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World Wrestling Entertainment 2009: Future Perfect?

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[center][img]http://www.psdprotocol.com/previews/full/7042.png[/img] [b]World Wrestling Entertainment 2009: Future Perfect?[/b][/center] [quote][center][b]Results From Pay-Per Views In 2008:[/b] [b]Royal Rumble:[/b] [i]Matt Hardy defeated M.V.P The Major Brothers drew with London & Kendrick in a Interbrand Tag Team Match Shawn Michaels defeated Ken Kennedy to gain the final spot in the Royal Rumble C.M Punk defeated John Morrison & The Miz to retain the ECW World bTitle. Jeff Hardy beat Randy Orton by DQ, Orton retains the WWE Title Chris Jericho drew with JBL Edge bested The Undertaker to retain The World Heavyweight Title. Kane won The Royal Rumble last eliminating Triple H[/i] [quote][b]Notes For January:[/b]: -WWE have signed Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Brain Damage, Deranged, Brandon, Vito & Sal Thomaselli to developmental contracts. -Sabu & Sandman have been rehired to work in the 'Repackaged' Version of ECW. -Paul Heyman resigned with WWE so he could take charge of ECW[/quote] [b]No Way Out:[/b] [i]London & Kendrick defeated The Redneck Wrecking Crew Drew McIntyre & Dave Taylor defeated The Miz & John Morrison to win the WWE Tag Team Titles Jeff Hardy defeated Ken Kennedy to retain The Intercontinental Championship C.M Punk defeated Big Daddy V to retain the ECW World Title. Matt Hardy defeated M.V.P In A TLC Match to win the United States Title Randy Orton & J.B.L defeated Chris Jericho Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H Rey Mysterio bested Gregory Helms The Rated R Superstars (Edge & The Major Brothers), Finlay & Mark Henry defeated Kane, The Undertaker, Londrick & Batista[/i] [quote][b]Notes For February:[/b] -WWE have signed Bryan Danielson to a developmental contract as well as Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid -WWE have fired Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Carlito (Asked for his release)[/quote] [b]ECW Crossing The Line:[/b] [i]Balls Mahoney defeated Elijah Burke in a 'Chairs Only Match' Sandman & Tommy Dreamer defeated Big Daddy V & The Miz Matt Striker defeated Mike Knox Nunzio & Shelton Benjamin went to a double countout Kevin Thorn defeated The Boogeyman C.M Punk bested Edge & Randy Orton in a Champions Match[/i] [b]Wrestlemania 24:[/b] [i]Chuck Palumbo defeated Finlay Great Khali defeated Matt Hardy in a Interbrand Match Jeff Hardy defeated Elijah Burke, Shelton Benjamin, Ken Kennedy, Rey Mysterio, Jamie Noble & Gregory Helms in a 7 Man Money In The Bank Match Drew McIntyre & Dave Taylor defeated Jesse & Festus to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly defeated Redneck Wrecking Crew & Londrick to retain the The Terminator defeated Sandman in an Extreme Rules Match Randy Orton defeated John Cena in the first of his two WWE Title defenses C.M Punk bested Kevin Thorn to retain the ECW World Title Chris Jericho dropped J.B.L in a Street Fight Batista defeated M.V.P Randy Orton defeated Shawn Michaels, Triple H & Ric Flair to retain his WWE Title Undertaker defeated Rey Mysterio to gain #1 Contendership for the World Heavyweight Title Kane defeated Edge to win the World Heavyweight Title[/i] [quote][b]Notes From March:[/b] -ECW Crossing The Line was the first 'successful' ECW Pay Per View ever held since its Hardcore Image coming back, which was in February. -Chris Hero has been called up from OVW and is ready to start on RAW. -Bryan Danielson will be going to ECW once he is called up, it s said that he will make a 'Anti-Hardcore Army' along with other indy signings, which will also goto ECW. -John Cena made his return at Wrestlemania. -Ric Flair has retired from Wrestling, he has just been made Co-GM of RAW, and William Regal shall remain as GM. -Mick Foley has been made GM of ECW. -The Terminator is Brain Damage, Deranged's name stays the same as he will be tagging with Terminator as their former tag team across IWA:MS, 'Vulgar Display Of Power'[/quote] [b]Backlash:[/b] [i]Redneck Wrecking Crew defeated Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly to win the World Tag Team Titles Vulgar Display Of Power outlasted Tommy Dreamer & Sandman, Elijah Burke & Shelton Benjamin and the Backseat Boyz to win the ECW World Tag Team Titles C.M Punk defeated Bryan Danielson to retain the ECW World Title John Cena defeated Jeff Hardy to become #1 Contender for the WWE Title Chris Jericho defeated Ken Kennedy & Randy Orton to win the WWE Title The Rated R Superstars (The Major Brothers) defeated Batista in a Handicap Match Kane defeated Edge Shawn Michaels & Triple H went to a Double 10 Count in a Last Man Standing Match[/i] [quote][b]Notes From April:[/b] -Bryan Danielson was called up and is now feuding with C.M Punk, Claudio Castagnoli was also called up with The Backseat Boyz -The Iron Saints (Brandon, Vito & Sal Thomaselli) have joined ECW -Chris Hero defeated Jeff Hardy in his debut match to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship -Bobby Lashley was set to return at Judgment Day[/quote] [b]Judgment Day:[/b] [i]The Anti ECW Army (Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli) defeated C.M Punk & Sabu Jeff Hardy drew with Chris Hero, Hero retains the Intercontinental Title Edge defeated Batista Vulgar Display Of Power destroyed Tommy Dreamer & Sandman Bobby Lashley downed Randy Orton Edge defeated Undertaker & Kane to win the World Heavyweight Title Triple H defeated Shawn Michaels Chris Jericho bested John Cena to retain the WWE Title. [/i] [quote][b]Notes From May:[/b] -Bobby Lashley received a warm welcome from the fans in his return. -Chris Jericho had a little leg injury, but it has recovered. -The end of the Triple H & Shawn Michaels feud has produced many questions, which are: Why did Triple H destroy his former partner of D-X? And will they ever reunite? -Vince McMahon has had a nervous breakdown and will return next year in sometime, the 'Breakdown' was caused by work load and stress, doctors recommended him to take some time off until next year. -Stephanie & Shane McMahon take charge of WWE for that period. -The Backseat Boyz have been cheered despite them being heels, could this be a push heading their way? -ECW continues its 'Hardcore' Resurrection, without a dull review so far. -After Judgment Day, London asked for his release. -Cody Rhodes was sent back to development[/quote][/center][/quote] [center][b]Chapter #1: The Start[/b][/center] After Vince's 'Nervous Breakdown', Stephanie & Shane took charge. It soon proved to be a fatal mistake, with T.V Ratings still staying the same and PPV Rating going down alot, WWE Management were concerned. Stupid Storylines topped the icing of the cake, and well just say a little trouble started brewing between Vince and his children. In December, he stopped them from running the company whilst he was away and hired somebody else, who might get the job done...That person was me, but at the start of December when this 'trouble' started brewing where was I? My Life thus far, well has been an up and down struggle. Well after the incident over at Pro Wrestling Unplugged. Just say Me and Todd Gordon, well we didn't like each other, it was something more of a feud which came to an end at their December show. Well, lets just say how this feud started. At the start of January 2008, I became a booker for PWU. But it was Todd Gordon who was brinning my great ideas down, and producing some rubbish things, my things was not rubbish. Infact, I was doing great on my things. One day I had enough, and well I shouted at Todd for about an Hour and a half telling him that he needs to take my ideas and use them before he goes in the wrong direction. He told me no, this lead to me becoming an enemy towards him. To get on his nerves, I had many talks with CZW offering them our good talent and leaving PWU high and dry. [i]"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE"[/i], Gordon shouted at me as I was fired after the show. I was happy, but needed money. Before I applied to PWU to become booker, I was trying to get into WWE. But all attempts failed, ever since 2002 I have been trying by no prevail. I had experience, which I felt nobody on the booking team had. So time after time I was given the slip, but that would soon change... I was in my apartment, and well the phone rang. I went straight to answer it, then it started: [b]Me:[/b] [i]"Hello?"[/i] [b]Samantha:[/b] [i]"Is this a man called Joel Davidson?"[/i] [b]Me:[/b] [i]"Yeah, who the hell is this?"