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From DOIWrestling.com [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]IPW No Rules Wrestling TV Results, May 4 2006[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER] The offical theme song of No Rules Wrestling is "Straight To Video" by Mindless Self Indulgance[/CENTER] Show opening splices scenes from the music video with footage of big highspots and main members of the roster. Cuts to the sold out New York State Fair in Middletown, NY where the sold out stadium is chanting IPW. Announcers Aaron Royal and "The Voice Of IPW" Eric Garagulio welcome us and hype the show and IPW and the night's main event. Suddenly unfamiliar music hits and out comes AL SNOW to a huge pop. Snow announces himself as the new Comish of IPW and says he's going to make IPW into the number one promotion in the world. Hype Central. Yes they've brought it back. [B]"Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney and The Olsen Twins defeated Delirious, El Generico and Beef Wellington[/B] Nice match here. I guess they're combining stuff here. Olsens get the victory after nailing the Full House on Welligton for the upset. Following the match, the victors beat down breifly their fallen opponents. Static cuts in and Team Philly (The Backsteat Boyz, Gary Wolfe, Nick Berk and Tod Gordon) cut a promo on how they're going to take over IPW and how IPW officals are afraid of Philly talent and are banning them from the promotion so now they're forced to straight up invade and "piratetize" their faces on TV. Kashmere then goes off on Tom Carter and claims he's always been afraid of him. Static cuts out. And more hype central. [B]Colt Cabana defeated "Dastardly" Danny Doring[/B] Nice fun match here. Seemed designed soley to get Cabana more over here. Cabana dominates Doring and nails the Colt 45 for the quick win. Cabana then talks into the camera and makes his title dreams known. Kevin Steen next cuts a promo on Davey Richards, claiming he's good but he's not quite Kevin Steen good. Steen then claims he came back to IPW for the competition and if Richards was one of the best they had, he should have signed with ROH when he had the chance. Suddenly, Steen is attacked from behind by Richards. Richards then stands over the beaten up Steen and says "Looks like the competition just got tougher." Tale of the tape video for the main event of the evening. [B]For The IPW World Heavyweight Title, (C) "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter defeated Mike Quackenbush[/B] Another great match between the two. Went a solid 15 minutes (cut for TV time). Carter won by making Quack tap with the Stretch Plum. As the 2 shook hands following the match, Team Philly rushed the ring, ending with leaders Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid destroying Quack and Carter and then both posing with the IPW Title before the IPW roster rushed the ring and Team Philly bolting. Show ends with the IPW roster looking over their fallen/champ and owner as the Philly Invaders laughed at the job they have done in the crowd. [/QUOTE]
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From IPWMarks.Com [QUOTE] -Across the board, ratings for IPW's debut edition of "No Rules Wrestling" have been good, ranging from 0.20 on NESN to a surprising 1.24 on SportsNet NY. IPW officals are very excited with this devolpment. IPW is now going to increase it's monthly dates to around 4-5 shows per month with 2 being TV tapings, one being it's big monthly event and the others being house shows of sorts. -We have learned that IPW Owner Tom Carter has apparently pushed his power onto Richard Carruzilo, a money investor which helped get IPW 2 of it's syndication deals. Many inside the company aren't very happy with Carter giving this unknown name this amount of power. Carter still has final say over all though. -On it's website, IPW announced the site of it's next big event, titled "We Are At War", this time outside of it's comfort zone of the east coast, hailing from the Rosemont Theatre in Chicago, IL. IPW began plugging the event during the Hype Central portion of NRW. NRW is shown on the Fox affiliate Channel 32 in Chicago, saturdays at midnight. They have yet to release their initial ratings for the show. Some believe the move will be a major measure on how the growth of IPW is happening. -Al Snow is indeed on full time with IPW following his termination from WWE. He's the on air authority figure and is also working behind the scenes as an agent and also a talent scout. Snow is the man apparently who got Colt Cabana into the promotion. -There is word behind the scenes at IPW that a bunch of big stars will soon be debuting with the promotion. -Here's the preview for the next ediition of No Rules Wrestling "Last week, Team Philly once again made a major impact in their war against IPW by destroying IPW Champ Tom Carter and Mike Quackenbush. We have learned that not only will Team Philly make a statement this week but the new Comish of IPW Al Snow has a major announcement concerning these men. Several weeks ago, IPW fans were shocked as Roderick Strong made his surprising debut by defeating the underdog IPW Crusierweight Champion Derek Frazier. In the main event this week, Strong will defend his newly won title against Ruckus in what will surley be a huge match. We will also see the former champ Derek Frazier take on Tony Mamaluke in a contenders match. We will also see the European Union in action against the team of Bandito Jr and Javi Air. All this and more this week on IPW's No Rules Wrestling. Check your local listings for time and date in your area." [/QUOTE]
