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[CENTER][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c267/fuelfan0102/TEW/WLW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="3"]2007 Summary[/SIZE][/B] When Jack Avatar took the book at the beginning of the year, he had lots of people immediately calling for his head, when he did a nearly complete roster shake up. The biggest thing of mention was the releasing of many of the main event wrestlers who he felt were getting too much money and he didn’t find a place for. These wrestlers included Hell Monkey, Silver Shark, The Great Hisato, and Emerald Angel. In an attempt to fill out the roster, Avatar hired a slew of new talent to fill out the empty spots. Some of these workers are still in the promotion, but some of them just didn’t pan out. Of all those workers, the biggest names that are still within the company, SUKI, Black Eagle, Hidekazu, Chojiro Kitoaji, Rhino Umaga, and Shingen Miyazaki are still within the company. The other ones that didn’t stand the test of time worth mentioning include Hypnos, Jacob Jett, Stevie Grayson, Yusuke Takahama, White Samurai, and William Hayes. Through the year, with the influx of new talent, some of the existing wrestlers were let go, including Haru Karufuji, UK Dragon, Insane Machine, Panda Mask II, The Tic, Beetle Kimura, Toyokuni Hardcore, Yuki Horigoshi, and Kazuma Narato. There were a number of focal points storyline-wise through the year that included The Circle of Blood, starting with the tag team division being ruled by The Avalanche Effect, and KOYAMA being the double champion. Dark EAGLE has been near the top of the mountain the entire year, feuding with Yasujiro and Thunder, and then exclusively with Thunder following him claiming the title for the seventh time. They feuded throughout the month, with CoB playing the rudos and Thunder playing the underdog tecnico, defeating KOBE, KOKI, and KOYAMA throughout the weeks, and for three months, they planned on EAGLE versus Thunder, but EAGLE had to drop out at the last moment due to other commitments. Eventually, management got tired of this, and shocked the wrestling world when they announced his replacement for EAGLE, the wrestling legend Sam Keith!!! Keith won the belt, and then another shocker happened. After Keith defeated Awesome Thunder and became the first ever gaijin Universal Champion, he got attacked by three extremely unlikely people, the three underlings of The Circle of Blood. After laying out Keith, they raised Awesome Thunder’s hand in celebration, signaling his position as the new leader of the Circle of Blood. Upon his return to the company, Dark EAGLE sought new talent to align himself with to get back at the people that turned against him, and that’s when he found Black Hawk (Black Eagle), and Blood Raven, forming The Flock. Eagle also dropped the capitalized last name to signify his departure from the CoB. To end the year, they featured Sensational Dragon and Samoan Machine from BHOTWG, and over the course of the year a slight wrestling style has come about, and a swell of up and coming technical wrestlers are making themselves a part of the company alongside the flashy luchadores. The best thing about 2007 however, came on the last day, when the people that had called for Avatar’s head the beginning of the year were singing his praises when WLW won the award for the “Most Improved Promotion of 2007”. So that was 2007, and now we look forward to the future, all the way to the year 2000!!!...and eight.
