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WCW - The Survival Era

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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]WCW - The Survival Era[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B]September 2000[/B] World Championship Wrestling is, at this time, a dying animal. It's been wounded for some time now, and the blood loss is just too much. Money is leaking out of the company like water through a sive, and the politics backstage are becoming too much, giving us some awkward booking. While the WWF are giving us some great entertainment, WCW are giving us second rate beans. For example, on the September 25th edition of WWF Raw, we saw the main event of WWF Champion The Rock taking on, and beating, Chris Benoit. Flip the channel over from TNN to TNT, and we see Vince Russo, the WCW Head Booker, taking on Booker T, the WCW Champion. Guess who won? Booker T, you say? Nope. Mr Russo booked himself to beat the man who should be the top of the WCW mountin, in a steel cage match, no less. Back at his offices, Ted Turner knew that WCW, his creation, his company, would not be around much longer if left in the hands of Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo. Vince McMahon would win the war, and WCW would be forgotten. [B]October 2000[/B] October was another dismal month for World Championship Wrestling, with Russo appearing more and more on Nitro and Thunder, and main events that seemed to be just thrown together the evening before. Ted Turner knew drastic changes were needed, and he gave Bischoff and Russo notice that they were being replaced on November 30th. Bischoff and Russo were obviously upset, and to say the least, angry about this. They didn't see themselves as the death of WCW, but as the saviours. They didn't realise that in another, alternative universe, they'd be handing control of the WCW, it's names and trademarks, the video library, over to their arch-rivals in the World Wrestling Federation. Further more, though, they didn't see anyone else that was fit enough to run the company. [B]November 2000[/B] November saw "Big Poppa Pump" pick up the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, and also saw Bischoff and Russo try and ruin the last Nitro they booked for WCW. Main eventing the November 27th show was Scott Steiner and ... Stevie Ray?! Not exactly the type of main event anyone, anywhere, wants to see. Especially when on another channel is "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Kurt Angle main eventing Raw. However, just as Ted Turner had promised, someone else was coming in to the company, to turn things around ... Hopefully. [CENTER]- - - - -[/CENTER] [B]November 30th, 2000[/B] Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo sat, albiet reluctantly, at a desk in one of Turner's offices. They waited in silence, pondering over their futures. Ted Turner walked in, and both men stood up. Turner signalled with his hand for them to sit, and then called out from through the office for someone to join them. Then someone who they didn't know came through the door, and he sat beside Ted Turner. [B]Ted Turner:[/B] "Thank you for joining us here today Eric, and you Vince. I know that you're probably upset with the current situation, and this is why I asked you to join us today. I'd like to make a few things clear." [B]Eric Bischoff:[/B] "Some things are already too clear, like me and Vince are out of a job, and we know for damn sure that the McMahons won't pick us up." Russo just nodded his head, but remained silent. The unknown man clasped his hands on the table in front of him. [B]Ted Turner:[/B] "Eric, you're not being put out of a job. I'd like to introduce you to someone. This is Ray Wilson, the new Head Booker of World Championship Wrestling." Bischoff and Russo looked across the table at the man, and Wilson nodded at them. They nodded back, and Turner continued. [B]Ted Turner:[/B] "He has personally asked for you two to remain on [I]his[/I] booking team. You two owe him your jobs." [B]Vince Russo:[/B] "Wha-?" [B]Ted Turner:[/B] "No, let me tell you what's going to happen, and then this meeting will be over. Everyone can leave, go home to their families." Russo put his head back down, cursing under his breath. Turner glanced at him, and then continued. [B]Ted Turner:[/B] "Mr. Wilson has been working over in the United Kingdom, working as a script writer for the BBC. He approached me back in 1999, interested in getting into the wrestling business, and I have been in contact with him since then. A few months ago, August, I think it was, he showed me some outlines for some storylines he'd thought up. I won't lie to you, they weren't amazing, not at all ... But they were in a class above the c*** you two have been writing! So, now he sits before you as your new 'boss'. You'll answer to him, and only him. Now, Mr. Wilson knows what I want done with this company, and I'll hand the rest of the meeting over to him..." [B]Ray Wilson:[/B] "Okay, I'd just like to say thank you to Mr. Turner for giving me this opportunity, and I'd like to hope that we can work together as a team to help bring down the WWF. I've already expressed my views of what I'd like to do with the company to Mr. Turner, so I'll just reiterate them to you. Firstly, I think it's important to get everyone of creative control. While the likes of Nash and Hogan have them in their contracts, we're doomed. On the other hand, they are some of our top draws, and releasing them would be silly, especially as they are likely to be signed up by McMahon. While on the subject of contracts, I want everyone on written deals. Who's going to pay to come and see Nitro, or Starrcade, when you can see them for a quater of the price down at your local gym? We're a top promotion, we should have exclusive deals with all our workers. However, top of my - I mean, '[I]our[/I]' - agenda is to fill out NWA Wildside with more developmental deals. The likes of CM Punk, Colt Cabana, these guys should be ours. I know they are small, but let's look at WWF and ECW. Heyman and McMahon can turn anyone into stars, look at what they have done with Jericho and Credible? Steve Corino? These are small talents, and we need more of them. America loves the underdogs, let's give them some!" Bischoff and Russo don't look too pleased at the concept of pushing smaller built wrestlers, but don't say anything, in fear of being shot down by Ted Turner. [B]Ted Turner:[/B] "Okay, is that everything?" Wilson nods. [B]Ted Turner:[/B] "Okay then, that concludes today meeting. Is there anything else you two would like to add?" Silence... [B]Ted Turner:[/B] "Good. Then let's look forward to the next Nitro. Good evening, men." Ted Turner stands, and then everyone else follows. Turner leads them out the office room. Will the WCW be a success under a new booker, or will the WWF continue to punish WCW? Find out here, and only here!
