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The New WCW:No Old School Allowed

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Dude, where do I start. The above post is exactly right, some of things you've got guys doing or saying... just no, it wouldn't happen. I mean, lets have a great match tonight? Or Rey we were never friends? Insightful stuff. Some of the ways you could use those characters own unique personalities... and yet you're completely passing that by. Good luck with it, but I think you seriously need to sit down, watch a few Nitros, a few Thunders, a few Pay-Per-Views and understand what WCW and it's characters was about, because mate... seriously.
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[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="7"]WCW Thunder[/SIZE][/COLOR] Prediction Key Joey Muraco vs.Rey Mysterio Orlando Jordan vs.Buff Bagwell Booker T vs.Reid Flair Joe Henning/Amy Henning vs.Siaki Miavia Afa Jr vs.Ted Dibiase Jr Wagner Brown/Kristal,Kofi Kingston vs.The Giant Chris Kanyon vs.Dan Rodman The Outsiders vs.The New Hart Foundation/Naddie Neidhart
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[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="7"]WCW Thunder[/SIZE][/COLOR] (The Outsiders are in the ring) [B]Hall:[/B]Hey Yo (Loud Cheers) [B]Hall:[/B]Yo,Me and Big Kev are going to bring back WCW all by ourseleves [B]Nash:[/B]If yall need a history lesson we will give one every time we wrestle (The New Hart Foundation Music is Played) [B]Hart:[/B]How about you 2 has beens Shut The Hell up [B]Hall:[/B]Yo Who the hell are you [B]Hart:[/B]I'm Teddy Hart [B]Nash:[/B]Oh My God Scott it is a Hart go get a picture [B]Hart:[/B]Shut up,I don't want to here you hasbeens lets have a tag team match tonight [B]Hall&Nash:[/B]Hell Yeah [B]Schivaone:[/B]Oh my Gawd The Outsiders against the The New Hart Foundation [B]Matthews:[/B]The New Hart Foundation will kill the Outsiders Joey Muraco vs.Rey Mysterio Joey Muraco hits a headscissor take over.Rey hits a hurracarana,Rey hits 619 and right as he is going for the West Coast pop Chris Jericho hits him in the back with a steel chair. [B]Winner:Rey Mysterio[/B] Chris then puts his chair in the middle of a ring and hits the Codebreaker on Rey on the Chair. Jericho:Rey,You and Me at Starrcade. (Commercial Break) Orlando Jordan vs.Buff Bagwell Buff works Orlando but Orlando comes out of nowhere and hits Orlando Magic for the 3 [B]Winner:Orlando Jordan[/B] Letcia Cline is in the Back Reid Flair [B]Cline:[/B]Reid your about to have a rematch against Booker T [B]Reid:[/B]Booker I told you I would beat you and I did [B]Reid:[/B]I Know I'll do it again (Reid's Phone Rings) [B]Reid:[/B]My Match is Next,Yeah [B]Reid:[/B]Make Sure he doesn't win (Commercial Break) Reid Flair vs.Booker T/Sharmell Reid Flair hits Booker with some Knife Edge Chops.But Booker fights back with some Knife Edge Chops.Booker hits the Axe Kick and he does his spinaroone.Unknown 2 Men Jump the Guardrail and jump on the ring apron distracting Booker.With the Ref's back turned Reid Delivers a Low blow and rolls up Booker T for the 3 [B]Winner:Reid Flair[/B] [B]Flair:[/B]Hey Booker You Wanna Know who Your Frenids are [B]Rod:[/B]I'm Roderick Strong [B]Gordy:[/B]And I'm Ray Gordy [B]All:[/B]We Are The New 4 Horsemen We Go Backstage were Buff Bagwell is in Alex Grenier's Office [B]Buff:[/B]Alex I Want a 2 out of 3 falls match against Orlando Jordan at Starrcade. [B]Alex:[/B]I Have seen your matches and I have to agree. (Commercial Break) We Come Back with Letcia Cline,Joe and Amy Henning [B]Cline:[/B]Joe Your about to face Siaki Miavia Next [B]Joe:[/B]Who is Siaki Miavia I'll beat this Loser as perfect as anybody Siaki Miavia vs.Joe Henning/Amy Henning Joe Henning hits some Knife Edge Chops on Miavia but Miavia fights back with strong right hands but Miava hits The Siaki Bottom for 2.But Amy Henning gets Involved getting on the ring apron Siaki Goes to the apron while Joe Distracts the Ref.Amy Hits Siaki with her High Heel.Going right into the perfectplex for the 3 [B]Winner:Joe Henning/Amy Henning[/B] [B]Hudson:[/B]Amy Henning just screwed Siaki Miavia [B]Matthews:[/B]Whatever it Takes to Win [B]Hudson:[/B]She Hit him with a shoe (Commercial Break) were back with Letcia and Afa Jr [B]Letcia:[/B]Afa your about another Legend's Son in Ted Dibiase Jr [B]Afa:[/B]Yeah but Unlike Him I Respect this Business We Spot Ted Dibiase Jr talking with Reid Flair [B]Dibiase Jr:[/B]So you guys will bail me out if he starts winning. [B]Flair:[/B]Yes,Me,Ray and Rod will help. (Commercial Break) Afa Jr vs.Ted Dibiase Jr Afa Jr hits Ted with lefts and rights but Ted Dibiase Jr hits the Million Dollar Stunner for 2.Afa Jr hits the Muscle Buster for 2.Unknown to him Reid Flair is on the Right side of the ring.Roderick Strong Jumps the Guardrail.Ray Gordy pops out from under the ring and they all