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[B]Edge[/B] v Christian [I]Just to get one up, but Christian will get the last laugh eventually I suspect[/I] [B]Kurt Angle [/B]v Kane [I]Angle can drag a good match out of anyone and is the natural leader of ECW. I love Kane's new attitude but Angle is the man[/I] [B]CM Punk[/B] v Bobby Lashley [I]I don't think Bobby can offer what Punk does, to be honest, and I still think you are cementing Punk's place as Champ, and dropping the belt would undermine that[/I] [B]Triple H[/B] v John Cena [I]He's only just won it, and you need at least one heel going in to Mania as champion[/I] Batista, Big Show, Carlito, Chris Jericho, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Colt Cabana, Edge, Finlay, Harry Smith, [B]Jeff Hardy[/B], John Morrison, Kenny Dykstra, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal, Mr Kennedy, Montel Vontavious Porter, Paul London, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, Shelton Benjamin, Ted DiBiase, The Brian Kendrick, TJ Wilson, Tommy Dreamer, Umaga, The Undertaker [I]To finally cement himself as one of the top names in the company. Jericho & Kennedy will get there eventually but need to square off first, I think Dykstra will be there soon, but not yet, and Triple H needs a face to end his reign of terror with Revolution at the top, so Jeff gets to do it for the big title win he didn't really get with his first reign[/I] Looks like a cracking show, I really can't wait!
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Edge v [B]Christian[/B] [B]Kurt Angle[/B] v Kane CM Punk v [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] Triple H v [B]John Cena[/B] Batista, Big Show, Carlito, Chris Jericho, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Colt Cabana, Edge, Finlay, Harry Smith, Jeff Hardy, John Morrison, Kenny Dykstra, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal, Mr Kennedy, Montel Vontavious Porter, Paul London, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, Shelton Benjamin, Ted DiBiase, The Brian Kendrick, TJ Wilson, Tommy Dreamer, Umaga, [B]The Undertaker[/B]
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[B]Edge[/B] v Christian [B]Kurt Angle[/B] v Kane [B]CM Punk[/B] v Bobby Lashley Triple H v [B]John Cena[/B] Batista, Big Show, Carlito, Chris Jericho, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Colt Cabana, Edge, Finlay, Harry Smith, Jeff Hardy, John Morrison, Kenny Dykstra, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal, [B]Mr Kennedy[/B], Montel Vontavious Porter, Paul London, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, Shelton Benjamin, Ted DiBiase, The Brian Kendrick, TJ Wilson, Tommy Dreamer, Umaga, The Undertaker
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Edge v [B]Christian[/B] Im a total peep Kurt Angle v [B]Kane[/B] No matter what they do to him, Kane will always be bad to the ass CM Punk v Bobby Lashley Triple H v [B]John Cena[/B] Batista, Big Show, Carlito, Chris Jericho, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Colt Cabana, Edge, Finlay, Harry Smith, Jeff Hardy, John Morrison, Kenny Dykstra, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal, Mr Kennedy, Montel Vontavious Porter, Paul London, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, Shelton Benjamin, [B]Ted DiBiase[/B], The Brian Kendrick, TJ Wilson, Tommy Dreamer, Umaga, The Undertaker That is one stacked rumble.
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Edge v [B]Christian[/B] [B]Kurt Angle[/B] v Kane [B]CM Punk[/B] v Bobby Lashley [B]Triple H[/B] v John Cena Batista, Big Show, Carlito, Chris Jericho, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Colt Cabana, Edge, Finlay, Harry Smith, [B]Jeff Hardy[/B], John Morrison, Kenny Dykstra, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal, Mr Kennedy, Montel Vontavious Porter, Paul London, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, Shelton Benjamin, Ted DiBiase, The Brian Kendrick, TJ Wilson, Tommy Dreamer, Umaga, The Undertaker
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PPV/RRBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="1"][I]An opening video plays out, hyping the event and featuring that narrator guy with the deep voice...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] On this night... 30 will be chosen... [I]Images of some of tonight’s competitors flash across the screen, including Edge, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and Christian...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] On this night... 30 will be put to the test... [I]More images of the men involved in the Rumble, this time we see Batista, Randy Orton, Matt Hardy and The Undertaker...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] For now, the dream is alive... [I]Yet more images, this time of some of the Royal Rumble rookies, such as Matt Sydal, Colt Cabana, Harry Smith, TJ Wilson and the ever menacing Sheamus O’Shaunessy...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] The greatest of goals in sight... the grandest stage awaiting them... [I]This time we see the huge pyro display from Wrestlemania 24, as well as quick shots of Triple H, CM Punk and Kurt Angle holding their championships...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] A golden opportunity to forge a legacy... [I]Shots of ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin and The Rock winning Rumbles of yesteryear...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] The chance to etch everlasting moments... [I]Some of the shocking moments in Rumble history, such as Shawn Michaels hanging on back in ’95 and Vince McMahon winning back in ’99...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] For one man... [I]Again we see some of the participants, this time it’s Kenny Dykstra, Shelton Benjamin, Umaga and Montel Vontavious Porter...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] And one man only. [I] We now see a long shot of this year’s entrant number one, Jeff Hardy, his head bowed before looking up at the camera...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] Who will take the step into immortality? [I]Images of the endings of previous Rumbles, including Rey Mysterio’s headscissors to eliminate Randy Orton in ’06, Undertaker tossing out Shawn Michaels in ’07 and then getting rid of Bobby Lashley to win in ’08...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] Who will risk it all... [I]More of the competitors, this time Mr Kennedy, Carlito and John Morrison...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] To headline the greatest spectacle in sports entertainment? [I]Clips of John Cena holding the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 21, The Undertaker posing with the belt at Wrestlemania 23 and Rey Mysterio breaking down in tears at Wrestlemania 22...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] Tonight, 30 men will enter... [I]Faster images of the participants...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] But only one will survive... [I]Again quick shots of the men involved...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] The Royal Rumble! [I]Another long, lingering shot of Jeff Hardy, his eyes piercing the screen until it fades to black...