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[SIZE="3"][B]Championships[/B][/SIZE] [B][I][U]Active Titles[/U][/I][/B] [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c267/fuelfan0102/TEW/WLW_SS.jpg[/IMG] [I]World Level Show Stealer[/I] 1. The Incredible KOYAMA Defense(s): 6 Lost: Wk 1, August 2007 2. Cyber Fighter 3000 Defense(s): 7 Lost: - [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c267/fuelfan0102/TEW/WLW_Universal.jpg[/IMG] [I]World Level Universal[/I] 1. Bairei Yasujiro Defense(s): 2 Lost: Wk 4, February 2007 2. Awesome Thunder Defense(s): 2 Lost: Wk 4, August 2007 3. Sam Keith Defense(s): 5 Lost: - [B][I][U]Inactive Titles[/U][/I][/B] [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c267/fuelfan0102/TEW/WLW_SF.jpg[/IMG] [I]World Level Streetfighting[/I] 1. Hell Monkey Defense(s): 0 Lost: Wk 2, January 2007 2. Toyokuni Hardcore Defense(s): 9 Lost: - [B]Title Retired after Toyokuni Hardcore leaves, claiming “lack of competition”.[/B] [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c267/fuelfan0102/TEW/WLW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [I]World Level Tag Team[/I] 1. KOKI Ishibashi & The Incredible KOYAMA Defense(s): 3 Lost: Wk 4, August 2007 2. Blood Raven & Black Hawk Defense(s): 1 Lost: Wk 4, November 2007 3. Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga Defense(s): 0 Lost: - [B]Title Retired after Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga win the titles and leave.[/B] [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c267/fuelfan0102/TEW/WLW_TO.jpg[/IMG] [I]World Level Tap Out[/I] 1. UK Dragon Defense(s): 2 Lost: Wk 3, February 2007 2. Magnum KOBE Defense(s): 2 Lost: Wk 4, April 2007 3. H Defense(s): 3 Lost: Wk 4, May 2007 4. Dean Daniels Defense(s): 4 Lost: Wk 4, August 2007 5. Shingen Miyazaki Defense(s): 2 Lost: Wk 3, October 2007 6. Chojiro Kitoaji Defense(s): 5 Lost: - [B]Title Retired at the end of 2007.[/B]
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[B][SIZE="3"]Roster[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Tecnicos[/U][/B] Black Hawk Blood Raven Calamari Kid Christian Faith Cyber Fighter 3000 Dark Eagle Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. Emerald Angel Hidekazu Koji Kojima Sam Keith [B][U]Rudos[/U][/B] Awesome Thunder Chojiro Kitoaji Dean Daniels KOKI Ishibashi Mabuchi Furusawa Magnum KOBE Rhino Umaga Shingen Miyazaki SUKI The Incredible KOYAMA Zeshin Makioka [B][U]Staff & Crew[/U][/B] Jack Avatar Isei Deushi Kitahachi Sonoda Taka Kajiwara [B][U]Stables[/U][/B] [I]Circle of Blood[/I] Awesome Thunder KOKI Ishibashi Magnum KOBE The Incredible KOYAMA [I]The Flock[/I] Dark Eagle Black Hawk Blood Raven
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[B][SIZE="3"]Schedule[/SIZE][/B] [U]Touring Months[/U] [I]New Year's Tour[/I] January February [I]Spring Tour[/I] April May [I]Summer Tour[/I] July August [I]Year End Tour[/I] October November [U]Show Schedule[/U] [B]Monday Show[/B] 60 Minutes [B]Wednesday Show[/B] 30 Minutes [B]Tour Midpoint Show[/B] [I]Sunday, Week 4[/I] January/April/July/October 90 Minutes [B]Tour Finale Show[/B] [I]Sunday, Week 4[/I] February, May, August 90 Minutes [B]Year Finale Show[/B] [I]Sunday, Week 4[/I] November 120 Minutes
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WLW- I'm buying in , thing is numerous WLW diaries have popped up on these boards but no ones kept them going. Here's hoping this one has some legs. I like the fact that you've trimmed down the number of titles, the tap-out and street fighting belts always did seem a bit pointless to me for a promotion of WLW's size. But why no tag belts ? Then again I'm hoping you have something up your sleeve in terms of tag team wrestling, perhaps we will see the Lucha tradition of six-man titles, seeing as WLW is Lucharesu.