[/i] [b]Samantha:[/b] [i]"I am Samantha Huggins, receptionist of Titan Towers. I have been told by Mr. McMahon he wants to meet with you in two days from now."[/i] [b]Me:[/b] [i]"Your joking right? Is this that Mexican Taxi Driver, who I gave my number too by accident when I was drunk, because if it is your going to be dead"[/i] [b]Samantha:[/b] [i]"Cut the crap, listen this is not a joke. Mr. McMahon would like to meet up with you in 2 days, its about something personal."[/i] She hung up, left me in a state of confusion. So shall I meet Vince or not. Shall I waste my money on a flight from here, to Connecticut? Shall I waste my money to see the same Vince McMahon, who thought I wasn't a good booker when I applied for a job in 2002? The same Vince McMahon who called the 'WWE Style Of Wrestling' The right way? Well, I need a job so this might what he is calling for...I will go but I have to keep this in mind...Can I trust him? Before this chapter ends I would like to do this.... [center][b]**** YOU TODD GORDON! Chapter 2: The Meeting[/b][/center] The day came, I had just landed on Conneticut and was on my way to Titan Towers. I was finally there, a long taxi ride cost me nearly $50 but it doesn't matter, I might get a job here. So I walked inside the building and was lead to the office by the woman I spoke too over the phone about Vince wanting to see me, and I was in the meeting room. Vince was sitting down, he had just returned to the building for the first time in months since his 'Nervous Breakdown', just to speak to me.... [b]Vince:[/b] [i]"Welcome"[/i] [b]Me:[/b] [i]"Just cut to the chase Vince, tell me what the hell you wanted or else I am leaving. You called me a crap booker before, and Why have you chosen to hire me? Why did other candidates back out, so much you have had to call me in...[/i] [b]Vince:[/b] [i]"Well this certainly won't be a waste of time. You see, WWE has been, well been extremly medicore over the past few months. Since Stephanie & Shane took charge whilst I had my breakdown, I mean they ruined the 'Hardcore' ECW which I was trying to ressurect since the 'WWE Version' wasn't cutting the chase, they were giving pushes to the wrong people and the T.V Ratings haven't risen nor dropped, but PPV Ratings have declined since Judgment Day. We have been a 'Target' by many articles on the net, and it hurts me to read what trash they have to say about us. Then I asked myself this question, is WWE dying? Have Shane & Stephanie, ruined its pride? i mean they made stupid storylines, they made matches that didn't deliver and were not hyped enough for Pay-Per-View. And the only reason your here because you are the most successful booker I have turned down before, you have the chance to take over WWE. Until I return, I mean you can make WWE into something that the wrestling fans want to see. You can put a stop to the crap that Stephanie & Shane are doing whilst I am away, so you will take charge of the business and when I return, I might just pass over the torch. Do you accept?"[/i] [b]Me:[/b] [i]"What an offer Vince, because you know what I am going to say...Yes"[/i] Note, I was only saying yes because I needed the money. But now in charge of WWE, with the offer I couldn't refuse. To become the 'Babysitter' Owner of WWE. I can make WWE something great, not just stupid gimmicks and giving pushes to some Steroid Freak *cough*Batista*cough* but.....[b]IT'S ALL MINE HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA![/b] [b]OOC:[/b] Short Meeting I know, but I didn't know what else to put in... [center][b]Chapter 3: Make Myself Heard[/b][/center] After signing some new superstars. I called for a Locker Room Meeting at a Tri-Brand House Show, and it was time to address the superstars who the hell I was. And what I was going to go down. [b]Me:[/b] [i]"Now, as you all know Stephanie & Shane were removed from taking charge of this company, because basically they made it into something you wouldn't want. Now as of now, I will be looking after the company. Now you are all going to follow some rules how you work with me. Number 1: Don't go kissing my ass for a push or title reign, Number 2: You shall do what I tell you, If I tell you to jump you say 'How High', If I tell you to job to a lesser star you say 'Yes sir.'"[/i] I already prepared myself for that rule, Triple H stood up with Batista and started getting off at me, for saying that. They told me they wouldn't job to a lesser star, but I was backed up by Undertaker. [b]Me:[/b] [i]"And that is it, I mean if you have any questions just ask me..."[/i] So it was it, let my story unfold and see my ups and downs taking this company to a new height... [quote][center][color="red"][b][u]RAW Roster:[/color][/u][/b] Big Daddy V Brian Kendrick Bobby Lashley Candice Charlie Haas Chris Hero Chris Jericho Jeff Hardy John Cena Kenny Dykstra Lance Cade Maria Matt Hardy Melina Mickie James Randy Orton Ric Flair [GM] Robbie McAllistar Rory McAllistar Santino Marella Shawn Michaels Super Crazy The Great Khali Torrie Wilson Trevor Murdoch Triple H Umaga Val Venis Victoria William Regal [GM] [b]Tag Teams/Stables Of RAW:[/b] Redneck Wrecking Crew [Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch] The Hardy Boyz [Matt & Jeff Hardy] The Highlanders [Robbie & Rory McAllister] [b]Champions Roll Call:[/b] [img]http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p84/jackattack21/Wwe-Title-.gif?t=1198493595[/img] [img]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/kyky/ChrisJerichokyky.jpg[/img] [b]Chris Jericho[/b] [img]http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p84/jackattack21/Ic-Title-.gif?t=1198493743[/img] [img]http://th88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/kyky/th_ChrisHerokyky3.jpg[/img] [b]Chris Hero[/b] [img]http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p84/jackattack21/world-tag-team-Title-.gif?t=1198493765[/img] [b]VACANT[/b] [img]http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p84/jackattack21/womens-Title-.gif?t=1198493836[/img] [b]VACANT[/b][/center][/quote] [quote][center][b][color="#0000FF"][u]SmackDown! Roster:[/u][/color][/b] Ashley [Injured] Batista Chavo Guerrero Cherry Chicano Dave Crist Dave Taylor Deuce Domino Drew McIntyre Edge Finlay Funaki Jamie Noble Jillian Hall Jimmy Yang Jumpin' Jeff Jeffry Kane Ken Kennedy Kristal Maryse Montel Vontavious Porter Rey Mysterio Ricochet Shannon Moore The Miz The Undertaker Theodore Long [GM] [b]Tag Teams/Stables On SmackDown!:[/b] La Zona Illegal [Jumpin' Jeff Jeffry & Chicano] Irish Airbourne [Jake & Dave Crist] Taylor & McIntyre [Dave Taylor & Drew McIntyre] Deuce 'N' Domino [Deuce & Domino] [b]Champions Roll Call:[/b] [img]http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p84/jackattack21/world-heavyweight-Title-.gif?t=1198494391[/img] [img]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/kyky/Edgekyky.jpg[/img] [b]Edge[/b] [img]http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p84/jackattack21/US-Title-.gif?t=1198494444[/img] [img]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/kyky/MVPkyky.jpg[/img] [b]MVP[/b] [img]http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p84/jackattack21/cruiserweight-Title-.gif?t=1198494487[/img] [b]Ricochet[/b] [img]http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p84/jackattack21/wwe-tag-team-Title-.gif?t=1198494559[/img] [b]La Zona Illegal (Chicano & Jumpin' Jeff Jeffry)[/b] [/center][/quote] [quote][center][color="#800080"][b][u]ECW Roster:[/u][/b][/color] Andy Sumner Balls Mahoney Brandon Thomaselli Brooke Bryan Danielson CM Punk 'Classic' Colt Cabana Deranged Dragon Aisu Drew Gulak Elijah Burke Gene Snitsky Hardcore Holly Johnny Kashmere John Morrison Kelly Kelly Kevin Steen Kevin Thorn Layla Little Guido Matt Striker Mike Knox Paul Heyman [GM] Sabu Salvatore Thomaselli Shelton Benjamin Stevie Richards Terminator The Sandman Tommy Dreamer Trent Acid Vito Thomaselli [b]Tag Teams/Stables Of ECW:[/b] Anti-ECW Army [Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli & Kevin Steen] Sandman & Dreamer [Sandman & Tommy Dreamer] Iron Saints [Brandon, Salvatore & Vito Thomaselli] Team AnDrew [Andy Sumner & Drew Gulak] Vulgar Display Of Power [Deranged & Terminator] Backseat Boyz [Trent Acid & Johnny Kashmere] [b]Champions Roll Call:[/b] [b]ECW World Champion: C.M Punk[/b] [b]ECW World Tag Team Champions: Vulgar Display Of Power[/b] [b]ECW Television Champion: Trent Acid[/b][/center][/quote] [b]OOC:[/b] As you can tell, I suck at writing backstories from this. And well I would like to say, sorry for mucking it up and I hope it doesn't drive you away. Also, I wouldn't want you to expect anything spectacular. But comments/tips will be appreciated, Thanks.
