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WWE: The Next Generation

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My bad, I didn't know these comments were here... [QUOTE=tristram;565087]Gidday mate, I personally want to congratulate you on winning the diary of the month award. You thoroughly deserved it. Good luck with everything outside of the forum that you're concentrating on, as a fan I hope you do resume your impressive take on WWE. Cheers[/QUOTE] Thanks man. That means so much coming from you. Very classy on your part. I feel kinda embarassed for throwing my toys out the pram like I did at the end of SS though. But my exams ended a couple of hours ago so I'll prob start back work on this soon. Again, thanks so much for the congrats on DOTM. I was amazed and honoured that I won, but I'm sure you will clean up this month. [QUOTE=bigdogg1991;565347]Congratz on the awesome diary.... It really is a great to read/follow. I would just like to know if it would be possible to get this save file? If you are willing to post it up here it would be great otherwise pls send me a private message?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;565485]seconded! great show Imac![/QUOTE] Thanks guys. As for the data, I'm still playing this on TEW07, but I'm almost up to 2009 in the game, which I think is a good point to convert the data over to TEW08. So I will post the converted data in here in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the comments guys, apologies again for my outburst earlier. Hopefully have Raw up soon.
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Don't worry about the outburst. To be honest it put me off responding for a little bit but these things happen. You're a quality guy with one of the best diaries on here so you know i'm still going to be a reader. I though Survivor Series was amazing to be honest, really well handled. I loved the Survivor Series style matches in particular, they were well booked and well written. Can't wait for you to carry on with this.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] [B]JR:[/B] Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! We are coming to you live from Washington, DC, just 24 hours removed from the Survivor Series, and King, Survivor Series didn’t exactly go to plan. [B]King:[/B] Well it went to plan for Jeff Hardy, when he retained the WWE Title against Randy Orton, but somehow Revolution managed to win the 5 on 5 elimination match, and that means we’ve got Shane McMahon back in full control of Raw! [B]JR:[/B] Batista certainly has a lot of questions to answer after his actions last night. I want to know what the hell he was thinking about when he turned his back on Team Long like that. [B]King:[/B] I was backstage earlier, and there is a whole bunch of guys really unhappy with Batista after what he did... [I][URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] But I’m sure these five men were delighted at the actions of Batista. Revolution is back in control, thanks to the Animal. [B]King:[/B] And you have to think that Triple H has his sights set on Jeff Hardy once again... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shane_McMahon8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Triple_H33.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kenny_Dykstra3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/DHSmith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TJ_Wilson6.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Shane:[/B] I bet none of you are all that happy to see us here. I bet you all hoped Teddy Long and his merry men would end us last night. I bet you all thought Teddy Long would be out here to start the show, proclaiming a new era for Monday Night Raw! Well... Revolution once again proved we are the most dominating force in the business! We took on five of the best the WWE has to offer... and we won. I am back in charge, and I’m sick and tired of playing games. That’s why, as a reward for his outstanding effort last night... I am giving Triple H a shot at the WWE Championship at Armageddon! [B]JR:[/B] Oh c’mon! Triple H was lying flat on his back in the middle of the ring until Batista did what he did. [B]King:[/B] Yeah... but Shane’s the boss again, and he’s calling the shots. [B]Triple H:[/B] You see Jeff... I know we’ve had our run ins in the past... and true, you’ve always somehow manages to sneak a victory on me. But at Armageddon... there will be no briefcases, there will be no special guest referee’s. It’s just you and me, one on one... and I will beat you Jeff. I am the greatest wrestler in the history of this business! I’m not glorified stuntman, pretending to be a champion! I am the Game! And it’s time that I... [B]JR:[/B] Wait a minute... [B]King:[/B] It’s... it John Cena! John Cena is here! [B]JR:[/B] John Cena is making his way down to the ring, and I’m sure he’s heard enough of this from Shane and Triple H. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnCenanew.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Cena:[/B] Wait a minute... wait just a minute. You’re kidding right? I mean... you guys out here, proclaiming your dominance, talking about how great you are... you gotta be kiddin’ me Shane. I mean... I had you beat Triple H. Regardless of how you say it, regardless of how you want to spin it... you were a beaten man Game. You were down and out, you had nothing left... until Batista screwed me and the rest of the locker-room. Batista saved your ass, and now you’re out here acting like it was all you. You get a title shot after what happened last night? Well you know what? If anybody deserves a title shot... it’s me! [B]Triple H:[/B] You? Well... I hate to tell you this John... but you don’t get a say in the matter anymore. We’re calling the shots now, and we don’t feel you’ve earned a title shot. [B]Shane:[/B] And besides Cena, shouldn’t you be off acting like superman, hunting Batista down, looking for revenge? [B]Cena:[/B] Don’t worry about that. I happen to know there’s somebody here tonight, dying to get his hands on Batista. Batista’ll get his! But right here, right now... I want you! Triple H, if you’re any kind of man, if you’ve got any kind of class about you... you’ll face me tonight for the right to face Jeff Hardy at Armageddon! [B]Triple H:[/B] Listen John... I’ll make this real simple. Simple enough for even you to understand. You are not... [I]I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD...[/I] [B]King:[/B] What? [B]JR:[/B] Well that’s Randy Orton, the man who lost to Jeff Hardy last night at Survivor Series. [B]King:[/B] Yeah but... what is Orton doing out here? [B]JR:[/B] I don’t know... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Randy_Orton26.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Orton:[/B] Cena... Triple H... I don’t have anything to say to you two. But Shane... now you’re back in charge... and since you seem to be in the mood to hand out title shots... I have a request to make. I demand a rematch against Jeff Hardy! I want everybody to look at the tron right now... [QUOTE] [B]Last night at Survivor Series[/B] Orton slams his fists against the mat, before once again stalking Jeff, looking for that kick to the head. Orton waits, coiled like a snake, waiting for Jeff to rise. Hardy eventually makes it to his knees, and here comes Orton... no! Again Orton misses... and Jeff is back up... dropkick to Orton’s back... [B]right into the exposed turnbuckle![/B] Flair had the referee distracted and he never saw Orton go head first into the steel! Orton slumps to the mat, allowing Jeff to go to the top rope, and with the entire arena and Ric Flair cheering him on, here comes the champion... swanton bomb! Jeff connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! Jeff Hardy beats Randy Orton, and he’s still the WWE Champion! [/QUOTE] [B]Orton:[/B] As you can clearly see, Jeff Hardy had to cheat to beat me last night. He dropkicked me into the steel turnbuckle, he had Ric Flair on the outside distracting me, getting involved in the match... and I want a rematch! [B]Shane:[/B] Well Randy... from what I recall, it was you who took off the cover, exposing that turnbuckle. So... I don’t think you really deserve a rematch. I mean, you would’ve done the same to Jeff given the chance. [B]Orton:[/B] I don’t think I’m making myself clear Shane. I... want... a... [B]Cena:[/B] We get it already! You want a damn rematch! Listen, I want to face Jeff, you want to face Jeff, this jackass wants to face Jeff... here’s what I suggest. Cena, Orton, Triple H, triple threat match, the winner goes to Armageddon... and we do it tonight! [B]Shane:[/B] Listen... I’m going to say this to both of you. There’s no chance in hell that you two are going to... [B]King:[/B] Now what? [B]JR:[/B] Now here comes the WWE Champion Jeff Hardy! [B]King:[/B] I don’t know if it’s all that smart for Jeff Hardy to step into the ring with all these men talking about getting a title shot at him. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy5_ndp.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Jeff:[/B] Now Shane... I realise you’re the general manager of Raw again... and that’s cool. But I’m the WWE Champion. And that means, I have certain rights and privileges I can use. And one of them is... that I can choose where and when I wish to defend my title. So... I can agree to face any of you three at Armageddon. Orton... you want a rematch after what happened with the turnbuckle? Alright... I don’t mind beating you again. I’ll see you at Armageddon, and this time, I’ll beat you with no chance of controversy. Cena... you and me get on with each other. I got a lot of respect for you... I know you’ve got a lot of respect for me. Jeff Hardy and John Cena going at it? Sounds like a hell of a match... I’ll see you at Armageddon too. As for you Triple H... you know what man? I just don’t feel like beating you for a third time! So... I’m willing to agree to a triple threat match for the WWE Championship at Armageddon... Randy Orton, John Cena and Jeff Hardy for the gold! [B]Shane:[/B] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on Jeff. You may, as champion, be able to choose who you defend that title against... but you remember, I am the general manager of this show! That means I also get to make title matches were I see fit. So I am adding Triple H to your little triple threat match. At Armageddon, it’s going to be Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, John Cena and Triple H in a fatal four way for the WWE Title! As for tonight... Cena... you want to question the dominance of Revolution? Then you can take on the Intercontinental Champion, Kenny Dykstra! [B]Cena:[/B] Dykstra? I don’t want a match with Dykstra! Why give me a match with the puppet... when I really want to take on the bitch pulling the strings! [B]JR:[/B] Oh! A right hand from Triple H... and Jeff’s fighting back! [B]King:[/B] And look at Orton and Revolution! [B]JR:[/B] We’ve got an eight man brawl breaking out here! [B]King:[/B] We need some officials or something out here to break this up! [B]JR:[/B] Well here come some officials, we’ve got to get this broken up... ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CodyRhodes21.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RoryMcAllister.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cody Rhodes v Rory McAllister[/B] Two weeks after his brutal assault at the hands of Triple H in the UK, Cody Rhodes is back in action, taking on one half of the Highlanders, Rory. Robbie is of course at ringside, but he can only watch as Cody dominates the early proceedings, catching Rory early on with a crossbody off the ropes, following with right hands, a Russian legsweep and a bulldog for an early 2 count. Rory rolls to the floor to regroup, and when Cody leaves the ring, Robbie looks to get involved. The distraction gives Rory a chance to attack, as he catches Cody from behind, driving him into the apron and then rolling him back into the ring. Rory now looks to put some offence together, dropping Cody with a suplex, following up with an elbow-drop and a kneedrop to the head. Rory continues his assault, hitting a backbreaker and a double axe-handle, and when he has the referee distracted, Robbie hits a cheap shot. That only seems to spur Cody on, as he gets back to his feet and rocks Rory with right hands, sending him off the ropes... snap powerslam! 1... 2... Rory kicks out. Cody stays on the attack, taking Rory down with a suplex and climbing to the top rope... moonsault! 1... 2... again Rory gets the shoulder up, and this leads to Robbie getting up on the apron... right hand sends Robbie down, but here comes Rory from behind... Cody ducks... snap DDT! Cody plants Rory, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]Cody Rhodes beat Rory McAllister (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Backstage, [B]Revolution[/B] are in the GM’s office when...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Ken_Kennedy3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Shane:[/B] What are you doing here Kennedy? [B]Kennedy:[/B] What am I doing here? God, remember a time when nobody would even ask that question? Remember when I was part of Revolution? [B]Triple H:[/B] Yeah until we kicked your ass out... [B]Kennedy:[/B] Sorry? Did you say something? I couldn’t hear it cause your nose is blocking everything out. [B]Shane:[/B] Whoa, whoa... easy. Look... what do you want Kennedy? [B]Kennedy:[/B] What do I want? Nothing really, I just came in here to rub my World Tag Team Title in Kenny and TJ’s faces. Remember these guys? You won’t be seeing these for a while. [B]Wilson:[/B] We’re gonna kicks your ass Kennedy! [B]Shane:[/B] Hey! Do you mind? Listen, Kennedy, I know you came in here for something else. What is it? [B]Kennedy:[/B] You’re right Shane I did. I came in here with a challenge. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh let me guess? You want a shot at Jeff Hardy too? Well listen, I... [B]Kennedy:[/B] No Shane, I don’t want Jeff, I don’t even want Triple H... yet. I want Kenny. [B]Dykstra:[/B] Me? [B]Kennedy:[/B] You and me got some unfinished business man. I want a shot at this little punk for the Intercontinental Title. [B]Shane:[/B] Look Kennedy, we’re a little busy right now, so I’m sorry but... [B]Dykstra:[/B] Wait... I’ll do it. I’ll face you for my title. [B]Kennedy:[/B] I knew you’d say that... [B]Shane:[/B] We’ll discuss this later Kenny. As for you Kennedy... you better go tell your buddy Jericho that you and him are defending those tag titles against Carlito and Primo later tonight. Now get the hell out of my office! [B]Kennedy:[/B] With pleasure... ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Beth_Phoenix21.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Victoria27.jpg[/IMG] [B]Beth Phoenix v Victoria[/B] The new Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix, fresh off her win last night over Melina, steps into the ring with Victoria, with the black widow knowing a win over the new champion would put her in great shape for a title shot in the future. Victoria starts the match fast, catching the champion from behind as she hands over the belt, hitting a knee to the back and using the ropes to choke Beth, before taking the champion down with a vertical suplex and getting a 2 count. Back on their feet, Beth blocks a right hand before scoring with forearms and clotheslines, before nailing a sidewalk slam for a 2 count. Victoria regains control by dodging Beth’s dropkick attempt, and she looks to wear the champion down by locking on a bridging reverse chinlock. Victoria wrenches back on Beth’s neck, and it takes Beth crawling to the ropes to break the hold. Victoria looks to stay on the attack, hitting a standing moonsault for another 2 count and setting Beth up for the widow’s peak... but Beth blocks it, hitting a series of forearms to the head and sending Victoria off the ropes... gorilla press slam! Beth sends Victoria down, catches her with a series of clothesline, and with Victoria staggering to her feet, the champion is waiting... glam slam! Phoenix connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]Beth Phoenix beat Victoria (C)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I]Backstage, Todd Grisham is standing by with...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Randy_Orton26.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the legend killer, Randy Orton. And Randy, last night at Survivor Series you faced Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship... [B]Orton:[/B] And I was robbed last night! I showed you the video, I proved to everybody that Jeff Hardy cheated to beat me. I deserve a second chance at the title, and now I deserve to be in the title match at Armageddon. As for John Cena and Triple H... quite frankly, I think those two don’t belong anywhere near the WWE Title. But... I’ve beaten both of them in the past... and I’ll do it again at Armageddon, where I will become the WWE Champion again. ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Mark_Henry.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Finlay5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mark Henry v Finlay[/B] Finlay returned last week to cost Sheamus O’Shaunessy his match with Jeff Hardy, just two weeks after he lost to Sheamus in a Belfast brawl which also saw Hornswoggle injured. Both Finlay and Hornswoggle are back tonight as Mark Henry steps into the ring with the Irishman. From the first tie-up, Henry is able to drive Finlay to the corner, raining down with clubbing blows and elbows, before a hard Irish whip sends Finlay crashing into the opposite turnbuckle. Henry goes for a splash in the corner, but Finlay avoids it, and he starts unloading with right and lefts before coming off the ropes... and running right into a clothesline from Henry. Henry goes on the attack, using the ropes to first put all his weight on Finlay’s chest and then choking him with them. Finlay manages to fight back to his feet and drive the shoulder into the gut, but all it takes is a scoop slam for Henry to regain control, and he looks to wear Finlay down with a nerve hold. Eventually Finlay struggles back to his feet, but again Henry stays in control, this time knocking Finlay through the ropes as the fight spills outside. Henry again attacks with clubbing forearms, then he drives Finlay into the barricade and the ringpost before rolling Finlay back into the ring. Henry scoops Finlay up and applies a bearhug, looking to squeeze the life out of Finlay. Eventually Finlay manages to break the hold with elbows and right hands, and this time the Irishman does manages some offence, hitting a series of clothesline that eventually drop Henry, then a low angle dropkick and a double foot stomp. Finlay then looks for an elbow drop, only for Henry to roll out of the way. With both men down, Hornswoggle decides to get involved, clmbing to the top rope looking for a tadpole splash... but he takes too long, and Henry is already back on his feet. He grabs the little guy and drags him into the ring, but the referee is quick to break it up and escort Hornswoggle out of the ring, and with the ref’s back turned, Finlay takes full advantage... shillelagh to the head! Henry slumps to the mat and Finlay quickly goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! [B]Finlay beat Mark Henry (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [B]King:[/B] I got to say, it’s good to see Finlay and Hornswoggle back after that Belfast brawl match a couple of weeks ago. [B]JR:[/B] Sheamus O’Shaunessy certainly did a number on these two that night, but now Finlay and... [B]King:[/B] Wait a minute, JR. Speaking of Sheamus, the Irish curse is making his way down to the ring. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/S_O_Shaunesy2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Yeah but Finlay is ready for him. Finlay, shillelagh in hand, waiting in the ring for Sheamus to... [B]King:[/B] Hey! [B]JR:[/B] Oh! From behind, Mark Henry just nailed Finlay! And now he’s got Hornswoggle by his jacket! [B]King:[/B] And now Sheamus is in the ring, Finlay is down... [B]JR:[/B] This does not look good for Hornswoggle. Henry and Sheamus have him in their sights. [B]King:[/B] What are they gonna... [B]JR:[/B] Hornswoggle makes a run for it... and the little guy manages to get under the ring. [B]King:[/B] Yeah but now Finlay’s all alone in the ring with Mark Henry and Sheamus. [B]JR:[/B] Oh c’mon now, no... no... oh! A huge splash from Henry on Finlay... and now Sheamus has him up... oh! The Celtic Slam! [B]King:[/B] This issue between Finlay and Sheamus doesn’t look like it’s ever going to end, but what business does Mark Henry have in all of this? -------------------- [B]JR:[/B] Welcome back to Monday Night Raw folks. It’s been quite the night so far, and we’ve still got the tag team titles on the line later on tonight... [B]King:[/B] And John Cena and Kenny Dykstra are set to go at it. [B]JR:[/B] But right now... here comes a man who owes each and every one of us a huge explanation. [B]King:[/B] The Animal, Batista, making his way out here... I still can’t believe what happened at Survivor Series. [B]JR:[/B] I hope we get some answers here. Batista has a lot of explaining to do... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Batista6.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Batista:[/B] I know a lot of you out there are wondering what happened last night. All of you people, all the guys in the back... everybody keeps asking me about last night. Well you know what? I’m not the person you should be asking. Each and every one of you people, and every member of that locker-room are to blame for what happened last night. I don’t know if you remember, but that whole 5 on 5 match was me idea. I went to Teddy Long, I said let’s work together, let’s get a bunch of guys together and let’s get rid of Shane McMahon and Revolution once and for all! But then who decided to show up? John Cena did. John Cena... Superman! He decided that getting his ass kicked by Randy Orton wasn’t enough, so he had to get involved in my idea. And what happened? I got screwed out of my spot on the team! Don’t believe me? Alright, let’s think back. The six man tag to decided the first three spots. I hit the Batista-bomb on Shawn Michaels. I was gonna get the win for my team and grab my spot... until John Cena blindsided me to get the win. The next week, I hit the Batista-bomb on Chris Jericho in the triple threat match. I’m about to pin him... when the image of John Cena getting his ass kicked comes up on the tron, Kennedy jumps me from behind, and I lost. Last week, I’m about to Batista-bomb Jericho, when I get distracted, and he steals a win from me. Every week, I get screwed, I don’t get a spot on the team that was my idea. But no... that wasn’t the end of it. The Undertaker gets tossed off the stage in a casket, does his little disappearing trick like he always does... and Teddy Long has to come running to me, begging me to join his team. I thought about it for a while... and I decided... screw ‘em! I’m not gonna turn up... but then I think... no, I will turn up. I’ll wait for the right time... and I’ll get my revenge. So when I saw it was just me and Cena left... I nailed him and I left him laying in the ring. And don’t anybody for a second think this has got anything to with Revolution. I hate those guys just as much as anybody. This is to with me not getting the damn respect I deserve! This is about you people, and everybody in the back realizing, that I’m not gonna take this crap anymore! You want an animal? You got a damn animal! You just unleashed the Animal... but I don’t think you people are gonna like it! [B]King:[/B] Well... I guess we did get our answer JR. [B]JR:[/B] It sounds to me that Batista just did a whole lot of whining and complaining. [B]King:[/B] Careful JR, you don’t want him... [B]JR:[/B] Wait a minute... that’s Shawn Michaels! HBK is coming out here! [B]King:[/B] Well it was Shawn and Batista who went to Teddy Long with the idea for the Survivor Series match, so if anybody’s got something to say to the Animal, it’s HBK... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShawnMichaels2-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Michaels:[/B] Batista... I can’t believe I’m hearing this. I can’t believe you...the Animal... could sound like such a little bitch! You’re blaming everybody else?! What the hell were you doing last night? I mean... me and you... we both went to Teddy Long with our idea, we both wanted the same thing... to get rid of Revolution. And because of jealousy, you made it so we’re stuck with them now. I mean, you had every chance to get in that match, and you couldn’t get it done. But instead of taking it like a man, you screwed us all... and you screwed yourself. [B]Batista:[/B] Jealousy? You think I’m jealous? [B]Michaels:[/B] Yeah I do. [B]Batista:[/B] Let me tell you Shawn. This isn’t about jealousy... this is about respect. I don’t get the respect I deserve around here. I’m sick and tired of the way I get treated by guys like you and by all these people. [B]Michaels:[/B] Respect? You want my respect... you better earn it. But after what you did last night... I don’t think I’ll ever respect you again. [B]Batista:[/B] Really? Well... if I’ve got to earn the respect I deserve... I might as well start with you. [B]JR:[/B] Oh... wait... Batista-bomb! [B]King:[/B] Oh my God! [B]JR:[/B] Batista just nailed Shawn Michaels with the Batista-bomb! [B]King:[/B] What the hell is wrong with this guy? [B]JR:[/B] Batista talked about getting the respect he deserved... and I don’t like the way he’s going about getting it. -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/WorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Ken_Kennedy3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Jericho35.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Primo_Colon.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Tag Team Championship Match Mr Kennedy and Chris Jericho (C) v Carlito and Primo Colon[/B] An impromptu title shot for the Colon brothers, as they step into the ring with Kennedy and Jericho. Primo and Jericho kicks things off, and it doesn’t take Jericho long to gain control, as he catches Primo with a spinning wheel kick, following up with a springboard dropkick and a one handed bulldog before tagging in Kennedy. Kennedy comes in and continues the attack, sending Primo to the corner and climbing to the second rope, raining down with 10 right hands to Primo. Kennedy then looks for a forward Russian legsweep, but Carlito reaches in, making a blind tag. As Kennedy takes Primo down, Carlito jumps into the ring and kicks him in the back of the head, following up with a knee to the gut and a swinging neckbreaker. The Colon’s now use their advantage in teamwork to work on Kennedy, with Carlito nailing a underhook backbreaker leading to a splash off the top from Primo, getting the challengers a 2 count. Carlito and Primo make plenty of tags, punishing Kennedy and even distracting the referee long enough for Apolo to do some damage on the outside. Kennedy is clearly struggling, but he somehow manages to kick out of Primo’s corkscrew senton, leading to Carlito getting the tag and going for... the backstabber... no! Kennedy hangs onto the top rope, and as Carlito crashes off the mat, he dives across the ring to tag in Jericho. Jericho comes in knocking down both Carlito and Primo, sending Carlito flying with a back-body-drop and sending Primo off the ropes... flying forearm! Apolo now jumps onto the apron... springboard dropkick sends Apolo down, but here comes Carlito... backstabber! Carlito connects, we’ve got new champions... 1... 2... Kennedy makes the save! Kennedy now goes to work on Carlito, sending him off the ropes... reversal... Kennedy ducks a clothesline... mic check! Kennedy drops Carlito, goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! [B]Mr Kennedy and Chris Jericho beat Carlito and Primo Colon to retain the World Tag Team Championship (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Carlito and Primo came damn close to getting their hands on the tag titles, but Kennedy and Jericho did enough to hold onto the belts. [B]King:[/B] Well Carlito and Primo got pretty close, but... [B]JR:[/B] Wait a minute... it’s... [B]King:[/B] Harry and TJ! [B]JR:[/B] What the hell are the [B]Canadian Bulldogs[/B] doing out here?! [B]King:[/B] Well right now they’re stomping the hell out of Kennedy and Jericho. [B]JR:[/B] The tag team champions, fresh off a successful defence against Carlito and Primo, have just been laid out by Harry and TJ! ------------------ [I]Backstage, Maria is standing by with...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Maria3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnCenanew.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Maria:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is one of the men who will be involved in the fatal four way at Armageddon for the WWE Championship... John Cena! And John, tonight you take on the Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra, but you’ve got to be worried about Revolution getting involved? [B]Cena:[/B] Well yeah I admit, I am just a little bit concerned about it... but if Triple H decides he wants to get involved tonight... then I’m all for it. You see, I owe Triple H. I owe him a beating he ain’t never gonna forget! So if Hunter, or Shane, or the boy scouts want to get involved tonight, I’ll take them out... then I’m going to Armageddon, and I while get my hands on you Game! ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Randy_Orton26.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Harris4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Randy Orton v Chris Harris[/B] The Legend Killer steps into the ring with Chris Harris, desperate to rebound from his loss to Jeff Hardy with a commanding win tonight. Harris shows no fear of Orton early, as both men go nose to nose, neither giving ground... until a hard slap from Orton breaks the standoff. Harris fires back with a series of right hands, and he sends Orton off the ropes, dropping him with a clothesline and following with a dropkick. Orton staggers to the corner, but Harris stays on him, right hands to the gut and an Irish whip across... Harris charges in... but Orton gets the boot up and nails Harris with a hard clothesline. Now Orton takes control of the match, stomping down on Harris, unloading with forearms to the head before locking on a chinlock. Orton wrenches back, applying pressure, all the while driving his knee into Harris’ back. The crowd rallies, and Harris makes it back to his feet, hitting elbows to the gut and coming off the ropes... but Orton sends him back down with a knee to the midsection. Harris is slow to get back to his feet, and Orton charges in with... the punt to the head... but Harris ducks... spinning spinebuster! Orton is reeling, and Harris looks to mount offense, hitting right hands, sending Orton off the ropes... Lou Thesz press! Harris rains down with right hands, and Orton is in trouble... swinging side slam... no! Orton blocks it with elbows to the head, pushing Harris off the ropes... RKO! A RKO out of nowhere, and Orton quickly hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]Randy Orton beat Chris Harris (B-)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I]Backstage, the WWE Champion is kicking back infront of a TV screen, getting ready to watch tonight’s main event when...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy5_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Flair:[/B] Hey... Jeff! [B]Jeff:[/B] Hey man! Good to see you. [B]Flair:[/B] Hey, one more time, I just want to say congratulations for last night. Hell of a job champ. [B]Jeff:[/B] Well I owe you a thank you too for all that advice you been giving me. [B]Flair:[/B] Don’t mention it man. So... Armageddon huh? You, Orton, Cena and Triple H? Tough ask. [B]Jeff:[/B] Yeah it is... but I think I can do it. [B]Flair:[/B] I know you can champ. Listen uh... I’m not gonna be around so much in the next couple of weeks, I got some official WWE business to take care of for Vince. [B]Jeff:[/B] Oh yeah? [B]Flair:[/B] Yeah... but I’ll be at Armageddon, by your side... that is if you want me to be? [B]Jeff:[/B] You know it man. Listen... I’ll see you in a few weeks alright? [B]Flair:[/B] You got it champ... -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kenny_Dykstra3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnCenanew.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kenny Dykstra v John Cena[/B] Tonight’s main event pits the Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra against one of the challengers for Armageddon, John Cena. Dykstra acts arrogant as ever, prompting Cena to start unloading with right hands, sending Dykstra off the ropes and taking him down with a back elbow. Dykstra is reeling, and Cena starts tossing him around the ring, with hard Irish whips to the corner, big clotheslines and a long vertical suplex leading to a 2 count. Dykstra crawls to the corner and tries to beg Cena off, and he manages to hit a cheap shot, before dropping Cena with a clothesline. Now Dykstra looks to attack, stomping and kicking Cena while he’s down, mounting him and raining down with right hands, before dropping Cena with a snap swinging neckbreaker for a 2 count. Dykstra now starts focusing in on Cena’s shoulder and neck area, targeting his kicks there and sending Cena shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Dykstra then locks on an armbar, wrenching on Cena’s shoulder and hitting cheap shots at the same time. Eventually Cena makes it back to his feet, but Kenny still has the armbar locked on... so Cena pulls Dykstra off the mat into the air, dropping him back down and breaking the hold. Dykstra is back up, but Cena knocks him down just as fast, hitting several clotheslines before sending Kenny off the ropes... reversal... flying shoulderblock! Cena has Dykstra set up for... the five knuckle shuffle! Here’s the cover... 1... 2... Dykstra gets the shoulder up! Cena stays on the attack, sending Kenny off the ropes... he scoops him up... FU... no! Kenny franticly hits right hands to the injured shoulder, dropping to his feet... neckbreaker! Dykstra drops Cena, and he slowly begins to climb to the top rope. Dykstra gets there, steadies himself... sky high leg drop... no! Cena rolls out of the way, and he moves quickly to apply... the STFU! Cena locks it in, and Dykstra tries desperately to reach the ropes... but he can’t quite make it, and Kenny has no option but to tap! [B]John Cena beat Kenny Dykstra (A)[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Cena has done it! John Cena has just made Kenny Dykstra tap out! [B]King:[/B] Yeah but look out... here comes [B]Revolution[/B]! [B]JR:[/B] Oh for God’s sake! This is a mugging! A 4 on 1 assault by Triple H, TJ, Harry and Kenny. [B]King:[/B] We need somebody to come out here and stop this, I mean... [B]JR:[/B] Wait... it’s [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]! The WWE Champion’s comes to get him some of Revolution! [B]King:[/B] There goes TJ... and there goes Harry! [B]JR:[/B] Twist of fate! Twist of fate to Triple H! [B]King:[/B] JR... here comes [B]Randy Orton[/B]! [B]JR:[/B] What the hell... RKO! RKO to Jeff Hardy! [B]King:[/B] God, Orton came out of nowhere. [B]JR:[/B] And now Orton... oh no, not this. John Cena is struggling to his feet... and here comes Orton... oh! A sickening kick to the head! Goddammit! [B]King:[/B] JR... look at that sight. Jeff Hardy is down, Triple H is down, John Cena is down... and Randy Orton is standing tall in the centre of the ring! [B]JR:[/B] What the hell is this going to mean for the WWE Championship? Join us next week live to find out. Goodnight! ------------------- [SIZE="1"]Cody Rhodes beat Rory McAllister (C+) Beth Phoenix beat Victoria (C) Finlay beat Mark Henry (B-) Mr Kennedy and Chris Jericho beat Carlito and Primo Colon to retain the World Tag Team Championship (B-) Randy Orton beat Chris Harris (B-) John Cena beat Kenny Dykstra (A)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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Another quality show buddy. Revolution are coming along very nicely indeedy, they really are just so dominant. For some reason bookers sometimes seem to think the bigger the stable the better, but if you look at the Horsemen or early nWo that is clearly not the case and you seem to realise that which is great. Was also nice to see Jeff standing up to everyone, he needs to seem like he is a big time player and people need to get him over as such. He's doing his bit at the moment by refusing to back down. So another great show mate.
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;572715]Great show as always. Revolution are the best stable EVAR![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=keefmoon;573436]Another quality show buddy. Revolution are coming along very nicely indeedy, they really are just so dominant. For some reason bookers sometimes seem to think the bigger the stable the better, but if you look at the Horsemen or early nWo that is clearly not the case and you seem to realise that which is great. Was also nice to see Jeff standing up to everyone, he needs to seem like he is a big time player and people need to get him over as such. He's doing his bit at the moment by refusing to back down. So another great show mate.[/QUOTE] Thanks guys. Keef, I'm glad we're on the same page with regards to the numbers. I always intended it to be 5 at the most, and I'm glad it's coming across well to people reading. Quick update, I'm working on converting the data over to TEW08 this week. I'll do WWE, TNA and ROH exactly as they have worked out in my game world, but as for Japan and the rest of the world, I don't really pay much attention to that, so I won't be making sweeping changes there... well I might. I'll finish the year with TEW 07, which means Armageddon, on Sunday Wk4 December will be the last event on 07. Hopefully the data converts well and it works properly, then I'll post a link for people to download it and take a look.
