwhile, [b][color="#800080"]Mike 'The Miz' Mizanin[/color][/b] has been a decent (yet annoying lower-card heel on SmackDown, and we can expect him to be the same on ECW, with the possible addition of more airtime. - [b][color="#800080"]The Highlanders[/color][/b] don't exactly have much to compete for in the company's third brand, but they'll probably receive a greater amount of exposure than they did previously on RAW. A feud with The Major Brothers, The New Breed or the ECW Originals seems possible.[/quote] ...
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[quote][center][size=4][b]ECW on Sci-Fi Preview:[/b][/size][/center] Tonight on [b][color="#800080"]ECW on Sci-Fi[/color][/b], you can expect some new feuds to begin following the Draft Lottery on RAW. Draftees [b]Chris Benoit[/b] and [b]Umaga[/b] are sure to be to be causing havoc, and you can see this only on Sci-Fi. Speaking of Chris Benoit, he'll have his hands full when he goes toe-to-toe with the [i]'future of Extreme Championship Wrestling'[/i], [b]Elijah Burke[/b]. In the aftermath of the Draft, both [b]Kevin Thorn[/b] and [b]Matt Striker[/b] have left the Land of Extreme and set their sights on the Superstars of the SmackDown roster. Burke clearly won't have the same advantage as he has had in recent months without the entire [b]New Breed[/b] by his side, but you can still bet that 'The Alpha Male' [b]Marcus Cor Von[/b] will be on hand here. [b]Bobby Lashley[/b] was forced to go one-on-one with the seven foot tall [b]Great Khali[/b] on RAW to 'prepare' him for his match against the ECW Champion and WWE Chairman, [b]Vincent Kennedy McMahon[/b]. What will McMahon have in store for Lashley tonight? Tune in to find out. The psychotic [b]Snitsky[/b] has been running wild on Sci-Fi for months now. Tonight he will square off with [b]The Sandman[/b] in an Extreme Rules match. Can the ECW Original pick up the win in his preferred style of match, or will he be just another victim on Snitsky's path of destruction? All this and more on [b][color="#800080"]ECW on Sci-Fi[/color][/b]. [i]Confirmed matches: [b]Chris Benoit[/b] vs. [b]Elijah Burke[/b] [b]Snitsky[/b] vs. [b]The Sandman[/b] (Extreme Rules)[/i][/quote] [i][b]OOC:[/b] I apologise for using Chris Benoit. Just to fill you in, I'll only be using him for a few months, in which I'll probably have him feud with the New Breed and Lashley before 'injuring' him and making him a road agent.[/i]
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[QUOTE=tiarnantman;338900][i][b]OOC:[/b] I apologise for using Chris Benoit. Just to fill you in, I'll only be using him for a few months, in which I'll probably have him feud with the New Breed and Lashley before 'injuring' him and making him a road agent.[/i][/QUOTE] I think it's reasonable enough to use Benoit. At the end of the day, he was very relevant as a big draft move to ECW and despite the terrible acts he went on to commit, is ultimately just another character in the data in TEW. I'm glad to see you're going to be using him, at least initially. I had a dynasty running from this same period and focussed on ECW, but opted not to use him and regretted it in a way, although admittedly it's hard to really feel comfortable doing so. As for the first RAW, I liked it (although in real life I'd be complaining if Batista went over the WGTT ;)). I don't think the images in the main event aftermath really added anything, but the write up as a whole was well detailed, yet breezey enough to read through. Solid match descriptions and solid segments. Interesting mix for the draft itself (some real moves, some not). CM Punk to RAW is probably the most notable, although at a time when of course he hadn't won the ECW title yet, so an IC challenge fits well. Kane might as well be back on RAW, whilst Richards is former RAW enhancement talent. Thorn to Smackdown caught my attention as well, so I'm curious to see what you do with him. Helms to ECW... possible New Breed recruit? As for the Highlanders, I'd probably rather have seen the better gimmicked Cryme Tyme head over to Tuesday nights, but the Highlanders offer nothing to RAW, so again, I'll wait to see what you have in store for them. Good stuff.
