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WWE: Sandler's Running Thing's!

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[CENTER][B]NOTE:[/B] This storyline is completely un-realistic, it's just what I decided to do to try and get more interested in the game. Also I'm using the 1RC database so it's a couple of month's back. [B]--------------------------------------------------------------[/B] [IMG]http://www.psdprotocol.com/previews/full/474.png[/IMG][URL="http://www.psdprotocol.com/previews/full/474.png"][/URL] Wrestling news site's were on fire last night, even new's channels were covering this breaking story. Vince McMahon; tired of wrestling fans nowadays had given up control of World Wrestling Entertainment to the highest bidder. When reached for comment Vince stated: "I've made enough money to last a hundred lifetime's, I don't need the WWE anymore and it seem's the WWE doesn't need me either." Fan's and the public alike awaited the announcement of the new owner of the company, during last week's edition of RAW it was revealed to be none other then Adam Sandler! The lifelong wrestling fan has stepped away from acting to run the company he grew up watching.[/CENTER] [CENTER]Sandler was reached for a statement after the shocking announcement: "Ya know when I heard the WWE was up for grabs, I grabbed it and I'm keeping it. This isn't just a joke or a publicity stunt, I'm serious about running this company, knowing the thing's I know about fans and whatnot I think I'm going to do a hell of a job at it too."[/CENTER] [CENTER]WWE.com has released an official preview for RAW.[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/6033000[/IMG][URL="http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/6033000"][/URL][/CENTER] [CENTER]Adam Sandler promises a huge main event.[/CENTER] [CENTER]Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy (c) in a steel cage match.[/CENTER] [CENTER]Carlito & Ken Kennedy vs. Sandman & Bobby Lashley[/CENTER] [CENTER]Mickie James vs. Melina, #1 Contendership to Womens Title[/CENTER] [CENTER]King Booker vs. Val Venis[/CENTER] [CENTER]Cryme Tyme vs. London & Kendrick vs. The Highlanders, #1 Contendership to World Tag Team Title's[/CENTER] [CENTER][I]note: Don't know why two were posted but I'll be using this one.[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/6033000[/IMG] [COLOR=red][B]ATTENDANCE: [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]5,000 (SELL OUT)[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]DARK MATCH [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=black]Charlie Haas def. Cody Rhodes [/COLOR][COLOR=red]B-[/COLOR] [I]Haas came down to the ring, debuting his new surfer gimmick, even carrying a surfboard with him. The end of the match saw Haas break the surfboard over Rhodes' head behind the referee's back to get the pinfall.[/I] [B][COLOR=red][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]The show begins with Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross hyping the exciting recent events in the WWE, including Adam Sandler's takeover of the company and the fact that Sandler has promised a huge main event for tonight's show. [/COLOR][COLOR=red]B+[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR] London & Kendrick def. The Highlanders & Cryme Tyme, to become the #1 Contenders to the World Tag Team Titles [COLOR=red]D+[/COLOR] [I]Cryme Tyme were at an early advantage as Shad overpowered everyone, after both of The Highlander's teamed up to beat on Shad, he tagged in JTG. An exciting spot in the match saw The Highlanders brawling with Cryme Tyme on the outside until both London & Kendrick suicide dived through the ropes taking everybody out. The match was brought down when Kendrick hit an enzugiri on Rory of The Highlanders and he forgot to sell the move, actually jumping to the ground after a full two seconds. The end of the match came when Brain Kendrick hit The Get Well Soon on Robbie to win the match.[/I] Backstage we see Randy Orton and Triple H arguing, Adam Sandler arrives to a huge ovation and announces that tonight's huge main event is Triple vs. Randy Orton! [COLOR=red]B+[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR] King Booker def. Val Venis [COLOR=red]C[/COLOR] [I]It seemed this would just be a squash match as Booker dominated the first couple of minutes of the match, but Venis fought back even connecting with his signature Money Shot but it wasn't enough to put the King away. Booker set Venis up for the Scissors Kick but Venis avoided it, as he bounced off the rope's though Queen Sharmell grabbed his foot tripping him, and Booker rolled up an angered Venis for the three count.[/I] Backstage Jeff Hardy is interviewed by Maria, he talks about the wars he has had in the past and says the most intimidating opponent he's ever gone against was Umaga but tonight it doesn't matter, because tonight he will regain the Intercontinental Championship! [COLOR=red]B-[/COLOR] Melina def. Mickie James [COLOR=red]B-!![/COLOR] [I]This match surprised many with it's good quality. The early goings saw Melina dominate with an array of suplexes and submissions but Mickie James fought back nailing a DDT and nearly ending the match. Mickie went up top towards the end of the match, she came off the ropes looking for a flying cross body, but Melina rolled into a pinning predicament for a near fall. As they got to their feet Melina connected with a big Spinning Facebuster for the victory.