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World Wrestling Entertanment - The Time Is Now!

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[B]OCC-I have been reading some diarys on here that really made me want to start one.I tried posting it on PWForums but ****ted on me because of my title WWE -Prostituting Your Mom.:mad: anyways I would really appriciate(sp?) construtive critism but not insults ok:o.BTW if someone can make me a sexy RAW and SmackDown! banner it would be greatly be appriciated(sp?)[/B] *iNSERT SUPERAWESOMEWITTYCOOLEXTREMELLYOOOCOOL BANNER HERE!* (Looking for a crazy backstory?Looking for some lottery winner or lucky indy writer to get signed to the E'.Well you've come to wrong place and you'll be curb stomped by Super Dragon.Looking for some EdgeHead 12 kid writing a Fan Fic' while drinking Dr.Pepper cause he has nothin else better to do with his dorky @ss?You've come to the right place!Now with Ted Turner's Empire Wrestling Federation coming behind the E' we have shaped up our roster to prove why we are the undisputed king of Wrestling!)
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[B]Scene Titan Towers Conference Room Stamford CT:The Suspects:Myself,Vince,Shane,Stephanie,Paul Levesque,Micheal Hinkerbottom, Mark Calloway, Dusty Rhodes, and Micheal Hayens[/B] (.::The scene is a somewhat tense but yet happy feeling.I had just woke up in a buzzed happy mood which is rare.As I entered through the door I noticed that I was the first one there next to Vince.Vince was just tense I could feel his vibe.I decided to sit in a conference chair.Vince tensely got a chair.Damn did he see a ghost or something?Moments of silence.I acted like a buffon twiddling my thumbs,tapping on the table,and wobbling my feet.Finally i decided to break this akwardness between him and I::.) [B]Me:[/B].::What's the matter champ ?::. (.::He looked at me like a mix of "I'm gonna rip your face off and make you watch TNA Best of Christmas Skit!" and '**** my dog just died."I knew to back off.Wow what could have made him this upset?After another long pause of silence probally 20 minutes of pure akwardness "Big Grapefruits" Vincent K. McMahon finally broke the silence.::.) [B]Vince:[/B](.::In a mockish tone::.).::Ted Turner's got himself a wrasslin' promotion!::. [B]Me:[/B](Spits out coffee).::WHATT?!::. (.::I thought I was crazy and drunk at the same time.The Ted Turner?The same man who was a Nitro away at killing the WWE?The man who's money could pay his way into presidency?The Ted Turner?But wait a minute, he doesn't even have a damn roster yet?::.) [B]Me:[/B].::Sir with all due respect he doesn't even have a roster yet.Don't you think that your -::. [B]Vince:[/B].::What,"Over Reacting"?When Turner first made WCW no doubt I was ****y.I didn't think that anyone could even carry the jockstrap of the company at that time.But scandals of drug abuse had and always will damage the business no questions asked.And plus two partners that go by the name Eric Bischoff and BILL F***KING GATES could help you get some where in this GODDAMN BUISNESS!!!::. (.::I was stunned at this.No words, smart responses, or crude remarks about prostituting people's moms could come out of my mouth.I just looked at him dumbfounded(which is ONE OF THE BEST WORDS EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!11111111111)::.) [B]Vince:[/B].::I have rescheduled the meeting today to 7:30 P.M that is why for a change your early,to discuss about RAW in two nights::. (.::I nodded.That's all I could do is nod.I got up from the table wiped up my spat up coffee and headed for the door.That's when i got a phone call.It Said two words.Ted Turner.::.)
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[QUOTE=Sarcasm;346021][B]OCC-I have been reading some diarys on here that really made me want to start one.I tried posting it on PWForums but ****ted on me because of my title WWE -Prostituting Your Mom.:mad: anyways I would really appriciate(sp?) construtive critism but not insults ok:o.BTW if someone can make me a sexy RAW and SmackDown! banner it would be greatly be appriciated(sp?)[/B] *iNSERT SUPERAWESOMEWITTYCOOLEXTREMELLYOOOCOOL BANNER HERE!* (Looking for a crazy backstory?Looking for some lottery winner or lucky indy writer to get signed to the E'.Well you've come to wrong place and you'll be curb stomped by Super Dragon.Looking for some EdgeHead 12 kid writing a Fan Fic' while drinking Dr.Pepper cause he has nothin else better to do with his dorky @ss?You've come to the right place!Now with Ted Turner's Empire Wrestling Federation coming behind the E' we have shaped up our roster to prove why we are the undisputed king of Wrestling!)[/QUOTE] I Like it Bro and Thanks My Sprits I'm ready to bring back the AWA.I have a plan for Joey Muraco.
