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WCW:The New Breed

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The Day after Raw's 15th anniversary Vince Gives the rights of WCW to Shane Mcmanhon because ECW isn't cutting it and He also tossed ECW to Paul Heyman [COLOR="Blue"]WCW[/COLOR] [B]1.Teddy Hart 2.Harry Smith 3.TJ Wilson 4.Jack Evans 5.Tyson Dux 6.Naddie Neidhart-Manages the New Hart Foundation 7.Cody Rhodes 8.Jake Hager 9.Dan Rodimer 10.Ted Dibiase Jr 11.Mike Dibiase 12.Ted Dibiase Sr 13.Lscey Von Erich-Manages The Million Dollar Corporation 14.Joey Superstar-Joey Mercury in WWE 15.Test 16.A-Train 17.Afa Jr 18.Kimo-Rosey in WWE 19.Siaki Miavia-Sonny Siaki in TNA 20.Matt Sydal 21.KC James 22.Cassidy James 23.Scott Colton-Colt Cabana in ROH 24.Rich Davin-Davey Richards in ROH 25.Roderick Strong 26.Reid Flair 27.Kofi Kingston 28.Slyck Wagner Brown 29.Kristal 30.Eddie Colon 31.Jesse Dalton 32.Festus Dalton 33.Finlay 34.Drew Mcintyre 35.Sheamus O' Shaunessy 36.David Crist 37.Jake Crist 38.Mark Briscoe 39.Jay Briscoe 40.Chris Hero 41.Tyler Black 42.Jimmy Jacobs 43.Matt Bentley 44.Jimmy Rave 45.Chris Daniels 46.K-Low-Senshei in TNA 47.John Cena 48.Sonjay Dutt 49.Arik Cannon 50.Alex Styles-AJ Styles in TNA 51.Robert Roode 52.Rain 53.Christan York 54.Christan 55.Tomko 56.Aaron Aguliera 57.Kaos 58.Chris Sabin 59.Alex Shelly 60.Petey Williams 61.Kurt Angle 62.Karen Angle 63.Mark Jindrak 64.Title Reigns-Luther Reigns in WWE 65.Booker T 66.Sharmell 67.Chris Jericho 68.Eric Young 69.Chris Harris 70.Amy Weber 71.James Storm 72.Jackie Moore 73.Charlie Haas 74.Shelton Benjamin 75.Jackie Gayda 76.Kaz 77.Matt Morgan 78.Samoa Joe 79.Kevin Nash 80.Homicide 81.Hernandez 82.Nidia 83.Joe Muraco 84.Kenny Dykstra 85.Rey Mysterio 86.Joe Henning 87.Amy Henning [/B]
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[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="7"]WCW Nitro[/SIZE][/COLOR] Shane Mcmanhon Welcomes Everybody To the New WCW [B]Shane:[/B]Im here to be the saviour of WCW Jack Evans vs.Alex Styles Jack Evans hits a quick flying headscissors and Alex Styles hits a Pele enzguri kick and attempts The Styles Clash before he hit it DH Smith hit him from behind and the Ref calls for the bell [B]Winner:Alex Styles[/B] DH Smith and Jack Evans call for the rest of the New Hart Foundation.Teddy Hart,Tyson Dux,TJ Wilson and Naddie Neidhart come down to the Ring (Teddy asks for a mic) [B]Teddy:[/B]I hope this proves to anyone in the back don't mess with the Hart Foundation (He Hands DH The mic) [B]Smith:[/B]Me,Teddy and Naddie are the best third generation superstars (DH hands the mic to Naddie) [B]Naddie:[/B]I Will Introduce you to the New Hart Foundation "The New Black Hart "Teddy Hart ,"The New British Bulldog" DH Smith,"The New Anvil and my Boyfrenid" TJ Wilson,"The First Candian Rapper" Jack Evans, "The Straight Shooter" Tyson Dux.And Don't Cross the Harts Rating B (Commercial Break) Matt Morgan vs.Petey Williams Matt Morgan completly Destroys Williams and hit the Jacknife powerbomb for 3 [B]Winner:Matt Morgan[/B] (Commercial Break) Mark Jindrak vs.Matt Bentley Mark Jindrak starts by overpowering Bentley but Bentley fights back.Jindrak attempts the Mark of Perfection Until Bentley slips out of it and hits The Sweet Chin Music for 3 (Bentley ask for a mic) [B]Bentley:[/B]I'm the New showstoppa the New Heartbreak Kid Matt Bentley. (Commercial Break) (a promo showing the New Nature Boy will Debut Thursday) The James Boys vs.The Daltons Cassidy and Jesse start Jesse hit a hurracarana on Cassisdy.Cassidy hit a dropkick and tags in KC.KC James Dominates Jesse until Jesse hit a enzguri and tags in Festus.Festus Just picks apart KC and hits a side walk slam for 3 [B]Winner:The Daltons[/B] Cody Rhodes vs.DH Smith/Naddie Neidhart DH Smith starts out by hitting the Gorrilla press