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Our debut show of 2008 opened with a bang, with SUKI and Wael Hossam putting on a great technical showcase. These two had great chemistry and it wound up being a fantastic match. SUKI played the super arrogant heel in this one, and is now going solo following the unmasking of “H” as Hidekazu. Hossam had SUKI caught in a few holds that could have him tapping, but SUKI had a counter hold for every submission he got put in. The match ended with a SUKI Special III, after a great opening match. Chojiro Kitoaji came to the ring after the ring was cleared from the previous match, and he grabbed a microphone to say a few words. He talked about how the Tap Out title was retired, and he’s going to use that to propel his career higher than it’s ever been before. He then introduced the crowd to his new partner, who’s going to have his back as he climbs towards the top. The crowd was shocked as Mabuchi Furusawa came out, joining Kitoaji to form a team of second generation superstars. Kitoaji then made a challenge to The Flock to come out and see that talent never skips a generation. The Flock did indeed come out, and the match was on. The match was an interesting combination of technical wrestling from the next generation and lucha libre style high flying from Hawk and Raven. In the end, the submission experts slowed down their opponents and grounded them, and got the win after a combination camel clutch and boston crab on Blood Raven. We then had the traditional pre-main event 10 minute intermission and everyone fought each other to get back to their seat when Sam Keith’s music hit at the Universal Champion came to the ring, and the crowd exploded in cheer. Keith came to the ring alongside the owner Koji Kojima, who’s been acting as his translator since Keith’s debut in the company. Keith shocked the crowd by coming straight out and telling the crowd he was retiring at the end of the month. He announced that he will defend the title every week. Next month there will be a tournament, and if Keith still holds the title at the end of the month, the winner of the tournament will be the new Universal Champion. If he loses before then, the winner of the tournament will face whoever is the champion at the time. He starts off his month of challenges by putting the offer for anyone to come out and face him. When his opponent came out, it dwarfed Keith’s entrance, as Emerald Angel came out! Angel was one of the people released for cost cutting measures, and as such, Angel hasn’t been in the promotion for a year. Angel returned in a big way though, and we had ourselves a main event! The main event definitely did not disappoint, as these two tore the house down. Angel hadn’t lost a step though, thanks to a few tours with BHOTWG. Keith tried to slow down Angel, but Angel was able to trade holds with the veteran for a long while, before eventually picking up his pace and starting to take to the air. Angel opened up his arsenal of flips and dives and looked like he was going to take the title when he was on the top rope and was going for his 720 Splash. Keith got up though, so Angel made a quick audible and went for a corkscrew body press, but Keith caught him in mid-air and dropped him with a Northern Light Bomb, and then while Angel was out on the ground, he tasted the pain of the Proton Lock, quickly tapping out to end the match. After the hard fought contest, Keith offered Angel his hand, and they both raised their hands in celebration to end the show. [B]Monday, Week 1 January 2008[/B] [B]Ibaraki Community Hall Kanto, Japan Attendance[/B]: 1,000 ([COLOR="Red"]SOLD OUT![/COLOR]) 1. SUKI def. Wael Hossam 2. Chojiro Kitoaji & Mabuchi Furusawa def. Black Hawk & Blood Raven 3. Sam Keith def. Emerald Angel [I]World Level Universal Match[/I]
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The nature of the Wednesday shows have always been to display the lower card workers in a shorter show so that we don’t lose as much money as running an hour long show of opener and midcarders. This week’s show started out with KOKI Ishibashi representing the Circle of Blood taking on the heart of WLW, the owner and freedom fighter Koji Kojima. Kojima has been on the losing end of almost all of his matches in 2007 putting over the heels to make them more dangerous. This match was more of the same, but it wound up being a very good back and forth match. KOKI ended this match with a KOKI Revolution and a Koji Crossface, a move taught to him by Kojima earlier in his career. The referee called the match, but KOKI didn’t release the hold until the referee pulled him off. KOKI then stared down the body of Kojima as he lay on the ground in pain. The second match started with Chojiro Kitoaji and Mabuchi Furusawa came to the ring, and Chojiro grabbed a microphone. Kitoaji talked about their match Monday and said that tonight Furusawa was going to show that he was real