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Thanks for the comments guys. Sebsplex's in particular. I'll get back to you there later on. ... [center][img]http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n39/saimbaig/ExtremeChampionshipWrestling.png[/img] [i][b][size=4]Held in the Allstate Arena, located in Illinoise[/size][/i][/b] [size=4][size=3]Your hosts for the evening... [b]Joey Styles[/b] and [b]Tazz[/b] [/center][/size][/size] [b][color="#800080"]ECW on Sci-Fi[/color][/b] opened with a video highlighted ECW's role in the previous night's [b]Draft Lottery.[/b] We are shown clips of [b]Umaga[/b] and [b]Chris Benoit[/b] being revealed as the newest members of the ECW roster, and are also treated to a computerised clip bringing fans up-to-date with the supplementary draft. The video ends with the following words splashed across the big screen: [center][size=5][b]ECW - Revolutionizing Sports Entertainment[/b][/size][/center] The show was kicked off by one of ECW's newest draft picks, 'the Rabid Wolverine' [b]Chris Benoit[/b]. Preparing to take on New Breed leader [b]Elijah Burke[/b], Benoit looked confident as he made his way to the ring. His entrance was followed by Burke's, who, surprisingly, was alone. Burke started the match off with a cheap shot to the face of Benoit. He locked the Wolverine in a hammerlock, but the much more technically efficient Benoit was able to reverse it with ease. Benoit locked in side headlock, before turning in into a standing armbar. Realising that he could not outwrestle Benoit, Burke began to fight back with a series of jabs to the chest, but Benoit kept the hold locked in. The match continued in very much the same matter. Benoit had control for the majority of the match, with Burke only beginning to gain momentum later in. He reversed a headlock attempt by pushing Benoit into the turnbuckle chest-first. Burke walked across the ring to the turnbuckle directly opposite, and ran in for the kill, lifting his knees in an attempt to hit his [i]'Elijah Express'[/i]. But Benoit was ready for him; he sped out to way, sending Burke knees-first into the steel turnbuckle. Benoit connected with a German Suplex, and brought Burke down for the [i]Crossface.[/i] Just as it seemed that the New Breed leader was about to tap out to the pain, 'The Alpha Male' [b]Marcus Cor Von[/b] charged into the ring, breaking the hold. As the bell rang for the DQ, Cor Von was forcing Benoit to his feet. He nailed him with a big closeline, before bouncing against the ropes towards the Wolverine in preparation for his [i]Poooouuunccee.[/i] But Benoit moved out to way, sending the Alpha Male into his recovering New Breed ally, Elijah Burke. As Burke fell to the ground, Benoit grabbed Cor Von from behind and hit a trifecta of German Suplexes, before leaving to the ring and heading to the back, with a final glance at the fallen New Breed members. [b]- Chris Benoit d. Elijah Burke via DQ when Marcus Cor Von interfered[/b] Backstage we see [b]The Miz[/b] pleading with a bored-looking [b]Vince McMahon[/b]. [quote]"Please Mr. McMahon, give me a chance to prove to you just how good I really am. Seriously, I'm willing to face [i]anyone[/i] you throw against me. You do remember my undefeated streak back on [color="#0000FF"][b]SmackDown[/b][/color], don't you?" "Yes, I remember...Look, I'll tell you what. Tonight, it'll be The Miz going one-on-one with...let's see...[b]Bobby Lashley![/b]" ([i]The Miz looks shocked[/i]) "And listen, you do realise that I've got a big match against Lashley at One Night Stand, don't you? Well, I'd like it very much if you could...get Lashley [i]ready[/i] for that match. You know, warm him up a bit. Oh, and Miz...please try to make a good job out of this, or else suffer my...[i]displeasure.[/i]"[/quote] Back in the ring, [b]Kelly Kelly[/b], [b]Layla[/b] and [b]Brooke[/b] are set up for their [b]Extreme Exposé[/b] segment. They do the usual dance routine, which ends with the usual pyro. They are just preparing to leave when the old [b]F.B.I.