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2008 The year of TNA

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It had been a long time coming. I'd been out the business for some time. Sure I'd done a bit on the indy circuit helping to promote and scout but not since my WCW days had I been with a "Big" company. I was sat at home after a nice festive holiday when the phone rang. I recognised the voice instantly. It was an old friend of mine...Kevin Nash. "Chris, its big Kev here, how you doing?" I responded that I was ok but knew this weren't just a social call, I could tell by his tone he had something to ask me, "Whats up Kev?" i asked. "Well I wondered if you would like to meet with Dixie Carter. We're looking at uping our game a little this year, you know apply some pressure, make people take a bit more notice of us. That means some new fresh ideas. I remembered how you were back in the days of the Pac, you had some great ideas for myself, Hall and Sting and the up and comers. Maybe if Eric had listened to you things might have been different. So what about it you interested?" "Well I don't have anything planned and it'd certainly be good to have a regular pay check. So why not, what do I need to do?" "Just pack a bag, go to the airport and fly here. Tickets are already sorted. Dixie personally will meet you at the airport this end, take you out for a bite to eat so you can talk. After that you can come and watch Resolution, while thinking over your decision." "Ok i'll see you soon Big guy" And that was that. I was packing a bag, getting a taxi and making my way to Orlando. My head was buzzing, I'd obveiously kept my eye on TNA and knew who they had and what they were doing. I also had ideas that I thought could improve certain members. But at the moment thats all they were, ideas, first I had to listen to what Dixie had to say and what exactly she would want from me. It would be an interesting meeting.
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I steped off the plane and I knew I was now officially in Micky Mouse ville. I also knew that many, especially people in Stamford, saw TNA as nothing but a Micky Mouse outfit. ECW, WCW they had all failed in the bid to topple the biggest wrestling company in the world. What would make TNA different? I was hopeing the answer to that question would be me. As I got to the outside of the airport there was Dixie waiting for me. No driver just her, was this because she really wanted it to just be me and her or that they couldn't afford a chauffeur. We greeted and said all the usual pleasantries and she offered to take me for a bite to eat. I said fantastic and we headed to Wild Jack's Steak and BBQ. We placed our orders and then we began. "Chris its a pleasure to meet you, I'm sure you know why you're here?" "Well actually no I don't, Kevin Nash phoned me asking how would I like to meet with you, he said that the company wanted to up their game a little and he had suggested me, next thing I knew I was packing a bag getting on a plane to come here. Now I'm drinking a cold one and about to eat a some ribs with you." I said with a slight sound of puzzlement. Dixie looked at me as if she was trying to read my mind. "I want you to help my booking team. Kevin told me that back in the days when you worked in WCW you had some very good ideas, ideas he thinks would have kept the company going. Well i want those ideas, I want TNA to go to the next level, big storys, good characters, who knows maybe we could start a whole new monday night wars" she finishes with a smile. "I don't know if I'm good enough, I've never done anything major, its ok having the ideas but being able to carry them out is another thing. Plus you don't know if my ideas back then were good, you're just going on Big Kevs say so." "Steve thinks you can do it also, he remembers you and said your ideas and talent for spotting potential is exceptional. Thinks it could make the difference. I've spoken to Vince Russo and he agrees that someone fresh and new would be ideal. You'll work close together. He'll help you with the bits you're unsure about but basically TNA will be your canvas. You can choose the feuds, the stories, everything just be creative so what do you say?" I sat and pondered. The offer was good I had nothing to lose. There was one thing I wanted to know. "You say everything, does that mean talent signing also?" "Yes" Dixie responded without hesitation. "If you think bringing someone in will give us a boost, we'll do it, if you think someone should be released then we'll do it. So does that mean you'll join the TNA family?" I finished my beer and looked at her "Dixie you just got yourself a new booker, when do I start?" Dixie gave a satisfying smile "You start now. We'll head to the impact zone and meet a few faces. Its too late to change the results of tonights PPV but maybe you can help put some finishing touches on the matches, I'm sure you already have ideas running through your head and maybe some can be incorporated in tonights show to help start the ball rolling for you." Oh I had ideas alright, just wasn't sure how good they were. Still we'd find out soon enough and one thing was for sure it was gonna be a roller coaster of a ride, and what better place to be for that than Orlando.
