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Glad to see this making a return! [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v Lance Cade [B]Mickie James [/B]v Jillian Hall [B]Hardcore Holly[/B] v TJ Wilson William Regal v [B]?????[/B] [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] v Paul London [B]Randy Orton[/B] v The Big Show
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] JR: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! We are live in Salt Lake City, UT. Last night, we saw one of the bloodiest pay per views in WWE history, as One Night Stand ended with Chris Jericho retaining his title against Randy Orton, but he got a huge assist from The Big Show. King: Right but helping Chris Jericho was the last thing on his mind. JR: it certainly looked like Show was out to get Jericho, but he... [I]WELL IT’S THE BIG SHOW[/I] JR: Well... maybe we’ll get some answers right here. Here comes the 7 foot monster. King: And he does not look happy JR... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] Big Show: Last night Chris Jericho made the biggest mistake of his career. Last night... Chris Jericho... really pissed me off! I’ve been saying for months now that I wanted a title shot. I gave Chris Jericho a friendly warning last night... and he threw it back in my face. And I may have saved your title Jericho, but that was the last thing I wanted to do. I wanted to smash your face in, I wanted to bust you open Jericho... and I if you hadn’t ducked... I would’ve. I would’ve handed the title to Randy Orton. But I missed, and that meant... [I]HEY[/I] King: What? Randy Orton? JR: Well... he lost the first blood match last night. It may not have been conventional, but Jericho is still the Champion. King: Yeah but what is Orton doing out here now? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] Orton: You know something Big Show? You may have been trying to send Chris Jericho a message last night... but you wound up screwing me out of the WWE Title. I was going to win that match, I was going to make Chris Jericho bleed! So tonight... I want you one on one in the ring! JR: Whoa! What a match that could be. Orton versus Big Show! Big Show: You want me tonight? Well why don’t you walk your ass down to the ring right now? King: Oh my God! Are they going to do this right now? JR: Well Orton is making his way down to the ring so... [I]HERE COMES THE MONEY[/I] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shane_McMahon8.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey! Hey... this is not happening right now! You hear me? This is not happening right now. If you two want a match... you can have it tonight. And Big Show... seeing as you like to get involved in WWE Title matches... you got a shot at Jericho at Night of Champions! You’ve earned it big guy. You’ve been a good member of Team McMahon... and you’ve earned your shot. But this is not happening right now. So Big Show... drag your ass back up the ramp, now! King: He’s not going to back down from this is he? JR: Well... it looks like he is. Big Show, still under the control of Shane McMahon... yes he has the title shot he’s been after. But at what cost? -------- JR: Welcome back folks, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are in the ring, as Cade is in singles action next against Bobby Lashley. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Lance_Cade31.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lance Cade v Bobby Lashley[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Cade rocks Lashley with a shoulder block... Cade comes off the ropes... Lashley misses with the clothesline... but he didn’t miss that time. Lashley now, he has Cade in his grasp... belly to belly overhead. King: Did you see how far Lance Cade went flying across the ring? JR: Nothing but impact from Lashley. Lashley now... Cade reverses the Irish whip... and Trevor Murdoch on the floor, he just grabbed Lashley by the foot... and... oh! Lance Cade with a hard boot, caught Lashley running in. King: And it always helps having a guy on the floor who can distract your opponent for you. JR: Cade now, goes back to work, trying to wear down Lashley by focusing on the neck but... King: Oh my... Lashley is just too strong. JR: Lashley... he’s lifted Cade clean in the air... oh! A long drop for Lance Cade. What impact as Cade’s head snapped off the canvas. King: What is Trevor Murdoch doing? JR: Murdoch is on the apron... and Lashley sends him flying. King: Look out... JR: Cade misses with the right hand... Lashley has him up... dominator! My God what impact! Lashley with the dominator... hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3.Lashley wins. King: JR, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lashley looks so dominant. JR: He’s back off the shelf, and he wants the Intercontinental Title. And we don’t know yet if that match is going to happen but... King: Maybe we’re about to find out JR, here comes Carlito. Carlito: Hey! Hey you! Lashley! You think what you did last week was funny? You come out after Carlito defends his title? You want to challenge Carlito to a match? You want to face Carlito at Night of Champions for the Intercontinental Title? Well you know what? Carlito says you can have it. Carlito will face you at Night of Champions... and when Carlito beats you... Carlito will truly be... the greatest Intercontinental Champion in WWE history! King: Wow JR. I guess it’s set then... Carlito and Lashley at Night of Champions. [B]Bobby Lashley beat Lance Cade (C+)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and the Big Show* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shane_McMahon8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Listen right, I said I’d give you a shot at Night of Champions didn’t I? But you can’t be running around like you did last night you got me? Big Show: Yeah I got you. Shane: I mean we both know you had no business getting involved in that match last night. You... hey... what’s up man? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] HHH: He gets the shot at Night of Champions? Shane: Yeah well... I mean he... Big Show: I earned it, alright? It’s my time. HHH: Your time? You think you’re due a title shot ahead of me? You listen to me big guy, no-one deserves a shot more than me. Big Show: You don’t deserve anything. You done nothing but... Shane: Hey! Hey! Guys... let’s remember what team we’re on here. Now... Hunter, Big Show is getting a shot at Night of Champions. I expect you to support him. HHH: Alright. I’ll support you... but if you don’t get it done... you time has passed. King: Uh... there is definitely tension in the ranks of Team McMahon. JR: Absolutely right. Big Show feels he’s earned a title shot, Triple H wants a title shot... something’s got to give between those two. Well moving on, up next, the Women’s Champion Mickie James is in action, as she takes on Jillian Hall. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Mickie_James46.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JillianHall201.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mickie James v Jillian Hall[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Cover by Jillian, 1-2... and almost an upset of sorts right there. Jillian now... got a handful of hair... and she snaps Mickie to the mat. Jillian off the ropes... oh! Misses with that elbow, chance for the champion to get back in this match. King: JR, who do you think it’s going to be to challenge Mickie James at Night of Champions? JR: I don’t know King. Melina stated her case last week, Beth Phoenix and Victoria have both had chances recently at the title... but if Jillian Hall can pull off a victory here tonight, she could get a title shot. King: The Women’s division is wide open right now isn’t it? JR: Absolutely. Any one of the Divas could step forward and claim that shot against Mickie James... and as Jillian drives the champion into the corner, she could be a victory away from putting herself in the frame. King: Look out, here comes Jillian... JR: Jillian with a hand spring back elbow... but Mickie had it scouted, countered with a dropkick. Jillian back to her feet... oh! King: Man what a kick! JR: Mickie just nailed that roundhouse kick. Here’s the cover, 1... 2... 3. And Mickie James grabs the win. King: Well... I guess it won’t be Jillian Hall who faces Mickie James at Night of Champions. JR: I guess not no. But the question still remains, who is going to emerge as the challenger for the Women’s Title? [B]Mickie James beat Jillian Hall (C+)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Maria* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MariaKanellis2.jpg[/IMG] Maria: Please welcome my guest at this time, the WWE Champion... Chris Jericho! And Chris, last night at One Night Stand during your first blood match with Randy Orton, the Big Show wound up helping you win. But in two weeks at Night of Champions, you’re going to face him one on one for the title. How do you feel about this? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] Jericho: Well let’s get one thing straight right away. I respect the Big Show, but he had no business being involved in my match last night. Now I will gladly face him at Night of Champions with my WWE Title on the line. But Big Show... I want you to think about this. You think Shane McMahon and Triple H are going to be there for you in this match? You think they’ve got your back? Let me tell you something Big Show. I will face you at Night of Champions, and I will beat you... but that’s not the only thing you’re going to lose that night. JR: It seems the rest of the locker room is taking note of the tension in Team McMahon. King: Well after what we heard Shane, Triple H and Big Show say earlier, it’s hard to avoid JR. JR: Well, you have a point there. Up next, one half of the tag team champions, Hardcore Holly, takes on the youngster from the Canadian Bulldogs, TJ Wilson. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TJ_Wilson4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hardcore Holly v TJ Wilson[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Wilson, the young rookie, showing he’s not afraid of the veteran Holly, as he goes to work on the knee of one half of the tag team champions. King: JR, I gotta say, I’ve been impressed with TJ Wilson so far. He and Harry Smith have looked like a great young tag team, event though they’ve only been together on Raw for a few weeks. JR: But don’t count out the champions King. Holly and Rhodes have been champions for just over 6 months now. Holly fights back to his feet with hard shots to the face... but Wilson answers back with a kick to the knee. King: Smart move by the rookie Wilson. He’s been working on that knee for a large part of the match, go back there when Holly looks like he might be rallying. JR: Wilson now... sends Holly to the floor. Hey. C’mon ref! Wilson distracting the referee, as Smith and Natalya Niedhart attack Holly on the outside. King: The refs trying to deal with Wilson and Cody Rhodes on the other side of the ring. JR: Holly... getting mugged over here... oh! He hit Smith with a right hand, and another... and Natalya just slapped the taste out of him. King: What? He can’t do that! JR: Holly has Niedhart... and Wilson makes that save. The action is all outside the ring right now... as Cody Rhodes goes flying into Harry Smith. King: This is a brawl on the floor JR! JR: Smith and Rhodes battling on the outside... Holly and Wilson back in the ring... Holly sent off the ropes, ducks the right hand... and he takes Wilson down with a hard clothesline. King: And... I think it might be time JR. JR: Hardcore Holly... lining Wilson up... as Cody sends Smith over the barricade... King: He’s got him up... JR: Alabama Slam! Holly with the Alabama Slam! Hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! Holly wins! Hardcore Holly pins the rookie TJ Wilson. King: And the challengers for the tag team titles are not looking good right now. JR: The youngsters, the Canadian Bulldogs, Smith and Wilson came to fight tonight, but the tag team champions Holly and Rhodes just had too much for them. [B]Hardcore Holly beat TJ Wilson (B-)[/B] ------ JR: We’re back from commercial folks, and up next... [I]TIME TO PLAY THE GAME[/I] King: What? JR: Well... it appears that we are about to be joined by the Game, Triple H. The man who damn near almost killed Shawn Michaels last night. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] HHH: Last night... I set out to end the career if Shawn Michaels. And I did just that. I destroyed Shawn Michaels, just like I said I would. And yet, it is the Big Show that gets the next shot at Chris Jericho. Well... that’s fine. I can take that. But Jericho... Big Show... know this. I don’t care which one of you wins at Night of Champions. I will get my title shot... and when I do... I will be the new WWE Champion. JR: Well the Game has laid down a challenge it seems. He wants to face the winner of the match at Night of Champions. King: Yeah and he said it doesn’t matter if it’s Chris Jericho or the Big Show... he’s going to be the new champion. ------- JR: Welcome back to Raw folks, as you can see, William Regal is in the ring, and he looks ready to fight King. King: Yeah and Mr McMahon is at the top of the ramp. Is this the big announcement? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] Vince: Ladies and gentlemen... I promised you all a huge announcement tonight. I promised you all... that a new superstar would debut tonight. Well... it’s not so much of a debut... more of a return. Ladies and gentlemen... join me in welcoming back to the WWE... Kurt Angle! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kurt_Angle7.jpg[/IMG] JR: What? King: Oh my God JR! Kurt Angle is back! JR: Kurt Angle is back in the WWE! And... I think it’s finally hit William Regal. He’s got a match with Kurt Angle, right now! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/William_Regal3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kurt_Angle7.jpg[/IMG] [B]William Regal v Kurt Angle[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: angle ducks the right hand... German suplex! Here’s the count, 1-2... and Regal gets the shoulder up. Angle now, goes right back to work sending Regal to the corner... and... oh! Angle goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle. King: Smart move by Regal to manage to get out the way. JR: Angle had built up a head of steam, but the former Raw general manager managed to dodge the bullet there. Regal now... with a succession of hard right hands to Angle. King: JR... I still can’t believe Kurt Angle is back in the WWE. JR: It was a shocking announcement from Mr McMahon. Kurt Angle back in... oh! Angle with a German suplex... and another... and he’s not letting go... and he nails Regal with a third. King: And... is Kurt going to the top rope? JR: He is. Kurt Angle... going to the top rope. Kurt, looking for a moonsault... oh! Nobody home! Regal again managed to dodge Angle, as the former Olympian went crashing into the mat. King: And we both know Kurt has had neck problems in the past, that kind of move going wrong can’t have helped it. JR: Angle went for it all and got nothing. And Regal now... sensing a chance to maybe finally end his losing streak here... King: What’s he got in mind? JR: Regal... I think he’s lining Kurt up for the Regal stretch... King: Here he... hey... JR: Ankle lock! Angle with the ankle lock! He’s got it locked in! King: He’s tapping! JR: Regal is tapping! Regal is tapping! Angle wins! Kurt Angle wins on his return to the WWE! King: I can’t believe it! JR: Kurt Angle wins! And the embarrassment of William Regal continues! [B]Kurt Angle beat William Regal (B)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Todd Grisham* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] Todd: Please welcome my guest at this time... the legend killer... Randy Orton. And Randy last night we all saw the Big Show come out and nail you with a chair, cutting you open, causing you to loser the first blood match with Chris Jericho. Tonight, you face the Big Show in a match you asked for, and... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] Orton: You’re damn right I asked for that match. Big Show, you want to mess with me, you want to mess with my business? Well tonight... you may not be a legend... but rest assured... I will kill you! JR: Strong words from Randy Orton, that match is still to come. But right now... Jeff Hardy is set to go one on one with Paul London. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy5_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jeff Hardy v Paul London[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Hardy now... Irish whip out of the corner... London reverses... Hardy to the top rope... whisper in the wind! Hardy got him, hooks the leg, 1... 2... and London kicks out. Paul London showing he’s got a lot of guts too. King: These two guys, both high flyers, both out here trying put on the best show they can. JR: And both men are fan favourites. Hardy... sends London to the corner... and Hardy runs into a boot... King: London’s up top... JR London off the top rope... hurricanrana! London with the cover, 1... 2... oh! This time it’s Jeff Hardy who barely kicks out. King: What is it going to take for one of these guys to end this? JR: London now... comes off the topes... leapfrog by Hardy... and London sent for a ride with that hiptoss. London back up... but Hardy takes him down and... Hardy with a bridge, cover, 1... 2... and again London kicks out. King: The pace the two guys are going at it is... JR: Hardy ducks a right hand... twist of fate! Jeff hits the twist of fate! King: Oh my... JR: Hardy now... quickly going to the top rope... swanton bomb! King: He nailed it! JR: Hardy connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! Jeff Hardy wins, but my God what an effort from Paul London. A reat back and forth match between these two. King: Well JR... two of the high flyers here on Raw just put on one hell of a show. JR: And... both men back to their feet and... well that’s a nice touch of class from Jeff right there. A handshake between the two men. King: A nice show of respect between two guys who put on a show tonight. Jeff Hardy beat Paul London (B) ------ *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and Mr Kennedy* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shane_McMahon8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Listen... you know Hunter and Show aren’t on the same page right now, right? Kennedy: Yeah. Shane: I need you to help me fix this, understand? I need you to work on Show, I’ll work on Hunter, OK? Kennedy: Yeah but... what’s going to happen if they don’t get on the same page? Shane: Then at Night of Champions... all hell’s going to break loose. King: God JR. What did Shane mean by that? JR: Something’s going on between the Big Show and Triple H right now. We’re going to have to wait to find out what it is but... [I]HEY[/I] King: Here comes Orton. JR: Randy Orton making his way down to the ring. This grudge match between Orton and Big Show is coming up when we return to Monday Night Raw! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Randy Orton v The Big Show[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Orton once again, locking on that chinlock, trying to keep the Big Show on the canvas. King: Yeah cause he knows if the Big Show gets back to his feet it might be hard to get back to the mat. JR: Well I’m sure Randy Orton could find a way to get it done. Big Show... trying to fight back to his feet... Orton tries to wrench that hold in tighter... Big Show hits him with an elbow. And another... Big Show has him up... sideslam takes Orton down. King: JR, do you think that Big Show and Triple H are really on the same page right now? JR: I don’t know, but I wouldn’t trust Triple H. He’s said on numerous occasions that he wants a title shot. He wanted it at Night of Champions, but it looks like he’s not going to get it. King: Yeah but... Shane has a plan I know it. Shane’ll get everybody back on the same page. JR: Well I’d rather he didn’t, but nonetheless... Big Show just clubbing Orton with those hard shots... Orton sent across the ring... and Big Show just engulfed him in the corner. Orton almost disappeared behind the Big Show. King: And Orton has just collapsed to the mat... JR: And I think... it may be time for the chokeslam. Big Show... dragging Orton back to his feet. King: Orton looks like he can hardly stand. JR: Big Show... he has Orton by the throat... oh! Orton with a kick... RK... no! Big Show blocks it. King: Oh no! JR: Oh my... Big Show... he’s got Orton by the throat... chokeslam! Chokeslam! Big Show just chokeslammed Orton to hell! Here’s the cover, 1... 2... 3! Big Show wins! Big Show has beaten Randy Orton and... King: Hey! It’s Jericho! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] JR: Oh! Oh! Oh my God! Jericho just nailed Big Show with a chair! Jericho getting Big Show back for that attack last night! King: Big Show is out! JR: Chris Jericho, the WWE Champion, standing tall! Orton is down, Big Show is down. What the hell is going to happen next? Join us next week on Raw! [B]The Big Show beat Randy Orton (B)[/B] ------- [SIZE="1"]Bobby Lashley beat Lance Cade (C+) Mickie James beat Jillian Hall (C+) Hardcore Holly beat TJ Wilson (B-) Kurt Angle beat William Regal (B) Jeff Hardy beat Paul London (B) The Big Show beat Randy Orton (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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Angle's comeback was a nice surprise, and he'll work wonders in the main event scene, but how is his body holding up? And a Paul London/Jeff Hardy team wouldn't go amiss :p Maybe you could do a quick recap of recent events, just to get everyone back in place, like keefy did with his Montreal diary. The Team McMahon argument was realisitic, as it shows with Triple H always wanting the title. Good show overall. Surely Angle - Regal and Show - Orton are better than a B though?!
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[QUOTE=Mtm2k6;466054]Angle's comeback was a nice surprise, and he'll work wonders in the main event scene, but how is his body holding up?[/QUOTE] Yeah I'm hoping he'll open up some opportunities for some great feuds. To be honest, his condition is not good, and I suspect that's the reason I got him. TNA just seemed to let his contract run out. I'm going to have to use him carefully, but he's still got great mic skills so I can build his feuds in promos and save his matches for PPV. [QUOTE]And a Paul London/Jeff Hardy team wouldn't go amiss :p[/QUOTE] Well there goes one of the matches from next weeks Raw! I have an idea for Hardy/London to get involved in a feud with a couple of other guys. They won't be a regular tag team, but they will be looking out for each other. [QUOTE]Maybe you could do a quick recap of recent events, just to get everyone back in place, like keefy did with his Montreal diary.[/QUOTE] Yeah I will do. I might wait until after NoC as that will be 6 months of game time, so that will be a good point for a look back at everything. [QUOTE]The Team McMahon argument was realisitic, as it shows with Triple H always wanting the title.[/QUOTE] Glad you found that realistic, as this is something I want to develop over the next few weeks (and since I'm about 2 weeks ahead of the diary in the game, I've already started that). [QUOTE]Good show overall. Surely Angle - Regal and Show - Orton are better than a B though?![/QUOTE] I know! I thought Regal - Angle would've been a great match for Kurt to come back to. As for Orton and Show, that's actually the worst match Randy has been in since I started the game. Even all the way back to the gametime before the Royal Rumble where the diary started from, he had never been involved in a match that was less than B+. Maybe it was because they are both heels? Anyway, thanks for the feedback. Anymore before I post the ECW preview?
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[QUOTE=iMac;464988]OK, um... I'd just like to say I'm going to be bringing this back. Probably won't mean a lot to most people but it does to me. I tried to do something else with '08, but it was a nightmare. I tried a WWF 98 game, same timeline as FMTA, but the data just wasn't suited to the new game. After playing out a few months it became clear to me that it was never going to work. However, I like writing. I like being creative. I liked doing this diary. So I'm going to bring it back. For various personal reasons I have a long summer ahead of me and I need something to help pass the time, and this is going to help. I'll probably never win awards or even get nominated for them, but I'm doing this for a bit of fun which is probably the most important part of doing these things, the fact that the guy writing it is enjoying it. OK, so no fanfare or hype, we're going to kick things off again with Raw the night after One Night Stand (which is the last show I posted if anyone wants to have a read and catch up with things). Night of Champions is only two weeks away, so we haven't got long until the next pay per view. I've been pretty busy writing in the last week and have managed to do all the Raws, Smackdowns and ECWs and I'm almost finished writing the show, so hopefully we can move it along quickly. Also, since I was ahead of schedule in regards to RL WWE, certain things I did wound up happening. But now I am about a month behind RL, I can make sure I don't follow the RL 'E and make this go in different directions, although some things I had been building towards for a while so certain parts will be similar. If anyone wants me to post a more detailed report of everything that has happened then just say and I will. I can include rosters, champions and PPV cards if needed. Um... thanks![/QUOTE] I'm glad to hear that mate, I always enjoyed reading along. Got a reader back here mate.