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From DOIWrestling.com [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]IPW No Rules Wrestling TV Results, May 12, 2006[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER] The offical theme song of No Rules Wrestling is "Straight To Video" by Mindless Self Indulgance[/CENTER] The show starts with a BREAKING NEWS graphic and then cuts to Eric Garagulio and a camera man running backstage and we see tag champs Beef Wellington and El Generico devistated. Generico is through a table and Beef is bleeding perfusley and shouting "They took the ****ing belts." Chaos. Garagulio asks who and Welligton replies "Philly". Suddenly Garagulio says something is now happening in the ring. We go back to the arena and we see Team Philly, The Backseat Boyz, Gary Wolfe, Nick Berk and Luke Hawx in the ring to a huge heel reaction. Berk and Wolfe are mockingly holding the IPW Tag Belts. Kashmere procedes to cut a promo on the IPW roster, claiming Team Philly is going to destroy the entire roster and take every belt in IPW. He then calls Tom Carter a fake champion, Kashmere then takes out the PWU Title and calls it the Philadelphia Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Title Of The World and claims he is willing to defend it against Carter and any member of the IPW roster. Kashmere then declares Gary Wolfe and Nick Berk as the Unified Philadelphia Tag Team Champions by being both PWU Tag Champs and "owning" the IPW Tag Straps. He claims Luke Hawx will soon be the king of the Crusiers and then procedes to build up Trent Acid as his brother and equal and claims Acid can and will beat anyone IPW throws at him. Suddenly IPW Comish Al Snow comes out and cuts a pro IPW promo on Team Philly. He then announces a series of matches at "We Are At War", Luke Hawx will face IPW Crusierweight Champion Roderick Strong. For the IPW World Tag Belts, champs Beeferico will face Wolfe and Berk. Trent Acid will face a mystery opponent. And in the night's main event, Johnny Kashmere will face Tom Carter in a title match. Kashmere claims he can't wait to bring the IPW belt to Team Philly. Snow then informs Kashmere the match will be for his Philadelphia Title, which causes Team Philly to freak out as Snow smirks and leaves. HYPE CENTRAL~! [B]The European Union defeated Bandito Jr and Javi Air[/B] SQUASH!!! Union was over as the big anti American heels. Both got sharp new tights which is cool. The EU absolutly dominated the young Jersey based stars. Match ends with The EU nailing their finisher called "The Austrian/Netherlands Overkill" or the "ANO" which is CBK holding up the opponent up for a fisherman buster and Emil hitting a moonsault dropkick off the top rope. Backstage, Roderick Strong promo. Ouch. He's bad at promos I must say. I digress. Strong basically puts himself over as the best indy wrestler in the world and claims he doesn't need the IPW Crusier title and calls it a joke belt. We then cut backstage again to Delirious and Hallowicked, who hype Incoherience's debut next week as a part of the just announced Dream Partner Tag Match at We Are At War. The promo is...incoheriant and the only words I got were Larry Sweeney and Cobra Twist. And tap a bunch of times. [B]Derek Frazier defeated Tony Mamaluke[/B] Good bout here. Both men were surpisingly over with Frazier getting alot of the cheers. Very solid and back and forth battle here. Mamaluke went for a shiranui variation but Frazier countered and nailed Pure Impact for the win. Following the match, Frazier celebrated but then IPW Crusier Champ Roderick Strong hit the ring and told Frazier to leave. Frazier went nose to nose with Strong, before walking away as Strong laughed at him. Hype Central yet again. Cuts into a hype video on Colt Cabana to get him move over I guess. [B]For the IPW Crusierweight Title, (C) Roderick Strong defeated Ruckus[/B] Excelent match, these two had an phenomnial one here. Like one of the better TV matches I've seen in a while. Very high flying, hard hitting match with 2 distinct different styles battleing here. Match ends with Ruckus going for the Poetic Ruckus 450 Splash for the win but Roddy runs up the top rope and hit a devistating belly to belly backbreaker variation off the top for the win. Derek Frazier then runs in and has a staredown with Roddy, who procedes to BITCHSLAP Frazier and duck out of the ring as a pissed Frazier helps up his friend Ruckus. We then cut to backstage where we've been told something has happen. We cut to see Davey Richards, bleeding on the floor as security holds Kevin Steen back, who's holding a chair. Steen is shouting "How about now Davey...how bout now??" Garagulio announces that next week it's going to be Davey Richards vs. Kevin Steen Part 3, as the show cloes. [/quote]
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From IPWMarks.com [QUOTE]-Ratings stayed strong for IPW's No Rules Wrestling, gaining in Philly and NESN, both breaking 0.75. It seems that IPW's gamble of running a show in Chicago may be paying off, as both of it's shows on Chicago's Fox afiliate both managed very high 2.04 and a 2.10 respectivly. Both very high ratings for a midnight show espically on Fridays. -As announced on the last edition of No Rules Wrestling, several matches have already been signed for "We Are At War" including Tom Carter vs. Johnny Kashmere for the "Philadelphia Wrestling Title", Beef Wellington and El Generico vs. Nick Berk and Gary Wolfe for the IPW Tag Titles, Trent Acid vs. a mystery opponent (many believe it's Mike Quackenbush) and the Dream Partner match with Incoherience vs. Larry Sweeney and a partner of his choosing. Other expected bouts include Roderick Strong vs. Derek Frazier and Kevin Steen vs. Davey Richards. -An IPW insider told us that a memo has gone out to the IPW staff and roster that at this week's TV taping new staff members and wrestlers will be introduced to the company. -In an somewhat off the cuff IPW refrence, last weekend