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[B]World Championship Wrestling Information[/B] [QUOTE][B]WCW Active Roster[/B] Air Paris AJ Styles Alex Wright Bam Bam Bigelow Big Vito Bill Goldberg Billy Kidman Booker T Brian Adams Bryan Clarke Buff Bagwell Christopher Daniels Chuck Palumbo Crowbar David Flair Diamond Dallas Page Disqo - [I]Formally Disco Inferno[/I] Don Harris Dustin Rhodes Elix Skipper Ernest Miller Evan Karagias Hugh G. Rection - [I]Formally Hugh Morrus[/I] Hulk Hogan Jamie-San Jeff Jarrett Jerry Flynn Jim Duggan Johnny The Bull Kaz Hayashi Kevin Nash Kid Romeo Konnan Kwee-Wee - [I]Formally Allen Funk[/I] La Parka Lance Storm Lash LeRoux Lex Luger Lodi Lt. Loco - [I]Formally Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/I] Madusa Mark Jindrak Meng Michael Modest Mike Awesome Mike Sanders Norman Smiley Positivley Kanyon Reno Rey Mysterio Jr. Ric Flair Rick Steiner Scott Steiner Sean O'Haire Sgt. AWOL - [I]Formally The Wall[/I] Shane Douglas Shane Helms Shannon Moore Shawn Stasiak Sid Vicious Tank Abbott The Artist - [I]Formally Prince Iaukia[/I] The Sarge - [I]Formally Buddy Lee Parker[/I] Yang[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]WCW Champions[/B] [B] ~ WCW World Heavyweight Championship:[/B] Scott Steiner [B] ~ WCW United States Championship:[/B] Hugh G. Rection [B] ~ WCW Cruiserweight Championship:[/B] Mike Sanders [B] ~ WCW Hardcore Championship:[/B] Crowbar [B] ~ WCW World Tag Team Championships:[/B]The InSiders; Diamond Dallas Page & Kevin Nash[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Show Archive[/B] [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=339620&postcount=4"]Mon, Wk 1, Dec 2000 - WCW Monday Night Nitro[/URL][/QUOTE]
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[Center][B][SIZE="5"]WCW Monday Night Nitro[/SIZE][/B] Monday, Week 1, December 2000 LIVE from the Patriot Center (Mid Atlantic)[/Center] [QUOTE][I]Dark Matches[/I] » Mark Jindrak defeated Bam Bam Bigelow in 5:53 by pinfall with a Mark Of Excellence. (B-) » Rey Mysterio Jr. drew with Lance Storm in 6:38 following a double count out. (B+)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Before we kick WCW Monday Night Nitro off, we're greeted with a video hyping the promotion up, featuring Hulk Hogan, Scott Steiner, and Booker T! » [B]Grade:[/B] B+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Scott Steiner comes down to the ring, with Midajah, and grabs a mic'. Talking over the boo's, he tell's us that tonight he'll be facing Dustin Rhodes, defending his WCW World Heavyweight Championship on 'free TV', and that we should be greatful we get to see this. However, after a few minutes, Booker T's music hits, and he comes out of the entrance way, mic' in hand. Booker tells Steiner that he may be facing Rhodes tonight, but in the long run, he's the true number one contender. Steiner mocks him, saying that Booker's time at the top is over, but Booker produces a contract, signed by Eric Bischoff, saying that he's made Booker the official number one contender. Steiner just stands in silence, shocked. Booker closes the segment, telling Steiner to "hate the game, not the player ... Sucka!" » [B]Grade:[/B] A*[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Air Raid vs. Romeo & Skipper[/B][/center] Both teams came into this bout with nothing to lose, nothing on the line, but in the end it was the pride of Air Raid that was dented, as the team of Romeo and Skipper come out victorious. Elix Skipper picked the win up for his team, after hitting AJ Styles with the Sudden Impact, in 5:27. » [B]Winners:[/B] Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo » [B]Grade:[/B] D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Booker T is shown backstage, walking through a corridor. He then approaches a door, marked up with his name, and enters. » [B]Grade:[/B] B+[/Quote] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Mike Sanders© vs. Christopher Daniels[/B][/CENTER] Mike Sanders put his WCW Cruiserweight Championship on the line this evening against "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, who is a relative newcomer to WCW. After an outstanding match, it ended when Sanders hit Daniels with the Thriller Killer, and getting the pinfall in 6:04. » [B]Winner:[/B] Mike Sanders » [B]Grade:[/B] B-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]We see Norman Smiley making