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WWE Shotgun 2008

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[CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][COLOR=white][IMG]http://i.a.cnn.net/si/2006/writers/bill_syken/02/23/scorecard.daily/p1_mcmahon.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][COLOR=white]-----[/COLOR][U]Vince McMahon[/U] had a problem. He couldn't understand it. He had played the telephone conversatoin with Sci Fi Channel CEO through his head 100s of times. "Not innovative enough", "The original was better", "Not drawing enough ratings" and other ridiculous statements had been made to Vince about the new ECW not being good enough but he never actually thought that any of them were true.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][COLOR=white]-----[/COLOR]That was until the first monday of January 2008. Sci Fi Channel head of programming Steve Chilson gave Vince a call and informed him that the product being presented was not up to the networks standards and it was going to have to be dropped. Vince to say the least was crushed. Vince's original thought was to just put the ECW Roster members on RAW and Smackdown and go back to its orginal format.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][COLOR=white]-----[/COLOR]Vince's one major roadblock came from the most unlikely of places... TNA. TNA recently had stepped up its game and truly become the "wrestling alternativive" they had always claimed to be. Innovative storylines, good matches and a good product. Vince was furious about this and had wanted to move Smackdown to Thursdays to crush TNA.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=white][SIZE=3]-----[COLOR=black]Vince however had a better idea... why move a show to Thursday whenever he can just create a new show for Thursday that can defeat TNA at its own game... being like it. Vince knew however he would not be the one who was able to do this. Vince himself knows he is out of touch with the current trends in wrestling... however there is one man who has always known how to get the people's emotions high.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER][SIZE=3][IMG]http://www.jsports.co.jp/tv/wwe/superstars/stars_e_PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/CENTER] [LEFT][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]Vince knew he had to give up the ghost and let Paul Heyman take control of ECW. It was inevitable. So on January 2nd 2007 after much thought and much prayer (You have to pray to contact a nutbal like Heyman) Vince made the call.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]After telling Paul what he wanted to do about ten minutes in Paul has his first response "I want full creative control"... Vince agreed to it. "I want 4 Smackdown guys and 2 RAW guys... not main eventers or even featured guys... let me make my own stars"... Vince agreed to it. "I want an hour and a half... I have no need for two and an hour is not enough"... Vince agreed to it too. "I don't want it to be called ECW... you have already killed my baby... you took something I made famous and killed its credit. Its my turn to take something you failed at and making it the biggest success in wrestling"... Vince was confused at first until Paul replied with "I want Shotgun"...[/SIZE][/FONT][/LEFT] [CENTER][SIZE=3][IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/ab/Wwfshotgunsat.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE]Sounds interesting. You've got a viewer in me.[/QUOTE] Thanks, That means a lot coming from someone of your status on here... granted I have posted my fair share of Dynasties but nothing that has made quite the impact of your work. I already have a few months worth of stuff written and I think I got something good here... I don't think I really jump the shark anywhere in the Dynasty which is good as I have done that in the past. Looking forward for your feedback on my first show (Got a little more backstory to build up on though). [QUOTE]Nice,I will be reading[/QUOTE] Good to hear... Always like a new viewer. A little backstory. Shotgun Saturday Night was Vince's failed attempt at making his own ECW in the 90s (97-98 region I do believe). As a kid I always enjoyed the show as it was the only one my father watched with me. What I am trying to do is take that concept but with Paul Heyman behind the wheel. I think the company ECW is dead as dirt... Paul Heyman himself can't revive it based on circumstances, the way the business is today and the lack of "awe" that wrestling has today. For instance a First Blood match was HUGE back in the day but today the average wrestling fan is accustomed to this. The spirit of ECW will never die though... its character development, star-making ability and unique way of running is one of if not the best companies ever (I put UWF Midsouth from the 80s up higher because frankly I am from that region.). Honestly all I am trying to do with this is make a good attempt at capturing that ECW Spirit in fictional form. Hour and a half time slot, some WWE Guys, a few indy guys and a few ECW guys. Nothing more nothing less. Its going to be the youth feuled roster the WWE has always lacked. With that in mind there are certain guys who I think will add something to the brand... A bunch of young kids who can go on one brand is great and all but I think the vets have there place too... The vets I plan on using are as followed. Jerry Lynn- Criminally underrated and can add to any show... also can be used as an agent. Imagine him vs. CM Punk. It could revive Lynn's career and move CM Punk up a level. My first RAW Pick Val Venis- Venis is a true vet and professional. A lot of people have said he has let himself go but his HEAT Matches are a testament of how good he truly is. I think if Venis would have been in the original ECW he could have made Heyman some money. Big Daddy V- I know boo... I like V though he has a true "Abby the Butcher" feel to him. If I could find a Brody for him to fued with it would be a money-maker. Tommy Dreamer- You just can't get rid of the bastard. Indy guys I plan on using are as follows so far Necro Butcher- The man can work... a lot of people think he is a garbage wrestler but Necro is one of if not the smartest man I have ever met in wrestling. I also see him as a new age Bruiser Brody. Oops that may have spoiled some things. I won't reveal my other RAW pick or my four Smackdown picks until tomorrow.