at the CZW show in Philadelphia, CZW manager and money mark Maven Bentley mentioned that CZW was looking to expand (despite the apparent HUGGGGEEEEEE money hole it's in due to the complete alienation of it's fan base by Zandig) and mentioned to several fans that CZW was looking to buy or merge with IPW. This isn't the first time a merger has been discussed. Our IPW insider told us that the story's BS and it's CZW's way of trying to regain some glory. -Here's The Preview for this week's No Rules Wrestling: "Last week, No Rules Wrestling saw chaos errupt everywhere. The show began with tag champs El Generico and Beef Wellington being destroyed by Team Philly's Nick Berk and Gary Wolfe and the show ended with the devistation of Davey Richards by Kevin Steen. This week, there will be some serious repercussions as there will be a huge DOUBLE main event. Last week, Team Philly's leader Johhny Kashmere unvailed the Philadelphia Heavyweight Title which he claims is the only title that matters in IPW. In a tune up match before his battle against sworn enemey and IPW Champ Tom Carter at We Are At War, Kashmere will put his "title" on the line against one of the men whom Team Philly has savagly attacked in "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush. In the second main event, the feud between Kevin Steen and Davey Richards is greatly gaining steam and following Steen's horrendous attack on Richards last week, the stakes have been raised as these two will battle once again. Last week we learned Delirious chose longtime partner Hallowicked as his tag team partner against Larry Sweeney and whoever he chooses. This week we will see the return of Incoherience as they face The Irish Airbourne. We've also learned Larry Sweeney will announce his partner this week and claims that it's going to be a man whom he has trusted for years. All this and more this week on IPW's No Rules Wrestling. Check your local listings for time and date in your area."[/QUOTE]
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From DOIWrestling.com [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]IPW No Rules Wrestling TV Results, May 19, 2006[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER] The offical theme song of No Rules Wrestling is "Straight To Video" by Mindless Self Indulgance[/CENTER] The show opens with a breif music video highlighting the growing IPW/Team Philly feud. Cut into the sold out Baltimore Armory in Baltimore, MD and the intros for our opener begins. [B]Incoherience defeated The Irish Airborne[/B] Very good opener here. Incoherience looked very good in their debut as a team in IPW. They definetly ran roughshot over the Crists in this one. Match ended with Wicked nailing the Monster Mash and Delirious hitting the Chemical Imbalance simultaneously for the win. As the 2 celebrated, "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney's music hit and out strutted Sweeney with mic in hand. He cut a nice promo on Delirious and got on him for his choice of a **** partner in Hallowicked, which got a big amount of heel heat. Sweeney then claims that his partner is someone whom he has alot of history with and claims he's a veteran of the ring wars and someone who helped teach him as he ran the loop defending the ICW/ICWA Texarcana TV Title (Texas, Louisana, Oklahahoma and Arkansas). Suddenlt, "If The South Would Have Won" hits and out walks the man himself, Tracy Smothers. Surprisingly big pop for the rugged vets. A huge "Tracy Sucks" chant breaks out, Tracy tells the crowd that if one more person said Tracy Sucks, everyone in the arena would die. Smothers then announces that for 35 years he's been fightin for his life and now he's gonna turn the IPW into his own personal ass kicking circus and he was gonna send the "masked mumblers" back to Japan or wherever the hell they were from. Classic. Backstage, we see Colt Cabana putting his gear in his locker, when Danny Doring and Tony Mamaluke walk up to him. Doring claims Cabana is a joke and the fact he's a ROH guy and he's CM Punk's little buddy is the reason he and Mamaluke aren't booked anymore and why they got fired from the WWE so Cabana's friends could get jobs. Colt claims it's far from the truth, because everyone knows that they didn't get fired because of Punk and Ace, it was because they sucked. Doring and Mamaluke looked pissed, Mamaluke challenged Cabana to a match next week. Colt agreed and the former ECW stars walked off. HYPE CENTRAL~! Hyping up We Are At War mostly. Backstage we go where El Generico and Beef Wellington are standing by. Both look very pissed. Beef cuts a promo for the team, seeing as Generico can't speak english with him being a French Canadian Mexican Luchador and all. Very common. Anyways, Beef claims Gary Wolfe and Nick Berk are cowards and had to use tables and underhanded tactis to take them out. Wellington challegned Wolfe and Berk to make their match at We Are At War a no DQ match. Interesting. [B]Davey Richards and Kevin Steen wrestled to a double DQ[/B] Nice. Crowd hated Steen here. Like HATED. Richards got a huge pop upon entrance and ran full speed into the ring and the 2 began brawling all over. RIchards went to the outside to get a chair, as did Steen and the 2 were instantly DQed. Steen then nailed refree Bryce Remsberg with said chair and now the fight was really on. Steen went to Package Davey but Richards got out of it and nailed the DR Driver on the dazed Steen. A now bloody Richards stood over his fallen foe, their war far from over. Backstage we go, where Mike Quackenbush is taping up. He claims tonight he's going to end the Philly Invasion before it even begins. Hmm. HYPE CENTRAL 2~! [B]For the Philadelphia Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Title Of The World, (C) Johnny Kashmere defeated Mike Quackenbush [/B] Good match here. Quack got the typical hero's welcome he usually gets. Kashmere got easily the biggest heel reaction of the night, fans hate him and def think they can kick his ass. Real prick he is. Match wise it was very good. The 2 indy vets wrestled many a match against each other. Good ending here. Quack nailed the Black Tornado Slam and signaled for the Quackendriver II. Kashmere grabbed the ref, allowing Trent Acid to run down and nail Quack with a bat, allowing Kashmere to nail the MRN for the win. Suddenly the rest of Team Philly, Wolfe, Berk, Hawx and Gordon all ran down and attacked Quack, until from the back ran Tom Carter, Generico, Wellington, Derek Frazier and Ruckus to clear the ring. The show ends with the IPW contingent standing tall as the Team Philly crew are running for their lives. [/quote]