deal. Chojiro then handed the microphone off to Furusawa and Furusawa called out SUKI to face him right now. SUKI came out, and we had a great solid, technical match to show the varying styles within WLW. These two both have similar technical styles, so they meshed pretty well and all in all they wound up putting on a solid main event that was strong enough to be on any main show. Chojiro helped end the match when he tripped up SUKI as he came off the ropes to take off Mabuchi’s head with a stiff forearm. Mabuchi then dragged SUKI into the middle of the ring and locked in the Furusawa Armbar to get the dirty victory. After the match, Furusawa and Kitoaji celebrated in the ring as the ref tended to SUKI and he held his arm in pain to end the show. [B]Wednesday, Week 1 January 2008 Toyama Hall Chubu, Japan Attendance[/B]: 741 1. KOKI Ishibashi def. Koji Kojima 2. Mabuchi Furusawa def. SUKI
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We were in the Doshisha Athletic Center for our larger Monday shower, and we had a packed line-up, with two matches being promoted before people started to make their way in. The first match was the next chapter of the ongoing fight between The Circle of Blood and The Flock, as The Incredible KOYAMA and Magnum KOBE faced Dark Eagle and Blood Raven, due to Black Hawk’s CZCW commitments. This was a fantastic fast paced match with the elder Dark Eagle obviously showing why he’s so critically acclaimed after all these years. The finish shocked everyone when Chojiro Kitoaji and Mabuchi Furusawa came down to the ring and pulled Magnum KOBE out of the ring, and knocking him flat with a Kitoaji Lariat, and Furusawa immediately locked in his father’s patented Armbar as the referee argued with KOYAMA. If that wasn’t enough, PRIDE Koiso’s protégé Bussho Makiguchi made his way through the crowd and continued to beat down KOBE on the outside. The Flock used this to their advantage, as Eagle used the Eagle Shock on KOYAMA to get the clean victory. Following the match, Makiguchi, Furusawa, and Kitoaji rolled into the ring. The started in on KOYAMA, but KOKI Ishibashi ran to the ring to support his partners. Chojiro gets the ref’s attention, KOBE limps back onto the apron, and we have ourselves a six man tag match. The story behind this match was putting over the new group of “geNExT”, which consists of Chojiro Kitoaji, Mabuchi Furusawa, and Bussho Makiguchi, two second generation superstars, and the protégé of one of Japan’s top talent. The match was good, despite KOYAMA and KOBE being worn out from their last contest. The Circle of Blood fought hard, but the young fresh trio was too much. A Kitoaji Lariat to KOBE, and that was all she wrote. After the break, Sam Keith came to the ring with Kojima. Keith applauds Emerald Angel for their match last week, and states that he would love to wrestle him again at some point in the future. But then, moving on to tonight, he issued another challenge for tonight. Almost immediately Awesome Thunder came out to accept the challenge. Keith took a few stabs at the Circle’s misfortune earlier, but then got a referee to start the match. The match was short, and like their previous encounters, they don’t click very well, but they’re both so talented that they were able to put on an entertaining match. The match ended abruptly when KOKI Ishibashi came down to assault Keith for the comments made prior to the match. The referee immediately called the match, and it looked like he was going to get double teamed, but the crowd lost their mind as former SWF World Heavyweight Champion Christian Faith came to save Keith! The referee then restarted the match, and we had ourselves a tag team match for the main event. This match told a story of two wills. The will of Keith trying to finish on top, and the will of the reeling Circle of Blood to maintain their position as the top group in the company. Unfortunately for them, KOKI’s fatigue from wrestling earlier, combined with Faith’s sheer power was too much to overcome, and that allowed Keith to have his way with Thunder, locking in a Proton Lock in the middle of the ring to get the submission victory, and continue his streak. [B]Monday, Week 2 January 2008 Doshisha Athletic Center Kinki, Japan Attendance[/B]: 924 1. Dark Eagle & Blood Raven def. The Incredible KOYAMA & Magnum KOBE 2. Bussho Makiguchi, Mabuchi Furusawa & Chojiro Kitoaji def. The Incredible KOYAMA, Magnum KOBE & KOKI Ishibashi 3. Sam Keith draws Awesome Thunder [I]World Level Universal Match[/I] 4. Sam Keith & Christian Faith def. Awesome Thunder & KOKI Ishibashi