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[QUOTE=tristram;466313]I'm glad to hear that mate, I always enjoyed reading along. Got a reader back here mate.[/QUOTE] Thanks man. Never knew you were a reader. Always good to know who likes you diary and who doesn't. I'll leave a comment on your WCW diary when I get a chance to.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW Preview[/B] [B]Stevie Richards v Matt Striker[/B] [SIZE="1"]After being Big Daddy V's manager for many months, Striker makes his return to singles action tonight as he takes on ECW Original Stevie Richards. Richards has been in good form lately, scoring a win over Kevin Thorn and beating Thorn and Mike Knox with his partner Balls Mahoney. Richards will be confident of victory, but Striker will have the menacing Big Daddy V in his corner, and that could make the difference.[/SIZE] [B]Nunzio v The Miz[/B] [SIZE="1"]Miz may have lost to former partner John Morrison last week, but he is determined to press ahead with his singles career. Tonight he takes on ECW Original Nunzio, with the former Cruiserweight Champion sure to prove a tough opponent for the former reality star.[/SIZE] [B]Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison v Kevin Thorn and Paul Burchill[/B] [SIZE="1"]Dreamer was on the losing end Sunday night in the ECW Title triple threat, but tonight he teams with Tuesday Night Delight John Morrison. Having recently split from The Miz, Morrison is looking to push himself up the card. Thorn and Burchill will prove formidable opponents though, as Thorn has been a stable powerhouse for months now and Burchill has only been pinned by one man since he made his debut on Sci-Fi... that one man was Tommy Dreamer.[/SIZE] [B]CM Punk v Kenny Dykstra[/B] [SIZE="1"]Punk beat Elijah Burke at One Night Stand in a Last Man Standing match, which has pushed him back into contention for a possible shot at ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin. A win over Dykstra tonight could only help that cause. Dykstra however is determined to leave the Land of Extreme with a win, as it would once again see him move into contention for the United States Title back on Smackdown. Who will come out on top in a match that could mean so much to both men involved?[/SIZE] ------ Stevie Richards v Matt Striker Nunzio v The Miz Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison v Kevin Thorn and Paul Burchill CM Punk v Kenny Dykstra
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Very good RAW my friend, shocked at the Angle return... But it's always good to have surprises :D [B]Stevie Richards[/B] v Matt Striker [I]Striker Sucks :p[/I] Nunzio v [B]The Miz[/B] [I]This is easy, just look at the opponent :D[/I] [B] Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison[/B] v Kevin Thorn and Paul Burchill [I]I think you have to keep Tommy strong, he was after all at the title match at ONS[/I] [B]CM Punk[/B] v Kenny Dykstra [I]This is the hardest one, there are two options, Punk wins by DQ after Benjamin attacks him, or Dykstra wins after Benjamin attacks :D[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] Styles: Welcome everybody to ECW! Tonight, Cedar Rapids, IA welcomes the land of extreme, 48 hours after ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin somehow managed to retain his title at One Night Stand. Tazz: Right I mean Shelton was putting the title on the line in an extreme rules match against Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley, two of the most extreme guys you’ll ever meet. Styles: Also last night, CM Punk scored some retribution over Elijah Burke in the last man standing match... but right now, here comes Matt Striker and Big Daddy V. Tazz: Right and we’ve been told that tonight, Matt Striker is making his return o active competition. Styles: And with Big Daddy V in his corner, he could score a lot of wins, here on Sci-Fi. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/StevenRichards.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Matt_Striker2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stevie Richards v Matt Striker[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Richards hits a clothesline... Striker quickly back up, but Richards sends him down again. Stevie off the ropes... back-elbow connects. There’s a cover, 1-2... and Striker kicks out. Tazz: Joey, I think that Matt Striker now, he’s trying to establish himself as a wrestler in his own right here on ECW. Styles: Striker was a member of the active roster before, then he became the manager, or maybe handler is a better term, of Big Daddy V. But with V in his corner... Tazz: He can definitely do some damage. Striker could push himself up the card pretty quickly. Styles: But Stevie Richards is in control right now... he sends Striker... no Striker reverses... Stevie up over the top... goes for the kick... Striker blocks it... oh! Striker with a big time clothesline, takes Stevie down the hard way. Tazz: He just threw Stevie to the floor... what the hell did he do that for? Styles: I think all is about to become clear Tazz. Big Daddy V scoops Stevie up... Tazz: Hey ref! C’mon man! Styles: Striker has the referee distracted as... oh! Big Daddy V rams the spine of Stevie Richards into the turnbuckle... and again! Tazz: The ref didn’t see nothing, Striker had him looking the other way... and I think Stevie is down and he’s hurt. Styles: The referee has started to count... he’s at 5... 6... Tazz: Not looking good for Stevie. Styles: That’s 8... 9... 10. It’s over. Matt Striker wins via countout, thanks to Big Daddy V. Tazz: Well, it looked like Stevie was about to put Striker away with that kick, Striker managed to block it, send Stevie to the floor, and he never made it back into the ring after that. Styles: And in what could be considered a comeback match of sorts, Matt Striker has picked up the win. [B]Matt Striker beat Stevie Richards (C-)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Armando Estrada* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Armando_Estrada3.jpg[/IMG] Estrada: Si... si Mr McMahon. I know Mr McMahon, but the last time Kurt Angle was here, he was on ECW. Si... si. But... I’m sorry Mr McMahon, I have to go. What are you doing here amigo? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] Foley: You see Estrada, last night I may have lost to Shelton Benjamin... but I still have something I got to take care of here on ECW. Estrada: What’s that? Foley: I still think that you... are a sham. You’re the general manager of ECW... yet I don’t see anything extreme about your show. Estrada: Well you know what amigo? I don’t care what you think. I want you out of my ECW. Foley: You want me out? Well you’re going to have to force me out Estrada, cause I don’t plan on leaving for a while. Estrada: That can be arranged my friend. Next week... you are going to go one on one... with the ECW Champion, Shelton Benjamin. And if you lose... you have to leave ECW. Tazz: Can he do that? I mean can he just make a match like that to kick Mick Foley out of ECW? Styles: I guess he can. He’s the general manager. So... next week folks, Foley and Benjamin, and if Mick Foley loses, he’s got to leave ECW. Tazz: I am not looking forward to that Joey. Styles: Well we’ve got to move on with the show folks. When we return, Nunzio will step into the ring with The Miz. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/LittleGuido.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/themiz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nunzio v The Miz[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Miz sends Nunzio to the corner... and Miz runs into a boot from the little Italian. Nunzio to the top rope... legdrop to the back of the head. Tazz: Are we going to see an upset right here? Styles: The leg is hooked... 1... 2... and Miz gets the shoulder up. Tazz: Layla at ringside here, she’s going nuts at the prospect of Miz losing this match. Styles: Nunzio trying to keep the momentum going... comes off the ropes... misses with a kick to the head... and Miz nails him with a clothesline. Wow. Tazz: Ever since Miz and Morrison broke up, Miz has been a real bad ass in the ring. I mean he’s nailing Nunzio right now, and we talked about the fact he might be in line for a future title shot, possibly at Brian Kendrick and the Cruiserweight Title. Styles: Absolutely right. Miz now... sends Nunzio off the ropes... and Miz a flying forearm. Tazz: And I think Miz just signalled that it’s over. Styles: Miz... setting Nunzio up... oh! Tazz: That’s it right there. Styles: Miz strikes with the Reality Check... goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3. Wow. Tazz: Very impressive win for Miz, Layla loved seeing that. Styles: So Miz rebounds after losing to John Morrison last week with a dominant win over Nunzio. [B]The Miz beat Nunzio (C)[/B] -------- *we cut backstage to Anastacia Rose* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AnastaciaRose-11.jpg[/IMG] Rose: Please welcome my guest at this time, he is the ECW Champion... the Gold Standard, Shelton Benjamin! And Shelton, last night... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] Shelton: Hold on girl. Did you hear what Armando Estrada just did? Me and Foley next week? I already proved ECW is my show! This is my house! I am the Gold Standard. I beat that old fool Foley and his buddy Dreamer last night at One Night Stand, and now I got to face him again? Neither of them can hang with me in the ring. So next week... I’m going to finish you Foley. I’m going to kick your ass out of ECW... and then I’m going to send your buddy Dreamer with you. Styles: It seems that Shelton Benjamin is intent in removing Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley from ECW. Tazz: Those two guys are ECW for me. They represent the spirit of the old ECW. If Shelton Benjamin is right and he gets rid of Mick Foley and then Tommy Dreamer... we’re going to be in bad shape around here Joey, Styles: Speaking of Tommy Dreamer... here he comes right now. Tommy Dreamer, the innovator of violence, is set for tag team action. He teams with John Morrison to take on Kevin Thorn and Paul Burchill. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnMorrison-11.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KevinThorn101.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison v Kevin Thorn and Paul Burchill[/B][/CENTER] we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Burchill... lifts Dreamer up on his shoulders... and he drives him into the turnbuckle. Tag made as Kevin Thorn comes back in. Tazz: No love lost between Burchill and Dreamer Joey. Styles: Definitely not. Tommy Dreamer handed Paul Burchill his first loss here on ECW. Infact, Tommy Dreamer is the only man to have pinned Paul Burchill since he made his debut in the land of extreme. Tazz: And you know that’s eating Burchill up inside, he wants to get back at Dreamer for those losses. Styles: He’s getting a chance to extract some measure of revenge in this match, as Thorn tags him back in. And Burchill... hard shot to the small of the back. Dreamer, sent off the ropes... ducks a right hand... oh! Tommy Dreamer with a neckbreaker, takes both men down. Tazz: Now would be a good time for Dreamer to make a tag. Styles: John Morrison has been waiting on the apron for a while now... tag made, in comes Kevin Thorn... here comes Morrison. John Morrison... takes Thorn down with a right hand... and another... and Burchill takes a shot as well. And now a dropkick to Thorn. Morrison hooks the leg, 1... 2... and Burchill makes the save. Tazz: Look out, here comes Dreamer... Styles: Dreamer goes flying for Burchill! All hell is breaking loose in there! Tazz: We got Dreamer and Burchill brawling... Morrison and Thorn are going at it. Styles: Dreamer rocking Burchill with right hands... and a clothesline takes both men to the floor. Morrison and Thorn alone in the ring... oh! Thorn with a shoulder breaker almost... here’s a cover, 1... 2... and Morrison kicks out. Tazz: Burchill and Dreamer brawling out here on the floor... oh! Styles: Burchill just threw Dreamer into the steel steps... as back in the ring, Thorn sends Morrison off the ropes... Morrison ducks the right hand... Tazz: Look out... Styles: Morrison... kick to Thorn... Moonlight Drive! Morrison connects, hooks the leg, 1... 2... 3! Morrison and Dreamer win! Tazz: Alright! Tuesday night delight John Morrison hitting that corkscrew neckbreaker, such a... Styles: Oh! From behind, Burchill attacks. Tommy Dreamer is out on the floor, and now Burchill has Morrison up... Tazz: Uh oh... C4. Man what a move. Styles: Paul Burchill and Kevin Thorn may have lost this match, but they have left Morrison and Dreamer decimated in the ring. [B]Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison beat Kevin Thorn and Paul Burchill (C+)[/B] ------- *we cut backstage to Armando Estrada* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Armando_Estrada3.jpg[/IMG] Estrada: Si... but Mr McMahon, he had a contract with ECW. Si... I know he left, but he still... si. Si Mr McMahon... I understand. Adios. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] Punk: Bad news? Estrada: What are you doing here Punk? You have a match against Kenny Dykstra next. Punk: I know I have a match soon... but I got something I want to say to you first. Estrada: What? Punk: I want a shot at Shelton Benjamin at Night of Champions. I beat Elijah Burke at One Night Stand... and I deserve a shot at the title. Estrada: Are you crazy amigo? You have already has a shot at Shelton Benjamin. You lost my friend. You don’t get a rematch. Punk: You know what? You’re right. At Backlash, I did lose to Shelton Benjamin. But the reason I lost... was Elijah Burke. Elijah Burke saved the ECW Title for Shelton Benjamin. I want Benjamin one on one... and I don’t want Elijah Burke to be anywhere near the ring. Estrada: Well amigo... it’s up to Shelton Benjamin. If he says yes... then you can have your match. But right now... you better get to the ring. Tazz: God Joey... Night of Champions... we could see CM Punk and Shelton Benjamin again. Styles: Yeah but it depends on Shelton Benjamin agreeing to the match. You think he’s going to do that? Tazz: Uh... well... I dunno, maybe he will. Styles: Well... I guess we’ll find out next week. But right now, Smackdown’s Kenny Dykstra steps into the land of extreme as he goes one on one with CM Punk. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] [B]CM Punk v Kenny Dykstra[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Punk on the apron... springboard clothesline from the outside in takes Dykstra down. That could do it, 1... 2... and Dykstra kicks out. Tazz: Well we heard earlier, CM Punk socred that win over Elijah Burke at One Night Stand, he’s coming in here with a lot of momentum, looking to keep it going with another win here tonight. Styles: Dykstra... sent to the corner... and Punk follows him in with a knee to the face. Punk... and Dykstra reverses that bulldog and throws Punk shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Tazz: Man, nice reversal by Dykstra... and now with a roll-up... Styles: 1... 2... and this time it’s Punk that survives. Dykstra now... nice athleticism as he bounces to the top rope... but Punk is up... Tazz: Look out... Styles: Oh! Dropkick by Punk, leaves Dykstra in a... Tazz: He’s in a tough spot, let’s say that. Styles: No doubt as... Punk... is he... he’s trying to get Dykstra in position... Tazz: That might be it for Kenny... Styles: Punk... he has Dykstra up... Tazz: GTS baby! Styles: Go to Sleep! Dykstra goes down. Punk with the cover, 1... 2... 3! CM Punk wins! Tazz: What a match these two just put on. That was... Styles: Wait a minute Tazz... here comes Shelton Benjamin. Tazz: What the... is Punk going to get his answer right now? Styles: I don’t know... I guess so, I mean... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] Benjamin: Punk... Punk... congratulations man. Nice win tonight. I just got word from Armando Estrada... that you want to challenge me for my ECW at Night of Champions. You really want to lose to me a third time? I mean... I took this title of you at Wrestlemania... then I beat you at Backlash... and now you want to lose at Night of Champions too? I tell you what Punk... I’ll give you your match at Night of Champions... and I’ll even agree that Elijah Burke can’t get involved. But for me to do that... you got to put something on the line too. Tazz: What’s he mean by that? Styles: Uh... well... I don’t know. Benjamin: If I beat you... and I will beat you Punk... you got to leave ECW! Tazz: What? Styles: Oh my God! Benjamin: That’s right Punk. If you want that title shot... you’re going to have to meet my terms. And if you accept... you’re going to follow that old fool Foley out of the door. And I’ll prove... this is my show! Tazz: God I... I can’t believe this. Styles: If CM Punk wants another shot at Shelton Benjamin... he’s got to put his ECW career on the line? Join us next week folks to see how this turns out. [B]CM Punk beat Kenny Dykstra (B+)[/B] -------- [SIZE="1"]Matt Striker beat Stevie Richards (C-) The Miz beat Nunzio (C) Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison beat Kevin Thorn and Paul Burchill (C+) CM Punk beat Kenny Dykstra (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;467223]that was.... interesting.... nice to see you use Estrada the way he was supposed to be used[/QUOTE] Hehe... Estrada is going to be involved in a big storyline regarding ECW's future. I started laying plans for it back before One Night Stand, but it's going to take a few months to follow through on it.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Smackdown Preview[/B] [B]Brian Kendrick v Nunzio[/B] [SIZE="1"]The Cruiserweight Champion survived a controversial ending to the match at One Night Stand, but with people questioning his right to hold on to the title, he needs a convincing win tonight. Will he get it against ECW's Nunzio?[/SIZE] [B]Ron Killings v Kenny Dykstra[/B] [SIZE="1"]Having recently returned to the WWE, Killings and his partner Kofi Kingston are looking for singles victories. Can Killings take the first step against Kenny Dykstra, who is coming off a loss on Tuesday on ECW?[/SIZE] [B]Deuce and Domino v Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards[/B] [SIZE="1"]The tag team champions know they will be facing someone at Night of Champions, but that will be decided later. Deuce and Domino will be after a strong showing against ECW Originals Mahoney and Richards, but the pressure of knowing the candidates for the Night of Champions match will be watching on could get to them.[/SIZE] [B]Matt Hardy v John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] [SIZE="1"]The United States Champion Matt Hardy faces the daunting task of taking on Umaga at Night of Champions, and tonight he faces an equally huge task against the former World Champion JBL. The Wrestling God wants to be back in the hunt for the title, but Hardy could spoil those plans.[/SIZE] [B]WWE Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders Match The Edge-heads v Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero[/B] [SIZE="1"]Edge feels that he should be the man to take on The Undertaker at Night of Champions, and he wants his boys Hawkins and Ryder to also go for gold that night. First though, Hawkins and Ryder must get past the partnership of Mysterio and Guerrero.[/SIZE] [B]Montel Vontavious Porter v CM Punk[/B] [SIZE="1"]Punk took on Kenny Dykstra in the ECW main event last Tuesday, and now he makes the trip to Smackdown to take on MVP. MVP is still reeling after losing the casket match to Undertaker at One Night Stand, so now could be the perfect time for Punk to score a win on Friday night.[/SIZE] ------ Brian Kendrick v Nunzio Ron Killings v Kenny Dykstra Deuce and Domino v Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards Matt Hardy v John Bradshaw Layfield The Edge-heads v Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero Montel Vontavious Porter v CM Punk
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[B]Brian Kendrick[/B] v Nunzio [B]Ron Killings[/B] v Kenny Dykstra [B]Deuce and Domino[/B] v Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards Matt Hardy v [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] [B]The Edge-heads [/B]v Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero Montel Vontavious Porter v [B]CM Punk[/B]
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[B]Brian Kendrick[/B] v Nunzio [B]Ron Killings[/B] v Kenny Dykstra Deuce and Domino v [B]Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards[/B] [B]Matt Hardy[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield The Edge-heads v [B]Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero[/B] [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] v CM Punk
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Friday Night Smackdown! Last Sunday night we saw The Undertaker retain the World Heavyweight Title in a Casket Match against MVP, but I have a feeling it may not be over, as we join Jonathan Coachman in the ring. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JonathanCoachman.jpg[/IMG] Coach: Thank you Michael Cole. Ladies and gentlemen... please welcome my guest at this time... the man who was robbed of victory last Sunday night at One Night Stand... the man who should be the World Heavyweight Champion... Montel Vontavious Porter... MVP. Cole: Well... I don’t know how Coach can say MVP was robbed last Sunday. It was a hell of a casket match between MVP and The Undertaker, and the Deadman won fair and square. Coach: MVP... I realise you requested an interview with me in the ring at this time. I was sat at ringside last Sunday, I saw the effort you put into that match with The Undertaker... and I know you should be the World Heavyweight Champion right now. MVP... I understand you have something to say. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] MVP: Coach... I want to say thank you for your support during all this. For my mine, you are the best commentator in WWE history. But the reason I’m out here... is because I got a message for The Undertaker. Undertaker... you think that cause you beat me in a casket match your better than me? You ain’t better than me Deadman. The casket match... is your match. If that was a regular, one on one match... you know I’d beat you. You know I’m a better wrestler than you. So Undertaker... I want you to prove me wrong. I want a match with you at Night of Champions... for the World Heavyweight Title. You and me, one on one... no caskets... no stipulations. All I’ll show you Deadman... that I’m better than you. Cole: MVP... has laid down another challenge to The Undertaker. A challenge for Night of Champions. Will that match take place? ------ Cole: We’re back from commercial folks. Coach has finally taken his seat at ringside. You honestly can’t believe MVP was robbed last night? Coach: Didn’t you hear what MVP said? He never wanted to be in a casket match. That was Teddy Long that made that match. In a one on one, regular singles match, MVP will prove he is the better wrestler, he will prove he’s the better man, and he will become the World Heavyweight Champion. That is, if Teddy Long has the guts to make the match. Cole: Well that remains to be seen. Right now though, Nunzio is in the ring... and here comes the Cruiserweight Champion, Brian Kendrick. Kendrick involved in a very controversial match last Sunday... Coach: Hold on Cole, let’s be frank here. Billy Kidman should be the Cruiserweight Champion. We both know that. Cole: The replays have proved inconclusive. Kendrick and Kidman both drove opponents through tables at exactly the same time. And we understand, that at Night of Champions, there will be a match to determine the champion. Brian Kendrick will take on Billy Kidman for the Cruiserweight Title. Coach: Well, Kidman should already be the champion, but at least he gets a chance to win the title. Cole: Right now though, Kendrick has to deal with Nunzio... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Spanky.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/LittleGuido.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brian Kendrick v Nunzio[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Nunzio with a stiff right hand... and another. Nunzio whips Kendrick to the corner... and Nunzio runs into a boot. Kendrick... on the top rope... bulldog. Kendrick connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... and Nunzio kicks out. Coach: Don’t get me wrong, Brian Kendrick has been a great Cruiserweight Champion since the title came back, but he shouldn’t be holding that title right now. Cole: You believe Billy Kidman outright won that match? Coach: Of course he did! Cole: Well the referee at the time couldn’t make a decision. It was too close to call, and that’s why we have a another match at Night of Champions to settle this. Coach: Then the referee is the one who screwed up. Billy Kidman shoudln’t be punished for that. Cole: Well... getting back to this match, Nuznio has Kendrick downed with an armbar. This crowd, trying to rally behind the Cruiserweight Champion. Coach: Stay on him Nunzio. I’m sure if you do some damage tonight Billy Kidman will make sure you’re the first guy to get a title shot. Cole: Kendrick back on his feet... elbow to the midsection... and another... Kendrick off the ropes... Nunzio with a hip toss... Kendrick reverses it! Kendrick off the ropes... Nunzio with a leapfrog... but Kendrick nails a dropkick! Coach: Nunzio, you gotta keep Kendrick grounded. Cole; Kendrick now... he has Nunzio... runs him into the corner... sliced bread! Kendrick with the sliced bread... hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! And the Cruiserweight Champion wins! Coach: Yeah but don’t get used to saying that for much longer. At Night of Champions, Billy Kidman is taking that title away. [B]Brian Kendrick beat Nunzio (C+)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Teddy Long* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] Teddy: Can I help you three guys? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CurtHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ZachRyder.jpg[/IMG] Edge: Teddy... I know you saw One Night Stand. And that mean you saw me beat Rey Mysterio in a cage match. And you know what? I think that my performance should put me in line for a WWE Title shot at Night of Champions. And also, at Night of Champions... since I’ll leave Night of Champions as the World Heavyweight Champion... I want Hawkins and Ryder to have a shot at the tag team titles. Teddy: That’s what you think? Edge: Yeah. Teddy: Well let me tell you what I think Edge. I think... that I’m going to give MVP one last shot at the World Heavyweight Title. I’ll give MVP his match with The Undertaker at Night of Champions... but if he loses... he ain’t getting another shot at the title, as long as The Undertaker is champion. Edge: So... if Taker wins at Night of Champions... I could get a shot? Teddy: Uh... I’ll get back to you on that one playa. As for you two, Hawkins and Ryder... I think Edge is right. You do deserve a chance at the tag team titles. But you going to have to earn that shot. Edge: Fine, they’ll do it. Teddy: To get that shot at Deuce and Domino at Night of Champions... you two are going to have to beat... Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero! And that match is going to happen tonight. Now what you think of that playa? Coach: No how can Teddy Long do that? Rey Mysterio losses last night, and now he could get a shot at the tag team titles, Edge wins and he can’t get a shot at The Undertaker? Cole: Well Hawkins and Ryder can get a shot at the tag team titles, they’ve got to earn it first. Coach: It’s a damn disgrace! The sooner we get a new general manager the better. Cole: Well... we’ll have to wait and see how that works out. Up next, Kenny Dykstra, who ran CM Punk close last Tuesday night on ECW, is in action here against Ron Killings. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Ron_Killings.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kenny Dykstra v Ron Killings[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Oh! Killings drives Dykstra to the mat, goes for a cover, 1... 2... and Dykstra gets the shoulder up. Ron Killings and Kofi Kingston made their debut as a tag team a few weeks ago, and they’ve been making a lot of noise here on Smackdown. Coach: Yeah but this is the kinda match that a young guy like Kenny Dykstra is going to have to win if he wants to take his career to the next level. Cole: Kenny who was involved in Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania, who challenged Matt Hardy for the United States title not so long ago... but right now Ron Killings is teaching him a lesson, as Killings locks in that headlock. Coach: C’mon Kenny. Cole: Dykstra was on ECW this week, lost a great match to CM Punk on Sci-FI... looking to get back to winning ways tonight. Dykstra... makes it back to his feet... and there’s a stiff right hand... oh! And a slap to the face, total disrespect from the youngster Dykstra... and Killings now, raining down with rights and lefts. Coach: I loved the slap, but he just made Killings mad. Cole: Killings now... sends Dykstra off the ropes... heel kick connects! Dykstra is reeling now. Coach: C’mon Kenny. Get your head back in this match. Cole: Ron Killings now... going to the top rope... Killings... off the top... oh! Missed with a scissors kick off the top... and Dykstra with a roll-up... 1... 2... he’s got the tights... 3! Coach: Yes! Great victory! Cole: What are you talking about? He just stole that from Ron Killings. Coach: That doesn’t matter Cole. It goes down in the record books as a win for Kenny Dykstra. [B]Kenny Dykstra beat Ron Killings (B-)[/B] ------- *we cut backstage to Eve Torres* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/EveTorres11.jpg[/IMG] Eve: Please welcome my guest at this time, he is the United States Champion... Matt Hardy! And Matt, in the last two weeks, you’ve suffered attacks at the hands of Umaga. And at Night of Champions, you will put your United States title on the line against Umaga. Matt, do you think you can beat the Samoan Bulldozer? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] Matt: You know what? Ever since I became United States champion, I took on everybody that came my way. And at Night of Champions, I will step into the ring with Umaga. And you know what? I’m going to leave Night of Champions, still the United States Champion. You think you can just take away everything I’ve worked for Umaga? There ain’t no way you’re going to beat me. That’s all I got to say. Cole: A very intense Matt Hardy, obviously still hurting from those attacks from Umaga in recent weeks. Coach: Well I admire Matt Hardy for taking on all comers, but I think Umaga is just too strong and too dominant. Cole: That match is signed for Night of Champions, but here come two men who will find out later tonight who they will face at Night of Champions. Deuce and Domino, the tag team champions are in action next. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimmySnukaJr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Domino.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Balls_Mahoney.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/StevenRichards.jpg[/IMG] [B]Deuce and Domino v Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Deuce... hard shot to the face of Balls Mahoney. Tag made, Domino comes into the ring... and he goes right back to work on the knee. Coach: This is just really smart tag team wrestling from Deuce and Domino. This is why they’re the champions. The isolate somebody, go to work on him, keep him pinned in their corner of the ring. Very smart. Cole: No doubt there are the tag team champions, but will they still be after Night of Champions? Coach: Probably not because Hawkins and Ryder are going to beat Rey and Chavo tonight. And the Edge-heads are the best tag team here on Smackdown, so Deuce and Domino could be in trouble. Cole: Well... I’m sure Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero will have something to say about that. Coach: Yeah but nobody cares what they have to say. Cole: Alright... Domino now... Irish whips Balls to the corner... and Domino runs into an elbow... and Deuce goes flying off the apron. Balls out of the corner... clothesline takes Domino down. Both men down now, as Balls can’t take advantage of that offense. Coach: See now that isn’t fair. Deuce isn’t even on the apron right now thanks to Mahoney. Cole: Domino doesn’t look like he’s going to being to be making a tag anytime soon. It’s Balls that is closer to his corner... and here comes Stevie Richards. Richards is in... oh! Coach: Almost took his head off. Cole: Richards with that kick, hooks the leg... 1... 2... and Deuce makes the save. The champions almost suffered defeat there. Balls now brawling with Deuce... and drop toe hold sends Balls to the floor. Coach: That’s smart. They’ve got a two on one advantage right now. Cole: But Richards is managing to battle them both... Richards off the ropes... ducks Domino... but runs into Deuce! Coach: That’ll do it right there. Cole: I don’t think they’re done... Deuce... he has Richards set up... crack ‘em in the mouth! Domino connects... here’s the cover... 1... 2... 3. And the tag team champions win. Coach: And that right there can be considered a message to whoever wins that tag team titles match later on tonight. [B]Deuce and Domino beat Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards (C)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Eve Torres* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/EveTorres11.jpg[/IMG] Eve: Please welcome my guests at this time, Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero! Now Ray, Chavo, you’ve just found out that you’ll be taking on Ryder and Hawkins for a chance to face Deuce and Domino at Night of Champions for the tag team titles. How are you guys feeling right now? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] Chavo: You know, Hawkins and Ryder, we owe you guys a beating. You got involved in the cage match at One Night Stand... and tonight we’re going to get even with you guys. Rey: That’s right. And Edge... don’t think that cause your boys helped you win last Sunday that this is over between us. I’ll get back at you one day Edge. As for tonight, Hawkins and Ryder... we’re going to show you what tag team wrestling is all about. Coach: You know, I am so sick of Rey Mysterio. I can’t stand that guy anymore, Cole: I’m sure he loves you Coach. JBL... making his way to the ring. He takes on the United States Champion Matt Hardy, and that match happens when we return. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matt Hardy v John Bradshaw Layfield[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: JBL... scoops Hardy up... Hardy reverses... DDT! Hardy plants JBL with that DDT out of nowhere. The United States, crawling over... 1... 2... no! JBL gets the shoulder up. Coach: I think Hardy surprised JBL with that DDT, but JBL is back on his feet first. Cole: JBL stalking Hardy... and he runs him over with a shoulder block. And there’s a hard kick to the spine... and again. Coach: And that is why JBL was such a great champion. He just bullies his way through people. Cole: JBL now... just pummelling Hardy in the corner... the referee calling for a break, adn finally JBL backs off. Coach: That’s alrigth, he played by the rules.. Cole: Hey what the... what is JBL doing? Coach: What? I can’t see anything. Cole: JBL just exposed the metal on that top turnbuckle. And now... he whips Hardy into it! JBL... off the ropes... clothesline from... no! Coach: What? Cole: Hardy ducks... kick... Coach: No... Cole: Twist of fate! Twist of fate! Matt Hardy connects! Hooks the leg... 1... 2.. 3! Matt Hardy picks up a huge win over JBL! Coach: God I... I can’t... Cole: Wait... oh! Umaga! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] Coach: Ha ha! Cole: Umaga strikes again! The Samoan Bulldozer just... Coach: What the hell is he doing out here? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] Cole: It’s Finlay! Finlay who was attacked along with Matt Hardy last week by Umaga! Finlay with the save! Umaga and JBL are heading out of here. Coach: He’s got no business being out here! This has got nothing to do with him! [B]Matt Hardy beat John Bradshaw Layfield (B-)[/B] ------- *we cut backstage to Edge and the Edge-heads making their way to the ring* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CurtHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ZachRyder.jpg[/IMG] Edge: Don’t worry guys, I got your back tonight. You’ll be at Night of Champions, trust me. I’ll make sure that... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] Teddy: Whoa, whoa playa. Where you going? Edge: With them to the ring. Teddy: I don’t think so Edge. You are banned from ringside tonight playa. Edge: What? Teddy: If I see you out there tonight, you’ll never get another shot at the World Heavyweight Title. You understand me? Edge: You can’t do that Teddy... Teddy: Oh yes I can. As for you two, I suggest you get out to the ring. Cole: Hawkins and Ryder take on Rey and Chavo next! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CurtHawkins.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ZachRyder.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders Match Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero v The Edge-heads[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Chavo now going to the top rope... Chavo looking for the... oh! Hawkins knocked Chavo off the top rope onto the turnbuckle... and a dropkick from Ryder sends Chavo to the floor. Coach: That looked like a fun landing didn’t Cole? Cole: No it didn’t. Chavo on the floor... and Hawkins is putting the boots to him. Now c’mon, he’s not the legal man here. Coach: What? He’s just helping him back into the ring, that’s all. Cole: And now a tag is made, Hawkins comes into the ring... and he puts a real chokehold on Chavo. Chavo now... trying to battle back to his feet... elbow to the gut... and another... Chavo off the ropes... kick to the face of Hawkins. Chavo again off the ropes... oh! Chavo runs right into a clothesline, Hawkins hooks the leg... 1... 2... and Mysterio makes the save. Coach: Now that should be a disqualification right there. Cole: Hawkins tags Ryder back in... and Ryder sends Chavo to the corner. Ryder... no, Chavo blocks the right hand, hits one of his own... and there’s a DDT! Both men down now. Coach: C’mon Ryder! Don’t let Mysterio get into the ring. Cole: Chavo... crawling towards his corner... Ryder tags in Hawkins... Chavo tags in Rey! Coach: Oh no... Cole: Here comes Rey... dropkick to the knee. Mysterio off the ropes... hurricanrana! Rey’s got the cover, 1... 2... and Hawkins makes the save. Here comes Chavo! Dropkick sends Hawkins over the top rope. Coach: This is not good... Cole: Chavo now... Irish whip to Ryder... Mysterio with a drop toe hold. Coach: No! Cole: Ryder is set up... 619! Rey with the 619! Chavo’s on the top rope... frog splash! Chavo hooks the leg... 1... 2... Coach: Kick out! Cole: 3! Rey and Chavo win! Mysterio and Guerrero are going to Night of Champions! Coach: Edge is not going to be happy at this. Cole: Rey and Chavo have just earned themselves a shot at the tag team titles! [B]Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero beat The Edge-heads (B-)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Montel Vontavious Porter and Mark Henry* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] MVP: Listen man, I ain’t seen him all night. You got to look out for him man, Kane too. Henry: You got it. MVP: And another thing. If Teddy Long tries anything, make sure you take care of him. Henry: You got it. MVP: Oh yeah... and one more thing... Cole: What are those two conspiring about? Coach: I’m sure they’re just talking about strategy that’s all. Cole: Well... here comes CM Punk. The former ECW Champion steps into Smackdown to take on MVP. And that match is next! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B]Montel Vontavious Porter v CM Punk[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: MVP... lining Punk up. Punk is slowly getting back to his feet... Coach: He’s going to wish he stayed down after this. Cole: MVP charges in... but Punk takes him down with a clothesline. Could that be the opening Punk needs? Punk... kick to the midsection... and now a knee to the face, taking MVP down. Coach: Yeah but you can see Punk is hurt. MVP did a lot of damage to Punk. Cole: We already know MVP is going to be involved in a match at Night of Champions, CM Punk will probably be involved in the ECW Title match if he accepts the demands of Shelton Benjamin... both these guys have important matches ahead, but they’re giving everything they’ve got tonight. Coach: And that’s because that’s MVP’s way. He doesn’t take nights off like The Undertaker. Cole: What? Anyway... Punk sends MVP off the ropes... spinning heel kick. Punk now in control... kick to the head... and another... MVP is out on his feet here... MVP is down. Punk with the cover, 1... 