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[B]Paul London[/B] VS DH Smith WWE WOMANS CHAMPIONSHIP Mickie James VS [B]Beth Pheonix [/B](c) [B]Carlito [/B]VS Cody Rhodes JBL VS [B]HBK[/B] Number 1 Contenders Match for WWE Title Cage Match Umaga VS [B]Y2J [/B]VS Jeff Hardy VS Mr.Kennedy VS HHH
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[CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Show 1 Venue The HSBC Arena, Buffalo Photobucket Dark Matches Melina over Jillian Hall (C+) Charlie Haas & Drew Macintyre over The Highlanders (D) [COLOR="red"]The Pyro's Activate and the crowd is imediatley electric, They have pact the rafters and the noise is nothing short of incredible, The camera pans revealing the many signs and drunken adult fans having the times of their lives, it also shows the kids and the familys having a less vocal, but equally great time. The lighting flashes red and the camera pans to the RAW anounce team.[/COLOR] Photobucket Photobucket [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="Red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] Hello Ladys and Gentlmen AND WELCOME TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW!!!! Coming live to you tonight from the HSBC Arena in BUFFALO!!! Im here alongside Jerry The King Lawler and tonight we have one of the most anticipated RAW shows in of the Modern era!! [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR][/FONT] Your not kidding J.R the line up tonight is incredable, AND TO MAKE THINGS EVAN MORE SPECIAL THE DIVAS ARE IN ACTION AS BETH PHEONIX PUTS THE WOMANS TITLE ON THE LINE AGAINST MICKIE JAMES!! I cant wait for that one J.R!! Photobucket [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] I cant either King!! Rating- C [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] But thats not all king tonight John Bradshaw Layfield will defend his WWE Championship against non other than the Show Stopper, The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, and this match promises to be nothing less than a 5 star competition!! [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR][/FONT] You got that right JR, General Manager William Regal decided that after years of service that HBK should get another shot at the gold! Photobucket Rating B+ [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] BUT KING THE MOST FASINATING MATCH TONIGHT HAS TO BE OUR MAIN EVENT!! [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR][/FONT] You aint kidding there JR, 5 Men locked inside a Steel Cage all bateling to get a show at the WWE Title at Wrestlemania!!! [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] Umaga, Y2J Chris Jericho, The Daredevil Jeff Hardy, Mr Kennedy AND The Game, The King of Kings, The Seriberal Assasin Triple H will go to war!! Photobucket Rating B+ [/CENTER] [COLOR="red"]Chris Jericho's Pyro's explode in a blaze of glory, the allready cheering crowd go insane as soon as Jericho is visible with his back to the cameras!![/[/COLOR]CENTER] [CENTER]Photobucket [COLOR="red"]Jericho walks to the ring with a smirk, the noise still has not died, and know there is a Y2J chant echoing around the huge arena. Jericho enters the ring his music still being overpowred by the many Jericho-holics packed into Buffalo's HSBC arena. He picks up a mic while he is in the ring and for the first time this evening, the sound dies.[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]Y2J[/FONT][/COLOR] WELCOME TO...... RAW IS JERICHOOOOOOOOOO!!! [COLOR="red"]This gets a missive pop from the crowd as they joined in[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]Y2J[/FONT][/COLOR] Now Tonight it looks as though The Sexy Beast faces one of his biggest challenges to date!!!! He faces a challange that could very well put his career in jepordy!! HE COULD VERY WELL LOSE HIS LIFE!! BUT DAMN IT SOMEONE HAS TO TRY AND GET UMAGA THROUGH THAT CAGE DOOR!!! [COLOR="red"]88% laughter from the crowd the rest is children figuring out what hes talking about[/COLOR] But all jokes aside, all seriousness, DOWN THE BIG BUISNESS!!! WHY DONT THEY JUST HIDE THE DOUNUTS FROM HIM, I MEEN COME ON ITS OBVIOUS THE GUY HAS A WEIGHT ISSUE!!! But no yet again i avoid the real subject that needs adressing!!! Tonight I have the opurtunity, and opurtunity to get another shot at that WWE Championship, taht i have been screwed