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Our Wednesday show started off with a fantastic opening contest that’s a continuation of the feud that began on Monday, as Bussho Makiguchi was taking on Magnum KOBE in Bussho’s first singles contest in the WLW. These two fought hard and put on a great match to get the crowd excited. This match was a perfect example of a Wednesday night match, to accentuate our under card and put on shows to raise our popularity without spending as much money. Bussho impressed everyone in his debut, and after some rudo tactics, he wound up putting KOBE away with a Blazing Elbow to pick up his first singles victory. A brief intermission and we were treated to Emerald Angel coming out to a huge crowd pop. He thanked everyone, and then allowed everyone who doesn’t know him to be familiarized by watching a video of who exactly he is. A highlight video of Angel’s history is shown, but it got cut off by The Incredible KOYAMA’s music, as he came out to the ring abruptly to kick off our main event. These two didn’t click at all and it really effected the flow of the match, but the crowd was still into it due to their renewed love with Emerald Angel. While the poor chemistry made the first match stronger than the main event, it was a solid show in the end, and the crowd left happy after seeing Emerald win with an Angel Fury. [B]Wednesday, Week 2 January 2008 Kumamoto Athletic Center Kyushu, Japan Attendance[/B]: 683 1. Bussho Makiguchi def. Magnum KOBE 2. Emerald Angel def. The Incredible KOYAMA
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We came home for this week’s Monday show, and we were treated to a full blown sell out crowd, and the crowd was in a wild frenzy for some WLW action! In our opener, Christian Faith had his first singles contest since debuting with Sam Keith last week. This match wasn’t anything to write home about, but it wasn’t supposed to be. Faith decimated Zeshin Makioka, who is still fighting for a spot on the roster due to his poor performance skills. But in this match, all he had to do was bump as Faith threw him around like a rag doll. In the end, it was a short squash that built Faith as a monster. Following the match, Faith flexed in the ring and the crowd ate it up. Our second match of the evening continued the war between geNExT and the Circle of Blood, as the two quicker members of geNExT, Bussho and Chojiro took on former Tag Champions, KOYAMA and KOKI. The Avalanche Effect looked worried, but they brought the fight. It wasn’t enough though, as they were up against the ropes the majority of the match. A Kitoaji Lariat to KOKI, and that was all she wrote. The Circle continues to slip up as geNExT continues to back up their claim as being the top rudo faction in the company. Mabuchi joined them in the ring, and the three posed for the crowd before we took our pre-main event intermission. Keith came to the ring following the intermission, and talked, with Kojima’s help, about how he only has three matches left before the end of his career. The crowd started chanting and cheering in support of their champion, and then out of nowhere the crowd went silent as the music of Hooded Kudo’s star student Koshiro Ino hit, and he came to the ring. He took the microphone from Keith and talked about how he is challenging any and everyone he can from across the globe, and tonight, he wants to challenge Sam Keith to a match for the Universal Title. This match was easily the match of the year so far, and better than all but 2 matches of last year. These two had amazing chemistry, they’re two huge names that one normally wouldn’t associate with WLW, but in the end, they wound up tearing the house down. The crowd was into every single move that was performed by these guys, and they were all on their feet by the midway point of this match, which almost went a full half hour. There were a load of holds and counter holds, high impact moves, and all of the things that make a good match a great one. That, and the fluidity between these two thanks to their great chemistry made this one a WLW instant classic, and the crowd exploded when Keith took Ino to the ground, and locked in the Proton Lock in the middle of the ring to successfully defend his title one more time. After the match, the crowd was chanting thank you to the athletes, and everyone there knew they had just seen two of the best stars in the sport really take it up a notch. After the match, Keith held his hand out to Ino, and then raised it in celebration as they bowed to the roaring crowd of a thousand to end the show. [B]Monday, Week 3 January 2008 Iwata Hall Tohoku, Japan Attendance[/B]: 1,000 ([COLOR="Red"]SOLD OUT![/COLOR]) 1. Christian Faith def. Zeshin Makioka 2. Bussho Makiguchi & Chojiro Kitoaji def. The Incredible KOYAMA & KOKI Ishibashi 3. Sam Keith def Koshiro Ino [I]World Level Universal Match[/I]