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From IPWmarks.com [QUOTE]-Quick announcement. IPW's edition of No Rules Wrestling this week is going to be a clip show hyping "We Are At War" this Sunday in Chicago. No new content, however we've been told that those fans who see the show on Fridays will get a "live" edition of the show, as it's running a taping in Jersey that Friday.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][SIZE="2"]Independent Pro Wrestling and XM Sattelite Radio Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="6"][B]We Are At War[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="3"]From The Rosemont Theater in Chicago, IL[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]Main Event[/SIZE][/B] For The Philadelphia Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Title Of The World [IMG]http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/6245/tomcarterso0.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/1940/johnnykashmerenl8.jpg[/IMG] "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter vs. (C) Johnny Kashmere [B][SIZE="4"]No DQ Match For IPW World Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/cityrebel/Beef_Wellington.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/El_Generico-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6496/wolfecr6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/7434/nickberkzm9.jpg[/IMG] (C) Beef Wellington and El Generico vs. "Pitbull" Gary Wolfe and "The" Nick Berk [B][SIZE="4"]Grudge Knockout Match, Only Way To Win Is Via TKO[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/stephslips/EWR%20Pics/Kevin_Steen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Davey_Richards-1.jpg[/IMG] "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen vs. Davey Richards [B][SIZE="4"]Acid's Open Challenge[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/4306/trentacidlc7.jpg[/IMG] Trent Acid vs. ???? [B][SIZE="4"]Dream Partner 2/3 Falls Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Larry_Sweeney.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/4408/smotherszl4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Delirious-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/4051/hallowickedoa2.jpg[/IMG] "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney and Tracy Smothers vs. Incoherience [B][SIZE="4"]Special Challenge Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/4212/dannydoring0dz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Colt_Cabana-1.jpg[/IMG] "Dastardly" Danny Doring vs. "Classic" Colt Cabana [B][SIZE="4"]Rematch For IPW Crusierweight Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Roderick_Strong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img141.imagevenue.com/loc355/th_54180_Derek_Frazier3_122_355lo.jpg[/IMG] (C) "The Messiah Of The Backbreaker" Roderick Strong vs. Derek Frazier [B][SIZE="4"]Special Challenge: IPW vs. Team Philly[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Mike_Quackenbush.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Luke_Hawx.jpg[/IMG] "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs. Luke Hawx Plus MUCH MUCH MORE!!!! [/center]
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From Angrymarks.com [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]May 27-IPW "We Are At War" Results from Chicago[/SIZE][/B] Tonight's IPW debut in Chicago was one of the better non ROH shows I've been to in years. Aside from 1 match, everything I really enjoyed. Kudos to IPW for adding additional bleachers for the GA crowd, really upping the attendance, which was huge BTW. Show started at around 8pm. [B]Danny Daniels and Silias Young defeated N8 Matheson and Truth Martini[/B] Good opener. IPW is utalizing AAW talent for this show. I guess they couldn't fly the ****ty local talent like Javi Air and Bandito Jr to Chicago. Matheson and Martini hyped their Michigan roots making them the heels. Young looked really good in this one. Daniels and Young win with a spike underhook piledriver on Martini. C [B]Tony Mamaluke defeated Raymond Rowe[/B] Awful. Absolutly dreadful. Two differing styles usually can make atleast a decent match, not so much here. Mamaluke was good I must say. But Rowe was dreadful. He's ripping off CM Punk's straight edge, except his beer belly may counter this idea. He blew alot of spots and the crowd clearly caught on with a bunch of "Please Go Home" chants breaking out. Mamaluke wins thankfully with the Mamaluker. F [B]The BLK OUT (!!!) defeated The European Union[/B] The EU were out first and cut a heel promo on the US and CHicago. I gotta note how over Chris The Bambi Killer is, the crowd wants him to turn so badly. Back to the generic anti American heel promo, which leads to the EU issueing an open challenge. This leads to Ruckus coming out to a big pop. Ruckus then cuts a promo about how in IPW he was slacking and stuff and noted he needed that spark for him to get **** together again. He then announces in order for him to