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] And now, Castrol GTX presents... the 2009... Royal Rumble![/SIZE][/QUOTE] [I]The camera goes live to the arena, where we are greeted by an explosion of pyro, and the official Royal Rumble theme tune, [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a4JaphXcWs"]'Let It Rock' by Kevin Rudolf[/URL] plays out as we pan the crowd and arrive at the Raw announce desk to be welcomed by hall of famers [B]Jim Ross[/B] and [B]Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler[/B]...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Welcome everyone to the sold out Joe Lewis Arena in Detroit, MI! And welcome to the Royal Rumble! Hello everybody, I’m good ol’ JR, Jim Ross, alongside Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and King, tonight is the first step towards the grand daddy of them all, Wrestlemania 25! [B]King:[/B] Boy what a night this is going to be! Not only have we got the Royal Rumble, but also tonight, Triple H puts the WWE Championship on the line against John Cena! What a match that’s going to be! [B]JR:[/B] It promises to be an historic night here in Detroit. Can Jeff Hardy go the distance and win the Rumble? I can’t wait to find out, but right now, we’re going to hand you over to the ECW announce desk, to [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B]. [B]Styles:[/B] Our thanks to JR and King. Over here on ECW, we face a huge threat to the very well being of our brand. Kane has challenged Kurt Angle for the ECW Championship, and over the last few weeks, we’ve heard some pretty disturbing threats from Kane. [B]Tazz:[/B] Well Kane has just straight up lost it. The guy is a nut, and he’s been talking about burning ECW to the ground, saying he’s going to destroy the name and the legacy of ECW. Well Kane, I got news for ya pal. Tonight, when you’re in that last man standing match, you better watch your ass, cos there’s a lot of guys who are out to get you tonight, you mark my words. [B]Styles:[/B] That and of course several ECW superstars are in the Rumble. Let’s kick it over to the Smackdown guys, [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]. [B]Cole:[/B] Thanks Joey. Well Coach, tonight, CM Punk defends the World Heavyweight Championship against Bobby Lashley, but the big news we found out on Friday night is that if Lashley wins, he’s going to sell the championship to JBL. [B]Coach:[/B] What do you mean if? Of course Lashley’s going to win! He’s going to destroy CM Punk, and then, once he sells the World Heavyweight Championship and gets paid a lot of money for it, he’s probably gonna head on a nice, long vacation somewhere. After tonight, Lashley is going to be a made man, and I can’t wait to see it. [B]Cole:[/B] That of course is coming up later tonight... but we’re kicking things off with a deeply personal rivalry. Edge and Christian are set to go one on one. [B]Coach:[/B] Yeah and remember, both these guys are going to be in the Royal Rumble match, and Edge is not happy about it. [B]Cole:[/B] Edge stated Friday night he was wrestling this match under protest. Let’s take you back and show you how the rivalry started... [QUOTE][I][SIZE="1"]A video begins to play, showing us the history of the feud these two have had, in particular... Early shots of the two back in the day teaming their way to tag team glory Christian returning to the WWE the Friday before Survivor Series, revealing himself as the fifth member of Team Smackdown, leaving Edge shocked in the ring. Edge and Christian being the last two members of Team Smackdown, and looking like they would put Team ECW away... only of Edge to double-cross Christian, spearing his team-mate and getting him eliminated. Christian then facing CM Punk at Armageddon for the World Heavyweight Championship, only for Edge to come through the crowd and cost Christian the gold. Christian returning the favour on Edge in his title shot the following Friday night. Ric Flair announcing the two would face the Royal Rumble, and then Edge’s assault of Christian last Friday on the Cutting Edge, plus the fact he cost Christian his match with Bobby Lashley that night too...[/SIZE][/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [B]Edge v Christian[/B] These two have been at each other’s throats for months now, and tonight it comes to a head. Only [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] has accompanied Edge to ringside, obviously concerned with the desperate way Edge has been acting in recent weeks. As Christian enters the ring and goes to the corner to salute the crowd, Edge jumps him from behind, pounding Christian down to the mat and then sending him across... Christian hits the corner hard... and walks right into a back-body-drop. Edge now crouches in the corner... he’s going for the spear already? Here he comes... no! Christian dodges, and Edge goes crashing into the ring post, falling down outside the ring to the floor. Christian follows Edge out, and after striking with right hands, Christian drives Edge into the barricade. Edge slumps down, and Christian lines him up for a kick to the head... but Torrie jumps infront, saving Edge. Christian pulls up... and then picks Torrie up and moves her out of harm’s way... only for Edge to take advantage by hitting a clothesline. Back in the ring, Edge mounts Christian and hits a rapid frenzy of rights, and he then uses his boot to choke Christian on the bottom rope. In the corner, Edge climbs to the second rope and rains down with right hands, reaching 6... only for Christian to hook him onto his shoulders... gutbuster! Christian drops Edge, and now he climbs to the second rope and waits for Edge to rise... diving uppercut! 1... 2... Edge kicks out, and he wisely rolls to the floor to recover, but Christian stays on the attack, climbing to the top rope... crossbody to the outside! Christian nails Edge, and after a few rights, he rolls him back into the ring... 1... 2... Edge kicks out again. Christian is in control now, and after a few right hands he sends Edge off the ropes... kick... unprettier... no! Edge pushes out of it... and sends Christian crashing into the referee! The ref goes down, but Christian is only staggered, but as he turns around... spear! Edge hits the spear, hooks the leg... but we’ve got no ref! Edge can’t believe it, he has Christian down but there’s no count... but here comes another ref running down to the ring... 1... 2... Christian kicks out! Edge cries out in despair, he had also had it won. After confronting the new ref about his count, Edge again returns to the corner and crouches down, waiting, begging, pleading for Christian to get back up... he does and Edge charges... spear... no! Christian leapfrogs... kick... unprettier! Christian plants Edge, and he goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! It may not have been pretty, but Christian kicks out the night with a win. Will he have Rumble success later in the night too? [B]Christian beat Edge (A)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Maria[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Maria:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the challenger for the WWE Championship... John Cena! And John, tonight you face Triple H for the gold, but after the brutal sledgehammer assault you suffered on Monday night... you can’t be at 100% John? [B]Cena:[/B] Triple H... last Monday night, you jumped me from behind, you got involved in my match... and at the end of it all, you left me laying in the middle of the ring. What can I say? You got me Triple H. You got me good. Am I hurting right now? Hell yes I am. Taking sledgehammer shots to the spine tends to do that to ya. So no, I’m not 100% tonight. But you know what? It doesn’t matter. It don’t make but of difference... because I’m going out there tonight, and I’m gonna leave it all in that ring! I’m gonna give it all I have, and I know... that that’ll get the job done. You see the difference between me and you Triple H... is I got hustle, loyalty and respect. And it’s those three values that are gonna get me though tonight, it’s those three values that are gonna make me champion again! I promise you Triple H... I will beat you tonight... and I’ll be the one who goes on to Wrestlemania as champion. ------------------- [I]In his dressing room, [B]Kurt Angle[/B] is quietly psyching himself up, before grabbing the ECW Championship and heading for the door... only for [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] to walk in the room...