to the outside.Cody gets back in and hits a dropkick.DH regains control and as he is going for the running powerslam Ted Dibiase Jr attacks him from behind.The Ref calls for the bell [B]Winner: DH Smith[/B] Cody Rhodes,Jake Hager,The Dibiase brothers and Dan Rodman attack DH Smith only until The New Hart Foundation comes down and saves DH. Hart:I Challenge you to a 10 man tag match next week. Dibiase Jr:We Accept (Commercial Break) Booker T/Sharmell vs.Chris Jericho Chris Jericho is overpowered to start but fights and as soon as he is going to hit the Codebreaker he is in behind by Title Reigns.The Ref calls for the bell [B]Winner:Chris Jericho[/B] Kurt Angle appears at the entrance way [B]Angle:[/B]Booker, Jericho you'll have to do a lot better than that to beat me (Angle points to Sharmell,and tells Karen to go to the ring with Mark Jindrak) Karen slaps Sharmell and Jindrak hits the Mark of Excellence on Sharmell (as the Show fades to black)
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The roster will be very difficult to manage, too large. Also, I don't see a lot of connection with "WCW", and what it was in that roster. The only ones I'm aware of having a connection to WCW are Ted Dibiase, Finlay, Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, Mark Jindrak, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Sharmell and Kevin Nash which is quite a low proportion, so I'm just not sure how people would tie that to WCW. The other issue is how would all these guys be brought together, in that how could you accumulate that roster? Just a few questions to think about. Good luck.
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[QUOTE=tristram;343250]The roster will be very difficult to manage, too large. Also, I don't see a lot of connection with "WCW", and what it was in that roster. The only ones I'm aware of having a connection to WCW are Ted Dibiase, Finlay, Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, Mark Jindrak, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Sharmell and Kevin Nash which is quite a low proportion, so I'm just not sure how people would tie that to WCW. The other issue is how would all these guys be brought together, in that how could you accumulate that roster? Just a few questions to think about. Good luck.[/QUOTE] But im promoting the Young Talent like The New Hart Foundation,Matt Bentley who work with WCW,The New Million Dollar Corparation,Reid Flair whos Father and Brother wrestled in "WCW". How about Sonny Miavia another powerplant WCW wrestler
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Prediction Key Reid Flair vs.Chris Daniels Afa Jr vs.Alex Styles Christan Cage vs.Chris Jericho Kurt Angle/Karen Angle vs.Booker T/Sharmell The New Million Dollar Corporation vs.The New Hart Foundation The Angle Alliance vs.The Briscoes Siaki Miavia vs.Arik Cannon Kofi Kingston vs.Joey Superstar vs.Test Predictions Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Eh, I'm all for creative freedoms with TEW, but if you're going to make such wholesale sweeping changes, I think you could really do with a deeper backstory or at least some sort of gap to cover it. I mean, you've gone from the 15th anniversary of RAW to suddenly acquiring half of TNA's roster and a bunch of indy talent. That's fine if you just want a simple story and just launch into shows with a near dream roster, but they require more work to really get people to invest into them. Take your first show. The matches are all functional enough and you've made it clear that many of the younger talent will be emulating legendary counterparts, not to mention there's a show ending feud segment to set Booker T and Kurt Angle on their way, but so much of it is just kinda 'there' already. The New Hart Foundation connection is easy, but why did the Million Dollar Corporation