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Our opening contest for our Wednesday night show featured the newest member of geNExT, Bussho Makiguchi taking on a former Tap Out Champion, Shingen Miyazaki. This match was a shocker to everyone in attendance, because these two clicked like few others ever have in the past. The fantastic chemistry between Bussho and Miyazaki, made for an amazing contest. That had the crowd erupting. They went back and forth for about fifteen minutes, before Bussho ended a match that could main event any WLW show with a Blazing Elbow to pick up another victory. Before the main event, the announcers run down the working relationship between WLW and OLLIE, and all the things that it entails. They talk about how in exchange for Blood Raven, OLLIE has sent Marcos Flores, a former two time Campeon de Universal. Marcos’ opponent in his Japanese debut was Awesome Thunder, one of the biggest names in the history of WLW. Flores showed the crowd why he has been one of the best in all of Mexico, and he and Thunder mixed together pretty well. There wasn’t fantastic chemistry between them, but it was as good as you expect between one of the best in Japan taking on one of the best in Mexico. Flores had the crowd rocking as he was at the top, and he was about to go for his Flores Heaven Elbow, but Thunder quickly avoided it by rolling to the turnbuckle, racking him on the top rope, and then dropping him with a Huracanrana. A Thunder Shock later, and the leader of the Circle of Blood took a step in the right direction to get his stable out of their losing streak. Thunder celebrated in the ring as the crowd applauded the hard fought match, and that was all she wrote. [B]Wednesday, Week 3 January 2008 Hofu Arena Chugoku, Japan Attendance:[/B] 588 1. Bussho Makiguchi def. Shingen Miyazaki 2. Awesome Thunder def. Marcos Flores
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Cyber Fighter 3000 came to the ring to open our Monday show, to defend his Show Stealer Title against KOKI Ishibashi. The member of the ailing Circle of Blood tried his hardest, and tried to take after Awesome Thunder, but to no avail. Cyber Fighter has grown a lot over the last year, and has really taken to his futuristic gimmick. He had yet another solid match up here, getting the victory over KOKI with a Cyber Hack. Koshiro Ino comes to the ring and talks about his match with Sam Keith last week. He thanks him for the fantastic contest, but says it’s time for him to move on, towards the future. He challenged the largest man on the roster, and a close friend of Sam Keith, Christian Faith, who quickly came out and accepted. This was a decent match between the two biggest members of the roster. Unfortunately though, these two had issues getting on the same page, and it made for a sloppy match up, beyond that of what you would expect from two lumbering behemoths. The crowd still enjoyed it though, due to the star power of Ino and Faith. The crowd exploded at the end, when Faith managed to get the biggest upset of his life by pulling off the victory with a Leap of Faith to crush Ino, and get the victory. After the intermission, the leader of geNExT, Chojiro Kitoaji came to the ring, without his partners. Chojiro talks about how his group of men is the premier attraction in the WLW and the only thing they need to solidify their spot on top is the top title, and he couldn’t think of a better time to add the crown jewel to their collection than now, and with that, he calls out Sam Keith, who obliges and we have ourselves Sam Keith’s last regular show title defense!!! This was a great match that told a great story of passing the torch from the old guard to the next generation in what was a fantastic match that really made Chojiro into a star to watch for into the upcoming years. Chojiro used his youth energy to try to buzz past Keith, but the veteran was going to have none of it. They traded strikes, and submissions, and they had the crowd eating out of their hands with every action. The match looked like it was going to be over when Chojiro starting winding up for the Kitoaji Lariat, but Keith managed to duck the move and pull Kitoaji to the ground by that arm and then locked in the Proton Lock to end the match and make one more successful title defense! After the match, Keith tried to shake Kitoaji’s hand, but Chojiro slaps it away. Then, not surprisingly, Bussho and Mabuchi run out of the crowd and beat down Keith, as Chojiro raises the title above his head and his partners taunt the crowd to end the show with geNExT standing victorious. [B]Monday, Week 4 January 2008 Asahikawa Community Hall Hokkaido, Japan Attendance:[/B] 862 1. Cyber Fighter 3000 def. KOKI Ishibashi [I]World Level Show Stealer Match[/I] 2. Christian Faith def Koshiro Ino 3. Sam Keith def Chojiro Kitoaji [I]World Level Universal Match[/I]