[/I] [B]Angle:[/B] What’s up Shelton? [B]Benjamin:[/B] Nothing man. What’s up with you? [B]Angle:[/B] Nothing. I’m feeling pretty good. I feel like a winner right now. [B]Benjamin:[/B] I’m glad man. Anyway, I just came by to wish you luck. [B]Angle:[/B] Thanks man... [B]Benjamin:[/B] And hey... be careful out there. This could get out of hand pretty quickly. Nobody knows what kinda thoughts Kane’s got in his head right now. [B]Angle:[/B] That’s why I’ve got you to watch my back. It gets too out of hand, I need to be there for me. You do still have my back right? [B]Benjamin:[/B] Yeah man, yeah. [B]Angle:[/B] Alright, I’m out of here. Good luck in the Rumble tonight. [B]Benjamin:[/B] Thanks man. Don’t get yourself killed or nothing... ------------------- [QUOTE][SIZE="1"][I]Another video plays out, this time highlighting how we arrived at Kurt Angle and Kane fighting in a last man standing match for the ECW Championship... The Tuesday night before No Mercy, where then ECW Champion Umaga tosses Kane off the stage and into an electrical circuit, which then explodes into flames Kurt Angle stepping in for Kane at No Mercy and beating Umaga to become the new ECW Champion Various reports from Styles and Tazz regarding Kane being committed to an insane asylum... and promptly breaking out Kane returning at Survivor Series and attacking Umaga, and then beating the Samoan bulldozer in an ambulance match the following Tuesday night The triple threat match for the Championship at Armageddon, where Colt Cabana and Kane challenged Angle, only for Angle to retain by pinning Cabana, which lead to Kane snapping and tombstoning Angle through an announce desk Mick Foley saying Kane was never receiving another ECW Championship match Kane then kidnapping Mick Foley the following week, holding the GM ransom until Kurt Angle agreed to tonight’s match And finally, Kane’s promise that he will burn the ECW name and legacy to the ground... [/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r268/i2theain/TEW/TEW%20Titles/ecwworld1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Last Man Standing Match Kurt Angle (C) v Kane[/B] The threats made in recent weeks by Kane of the demise of ECW if he wins tonight only adds to the pressure for Kurt Angle to retain his title tonight, with the sake of the brand depending on him. Angle looks to show he’s not intimidated by squaring up to Kane... only for the monster to rock Angle with a hard shot to the throat, following with a kick to the gut and then slamming Angle to the mat before coming off the ropes and dropping the elbow. Kane drags Angle back to his feet, and finally Angle gets some offence, teeing off on Kane with rights and kicks then clotheslining him over the top rope... but Kane lands on his feet, and he drags Angle under the bottom rope as the fight goes outside. Angle’s head is bounced off the apron, and then scoops him up on his shoulder... he wants to throw him head first into the ringpost... no! Angle slides down the back... and he uses Kane’s momentum to push him into the ringpost! Kane hits the ringpost hard and crashes to the floor, and Angle grabs a steel chair... and cracks Kane across the spine with it! Kane cries out in pain, but Angle isn’t done... another shot across the skull... and a third! Kane is down, and the crowd rises for Angle. Angle tells the ref to count, and he obliges, reaching 6 before Kane drags himself back into the ring, where Angle is waiting... but when he swings with the chair, Kane kicks it back in his face! Angle goes down, but Kane quickly sends him to the corner and follows in with a clothesline, and when Angle staggers out, Kane is waiting... sidewalk slam! While the referee counts Angle down, Kane goes back outside... and he grabs the steel steps, tossing them into the ring. The referee is at 7 and Angle has barely stirred, but Kane drags him to his feet anyway, scooping him up and walking towards the steps... tombstone... no! Angle drops down... drop-toe-hold sends Kane face-first into the steps! Angle staggers back up, and the ref begins the count. He makes it to 6 before Kane stirs... 7... 8... Kane uses the ropes to pull himself up, and the count is broken, but Angle charges... but Kane back-body-drops Angle over the top rope to the floor! Now the fight spreads up the entrance way, with Kane punching and kicking Angle towards the top of the ramp... and then he throws Angle into the stage! Angle is down hurt, but Kane doesn’t want to wait for a count, dragging Angle back to his feet... and slamming Angle onto the concrete! Angle cries out in pain, and this time the ref does count. He makes it to 7... 8... Angle grabs the barricade... 9... and pulls himself up! Kane goes right back to work, aiming kicks to the skull and uppercuts to the throat. Kane then stands with his hand out, waiting for Angle to walk towards him... he grabs him by the throat... and takes him up... chokeslam... no! Angle fights out of it... Angle slam on the concrete! A brutal Angle slam on the exposed floor, and now the referee counts both men... 5... 6... 7... Angle slowly gets back to his feet... 8... but Kane is still down... 9... he barely gets back up to break the count. Angle now attacks with kicks to the gut, staying on the attack, but Kane out of desperation aims a big boot to the skull... no! Angle grabs the boot... ankle-lock! Ankle-lock! Angle has it locked in at the top of the ramp, and Kane is crying out in pain... oh! [/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] What the hell?! That’s [B]Mike Knox[/B]! [B]Tazz:[/B] What the hell is he doing out here? [B]Styles:[/B] Mike Knox, who suffered two ankle locks last Tuesday night, and has been determined to destroy Shelton Benjamin in recent weeks, is out here doing a number on the ECW Champion! [B]Tazz:[/B] Speaking of Shelton Benjamin, where the hell is he? Isn’t he supposed to have Kurt Angle’s back tonight? [CENTER]Mike Knox comes out of nowhere and nails Angle with a boot to the head, breaking up the ankle-lock, saving Kane who was almost at the point of passing out through the pain. Knox now kicks Angle repeatedly, and Angle has to head down the aisle towards the ring to try avoid him, but Knox is relentless, punishing Angle all the way back down to the ring. Knox then grabs Angle and sends him crashing into the other set of steel steps, with one set still lying in the ring. Kane barely makes it back to the ring, but Knox is on control, pummelling the champion... Knox-out! Knox hits his finisher in the middle of the ring, and despite the refs protests, Kane demands that he counts. The ref has no option but to do so, but just as he makes it to 6, the crowd begins to stir...