out of EVER SINCE I RETURNED!! Yea sure i have to go through 4 of the finest superstars in the buisness today to get that chance but hey come on, LOOK WHOS IN THE RING!! The man who kicked JBL's ass for the last few weeks, the guy who nearly took the title from our Bra and Corset wearing champion!! THE FIRST UNDISTPUTED CHAMPION IN WWE HISTORY THE FIR... Rating B+ [COLOR="red"]Jericho is cut off as Umaga comes through the crowd and puts a major beat down on the fan favorite, Umaga leaves Jericho bloodied and battred in the ring, while the anouncers rant and rave about how vile Umaga is the fans boo loudly, but Umaga seems to thrive, and Hits Y2J with a Samoan Spike before leaving him a bloody disaster piece in the middle of the ring![/COLOR] Rating B+ -comercial- [COLOR="Red"]As RAW returns A video is shown recaping on the Umaga Atack on Y2J[/COLOR] Rating B+ [COLOR="red"]Carlito makes his way to the ring acompanied by Santino Morella and Maria[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] Now these two men could be the strangest tag team partneship in modern WWE history, you have the brash young self proclaimed "COOL" Carlito and The arogant possesive Italian Santino Morella [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]King[/FONT][/COLOR] What seems evan stranger to me is the relationship betwee Maria and Santino, I meen I just dont see what she can see in that guy?!?! But also i cant believe how much Carlito has been hitting on her in recent weeks right under Santino's nose!! [COLOR="red"]Cody Rhodes one half of the tag team champions makes his way to the ring acompanied by his partner Hardcore Holly[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] Now these two men have been absolutley dominating in the tag team division as of late. [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR][/FONT] They have overcome every obsticle in there way since becoming tag team champions, I just wonder, do Santino ad Carlito have what it takes to take the titles from tehse two guys?? Photobucket [COLOR="red"]The two start energetically, Carlito controles most of the early goings of the contest hitting a few striking blows and some ground submissions, Cody Rhodes seems to find it hard to break carlito's tactical offence, Carlito then whips young Cody to a corner turnbuckle.[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]Carlito Runs at cody but cody dodges the atack and lands a small package 1,2,Carlito gets the shoulders up. The two share the ofensive rhythm from here out, but Carlito gets the upper hand after Santino distracts the ref!![/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] WAIT! SANTINO HAS THE REFEREE DISTRACTED, NO!! A VILE LOW BLOW FROM CARLITO!! [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR][/FONT] And now could it be, yes the BACK STABBER!!! This one is over JR [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] 1,2,3 CARLITO STEALS ONE!! Rating C+ [COLOR="red"]Carlito keeps attacking Cody Rhodes after the bell, obviously trying to send a message to the champs, Hardcore Holly go's into the ring in an atempt to try and save his partner but Santino slides inand hits holly with a hard stiff steel chair shot, The anouncers start there outraged comentary on the situation as Maria looks upset, the 3 leave the ring and walk up the ramp leaving the champions down and out![/COLOR] Photobucket Rating C- [COLOR="red"]Brian Kendrick and Paul London are backstage, talking we join them as they begin a new subject of conversation.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]London[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER] Brian tonights important you know, we havnt exactly been on a winning streak as of late and that needs to change. [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]Kendrick[/FONT][/COLOR] Agreed but DH Smith isnt exactly a walk in the park you know, that kid is tough and he's going to be going all out, he still hasnt exactly made his impact yet! [CENTER][COLOR="red"][B]London[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] Well he better be willing to dig down deep cause im going to get this show rolling properly, and im going to give us that momentum boost we need so we can start challenging for those Tag Titles again man! [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]Kendrick[/COLOR][/FONT] Man thats what i wanted to hear good look tonight i know you can do this! [COLOR="red"]The Promo seemed rather forced and scripted, but got a decent reaction from the crowd[/COLOR] Rating C [COLOR="red"]We Join Vince McMahon who makes his debut on TV since his incarsaration, his bastar* son Hornswaggle is by his side.