2... and MVP kicks out. Coach: That’s alright. MVP’s gonna make his move any second now. Cole: He better make it quick, cause Punk has all the momentum. Punk... going to the top rope... but MVP dropkicks the ropes, and that’s a hard landing for Punk. Coach: There you go. I told you. Cole: MVP now... is he going for a suplex off the top rope? Coach: This is going to end it right here. Cole: MVP... wait... Punk fighting it. Punk... leapfrog over MVP... hey... Coach: How the hell did he do that? Cole: Punk has him up... Coach: No! Cole: Go to Sleep! Punk with the GTS! And... oh! From behind, Mark Henry assaulting CM Punk! Coach: What took Henry so long? Cole: The match is over, Punk has won by disqualification, but now he’s taking a beating at the hands of MVP and Mark Henry. Henry and MVP, destroying CM Punk... GONG Coach: No! Not again! Cole: Is he here tonight? GONG Coach: No! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkCalloway.jpg[/IMG] Cole: The Undertaker is in the ring! The Under... oh! From behind Mark Henry with a chair! Henry just hit The Undertaker on the back of the head with that chair! Coach: Yes! This is great! Cole; CM Punk is down... Undertaker is down... and now Henry off the ropes... oh! A huge splash right on The Undertaker! The Undertaker has been left laying in the centre of the ring. Coach: Yes! I love it! MVP was ready for him this week! Cole: Has MVP struck a huge blow tonight? We’re out of time folks. Join us next week on Smackdown! [B]CM Punk beat Montel Vontavious Porter by DQ (B)[/B] ------ [SIZE="1"]Brian Kendrick beat Nunzio (C+) Kenny Dykstra beat Ron Killings (B-) Deuce and Domino beat Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards (C) Matt Hardy beat John Bradshaw Layfield (B-) Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero beat The Edge-heads (B-) CM Punk beat Montel Vontavious Porter by DQ (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Raw Preview[/B] [B]Carlito v Super Crazy[/B] [SIZE="1"]With Night of Champions less than a week away, the Intercontinental Champion is in need of a win ahead of his match with Bobby Lashley. Crazy has proved to be a tough opponent in the past, and with the threat of Lashley looming over Carlito's shoulder, he could be in-line for a shock win.[/SIZE] [B]Mickie James and Candice Michelle v Melina and Jillian Hall[/B] [SIZE="1"]Mickie and Melina will meet this Sunday at Night of Champions for the Women's Title, but tonight they face off in tag team action. James has seen off challenges from the likes of Beth Phoenix and Victoria lately, but could Melina prove to be a step too far for the champion?[/SIZE] [B]Cody Rhodes v Harry Smith[/B] [SIZE="1"]Last week on Raw, Hardcore Holly and TJ Wilson faced off, with the veteran Holly scoring the win for the tag team champions. Tonight, the other half of each team go at it, as Cody Rhodes looks to keep the momentum going against Harry Smith. Can Smith even the score, or will Cody send the champions into the title match at Night of Champions full of confidence?[/SIZE] [B]Bobby Lashley v Santino Marella[/B] [SIZE="1"]Santino may be percieved as a bit of a joker, but he could give Lashley a serious run for his money. Much as in Carlito's match, Lashley must be wary of the antics of the Intercontinental Champion, as he coukld make his presence known and hand victory to the loudmouth Italian.[/SIZE] [B]Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch v Jeff Hardy and Paul London[/B] [SIZE="1"]Hardy and London faced off against each other last week, in a match where London ran Hardy closer than anyone would have expected. After a level of respect was earned between the two, they team up tonight against tag team veterans Cade and Murdoch.[/SIZE] [B]Chris Jericho v Mr Kennedy[/B] [SIZE="1"]Jericho has a huge match ahead at Night of Champions, as he prepares to step into the ring with The Big Show. Show, with Shane McMahon's backing, feels like he will be the man to end Jericho's title reign. Kennedy apears to be the glue that is holding the alliance of Shane, Show, Kennedy and Triple H together right now, but feelings running high, anything could happen in tonights main event![/SIZE] ----- Carlito v Super Crazy Mickie James and Candice Michelle v Melina and Jillian Hall Cody Rhodes v Harry Smith Bobby Lashley v Santino Marella Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch v Jeff Hardy and Paul London Chris Jericho v Mr Kennedy
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[B]Carlito[/B] v Super Crazy Mickie James and Candice Michelle v [B]Melina and Jillian Hall[/B] [B]Cody Rhodes[/B] v Harry Smith [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] v Santino Marella Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch v [B]Jeff Hardy and Paul London[/B] [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v Mr Kennedy
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] JR: Good evening everybody, and welcome to Monday Night Raw! I’m Jim Ross, alongside me is Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, we are live from San Antonio, TX, and King, last week we saw the return of the Olympic Gold Medallist, Kurt Angle. King: And what a moment that was. Mr McMahon promised us a huge announcement, and what an announcement it turned out to be. Kurt Angle is back in the WWE... and it sounds like he’s coming out here right now! JR: Indeed he is! Kurt Angle, making his way towards the ring! I’m sure he’s got plenty to say about his return to the WWE. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kurt_Angle7.jpg[/IMG] Angle: Your Olympic hero has returned! It’s true... oh it’s damn true! I came back to the WWE for one reason, and one reason only... the WWE Title. I came back because I got some unfinished business in this company. Now I realise that The Big Show is going to face Chris Jericho at Night of Champions. That’s fine, I can handle that. But at the Great American Bash... I will be the number one contender. And when the Great American Bash is voer... I will be the WWE Champion again. It’s true... it’s damn true! King: Oh my God JR. Kurt Angle is back... and he wants the WWE Title! King: What are Triple H and Shane McMahon going to make of that? ------- JR: We’re back from commercial folks, and in the ring is Super Crazy, and he is awaiting, the Intercontinental Champion, Carlito. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Carlito v Super Crazy[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Carlito now... with hard boots to Super Crazy on the mat. Carlito... scoops him up... and slams him to the mat. Look out here... Carlito off the ropes... and that’s a nice leg drop. King: And right there you can see how arrogant Carlito is, taking his time to get back up. JR: One thing Carlito could never be accused of was not being confident. Carlito... whips Crazy to the corner... and the Intercontinental Champion runs into and elbow... and Super Crazy with a nice dropkick out the corner. King: Super Crazy, a very under rated member of the Raw... JR: Hold on, there’s a cover... 1... 2... and Carlito gets the shoulder up. Almost an upset of sorts right there. King: And you can see Carlito is affected by this, look at the way he staggered to the corner to get away from Super Crazy. JR: Crazy follows him in... and from the second rope... Crazy raining down with those right hands! King: Seis ... siete ... ocho ... nueve... that’s Spanish JR. JR: Yeah I guessed that King... King: Diez! Haha! JR: The fans helping the King sound ‘em off... and Carlito just fell flat on his face. The intercontinental Champion in a spot of trouble here! King: Are we going to see Super Crazy win here? JR: It could happen. Super Crazy... scoops Carlito up... no... Carlito down the back... oh! The backstabber! Carlito with the backstabber! King: It’s over now... JR: Carlito hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. And Carlito gets the win, but that was a great effort by Super Crazy. [B]Carlito beat Super Crazy (B-)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and Kurt Angle* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shane_McMahon8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kurt_Angle7.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Now listen... I didn’t bring you back here. I don’t want you here. My Dad brought you back. And for you to walk in here and start demanding a title shot... Angle: Whoa, hold on Shane. Now... maybe you don’t know this, but you have to give me a title shot. Shane: What? I don’t have to give you anything. Angle: Yes you do Shane. Shane: And why is that? Angle: Because when I signed my contract with your Dad, I made sure I got a title shot at the Great American Bash. Shane: It’s in your contract? Angle: It’s true... it’s true. JR: Well, I guess Kurt Angle takes that one on a technicality. King: That’s pretty smart to have a title shot written into your contract. JR: Absolutely. Folks, it was announced earlier in the week that it will be Melina who challenges Mickie James for the Women’s Title at Night of Champions. And those two square off in tag team action next. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Mickie_James46.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Candice_Michelle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Melina5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JillianHall201.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mickie James and Candice Michelle v Melina and Jillian Hall[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Another hard right hand from Jillian Hall... she’s got a mean streak that one. Tag made, in comes Melina. And Melina... sends Candice off the ropes... Candice ducks the clothesline... and a handful of hair... oh! Melina’s head bounces off the canvas. King: And Candice going for the tag... JR: Melina got a hold of Candice’s foot... King: She can’t quite reach Mickie James... JR: Candice... oh! Enziguri! Great move by Candice Michelle... and now the tag is made, here comes Mickie James. King: Look out! JR: Mickie James is in... clothesline takes Melina down. And there’s a right hand for Jillian. Mickie now... fishermans suplex... 1... 2... and Jillian makes the save. King: Here comes Candice! JR: Takedown from Candice... and Jillian and Candice Michelle in a brawl! King: I love a good catfight! JR: I’d never have guessed! Jillian and Candice brawling on the floor now... Mickie with a roll-up... 1... 2... and Melina gets the shoulder up. King: The ref was a little slow in getting to... JR: thumb to the eye of Mickie... and Melina now... oh! What impact on that split legged takedown... here’s a cover... 1... 2... 3. And Melina just pinned the Women’s Champion. King: Man. What’s that going to mean for this Sunday? JR: I think it gives Melina the psychological advantage ahead of the title match at Night of Champions. [B]Melina and Jillian Hall beat Mickie James and Candice Michelle (C+)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Maria* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MariaKanellis2.jpg[/IMG] Maria: Please welcome my guest at this time, he is the number one contender for the WWE Title, and the man who will challenge Chris Jericho this Sunday at Night of Champions... the Big Show! And Big Show, last week we heard Triple H say he was seriously unhappy that you were getting a title shot. With both of you supposed to be on the same side, can you still trust Triple H? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] Big Show: Can I trust Triple H? Listen, just because I agreed to come back and help out Shane McMahon, doesn’t mean I need to buy into everything he says. Now Shane says that he, Triple H and Kennedy have got my back this Sunday. But you know what? I’m not buying it. If they help me... then fine. But otherwise... I’m going out there alone... and I’m going to win. JR: Well it’s understandable that the Big Show doesn’t have a whole lot of trust for Team McMahon, considering what Triple H has been saying lately. King; Yeah but Shane said it last week, he’s going to do everything he can to get everyone on the same page. JR: We’ll need to find out if our general manager can pull that off, but right now, Cody Rhodes will take on DH Smith, and he’ll look to get the momentum going for the tag team champions, after Hardcore Holly beat TJ Wilson last week. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CodyRhodes21.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/DHSmith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cody Rhodes v Harry Smith[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: And Smith now... sends Cody to the floor. Cody on the outside and... oh c’mon! TJ Wilson taking cheap shots at Cody Rhodes behind the referees back... and now he’s rolling Cody back in. Here’s a hook of the leg, 1... 2... and Cody kicks out. King: JR, this is a pretty important match I mean, TJ Wilson lost last week so the Bulldogs won’t want another loss tonight. They don’t want to go into Night of Champions having lost twice to Holly and Rhodes in singles matches. JR: If Cody Rhodes can win tonight, it would give the tag team champions a lot of momentum going into the title match this Sunday. Smith’s got that chinlock on pretty tight... but Cody fighting back to his feet... and a knee from Smith, Irish whip... Cody reverses, and Smith goes into the turnbuckle. King: Nice counter by Cody. JR: Cody now... nails a right hand... off the ropes... textbook dropkick from Cody Rhodes. Cody now... there’s a bulldog to Smith. Cody hooks the leg... 1... 2... and... hey... TJ Wilson broke up the count. King: I don’t think the referee saw Wilson pull Cody off of Harry Smith. JR: No he didn’t/ And Wilson now, getting the face of Cody Rhodes... King: Cody should try and stay... JR: And... oh! Holly with a right hand sends Wilson flying! King: We got a fight going on out here on the floor and... JR: Hey wait... Smith with a roll-up... 1... 2... 