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UWF rises again

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At Titan Towers A serious meeting is going on to determine the next move of the WWE JR,Vince and Shane are in attendence [B]Vince[/B]: Since what happened to Benoit, we have not been the same. The illegalimite child angle is also not working out. We need a idea before Congress comes after us. All three brands are falling also especially ECW [B]Shane [/B]: Dad why don't you just abadodon the ECW brand [B] Vince[/B]: I can't because then it will be just two wrestling shows with too many wrestlers. Those will drive fans to TNA [B]JR[/B]: Vince I have a idea Why don't you give me some startup cash, I will go back to Oklahoma and start up a indy promotion to bulid the new stars of the business. Vince maybe I could use some of the underutilized talent of the WWE in the new promotion. Buliding the new stars will drive people away from TNA [B]Vince[/B]: Alright you back to Oklahoma and start this up and draw fans away from TNA. That will draw fans back into WWE fans instead TNA fans. Next we will talk about the wrestlers you want to take with you
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