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Candice Michelle v [B]Melina[/B] [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes[/B] v Santino Marella and Charlie Hass [B]Carlito[/B] v Paul London [B]The Big Show[/B] v Chris Harris Shawn Michaels v [B]Shane McMahon[/B] Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy v [B]Randy Orton and Mr Kennedy [/B] thought i would take a shot at a guess. This is a great dynastie keep it up
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[QUOTE=Aqeric;432808] thought i would take a shot at a guess. This is a great dynastie keep it up[/QUOTE] Thanks man! :) [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;432751]now THAT my friends is how you write a show! great job![/QUOTE] Wow, thanks so much. That's a huge compliment to recieve. I do try put a lot of effort into writing the shows, so that means a lot.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] JR: We are less than one week away from the most extreme night of the year. This Sunday at One Night Stand, anything goes... and somebody is going to bleed! I’m Jim Ross alongside Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and King, last week we saw Shawn Michaels take another beating at the hands of Team McMahon. King: Right and tonight it could get worse for Shawn, as he takes on the general manager of Raw, Shane McMahon. JR: Remains to be seen how... *HEY* JR: Well... I guess we are being joined by the number one contender for this Sunday... the former WWE Champion... Randy Orton. King: And he has a smile on his face JR... almost as if he’s going to enjoy that first blood match this Sunday. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] Orton: This Sunday at One Night Stand will mark the second coming of the age of Orton! In the first blood match... I will make Chris Jericho bleed! Jericho... I am through playing games with you. At One Night Stand, I get back my WWE Title! You see, you are not championship material Jericho. You came back and talked about saving us all... JR: Well it seems the WWE Champion has had enough of listening to Orton... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] Jericho: Listen junior... shut the hell up! I am sick and tired of listening to you bore the hell out of everybody in here. As for me being championship material... I was the first ever Undisputed Champion! I proclaimed myself as the man who would save us all from you... and I did that! And this Sunday at One Night Stand... I am going to bust you wide open! I’m going to paint San Diego red with your blood Orton... and you will never... ever be the same again! JR: The tension is building for this Sunday! One Night Stand is going to be an extreme night! ----- JR: We’re back folks, and up next, Candice Michelle and Melina go one on one. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Candice_Michelle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Melina5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Candice Michelle v Melina[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Irish whip by Candice... Melina reverses it... and nails Candice with a back elbow. Melina now... oh! Nice reverse neckbreaker by Melina. King: And JR... we’ve seen Mickie James tear it up lately... do you think one of these divas will be the next to step into the ring with Mickie? JR: Could be. Night of Champions is just around the corner, and with Mickie already having disposed of Beth Phoenix and Victoria... a new challenger is going to be needed. King: And of course both these divas are former Women’s Champions. JR: Absolutely right. Melina is in charge now and... she’s got a hand full of hair... and Candice goes flying across the ring. Melina now, hooks the leg, 1-2... and Candice kicks out. King: And straight away Melina goes back to work on the neck. JR: Sound strategy by Melina. Candice manages to fight back to her feet... she rocks Melina with a right hand... and another... Candice sends Melina off the ropes... crossbody, Candice hooks the leg... 1... 2... and Melina kicks out! King: How close was that? JR: It was almost game over for Melina. Candice now... sends Melina to the corner... oh! Candice goes into the turnbuckle... and Melina comes out of the corner with a bulldog! King: Wow... JR: Melina hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. And Melina wins! Melina scores the victory. King: And could Melina be the one to challenge Mickie James at Night of Champions? [B]Melina beat Candice Michelle (C+)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon, Triple H and Mr Kennedy* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Alright listen... if I’m going out there tonight, I need to know you guys have my back. Kennedy: You got it boss... HHH: What about Big Show? Is he locked in? Shane: Don’t worry about him, OK? He’s got a match tonight, he’s occupied. HHH: Alright... but tonight... you better take care of Shawn. Shane: I got it, OK? HHH: You better... I’m want Shawn Michaels to be on his hands and knees at One Night Stand, begging for mercy. Shane: Don’t worry... after tonight, there’s going to be no chance in hell he even turns up at One Night Stand! King: It is not looking good for Shawn Michaels, JR. JR: Absolutely not, he has taken a lot of punishment in recent weeks... and Shane McMahon could be right, Shawn might not be able to go at One Night Stand. Well... we’ll see how that turns out later, but up next, Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes are in action against Charlie Hass and Santino Marella. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CodyRhodes21.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CharlieHass.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes v Charlie Hass and Santino Marella[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Tag made, in comes Santino. Santino... rocks Cody with a right hand. And in the corner... Santino just pummelling young Cody Rhodes. Cody now... trying to fight back... but Santino keeps him pinned in the corner and tags in Charlie Hass. King: And so far Santino and Hass have done a pretty good job of keeping Cody Rhodes away from Holly. JR: Cody sent to the corner... and he fires out with a clothesline! Both men down now... King: And that was the kind of big time move Cody needed to pull out the bag to get back in this match. JR: Hass tags in Santino... and Santino can’t stop Cody tagging in Holly. Holly in with right hands... down goes Santino... down goes Charlie Hass. Hass back up... off the ropes... back body drop! King: Hardcore Holly has come in as the fresh man and he is cleaning house out there. JR: Cody Rhodes back up... and he clotheslines Hass over the top rope. King: And that’s not good news for Santino... JR: Look out... oh! Alabama Slam! What impact to the head of Santino... here’s the cover, 1... 2... 3! Rhodes and Holly grab another win. King: I think the ref could’ve counted to 100. Santino was out! JR: And... well... it seems now we are being joined by the Canadian Bulldogs. These youngsters who have been challenging the champions in recent weeks... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/DHSmith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TJ_Wilson4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Natalya_Neidhart2.jpg[/IMG] Natalya: Guys... congratulations on your win. But last week... we issued a challenge for your titles. We are challenging you both to put up your titles at Night of Champions! King: It looks like... looks like Holly and Rhodes are accepting JR! Natalya: Good... now we have that settled it leaves me with one thing to say... at Night of Champions... your reign is over... and the Canadian Bulldogs are the new tag team champions! JR: Well King... the challenge has been made and accepted. At Night of Champions, Holly and Rhodes square off with the Canadian Bulldogs. [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes beat Santino Marella and Charlie Hass (C+)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Todd Grisham* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] Todd: Please welcome my guest at this time... the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels! And Shawn... I know these last few weeks have been tough on you... but do you enough left in the tank to first take on Shane McMahon... and then take on Triple H this Sunday at One Night Stand? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShawnMichaels2-1.jpg[/IMG] HBK: You know... the only thing keeping me going these last few weeks... is that at One Night Stand... I’m going to kick Triple H’s ass! Shane McMahon... you want to let your goons soften me up so you can have an easy match against me tonight? Well I’m sorry... but you plan backfired! I am more fired up to kick your ass tonight than I have been for a long time! And after I’m done with you Shane... Hunter... you’re next! JR: A lot of emotion there from Shawn, and a lot at stake tonight as he takes on Shane McMahon. King: Right and you have to believe Shane has something up his sleeve for Shawn Michaels. JR: I hate to think about that... but right now, here comes the Intercontinental Champion, Carlito. And he defends his title against one of the rising stars here on Raw, Paul London. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Intercontinental Title Match Carlito v Paul London[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: London sent to the corner... Carlito charges in... London gets his feet up... headscissor takedown from London. King, I think Carlito is rattled here. King: Well he said last week he had no competition, so the fact that Paul London is giving a real test tonight has got to be surprising to him. JR: It certainly seems that way, as London takes him down again with an armdrag. London back to his feet... hurricanrana! London has him down... 1... 2... no! Carlito barely kicks out... oh! King: And Carlito may have barely kicked out but he fired back with authority there. JR: Huge clothesline from Carlito has taken Paul London down again. King: And that is what Paul London seems to lack at times. He doesn’t have a whole lot of power behind him. JR: Carlito now... he has London up... going for a slam... London over the top... there’s a roll-up, 1... 2... no! Again Carlito just barely hangs on to his title. London now... sends Carlito to the corner... oh! London goes shoulder first into the corner... King: Backstabber! JR: Carlito with the backstabber! Hooks the leg, 1... 2... 3. God... he did it. King: And Carlito... he said he was better than all the competition... and I guess he just proved it once again. JR: And the champion now... grabbing a microphone... Carlito: Carlito told you all... there is nobody who can challenge Carlito for his Intercontinental Title! Paul London... you can beat all these other guys... but Carlito is too good for you all! Carlito will.... King: What? JR: Wait... it’s Lashley! Bobby Lashley! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] King: I thought he was injured? JR: bobby Lashley... is he back off the shelf? King: More importantly... is he challenging Carlito? JR: Carlito... I think Lashley is back and he’s after you! [B]Carlito beat Paul London (B)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Vince and Shane McMahon* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] Shane: You didn’t have to be here tonight, I mean I can handle it. Vince: I know you can but... I just wanted to be here in person to see it happen, that’s all. Shane: OK but... what do you want? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/William_Regal3.jpg[/IMG] Regal: Sorry to interrupt but... Mr McMahon... I know you fired me as Raw general manager and I realise I made a lot of mistakes but... could you please reconsider? Could I start working for you again? Vince: You want a job again do you? Regal: Yes sir. Shane: I’m not giving him a job... Vince: Alright Regal... I tell you what. You meet me at One Night Stand... and we might be able to figure something out, OK? Regal: Yes. Thank you Mr McMahon! King: What was that JR? JR: I have no idea King. I... I don’t know what Vince is up to. King: I guess we’ll find out at One Night Stand then. JR: Well... right now... Chris Harris is in action, looking to get back to winning ways, but he has to take on the Big Show. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Harris4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Harris v The Big Show[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Harris now... firing back. Chris Harris taking the fight to the Big Show... oh! Just like that, with one huge headbutt, Big Show sends Harris back to the mat again. King: But he’s not staying down JR... JR: Harris back to his feet... rights and lefts to the Big Show. Chris Harris... trying to send Big Show off the ropes... Show reverses it... Harris ducks the clothesline... and Harris finally knocks the big man off his feet! King: And that’s what Chris Harris has to do to win this match. He’s got to keep a fast pace and take it to Big Show. JR: He seems to be taking your advice King. Chris Harris... going to the top rope. I don’t think we’ve seen this from Harris since he’s been in the WWE. King: I don’t think so either... JR: Chris Harris... off the top rope... elbow drop connects! Harris hooks the leg... 1... 2... no! Big Show managed to power out of it. King: And Chris Harris... he looks like he might be all out of ideas Jr. JR: Harris... waiting for Big Show to get back on his feet. King: Not a smart move JR... JR: Harris off the ropes... oh no... Big Show... he has Harris by the throat... King: Chokeslam! JR: Chokelslam! My God what a chokeslam! Big Show with the cover... 1... 2... 3. King: What a great effort by Chris Harris but... Big Show was just too powerful. JR: And this is one mean, nasty, pissed off son of a gun. And he’s said week after week... he wants a title shot. [B]The Big Show beat Chris Harris (A)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Maria* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MariaKanellis2.jpg[/IMG] Maria: Please welcome my guests at this time, Randy Orton and Mr Kennedy! Orton, Kennedy, tonight you two team up to face Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy. But in the past, you two haven’t exactly got on all that well. Can you two work together tonight against the men you’ll be facing at One Night Stand? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] Kennedy: You know... even though we haven’t gotten on all that well... we both know, that tonight we can do both ourselves a huge favour going into One Night Stand. Orton: That’s right. Tonight... we’re going to take out Jeff Hardy and Chris Jericho. We’re going to destroy those two. And then at One Night Stand... we’ll both have easy matches. And when tonight is over... you’ll see exactly how well we get along. JR: It could be a long night for Jericho and Hardy... but it could be also be a long night for Shawn Michaels. He is going one on one with Shane McMahon... but I can’t believe for a second that’s how this is going to go down. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShawnMichaels2-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shawn Michaels v Shane McMahon[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Michaels... he can barely stand right now. He’s using the turnbuckle to keep himself upright but... King: Shane is just raining those right hands down on Shawn. JR: Shawn Michaels is almost an easy target. He’s taken so much punishment these last few weeks... another right hand from Shane. And Michaels goes down now. King: Shane said he would take care of business for Triple H and... you got to say... he’s doing right now. JR: Shane now... slams Michaels to the mat. Shawn Michaels is down, he is hurt... and now Shane is going to the top rope. King: I don’t know how much more of this Shawn can take... JR: Shane McMahon... off the top rope... nobody home! Shane went for the elbow and missed! Now can Michaels somehow rally and get back in this thing? King: Both men trying to get back on their feet... JR: Right hand from Shane... Michaels answers back. Both men now... trading right hands. Michaels ducks the right hand... sweet chin music! Sweet chin music! Out of nowhere! King: Unbelievable! JR: My God how did he manage to do that? Shawn Michaels was almost out on his feet... and now both men are down. King: And JR... can Shawn Michaels get back to his feet first? JR: It’ll be a miracle if he manages to do it. Shane... he can barely stand... here comes Shawn... hey, what... Shane grabbed hold of the ref! Shawn was going for... oh! Low blow from McMahon! The ref never saw it! Low blow by Shane. King: It looked like Shawn Michaels was about to deliver sweet chin music again but... JR: What a coward McMahon is! He grabbed the ref and... oh no. Shane... he’s getting Shawn up in the corner. King: Not that JR... JR: Shane McMahon... he looking to go coast to coast here. Shane... on the top rope... King: Incoming! JR: Oh! My God! My GOD! Shane went coast to coast! My God what impact! King: I think it’s over JR... JR: Shane with the cover... 1... 2... kick out Shawn... 3! Dammit! Shawn Michaels just got robbed! Shawn was about to finish off Shane, and a low blow... Shawn Michaels has been robbed here! King: Well... it was a great match but... I can’t believe Shane managed to pull out a victory. [B]Shane McMahon beat Shawn Michaels (A*)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Triple H and Vince McMahon* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] Vince: Did you see that? I mean... he did it. HHH: I know. Did you see Michaels? He was out. Vince: Yeah... yeah. Wow... HHH: Anyway... what’s this thing with Regal? You got something planned? Vince: I do. I do... but I can’t tell you about it right now. HHH: Oh like that is it? Vince: I’m afraid so. Anyway... I’m going to take off. Tell Shane I said he was great. HHH: Alright. King: Even Triple H doesn’t know what’s going on with Vince and Regal. JR: Well... I still can’t for the life of me figure it out but... it must be something big. Up next folks, the tag team main event, Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy taking on Randy Orton and Mr Kennedy. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy5_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy v Randy Orton and Mr Kennedy[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Jericho makes the tag... Jeff goes to the top rope... and he comes down across the arm of Orton. Jericho and Hardy have proved quite the team so far, as they go to work on the shoulder of Randy Orton. King: And JR, we talked about the fact that Orton and Kennedy wanted to try soften up Jericho and Hardy for One Night Stand... that can go both ways too. JR: Certainly could. Jericho could do some real damage to the arm of Randy Orton, as could Jeff Hardy do some damage to Mr Kennedy... and just as I say that, Randy Orton nails Hardy with a clothesline. King: And now Orton is able to tag in Kennedy... JR: Kennedy comes in... and greets Jeff with a boot to the face. Hardy sent to the corner... Hardy to the top rope... whisper in the wind! Hardy with the whisper in the wind! King: Great move by Jeff but... both men are hurt after that. JR: Both men trying to reach their corners... here comes Orton... here comes Jericho! Jericho is in... down goes Orton! Down goes Kennedy! Jericho now... sends Kennedy off the ropes... Kennedy ducks... Kennedy goes for the mic check... no... reversal... King: Walls of Jericho! JR: Walls of Jericho! Jericho has it locked in! Oh! Orton with the save! Orton made the save. Here comes Hardy... RKO! RKO! King: Oh my God! JR: Orton with the RKO! Hooks the leg.... 1... 2... 3. Randy Orton gets the win. King: Orton has just laid out both Jericho and Hardy... JR: God... it was a hell of a match! For the second week in a row, Randy Orton has RKO’ed Jeff Hardy and now... Orton has a chair. What the hell is this? King: Uh... we need some help out here. JR: Orton... no! Don’t do this! No! Oh! Orton just nailed Jericho with the chair! Dammit! You son of a bitch! King: What a shot that was... JR: Oh! Another shot with the chair! Dammit Orton! What the... King: God look at Jericho... JR: Chris Jericho is busted open! Jericho is a bloody mess! Randy Orton has busted open Chris Jericho! Is this what’s in store this Sunday at One Night Stand?! [B]Randy Orton and Mr Kennedy beat Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy (A)[/B] ----- [SIZE="1"]Melina beat Candice Michelle (C+) Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes beat Charlie Hass and Santino Marella (C+) Carlito beat Paul London (B) The Big Show beat Chris Harris (A) Shane McMahon beat Shawn Michaels (A*) Randy Orton and Mr Kennedy beat Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy (A)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: A[/B]  
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW Preview[/B] [B]Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards v Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox[/B] [SIZE="1"]After Knox and Thorn seemed to be having their way with the Orignals, Mahoney and Richards haev been firing back in recent weeks with a string of wins. It all ends tonight as they face each other one last time. Which team will come out on top?[/SIZE] [B]Nunzio v Paul Burchill[/B] [SIZE="1"]So far Tommy Dreamer has been the only man to pin Burchill, having done so twice. Tonight, Burchill looks to take his frustrations out on little Nunzio. Can the Italian pull of a huge upset win? Or will Burchill remind everyone why he is the Extreme Monster?[/SIZE] [B]The Miz v John Morrison[/B] [SIZE="1"]These two former partners have been brawling with each other for weeks, with it all coming down to this showdown. Miz has had success by attacking Morrison from behind, but Tuesday Night Delight is a former ECW Champion and is out for revenge. Which one of these former partners will emerge victorious?[/SIZE] [B]Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke v Tommy Dreamer and CM Punk[/B] [SIZE="1"]Burke and Benjamin have had it rough lately, and it could get worse tonight as they team to take on their respective opponents at One Night Stand. The ECW Champion will be out to prove this is his show, but he will be vary of the fact Tommy Dreamer is dying to get his hands on him. Elijah Burke has has a knack of pulling victotries out of nowhere, and he could do it again tonight. Which team is going to head into One Night Stand with all the momentum? And what role will Hardcore Legend Mick Foley play in it all?[/SIZE] ----- Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards v Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox Nunzio v Paul Burchill The Miz v John Morrison Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke v Tommy Dreamer and CM Punk
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[B]Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards[/B] v Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox Nunzio v [B]Paul Burchill[/B] The Miz v [B]John Morrison[/B] [B]Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke[/B] v Tommy Dreamer and CM Punk