his way to the ring, clad in padding and helmet, ready for his shot at the WCW Hardcore Championship. » [B]Grade:[/B] C+[/Quote] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]WCW Hardcore Championship Hardcore Match Crowbar© vs. Norman Smiley[/B][/CENTER] The WCW Hardcore Championship was on the line in this match, and Crowbar managed to successfully defend it, after hitting "Screaming" Norman Smiley with the Mind Bender, and getting the pinfall in 6:43. » [B]Winner:[/B] Crowbar » [B]Grade:[/B] B-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair is backstage, cutting a promo about the new direction that WCW is looking to take, when Shane Douglas comes onto the scene. "The Franchise" tells Flair that WCW would reach be better if he wasn't around, citing that the Nature Boy was "past it", and it was time to let the younger talent shine through. Flair cuts him off ("WHOOO!") and tells Douglas to put his money where his mouth is, and face him one-on-one tonight! Douglas hesitates, and then agrees, even letting Flair pick the type of match. Ric Flair ponders for a moment, and then blurts out "Ultimate Submission Match, WHOOO!" ... Will Shane Douglas be able to beat The Man tonight? Stay tuned to find out. » [B]Grade:[/B] A[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Billy Kidman vs. Evan Karagias[/B][/CENTER] Billy Kidman defeated Evan Karagias via pinfall in 6:02, after hitting him with the Shooting Star Press. This was a pretty decent match, and helped prove that the Cruiserweight Division is a staple part of World Championship Wrestling. » [B]Winner:[/B] Billy Kidman » [B]Grade:[/B] B[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]We cut to the backstage area, where we see The InSiders talking about their upcoming match against KroniK, with their WCW World Tag Team Championships on the line. » [B]Grade:[/B] B+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]WCW World Tag Team Championships The InSiders© vs. KroniK[/B][/CENTER] This match showed that the WCW had just as good heavyweights as it did cruiserweights, with KroniK coming close to taking the titles away from Page and Nash. However, it wasn't to be, as DDP hit Bryan Clarke with the Diamond Cutter, and picked the win up in 6:55. » [B]Winner:[/B] The InSiders » [B]Grade:[/B] B-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A pre-recorded video is aired, showing Hulk Hogan standing infront of a Starrcade 2000 poster. He issues an open challenge against anyone, be it in the WCW locker room, the WWF locker room, ECW locker room, or anyone else! Hogan warns, though, that who ever dares to take up his open challenge will have "Hulkamania running wild" on themselves. » [B]Grade:[/B] A*[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Ultimate Submission Match Ric Flair vs. Shane Douglas[/B][/CENTER] Now it was time for Shane Douglas to see if he could beat 'The Man'. Flair and Douglas went at it early on, really giving each other some stiff blows. Douglas looked like he had the match won, when he attempted to apply the Figure Four Leg Lock to "The Nature Boy", but Flair managed to counter it, and trapped "The Franchise" into it, instead. Douglas held out for almost 30 seconds before tapping, ending the match in 7:59. » [B]Winner:[/B] Ric Flair » [B]Grade:[/B] B+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Bill Goldberg vs. Jeff Jarrett[/B][/CENTER] Goldberg came out to the ring with the fans chanting his name ("GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG") over and over again. Jarrett, accompanied by his acoustic guitar, soon made his way down to the ring, too. Goldberg dominated the majority of the match, but Jarrett soon found himself back in it, after dodging a Spear attempt. Jarrett, guitar in hand, stood waiting for Goldberg to get back to his feet after taking him down with a snapmere. However, as Goldberg got back to his feet, with Jarrett swinging the guitar, Goldberg managed to move around him, unharmed. The guitar shattered on the ringpost, and as "Double J" turned around, he was greeted with a powerful Spear ... Which was surely followed up with a Jackhammer. Goldberg made the cover, and picked the win up in 8:42. » [B]Winner:[/B] Bill Goldberg » [B]Grade:[/B] B[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]WCW World Heavyweight Championship Scott Steiner© vs. Dustin Rhodes[/B][/CENTER] Scott Steiner