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[center][img]http://www.psdprotocol.com/previews/full/6305.png[/img] [b][u][color="#FF0000"]WWE Monday Night RAW[/color][/u][/b] [b]Live From: GIANT Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania Attendance: 10,000 SELL OUT[/b][/center] We were introduced to the show by [b]Jim Ross[/b] & [b]Jerry Lawler[/b] as they hyped tonight's main event, a '5 Way #1 Contenders Match' featuring: [b]Triple H[/b], [b]Shawn Michaels[/b], [b]John Cena[/b], [b]Bobby Lashley[/b] & [b]Umaga[/b]. But the first [b][color="#FF0000"]Monday Night RAW[/color][/b] of the year, kicked off with some Diva Action, [b]Mickie James[/b] made her way down to the ring soon followed by [b]Victoria[/b]. These two locked up inside the middle of the ring, but Victoria using her brutalizing strength tossed Mickie around as if she were a chew toy. Victoria hits a Elbow Drop for a two, Mickie comes battling back with elbows and kicks but it failed as she fell victim to a DDT. The Widows Peak was soon to hit, as Mickie was slammed down on the mat with force and Victoria covered Mickie for the victory. [b]Team AnDrew[/b] from ECW made their way down to the ring, they started to talk about why they are better than tag teams on RAW, then it came to the point of them telling the fans they came here to challenge one of those tag teams to see who was the better team. [b]Redneck Wrecking Crew[/b] soon came down, looking for a brawl of some sorts and the match got underway. [b]Andy Sumner[/b] was pounding on [b]Trevor Murdoch[/b] inside the ring, whilst [b]Drew Gulak[/b] & [b]Lance Cade[/b] were trading shots up the ramp. Meanwhile back in the ring 'The Future Of Sambo' was delivering Exploders to Murdoch non-stop, but Murdoch managed to escape a fifth attempt at the Exploder by raking the eyes of Sumner, them Murdoch started dominating from their, with clubbing shots to the back of the head. He tagged out to Lance Cade, once he had shaken off Gulak by smashing his head into the steel steps. Cade hit a Suplex for a two, then mounted on Sumner. Punching away at him like it's UFC, but Sumner soon showed him what UFC was as he turned Cade over and started to punch away at one half of the Redneck Wrecking Crew, force coming down on the punches soon busted his nose as blood rushed down his face, finally Drew Gulak got into the ring to get revenge on Cade for smashing his head into the steps, it was nothing but a beat down from Gulak who tried to lock in the '**** Stretch' and it is locked in perfectly, Gulak wrenched back on Cade but Trevor Murdoch got inside the ring to stop it. Andy Sumner came in straight away and clotheslined Murdoch & himself over the top rope leaving Gulak & Cade, it was Cade who managed to break free from the submission and hit a Bulldog, followed by another one but this time diving off the top rope and it was it. The Redneck Wrecking Crew gained a victory over the young tag team from ECW, they soon goto the back whilst Team AnDrew stay in the ring to get an applause from the crowd. After a commercial break, [b]Randy Orton[/b] makes his way down to the ring, to the disgust of the crowd who are absolutely booing the hell out of him proving that Orton is not liked around this area, anyway Orton walks up the steel steps and goes inside the ring where he starts to trash Philly's fans. He then states that [b]Ric Flair[/b] & [b]William Regal[/b] had nobody that could withstand him, and its been like that for a couple of weeks. Orton then said that nobody out in the back had the balls to face him, thats what Ric Flair & William Regal have been proving not booking him in matches, soon Orton challenged anybody that would just walk out to face him later tonight..."I AM THE KING OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING..." soon the crowd cheer loudly, knowing who was going to step through the curtain...[b]WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Hero[/b] stepped out, with a microphone in hand as the crowd were chanting Hero's name over and over again, Chris told Orton that he has some balls to take him on. He then continued by saying he would put the title he has on his shoulder on the line, then it was made final. Hero versus Orton for the Intercontinental Title...TONIGHT! [b]Chris Jericho[/b] was seen arriving at the arena, soon he was met by [b]William Regal[/b]. Regal told Jericho to get ready for his match, Jericho questioned the Co-GM about who would it be against and Regal said...[b]Big Daddy V[/b]. We cut back to the arena as [b]Kenny Dykstra[/b] made his way down to the ring, he then was about to cut a promo but his opponent [b]Super Crazy[/b] made his way down to the ring as the bell rung and they were off. Crazy performed an Arm Drag followed by an Armlock on Dykstra, Dykstra squirmed for approximately 10 second until taking Crazy and giving him an Arm Drag. Dykstra got to his feet straight away before dropkicking Crazy in the face sending him crashing back into the corner, where Dykstra would hit a clothesline. Crazy stumbled out of the corner as Dykstra tried for a Neckbreaker but 'The Crazy One' blocked the attempt, he turned it into a....TORNADO DDT! Planting Dykstra on the mat, but it was only a 2 count to the crowd's dismay. Soon Crazy got them all hyped up ready for a Crazysault but it was failed, Dykstra kicked the referee into the ropes causing Crazy to drop down onto the rope crotching himself. Dykstra followed up with a Superplex for a two, but Crazy fought back with hard hitting punches and forearm smashes to the back of the head soon Crazy hit a Sit Out Powerbomb followed by a Standing Moonsault for a 3. A video plays hyping the Main Event Of Tonight, the 5 Way Number One Contenders Match. We cut to the GM's office where [b]Ric Flair[/b] & [b]William Regal[/b] are discussing the Royal Rumble, soon [b]The Redneck Wrecking Crew[/b] bursts in and starts to demand that they should be crowned [b]World Tag Team Champions[/b] as of now, Flair told them to get lost but they wouldn't budge so Regal told them they will have a chance, next week they have to prove themselves against another Tag Team. Cade & Murdoch seemed happy with the decision and walked off happy, leaving Flair & Regal to talk about the Royal Rumble. [b]The Hardy Boyz[/b] were already inside the ring after the break as they are set up to face [b]Brian Kendrick[/b] & [b]Charlie Haas[/b], Kendrick locked up with [b]Matt Hardy[/b] as he locked in a headlock, Matt sent him across the ring pushing him with force before knocking him off his feet with a clothesline. From there on it was nothing but a squash match, but soon Charlie Haas managed to get some offense by delivering a Delayed German Suplex to [b]Jeff Hardy[/b] only for a two. But it was a Twist Of Fate that put Haas away for The Hardy Boyz victory. After the match we cut backstage to [b]Chris Jericho[/b] who is with [b]Maria[/b] conducting an interview, Jericho talked about the possibility of him losing the title at The Royal Rumble as he said any of those five men had a chance at him, but he promised that none of them would even come close to winning it. He came onto the subject of his opponent tonight [b]Big Daddy V[/b], Jericho then walked off and bumped into Big Daddy V, Jericho took one look at V and then grabbed a T-Shirt from a nearby stall. He told him to put it on because he is scaring the fans, before V could beat down on Jericho...Chris was already down the corridor. We cut to a commercial as we come back to see Jericho & V tangling up inside the ring, Big Daddy V was just crushing Jericho with repeated Big Splashes in the corner. Jericho fought back however and tried for a Codebreaker to no avail Big Daddy V just shook it off, Jericho tried again but ran into a brick wall. The brick wall which was a Samoan Drop, V continued to drive his 500 plus body onto Jericho with Big Splashes and leg drops. Soon