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Dude.... I just got caught up, I hadn't been reading in awhile... Survivor Series was AWESOME... and I don't pop much for WWE, but you've got your stuff together on this one, I'm lovin it... the next night Raw was pretty damn good as well. Keep up the good work, you deserve everything that you've got going for you right now.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ecwhd.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Styles:[/B] Welcome everybody to ECW on Sci-Fi! Hello everyone, I’m Joey Styles, alongside former ECW Champion Tazz, and once again Tazz, we are in party mode here in the land of extreme! [B]Tazz:[/B] No doubt about that. Colt Cabana somehow overcame the odds to be the lone survivor in the 5 on 5 battle of the brands at Survivor Series. We did it! ECW has beaten Smackdown once and for all! [B]Styles:[/B] Also at Survivor Series, Kurt Angle defended the ECW Championship against Shelton Benjamin in a classic, and also saw the return of Kane! [B]Tazz:[/B] Oh boy, Kane is back and he came straight for Umaga at Survivor Series. I know Kane can’t wait to get Umaga in the ring one on one. [B]Styles:[/B] I can’t wait for that to happen... but the sound of crashing cars can only mean one thing, it’s the ECW general manager Mick Foley! [B]Tazz:[/B] Well the hardcore legend led us into battle and we won. I can’t wait to hear what Mick’s gotta say about it all... [CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Foley:[/B] First of all, let me say it's great to be here tonight, in Washington, DC! I don’t want to come across as being all emotional right now... but... Adrian... we did it! We did it! We took on JBL and Smackdown, and we beat them at their own game! We were the underdogs, we were the brand pushed into the corner... and we came out fighting and we won! And there’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now. Ever since one man arrived on this show, he has somehow managed to dominate all competition. He’s somehow managed to win every match he’s been involved in. And at Survivor Series... he somehow managed to grab the win for us. So right now, I am giving the undefeated Colt Cabana an ECW Championship match at Armageddon! However... there’s also another guy I owe a title shot to. This man was all set to face Umaga for the title at Unforgiven... but he had that opportunity taken away from him. So Kane... you will also get your shot at the title at Armageddon in a triple threat match! [B]Tazz:[/B] Wow! What a match that’s gonna be! [B]Styles:[/B] Kurt Angle putting the ECW Title on the line against the undefeated Colt Cabana and Kane?! [B]Foley:[/B] But I also have one other piece of business I have to deal with. You see, the last time we saw Kane on Sci-Fi, he was being taken out of the arena on a stretcher and bundled into an ambulance. And Kane came to me earlier tonight and demanded a match with Umaga tonight. So... me being the sick, twisted kinda guy I am... I decided to put two and two together... and come out with mayhem. Tonight, it’s going to be Kane and Umaga one on one... in an ambulance match! [B]Styles:[/B] You gotta be kiddin’ me! [B]Tazz:[/B] Kane and Umaga in an ambulance match?! What a way for Kane to make his return! [B]Foley:[/B] Alright, that’s all I got for tonight. We’re gonna have a hell of a party tonight to... [B]Styles:[/B] Wait a minute... [B]Tazz:[/B] You gotta be kiddin’ me! [B]Styles:[/B] Well... once again, JBL, the Smackdown general manager is making his way out here. [B]Tazz:[/B] What the hell is this guy’s problem? We beat him at Cyber Sunday, we beat him at Survivor Series... why the hell won’t this guy just back off? [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]JBL:[/B] A party? Strange... my invitation must’ve got lost in the mail. So Mick... you and you’re band of rejects are celebrating tonight huh? Celebrating what exactly? The only reason ECW won at Survivor Series was because of the actions of Edge! This isn’t over Foley! I want a rematch! I don’t care what kind of match it is, but I am not letting this die! [B]Foley:[/B] Well... I am JBL. I’m sick and tired of this! You’re supposed to be the general manager of Smackdown, yet you’re letting a personal vendetta affect every member of your show. Take your head out of your ass for a minute and realise that I’ve gotten the better of you twice now JBL, and I don’t need to entertain your challenges anymore. Me and my brand don’t have anything left to prove to you JBL... and to be perfectly honest, I want you out of my damn ring right now! [B]JBL:[/B] You’d like that wouldn’t you Foley? You think I’m just gonna just let this end like that? You must be out of your damn mind! I’m the Wall Street warrior! I don’t take this from my employees... and I’m not taking this from you. I... [B]Foley:[/B] Enough! Enough of this! Security! I want this man dragged out of my ring and out of my arena right now! [B]Styles:[/B] What? [B]Tazz:[/B] Wait a minute... is Mick Foley kickin’ JBL out of here?! [B]Styles:[/B] I think he is! We’ve got security coming into the ring and... [B]Tazz:[/B] They’re gonna drag JBL’s ass out of here! [B]Styles:[/B] Well JBL is fighting them off so far... mandible claw! Mandible claw! Foley’s got it locked in on JBL! [B]Tazz:[/B] JBL’s going down at the hands of Mr Socko! [B]Styles:[/B] JBL... I think he’s out cold! And Mick Foley’s telling the security to get JBL out of here! [B]Tazz:[/B] There he goes! JBL’s being carried out of the arena! [B]Styles:[/B] What a way to kick off ECW! A triple threat at Armageddon, an ambulance match tonight, and JBL is being kicked out of the arena! -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chase_Stevens2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AndyDouglas.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison v Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas[/B] The WWE Tag Team Champions Dreamer and Morrison kick things off, as they take on Smackdown’s Stevens and Douglas. Dreamer and Stevens start the match, with the ECW original quickly taking Stevens down with a fireman’s carry and dropping the elbow. Right hands follow, before Dreamer sends Stevens to the corner... but Stevens goes for a springboard crossbody... but Dreamer catches him... fallaway slam! Dreamer tags in Morrison, who comes into the ring with a slingshot elbow-drop, following up with a spinning wheel kick and a Russian legsweep for a 2 count. Morrison then goes for an Irish whip, but when Stevens reverses, Douglas catches Morrison with a knee to the back, allowing Stevens to take advantage with a neckbreaker, before tagging in Douglas. Douglas goes to work on Morrison, hitting knees to the face and a tornado DDT, before Douglas and Stevens show off their obvious tag team experience, hitting double-team moves to cause more damage, until Stevens scores a long 2 count with a hammerlock DDT. Morrison is in bad shape, when Douglas climbs to the top rope and Stevens sets Morrison up for a powerbomb, the duo looking to hit their Candido’s way finisher... but Morrison hammers down with right hands to stop the powerbomb, landing on his feet and sending Stevens into the corner... unbalancing Douglas and leaving him hanging in a tree-of-woe position. Morrison tags in Dreamer, and he charges at Douglas, hitting the tree-of-woe dropkick, before teeing off on Stevens with right hands and sending him off the ropes... kick... snap DDT! 1... 2... Douglas makes the save, but Morrison is back up, and he drops Douglas with a step-up enziguri before nailing Stevens with... the moonlight drive! Morrison connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison beat Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas (C+)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I]We cut backstage to what appears to be a boiler room of some sorts, the area lit by an ominous red glare. The face of Kane inches forward, a menacing look on it as he lets out a burst of laughter. Anastacia Rose then tries to conduct an interview with the big red machine[/I]... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AnastaciaRose-11.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kane5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Rose:[/B] Uh... Kane? Kane? Uh... could we have a few words about your return to ECW and... and your ambulance match with Umaga tonight? [B]Kane:[/B] Hahaha! Umaga... haha... I can’t wait for our match tonight Umaga! Haha! The thought of the pain I’m going to inflict on you... it excites me Umaga! I feel alive again! I’ve played mind games in the past... but now... I’m ready to punish you Umaga! Hahaha! You were haunted by the flames of recent weeks... well tonight... you will feel the pain I felt at the hands of you! Hahaha! [B]Rose:[/B] Oh my God... let’s get the hell out of here... ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Stevie_Richards3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/themiz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stevie Richards v The Miz[/B] The self proclaimed chick magnet Miz and his squeeze Layla are up next, taking on Stevie Richards. While Miz has Layla in his corner, Stevie can only offer Balls Mahoney, but it’s the sentiment that counts I guess. Neither man has won a lot of matches lately, and it shows early on, as neither can gain a firm advantage, with Miz hitting a armdrag and several stiff kicks to the back, but Richards fires back with a snap suplex and a sit-out facebuster for a 2 count. Miz backs off to the corner, and when Stevie goes in, Miz catches him with a cheapshot, dropping Richards with a jawbreaker and beginning to focus on Stevie’s knee. Miz drives his knee into Richards leg, drags him to the corner, and by using Layla to distract the referee, he slams Stevie’s knee into the ringpost, before returning to the ring and locking on a figure four leg lock, that draws an equal amount of woos and boos. Miz applies all kinds of pressure, and Layla offers an assist by pushing the bottom rope in, allowing Miz to grab it to increase the pain. Eventually, Richards is able to reverses the hold, causing Miz to scream out, forcing him to the grab the rope to break the hold. Richards hobbles to his feet, and he sends Miz to the corner with a series of right hands, before going for an Irish whip... reversal... Miz charges in... but he misses with his clothesline in the corner! Richards waits for Miz to turn around, and when he does, Stevie rocks him with a double underhook DDT... 1... 2... Miz barely gets the shoulder up. Stevie can’t believe it, but he stays on the attack, sending Miz off the ropes... Stevie kick... no! Miz ducks, drops Stevie with a chop block and comes off the ropes... reality check! 1... 2... 3. [B]The Miz beat Stevie Richards (C-)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I]In the GM’s office, Mick Foley is joined by the Cruiserweight Champion and his associate...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Brian_Kendrick14.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Dan_Rodimer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Foley:[/B] Hey Brian. Glad you could make it. Now listen, the reason I asked you to be here was... [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Chillax Mick, I know exactly why you asked me to be here. [B]Foley:[/B] You do? [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Yeah sure. You want to thank me for my incredible performance at Survivor Series. [B]Foley:[/B] What? [B]The Kendrick:[/B] I mean, I sacrificed myself to the Big Show to for the greater good of the brand. It’s a fine, I did it for all of us. As for a reward... [B]Foley:[/B] Wait a minute, wait... I didn’t ask you in here to reward you or anything like that. I asked you to meet me because I have some news regarding you and the Cruiserweight Title. [B]The Kendrick:[/B] What kinda news? [B]Foley:[/B] Well Brian, you’ve defended that Cruiserweight Title twice now against Paul London... and both times, you and Rodimer here have managed to somehow cheat you’re way into holding onto the belt. [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Yeah but that’s how we roll! [B]Foley:[/B] Yeah not for much longer. Since you’ve had one match on ECW and one match one Smackdown, I’ve decided you’re going to have a third match on a neutral playing field... Armageddon! [B]The Kendrick:[/B] What?! [B]Foley:[/B] And not only will you be defending your Cruiserweight Title against Paul London that night... you’re going to defend it in a ladder match! [B]The Kendrick:[/B] No! Mick... you gotta be kiddin’ me! [B]Foley:[/B] Afraid not Brian. Have a nice day... ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kurt_Angle7.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/elijahburke3tr31.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kurt Angle v Elijah Burke[/B] The ECW Champion Kurt Angle is in action, taking on the paragon of virtue, Elijah Burke. Burke acts arrogant as ever, but the extreme machine is in no mood to play around, and he goes right to work, rocking Burke with a series of uppercuts and taking him down with a belly-to-back suplex. Burke is quick to counter into an armbar, and a series of chain wrestling follows, with both men countering the other with several armbars and armdrags. Burke breaks a hold from Angle with a kick to the head, and he drives Angle to the corner with right hands and goes for an Irish whip... Angle reverses... hiptoss sends Burke down... and again with a clothesline, before Angle goes for an early ankle lock, sending Burke scrambling for the ropes. Angle looks to stay on the attack by going for an Irish whip, but Burke ducks his clothesline, and he takes control with a neckbreaker. Burke now attacks, stomping away, sending Angle to the corner and following with a splash, before charging in for the outer limitz elbow, getting himself a two count. Burke then looks to go for a German suplex, but Angle blocks it, grabbing Burke’s leg and again going for the ankle lock, but Burke again is too close to the ropes. Angle now attacks, getting a 2 count from a bridging German, sending Burke to the corner and following with a clothesline and then sending Burke flying with an overhead belly-to-belly, but all he gets is a 2 count. Angle then waits for Burke to get back to his feet, waiting to his... the Angle slam... no! Burke drops to his feet... Elijah experience... no! Angle slips underneath, grabs the leg... ankle lock! Angle gets it locked in, and Burke can’t make the ropes, forcing him to tap! [B]Kurt Angle beat Elijah Burke (B+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]We cut backstage to Anastacia Rose and...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AnastaciaRose-11.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Colt_Cabana4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is one of the challengers for the ECW Championship at Armageddon... the undefeated, Colt Cabana! And Colt, after you were the lone survivor in the battle and brands, and after what we heard from Mick Foley earlier tonight, you’ve gotta be feeling pretty good about yourself right now? [B]Cabana:[/B] Well yeah I feel great. I mean, I’ve came into ECW and I’ve somehow managed to stay undefeated all this time. But at Armageddon... I’m stepping my game up, and I will become the new ECW Champion. Kurt... Kane... I’m taking my undefeated streak into Armageddon... and I’m leaving with it intact. -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/umaga4mj4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kane5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ambulance Match Umaga v Kane[/B] Styles and Tazz give us the rundown of the traumatic last few months Kane has had as the ambulance backs into place at the top of the ramp. Umaga makes his way out to the ring, but there is a definitive look of fear on the face of the Samoan bulldozer as Kane makes his entrance. As the bell rings, both men engage in a deathly stare, until the big right hands begin to fly, with Kane knocking Umaga to the ropes, sending him over the top with a big boot as the match quickly goes to the outside. Kane is unrelenting in his attack, hammer down with rights and sending Umaga crashing into the steel steps. Kane then grabs the steel steps and looks to hit Umaga with them, but Estrada grabs a chair, cracking Kane with it... but it doesn’t faze the big red machine, as he turns on Estrada... but Umaga scoops up the steps, hitting Kane from behind with them. Umaga then starts ripping the top off the announce desk, nailing Kane with a monitor and setting Kane up on top of the table. Umaga then starts to climb to the top rope, but Kane sits up, and he quickly moves to grab Umaga by the throat, before he launches Umaga off the second rope through the table! It takes and age for Umaga to return to his feet, and when he does, Kane knocks him over the barricade with a series of right hands, taking the fight into the crowd. Umaga tries to escape, but Kane stays on his tail, hitting more hard rights and sending Umaga into a concrete wall. Both men battle through the audience, eventually coming back over the barricade near the ramp. Kane continues to hit right hands, but again Estrada makes his presence felt, getting in Kane’s face, leading to Kane grabbing him by the throat... until Umaga hits a hard Samoan spike. Now Umaga takes control, as the fight comes up the ramp towards the ambulance. Kane is Samoan dropped onto the ramp, before Umaga slams his face into the ambulance. Umaga then looks to whip Kane into the ambulance, but Kane reverses, sending Umaga into the side, following up with hard rights and boots. Kane then uses one of the rear doors as a weapon, slamming it into Umaga’s head, allowing Kane to make the first attempt at throwing someone in. Umaga fights his way back out, scooping Kane up and driving him into the side. Kane slumps to the ramp, and Umaga now tries to put Kane in the ambulance... but Kane kicks his way out, rocking Umaga with a big boot before grabbing him by the throat... chokeslam on the ramp! Kane plants Umaga, and he then turns to Estrada, nailing him with a right hand before he drags Umaga to his feet for... tombstone! Kane plants Umaga, and he drags him up, rolling Umaga into the ambulance and slamming the doors for the win! [B]Kane beat Umaga (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Kane has returned to Sci-Fi with a bang! [B]Tazz:[/B] That was a brutal war between those too, but the big red machine pulled it out the bag and he sent Umaga packing! [B]Styles:[/B] And now Kane’s attention will no doubt turn to the ECW Championship! Angle, Kane and Cabana in a triple threat match! What’s going to happen as we build towards Armageddon? Join us next week to find out. Goodnight! -------------------- [SIZE="1"]John Morrison and Tommy Dreamer beat Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens (C+) The Miz beat Stevie Richards (C-) Kurt Angle beat Elijah Burke (B+) Kane beat Umaga (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B] [QUOTE]Thanks so much for the comment tizzy![/QUOTE]
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Another great show. The opening was a fantastic start to a television show- while nothing huge happened it was entertaining and made me want to carry on reading (or wwatching, if you will). I'm not sure about Kane and Umaga having a match already after what Umaga did to him, especially such a huge match type and giving it away on TV. Maybe in the Attitude era when ratings were so important, but these days you never see it. But in a way it's a good thing because it is a reminde rto the viewers that you can't miss a single show. I'm going to go ahead and say Angle retains at Armageddon when Umaga attacks Kane and Angle gets the pin. That way Angle keeps the belt (and he deserves to), Kane carries on the rivalry with Umaga and Colt remains unpinned and unsubmitted. Out of interest, what is Colt's overness like? But yeah, another great show. This really is one of the best diaries on here.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;574962]Another great show. The opening was a fantastic start to a television show- while nothing huge happened it was entertaining and made me want to carry on reading (or wwatching, if you will). I'm not sure about Kane and Umaga having a match already after what Umaga did to him, especially such a huge match type and giving it away on TV. Maybe in the Attitude era when ratings were so important, but these days you never see it. But in a way it's a good thing because it is a reminde rto the viewers that you can't miss a single show. I'm going to go ahead and say Angle retains at Armageddon when Umaga attacks Kane and Angle gets the pin. That way Angle keeps the belt (and he deserves to), Kane carries on the rivalry with Umaga and Colt remains unpinned and unsubmitted. Out of interest, what is Colt's overness like? But yeah, another great show. This really is one of the best diaries on here.[/QUOTE] Again thanks for the comments keef. I realise a big time match like that doesn't happen very often IRL anymore, but I was willing to to take the chance this time and go for it, as I really wanted Kane to get a big win on his return. Hopefully be the time Armageddon comes around it'll make sense why it happened that way. As for Colt, this is his overness screen in the game: [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Promo/CCPop.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Still a bit to do in Mexico and Japan, but we're getting there. Thanks again for the comment.