get right, the label needs to get right. He then calls out Robby Mireno and Sabian and it's offical; BLK OUT is in IPW. Huge pop. Match on and it was a damn good one. BLK OUT's inclusion in IPW is going to be a huge deal I think. Match ends with Sabian hitting a sick double stomp off the top rope to the doubled overed head of Emil. C+ [B]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush defeated Luke Hawx[/B] Eh. I'm 50/50 on this one. The crowd loved it, I didn't however. Quack was over as hell, making a somewhat rare non tournament Midwestern apperance. Hawx looked bad, as it seemed he wasn't sure of what heel role he was playing. Match had a bunch of highspots, nothing real cutting edge. Quack essentially squashes Hawx in this one, to get revenge over the evil Team Philly (who'se selling shirts now BTW). Quack wins with the Quackendriver II for the win. C [B]IPW Crusierweight Title: (C) Roderick Strong defeated Derek Frazier[/B] Nice one I think. Strong was incredibly over as the arrogant heel here, rather then the huge face he is in ROH. Frazier wasn't really known outside of his IPW stature so the crowd was slow to cheer him. Match wise it was a very good bout with alot of reversals and such. Roddy stole one with a out of nowhere La Magistral. Following the match, he actually hyped his ROH dates. B- [B]Incoherience (Delirious and Hallowicked) defeated "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney and Tracy Smothers[/B] Decent tagger here. Crowd loved the early comedy in this one. But soon enough it turned into a really good tag team battle. Smothers was over HU-GE. Like I was surprised. Alot of the match saw Delirious and Sweeney battleing, to further their feud. Match ends with Delirious nailing Smothers with the Chemical Imbalance for the win. Following the match, Sweeney nailed Delirious and the 2 battled into the back. More feud I reckon. C INTERMISSION [B]"Classic" Colt Cabana defeated "Dastardly" Danny Doring[/B] Very good match. Cabana was easily to most over guy in the arena, as it was his hometown. But still, he's already gaining a huuuggggeee following in IPW. Doring cut a great promo before the match, putting over WWECW and noting he's in IPW recruiting for Vince McMahon. Match wise it was a real back and forth affair which really got the crowd into it. Cabana wins with the Colt 45. B [B]No DQ Match for IPW World Tag Team Titles: (C) Beef Wellington and El Generico defeated Gary Wolfe and Nick Berk[/B] Yet another Beeferico all over the arena brawl. I'm not sure if IPW are using these 2 the right way, seeing as they're legit really good in the ring, at least Generico is. Beeferico were over big time, with Team Philly much the hated heels. Few generic brawl high spots. Wolfe and Berk did throw it back and Superbombed Generico through 2 tables early on in the bout taking Generico "out" of the rest of the match. This led to Beef getting most of the punishment here. Match ends with Generico returning from being wheeled out with a chair, KOing Wolfe and knocking Berk into a Fire Thunder Driver on a chair by Beef for the win. Following the match, Trent Acid runs out with a ball bat and destoys Beef and Generico. He then cuts a promo on IPW and puts himself over as "The Game", seriously. Note the impending proable lawsuit. Acid then challenges anyone in the arena to come out and face him. This proably won't end well. C+ [B]La Parka (!!!!) defeated Trent Acid[/B] I swear the crowd marked out in unison as La Parka (LA Park) made his way to the ring. MASSIVE "LA PARKA" chants in this one. Match wise I was surprised, as Parka brought his A game with him here and he and Acid and a really good lucha belnded affair. Parka won very rudoly by clinching the ropes after a failed inside the ring sunset flip by Acid. Acid then attacked Parka after the match, which sent Mike Quackenbush out to save the legend. B [B]Knockout Match: Davey Richards defeated Kevin Steen[/B] These two have put on nothing but great matches and this maybe one of their best. Crowd was completly split here. These two put on an incredibly stiff affair in the Last Man Standing Match. Steen was rolling with the highspots, including a rebounded Steenilizer and a top rope Package Piledriver, which nearly won it for him. The jacked up Richards berated Steen with STIFF kicks and headbutts the entire match. Richards wins by nailing Steen with 5 incredibly stiff kicks to the head, nailing the DR Driver and then in an ode to his mentor KENTA, nailed the Baikiku Knee to knock out Steen. Amazing. A [B]Philadlphia Pro Wrestling Title: (C) Johnny Kashmere defeated "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter[/B] E Gads. Crowd HATED Kashmere. Like the hate ECW fans had for Cyrus back in the day. Carter was over by default, but it looks as though as he's slipping as the most over face. Match wise it was surprisingly good. I didn't think these 2 indy vets would bring it and they did. They wrestled an excelent bout here and it really needs to be seen. These two have an excelent chemestry and it made this the MOTN. A solid 25 minutes of nonstop actions, incuding a 2 minute applause break. Carter had Kashmere up for Roofies but Kashmere rolled out and hit a neckbreaker. He then climbed the ropes to deliver a legdrop but Carter moved out of the way and instantly locked Kashmere in the Stretch Plum. Suddenly Team Philly runs down to the ring, Carter breaks the hold and fights off the group. Kashmere goes for a superkick, Carter blocks, spins him around, Kashmere ref bumps, Kashmere goes for the kick again, Carter catches and nails a Capture Suplex. Suddenly former ECW ref Jim Molenioux runs down and pushes IPW ref Star Stevens out of the ring. Carter goes for the Double Pump Splash and nails it. Molenioux slow counts Carter. Carter gets pissed and yells at Jim, which allows Kashmere to turn Carter around and nails the Lung Blower for the upset. Kashmere then reveals Molenioux as the offical Team Philly offical as Team Philly celebrates over the fallen IPW champ. A [/QUOTE]
