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TCW's New Direction

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[B]LOCATION:[/B] [I]A Fancy Restaurant in Arizona.[/I] [B]TIME & DATE:[/B] [I]3:45PM January 2nd, 2009[/I] I arrived at the restaurant very nervous. It had been almost a complete year of me running TCW. Originally when I took over the head booking spot my orders were not to change the company very much. Tommy Cornell had told me that he would make the decisions on title changes. Basically my job this year wasn't as a head booker. It was more me giving him storylines and he would implement who won. The reviews that came out at the end of the year were not very good. We were still gaining popularity but so was the SWF. We were considered the more stale product. The SWF had tried to bring in fresh faces. The one thing I was most proud of was my role in bringing in Remo from the SWF. I also convinced Liberty to come back after going to the new Hollywood Extreme Entertainment that was backed financially by J.K. Stallings only to be sold to Carl Batch. Their main event consisted of Skull Debones, Eric Tyler, and Genghis Rahn after we got Liberty back. Stallings stayed on board as an on air personality after selling the company. After knowing how upset Tommy was with how the critics reviewed the shows of the past year I was surely worried. The hostess took me to our reserved table that Tommy was already sitting at. Tommy spoke up, "hey don't be nervous. It has been a good year for us if you look at things from a number stand point. We broke even financially and we grew in size. We have more sponsors now and things look pretty stable. Joel Bryant informed me of your feelings." "I am trying to do the best job I can. There is nothing more that I want right now but for TCW to be the best." I muttered while I could. He smiled, "I know that and that is why I called you here. You know I like to have a very hands on approach to how my company is run. I think it has been part of my problem. I know I gave you the title of head booker but all you really were was an advisor. We have gotten away from using our undercard titles. We put too much focus on our World, and Tag Team titles. Every match for 11 months has revolved around those titles. You wanted to build up the All Action Title division. I am going to give you more creative freedom. We need to freshen up our product some and I know you have a lot of creativity. The guys seem to like you in the locker room." Mr. Cornell didn't seem completely comfortable doing this. I said, "sir you won't regret this. I will do my best." "I know you will. I have a few more things though. Don't just think I'm handing my baby over to you. I talked with Joel, and Ray Johnson. We decided some things that would make me a little more comfortable and also keep some direction for us would be to give you three rules. #1 the promotion must make more money in the next 2 years than we lose. We need to have more than $18,000,000. That shouldn't be a problem. #2 I will not tolerate any drug usage of any kind but espescially steroids. You will not sign anyone or resign anyone who has been known to do steroids. We can't afford to have a bad image. #3 I really want our product to be known as the more athletic promotion when compared to SWF. I think this is one way we can continue to distinguish ourselves from them. Our scouts grade wrestlers on a regular basis with letter grades. I told them that any wrestler who is under a D grade cannot be signed. I know these rules may be limiting but it is impairitive that we stick to them. I believe if we stick to these for two years our promotion will be undeniably the best promotion in America." I sighed, "those seem reasonable Mr. Cornell. You know I have been trying to bring new guys into our promotion. I also have been trying to work out some deals to get a couple child promotions." "... and? What have you come up with?" "Well I met with Troy Winner of 4C. We hashed out some things and he agreed to let us send our own workers there. We will pay them to go there and Joey Poison their head booker will get them face time. This will allow guys who need practice to try things out before coming to our company. It is important to have a development place." Tommy smiled, "that sounds like a good idea. Good work. Anything else?" I shifted in my chair. "Yeah I was not sure how this would be taken but I also met with Honey Golightly. I thought it would be important to get a womens division going. I told her it was something I had wanted to do and she mentioned that if we ever did decide to add one we could use her promotion as a development for our women. I know they aren't focused on an in ring product but I figure we will have enough pull to put emphasis on it and change their product." The TCW owner did not look happy or upset. He was very hard to read. "Ok I guess this is something we can work with. We can see how this works out. As soon as I get uncomfortable though we are ending ties with them. I already told you I can't let any bad reputation begin about this company." With that said it pretty much concluded our meeting. We ordered our food and discusses some possible storylines. Tommy Cornell and I got along great even before I began working for him. I met him when I was trying to get into marketing and he had just taken over as the owner of TCW. I was a huge fan and was very star struck. I still am star struck but I am a little more used to it than I once was.