V felt adventurous and climbed the second rope he went for a Big Splash but Jericho moved and quickly picked up speed as he hit a Lionsault for the victory. After the match, Big Daddy V frustrated attacks Chris Jericho and then grabs a table before setting up inside the ring....SAMOAN DROP THROUGH THE TABLE! My god, he left Chris Jericho in a whole world of hurt. V grabbed a microphone and stated that he will do anything to get a World Title Shot at Chris Jericho, [b]Ric Flair[/b] suddenly strutted out and announced Big Daddy V wouldn't get a shot but have an automatic entry into the Royal Rumble in a couple of weeks time. V seemed pleased with it as he is the first announced participant in the Royal Rumble Match. [b]Triple H[/b] is backstage talking about how 'The King Of Kings' would regain his throne, then he is interrupted by [b]John Cena[/b] who takes over the promo with the usual speech triggering a loud crowd pop, but soon these two came face to face until [b]Bobby Lashley[/b] came into the frame talking about how he will have a chance at Chris Jericho and how he will win the World Title from him, it was then Triple H walked away, John Cena did to going a separate way from Triple H and leaving Lashley who was smiling, he then stared at the camera and said 'He has it all in the bag'. Following that segment, a video hyping the Royal Rumble is shown. One of the most anticipated matches for tonight was under way, [b]WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Hero[/b] was defending his title against [b]Randy Orton[/b]. The match started out on the outside area, where the brawl began. Orton grabs Hero by his hair and then slams him head first into the announcers table, Orton yanks out a T.V Monitor after undoing the table and tries to smash it into Hero's face, but Hero just kicks it at him. 'The King Of Professional Wrestling' was kicking ass and taking Orton for a ride as he threw Orton across the announcers table making him land on both [b]Jim Ross[/b] & [b]Jerry Lawler[/b], these two finally got inside the ring and done battle as Orton managed to take back the initiative after Hero missed a Turnbuckle Clothesline. Orton manages to set Hero up for an RKO early but it was reversed, Hero locked in a Cravate and that was reversed and then Orton raked the eyes of hero, he followed up by kicking Hero down onto his knees. Orton then stayed in the corner until Hero was on one knee, then he charged at him outstretching his foot and delivering a devastating boot to The King Of Professional Wrestling's head with velocity knocking him down to the mat, Hero seemed down and out but not for long. As Orton was posing to the dismay of the crowd, Hero managed to get an Inside Cradle for a two. Soon these two were back on their feet, Hero tried for a Hero's Welcoming but Orton dodged it and allowed Hero to land back first into the mat, Orton was going for another kick to the head but was thrown out down onto the floor by Hero. Hero seemed like he was going to get some big air, but he leaped out onto the top rope and backflipped off, showing his athleticism but he did dive out of the ring eventually with a Suicide Dive. A couple of minutes later back inside the ring he hit a Cravate Buster for another two. This was followed by a Hero's Welcome but Orton kicked out again, when it seemed like it was it, Orton managed to fight back and try for an RKO...BUT IT IS REVERSED! Hero locks in the Hangmans Clutch reversing it entirely and locking it in perfectly, Orton has nowhere to go and taps out as Hero regains his Intercontinental Title. [b]John Cena[/b] is seen getting prepared for his match, after a short commercial break we cut back. [b]Shawn Michaels[/b] is trading punches with [b]Triple H[/b] inside the ring before anybody else could get in, they spread to the outside where madness ensues. Triple H grabs a chair and smashes it across the back of 'The Heartbreak Kid', with No DQ's in this match Triple H is going to utilize it well, [b]Bobby Lashley[/b] then storms down from the ramp and starts to pummel on Triple H. John Cena & [b]Umaga[/b] finally join the fray as all men are all over the place. 'The Kings Of Kings' is pummeling on Bobby Lashley inside the ring as Umaga is destroying John Cena & Shawn Michaels, but soon Umaga was put out of the action 10 minutes into it after he got an F-U through the announcers table. Meanwhile, Michaels moonsaults onto Triple H on the outside as Lashley found Cena and throws him into the Steel Steps, but when the madness seemed to come to an end, with Triple H hitting the Pedigree on Cena....LASHLEY COMES OUT OF NOWHERE WITH THE SPEAR! As Lashley taunts Triple H, he turns around...SWEET CHIN MUSIC! Michaels follows up with an Elbow Drop to end this eventful main event. [b]Chris Jericho[/b] is seen on the ramp, Michaels spots him and makes the belt on his waist motion. So its official, Michaels vs Jericho at the Royal Rumble for the WWE Title...GOOD NIGHT FOLKS! [b]Results:[/b] [b]Five Way #1 Contenders Match:[/b] Shawn Michaels def. Bobby Lashley, John Cena, Umaga & Triple H [b]Intercontinental Title Match:[/b] Chris Hero© def. Randy Orton to retain the title. The Hardyz def. Charlie Haas & Brian Kendrick Chris Jericho def. Big Daddy V [b]Interbrand Tag Team Match:[/b] Redneck Wrecking Crew def. Team AnDrew Victoria def. Mickie James Super Crazy def. Kenny Dykstra [b]Overall Rating:[/b] B
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[center][img]http://www.psdprotocol.com/previews/full/436.png[/img] [b][u][color="#800080"]ECW Hardcore T.V[/color][/u] Live From: Manhattan Center, Manhattan, New York Attendance: 5,000 SELL OUT[/b][/center] [b][color="#800080"]ECW Hardcore T.V[/color][/b] got off to a start, as [b]ECW Co-General Manager Mick Foley[/b] made his way down to the ring with the crowd cheering for him, Foley stepped inside the ring and had a microphone in hand already. Foley starts off by talking about how [b]The Anti-ECW Army[/b] have been making his life a living hell since they arrived back in March after Wrstlemania 24, he then stated that they were going to get what's coming to them...Soon, they had arrived...[b]Bryan Danielson[/b], [b]Claudio Castagnoli[/b] & [b]Kevin Steen[/b] the three men who claim 'ECW is garbage', as they interrupt Foley. After a back and fourth discussion, The Anti-ECW Army start to attack Foley. Knocking him off his feet and stomping on his body, soon [b]C.M Punk[/b] & [b]Little Guido[/b] run down the ramp and make the save as they cleared house. Soon Foley got back on the microphone as The Anti-ECW Army was heading towards the back, he announced that Bryan Danielson would face him tonight and Claudio Castagnoli would take on C.M Punk in the main event of ECW Hardcore T.V. The crowd started going wild cheering away as ECW came to a commercial break. After we return [b]Sandman[/b] & [b]Tommy Dreamer[/b] are taking on [b]Team AnDrew[/b] who look to put their loss last night behind them, [b]Andy Sumner[/b] gets started off on Sandman pounding away at him with force, soon Sumner hit a Capture Suplex and then tagged out to [b]Drew Gulak[/b] who goes for the '**** Stretch' early but Sandman rolls out of it and tags out to Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer comes in...HOUSE OF FIRE! Punching away at Gulak who can't do anything to protect himself but he managed to escape luckily after a blocking one of Dreamer's punches and knocking his lights out with a thunderous right hand, but soon Sandman comes out and starts to rocket at Gulak and then Andy Sumner comes to his partners aid....EXPLODERS FOR EVERYONE! Soon Sumner locks in the Triangle Choke on Sandman and Gulak the '**** Stretch' is applied on Dreamer. Soon both Dreamer & Sandman manage to break free, both hit their finishers straight after (Dreamer Driver & White Russian Leg Sweep) giving themselves the victory. [b]Vulgar Display Of Power[/b] soon