3. And Harry Smith steals a win here. Cody Rhodes was distracted by the fighting on the floor, and Smith took advantage of it. King: And now it’s tied at one win each. JR: This Sunday is going to be the rubber match. Who’s going to leave Night of Champions with the tag team titles? [B]Harry Smith beat Cody Rhodes (C+)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and Mr Kennedy* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shane_McMahon8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Did you hear him earlier? I mean did you hear that? He doesn’t trust us? Kennedy: Yeah I heard him. Shane: I mean... I fought to get him that title shot. I mean Hunter was pretty pissed off about it. Kennedy: Does he know about Angle yet? Shane: I don’t know... I don’t think so. If he does, we could be... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] HHH: Angle... gets a title shot? Shane: Heard about that did you? HHH: Yeah I heard about it. What the hell is going on here Shane? Shane: Listen... I couldn’t do anything about it. It’s in his contract, my Dad signed him and... Kennedy: Whoa... hey take it easy man, let go of him. HHH: I want a title shot! I’m sick of waiting! I want a title shot! Shane: OK... OK. I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything... HHH: Make it happen Shane... or you won’t be general manager of Raw for much longer. King: God JR... Triple H almost hit Shane there. JR: The tension in Team McMahon regarding the WWE Title is reaching fever point. Something’s going to give this Sunday. King: Yeah but... oh, here comes that idiot Santino. JR: The King’s favourite, Santino Marella, is in action next, as he takes on the man who will challenge for the Intercontinental Title this Sunday, Bobby Lashley. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Santino Marella v Bobby Lashley[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Oh look at the power right here... Lashley... he’s holding Santino up in the air... and he drops him down to the mat. King: God. JR, I know how good Carlito is, but you gotta like Lashley’s chances this Sunday. JR: It’s going to be quite a match between those two this Sunday at Night of Champions. As for right now, Lashley has Santino... and nice belly-to-belly throw by Lashley. King: He is just tossing Santino like ragdoll out there. JR: And Santino... trying to cower in the corner, trying to buy some time here... King: But I don’t think he’s going to get it. JR: Lashley... he drives the shoulder into the midsection. Lashley... charges in... oh! Nice drop toe hold from Santino, sending Lashley head first into the turnbuckle. King: And now Santino doesn’t want to rest, he wants to put the boots to Lashley. JR: Santino, trying to keep Lashley on the mat... but Lashley manages to fight out of it. Santino... off the ropes... spinebuster! Man what impact! King: And I think Lashley just called to end this match... JR: Lashley... scoops Santino up... dominator! Lashley with the dominator! Here’s the cover... 1... 2... 3. And Lashley matches the efforts of Carlito earlier and gets a win ahead of Night of Champions. [B]Bobby Lashley beat Santino Marella (C+)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Todd Grisham* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] Todd: Please welcome my guest at this time, he is the WWE Champion... Chris Jericho! And Chris, this Sunday you face the Big Show for your WWE Title... but with so much going on right now between the Big Show and Triple H, do you think you can take advantage of that? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] Jericho: I heard Big Show say earlier that he doesn’t trust Triple H... well I feel exactly the same. I don’ t trust Triple H, I don’t trust Kennedy, I don’t trust Shane... and I don’t trust you Big Show. So you guys can play all this tension between you all crap, but I’m not buying it. At Night of Champions, I’m going out there looking over my shoulder... and I’ll be looking for you Triple H. King: Jericho doesn’t trust Triple H, Big Show doesn’t trust Triple H... these two guys are opponents this Sunday and neither one of them wants anything to with the Game. JR: Can you blame them? King: I guess not. JR: Jeff Hardy is making his way towards the ring now... Hardy, who scored a win over Paul London last week, will team with London tonight, as they take on Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy5_ndp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Lance_Cade31.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TrevorMurdoch2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jeff Hardy and Paul London v Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Hardy off the ropes... kick to the chest of Lance Cade... Hardy off the ropes again... oh, what a spinebuster from Cade. Just drove all the air out of Mr Money in the Bank. King: Boy Cade and Murdoch have really done a number on Jeff Hardy in this match. JR: Paul London has been left on the apron as the former tag team champions have gone to work on Hardy. And now... Hardy sent to the corner... and Cade runs into a boot... and another one. Jeff on the second rope... legdrop to the back of Lance Cade’s head. King: And now would be a great time for Jeff to make a tag. JR: Hardy... staggers over to his corner... and tags in London. Paul London is in... head-scissor takedown on Trevor Murdoch. Here comes Cade... London ducks... dropkick to Cade. King: Paul London has come in here full of energy. JR: London now... oh! Big time kick to the back of Lance Cade’s head. London hooks the leg, 1... 2... and Trevor Murdoch stops the three count. London... tags in Jeff Hardy... and there goes Trevor Murdoch over the top rope. King: That’s not a good sign for Lance Cade. JR: Paul London... hurricanrana takes Cade down. King: Look at Jeff! JR: Jeff Hardy... from the top rope... swanton bomb! Jeff Hardy connects... here’s the count... 1... 2... 3. Hardy and London win! King: And what a high flying team these two make! JR: No doubt about that. Mr Money in the Bank Jeff Hardy. Is he going to cash in this Sunday at Night of Champions? [B]Jeff Hardy and Paul London beat Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch (C+)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to the Big Show and Mr Kennedy* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] Kennedy: Listen... I’ll go out there tonight, and I’ll soften up Jericho for you. This Sunday, it’ll be easy for you to win the title. Big Show: Did Shane put you up to this tonight? Kennedy: Well yeah but... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] HHH: Trust? You wanna talk about trust Show? You know something... I don’t trust you either. I don’t trust anybody. Big Show: Yeah? Well... when I beat Jericho this Sunday... I trust you’ll be celebrating with me? HHH: Is that what you think? Huh? Don’t you know, that the only reason I haven’t kicked your ass is cause Shane asked me not to? Big Show: Well why don’t you try it right now? Kennedy: Hey! Hey... guys! Not know. Look... I got to go. I got to get to my match with Jericho, but you guys better lay off each other. Big Show: Alright... I’ll wait until I’m champion... then your mine. JR: God are these guys even going to be able to make it Sunday without tearing each other apart? King: I got to believe Shane McMahon will do something to fix this. KENNEDY JR: Well... the man who has been trying to keep the team together, Mr Kennedy, is on his way out here. Kennedy is in action next, against the WWE Champion, Chris Jericho. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChrisJericho1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Jericho v Mr Kennedy[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Jericho and Kennedy... trading right hands. This is a slugfest here. Both men have given so much to this match... they’re barely on their feet right now. King: And Jericho blocked that last one... JR: And Jericho scores with a right hand... and another... Jericho, Irish whip... clothesline to Kennedy. Kennedy back up... and Jericho takes him down again. Kennedy is reeling... Jericho now... atomic drop... off the ropes... facebuster! King: Jericho’s starting to build some momentum now JR. JR: Jericho... oh! Codebreaker to Kennedy, Jericho hooks the leg... 1... 2... and Kennedy kicks out. Kennedy managed to somehow kick out. King: Yeah but he looks out right now. JR: Jericho... going for the lionsault... and Kennedy got the knees up. Kennedy managed to block that lionsault attempt from Jericho. King: Yeah but Kennedy can’t take advantage of it. He’s still suffering the effects of the codebreaker. JR: Both men slowly back to their feet... hard right hand from Kennedy. Kennedy... sends Jericho off the ropes... Jericho ducks the right hand... King: Hey! JR: Oh... wait... Jericho... King: Walls of Jericho! JR: Walls of Jericho! He’s got it locked in... Kennedy... trying to reach the ropes. King: He’s almost there... oh no. JR: Jericho walks Kennedy back to the centre of the ring! Kennedy is in the centre of the ring... and he’s tapping! Kennedy is tapping! Jericho wins! Jericho wins! King: But what a huge effort it took from Jericho to finally put Kennedy away. JR: it was a hell of a match. But Jericho... [I]WELL IT’S THE BIG SHOW[/I] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] JR: What? King: What is this? JR: Kennedy said he was going to soften Jericho up ahead of this Sunday... and I think Big Show is about to finish the job. King: Hey... look at Jericho! JR: Jericho taking the fight to Big Show! Jericho and Big Show, brawling on the ramp! Jericho... trading right hands... and there’s a kick from Show. Big Show... oh no... no... not this... no, God... no! A chokeslam on the ramp! My God! King: We need some help out here, Jericho is hurt. JR: Jericho is down... and the Big Show is... well... King: I don’t think he’s finished yet JR. JR: What the hell is he doing now? Big Show... dragging Jericho up the ramp. What the hell is this? Enough’s enough. Jericho... oh my God! No! King: Don’t do that! JR: Big Show... he has Jericho up... oh! Oh my God! Oh my God! Big Show just chokeslammed Jericho off the stage! My God! Jericho is broken in half! Jericho is broken in half! King: We... somebody get some help out here! JR: My God... what the hell is gonna happen this Sunday? The WWE Champion has been decimated. Who’s going to leave Night of Champions the WWE Champion? [B]Chris Jericho beat Mr Kennedy (A)[/B] ------- [SIZE="1"]Carlito beat Super Crazy (B-) Melina and Jillian Hall beat Mickie James and Candice Michelle (C+) Harry Smith beat Cody Rhodes (C+) Bobby Lashley beat Santino Marella (C+) Jeff Hardy and Paul London beat Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch (C+) Chris Jericho beat Mr Kennedy (A)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW Preview[/B] [B]Balls Mahoney v Matt Striker[/B] [SIZE="1"]Striker returned to in-ring action last week with a win over Stevie Richards. That win however came after Big Daddy V left Richards unable to finish the match. Tonight Striker takes on Balls Mahoney, and he will no doubt have the mastadon in his corner again. Can Mahoney overcome this, or will Striker once again use the mamoth presence in his corner to steal another win?[/SIZE] [B]The Miz v Matt Bentley[/B] [SIZE="1"]Miz has been looking to rebound from his defeat against former partner John Morrison and establish himself in the Cruiserweight division. A win against Bentley could see him making more appearances on Smackdown in the upcoming weeks. Bentley however has yet to grab a win since he arrived in the WWE, but the Land of Extreme could be the place he finally ends his losing streak.[/SIZE] [B]Kevin Thorn v John Morrison[/B] [SIZE="1"]Last week Morrison and Tommy Dreamer teamed up to take on Thorn and Paul Burchill in tag team action. Even though Dreamer and Morrison won the match, the were left looking like the losers after Burchill and Thorn left them laying in the ring after the bell. Morrison is out for revenge tonight, but Thorn could well have Burchill make his presence felt, and all hell could break out between Thorn, Burchill, Morrison and Dreamer once again.[/SIZE] [B]Shelton Benjamin v Mick Foley[/B] [SIZE="1"]Last week Armando Estrada gave Mick Foley an ultimatum... beat Shelton Benjamin tonight or leave ECW forever. Foley has only been back for one month, but his old school ways have had a huge presence in the Land of Extreme. So much so that Benjamin, Estrada and Elijah Burke have made it their business to make sure Foley doesn't get invovled in 'their' ECW any more. What will happen when the Hardcore Legend puts it on the line tonight against the champion?[/SIZE] ------- Balls Mahoney v Matt Striker The Miz v Matt Bentley Kevin Thorn v John Morrison Shelton Benjamin v Mick Foley