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Nice set up and the back story leads to the involvement of J.K. Stallings Jr, not to mention setting up relationships with 4C and bSC, so I'm down like a clown with Charlie Brown in regards to that. Remo is a great fit for TCW, especially if BLZ Bubb has departed, filling that monster heel role with a worker who is far more adept in the ring. I'm interested to see what the state of play is with TCW in 2009 and hopefully the roster has evolved without being completely overhauled. My only real criticism would be that the dialogue is a bit clunky for speech. For example, a few too many "I am" or "you are" instead of I'm and you're, which would give the dialogue a less robotic feel. It's a bit nitpicky, but you've made a good start regardless.
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Green"]NEWS![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] In a huge turn of events HEE War has been removed from the new Stallings Network. The network wanted shows that would be graded in the B range but kept getting C graded shows. HEE which was financially backed by Stallings is said to be furious. Carl Batch was said to have gotten into a heated argument with Stallings Network Executives and share holders. In TCW news, going into February one of their biggest criticisms is that they have not been running enough angles and interviews. The fans want to see more entertainment and less in ring action. TCW is still focusing on what they want and not want the fans want. Tommy Cornell has shown his stubborn ways as usual and TCW fans need to expect that nothing will change. There is trouble for NOTBPW. Canada On-Air has reported that if NOTBPW Championship Wrestling ratings don't improve the show will be dropped from on air programming. This could be a huge blow to the company. SWF has been trying to build a womens division. SWF heard about TCW trying to bring in some women to form a division. They made offers to some of the best women on the independent wrestling scene. They hired Raven Nightfall, Grace Harper, Blonde Bombshell, Sara Marie York, and Suzanne Brazzle to get the division going. Will this prevent TCW from establishing a strong womens division? SWF sure hopes so. [/QUOTE] [I]OOC: I am gonna begin my shows after Malice in Wonderland. Week 1 of February.[/I]
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Purple"]RECAP MALICE IN WONDERLAND RESULTS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Dark Matches:[/B] Fox Mask defeated Golden Scorpion by DQ. The Phenoms(Erik Strong, and Ed Larkers) over Black Hat Bailey and Calvin Dark by pinfall. Remo defeated Giant Tana by pinfall. [B]The Show:[/B] Joel Bryant over Chance Fortune by pinfall for the TCW All Action Title with help from Robert Oxford. Wolf Hawkins pins Ice Man C.A. in a 4-way including Troy Tornado and Rocky Golden for the TCW International Title. The Machines over the Young Guns by cheating to get the pinfall for the TCW World Tag Team Titles. Ricky Dale Johnson over Charlie Thatcher by pinfall. Liberty over BLZ Bubb by DQ when the Darkness Warriors attacked Liberty. Sean McFly over Texas Pete by pinfall. Tommy Cornell over Rick Law by pinfall for the TCW World Heavyweight Title. [B]Show Rating:[/B] [COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] Remo attacked Sean McFly after McFlys victory. Chance Fortune had a segment where he was backstage looking miserable. TCW has been running videos of Remo training.[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: I think this sets up my diary how I want it to be.[/I]
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Green"]TCW Total Wrestling Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] American Buffalo vs Ben Williams Rhino Umaga vs Aaron Andrews Fox Mask vs Texas Pete Freddy Huggins vs Rick Law The Tag Team Specialists vs Chance Fortune and Ice Man C.A. The Young Guns, and Liberty vs Darkness Warriors, and BLZ Bubb Troy Tornado vs Sean McFly TJ Bailey vs Tommy Cornell =O= for the World Title Chance Fortune seeks revenge on Joel Bryant after Joel and Robert screwed him out of the All Action Title. Joel Bryant in an internet interview was quoted saying "I will end the All Action Titles life! There is no room for these unorthodox styles in TCW." The Young Guns are helping Liberty take on the Darkness Warriors and BLZ Bubb in what is expected to be a brutal grudge match. Sean McFly came out huge against Texas Pete at Malice in Wonderland and now goes up against another one of TCW's top wrestlers in Troy Tornado. This match could catapult someone into the World Title picture.[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: The show should be up tomorrow.[/I]