run down chairs in hand, as they get inside the ring and start swinning at everything that moves: Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Drew Gulak & even The Referee. As they were about to leave. They were interrupted by [b]The Iron Saints[/b]. [b]Vito Thomaselli[/b] & [b]Brandon Thomaselli[/b] slide inside the ring and both are punching away at [b]Terminator[/b] & [b]Deranged[/b] as a new referee runs down to make it an official match. The match way back and fourth, it saw Brandon drill Deranged with a Fisherman Brainbuster but it wasn't enough to stop the Terminator. They punched, kicked and even tried to double team him but to no avail, Terminator came back for more and gave them a Right Jab to the face to take them out followed by a Package Piledriver for the victory. Once we return from a commercial, [b]Bryan Danielson[/b] storms into [b]Paul Heyman's[/b] Office demanding that his match with [b]Mick Foley[/b] to be removed from the card tonight. Heyman told his straight 'No', Danielson pleaded with Heyman and then got a different offer. The offer was: If Danielson Won, he would get a shot at the ECW World Title. If he lost, he would be fired from ECW. Danielson told him fine, but he better get that title shot if he wins...Soon we see [b]The Backseat Boyz[/b] going through the corridor knowing that they have a match next. [b]'Classic' Colt Cabana[/b] makes his way down to the ring followed by [b]Shelton Benjamin[/b], but you know who's next....[b]The Backseat Boyz[/b] make their way down to the ring but is met by Benjamin who hurls himself over the ropes onto both men. Cabana soon follows with a Suicide Dive. After a few seconds, [b]Johnny Kashmere[/b] is brawling in the crowd with Benjamin whilst [b]ECW Television Champion Trent Acid[/b] is smashing Colt Cabana's head in, at the steel steps. Acid continues to do it but soon Cabana stops it, by putting his hands in front of his face before it hit the steel. Cabana hits an elbow to the stomach of Acid and soon he throws him inside the ring. Cabana is just dominating now with Suplexes, DDT's and more moves. He then sets Acid up for the 'Flying *******'. He charges at him and leaps into the air before turning 180 but Acid moves out of the way allowing him to crash into the corner. Acid quickly tags out to Johnny Kashmere who just came back from brawling with Benjamin who is laying on some chairs after Kashmere delivered a Suplex to him. Kashmere comes in and starts working over Cabana's arm before moving up to the neck. Johnny then tries for the 'Most Requested Neckbreaker' but Cabana managed to reverse it into a Neckbreaker of his own, Kashmere tagged out to Acid as both of them tried to get Cabana but Cabana clotheslined both of them and tags out to Benjamin who just got out of the crowd, and Benjamin is mad at Kashmere. He starts to stomp away on Kashmere not knowing that Trent Acid was the legal man. Acid catches him with the...YAKUZA KICK! Thunderous impact from the Yakuza Kick, Acid follows up with a Acid Burn for a 2. Cabana comes in as Kashmere tries to give him an Arm-Drag...He gets the arm but fails tossing him across the ring instead...Cabana is doing a spot of 'Square Dancing' he then goes to Acid who seems to try and get him off but no use, Cabana then hits a Clothesline on him and gets Kashmere ready for the 'Colt 45' but Kashmere slips behind him and turns Cabana around before getting him set up for a Crucifix Powerbomb but Trent Acid joins him...T-GIMMICK! Drilling Cabana on the mat back first, Acid then hooks the leg for the 3. After the match, Acid & Kashmere beat down on both Cabana & Benjamin as ECW Hardcore TV goes to another commercial. We come back, [b]C.M Punk[/b] is backstage talking about [b]Bryan Danielson[/b] and how he will tear him limb from limb at The Royal Rumble if he wins the match with Mick Foley tonight, Punk continues by saying that he will try and try again to end the 'Anti-ECW Army' who have been trying to destroy ECW, Punk claims ECW has been his 'new' home for quite some time and wants it to stay like that. The promo ends and we goto Danielson who talks about how he will beat Mick Foley to get his chance at holding some gold, he doesn't continue because Mick Foley comes eye to eye with him before their match. Danielson just walks away laughing. [b]Bryan Danielson[/b] makes his way down the ramp and inside the ring he goes, ready to take on his opponent. With a added stipulation, if his opponent wins Danielson shall be fired from ECW on the spot. If Danielson wins he will get a shot at the ECW World Title at the Royal Rumble. Soon the screeching and then the car crash is heard, [b]Mick foley[/b] emerges from the curtain and is met by 'The American Dragon' halfway up the ramp. Dragon and Foley start to punch away at each other, but Danielson starts to give Foley a barrage of forearms to the face sending Foley back into the crowd barricade, where Danielson continues his assault. But Foley battles back by headbutting Danielson sending him staggering back, Foley charges out of the barricade to clothesline Danielson. Soon they are finally inside the ring, Foley has Danielson set up in the corner as he charges at him and drives his Knee full force into the face of him. But it wasn't enough to put Danielson away, Foley only got a two. Soon Foley accidentally knocked the referee out by mistake, and soon pulled out a chair from under the ring and set it up. He sat Danielson on it but before he could do anything, [b]Kevin Steen[/b] came out from the crowd and jumped inside the ring before attacking Foley. But he was chased off by [b]Little Guido[/b], but was it too late for Foley? Danielson recovered soon enough and delivered a Dragon Suplex on Foley onto the set up chair and it broke under the weight, soon Danielson hooked the leg as the referee recovered and counted the pinfall for the victory. [b]Paul Heyman[/b] comes out and announces that at the Royal Rumble, Danielson will take on the ECW World Champion. But on the spot, Heyman started talking about the Royal Rumble Match. And he announced all the participants in it for ECW: [b]Trent Acid[/b], [b]Johnny Kashmere[/b], [b]Shelton Benjamin[/b], [b]Colt Cabana[/b], [b]Terminator[/b], [b]Sandman[/b], [b]Tommy Dreamer[/b], [b]Deranged[/b], [b]Kevin Steen[/b] & [b]Claudio Castagnoli[/b]. After the segment a video plays hyping the Royal Rumble. [b]ECW World Champion C.M Punk[/b] and [b]Claudio Castagnoli[/b] are tangling inside the ring when we came back from a commercial break, Castagnoli is getting the upper hand though after a thunderous uppercut sending Punk to his knees. But Punk battled back though, with rights and lefts before hitting a Snap Suplex. Castagnoli kicked out at 1. 