[/I] As Melina celebrates the victory, the WWE Womens Champion Candice Michelle come's down to the ring, she offers Melina a handshake. Melina accepts only to pull Candice in and lay her out with a Spinning facebuster as well. [COLOR=red]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR] Carlito & Ken Kennedy def. Sandman & Lashley [COLOR=red]B-[/COLOR] [I]Carlito and Kennedy attacked Lashley with a steel chair during his entrance, leaving Sandman alone. For most of the match Carlito and Kennedy dominated Sandman with rare moments of Sandman, nearly coming back. Adam Sandler made his way down to the ring, and announced that he was making the match no holds barred, Sandman then grabbed his singapore cane and began to smack Carlito and Kennedy repeatedly. Finally Lashley made it to the ring, but Carlito snuck up behind him nailing a Backstabber, Sandman was distracted checking on Lashley and Kennedy hit him with the Green Bay Plunge for the victory.[/I] Backstage we see Adam Sandler once again, he announces that he doesn't want the Triple H vs. Randy Orton match to get too out of hand so he has assigned the special referee as WWE Champion John Cena! [COLOR=red]B+[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR] Jeff Hardy def. Umaga to become Intercontinental Champion, Steel Cage Match [COLOR=red]A*![/COLOR] [I]An absolutely stellar match, Hardy managed to avoid Umaga for the most part of the early goings, even springboarding off the rope with a back elbow which didn't even take Umaga down. Umaga then began to dominate Hardy signalling for the Samoan Spike, but Hardy managed to escape the near defeat. Both men began to climb the cage, and began to exchange blows half way up, until they both made it to the top, Hardy was up before Umaga who was just climbing up, and he began to stomp on him, when Umaga got to his feet Hardy nailed a bunch of lefts and rights before nailing a big right hand that sent Umaga all the way down to the mat. Hardy then signalled for the Swanton and the fans went absolutely nuts, Jeff came down and nailed the biggest Swanton Bomb ever seen, he managed to stay on top of Umaga to get the pinfall victory.[/I] Backstage we see Triple H and Randy Orton heading to the ring, the main event is next! [COLOR=red]B+[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR] Randy Orton drew with Triple H with special referee: John Cena [COLOR=red]B[/COLOR] [I]The beginning of the match was Triple H and Orton exchanging big shots in the center of the ring, Orton began to take the advantage, but Triple H hit a big flying knee to take the advantage. Triple H began to methodically pick apart Orton utilizing lots of submission holds that had Orton rolling around in agony. The match then once again shifted advantaged after Orton hit a backbreaker for a near fall. Triple H began to set up Randy Orton for the Pedigree but Orton countered and nailed the RKO! He covered and Cena counted 1...2... NO! At the last mili-second Triple H popped the shoulder up, Orton got to his feet and blamed Cena of screwing him over, he slapped Cena right across the face. As Orton turned to continue the match Cena flipped him around and set him up for the F-U! The fans were going wild but suddenly turned silent as Triple H got to his feet and kicked Cena right in the mid-section allowing Orton to slip off his shoulders. Triple H then nailed Cena with a pedigree! The fans went nuts with boo's as Randy Orton and Triple H celebrated in the ring to Evolution's theme music![/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/5992412[/IMG] Kevin Thorn vs. CM Punk, #1 Contendership to ECW World Title John Morrison & Marcus Cor Von vs. The Boogeyman & Tommy Dreamer Balls Mahoney vs. Elijah Burke Nunzio vs. Matt Striker ----------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=blue][B]TNA New's: [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=black]Kaz and Shark Boy have both been fired, the official results for TNA iMPACT are as follows:[/COLOR] [SIZE=1]Homicide, Christopher Daniels & Brother Runt def. Havok, Ricky Banderas & Kaz[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Damaja def. Chris Harris[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Sting & Abyss def. James Storm & Jackie Moore[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Alex Shelley def. Jay Lethal[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Samoa Joe def. AJ Styles (X-Division Retained)[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]The Steiner Brothers def. Christian Cage and Tomko[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]OVERALL: [/B]C-[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/5992412[/IMG] [COLOR=purple][B]ATTENDANCE: [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=black]5,000 (SELL OUT)[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]DARK MATCH [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Mark Henry def. Brooklyn Brawler [/COLOR][COLOR=purple]C+[/COLOR] [I]Pretty much just a quick squash match, Henry came out of the match looking good and it's expected he'll be back on TV soon. Right now it's up in the air whether he'll be on ECW or