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[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]TCW Present Total Wrestling Live from the Gorski Ballroom[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]DARK MATCHES:[/B] Cal Sanders beat Dean Daniels by using the ropes for leverage. They did not click and it made for a bad bout. Rating: D [B]The Show:[/B] Highlights of Malice in Wonderland show in still frames. The biggest crowd reactions come from the Tommy Cornell over Rick Law match and from Remo attacking Sean McFly after his bout with Texas Pete. Then Aaron Andrews music plays over the loud speakers. [B]Rhino Umaga vs Aaron Andrews[/B] Rhino Umaga dominated this match and in 3:36 hit the Rhino Charge and picked up the pinfall. [I]Rating: D[/I] [B]The Machines, Black Hat Bailey and Wolf Hawkins vs The Phenoms, Randall Hopkirk and Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] This match was fast paced with everyone seeming to get some offense in. The Machines, Wolf Hawkins, and Ricky Dale Johnson looked to be the most dominant. Black Hat Bailey appeared to be the weak spot for his team. Ricky Dale Johnson was the strong point for his team. The match ended at 6:04 when Wolf Hawkins hit a Full Moon Rising on Randall Hopkirk and picked up the pinfall. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]Ben Williams vs American Buffalo[/B] Ben Williams began the match hitting an unphased American Buffalo with right and left hands. Ben Williams finally got caught trying to hit a flying forearm. American Buffalo caught him and slammed him down. Then Buffalo took control from there. Buffalo got the pinfall victory at 4:42 after hitting the Stampede. [I]Rating: D[/I] [B]Sean McFly Demands Payback![/B] McFly comes down to the ring with a microphone. He is obviously fired up over what happened at Malice in Wonderland. Sean says, "I'm pissed about what happened the other night. I used to wrestle in that promotion from the North East. Yes I was a multi time World Champ there. I then went North of the Border. I won titles there. Of the big companies this is the only one I haven't held a World Title in. So here I was beating Texas Pete and trying to earn my shot at the World Title only to be attacked by someone who has achieved nothing in the wrestling community. Someone trying to piggy back my success. Remo I'm talking about you! You think by attacking me after my win you can just rise above me? That won't work. I want to fight you right now so later on you can't interupt my match." Remos music plays and out he comes with a straight face. He comes down to the ring and out from the back runs Giant Tana, Jason Fire, Ricky Dale Johnson, TJ Bailey, Rocky Golden, and Dean Daniels. They pull Remo down and keep McFly and Remo apart. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]Fox Mask vs Texas Pete[/B] Texas Pete came out with a score to settle. He was apparently pressing too much due to his loss at Malice in Wonderland. Fox Mask took advantage of a couple mistakes and used his speed to stay away. The hit and run strategy worked for a few moments but eventually Pete got his hands on the Fox. Texas Pete picked up the pinfall victory at 6:28 after hitting the Lone Star Drop. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]Young Guns and Liberty vs Darkness Warriors and BLZ Bubb[/B] Shortly after Malice in Wonderland this match was announced. Liberty asked the Young Guns to be his partners tonight and they agreed. Bubb dominated everyone in this match. He worked Liberty over but let his minions fight in the end which was a mistake. Liberty was paired up with Jay Darkness in the ring while Raul was down on the outside of the ring. The Young Guns were battling Bubb on the outside of the ring when Liberty hit the Liberation Slam on Jay and picked up the 3 count at the 6:56 mark. Liberty stared down Bubb after the win and smirked at him. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]Chance Fortune & Ice Man C.A. vs The Tag Team Specialists[/B] The Tag Team Specialists worked great in the ring. They dominated most of the match with Ice Man C.A. being the victim of most of it. Chance Fortune got the hot tag though and managed to mount a comeback. It looked like he was gonna put Bryant away but Charlie Thatcher came down as Oxford distracted the ref. Thatcher hit a big sidewalk slam on Chance. Bryant made the tag to Oxford who came in and put a sleeper hold on Chance Fortune who passed out giving the Tag Team Specialists the submission victory at 6:47. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]Rick Law vs Freddy Huggins[/B] Rick Law had control through most of this match but Freddy showed some resiliance. Huggins used to underhanded tactics and Tommy Cornell distracted Rick to get some offense in but Rick Law was too much for Huggins to handle. At 6:48 Law hit the Long Arm of the Law and picked up the pinfall. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]Rick Law Celebrates![/B] Rick Law is in the ring celebrating as Cornell is still on the big screen talking trash to Law. Then Rick Law gets attacked from behind by a masked worker. The masked worker reveals himself being "Rough Justice" Tommy Cornell. Apparently the big screen was just a previously recorded video. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]Troy Tornado vs Sean McFly[/B] This match although short was superb. It was a main event calibre match. Both men were evenly matched. They didn't have good in ring chemistry but they both have the skills to make up for it. Tornado ran over the ref knocking him down. Then out from the back ran Remo who hit a brutal powerbomb on Sean McFly. Troy Tornado took advantage of it and hit an inverted piledriver and made the pinfall at 7:22 as the referee made a slow 3 count. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]TJ Bailey vs Tommy Cornell in a Non-Title Match[/B] Bailey was no chance. Cornell slapped him around some and never got hit by anything. Tommy took things slow and eventually applied the Guilt Trip to force Bailey to tap out. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B][I]Show Overall: C+[/I][/B] [I]Notes: TJ Bailey was used far too much. This show hurt our popularity overall.[/I]
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[QUOTE][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]TCW Total Wrestling Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE] Fox Mask vs Craig Green Rick Law vs Charlie Thatcher BLZ Bubb and Raul Darkness vs Liberty and Ricky Dale Johnson The Machines and Tag Team Specialists vs The Young Guns Chance Fortune and Dean Daniels =O=Wolf Hawkins vs Ice Man C.A. for the TCW International Title Sean McFly TJ Bailey and Randall Hopkirk vs Troy Tornado Texas Pete and Remo =O=Tommy Cornell vs Giant Tana in a Non-Title Match[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: Before I post my next show I will post some off screen stuff.[/I]
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[B]TCW Offices[/B] I sat in the waiting room for awhile. Sophie was very professional. She brought me some water during my wait. She assured me that Tommy Cornell had only said good things about me. That calmed me some. Then after a couple minutes she got the call from Tommy saying to send me in. I walked in and Tommy greeted me with a handshake and asked me to have a seat. "I wanted to discuss some things with you regarding how this past month has gone and where I want things to go." "Mr. Cornell I have only had a full hands on approach for one show now. Isn't this a bit early?" "Look it is never too early to discuss future planning. You have been helping me with my booking more so than before this past month. Now I know we spoke about how things would change and so far I see the change. You have already put your personal touch on things and I love it. Many guys seem to be getting more notoriety than before. The internet is raving about the improvement of our workers. Yes our show ratings are down but it appears as though for the long haul things are getting better." "Well speaking of which I know TJ Bailey has been improving a lot but he has been putting on terrible matches. Even your match with him didn't garner much attention. I even think it hurt how you are viewed. I know I put him on the next card but I think it would be best to put him on dark match duty until he has the skills to put on decent matches." "Look he is trying. I have always liked him. He has the athleticism we are looking for here. He could very well be the future of this company. However I agree he has a lot of improving to do. A lot of people think he should be let go all together. You may be on to something though. At least in dark matches we are still giving him a chance and allowing him to work on his skills." "Mr. Cornell the Young Guns seem to be gaining a lot of popularity. They are on the same level as the Tag Team Specialists, and the Machines now. I am happy to say that tag team wrestling is now respected here in TCW." "I noticed that. Something I considered was giving Ed Larkins and Erik Strong a push to beef it up even more. Also Aaron Andrews is a future World Champion but hasn't been on many shows. We have got to use him more! He needs to show off his skills." "Aaron will get his push don't worry. I have a path for him but I need to set things up first." "Look it's very clear you have a knack for booking. I'm glad I gave you this chance but don't ever tell me not to worry. I'm gonna worry about TCW. I have to. I have some meetings with sponsors today so I have to wrap this up. Have a nice day and maybe start worrying a little bit, ok?" "Yes sir." I quickly got up shook his hand and left. Thoughts ran through my head about guys like Rocky Golden, Aaron Andrews, and even Ice Man C.A. and how to push them without bringing people down. Possible match up ideas with guys came up as I was driving home. I had some ideas and they seemed like they would work out. Only time will tell though.