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[B]Scene:My Car 11:34 A.M.[/B] (.::I couldn't believe it, Ted Turner is acutally calling me.That scumbag dares to call me, the "Something about uh Something".Well I'm wondering if I should pick it up or just let it ring.Hell naw he's the enemy.But he might call again.Oh f**k it!I picked up the damned phone and reluctantly answered it::.) [B]Me:[/B](*In an annoyed tone*).::Hello?::. [B]Ted:[/B].::Hi.This is your future boss Ted Turner who is also the man behind the trigger to the WWE.::. (.::That was clearly the last straw as I was about to say some things that would make a salior tattle on me.I bit my tounge and put it on speaker::.) [B]Me:[/B].::What the hell do you want Ted?!::. [B]Ted:[/B].::I want to do what's best for you.Andy.Can I call you Andy? [B]Me:[/B].::No.::. [B]Ted:[/B].::Well,Andy the reason why I wanted to call you was because I wanted to let you know that the WWE is the most powerful company in the business no doubt about it.And yes we're probaly going to be second best for now because we have no roster.But deep down inside I know you want to get out.You want to be your own boss.To not have to listen to that idiot Vince McMahon.So Andy,what I am trying to say is,well join the EWF be your own boss and I,I mean we, could be famous.So what do ya say Andy?::. (.::Is this guy serious?The man calls me Andy 3 times and has the audacity(sp?) to offer me a spot at what ever the hell he's offering me::.) [B]Me:[/B].::Go and f**K yourself,you c0cksucker,rot in hell!!!!!!!!!!!!::. [B]Ted:[/B].::HOW DARE YOU,YOU UNGRATEFUL SON OF A -::. (.::I hung up on him.He knew that this meant war.I was steamed as hell, driving at 70mph.Boy was I stressed.Time for me to go home and get some well desevered rest.It's gonna be a looooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggg day today::.)
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[COLOR="Red"][B]RAW Preview:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Monday Night RAW comes to you live from the Big Apple in the city so nice they had to name it twice!New York will be in for a treat as we will have a draft.The GM's have already made there five picks and rAW picks will be shown tonight!Now that TNA has been bought out and some roster firings/hiring have happened, we have no idea who is on the roster.PLUS JUST ADDED:Papa Roach will be live to play the RAW Theme Song!The only place you can see this is at 9 P.M. on Moday Night RAW! Prediction Key:Who do you think is on the RAW Roster: Who is The RAW GM: Will J.R. mark out over Skittles like 10 school girl having her first orgasim:[/COLOR]
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[COLOR="red"](.::A video package airs to the song My Way - Limp Biskit.It shows some clips of the beginning of Monday Night RAW showcasing stars such as Macho Man Randy Savage, Bob Backlund, Bret Hart,Yokozuno, and Lex Luger.It then shows them doing there panted finshers.It show Hulk Hogan slaming Andre The Giant.Then it shows Austin 3:16 starting.Shawn Micheals gives Marty Janetty some SCM.Disel Powerbombs someone through a table.Nezxt you here BY GAWD AUSTIN WON!It shwos infamous clips of the Attitude Era such as DX Invading,Mankind falling off the HIAC,Stone Cold Stunning Vince McMahon.Finally it shows Edide winning the WWE Champion::.) [B]HBK:[/B].::Our Tradition::. [B]HHH:[/B].::Our Traditon::. [B]Rock:[/B].::Our Tradition::. [B]Mr Kennedy:[/B].::Our Tradion::. [B]Stone Cold:[/B].::Our Tradition::. [B]Hulk Hogan:[/B].::Our Tradition::. [B]Mick Foley:[/B].::Our Tradition::. [B]Ric Flair:[/B].::Our Tradition::. [B]John Cena:[/B].::Our tradition begins TONIGHT!::. (It then cuts to Monday Night RAW where Papa Roach is on there platform near the RAW stage) [B]Jim Ross:[/B].::Ladies and Gentlemen I am Jim Ross with my broadcast partner, Jerry "The King" Lawler and we're gonna pass it to Papa Roach::. [B]Papa Roach:[/B].::Hello New York City!!!::. (.::Loud cheers for the ever so cheap pop::.) [B]Papa Roach:[/B].::Are you ready to rock?!::. (.::I think that Mick Foley might have a rival in cheap pops;)::.) [B]Papa Roach[/B].::1,2,3 Go!::. Listen up, turn it up and rock it out party on, I wanna hear you scream and shout this is real, as real as it gets I came to get down to get some ****ing respect taking it back to hardcore level you better be ready, put your pedal to the metal taking it back to hardcore level you better be ready, put your pedal to the metal. Go! Whoa I'll never give in Whoa I'll never give