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Super show. I agree that the opening was all kinds of great. Vintage I-mac! The other things that stood out for me where the Foley/Kendrick interaction that had a great Commissioner Foley/ Edge and Christian feel to it. Line of the night award goes to [QUOTE]While Miz has Layla in his corner, Stevie can only offer Balls Mahoney, but it’s the sentiment that counts I guess.[/QUOTE] Kane vs Umanga (yes I said Umanga, maybe its an english thing) was painful to watch/read as a huge Umanga fan but a great match. The way I see it is that the WWE tends to let ECW get away with putting on whatever matches they want because they don't really care about it. Conversely, that's why it consistently has the best matches and best told stories. So I don't really have a problem with the match being on TV with no build but it's a shame if that proves to be the end of their interaction. I'll bow to your greater booking and wisdom though.
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That's the thing with your booking- whether I agree or not is not really the issue because I know that you will be planning something big for the future. And good grief is Colt over?! I know he's on an undefeated streak and had a huge win at Survivor Series but still! Wow! No wonder he is such a hardcore main eventer for ECW.
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[QUOTE=iMac;568706]My bad, I didn't know these comments were here... Thanks man. That means so much coming from you. Very classy on your part. I feel kinda embarassed for throwing my toys out the pram like I did at the end of SS though. But my exams ended a couple of hours ago so I'll prob start back work on this soon. Again, thanks so much for the congrats on DOTM. I was amazed and honoured that I won, but I'm sure you will clean up this month. [/QUOTE] Thanks mate, though I'm not concerned much about awards I get a buzz when I see either your name, keefmoons or nevermores get it. Mate, after nearly 60 pages of this diary, you didn't appear to be throwing your toys out of the pram. I feel it's a common feeling to sometimes want just a bit of support in the world of writing. I personally wanted to write what I wrote a long time before but I'd just been so busy so I do apologise for that. Here's a sobering thought, think of all the top 'bookers' out there, IMO yourself keefmoon and nevermore write more to me than any of them do and in reality they all succumb to stress religiously. Heck, by mid 1998 Eric Bischoff hardly wanted to write WCW anymore due to the new corporate policies but also he was just worn out. It makes Vince McMahon in my opinion a bit of a legend in that respect but I'm sure he's been worn out as well and had moments of despair. Keep up the brilliant work. You always have a reader in me. And sincerely, you thoroughly deserved it and I was proud as hell that you won. I would have felt very very ordinary if I had have received more votes because frankly you deserved it far more than me. It doesn't matter how long my shows are or any of that, it comes down to quality and IMO you had it so far over me in the last 2-3 months it's not funny. You could say I'm a little envious, but in actuality it's more I just respect your work a hell of a lot.
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;575186]Super show. I agree that the opening was all kinds of great. Vintage I-mac! The other things that stood out for me where the Foley/Kendrick interaction that had a great Commissioner Foley/ Edge and Christian feel to it. Line of the night award goes to Kane vs Umanga (yes I said Umanga, maybe its an english thing) was painful to watch/read as a huge Umanga fan but a great match. The way I see it is that the WWE tends to let ECW get away with putting on whatever matches they want because they don't really care about it. Conversely, that's why it consistently has the best matches and best told stories. So I don't really have a problem with the match being on TV with no build but it's a shame if that proves to be the end of their interaction. I'll bow to your greater booking and wisdom though.[/QUOTE] Well I'm not so sure that Kane/Umaga happened without any build up. I mean, there were feuding for a good few weeks leading up to Unforgiven when Kane was meant to get a shot at Umaga (who was ECW Champ at the time) but Umaga took Kane out, so the shot went to Angle instead. Then there was the weeks of updats about Kane, then all the strange fire and psychological attacks from Kane. For me anyway, I felt that Kane would be dying to get his hands on Umaga. At least I had hoped I had got that across. :o [QUOTE=keefmoon;575384]That's the thing with your booking- whether I agree or not is not really the issue because I know that you will be planning something big for the future. And good grief is Colt over?! I know he's on an undefeated streak and had a huge win at Survivor Series but still! Wow! No wonder he is such a hardcore main eventer for ECW.[/QUOTE] Yeah he's really caught on. The fact he can put on good matches and cut a good promo always helps. And you're right, there is something big instore for Armageddon. ;) [QUOTE=tristram;575453]Thanks mate, though I'm not concerned much about awards I get a buzz when I see either your name, keefmoons or nevermores get it. Mate, after nearly 60 pages of this diary, you didn't appear to be throwing your toys out of the pram. I feel it's a common feeling to sometimes want just a bit of support in the world of writing. I personally wanted to write what I wrote a long time before but I'd just been so busy so I do apologise for that. Here's a sobering thought, think of all the top 'bookers' out there, IMO yourself keefmoon and nevermore write more to me than any of them do and in reality they all succumb to stress religiously. Heck, by mid 1998 Eric Bischoff hardly wanted to write WCW anymore due to the new corporate policies but also he was just worn out. It makes Vince McMahon in my opinion a bit of a legend in that respect but I'm sure he's been worn out as well and had moments of despair. Keep up the brilliant work. You always have a reader in me. And sincerely, you thoroughly deserved it and I was proud as hell that you won. I would have felt very very ordinary if I had have received more votes because frankly you deserved it far more than me. It doesn't matter how long my shows are or any of that, it comes down to quality and IMO you had it so far over me in the last 2-3 months it's not funny. You could say I'm a little envious, but in actuality it's more I just respect your work a hell of a lot.[/QUOTE] No need to apologise Trist. Infact, I'll go on record as saying sorry again for my little temper tantrum. Not cool of me. And you know that I respect you and keefy immensly. Regardless of what DOTM results say, I'll always be looking up to you two, such is the reputation and respect you guys command around here, but every ounce of it is richly deserved. Just a quick point about the next Smackdown... it's huge. I mean really big. So many points and storyline advancements had to go into it. Hopefully it'll be enjoyable, but consider this a warning. :p Thanks for the comments guys!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/SmackDownBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Smackdown comes to you tonight from our nation’s capital, Washington, DC, less than a week removed from A great Survivor Series. Hello everyone, I’m Michael Cole alongside Jonathan Coachman, and Coach, what will be the fallout tonight after last what went down last Sunday? [B]Coach:[/B] Well first of all, I can’t believe you called Survivor Series “great”. Survivor Series was a disaster for all of us. Not only did CM Punk retain the World Heavyweight Championship, but Edge then somehow managed to throw away the battle of brands match when we were certain to win. [B]Cole:[/B] Well Edge did eliminate Christian when Smackdown had the advantage, and it backfired on him. Greed got the better of Edge, he wanted the title shot JBL offered for the survivors all to himself, and he wound up getting pinned by ECW’s Colt Cabana. [B]Coach:[/B] Right and we saw Edge running for the exit with JBL in hot pursuit. If Edge is here tonight, I know JBL is going to punish Edge for his actions. [B]Cole:[/B] Well it remains to be seen what will happen with Edge... but this man made a triumphant return to the WWE last week. Christian is back and he’s here on Smackdown! [B]Coach:[/B] I gotta say, I was impressed with Christian at Survivor Series, that is until he turned his back on Edge. This guy’s gotta realise, he’s back in the big leagues and people will be looking to step over him on the way to glory... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Christian2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Christian:[/B] So I guess a lot of you out there are wondering what in the hell I’m doing back in the WWE? I left three years ago because I was unhappy with how things were going here. I was never fired from this company... I chose to walk away. I chose to leave because I wanted to fulfil my destiny. I always knew I had world champion talent... I just never got all that many world champion opportunities. So I went away... and I did just that. I became a world champion. But recently, the issue of contracts came up again for me. My contract was coming up... and JBL, the great businessman that he is, gave me a call one day. He wanted to bring me in to Smackdown! He wanted me to give his Survivor Series team... well, shall we say... he wanted me to give Smackdown the “edge” at Survivor Series. So I had to make a choice... did I stay where I was... or did I come back to the WWE and fulfil my destiny all over again? Well as you can see, I made my choice, I came back to Smackdown... and I have my sights set on the World Heavyweight Championship! I know there’s a lot of egos back there... I also know there’s a lot of politics. But this time around, I’m not gonna let that stand in my way. So right now, I’ve got two things to say... one... Edge... that little stunt you pulled at Survivor Series... there will be a time and a place that I get you back for that. And secondly... CM Punk... I’ll see you at Armageddon! [B]Coach:[/B] Whoa, whoa... wait a minute! [B]Cole:[/B] Does that mean what I think it means? CM Punk and Christian, one on one for the World Heavyweight Championship at Armageddon? [B]Coach:[/B] No, no... there’s no way JBL would agree to that. [B]Cole:[/B] Why not? JBL went out and... [I]1, 2, YOU HEAR THE CLOCK TICKIN’...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] What’s this? [B]Coach:[/B] Well obviously it’s MVP making his way out here. [B]Cole:[/B] I realise that, but why is MVP making his way out here? This was Christian telling us about his return to the WWE. What’s that got to do with MVP? [B]Coach:[/B] Well maybe if you shut up for a second, you’ll find out... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]MVP:[/B] Hold on a minute junior. I realise you’re new around here, but there’s a couple of things you gotta realise. Number one... my name is MVP, and I am the highest paid free agent in the history of the WWE. So let’s just get that established right now... I don’t care what kinda contract JBL gave you, but it ain’t bigger than mine. Number two... this is Smackdown... this is my show. You don’t just walk out here on your first night and start saying you gonna do this and you gonna do that. And number three... if anybody is going to be seeing CM Punk at Armageddon... it’s gonna be me! [B]Christian:[/B] Listen... you jumped up power ranger... perhaps I didn’t make myself clear? I am going to Armageddon to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship. It’s already a done deal. It doesn’t matter what you, or anybody else in the back does or says... JBL has signed off on me getting a title shot at Armageddon. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but you lost to CM Punk at Survivor Series in your rematch for the title. So that means you’re all out of shots buddy. And as for Smackdown being your show... I guarantee you... it won’t be for much longer. [B]MVP:[/B] Oh you think so? Well how about... [B]Cole:[/B] Wait a minute... here comes the boss. [B]Coach:[/B] JBL is coming out here now. He’s gotta be furious after what happened at Survivor Series. [B]Cole:[/B] And what about that Coach? Bobby Lashley just stepped out of the limo with him. [B]Coach:[/B] Well JBL recently has referred to Lashley as his problem solver, his hired gun... I guess Lashley could be viewed as an employee of JBL of sorts. [B]Cole:[/B] You’d love a job like that wouldn’t you? [B]Coach:[/B] What?! I take offense at that. I’m an impartial broadcast journalist... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]JBL:[/B] Christian... MVP... I don’t have time to listen to your petty squabbles. Quite frankly, it doesn’t matter how much either of you earn in your contract... it still will never come close to the amount of money I have. You two seem to have developed a problem with each other. Fine... I don’t care. Hell, the two of you can settle it in the ring tonight. [B]Cole:[/B] Alright! What a first match back on Smackdown for Christian! Going one on one with MVP! [B]Coach:[/B] Yeah but it’s going to be a losing return to Smackdown for Christian... [B]JBL:[/B] Right now, I have more pressing matters to attend to. You see recently it has come to my attention... that this brand, my brand... Smackdown... the brand in to which I have invested time, money and attention in... is beyond repair. I have tried my best as general manager to return this brand to its former glory... but it’s just not gonna happen. I took us into battle with ECW to try and restore some of the pride of this show... but it’s not gonna happen. It’s not gonna happen... unless... I take a look at myself and make some changes. I have tried to instil a little bit of myself in everybody... but it’s just not worked out like I planned. I have always tried to be a fair general manager... but it’s just not worked out. [B]Cole:[/B] What are we listening to here? I mean... it sounds like... [B]Coach:[/B] Don’t even say it Cole! [B]Cole:[/B] It sounds like a resignation speech. [B]Coach:[/B] No, it’s... it’s just... I dunno what this is! [B]JBL:[/B] Quite frankly... for Smackdown to return to its glory days... it needs more than me as its general manager. [B]Cole:[/B] I can’t believe I’m hearing this. [B]Coach:[/B] Say it isn’t so JBL! [B]JBL:[/B] For Smackdown to once again become the A show... for Smackdown to once again return to its glory days... [B]Coach:[/B] No! Please God no! [B]JBL:[/B] It needs me to... [B]MVP:[/B] Whoa, whoa, whoa... hold up! JBL... I realise that maybe you and I haven’t always seen eye to eye but... you’re the best damn GM this shows ever had! I mean... you always supported me when I was your champion. And... JBL... right now... I’d like to apologize for ever letting CM Punk become the champion. I know that’s what’s got you so upset. I know it is... and I know how I can fix it. Put me in a match with CM Punk... let me face him for the World Heavyweight Championship... and I can make it all good again here on Smackdown. I know I can make it better for you. But JBL... please... I’m beggin’ you man... please... don’t resign. [B]Coach:[/B] Now I don’t care what you say about MVP, but that was beautiful. [B]Cole:[/B] Certainly sounded like it came from the heart... [B]JBL:[/B] Resign? Hahaha! Resign?! I’m not going to resign! What I was about to say is... the only way for Smackdown to return to its glory days... it needs me as it’s World... Heavyweight... Champion! [B]Cole:[/B] What?! [B]Coach:[/B] Oh thank God... [B]Cole:[/B] You gotta be kiddin’ me! JBL... wants to be champion again?! [B]Coach:[/B] And what’s wrong with that? The man was the greatest champion in Smackdown history! [B]Cole:[/B] The guy suffered a serious neck injury six months ago! He told us he had to retire, and that’s the whole reason he got the GM job! [B]JBL:[/B] Don’t you realise MVP, that when this brand was ridin’ high, when this brand was runnin’ on all cylinders, when this brand was at its peak... it was the ten months I spent as it’s champion. I carried this brand to greatness, and I’m gonna do it again... as the first general manager to hold the World Heavyweight Championship. [B]Cole:[/B] I can’t believe this. JBL is going to use his power as the general manager to try and take the World Heavyweight Championship away from CM Punk. [B]Coach:[/B] Good. CM Punk is one of the worst, if not the worst champions Smackdown has ever had. We need the greatest champion in Smackdown history, JBL, back as our champion. [B]Christian:[/B] Wait a minute... hold on a minute. JBL... we agreed earlier tonight that I was to face CM Punk at Armageddon. We shook hands, we signed on it... I’m getting a shot at CM Punk. [B]JBL:[/B] Christian, you’re right. We did shake hands, we did sign a contract. But you know what? I changed my damn mind! You think I’m going to give you a title shot after what happened at Survivor Series?! Hell no! Quite frankly, you and your “brother” Edge are lucky to even have jobs right now! Infact, while I’m here, I’m going to address a few things about Survivor Series. Let’s just say, I have a few problems about the performance of certain people in that match. Rey Mysterio... he was the first man eliminated, he put Smackdown on the back foot straight from the get go. He will be dealt with. Edge, Big Show... they both will be dealt with too. As for you two... neither of you will be getting a title shot any time soon. As for CM Punk... I have to admit, I’m a little rusty. Therefore, tonight, I will have a warm-up match, before I challenge for the title next week. Tonight, my warm-up match is going to be... myself teaming with Bobby Lashley... in a tag team match against CM Punk and a partner of his choosing. However... I would like to point out to everybody in the back... that whoever does decide to step up and be CM Punk’s partner... they will be dealt with severely. The reign of the wrestling God is upon us again... and by God, you people are gonna love it! [B]Cole:[/B] I am stunned at what I’ve just heard. Next week, CM Punk and JBL one on one for the World Heavyweight Championship, but tonight, CM Punk has to face JBL and Bobby Lashley in what is effectively a handicap match. [B]Coach:[/B] It is not a handicap match Cole! JBL said CM Punk can pick any partner he wants. [B]Cole:[/B] Yeah and then JBL said whoever did partner CM Punk would be punished severely. And what about Christian? He had signed up for a title shot against CM Punk at Armageddon, and now he’s had that stolen away from him. [B]Coach:[/B] I’m not so sure that contract ever existed. Until I see it in writing, I’m not buying it! [B]Cole:[/B] Oh for God’s sake Coach! We need to go to commercial... -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShadGasparAAF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JTG.