'The Straight Edge Superstar' soon started working over Claudio's arm and neck before trying for the Anaconda Vise but Claudio rolled through and then gave Punk a DDT, planting him on the mat. The ball went into Claudio's court for a while as he worked over the legs for a minute or so as he locked in the Stretch Muffler. Punk squirmed but couldn't get free but he managed to hit a Hurricanrana after a few seconds in the Stretch Muffler. Punk battled back but Claudio reversed a Go 2 Sleep attempt before turning Punk around and scooping him up onto his shoulders, Claudio dumps Punk onto his neck on the mat with the Alpamare Waterslide before hooking the leg for a 2. Punk is pulled up and set up for the Ricola Bomb but Punk reverses it, slipping behind Claudio as he turns him around and gets the Go 2 Sleep. But it wasn't over, so Punk locked in the Anaconda Vise for the submission victory. Soon [b]Bryan Danielson[/b] the challenger for the ECW World title at the Royal Rumble was standing in front of Punk as Danielson left with Claudio. ECW Hardcore T.V comes to an end... [center][b]Results: Sandman & Tommy Dreamer def. Team AnDrew Vulgar Display Of Power def. The Iron Saints Backseat Boyz def. Colt Cabana & Shelton Benjamin Bryan Danielson def. Mick Foley ECW World Champion C.M Punk def. Claudio Castagnoli Overall Rating: B+[/b][/center] [quote][center][img]http://www.psdprotocol.com/previews/full/671.png[/img] [b]WWE Royal Rumble Card: *Not Final[/b] [b]Royal Rumble:[/b] Big Daddy V Trent Acid Johnny Kashmere Shelton Benjamin Colt Cabana Terminator Sandman Tommy Dreamer Deranged Kevin Steen Claudio Castagnoli *9 more from RAW and 10 more from SmackDown! to join. [b]WWE World Title Match:[/b] Chris Jericho© versus Shawn Michaels [b]ECW World Title Match:[/b] C.M Punk© versus Bryan Danielson[/center][/quote]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[center][img]http://www.psdprotocol.com/previews/full/731.png[/img] [b][u][color="#000080"]Friday Night SmackDown![/color][/u] Taped From: GIANT Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania Attendance: 10,000 SELL OUT[/b][/center] [b][color="#000080"]Friday Night SmackDown![/color][/b] kicked off with [b]SmackDown! General Manager Theodore Long[/b] inside the ring, he started talking about the Royal Rumble. He announced that seven of SmackDown's biggest stars have been confirmed to enter the Rumble: [b]Batista[/b], [b]Rey Mysterio[/b], [b]Dave Taylor[/b], [b]United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter[/b], [b]Ken Kennedy[/b] & [b]Chavo Guerrero[/b]. Long announced that there will be 3 matches to decide who is worthy enough to be in the Royal Rumble. He then came onto the subject of the World Heavyweight Title defense....Which triggered [b]World Heavyweight Champion Edge[/b] coming out, belt in hand and dressed in jeans and a 'Rated R Superstar' jersey. Edge slid inside the ring, and then started saying that nobody has the right to challenge him for the title. After a back and fourth argument, Long called out who he thinks should be #1 Contender. The lights dimmed, and smoke started coming down the ramp. [b]The Undertaker[/b] stepped out on the stage, and looked at Edge who seemed unintimidated by him but he had to argue with Long's choice. Edge told Long that 'Taker had to prove himself, against Edge and a partner of his choice. Long agreed and booked the match for the main event. [b]Ken Kennedy[/b] was backstage, he claimed that he can win the Royal Rumble. Tossing everybody out for himself, soon [b]Rey Mysterio[/b] showed up and told Kennedy straight: You ain't throwing me over the top rope, Kennedy then just burst out laughing and then walked off leaving Mysterio. In the first of three Royal Rumble Qualifying Matches, [b]WWE Cruiserweight Champion Ricochet[/b] made his way down to the ring as [b]Jimmy Yang[/b] & [b]Shannon Moore[/b] were already inside the ring, and then assaulted Ricochet as soon as he slid inside the ring. Shannon & Yang whipped Ricochet across the ring and tried for a Double Back Body Drop but it failed, as Ricochet was flipped over but landed on his feet. He turned around and kicked Yang in the face, Moore hit a Tornado DDT on the Cruiserweight Champion planting him on the mat. Yang took out Moore with a Spinning Kick putting himself in contention for the victory. He went for the cover: 1...2...NO! Moore kicked out, Ricochet meanwhile is stalking Yang as he gets up, Yang turns around only to get waffled with a Enziguri from the Cruiserweight Champion. With the loud smacking sound and all, Yang fell to his knees. Moore grabs Ricochet from behind and hits a Reverse DDT before climbing up top, Moore signaled for a Moonsault but Yang who shook off the impact of the Enziguri wasn't having none of it. He crotched on the top rope, Yang climbed up the top rope and hit a Super Back Suplex as Ricochet who was just getting up took advantage with a Springboard Moonsault onto both laid out men for the victory and entry into the Royal Rumble. [b]World Heavyweight Champion Edge[/b] is seen looking for a partner backstage for his match tonight. We then cut to [b]Drew McIntyre[/b] who is with [b]Dave Taylor[/b]. McIntyre claims he will be in the Royal Rumble with Taylor, once he beats two others not as good as him. we cut to the ring as McIntyre makes his entrance, followed by [b]Finlay[/b] and then [b]Jamie Noble[/b]. The Three Way for a chance to be in the Royal Rumble got underway with McIntyre going all out on anybody in sight, he delivered forearm smashes to the face of Finlay & Noble continuously but it was soon reversed by Finlay who gave Drew a knockout blow to the face making him crumple to the mat. Noble taking his opportunity jumped on the back of Finlay and wrapped his arms around Finlay for the sleeper hold. Finlay however crashed into the turnbuckle breaking free from the Sleeper. Noble charged out of the corner only torun into a clothesline from the 'Fighting Irishman'. McIntyre is up and ready as he goes toe to toe with Finlay, punching away at each other for about 2 minutes, both looking for their finishers as Finlay tries for a Celtic Cross but it is reversed as McIntyre slips behind him and hits a Russian Leg Sweep. As Noble is getting up, McIntyre signals for Reverse STO as Noble walks right into it and it connects. But before McIntyre could get the pinfall he is struck with the Shillelagh across the head with Finlay utilizing the No-DQ Rule of Triple Threats. As McIntyre rolls off Noble, Finlay pins him for the victory. After the match, Finlay had an interview as he claimed that McIntyre will have better luck next year. We come back from a commercial as [b]La Zona Illegal[/b] make their way to the ring, for the next and final Royal Rumble Qualifier. But it will be these two going against each other and...[b]Kane[/b] who makes his fiery entrance and into the ring. [b]Chicano[/b] & [b]Jumpin' Jeff Jeffry[/b] attack him on the ramp, only for Kane to toss them down the ramp. Kane continues his dominance by giving a Gorilla Press Slam to Chicano into the crowd, leaving his partner Jeff with 'The Big Red Monster' Kane. Kane wasted no time on getting to work on 'Jumpin' Jeff as he threw him into the Steel Steps full force but Kane was blindsided by Chicano who is armed with a chair, Chicano starts smashing the chair against the skull of Kane before getting him inside the ring where he climbs the top rope to come down back first onto Kane's stomach with a Senton. Kane sat up un-fazed about what just happened and gets up, he grabs Chicano by the throat but once again is blindsided. But this time by some flying Steel Steps to the head, Kane staggers back as the thrower of the steps comes into the ring, Jeffry Superkicks Kane in the face before going for the pinfall. Kane kicked out at two, Chicano had an idea and was going to double team Kane but it failed both got a Chokeslam for their troubles and Kane got the victory. The question arises, can former World Heavyweight Champion Kane reclaim his gold at the Main Event of Wrestlemania? Kane soon grabbed a microphone and was about to cut a promo until...