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] Styles: This Sunday will be one of the most extreme nights in WWE history! Hell everyone, welcome to ECW on Sci-FI! Tonight, we continue the march towards One Night Stand, with another huge tag team main event. Tazz: That’s right Joey. Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke step into the ring against CM Punk and Tommy Dreamer. Styles: We also have John Morrison and The Miz finally getting into the ring together... but kicking things off tonight, the ECW Originals Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards have been on a roll lately. They are in tag team action against Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Balls_Mahoney.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/StevenRichards.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KevinThorn101.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Mike_Knox2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards v Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox[/B][/CENTER] *We join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Know now... pumphandle slam... Richards down the back, rolls him up, 1-2... and Thorn makes the save. Tazz: Look out! Styles: Mahoney comes in... and he goes straight after Thorn! This has descended into a war now! Tazz: We got all four guys going at each other here! Styles: Bodies are flying all over the place! Richards... he goes over the top rope to the floor! Tazz: And that means Balls is alone with two guys. Styles: Mike Knox... misses with the right hand... Balls has him up... spinebuster! Mahoney takes down Knox... goes for the cover, 1... 2... and Thorn again makes the save! Tazz: Well you know I’m rooting for the Originals, and they’ve been close a couple of times now. Styles: Thorn now... he has a hold of Balls... Tazz: Oh no not this... Styles: Thorn... he has Balls up... crucifix powerbomb! Kevin Thorn with the... Richards with a kick! Stevie Richards with a superkick to Thorn! Tazz: Here’s the cover... Styles: 1... 2... 3! They did it! The Originals did it! Tazz: Alright! Mahoney and Richards, one more time baby! Styles: The ECW Originals continue this hot streak they’ve been on! [B]Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards beat Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox (C)[/B] ---- *We cut backstage to Mick Foley* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] Foley: Can I help you? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ArmandoAlejandroEstrada.jpg[/IMG] Estrada: Listen amigo. I heard what you said last week to Shelton Benjamin. Now... he may think it’s his show... and you might think it’s your show... but you understand this... this is my show! I am the general manager of ECW! I make all the decisions around here. You understand me amigo? Foley: Well first of all... I never said this is my show. And I realise you are the general manager of ECW but... I hate to tell you this Estrada but... you’re doing a really lousy job! I mean... you go out of your way to keep Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke on top. You do everything you can to put down anybody who stands up to you... and I don’t think you should be allowed to do that anymore. Estrada: Oh really? Well... after you lose this Sunday... I don’t want to see you on ECW ever again! You understand that amigo? Foley: I get you. Oh... Estrada... have a nice day! Tazz: Haha. I love having Mick Foley back around here. Styles: But what is going to happen this Sunday? Will we see Mick Foley as the new ECW Champion? Tazz: As long as Shelton Benjamin isn’t champion anymore I’ll be happy. Styles: Well up next, Paul Burchill looks to get back to winning ways as he takes on Nunzio. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/LittleGuido.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nunzio v Paul Burchill[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Nunzio now... to the second rope... oh my... Burchill caught him in mid air... spinebuster! Tazz: God he broke Nunzio in half! Styles: Paul Burchill... it’s all power from that man. He has just blown his way throw the competition here on ECW. Tazz: Except for Tommy Dreamer that is. Styles: Tommy Dreamer still remains the only man to have pinned Paul Burchill since he made his debut here on Sci-Fi. Tazz: And so far it’s not looking like Nunzio is going to change that. Styles: Certainly not... and the end could be near for Nunzio. Burchill has him set up... it’s your call Tazz... Tazz: C4 baby! Styles: Oh! C4 connects! Paul Burchill... hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. Paul Burchill... back to what he does best. Just absolutely dominating people. Tazz: I’m going to say it right now... and I know he has his problems with Tommy Dreamer... but Paul Burchill could be an ECW Champion one day... [B]Paul Burchill beat Nunzio (C+)[/B] ----- *We cut backstage to Anastacia Rose* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AnastaciaRose-11.jpg[/IMG] Rose: Please welcome my guests at this time, the Elijah Burke and the ECW Champion, Shelton Benjamin. Burke, Benjamin, tonight you step into the ring to take on CM Punk and Tommy Dreamer. With you both in action this Sunday against these two men, do you feel like you can gain an advantage going into One Night Stand? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] Benjamin: You know what? We don’t need to gain no advantages. You see... I’m going to beat those two old fools Foley and Dreamer... and I know Burke’s got CM Punk. Burke: Exactly. You see, we are dominating ECW right now. No-one can touch us. And this Sunday... when it’s all over... we still going to be the ones in control. Tazz: I didn’t think it was possible but I hate those two guys even more than I normally do. Styles: This Sunday promises to be a big night for Burke and Benjamin... but right now, here comes John Morrison and Kelly Kelly. Morrison is in action as he takes on his former tag team partner, The Miz. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/themiz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnMorrison-11.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Miz v John Morrison[/B][/CENTER] *We join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Morrison off the ropes... ducks underneath the clothesline... Morrison nails a spinning heel kick. Morrison now... standing moonsault connects. Hooks the leg, 1-2... and Miz gets the shoulder up. Tazz: Well these two were a pretty good tag team, they were tag team champions of course... but they’ve been dying to get a hold of each other for weeks now. Styles: Absolutely right Tazz. Morrison... Irish whip... Miz reverses it... and... well Layla just grabbed a hold of Morrison’s foot. What was... Tazz: Look out, here comes Kelly Kelly! Styles: Catfight! Catfight! Kelly Kelly taking it to Layla! Tazz: God look at these two go! Styles: Miz looking on... Morrison from behind with the roll up... 1... 2... and Miz kicks out. Miz back up... nails Morrison with a hard clothesline. Tazz: This match is so back and forth. These tow being partners, they gotta know each other inside out. Styles: Miz now... I think he just called for the reality check. Tazz: This could be it Joey... Styles: Miz... no... Morrison reverses it... corkscrew neckbreaker! Morrison connects! Hooks the leg, 1... 2... 3! Tazz: Alright! John Morrison for the win! Styles: Tuesday Night Delight John Morrison gets a measure of revenge on his former tag team partner Miz! [B]John Morrison beat The Miz (B-)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Mick Foley, CM Punk and Tommy Dreamer* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] Foley: Alright guys listen. Now we know what this Sunday is all about. We’re in this for the good of ECW. The legacy, the history of this brand... it can’t be tarnished anymore. Punk: Listen guys... I’ll make sure Elijah Burke is so beat up he can’t get back on his feet. You guys just make sure one of you brings back the title. Dreamer: Mick... if isn’t me... it has to be you. Foley: Punk... Dreamer... I guarantee... at One Night Stand... we’re all going to have a nice day! No get out there and show those two what’s in store for them this Sunday. Styles: And just as Mick Foley said, our main event is next. Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke take on Tommy Dreamer and CM Punk. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke v Tommy Dreamer and CM Punk[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Punk ducks the right hand... oh! Huge kick to the head of Burke! Tazz: When these two meet this Sunday, it’s going to be a last man standing match. That kick right there could put Burke down for a ten count. Styles: Both men are down right now... Burke has barely moved since he took that shot. Punk... he crawls to his corner and tags in Tommy Dreamer. Here comes Dreamer... oh! Benjamin... off the top rope... he’s not the legal man, but he just nailed Tommy Dreamer with a roundhouse of the top rope. Tazz: What was that all about? I mean... Dreamer and Burke are the legal men... Styles: Here comes Punk... dropkick takes down Benjamin. Punk and Benjamin, neither man is legal in this match right now. Tazz: I don’t think they care right now Joey. This is a battle! Styles: Benjamin sends Punk to the corner... Benjamin goes for the knee... Punk ducks... wait, he has Benjamin set up... GTS! CM Punk hits the GTS on Shelton Benjamin! Tazz: Look out for Burke... Styles: Burke is up... he swings at Punk... Punk ducks... again, he has Burke up... GT... no! Burke down the back, the roll up... Tazz: He’s got the tights! Styles: 1... 2... 3! Burke had a handful of tights! C’mon ref! Tazz: God I... I can’t believe it! Styles: Once again, Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke walk out with a win. Tazz: I hope this isn’t what we’re going to see this Sunday. Styles: Join us for One Night Stand folks. It’s going to be extreme! [B]Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke beat Tommy Dreamer and CM Punk (B+)[/B] ----- [SIZE="1"]Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards beat Kevin Thorn and Mike Knox (C) Paul Burchill beat Nunzio (C+) John Morrison beat The Miz (B-) Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke beat Tommy Dreamer and CM Punk (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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OK there probably aren't that many people reading this anymore, what with TEW08 coming out and such. I myself want to start a new dynasty with the new game, but I want to finish this off first. So with 1 more Smackdown before One Night Stand, this is enarly done. So thanks to everyone who has ever read, or predicted or offered some comments on this.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JonathanCoachman.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Welcome to show that’s changing Friday Nights! One Night Stand is 48 hours away, and tonight, we preview the most extreme night in WWE history! Hello everyone, I’m Michael Cole with as always Jonathan Coachman, and Coach, as we went off the air last week your buddy MVP did not look like championship material. Coach: What?! What the hell kind of statement is that? He beat Kane, then got jumped from behind by The Undertaker. Cole: Well he was motionless on the mat as Smackdown ended last week... and this man made a huge return last week! It’s Rey Mysterio and... Chavo Guerrero is coming out with him. Coach: These two deserve each other if you ask me. Mysterio is a coward, and Chavo is the most untrustworthy guy I’ve ever met. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] Rey: You know... these last few months have been pretty rough on me. What with Vickie Guerrero not listening to me over Edge... and then Chavo coming back and saying he was on side... I had a lot to deal with. I just needed to go away and think things through. But I watched this show week after week... and I heard all the things Edge said about me. And Edge... I accept your challenge! Cole: Wow! That means this Sunday, we’re going to have Edge against Rey Mysterio! Rey: And Edge... you said if I showed up last week I could pick the kind of match we have. So... since you always like to have those two jerks Hawkins and Ryder get involved... I decided you and me are going to have a cage match! Cole: Alright! Edge and Rey inside a cage! Rey: And Edge... there’s something you better realise. That means, when it comes down to it... Cole: Uh oh. Wait a second... Coach: Business just picked up! Cole: Here comes Edge and the Edge-heads! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CurtHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ZachRyder.jpg[/IMG] Edge: Rey... first let me say it’s nice of you to finally show up. I mean... you let me kick Chavo’s ass week after week without doing anything. And now look at you... standing side by side in the ring. But I know... that both of you have doubts at the back of your minds about whether or not you can trust the other guy. Coach: Very good point... Edge: it wasn’t so long ago... that Chavo cost you the title... and then nearly ended your career Rey. And now... I’m supposed to believe that you two are working together? Well let me say this... I’m so glad right now that I dumped that bitch Vickie at the alter! Cole: Now c’mon. That’s uncalled for. Edge: And this Sunday... I’m going to end this Rey. I’m going to destroy you. And when I’m done... I’m coming after you Chavo. Rey: Well... let me say this. This Sunday... it’s going to be me and you... and those two idiots aren’t going to be there to help you. I trust Chavo... but I hate you Edge! Cole: Strong words from Rey Mysterio! That match is set folks. Rey and Edge inside a cage this Sunday at One Night Stand! ----- Cole: Welcome back folks, up next, the United states Champion Matt Hardy is in action, as he takes on the so far winless Matt Bentley. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Matt_Bentley2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matt Hardy v Matt Bentley[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Bentley now... he has that headlock on tight... but Hardy counters with a side suplex. Hardy now hitting Bentley with right hands... and takes him down with a side Russian leg sweep. Coach: And even though he hasn’t scored a win yet, I have been impressed with Matt Bentley. He has the tools to take him far here on Smackdown. Cole: Certainly does, but it’s Hardy that’s in control right now. Hardy to the second rope... elbow connects. Hardy, hooks the leg, 1-2... and Bentley kicks out. Hardy now... waiting for Bentley to get back on his feet... Coach: He’s looking for the side effect... Cole: But Bentley had it scouted. Bentley with the roll up, 1-2... and Matt Bentley almost had his first won on Smackdown over the United States Champion. Coach: This match, full of counters, full of reversals... Cole: And there’s another one as Hardy ducks the right hand... and nails the side effect! Hardy hooks the leg, 1-2... and this time it’s Bentley holding on. Coach: Also has a lot of near falls in this match... Cole: Hardy... again waiting for Bentley to get back on his feet... Hardy with the Irish whip... Bentley reverses... Hardy reverses that... twist of fate! Coach: Game over! Cole: Matt Hardy with the twist of fate! Hooks the leg, 1... 2... 3. Matt Hardy gets the win. Coach: Once again I give credit to the effort of Matt Bentley but... the United States Champion is on a roll right now. [B]Matt Hardy beat Matt Bentley (C+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Eve Torres* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/EveTorres11.jpg[/IMG] Eve: Please welcome my guest at this time... he is the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Title... Montel Vontavious Porter... MVP. MVP, last week you and Mark Henry attacked Kane... only for The Undertaker to come out and chokeslam you. After what happened last week, do you still feel like you can beat The Undertaker in the casket match? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] MVP: Of course I do! Listen girl, you got to understand this... anybody can attack anybody when they turn out the lights on you. But this Sunday at One Night Stand, The Undertaker is the one that’s going to be seeing black. See, I’m going to lock him in that casket... and then I will be the new World Heavyweight Champion. And then I’ll prove to each and every member of the Smackdown roster... that I’m better than them. Coach: I can’t wait to see it happen! This Sunday, we’re going to have a new World Heavyweight Champion! Cole: It could happen, but the casket match is The Undertaker’s speciality match. He goes into this one as the favourite. But up next folks, with the Cruiserweight Title on the line this Sunday in a tables match, we have a preview tonight as Billy Kidman takes on Jimmy Wang Yang. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Billy_Kidman3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Jimmy_Yang.jpg[/IMG] [B]Billy Kidman v Jimmy Wang Yang[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Kidman... plants Jimmy with that slam. Kidman now... going to the top rope... Coach: I think it could be time to end this Cole. Cole: Billy Kidman... going for the shooting star... nobody home! Jimmy Wang Yang just barely got out of the way. It would’ve been over if that had connected. Coach: Now is the time for Jimmy to make his move, otherwise he’s going to see this match slip away. Cole: Jimmy back to his feet... sends Kidman to the corner... Jimmy follows him in... monkey flip sends Kidman flying! Jimmy now... Coach: Now why is he taking a chance off the top rope after what we just saw happen to Kidman? Cole: They’re cruiserweights, it’s what they do. Jimmy... going for the moonsault... oh! Nobody home! Kidman managed to get out the way. Both men taking high risks and both missing. Coach: I told you! That was a dumb move by Jimmy. Cole: Kidman now... he has Jimmy up.... facebuster! Great move by Kidman. Hooks the leg, 1... 2... 3. Billy Kidman takes advantage of Jimmy Wang Yang’s missed moonsault and gets the win. Coach: now you see, if Jimmy Wang Yang had listened to me, he’d have won this match. Cole: And what is going to happen this Sunday when these two meet in the 4 way tables match with Brian Kendrick’s Cruiserweight Title on the line? [B]Billy Kidman beat Jimmy Wang Yang (C+)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Teddy Long and Rey Mysterio* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] Teddy: Rey... good to have you back man. Rey: Thanks Teddy, it’s good to be back. Teddy: Now... are you sure you and Edge in a cage match is a good idea? I mean... I’ll sign off on the match if you want me to but... I don’t know if all that smart, you dig? Rey: Listen Teddy... we both know that at One Night Stand anything goes. And that means Hawkins and Ryder getting involved in my match. So I’m not going to give them the chance to stop me giving Edge the beating he deserves. Teddy: You sure? Rey: Yeah I’m sure. Teddy: Alright then. It’s official. You and Edge... one on one... inside a cage at One Night Stand. Rey: Thanks Teddy... Teddy: Hey... good luck playa. Cole: Well there you have it folks, it’s official. Edge and Rey at One Night Stand. Coach: good. I’m glad it’s official. That means Rey can’t chicken out of it once he realises what a huge mistake he’s made by agreeing to this match. Cole: Rey’s not going to back out, it was his idea. Coach: Cleary Rey is not thinking straight, or else he’d understand how much of a disadvantage he’s at. Cole: Well... we’ll discuss this more later. But up next, the tag team champions Deuce and Domino are in action, as the take on newcomers Kofi Kingston and Ron Killings. And if the newcomers win, they’ll receive a title shot next week on Smackdown. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimmySnukaJr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Domino.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Ron_Killings.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kofi_Kingston3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Deuce and Domino v Ron Killings and Kofi Kingston[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Domino sent off the ropes... powerslam by Killings! Tag made, here comes Kofi Kingston. Kingston... goes to the top rope... leg drop connects! Kingston hooks the leg, 1-2... and Deuce makes the save. Coach: Even though these guys have only been here on Smackdown for a couple of weeks, I’ve been impressed by what they can do. Cole: There seems to be a good balance between the power of the big man Killings and the quickness and agility of Kofi Kingston. Coach: Right and they could one day earn that shot at the titles... Cole: Oh! Coach: But after seeing that, I don’t think it’s going to happen tonight. Cole: Kingston was going for a bulldog I think, and Deuce managed to grab hold of Domino, sending Kofi flying to the mat. Tag made, in comes Deuce. Deuce now... sends Kofi to the corner... Deuce runs into a boot... elbow to Domino. Kofi now... sunset flip, shoulders down, 1-2... and Deuce barely kicks out. Coach: That was almost it right there... Cole: And there’s a tag, in comes Ron Killings. Killings... rocks Deuce with a right hand... down goes Domino. Killings off the ropes... hey! Cherry... she grabbed hold of Killings as he... Coach: Look out... Cole: From behind, Domino with the roll up... 1... 2... he’s got the tights... 3! Deuce and Domino steal one! Coach: And that’s why they’re the tag team champions. They do whatever it takes to win! Cole: Well they got a huge assist from Cherry tonight, and Kingston and Killings... well I guess they’ll need to wait for their shot at the tag team titles. [B]Deuce and Domino beat Ron Killings and Kofi Kingston (C)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Edge and the Edge-heads* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CurtHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ZachRyder.jpg[/IMG] Hawkins: Boss... what we going to this Sunday? Ryder: Yeah I mean... we never talked about you taking on Rey inside a cage. Edge: Shut up! Both of you... just shut up. Look... I’ll take care of it, OK? Haven’t I always taken care of things? Ryder: Yeah but... a cage match? Edge: Look... alright I’ll admit, I never thought Rey would choose a cage match. But... hang on... I got an idea. Hawkins: What is it? Edge: Don’t worry about that... I’ll find you guys later, OK? Cole: What does Edge have in mind? Coach: I don’t know but I’m sure it’s going to be bad news for Rey Mysterio! Cole: Well... it remains to be seen what happens next between Rey and Edge. Up next, the Cruiserweight Champion Brian Kendrick is in action, as he takes on Jamie Noble. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Spanky.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JamieNoble.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brian Kendrick v Jamie Noble[/B] [/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Kendrick firs out of the corner with a right hand. Noble fires back with a right hand of his own. Kendrick swings again... Noble ducks, rolls him up... 1-2... Kendrick rolls through, 1-2... now Noble does, 1-2... and finally Kendrick kicks out. Coach: And that is what the Cruiserweight division is al about. One second they’re knocking hell out of each other, the next it’s all athleticism. Cole: Noble now... sends Kendrick off the ropes... Kendrick... hurricanrana! Here’s the cover, 1-2... and Noble kicks out. Coach: These two are going all out on this one. Cole: Kendrick now... ducks a right hand... victory roll! 1-2... and Noble reverses, 1-2... and Kendrick kicks out. Coach: how many pinfalls have we seen in this match? This is crazy... Cole: Oh! Just like that, Jamie Noble nails Kendrick with a clothesline. There was some impact on that one. Noble now... he has Kendrick up... sends him to the corner... Noble runs into an elbow. Kendrick... bulldog! Coach: And the end could be near for Jamie Noble! Cole: Brian Kendrick... he has Noble by the head... runs him into the corner... sliced bread connects! Kendrick hooks the leg, 1... 2... 