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[QUOTE=Chuck;347175]Thanks, That means a lot coming from someone of your status on here... granted I have posted my fair share of Dynasties but nothing that has made quite the impact of your work. I already have a few months worth of stuff written and I think I got something good here... I don't think I really jump the shark anywhere in the Dynasty which is good as I have done that in the past. Looking forward for your feedback on my first show (Got a little more backstory to build up on though). Good to hear... Always like a new viewer. A little backstory. Shotgun Saturday Night was Vince's failed attempt at making his own ECW in the 90s (97-98 region I do believe). As a kid I always enjoyed the show as it was the only one my father watched with me. What I am trying to do is take that concept but with Paul Heyman behind the wheel. I think the company ECW is dead as dirt... Paul Heyman himself can't revive it based on circumstances, the way the business is today and the lack of "awe" that wrestling has today. For instance a First Blood match was HUGE back in the day but today the average wrestling fan is accustomed to this. The spirit of ECW will never die though... its character development, star-making ability and unique way of running is one of if not the best companies ever (I put UWF Midsouth from the 80s up higher because frankly I am from that region.). Honestly all I am trying to do with this is make a good attempt at capturing that ECW Spirit in fictional form. Hour and a half time slot, some WWE Guys, a few indy guys and a few ECW guys. Nothing more nothing less. Its going to be the youth feuled roster the WWE has always lacked. With that in mind there are certain guys who I think will add something to the brand... A bunch of young kids who can go on one brand is great and all but I think the vets have there place too... The vets I plan on using are as followed. Jerry Lynn- Criminally underrated and can add to any show... also can be used as an agent. Imagine him vs. CM Punk. It could revive Lynn's career and move CM Punk up a level. My first RAW Pick Val Venis- Venis is a true vet and professional. A lot of people have said he has let himself go but his HEAT Matches are a testament of how good he truly is. I think if Venis would have been in the original ECW he could have made Heyman some money. Big Daddy V- I know boo... I like V though he has a true "Abby the Butcher" feel to him. If I could find a Brody for him to fued with it would be a money-maker. Tommy Dreamer- You just can't get rid of the bastard. Indy guys I plan on using are as follows so far Necro Butcher- The man can work... a lot of people think he is a garbage wrestler but Necro is one of if not the smartest man I have ever met in wrestling. I also see him as a new age Bruiser Brody. Oops that may have spoiled some things. I won't reveal my other RAW pick or my four Smackdown picks until tomorrow.[/QUOTE] I Feel I know a couple of unknown picks Kenny Dykstra-19 years old-That says it all he is young and athletic Both Major Brothers-Good Young Tag Team and again are young. Thats 3 I think I know
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Kenny would be correct on one of my draft picks. The Majors suck... Bland... not a fan at all. Also will be a while before I get a Tag Division going. Not to say it won't happen I just like tag team wrestling done right or not done at all. So far I would have the whole ECW Roster + The Vets I listed + Necro + Kenny... :D... Hour and a half time slot. Also will be doing PPV's but three hours is too much... expect something like two hours every six weeks... I think a monthly PPV is a little much and doesn't let feuds build up right :D.