[b]Batista[/b] made his way down to the ring. He soon confronted Kane and told him that Kane will never survive the Royal Rumble like last year, last year Kane got lucky Batista said. The crowd boo 'The Animal' who continues but as Kane was going to grab him by the throat he left and we cut to a commercial. A hype video is shown of the Main Event of tonight. We come back to the arena, [b]Untied States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter[/b] makes his way down to the ring for his Non-Title Match. [b]Batista[/b] makes his entrance and steps inside the ring, looking eye to eye at the United States Champion. Soon they lock up as M.V.P gets the advantage with the headlock, Batista sends M.V.P across the ring and back again he comes as 'The Animal' looks for the Spinebuster but M.V.P manages to block the attempt and hit a DDT, Batista lays on the mat for a few seconds whilst M.V.P is thinking of a plan. He soon gets to his feet and starts to stomp away at 'The Animal', but Batista manages to battle back getting on his feet and knocking the hell out of M.V.P but the United States Champion always has a backup plan and this time it was...A rake to the eyes, Batista staggered back and M.V.P hit another DDT. M.V.P then signaled for a finisher or something by doing the 'Ballin' taunt as he set Batista up in the corner. Player's Boot? I think not, Batista just moves leaving the United States Champion just caught there, Batista turns him around and hits an earthshattering Spinebuster followed by a Batista Bomb for the victory over the United States Champion. A video is shown to hype the arrival of [b]T2K[/b] the new tag team consisting of [b]Darkside[/b] & [b]Wolfgang[/b] as they will be arriving next week on SmackDown! [b]World Heavyweight Champion Edge[/b] has found his partner, who is hidden from the camera as Edge tells him to hurry up. We go inside the arena and the arrival of Edge is here, Edge walks down the rampway and stops halfway then introduces his partner...[b]Ken Kennedy[/b] who follows, Edge is planning for [b]The Undertaker[/b] to not touch that World Heavyweight Title at The Royal Rumble, the match rules state if Undertaker wins he gets a title shot at Edge. Undertaker makes his eerie entrance and steps inside the ring where Ken Kennedy is waiting to take him on, they lock up with Undertaker getting the advantage as he pushes Kennedy into the ropes. Kennedy comes back and walks straight into the Big Boot, Edge steps inside the ring in an instant and starts pounding on him, but Taker battles back. With rights and lefts before sending Edge crashing into Kennedy, a couple of minutes later the tide has changed. Kennedy & Edge are just playing around with Undertaker, they just punch and give him a double team move. But it was a Double Suplex that went wrong, as Kennedy & Edge lifted Undertaker skywards, Undertaker managed to get back down and hit a Double DDT on both men then hitting a Leg Drop on Edge for a 2. Kennedy gets straight up but is thrown into the turnbuckle so hard that the pad falls off, Edge meanwhile is tossed into the ropes and he rebounds back to walk into a Sidewalk Slam for another 2. Kennedy manages to maintain The Undertaker from unleashing a Tombstone, last Ride or Chokeslam by kicking him square in the face, but Undertaker shakes it off and gives Kennedy a chokeslam with devastating impact for the victory. After the match Edge and Kennedy attacked Undertaker but Rey Mysterio made the save as SmackDown! came to an end. [center][b]Results: WWE Cruiserweight Champion Ricochet def. Jimmy Yang & Shannon Moore Finlay def. Jamie Noble & Drew McIntyre Kane def. Jumpin' Jeff Jeffry & Chicano Batista def. WWE United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter The Undertaker def. Edge & Ken Kennedy Overall Rating: B[/center][/b] [quote][center][img]http://www.psdprotocol.com/previews/full/890.png[/img] [b]WWE Royal Rumble Card: *Not Final[/b] [b]Royal Rumble:[/b] Big Daddy V Trent Acid Johnny Kashmere Shelton Benjamin Colt Cabana Terminator Sandman Tommy Dreamer Deranged Kevin Steen Claudio Castagnoli Batista Rey Mysterio Dave Taylor Montel Vontavious Porter Ken Kennedy Chavo Guerrero Ricochet Finlay Kane [b]WWE World Title Match:[/b] Chris Jericho© versus Shawn Michaels [b]World Heavyweight Title Match:[/b] Edge© versus The Undertaker [b]ECW World Title Match:[/b] C.M Punk© versus Bryan Danielson[/center][/quote]
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I know its 2009 and I know its a diary but guys like Brain Damage, Trent Acid, Chris Hero all these guys being in there is a bit hard to accept, let alone all of these guys seemingly getitng pushes. I mean its only a year away so seeing half the roster looking like IWA MS and ROH is hard. However that being said if you take a look at it as just "A" promotion and not THE WWE the shows are very good and you make good use of them. So points for originality.
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[center][img]http://www.psdprotocol.com/previews/full/6305.png[/img] [b][u][color="#FF0000"]Monday Night RAW[/color][/u] Live From: Arrowhead Pond Attendance: 8,280[/b][/center] [b][color="#FF0000"]Monday Night RAW[/color][/b] started with [b]General Manager Ric Flair[/b] & [b]General Manager William Regal[/b] as they started talking about tonight, Ric Flair announced that the World Tag Team Titles would find a new home tonight, as [b]Redneck Wrecking Crew[/b] & [b]The Hardy Boyz[/b] would battle it out for the vacant title. William Regal straight after announced that [b]Big Daddy V[/b] would take on [b]WWE World Champion Chris Jericho[/b] in a rematch from last week but in a No Disqualification Match. The final matches announced for tonight were [b]Shawn Michaels[/b] to take on [b]Umaga[/b], [b]WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Hero[/b] to take on [b]Triple H[/b] & [b]Bobby Lashley[/b] taking on [b]Randy Orton[/b]. Soon they got onto the subject of the Royal Rumble as they announced the participants to represent RAW. They were: Bobby Lashley, Triple H, [b]John Cena[/b], Umaga, Chris Hero, Randy Orton, [b]Brian Kendrick[/b], Big Daddy V (Whom of which was confirmed to be in it last week) & [b]Charlie Haas[/b]. The final spot shall be filled by the loser of the WWE World Title Match. After a quick break, we are already in progress with a singles match between [b]Charlie Haas[/b] & [b]Super Crazy[/b]. As Haas has a Sleeper applied on 'The Crazy Luchadore', Crazy flails his arms to no avail. Soon he had devised a way out, and that was elbows to the stomach of Haas. Haas releases his clutch as Crazy runs to the ropes, he rebounds back looking for a Flying Forearm but Haas side steps out of the way allowing him to crash and burn on the canvas. Haas raised Super Crazy to his feet and went for a Haastile Takeover but Crazy managed to slip behind, turning his opponent around and trying for a Powerbomb but Haas flipped him over then Crazy walked right into a Clothesline and Haas then raised Crazy to his feet to hit a Delayed German Suplex causing him to go crashing down neck first into the canvas, Crazy was soon pinned as Haas got the victory. After the match we headed backstage to see [b]WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Hero[/b] standing by with [b]Maria[/b], Maria asked Hero how did it feel to make [b]Randy Orton[/b] tap. Hero said it was a pleasure to make the 'Little Bitch' scream aloud for mercy, soon Orton came and started to throw verbal abuse at 'The King Of Wrestling' before telling him he won't even make it to the Royal Rumble, Hero just laughed at Orton and then grabbed him before throwing him into a nearby wall head first. Hero walked off laughing leaving 'The Legend Killer' on the concrete floor clutching his head. A video recap is shown of what happened last week on RAW. Following that [b]Redneck Wrecking Crew[/b] make their way out to the ring followed by their opponents [b]The Hardy Boyz[/b] as it is for the Vacant World Tag Team Titles, the match starts off with [b]Trevor Murdoch[/b] & [b]Matt Hardy[/b] locking up, Murdoch gets the upper hand but Hardy takes the initiative by kicking Murdoch in the stomach when he was trying for a headlock. Matt makes quick and frequent tags with his brother [b]Jeff Hardy[/b] making sure that they can wear down one half of the Redneck Wrecking Crew. But soon Murdoch fought back, after catching Jeff in mid-air with a Clothesline thwarting the chance of Poetry In Motion connecting. Matt got up only to get a boot to the head, Murdoch tagged out to his tag team partner [b]Lance Cade[/b] as he started punching away at Jeff and Matt, only to fall victim to a Double DDT from the duo followed by a Double Leg Drop. Things were seeming dreary for The Redneck Wrecking Crew's chances for holding the World Tag Team Titles, but soon the tables were turned. Cade had the referee