[/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Wait... there he is! [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B]’s here! [B]Tazz:[/B] Finally... [B]Styles:[/B] Shelton... oh! A sickening chair shot to the skull of Mike Knox... and another one! [B]Tazz:[/B] Alright! Great job by Shelton... and I think he’s going to give Kane a shot too! [B]Styles:[/B] Do it Shelton! Hit that freak... no! [B]Tazz:[/B] Oh my God! What the hell did he do that for? [B]Styles:[/B] Shelton Benjamin just nailed Kurt Angle with that chair! [B]Tazz:[/B] I don’t believe this! What... I don’t understand this! [B]Styles:[/B] Shelton Benjamin has just turned his back on Kurt Angle and ECW! [B]Tazz:[/B] But why? [CENTER] The crowd is stunned at Benjamin’s act, and Angle looks like he’s out. Shelton has a sick smile on his face as the referee counts, and Shelton drops his chair and leaves the ring, heading back up the aisle. Kane can’t quite believe it either, but he soon bursts out laughing, and he drags Kurt to his feet... scoops him up on his shoulders... tombstone on the steel steps! This time Kane does connect, and he orders the ref to count. Mike Knox is still down on the outside, but nobody will remember his actions, as it’s the shocking attack from Shelton Benjamin that will remain in the mind. The refs at 6... 7... 8... Angle somehow shows signs of life... 9... but he can’t make it back up... 10! [B]Kane beat Kurt Angle to become the new ECW Champion (A)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] God... I just can’t believe it. Shelton Benjamin... has just turned his back on all of us. He’s just screwed Kurt Angle! [B]Tazz:[/B] I... I still don’t get this. I mean, why would Shelton Benjamin do this? [B]Styles:[/B] What does this mean for us on ECW? Kane, after all the threats he’s made, after all the prophecies he’s laid down on us... is now our champion! [B]Tazz:[/B] I... oh man, I can’t believe this. What the hell is going through Shelton Benjamin’s head right now? ------------------ [I]We now cut to an office to see [B]Vince McMahon[/B] and the three men he trusts to run his shows, Raw general manager [B]Shane McMahon[/B], Smackdown general manager [B]Ric Flair[/B] and ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B], who looks distraught at what he’s just witnessed on the TV in Vince’s office...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Wow. Old crazy-ass Kane as your champion? Tough break Mick. I mean, the guy nearly killed you a couple of weeks ago... and now he’s your champion! Man... that’s funny stuff. [B]Foley:[/B] Shut your damn mouth Shane! Shut your mouth right now! [B]Shane:[/B] Hey! Hey, you can’t talk to me like that! [B]Foley:[/B] Listen, I don’t give a damn if your Daddy is the owner, I will kick your ass right here, right now! [B]Vince:[/B] Gentlemen, gentlemen... let’s all just settle down here. Tensions are running high, it is the Royal Rumble after all. We don’t need general managers brawling backstage. Now... the reason I asked you all here is because I wanted to have a little chat with the three of you. As you all know, I’m always up for a little competition between the brands... [B]Shane:[/B] Yeah, but we all know which brand is best, don’t we? [B]Vince:[/B] Be that as it may... I just wanted to let you all know that if a superstar from your brand wins the Royal Rumble tonight... I want the answer as to which champion he’s going to face by the time No Way Out comes around. You all understand me? [B]Flair:[/B] We got you Vince. [B]Vince:[/B] Good, good. Now... who’s the favourite over there on Smackdown Ric? I mean, Rey Mysterio, he’s won a Rumble in the past. Big Show, always hard to toss out. Of course there’s Christian, he just grabbed a big win earlier... and there’s Edge of course. I understand this could be Edge’s last chance at getting a title shot tonight, am I right? [B]Flair:[/B] That’s right. Edge made a deal, if he lost to CM Punk 4 weeks ago he was done as far as title shots go. He lost, so be it. [B]Vince:[/B] And Mick... we won’t talk about Kane but... I mean, Shelton Benjamin’s gotta be one of your hot favourites for winning? [B]Foley:[/B] Shelton Benjamin better hope he wins the Rumble and challenges one of the other champions... or else I’ll kick his ass myself! [B]Vince:[/B] Oh... OK. And Shane... who are we talking about? Randy Orton? Batista? As long as it’s anybody but Jeff Hardy right? [B]Shane:[/B] Dad, don’t worry. There’s not a chance in hell of Jeff Hardy winning tonight. Trust me... I’m not gonna let that rainbow haired freak main event Wrestlemania. [B]Vince:[/B] Good! Alright gentlemen, I’m going up to my private suite to watch the show. I’ll leave things in your capable hands. Enjoy the night... or at least try to Mick... and may the best brand win! ------------------- [QUOTE][I][SIZE="1"]We now see a video recapping the CM Punk/Bobby Lashley feud... Cyber Sunday, where CM Punk beats MVP to become World Heavyweight Champion Smackdown three weeks before Survivor Series, where then general manager JBL convinces Lashley to work for him JBL as general manager giving himself title shots against Punk, including in a steel cage, with Lashley doing all he can to help JBL win but Punk holding onto the title Lashley defeating Big Show to become the number one contender, followed by JBL’s announcement that if Lashley wins, he’ll sell the championship to his boss...[/SIZE] [/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Heavyweight Championship Match CM Punk (C) v Bobby Lashley[/B] Lashley steps out of the limo with [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] and [B]Maryse[/B] close behind, while the champion as always comes to fight alone. As the bell rings, it’s clear Lashley has the power advantage, driving Punk to the corner and hitting knees to the gut and forearms to the back. Lashley then sends Punk off the ropes, and the champion ducks his clothesline... and now Punk strikes with kicks to the thigh, forearms to the head and then coming off the ropes... but Lashley nails him with a huge clothesline! Lashley then sends Punk to the corner and charges in, but the champion gets a boot up, following with a step-up enzuigiri that sends Lashley through the ropes to the floor. JBL encourages Lashley to get to his feet, but Punk stays on him, hitting a baseball slide dropkick that sends Lashley crashing into the barricade. Again JBL screams at Lashley to get up, and again Punk attacks... slingshot senton takes down both Lashley and JBL! The champion then rolls Lashley back into the ring for a near fall, before another series of stiff kicks the challenger into the corner. Punk then looks to sends Lashley across, but the challenger reverses, and Punk goes crashing into the turnbuckle before crumpling to the mat. Lashley now looks to slow the match down, again hitting hard forearms and keeping Punk in the corner with kicks and punches to the gut before sending Punk off the ropes... powerslam! 1... 