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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Smackdown Preview[/B] [B]Brian Kendrick v Matt Bentley[/B] [SIZE="1"]The Cruiserweight Champion Kendrick steps into the ring against Matt Bentley just days away from his showdown with Billy Kidman at Night of Champions. The champ will be looking to go into the PPV with a victory, but Bentley is a tough competitor and Kidman has been known to involve himself in Kendricks matches in the past, adn no-one would be surprised to see that happen again. [/SIZE] [B]Kenny Dykstra v Kofi Kingston[/B] [SIZE="1"]Last week Dykstra scored a win over Ron Killings, and tonight he'll looking for a win over Killings' partner Kofi Kingston. Kingston and Killings made a lot of noise when they first arrived on Smackdown, and Kingston will be looking to make amends for last weeks defeat. However, Dykstra has been hot lately, and another win could see him challenging for gold in the near future.[/SIZE] [B]Funaki v Billy Kidman[/B] [SIZE="1"]Much like Kendrick, Kidman will be wanting a win ahead of the Cruiserweight Title match at Night of Champions. Funaki will be a stubborn opponent for the challenger, and these two veterans will be sure to have an entertaining match. Although there is always the threat of Kidman getting involved in Kendrick's match, the champ could make his presence felt in Kidman's match, and it could see Funaki score an upset win.[/SIZE] [B]Matt Hardy and Finlay v John Bradshaw Layfield and Umaga[/B] [SIZE="1"]Recent weeks have seen JBL and Umaga punish the United States Champion and the fighting Irishman. Tonight, Hardy and Finlay will be out for revenge ahead of Hardy's title defense against the Samoan Bulldozer at Night of Champions. Umaga and JBL will once again look to dominate their opponents, but both teams will be dying for victory ahead of this Sunday.[/SIZE] [B]Deuce v Rey Mysterio[/B] [SIZE="1"]Last week Rey and Chavo won the right to face Deuce and Domino at Night of Champions with the tag team titles on the line. Tonight, Rey and Deuce face off in singles action as a preview of the title match. Rey and Chavo's partnership has came together in recent weeks, whereas the champions are long time partners. Will Rey grab the win to give him and Chavo the advantage going into this Sunday, or will Deuce show why he and Domino are the champions and show they will be no pushovers come this Sunday?[/SIZE] [B]The Undertaker and Kane v Montel Vontavious Porter and Mark Henry[/B] [SIZE="1"]The Brothers of Destruction team up to take on MVP and his new found associate Mark Henry ahead of this Sunday's World Heavyweight Title match. MVP has found no luck so far against the Deadman, including losing to him at One Night Stand. However, he and Henry may have found a weak point after they managed to succesfully assault the Champion as Smackdown went off the air last week. Which team will come out on top in a match that could have a major bearing on the destiny of the World Heavyweight Championship?[/SIZE] ------- Brian Kendrick v Matt Bentley Kenny Dykstra v Kofi Kingston Funaki v Billy Kidman Matt Hardy and Finlay v John Bradshaw Layfield and Umaga Deuce v Rey Mysterio The Undertaker and Kane v Montel Vontavious Porter and Mark Henry
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[B]Brian Kendrick[/B] v Matt Bentley [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] v Kofi Kingston Funaki v [B]Billy Kidman[/B] Matt Hardy and Finlay v [B]John Bradshaw Layfield and Umaga[/B] Deuce v[B] Rey Mysterio[/B] The Undertaker and Kane v[B] Montel Vontavious Porter and Mark Henry[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JonathanCoachman.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Last week, MVP made yet another challenge to The Undertaker. At Night of Champions, we will see a rematch from One Night Stand. But tonight in Dallas, TX, what will be the response from the Deadman after the attack he suffered at the hands of Mark Henry and MVP as we went off the air? Coach: It doesn’t matter what the response is. MVP has his title shot, adn he will become the new World Heavyweight Champion. Cole: Hello everyone, welcome to the show. I’m Michael Cole, that was Jonathan Coachman, and he we understand that we are going to kick things off with a message from The Undertaker, a man who very rarely speaks here on Smackdown and... GONG Coach: I can’t wait to hear what he’s got to say. GONG Cole: And here he comes. The Phenom of the WWE. The World Heavyweight Champion... The Undertaker! Coach: The soon to be former World Heavyweight Champion. Cole: The Undertaker... slowly making his way towards the ring. As I said, we don’t hear from the Deadman very often, this is a rare opportunity tonight. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkCalloway.jpg[/IMG] Undertaker: MVP... the sands of time will soon run out on you. You were sealed in a casket at One Night Stand... yet you dare to challenge me again. MVP... this Sunday at Night of Champions... you will rest in peace! Coach: What the... that’s it. I’ve had enough of this. I got a few questions of my own to ask this guy. Cole: Where the hell are you going? Coach: Hey! Hey you... Undertaker! Yeah you... you don’t mind if I conduct a little interview with you, do you? Cole: Has Coach lost his mind? Coach... stepping into the ring... this is crazy! Coach: I got a few questions to ask you, Deadman. I want to ask you... do you honestly think you’re a better wrestler than MVP? Huh? I mean... we all know you can play your little mind-games... we all know you can put people in caskets... put when it comes down to it, in a one on one wrestling match... you can’t honestly believe you can beat MVP. MVP will take you down, he will... Cole: Oh! Taker... he’s got Coach by the throat... chokeslam! Chokeslam to Coach! The Undertaker just chokeslammed Coach! The Undertaker just shut Coach’s trap for him! Uh oh... here comes MVP and Mark Henry. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] Cole: The Undertaker is outnumbered here! It’s two on one. Taker... fighting Henry and MVP... but there’s a low blow from MVP. Henry now... off the ropes... oh! Big splash to the Deadman. The Undertaker is down and... MVP: Look at you Undertaker. You think you’re pretty tough, coming out here and picking fights with commentators don’t you? Yeah... but as soon as a real wrestler gets in the ring with you, you go down. And that’s what’s going to happen this Sunday. I’m going to... Cole: Oh! It’s Kane! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/GlenJacobs2.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Kane is here! Kane... here to save his brother! Kane... steps into the ring... and MVP runs into a boot. Kane... oh my... he’s got Mark Henry by the throat... chokeslam! Chokeslam to Henry... and The Undertaker just sat up! MVP and Henry are getting out of there... now what? Here comes Teddy Long. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] Teddy: Undertaker... MVP... if you two guys can’t stay away from each other... then I guess we’re going to have to have a match tonight. It’s going to be... MVP and Mark Henry... in tag team action against the Brothers of Destruction! Cole: Alright! What a match that’s going to be! Teddy: Now you two punks get out of here... and can we get some help out here for Coach? Cole: God I... I forgot about him.MVP and Mark Henry are making their way up the ramp... Kane and Undertaker are standing tall in the ring... and Coach is out on the floor. What a wild start to Smackdown! ------- Cole: Welcome back folks, during the commercial break, Jonathan Coachman was taken out of here on a stretcher. I have no news of what his condition is, other than I don’t expect him to be back this evening. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Josh Matthews has joined me here at ringside, thanks for being out here Josh... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoshMatthews.jpg[/IMG] Matthews: Thanks for having me. Cole: And up next, the Cruiserweight Champion Brian Kendrick is in action, as he takes on Matt Bentley. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Spanky.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Matt_Bentley2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brian Kendrick v Matt Bentley[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Kendrick hits the clothesline… Bentley back up… Kendrick hits an elbow… and a drop toe hold takes Matt Bentley down again. Matthews: A lot of energy between these two, and the champion so far being the one coming out on top. Cole: Kendrick sends Bentley across, Bentley reverses… Bentley runs into a boot… Kendrick to the top rope…. crossbody connects! Here’s the cover, 1-2… Bentley somehow stays alive in this match. Matthews: Matt Bentley is running on empty here, Brian Kendrick has thrown a lot at him in this match. Cole: And just as you say that, Bentley hits a jawbreaker. Bentley off the ropes… dropkick right to the face off Brian Kendrick. And Matt Bentley now… going to the top rope… Matthews: And he’s taking a chance right there… Cole: Bentley… Kendrick back to his feet… Bentley goes flying off the top rope! Kendrick… has hold of Bentley… runs him into the corner… sliced bread! Brian Kendrick connects! Matthews: That could do it... Cole: 1… 2… 3! Brian Kendrick gets another win! The cruiserweight champion keeps on rolling. Matthews: But the big question is will he still be champion after Night of Champions? [B]Brian Kendrick beat Matt Bentley (C)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Eve Torres* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/EveTorres11.jpg[/IMG] Eve: Please welcome my guest at this time, the United States Champion Matt Hardy and Finlay! And guys, tonight you take on JBL and Umaga. Now in recent weeks both of you have suffered attacks at the hands of Umaga. How are you guys feeling ahead of the match tonight? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] Finlay: I’m feeling like I owe somebody a beating tonight! And JBL... Umaga... you two are the ones I’m going after. Matt: Umaga... you want to come out here and attack me week after week? Well tonight I’m stepping into the ring with you... and I ain’t in the mood to play games. Cole: Well short and sweet from the United States Champion Matt Hardy and his partner tonight Finlay. Up next folks, Kenny Dykstra scored a win over Ron Killings last week. Tonight he takes on Killings tag team partner, the Jamaican Buzzsaw, Kofi Kingston! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kofi_Kingston3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kenny Dykstra v Kofi Kingston[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Oh! Kingston with a roundhouse, Dykstra may be out... here’s the cover... 1... 2... and Dykstra somehow gets the shoulder up. Matthews: Kenny Dykstra has been gaining a lot of momentum recently, got the win over Ron Killings last week, ran CM Punk extremely close on Tuesday night on Sci-Fi. Cole: And another win tonight could really see Dykstra getting back into the hunt for the United States championship. But it’s Kofi Kingston who is in charge right now. Kingston... going to the top rope... crossbody connects. Shoulders are down, 1... 2... and again Dykstra somehow kicks out. Matthews: Kofi Kingston has proved himself to be a real high flyer since he debuted here on Smackdown. Cole; He’s also shown he’s got those educated feet. But so far he can’t put Dykstra away. Kingston... sends Dykstra off the ropes... and he sends Dykstra down with a shoulder block. Kofi again off the ropes... leapfrog by Dykstra... oh! Kenny Dykstra with a hard knee to the midsection, sent Kofi flying. Matthews: Both guys showing a lot of athleticism there. But Kenny just nailed Kofi. Cole: And Dykstra going to work with the boots now. Dykstra... sends Kingston to the corner... nobody home! Kenny goes straight into the turnbuckle... here comes Kofi... monkey flip sends Dykstra across the ring. Matthews: And Kenny cowers in the corner... I think he just called for a time-out. Cole: Yeah but Kofi’s not going to give it to him. Kofi... Irish whip across... oh! Kofi runs into an elbow... Dykstra misses with the clothesline... Kofi with the kick... Dykstra ducks... oh! A hard clothesline sends Kofi to the mat. Matthews: I think Kofi was going for the Thunder in Paradise there, but Dykstra had it scouted. Cole: And Kenny now... going to the top rope... Dykstra off the top... oh! Top rope legdrop from Kenny, that’ll do it... 1... 2... 3. And another impressive win for Kenny Dykstra. Matthews: Dykstra now holds wins over both Ron Killings and Kofi Kingston. [B]Kenny Dykstra beat Kofi Kingston (C+)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Teddy Long* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] Teddy: Hey playa... glad you could make it. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] Punk: Thanks Teddy. Thanks for the invite. Teddy: Now uh... the reason I asked you to be here tonight is cause I got a proposal for you. Punk: Yeah? What’s that? Teddy: Well... I watch ECW on Tuesday night. And I saw you accept the terms of Shelton Benjamin for that match at Night of Champions. Punk: Yeah? Teddy: But I also saw you wrestle MVP in the main event of Smackdown last Friday. And let me tell you something playa... I was impressed. Punk: Uh... well thanks. I appreciate that. Teddy: So let me say this to you. If... and I mean IF... if you lose to Shelton Benjamin this Sunday at Night of Champions... then I want to offer you a contract here on Smackdown. Punk: Oh really? Teddy: I see CM Punk main eventing Smackdown for years to come. Punk: Well thanks Teddy... it sounds like a great offer. But uh... I don’t plan on losing this Sunday. I plan on beating Shelton Benjamin and getting back my ECW Title. Teddy: I hope that happens for you playa. But if it doesn’t... you come holla at me, and you’ll have a home here on Friday nights. Cole: God can you imagine CM Punk a member of the Smackdown roster? Matthews: That would be a huge signing for Smackdown. Cole; Certainly would. Up next folks, the challenger this Sunday for the Cruiserweight Championship, Billy Kidman, goes one on one with Funaki. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Funaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Billy_Kidman3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Funaki v Billy Kidman[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Kidman now... going to work with the boots... hey, Funaki with a roll-up... 1... 2... and Kidman kicks out. Almost an upset there. Matthews: Both these men former Cruiserweight Champions of course, and even though it’s Billy Kidman who’s going to Night of Champions to face Brian Kendrick, Funaki could be a victory away from earning himself a shot at the title. Cole: Kidman drives Funaki into the corner... and now goes for... wait, Funaki with a backslide, 1... 2... and again Funaki almost grabs the win. Kidman blocks that kick... enziguri from Funaki! Another cover, 1... 2... no! The number one contender for the Cruiserweight Championship is reeling here. Matthews: It’s been a long time since we saw Funaki win here on Smackdown, could it happen tonight? Cole: If Billy Kidman wanted a test ahead of this Sunday, Funaki is giving it to him right here. Funaki on the second rope... crossbody, Funaki with the cover, 1... 2... and again Billy Kidman kicks out. Matthews: The more I see here the more I believe the upset could happen. Cole: Funaki now... sends Kidman to the corner... Kidman reverses... uh oh... Funaki tried to doge him, but Kidman caught him... oh! Kidman with a facebuster! Matthews: And just like that it swings back in favour of Billy Kidman. Cole: And it could be all over here. Billy Kidman is going to the top rope... Kidman... steadies himself... shooting star press! Kidman nailed it, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. It’s over. Matthews: And if Billy Kidman hits that move this Sunday, we’re going to have a new Cruiserweight Champion. [B]Billy Kidman beat Funaki (C)[/B] ------- *we cut backstage to Eve Torres* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/EveTorres11.jpg[/IMG] Eve: Please welcome my guests at this time, Umaga and JBL! And guys, tonight you team up to take on Matt Hardy and Finlay. How are you guys feeling ahead of this match? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] JBL: Allow me to speak for my Samoan friend here. You see last week I was embarrassed and humiliated by Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy, a man who isn’t even fit to lace my boots. Yes he might be the United States Champion... but until you step up to my level, until you become... a wrestling god... you shouldn’t even be in the same damn ring as me. And this Sunday, at Night of Champions... I’m going to sit back in my executive suite... and I’m going to enjoy watching Umaga take away that United States Championship from you. Cole: Again just utter disrespect from JBL towards the United States Champion Matt Hardy. Matthews: I don’t think JBL has ever respected anybody. Cole: Well maybe tonight Matt will force JBL to respect him. That match is next folks... and here comes Finlay and Hornswoggle! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matt Hardy and Finlay v John Bradshaw Layfield and Umaga[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Finlay now... oh! Big time clothesline to Umaga. And Finlay... tag made, here comes Matt Hardy. Hardy... Irish whip to Umaga... and a tag made was made there, JBL tagged in but I don’t think matt Hardy saw it... Hardy ducks Umaga... oh! But he runs right into a boot from JBL. Matthews: JBL of course, a former multi time tag team champion, he knows all the tricks in these types of matches. Cole: And he got Matt Hardy there. JBL now... stomping away at the United States Champion. Hardy sent to the corner... and JBL drives the elbow in. The referee calls for a break... and Umaga with a cheap shot behind the referees back. Matthews: And when Umaga hits you with a cheap shot, that’s gotta hurt. Cole: Hardy is down on the mat, still in pain... as JBL goes for a cover, 1... 2... and hardy kicks out. Another tag made, Umaga comes back in... and he scoops Hardy up... looking for the Samoan... no Hardy counters... DDT! Matt Hardy with a desperate move to avoid the Samoan Drop... Umaga back quickly to his feet... jawbreaker by Hardy! But Umaga will not go down... Hardy off the ropes... ducks a right hand... side effect! Matthews: That got Umaga down. Cole: And Hardy... tags in Finlay. The Irish veteran is in... and a clothesline rocks Umaga... and another... and a third puts the big guy down. Here comes JBL... and he nails Finlay from behind... Matt Hardy with a bulldog, takes down JBL. Matthews: Look out for Umaga... Cole: Umaga... he gets Finlay up... Samoan Drop! Umaga with the cover... 1... 2... and Matt Hardy makes the save! All hell has broken loose in this match! Matthews: I don’t even know who the legal men are right now. Cole: Hardy and Umaga trading right hands... Hardy with an Irish whip... Umaga reverses... Hardy ducks the right hand... but he didn’t duck that! Clothesline from hell! JBL almost took Matt Hardy’s head off. Matthews: And what’s Umaga doing here? Cole: Umaga... drags Hardy to his feet... oh! Samoan spike! Devastating move... Umaga with a cover... 1... 2... 3. And Umaga just pinned Matt Hardy. Matthews: Wow. Not a good night for the United States champion... [B]John Bradshaw Layfield and Umaga beat Matt Hardy and Finlay (B-)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Teddy Long* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] Teddy: Now what are you guys doing here? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] MVP: What’s the deal here Teddy? I mean... were just 48 hours away from Night of Champions, and you put me in a tag team match with The Undertaker? Teddy: Now listen playa... MVP: No you listen to me Teddy! I’m getting sick and tired of you trying to screw me over. I mean... you screwed me out of the United States Title. You tried to screw me out of the World Heavyweight Title by putting me in a casket match... and you trying to screw this Sunday up for me too. You understand this Teddy... I will win this Sunday... and when I become World Heavyweight Champion... I’m going to make your live hell. Teddy: We’ll see that about that playa... Cole: Well once again the tension between MVP and our general manager Teddy Long plain to see. Matthews: Well we talked about respect earlier with regards to JBL... MVP is another guy who shows a total lack of respect wherever he goes. Cole: And he should show some respect to our general manager, or else things could get very difficult for MVP. Matthews: Teddy Long has always tried to put on the best show for the fans here on Friday night. Cole: Well... here come the tag team champions. Deuce is in singles action tonight, as he takes on one half of the challengers at Night of Champions, Rey Mysterio! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimmySnukaJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [B]Deuce v Rey Mysterio[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Deuce... going to the top rope. Not exactly known for his high flying abilities... and Mysterio caught him. Rey now... climbing up... going for a hurricanrana... but Deuce held on, and Rey crashed off the mat. Deuce... slowly makes his way over for the cover... 1... 2... and Mysterio kicks out. Matthews: A great match so far between these two, we can only hope the match at Night of Champions is as good as this. Cole: I think Deuce is struggling to understand how Rey kicked... wait, Mysterio with a roll-up, 1... 2... and Deuce kicks out. Deuce almost caught by the quickness of Rey Mysterio... wait, drop toe hole... Matthews: He’s got him set up... Cole: Mysterio... 61... no. Domino pulled Deuce out of harms way. Wait... Chavo Guerrero is over there... and Chavo and Domino going at it. Chavo and Domino brawling on the floor... Matthews: Cherry just threw Deuce one of the titles! Cole: Deuce... oh! Deuce just nailed Rey Mysterio with the belt! The ref never saw it, he was dealing with Chavo and Domino. Matthews: Deuce has Rey covered... Cole: The referee turns around... 1... 2... and Rey kicks out! Mysterio somehow got the shoulder up! Matthews: And look at the look of shock on Deuce’s face. Cole: Deuce can’t believe this isn’t over. Deuce... just raining right hands to the head of Rey, he thought it was over. Matthews: I think Deuce is running out of ideas here. Cole: Deuce... drags Rey to his feet... sends him to the corner... and Deuce goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle... Rey with a sunset flip... 1... 2... and Deuce gets the shoulder up! Matthews: Once again Deuce almost caught out by Mysterio. Cole: Rey now trying to build some momentum. Mysterio... off the ropes... tornado DDT! Rey plants Deuce to the mat. Mysterio... dropkick to Deuce... Matthews: He’s set up again... Cole: Rey off the ropes... 619! This time he nailed it... Rey with the cover... and Domino is on the apron... and Rey sends him flying! Matthews: Here coems Chavo! Cole: Chavo and Domino brawling again! Deuce... slowly back on his feet... Rey on the apron... Droppin’ Da Dime! Rey with the cover... 1... 2... 3! Mysterio wins! Matthews: Wow. Great match between these two! Cole: Rey and Chavo will head to Night of Champions with all the momentum. Can Rey and Chavo gain tag team gold this Sunday? [B]Rey Mysterio beat Deuce (B+)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Kane making his way towards the ring* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/GlenJacobs2.jpg[/IMG] Cole: And there you see Kane! The Big Red Machine will team with his brother The Undertaker to take on MVP and Mark Henry... oh! Hey! What the... that’s MVP and Henry! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] Matthews: God I can’t believe this! Cole: MVP and Mark Henry attacking Kane backstage! Kane was on his way to ringside for the match, and he’s getting mugged now! Matthews: We got to get some help back there. We need someone to stop this! Cole: This is a damn disgrace! Folks... we’ve got to go to commercial... oh! Kane just dropped on the concrete! Matthews: We need help back there! Cole: We’ve got to go to commercial folks. Will Kane even make it to the ring? [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkCalloway.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/GlenJacobs2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Undertaker and Kane v Montel Vontavious Porter and Mark Henry[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Oh! Henry with a splash in the corner! The two on one beating continues. Matthews: I think it’s great that The Undertaker still came out here to fight, even after his brother Kane was taken out of the equation... but this may be too much for him. Cole: Usually I’d be sitting here listening to the Coach try and defend this, but you can’t condone this. MVP and Mark Henry have removed Kane from this match, and now they’re having their way with The Undertaker. Matthews: I certainly can’t defend this no. Cole: And now, tag made, MVP comes into the ring and... oh yeah MVP. You can taunt all you want now that it’s two on one. MVP... off the ropes... going for that ballin’ elbow... oh my! The Undertaker has MVP by the throat! Undertaker... launches MVP into the corner. And Taker now, with rights and lefts... Undertaker off the ropes... big boot! Matthews: Where is The Undertaker getting this from? Cole: Undertaker... elbow to Henry. Taker now... scoops MVP up... snake eyes! Matthews: MVP is reeling here! He doesn’t know what’s going on. Cole: Undertaker... he’s got MVP by the throat... chokeslam! Chokeslam to MVP! This match is over! Here’s the cover... 1... 2... and Mark Henry makes the save! Matthews: That was almost the most unlikely win we’ve seen in a long time. Cole: Taker now... striking rights and lefts to Henry. Henry in the corner, trying to cover up and... he just grabbed the referee! Mark Henry just hid behind... on! A low blow from MVP! Matthews: The ref never saw it. He was distracted by Henry. Cole: And once again, MVP and Henry have the advantage. Henry... off the ropes... and a splash on The Undertaker. That’s over 500lbs crashing down on top of you. Matthews: But I don’t think they’re finished yet. Cole: Not by a long shot. MVP... he gets The Undertaker up... and there’s the playmaker! The Undertaker has given everything he had, but the numbers game may prove to be too much. Matthews: Here comes Henry again... Cole; Henry off the ropes... another splash! That’s got to do it folks... MVP with the cover... 1... 2... 3. It’s over. Mark Henry and MVP have decimated The Undertaker. I’m sure if Coach was here he’d be going crazy right now but... what the hell is this? Matthews: MVP going for a chair now... Cole: Oh c’mon! It’s bad enough you beat up The Undertaker in a two on one match, not this? Mark Henry... drags The Undertaker to his feet... Henry holds The Undertaker in place... MVP with the chair... oh! Matthews: Oh my God! Cole: A sickening thud as MVP almost caved The Undertakers’ skull in with that chair! Matthews: And The Undertaker is down and he’s not moving. Cole: We’re out of time folks. Will the Deadman make it to Night of Champions? Join us this Sunday live on pay per view to find out! [B]Montel Vontavious Porter and Mark Henry beat The Undertaker and Kane (B)[/B] ------ [SIZE="1"]Brian Kendrick beat Matt Bentley (C) Kenny Dykstra beat Kofi Kingston (C+) Billy Kidman beat Funaki (C) John Bradshaw Layfield and Umaga beat Matt Hardy and Finlay (B-) Rey Mysterio beat Deuce (B+) Montel Vontavious Porter and Mark Henry beat The Undertaker and Kane (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20PPV/NoC.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE Night of Champions Preview[/B] [B]United States Championship Match Matt Hardy v Umaga[/B] [B]World Tag Team Championship Match Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes v The Canadian Bulldogs[/B] [B]Cruiserweight Championship Match Brian Kendrick v Billy Kidman Women’s Championship Match Mickie James v Melina WWE Tag Team Championship Match Deuce and Domino v Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero Intercontinental Championship Match Carlito v Bobby Lashley ECW Heavyweight Championship Match Shelton Benjamin v CM Punk World Heavyweight Championship Match The Undertaker v Montel Vontavious Porter WWE Championship Match Chris Jericho v The Big Show[/B] PS - Apologies for the poster, best I could do!