distracted as Murdoch delivered a Low Blow to Jeff Hardy followed by a Snap DDT, but Matt came in and broke up the pinfall, he went for a Twist Of Fate once Murdoch was raised to his feet but it failed. Murdoch pushed Matt into the ropes then knocked him senseless with a stiff Clothesline to the back of the head. Matt was soon thrown out allowing Cade to stop distracting the referee and attack the vulnerable Jeff Hardy who didn't know where he was as Cade leaped off and hit a Bulldog drilling Hardy into the canvas with force, Murdoch got back inside the ring and pinned Jeff: 1...2...3! And we have new World Tag Team Champions. A music video was shown to promote The Royal Rumble. After, the screen faded to black and then cut to the backstage area where [b]Shawn Michaels[/b] was with [b]Todd Grisham[/b]. Todd asked Michaels what he is planning to do to [b]WWE World Champion Chris Jericho[/b] at the Royal Rumble two weeks from now, Michaels told Todd that he plans to take the title off him and kick his teeth down his throat, the interview is interrupted by [b]Umaga[/b] who looks at his opponent for tonight before doing a cut throat sign and leaving. Michales just shrugged it off and walked a separate way. Soon we go back to the arena, we see [b]Big Daddy V[/b] walking down the ramp with a table in hand ready for his No Disqualification Match with Chris Jericho. Jericho came out and stormed to the arena looking for some revenge after Big Daddy V's Samoan Drop through the table. Jericho slides into the ring and wastes no time punching away at V, rights and lefts wouldn't slow down the monster who just pushes the WWE World Champion away and then strikes him with the table, V looks for weapons and soon is tossing them inside the ring: Kendo Sticks, Trash cans, Chairs and more weapons. He gets back inside the ring only to be struck over the head with a Kendo Stick from Jericho, 'The Aytollah Of Rock And Rolla' starts to strike it continuously across the head of Big Daddy V until it snaps in half. V has a cut on his head but still dominates as he squashes Jericho in the corner like a bug, Big Daddy V proves his dominiance for the next 5 minutes slamming Jericho onto chairs and even tossing him across the announcers table. V tries for what he did to Jericho last week and that was a Samoan Drop through a table, but Jericho manages to turn it into a Crucifix type pinfall move putting V through the table as Jericho got the three for the victory. Soon Y2J is smashing the chair against V as he leaves eventually. [b]John Cena[/b] made his way down to the ring, but soon [b]Umaga[/b] followed. Umaga started talking jibberish to Cena, something he could not understand until [b]General Manager William Regal[/b] came down. Regal said that Umaga wants to have Cena in a match, so he could get payback for last week. Regal said that these two will battle it out next week on RAW. Cena started nodding at the decision but was soon blindsided by a Samoan Spike from the 'Samoan Bulldozer'. We came to a commercial but came back to see Cena going wild on Umaga in a mounted position, punching away at him fiercely until sercurity come down the ramp and pull Cena away. Umaga meanwhile is up and doing a cut throat taunt signalling that he will kill Cena next week. Our next match of the night was [b]Randy Orton[/b] taking on [b]Bobby Lashley[/b], both are in the Royal Rumble. The match got off to a start with both men locking up but Orton turned the tune of the match by raking the eyes of Lashley, he followed up with a series of uppercuts but it proved to weak for Lashley who charged at 'The Legend Killer' looking for a Shoulder Block as it connected sending Orton through the second rope. Soon it was both men brawling on the outside which lead to Lashley missing a Spear on Orton and crashing shoulder first into the turnbuckle pole. A couple of minutes later the ball was back in Lashley's court as he had Orton set up for a Dominator. Soon he hit it but was distracted by [b]Triple H[/b] who was in wrestling attire and armed with a sledgehammer as the referee was looking at Orton, Triple H went in and obliterated Lashley with a devastating Sledgehammer shot to the head as Orton soon saw a gateway opening and hooked the leg for the 3 count. Straight after the match, Triple H grabbed the microphone and told Lashley that he cost Triple H the chance to goto the Royal Rumble and retake his throne beating Chris Jericho, Triple H then said that he would cost Lashley the Royal Rumble once his skull collapses after a sledgehammer shot. Triple H lined up for the shot but was interrupted by [b]WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Hero[/b] who charged down the rampway. Hero started punching away at Triple H as the match got underway, it saw so much action packed into about 11 minutes of action. At one point Truple H was at the point of tapping out like Randy Orton to the Hangman's Clutch but it was Randy Orton who pulled the referee out of the ring and hit him before returning the favor Triple H did and help him get the victory. An RKO ended Chris Hero as 'The Kings Of Kings' hooked the leg, another referee ran down and counted the pinfall. Orton & Triple H start to beat down on Hero until a commercial break. When we come back a video is aired for the Royal Rumble, after [b]Umaga[/b] makes his way down towards the ring followed by [b]Shawn Michaels[/b] as their match gets started. It was nothing but an Umaga Tour De Force for the opening minute as 'The Samoan Bulldozer' tossed Michaels around like a chew toy but after missing a Big Splash, Michaels saw an opening and battled back with rights and lefts. He hit a DDT soon after, only for a 2 count and the Bulldozer was raised to his feet. It was a mistake, Umaga grabbed Shawn Michaels by the neck and threw him into the corner before pummeling him with rights and lefts with such force behind each blow but it wasn't enough to stop 'The Heartbreak Kid' who exploded out of the corner and nailed him with a clothesline. soon after Michaels hit a Sweet Chin Music on Umaga for the victory. Straight after, [b]WWE World Champion Chris Jericho[/b] came down and had an intense staredown whilst [b]John Cena[/b] & Umaga were battling up the ramp. Monday Night RAW came to an end...GOOD NIGHT FOLKS! [center][b]Results: Charlie Haas def. Super Crazy Redneck Wrecking Crew def. The Hardy Boyz to win the vacant World Tag Team Titles Chris Jericho def. Viscera in a No DQ Match Randy Orton def. Bobby Lashley Triple H def. Chris Hero Shawn Michaels def. Umaga Overall Rating: A [/b][/center] [quote][center][img]http://www.psdprotocol.com/previews/full/890.png[/img] [b]WWE Royal Rumble Card: *Not Final[/b] [b]Royal Rumble:[/b] Big Daddy V Bobby Lashley Triple H John Cena Umaga Chris Hero Randy Orton Brian Kendrick Charlie Haas Loser Of WWE World Title Match Trent Acid Johnny Kashmere Shelton Benjamin Colt Cabana Terminator Sandman Tommy Dreamer Deranged Kevin Steen Claudio Castagnoli Batista Rey Mysterio Dave Taylor Montel Vontavious Porter Ken Kennedy Chavo Guerrero Ricochet Finlay Kane Domino [b]WWE World Title Match:[/b] Chris Jericho© versus Shawn Michaels [b]World Heavyweight Title Match:[/b] Edge© versus The Undertaker [b]ECW World Title Match:[/b] C.M Punk© versus Bryan Danielson[/center][/quote] [quote][center][font="Garamond"][size=4]News & Notes:[/size][/font] -WWE have been planning a show over in Japan, associated with New Japan Pro Wrestling. After the demise of their relationship with TNA, NJPW have recently accepted a friendship with 'Babysitting Owner' Joel Davidson. More on this as soon as it comes. -Team AnDrew are in line for a push, following their impressive displays thus far. -Also it is rumored that The Rock & Hulk Hogan will appear at Wrestlemania working a match or just appearing. Remember this is only a rumor.[/center][/quote]
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