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The Resolution Aftermath It was going be a long day, We had an impact show to get ready for and we had just had our first PPV of the year Final Resolution. All in all I was impressed the guys and girls put on a good showing and the crowd seemed impressed. Still I was in charge now. All during the night I'd been making calls, there was people I wanted on board. I'd left messages an the like and so the ball was in their court. For the time being I had to just work with what I had. First thing was to decide to go ahead with the planned Womens rematch between Gail Kim and the Awesome Kong. I've never been a big fan of womens wrestling but the girls here can hold their own and put on entertaining matches so I was happy to pass that. I called Vinnie Russo and told him I wanted to talk about last night and where we go from here. Still I had one match booked for Impact so thats a good start. Some of the writers had wanted Senshi and Skipper to take on the Moter City Machineguns. That was a no go, I saw no point to it other than an airtime filler, but I'm sure I would find a use for them elsewhere. First to talk to Vince about my plans then to plan the rest of the show and let the people know the score.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]IMPACT PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] TNA Management have announced that Womens World Champion Gail Kim will face off in a rematch aginst Awesome Kong. Plus Kaz will battle Black Reign in the right to own Misty the Rat in a no holds barred match. Booker T discusses his feelings towards Robert Roode following Final Resolution Motor City Machine Guns will face off against The Rock and Rave Infection And what will Samoa Joe have to say about Kevin Nash and how will Christian react towards AJ Styles chooseing Kurt Angle. All that plus more with TNA IMPACT!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]IMPACT UPDATE[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] As well as everything else that will be happening on Impact this week it has just been annouced that Judas Mesias will be taking on the Prodigal Son Raven. Will Raven be able to stop James Mitchells lastest find or will he fall foul like the Monster Abyss did. Also will we see Abyss and finally learn the truth? Tune in and find out all on TNA IMPACT
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Jan Week2 2008 [CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="7"]TNA IMPACT[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Lime"]Sold out at the Impact Zone[/COLOR][/CENTER] Mike Tenay:- Hello and welcome to TNA Impact and Don do we have a lot to discuss about Final Resolution. Don West:- Well you know something I think..... [COLOR="Blue"][Samoa Joes music kicks in and he starts walking to the ring][/COLOR] Somoa Joe: I'm here tonight to let the TNA management know that I'm not leaving this ring until I get what I want. And anyone that trys to evict me from this ring will feel a lot of pain [COLOR="Blue"][Jim Cornette makes his way down to the ring][/COLOR] Jim Cornette: Now Joe I can understand why you're not happy but we have a show to do lets go to my office and discuss this and let the fans get what they paid for you. Samoa Joe: Paid for? Did you care about what these fans paid for on Sunday night? Did you care that they paid to see a tag team title match only for one of the competitors to turn his back, walk away. I guess I should be thankful that he at least turned up,unlike that has been Scott Hall. And Jim I'm not going to you're Office to discuss this, I want something and you're going to give it to me! Jim Cornette:- Joe we need to discuss your issues, now I respect you and thats why I came down here without Matt Morgan but you can not stay here, please don't make me do something that'll we'll both regret. Somoa Joe: What you gonna do? Fire me? Thats fine with me I'll leave here and you know I can walk into somewhere else. Now I've been asking for a title shot but to-night all I want is me against Kevin Nash! [COLOR="Blue"][Crowd go crazy, and suddenly the lights go out, the big screen show medics attending to someone on the floor who is in incredible pain...Its Kevin Nash. The lights come back on][/COLOR] Jim Cornette: What the hell is going on here!?! Joe I can't give you your match because it looks like somene got to Nash before you did! Now I'm giving you the night off to-night so you can go home and relax. I've now got to find out what happened out the back. Somoa Joe: So thats it, you're giving ME the night off because you have to go and check on some old has been. Ok have it your way. [COLOR="Blue"][Joe turns to leave but then suddenly spins back....Muscle Buster on Jim Cornette! Good god! With Cornette down Joe applies the Conquina