[/COLOR] Photobucket [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR][/FONT] I have been thinking, since i have been away on my buisness trip [COLOR="red"](Huge amounts of laughter and You Got Locked Up chants are echoing through the arena)[/COLOR] I have been thinking about.....YOU! you see son, YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING TO PROVE THAT YOU DESERVE TO BE MY SON!! YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING AT ALL TO PROVE YOU HAVE....THE MCMAHON FIGHTING SPIRIT!!! So tonight you have a match, against a superstar i have chosen, but there is a catch, if you win I VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON will welcome you with open arms and love into the MCMAHON FAMILY!! BUT IF YOU LOSE, NOT ONLY WILL I DISOWN YOU BUT I WILL MAKE SURE THAT YOU LIFE IS A LIVING HELL!! But dont worry, your a McMahon how can you lose, so get to that ring cause your match is NEXT!! Rating B -Comercial- [COLOR="Red"]As we return Hornswaggle is in the ring jumping around and working the crowd into a small frenzy (no pun intended) as Hornswagles music stops he awaits his oponent outside the ring.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Hornsawgles face drops, and he is now visably distressed!!![/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] King The Legend Killer is back, it's been quite a while since we saw him on WWE programing, but what a terrible situation, because the Ruthless Orton, well hes about to unleash on Hornswaggle, this surley cant be good [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]King[/FONT][/COLOR] You may be right JR, i meen we havnt seen Orton in weeks, and you have to think he is bitter and angry and wanting to just take someone out, so i think we may be seeing Hornswagle get disowned by Mr McMahon tonight! Photobucket [COLOR="red"]Hornswaggle spends the first few seconds of the match under the ring, But Orton go's under and drags Hornswagle out. He throws him into the ring then lifts him with one hand and hits a stiff right to the head dropping Hornswagle to the canvas, Orton is signaling for an RKO when....[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The Ref is stood infront of Orton, they both stare up the ramp distracted awaiting Finlay! The crowd cheers loudley.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] Thats Finlays Music but ware is he?? [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]King[/FONT][/COLOR] I dno Jr but he.... [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] WAIT FROM BEHIND, SHALAYLEY, SHALAYLEY, A SHA:AYLEY SHOT TO THE BACK OF ORTONS HEAD!!! [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]King[/FONT][/COLOR] and the Ref never saw it!! [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] Finlay came from under the ring and nailed Orton behind the Referee's back [COLOR="red"]Hornswaggle stirs and gets up, he see's Orton down and quickly go's for the cover[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] 1,2.....3 hornswagle wins I DONT BELIEVE IT!!! [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]King[/FONT][/COLOR] and how angry will Orton be when he wakes up!!! [COLOR="red"]Finlay again apears and he and hornswaggle celabrate![/COLOR] Photobucket Rating B+ [COLOR="red"]Vince apears on the titantron[/COLOR] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR][/FONT] Hornswaggle,,, I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO............proud, welcome to the family ..MY SON!!! [COLOR="red"]Huge Pop[/COLOR] Rating B+ [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] a Great moment there for Hornswaggle. [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR][/FONT] No Doubt JR finally Hornswagle has been accepted by his father! [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] Now ladies and Gentlemen we move on, and we will now be adressing this years WWE Hall of Fame, last year we were lucky enough ourselves to be inducted into the most Prestigeous club in the industry, but this year we will have a whole new class of inductees, and tonight we shall reveal the first inductee!! Rating B [COLOR="red"]The Screen go's blank and silent momentarely, before the inductee is revealed.