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[QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]NEWS!!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] SCCW have picked up Bulldozer Brandon Smith, and Ash Campbell. They have been putting on D rated shows lately and it appears as though they could be heading down the same path as before, self destruction. They have a roster that could be good if used correctly but many feel they just throw matches together for no good reason. The booking is horrendous. Steve Smith, Rock Downpour, and Terry Smith have all signed with TCW and are all going to try out for the Colour Commentary position. Kyle Rhodes is said to be staying on board though. TCW has also signed a new TV deal which could be the reason these men were signed. The show will be called TCW Main Event and will only be a half hour show. It will air on Thursday nights on GNN Total Sports at 9PM beginning with the next season of television programs.[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: I am gonna use my new show slot to showcase my big storylines.[/I]
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[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]TCW Total Wrestling Live from Hatchet Arena[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Preshow:[/B] 15 man battle royal with American Buffalo getting the win by eliminating Rocky Golden last. Rating: C- [B]Show:[/B] [B]Fox Mask vs Craig Green[/B] This was a fast paced high flying match up. Fox Mask looked like he was gonna get the win but Golden Scorpion distracted him long enough for Craig Green to get a roll up pinfall victory. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B]Rick Law vs Charlie Thatcher[/B] This was a good match with lots of brawling. Rick Laws performance stood out as being really good. Rick Law got the pinfall at 3:54 after hitting a Long Arm of the Law. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]Peace Love and WAR![/B] Liberty is backstage talking to some officials about possible ideas for a new Liberty t-shirt. Then BLZ Bubb comes out of nowhere and smashes a chair over his back. Bubb walks off seeming satisfied with just proving a point. Liberty only looks furious after this attack. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]The Machines & Tag Team Specialists vs Young Guns Chance Fortune & Dean Daniels[/B] Everyone got an even amount of offense in on this match. The Machines both looked excellent. Joel Bryant looked good out there. Robert Oxford showed some improvement in technical skills while in the ring. It all came down to Chance Fortune and Joel Bryant though. Chance ended up catching Joel with the Stroke of Luck and picked up the pinfall at the 5:54 mark. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]Cheap Shots?[/B] Liberty is shown charging down the hallway with the same chair that was smashed on him. Then he finds Bubb and begins an assault on him. Bubb is left groaning in pain after repeated chair shots to the leg, head, and back. Liberty takes the chair and leaves with the damage done. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]=O= Wolf Hawkins vs Ice Man C.A. for the TCW International Title[/B] This match at some awkward moments. Wolf Hawkins and Ice Man don't click and they botched some moves. Ice Man battled hard but Wolf Hawkins was just too much for him. At the 6:54 point Wolf picked up the pinfall after hitting the Full Moon Rising. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]World Title Advantage[/B] A camera catches Tommy Cornell beating Rick Law with the World Title belt backstage. Sean McFly comes out of his locker room and sees the attack. McFly runs Cornell off with Rick Law needing to be tending to by medical staff. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]BLZ Bubb and Raul Darkness vs Liberty and Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] Liberty looked great in this match. Bubb was favoring his injuries from his beating. At 5:06 Ricky Dale Johnson hit the Southern Justice on Raul Darkness and got the pinfall. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B]Beaten and Bruised[/B] Rick Law is shown sitting in a chair backstage holding ice on his head and with a little bit of left over blood on his forehead. "Tommy you have used cheap tactics for the last time. This was your biggest mistake of your career. I am vowing right now that you will not be holding your title for much longer. I am gonna beat you to a bloody pulp. Just wait for it. When you least expect it I am gonna hurt you like you haven't been hurt before. You call yourself "Rough Justice" well in the end I will be the one getting justice." [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]Sean McFly Randall Hopkirk and TJ Bailey vs Troy Tornado Texas Pete and Remo[/B] Sean McFly looked amazing out there. Troy Tornado set himself above the rest with his great performance too. Remo even looked great out there. The momentum of this match went back and forth throughout the whole match. Eventually during the chaos Remo got TJ Bailey alone in the ring and hit the Destroyer to pick up the pinfall for his team at 9:39. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]=O= Tommy Cornell vs Giant Tana for the TCW World Heavyweight Title[/B] The crowd seemed a little bored with Tommy Cornells character early on. He could use something to freshen his character up. Giant Tana got tired very early and it showed. Giant Tana put up a strong fight against Cornell. Eventually Tommy got Tana with a Guilt Trip and the giant passed out at the 9:08 mark allowing Cornell to retain his title by submission. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [I]Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. It appears as though something needs to be done about Tommy Cornells character though. It is a little sooner than expected.[/I]
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[QUOTE][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]TCW Total Wrestling Preview[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Robert Oxford vs Chance Fortune American Buffalo vs TJ Bailey Cal Sanders vs Liberty Fox Mask vs BLZ Bubb Ricky Dale Johnson vs Rhino Umaga Dean Daniels vs Wolf Hawkins Troy Tornado vs Aaron Andrews Young Guns vs Phenoms vs Darkness Warriors Sean McFly & Rick Law vs Tommy Cornell, Texas Pete, & Remo Chance Fortune is looking to eliminate Oxford before The War to Settle the Score PPV. Chance Fortune will have a shot to regain his All Action Title then. The 3-way tag match will be key to determining who will face the tag champs at the War to Settle the Score. The main event will be a little preview of some big matches that will be taking place at the War to Settle the Score! This should be a big show that will shape the picture for the PPV.[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: Get in your predictions. I want to know how you guys like this so far.[/I]
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