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[QUOTE=Chuck;347253]Kenny would be correct on one of my draft picks. The Majors suck... Bland... not a fan at all. Also will be a while before I get a Tag Division going. Not to say it won't happen I just like tag team wrestling done right or not done at all. So far I would have the whole ECW Roster + The Vets I listed + Necro + Kenny... :D... Hour and a half time slot. Also will be doing PPV's but three hours is too much... expect something like two hours every six weeks... I think a monthly PPV is a little much and doesn't let feuds build up right :D.[/QUOTE] I Like Kenny pretty unqiue and What are your Titles
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[FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]Vince McMahon could not believe his ears. "Shotgun Saturday Night?" he thought quietly to himself... there is no way anyone would remember this show/the failing of the show. Vince also thought to himself that may just be the ticket to beating TNA. Vince told Paul over the phone "You got a deal Heyman... show up tomorrow at Stamford and we will ink out the details. Heyman agreed and told Vince he was bringing company.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]January 3rd 2008[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/N%20Images/Necro_Butcher3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd42/TNAFAN95/Paul_Heyman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x40/badlefthook/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [LEFT]The next day Paul Heyman arrived at Titan Towers at around noon with a young looking clean cut man with him and a barbarian of a man as well. Heyman of course stormed by Vince's secretary and walked straight into Vince's office. Vince looked on in awe as the two men with Heyman introduced themselves... Vince couldn't believe it. Heyman explained to Vince that he saw more potential in Matt Sydal than anyone else in the development system right now and he would be a key tool in one of the major factors in Shotgun. Vince looked over Matt and thought to himself "I am not losing anyone or anything here". Vince looked at heyman and said "You want him... you got him." Vince then told Heyman he was unfamilar with the other man with him. Heyman said his name is Dillan but he is known worldwide as the "Necro Butcher". He told Vince he would really like to sign Necro on and use him on shows immiditaely. Vince carefully eyeballed the man and the situation before agreeing. Vince was in no position to say no... Heyman also explained to Vince he had no intentions of bringing in any ECW Originals except one man... Vince immidiately retorted with "No Sabu or Sandman." Paul said he had no intentions of using either man for this brand... Paul said "Jerry Lynn". Paul explained to Vince that Jerry would be one of those guys who could motivate the youth and really help them step up in the ring and backstage. Vince agreed and told Heyman it was ok to sign him. Heyman then explained his TV views to Vince... Vince agreed and said he thinks 90 minutes is reasonable... Heyman also explained to Vince that he wanted a PPV every six weeks. Two hours... Vince agreed but told Paul he had enough of an edge right now to get three hours a month... Paul explained to Vince he did not need it. Heyman and Vince had one thing left to do... The contract. Vince and Heyman finnally agreed on a price (A hefty one at that for Vince). Heyman told Vince he had one month to find a TV Station to carry WWE Shotgun Thursday. Because on the first Thurday of the month at 10:00 PM (One hour into Impact's Time Slot)... WWE Shotgun Thursday was going to debut and change the face of wrestling as we knew it...[/LEFT]
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[QUOTE=Chuck;347287][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]Vince McMahon could not believe his ears. "Shotgun Saturday Night?" he thought quietly to himself... there is no way anyone would remember this show/the failing of the show. Vince also thought to himself that may just be the ticket to beating TNA. Vince told Paul over the phone "You got a deal Heyman... show up tomorrow at Stamford and we will ink out the details. Heyman agreed and told Vince he was bringing company.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]January 3rd 2008[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/N%20Images/Necro_Butcher3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd42/TNAFAN95/Paul_Heyman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x40/badlefthook/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [LEFT]The next day Paul Heyman arrived at Titan Towers at around noon with a young looking clean cut man with him and a barbarian of a man as well. Heyman of course stormed by Vince's secretary and walked straight into Vince's office. Vince looked on in awe as the two men with Heyman introduced themselves... Vince couldn't believe it. Heyman explained to Vince that he saw more potential in Matt Sydal than anyone else in the development system right now and he would be a key tool in one of the major factors in Shotgun. Vince looked over Matt and thought to himself "I am not losing anyone or anything here". Vince looked at heyman and said "You want him... you got him." Vince then told Heyman he was unfamilar with the other man with him. Heyman said his name is Dillan but he is known worldwide as the "Necro Butcher". He told Vince he would really like to sign Necro on and use him on shows immiditaely. Vince carefully eyeballed the man and the situation before agreeing. Vince was in no position to say no... Heyman also explained to Vince he had no intentions of bringing in any ECW Originals except one man... Vince immidiately retorted with "No Sabu or Sandman." Paul said he had no intentions of using either man for this brand... Paul said "Jerry Lynn". Paul explained to Vince that Jerry would be one of those guys who could motivate the youth and really help them step up in the ring and backstage. Vince agreed and told Heyman it was ok to sign him. Heyman then explained his TV views to Vince... Vince agreed and said he thinks 90 minutes is reasonable... Heyman also explained to Vince that he wanted a PPV every six weeks. Two hours... Vince agreed but told Paul he had enough of an edge right now to get three hours a month... Paul explained to Vince he did not need it. Heyman and Vince had one thing left to do... The contract. Vince and Heyman finnally agreed on a price (A hefty one at that for Vince). Heyman told Vince he had one month to find a TV Station to carry WWE Shotgun Thursday. Because on the first Thurday of the month at 10:00 PM (One hour into Impact's Time Slot)... WWE Shotgun Thursday was going to debut and change the face of wrestling as we knew it...[/LEFT][/QUOTE] I like Necro and What TV Station are you looking at
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You've got an interesting premise here, although I'm not quite sure what makes TNA a 'roadblock' as such since I don't really see what they're preventing Vince from achieving (aside from providing competition on a night the WWE didn't previously have a show)? But anyway, I get that the point of a show being established to try and bury TNA in the ratings. I tried the 90 minutes show in my ECW dynasty and it makes for a nice platform to work from and I also have rose-tinted memories of Shotgun, so it's nice to see the name resurrected. I'm also interested to see who the rest of your starting roster consists of and what exactly you do with them as well as the likes of Venis and Lynn. I'll keep an eye on this and see how the rest develops.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;347379]You've got an interesting premise here, although I'm not quite sure what makes TNA a 'roadblock' as such since I don't really see what they're preventing Vince from achieving (aside from providing competition on a night the WWE didn't previously have a show)? But anyway, I get that the point of a show being established to try and bury TNA in the ratings. I tried the 90 minutes show in my ECW dynasty and it makes for a nice platform to work from and I also have rose-tinted memories of Shotgun, so it's nice to see the name resurrected. I'm also interested to see who the rest of your starting roster consists of and what exactly you do with them as well as the likes of Venis and Lynn. I'll keep an eye on this and see how the rest develops.[/QUOTE] The roadblock would mainly be TNA picking up steam and Vince trying to shut it down and beat it at its own game before picking up any more steam. I loved Shotgun! Thanks for the kind comment Jaded.