[/COLOR][/CENTER] , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , [CENTER] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]We return to chants of OWEN OWEN OWEN!!! The anouncers give details on the Hall of Fame and say some personla things aboiut Owen, to give his memory respect.[/COLOR] Rating B+ [COLOR="red"]The Cheers turn to boo's backstage as we join the WWE Champion John Bradshaw Layfield.[/COLOR] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JBL[/COLOR][/FONT] First of all i would like to state that i have the up-most respect for Owen Hart, and his achievments, and i would like to congratulate his family and pay respect to his memory!! BUT, lets face it, Owen, Bret, Stu NON OF THE HARTS COULD EVER HOLD A CANDLE TO J B L!!! You see i was the longest running champion in Smackdown television history!! I AM A TWO TIME WWE CHAMPION I AM A FUTURE HALL OF FAMER GAURANTEED!! I AM A WRESTLING...........GOD!!!! And tonight i get to take on the pipsqueek known as Shawn Michaels!! HE IS NOT IN MY LEAUGE, MY WORLD NOT EVAN IN MY UNIVERSE!!! So Shawn i would face the inevitable, you need to come out to that ring, shake my hand and call the match off, before i put you out of comission!!! AND THAT .........IS A PROMISE!!! Rating B -Comercial- [COLOR="Red"]A strange seen as we return, Jiallian is walking down the halls SINGING!! People try to take cover or cover tehre ears, but something strange hapens! a door bursts open as Jillian walks by and hundreds of dogs run in the oposite direction to Jillian howling!! Enter Ron Simmons!![/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]RON[/FONT][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][FONT="Arial Black"]DAMN[/FONT][/SIZE] Rating C+ [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR][/FONT] Here comes one of my favourites JR its MICKIE JAMES WOOHOOO!!! [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] and talk about a mood change, the fun loving attitude of Mickie is replaces by the all action Beth Pheonix!! and this one king is for the gold, so expect a very physical encounter here!! Photobucket [COLOR="red"]The match is very open, the two go tooth and nail at eachother, neither seeming to gain the upper hand, Beth Dominates on Power But Mickie dominats on speed, the match go's on for some time with no pinfall atempts, Mickie looks to finaly gain the upper hand hitting Beth with a hard running neckbreaker, then she go's for the first pinfall of the match up with a crusifix pin![/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]1,2,,,KICK OUT!!! This has obviousley angred Beth who after getting up hits Mickie with a stiff kick to the head!! This puts Mickie Down and Beth takes the opurtunity and locks in a Boston Crab! Mickie manages to get to the ropes but Beth is relentless and refuses to let go!! 1,2,3,4.....5!!! The match is over Mickie wins, but Beth Keeps her title!!![/COLOR] Rating C+ [COLOR="red"]As Beth Celebrates Mickie comes from behind and hits Beth with a hard elbow to the back of the head, she then hits the MICK kick leaving Beth Down on the canvas, Micjie is the winner but evan after her revenge she is still not the Womans Champion!!! She Celabrates anyway![/COLOR] Photobucket Rating C- [COLOR="red"]Backstage we go backstage we join Mr Kennedy Walking in teh halls, when from Behind Umaga steams into him and brutally atacks him, with Punches Kicks and weapons, he finally leaves when Kennedy is a Bloody Mess!![/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] Thats another atack by Umaga tonight, But WHY!! Rating B+ [COLOR="red"]Paul London Sprints to the ring to await his oponant[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]The two suprisingly provide a very Phyical encounter, evan London avoids using his high flying nature and hits some stiff strikes and good technical ground offence, but natrully DH overpowers him eventually, the match seems to be in DH's favour for quite some time untill London hits a drop sault and DH slides out of teh ring.....BIG MISTAKE[/COLOR] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] London on the Top Rope now!!! MY LORD!!! LONDON HITS A MOONSAULT ON YOUNG