SmackDown![/I] [COLOR=purple][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/COLOR] The show open's up to a video hyping tonight's main event between CM Punk and Kevin Thorn, the announcers talk about how big this match is as the winner get's a title shot at the ECW World Championship. [COLOR=purple]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080][/COLOR] Matt Striker def. Nunzio [COLOR=purple]D+[/COLOR] [I]Striker utilized a lot of punches to control the early parts of this match, but Nunzio began to fight back after taking a suplex he began to punch away at the stomach of Matt Striker. Nunzio looked like he was going in for the kill to win the match, but Big Daddy V appeared and pulled Nunzio out of the ring. Striker distracted the referee while Big Daddy V leveled Nunzio with a huge clothesline. The referee then counted out Nunzio awarding the victory to Matt Striker.[/I] Backstage we John Morrison, he talks about tonight's main event with Kevin Thorn and CM Punk but says nobody will be watching it, "ECW will learn who the star attraction is after my match ends, everybody is going to turn off their TV's because they know whoever wins that match is just going to lose to me!" [COLOR=purple]B[/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080][/COLOR] The camera cut's backstage where we see Elijah Burke preparing for his match with Balls Mahoney next! [COLOR=purple]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080][/COLOR] Balls Mahoney def. Elijah Burke [COLOR=purple]D[/COLOR] [I]Elijah came out strong nailing a big flying knee that sent Balls down right at the bell, a near fall angered Elijah as he went to the top rope and attempted a splash but Balls moved right out of the way. Balls then began to lay into Elijah with a series of right's and left's before spinning around and dropping him with a big clothesline! Balls dropped an elbow and got a near fall. Late in the match Elijah went up top once again, he attempted a flying cross body but Balls caught Elijah in mid-air and nailed the Nutcracker Suite! Balls pinned and got the three count getting a big reaction from the crowd.[/I] We go backstage where we see Adam Sandler standing with PAUL HEYMAN~! Sandler announces that Heyman is the new General Manager of ECW. Tommy Dreamer & The Boogeyman def. John Morrison & Marcus Cor Von [COLOR=purple]C+[/COLOR] [I]Boogeyman and Marcus Cor Von brawled in the ring with a lot of furious punching over wrestling maneuver's Boogeyman set up Cor Von for a death valley driver but Cor Von tagged in Morrison while on Boogeyman's shoulders, Morrison then hit a big front dropkick to break up the move. Morrison and Cor Von began to work away at Boogeyman with quick tags and double team moves, finally Boogeyman hits Morrison with a clothesline and tags in Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer explodes on both Cor Von and Morrison taking both down, but when it looks like Cor Von and Morrison are about to double team Dreamer, Boogeyman makes the save and brawls with Morrison, just as Dreamer turns his attention to Cor Von he ducks right under the POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUNCE! Just as Morrison throws Boogeyman out of the ring he turns and gets nailed by his partner! Boogeyman pulls Cor Von out of the ring just as Tommy Dreamer pins the ECW Champion![/I] Tommy Dreamer is celebrating his victory and the fans are going wild, suddenly though John Morrison gets to his feet and attacks Dreamer laying him out in the center of the ring before heading to the back. [COLOR=#800080]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080][/COLOR] CM Punk drew with Kevin Thorn [COLOR=purple]B-[/COLOR] [I]Kevin Thorn used his powerful maneuver's to dominate the early parts of the match, but as he lifted Punk to powerbomb him Punk reversed the move with a hurricanrana, but Punk was distracted as two skeleton-like figures emerged from the back with table's, they set up both of the table's on the ramp before leaving. Punk looks stunned but Thorn takes advantage and pounces on Punk nailing the cross powerbomb! It look's like it's over but Punk pops his shoulder up at the very last second! The fight spills onto the apron dangerously close too the two tables, after they exchange punches Punk nails a belly to belly suplex off the apron, sending both men through the table's! The referee begins to count and both men are counted out. The fans are confused as to who is the #1 Contender to the ECW World Title as the show ends.[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/3871766[/IMG] Ric Flair vs. Mark Henry Batista vs. Finlay Jamie Noble vs. Funaki, WWE Cruiserweight Title MVP vs. Matt Hardy, if Hardy wins he gets a US Title Shot. Eugene vs. The Great Khali The Major's vs. Deuce n' Domino[/CENTER]
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[B]Ric Flair[/B] vs. Mark Henry [B]Batista[/B] vs. Finlay [I]I really want Finlay to win, but Batista is too over to lose[/I] [B]Jamie Noble[/B] vs. Funaki, WWE Cruiserweight Title [I]Jamie can restore the prestige[/I] MVP vs. [B]Matt Hardy[/B], if Hardy wins he gets a US Title Shot. [I]To build up a title match[/I] Eugene vs. [B]The Great Khali[/B] [I]Read my lips, SQUASH[/I] The Major's vs. [B]Deuce n' Domino[/B] [I]They need a good victory.[/I]
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