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Our last show before our Tour Midpoint super show was live from Kochi Halls, in Shikoku, where we always draw poorly, due to the low affluence in the region. However, we sold out the arena, with a full 300 people coming to see some hot WLW action! And we didn’t disappoint! Our opening contest was a technical match up between members of the warring geNExT and Circle of Blood, as Mabuchi Furusawa and KOKI Ishibashi went one on one. These two worked well and put on a technical clinic for everyone in the audience to enjoy. You can see the overwhelming worry in the eyes of KOKI as he knows that every loss further drops the Circle of Blood from their position as the top stable. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened, as a Furusawa Armbar in the middle of the ring was enough to make Ishibashi tap after a hard fought contest. The crowd enjoyed the merchandise tables during the intermission, but all packed back into their seats as Emerald Angel’s music hit and he came out and had every member of the audience on their feet. He thanks everyone for coming out, and then talks about Marcos Flores, which got a pop. He praises him for his effort against Thunder, and how he could tell that Flores really has that fire. He then challenges Flores to match tonight, and the former OLLIE Champion comes out to accept! Flores showed great fight against a WLW icon for the second week in a row, and if he ever becomes available for regular bookings in Japan, he would have a spot in the roster in a second. But now, he’s doing a fantastic job as a loaned talent, showcasing the perfection of another continent’s art, and how it matches up against ours. Emerald put this match away after an Angel Spike, and the crowd cheered for the hard fought contest. Flores then bowed to the crowd for their support, and shook Angel’s hand as a sign of good will to end the show. [B]Wednesday, Week 4 January 2008 Kochi Halls Shikoku, Japan Attendance:[/B] 300 ([COLOR="Red"]SOLD OUT![/COLOR]) 1. Mabuchi Furusawa def. KOKI Ishibashi 2. Emerald Angel def. Marcos Flores
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The crowd packed into the Saitama Sports Field in Kanto for the first Super Show of the 2008 year, and in this case it was the New Year’s Tour Midpoint show. The show was 90 minutes, and usually features stars from other promotions, and feud-ending super matches. The biggest story of tonight’s show was going to be Sam Keith’s last defense of the World Level Universal Championship, but it wasn’t meant to be, as he decided to take the regular booking of his career with the company that brought him the most fame, SWF. This put us in a bind as to what was to go onto the super show. After a stroke of brilliance, a plan was hatched, and Koji Kojima, company owner addressed the crowd. He told everyone what had happened with Keith, and that tonight, we would see a special one night tournament to crown a new World Level Universal Champion!!! The crowd loved it, and everyone backstage let out a sigh of relief. Now the only problem was who to put in the tournament? Emerald Angel and Dark Eagle also missed the show due to other bookings. So we looked through our available talent, and we came up with the following bracket: [B]Koshiro Ino vs. Rhino Umaga Shingen Miyazaki vs. Hidekazu Awesome Thunder vs. Marcos Flores Dean Daniels vs. Chojiro Kitoaji[/B] We quickly typed that up and made a massive amount of copies, handing it out to everyone in attendance like a program, so that they were aware of the quickly-scripted events that were about to go down this evening. With everything now planned out, we were ready to roll! The tournament opener was a hard hitting contest between the outsider Koshiro Ino and Rhino Umaga, one half of the last Tag Team Champions. They traded thunderous blows, but in the end, a Kobra’s Bite from Ino was enough to put the Samoan out for the three count to advance. Ino took a moment to celebrate his first victory in a WLW ring with the crowd before going to the back. Our next match was between two former Tap Out Champions, as Shingen Miyazaki took on Hidekazu, in his first match since being revealed as the mysterious “H” in a lucha de apuestas Mask vs. Mask match. We haven’t seen much of Miyazaki recently either, due to his work with GCG, so the crowd was excited to see these two go at it again. Hidekazu got the submission victory to advance after a solid back and forth contest. Awesome Thunder is hyped up with a brief highlight video before he makes his way to the ring for his match against Marcos Flores. Thunder completely laughed off this match, after beating Flores cleanly in their last match. That was a mistake though, as Flores was determined to make a mark in the WLW in this, his last appearance before going back to OLLIE. He did exactly that, and took advantage of Thunder’s nonchalant approach to this match, and he shocked everyone in attendance when he got the victory with a roll up to advance. After the match, Flores went into the crowd to celebrate with the fans, which were all on their feet to celebrate the upset they just witnessed. The last of the first round matches featured the fastest rising star in the WLW, Chojiro Kitoaji taking on Dean Daniels, who hasn’t been seen in months due to his other work across Japan. These two put on a very good match full of interesting submission holds and mat work. Daniels showed