DH SMITH!!! london [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] WHO WILL WALK AWAY FROM THIS THE VICTOR WE WILL FIND OUT AFTER THE COMERCIAL BREAK!!! -comercial- Photobucket part two [COLOR="Red"]as we rejoin the match both men are down, a recap video shows the action before the break, and during the break it shows bothe competators going for a clothsline and nailing eachother at the same time! The match go's fairly evan from here, but London uses his speed to put the momentum in his favour and hits a flurry of high octaine attacks!! He springs of the ropes at DH SMITH,,,,[/COLOR] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]KING[/COLOR][/FONT] WHAT STRENGTH JR YOUNG SMITH JUST CAUGHT LONDON IN MID AIR!! [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]JR[/FONT][/COLOR] And that could meen.....THE RUNNING POWERSLAM!!! SHADES OF HIS FATHER THE BRITTISH BULLDOG!! 1,2,3!!!! THIS ONE IS OVER FOLKS WHAT A GREAT MATCH UP!! Photobucket Rating D+ [COLOR="red"]London Hits DH With a dropsault then attacks him with a steel chair!!! This is unusuak for London but he continues to beaton DH untill Kendrick runs down and drags him off of DH! London and Kendrick shout at eachother befire London slaps kendrick HARD across the face!! London then leaves up the ramp as Kendrick looks on in confusion!![/COLOR] Rating (London Beatdown on Smith) C- Rating (London Slaps Kendrick) B [COLOR="red"]Jeff hardy is backstage with Todd Grishem[/COLOR] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]Todd[/COLOR][/FONT] Jeff Hardy tonight you go into the ring with 4 other men, BUT, you these 4 other men are posibly the best in teh industry today! and you will all be locked inside of a STEEL CAGE!! what are your thaughts about this macth!! [COLOR="red"]Jeff Hardy Opens his mouth but before he can utter one word Umaga Steams into him and starts to brutally beat on Hardy!! Umaga then drags Jeff through some coridors, tehy find a glass window looking into a canteen, Jeff is Thrown straight threw it!! Umaga leaves and teh cameras close up on Jeff who is a mess to say the very least!![/COLOR] Rating B+ -comercial- [COLOR="Red"]As we return HHH is found a bloody mess on the floor of his changing room!![/COLOR] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] ladies and Gentleman thank you for staying tuned, There are strange goings on tonight, we think that the Game may have been Umaga's 4th Victim of the evening!! But that is pure speculation!! [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR][/FONT] SPECULATION!! who else is it going to be!! Umagas victims tonight, Chris Jerciho! Mr Kennedy! Jeff Hardy! all competators in that all important steel cage match tonight! and your saying its speculation that the last competator Triple H has now been found!! HOW TIGHT IS YOUR HAT TONIGHT JR!! [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] Well... I fear you may be right King, that i do!! Rating B+ [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] But the Show must go on, and what better way to do so than wth THE SHOW STOPPER!! HBK SHAWN MICHAELS!!! [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR][/FONT] You can say what you want about HBK JR but tonight, My money is on this man!! The WWE Champion seems to pick up the victory every time! so i think tonight is going tobe no exeption!! Photobucket [COLOR="red"]The Match gets off to a catious start! JBL winning two tests of strength and tossing michaels across the ring on a lock up! Shawn evans the odds however by dodging a slap aimed at the face and hitting a dropkick to the knee of JBL! The momentum is shared for a lot of the competition untill JBL begins to take controle! He hits a big boot on HBK and then begins wearing him down for several minuets!![/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]HBK comes back however ducking the clothsline from hell and hitting a reverse DDT, Shawn begins to tune up the band but as he does so, JBL slips out of the ring and gets himself counted out!! Winner HBK but still champion JBL!!![/COLOR] Photobucket Rating B- [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] HBK WAS SET TO BECOME THE NEXT WWE CHAMPION!! JBL SENSED THAT AND TOOK THE COWARDS WAY OUT DAMN IT!! [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]King[/COLOR][/FONT] That may be true JR bu..... [COLOR="red"]King is cut off by....