3! Brian Kendrick gets the win! Coach: And tonight, we have seen two great Cruiserweight matches. This four way tables match this Sunday at One Night Stand is shaping up to be one hell of a match. [B]Brian Kendrick beat Jamie Noble (C+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Montel Vontavious Porter and Mark Henry* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] MVP: Hey... hey. Where you at man? I’ve been looking for you all night. Listen man... you know what we talked about last week. I need it done... tonight. I want you to go out there... and take The Undertaker out. You got me? I ain’t playin games with him no more. You got out there tonight, and you bury The Undertaker. You understand me? Cole: Well folks that match, The Undertaker one on one with Mark Henry is set to come later tonight, but it seems MVP is trying to fire up Henry. Coach: Right and if Henry can cause some damage to the Deadman, it could be a huge benefit to MVP ahead of One Night Stand. Cole: One Night Stand is less than 48 hours away... but right now, here comes Finlay. The Belfast Brawler is in action, as he takes on the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]Finlay v Umaga[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Umaga now... sends Finlay to the corner... Coach: Look out... Cole; Oh! Nobody home, as Umaga goes into the turnbuckle. Finlay now, hitting Umaga with boots and right hands... but look at the power of Umaga, as he just pushes him away. Coach: Normally when you see Finlay, you know he’s a real tough guy, you like his chances in winning a fight... but not against a guy like Umaga. Cole: Finlay charges at Umaga... oh! Samoan drop! Devastating move! Coach: I think it’s over Cole. Cole: 1... 2... hey! What the... Umaga just pulled Finlay’s shoulders off the mat. What the hell did he do that for? Coach: Uh... well... oh wait, now I see it. Umaga wants to punish Finlay more. He wants to crush him, just like he’s crushed everyone else he’s faced since he came to Smackdown. Cole: Umaga... sends Finlay to the corner... oh! This time Umaga connects. Finlay is down hurt. Coach: And look at the look on that damn leprechauns face! He looks like he’s going to cry. Cole: Little Hornswoggle... oh no. Not this. Umaga... he has Finlay up... Coach: Haha! See ya Finlay! Cole: Oh! Samoan spike! Devastating move! Umaga with the cover, 1... 2... 3. It’s over folks, Umaga once again in dominant fashion destroys another member of the Smackdown roster. Coach: You know... last week we saw Umaga assault Matt Hardy... and I have to believe... Cole: Hey! Wait... it’s Matt Hardy! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Hardy into the ring... nailing Umaga with right hands! Hardy... goes for the twist of fate... oh no, Umaga blocks it... Samoan spike! Dammit! Coach: Haha! I can’t believe it! Matt Hardy tried to jump Umaga, and he wound up getting the Samoan spike again! Cole: Matt Hardy tried to get a measure of revenge on Umaga for last week... but he ended up tasting the Samoan spike for the second week in a row. [B]Umaga beat Finlay (B+)[/B] ---- Cole: We’re back folks, and right now... we have Mark Henry making his way towards the ring. Mark Henry, whose task is a simple one. Cause as much damage as you can to The Undertaker. Coach: And Cole... do you see what’s making it’s way down the ramp? Cole: Well it’s... it’s MVP and a casket! Coach: I love it! We’re going to get a preview of this Sunday tonight! Cole: What the hell is MVP doing out here with a casket? [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkCalloway.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Undertaker v Mark Henry[/B][/CENTER] Cole: Undertaker... on the top rope... old school! Taker comes down across the back of Henry. Coach: God I... MVP... you better get Henry back in shape here. This not a god place to be in. Cole: MVP has been at ringside for the duration of this match, as has that casket that MVP brought down to the ring. Undertaker and Henry, both on the outside now. Taker... sets Henry up... legdrop on the apron to Henry. Coach: I really thought that Henry would... Cole: Oh! MVP got a little too close, and Undertaker rocked him with a right hand! Coach: He has no business putting his hands on MVP like that! MVP is just watching the match. Undertaker should be disqualified for that! Cole: I guess he was just making sure MVP didn’t get involved. Coach: You’re always sticking up for The Undertaker! You go around calling yourself an impartial broadcast journalist, you are the most biased person I have ever met. Cole: What?! You’re the one who campaigned for MVP to get a title shot! It’s your fault he has to take him on in a casket match! Coach: That has nothing to do with this! Cole: Yeah right! Anyway... Taker now... rolls Henry back into the ring... and the end is near for Mark Henry! Coach: I hate it when he makes that sign! Cole: The Undertaker... looking for a tombstone I think. Coach: There’s no way he can get him up... Cole: Oh my... Coach: I can’t believe it! Cole: The Undertaker... he has Henry up... tombstone! Tombstone by... and from behind MVP attacks! Coach: Oh! That was a real hard chair shot from MVP... Cole: I think The Undertaker could be out cold! Taker... he’s out. Coach: And I just saw MVP pointing at that casket! He’s going to put The Undertaker in that casket! Cole: MVP... and Mark Henry now, getting back to his feet. Henry and MVP... rolling Undertaker towards that casket. Coach: This is what you’re going to see this Sunday. This Sunday we are going to have a new World Heavyweight... no! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/GlenJacobs2.jpg[/IMG] Cole: It’s Kane! Kane was in the casket! Kane has MVP by the throat... chokeslam! Chokeslam! Kane chokeslammed MVP! Coach: Where the hell did he come from?! Cole: Kane was in the casket! Kane has just saved his brother! Coach: I... I can’t... Cole: For the second week in a row, Coach is speechless.... and MVP is down! The Undertaker and MVP will meet this Sunday in a casket match! Join us live on pay per view... for One... Night... Stand! [B]The Undertaker beat Mark Henry by DQ (B)[/B] ----- [SIZE="1"]Matt Hardy beat Matt Bentley (C+) Billy Kidman beat Jimmy Wang Yang (C+) Deuce and Domino beat Ron Killings and Kofi Kingston (C) Brian Kendrick beat Jamie Noble (C+) Umaga beat Finlay (B+) The Undertaker beat Mark Henry by DQ (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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[QUOTE=The Human Cancer;434471]All hail king iMac! I really enjoyed your job man, you're a hero![/QUOTE] Haha thanks for that man. [QUOTE=Aqeric;435042]Thanks for the great dynastie for sure can not wait to read the next one[/QUOTE] Your welcome and thank you for reading! [QUOTE=W3LSHY;435116]Haven't left feeback on this diary [U]ever[/U] I don't think, but I have been reading most of it. You did a good job man, looking forward to your next diary ;).[/QUOTE] Thanks for that and I hope you enjoy my next one too. Just to say, I've nearly finished writing One Night Stand so I'll get that up soon and then it's on to something new! :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20PPV/One_Night_Stand_2008.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]One Night Stand Preview[/B] [B]Last Man Standing Match Elijah Burke v CM Punk[/B] [SIZE="1"]Ever since Punk lost the ECW Title at Wrestlemania in the triple threat with Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke, these two have been on a collison course. With Burke doing everything he can to keep his buddy as ECW Champ, Punk not only fights for himself tonight, but he fights for the an entire ECW Roster that has had enough of Burke and his actions. Which one of these two will be the last man standing tonight?[/SIZE] [B]4 Way Tables Cruiserweight Title Match Brian Kendrick v Billy Kidman v Jamie Noble v Jimmy Wang Yang[/B] [SIZE="1"]Kendrick puts the title on the line tonight against 3 other men in a match were he could lose the title despite not being anywhere near a table. Kidman has been obsessed with getting the belt back ever since he returned to the WWE, but Noble is a former Cruiserweight Champion and Jimmy Wang Yang is a high flyer who could quite easily win tonight. Which one of these four will put someone through a table and leave as Cruiserweight Champion?[/SIZE] [B]Money in the Bank Ladder Match Jeff Hardy v Mr Kennedy[/B] [SIZE="1"]Hardy won the briefcase at Wrestlemania and admitted he wanted to hold onto the briefcase for a while. Kennedy wasn't involved in that match, and he feels he should be the man in possesion after what ha ppened to him after he won it last year. Will Hardy once again prove he is the King of the ladders? Or will he lose the Money in the Bank briefcase to Kennedy, much like he lost the Intercontinental Title to Carlito in a ladder match?[/SIZE] [B]Extreme Rules ECW Title Match Shelton Benjamin v Tommy Dreamer v Mick Foley[/B] [SIZE="1"]Champ Benjamin was tricked into this match by Dreamer. With One Night Stand being the most Extreme night of the year, were better for the ECW Title to change hands? But Benjamin has shown a brawling side in recent weeks, and he is determined to hold onto his title and prove ECW is his show. But with two hardcore legends in Dreamer and Foley against him, could it soon be over for the Gold Standard?[/SIZE] [B]Cage Match Rey Mysterio v Edge[/B] [SIZE="1"]After Edge dumped Vickie Guerrero at the alter, he has been hellbent on punishing Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero after they patched things up and agreed to take the fight to Edge. With the Edge-heads Hawkins and Ryder making it impossible for anyone to have a straight one on one match with Edge, Rey's choice of a cage match seems inspired. With no-one to help him, will Edge suffer at the hands of a man who is determined to give him a beating? Or will the ultimate opportunist have a trick up his sleeve that once again sees him weasel his way to victory?[/SIZE] [B]Street Fight Shawn Michaels v Triple H[/B] [SIZE="1"]Ever since the Game turned his abck on Michaels at Wrestlemania, these two have been battling each other ever since. Their hatred wound up costing each other a chance at the WWE Title, and now they step into the ring to settle their differences. Michaels has been in gruelling match week after week on Raw, with him losing to The Big Show, Mr Kennedy and Shane McMahon, and taking a huge amount of punishment in the process. He goes into this match with nothing left in the tank, but can he somehow rise up and achieve the impossible again? Or will Triple H use his connections with Shane to ensure victory?[/SIZE] [B]Casket World Heavyweight Title Match The Undertaker v Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] [SIZE="1"]MVP wanted a title shot, but he didn't want to face The Deadman in his speciality match. MVP has been trying to get the better of Taker in recent weeks, but week after week Smackdown has gone off the air with MVP laid out in the middle of the ring. Will MVP show he is the future of Smackdown by winning the title? Or will the Deadman make MVP rest in peace?[/SIZE] [B]First Blood WWE Title Match Chris Jericho v Randy Orton[/B] [SIZE="1"]When Jericho beat Orton for the title at Judgment Day, he knew a rematch would be on the cards. But he never thought it would be first blood. Orton busted Jericho wide open last Monday night, so he goes into this match with a lot of momentum. But Jericho has vowed to end the age of Orton once and for all. Who will make their opponent bleed and leave One Night Stand as the WWE Champion?[/SIZE] ----- Elijah Burke v CM Punk Brian Kendrick v Billy Kidman v Jamie Noble v Jimmy Wang Yang Jeff Hardy v Mr Kennedy Shelton Benjamin v Tommy Dreamer v Mick Foley Rey Mysterio v Edge Shawn Michaels v Triple H The Undertaker v Montel Vontavious Porter Chris Jericho v Randy Orton ----- Some predictions would be nice for the last show in what has been for me a really fun dynasty to do!