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/DrewGalloway5-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cryme Tyme v The Empire[/B] We return from commercial to see Burchill, McIntyre, William Regal and Katie Lea in the ring, awaiting the arrival of Cryme Tyme. These two had a match a couple of weeks ago, with The Empire stealing the victory, so tonight is a chance at revenge for Shad and JTG. Once in the ring, Shad and Burchill kick things off, with neither big man giving much ground. Shad locks on a headlock, but Burchill sends him off the ropes, only for Shad to hit a shoulderblock. Both men run the ropes, with Shad taking Burchill down with a hiptoss and tagging in JTG. JTG begins to focus on Burchill’s arm, wrenching away at it, driving his shoulder into it and sending Burchill shoulder first into the corner. JTG then sends Burchill off the ropes, but when Burchill reverses, Katie Lea grabs JTG by the foot, and the distraction allows Burchill to come from behind and hit a pumphandle slam, before bringing in McIntyre. McIntyre goes to work, dropping boots and elbows, driving JTG into the corner and stomping him down. Burchill and McIntyre work hard to keep JTG away from Shad, punishing JTG with backbreakers, overhead belly-to-belly suplexes and shoulderbreakers, and of course Regal has to get in his cheap shot behind the referee’s back. Burchill then looks to hoist JTG up on his shoulders for his torture rack submission, but JTG is able to slip down the back, drop Burchill with a facebuster and crawl to his corner to tag in Shad. Shad comes in full of power, sending McIntyre flying with a back-body drop and nailing Burchill with a big boot. Shad gets a 2 count from a Samoan drop, and with McIntyre and JTG back up, all hell breaks loose. McIntyre is dumped over the top rope by JTG, allowing Shad to get Burchill up for... the G9! Cryme Tyme hit their double-team finisher, and Shad goes for the cover... but Katie Lea is on the apron distracting the ref! McIntyre grabs JTG’s foot and drags him under the rope, hitting a knee to the head and sliding back into the ring. As Shad gets off Burchill to see what’s going on, Regal tosses McIntyre the brass knucks... oh! A knock-out blow to Shad, and as McIntyre slides back out the ring to hide the evidence, Burchill rolls on top of JTG just as the ref turns around... 1... 2... 3. The Empire scores it second win over Cryme Tyme in the space of 3 weeks, but once again Regal and Katie Lea played their part. [B]The Empire beat Cryme Tyme (C+)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I] Backstage, Eve Torres is standing by with...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/EveTorres-2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Eve:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the World Heavyweight Champion... CM Punk! And Punk, how are you feeling after what we heard JBL say earlier tonight? [B]Punk:[/B] How am I feeling about it? I think you should go ask JBL how he’s feeling. I mean, is he sick? Is he ill? Has he lost his freakin’ mind?! This has gotta be the biggest abuse of power this company has ever seen. He’s the general manager, and now he wants to be champion again? JBL... you want to come after me, you want to try take my title away? Then you come right ahead... I’ll beat you and your boy Lashley tonight, and I’ll beat you next week. You’re not taking this title away from me JBL... not a chance. [B]Eve:[/B] Um... CM? You mentioned your match tonight with JBL and Bobby Lashley. Now, JBL has said you can have a partner in that match... but will you be able to find somebody willing to step up after the threats JBL made? [B]Punk:[/B] Right now... I don’t know. I’ve got a few people in mind but uh... we’ll just need to wait and see who’s available and who’s willing to step up and help me. -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ReyMysterio-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Matt_Bentley2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rey Mysterio v Matt Bentley[/B] Rey Mysterio is in action next, as he takes on Matt Bentley, a man who’s recent luck had been pretty horrific. As you would expect from these two, the action early on is fast paced, with Mysterio gaining the advantage, hitting crossbodys and hurricanranas, sending Bentley flying around the ring. Mysterio then goes for a tilt-a-whirl headscissors, but Bentley counters into a backbreaker, taking Mysterio down. Bentley then looks to slow things down, stomping away on Mysterio, sending him shoulder first into the ringpost before nailing a bridging German suplex for a 2 count. Bentley continues his assault, hitting a release overhead belly-to-belly and getting another 2 count with an elbow off the top. Mysterio appears to be barely hanging on, but when Bentley goes for a side suplex, Mysterio lands on his feet and dropkicks Bentley’s back... he’s in position, here comes Mysterio... 619... no! Bentley rolls out of the way, but Mysterio quickly bounces to the top rope... west coast pop! 1... 2... Bentley somehow kicks out, but he’s reeling now, and Mysterio attacks again... wheelbarrow into a bulldog! 1... 2... again Bentley kicks out. Mysterio now looks to send Bentley off the ropes, but Bentley reverses... back body drop... again Mysterio lands on his feet... dropkick... once again Bentley is in position for... the 619! This time Mysterio connects, and he hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]Rey Mysterio beat Matt Bentley (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Rey Mysterio, back to winning ways here on Smackdown. [B]Coach:[/B] Yeah but like JBL said, he was the first guy eliminated at Survivor Series and... [B]Cole:[/B] Oh! From behind... that’s [B]Bobby Lashley[/B]! What the hell is he doing out here? [B]Coach:[/B] Well he’s beating the heck out of Rey Mysterio right now. [B]Cole:[/B] Lashley... he’s got Mysterio up... dominator! What the hell is the meaning of this? [B]Coach:[/B] JBL said Rey Mysterio was a problem that had to be dealt with, and this is Lashley taking care of business! [B]Cole:[/B] So is that what we’re going to see now? JBL sending Bobby Lashley out to do his dirty work for him? [B]Coach:[/B] Doesn’t sound like a bad deal to me... -------------------- [I]In the GM’s office, JBL is watching a TV with a big grin on his face after seeing what happened to Mysterio. His grin quickly changes though when...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Edge:[/B] Uh... JBL... you uh... you wanted to see me? [B]JBL:[/B] That’s right Edge I did. I just want to know what the hell you were thinking about at Survivor Series. [B]Edge:[/B] Look, JBL, I wanted that title shot! I mean, it was me and Christian, left with that idiot Cabana. I wanted to face Punk for the title at Armageddon, I wanted to become World Heavyweight Champion again. I mean...you understand right? You’re a ruthless businessman, I was just doing what you would do in the same situation. [B]JBL:[/B] What I would do? Edge... I assure you... if I was in that situation, I would not take out my own partner, drag my opponent on top of him for a 3 count and then get eliminated! I would’ve finished the job! But you... you screwed everything up for me. What have you got to say for yourself Edge? [B]Edge:[/B] I dunno, I mean... [B]JBL:[/B] I’ll tell you what you’re going to say. You’re going to apologise to me. You’re going to say... “JBL... I’m sorry”. [B]Edge:[/B] JBL... I’m sorry. [B]JBL:[/B] Damn right you are. Edge... you’re fired! [B]Edge:[/B] What?! [B]JBL:[/B] You, those two clowns that follow you around Hawkins and Ryder, your girlfriend Torrie Wilson, don’t think I’d forgotten about her... all of you... are fired. [B]Edge:[/B] No... JBL please! [B]JBL:[/B] Get your ass out of my office... and out of my arena... now! -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JamieNoble-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JackSwagger2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jamie Noble v Jake Hager[/B] After weeks of hype videos, newcomer Jake Hager finally makes his debut, stepping into the ring with Jamie Noble. Hager cuts an impressive figure, standing around 6’6 and weighing 260lbs. Noble, despite giving up a big size advantage, is as always tenacious, and he’s more than happy to square up to Hager as the bell rings. It doesn’t take long though for Jake to turn to his amateur wrestling skills, taking Noble down with fireman’s carry, following with a waistlock takedown into a headlock. Noblefights back to his feet and sends Hager off the ropes, but Hager bowls Noble over with a shoulderblock. Noble looks to quicken the pace by running the ropes, but Hager continues to put him down, using hiptosses and back-body drops. Noble does catch a break though when he connects with a swinging neckbreaker, following with boots and right hands before locking on a chinlock. Noble locks it in tight, but Hager drags Noble to his feet, scooping Noble up for a powerslam for a 2 count. Hager now looks to build offense, hitting right hands, sending Noble to the corner and charging in with a clothesline, before dropping Noble with an overhead belly-to-belly for a 2 count. Noble is reeling, but when Hager sends Noble to the corner and charges in, Noble avoids him, sending Hager into the ringpost. Noble quickly jumps to the second rope for a crossbody... but Hager catches him... spinning spinebuster! Hager gets another 2 count, but as Noble staggers to his feet, Hager is ready... gutwrench powerbomb! Hager plants Noble, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3 and picks up a debut win on Smackdown. [B]Jake Hager beat Jamie Noble (C-)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I]Backstage, we are greeted by the sight of a new diva here on Smackdown. The newcomer however seems a little lost, wandering around the backstage area. Eventually she stops to ask someone for help...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/RosaMendes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]????:[/B] Uh... excuse me? [B]Santino:[/B] Si? [B]????:[/B] Can you help me? I’m a little lost and... [B] Santino:[/B] Wait-ah da minute. What is your name-ah little girl? [B]????:[/B] Rosa... Rosa Mendes. [B]Santino:[/B] Ah... Rosa Mendes. Well Rosa, it is your pleasure to meet me. I’m sure you already know who I am? [B]Rosa:[/B] Uh... well... actually no. Who are you? [B]Santino:[/B] I... am Santino Marella! The-ah greatest wrestler in Smack-y-down history! [B]Rosa:[/B] Nope, doesn’t ring a bell. [B]Santino:[/B] Shut up-ah you face! You-ah stupid head! [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Venis:[/B] Is there a problem here? [B] Santino:[/B] Stay out-ah this Vul Vanis. This-ah doesn’t... [B]Venis:[/B] Hello lady... [B]Rosa:[/B] Oh... my... God! Val Venis! [B]Santino:[/B] What? You-ah know this sexy-time actor? [B]Rosa:[/B] Of course I do! Hey Val... is it true what they say about you? [B]Venis:[/B] Hahaha... well the big Valbowski isn’t one to brag... so why don’t you find out for yourself? [B]Santino:[/B] Hey! Hey... she was-ah my girl! Santino saw her first! Don’t-ah walk away from me Vanis! I’m-ah Santino Marella! I’m-ah gonna open up a can of the ass whip on you! -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/WWEUnitedStates.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Matt_Hardy22.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Ted_DiBiase_JR3.jpg[/IMG] [B]United States Championship Match Matt Hardy (C) v Ted DiBiase[/B] The United States Championship is on the line, with Matt Hardy defending against the undefeated Ted DiBiase, who literally bought this opportunity from JBL. Hardy takes the rookie to school early on, hitting a series of hiptosses, shoulderblocks, headlocks and backbreakers to always stay in control. Hardy continues his assault with kicks to the gut and a sitout facebuster for a 2 count, with DiBiase becoming more frustrated with every move hit. Hardy then slams DiBiase to the mat and climbs to the top rope, looking to end it with a moonsault... but DiBiase rolls out of harm’s way, and the youngster now looks to put together some offense, taking Hardy down with a forward Russian legsweep and then dropping the fist for a 2 count. DiBiase then sends Hardy shoulder first into the ringpost, and as Hardy falls to the floor, the fight goes outside the ring. DiBiase uses the apron to further damage Hardy’s shoulder, and he also sends Hardy shoulder first into the barricade and the steel steps, pushing the referee’s patience to the limit. Back in the ring, DiBiase aims kicks at the shoulder, locking on an armbar and hitting a legdrop, gaining another 2 count. DiBiase then decides to go to the top rope, but Hardy dives for the ropes, handing Ted a painful landing, which only gets worse when Hardy hits a suplex off the top for a near fall. Hardy now looks to rally, swinging with his good hand, slamming DiBiase to the mat and climbing to the second rope... legdrop connects... 1... 2... another kick out. Hardy stays on the attack, hitting the side-effect for another close count and then sending Ted off the ropes... reversal... million dollar dream! DiBiase goes for the million dollar dream, but Hardy is trying franticly to break free... jawbreaker! Hardy breaks the hold, and as DiBiase he staggers, Hardy moves quickly... twist of fate! Hardy hits the twist of fate, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3... and he retains his title and hands Ted DiBiase his first loss in the WWE. [B] Matt Hardy beat Ted DiBiase to retain the United States Championship (B-)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I]The World Heavyweight Champion [B]CM Punk[/B] is in his locker-room, getting ready for his match tonight when [B]Edge[/B] walks in. The two engage in a tense stand-off until Edge starts to speak...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Easy Punk... look man, you gotta realise, I don’t usually do this kind of thing. Quite frankly, I’m not very good at it. [B]Punk:[/B] Good at what? [B]Edge:[/B] Asking for help. Punk... I need your help to get my job back. [B]Punk:[/B] And why would I want to help you? [B]Edge:[/B] Because we both want the same thing. [B]Punk:[/B] And what might that be? [B]Edge:[/B] We both want rid of JBL as general manager of Smackdown. Admit Punk, you can all the interviews you want about how you’ll be the brave, fighting champion who’ll stand up to the evil authority figure... but we both know if you could, you’d get rid of JBL in a second. [B]Punk:[/B] Yeah I would. But what can we do about it? The guy calls the shots around here. If he wants to give himself a title shot, we can’t stop him. [B]Edge:[/B] Yes we can Punk! Yes we can! But it’s going to take Smackdown two biggest stars, me and you to get it done. [B]Punk:[/B] Alright... what’s your plan? [B]Edge:[/B] We go to Vince McMahon. You and me, we go to Vince McMahon and we threaten to walk out of Smackdown unless he gets rid of JBL. Hell, we’ll get the whole roster in on it too. JBL can’t run Smackdown... if he doesn’t have any talent to put on the show. [B] Punk:[/B] And why should I trust you Edge? What if this is all just some elaborate plan that you and JBL came up with to get the title off of me? [B]Edge:[/B] Understand me when I say this Punk... I’m desperate here. I need your help with this. Now... are you in or not? [B]Punk:[/B] Alright. I’m in. But I gotta go... I’m still trying to find someone to team with me tonight. Since you're fired I guess you're out of the question. [B]Edge:[/B] Yeah I am. Good luck with that. I gotta go too... there’s probably security looking everywhere for me... ------------------- [I]We then cut across the backstage area to Josh Matthews, who is standing by with...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoshMatthews3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Paul_London17.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Josh:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the number one contender for the Cruiserweight Championship, and the man who will face The Brian Kendrick at Armageddon in a ladder match... Paul London! And Paul, after two previous title shots were you were cheated out of the title... can you finally grab the title at Armageddon? [B]London:[/B] Well first of all, I want to thank Mick Foley for this chance at a level playing field. At Armageddon, it’s my last chance at the Cruiserweight Title. And I’m kinda sad that after all we’ve been through, me and Brian have got to settle things by climbing a ladder for the title. But if that what it takes... then that’s what I’ll do. Brian... at Armageddon... I will become the Cruiserweight Champion... and there’s nothing you, or Rodimer, or anybody else can do about it. -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Christian2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Montel Vontavious Porter v Christian[/B] JBL couldn’t have given Christian a tougher first match back on Smackdown, as he steps into the ring with the former World Heavyweight Champion MVP. MVP, looking to back-up his comments from earlier, starts aggressively, pushing Christian across the ring from the first tie-up. Christian returns to his feet, and trash talking ensues between the two. The tension builds until MVP snaps and goes for a right hand... but Christian blocks it, and he scores with a series of his own, driving MVP to the corner where he unloads with chops to the chest before sending MVP across... clothesline in the corner, followed by Christian tossing MVP over the top rope. Christian then climbs to the top rope... crossbody to the outside! Both men are down on the floor, until Christian rolls MVP back into the ring for a 2 count. With both men back up, Christian looks for the unprettier... but MVP counters... electric chair! MVP drops Christian, hooks the leg... 1... 2... kick-out. MVP now looks to take control, driving the knee into the gut, sending him to the corner and hitting a big boot and nailing the ballin’ elbow for a 2 count. MVP continues the punishment, sending Christian from pillar to post, landing more rights and knees and getting another near fall from a belly-to-belly overhead. MVP begins to show his frustrations, and he waits for Christian to show signs of life before going for... the drive-by kick! MVP nails Christian, and this one is over... 1... 