up Whoa I'll never give in And I just wanna be, wanna be loved Whoa I'll never give in Whoa I'll never give up Whoa I'll never give in And I just wanna be, wanna be loved I want domination I want your submission I see you're not resisting To this temptation I've got one confession A love deprivation I've got a jet black heart It's all ****ed up and it's falling apart Whoa I'll never give in Whoa I'll never give up Whoa I'll never give in And I just wanna be, wanna be loved Whoa I'll never give in Whoa I'll never give up Whoa I'll never give in And I just wanna be, wanna be loved I've got another confession I fell to temptation And there is no question There was some connection I've got to follow my heart No matter how far I've gotta roll the dice Never look back and never think twice Chorus(X2) Take your past and burn it up and let it go Carry on; I'm stronger than you'll ever know That's the deal; you get no respect You're gonna get yours You better watch your ****ing neck Take your past and burn it up and let it go Carry on; I'm stronger than you'll ever know That's the deal; you get no respect You're gonna get yours You better watch your ****ing neck (ChorusX2) (.::After the performance the rowdy New York fans give them a stading ovation.::.) [B]Papa Roach:[/B].::Thank y-::. (.::The band is cut off by the music of none other than Santino Marrella!The fans give him a large amount of heel heat.A large chanting of Santino Blows erupts.::.) [B]Santino:[/B]Thata was a eh idiotic performance made by dis a pretty boy band.Now get off a Santino's stage.::. (.::The crowd boos even louder than before as Santino arrogantlly smirks.Papa roach reluctantly gets off the stage.::.) [B]Santino:[/B].::You a idiot losers are a jelous that you cannot a make the sweet love to my Maria like a I can.You a smart marks or a what ever the hella you-a want to call it, sit on you fat american asses and ran't about how much Santino sucks!::. [B]J.R.:[/B].::Well they say because it's true!::. [B]King:[/B].::For once I agree with you.Santino really is a man who I would love to kick his ass!::. [B]Santino:[/B].::Well I'ma world a class athelte!I'ma a the "newa most eletrifying man ina-::. (.::He is cut off by those three infamous words that made Sports Entertainment"IF YA SMELL" as the fans become a frenzy as they enticapate The Great One's presence.Moments later The People Champion comes out of the Gorilla Position as that frenzy got louder.The Rock is milking it for all it's worth, smelling "the people's air".) [B]J.R.:[/B].::BY GAWD!BY GAWD!IT'S THE ROCK, THE ROCK IS HERE!::. [B]King:[/B].::He might just Layeth the Smackdown on Santino!Or as a WWE Hall Of Famer might would say, to "humble" Santino!::. (.::The Rock enters the ring.He then climbs to the top rope.He waits a little bit, smelling the people's air before he does his signature armraise taunt that just gets the crowd more pumped.::.) [B]The Rock:[/B].::Finally, The Rock HAS COMEBACK, TO THE WWE PE-::. [B]Santino:[/B].::Rocky nobody gives a ratta asses ifa you come eh back.Now the idiotico want's to see -::. [B]The Rock:[/B]Who in the in the bluest of blue hell do you think you are by cutting off The Rock?::. [B]Santino:[/B].::I thinka-::. [B]Rock:[/B].::IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!::. (.::The crowd gives a hug pop to The Rock::.) [B]The Rock[/B]:.::You think your an athlete Mancimo?::. [B]Santino:[/B].::MY NAME IS-::. [B]The Rock:[/B].::How many times Piano did The Rock tell you it doesn't matter what you think or what your damn name is!::. [B]Santino:[/B](.::A whole ton of words in Italin that only Italins could understand::.) [B]The Rock:[/B].::Mumasa Mumasou Mumacasa!::. (.::The crowd erupts as Santino is livid!::.) [B]The Rock:[/B].::Now Gatito, The Rock heard your terrible voice try to sing one of The Rock's favorite songs,Rehab by Amy Winehouse.So The Rock is gonna flatter you with a Rock Concert!Ted hit the music!::. (.::On cue an instrumental of the infamous Rehab song plays on the P.A.) [B]The Rock:[/B] Tried to make hear Santino talk And I said a No, No, No! Don't you might think That you need a breath mint Cause your breath really stinks! Try to make that breath mint last Cause your breath smells like Rikishi's ass! Tried to make hear Santino talk And I said a No, No, No! (.::At this point Santino has had enough of this nonsense as the crowd is laughing at him::.) [B]Santino:[/B].::Since your a back the permanetly,how about a match later on tonight,Winner in the undisputed electrifying