2... Punk kicks out. Lashley drags Punk to his feet, where more forearms follow, before Lashley sends Punk to the corner and charges... Punk to tries to leapfrog him... but Lashley catches him on his shoulders... running powerslam... no! Punk slides down the back... and a dropkick sends Lashley to the outside. After taking a chance to recover, Punk follows Lashley out, again striking with kicks, but as he rolls Lashley back into the ring, Lashley distracts the ref... allowing JBL to nail a hard clothesline on the floor! Punk goes down, and JBL rolls him back in where Lashley goes for the cover... 1... 2... Punk gets the shoulder up! Now Lashley decides to inflict some real pain, driving his knee into the gut and sending Punk off the ropes... spinebuster! 1... 2... again Punk rolls the shoulder! JBL is enraged at ringside, but Lashley stays on the attack, this time scooping Punk on his shoulder for a torture rack! Lashley wrenches down on Punk’s chin, trying to make the champ submit. Punk hangs on, not wanting to give up, but Lashley increases the pressure. Eventually the crowd rallies behind Punk, and he tries to break free, shaking his body and kicking his legs to try gain leverage... oh! But Lashley just drops to his knees for a backbreaker drop, and now he hooks the leg... 1... 2... again Punk kicks out! Lashley is furious, and so is JBL, and the challenger confronts the referee. Eventually Lashley returns to Punk, but as he drags him up, Punk nails a kick to the head, but Lashley swings at him... Punk ducks... swinging neckbreaker! Punk now tries to take control, sending Lashley off the ropes... jumping heel kick! Lashley staggers to the corner, but Punk stays on him, charging in... knee to the head... bulldog... no! Lashley pushes Punk into the opposite turnbuckle... and then nails the champ with an overhead belly-to-back suplex! Lashley decides enough is enough, and he drags Punk up to go for... the dominator... no! Punk swings wildly with punches, forcing Lashley to drop him... roundhouse kick connects, but it only sends Lashley into the ropes, and he staggers back towards Punk... right into... the GTS! Punk nails the GTS, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! CM Punk retains the championship! [B]CM Punk beat Bobby Lashley to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (B+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Backstage, the [B]Rated-R Entourage[/B] are in their dressing room, with a distraught [B]Edge[/B] being consoled by [B]Torrie Wilson[/B], with [B]Curt Hawkins[/B] and [B]Zack Ryder[/B] looking on...[/I] [B]Edge;[/B] I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it. I mean... how? [B]Torrie:[/B] It’s OK Edge. It was just one match... [B]Edge:[/B] Oh no, no, that wasn’t just one match Torrie! That was Christian! I mean... how the hell did I lose to Christian?! I feel like my life is falling apart here. I lose to Christian, if I don’t win the Rumble tonight I might never get another shot at the World Heavyweight Championship... I can’t take this anymore. [B]Torrie:[/B] Baby, relax. You have to focus on the Rumble now. You can worry about Christian later. [B]Edge:[/B] Yeah... yeah I guess you’re right. Alright... listen, I need to go talk to someone. I gotta go... [B]Hawkins:[/B] You want us to come with you boss? [B]Edge:[/B] No... no I need to do this myself. [B]Torrie:[/B] Edge... where are you going? Who are you going to talk to? [B]Edge:[/B] There’s only one man who can help me now... ------------------ [I]Elsewhere, [B]Todd Grisham[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the number one entrant in tonight’s Royal Rumble... [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]! And Jeff, now that the Rumble is finally here, how are you feeling about the task that awaits you tonight? To win the Royal Rumble, you’ll have to outlast 29 other men. Jeff... the question on everybody’s mind is... can you do it? [B]Jeff:[/B] You know, now that we’ve finally arrived at this night, I gotta say... I’m kinda getting sick and tired of all the talk. People have been saying for weeks now about how I’m number one, that I’ve got to outlast 29 other guys... I’m done with it. Tonight is the Royal Rumble. Tonight is the night to put up or shut up, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to head down to that ring... and I’m going to go the distance. I will survive tonight, I will make it to the end... and then I’m going onto to Wrestlemania... and that’s all I’ve gotta say. ------------------ [QUOTE][I][SIZE="1"]A video now recaps the major points between these two that have brought us to this point... Survivor Series, where in the Team Revolution v Team Long match, Triple H is the last man on his team... only for Batista to turn on Cena, handing Triple H the win The following night on Raw, where Shane McMahon announces Triple H as the number one contender for Armageddon, only for Cena to demand a title shot also The fatal four way at Armageddon, where Cena has the STFU locked in and the Game is tapping... but there’s no referee Revolution screwing Jeff Hardy and Cena to help Triple H become champion again The next night on Raw, where Cena beats Jeff to earn his shot tonight The confrontations between the two, including Cena and Jeff fighting off Revolution, only for Triple H to strike Cena with the sledgehammer last Monday night...[/SIZE] [/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWEChampion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Championship Match Triple H (C) v John Cena[/B] As he said earlier, Cena is not 100% going into this, and it shows from the first tie-up, as he locks on a headlock, and when Cena sends him off the ropes, the Game bowls him over with a shoulderblock. Another tie-up, and again the Game has the headlock, is sent off the ropes and sends Cena down. Now the champion comes off the ropes... Cena goes for a hiptoss... but Triple H blocks it... and nails a hiptoss of his own. Now the Game shows off his vicious side, pummelling Cena with stiff right hands... but Cena takes the Game down with a double-leg takedown, and now it’s Cena who’s laying in with the fists. Triple H backs off to the corner, but Cena stays on him, sending him across... Game hits the corner hard and staggers out... right into a fisherman’s suplex! 1... 2... Triple H kicks out, and he’s quickly back up, hitting a kick to the gut and sending Cena off the ropes... Cena ducks his clothesline... and nails a flying shoulderblock! Cena charges again... but this time Triple H ducks his shoulderblock, and the Game is ruthless in attacking Cena’s spine, building on what he started on Monday night by driving the knee, hitting a painful backbreaker and getting a 2 count from a suplex. The Game is methodical in his attack, sending Cena crashing to the turnbuckle three times with fierce Irish whips, before sending Cena off the ropes... Cena reverses... but he ducks his head... and the Game drives Cena’s head into his knee. Cena staggers to his feet, and the Game strikes... kick... pedigree... no! Cena fights out of it, hitting right hands and coming off the ropes... running neck snap! Triple H is down, and Cena climbs to the top rope... legdrop bulldog! The crowd rises, and Cena looks to build on the offence, coming off the ropes... five-knuckle shuffle... but as he comes off the ropes, the Game nails the running knee strike to regain the advantage! Cena staggers back up, but the Game is waiting... spinebuster! This time Cena is slow to recover, giving Triple H a chance to line him up... kick... pedigree... no! Cena fights out of it... and he has Triple H up on his shoulders... FU... no! Triple H grabs the ropes, so Cena just dumps him over the top to the floor. The fight goes outside, and now it’s Cena turn to show aggression, sending the Game crashing into the steel steps! Back in the ring, Cena sends Triple H off the ropes and hits the sitout hiptoss, and once again he lines the Game up... five knuckle shuffle! This time Cena connects, and he moves quickly to lock on... the STFU! But he can’t quite get it totally locked on as Triple H does his best to fight it... and eventually Triple H makes it to the ropes, and the ref calls for the break. Cena now has a look of confidence about him, and he pummels the Game with right hands, sending him off the ropes... but Cena ducks... pedigree! Triple H nails the pedigree, and he hooks the leg... 1... 