2... no! Christian somehow kicks out, and MVP can’t believe it, as he gets in the referee’s face about it... roll-up... 1... 2... MVP gets the shoulder up. Christian now looks to attack, swinging rights and lefts before sending MVP off the ropes... flying forearm! MVP is reeling, and Christian climbs to the second rope... diving uppercut! 1... 2... again MVP kicks out. Christian now has all the momentum, and he doesn’t waste time going for... the unprettier... but MVP pushes Christian off the ropes... kick to the gut... playmaker... no! Christian counters... unprettier! At the third time of asking Christian connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]Christian beat Montel Vontavious Porter (B)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I]We go backstage to the image of [B]CM Punk[/B] walking through the corridors of the arena. Eventually, he turns a corner to see a man sitting infront of a TV set, watching the show. Punk sits down next to this man, and we see it’s [B]Matt Sydal[/B]. Sydal is shocked to see Punk...[/I] [B]Sydal[/B]: Punk? [B]Punk:[/B] Hey Matt. What’s up man? [B]Sydal:[/B] Uh... uh... nothing man. Just sitting here, watching the show is all. [B]Punk:[/B] Great. Listen uh... I need favour Matty. [B]Sydal:[/B] A favour? [B]Punk:[/B] Yeah. I need you to be my partner tonight. [B]Sydal:[/B] What?! Me?! You want me to be your partner? [B]Punk:[/B] Yeah sure. [B]Sydal:[/B] Yeah but... why me? [B]Punk:[/B] Well... I’m not gonna lie to you Matt... you weren’t my first choice. Or my second... or even my third. [B]Sydal:[/B] Oh... [B]Punk:[/B] I mean, at first I thought about asking Rey Mysterio... but you saw what Bobby Lashley did to him earlier. He’s not in any shape to go again tonight. Then I asked Matt Hardy... but he’s worried JBL will strip him of the United States Title. To be honest... so would I be. Then I thought I might ask the Big Show... but he’s not even here tonight. Then I thought about Christian... but he’s just had a real tough match with MVP. It wouldn’t be fair to ask him to go again. And then I thought of you Matt. Matt Sydal... daredevil, risk-taker. A guy with nothing to fear and nothing to lose. If you ask me... it makes a lot of sense that you team with me. [B]Sydal:[/B] Yeah... yeah it does! [B]Punk:[/B] That’s the spirit! Alright. OK... go get ready, we’re up after the commercial. [B]Sydal:[/B] What?! -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]CM Punk and Matt Sydal v John Bradshaw Layfield and Bobby Lashley[/B] The decision of CM Punk to bring Sydal out as his partner is met with disbelief by Coach, optimism from Cole and fury from JBL and Lashley, with the GM vowing revenge on Sydal for agreeing to help Punk. Lashley and Punk start the match, with Lashley dominating early, using his huge power advantage to take Punk down time and time again. Lashley runs the ropes hitting shoulderblocks, but Pun fires back with armdrags, as neither man gives much away. Punk scores a step-up enziguri, but when he goes for a springboard crossbody, Lashley catches him, and he drives Punk into his corner and tags in JBL. The GM comes into the ring to a chorus of boos, and he unloads on Punk with elbows and boots before sending Punk off the ropes and hitting a big boot. Punk manages to fight back, hitting a series of kicks to the leg and dropping JBL with a bulldog before tagging in Sydal. Sydal climbs to the top rope, entering the ring with a double knee drop to a standing JBL, following up with a headscissors, but as he looks to quicken the pace, JBL gets back to his feet and nails Sydal with a hard clothesline. Lashley gets the tag, and he begins to punish Sydal, nailing him with a backbreaker and a fallaway slam before sending Sydal flying with an overhead belly-to-belly. JBL and Lashley make plenty of tags, as the look to weaken Sydal, with JBL hitting a swinging neckbreaker and a Russian legsweep and Lashley nails a spinning spinebuster and a long vertical suplex. Lashley then locks on a bearhug, and Sydal is visibly struggling. The crowd rallies behind him though, and Sydal is able to break free with elbows to the head, and when Lashley sends him off the ropes, Sydal ducks his clothesline... enziguri! Sydal goes down, and both men begin to crawl towards their corner... here comes JBL... Punk gets the tag! The champion bursts into the ring, catching JBL with a flying forearm, before sending JBL to the corner and charging in with a knee to the head and a bulldog. Lashley is back up, but so is Sydal... victory roll... 1... 2... Lashley kicks out, but as he gets to his feet, Punk clotheslines him over the top rope. Punk now turns his attentions back to JBL, hitting right hands and sending him off the ropes.... reversal... Punk slides under the big boot... he has JBL up... GTS! Punk hits the GTS, but before he can go for the cover, Lashley drags him outside and begins to pound him. Sydal now sees his chance for victory, and he climbs to the top rope, and with JBL in position, he goes for... the shooting star press... no! JBL rolls out of the way and Sydal crashes to the mat, and by the time he gets back up, JBL is running the ropes... clothesline from hell! JBL nails Sydal, and with the champion down on the outside, there’s no-one to save him... 1... 2... 3. [B]John Bradshaw Layfield and Bobby Lashley beat CM Punk and Matt Sydal (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Well... a hell of an effort from CM Punk and Matt Sydal, but they just couldn’t quite get it done. [B]Coach:[/B] JBL, the wrestling God, is back, and he’s back with a huge win over the World Heavyweight Champion. [B]Cole:[/B] What’s going to happen next week? Will Edge and CM Punk present their case to Vince McMahon? Will CM Punk still be the champion? [B]Coach:[/B] Will Matt Sydal still be alive by the end of next week’s show? [B]Cole:[/B] So many questions, hopefully we’ll get the answers. Join us next week for Friday Night Smackdown! Goodnight! -------------------- [SIZE="1"]The Empire beat Cryme Tyme (C+) Rey Mysterio beat Matt Bentley (B-) Jake Hager beat Jamie Noble (C-) Matt Hardy beat Ted DiBiase to retain the United States Championship (B-) Christian beat Montel Vontavious Porter (B) John Bradshaw Layfield and Bobby Lashley beat CM Punk and Matt Sydal (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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[QUOTE]Well I'm not so sure that Kane/Umaga happened without any build up. I mean, there were feuding for a good few weeks leading up to Unforgiven when Kane was meant to get a shot at Umaga (who was ECW Champ at the time) but Umaga took Kane out, so the shot went to Angle instead. Then there was the weeks of updats about Kane, then all the strange fire and psychological attacks from Kane. For me anyway, I felt that Kane would be dying to get his hands on Umaga. At least I had hoped I had got that across. [/QUOTE] Sorry, I didn't mean no build from previous shows, I just meant the match was announced and happened in the same night. Another great show sir, loved the MVP/ Christian interaction especially
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;577208]Sorry, I didn't mean no build from previous shows, I just meant the match was announced and happened in the same night. Another great show sir, loved the MVP/ Christian interaction especially[/QUOTE] Ah, point taken. I guess the need for Kane to get a big win on his return negated the need for a build up for the match in my eyes. And glad you liked Smackdown. A hell of a lot went in to that show, and it sets up a lot of storylines for the next few months.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] [B]JR:[/B] Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! We are live and we are sold in Philadelphia, PA as the countdown to Armageddon continues. Hello everyone, I’m Jim Ross alongside Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and King, last week we had a huge fatal four way announced for Armageddon, but it was the legend killer who struck first blood last week. [B]King:[/B] What an image t was as we went off the air, as Randy Orton stood tall in the middle of the ring, while John Cena, Triple H and the WWE Champion Jeff Hardy were all laid out. Orton sent a huge message to his competitors, and I have to believe that right now he is the favourite to leave Armageddon as the WWE Champion. [B]JR:[/B] That remains to be seen. Tonight, Mr Kennedy gets a shot at Kenny Dykstra and the Intercontinental Championship, we also hope to hear from Batista and Shawn Michaels after the shocking confrontation they had last week... [I]I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] And speaking of Randy Orton, here comes the legend killer right now. Orton is making his way out to ring. [B]King:[/B] JR, we both know this guy is arrogant, we both know he has a huge chip on his shoulder, but can you imagine what’s he’s feeling right now after what we saw last week. [B]JR:[/B] He looks like his head’s about to explode... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Randy_Orton26.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Orton:[/B] I came out here tonight to address a few things from last week’s Raw. I’m sure you all saw what happened as we went off the air last week. Jeff Hardy was down, John Cena was down, Triple H was down... but I... Randy Orton, was standing tall. And that’s exactly the way it’s going to be come Armageddon. When the pay-per-view goes off the air, I once again will be standing tall, only this time, I will be standing tall as the new WWE Champion. At Survivor Series, Jeff Hardy had to resort to driving me into an exposed steel turnbuckle to beat me. I’ve already beaten John Cena twice this year... and Triple H, I defended the WWE Title against you at Backlash. I will leave Armageddon as the... [B]King:[/B] Wait a minute! That’s... [B]JR:[/B] It’s John Cena! [B]King:[/B] I’m sure John Cena has a lot to say to Randy Orton, especially after what happened last week... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnCenanew.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Cena:[/B] You know what Orton? You’re right. You’re absolutely right. You were standing tall as Raw went off the air last week. You did look like the strongest guy in the fatal four way. Hell, you looked like the WWE Champion. But you forgot to mention something in your little speech here tonight. You forgot to mention that the only reason you were standing tall at the end of Raw... is because you snuck into the ring after me and Jeff Hardy had kicked Revolution’s ass! And you know what Randy? It’s the same damn thing you’ve been doing your whole career. You take advantage, you hit cheap shots, you attack from behind ‘cause you ain’t got the guts to do it man to man! [B]Orton:[/B] I haven’t got the guts? John, I faced you in a parking lot brawl... and I beat you. I faced you in a last man standing match... and I beat you. I’ve moved past you John, I’m done with you. I don’t even know what you’re doing being involved in the WWE Title match at Armageddon. Quite frankly John... you’re not in my league. I’ve got no interest in getting involved in a confrontation with you... because you are beneath me. [I][URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out...[/I] [B]King:[/B] Well... you knew it wouldn’t be long until we heard that music. [B]JR:[/B] Shane McMahon, the general manager of Monday Night Raw is stepping out here. Not sure what he’s got to say though. [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shane_McMahon8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Shane:[/B] John... Randy... I, like everybody else, remember the battles you guys had. I remember Summerslam, I remember Unforgiven, I remember Cyber Sunday. And you know what? I remember what you two put yourselves through to try beat each other. And with Armageddon right around the corner... I want to see you two go through that all over again. I want you two to beat each other’s brains out, I want you two to beat each other so badly that you take each other out of the running at Armageddon. So that’s why tonight, live on Raw... you two are going to face each other one on one! [B]King:[/B] Whoa! What a huge main event! [B]JR:[/B] Cena and Orton live tonight! [B]Shane:[/B] And guys, I’ve I see anything less than full commitment, if I see either of you taking a cheap way out, if I see any count-outs or disqualifications... then you both lose your spots at Armageddon! [B]King:[/B] Well once again Shane McMahon has stacked the deck in Triple H’s favour. [B]JR:[/B] Orton and Cena are going to have to go at it full tilt, or neither of them will be going to Armageddon! -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TrevorMurdoch2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/S_O_Shaunesy2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Trevor Murdoch v Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B] Trevor Murdoch, with Lance Cade in his corner, steps into the ring to kick off the show with the Irish Curse, Sheamus O’Shaunessy, who is still hell bent on his crusade to inflict pain on Finlay. Sheamus comes out all business as usual, punishing Murdoch from the get to, tossing him to the corner and unloading with boots and elbows, before a hard Irish whip sends the redneck flying across the ring. More punishing right hands follow, before Murdoch is sent off the ropes and nailed with a big boot for a 2 count. The punishment continues, with Sheamus landing a double axe-handle to the chest, before climbing to the second rope and going for a splash... but he misses! Murdoch rolls out the way, and now he looks to build some offense, teeing off with rights and lefts and knocking Sheamus down with repeated clotheslines. Sheamus bounces back up every time though, but Murdoch staggers him with a jawbreaker and comes off the ropes with a big boot for a 2 count. Just as it looks like Murdoch could be about to score a big upset, Sheamus catches him with a huge spinebuster, and it doesn’t take long for the curse to strike... Celtic slam! Sheamus plants Murdoch, and Cade can only watch as he hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. [B]Sheamus O’Shaunessy beat Trevor Murdoch (C+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Well an absolutely dominant display from the Irish curse there. [B]King:[/B] This monster Sheamus is a scary guy JR. [B]JR:[/B] He’s made quite the impact since arriving here on Raw, and he once again got the better of Finlay last week... [B]King:[/B] Well speaking of [B]Finlay[/B]... he just walked out onto the ramp, and he’s got Hornswoggle with him! [B]JR:[/B] Let’s see what the veteran Irishman has to say... [B]Finlay:[/B] Sheamus... I’ve got something to say to you. You see, for a good while now, you’ve been coming out here, beating me up, attacking Hornswoggle... and I’ve had enough. I’ve had enough of you doing that to me. So I’ve got a little challenge for you. You and me are going to settle this once and for all. At Armageddon... I’m challenging you to a match. I’m challenging you... to a no holds barred match! You and me... we’re going to finish this. And when we do... [B]King:[/B] Oh! What the hell?! [B]JR:[/B] That’s [B]Mark Henry[/B]! Mark Henry, who helped Sheamus O’Shaunessy attack Finlay last week, has just nailed Finlay on the ramp from behind. [B]King:[/B] What’s the meaning of this JR? I mean, what business does Mark Henry have attacking Finlay? -------------------- [I]Backstage, Todd Grisham is standing by with...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JeffHardy-2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the WWE Champion, Jeff Hardy! And Jeff, after what happened last week when you were RKO’d by Randy Orton, allowing Orton to be the only man standing at the end of the show... Jeff, are you worried at all that your WWE Championship could be in jeopardy at Armageddon? [B]Jeff:[/B] Am I worried? Gotta admit, yeah I am. I mean, this is a fatal four way match. I don’t even have to pinned for me to lose my title. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going into Armageddon confident I can do it. I’m going into Armageddon to give it everything I got, to leave everything out there in that ring... and I will hold on to my WWE Championship. Orton... Cena... Triple H... it’s going to take a huge effort for me to beat you three... but I know I have it in me. At Armageddon... I’m going to prove it to the world. -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Chris_Harris4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JimmySnukaJr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Domino.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Harris and Hardcore Holly v Deuce and Domino[/B] Harris and Holly team up in tag team action tonight against Deuce and Domino, with all four men suffering their share of defeats lately. Holly and Domino start the match, and the early moments are full of hard hitting, as the two exchange stiff rights and kicks, until Holly sends Domino off the ropes and nails him with a great dropkick. Harris gets the tag, and he takes Domino down with a full nelson slam, following up with an elbowdrop and a long vertical suplex for a 2 count. Harris then looks to come off the ropes, only for Cherry to grab his foot. Harris turns, right into a clothesline from Deuce on the apron, with Domino promptly making the tag. Boots and elbows rain down on Harris, before he’s sent off the ropes right into a knee to the gut. Deuce and Domino show their experience by making plenty of quick tags to focus on Harris, hitting double team moves like a double flapjack and Deuce hitting a backbreaker while Domino nails a legdrop, getting a 2 count. Deuce wear Harris down with a chinlock, before sending Harris off the ropes and hitting a knee to the face, again getting a 2 count. Deuce and Domino’s frustration at not putting Harris away costs them, as when Domino sends Harris off the ropes, Harris ducks his clothesline... runs the ropes... Lou Thesz press! Harris hits a series of rights before tagging in Holly, who immediately knocks down both Deuce and Domino before sending Deuce off the ropes... big back-body-drop! Domino is back up... Holly hangs him up on the ropes... kick to the gut sends Domino to the floor! Holly goes back to Deuce, sending him off the ropes... kick to the gut... Alabama slam! Holly connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... Domino makes the save! Harris is back-up, but when he charges at Domino, he gets back-body-dropped over the top rope. Holly is alone now, and Deuce and Domino move quickly to set him up for... the crack ‘em in the mouth! Deuce goes for the cover, 1... 