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January 6th 2008 [CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd21/emo_panda13/Kenny.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd42/TNAFAN95/Paul_Heyman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/V%20Images/Vince_McMahon.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [/CENTER] [LEFT][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]It had been a few days later (3 to be precise) and Vince finally thought he would have a day at the office by himself. However Vince was sadly mistaken.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]Around 9 AM Kenny Dysktra walked into the Stamford offices with Paul Heyman. Vince asked Kenny what he was doing with Paul... Kenny had a pretty simple reply...[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]"About to make myself more money than I ever could on Smackdown. Mr. Heyman says he can make me a star... You told me this too but so far the biggest thing I have done on Smackdown is Victoria... I am tired of jobbing to Chuck Palumbo. Let me go some place that I can make something of myself and my career"[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]Vince was disturbed that any of HIS superstars would want to jump shift but he had promised Heyman 4 Smackdown Picks and 2 RAW Picks. Vince agreed to it and asked Paul if that was all.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]Heyman of course has an unusual response "No... there is more... Sean come in here"[/SIZE][/FONT] [/LEFT] [IMG]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t60/JeanCloude86/ValVenis.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]In came Sean Morley who many had not seen since an injury. Sean is looking good again as he had been hitting the tanning bed and the gym more often and grown some hair back.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]"Vince... I have done all I can on RAW. I would like to be moved to Shotgun to help develop younger guys and possibly help develop me. Mr. Heyman says he has great plans for me and I would like to be a part of something great for once."[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]Vince was absolutely stunned... apparently jobbing out on HEAT every week wasn't good enough for Mr. Venis.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Chuck;347997][CENTER][IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd21/emo_panda13/Kenny.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd42/TNAFAN95/Paul_Heyman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/V%20Images/Vince_McMahon.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [/CENTER] [LEFT][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]It had been a few days later (3 to be precise) and Vince finally thought he would have a day at the office by himself. However Vince was sadly mistaken.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]Around 9 AM Kenny Dysktra walked into the Stamford offices with Paul Heyman. Vince asked Kenny what he was doing with Paul... Kenny had a pretty simple reply...[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]"About to make myself more money than I ever could on Smackdown. Mr. Heyman says he can make me a star... You told me this too but so far the biggest thing I have done on Smackdown is Victoria... I am tired of jobbing to Chuck Palumbo. Let me go some place that I can make something of myself and my career"[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]Vince was disturbed that any of HIS superstars would want to jump shift but he had promised Heyman 4 Smackdown Picks and 2 RAW Picks. Vince agreed to it and asked Paul if that was all.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]Heyman of course has an unusual response "No... there is more... Sean come in here"[/SIZE][/FONT] [/LEFT] [IMG]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t60/JeanCloude86/ValVenis.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]In came Sean Morley who many had not seen since an injury. Sean is looking good again as he had been hitting the tanning bed and the gym more often and grown some hair back.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]"Vince... I have done all I can on RAW. I would like to be moved to Shotgun to help develop younger guys and possibly help develop me. Mr. Heyman says he has great plans for me and I would like to be a part of something great for once."[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]Vince was absolutely stunned... apparently jobbing out on HEAT every week wasn't good enough for Mr. Venis.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] This is getting very interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[QUOTE=The Ego;348123]Chuck, i like this, Shotgun Sat Night, i used to love, just remember the Bossman coming on in his return, Venis off the top rope, the young Hardys, And also Phil Lafon & Doug Furnas!!![/QUOTE] I remember Furnas and Lafon coming in - think it was Survivor Series at Madison Square Garden - and making a big impact winning an elimination match, with their top rope suplexes galore. It was new and exciting. Looked like they were going to have a great set of matches with Owen/Bulldog and, of course typically for WWE, it never happened. Anyway, back to the matter at hand, I don't really read McMahonverse diaries as I don't watch wrestling any more but this has caught my attention and I'll be interested to see where you take it.
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