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From IPWMarks.com [QUOTE]-Big crowd for the "We Are At War" show in Chicago. Early estimates claim around 3,000 paid tickets were sold and a large amount of free tickets were given out. This is easily one of the biggest independent wrestling crowds in recent years, showing not only the growing momentum of independent wrestling but also the growing cult status of IPW. -IPW officals are scouting new regions to run shows in. IPW is schuelded to run shows this month in Boston and Pittsburgh. IPW is reportdly looking to to running future shows across the midwest and touring the West Coast. -More syndication for IPW's No Rules Wrestling, listings and such avaiable on IPWrestling.com -IPW has begun signing some stars to actual written contracts. We've offically learned that Ruckus, Sabian and Robby Mireno are the first to sign these deals. IPW has also apparently purcahsed a share of the "BLK OUT" gimmick and have already begun to copyright it. -La Parka is indeed a full time member of IPW now apparently as he was debuted to the lockeroom during it's last TV taping. He was schuelded to face former ECW star Tajiri in a special surpise bout at "We Are At War" but Tajiri had a commitment with HUSTLE. Tajiri is still apparently on his was to IPW. -IPW officals are looking at opening a talent sharing agreement with CHIKARA. Early on in IPW's run, Chikara provided several stars to IPW, but IPW is looking to make CHIKARA it's sister fed. [/QUOTE]
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From Angrymarks.com [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]June 2-IPW No Rules Wrestling Results[/SIZE][/B] The show opens with a video package highlighting "We Are At War" done to the tune of "We Only Come Out At Night" by Lizzy Borden. Breif opening package and we cut to the ring with Eric Garagulio and Aaron Royal in the ring, hyping the show. Suddenly out from the crowd comes Team Philly. They seize the mic as Garagulio bails (Royal bounced already being the cowardly heel he is). Team Philly members go off on their various exploits at We Are At War, meaning Trent Acid goes over Quackenbush and Wolfe and Berk cut into Beeferico. Kashmere cuts a promo about he's the only man ever in IPW to pin Tom Carter and calls him out. Out from the back comes, Carter and Quackenbush. Carter, far from being a good promo man, cuts a baaaad promo and challenges Acid and Kashmere to an "All Or Nothing" match at the next big event. The stipulations was if Quack and Carter win, Team Philly is gone from IPW but if Acid and Kashmere win, Kashmere gets his IPW Title shot and every Team Philly members will get shots at whatever titles they want. Team Philly huddles up and soon enough say an emphatic yes to Carter's proposal and claim that he just ****ed his federation over because The Backseat Boyz were back and IPW would never be the same again. Backstage we go, BLK OUT promo, with Ruckus and Sabian and hype man "Primo" Robby Mireno hype BLK OUT as the hottest group in wrestling and now with BLK OUT's sole focus being on IPW, soon enough they'll run the promotion. They then note BLK OUT; a label not a stable. [B]Derek Frazier defeated Emil Stochi[/B] Squash central here. Emil barley got any offense in here as Frazier worked off alot of agression on him. Frazier wins with Pure Impact. Frazier then gets a mic and cuts a promo on Roderick Strong and says Strong can't beat him without cheating and such. Nothing great. Promo backstage with Kevin Steen, who'se wearing a neckbrace, eye patch and a head wrap. He claims that Davey Richards used excessive force against him at We Are At War and next week he will hold a press conference concerning his future in IPW. Even backer stage we go, where we see Delirious pacing around and cutting a promo on Larry Sweeney. Suddenly he stops in his tracks and gazes off camera. The camera pans and we see La Parka standing with a chair. La Parka then begins to speak to Delirious in spanish. Delirious reciprocates in Lizerish. A conversation and laughing insues and the 2 shake hands and go their seperat ways. Wow. [B]La Parka defeated Chris The Bambi Killer[/B] EU's on job patrol this week. Atleast not CBK so much. Parka is over as hell again. The 2 had a decent bout, with a few nice comedic spots. Parka wins with a big Senton splash on CBK. Parka celebrates and procedes to leave. We go backstage and see Colt Cabana arriving to the arena. Cabana struts on in and is then attacked by Tony Mamaluke as Danny Dorring cheers him on. Cabana however soon enough fights Mamaluke off and Doring bails. Cabana puts his sunglasses back on and struts on. HYPE CENTRAL. [B]Gary Wolfe and Nick Berk defeated El Generico and Beef Wellington[/B] Our main event is a non title bout. It started out as a brawl but eventually got under control and actually became a decent enough match. Match ends with Beef attempting a 450 Splash on Berk but Luke Hawx runs down to ringside and blasts him with a chair. Wolfe runs over and nails the superbomb for the win. Hawx, Berk and Wolfe proceded to attack the fallen champs to a heavy chorus of boos. Suddenlt the lights in the arena go out. Seconds later they flicker back on and BOOGZ is in the ring with a New Jack esq barrel of weapons and procedes to start an assault on Team Philly before they run out of the arena. A huge "Boogz" chant breaks out as he's made a shocking return to IPW. Beef and Generico look incredibly shocked and confused as their former rival has saved them. [/QUOTE]
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  • 3 months later...