2... Cena kicks out! Somehow Cena got the shoulder up, and the Game is enraged, but he stays right on the attack, returning to the spine, driving the knee, dropping the elbow and hitting backbreakers. Cena is down hurt, but he’s sent off the ropes... again the high knee strike connects. Cena is down, and the Game waits for him to get back on his feet... kick... pedigree... no! Cena counters... STFU! Cena has it locked in! Triple H is desperately clawing for the ropes... and slowly... eventually... he manages to make it! Cena has to break the hold, and now both men are hurting, and they both staggers to their feet... right hand from the champion... Cena fires back... right from Triple H... again Cena replies... and again... and another shot... Triple H swings... but Cena ducks... FU! FU! Cena hits the FU... but because of the pain in his back, it takes him forever to make the cover. Eventually Cena crawls over... 1... 2... Triple H gets a foot on the rope! Cena can’t believe it, but he gets back to his feet and waits for the Game to rise... Triple H is up... and Cena has him on his shoulders... FU... no! Out of desperation, Triple H grabs the ref, causing Cena to drop him... forearm to the spine... kick to the gut... pedigree! Triple H hits a second pedigree and goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! It was just too much for John Cena to overcome, as Triple H retains his title. [B]Triple H beat John Cena to retain the WWE Championship (A*)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/RoyalRumble.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Well folks, you all know what time it is now. It’s time for the Royal Rumble match! [B]Styles:[/B] 30 superstars will enter, but only one will survive to the end to book themselves a spot in the main event of Wrestlemania 25! [B]Coach:[/B] And we all know it’s going to be a Smackdown guy. [B]Tazz:[/B] Oh man, I can’t believe I gotta put up with you for this match. [B]King:[/B] Yeah I’d have a word with him Michael, he starting to embarrass Friday Night Smackdown. [B]Cole:[/B] I’d just like to say Coach speaks for himself and nobody else. [B]Coach:[/B] Why won’t you ever support me on these things?! [B]JR:[/B] Alright now, moving on... here comes the man who has it all it do tonight. Here comes entrant number one, [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]! [B]Cole:[/B] Only two men have entered the Royal Rumble at number one and gone on to win it. Shawn Michaels in 1995, and the late Chris Benoit back in 2004. [B]King:[/B] Well are we going to see a third man accomplish that feat tonight? Can Jeff Hardy do it? [B]Coach:[/B] Not a chance. [B]Styles:[/B] Well we know who number one is, but who’s entrant number two? [I][URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Well wouldn’t you know it? It’s the Intercontinental Champion, [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B]. [B]Tazz:[/B] I thought these things were drawn at random? [B]King:[/B] Where Shane McMahon and Revolution are concerned, nothing is ever done at random. [CENTER]Kenny confidently makes his way down to the ring, and a smile crosses Hardy’s face, with a shake of the head following as it’s obvious Hardy is thinking the same as everyone else, that perhaps a few strings have been pulled by Shane McMahon. The bell rings and we’re officially under way, but the opening moments are spent with Jeff and Kenny trading insults. Finally we see some action as Kenny slaps Jeff hard across the face, before hitting a knee to the gut and driving Jeff to the corner. Jeff is quick to reverse though, and he hits rights and kicks before sending Kenny across... reversal... Jeff to the top rope... whisper in the wind! Jeff takes an early risk, and it pays off for him, but Kenny quickly crawls to the corner and grabs the bottom rope, not giving Jeff a chance to toss him out. Hardy tries to break Kenny’s grip, put he holds on, so Jeff retreats and charges at the corner... rope aided dropkick connects! Kenny takes it right in the face, and Jeff pulls him to his feet, trying to force him out. While the two are tangled in the corner, the clock is ticking down, and it appears we’re about to be joined by entrant number 3... [B]The Brian Kendrick[/B]! Kendrick is of course joined by [B]Danny Rodimer[/B], and he wastes little time in running down to the ring, catching Jeff from behind with a series of forearms. Kendrick then pulls Jeff out of the corner, and rocks him with an enzuigiri. As Hardy staggers, Kenny is back up... and he hits a dropkick... that sends Hardy over the top rope... but he manages to hold on and pull himself onto the apron. Kenny now turns his attentions to Kendrick, pummelling him from behind and running him across the ring... and tossing Kendrick over... but Kendrick hangs on with all he’s got, dangling his feet inches above the ground before pulling himself back in. Kenny then charges at Jeff... who elevates Kenny over the top rope... but Kenny grabs the top rope, barely holding on. Rights from Jeff sends him down to the apron, but Kenny grips the bottom rope, leading to Jeff coming off the ropes... low-angle dropkick... but still Kenny somehow hangs on, barely staying above the ground, and Kendrick does him by favour by nailing Jeff from behind. Kenny pulls himself back in, and he and Kendrick now double-team Jeff, but the clock is once again ticking. Who’s going to be entrant number 4? It’s the United States Champion [B]Matt Hardy[/B]! Matt sees the plight his brother is in, and he sprints down the ramp, dropping his title and sliding into the ring, hitting right hands to both Kenny and Kendrick, saving Jeff from near elimination. Matt and Kenny trade blows, until Matt ducks a right hand... side effect! Matt then looks to toss Kenny out, but again he sprawls across the bottom rope to save himself, while over in the corner, Jeff is trying to eliminate Kendrick. The Matt leaves Kenny lying and heads over to help Jeff, with Matt rocking Kendrick and then sending him to the corner, before crouching down... here comes Jeff... poetry in motion! The Hardy Boyz roll back the years for some double team magic, and now Matt targets Kendrick while Jeff and Kenny go at it again. After repeated elimination attempts, the clock is ticking, and we’re about to have entrant number 5... the [B]Big Show[/B]! The man who Matt Hardy beat in an over top challenge on Friday next makes his way down to the ring, intent on dominating, and early he does just that, laying out the other four competitors with headbutts before grabbing Kenny... and unloading with stinging slaps to the chest. Big Show and Kenny pair off, while Kendrick tries to