attack Afa Jr at the Same Time. [B]Winner:Afa Jr[/B] [B]Reid:[/B]This Would be the Four Horsemen,Ray Gordy,Roderick Strong,Ted Dibiase Jr and Me,Reid Flair (Commercial Break) Letcia is Back with Wagner Brown,Kofi Kingston and Kristal [B]Letcia:[/B]Kofi last Week your secret weapon Wagner Brown destroyed The Giant [B]Kristal:[/B]Giant you Better be ready for Wagner Brown because he is ready to beat your ass again (They Leave) Wagner Brown/Kristal,Kofi Kingston vs.The Giant Wagner Brown locked up with the big man but Giant is to powerful,Giant setups Wagner Brown for the but Kofi gets involved hitting Giant with a steel chair.The Ref Calls for the bell [B]Winner:The Giant[/B] The Giant has both Wagner Brown and Kofi Kingston by the Throat when Kristal starts beating on his back he releases both men only to Chokeslam Kristal straight to Hell [B]Hudson:[/B]Holy **** Giant just hurt Kristal [B]Matthews:[/B]Here come the Paramedics [B]Schivaone:[/B]Lets Go to a Commercial Break. (Commercial Break) Letcia Cline is backstage with Kanyon [B]Cline:[/B]Kanyon your about to face the "Big Deal" Dan Rodman [B]Kanyon:[/B]They got some Rookie facing me(pause) [B]Kanyon:[/B]Who Betta dan Kanyon Kanyon vs."The Big Deal" Dan Rodman Kanyon works Rodman early but the Big man wraps Kanyon in a Bearhug.Kanyon Looks out but fights back hit Rodman with everything but Kanyon runs in to the Big Deal powerslam for the 3. [B]Winner: Dan Rodman[/B] (Commercial Break) We come back with Hall wating for Kevin Nash Hall:Yo You Ready Big Kev (Kevin Nash comes out) Nash:Yea Lets Go Beat The Hart Foundation The Outsiders vs.The New Hart Foundation/Naddie Neidhart Kevin Nash and Teddy Hart Start out.Nash dominates Hart only till Hart hits a Enzguri on Nash.Hart Tags in Smith,Smith Work Nash Early but Nash Fights back and tags in Hall.Smith quickly takes control hitting a running powerslam for 2 Hall Takes control and hits a Fall Away Slam and tags Nash.Nash Hits The Jacknife Powerbomb for 3 [B]Winner:The Outsiders[/B] (The Outsiders Celebrate as the Show fades to black)
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You make too many little posts. You should not have more than 2 posts between shows. Do a news post, and then a show preview post. Don't ask for feedback because it is annoying and people will give it anyways. It comes across as though you are just trying to bump your diary up to the top. Read your diary and ask yourself if you were the reader would this be something you want to read. Take things from more experienced diary writers and add it to your own style. Hopefully this has been helpful.
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[COLOR="Red"]WCW Nitro Preview After The Actions of the 4 Horsemen Alex Grenier Booked them in the Main Event against Booker T,Afa Jr,The Outsiders.The Rivalry between Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio has Been Heating up.So Jericho and Mysterio have pick eachothers Poison.Also Both the WCW Cruiserweight Title and WCW Tag Team Titles will be on the line.[/COLOR]. [COLOR="Red"]Prediction Key Rey Mysterio vs.Test Chris Jericho vs.Joey Superstar/Melina Buff Bagwell vs.Eddie Colon Orlando Jordan vs.Kimo Wagner Brown vs.Paul Burchill The Giant vs.Dan Rodman WCW Cruiserweight Title Joey Muraco vs.Mistico vs.Matt Sydal WCW Tag Team Title Match The New Hart Foundation vs.The James Boys vs.Cryme Tyme vs.The Mcalisters Booker T,Afa Jr,The Outsiders vs.The 4 Horsemen Predictions Welcome!!!!!!!!! The Show will be up tomorrow[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;345215]You make too many little posts. You should not have more than 2 posts between shows. Do a news post, and then a show preview post. Don't ask for feedback because it is annoying and people will give it anyways. It comes across as though you are just trying to bump your diary up to the top. Read your diary and ask yourself if you were the reader would this be something you want to read. Take things from more experienced diary writers and add it to your own style. Hopefully this has been helpful.[/QUOTE] Thanks Man you have been helpful
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I'm sorry but this is not good, your shows segments (if you want to call that) quite frankly...suck, you don't have any kind of grasp of any of the characters, you only had Scott Hall saying: "Hey yo chico" after someone mentioned it! You can't have segments like this: Intervier: Tonight you face x Y: yeah x who is he hes a nobody im going to beat him You should develop the conversations, add punctuation, and, most importantly, add a CHARACTER to the participants in the segments. I'm just doing an honest evaluation of your diary, I don't want to sound rude, but if you want to do a good dynasty, you can't do what you're doing currently! So I advise you to read other diaries, and try to understand how it's done, hope I've helped.