Hey everybody. Now that school's nearly over, I'm just about ready to get this dynasty going again. I'm betting nobody remembers this one but I'm gonna hopefully get some more readers. Now in the next few posts, I'm going to move the story of the diary up quite far. We stopped in June of 06, and I'm going to take the diary up a full year up to June 07.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]June 2006[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"] [center]Main Storylines[/center] The feud between "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter and Team Philly continued to escalate as June's big "New Frontiers" event in Detroit approached. Quackenbush defeated Team Philly's Nick Berk but was then attacked by The Backseat Boyz in ring with baseball bats, as Gary Wolfe and Luke Hawx kept guard over the locked door of Tom Carter. The next week it was announced that Quackenbush was not medically cleared to team with Carter at "New Frontiers" against the Backseats in the All or Nothing Match. Carter then announced he would face the "Greatest Team Ever" in a handicapped match. Following his "injuries" suffered at We Are At War, Kevin Steen "retired", but would renig on his statement by savagly attacking Davey Richards during his "retirement" press conference. IPW officals signed Richards/Steen in a Detroit Death Match Colt Cabana continued his run as the most over face in the company, continually embarising Danny Doring and Tony Mamaluke, now known as WWExcelence. Frustrated, Doring challenged Cabana to a loser leaves IPW match. The strange saga of Beeferico continued as former foe Boogz began to appear as their "defender", much like New Jack was for Spike Dudley, as they faced Team Philly's Gary Wolfe, Nick Berk and new member Adam Flash. Roderick Strong and Derek Frazier continued their war of words, as Strong contiuned to claim he was "Mr. Indy Wrestling" and he didn't need to IPW belt as he wrested in the "big times" of ROH and FIP. Frazier claimed to be IPW to the core and wanted the belt back for the fans and wrestlers of IPW. The feud was to end, one last time Delirious and Larry Sweeney were to battle one last time. The BLK OUT continued to cause stirs throughout the IPW.[/FONT] [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Garamond"]New Frontiers Results[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] In a 6 man tag team match: N8 Matheson, Conrad Kennedy III & Truth Martini defeated The Irish Airborne and Silias Young in 9:32 following Martini hitting a 2nd rope Exploder Suplex on Dave Crist. In a Three Way Dance: The BLK OUT defeated The European Union and The SAT at 11:21 after Ruckus hit the 450 Splash on Joel Maximo at 6:16 and then Sabian hitting the Black Jeze Stomp on Emil. La Parka defeated Luke Hawx in 2:12 following an inside cradle. Following the match, Team Philly ran in and attacked La Parka, only to have BOOGZ, El Generico and Beef Wellington run in and their 6 man became a 8 man. In an improptu 8 man Anything Goes Match: La Parka, BOOGZ, El Generico and Beef Wellington defeated Team Philly (Gary Wolfe, Nick Berk, Adam Flash and Luke Hawx) in 15:54 following a super Brainbustaaaaahh from Generico on Hawx. In a Detroit Death Match: Kevin Steen defeated Davey Richards in 12:02 following a Steenizer through a table. Excelent match. INTERMISSION In a grudge match for the IPW Crusierweight Title: (C) Roderick Strong defeated Derek Frazier in 9:47 after locking Frazier in The Stronghold, Strong retains. Following the match, Strong spit on Frazier. In a "Final Fight": "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney defeated Delirious in 10:32with the 12 Large Elbow Drop, winning the feud. In a Loser Leaves Town Match: Colt Cabana defeated Danny Doring in 9:51 with the Colt 45. Following the match Tony Mamaluke made a impromptu challenge to Cabana to another loser leaves town match. In a improptu Loser Leaves Town Match: Colt Cabana defeated Tony Mamaluke in 0:24 with a running cradle. As a result Mamaluke and Doring are gone from IPW. In a in-ring segment, IPW GM Al Snow introduced Tajiri to IPW. This led to Matt Bentley to run in from the crowd and cut a promo on Tajiri and IPW putting himself over as "HB2K" and hyping his "pedigree". He tried to nail Tajiri, but got misted and spin kicked to the outside of the ring. Main Event: In an All Or Nothing match: The Backseat Boyz defeated Tom Carter and Mike Quackenbush in 19:38 following the Backseat Bomb on Carter. Quackenbush, still injured, entered the match at the 5 minute mark. As a result, Kashmere gets an IPW Title shot and the entire Team Philly gets title shots. As the show ended, we see Kashmere holding the IPW Title over his head over the fallen Carter. [B][CENTER][FONT="Garamond"]Business News[/FONT][/CENTER][/B] IPW submitted it's show to several TV networks but no avail on a massive deal. Dave Metzler announced IPW as "The New ECW" in his final WO newsletter of June. He claimed that IPW's grass roots campaign, excelent production levels, exciting action and most of all, enormous marketing routes, made it the 4th hottest indy in the US behind ROH, PWG and Chikara. TNA contacted several IPW workers at month's end.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][FONT="Lucida Console"]July 2006: All Hell Breaks Loose[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]From DOIWrestling.Com [B][SIZE="4"]BREAKING NEWS: Major IPW Shakeup, Richard Carruzilo Gone, Others To Follow?