Clutch! Joes Choking Cornette out! Matt Morgan comes running down and Joe releases his grip and rolls out the ring. The damage done as Matt tells him to come and try it with him.][/COLOR] Mike Tenay: I can't believe what we've just witnessed here Joe has just viciously attacked Jim Cornette I'm sure his going to have to answer for that. Don West: Well Matt Morgan didn't look happy and hes now out the back probably looking for Joe but I don't think Joe cares. But i'd like to know what happened to Nash. Mike Tenay: Well we'll keep you uptodate on Cornettes and Nashs conditions but for now lets go to the ring for our first match of the night. [CENTER][U][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Petey Williams VS Shark Boy[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] Both competitors showed some good airel skills but eventually Petey Williams defeated Shark Boy by pinfall after the Canadian Destroyer. Your Winner [B]Petey Williams in 5:56 by pinfall[/B] Mike Tenay: Petey Williams got a good win there Don and when do you think he'll get his title shot? Don West: 'm not sure but I know if its got any thing to do with Scott Steiner then it'll be never. [CENTER][U][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Motorcity Machine Guns VS Rock And Rave Infection[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] MotorCity Machine Guns looked quite sluggish whihc was probably an aftereffect of Final Resolution. However as always they gave a good display and overcome the Rock and Rave Infection when Alex Shelley defeated Jimmy Rave by pinfall with a Shellshock. Your Winner [B]Motorcity Machine Guns in 10:47 by pinfall[/B] [COLOR="blue"][After the match Team 3D and Johnny Devine run down and destroyed the Guns by putting them throughsome tables.][/COLOR] Don West: Mike I don't think i've ever seen so much carnage in one show and we're not even half way through! Mike Tenay: I here you Don and I can only assume its going to get worse as we've still got our Main Event of Raven against Judas Mesias [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][U]Black Reign VS Kaz The winner gets Misty The Rat[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Back and forth match and Reign looks determined to get Misty back. Kaz gets the advantage and looks to finish it off when Reign gets the roll up and hold the tights of Kaz for the 3 count. Reign graps the Rat Cage and leaves looking menaceingly back at Kaz. Your winner[B]Black Reign in 14:49 by pinfall[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][Backstage Matt Morgan is seen screaming on the phone " I don't care just make it so he has to pay for what he did to Jim!"[/COLOR] Mike Tenay: I'm not sure who Matt is talking to but but he obveiously wants them to do something to Joe. Don West: Well Jims been good to Matt and they have been working very close lately. I wouldn't want to be Joe! [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][U]Gail Kim VS Awesome Kong TNA Womens Knockout Title[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Gail Starts quick showing no fear of Kongs size and power. As Gail goes for a High Cross Body Kong cathes her and slams her hard into the mat. From that moment on its all Kong and she quickly places Gail in the Spiral Bomb 1-2-3 Kong wins and becomes the NEW womens Champ! Your Winner [B]Awesome Kong in 6:55 by pinfall[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][Kong goes to leave the ring then grabs Gail. Gail Kim is getting destroyed when suddenly ODB comes to the rescue! the crowd go nuts as Kong and ODB start rolling around quickly pulled apart by secuity][/COLOR] Mike Tenay: Don I can't believe it we have a new womens champion and I'm not sure who can stop Kong Don West: Well Gail Kim has given it a good try but I think in the end all the battles just caught up with her but ODB seems to have shown that shes not scared...or maybe thats jsu dutch courage [COLOR="Blue"][We see an Interview filmed earlier with Booker T Crystal Louthan: Booker at Final Resolution we saw a horrific incident when Robert Roode hit your wife. Firsly how is she and how are you feeling? BookerT: Well let me tell you this, Roode you better sleep with one eye open, because everytime i look at Sharmel and see what you did to her face I get a rage build up and I will tear you limp from limp! And it'll be you grave that they will be digging SUCKA![/COLOR] Mike Tenay: Strong words from Booker T Don. Don West: Well I can only imagine how hes feeling and if i was Roode i'd be worried. [B][U][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Raven VS Judas Mesias[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/U][/B] Match got off to a brutal start with Raven being incredibly vicious. Raven grabbed chair from outside but the Ref stops him from using it. James Mitchell distracts the ref and Judas Mesias manages to land the Straight to Hell on the chair. Raven is out cold! Your Winner [B]Judas Mesias in 15:36 by pinfall [/B] [COLOR="blue"][Judas starts kicking Raven as James get in the ring with a bag. He opens it up to revel a petrol can again! He starts poaring the petrol over Raven and then pulls out some matches. Rhino comes running out and hits a gore GORE! on Judas Mesias and James Mitchell jumps out he ring. Rhino has made the save.