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[QUOTE=MVP!;345390]I'm sorry but this is not good, your shows segments (if you want to call that) quite frankly...suck, you don't have any kind of grasp of any of the characters, you only had Scott Hall saying: "Hey yo chico" after someone mentioned it! You can't have segments like this: Intervier: Tonight you face x Y: yeah x who is he hes a nobody im going to beat him You should develop the conversations, add punctuation, and, most importantly, add a CHARACTER to the participants in the segments. I'm just doing an honest evaluation of your diary, I don't want to sound rude, but if you want to do a good dynasty, you can't do what you're doing currently! So I advise you to read other diaries, and try to understand how it's done, hope I've helped.[/QUOTE] Yea its helped thanks,On the think about Hall,I do remember as a WCW Fan watching say in WCW No Disrepect MVP but imnotbooked do starting it out that way would help
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[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="7"]WCW Nitro[/SIZE][/COLOR] (The 4 Horsemen are in the ring) [B]Reid:[/B]Hello I'm "the New Nature Boy" Reid Flair.My Boss Alex Grenier has asked me and my boys to Apoligze.But I Will Not Apoligize for my actions Because Booker T and Afa Jr got What they deserve.When You Mess with the Horsemen you Wind up burned.And one more "WOOOOOOOOOO". (Alex Grenier Music plays) [B]Grenier:[/B]I'm glad you see it that way Reid Because I've Decided to Book You and Your Boys in a Match against Booker T and Afa Jr and The Outsiders (Reid and the Horsemen go Insane) [B]Hudson:[/B]Oh my God The Horsemen vs.Afa Jr,Booker T and The Outsiders [B]Matthews:[/B]What a Main Event (Commercial Break) We Come Back Letcia Cline and Rey Mysterio [B]Letcia:[/B]Rey Your about Chris Jericho's Picked Opponent. [B]Rey:[/B]Letcia I don't Care who the Opponent is. [B]Rey:[/B]Because Chris at Starrcade I will get my Revenge for you screwing me and You'll get hit with the 619 (Rey Leaves) Rey Mysterio vs.Test Rey Mysterio uses his speed to start on Test.But Test Gain Control by hitting a Spinebuster.Test hit a wicked Clothesline on Rey.But Rey Fights back with a couple right hands .And Knocks down Test with a dropkick.Test Gets up and Rushes at Rey.But he runs into a drop toe Hold,Rey sees his oppurtuinity and hits the 619 and top rope Legdrop for 3 [B]Winner:Rey Mysterio[/B] After The Match Rey gets attacked from behind by Chris Jericho. (Commercial Break) Chris Jericho vs.Joey Superstar/Melina Joey takes early control of Chris Jericho.But Chris gains Control with a low blow.Then Chris hits a DDT.and then locked in the Walls of Jericho all Superstar could do is Submit [B]Winner:Chris Jericho[/B] (Chris Jericho grabs a mic) [B]Jericho:[/B]Rey is that all you got (Alex Grenier Music Plays) [B]Grenier:[/B]Chris I Decided to make your's and Rey Match will be a Hardcore Match at Starrcade. (Chris Jericho is in Shock) [B]Hudson:[/B]Now Jerchio and Rey's Match will be a Hardcore Match [B]Matthews:[/B]Another Shocking Announcement by the boss (Commercial Break) Buff Bagwell vs.Eddie Colon Buff and Eddie don't really Buff wins with the Blockbuster [B]Winner:Buff Bagwell[/B]
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By the way you write, it looks like you've never wrote anything before, maybe it's just me, but English does not seem your language, admitting that would make things easier, as you'd get some comprehension by people here, and you could improve writing in general, if you're truly English or American, then I feel sorry for you, I'm out.
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[QUOTE=MVP!;345997]By the way you write, it looks like you've never wrote anything before, maybe it's just me, but English does not seem your language, admitting that would make things easier, as you'd get some comprehension by people here, and you could improve writing in general, if you're truly English or American, then I feel sorry for you, I'm out.[/QUOTE] MVP I haven't wrote a lot outside of school but I am trying
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