2... Harris tries to make the save but Cherry grabs his ankle... 3! [B]Deuce and Domino beat Chris Harris and Hardcore Holly (C+)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I]In the GM’s office, Shane McMahon is joined by...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Shane_McMahon8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Primo_Colon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Shane:[/B] Carlito... Primo... what are you guys doing here? [B]Carlito:[/B] Mr McMahon... you’ve always been good to Carlito in the past. And now... Carlito needs you to do him and Primo a favour. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh yeah? What might that be? [B]Carlito:[/B] Carlito wants you to give him and Primo another shot at Kennedy and Jericho for the World Tag Team titles. [B]Shane:[/B] You want another shot at Kennedy and Jericho? [B]Carlito:[/B] Yeah. [B]Shane:[/B] Even thought they beat you last week? [B]Carlito:[/B] Yeah. [B]Shane:[/B] Uh... well... I might be able to help you out with that. [B]Primo:[/B] Now that’s cool! [B]Carlito:[/B] Hey! Don’t steal my line! [B]Primo:[/B] I was just... [B]Shane:[/B] Hey! Listen... I’m willing to give you two another shot at Kennedy and Jericho... but you two need to do something for me. [B]Carlito:[/B] What’s that? [B]Shane:[/B] Take a seat. This could take a while... -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Maria3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Natalya_Neidhart2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Maria v Natalya Neidhart[/B] Tonight sees the in-ring debut of the Canadian Bulldogs manager Natalya, as she takes on part-time interviewer Maria. Straight from the first tie-up, Natalya shows a vicious streak, taking Maria down with a fireman’s carry and driving the knee into the spine. Natalya then locks on armbars and headlocks, but Maria fights back with, hitting a series of kicks, driving Natalya to the corner, sending her across with an Irish whip and following in with a clothesline. Maria then backs up and goes for a bronco buster, but Natalya moves out of the way, as Maria crashes to the mat. Now Natalya takes control, slamming Maria to the mat, focusing on her leg by dropping the elbow and driving the knee into it, before locking on a surfboard, causing Maria to cry out in pain. Eventually Natalya lets go, but as she moves in, Maria hits a surprise jawbreaker, then catching Natalya with a clothesline and a dropkick. With Natalya gain in position, Maria this time connects with the bronco buster, and as Natalya staggers to her feet, Maria hits the spinning headscissors, scoring a near fall. Maria then looks for a bulldog, but Natalya uses her power to counter into a backbreaker, and as she drops Maria, Natalya moves quickly to lock on... the sharpshooter. Maria cries out in pain, and as Natalya leans back, there’s nothing else Maria can do but tap out. [B]Natalya Neidhart beat Maria (C)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]In his locker-room, [B]Randy Orton[/B] is confronted by [B]Triple H[/B]...[/I] [B]Orton:[/B] What the hell do you want? [B]Triple H:[/B] Hey, relax alright. I just thought I’d drop by and... wish you luck tonight, that’s all. [B]Orton:[/B] You know something Triple H? I don’t need any of your damn luck. Now... how about you cut the crap and tell me the real reason you’re here? [B]Triple H:[/B] Alright. Tonight... I don’t just want to see you beat John Cena... I want to see you take him out. I want Cena removed from the fatal four way at Armageddon. And I figured I’ve got a few guys that can help you do that. [B]Orton:[/B] Oh really? You think I need those idiots of yours to get the job done? [B]Triple H:[/B] Every little helps Orton. [B]Orton:[/B] Not with John Cena. Me and Cena... it’s personal. I’ll handle Cena myself. I don’t want to see you or any other member of Revolution anywhere near that ring tonight. [B]Triple H: [/B]Fine. That’s cool with me. But uh... I’d be careful if I were you. It might wind up that you’re the one who gets removed from Armageddon... if you know what I mean. ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kenny_Dykstra3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Ken_Kennedy3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Intercontinental Championship Match Kenny Dykstra (C) v Mr Kennedy[/B] Last week Kennedy asked for an Intercontinental Title shot, and much to the displeasure of Shane McMahon, Dykstra agreed. Tonight, Kennedy gets his shot, hoping to take advantage of the youngster’s arrogance and grab himself more gold. The match starts with both men trading insults, that is until Dykstra slaps Kennedy across the face... oh! Kennedy hits back with a slap of his own, and the fight is on, with Kennedy sending Dykstra off the ropes... clothesline takes him down. Kennedy stays on the attack, nailing hard rights and sending Dykstra again off the ropes... roundhouse kick! Kennedy looks for a cover, but Dykstra rolls to the outside, with Kennedy on his tail. Kennedy drives Dykstra into the barricade, before bouncing the youngster face first off the announce desk and sending him back into the ring. Kennedy is in total control, and he gets a 2 count after hitting a forward Russian legsweep. Kennedy continues to pummel Dykstra, driving him to the corner with right hands and then sending him across... but Dykstra avoids Kennedy as he charges in, sending the challenger shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Dykstra seizes his chance to attack, aiming kicks and knees to the arm and scooping Kennedy up for a shoulderbreaker, gaining the champion a 2 count. Dykstra then locks on a cross-armbar, wrenching back on Kennedy’s shoulder. Dykstra has the hold locked on for a long time, denying Kennedy on several escape attempts... until Kennedy is able to twist his body round, turning the cross armbar into a Boston crab! Now Kennedy is the one applying pressure, but Dykstra manages to drag himself to the ropes, breaking the hold. Kennedy starts teeing off with right hands, sending Dykstra off the ropes... Kennedy ducks... swinging neckbreaker from Kenny. Dykstra drives Kennedy to the mat, and the champion now begins his climb to the top rope. Dykstra gets there, steadies himself for... the sky high leg drop... no! Kennedy rolls out of the way, and he quickly rises to his feet, scooping Kenny up... Green Bay plunge! Kennedy connects, and we’ve got a new champion... until...[/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] What the hell are they doing out here?! [B]King:[/B] It’s [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B]! [B]JR:[/B] This is no doubt the Revolution insurance policy... right hand from Kennedy to Harry! [B]King:[/B] Wait... here comes [B]Chris Jericho[/B]! [CENTER]Kennedy’s fellow tag team champion races down to the ring, and with Kennedy fighting off Harry, Jericho takes out TJ, leaving both Bulldogs down. Kennedy turns back around, but Dykstra is waiting... single arm DDT! Dykstra drops Kennedy, hooks the leg... 1... 2... no! Kennedy hangs on, and Dykstra is enraged, getting right in the referee’s face. Kenny let’s out his frustrations, but as he’s doing this, Kennedy is back up, waiting for Dykstra... mic check! Kennedy hits the mic check, hooks the leg... 1... 2...[/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] What the hell?! [B]King:[/B] That’s... that’s... [B]Carlito[/B] and [B]Primo[/B]! What are they doing out here? [B]JR:[/B] They’ve just caused a disqualification, saving the Intercontinental Title for Kenny Dykstra! [B][CENTER]Mr Kennedy beat Kenny Dykstra by disqualification (B)[/CENTER][/B] [B]JR:[/B] What the hell is the meaning of this?! Jericho and Kennedy had fought off Harry and TJ, and then Carlito and Primo cause the disqualification! [B]King:[/B] And now Jericho and Kennedy are getting beat on by five guys! [B]JR:[/B] We need somebody out here to stop this! [B]King:[/B] JR, you don’t think this is the favour Shane McMahon was calling in earlier do you? [B]JR:[/B] Wouldn’t surprise me if it was... -------------------- [I]Backstage, Todd Grisham is standing by with...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ToddGrisham.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/ShawnMichaels2-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... Shawn Michaels! And Shawn, last week you went down to the ring to confront Batista over his actions at Survivor Series, and you wound up taking a Batista-bomb for your troubles. Shawn, how are you feeling after last week and do you have anything to say to the Animal? [B]Michaels:[/B] I’ve got plenty to say to Batista. Dave... at Survivor Series, you turned your back on a lot of people. You screwed me over, you screwed Teddy Long over, you screwed the fans over... and you screwed yourself. Cause now you’ve put yourself on a lot of guys hitlist... and I’m up first. Batista... right here, right now, I am challenging you to a match at Armageddon. You messed up big Dave... and at Armageddon... you’re going to pay for it! ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Batista-2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/CodyRhodes21.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cody Rhodes v Batista[/B] The new bad-ass Batista makes his first in-ring appearance since his shocking actions at Survivor Series, as he takes on Cody Rhodes. Cody tries to attack early, but Batista is all business, driving Cody to the corner, tossing him across the ring with a hip-toss and nailing him with a clothesline in the corner. An Irish whip sends Cody across, but when Batista charges in, Cody gets the foot up, and he takes Batista down with a crossbody from the second rope. Cody hits right hands, but his dropkick can only stagger Batista, leading to Cody going for a Russian legsweep... but Batista blocks it, pushing Cody off the ropes... huge clothesline! Cody somehow kicks out at 2, but the Animal stays on the attack, sending Cody to the corner, driving the shoulder into the gut, before backing up for a spear... but Cody uses the corner to leap out of the way... sunset flip... 1... 2... Batista kicks out. Cody now attacks, hitting dropkicks and a bulldog before climbing to the top rope... moonsault! 1... 2... again Batista kicks out. Cody has victory in sight, and he waits for Batista to rise before going for... the snap DDT... no! Batista overpowers him... spinebuster! Batista nails Cody, and he drags the youngster back to his feet and hoists him up... Batista-bomb! 1... 2... 3. Batista picks up a convincing win, but it remains to be seen whether or not he will meet Shawn Michaels at Armageddon. [B]Batista beat Cody Rhodes (A)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [B]JR:[/B] Welcome back everybody to Monday Night Raw. Up next, our huge main event. [B]King:[/B] John Cena and Randy Orton, one on one. Shane McMahon said he wanted these two guys to kick the crap out of each other, he wanted to see them destroy each other, and you have to think that these two guys hate each other enough to do it. [B]JR:[/B] It’s going to be quite the match... [I][URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] What the...? That’s Revolution’s music. [B]King:[/B] And here comes [B]Shane McMahon[/B]! The boss is coming out here. [B]JR:[/B] Well earlier tonight, we heard Randy Orton be very specific in the fact that he didn’t want anybody coming out here and trying to help him. [B]King:[/B] Yeah but he can’t stop our general manager from joining us on commentary. [B]JR:[/B] I guess he can’t no... [B]Shane:[/B] JR, King... how you guys doing? [B]JR:[/B] We’re doing fine Shane. [B]King:[/B] JR, show some respect! This is our general manager. [B]JR:[/B] Shane, what business do you have being out here right now? [B]Shane:[/B] What business? This is my show JR! And if you want to still have a job this time next week, you’ll remember that... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Randy_Orton26.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JohnCenanew.jpg[/IMG] [B]Randy Orton v John Cena[/B] The sight of Orton and Cena standing face to face evokes memories of their months long feud earlier in the year, including their battle at Summerslam, the bloody parking lot brawl at No Mercy and the last man standing war at Cyber Sunday. Early on, both men are clearly unnerved by the presence of Shane McMahon at ringside, but they soon forget about Shane as the rights and lefts begin to fly, before Orton sends Cena off the ropes... Cena ducks his clothesline... flying shoulderblock! Cena starts the match fast, and he looks to continue it, driving Orton to the corner with right hands, sending him across and following in with a clothesline and taking Orton out the corner with a bulldog for a 2 count. Cena continues his assault, hitting a sit-out hiptoss for a 2 count, before sending Orton off the ropes... FU... Cena has him up... no! Orton grabs hold of the ropes, dropping to his feet... falling headlock backbreaker! Orton drops Cena, and he begins to stomp away, before dropping the knee across the head, gaining a 2 count. Orton continues his attack, hitting a series of uppercuts before hitting a hard clothesline, getting another 2 count before locking on a headlock. As is the norm with an Orton headlock, the legend killer locks it in for a long time, wrenching away on Cena’s neck, driving his knee into the spine as he does, all the while Cena is slowly fading. The referee begins to life Cena’s arm, checking for life... but it drops once... two times... but Cena keeps his arm up the third time! Cena fights back to his feet, breaking the hold with elbows to the gut and sending Orton off the ropes... Orton ducks his clothesline... falling neckbreaker. 1... 2... Cena kicks out! Orton quickly gets back to his feet, driving his knee into Cena’s head and pummelling him with right hands, before dragging Cena to his feet and sending him to the corner... here comes Orton... but Cena gets his foot up, and he climbs to the second rope... legdrop bulldog! Cena connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... Orton kicks out! Cena now looks to take control, hitting right hands and sending Orton off the ropes... Orton reverses... flying shoulderblock! Here comes Cena... five knuckle shuffle! 1... 2... Orton gets the shoulder up. Orton can barely get back up, but when he does, Cena is waiting... FU... no! Again Orton drops to his feet... RKO... no! Cena pushes Orton away... right into the referee! The ref goes down, but Orton quickly turns around... RKO... no! Cena counters... STFU! Cena locks in the STFU... and Orton’s tapping... but there’s no referee! Eventually Cena let’s go to try revive the ref, and while the ref barely stirs, Cena turns around... right into a RKO! Orton drops Cena... but the ref is still down. Orton however isn’t going to wait, as he drops to one knee and lines Cena up for...[/CENTER] [B]Shane:[/B] Yeah! Do it Orton! Kick his head in! [B]King:[/B] This is not good for Cena... [B]JR:[/B] Here comes Orton... [B]King:[/B] What?! [B]JR:[/B] It's [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]! Jeff Hardy just nailed Randy Orton with a chair! [B]Shane:[/B] Where the hell did he come from?! [B]JR:[/B] Jeff Hardy came through the crowd! The referee’s down, he never saw it! [B]King:[/B] Jeff’s infront of our table now... [B]Shane:[/B] What the hell are you...?! [B]King:[/B] Oh! Oh my God! [B]JR:[/B] Jeff Hardy just nailed Shane McMahon! Jeff just hit Shane with that chair! [B]King:[/B] I don’t believe it! [B]JR:[/B] And Cena’s back up... [B]King:[/B] Shane are you alright? [B]JR:[/B] FU! FU to Orton! Here comes the referee... 1... 2... 3! [B][CENTER]John Cena beat Randy Orton (A*)[/CENTER][/B] [B]King:[/B] We need some help out here for Shane! [B]JR:[/B] Screw Shane! John Cena just beat Randy Orton, thanks to Jeff Hardy! [B]King:[/B] I don’t understand this. I mean... [B]JR:[/B] Jeff Hardy just sent a message to the other participants of the fatal four way! Jeff Hardy is looking for a fight! For all of us here on Monday Night Raw, we hope to see you next week. Goodnight! ------------------- [SIZE="1"]Sheamus O’Shaunessy beat Trevor Murdoch (C+) Deuce and Domino beat Hardcore Holly and Chris Harris (C+) Natalya Neidhart beat Maria (C) Mr Kennedy beat Kenny Dykstra by disqualification (B) Batista beat Cody Rhodes (A) John Cena beat Randy Orton (A*)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]
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Another good show buddy. I like Jeff hitting out against Revolution still but they are still the highlight of the show. They totally have the whole nWo dominance thing going. What you should do is pack out Revolution with half the roster and huge names like Vincent and Stevie Ray so it loses the edgy, cool, main event feel to it, then keep disbanding it and bringing them back together until no-one cares anymore. Ahem... ;) I'm liking the Batista move and no-one will give this change in attitude more credibility than HBK. Good choice for the match, and great to see Batista and Cody Rhodes getting an A rated match. I'm sure I'm reading too much in to it, but I reckon this isn't the end of the Carlito/Primo link with Shane. Surely he doesn't need to sit them down as it will take a while to explain "attack Kennedy and Jericho". I think Shane is gonna make them work for their title shot because he doesn't want to annoy the Bulldogs. Anyway, really enjoyed the show, can't wait for ECW as it's consistently my favourite show of the three.
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[QUOTE]Another good show buddy. I like Jeff hitting out against Revolution still but they are still the highlight of the show. They totally have the whole nWo dominance thing going. What you should do is pack out Revolution with half the roster and huge names like Vincent and Stevie Ray so it loses the edgy, cool, main event feel to it, then keep disbanding it and bringing them back together until no-one cares anymore. Ahem... [/QUOTE] Perhaps Jimmy Yang And Funaki could form Revolution Japan? Kyle Busch could become an honorary member after driving a Revolution sponsored nascar in the sprint cup series? Anyway enough of the hijinx. Just stopped by to say this continues to be a must read.