eliminate Matt, running him across the ring and throwing him over the top rope... but Matt holds on, pulling himself onto the apron. Kendrick though doesn’t see him, and he arrogantly thinks he’s eliminated Matt... only for Jeff to come up from behind and toss Kendrick over the top rope to the floor! Kendrick is shocked as he’s the first man eliminated. With Kenny and Big Show still tied up in the corner, Matt and Jeff now stare at each other in the middle of the ring and it looks like we’re about to see the Hardy’s going at it... but once again the clock is ticking, and they think better of it, and the two wait to welcome entrant number 6... [B]TJ Wilson[/B]! Some Revolution backup for Kenny, and TJ charges down to the ring, but he’s met by both Matt and Jeff, who nail him with rights and kicks, before Matt sends him off the ropes and knocks him down with a forearm. Kenny has finaly freed himself from Show, and he and Jeff once again go at it, while Matt and TJ battle and Big Show catches his breath in the corner. Matt is on one side of the ring trying to suplex TJ over, while Kenny chokes Jeff in the corner with his boot. With nobody able to make any headway, the time ticks down, and soon the clock is ticking and it’s time for entrant number 7... the Cruiserweight Champion [B]Paul London[/B]! London sprints down to the ring, and he’s explodes with offence, dropping the charging Kenny with a hurricanrana, nailing TJ with an enzuigiri and then catching Jeff with a Tornado DDT... but he runs right into the hands of the Big Show... chokeslam! Big Show plants London, and then he clotheslines Matt, leaving the others down with Show standing tall. Once again it’s time for a new entrant, and the lucky man is... [B[Cody Rhodes[/B]! Cody steps out full of confidence, but it soon turns to fear, as he realises Big Show is the only man standing right now. Cody slowly makes his way into the ring, but Show is waiting and eh swings for him... but Cody ducks, hitting rapid rights and lefts to the midsection... dropkick staggers Show... he brushes off a second, so Cody comes off the ropes... but he runs into... a sidewalk slam! Big Show plants Cody, but here comes the Hardy’s, with Matt and Jeff trying to double team Show. Eventually the other competitors are back up, and now all six of them try to eliminate the Big Show, driving him to the ropes and having him teeter on the top rope... but Show locks his arms under, keeping himself in. Still the six go at it, and the clock has again run down and it’s time for entrant number 9... [B]Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B]! The Celtic curse makes methodically stalks his way down to the ring, his recent problems with Jeff Hardy well documented. Sheamus looks on as the others struggle to eliminate Show, but instead of helping, Sheamus grabs Jeff by the hair and pummels him to the mat. Jeff and Sheamus now battle in a corner, while the others are still trying to eliminate Show... and eventually a series of headbutts send the other competitors flying. Kenny and TJ back off to recover, while London and Rhodes stay on Big Show, hitting him with rights, kicks and dropkicks... until Big Show decides he’s had enough, grabbing Cody by the throat... and launching him over the top rope for the second elimination! London climbs to the top rope... and dives at Show... but he gets caught... and he joins Cody on the floor as elimination number 3. Sheamus is still pummelling Jeff, while Kenny and TJ double-team Matt, and it’s time for another entrant...[/CENTER] [B]King:[/B] The clocks counting down, who’s it going to be? [B]Cole:[/B] This’ll be entrant number 10. [B]Tazz:[/B] Here he comes... [B]Coach:[/B] Alright! One of Smackdown’s best young prospects. [B]JR:[/B]Entrant number 10 is young [B]Ted DiBiase[/B]. [B]Cole:[/B] A man who tried to buy his way into this match, only for Ric Flair to make him earn it. [B]Styles:[/B] Let’s take this chance to have a quick recap. 10 men have entered, 7 still remain, while the three eliminations are The Brian Kendrick, Cody Rhodes and Paul London. [B]King:[/B] So each brand has lost one superstar so far. [B]JR:[/B] Yeah but there’s still a long way to go in this one... [CENTER] There certainly is, as DiBiase enters and immediately targets Matt Hardy, the two Smackdown superstars trading rights until DiBiase knocks Matt down with a clothesline. Kenny and TJ now double team Big Show, while it’s still Sheamus punishing Jeff in the corner. Kenny and TJ manage to back Show into the corner, where they both unload with boots to the gut and fists to the head. Matt tries to elevate DiBiase, while Jeff battles back against Sheamus, hitting his leg-feed mule kick to buy himself a chance to breathe, but there’s no time to rest as here comes entrant number 11... [B]Harry Smith[/B]! The third Revolution member in the Rumble is now in, and he enters the ring just in time to see Big Show sending Kenny and TJ flying across the ring. Harry takes the fight to Big Show, but he too goes down, but DiBiase charges... and Big Show presses him into the air... and over the top rope to the floor! Ted DiBiase is elimination number four... and Jeff Hardy comes from behind and uses a double leg-drive to make Big Show elimination number five! The crowd can’t believe it as Jeff takes advantage to singlehandedly eliminate Big Show, but he’s immediately clubbed from behind by Sheamus. TJ goes over to help Sheamus with Jeff, while Kenny and Harry work on Matt, and it’s clear the Hardy’s are outnumbered. With Matt almost out and Jeff in bad shape, they could use some help as the clock winds down to entrant number 12... [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B]! The heart and soul of ECW, still getting over the disappointment of losing the WWE Tag Team Championships on Tuesday night makes his way down the ramp, and an ‘E-C-W’ chant breaks out from the crowd. Dreamer knocks down Harry and TJ with clotheslines, before teeing off on Kenny. Matt goes over to help his brother fight off Sheamus, while Dreamer is taking the fight to Revolution. Sadly for him though, the numbers game proves too much, as when he goes for a DDT on Harry, TJ rocks him with a spinning heel kick that sends crashing to the floor for elimination number 6. Sheamus again knocks down Jeff, and he turns his attentions to Matt... fiery red hand to Matt Hardy! Sheamus plants Matt, but it’s Kenny who picks him up and tosses him out, making the United States Champion elimination number 7. Jeff uses the ropes to drag himself to his feet, and he realises what’s infront of him... Jeff alone in the ring with Revolution and Sheamus! The four move in for the kill, but the clock is ticking again...[/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Well now it’s time for entrant number 13. [B]Tazz:[/B] And Jeff Hardy’s gotta be hoping it’s somebody who hates Revolution as much as he does. [B]King:[/B] Here comes number 13... [I]GONG[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] You gotta be kiddin’ me! [B]Cole:[/B] Is it really him?! [I]The crowd rises in anticipation... but we all know who’s coming out...