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How was is supposed to know?

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Ok, so my PPV provider just dropped me. they warned me twice i needed to get my numbers up. the third "warning" was followed by an immediate termination of the contract. 2.43, 3.01, 3.42. I am sorry but that looks like improvement to me. the shows where rated C+, B, B+. I think the warning should include what i need to improve too, so that i am aware ahead of time if I have no chance of meeting the PPV companies expectation. Next if i have the contract, and they expect me to improve it should be a percentage based improvement. if I have the contract and my first ppv pulls a 2, but the network really want to be broad casting 8's, then tell me an 8 is required and you must show at least 50% increase until you reach this point now this is in most cases an unreasonable request. but atleast i know i am goign to get the axe. But if say I am pulling a 3 and the PPV company wants a minimum of 5 on thier net work they might let me know. hey the min is 5, but we will let you keep your slot as long as we see 20% growth per week until you hit 5. Has any one else had these problems had did you deal with them? Thank you for the Help
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The problem you run into is that in some databases (or maybe you set this up before game) a promotion has a ppv contract with a company it has no business having one with. Let's say your overness is only good in one or two regions but you have a huge ppv contract, there is no way you can produce buys to justify the contract. It would be like if OVW had a nation wide ppv deal. Of course that's going to get the ax. So the question is, what promotion are you, what is your overness like, and what ppv company are you with?
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[QUOTE=mistaken;353788]2.43, 3.01, 3.42. I am sorry but that looks like improvement to me. [/QUOTE] They didn't say that all you had to do was show an improvement to survive, so I'm afraid that argument lacks logic. If 3.42 is still a terrible rating for that network, then they're hardly going to congratulate you - "you've had three weeks and your ratings have gone from massively sucking to just really sucking, that's good enough for us....". See what I mean, it wouldn't make any sense? [QUOTE=mistaken;353788]the shows where rated C+, B, B+. I think the warning should include what i need to improve too, so that i am aware ahead of time if I have no chance of meeting the PPV companies expectation.[/QUOTE] How would it have made any difference? Whether or not you knew exactly what you had to get to wouldn't change anything at all about how your game progressed, either way you're still going to try and put on your best shows to save the deal. Therefore, logically, you would end up with the same result - if you failed to reach the target with your best effort when it was "hidden", your best isn't going to reach the target when it becomes "visible" either.
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no, i just feel like i did my best work only to have it blow up in my face. i am playing t-zone 1.1 as TNA. with the default PPV deals. is the fact that i have to PPV providers with over lapping coverage? if i had dropped one of the deals would i have been able to hold on to the other with my numbers? I just don't have a frame of reference. This is the first time I have run a large fed usually i am working from the bottom up and have not yet gotten to a sized where any one will give me any ppv.
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;353950]I don't play T-Zone as it's too large for my liking, but it's possible that the networks they have assigned just don't correspond with the overness level of TNA in that database. It may be a problem with the mod.[/QUOTE] it's not a problem with the mod. TEW doesn't correlate to how the real world actually works. Adam set up the game to run how he wanted it. Including things like difference in the ratings compared to the real world and TEW. Realistically TNA has those ppv deals and does fine. In TEW, it's not the same.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;354071]it's not a problem with the mod. TEW doesn't correlate to how the real world actually works. Adam set up the game to run how he wanted it. Including things like difference in the ratings compared to the real world and TEW. Realistically TNA has those ppv deals and does fine. In TEW, it's not the same.[/QUOTE] Then it's a problem with the mod... Mods should be designed to work within the game yes?
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It's a problem with the mod. The first thing a mod needs to do is bend reality a little to improve playability. It doesn't matter how realistic data is; if it doesn't play well in the game it's designed for, it's useless. The default data is designed to work with the game to maximize playability and the such; this is why I suggest playing it.
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I agree it is a problem with the mod. But with that particular mod the emphasis is on reality. So when you start a new game the first six months or so you will see the game making sometimes drastic changes to get the database to fit the game. I agree in most cases that a database should be designed to fit the game world, but in the case of T-Zone that's not the point.
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