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CGC: What the hell am I doing?

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Tonight’s event was a bit interesting. I’m sure the internet dirtsheets will have all sorts of things to say about it but I’m not fussed about that for this week as this show is nothing to do with me. The ringside seats were pretty great though especially as I knew I had the best seat out of the 10,000 in attendance. The first thing George did was come out on the stage and introduce me to the fans. He didn’t mention the circumstances in which I’d gained my little bit of power, but I was on TV and everything. I wish I’d shaved beforehand. The fans seemed to be ok with it – there was no DAVE style chanting of “Who the f*** is he?” but I don’t know. The real test will come when I get my hands on the microphone. (Segment = C-) Then the guy I saw in the bar came out against the Grimm guy. He gave me a cheeky grin and then rapidly destroyed his opponent. I like him a lot though I think the match left the fans pretty cold (Match = D) Out came the first of the DeColt brothers out tonight. This Lee Rivera looked good – but I have to say Ricky looked pretty good too. Of course Ricky won – I hope he doesn’t expect it to happen too often. He came over to stare at me after the match as well – I’ve no idea what’s going on with that but I hope he’s not got anything mean planned (Match = C-) Ed Monton – oh what a pun – beat down the clown guy pretty convincingly. Really dull finisher though so I’ll have a word with him about that. Whippy made a big deal about me being ringside although I don’t know if he was taking the piss or what. (Match = D+). Steve DeColt then took on John Maverick. Apparently these guys have a bit of history and are part of a big stable fued that’s been going on a while. Some of the moves looked a bit.. well real I suppose. I think at times they were actually trying to hurt each other. That’s obviously the point of this booking. But I don’t know – it didn’t look too great to me really. Several times one of them set up for a move and the other wasn’t listening. Odd. (Match = C) Then came the main event. The crowd were gagging for it after the sub par matches they’d already seen. Jack DeColt took on Eddie Chandler and again they seemed very stiff. (George taught me that word after the show. Apparently it’s pretty normal when people are heated). This was a great match, and the crowd went wild. I think I’ve found my two go-to guys for next week as well. I need to check who the champs are. (Match = B) DeColt scored the win with a pretty clean trade mark move with a finisher. Then it was all a bit soured when some big bugger called DeLay ran in and started putting the boot into Jack. Chandler carried on until Jack slid out of the ring and then DeLay and Chandler suplexed DeColt into the crowd before disappearing up the ramp. I’ve no idea if this was planned or not but it looked pretty spontaneous. The crowd lapped it up as well. (Segment = B) So overall it was a pretty poor show – and where was the entertainment part of the sports entertainment? There were no interviews or videos or anything. Something needs to break up the matches surely? I can’t wait to get my hands on this thing. (Show rating = C – should have increased popularity).
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[QUOTE]Please tell me if I'm writing too much or updating too quickly - I really have no idea if I'm entertaining or not. Criticism welcome![/QUOTE] It's the day after the last event. Had a nice workout earlier with the trainer and apparently there’s a natural spark there. George wanted me to dark match myself this week but I think that’s a bit early. Maybe in a month or two. If I get my visa. Interview at the embassy next Monday. Fingers crossed. I bet Jack DeColt is a bit sore today! I spoke to Shane on the phone this morning - he seemed very keen to talk to me about the tag division. Apparently it's not a bad one and I should use it more than the last booker. Seeing as the last booker was a DeColt then I'm not sure about this - but with my two new signings agreeing terms this morning we'll see what happens come Sunday. The last show drew a 3.84. I don't know if this is good or not. We'll see what my show can come up with. I don't know how my new signings will go over. They're not very popular in the states but they're both excellent talent from back home. I’d like to dark match them a bit first to gauge it but then the element of surprise would be out... for now I’ll pencil them in. I think I will dark match them but just not release the results over the internet. I’ll put them against Youth Energy. Seeing DeLay beat the hell out of DeColt (why do they all have a De prefix?!) was an eye opener. The guy’s obviously got some talent. I’m going to keep him away from Jack for a bit just in case he does some serious harm. I’ll see how he fares against Steve DeColt. Eddie Chandler can have another match. He pulled us out of the fire last time around so I’ll give him Alex DeColt and see what happens there. I really didn’t like Ricky DeColt’s attitude, the little runt. So I think he’s going in a handicap match this weekend. If he takes it well and wins clean, I’ll think about giving him a title shot. Shooter Shaun Deeley has signed a contract elsewhere and should be leaving the company soon so it’ll be vacant. Finally, George told me that Trent Shaffer is to be one of our rising stars in the promotion. I don’t know – I saw him at the training session earlier and he seemed like nothing special. I’ll give him a match against that damn clown as the opener and see what he does. So, the card for next week looks like; Dark match – The British Invasion vs. Youth Energy Opener – Trent Shaffer vs. Whippy the Clown Second match – Ricky DeColt vs. A veteran tag team Third match – Eddie Chandler vs. Alex DeColt Main Event – Dan DeLay vs. Steve DeColt --- [QUOTE]Predictions please!! Whoever gets the most right will get to make an important choice to do with a title ;) Also, if you can guess the veteran tag team or who makes up the British Invasion, plus two points for each :)[/QUOTE]
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Dark match – [B]The British Invasion[/B] vs. Youth Energy Opener – [B]Trent Shaffer [/B]vs. Whippy the Clown Second match – [B]Ricky DeColt [/B]vs. A veteran tag team Third match – Eddie Chandler vs. [B]Alex DeColt[/B] Main Event – Dan DeLay vs. [B]Steve DeColt[/B]