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Elijah Burke v [B]CM Punk[/B] Punk to get revenge on Burke for costing him the title [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] v Billy Kidman v Jamie Noble v Jimmy Wang Yang He is the best in the division right now [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] v Mr Kennedy Hardy will cash in MITB at some point, not Kenendy [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] v Tommy Dreamer v Mick Foley Can't see either Foley or Dreamer being ECW Champion in this version of ECW [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] v Edge Rey to get the win for Chavo and Vickie Shawn Michaels v [B]Triple H[/B] Too many beatings for Shawn lately, plus Shane will help HHH win The Undertaker v [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] Going for an upset with MVP to beat Taker at his game [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v Randy Orton Jericho only just won so I think he will win the rematch
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20PPV/ONS08banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] JR: Welcome everybody to the most extreme night of the year! Welcome to One Night Stand! We are live on pay per view from San Diego, CA. Tonight, from Raw, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton will go at it one more time... but this time it’s first blood. King: Right and last Monday on Raw, Randy Orton busted Chris Jericho open with a chair... and it could happen again tonight. JR: It certainly could. We also have the street fight between Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Two former friends, now bitter enemies. Right now let’s hand it over to our Smackdown colleagues, Michael Cole and Jonathan Coachman. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JonathanCoachman.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Thanks JR. Tonight, The Undertaker puts the World Heavyweight Title on the line against Montel Vontavious Porter... but it’s going to be The Undertaker’s signature match, a casket match! Coach: Well the last two weeks on Smackdown, MVP has tried and failed to get the better of The Deadman, but I believe tonight MVP will put The Undertaker in that casket and he will be the new World Heavyweight Champion. Cole: Cruiserweight Title is also on the line, also we will see Rey Mysterio and Edge square off inside a cage. Let’s go to our buddies at the ECW Table, Joey Styles and Tazz. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] Styles: This is One Night Stand, this is the most extreme night of the year... and what better place for a new ECW Champion to be crowned? Tazz: God I hope you’re right Joey. Shelton Benjamin, our ECW Champion, steps into the ring to take on two legends of ECW, Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley. And I have a feeling the ECW Title is going back to its roots tonight. Styles: We’re all hoping that is the case... and we also hope that this man, Elijah Burke does not make his presence felt in the match like he has on several other ECW title matches. Tazz: Right, I mean everybody has had enough of Elijah Burke and his boy Shelton Benjamin running around like they own the place. Styles: We’re kicking things off with Elijah Burke and CM Punk, in a last man standing match! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B]Last Man Standing Match Elijah Burke v CM Punk[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: The referee is at 6... 7... 8... Tazz: Punk’s almost back to his feet... Styles: 9... and Punk makes it back up! Elijah Burke almost had this match won, but Punk beat the 10 count. Burke, going back to work... sends Punk to the corner... oh! Tazz: Elijah Express! Styles: Elijah Express connects! Punk is down again. Elijah Burke can... what’s he doing now? Tazz: Uh... he’s coming out here by us. Styles: Elijah Burke grabbing hold of a chair now. What is this? The referee has been counting, he’s up to 6. Tazz: Burke... he’s dragging Punk back to his feet. Styles: Oh! Punk dropkicks that chair right back in Elijah Burke’s face! Both men are down now. The referee starts to count. Tazz: What happens if both men get counted down for 10, do we have a tie? Styles: Absolutely. The referee has made it to 8... 9... Tazz: Both are back up... Styles: Punk back on his feet... bulldog onto the chair! Burke is down... but I don’t think Punk is through. Tazz: Oh boy I think I know what he’s going for here. Styles: CM Punk... he has Elijah Burke up... Tazz: He’s got that chair in his hand too... Styles: CM Punk... oh my God! Oh my God! GTS with a chair! Tazz: I don’t think I’ve ever seen that. Styles: CM Punk used his knee to drive that chair right into the skull of Elijah Burke. Tazz: And Burke is... I think Elijah Burke’s out. Styles: The referee is at 5... 6... 7... 8... Tazz: He’s trying to get back up. Styles: 9... Burke slumps down... 10! It’s over! CM Punk has done it! CM Punk has beaten Elijah Burke! Tazz: Alright! Great job by Punk. And a great way to kick off One Night Stand. [B]CM Punk beat Elijah Burke (B+)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Todd Grisham* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] Todd: Please welcome my guest at this time, the number one contender for the WWE Title... and the man who will take on Chris Jericho in a first blood match tonight... the Legend Killer... Randy Orton. And Randy... last Monday on Raw, we saw you... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] Orton: You saw me give you, and everyone else watching an example of what I’m going to do to Chris Jericho tonight. You see Jericho, I said the age of Orton wasn’t over yet... and tonight, I’m going to show the world why. I will get my title back... and when I do... I will rule Raw once again. Cole: Well strong words from Randy Orton. He and Chris Jericho will meet later tonight, but up next, the Cruiserweight Title is at stake. Brian Kendrick the champion defends the gold against Billy Kidman, Jimmy Wang Yang and Jamie Noble in a four way tables match. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Spanky.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Billy_Kidman3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JamieNoble.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Jimmy_Yang.jpg[/IMG] [B]4 Way Tables Cruiserweight Title Match Brian Kendrick v Billy Kidman v Jamie Noble v Jimmy Wang Yang[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Noble... he has Jimmy up... he’s looking to suplex him off the top rope through a table! Coach: Here he comes... Cole: Jamie Noble... no! Kidman managed to move the table out of the way at the last second. Noble and Jimmy hit the mat instead of wood. Coach: And that is the thing about this match. Any man that goes through a table means a title change. Cole: Such a dangerous match to be involved in, especially for the champion Brian Kendrick. Kendrick now... he has a hold of Kidman... sends him to the corner... Kidman to the top rope... crossbody to Kendrick. Coach: Here comes Noble now... Cole: Noble... ducks a right hand... neckbreaker. Lookout for Jimmy... moonsault... oh! Jimmy Wang Yang crashes and burns there. Coach: This match is insane! Cole: Action all over the ring. Kidman... he has Jimmy set up on a table... Coach: What’s Kendrick doing? Cole: Kendrick runs Noble to the corner... Coach: Kidman with a shooting star press... Cole: Sliced bread... through the table! Coach: Through the table! Cole: Kendrick wins! Coach: Kidman wins! Cole: What? Coach: What are you talking about Cole? Billy Kidman won! He put Jimmy through the table! Cole: But Brian Kendrick just drove Jamie Noble through a table too! Coach: Then who the hell won? Cole: Well... one referee is raising Brian Kendrick’s hand... Coach: But another is raising Billy Kidman’s hand! Cole: Well... I guess Brian Kendrick is still the champion but... Coach: Why? Kidman clearly put Jimmy through that table first! Cole: But the referees have announced Kendrick as the winner. Coach: This is a damn disgrace! Billy Kidman should be the champion right now! [B]Brian Kendrick beat Billy Kidman, Jamie Noble and Jimmy Wang Yang (C)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Team McMahon* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TripleHDX.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] Triple H: Is he here tonight? Shane: Michaels? I don’t know. I haven’t seen him yet. Kennedy: I’m sure he’ll be here. Triple H: He better show up. Shane: Alright listen... Kennedy... I want that briefcase tonight, understand? Jeff Hardy has been running around causing mayhem in my show for long enough. Triple H: Yeah and when you do get the briefcase, you make sure you use on someone else’s show. Kennedy: Alright. Shane: Alright Kennedy... get out of here, you’re up next. Big Show: Shane... you know how I asked you for a title shot? Shane: Yeah I remember. Big Show: I think it should happen... at Night of Champions. Triple H: Whoa, hold on. You want a title shot at Night of Champions? Shane: Easy guys, easy. Listen big guy... I’ll think about it, OK? Tomorrow night... you’ll have your answer. Big Show: it better be the right one. King: Wow JR, Big Show could be in line for a title shot. JR: And what a champion he could be. But up next, Jeff Hardy puts the Money in the Bank briefcase on the line as he takes on Mr Kennedy. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy5_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Money in the Bank Ladder Match Jeff Hardy v Mr Kennedy[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Kennedy now... looking to set up the ladder. Kennedy... King: Look out for Jeff... JR: Hardy... dropkicks the ladder... oh! Kennedy hits the mat hard! That was almost an act of desperation from Jeff, as he did all he could to knock Kennedy off the ladder. King: And Kennedy was close, I mean he almost had the briefcase. JR: Jeff now... what the hell is Jeff doing? King: Well he’s... he’s setting up one of those ladders on top of Kennedy and... he’s putting the other one in the corner. JR: What is this? Oh no... now I see. Jeff don’t do it! King: Wait a second, he’s not... JR: He’s going to Swanton on the top of one ladder onto another ladder on top of Kennedy! Jeff, this is suicidal! King: This is going to hurt like hell! JR: Jeff... no! Oh! Oh my God! King: Unbelievable! JR: Jeff Hardy... he is broken in half! Kennedy is dead I think! I can’t believe I just saw that! King: God I mean... both men are down now. I think that took as much out of Jeff as it did Kennedy. JR: No doubt about that. And... somehow both men are slowly dragging themselves back to their feet. And they both seem to be going for ladders. King: Both of them trying to set themselves up for a shot at the briefcase. JR: Both men start to climb, but they’ve both been slowed by the sheer brutality of this match. Kennedy... he can’t quite reach... and there’s a right hand from Hardy... Kennedy fires back. King: Those ladders are starting to creak... JR: Hardy kicks Kennedy... and again.... and there goes Kennedy! Jeff... King: He’s going to get it! JR: Jeff Hardy... yes! He did it! He did it! Jeff Hardy grabs the briefcase. Jeff is still Mr Money in the Bank! [B]Jeff Hardy beat Mr Kennedy (B+)[/B] ----- *We cut backstage to Anastacia Rose* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AnastaciaRose-11.jpg[/IMG] Rose: Please welcome my guest at this time, one of the men who will take on Shelton Benjamin for the ECW Title, the Hardcore Legend, Mick Foley! And Mick, with tonight being the most extreme night of the year for the WWE, you must be feeling like tonight you can become ECW Champion. