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Online possibilities

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I'm thinking about running a sim-league using this software, I'd get maybe 10 or more guys to take control of a small "team" of fighters within a promotion and care for them along their career. I haven't played the game much yet at all - but I have the demo now and plan on buying it soon. 1) Would this be possible? Is there anyway to output fighter's stats and ratings easily to be viewed over the internet. Would it be interesting enough for others in the down-time leading up to fights? 2) Would anyone here be interested in something like this if I figured out a way to make it happen?
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Doubtful that this will work unless you get a group of people that have ALOT of mma knowledge. There's no way to output a big amount of information, so the only way to inform everyone of fighter's ratings and rankings would be screenshots or a lot of typing. It would be awesome to output a small scouting report on every fighter in an org but it's just not possible
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Damn, that sucks that there's no page available with a snapshot of a large group of fighter's basic ratings. I'd love to run a sim-league - but without any way of HTML output, or at least a screen that I can take a screenshot of and post a picture online for guys to see basic ratings it will be impossible unless I wanted to make it my fulltime job (I don't.) If anyone has any ideas on how to make this work then let me know and I'll gladly commish the entire thing.
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