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ReapeR's title belt RendeRs

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[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/NEWTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] Bad ass Render ReapeR! Thank you for making the little minor fix & thank you for rendering these 4 belts for me! You're great at what you do and I'm just happy to have some killer titles to look at now as I play with my New Era Wrestling Company. Thanks again!
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[quote=ReapeR;364961] I would like to do something here, If you guys would, I like to see your top 5 titles that I've rendered and why. Nothing elaborate, just you liked the plate design or the color flowed. Something like that. I'm curious to see how my top five matches up to yours.[/quote] I must say your work is just getting better and better with each belt. ok top 5 list.....kinda 5 [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/SWFMoneyChampionship.jpg[/IMG] I love the style of this belt, stands out 4 [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/UWAWorldChampion_alt.jpg[/IMG] I think this simplicity of this title makes it one of my favorites, not to mention it was one of the first that I was you made. 3 [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/NEWUndisputedWorld.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/NEWHighImpact.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/NEWAmerican.jpg[/IMG] they are just awsome looking belts, I like the birds on the front, really stands out 2 [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/336Championship.jpg[/IMG] just an awsome looking belt :) 1 [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/SouthsideHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/SouthsideTagTeam.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/SouthsideTV.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/SouthsideTexasHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] I love these(there for me), they just make my C-Verse experience just so much better thanks.
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Hey ReapeR, I see you've been keeping the high quality on every belt you make, kudos to you. Onto my request: - I saw how you handled the Rich Money and Jack Bruce titles, both came out great, so could you please make an alternate version of the SWF Title (the one you did) [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/SWF_Champion.jpg[/IMG] With a nWo feel, my new faction, Guns n' Beards, a D-Generation/nWo mixture, has just captured the gold, and they're remaking it, make it feel rude, crude, let your creativity flow. By the way, no rush, take your time, thanks.
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Ok, Reaper... the promotion is Elite Wrestling Association (EWA) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v246/Thegame83/ELITE-2.png[/IMG] is the logo... If you would be so kind, i would like [B]EWA World Heavyweight Championship [/B]- Old school feel, general shape of the old WCW CHampionship, (Not the Big Gold) [B]EWA North American Heavyweight Championship[/B] - your render of the WWE US title, with Canadian and US flags on it, is near perfect. Just slapa logo on it, and make it a little more true to the WWE's and its golden (And by that, i mean just make it a little smaller on the background) [B]EWA Cruiser-X Championship -[/B] A cross between a true WCW style Cruiserweight title (not in appearence) and the X-Division style (Again, not in apearence) 10% your creativity here [B]EWA World Tag Team Championship -[/B] Again, 100% go with your gut on creativity, you never cease to amaze with what you come up with! No Hurry, i know im last in line, butid love to see your take on these. Thanks in advance!
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[QUOTE=ReapeR;366497]I personally don't mind, but if it's a title that is used by someone else, might want to get there approval. Thanks[/QUOTE] I dont think they will be. They are just titles for the feds already put into TEW so its not like Im using someones created promotions titles.
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Hi ReapeR, Allow me to add my praises to the near-universal chorus of admiration to your belt work! All your belts have a realistic feel with the metallic colors and reflections and the three-dimensional appearance of your plates. It's very impressive! I keep waiting for the queue to thin down a bit before making requests, but given how popular your stuff is, I'm not sure it will! So I better get in line for a couple of my games: First off-- The New APWF: This is a resurrected (07/08) version of the old '75 C-verse fed. Logo [I](credit to Wildcat via request in logo thread)[/I]: [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/APWFNew.png[/IMG] Titles: APWF United States Heavyweight Title APWF Tag Team Heavyweight Title APWF Hardcore Title Use the stylized eagle in the logo as a primary theme where you can for these belts. Then-- International Wrestling Union: Think of it as a C-Verse version of the NWA. Logo: [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/IWULogo.jpg[/IMG] Titles: IWU Undisputed World Heavyweight Title IWU Undisputed World Tag Team Title IWU Undisputed Women's Title I really like the "three-globe" element in the logo and would want to see that as a primary element in these belts. I know that will give the belts an asymmetrical look to them, but I actually think that would be distinctive if done well. I know the requests are piling up, so I shall be patient. Many, many thanks in advance.
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I just wanted to bump this because it was falling down the page and I think everyone who hasn't seen your work needs to. They are really some of the best working belts I've ever seen. You put amazing detail into all of them and it really makes a differance. Oh and as soon as I decide to make my own fed I'll be sure to come to you for some belts =)
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i need some belt Here the logo of my fed: [attachment=1428:name] I need a : World Fight Club Champion North American Fight Club Champion World Fight Club Tag Team Champion Division X Fight Club Champion Hardcore Fight Club Champion 6 Men Tag Team Fight Club Champion Owen Hart Memorial Cup Fight Club Rumble Cup Thank You In Advance for your help
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How about just some high quality(shouldn't be hard seing what you've done allready)generic belts based on real titles? Everyone so far seems to be intrested in the traditional style belts you've done. I would like some of them for my game but the ones i want have other feds markings on them. just because they were a request dosen't mean you cant modify the design you made to suit anyone-no one- or every one.... just a thought for when the creative juices aren't flowing. By the way thanks for all your hard work!
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[QUOTE=Thevampire;357539]Hi can you make me a belt in the style of the one you did for me. ACE World and ACE Hardcore. I have one request can you make the ACE World Belt white? for the hardcore you can make what u want. thank again nikolaj[/QUOTE] Here is the World title. ACE World Championship [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/ACEWorldChampion.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=Clabobby;356279]Dude, you do awesome work. I was wondering if there's anyway you could make me a few belts for the dynasty fed I'm running? You can make it however you want. Fed is called Adrenaline Wrestling with its initials being AW. Fed colors are Black, Grey and Green and anything else associated with jolts of energy or adrenaline :-) AW Heavyweight Title AW Midwest Title AW LiveWire Title AW Tag Team Titles AW Continental Title I'd really appreciate it if you did these whenever. Thanks man.[/QUOTE] I know that you are next in line, however, I was working on yours and they kept coming out to cartoony. So I took a break and did the ACE belt. I'm still doing yours, just need to rethink my design for it.
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Just a few generic titles. Don't be surprised if your request comes from one of these. :) Generic World Heavyweight Championship V1 [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/GenericWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] Generic World Heavyweight Championship V2 [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/GenericWorldHeavyweight_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Generic World Junior Heavyweight Championship V1 [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/GenericWorldJuniorHvywt.jpg[/IMG] Generic World Junior Heavyweight Championship V2 [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/GenericWorldJuniorHvywt_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Generic World Tag Team Championship [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n230/jhall2129/TEW%20Title%20Belts/GenericWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG]
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