how much he has learned in his work abroad, but it just wasn’t enough, as Kitoaji picked up another victory, and a spot in the second round following a Kitoaji Lariat. The crowd took a breather to get up, stretch, and buy merchandise as we prepared for our second round matches. The first match up of the second round was between Koshiro Ino and Hidekazu. The former H tried every move in his arsenal to slow his beastly opponent down, but they only seemed to make him angrier. Ino finally got a hold of Hidekazu, and when he did, one Kobra’s Bite was all it took to advance to the finals, and get another shot at the Universal Championship. Our other semi-final was between Kitoaji and Flores. These two actually had pretty good chemistry which helped out the end result. Kitoaji continued to be on fire, as Flores struggled to capitalize on the momentum he had from upsetting Awesome Thunder in the first round. Flores couldn’t take anything else after a Kitoaji Lariat, and had nothing in the tank to kick out of the pin attempt, allowing Chojiro Kitoaji to move on to face Koshiro Ino in the finals for the Universal Championship. One last intermission and the crowd were on their feet for the main event. The electricity was in the air, and everyone was ready to see a new champion be crowned here tonight, in the Kanto region. The crowd popped for each of the competitor’s entrances, and once the bell rang, it was on. These two went full throttle for a full half an hour in what could only be considered an epic contest. There was more action than most of the people in attendance could keep up with, but they loved it all anyway! Ino tried to pummel Kitoaji into submission, but the young rookie wasn’t having any of that, and he used his speed and technical prowess to avoid all of Ino’s thunderous shots, and was able to pop in and pepper his larger opponents with body shots and kicks and then roll right back out before he could get hit. After a period of this pattern, Ino caught on, and when Kitoaji came closer to start his attack again, he nearly got his head taken off with a Roaring Elbow, which connected right across the jaw and nearly knocked Kitoaji unconscious. The crowd exploded though when the ref went to make the count and Chojiro still managed to get his shoulder up at two, despite being knocked into next week. Ino took advantage of Chojiro being on the ground, and locked in a Buffalo Sleeper, which looked like it was going to get Kitoaji to pass out, but after a two count, Chojiro managed to snap back into consciousness, and was able to fight his way back to his feet, and got to the outside where he was able to catch his breath. After using the ten seconds of the twenty count to regain composure, Kitoaji climbed back onto the apron, and quickly side-stepped Ino as he went charging through the middle rope in an attempt to spear Chojiro off to the outside. As Ino got stuck in the ropes though, Chojiro used this to his advantage, lighting him up with a barrage of stiff kicks to the face, and then pushing him back into the ring. As Koshiro got to his feet, he was stumbling, and Kitoaji used this to his advantage, hitting a Springboard Lariat to take the big man off his feet. The crowd was feeling the momentum shift, and Chojiro let out a mighty yell as he readied his arm for the deathblow. Ino stood up, and managed to duck the Kitoaji Lariat! The crowd was shocked! But the momentum Chojiro put behind the move left him enough distance to take a step back and put a full rotation behind his second attempt, which connected, and the crowd went wild for the Roaring Kitoaji Lariat!!! The move took everything out of Chojiro though, as he fell limply onto the carcass of Koshiro Ino, but that was all it took for the referee to make the count, and that was all she wrote! Chojiro Kitoaji was the newest World Level Universal Champion!!! The crowd, thanks to that amazing contest that they just witnessed, gave up their hatred for the ****y young rookie, and instead sang the praises of their new champion. It didn’t take long, and Mabuchi Furusawa and Bussho Makiguchi were in the ring, and they hoisted their leader up onto their shoulders, as he raised the title high into the air and there was a general feel of celebration, as the crowd chanted W-L-W and all the tournament participants came out to congratulate Chojiro, even Awesome Thunder, following a tense stare-down. After the celebrations subsided, the crowd funneled out, and we were left to celebrate another successful month in the WLW. [B]Sunday, Week 4 January 2008 Saitama Sports Field Kanto, Japan Attendance:[/B] 1,504 1. Koshiro Ino def. Rhino Umaga 2. Hidekazu def. Shingen Miyazaki 3. Marcos Flores def. Awesome Thunder 4. Chojiro Kitoaji def. Dean Daniels 5. Koshiro Ino def. Hidekazu 6. Chojiro Kitoaji def. Marcos Flores 7. Chojiro Kitoaji def. Koshiro Ino [I]World Level Universal Match[/I]
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