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United States Championship Match [B]Matt Hardy[/B] v Umaga - Matt finds some way to retain, most likely DQ. World Tag Team Championship Match Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes v [B]The Canadian Bulldogs[/B] Cruiserweight Championship Match [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] v Billy Kidman Women’s Championship Match [B]Mickie James[/B] v Melina WWE Tag Team Championship Match [B]Deuce and Domino[/B] v Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero - Edge hasn't quite finished with these two yet. Intercontinental Championship Match [B]Carlito[/B] v Bobby Lashley - Carlito steals it. ECW Heavyweight Championship Match Shelton Benjamin v [B]CM Punk[/B] - Punk takes back the gold . . maybe World Heavyweight Championship Match [B]The Undertaker[/B] v Montel Vontavious Porter - MVP's not quite ready WWE Championship Match [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v The Big Show - Jericho to retain
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[B]Matt Hardy[/B] v Umaga [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes[/B] v The Canadian Bulldogs [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] v Billy Kidman [B]Mickie James[/B] v Melina Deuce and Domino v [B]Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero[/B] [B]Carlito[/B] v Bobby Lashley [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] v CM Punk [B]The Undertaker[/B] v Montel Vontavious Porter [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v The Big Show
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United States Championship Match [B]Matt Hardy[/B] v Umaga World Tag Team Championship Match Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes v [B]The Canadian Bulldogs[/B] Cruiserweight Championship Match [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] v Billy Kidman Women’s Championship Match [B]Mickie James[/B] v Melina WWE Tag Team Championship Match [B]Deuce and Domino[/B] v Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero Intercontinental Championship Match [B]Carlito[/B] v Bobby Lashley ECW Heavyweight Championship Match [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] v CM Punk World Heavyweight Championship Match [B]The Undertaker[/B] v Montel Vontavious Porter WWE Championship Match [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v The Big Show Don't be so hard on yourself, the poster looks good :D Can't wait for the show.
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United States Championship Match Matt Hardy v [B]Umaga[/B] World Tag Team Championship Match [B]Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes[/B] v The Canadian Bulldogs Cruiserweight Championship Match [B]Brian Kendrick[/B] v Billy Kidman Women’s Championship Match [B]Mickie James[/B] v Melina WWE Tag Team Championship Match [B]Deuce and Domino[/B] v Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero Intercontinental Championship Match Carlito v [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] ECW Heavyweight Championship Match [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] v CM Punk World Heavyweight Championship Match [B]The Undertaker[/B] v Montel Vontavious Porter WWE Championship Match [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v The Big Show
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United States Championship Match Matt Hardy v [B]Umaga[/B] World Tag Team Championship Match Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes v [B]The Canadian Bulldogs[/B] Cruiserweight Championship Match Brian Kendrick v [B]Billy Kidman[/B] Women’s Championship Match [B]Mickie James[/B] v Melina WWE Tag Team Championship Match [B]Deuce and Domino[/B] v Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero Intercontinental Championship Match [B]Carlito[/B] v Bobby Lashley ECW Heavyweight Championship Match Shelton Benjamin v [B]CM Punk[/B] World Heavyweight Championship Match The Undertaker v [B]Montel Vontavious Porte[/B]r WWE Championship Match [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v The Big Show
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20PPV/NoCbanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] JR: Welcome everybody to WWE Night of Champions! We are live on pay-per-view in the American Airlines Arena here in Dallas, TX. Good evening everyone, I’m good ol’ JR, Jim Ross, alongside me as always is my hall of fame colleague Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and King, tonight every championship is on the line. King: Right and for us the big one is Chris Jericho defending the WWE Title against the Big Show. So many titles could change hands here tonight, I can’t wait! JR: We’re going to hand it over right now to our buddies from ECW, Joey Styles and Tazz. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] Styles: Our thanks to the guys at Raw. Tonight, a epic feud that has lasted over 4 months comes to a head tonight, as Shelton Benjamin defends the ECW Title against CM Punk. And the stakes could not be higher Tazz. Tazz: No doubt. If Punk wins he becomes the new ECW Champion, but he also keeps his spot on the ECW roster. If Benjamin wins, he keeps the title, but he also gets rid of CM Punk from ECW. Styles: We can’t wait for that one. Right now let’s hand it over to the Smackdown table, here’s Michael Cole, and a worse for wear Jonathan Coachman. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JonathanCoachman.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Thanks Joey. Tonight, The Undertaker looks to finally lay to rest the Championship challenge of MVP, in a match Teddy Long has called MVPs last shot at the title while The Undertaker is champion. And sitting next to me is Coach, and Coach... is the neck-brace really necessary? Coach: I don’t know if you saw it Cole, but The Undertaker assaulted me last Friday night on Smackdown. I had to go to the hospital, I thought I had broke my neck, my back is killing me, it hurts for me to speak. I was this close to going to my attorney and suing The Undertaker, until Mr McMahon stepped in and pleaded with me not to. Cole: Well if it hurts for you to speak maybe you oughta sit back and let me handle this tonight. Coach: You wish Cole. You know you could never handle a night like this on your own. Cole: Well I’m sure I could give it a shot... as we’re about set to kick things off... and here comes Umaga. The Samoan Bulldozer is going after Matt Hardy and the United States Championship. Coach: We both know you could never call... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B]United States Championship Match Matt Hardy v Umaga[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Umaga... on the second rope... he’s going to fly... nobody home! Umaga went for it all with that splash off the second rope but he didn’t connect. Both men are down now, as the referee starts to count. Coach: Umaga went head first into the mat there... Cole: Both men getting back to their feet. Hardy with a right hand... and another... and a third... Coach: Yeah but they don’t effect a guy like Umaga... Cole: But a DDT like that will! Coach: Look at Umaga thought he’s right back on his feet! Cole: Yeah but he’s not steady on them. Hardy... off the ropes... sunset flip, Hardy trying to get Umaga down... Coach: Squash him Umaga! Cole: Oh! Nobody home again... Hardy with a dropkick to the face! Hooks the leg... 1... 2... no! Umaga kicks out! Somehow the challenger managed to get the shoulder up. Coach: Yeah but look at that. Umaga just pushing Hardy into the corner and right back to the offence. You can’t keep this guy down. Cole: Umaga raining down with rights and lefts. How do you hurt this man? Coach: You don’t Cole. Just like that, Umaga can turn it around . And now he’s about to crush Matt Hardy’s skull against the... Cole: No! Again Hardy managed to move. Umaga staggering again... twist of fate! Twist of fate! Matt Hardy did it! He hit the twist of fate! Shoulders are down... 1... 2... no! Coach: Yes! Cole: Somehow Umaga kicked out! What is it going to take to keep this man down? Hardy... lining Umaga up again. Hardy... looking for another twist of... no. Umaga counters... oh! A heel kick almost takes Matt Hardy’s head off. Coach: And look at that, Hardy is slumped down in the corner, and here comes Umaga... Cole: Umaga... oh! This time Umaga didn’t miss! Matt Hardy’s head just snapped back off the turnbuckle. Coach: And if that doesn’t do it... this will. Cole: Oh no. Umaga... he’s got Matt Hardy up... Samoan Drop! Coach: Yes! We’ve got a new United States Champion! Cole: Umaga with the cover... 1... 2... and Hardy kicks out! Hardy kicks out! Coach: How the hell did he do that? Cole: Matt Hardy is still alive in this match! Hardy will not quit! But what is Umaga doing here? Coach: He’s going to end this right now. Cole: Umaga... drags Matt Hardy to his feet. Umaga... oh! Samoan Spike! That’s gotta be it. Coach: Goodnight! New US Champ right here. Cole: 1... 2... 3. He did it. Umaga has beaten Matt Hardy. What a battle that was thought. Matt Hardy took Umaga to the limit. It took everything he had for Umaga to pin Matt. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone run Umaga as close as he did. Coach: It doesn’t matter what it takes, what matters is that Umaga is your new United States Champion! [B]Umaga beat Matt Hardy to become the new United States Champion (B-)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Eve Torres* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/EveTorres11.jpg[/IMG] Eve: Please welcome my guest at this time, he is the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Title... Montel Vontavious Porter... MVP! And MVP, tonight you face The Undertaker just two weeks after he beat you in a casket match at One Night Stand. My question is, what’s going to be different about tonight that makes you think you can beat him for the title? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] MVP: What’s going to be different? I’ll tell you what’s gonna be different. Tonight, there ain’t gonna be no caskets. Tonight there ain’t gonna be no mind games. What it’s gonna be is me out wrestling and out classing The Undertaker. You see Teddy Long can try play me for a fool all he wants, but deep down he knows I’m the future of Smackdown. And Undertaker... whether you like it or not... your time is over. Tonight... I’m walking out of here the new World Heavyweight Champion... and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it. JR: Certainly some strong words there from MVP. King: Yeah but I hope he doesn’t think tonight’s going to be a walk in the park, or else he’ll be lucky if he can walk out of here once The Undertaker gets hold of him. JR: That match for the World Heavyweight Title is coming up later tonight... but right now, here come Smith, Wilson and Niedhart, the Canadian Bulldogs. King: Right and these guys have been after Holly and Rhodes ever since they formed this tag team... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CodyRhodes21.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/DHSmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TJ_Wilson6.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Tag Team Championship Match Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes v The Canadian Bulldogs[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Wilson... coming off the ropes... and Holly managed to roll out of the way. King: That was a mistake by the rookie TJ Wilson right there. JR: But he makes up for it there with that clothesline. And now a tag made, Harry Smith comes back into the ring. Smith...sends Holly off the ropes... Holly ducks the clothesline... and a great standing dropkick from Holly. Both men down now. King: And Hardcore Holly really needs to make a tag to Cody Rhodes or the tag team titles are going to slip away from these two. JR: Holly... almost to his corner... Smith has him by the foot... but Holly makes the tag! Here comes Cody Rhodes now... and down goes Smith... down goes Wilson. Cody Rhodes, the fresh man in this match... and a huge back body drop to Harry Smith. King: Cody Rhodes has come in here full of momentum. JR: Great elevation on that move, as Smith is introduced to the turnbuckle... and there’s a bulldog. Cody now... taking a chance here, going to the top rope... missile dropkick finds is mark! Here’s the cover... 1... 2... and Wilson makes the save. But Holly is right back up... and a clothesline takes Holly and Wilson to the floor. King: I’m pretty sure it would’ve been over if TJ Wilson hadn’t made the save on that missile dropkick. JR: Cody now... looking to put Harry Smith away... going for a DDT... no, Smith reverses... sends Cody off the ropes... King: Uh oh... he’s got him up. JR: Harry Smith... has Cody on his shoulder... oh! Running powerbomb! King: He just planted Cody there... JR: A hook of the leg... 1... 2... 3! We’ve got new tag team champions! King: Unbelievable! JR: Smith and Wilson, the Canadian Bulldogs, have completed a meteoric rise here in the WWE. They’ve only been here together as a tag team on Raw for less than two months, and already they’re the new tag team champions. King: It was a great effort by Rhodes and Holly, but the young bulldogs were just the better team on the night. [B]The Canadian Bulldogs beat Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes to become the new World Tag Team Champions (C-)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and Triple H* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shane_McMahon8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] Shane: You think he’ll do it? HHH: I don’t know... and to be honest... I don’t care. Shane: Hey... we said we’d be there for him. I’m not going through all this crap from Monday night again. HHH: Oh I’ll be there alright... I’ll be... [I]knock knock[/I] Shane: Yeah come in. Oh... glad you could make it. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] Punk: Uh... you wanted to see me? Shane: Yeah, yeah I did. Listen... I was watching ECW last Tuesday night and... I saw you agreed to put your spot on the ECW roster on the line tonight. Punk: Yeah I did. It was the only way to get a title shot. Shane: Yeah I know, I saw it. I also saw you on Smackdown on Friday night... talking to Teddy Long. He uh... he offered you a spot on his show yeah? Punk: Well yeah... if I lose. Shane: You know what Punk? I want to make you an offer too. I want to offer you a spot on Monday Night Raw. The flagship show, the A brand... my show. How’s that sound? Punk: Well uh... that sounds pretty good. But I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to beat Shelton Benjamin tonight, and I’m going to become ECW Champion again. Shane: Hey, I’m all for that. But if it doesn’t happen... I want you on my show, understand? Listen... how about this? Tomorrow night, you come down to Raw and you and me’ll have a little meeting. And who knows... maybe you’ll be the newest member of the Raw roster? Punk: Alright. If... and it ain’t going to happen... but if I lose tonight... I’ll see you on Raw tomorrow night. Cole: Well the battle for CM Punk continues. If Punk loses tonight, he has to leave ECW, and he would become one of the most sought after free agents in the history of the WWE. Coach: Yeah but if he does leave ECW, that means he lost to Shelton Benjamin. Why would we want a loser like Punk on our show? Let him go to Raw. They got plenty of losers over there. We don’t want him. Cole: Well Teddy Long seems to disagree with you Coach. Coach: And what does he know? Cole: Well... moving on, up next, the controversy surrounding the Cruiserweight Championship will come to an end tonight. Let’s take you back to the ending of the four way tables match at One Night Stand to see what it’s all about. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Spanky.