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[B]Friday, Week 3, January.[/B] George canned the PPV that was supposed to be today - he didn't see any point in it taking place with me so new to this booking, so it's been forgotten about for now. It's been a bloody busy week. We are about to lose Roger Rogers to NOTBPW. Means we can lose the wheelchair ramps I keep falling over though so it's not a dead loss. Currently in negotiation to bring one of the British blokes over. I think I'm going to can Whippy. He's just.. not what I want from this promotion. There's not exactly a talent deficiency though - I've signed six new wrestlers to exclusive deals in the last week, and I'm excited about pretty much all of them. One looks like he's going to mesh really well with the British guy who I'm unveiling this week but I'll let them meet each other the week after next. I really want to start giving some talent a new break in the business in my opening matches, which is why some of my signings are unimpressive. But trust me, they'll be great. Apparently the grumbling has been coming from Ricky. Shane says he's jealous at the progress I've been making in my own training and that Ricky wants a pop at me for real. I thought this was all made up? I'm not sure how I feel about that one, I may have to speak to George. I've put Ricky against one of my new buddies, Lee Rivera, for the title match. The card for this week; The current ROF Champion vs. Zeus Maximillion Ryan Powell vs. Ed Monton Ricky DeColt vs. Lee Rivera for the CGC Canadian Title. I don't know what to do for the last match. Chances are it will involve a DeColt. Yawn. [QUOTE]Comments appreciated, as are predictions. This will be the first week that I actually tell wrestlers to give me a specific match outcome, it's been totally random up til now. Do you guys prefer the graphics in the write ups?[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;354065]Overall, the worst show since Holton came to power. Holton still can’t seem to balance match time vs. angle time favourably, although I’m sure that will come.[/QUOTE] I am enjoying your work so far too. My only suggestion would be in reference to the above: I love the "idea" of you trying to learn the business, I think that is sometimes how we all feel about playing the game itself. Only problem I have is switching from first to third person in mid paragraph (as you say, Holton is new to the business, so he's not The Rock yet). maybe something a bit like this....."Overall, the worst show since I took over. I'm still very unsure how to balance match time vs angle time...Maybe George can help me out a bit with that." Just my two cents, take it for what you will, and by all means keep up the good work.:D
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I've just read everything so far and enjoyed it - the confused rookie booker is an interesting character idea, and the Elite vs DeColts feud is one of my favourite in the CVerse so it'll be interesting to see how you go with that. From past experience, it can take a while to get many people commenting on dynasties, but keep plugging away and you'll pick up readers. :)
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Yeah, this is an interesting read so far. I just haven't had much time to pay attention to diaries this week (back to work and all that). The way you're writing it is a slightly different slant to the norm, which I like. Makes it different. The fansite report isn't a bad idea - I think if you're writing from 2 completely different perspectives in the diary, try to come up with 2 quite different layouts for them - change up the fonts, or give one a clear title, or maybe try to sort out a banner for the fansite one. And perhaps make the letter grades and match results stand out a little more. One last tip - after the main event of the last show, you might have left a line between the match and the angle, just to again give it a bit of a clearer look. Just from my personal perspective, some days I have next to no time for diary reading, but like to keep up with quite a few, and whatever helps me to skim read is a good thing for me! :D Also...don't worry about lack of comments. Doesn't mean people aren't reading. I think quite a few people check my diary every now and then, but it's certainly not all of them that post comments regularly. I know that, before I did a dynasty myself, I'd read a load of diaries and barely ever post in them. Just enjoyed reading them and getting ideas. But now I know how nice is it to get feedback on a diary, I tend to do it more myself too. Plus, if you check out the C-verse dynasties on here, even really high quality ones sometimes only pick up a few comments between shows. But keep up the good work! Interested to see who the other Brit turns out to be.
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...[QUOTE]Brilliant feedback, Marcel. Chuffed to see someone as proficient as you are reading my work. Totally agree with you about the formats and fonts needing to differ. I'm still feeling it out at the moment but by the time the PPV rolls around there should be two very distinct methods of info delivery I use. I'll be trying to make it clear where the ratings are - again it's a sortof 'trial by fire' so hopefully everything will soon stabilise. Thank you for the kind words regarding comments - I realise I've been guilty of it too (especially with your ROF diary!). I hope the other Brit doesn't disappoint - he's nothing huge but should add an extra dimension.[/QUOTE]
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...[QUOTE]I have edited out the last diary entry with the new style. Please comment! I hope it's distinctive enough. It also shouldn't say "My final week", it should say "The final week of my first month." I should have caught that[/QUOTE]
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One more suggestion that might get you a little more reader interaction: post a TV or PPV matchlist in sort of a preview (maybe from the CGC website) and ask for predictions from the readers. Many of the diary writers do this and get great results. Some offer the opportunity to give creative insight via PM to prediction winners (a match they'd like to see you put on, or picking the winner of a future match). This can actually be helpful, since it may lead to ideas you haven't thought up. Nice work Rathen. I too like the new format (agree about larger font), and the fan-site / blog sections are pretty cool. keep it up, I'm enjoying this so far!
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...[QUOTE]As suggested - predictions please! The person who gets the most right from this and next week's show will get a creative decision to make for the PPV ;)[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/diary2.png[/IMG] Easy prediction copy and pasteomatic: i. Lee Rivera vs. Steve Flash ii. Soldiers of Fortune vs. The Gilbert Brothers iii. Dan DaLay vs. Steve DeColt iv. Eddie Chandler vs. Alex DeColt
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