form? What have they got against the NHF? Why do Booker and Jericho need to beat Angle? Are they going to be contending for the main title? Since when did Angle re-allign with Jindrak and Reigns? Why? Where was Shane McMahon? Afterall, it seems a bit strange he'd just get his own brand-spanking new promotion and yet he wasn't even mentioned. Regardless of who you have on your roster, you've really got at least 40 too many to really utilise on each show. My advice would be to trim it down considerably and concentrate more on fleshing out each member. That and the show seemed a bit angle/segment-lite, too many main players just seemed to be missing completely and don't appear to be booked for the next Nitro either.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;343405]Eh, I'm all for creative freedoms with TEW, but if you're going to make such wholesale sweeping changes, I think you could really do with a deeper backstory or at least some sort of gap to cover it. I mean, you've gone from the 15th anniversary of RAW to suddenly acquiring half of TNA's roster and a bunch of indy talent. That's fine if you just want a simple story and just launch into shows with a near dream roster, but they require more work to really get people to invest into them. Take your first show. The matches are all functional enough and you've made it clear that many of the younger talent will be emulating legendary counterparts, not to mention there's a show ending feud segment to set Booker T and Kurt Angle on their way, but so much of it is just kinda 'there' already. The New Hart Foundation connection is easy, but why did the Million Dollar Corporation form? What have they got against the NHF? Why do Booker and Jericho need to beat Angle? Are they going to be contending for the main title? Since when did Angle re-allign with Jindrak and Reigns? Why? Where was Shane McMahon? Afterall, it seems a bit strange he'd just get his own brand-spanking new promotion and yet he wasn't even mentioned. Regardless of who you have on your roster, you've really got at least 40 too many to really utilise on each show. My advice would be to trim it down considerably and concentrate more on fleshing out each member. That and the show seemed a bit angle/segment-lite, too many main players just seemed to be missing completely and don't appear to be booked for the next Nitro either.[/QUOTE] Sure but i'm definitly thinking about spliting the roster.NHF-MDC just came to me because in the Show The New Hart Foundation doesn't want no one to cross them.And actually Kurt Angle is going to be my main Heel in the Main Events.And I like the Angle Alliance so that is what Reigns and Jindrak are.Booker and Jericho are in the main event list Shane Mcmanhon will start the Next with an announcement so stay tuned
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[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="7"]WCW Thunder[/SIZE][/COLOR] (Shane Mcmanhon is in the ring) [B]Shane:[/B]This is Revive WCW and not to show old WCW rejects like Hall,Hogan,Goldberg and others (Familar Music plays as Kevin Nash is at the entrance Way) [B]Nash:[/B]Who are to talk about WCW your daddy bought the company And I am one of them WCW Rejects [B]Shane:[/B]I'm glad you said that now you face one of my best rising stars "Kimo" and its next (Commercial Break) Kevin Nash vs.Kimo Kimo just picks apart Kevin Nash and hits a samoan drop for 3 [B]Winner:Kimo[/B]' [B]Shane:[/B]Kevin you might not try to cross the boss Reid Flair vs.Chris Daniels Chris Daniels starts in hurry on Reid but He fights back with Knife Edge Chops and locks the figure four leg lock [B]Winner:Reid Flair[/B] As Reid is walking to the back to people attack him from behind , the 2 go into ring and they rellieve that they are Joe and Amy Henning (Joe Grabs a mic) [B]Henning:[/B]You