[/b] theme music hits, and the 'Full [i]Bodied [/i]Italian' [b]Trinity[/b]. [quote]"Kelly, Layla, Brooke, listen to me for one moment. In case you haven't heard, my name is Trinity, the [i]Full Bodied Italian[/i], and a [i]real[/i] women's wrestler. I've been a member of this roster since the beginning, but if you don't recognise me, that'd be because my potential air-time has been taken up by a bunch of sluts focused on as much flesh as they possibly can, rather than actually taking the time to learn the ropes of professional wrestler. Unlike these three 'women' here, [i]I [/i]can actually tell a wristlock from a wristwatch, but for some reason I haven't been allowed to prove that to you. People, I'm not going to be silent about this any more. I'm going to show you what a real woman should be able to do in this business, and if it means ripping through these three, so be it."[/quote] Tossing the microphone to the mat, Trinity walked over to Kelly Kelly and knocked her down with a flat-out punch to the face. She left the ring, leaving Layla and Brooke to help their friend to her feet. [b]Snitsky[/b] absolutely decimated ECW Original [b]The Sandman[/b] in an Extreme Rules Match. The fan-favourite attempted to get a head-start over the less mobile Snitsky at the beginning of the match with the help of his singapore cane, but Snitsky merely shrugged off the shots before delivering a massive boot to the face of the Sandman. The sadistic monster lifted up the cane, and proceeded to crash down onto the fallen Sandman, before breaking it in half. He then lifted up the Original, and brought him up onto his shoulder, and locking in a [i]Torture Rack[/i]! The Sandman, already half concussed, passed out from the pain, giving the victory to Snitsky. But this wasn't enough for the big man; after the bell had rung, Snitsky ignored to struggling referee and lifted The Sandman up before slamming him down to the mat in a massive [i]Pumphandle Slam[/i]! [b]- Snitsky d. The Sandman in an Extreme Rules Match[/b] A second plays, hyping the [b]McMahon[/b]/[b]Lashley[/b] title match at [b]WWE One Night Stand[/b], less than a week away. We are treated to clips highlighted the ups and downs of the rivalry. [center][size=5][b]Vince McMahon vs. Bobby Lashley ...For the ECW Championship ONLY on Pay-Per-View[/b][/size][/center] [b]Bobby Lashley[/b] absolutely ran through recent draftee [b]The Miz[/b] in the main event of the evening. Perhaps sending a message to the WWE Chairman, Lashley destroyed Miz with a series of high-impact closelines and slams, before lifting him onto his shoulder and running across the ring, slamming The Miz down on the canvas in a huge [i]Running Powerslam[/i]. The Miz was flat-out knocked out when the time came for Lashley to pin him for the [i][b]1...2...3.[/b][/i] Lashley celebrated in the ring until... ... [center][size=5][b]No Chance...[/b][/size][/center] The ECW Champion and WWE Chairman made his way out onto the stage, with the championship belt held safely over his shoulder. Lashley made to come after him, but he was knocked down from behind before he could leave the ring. 'The Samoan Bulldozer' [b]Umaga[/b] began to lay into the fallen Lashley, stomping him into the ground. He lifted him up, and raised his thumb into the air, before bringing it down to Lashley's throat in a vicious [i]Samoan Spike[/i]. The damage now done, Umaga left the ring, and made his way towards to laughing chairman. [b]- Bobby Lashley d. The Miz[/b] [b]Dark Match Results: Marcus Cor Von[/b] d. [b]Little Guido Maritato[/b] [b]The Major Brothers[/b] d. [b]The Highlanders[/b]
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[quote][center][b][size=3][img]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/ovbanner.jpg[/img] OVW Results:[/size][/b] Chris Cage d. Chris Rombola[b] (E-)[/b] Jennifer Fit d. 'Bag Lady' Melissa Coates [b](E-)[/b] Damian Adams d. Justin LaRoche [b](E-)[/b] Chris Guy d. Freakin' Deacon[b] (D-)[/b] Nicky d. Bradley Jay [b](D-)[/b] Harry Smith d. Mr. Strongko[b] (E)[/b] Daniel Rodimer d. Hardcore Anson [b](E)[/b] Idol Stevens d. Jacob Duncan[b] (E)[/b] Shawn Spears went to a double DQ with Colt Cabana to retain the OVW Television Championship[b] (D)[/b] Josie d. Katie Lea [b](E)[/b] Paul Burchill d. René Duprée to retain the OVW Heavyweight Championship[b] (D+)[/b] The James Boys d. Raige & Kraven[b] (E)[/b] [/center][/quote] ...