[/COLOR] Mike Tenay: I can't believe they were going to set fire to Raven thank god for Rhino. Don West: After everything to-night nothing surprise me Mike Tenay: Well Don speaking of to-night TNA Management have issued the following statement "Due to the attack on Jim Cornette we will be replacing him as Managing Director soon as possible until he can return. Also we have had and granted a request from Matt Morgan for a match to be made at Against All Odds and that mach will be Samoa Joe vs Kevin Nash.....with Matt Morgan as the special Guest Referee" So there you go Don Matt was on the phone to management making a match. Don West: Well things don't look good for Joe if Matts the ref, but what condiyion will Kevin be in? [COLOR="blue"][Kurt angles music Plays and the Angle Alliance (Kurt Angle, Karen Angle, AJ Styles, Ms Brooks and Robert Roode) make there way to the ring.[/COLOR] Kurt Angle: You are looking at the most dominant force this business has ever seen. The Angle Alliance will rule TNA forever. And Christian you found out first hand how strong we are when AJ made his choice. And the right choice it was, Its True. Robert Roode is with us becasue hes a smart business man and the future of this sport also. He knows that the Alliance is the team to be. But theres someone missing. Tomko. Now as far as I know you're not here tonight whihc leaves me puzzled as your Tag Partner and fellow Champ is. So Tomko its simple you have a choice you can either be 100% with the Angle Alliance or you will be against us. But know this, we will be the best alliance ever, we will be bigger than the Four Horseman, than the NWO and most definitely bigger than some crouch chopping degenerates. and if you aren't down with that i've got 5 words for ya......IT'S TRUE, IT'S DAMN TRUE!!!!!! [COLOR="blue"][Kurts music starts playing][/COLOR] Mike Tenay: Kurts giving Tomko a Choice what will hes answer be? tune in next week as we're out of time Don West: Good night everybody!
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;355836]great show man. one thing though. Kurt's not allowed to say "Oh its true, its DAMN true" because apparently its a WWE intellectual property. his new thing is oh its real its damn real.[/QUOTE] Yeah I weren't too sure on the "Its True" thing but figured it wouldn't hurt for that speech. Glad you liked the show. Any improvements would you recommend? or anything you would maybe like to see? I.e. News items back stage gossip that sort of thing.
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TNA Office Well I'd done my first show, which seemed to go well with the crowd. So I was now up and running. My plans were being startedand I'd had a couple of returned calls from talent that I possibly wanted to work for us in some way. I also wanted to maybe put our show out live. I don't think it would be an issue as we'd only just clash with ECW which was nothing but a shell of its former self. I'll wait and see wha tthe ratings are this Impact and maybe monitor the situation for a Month or so. No need to rush we aren't going to be Number 1 over night. I had a few things to tidy up and then a meeting to discuss some possible roles. Other than that I just needed to plan my next show.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Black"][SIZE="6"]IMPACT PREVIEW[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The War Machine Rhino will be taking on Judas Mesias can he get some revenge for his friends Abyss and Raven or will Judas continue his path of destruction Petey Williams will be facing Scott Steiner in a Pose Down Competition Jay Lethal will be taking on Johnny Devine as the battle between the X Division and Team 3D continues 6 Man Tag Action as the LAX and their new female member take on Rock and Rave Infection with Christy Hemme In Tag Action will be Robert Roode and Kurt Angle against Christian Cage and Booker T. And the main event will be Samoa Joe taking on Scott Hall, will Scott extract revnge for the comments Joe has made or will Joe prove that Scott is a "Has been" and will Matt Morgan take out some of his frustions on Joe. All this plus will Tomko give his answer to the Alliance and who if any will be announced as the new Managing Director. Tune in On SPIKE TV with TNA IMPACT
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