man in a de Sports Enterainment, loser leaves the RAW!::. (.::The crowd pops!::.) [B]The Rock:[/B].::Your on!::. (.::With this The Rock's theme hits as the fans give him astading ovation as the two come face to face RAW goes for a Commercial Break::.) (As RAW comes from the commercial break, Lilian Garcia comes out, with a microphone in hand in the center of the ring. [B]Lilian:[/B]The following contest is a Xtreme Invatational Match for the cross brand Hardcore Championship!Now the rules are simple anyone is able to join the match.The match will only end if a superstar submits or is pinned. (After Lilian is done talking the damn lights go out!I told Ted to pay the damn electric bill!All of a sudden a message appers on the Titantron.It's in a widescreen format like your watching a movie or something.It's says the following in gold print:He returnsssssssssss.which can only mean one thing!) [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAi8ITC_oWs[/url] (Goldust emergs on stage with his classic attire on as the crowd big pop gets a little bigger!He rubs on himself in pervogatory manner.Fireworks start to rain on him.(ala RKO's fireworks)After the fireworks are done, he walks down the ring.) [B]J.R.:[/B]Goldust has made a surprise return to the WWE! [B]King:[/B]Oh No!I hoped that I would never ever see that freak of nature again! [B]J.R.:[/B]Oh King,will you stop that?!Goldust is one of the most entertaining characters in recent memory. [B]King:Well, you and I have extremly different taste in "entertainment"! (By this time, Goldust had already removed his wig and his robe, revealing a RAW T-shirt which means he's on RAW!) Lilian:From Hollywood, California, weighting in tonight at 257lbs,"Golden Delicious"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! (Goldust begins to taunt some more as - [B]*CRACK*[/B] (Lillian and the audience could only look in horror as Goldust is laid out in the middle of the ring.Hardcore Holly looks at the dented steel chair with an evil, bloodthirsty, sadistic smile. He raises the steel chair again and it connects right into the ribs of Goldust.Again and again and again until the chair is dented in too much that it wont work!Hardcore relizes this and looks around him and sees nothing.Wait a damn minute!Holly is taking off his SmackDown T-Shirt?Holly begins to strangle Goldust with the SmackDown! T-Shirt!Goldust is turning blue when all of a sudden.............................. [B]*SHINING WIZARD*[/B] (The crowd starts to cheer as Pittbull Kash looks at the man he just Shining Wizard!Also joining him is Pittbull Gibson who starts to lay punches into the skull of Hardcore Holly.After those rabid punches,Kash and Gibson go outside to to look for a table.But Hornswoggle comes out of the other end of the apron!!!!!He quickly looks at two knocked out wrestlers.He shrugs and pins Goldust.) 1 2 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (The crowd gives a pretty big pop to Hornswoggle McMahon!) [B]J.R.:[/B]In all my years I've never expect to see Hornswoggle McMahon to be Hardcore Champion!I have to give that a BY GAWD! [B]King:[/B]I can't believe it J.R.! (Hornswoggle quickly runs to the back to make sure he doesn't lose his title.The Pittbulls oviouslly run after him. [B]J.R.:[/B]We'll have more after this commercial break! (A video shows a tag team.It can't be made up of who they are.They are shown destroying there compitition like crazy.After about two minutes It shows a conferderacy flag that says MAN UP in bold, white print and if you look closely at the bottom it says 2 Weeks!) ([url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8rYJODwHPQ&feature=related[/url]) (After the sponsor the scene swicthes to RAW General Manager Shane McMahon.He is looking through some paper analyising them and writing things down when all of a sudden Chris Jericho storms into the office to an enormous amount of heel heat,probaly the biggest tonight.He's clearly angry about something.) Y2J:I was robbed last night at King Of The Ring, and I DEMAND that you give me my well desevred rematch! Shane:Did you knock? Y2J:I AM NOT IN THE MOOD FOR DAMN GAMES!I AM THE KING OF BLING BLING!I DESERVE A DAMN SHOT! Shane:Since I am in such a good mood I'll tell you what, tonight it will be Y2J(boos) vs Triple H(mixed reaction mostly boos) vs John Cena(Mixed a little more cheers than boos)vs Booker T(cheers) vs BROCK LESNAR!