all are probably wondering why im here it is because Reid Father Screwed my father out of the 4 Horsemen Joe Picks up Reid and amy slaps him (commercial Break) Afa Jr vs.Alex Styles Afa Jr destroys Alex Styles and hits the samoan splash for the 3 [B]Winner:Afa Jr[/B] Christan Cage vs. Chris Jericho Christan Cage takes early control but Jericho gets control with a dropkick and Christan uses underhand things when he hit Jericho with this foregin object for the 3 [B]Winner:Christan Cage[/B] (Commercial Break) Angle Alliance/Karen Angle vs.The Briscoes Jindrak works Mark early but Mark uses his speed to knock down the big man but Jindrak quickly regains control and tags in Reigns who then hits shuicide for the 3 [B]Winner:Angle Alliance[/B] (Commercial break) Siaki Miavia vs.Arik Cannon Siaki Miavia just picks apart Arik Cannon but Chris Hero comes to ringside and distracts Miavia and Cannon rolls up Miavia for 3 [B]Winner:Arik Cannon[/B] After the Match Miavia is on Hot Pursuit of Chris Hero. (Commercial Break) We Come back to Siaki Miavia chasing down Chris Hero.Miavia enters his locker room and as soon he opens the door he gets superkicked in the chin by Matt Bentley. Kofi Kingston/Kristal vs.Joey Superstar vs.Test Test overpowers both Superstar and Kingston but with Superstar low blowing Test.Kingston then throws Test out of the ring and hits Cool Runnings for the 3 [B]Winner:Kofi Kingston[/B] (Commercial Break) Kurt Angle/Karen Angle vs.Booker T/Sharmell Booker starts by taking his frustrations out on Angle but Angle takes down Booker and goes to work.Kurt Angle locks the Angle Lock but Booker gets to the ropes.Booker hits the Axe Kick for 2 then Karen distracts Booker and he turns into the Angle Slam for the 3. [B]Winner:Kurt Angle/Karen Angle[/B] (Commercial Break) The Main Event 10 Man Tag The Million Dollar Corparation/Lacey Von Erich,Ted Dibiase Sr vs.The New Hart Foundation/Naddie Neidhart Jack Evans and Mike Dibiase start the Match Jack Evans hits the Corkscrew 630 for 3 [B]Elimination:Mike Dibiase[/B] Dan Rodman is Next in and Just Picks apart Evans and hits the Big Deal Powerslam for 3 [B]Elimination:Jack Evans [/B] Harry Smith is in with Dan Rodman the two big man slug it out Smith hits the shoulder block off the top for 3 [B]Elimination: Dan Rodman[/B] Ted Dibiase Jr is in and goes to work on Smith thenboth go to outside and get counted out [B]Eliminations:Ted Dibiase Jr and DH Smith[/B] Jake Hager and Tyson Dux take it to the ground.Hager puts the Triangle Choke on for tap [B]Elimination:Tyson Dux [/B] TJ Wilson and Hager Go at and Hager gets on Wilson's back and forces him to Tap to the Rear Naked Choke [B]Elimination:TJ Wilson[/B] Teddy Hart is all alone he hits high flying and then locks the submisson expert into a move his uncle will love and forces him to tap to the Sharpshooter. [B]Elimination:Jake Hager[/B] It is down to Teddy Hart and Cody Rhodes Teddy uses his speed and goes to the top for the hart attack for a 2 Ted Dibiase Sr is on the ring apron that gives time for Lacey von Erich to pass Cody Rhodes a ring and slugs Hart knocking him out for 3 [B]Elimination:Teddy Hart[/B] [B]Winner:Million Dollar Corparation[/B] (As Show Fades to black)
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Prediction Key Jack Evans vs.Joe Muraco-Cruiserweight Title Tournament Alex Styles vs.Chris Daniels-Cruiserweight Title Tournament Siaki Miavia vs.Matt Bentley-US Title Tournament Joe Henning/Amy Henning vs.Reid Flair-Televison Title Tournament Chris Hero vs.Afa Jr-US Title Tournament DH Smith vs.Ted Dibiase Jr-Televison Title Tournament Joey Superstar vs.Kofi Kingston-World Heavyweight Title Tournament Kurt Angle/Karen Angle vs.Booker T/Sharmell-World Heavyweight Title Tournament This is to fix the Title Situation
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