[/COLOR] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] GOOD LORD NO!!! SHAWN HAS GOTTA GET OUT OF TEH RING!! HE HAS JUST BEEN THROUGH A GRUELING TITLE MATCH HE CANT DEFEND HIMSELF AGAINST UMAGA!!! [COLOR="red"]as Umaga enters the ring HBK attacks him throwing lefts and rights! But Umaga swats him off then hits a huge Samoan Spike causing HBK to spit out blood! As HBK is helped away by EMT's Umaga stands in the ring as the cage is lowred for the main evenT!![/COLOR] Rating B+ -comercial- [COLOR="Red"]Kenendy walks to the ring then waits just outside the cage, he is covred in bandades and bandages around his head after he was atacked, he has a look of pure rage upon his face!![/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The fans go wild as Jeff Hardy aproaches the ring! He walks right up to Kennedy they look at eachother for a moment, they are both still in a bad way after the attack but after a nod they both storm the ring and attack Umaga!! They hold there own for a while but Umaga soon begins to dominate!![/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Triple H storms the cage and begins to brawl with Umaga!! it seems Trip's has the upper hand when Umaga out of no ware reverses a cothsline atempt into a Samoan drop, the 3 men are savaged by Umaga for severall minuets!![/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The fans are electric once again as Jericho runs down the ramp and into the ring! he is covred in bandages around his head like all of Umagas victims! Jericho however go's one up on the game and sarts to beat on Umaga badley!! EVAN locking in the walls of Jericho![/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]The match looks liek it could be over before it has evan got properly started when Kennedy lands a boot to the face of Y2J! The match is utter Chaos no one really dominating, the stars of the show are Y2J, Kennedy and Hardy! all giving it 110% while Triple H puts in a slightley lazy performance! Umaga comes round about 19 minuets into the match and again starts to dominate!! just when it looks as though no one can stop Umaga, Shawn Michaels runs down the ramp and slides a sledgehammer into the ring and Tripls Nails Umaga!! With evryone but Triple H down he begins to climbe the cage!! But as Triple H is at the Top Jericho rises and hits the Lionsault on Umaga!! he then go's for the cover 1,2, triple H see's this and jumps from the top of the cage!! 3 Escape!![/COLOR] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] WHAT THE HELL!?!?! WHO IS THE WINNER!! DID JERICHO GET THE PIN FIRST OR DID THE GAMES FEET TOUCH THE FLOOR FIRST!!! [COLOR="red"]After countless replays!! and refs arguing the match is anounced!![/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]Lillian Garcia[/FONT] Ladies and Gentlemen, the officials have recieved word that General Manager William Regal has decided that the match was won by....... TRIPLE H!!![/COLOR] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]JR[/COLOR][/FONT] THE GAME, THE GAME IS GOING TO WRESTLEMANIA![/CENTER] . . . . . [CENTER][COLOR="red"][FONT="Arial Black"]Lillian Garcia[/FONT][/COLOR]AND.......CHRIS JERICHO!!! [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]KING[/COLOR][/FONT] WAIT WHAT DO's THIS MEEN JR Rating A [COLOR="red"]The two stare eachother down Jericho is a bloody mess and is the last thing shown as the show ends!![/COLOR] Photobucket -End Of Show- Final Rating B+ also recorded tonight HEAT to be shown on Sunday[/CENTER]
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Just finished my first RAW of the story would be great to get some feedback, let me know what you liked what you didnt like etc and exetera, but also what did you think to the first hall of fame selection?? hope you all enjoyed! keep reading and hoep your enjoing
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWE Offender Predictions Leauge[/COLOR][/SIZE] Halfman_Halfamazing 4/5 Irish Eyes 3/5 theringmaster 3/5 chris caulfield 2.5/5 ADeezy62 1.5/5 dse81 1.5/5 Rated S for Scotland 1/5 smurphy1014 1/5 [COLOR="DarkRed"]Keep checking back for the next prediction's opurtunity, the person at the top of the leauge after this weeks remaining show's gets an opurtunity to make his/her mark on this years Wrestlemania![/COLOR][/CENTER]
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