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[QUOTE=Astyn;580836]good show like how this is going, definetly the best Diary ive read[/QUOTE] Wow, thanks man. Glad you're enjoying it! [QUOTE=keefmoon;580996]Another good show buddy. I like Jeff hitting out against Revolution still but they are still the highlight of the show. They totally have the whole nWo dominance thing going. What you should do is pack out Revolution with half the roster and huge names like Vincent and Stevie Ray so it loses the edgy, cool, main event feel to it, then keep disbanding it and bringing them back together until no-one cares anymore. Ahem... ;) I'm liking the Batista move and no-one will give this change in attitude more credibility than HBK. Good choice for the match, and great to see Batista and Cody Rhodes getting an A rated match. I'm sure I'm reading too much in to it, but I reckon this isn't the end of the Carlito/Primo link with Shane. Surely he doesn't need to sit them down as it will take a while to explain "attack Kennedy and Jericho". I think Shane is gonna make them work for their title shot because he doesn't want to annoy the Bulldogs. Anyway, really enjoyed the show, can't wait for ECW as it's consistently my favourite show of the three.[/QUOTE] Keefy, how do you do it man? I mean, I had it all planned out. Hardcore Holly, Chris Harris, Snitsky and the Highlanders were going to be the ones to put Revolution over the top and make them the greatest stable in the history of the business. Ach well, need to rethink that one now... ;) As for Batista, I think a heel turn is something he's been desperately needing in real life, but now he's out long term with injury, I doubt it'll happen when he returns. But anyway, I'm going to give it a shot here and hopefully by Wrestlemania he'll be a real kick ass heel. As for the tag titles, there are still a few twists and turns involved in that yet. And hopefully you enjoy ECW when it arrives! [QUOTE=BoomKing;581008]Perhaps Jimmy Yang And Funaki could form Revolution Japan? Kyle Busch could become an honorary member after driving a Revolution sponsored nascar in the sprint cup series? Anyway enough of the hijinx. Just stopped by to say this continues to be a must read.[/QUOTE] Hahaha! Revolution Japan! Love it! Thanks again for the comments mate, I finally got round to returning them and will continue to do so.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Banners/ecwhd.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Instead of the usual introduction from Joey Styles and Tazz, the first image we see is of [B]Kane[/B], back in the boiler-room, bathed in a creepy red light. The eerie image of the big red machine is rocking back and forth, before he lets out a maniacal laugh and says...[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Armageddon... the end of the world as we know it. Armageddon... where the flames rise up, and the battle will commence... how very fitting. You see, when Umaga threw me into those flames all those weeks ago... he unleashed a monster. And at Armageddon... Kurt Angle... Colt Cabana... the fire from which I came will rise again. At Armageddon... I will become the ECW Champion... and a new chapter will be written in ECW history... but it will be written... in flames! Hahaha! [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Styles:[/B] The land of extreme calls Bridgeport, CT it’s home tonight, as we bring you ECW on Sci-Fi! Hello everyone, I’m Joey Styles alongside former ECW Champion Tazz, and Tazz, what about that eerie message from Kane? [B]Tazz:[/B] Well we know that this is a new Kane. That’s not the same guy who went crashing into the flames when Umaga threw him off the stage. This is a new, meaner Kane, a Kane that is on Sci-Fi to kick some ass and I’m loving it! [B]Styles:[/B] Armageddon is just two Sunday’s away, and the ECW Championship will be on the line as Kurt Angle defends against Kane and Colt Cabana. Tazz, who’s your favourite right now? [B]Tazz:[/B] God I don’t know. I mean, Kurt Angle is a hell of a champ, Colt Cabana is on a huge undefeated streak, but Kane is back and he came back with a bang last week against Umaga... oh! [B]Styles:[/B] Well speaking of bangs, here comes the big red machine now. We’re kicking things off with Kane and Kevin Thorn in one on one action... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/KevinThorn101.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kane5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kevin Thorn v Kane[/B] After the message Kane delivered to us all at the start of the show, nobody would want to swap places with Kevin Thorn right now. Thorn though is one of the few men on the ECW roster who can match up to Kane physically, and he looks to attack early on, trading clubbing right hands with Kane. Kane quickly gains the upperhand though, scoring four rights in a row and sending Thorn off the ropes... big boot! Thorn staggers back to his feet, but Kane is waiting, connecting with big uppercuts before slamming Thorn to the mat. Kane then comes off the ropes looking for an elbow drop, but Thorn rolls out of the way, and he quickly strikes with a boot to the face for a 2 count. Thorn now starts to pile on the pressure, dropping Kane with a gutbuster and a backbreaker, before sending Kane to the corner and using his boot to choke him. Thorn continues to punish Kane, landing more big right hands and kicks before again sending Kane off the ropes and hitting a flapjack for a 2 count. Thorn is angry when he only gets a 2, but his anger quickly turns o fear as Kane sits up, quickly getting to his feet, blocking Thorn’s rights and scoring his own, before sending Thorn off the ropes... powerslam! 1... 2... Thorn gets the shoulder up, but Kane quickly goes to the top rope... flying clothesline! 1... 2... again Thorn kicks out. More uppercuts follow as Kane looks to finish Thorn off, connecting with another big boot and going for... the chokeslam... no! Thorn fights his way out of it, nailing Kane with a clothesline, dragging him to his feet and going for... the crucifix powerbomb... no! Kane counters with a back-body-drop, and as Thorn staggers back up, Kane is ready... chokeslam! This time Kane hits it, and he goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! [B]Kane beat Kevin Thorn (B-)[/B] [/CENTER] ------------------- [I]Backstage, Anastacia Rose is standing by with...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/AnastaciaRose-11.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kurt_Angle7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the current ECW Champion... Kurt Angle! And Kurt, last week we found out that you’ll defending the ECW Championship at Armageddon against Kane and Colt Cabana in a triple threat match. Kurt, can you survive Armageddon and leave the ECW Champion? [B]Angle:[/B] You know, Kane... I respect you. I really do. But all this stuff about flames and fires... it’s not going to scare me. It’s not going to affect me, so you may as well drop it right now. As for Colt Cabana... Colt, I like you man. You’re a cool guy. Your taste in music is a little strange, but you’re a cool guy nonetheless. But your undefeated streak... at Armageddon... it’s over. Oh it’s true... it’s damn true! ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Brian_Kendrick14.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kofi_Kingston3.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Brian Kendrick v Kofi Kingston[/B] The Cruiserweight Champion and the Jamaican Sensation are set to go one on one, but of course, Kendrick has the bruising Danny Rodimer at ringside with him, with the big man proving to be a menacing distraction. Kofi starts the match fast, flying around the ring and connecting with flying clotheslines and dropkicks before taking Kendrick down with a springboard crossbody for an early 2 count. Kendrick rolls to the outside, but Kofi follows him out. Kendrick however hides behind Rodimer, and he manages to take advantage of the distraction by catching Kofi with a clothesline, before driving Kofi into the barricade and throwing him back into the ring. Kendrick uses the ropes to propel himself back into the ring, hitting a crossbody for a 2 count before aiming a series of stiff kicks to Kingston’s back and nailing a low dropkick to Kingston’s face, again getting a 2 count. Kendrick stays on the attack by stomping away on Kingston, before sending him off the ropes and connecting with a flying forearm. Kendrick then tosses Kingston through the ropes, and with the ref distracted, Rodimer scoops Kingston and drives him into the ringpost, before rolling him back into the ring. Kendrick then hits a tornado DDT for another 2 count, before locking on a chinlock and hitting a series of forearms to the head. Eventually Kingston is able to break free with a kick to the head, and he looks to build some offense, connecting with an enziguri before coming off the ropes and nailing a big legdrop for a 2 count. Kofi continues his assault, hitting right hands and going for an Irish whip... reversal by Kendrick... Rodimer grabs Kofi’s leg as he comes off the ropes... oh! Kendrick nails a step-up enziguri as Kofi turns around, and it doesn’t take long for the Cruiserweight Champion to hit... the Kendrick! Kendrick nails sliced bread, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. [B]The Brian Kendrick beat Kofi Kingston (C+)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I]In the general manager’s office, Mick Foley is joined by a guest from Smackdown...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/WilliamRegalAAF2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Foley:[/B] So let me get this straight. JBL sent you here tonight to ask me for your boys Burchill and McIntyre to get a tag team title shot against Morrison and Dreamer. [B]Regal:[/B] That’s right, yes. [B]Foley:[/B] And you just expect me to give it to you, yeah? [B]Regal:[/B] Listen Foley... I’m not one of your common scrubs here on this show. I’m not one of the band of misfits you call ECW superstars. I am the manager of the fastest rising tag team in this company. The Empire is a very powerful entity Foley... and I suggest you do as we ask of you... otherwise, you won’t like the consequences of our actions. [B]Foley:[/B] Look Regal, let me tell how it works here on my show. You see, unlike on Smackdown, where you general manager abuses his power, on this show, you earn title shots. And right now, I currently have two Smackdown titles around the waist of my guys. Paul London earned his shot at Brian Kendrick and the Cruiserweight Title, that’s why he’s getting a shot at Armageddon. But Burchill and McIntyre... they’ve not really done anything to impress me so far. So I want you to go back to Smackdown, and you tell JBL that when he’s willing to send me a team that is worthy of challenging Morrison and Dreamer... we’ll talk. [B]Regal:[/B] Worthy? How are you! Paul Burchill and Drew McIntyre have been kicking bloody lumps out of any team that have stood in their way! You want them to prove their worth? Give them a non-title match against Morrison and Dreamer then. Let them prove their worth. Because I guarantee you Foley... they’ll beat any time you can cobble together on this hellhole of a brand! [B]Foley:[/B] Oh really? Well how about this? I’ll give Burchill and McIntyre a non-title match... [B]Regal:[/B] Good. I’m glad you’ve seen sense... [B]Foley:[/B] Next week. Tonight however... why don’t I try and throw around a couple names to and we’ll see what sticks? How about... oh, I don’t know... how about your boys Burchill and McIntyre step into the ring... with Kurt Angle and Colt Cabana?! How’s that sound? [B]Regal:[/B] Uh... well... that sounds... [B]Foley:[/B] You know what Regal? I knew you’d say that! Have a nice day! ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/SheltonBenjamin-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Mike_Knox2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shelton Benjamin v Mike Knox[/B] After his loss in the great ECW Championship match at Survivor Series, Shelton Benjamin makes his return to ECW tonight as he takes on the ever dangerous Mike Knox. As the bell rings, Shelton looks to use his athleticism to avoid the power of Knox, ducking several clothesline attempts, scoring with right hands before coming off the ropes and hitting a flying clothesline. Right hands drive Knox to the corner, but when Benjamin sends him across the ring and charges in for a splash, Knox catches him... and dumps him over the top rope to the floor! Benjamin has a very uncomfortable landing, and Knox goes outside to make it worse, landing clubbing blows to Benjamin’s spine and sending him crashing into the ringpost before returning to the ring. Knox now begins to focus on Shelton’s back, driving his knee, raining down with forearms before sending Benjamin crashing to the mat with a hard Irish whip to the corner. Knox continues his attack with a backbreaker and a sidewalk slam, before sending Benjamin off the ropes and catching him in a long bearhug. Eventually Benjamin is able to hit a bunch of right hands, but Knox won’t let go, until he drives Benjamin into the corner and goes for an Irish whip... reversal... here comes Benjamin... big splash! Knox staggers out of the corner... bulldog! Benjamin plants Knox and gets a 2 count, following up with a roundhouse kick and a tornado DDT, again scoring a 2 count. Knox can barely get back up, and Benjamin climbs to the second rope, launches himself... right into a bicycle kick! Knox nails Shelton, hooks the leg... 1... 2... no! Benjamin somehow gets his shoulder up, leaving Knox furious. Knox gets in the referee’s face about it, but by the time he turns around, Benjamin is back up... paydirt! Benjamin plants Knox and goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! [B]Shelton Benjamin beat Mike Knox (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] A good win for Shelton Benjamin tonight. [B]Tazz:[/B] Well Shelton’s obviously looking to put the disappointment of losing to Kurt Angle at Survivor Series behind him and... [B]Styles:[/B] Hey! What the hell? Mike Knox, attacking Shelton from behind! [B]Tazz:[/B] What the hell is this?! You lost the match fair and square man, no need to... [B]Styles:[/B] Wait a second... oh! Mike Knox just laid Shelton Benjamin out with the Knox-out! [B]Tazz:[/B] What is wrong with this guy? ------------------- [I]We cut backstage to see [B]Kurt Angle[/B] and [B]Colt Cabana[/B] making their way through the corridors on their way out for their match...[/I] [B]Angle:[/B] You ready for this Cabana? [B]Colt:[/B] Ready? Yeah I’m ready! I am so ready for this! Are you ready? [B]Angle:[/B] What? Of course I’m ready, I’m the ECW Champion. Listen Cabana, you’re playing in the big leagues now. If you’re going to be my partner, you better not let me down. [B]Colt:[/B] Whoa, what? Me let you down? My undefeated streak better not end tonight because you get pinned. I’m not... [I]Their arguing is interrupted by the sight of [B]Kane[/B] emerging from the shadows, once again laughing. Cabana and Angle stare at Kane as he begins to speak...[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Well, well... Colt and Kurt. Cabana and Angle... sounds like a bad law firm. [B]Colt:[/B] Ha! A bad law firm, what a kidder! [B]Angle:[/B] What do you want Kane? [B]Kane:[/B] Oh nothing... just wanted to wish you luck tonight. [B]Angle:[/B] That’s it? Wish us luck? No crazy stories about flames or anything like that? [B]Kane:[/B] Um... nope. Nothing like that. [B]Angle:[/B] Alright... thanks. [B]Colt:[/B] You sure your head’s alright Kane? I mean, what you said earlier... that was pretty nuts. [B]Kane:[/B] Earlier? I don’t remember saying anything earlier. [B]Colt:[/B] What? I mean, the thing with the red and the fire stuff and... [B]Angle:[/B] No, no... let’s just leave it alone huh Colt? C’mon, we got to go for our match. [B]Colt:[/B] Uh yeah, yeah. Take it easy Kane... ------------------ [B]Styles:[/B] Welcome back to Sci-Fi folks. Up next, Kurt Angle and Colt Cabana team up to take on The Empire but... Tazz... what did we just see between Angle, Cabana and Kane as we went to commercial? [B]Tazz:[/B] Uh... well, obviously there was a bit of a confrontation between the three, but uh... Kane said he couldn’t remember saying anything earlier in the night. I mean... I saw it, you saw it, everybody heard what he said about Armageddon but... it looks like everybody but Kane saw it. [B]Styles:[/B] Well... Burchill and McIntyre are making their way down to the ring now, accompanied by William Regal and Katie Lea. Tazz, didn’t you find it strange that we’ve just saw Kane backstage laughing and joking, yet we kicked the show off with Kane taking about the end of the world! [B]Tazz:[/B] Makes me wonder if Kane breaking outta that mental institution wasn’t all that smart an idea after all... [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Kurt_Angle7.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/Colt_Cabana4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/DrewGalloway5-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kurt Angle and Colt Cabana v The Empire[/B] Opponents at Armageddon, partners tonight, Cabana and Angle are set to take on Burchill and McIntyre, who of course have William Regal and Katie Lea at ringside for company. Burchill, returning to ECW after being drafted away, starts the match with Angle, and the champion quickly gains control, taking Burchill down with a belly-to-back suplex and locking on a reverses chinlock. Both men get back up, with Burchill sending Angle off the ropes, but Angle ducks his clothesline and hits a German suplex, causing Burchill to tag in McIntyre, but he fairs little better, running right into an overhead belly-to-belly, before Angle tags in Cabana. Colt enters the match with a missile dropkick, following that up with elbows and right hands before sending McIntyre off the ropes and hitting a hurricanrana. Cabana looks to stay on the attack, but when he sends McIntyre to the corner and charges in, McIntyre avoids him, sending Colt shoulder first into the ringpost. Burchill gets the tag, and he quickly targets the arm, hitting a shoulderbreaker, driving his knee and hitting a legdrop across the shoulder. Burchill then tosses Cabana to the floor, and while he distracts the ref by getting in Angle’s face, McIntyre and Regal go to work, with McIntyre holding Colt’s arm across the ringpost and Regal delivering a stiff kick to it, before Colt is rolled back in and Burchill gets a 2 count. McIntyre and Burchill make plenty of tags, but despite punishing the arm and hitting several double team moves, they can’t put Cabana away. Burchill connects with his jumping neckbreaker, thinking he has Colt put away... only for Angle to make the save. Burchill brings McIntyre back in, and the Scotsman climbs to the top rope, looking for a big splash... but Cabana rolls out of the way! Colt now slowly crawls to his corner, and he manages to tag in Angle, who nails both Burchill and McIntyre with clotheslines, before giving Regal a stiff right hand when he climbs on the apron. Angle then focuses on Burchill, hitting uppercuts before sending him off the ropes... drop-toe-hold... ankle lock! Ankle lock! Angle has it locked in... and Burchill is tapping... but Katie Lea is on the apron, distracting the ref! This gives McIntyre a chance to break the hold, but Cabana is back up now too, and he hits McIntyre with right hands before sending him off the ropes... reversal... springboard moonsault... hits Angle! Colt connects with Angle by mistake, and Burchill nails him with a boot to the head before McIntyre and Burchill go to work on Angle, with Burchill going for the torture rack... but Angle slips down the back... Angle slam! Angle nails Burchill, but McIntyre stays on him, but back comes Cabana, climbing to the top rope... moonsault to Burchill! Angle sends McIntyre over the top rope, as Colt hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! Angle and Cabana get the win, but Angle immediately gets in Colt’s face about that springboard moonsault, with Cabana trying to play it off as an accident. [B]Kurt Angle and Colt Cabana beat The Empire (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Colt Cabana keeps his winning streak alive for another week as he and Kurt Angle send The Empire running back to Smackdown! [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah but there was definitely tension there between the two. Angle is not happy with Colt Cabana right now. [B]Styles:[/B] What a night it has been! Join us next week for more ECW on Sci-Fi! ----------------- [SIZE="1"]Kane beat Kevin Thorn (B) The Brian Kendrick beat Kofi Kingston (C+) Shelton Benjamin beat Mike Knox (B) Kurt Angle and Colt Cabana beat The Empire (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B]
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