(boos) and the winner will go to Summerslam to face the WWE Champion, Shawn Micheals(huge pop).Now GET OUT OF MY OFFICE BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND! (Y2J reluctantly leaves because he knows that this will probally be his only opportunity to get a shot.The scene then switches to the backstage arena where Hornswoggle is in McDonalds, he's about to order when The Pittbulls finally find him and start to chase him. The mayham is out of control because people are running around like there crazy!Hornswoggle throws burgers,fries,and soda at The pitbulllls and it seems to work, until Pittbull Kid gets behind Hornswoggle and hits a beer bottle over the skull of Hornswoggle.They both pin him for the 1,2,3!The Pittbull celebrate before they start to argue over the Hardcore Championship when out of nowhere the Brooklyn Brawler hits both of them with pipes and pins Pittbull Gibson for the 1,2,3!The scene goes back to Todd Grisham as he's at the place where you interview people.) [B]Todd:[/B]I am Todd Grisham and here with me a the former 12 time World Champion Triple H! (The crowd gives him a loud mixed reaction but it's mostly boos.Triple H is surprisingly in a good mood.He has an expensive suit on with a rolex watch,and sunglasses on.) [B]Todd:[/B]Now Triple- [B]Triple H:[/B]I'll be taking that,thank you.Now scram!(The crowd boos)Oh thanks for the warm welcome.(the boos get louder)You people disgust me I'm the King of Kings and you will show me the damn respect I deserve!Tongiht I go up against 4 former World Champions to be a conteder to the only championship that matters and thats my title!Any ordinary person would be nervous or they would train for weeks end but not me.You want to know why?Cause I'm better than them!I'm the King Of Kings.And when I win, I'm gonna face Shawn Micheals for MY title!I've let you borrow that for to long and I want it back and I will be geting it back.You want to know why?Because I'm that damn good!!!!! (Triple H drops the microphone and proceeds to leave to much heel heat and to a commercial break) [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpYo-9ESjA8[/url] (At the end of the video it says coming soon to dvd!After that,Lilian is in the middle of the ring to annouce a match) [B]Lillian:[/B]The following contest is for one fall and it's a Fatal 4- Way contest for the WWE InterContinetal Championship! [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meTCr5oqzMQ[/url] (The crowd doesn't know how to react as smoke fills the RAW stage.Out comes "Superstar" Billy Graham?!He points to the entrance way and out comes Gregory Hemls.Helms has his trench coat and sunglasses on.He walks down the ramp to a mixed reaction.He just looks around and smirks.He walks up the steel steps and climbs the turnbuckles until he's on the top rope.He looks and the jumps down.He then leans upon the turnbuckles.) [B]Lilian:[/B]Making his way to the ring, weighing in tonight at 213lbs,accompanied by "Superstar" Billy Graham,"The New Age Superstar"Gregory Helms!!!! (Gregory just shrugs his shoulders and starts chewing a piece of gum.) [B]J.R.:[/B]We'll have more of this after our commerical break! [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=imnotbooked;346544]I'm suspicious of Sarcasm actually being everyone's "Favorite" ADeezy62.They always respond to each other's posts, and they are both written in the same moronic style. Can't a mod look into this?[/QUOTE] No he isn't me I can tell how by how you're talking but no he is not me
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The only reason why I posted only that part is because I was extremely busy and I couldn't be able to type fully.Another thing is I tried to get Santino's accent in full play that's why it looked like I was in first grade when I typed that.I apolgize about the dots I'll get rid of them.And for the love of god I'm not ADezzy62 I am Sarcasm, a sarcastic 12 year old who worships Edge and drinks Dr. Pepper :cool:
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[QUOTE=Sarcasm;346639]The only reason why I posted only that part is because I was extremely busy and I couldn't be able to type fully.Another thing is I tried to get Santino's accent in full play that's why it looked like I was in first grade when I typed that.I apolgize about the dots I'll get rid of them.And for the love of god I'm not ADezzy62 I am Sarcasm, a sarcastic 12 year old who worships Edge and drinks Dr. Pepper :cool:[/QUOTE] He's is 12 and I am 16 so get it straight.He Likes Edge and drinks Dr Pepper.I like John Cena and drink Pepsi.
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