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[quote][center] [size=4][b]Friday Night SmackDown Preview:[/b][/size][/center] The superstars of [color="#0000FF"][b]Friday Night SmackDown [/b][/color]will be full of competition and drive following the Draft Lottery last Monday Night. Seven new members of the SmackDown roster are looking to make a mark on primetime television, and who could blame them? They're about to step up onto a new level of competition. World Heavyweight Champion [b]Edge[/b] has taken the advantage in his feud with rival [b]Batista[/b] after a victory at Judgement Day, but Batista will have the chance to even the score when he teams up with mentor [b]Ric Flair[/b] to take on Edge and the WWE Tag Team Champions [b]Deuce 'N' Domino[/b]. Will the two former [b]Evolution[/b] team-mates pick up the victory, or will the star-studded team of champions prove to be too much for Batista and Flair to handle? [b]Carlito[/b] is no stranger to the blue brand. In fact, he defeated [b]John Cena [/b]for the United States Championship on his first night on SmackDown. WWE's gift from the Carribean will be hoping to gain similar success this Friday night, when he will action against a yet-to-be-named SmackDown competitor. United States Champion [b]Montel Vontavious Porter[/b] is finally free from the constant thread of [b]Chris Benoit[/b]. Who will be SmackDown's self-professed MVP's first challenge as champion? Find out on Friday night. [b]Matt Striker[/b] has had experience on the RAW and ECW brands, but now he'll have to prove himself on the WWE's blue brand. He will get his first chance this Friday when he goes one-on-one with [b]Brian Kendrick[/b]. Kendrick has shown that he can be impressive in the tag team division, but how will he fair in singles competition? Find out on SmackDown. All this and more on [b][color="#0000FF"]Friday Night SmackDown[/color][/b]! [i]Confirmed matches: [b]Batista [/b]& [b]Ric Flair [/b]vs. World Heavyweight Champion [b]Edge [/b]and WWE Tag Team Champions [b]Deuce 'N' Domino[/b] [b]Carlito [/b]vs. ??? [b]Matt Striker [/b]vs. [b]Brian Kendrick[/b][/i][/quote] ...
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;338936]I think it's reasonable enough to use Benoit. At the end of the day, he was very relevant as a big draft move to ECW and despite the terrible acts he went on to commit, is ultimately just another character in the data in TEW. I'm glad to see you're going to be using him, at least initially. I had a dynasty running from this same period and focussed on ECW, but opted not to use him and regretted it in a way, although admittedly it's hard to really feel comfortable doing so. [/quote] Benoit's never going to be easy to write for after the murder, but yeah, I agree that he's basically just a character in the game, regardless of his crime. And besides, it would've been difficult to just write him off before the diary really even started. Going down the 'tragic death' route is a no-no, as it would've logically been followed by a tribute show, which I'm really not prepared to do. Really, I decided that the best choice would be to 'retire' him or injure him, which I would've done right away, had Benoit not been loaded with overness and popularity that could've easily helped another younger worker. So yeah, expect Benoit to be used mainly to help the younger ECW guys with actual potential get over in coming months. [quote]As for the first RAW, I liked it (although in real life I'd be complaining if Batista went over the WGTT ;)). I don't think the images in the main event aftermath really added anything, but the write up as a whole was well detailed, yet breezey enough to read through. Solid match descriptions and solid segments.[/quote] Thanks for that. I needed to get Batista involved somehow, and having him face off against a single midcarder from one of the other brands wouldn't have worked, so I decided that a handicap match would do the trick. Don't worry, I'm planning on actually going somewhere with the WGTT in coming RAWs. The photos in the main event were really only there to break up the writing and to make the main event seem more important than the rest of the card, although I'm not sure whether to keep doing it in future shows. [quote]Interesting mix for the draft itself (some real moves, some not). CM Punk to RAW is probably the most notable, although at a time when of course he hadn't won the ECW title yet, so an IC challenge fits well. Kane might as well be back on RAW, whilst Richards is former RAW enhancement talent. Thorn to Smackdown caught my attention as well, so I'm curious to see what you do with him. Helms to ECW... possible New Breed recruit? As for the Highlanders, I'd probably rather have seen the better gimmicked Cryme Tyme head over to Tuesday nights, but the Highlanders offer nothing to RAW, so again, I'll wait to see what you have in store for them. Good stuff.[/QUOTE] To be honest, I'm really not a fan of Punk at all, but he has good (despite reduced) stats in the game, and they really shouldn't go to waste. I wanted the draft to have some big changes that would be very different from how things turned out in real life, and Punk is the main item in this. With Punk on RAW rather than, say, Lashley, I'll be able to see what I can do with the ECW brand in coming months with the notable loss of the future champion, and I'll be able to see how Punk can fair in the 'big' brand. I have some plans for Kane, but I'm really not sure how they'll pan out. Richards is always useful when you need him. I'm planning on giving Thorn a bit of a push on SmackDown, and The Highlanders were sent to ECW mainly to get things set up for a potential tag team division there. Helms won't be back for another year, but in other games he's proved to be useful in ECW, so I'll hope this'll be the same, [I]if[/I] I make it to his return.
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Solid edition of ECW, a simple show to keep the wheels turning (put over Snitsky, easy win for Lashley whilst debuting The Miz). I like how you developed Trinity more in a few lines of text than the WWE managed for her whole tenure there, but I loved the subtle portrayal of Benoit's character... doing enough to subdue the New Breed without going beyond and beating the bejesus out of either man. It gave him a certain air of nobility.
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