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] Styles: Last Tuesday night Shelton Benjamin accepted the challenge of CM Punk for an ECW Title match at Night of Champions, if Punk agreed to certain stipulations laid down by the champion. Hello everyone, welcome to ECW on Sci-Fi. I’m Joey Styles alongside Tazz, we are in Dallas, TX, tonight waiting for a response from the challenger. Tazz: Absolutely right. The ball is back in CM Punk’s court, will he accept the demands of Shelton Benjamin? Styles: Also tonight, Tuesday Night Delight John Morrison is in action against the ever dangerous Kevin Thorn... but kicking things off, is Matt Striker and of course, as always he’s got Big Daddy V in his corner. Tazz: Right and anytime you got a mastodon like that in your corner, you’re always going to have an advantage. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Balls_Mahoney.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Matt_Striker2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Balls Mahoney v Matt Striker[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Striker on top of Balls... and just raining down with right hands. Striker now... applying pressure to the arm of Mahoney. Tazz: God Big Daddy V just walked in front of us there and I couldn’t see a thing. Styles: He certainly blocks out the light doesn’t he? Tazz: And you know having him at ringside is such an advantage for Matt Striker. I mean we saw it last week when Big Daddy V attacked Stevie Richards and left him laying on the floor, but even when he doesn’t get involved, it’s got to be intimidating seeing him at ringside. Styles: I’m sure it is. Mahoney with a handful of tights, breaks the hold. Balls now... right hand sends Striker down... and now a clothesline. Mahoney... oh! Big time powerslam. That could do it... 1... 2... and Striker kicks out. Tazz: Man and that shows the two different styles we’ve got in this match. Striker very technical, Balls is all about power. Styles: Mahoney now... teeing off on Striker with those right hands... 1... 2... 3... 4... Tazz: Here it comes... Styles: Oh! Number 5 sends Striker to the mat. Where’s he going here? Tazz: Balls taking it to the top rope... Styles: Balls Mahoney... off the top rope... no! Balls missed with that leg-drop off the top. Tazz: Big mistake by Balls there. Styles: Striker looking to take advantage... oh! That was the golden rule! Striker with the cover... 1... 2... 3. Tazz: Man. Matt Striker with a big time win there. Styles: And now... Big Daddy V stepping into the ring. What’s the meaning of this? The match is over, Striker won. Tazz: I think they want to send a little message to the boys in the back. Styles: Big Daddy V off the ropes... oh! A huge splash crushing the ribs of Balls Mahoney. Is anybody going to be able to compete with Matt Striker when he’s got Big Daddy V in his corner? [B]Matt Striker beat Balls Mahoney (C-)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Anastacia Rose* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AnastaciaRose-11.jpg[/IMG] Rose: Please welcome my guest at this time, he is the ECW Champion... Shelton Benjamin! And champ, last week as we went off the air, you agreed to give CM Punk his title shot if he... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] Benjamin: Hold on girl... let me stop you right there. I agreed to give CM Punk his title shot... if he decided to be a man, and put his spot on the ECW roster on the line. I’m sick and tired of you messing in my business Punk. I want you out of ECW. So... you going to accept my terms? Are you going to be a man Punk? Rose: Wait, champ... wait. I have one more question. Benjamin: What’s wrong with you girl? I’m a busy man, I got a match tonight. Rose: I know... and that’s what I want to ask you about. What about Mick Foley? I mean... we could see him banished from ECW if you beat him tonight. Benjamin: Mick Foley? Let me put it like this... tonight I’m going to get rid of Foley... and then on Sunday... I’m going to get rid of Punk. Tazz: You know, I don’t like Shelton Benjamin, I think I made that pretty clear in the past... but I got a lot of respect for him. And for my money... Mick Foley’s in a lot of trouble tonight. Styles: I don’t think any of us are looking forward to that match. But right now... here comes The Miz and Layla. Miz, who got back to winning ways last week with a win over Nunzio, takes on Smackdown’s Matt Bentley, when we return. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/themiz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Matt_Bentley2.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Miz v Matt Bentley[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Bentley... nice arm-drag takedown. Bentley... dropkick floors The Miz. Here’s a cover, 1... 2... and Miz kicks out. Tazz: Matt Bentley... he’s that kid from Smackdown who’s lost every match he’s been in right? Styles: It is him but he’s looking pretty good tonight. Bentley... on the top rope... missile dropkick... no! Miz managed to dive out of the way, and Bentley crashed and burned. Tazz: Tough landing for Bentley. Styles: And Miz now looking to take advantage of that... kick to the midsection... Miz off the ropes... knee to the head. Tazz: And Matt Bentley’s neck snapped back against the canvas there. Styles: And that’s the kind of vicious streak Miz has been showing ever since he and John Morrison lost the tag team titles. Tazz: Right, I mean Miz feels like he’s a lot more focused now. He’s just looking out for himself. Styles: Miz now... swinging neck-breaker takes Bentley down. And Miz... to the second rope... drives the elbow into the head. Tazz: And I don’t know how much more Matt Bentley can take. Styles: Well we’re about to find out. Miz... waiting for Bentley to get back on his feet. Here he comes... kick... and there’s the reality check! Tazz: Goodnight. Styles: 1... 2... 3. Another impressive win for The Miz here on Sci-Fi. Tazz: Tough break for Matt Bentley, still looking for that first win, but Miz is starting to look very impressive. [B]The Miz beat Matt Bentley (C-)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to CM Punk and Mick Foley* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] Punk: You ready? Foley: Yeah I’m ready. What about you? You made your mind up yet? Punk: Yeah. Yeah I did. Foley: Well? Punk: I’ll do it. I’ll put my spot on the ECW Roster on the line for a title shot. Foley: Well I hope you know what you’re doing. Punk: What about you? I mean... you could be out of here by the end of the night. Foley: Yeah I could... but anyway, good luck this Sunday. Hopefully I’ll still be around to see you become the champ again. Punk: Hey... you will be. Tazz: God I hope CM Punk is right. Styles: The huge match to decide the future of Mick Foley is still to come... but right now, Kevin Thorn will step into the ring to take on Tuesday Night Delight, John Morrison, [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KevinThorn101.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnMorrison-11.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kevin Thorn v John Morrison[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Look out... Thorn has Morrison up... he’s looking for that crucifix powerbomb... no. Morrison down the back... oh! Tazz: Man what a kick by Morrison. Styles: Thorn can barely stay on his feet. Morrison now... taking the fight to Thorn. Thorn backs away into the corner, but Morrison follows him in. Morrison... oh! Drives his knees into the face of Thorn... Tazz: Look out... Styles: Morrison... oh! Split-legged corkscrew moonsault! Morrison with the cover, 1... 2... no! Thorn gets the shoulder up. Tazz: John Morrison just flying all over the ring right now. Styles: Morrison now... going to the top rope... moonsault connects! He’s got him rolled-up... 1... 2... and again Kevin Thorn manages to kick out. Tazz: Morrison throwing everything at Thorn right now, somehow the big guy is managing to stay alive in there. Styles: Morrison... sends Thorn to the corner... uh oh... Morrison looking for a springboard knee I think, but Thorn caught him... oh! Thorn with a powerslam, drives Morrison to the mat. Tazz: That coulda been it right there, but Thorn didn’t go for the pin. Styles: I think Thorn wants to nail that crucifix powerbomb first. Tazz: Sadly I think you’re right. Styles: Thorn... he gets Morrison up... and John Morrison trying to fight it... Tazz: Can he break it? Styles: Yes! Morrison down the backside... kick to Thorn... Tazz: Here it comes! Styles: Moonlight Drive! Morrison connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. John Morrison wins! Morrison wins! Tazz: Alright! Great job by Morrison, second week in a row he’s hit that... Styles: And from behind, Paul Burchill attacks. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG] Tazz: What the hell? Is he still mad cause of that tag match last week? Styles: It looks like it, as Burchill is destroying Morrison right now... and Kevin Thorn back to his feet, he’s laying in with boots as well. Tazz: God, somebody’s gotta... hey look! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] Styles: It’s Tommy Dreamer! Dreamer, chair in hand... oh! Shot to Burchill... and Thorn takes a shot as well. Tommy Dreamer, making the save for John Morrison... Tazz: Yeah and Burchill and Thorn are getting out of here. They don’t want nothing to do with Tommy Dreamer when he’s got a chair in his hand. [B]John Morrison beat Kevin Thorn (B)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Armando Estrada, Elijah Burke and Shelton Benjamin* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Armando_Estrada3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] Estrada: Listen my friend... you need to do this tonight. I need you to kick Mick Foley out of ECW, you understand amigo? Benjamin: Yeah alright, I got it. Estrada: And then, on Sunday, you will... Benjamin: Hey man... how you feeling? Burke: I’m alright. You uh... you need me out there tonight? Estrada: Si. I think that is a good idea. Take Burke out there with you. Benjamin: Whoa... hold on guys. Let’s remember who we’re talking about here. I’m Shelton Benjamin... I am the Gold Standard of ECW... hell, I’m the ECW Champion. I don’t need no help to get rid of that old fool Foley. Estrada: Si I know, but just... Benjamin: But nothing Estrada! I’m going to handle this myself, just like I’ll handle Punk by myself this Sunday. I’m outta here... Tazz: Well I guess that’s a good thing for Mick Foley. No Elijah Burke at ringside. Styles: It certainly can only help the veteran... but at the same time, it could inspire Shelton Benjamin to victory. Tazz: Don’t say that. Why you gotta say stuff like that? Styles: I’m just trying to stay impartial. Tazz: Yeah? Screw being impartial, I’m rooting for Mick Foley in this match. Styles: I never doubted you on that one... and here comes Foley. Mick Foley, looking to try hang around here in ECW, steps into the ring to take on the ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin next! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shelton Benjamin v Mick Foley[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Tazz: I don’t know how much more of this Mick Foley can take. Styles: The veteran Foley has taking a beating in this match. Shelton Benjamin has been in control for a large part of this match. Tazz: I think it’s just a case of Mick Foley can’t really keep up with him. It was alright at One Night Stand, that was just a brawl, but Shelton Benjamin has played to his strengths in this one, and he’s wrestled a real technical wrestling match, and Foley just can’t compete with him. Styles: Benjamin now... sends Foley off the ropes... and a fantastic dropkick from Benjamin. I take your point Tazz, this is not Mick Foley’s kind of match. Tazz: No definitely not, and I think Shelton Benjamin is trying to prove a point to guys like Cm Punk, Elijah Burke, hell even Armando Estrada about just ho good a wrestler he is. Styles: Benjamin now... drop toe hold from Foley sends Benjamin through the ropes to the floor. Nice move by Foley, which at least has bought him some time to get it back together. Tazz: And Benjamin out on the floor right in front of us now and... what the hell is this? Styles: Shelton Benjamin just grabbed a chair! Benjamin... what the hell is he doing? Tazz: If he hits Foley with that chair and gets disqualified does Foley win? Styles: Yes. This is not an extreme rules match. I don’t get this what is Shelton Benjamin doing? Tazz: I never thought I’d say this but go for it Shelton. Nail Foley with that chair, then he gets to stay here. Styles: Shelton Benjamin... he’s lining him up... oh! Tazz: What the hell? Styles; Shelton Benjamin just nailed Mick Foley with that chair. The referee is calling for the bell, this match is over. Foley wins! Tazz: Mick Foley gets to stay? Styles: Yeah but... I don’t get it. Why would... oh now wait a minute, here comes Armando Estrada. Tazz: Why all of a sudden do I have a bad feeling about this? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Armando_Estrada3.jpg[/IMG] Armando: Sorry... sorry. I forgot to say didn’t I? This match... is an extreme rules match! Styles: What? Tazz: He can’t do that! Armando: I forgot to tell all of you. I only told Shelton in the back. Tazz: Oh c’mon. You got to be kidding’ me! Styles: This is a set up! Armando: Referee... restart this match. Styles: This is a damn joke! How the hell can Armando Estrada do that? Tazz: This is... I... God, I don’t know what the hell is going on anymore. Styles: We thought Mick Foley had just been handed the right to stay on ECW, but now... he’s defenceless. Mick Foley is out. I don’t see how... oh! Another sickening shot with that chair from Shelton Benjamin, This is a damn set up. Tazz: I... dammit. I mean... Mick Foley... he’s out. I mean he’s out cold. Styles: I can’t see any way for Mick Foley to... hey... wait... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] Tazz: It’s CM Punk! Styles: Punk’s in the ring... oh! Chair shot to Benjamin! Tazz: Thank God he showed up! Styles: Punk now... he gets Benjamin up... Tazz: He’s got that chair in his hands... Styles: GTS with the chair! The same thing that happened to Elijah Burke at One Night Stand! Tazz: And it’s all legal thanks to Armando Estrada! Styles: Punk... dragging Foley on top of Benjamin... the ref makes the count... 1... 2... Tazz: He’s gonna do it! Styles: 3! Foley wins! Foley wins! And this time’s it’s legit! Mick Foley has won his spot on the ECW roster! Mick Foley is here to stay! Tazz: Alright! Great job by CM Punk to make the save! Styles: Shelton Benjamin didn’t want any help from Elijah Burke... and it backfired on him. CM Punk has just cost Benjamin this match! Tazz: And I’m mighty glad he did! Styles: What the hell is going to happen this Sunday? Will CM Punk win and become the new ECW Champion? Or will Shelton Benjamin retain his title and send Punk out of ECW? Join us live on pay per view for Night of Champions folks! [B]Mick Foley beat Shelton Benjamin (B+)[/B] ------- [SIZE="1"]Matt Striker beat Balls Mahoney (C-) The Miz beat Matt Bentley (C-) John Morrison beat Kevin Thorn (B) Mick Foley beat Shelton Benjamin (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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