completely dominated this match, and the booking made Rhodes look terribly weak. After giving Rhodes a Pump Handle Slam, Steiner made the cover, and got the three count, in 7:32. » [B]Winner:[/B] Scott Steiner » [B]Grade:[/B] B-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The booking team were saved from the un employment line with a fantastic finish to Nitro. While Scott Steiner was celebrating in the ring with Midajah, Booker T came running down. After entering the ring, he and Steiner came nose to nose, but no punches were thrown. The two of them stood, completely still, silent. Suddenly, Steiner shoved Booker T, and Booker T smiled at "Big Poppa Pump", for some unknown reason. Steiner started to back off, and the officials started to fill the ring, and sepereated them as Nitro went off air. » [B]Grade:[/B] B+[/QUOTE] [Center][B]Show Grade:[/B] B[/center]
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[CENTER][B]News and Headlines[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B]WWF Raw Results[/B] Test def. Steve Blackman for the WWF Hardcore Championship Chyna def. Molly Holly D-Von Dudley def. Hardcore Holly Trish Stratus def. Ivory Chris Jericho def. Eddie Guerrero Kurt Angle def. The Undertaker to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Championship[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]ProWrestling.com / Tuesday, Week 1, December 2000[/B] News in is that last night's TV ratings stand as shown: WWF Raw got a 35.84 rating on TNN, while WCW Nitro picked up a 16.51 on TNT. In more WCW related news, Buff Bagwell last night boasted that without him, WCW would be a dying breed. He said that he was carrying the company, and didn't see why he should have jobbed to Goldberg last night. Obviously, Buff Bagwell thinks very much that he is "the Stuff". It's also being reported that WCW have signed up indy worker Colt Cabana to a developmental deal. He's expected to be heading to NWA Wildside within the next week.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]WCW.com / Tuesday, Week 1, December 2000[/B] World Championship Wrestling has come to terms with the following talents, we wish them all the best in the future: Bill Busch, Insane Clown Posse, Road Warrior Animal, Michael Buffer, M.I. Smooth, Jacques Rougeau Jr., Kathy Dingman, Emroy Hale, Sam Greco, Shat, and Terry Funk.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]WCW.com / Wednesday, Week 1, December 2000[/B] Further information on Road Warrior Animal and Terry Funk's releases has surfaced, and we have been given the green light from managment to give you more details. Yesterday, before Nitro aired, the new Head Booker of WCW, Ray Wilson, held a talent relations meeting. In the meeting he told the workers that anyone that wished to leave the company could do so, right there and then. Animal and Funk were two of the workers that took Wilson up on his offer, citing that they'd like to go and work Japan on a more regular basis. It's believed that there is no bad blood between the two and WCW management, and it's all the possible that they could be back some time in the future. Once again, we'd like to wish them all the best. Also, tonight's Thunder preview is up! After Nitro went off the air on Monday night, Booker T challenged Steiner to a match for Thunder, but Steiner declined, saying that he was already pushed to his limits against Rhodes. Booker, being a smart man, offered him to face him in a tag match, instead. Steiner quickly accepted, claiming that Buff Bagwell will be his partner for the night. Booker T said that Steiner would find out who his partner for the match would be at Thunder, so the question remains, who will tag with Booker? Here's the confirmed card for Thunder, which is subject to change: Booker T & ??? vs. Scott Steiner & Buff Bagwell Ric Flair vs. Positivley Kanyon Diamond Dallas Page vs. Mike Awesome WCW United States Title Match: Hugh G. Rection© vs. Sean O'Haire Billy Kidman vs. Lance Storm David Flair vs. Lt. Loco[/QUOTE]
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[B]Booker T & ???[/B] vs. Scott Steiner & Buff Bagwell Ric Flair vs. [B]Positivley Kanyon[/B] [B]Diamond Dallas Page[/B] vs. Mike Awesome WCW United States Title Match: Hugh G. Rection© vs. [B]Sean O'Haire[/B] Billy Kidman vs. [B]Lance Storm[/B] David Flair vs. [B]Lt. Loco[/B]
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