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] Foley: Well first of all let me say it’s great to be here tonight, live in San Diego, CA! As for Shelton Benjamin, I know you’re the champion of ECW... but I really don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into tonight. You see you’re stepping into an extreme environment... with two of the most extreme wrestlers that have ever lived. And when tonight is over... the ECW Championship is coming back to its roots. Styles: And the moment is here folks, The ECW Title match is up next. Shelton Benjamin steps into a world of pain as he takes on Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Extreme Rules ECW Title Match Shelton Benjamin v Tommy Dreamer v Mick Foley[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Tazz: Here we go baby! Styles: Mick Foley... throwing chairs, trash cans... throwing... kendo sticks! Mick Foley is littering the ring with weapons! Tazz: And these fans are responding to him. They know what Mick Foley is all about, they want to see him... Styles: Oh! Foley just nailed Benjamin with that chair! And... oh! Another shot! Tazz: And Tommy Dreamer... he’s got that kendo stick but... is he going for Foley? Styles: And look at that look on Foley’s face... he wants Tommy to swing away! Tazz: Well we said these two might wind up going at each other but... I kinda wanted them to focus on Benjamin. Styles: Foley and Dreamer... at a stand off right now... oh! Benjamin got back to his feet, and both Foley and Dreamer turned on him! Tazz: Benjamin... I think Benjamin is out. He’s hurt. Styles: And once again... Foley and Dreamer turn to each other. Tazz: Are we gonna see it? Are we gonna see these two go at each other? Styles: Well they... there they go! Foley and Dreamer trading right hands! Dreamer off the ropes... oh! He ran right into a chair shot! Foley... oh! Just wrecking that chair on Dreamer’s head. Tazz: That is old school ECW right there... Styles: Here comes Benjamin... oh! He just dropkicked that chair back in Foley’s face. The athletic ability of the ECW Champion coming through there. Tazz: And... do you see what I see? Tommy Dreamer... with a kendo stick in his hand! Styles: Turn around champ... oh! Oh! Dreamer just nailing Benjamin with that kendo stick! Tazz: And Benjamin just dived for the floor to try and get away from Dreamer. Styles: And that leaves Dreamer and Foley in the ring. Remember, if one of those guys pins the other, the title will change hands. Tazz: And I’ll take that. I’d rather see someone pin Shelton Benjamin, but that’ll do. Styles: Foley... oh! He nails Dreamer with a trash can! And Foley... where is Mick Foley going? Tazz: He’s going to the floor and... under the ring... oh no! Oh my God! Styles: Mick Foley... has a barbed wire baseball bat! And listen to that crowd... Tazz: He’s not... he’s not really going to use that is he? Styles: Well... he’s waiting for Dreamer to get back on his feet... Tazz: I’d stay down if I was you Tommy. Styles: Mick Foley... hey... Benjamin... oh! Oh my God! Oh my God! Shelton Benjamin just kicked that baseball bat back in Mick Foley’s face! Tazz: He’s going for a cover... Styles: 1... 2... 3! Shelton Benjamin wins! Tazz: God I... I can’t believe it! Styles: Shelton Benjamin... has somehow emerged from One Night Stand... still the ECW Champion. Tazz: I honestly thought tonight was going to be the night we crowned a new champion but... credit to Shelton Benjamin, he somehow managed to keep himself alive in there and he’s still the champ. [B]Shelton Benjamin beat Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley (B+)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Vince McMahon and William Regal* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/William_Regal3.jpg[/IMG] Regal: So Mr McMahon... what was your announcement you wanted to make? Vince: You know Regal... I fired you because I felt that you made a lot of mistakes. And I think if you were honest with yourself, you’d say that too. Regal: Yes Mr McMahon, I completely agree. Vince: And to your credit Regal, you went out there and you wrestled... and you lost a lot of the time. But I’m a fair man Regal... that’s why tomorrow night... live on Raw... Regal: Yes Mr McMahon? Vince: You’re going to help me introduce the latest signing to the WWE. Regal: Oh... and who is that? Vince: Well that’s the surprise Regal... but I just wanted to let you and all these people know that tomorrow night... something big is going down. Coach: Wow! What an announcement that is! Cole: Be sure to tune into Raw tomorrow night to see how that develops folks. But right now... the cage is being set up, as Rey Mysterio and Edge will look to end a rivalry that has been months in the making. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cage Match Rey Mysterio v Edge[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Mysterio is at the top of the cage... Mysterio is almost out. Coach: Here comes Edge! Cole: Edge... manages to grab hold of Rey... but Rey nails him with a right hand... and another. Rey and Edge now... fighting for position on the top rope. Rey... oh! Hurricanrana off the top rope! Coach: My God... I... c’mon Edge! Cole: Edge may be broken in half, and Rey Mysterio may be as well. Coach: Rey is hurt also; he seems to be holding his knee. Cole: Rey has had problems in the past with his knee so... Coach: And who was it that caused those problems? It was Chavo Guerrero! Cole: That was a long time ago Coach. Edge now... he’s back to his feet first, but Rey isn’t far behind. Edge... goes for a spear... Rey with a leapfrog... oh! Edge goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Rey making his move for the top of the cage! Coach: No, c’mon Edge... get up! Cole: Mysterio... he’s almost out... hey! What the... how the hell are they doing that? Coach: Hawkins and Ryder... they’ve just come down from the ceiling! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CurtHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ZachRyder.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Hawkins and Ryder... oh! Hawkins just sent Rey flying down to the mat. Those two were harnessed up to something, and they’ve came down... and now their inside the cage! Coach: And Cole... do you think this is what Edge meant on Friday night when he said he had a plan to get Hawkins and Ryder involved in this match? Cole: This has to be it. Hawkins and Ryder have came down from the ceiling, and now it’s a three on one assault. Hawkins and Ryder, assaulting Rey.... Edge is just sitting back and letting them do his dirty work. Coach: Edge is a genius! Cole: Edge... wait... here comes Chavo! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] Coach: What does he want? Cole: Chavo trying to come down and stop this. Chavo... he’s climbing the cage. Chavo... and Hawkins and Ryder force Chavo to fall back down to the mat. Coach: Haha! There’s no way in for Chavo! The door is locked, Hawkins and Ryder aren’t letting him get in over the top... face it Chavo, there’s nothing you can do about this! Cole: Hawkins and Ryder... setting Rey up... spear! Edge hits the spear! Chavo still trying desperately to get in. Edge hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. Dammit! Edge has won, but he’s left Rey Mysterio in a bloody mess. Coach: And Chavo is still trying to get in! Cole: Edge and the Edge-heads... they’ve escaped over the top. Chavo is finally in, but it’s all too late. Rey Mysterio was set up by Edge! Coach: Of course he was! Never doubt Edge! Cole: I can’t believe this! It was meant to be a cage match to keep Hawkins and Ryder out, but somehow they managed to get involved. Coach: Never doubt Edge! He is the ultimate opportunist! He said last Friday on Smackdown that he had a plan, and he did! This is a great night! Cole: Edge and the Edge-heads have once again left Rey Mysterio laid out in the centre off the ring. The cage was meant to keep Hawkins and Ryder out... but it wound up keeping help from getting to Rey Mysterio in time. [B]Edge beat Rey Mysterio (B+)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Eve Torres* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/EveTorres11.jpg[/IMG] Eve: Please welcome my guest at this time, the man who will challenge The Undertaker tonight in a casket match for the World Heavyweight Title, Montel Vontavious Porter... MVP! MVP, the last two weeks on Smackdown we’ve seen you try to get the upper hand on The Undertaker, only for you to be chokeslammed twice. Do you still think you can beat this man despite what’s happened to you? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] MVP: You know what? I ain’t messin’ with The Undertaker anymore. I’m sick and tired of all these mind games. Undertaker... it is my destiny to be World Heavyweight Champion. And tonight... I’m going to make it happen. JR: It seems like MVP is feeling a bit rattled ahead of his first opportunity at the World Heavyweight Title King: Yeah but most guys don’t have to take on a legend like The Undertaker in their first title shot! JR: Well... you make a good point King. Coming up... the street fight that we have all been waiting for. Shawn Michaels and Triple H... former friends, now bitter enemies. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShawnMichaels2-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] [B]Street Fight Shawn Michaels v Triple H[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Michaels now... swings another right hand at Triple H. Both these men have given so much to this match, I’m not sure they have anything left to give. King: Both these guys are almost out on their feet... JR: And just like that, Triple H takes Michaels down with a hard knee. Michaels sent for a ride... oh! Michaels just went flying into that ladder that was set up in the corner of the ring. And Triple H now... heading outside the ring... King: Oh my JR... look at what Triple H has... JR: He’s got that damn sledgehammer! Triple H came prepared for this one. He’s got that sledgehammer. Now this is too much. Michaels has taken a hell of a beating these last three weeks on Raw, and now this. This has got to stop. King: I don’t think anyone’s going to be able to stop The Game after this. JR: No... don’t do this, don’t do this... no! He just nailed Shawn Michaels right in the head. Dammit! And... another shot. This time to the back. Michaels has been decimated here. King: I think... I think it’s over JR. JR: Dammit I hope so. Triple H hooks the leg... 1... 2... Michaels kicked out! Michaels kicked out! How the hell did he do that? King: Why the hell did he do that? He’s got to be in agony out there. JR: The Game... with a look of shock on his face. He can’t believe Michaels is still in this thing. King: He’s got to wondering what he’s got to do to end this thing. JR: Triple H... going back outside... what else is he going to bring into this match? King: Well... looks like he’s going for the ring steps. JR: I shudder to think what he’s got in mind for these. Michaels... being dragged back to his feet. Michaels can barely stand.... and Triple H now... he’s going to pedigree Michaels on those steps. King: This is unbelievable JR... JR: Triple H... goes for the... pedigree! Dammit! A pedigree on the steal steps! My God! It’s got to be over now. King: I think it is JR. JR: Here’s the cover... 1... 2... 3. It’s over. Triple H has done it. He’s destroyed Shawn Michaels. King: And thank God it’s over JR. JR: Michaels gave it everything he had. But the weeks of beatings he took on Raw, the brutality of this match, it was all to much for the Heartbreak Kid. King: And Triple GH, he’s got a smile on his face as he’s leaving. He looks like he’s glad at what he’s accomplished tonight. JR: He could’ve ended Shawn Michaels career right there. [B]Triple H beat Shawn Michaels (A*)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Maria* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MariaKanellis2.jpg[/IMG] Maria: Please welcome my guest at this time, he is the WWE Champion, Chris Jericho! And Chris, last Monday night you had your head busted wide open by Randy Orton after he attacked you with a chair. How are you feeling now and do you think it’ll affect you in your match tonight? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] Jericho: You know something Orton, if you think what happened last Monday is going to happen again tonight, then you’re wrong my friend. I made a vow that when I won the WWE Title, the age of Orton would be at an end... and I intend to keep that vow. Orton... tonight, I will make you bleed... and then you will never... ever.... be the same... again! Cole: Well that certainly promises to be an exciting match later tonight... but right now, there you see it folks, that casket is being wheeled towards the ring. Coach: And it’s inside that casket that The Undertaker will rest in peace Cole. Cole: Or it could be MVP that winds up in there. Either way, the casket match is next! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkCalloway.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] [B]Casket World Heavyweight Title Match The Undertaker v Montel Vontavious Porter[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Undertaker... calling for the chokeslam. Taker, waiting for MVP to get back to his feet. Coach: Stay down MVP. Get out of there, get out of the ring. Cole: Taker... he has MVP by the throat... oh! Low-blow by MVP. MVP resourceful as ever, doing whatever it takes to avoid that chokeslam. Coach: And that is why I keep saying MVP has all the qualities to be a... oh my God! Cole: Undertaker sat up! The Undertaker sat up! Undertaker back to his feet... MVP hits him with a right hand... and another... MVP off the ropes... kick to the midsection... Coach: Playmaker! Cole: MVP with a playmaker! Undertaker is down... Coach: And he is out Cole! MVP has just won himself the World Heavyweight Title! Cole: MVP now... trying to drag the Deadman towards that casket. The lid is open... Coach: He did it! He got him inside! Cole: All MVP has to do is close the lid and we’ve got... oh my! Undertaker has him by the throat! A handful of MVP for the Undertaker. Taker with right hands... sends MVP off the ropes... MVP ducks the clothesline... but he doesn’t duck the big boot! Coach: I can’t believe this! I thought it was over. Cole: Undertaker... there’s that sign... Undertaker calling for the chokeslam... what goes up... must come down! Chokeslam to MVP! Coach: I don’t like our chances now... Cole: MVP... slowly back to his feet... Undertaker... he has him up... Coach: No! Not the... Cole: Tombstone! Tombstone to MVP! The Undertaker ahs surely now finished off MVP. Coach: MVP... you gotta get up! Cole: I don’t think MVP is going anywhere but inside that casket. Undertaker... rolling MVP over... the lid has been raised... and MVP’s inside! Undertaker... closes the lid! It’s over! Undertaker wins! Undertaker retains the title! Coach: No! I can’t... I can’t believe this! Cole: The Deadman has done it again! [B]The Undertaker beat Montel Vontavious Porter (B)[/B] ---- *we cut backstage to Chris Jericho heading towards the ring for his match* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] Jericho: What do you want man? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] Big Show: Nothing... I just came here to wish you luck that’s all. Jericho: Yeah... well you did this before my match with Randy Orton and said it’d be me and you in a title match tonight. How’s that working out for you champ? Big Show: Yeah well... I’ll get my title shot, don’t you worry. Jericho: Oh believe me big guy, I never worry about you. King: I don’t think it’s all that smart an idea for Chris Jericho to be making the Big Show angry. JR: It’s not the smartest idea I’ve ever heard, but Jericho has to concentrate on Randy Orton right now. Orton and Jericho for the WWE Title. And rest assured, somebody is going to bleed in this one! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Blood WWE Title Match Chris Jericho v Randy Orton[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: RKO! RKO! Orton hits the RKO! But it doesn’t mean anything in this match! King: Right, all he’s done is put Jericho down. He’s still got to make him bleed. JR: Absolutely right... Orton coming to the outside now... and, well he’s got hold of a chair, if anything can bust a guy open, it’s a metal chair. King: He’s bringing it in the ring... this si not good news for the WWE Champion. JR: Orton.... well, he’s setting the chair up for some reason and... oh wait a second, I know what he’s going to here. King: What? JR: He’s going to RKO Jericho onto that chair! Jericho is back up... King: Here it comes... JR: RK... no! Jericho counters... oh! Jericho with a bulldog, sends Orton face first into the chair! King: Is he bleeding? JR: I don’t think so, but Orton is in a world of pain right now. Jericho... he’s got the chair... oh! Jericho just clocked Orton with the chair... and again... and a third time! Orton is out! He is down and he’s not moving! King: Yeah but you have to make your opponent bleed. And I don’t know what it’s going to take for either of these two to make that happen. JR: Jericho now.... throws Orton over the top rope to the floor. What the hell is going to happen next between these two? King: I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s not looking good for our announce table. JR: Well we... we better head for higher ground King. Chris Jericho is dismantling our table right now. What’s he... what’s he going to do here? King: Uh... I think it may be... I think he’s going to do a lionsault off the apron onto Orton! JR: I think you’re right. Jericho... lining Orton up... hey! What the hell? King: The Big Show! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] JR: What the hell is he doing out here? King: Well I said Jericho shouldn’t have made Big Show mad earlier. JR: Big Show... he’s got Jericho by the throat... oh no... not this. Big Show... he’s got Jericho up... no! No! He just chokeslammed Jericho through our table! King: And he did right on top of Randy Orton! JR: big Show... he’s laid out both the champion and the challenger! Jericho is down... Orton is down. What the hell is the meaning of this? Jericho and Orton are both down! King: Uh... so... do we have a winner or... I don’t get this JR. JR: I think the Big Show is out here to prove a point. He wants a title shot, and he’s just laid out both the champion and the challenger. King: Well now he’s dragging Jericho back into the ring... JR: I don’t think Big Show is finished yet. Jericho is slumped in the middle of the ring... and now Big Show has a chair. What the hell is he going to do next? King: Uh... I think he might just cave Chris Jericho’s head in. JR: Big Show... waiting for Jericho to get up. Jericho... he can barely move, never mind stand up. Jericho... struggles back to his feet... King: Here it comes... JR: OH! Big Show... he... hit Orton! He hit Orton with the chair! He was swinging for Jericho, but Orton had gotten back up, Jericho ducked, an Big Show hit Orton with the chair! King: And JR look... JR: Orton... he’s busted open! The ref calls for the bell! It’s over! It’s over! Jericho wins! Jericho retains the title! Jericho is still the champion! King: And whether he meant it or not, Jericho got a huge assist from The Big Show. JR: And Big Show... oh! He just nailed Jericho! He got Jericho that time! Big Show didn’t miss the second time around. King: And again, both Jericho and Orton are down. JR: Damn him! Big Show, he wanted a title shot, and he’s just destroyed Chris Jericho. Yes he helped Jericho win the title, but that was the last thing he wanted to do. He wanted to destroy Chris Jericho. King: And JR... what the hell is going to happen next? Is Big Show going to get his title shot? JR: I don’t have a clue! Join us tomorrow night on Raw folks! [B]Chris Jericho beat Randy Orton (B+)[/B] ----- [SIZE="1"]CM Punk beat Elijah Burke (B+) Brian Kendrick beat Billy Kidman, Jamie Noble and Jimmy Wang Yang (C) Jeff Hardy beat Mr Kennedy (B+) Shelton Benjamin beat Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley (B+) Edge beat Rey Mysterio (B+) Triple H beat Shawn Michaels (A*) The Undertaker beat Montel Vontavious Porter (B) Chris Jericho beat Randy Orton (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]
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OK so that is the last show I'm going to post in this... for now anyway. I've left so if I want I can jump back into it. I'm goign to keep TEW07 and the data for this on my PC so I'll still have it. But for now it's time for me to play TEW08 and see if I can start a new diary for that. Again thanks to anyone hwo took time to read this. :)
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Thanks for that. I do have something in mind, but I want to try write something with a much deeper backstroy this time, as I didn't have one for this. Hopefully within like a week or so I'll have something in mind. It won't be a current day WWE thing though, I want to try something different this time. But thanks again! :)
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  • 1 month later...
OK, um... I'd just like to say I'm going to be bringing this back. Probably won't mean a lot to most people but it does to me. I tried to do something else with '08, but it was a nightmare. I tried a WWF 98 game, same timeline as FMTA, but the data just wasn't suited to the new game. After playing out a few months it became clear to me that it was never going to work. However, I like writing. I like being creative. I liked doing this diary. So I'm going to bring it back. For various personal reasons I have a long summer ahead of me and I need something to help pass the time, and this is going to help. I'll probably never win awards or even get nominated for them, but I'm doing this for a bit of fun which is probably the most important part of doing these things, the fact that the guy writing it is enjoying it. OK, so no fanfare or hype, we're going to kick things off again with Raw the night after One Night Stand (which is the last show I posted if anyone wants to have a read and catch up with things). Night of Champions is only two weeks away, so we haven't got long until the next pay per view. I've been pretty busy writing in the last week and have managed to do all the Raws, Smackdowns and ECWs and I'm almost finished writing the show, so hopefully we can move it along quickly. Also, since I was ahead of schedule in regards to RL WWE, certain things I did wound up happening. But now I am about a month behind RL, I can make sure I don't follow the RL 'E and make this go in different directions, although some things I had been building towards for a while so certain parts will be similar. If anyone wants me to post a more detailed report of everything that has happened then just say and I will. I can include rosters, champions and PPV cards if needed. Um... thanks!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Raw Preview[/B] [B]Bobby Lashley v Lance Cade[/B] [SIZE="1"]Lashley made his return from injury last week by interrupting Carlito's celebration of his Intercontinental Title defence. Lashley made it known that he is after the gold, and he will look to kick start his challenge tonight. However, rumours backstage are that Cade and Murdoch have been having their problems recently, with each man looking to prove that they are the better singles wrestler. With both men needing a win tonight, who's going to kick off Raw and send the loudest message?[/SIZE] [B]Mickie James v Jillian Hall[/B] [SIZE="1"]The Women's division is wide open right now, with no clear challenger emerging for Mickie James' title at Night of Champions. A win tonight for Jillian would certainly but her in the frame. But the champion will be looking to get her momentum going, and send a warning to the other Raw divas that she is not a champion to be taken lightly.[/SIZE] [B]Hardcore Holly v TJ Wilson[/B] [SIZE="1"]Ever since Wilson debuted as part of the Canadian Bulldogs with Harry Smith and Natalya Niedhart, they have targeted the tag team champions Holly and Rhodes. With the match for Night of Champions already signed, both men will be looking to give their team the momentum going into the match. Can the rookie Wilson score a huge win for his team? Or will the veteran Holly show his toughness and once again guide his team to a victory?[/SIZE] [B]William Regal v ?????[/B] [SIZE="1"]Vince McMahon promised us a new signing last night at One Night Stand, and he has enlisted William Regal to help bring the new man into the WWE. Regal is looking for a win to prove his credentials and show the McMahon family that he is worthy of their trust again. Will Regal get the win he has been chasing for months now? Or will the new signing start things with a bang and further pile on the embarrassment of the former general manager?[/SIZE] [B]Jeff Hardy v Paul London[/B] [SIZE="1"]Both of these high flyers have a tremendous amount of respect for each other, and this match has the making of a classic tonight. Mr Money in the Bank Hardy has played the waiting game so far with regards to the briefcase, and he managed to beat Mr Kennedy in a ladder match last night to hold onto it. London has been slowly working his way up the card lately, and a huge upset win tonight would do wonders for his career. Who will come out on top when these daredevils meet in the squared circle?[/SIZE] [B]Randy Orton v The Big Show[/B] [SIZE="1"]Orton, outraged that Show nailed him with a chair last night, busting him open and costing him the WWE Title match with Chris Jericho, has demanded this match tonight. Although Show was aiming for Jericho and hit Orton by accident, it doesn't look like the largest athlete in the world really gives a crap. This is bound to be an explosive main event on Monday Night Raw![/SIZE] ------- Bobby Lashley v Lance Cade Mickie James v Jillian Hall Hardcore Holly v TJ Wilson William Regal v ????? Jeff Hardy v Paul London Randy Orton v The Big Show Some predictions to get things going again would be nice!
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YES!! I had hoped that you would start this again, and now it has happend :D I will certainly continue reading :) and can't wait for NOC! [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v Lance Cade [B]Mickie James[/B] v Jillian Hall Hardcore Holly v [B]TJ Wilson[/B] William Regal v [B]?????[/B] [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] v Paul London [B]Randy Orton[/B] v The Big Show
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[QUOTE=Lexa90;465061]YES!! I had hoped that you would start this again, and now it has happend :D I will certainly continue reading :) and can't wait for NOC! [/QUOTE] Thanks bud! Hopefully you'll enjoy NoC when we get there. Anymore predictions? A couple more would be nice before I post Raw, which will probably be some time tommorrow.
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