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CGC: What the hell am I doing?

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...[QUOTE]It's nice to have had a semi-successful show. Really pleased about the dark match results too so I just need to refine the plans a bit and hopefully it will take CGC in a new direction that hasn't been looked at before. Also, GO PACKERS! ALSO - any comments about likes and dislikes would be really great so I could tailor this to the audiecne a bit. I've noticed some of the wrestler faces are screwed up - will fix this for the next event.[/QUOTE]
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[IMG]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/diary3.png[/IMG] --- Predict omatic Match 1: Steve Flash vs. Frankie Perez Match 2: Soldiers of Fortune vs. The Specialists Match 3: Alex DeColt vs. Puma, Price and Nelson. Main Event: Dan DaLay vs. Jack DeColt.
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Match 1: [B]Steve Flash [/B]vs. Frankie Perez Match 2: Soldiers of Fortune vs. [B]The Specialists[/B] Match 3: [B]Alex DeColt [/B]vs. Puma, Price and Nelson. Main Event: [B]Dan DaLay [/B]vs. Jack DeColt. [I]Flash should keep his winning momentum going in the opener. Although the Soldiers won last week, I think The Specialists are the better bet for a push. Alex will somehow find a way through his match. And DaLay seems to be on a good run, having beaten Steve recently.[/I]
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Match 1: [B][U]Steve Flash [/U][/B]vs. Frankie Perez Match 2: Soldiers of Fortune vs. [B][U]The Specialists[/U][/B] Match 3: [B][U]Alex DeColt [/U][/B]vs. Puma, Price and Nelson. Main Event: Dan DaLay vs. [B][U]Jack DeColt[/U][/B]. I have to agree with Marcel on the first three matches. However, I just kind of feel that the main event will see som run-ins (I'm looking at you Eddie Chandler) and possibly Jack getting an assist from a tired Alex to pick up the win.
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After my 0 out of 4 last week... Match 1: [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Frankie Perez Match 2: [B]Soldiers of Fortune[/B] vs. The Specialists Match 3: [B]Alex DeColt[/B] vs. Puma, Price and Nelson. Main Event: [B]Dan DaLay[/B] vs. Jack DeColt. All down the left this time.
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[img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/slam3.png[/img] [QUOTE]Sigh, another disappointing show from the tag teams. I'm getting fed up with them now. Interesting week prediction wise - here are the running totals. Either I'm unpredictable and interesting, or I'm booking things all wrong! Bad Blood = 0/4, 4/4 = 4/8 pat21532 = 3/4, 3/4 = 6/8 brat99 = 4/4, 2/4 = 6/8 Marcel Fromage = 1/4, 3/4 = 4/8 Diary should be up by Thursday at the latest, so keep an eye out! And thank you for all your contributions so far. As I said at the beginning, whoever ends up with the most predictions correct at the end of Luck of the Draw will get to make a very important choice. So it's not too late to join in! [/QUOTE]
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[img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/diary4.png[/img] [QUOTE]Easy prediction copy and paste: i. Bobby Thomas vs. Nate Johnson ii. Thomas Morgan vs. Joey Poison iii. The Professor vs. Ed Monton Main event: Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler Also, have requested a mod change the title of this thread to CGC - What the hell am I doing. If any of you have any contacts could you prod them in this direction please! Predict away guys - I'll save the show until most of you have done them just so we can keep this competition open! [/QUOTE]
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