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Billy_Kidman3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cruiserweight Championship Match Brian Kendrick v Billy Kidman[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Kidman... sends Kendrick to the corner... Kidman runs into a boot. Kendrick... Irish whip... Kidman reverses it... and Kidman runs over Kendrick with that clothesline. And Kidman... slowly crawls over for the cover... 1... 2... and Kendrick gets the shoulder up. Coach: Billy Kidman’s got to take advantage of things quicker. He took his time getting to the cover there, and that gave Kendrick a chance to kick out. Cole: Suplex by Kidman... and now he quickly sends Kendrick off the ropes... Kendrick reverses... Kendrick up on the shoulders of Kidman... Coach: This isn’t going to end well... Cole: And the head-scissors takes Kidman down tot he floor! Tough landing for Kidman, as Kendrick managed to grab hold of the top rope and keep himself in the ring. Coach: And Kidman can’t spend too much time on the floor, he doesn’t want to get counted out here. Cole: Good point Coach. What a second... Kendrick... plancha takes down Kidman. Kendrick now... where is he going here? Coach: He’s going to the top rope, and he’s taking a huge chance by doing so. This is a mistake By Brian Kendrick. Cole: And Kidman quickly makes it back onto the apron, and he nails Kendrick with a right hand. Both men now... jockeying for position on that top rope... Kendrick... he almost falls off... Kidman... oh! Coach: Oh what a move by Kidman! Cole: Top rope hurricanrana sends Kendrick to the mat. What a great move by Billy Kidman. Coach: And he’s got to take advantage of it. Cover him Kidman, cover him! Cole: I think that move took so much out of both men that Kidman can’t make it over for a pin. Instead now Kidman... going back to the top rope... Coach: He’s going for the shooting star press. This is going to end it right here. Cole: Kendrick... back to his feet... oh! Dropkick to Kidman, and Kidman is now perched on top of the turnbuckle. What is Brian Kendrick doing here? Kendrick... runs the ropes... oh! Coach: God what a mover! Cole: Brian Kendrick with a bulldog off the top rope. Billy Kidman has gotta be done. But wait... Kendrick isn’t finished yet. Kendrick... runs Kidman into the corner... Coach: You got to be kiddin’ me! Cole: Sliced bread! Sliced bread! Kendrick got it! Here’s the cover... 1... 2... Coach: Kick out Kidman! Cole: 3! Kendrick did it! Brian Kendrick’s amazing run continues! Kendrick is still the Cruiserweight Champion! Coach: You know... I got to hand it to Brian Kendrick. He’s finally put... Cole: Hey! What the hell? Coach: Gregory Helms! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Gregory_Helms8.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Gregory Helms? What the hell is he doing here? Coach: We haven’t seen him in months! Cole: Months? It’s been over a year since we saw Helms. Coach: And what a way to make your comeback by attacking the Cruiserweight Champion! Cole: Gregory Helms is back off the shelf and he has just laid out Brian Kendrick. [B]Brian Kendrick beat Billy Kidman to retain the Cruiserweight Title (C+)[/B] ------- *we cut backstage to Todd Grisham* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] Todd: Please welcome my guests at this time, they are the challengers for the WWE Tag Team Championship... Chavo Guerrero and Rey Mysterio! Chavo, Rey... tonight you take on Deuce and Domino with the gold on the line. My question for you both is will this partnership you two have formed over the past few months bring you both Championship gold? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] Chavo: Todd, tonight is the night Rey and myself put all our history behind us. We may have had our problems in the past... but that’s over now. And tonight... we’re going to become the new WWE Tag Team Champions. Todd: Thanks Chavo. And to you Rey, what about the threat of Edge and the Edge-heads? They wanted to be on the card tonight, but you obviously beat Hawkins and Ryder to earn this match tonight. Do you think they will make their presence felt in this match? Rey: Honestly Todd... I don’t know. But if they do... we’ll be ready for them No way is Edge costing Chavo and myself those titles tonight. JR: Chavo and Rey there, certainly both men are extremely focused on that tag team title match tonight... King: Yeah but like Todd said, they’ve got to watch out for the treat of Edge. JR: And we know well the threat of Edge from his days on Raw. And here comes the challenger for the Women’s Championship... Melina. King: Oh boy I love Divas matches... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Mickie_James46.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Melina5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Women’s Championship Match Mickie James v Melina[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Mickie... going downstairs with that kick... looking for a DDT... King: nice reversal by Melina. JR: And Melina hit a great swinging neckbreaker. Hooks the leg, 1... 2... and Mickie kicks out. And Melina now... with hard shots to the head of Mickie, knocks her back into the corner... Irish whip across... and Melina runs into an elbow... King: Oh my God... I love this move! JR: Head-scissor takedown from Mickie! The King was loving that one, and there’s the DDT! Mickie goes for the cover... 1... 2... and Melina gets her foot on the rope. Great ring awareness from the challenger. King: I thought that was it. Great head-scissors, and then following it up with that DDT. JR: Can Mickie put her away here? 1... 2... and again Melina kicks out. Mickie now... sends Melina... no Melina reverses... Mickie ducks the clothesline... and hits one of her own... and another one. Mickie now with a handful of hair... and Melina goes for the ride. King: They’re starting to get pretty vicious out there! JR: Both women back up... Mickie ducks a right hand... neckbreaker! That should do it, 1... 2... and again Melina kicks out. King: Melina determined to stay in this match, she doesn’t want to lose her shot at the title! JR: Mickie now... going to the top rope... corssbody! Mickie with... hey... Melina rolls through... 1... 2... King: She’s got the tights! JR: 3! We’ve got a new Women’s Champion. The ref never saw Melina with a handful of tights. Melina is the new champion. King: Wow. I mean Mickie James through everything at Melina, and just like that Melina takes the title away. [B]Melina beat Mickie James to become the new Women’s Champion (C+)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Armando Estrada, Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Armando_Estrada3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] Estrada: You know what you have to do tonight? Benjamin: Yeah... I got it tonight. Estrada: You better amigo. You didn’t get it done last Tuesday night. Benjamin: Tonight’s going to be different. Trust me. Burke: Good luck tonight man. Benjamin: Listen man... I know you’re not allowed out there tonight... but keep an eye on Foley. I don’t want to see him anywhere near the ring. Burke: You got it man. Estrada: You just focus on Punk. If you do this tonight... then everything will be easy in the Land of Extreme. Cole: So much on the line tonight in that ECW Title match. But right now, the WWE Tag Team Titles are on the line... and here comes the challengers! Coach: Here comes for my money the worst tag team in the history of Smackdown. Cole: What?! Coach: Two guys who don’t like each other, regardless of what they say. A team that is going to turn on each other at the drop of a hat. It would be a travesty if these two win the tag team titles tonight. Cole: You gotta be kiddin’ me... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimmySnukaJr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Domino.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Tag Team Championship Match Deuce and Domino v Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Deuce... he gets Mysterio up... what’s Domino doing? Oh! Mysterio driven face first into the mat. This one is over... 1... 2... and Chavo makes the save. Coach: Now how long is the referee going to let him get away with that? Cole: Chavo may have made the save, but Mysterio is out. Rey... manages to make it over to the corner... and he kicks out at Domino... and again... and Deuce takes a right hand, but now Domino with a forearm. Domino now... Irish whip... Rey up over the top of Domino, lands on his feet... ducks a right hand from Deuce... Mysterio off the ropes... leapfrog... Deuce and Domino can’t grab a hold of Rey... Coach: Somebody stop this guy! Cole: And there’s the tag! Here comes Chavo! Chavo... right hand to Deuce... right hand to Domino... and there’s a dropkick as well. Deuce... sent off the ropes... back body drop! Another dropkick, this time to Domino. Coach: Somebody has got to slow this guy down. Cole: Chavo off the ropes... ducks the right hand from Deuce... but he runs right into a clothesline from Domino. Coach: There you go. That’s what you gotta do. Take the pace out of it. Cole: And now the double team starts on Chavo... wait a second, Mysterio is on the top rope... crossbody takes out both of them! Rey now... going to work on Domino... sends him off the ropes... oh! Deuce from behind, levelled Rey. And now they toss Chavo to the floor. Coach: That’s great strategy. Get rid of Chavo, means you can target the smaller, weaker member of the team... Cole: Give it a rest Coach! Deuce and Domino now... looking like they’re going for the crack ‘em in the mouth. Deuce has Rey up... Domino off the ropes... Coach: It’s over! Cole: Wait... Chavo pulls down Domino... Rey on Deuce’s shoulders... hurricanrana! Shoulders are down... 1... 2... no! Deuce somehow kicked out. Coach: Now how is that legal? Chavo was on the floor, he was not part of the amtch, he grabbed the foot of Domino as he... Cole: Dropkick to Deuce. He’s hung up on the ropes... here comes Rey... 619! 619 connects! Coach: No this... you can’t do that! Cole: Chavo is on the top rope... frog splash! Chavo with the frog splash! Hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! Coach: No! No! Cole: We’ve got new tag team champions! Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero have done it! Rey and Chavo are the new WWE Tag Team Champions! Coach: This is... I... I can’t believe this! This is a disgrace! Deuce and Domino have been robbed here tonight! What the hell is that referee doing? He oughta be fired! Cole: I don’t think Rey and Chavo care right now, as they’re the new tag team champions! [B]Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero beat Deuce and Domino to become the new WWE Tag Team Champions (B-)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Anastacia Rose* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AnastaciaRose-11.jpg[/IMG] Rose: Please welcome my guest at this time, he is the number one contender for the WWE Championship... the Big Show! And Big Show, tonight you take on Chris Jericho for the WWE Title, but it looks like you and Triple H aren’t exactly on the same page. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] Big Show: You think that matters? Listen, as long as Shane has my back, what Triple H does doesn’t matter. And if Chris Jericho thinks that I’m not going to be focused on him tonight... he’ll find out just how focused I am when we get in the ring. JR: Once again folks, the tension between the Big Show, Shane McMahon and Triple H continues to escalate. King: Yeah and I’m sure the Game won’t be happy if he heard that interview. JR: I don’t think he’s ever happy. But this man right here could be about to become very happy. Bobby Lashley, the challenger for the Intercontinental Championship is making his way towards the ring... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Intercontinental Championship Match Carlito v Bobby Lashley[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Lashley blocks the right hand... fires back with one of his own... and another one. Lashley... ducks that right hand... atomic drop... and a clothesline takes Carlito down. Carlito back up... belly-to-belly throw sends Carlito across the ring. King: Lashley is really building some momentum here. JR: Lashley... poised in the corner... he’s looking for a spear. King: This could end it right here. JR: Here comes Lashley... no! Carlito made him miss, Lashley went shoulder first into the turnbuckle... and there’s the backstabber! Carlito taking advantage, hits the backstabber. King: I can’t believe after the beating he’s took that Carlito is going to win this thing. JR: Carlito hooks the leg... 1... 2... and Lashley kicks out! Lashley kicks out! Carlito with a look of shock on his face! King: Carlito looks like he’s all out of ideas now. JR: Carlito... sends Lashley off the ropes... Lashley ducks the clothesline... spear! Lashley with a spear! He got all of him that time! King: Listen to this crowd JR! JR: They can sense it. Bobby Lashley is about to become the new Intercontinental Champions. Carlito... slowly getting back to his feet... King: Carlito can barely stand right now. JR: Lashley... he’s got Carlito up... dominator! Lashley with the dominator! This one’s over! King: We’re going to have a new Intercontinental Champion JR! JR: Lashley with the cover... 1... 2... who the hell is that? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Apolo.jpg[/IMG] King: Whoever he is he’s beating up Bobby Lashley right now! JR: Lashley... the referee called for the bell... did he get the 3 count? King: I don’t think so... JR: Oh! This... this man who’s jumped into the ring has just decimated Lashley. Who the hell is this guy? King: Well... he’s helping Carlito back to his feet. JR: I think this is a set up. Carlito has set this up to save his title. Lashley has won this match by disqualification, but Carlito keeps the Intercontinental Title. [B]Bobby Lashley beat Carlito by DQ (B-)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Shelton Benjamin making his way towards the ring* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] Styles: Well a controversial ending to the Intercontinental Title match... but there you see the ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin, making his way to the ring for... Benjamin: What you doing man? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy5_ndp.jpg[/IMG] Jeff: Nothing Shelton. I was just hanging around. Just me... and my briefcase. Benjamin: Yeah... uh... when you thinking of using that thing anyway? Jeff: I don’t know. I mean... Night of Champions could be a pretty good night for me to become a heavyweight champion for the first time. Hmm... Jeff Hardy... ECW Heavyweight Champion. That’s got a good ring to it doesn’t it. Benjamin: Yeah... yeah it does. Jeff: Oh... good luck tonight champ. I’ll be watching. Tazz: God could you imagine if Jeff Hardy cashes in that Money in the Bank briefcase for the ECW Title tonight? Styles: That would be huge. I think Jeff Hardy would fit in nicely on Sci-Fi wouldn’t he? Tazz: No doubt. I also think... as CM Punk makes his way towards the ring... that Jeff Hardy has just given CM Punk a huge psychological advantage going into this match. Styles: Absolutely right. Shelton Benjamin has gotta be thinking about Jeff Hardy and Money in the Bank now... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Heavyweight Championship Match Shelton Benjamin v CM Punk[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Styles: Benjamin... sends Punk to the corner... and Benjamin follows in with a knee to the skull. Tazz: And once again CM Punk just slumped down to the mat. Styles: You have to believe both Raw general manager Shane McMahon and Smackdown general manager Teddy Long are watching this match unfold, knowing that a Shelton Benjamin victory means the end of CM Punk in ECW. Tazz: Right and you gotta think they’re both rooting for Shelton Benjamin to win. They know what kinda talent CM Punk, we both know what kinda talent he is... and I’m rooting for Punk tonight. I want him on Sci-Fi, and I want him as the new ECW Champion. Styles: But it is not looking good right now for the challenger... as again Shelton nails Punk with a stiff right hand. But Punk now looking to fight back... Punk with those forearms... off the ropes... oh! And Shelton just planted Punk with a spinebuster. Tazz: And you saw Punk’s head snap back off the mat, that had to take a lot out of the challenger. Styles: And Benjamin... follows it up with a slam... oh! Punk with a kick from the mat to the back of Shelton’s head... Punk ducks the clothesline... counters into a neckbreaker. Punk starting to rally now... scores with the right hands... sends Benjamin off the ropes... spinning heel kick! Tazz: And listen to this crowd Joey. They’re starting to feel it, they can sense a new champion being crowned. Styles: Punk sends Benjamin down with a clothesline... and there’s a dropkick. Irish whip sends Benjamin to the corner... Punk follows in with a clothesline... and there’s a bulldog. Punk hooks the leg, 1... 2... and Benjamin kicks out. Tazz: Punk almost got it done there and... what’s he doing now? Styles: Punk slams Benjamin to the mat, and now the challenger climbs to the top rope. CM Punk... off the top rope... legdrop connects! That could do it... 1... 2... and again Benjamin kicks out. Tazz: God so many near falls in this match, and Punk going back up top now... Styles: Punk again off the top... but Benjamin caught him. Punk, perched on Benjamin’s shoulders... there’s a victory roll... 1... 2... and Benjamin barely gets the shoulder up. The champion is in trouble here. Tazz: Yeah but he’s back on his feet pretty quickly... Styles: Punk ducks the right hand... and there’s that double underhook backbreaker. Punk hooks the leg again... 1... 2... no! Tazz: I think it’s going to take something big to put Shelton Benjamin away tonight... and I think it might be coming up. Styles: Punk... waiting for Benjamin to get back on his feet. Punk... looking to go for that Go To Sleep. Tazz: Benjamin can barely get back up... Styles: Punk... he gets Benjamin up... Go To... no! Benjamin with a counter... oh! Benjamin hits the paydirt... here’s the cover... 1... 2... Tazz: C’mon Punk kick out! Styles: 3! Benjamin has done it! Shelton Benjamin has finally beating CM Punk one on one. Tazz: And that of course means that CM Punk... he’s out of ECW now. But what a great match to go out on. Styles: Punk threw everything he had at Shelton Benjamin, but the ECW Champion somehow managed to survive, and now CM Punk is no longer a member of the ECW roster. Tazz: And I guess it’s time for the bidding to begin between Shane McMahon and Teddy Long... [B]Shelton Benjamin beat CM Punk to retain the ECW Championship (A)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Maria* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MariaKanellis2.jpg[/IMG] Maria: Please welcome my guest at this time, the WWE Champion... Y2J... Chris Jericho! And Chris, tonight you defend your title against the Big Show... but all of the talk before the match has been about Big Show and Triple H not seeing eye to eye. Do you think that gives you an advantage tonight? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Jericho35.jpg[/IMG] Jericho: You know I said last Monday night on Raw that I’m not buying any of what Triple H and the Big Show have gotta say... and I that’s still the way I feel. Triple H... Big Show... Shane McMahon... you guys can play up all this tension and turmoil crap to the cameras all you want... but it’s not going to affect me. I’ll stay focused tonight... and I will beat you Big Show. And when I do... if you want to kick Triple H’s ass afterwards... I’ll be the guy sitting back laughing my ass off at it. Cole: Well Chris Jericho could be in for a log night tonight against the Big Show, but right now let’s take you back and show you the history between MVP and the World Heavyweight Champion, The Undertaker... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MarkCalloway.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Heavyweight Championship Match The Undertaker v Montel Vontavious Porter[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* Cole: Oh! Mark Henry, again making his presence felt at ringside behind the referees back. MVP had him distracted, and Henry just levelled... Coach: Wait a second! Did you hear what that ref just said? Cole: What? I... I missed it... wait, he’s... Coach: No! He can’t do that! Cole: The referee is kicking Mark Henry out of here! Henry... is being sent back up the ramp! Coach: How can he do that? Henry was just standing at ringside... Cole: He just nailed The Undertaker! That’s a great job by the ref to get Henry out of here. Now we’re going to find out just how good MVP. His buddy’s not going to be a ringside anymore. Coach: That’s a damn joke right there! Cole: MVP... rolling The Undertaker back into the ring. Henry may be out of here, but the effect of that attack will still be hurting The Deadman. MVP, looking to take advantage... goes to work on the lower back. MVP, applying an abdominal stretch... and keeping up the punishment with right hands too. Coach: And that’s smart right there. Stay on him. MVP has seen a weakness and he’s exploiting it. Cole: It has been great strategy so far from MVP. He saw an opening and has exploited it... but now The Undertaker is trying to make a move. The Deadman... battling back to his feet. MVP though... sends Taker off the ropes... Taker ducks a right hand... and another... flying clothesline! Vintage Undertaker as he goes to the air to take down the challenger... and this is vintage Undertaker as well. Coach: God I hate this move. Cole: Taker... walking the top rope... old school! And Undertaker now... calling for this to end. Coach: MVP... get out of there. We need a time out or something. Cole: We? Coach: We... shut up Cole! Cole: Undertaker... stalking MVP, waiting for him to get back to his feet. Taker... he’s got MVP by the throat! Choke... no... MVP counters... DDT! Coach: Yes! Great manoeuvre. Great technical wrestling move by MVP. Cole: MVP managing to counter the chokeslam. And MVP, again going to work on the back with those hard shots with the knee. Undertaker though, from his knees, exchanging blows with MVP... Taker fights back to his feet... both men trading right hands... both men slugging it out here. Taker blocks a right hand... and nails one of his own. Taker... sends MVP off the ropes... nails a big boot! Coach: God this is not good... Cole: And Undertaker follows it up with a legdrop! Taker rolls into the cover... 1... 2... and MVP gets the shoulder up. I got to hand it to MVP, he’s showed a lot of guts in this match. Coach: That’s cause he’s championship material. Cole: But MVP, he’s exhausted in the corner. Undertaker follows him in, goes on the attack again with those right hands. Taker just pummelling MVP with the right hands. Coach: Now c’mon referee! You gotta call for a break there! Cole: And the referee does get The Undertaker back from the corner. MVP pulls himself back up... oh! MVP... he just nailed The Undertaker with that chain he wears around his neck! The referee was at the other side of the ring, never saw a damn thing... and The Undertaker has been busted open! Coach: What happened? I was looking at the referee, what d’you say? Cole: I said MVP used that necklace to bust open The Undertaker. The Deadman is bleeding from the top of his head... and MVP is targeting that area with right hands. The Undertaker... staggers back to his feet, he can barely stand, and now he drops to a knee... as MVP comes off the ropes... oh! Boot to the face! Coach: Haha! This brilliant! Cole: MVP going for a cover... 1... 2... and The Undertaker kicks out! The Undertaker kicks out! Coach: That was a slow count! C’mon ref, do your job. Cole: MVP... getting in the referees face about it. It looked like a fair count to me. Coach: That’s cause you’re biased! Cole: What? How can you of all people say... oh my! Coach: No! How’d he do that? Cole: Undertaker... he has MVP up... last ride! Undertaker with the last ride... but did that take everything out of him? Taker can’t make the cover right now... now he manages to roll an arm over... 1... 2... and MVP kicks out! MVP managed to somehow get his shoulder up! Coach: Thank God... c’mon MVP! Cole: And The Undertaker... I think he just called for the tombstone! The Undertaker wants to end this now! Coach: No! We... Henry? We need somebody out here! Cole: Undertaker... scoops MVP up... wait a minute, MVP counters... Coach: MVP’s going to hit a tombstone! Cole: MVP... no Undertaker counters again. Undertaker... no, MVP counters, down the backside... playmaker! Coach: Yes! Yes! He hit it! Cole: A playmaker out of nowhere! MVP goes for the cover... Coach: 1... Cole: Hooks the leg... Coach: 2... Cole: Can he do it? Coach: 3! Yes! He did it! Cole: Oh my God! MVP has done it! MVP has done it! MVP is the champion! MVP with a playmaker to The Undertaker! Coach: He did it! I told you! I’ve been telling you all for weeks! MVP is your new World Heavyweight Champion! Cole: I can’t believe it. MVP has become the new World Heavyweight Champion! [B]Montel Vontavious Porter beat The Undertaker to become the new World Heavyweight Champion (B-)[/B] ------- *we cut backstage to the Big Show making his way towards the ring* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] Champions... and here he comes, the man who could be about to become the new WWE Champion. King: JR, so many titles have already changed hands tonight, are we going to see another one? JR: It certainly could... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] HHH: Oh yeah... Kennedy: Hey guys! Easy alright? HHH: We’ll talk about this later. Big Show: Much later... I’m gonna be partying tonight. King: Certainly very confident in himself isn’t he JR? JR: No doubt about that. The Big Show... WELL IT’S THE BIG SHOW! King: Here he comes JR... JR: The largest athlete in the world. The man who could be about to take Chris Jericho’s WWE Title away from him... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Jericho35.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Championship Match Chris Jericho v The Big Show[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Big Show... no don’t do this... no! Big Show throws Jericho into the steel steps. That oughta be a disqualification right there. Why is the referee not calling for the bell? King: Jericho’s gotta be hurt after that shot I mean... he was driven into the steps. JR: Big Show now... throwing Jericho back into the ring. And Show... just stepping all over the WWE Champion. That’s almost 500lbs coming down on top of you. Show... dragging Jericho to the corner... oh! That big hand coming down across the chest of Jericho... and again! King: God Jericho’s chest is turning red. JR: Big Show... sends Jericho off the ropes... and a huge clothesline takes the champion down. Big Show almost took Jericho’s head off with that. Big Show... looking for a powerbomb here... he’s got Jericho up... but Jericho’s fighting it! Jericho with right hands... fights out of it... Jericho off the ropes... ducks the right hand... flying forearm. King: And finally Jericho gets the big guy off his feet. JR: Jericho goes for a cover... 1... 2... and Big Show kicked out! I thought it was over but... and with one hand, Big Show changes the momentum of the match. Show, he’s got Jericho by the throat... choke... no, Jericho counters, the roll through... 1... 2... and again Big Show kicks out. King: Great counter by Jericho, but Big Show just too strong on the kick out. JR: Y2J has all the momentum right now. The champion looking to put the challenger away. Jericho... off the ropes... codebreaker! Jericho hits the codebreaker! He’s not done yet... Jericho off the ropes... lionsault! Jericho hooks the leg, 1... 2... 3? King: Was that 3? JR: No! Big Show got the shoulder up! My God he got the shoulder up! King: I think me and everybody in this arena thought that was it. JR: Jericho... looking to take a chance here, he’s going to the top rope. Jericho... on the top rope... oh. Big Show shoved the referee into the ropes, causing Jericho to fall. Jericho, left in a precarious spot now... King; And what is Big Show doing here? JR: Big Show following Jericho up there. Big Show... he’s... King: Tell me he’s not going to go for a suplex off the top rope? JR: I think he is! Big Show... he’s got hold of Jericho... oh! Oh my God! What impact! Big Show just suplexed Jericho off the top rope! And Jericho is broken in half! King: Yeah but Big Show is hurt as well. JR: Big Show... slowly rolling towards Jericho... here’s the over... 1... 2... and Jericho kicks out! Jericho kicks out! I don’t know how he did it, but Jericho kicked out! King: And Big Show is not happy about it. JR: Big Show... getting in the referee’s face... oh! Here comes Jericho... oh! Jericho caught the referee with a dropkick. Jericho was aiming for Big Show, and he caught the referee by mistake, as Show nails Jericho with a boot. King: God the referee is out. I mean... he’s not getting back up. JR: And Big Show now... dragging Jericho to his feet... he’s got Jericho by the throat... chokeslam! Big Show hit the chokeslam! This one’s going to be over... but there’s no referee. Big Show... well, he can count all he wants, he could to 20 if he wanted to, but there’s no referee... King: Wait... here comes another referee... JR: 1... 2... and Jericho got the shoulder up! Jericho kicked out! Chris Jericho is somehow staying alive in this match! King: This is unbelievable! JR: I can’t believe it... Big Show looks like he can’t believe it. King: I don’t think anybody can believe it. JR: And Big Show... getting in the face of the referee... oh! Now what in the hell did you do that for? Big Show just levelled that referee. Now we’ve got 2 refs down! King: I uh... I don’t know why he did that. JR: Big Show... rolling to the floor now... oh now I see it. Big Show’s got a chair! Big Show’s got a chair! He’s going to finish off Jericho! Big Show... waiting for Jericho to get back on his feet. Jericho... staggering, he can barely stand... King: Here it comes! JR: Big Show... no! Jericho with a dropkick! Jericho dropkicked it back in Big Show’s face! King: Now Jericho’s got the chair! JR: Jericho... oh! Jericho with a shot to the head! Jericho just nailed The Big Show! Shades of One Night Stand! Jericho with the cover... we’ve no referee! We need a ref out here! King: Wait... the first ref’s rolling back into the ring! JR: C’mon ref! Here’s the count... 1... 2... King: Is he going to do it? JR: 3! Yes! Yes! Yes! Jericho wins! Jericho wins! Jericho retains the title! Jericho retains the title! Jericho is still the WWE Champion! King: Unbelievable! What a huge effort from Chris Jericho! JR: The Big Show gave it everything he had, but Jericho emerges victorious! We’re out of time folks. We’ve got to go. Thank you all for joining us for Night of Champions! King: Jericho has done it... [B]Chris Jericho beat The Big Show to retain the WWE Championship (A)[/B] ------ [SIZE="1"]Umaga beat Matt Hardy (B-) The Canadian Bulldogs beat Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes (C-) Brian Kendrick beat Billy Kidman (C+) Melina beat Mickie James (C+) Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero beat Deuce and Domino (B-) Bobby Lashley beat Carlito by DQ (B-) Shelton Benjamin beat CM Punk (A) Montel Vontavious Porter beat The Undertaker (B-) Chris Jericho beat The Big Show (A)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]
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OK, show is up. Comments, feedback and such would be cool. Especially with regards to the title changes. And someone asked a while back for rosters and a recap of what's happened so far. I'll post them in the next few days or so. Hope you all enjoy!