[/SIZE][/B] We have recieved word from our IPW insider that current booker and CEO Richard Carruzilo has been fired from IPW this morning. Word is that other backstage staff and wrestlers maybe gone as well. More on it when we get it... Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey [SIZE="1"]The information on this website is exclusive property of the Declaration of Independents and cannot be used elsewhere without proper link credit. All DOI purchases are non-refundable. All mail (electronic or postal) sent to the DOI becomes property of the DOI which allows the DOI to reprint that e-mail in it's entirety by doing so, if the email is considered newsworthy. Copyright declarationofindependents.net & doiwrestling.com. All Rights Reserved.[/size] [/quote] [QUOTE]From DOIWrestling.Com [B][SIZE="4"]MORE BREAKING NEWS: ALL HELL IS BREAKING LOOSE AT IPW; Carruzilo Attempted Mutiny, CZW Sale, Frazier Gone And Much More[/SIZE][/B] OK, so in the past five hours since we posted our original story on Richard Carruzilo, we have recieved alot and I mean alot of news from a bunch of different sources, all trustworthy, to put together an huge story which is gonna have a big affect on indy wrestling and wrestling as a whole. What we are putting together is this from all the things we have heard today. 1. Richard Carruzilo, along with backstage agents Dan Haynes, Ben Crawford, investor Frank Regalio, refree Star Stevens and talent Gary Wolfe, Luke Hawx, Nick Berk, Adam Flash, Jack Crist, Dave Crist, Boogz, and Emil Stochi have all been fired from IPW effective immeditly. 2. Tom Carter has offically been voted the man in charge of IPW from it's Board Of Directors. 3. Here is apparently why Carruzilo was fired: Soon after being put in charge by Carter, Carruzilo went into secret negociations with CZW's Zandig and Maven Bently about buying IPW. Carruzilo was apparently, unbeknownst to IPW, was working for CZW and took his position with IPW in order to effectivly kill off the competition from the inside by selling it cheap to CZW. He apparently told a group of wrestlers (most likley being those who were fired) of this plan, and planned on having them "invade" CZW a la the alleged ECW invasion of WCW. 4. How he was caught: Carruzilo apparently made a deal to sell the promotion to Zandig and expected it to only go through him and not through Carter, who as chairman of IPW's Board Of Directors had to sign off on things like that. Carter recieved paperwork about sale, and then proceded to research it including checking Carruzilo's email records and his office computers, which had alot of evidence against him. Carter notified the entire roster and board and staff, and confronted Carruzilo before last night's TV taping. Carruzilo proceded to shout out everyone who he was associated with. All were instantly fired. 5. In a completly unrelated not, Derek Frazier handed in his notice, telling Carter that he was offered a contract with TNA. Frazier is apparently done in IPW at month's end. We've been told this story isn't quite finished yet, so more when we get it. Sean "The MiC" McCaffrey [SIZE="1"]The information on this website is exclusive property of the Declaration of Independents and cannot be used elsewhere without proper link credit. All DOI purchases are non-refundable. All mail (electronic or postal) sent to the DOI becomes property of the DOI which allows the DOI to reprint that e-mail in it's entirety by doing so, if the email is considered newsworthy. Copyright declarationofindependents.net & doiwrestling.com. All Rights Reserved.[/size] [/quote] The changeup at IPW effectivly changed the promotion forever, as the founder Tom Carter ended up becoming the full owner and booker of the promotion. As a result of this, July's events ended up being hastedly booked and it's big event "Not Dead Yet" from Toronto, Ontario was called IPW's worse event to date because of the holes in the booking caused by the firings, however the return of Eddie Kingston made many fans forget the holes. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Not Dead Yet Results[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Lionel Knight and Bishop defeated Silias Young and Danny Daniels in 9:10 following Knight hitting the Knightfall on Daniels. Tyler Black and Josh Abercrombie wrestled to a 10 Minute Time Limit Draw. In a special challenge match: Eddie Kingston defeated Chris The Bambi Killer in 14:32 following a Backdrop Driver. Delirious defeated La Parka in 15:01 following Shadows Over Hell. In a Canadian Rules Match: Kevin Steen defeated Davey Richards in 14:38 with the Sharpshooter. INTERMISSION In a Title vs. Career Match for the IPW Crusierweight Title: (C) Roderick Strong defeated Derek Frazier in 8:21 with the CX Cutter. Frazier is out of IPW. Tajiri defeated Matt Bentley in 10:57 with a Buzzsaw Kick. In a match for the IPW World Tag Team Titles: (C) Beef Wellington and El Generico and The BLK OUT wrestled to a time limit draw. In a 4 Way Dance: Colt Cabana defeated Larry Sweeney, Mike Quackenbush and Trent Acid in 17:25. Quack was eliminated by Sweeney at 7:32, Acid was eliminated by Cabana at 13:11. Main Event for the IPW World Heavyweight Title: (C) Tom Carter defeated Johnny Kashmere by DQ in 18:36 after Kashmere used a chair on Carter. Following the match, Kashmere challenged Carter to a rematch at the next big show inside a steel cage.
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