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;478326]wow a ton of upsets man.[/QUOTE] Well I didn't want it to get too predictable. Also I did say I wanted to try avoid WWE in real life as much as I could. Some things are unfortunatly inevitable, but I'm hoping to avoid most things. [QUOTE=Mtm2k6;478340]5 title changes? Wow. Did not see MVP beating Taker, but only B-?[/QUOTE] It's good to shake things up a bit! As for Taker/MVP, I fear age may have finally caught up with the Deadman. He's not had a great match with anyone for a while now, and it was becoming a pain to see Shelton and Jericho put on great matches to then have Taker's matches get nowhere near as good. He will still play a huge role on Smackdown, but maybe not in the title scene for a while. [QUOTE=Lexa90;478545]Really awesome show man :D I really didn't see MVP winning the title, B- damn! what momentum does MVP have?[/QUOTE] MVP went into the match on B+ with A* or A for popularity pretty much everywhere. Taker went into it on A momentum with A* across the board. After the match Taker is now B+ and MVP is A*. As far as momentum goes, I think I've done a pretty good job so far of keeping all the main eventers above B. In recent months Chavo Guerrero has even hit B+, and Rey is currently on A*, so the feud with Edge (A) must be working. Thanks for the comments guys.
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As requested, rosters.... [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Raw Roster[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [B][U]General Manager[/U][/B] Shane McMahon [B][U]Main Event[/U][/B] Batista Chris Jericho Jeff Hardy Kurt Angle Mr Kennedy Randy Orton Shawn Michaels (currently out with storyline injury) The Big Show Triple H [B][U]Upper Midcard[/U][/B] Bobby Lashley Carlito Paul London William Regal [B][U]Midcard[/U][/B] Apolo Chris Harris Cody Rhodes Hardcore Holly Harry Smith Lance Cade Santino Marella TJ Wilson Trevor Murdoch [B][U]Lower Midcard[/U][/B] Charlie Hass Snitsky Super Crazy Val Venis [B][U]Opener[/U][/B] Robbie McAllister Rory McAllister [B][U]Women’s Division[/U][/B] Ashley Beth Phoenix Candice Michelle Jillian Hall Maria Melina Mickie James Natalya Niedhart (Currently managing Canadian Bulldogs) Victoria [B][U]Tag Teams[/U][/B] Canadian Bulldogs (Harry Smith and TJ Wilson) Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch The Highlanders [B][U]Currently Injured[/U][/B] John Cena
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Indigo"]ECW Roster[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][U]General Manager[/U][/B] Armando Estrada [B][U]Main Event[/U][/B] Elijah Burke Shelton Benjamin John Morrison [B][U]Upper Midcard[/U][/B] Big Daddy V Kevin Thorn Paul Burchill Tommy Dreamer [B][U]Midcard[/U][/B] Balls Mahoney Matt Striker Stevie Richards The Boogeyman The Miz [B][U]Lower Midcard[/U][/B] Mike Knox Nunzio [B][U]Occasional Wrestler[/U][/B] Mick Foley [B][U]Manager[/U][/B] Kelly Kelly (Currently managing John Morrison) Layla (Currently managing The Miz)
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Smackdown Roster[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [B][U]General Manager[/U][/B] Teddy Long [B][U]Main Event[/U][/B] Edge John Bradshaw Layfield Montel Vontavious Porter The Undertaker Rey Mysterio [B][U]Upper Midcard[/U][/B] Chavo Guerrero Deuce Domino Finlay Kane Kenny Dykstra Mark Henry Matt Hardy The Great Khali [B][U]Midcard[/U][/B] Billy Kidman Brian Kendrick Chuck Palumbo Curt Hawkins Gregory Helms Kofi Kingston Ron Killings Zack Ryder [B][U]Lower Midcard[/U][/B] Festus Dalton Jamie Noble Jesse Dalton Jimmy Wang Yang Shannon Moore [B][U]Opener[/U][/B] Funaki Matt Bentley [B][U]Tag Teams[/U][/B] Deuce and Domino Jesse and Festus Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore Ron Killings and Kofi Kingston The Edge-heads (Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder) [B][U]Managers[/U][/B] Cherry (Currently managing Deuce and Domino) Hornswoggle (Currently managing Finlay) Runjin Singh (Currently managing The Great Khali) Torrie Wilson (Currently managing Edge) Vickie Guerrero (Currently recovering from the trauma of being ditched at the altar) [B][U]Free Agent[/U][/B] CM Punk (Yet to make decision between Raw and Smackdown)
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[B][CENTER]Champions[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/WWEChampion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Jericho35.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Championship[/B] Chris Jericho (2) Sunday Wk 3 May to Present Randy Orton (2) Unknown to Sunday Wk3 May [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/WorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MontelVontaviousPorter13.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Heavyweight Championship[/B] Montel Vontavious Porter Sunday Wk4 June to Present The Undertaker (2) Sunday Wk4 March to Sunday Wk4 June Edge (2) Unknown to Sunday Wk4 March [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/ecwworld1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SBenjamin2_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship[/B] Shelton Benjamin Wk4 March to Present CM Punk Unknown to Wk4 March [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [B]Intercontinental Championship[/B] Carlito (2) Monday Wk3 March to Present Jeff Hardy (4) Unknown to Monday Wk3 March [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/WWEUnitedStates.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]United States Championsip[/B] Umaga Sunday Wk4 June to Present Matt Hardy Sunday Wk4 April to Sunday Wk4 June Montel Vontavious Porter Unknown to Sunday Wk4 April [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/WorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/DHSmith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TJ_Wilson6.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Tag Team Championship[/B] Canadian Bulldogs Sunday Wk4 June to Present Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes Unknown to Sunday Wk4 June [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/WWETagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Tag Team Championship[/B] Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero Sunday Wk4 June to Present Deuce and Domino (2) Friday Wk4 April to Sunday Wk4 June John Morrison and The Miz Unknown to Friday Wk4 April [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/WWEWomens.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Melina5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Women’s Championship[/B] Melina (3) Sunday Wk4 June to Present Mickie James (4) Sunday Wk4 March to Sunday Wk4 June Beth Phoenix Unknown to Wk4 March [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/WWECruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Spanky.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cruiserweight Championship[/B] *Reactivated on Friday Wk1 April* Brian Kendrick Friday Wk1 April to Present[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Royal Rumble 2008 The Undertaker Money In The Bank 2008 Jeff Hardy Unknown = Real Life before Royal Rumble 2008[/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Raw Preview[/B] [B]Canadian Bulldogs v Val Venis and Chris Harris[/B] [SIZE="1"]The young Bulldgos captured tag team gold last night with a win over Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes. Tonight they face the team of Venis and Harris, two solid members of the midcard who know a victory over the new champions could lead them to a future title shot. The youngsters will be out to show their dominance over the division, but the veterans Venis and Harris will be determined to show they deserve their chance at the gold.[/SIZE] [B]Melina v Maria[/B] [SIZE="1"]The new Women's Champion is also in action tonight, with Melina stepping into the ring against Maria. Maria has been improving in recent weeks, and she could be on the verge of dropping the microphone and challenging for the gold. However, all signs point to Melina having too much experience in the ring for her opponent, but this won't be an easy match for the new champion.[/SIZE] [B]Carlito v Hardcore Holly[/B] [SIZE="1"]Carlito somehow managed to escape Night of Champions with his Intercontinental Title, despite the dominant Lashley looking like he was all set to claim the gold. But thanks to the help of Carlito mystery partner, he managed to leave with the title. Holly will look to rebound from the disapointment of losing his tag team titles, but with Carlito likely to have his new muscle at ringside, it could be a while before anyone seriously challenges the cool one.[/SIZE] [B]William Regal v Paul London[/B] [SIZE="1"]London has been making a name for himself in recent weeks, and his recent association with Jeff Hardy has helped put him on the map. Regal has been desperately searching for a win ever since he was fired as general manager by Vince McMahon. Will tonight finally be his night and his losing streak will end? Or will London make matters worse for the Englishman?[/SIZE] [B]Chris Jericho v Santino Marella[/B] [SIZE="1"]The WWE Champion is in action just 24 hours after he survived a gruelling title defense against The Big Show. Show may have look liked a certainty for the gold at one point, but the battling Jericho managed to pull out the win. He goes against Santino tonight, with the Italian looking to take advantage of something else that may be on Jericho's mind tonight...[/SIZE] [B]WWE Championship Number One Contenders Match Triple H v Kurt Angle[/B] [SIZE="1"]Angle may have had a championship match written into his new contract, but he was never one to stand down from a challenge. Triple H managed to convince the Olympic Champion to put his shot on the line, but Angle's pride may have gotten the better of him. Triple H has been after a title shot for months, and he will no doubt have Shane McMahon and Mr Kennedy doing everything in their power to help him reach his goal. The odds my prove too much for Angle to overcome.[/SIZE] ----- Canadian Bulldogs v Val Venis and Chris Harris Melina v Maria Carlito v Hardcore Holly William Regal v Paul London Chris Jericho v Santino Marella Triple H v Kurt Angle
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] JR: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! We are live from the Big Easy, New Orleans, LA. I’m good ol’ JR, alongside my hall of fame broadcast colleague, Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and King, last night at Night of Champions, we saw several titles change hands, but not the WWE Title. King: Right. Chris Jericho managed to retain the WWE Title against The Big Show in a hell of a match last night. And the WWE Title may not have changed hands, but we’ve got new tag team champions and a new Women’s Champion. JR: Absolutely right. The Canadian Bulldogs and Melina both won last night. Also, Carlito somehow managed to escape with the Intercontinental Title, hopefully we’ll get to find out just who that man was that attacked Bobby Lashley just as Lashley looked like he was about to score the pin. King: Who was that guy? He came out of... well, I know who this is! JR: We are kicking things off with Kurt Angle! Angle, making his way down to the ring... microphone in hand. King: I can’t wait to hear what Angle’s got to say! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kurt_Angle7.jpg[/IMG] Angle: Last week, I told you all that I had a guaranteed title shot in my new contract for the Great American Bash. And last night I saw Chris Jericho beat The Big Show to retain the WWE Title. So Jericho... I’ll see you at the bash! Jericho... I respect you... and that was a hell of a match you won last night. But I came back to the WWE for one reason... to be a champion again. It’s true... it’s damn true! JR: Well Kurt Angle, the new number one contender for the WWE Title... TIME TO PLAY THE GAME King: What? JR: Well... it appears Triple H is coming out here. The Game, who has been chasing the title for months, and was extremely unhappy when we heard Kurt Angle had that title shot in his contract. King: And Kurt Angle was making his way up the ramp, but he’s back in the ring now... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] HHH: Angle... Angle... you think it’s that easy huh? You think you can just walk back into Raw and get a title shot? Well Angle... I got a challenge for you. You see... I remember you from the first time around. I remember the battles we used to have. I mean... we had some great matches in the past. But you know... that when it came down to it... I was always better than you Kurt. You used to talk about your stupid gold medal, and about how you were this great technical wrestler... but when it came down to it, and you look back on what you did when you were here before... we both know, I was always better than you. Angle: You were better than me? You? The guy who had to sleep his way to the top? You were a better wrestler than me? Well... what’s your challenge Triple H? HHH: You put that title shot at the Bash on the line tonight! You and me... one on one in that ring... for your title shot! Angle: You and me? One on one? King: What do you think JR? Is he going to say yes? JR: I don’t know... t might be a mistake for Angle to agree to this. Angle: You got it! King: Oh my God JR! JR: What a huge main event that’s going to be! Angle: But believe me when I say this Game... when tonight’s over, there’s going to be no doubt that I am the better wrestler. It’s true, it’s damn true! King: JR... we’re going to see Triple H v Kurt Angle tonight! JR: Business has picked up here on Monday nights! ------- JR: Welcome back to Monday Night Raw folks, in the ring are Val Venis and Chris Harris... and here comes the new World Tag Team Champions. King: Right, the Canadian Bulldogs who beat Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes last night, they’re set for their first match since becoming champions... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/DHSmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TJ_Wilson6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Harris4.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Canadian Bulldogs v Val Venis and Chris Harris[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Wilson once again, applying pressure on the shoulder of Chris Harris. This crowd, trying to encourage Harris, trying to will him to the corner to make the tag to Val Venis. King: Yeah but Smith and Wilson have kept Harris away from his corner for a long time now. JR: Harris... fights his way back to his feet... rocks Wilson with a right hand... and another... Harris off the ropes... ducks the right hand... DDT! Chris Harris with a DDT, but both men are down... King: Chris Harris has gotta make a tag here. JR: Both men crawling towards their corner... tag made, here comes Harry Smith... King: Harris is almost at Val... JR: And Smith knocks Venis off the apron. Now c’mon ref, you can’t... well Val back in the ring, and behind the referees back, Smith and Wilson stomping a mud hole in Chris Harris. King: C’mon ref, turn around. JR: And the referee turns around too late, Smith sends Harris to the corner... and he runs into a boot. Smith... and this time Harris hits an elbow. Harris now... scoring with the right hands... Irish whip... Smith off the ropes... and Harris hits a spinebuster! King: And now he can make the tag... JR: And there it is, here comes Val. Venis is in... clothesline to Smith... clothesline to Wilson. Venis... sends Wilson off the ropes... back-body-drop! Great elevation from Val Venis... but from behind, Harry Smith with a shot to the back of Val. King: Chris Harris is still down trying to recover from the beating he took earlier. JR: It’s two on one here... but Val is fighting it! Val... sends Smith over the top rope. Wilson sends... no Val reverses it... big time powerslam! Val with the cover, 1... 2... no! TJ Wilson barely kicks out. King: The new tag team champions almost lost their first match as champions. JR: Titles not on the line tonight, but Val and Harris could earn themselves a shot with a victory tonight. Venis looking to continue the offense... slams Wilson to the mat. Val... is he going upstairs? King: I think he is. You know what that means JR... JR: Val Venis... on the top rope... money shot! Val connects with the money shot! And... hey! Natalya Niedhart, distracting the referee... and Val’s got his hands on Niedhart! King; What’s he going to do? JR: Venis... oh! From behind, Harry Smith with the title belt. Venis is out... here’s the cover... 1... 2... 3. And the Bulldogs have stolen a victory here. King: God Jr. The referee was distracted by Natalya... and Smith took advantage. JR: That was a hell of an effort by Venis and Harris, but the young champions have somehow managed to win this match. [B]The Canadian Bulldogs beat Val Venis and Chris Harris (C)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and Mr Kennedy* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shane_McMahon8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Did you hear him out there? Huh? Kennedy: Yeah I heard him. Shane: I mean what’s he doing? Challenging Kurt Angle to a match tonight? [I]knock knock[/I] Shane: Yeah come in... hey. Uh... alright thanks Kennedy, I’ll talk to you later. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] Shane: CM Punk... thanks for being here. Listen uh... I was sorry to see you lose last night. I mean, I know you really wanted to be ECW Champion again. Punk: Yeah it was a tough loss. Shane: Yeah... anyway. I had my Dads lawyers draw up a contract for you... if want to take a look at it. Punk: This looks pretty good. Shane: Great. So... we got a deal right? You’ll sign a contract on Raw yeah? Punk: Uh... well, you know... I gotta get my lawyer to take a look at it and... Shane: What? Punk: I promised Teddy Long I’d go talk to him this Friday night at Smackdown. I mean, this is a big decision for me you know. I want to make sure I make the right decision. Shane: Alright. But you understand this... you don’t want to screw with me. Don’t think you can use me to get yourself a better deal on Smackdown. This is Monday Night Raw! This is the A brand. You understand that? Punk: Yeah... yeah I understand. Shane: Alright. Well... thanks for being here. That was a good meeting. Get back to me when you’ve decided to sign, OK? King: Well... Shane McMahon with a pretty tough sales pitch to CM Punk there. JR: I’m sure we all want to see CM Punk here on Monday nights, hopefully that’ll happen. King: JR... here comes Maria! Oh... my favourite diva! JR: Our broadcast colleague Maria is in action, against the new Women’s Champion Melina... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Melina5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MariaKanellis2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Melina v Maria[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Maria... caught up in the ropes here... oh! And Melina taking advantage of the situation with a hard kick to the side of the head. And Melina... now nailing with those right hands. King: And now she’s coming off the ropes... JR: And Maria got a foot up! Maria manages to block that move... and a drop toe hold, and now it’s Melina who gets hung up. King; And look at Maria go with those right hands! JR: Maria’s got a lot of fight in her... as she sends Melina off the ropes... oh! Maria went for a dropkick, but Melina grabbed hold of the top rope, and she managed to dodge that move from Maria. And Melina with a roll-up... 1... 2... and Maria kicks out. King: Great effort from Maria but... you gotta think it’s only a matter of time before Melina puts her away. JR: Well... that might be the case, but right now she’s putting the boots to Maria on the mat. Melina now... sends Maria to the corner... and Melina runs into a boot... handful of hair... and Melina goes down. Don’t count her out just yet King. King: It would be a big upset if Maria wins here tonight. JR: It would, as Melina’s face goes into the top turnbuckle... and there’s Maria with the bulldog. And the cover... 1... 2... and Melina kicks out. We almost had the upset right there. King: Melina is in shock right now! JR: Melina... goes to the corner, trying to beg away... and Maria hits her with a clothesline. King: Oh... JR look... it’s time for my favourite move... the bronco buster! JR: Here she comes... oh! Melina got the foot up, Melina blocked it... and there’s a roll up, 1... 2... 3. Melina takes advantage, and she gets the win. King: JR... do you think Maria’s alright? Should I go see if I can make it better? JR: I think you should just stay right there... [B]Melina beat Maria (C+)[/B] ----- *we cut backstage to Todd Grisham* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] Todd: Please welcome my guest at this time... Cody Rhodes. And Cody, I know you’re obviously still hurting from losing the World Tag Team Titles last night... but tonight marks the 1 year anniversary of you making your debut on Monday Night Raw. Looking back on your first year in the WWE, what are the highlights and the memories for you? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CodyRhodes21.jpg[/IMG] Cody: Well you know obviously my first match on Raw was huge. Then getting my first win... then winning the World Tag Team titles on the 15th Anniversary show with my Dad at ringside, that was huge. I mean... I’ve had a pretty good year, I’m hoping to start competing as a singles guy again... and I’m hoping... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] Todd: Um... Randy? What are you doing here? Orton: Ah... little Cody Rhodes. One year huh? That means it’s been on year since I slapped your Dad in the face when he first introduced you to me. And the when the Great American Bash comes around... that’ll be one year since I kicked your Dad’s ass in that Texas Bullrope match. I mean... when you look back at my last year... it puts yours in the shade a little bit doesn’t it? I mean... after I beat up your old man... I put John Cena on the shelf and won the WWE Title. Then I beat Triple H... and I followed that up by beating Shawn Michaels. Then, I proved to the world Chris Jericho is no saviour... and then I proved to everybody that Jeff Hardy is not in my league. And to top it off... I headlined Wrestlemania... and I ended Ric Flair’s career. I put together one of the greatest years in the history of the WWE. What did you do Cody? You won the tag team titles... and that was it. And Grisham... you give this guy an interview? What for? Well I am here to say right now... that I will get back my WWE Title. It’s just a matter of time... until the Legend Killer... is champion again! JR: Well... congratulations to Cody Rhodes, one year on Raw is a big deal... King: Yeah but Randy Orton certainly didn’t think so. JR: Yeah well I don’t care much for Mr Orton. And right know, here comes Hardcore Holly. Holly, who was Cody Rhodes partner of course, making a return to singles action right now, he’s going to take on Carlito... King: And here comes Carlito... and this man, this guy who made the save for Carlito last night. JR: And we are all anxious to find out just how this guy is. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Apolo.jpg[/IMG] Carlito: Last night... Carlito decided to bring in a little bit of insurance. Carlito brought in a guy... who Carlito knows from his homeland. Carlito brought in a guy he can trust. All day long, everybody has been asking Carlito, “Who is that guy? Who is that guy that kicked Bobby Lashley’s ass last night?” Everyone... this... is... Apolo! King: Apolo? Carlito: And if anyone wants to mess with Carlito... or if anyone wants to challenge Carlito for his Intercontinental Title... you have to go through him first! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG] [B]Carlito v Hardcore Holly[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Holly... goes face first into the top turnbuckle... and Carlito follows it up with a hard shot to the back, and another one. The lower back has been the target for the Intercontinental Champions so far. Irish whip... sends Holly across... and Carlito misses. Holly able to avoid the contact... and now Holly and Carlito trading right hands. King: And this is where Holly definitely has the advantage. JR: Holly... sends Carlito off the ropes... clothesline from the veteran. Holly... again sends Carlito off the ropes... standing dropkick. King: Yeah but Holly hurt his back when he landed there. JR: The damage has been done by Carlito, but Holly is still... well here it comes... Alabama... no. Holly... didn’t have the strength in his back to... backstabber! Carlito takes advantage and strikes with the backstabber! King: I thought Holly has going to do it, but he... JR: Carlito goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3. And the Intercontinental Champion gets the win. King: Well... last night Carlito and this... this Apolo guy managed to escape with the InterContinental Title, but tonight he looked... JR: Wait... it’s Lashley! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] King: And he’s coming for Carlito! JR: Lashley into the ring... oh! Right hand to Carlito... and down goes Apolo. Carlito... he’s getting out of here. He wants no part of Lashley. King: Can you blame him? Lashley’s got to be furious after what happened last night... JR: And Lashley... he’s got his sights set on Apolo. King: And Apolo’s all alone in the ring with him. JR: Lashley... he gets Apolo up... and he’s pointing at Carlito... dominator! Dominator! Lashley with the dominator! King: And JR... Carlito said anyone who wanted a piece of him would have to go through Apolo first... I think Lashley just did it right there. JR: This isn’t over between Lashley and Carlito, not by a long shot. [B]Carlito beat Hardcore Holly (B-)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Shane McMahon and The Big Show* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shane_McMahon8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] Shane: Look... I’m sorry alright. I gave you a shot, and you couldn’t get it done. Big Show: Didn’t you see what happened? I mean he hit with a chair when the referee was down. I can beat him for the title, I know I can. Shane: I know he hit you with a chair, I saw it. But do you know how hard it was for me to convince Hunter that you deserved a shot? I mean it took a lot of work. Bottom line, you had a shot, you didn’t get it done. Your time has passed, OK? Big Show: Yeah but... Shane: No! I’m sorry Show, but no. I got to go, I got a lot of stuff to deal with. King: Well... I guess The Big Show does have a point but... JR: Shane’s the boss. I guess if he says you had your chance and didn’t take it, then that’s how it goes. King: JR... here comes Paul London! JR: Well Paul London was involved in a great match with Jeff Hardy two weeks ago. Two high flyers, they gave it everything they had. But tonight London goes against the repeatedly besmirched William Regal... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/William_Regal3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG] [B]William Regal v Paul London[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: London... ducks the right hand... dropkick finds its mark. Regal quickly back up... but London hits a kick to the midsection, and another... and there’s an enziguri. Regal... he’s been staggered... and another kick sends him down. King: Here’s a cover... JR: 1... 2... and Regal gets the shoulder up. Paul London, looking to capitalize on this... Irish whip... no, Regal reverses London into the corner... and Regal runs into a boot. London now... going to the second rope... King; But Regal’s back up... JR: And Regal... tosses London across the ring. Regal now, quickly off the ropes... oh! A vicious knee to the side of the head from William Regal. Regal goes for the cover... 1... 2... and London barely kicks out. Paul London was just seconds away from losing this match. King: And William Regal was just seconds away from finally ending this long losing streak he’s been on. JR: Regal... sends London off the ropes... and a hard clothesline takes London down. King: Did you see the impact on the back of the head there? JR: It was certainly a rough landing for Paul London. And Regal... King: I think he’s about to end it JR. JR: Regal... going for the Regal stretch... King: Hey! JR: Hey wait... London with a roll-up... 1... 2... 3! King: He did it! Haha! JR: Paul London wins! The embarrassment of William Regal... hey! Oh c’mon! Regal from behind, attacking Paul London. King: God what a sore loser. JR: Regal lost the match, but there’s no need for this. Regal... just assaulting Paul London now. You lost the match fair, what the hell you doing this for? King: Uh JR... do you see what I see? JR: I see brass knucks! Regal’s going to... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy5_ndp.jpg[/IMG] King; It’s Jeff Hardy! JR: Hardy in the ring... twist of fate! Hardy with the twist of fate! Jeff Hardy, who teamed with London last week, making the save. King: And Regal is not happy right now. JR: The man is a damn crybaby! He keeps losing matches, but that’s no need to attack Paul London just cause he beat him. [B]Paul London beat William Regal (B-)[/B] ------- *we cut backstage to Todd Grisham* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] Todd: Please welcome my guest at this time, he is the WWE Champion... Y2J... Chris Jericho! And Chris, I know you’re just moments away from your match with Santino Marella... but can I ask you about the situation regarding Triple H and Kurt Angle and their match tonight to determine who will face you at the Great American Bash? [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Jericho35.jpg[/IMG] Jericho: You know Todd... I really don’t have any preference as to who wins that match tonight. I mean... Triple H has been trying to get a shot at me for months know... but Kurt Angle just got back, and he’s after me too. It really doesn’t bother me... cause at the Great American Bash... I will retain my title. It doesn’t matter if it’s Kurt Angle... it doesn’t matter if it’s Triple H... when the Bash is all said and done... I will be WWE Champion. Now excuse me... I got to go for my match. Todd: JR, King... back to you guys. JR: Thanks Todd. Jericho is set to take on... well, the man headed towards the ring right now. The man Jerry Lawler called his favourite wrestler of 2008 so far... King: Yeah right! JR: Santino Marella... he faces Chris Jericho... when we return. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Jericho35.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Jericho v Santino Marella[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* JR: Santino... rocks Jericho with a right hand... Jericho blocks that one... and there’s a right hand of his own... and another... and a third. Jericho... sends Santino off the ropes... Jericho nails a dropkick. King: Right in the face, I loved it! JR: Once again Jerry Lawler showing he’s no Santino fan... as Jericho... takes Santino down with a clothesline. Jericho... off the ropes... goes for the lionsault... oh! King: God... Santino managed to get his knees up and block that. I’ll give him credit for that, that was a smart move. JR: And Jericho... down on the mat, holding his ribs. That wasn’t a good landing for the WWE Champion. Santino... looking to take advantage... driving the knee into the midsection of the champion... and again. And Santino... King: What is he doing now? JR: Santino going to the second rope... here he comes... nobody home! King: Oh! Now that’s a hard landing. JR: Just as Santino was able to dodge the bullet from Jericho, Jericho managed to get out of harms way there. Jericho... King: Going for the codebreaker! JR: No! Santino managed to grab hold of the top rope, and Jericho crashed to the mat. King: This match is so back and forth. Both these guys are countering the other. JR: We’ve had counters, reversals, guys missing... both men have struggled in this match. And it’s Santino who is back in control now... and he sends Jericho to the corner... Santino charges in... oh! King: Oh... I bet that hurt. JR: Santino went shoulder first into the turnbuckle... and the King loved it! Jericho now... off the ropes... codebreaker! Jericho hits the codebreaker! King: That did it. JR: Jericho hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! And Chris Jericho, finally puts Santino away. King: Well... both these guys kept countering each other. It looked like neither guy was going to come away with the win... but finally Chris Jericho hit that codebreaker. JR: And Jericho may have done the job of seeing off Santino, but I don’t think he’ll be relaxing tonight... King: Oh definitely not... [B]Chris Jericho beat Santino Marella (B)[/B] ------ *we cut backstage to Triple H making his way towards the ring* [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] JR: And there he is folks... the cerebral assassin... the Game... Triple H. He’s got a huge opportunity when he takes on Kurt... JR: Well... that’s The Big Show. [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] King: This could get interesting. HHH: What the hell do you want? Big Show: Nothing. Just... wanted to wish you luck, that’s all. You know... just like you did for me last night. HHH: Yeah? Big Show: Yeah. And you know... I’ll be there for you. Anything you need, consider it... slap! HHH: You listen to me alright? I am sick and tired of your crap Show. Now I am going out there to beat Kurt Angle, and I don’t want to see you anywhere near that ring, you understand? King: God JR... did you see that? He just slapped the taste of the mouth of The Big Show. JR: Yeah I saw it. I don’t think that was the smartest thing to do, not to a guy who’s 7 feet tall. King: Yeah and not before a match with Kurt Angle.... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kurt_Angle7.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Championship Number One Contenders Match Triple H v Kurt Angle[/B][/CENTER] *we join the match near its conclusion* King: Oh my God JR... JR: Angle is busted open. Angle has been brutalised by that chair. The referee is down... we’ve yet to have another one sent out here... King: You think Shane McMahon might have something to do with that? JR: Wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Triple H... hellbent on getting that title shot at the Great American Bash, has absolutely destroyed Kurt Angle. King: JR, we talked about Kurt Angle’s surgically repaired neck earlier... I gotta say, I haven’t seen Kurt move for a while now. JR: Can’t say I have either. But the Game isn’t going to rest here. He wants to prove a pint, he wants to send a message... oh no. Not like this. King: He’s... he’s not going to go through with this is he? JR: God I hope not. Kurt Angle’s head is in between that chair. Damn it Triple H, don’t do this. King: This is too much. JR: You don’t need to do this! Just wake up the damn referee and end this. You don’t got to... King: Oh... he’s going to the second rope JR. JR: No! No! Don’t do this... King: Wait... Angle’s up! JR: Kurt Angle... oh! Oh1 My God what a shot! Angle just nailed the Game with that chair! My God what a shot! Angle has killed Triple H! King: And look at Kurt! He’s... JR: Oh! Angle... just wearing that chair out on the skull of Triple H! Angle is going to town here! Now Triple H is the one who’s head is taking a beating from the chair! King; And JR... look at Kurt. We both know what that means. JR: Triple H... back to his feet... Angle slam! Angle slam! But... but there’s no referee! Triple H is out... we could count to a hundred... but there’s no damn referee! King: I think Kurt is trying to... he’s trying to wake him up... JR: Oh! Low blow! The Game from behind with the low blow! Dammit! A cheap shot from Triple H... and once again this match is in the balance. King: JR... look! JR: What? King: It’s... [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Big_Show5.jpg[/IMG] JR: It’s The Big Show! What the hell is he doing out here? King: Why is he coming out here? JR: The largest athlete in the world, making his way down the ramp. King: Do you think Shane sent him out here? JR: Well... I don’t know... King: Triple H said he didn’t want to see him out here! JR: I hope he’s out here to kick Triple H’s ass! Big Show... no... no wait... King: Oh my God! JR: He’s got Angle by the throat! Big Show... chokeslam! Chokeslam! A chokeslam to Angle! King: I can’t believe it! JR: The Big Show just chokeslammed Kurt Angle! Damn him! The Big Show has just handed a WWE Title shot to Triple H. King; And look at The Game! He’s in shock! Big Show has actually fallen into line! JR: And look at this. Big Show and Triple H... shaking hands in the middle of the ring. King: I... I don’t understand this. JR: For weeks the Big Show has been doing whatever Shane and Triple H told him to do. I thought for sure after the Game...no, wait... King: Oh my God! JR: Chokeslam! Chokeslam! Big Show just chokeslammed Triple H! King: What the hell? JR: Big Show just chokeslammed Triple H! Take that you son of a bitch! The Big Show just chokeslammed the Game! King: What is he doing? I mean... JR: Angle is crawling over... Angle with the cover... c’mon ref! King: The ref’s almost there... JR: Here’s the cover... 1... 2... King: Can he do it? JR: 3! Yes! Yes! He did it! Kurt Angle pinned the Game! Kurt Angle is going to the Great American Bash! Angle and Jericho at the Bash! King: Shane McMahon is not going to like this! JR: Shane McMahon can go to hell! Kurt Angle... is going to the Great American Bash! King: I can’t believe you just said that! JR: We’re out of time folks, we’ve got to go. What the hell is going to happen next? Join us next week for Monday Night Raw! King: I still can’t believe it! [B]Kurt Angle beat Triple H (A*)[/B] ------- [SIZE="1"]The Canadian Bulldogs beat Val Venis and Chris Harris (C) Melina beat Maria (C+) Carlito beat Hardcore Holly (B-) Paul London beat William Regal (B-) Chris Jericho beat Santino Marella (B) Kurt Angle beat Triple H (A*)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]  
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ECWPreview.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ECW Preview[/B] [B]The Boogeyman v Matt Striker[/B] [SIZE="1"]Both these men have made returns to the ring lately, with Striker looking the more impressive after racking up two victories in recent weeks. Boogeyman will no doubt be a threat to the Extreme Teacher, but Striker will as always have Big Daddy V in his corner, and he once again could be the difference between victory and defeat.[/SIZE] [B]Stevie Richards v The Miz[/B] [SIZE="1"]Miz has also looked good since his split with former partner John Morrison. Tonight Miz goes against Stevie Richards, a man who has had mixed fortunes of late. Who will come out on top when these two meet?[/SIZE] [B]Tommy Dreamer v Kevin Thorn[/B] [SIZE="1"]Over the last two weeks, a simple win in a tag team match has escalated into a growing rivalry between Dreamer, Morrison, Burchill and Thorn. Tonight their feud comes to an end, as Dreamer takes on Thorn and Morrison goes against Burchill. Dreamer will be looking to follow up Morrisons victory over Thorn last week, but the ever dangerous Thorn will be out for revenge.[/SIZE] [B]John Morrison v Paul Burchill[/B] [SIZE="1"]Morrison may have won his match against Thorn last week, but he looked nothing like a winner after Burchill attacked him after the bell. Morrison was left down and out, and he will be out to stop that happening again this week. Burchill has been dominant ever since he debuted on ECW, with only one man holding a pinfall over him... namely Tommy Dreamer. While that record be changed tonight? Or will Burchill add Morrison to his lenghty list of victims?[/SIZE] ------ The Boogeyman v Matt Striker Stevie Richards v The Miz Tommy Dreamer v Kevin Thorn John Morrison v Paul Burchill Predictions welcome!
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