[/I] [B]King:[/B] It’s him! He’s here! [B]JR:[/B] It’s [B]The Undertaker[/B]! The Deadman is back! [B]Coach:[/B] Will somebody turn the damn lights back on?! [B]Styles:[/B] There is an unearthly chill in the air! The Phenom is entrant number 13! [B]King:[/B] And he’s the only guy for who that’s a lucky number... [CENTER] Undertaker slowly makes his way down the ramp and into the ring, all the while Revolution and Sheamus are too scared to move. Taker finally brings light back into the arena, and he steps through the ropes and locks eyes with the four man stood before him. Revolution and Sheamus all stare at each other, too afraid to be the first to try and attack, but eventually TJ charges... and runs right into a big boot! Harry had a go... but he gets caught... chokeslam! The Deadman is on fire, but Kenny and Sheamus dare move for fear of being next. Jeff is now back up, and he grabs Kenny... and tosses him to the Undertaker... chokeslam to Kenny! Harry stagers back to his feet... and gets tossed over the top rope! TJ is back up... clothesline sends him flying next to Harry. Now Sheamus finally attacks... but he runs into a kick, allowing Jeff to strike... twist of fate! Kenny stagers back to his feet... and Undertaker kicks him, setting him up... he’s up on his shoulder... last rider over the top rope onto Harry and TJ on the floor! Undertaker is cleaning house... and now Jeff eliminates Sheamus! We’ve now had 11 eliminations, and we’re down to just Undertaker and Jeff... and the Deadman locks eyes with Hardy, and despite clear fear in his eyes, Jeff charges... and runs into a big time right hand! Jeff heads for the corner to regroup, but Taker stays on him, and the clock is winding down for entrant number 14... it’s [B]Santino Marella[/B]! Santino arrogantly makes his way into the ring... and then stops dead as Taker is waiting to greet him. Santino is on his knees, pleading with Undertaker to let him go after Jeff, which Taker obliges... only for Jeff t nail him with a sitout jawbreaker. Santino staggers back towards Taker... who nails a right hand... as does Jeff... again Taker strikes, and Santino is being treated like a pinball, bouncing between the two. Another shot from Jeff sends back towards the Deadman... who grips him by the throat... chokeslam! Undertaker nails Santino and drags him up and tosses him over, again leaving Taker and Jeff. Again the two go at it, this time with Jeff managing to nail a series of right hands, driving Taker to the corner... only for Taker to grab Jeff by the throat, toss him to the corner and unload with rapid shots to the gut, and a big time uppercut to the throat. Taker then grabs Jeff’s air, winds it up, and climbs and walks the top rope... old school! Jeff drops to the mat, and now it’s time for entrant number 15... the Samoan bulldozer [B]Umaga[/B]! Umaga and [B]Armando Estrada[/B] confidently make their way down to the ring, and when he hits the ring, Umaga takes over, knocking Jeff down with a huge clothesline and then delivering a stiff shot to Taker’s throat. Jeff crawls to the corner to try rest, but that only encourages Umaga, who charges in... Samoan wrecking ball! Jeff’s head snaps back, but before Umaga has a chance to eliminate him, Taker strikes from behind, but Umaga answers back, and we get the two trading blows in the middle of the ring until Umaga sends Taker off the ropes... Taker ducks his clothesline... and connects with a flying clothesline of his own! All three men are down, and it’s time for entrant number 16...[/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] We’re seconds away from entrant number 16! [B]Cole:[/B] We’re past the halfway point now. [B]King:[/B] Here he comes... [B]Tazz:[/B] It’s [B]Chris Jericho[/B]! [B]Styles:[/B] One half of the World Tag Team Champions over on Raw. [B]JR:[/B] And a man who’s had his fair share of problems with his tag team partner Mr Kennedy recently. [B]King:[/B] He’s had a lot of problems with Revolution too, but he won’t need to worry about them tonight... [CENTER]Jericho is in, and he straight away goes for Umaga, unloading with chops across the chest. Jeff Hardy staggers out of the corner to his feet, and Jericho spots him and charges... one-handed bulldog! Jericho now tries to eliminate Jeff, while Taker and Umaga go at it in the corner. Jericho tries to force Jeff out, but Jeff wraps hold tightly, refusing to loosen his grip on the ropes. Over in the corner, the two big guys are trading hammer blows, until Taker bounces Umaga’s head off the turnbuckle. Jericho tries to elevate Jeff over, but Hardy refuses to budge, and just like that it’s time for entrant number 17... [B]Matt Sydal[/B]! The high-flyer from Smackdown sprints down to the ring, and he goes straight to work on Chris Jericho, while on the other side of the ring, Undertaker grabs Umaga and throws him over the top... no! Umaga hangs on, but Taker isn’t done, trying to leverage the Samoan out... but Umaga lands on the apron, and he grips the bottom rope. Sydal and Jericho are going at it, with Jericho is the corner and Sydal charging in... Jericho elevates him over... but Sydal lands on the apron, slamming Jericho’s head off the turnbuckle. Jericho goes down, and Sydal climbs to the top rope, steadies himself... and nails a shooting star press! Sydal connects with Jericho, but the clock has again run down, and it’s time for entrant number 18... [B]Randy Orton[/B]! Yet another Raw superstar, as Randy Orton enters, and as he slides into the ring, Sydal staggers to his feet... RKO! Orton plants him with an RKO, and now he picks Sydal up... and tosses him over the top rope! Orton makes a quick impact, and now he and Jeff trade right hands, before Jeff goes for an Irish whip... Orton reverses... inverted backbreaker! Orton plants Jeff, and now he waits for him to get back up... RKO... no! Jeff pushes Orton off the ropes and kicks him in the gut... twist of fate... no! Here comes Jericho... springboard dropkick nails Jeff! Orton turns... right into the hands of the Undertaker... only for Umaga to nail Taker with the Samoan spike! There’s carnage in the ring, but already the clock is ticking and here comes number 19... it’s [B]Christian[/B]! Christian, fresh off his win over Edge earlier confidently gets into the ring, where Orton goes to meet him... Christian ducks... unprettier! Christian plants Orton, and now he and Umaga trade right hands. Taker and Jericho are trying to eliminate each other in the corner, while Jeff Hardy, still in this after entering at number one, is prone against a turnbuckle, trying to catch his breath, but he doesn’t get long, Christian now takes the fight to him, trying to get Jeff out. Orton and Umaga go at it, and Umaga almost has Orton out when he clotheslines him over, but Orton hangs on. With all six men paired off, the clock has run down, and it’s time for entrant 20...[/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] We’re two thirds of the way through, we’re about to welcome number 20. [B]Tazz:[/B] And now we’re really getting to the stage where luck of the draw is so important. If you’re coming in from 20 upwards you’ve got a hell of chance. [B]King:[/B] Yeah but what about Jeff Hardy? He entered number one and he’s still hanging in there. [B]Styles:[/B] Here comes number 20... [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah, alright! One of ECW’s best, [B]John Morrison[/B]! [B]JR:[/B] A second former ECW Champion now enters the ring. [CENTER]Morrison enters and starts taking shots at all comers, rocking Jericho from behind, catching Orton with a roundhouse kick and then hitting a couple of shots to Umaga... but he stops dead as he turns and sees Undertaker staring at him. Morrison quickly turns his attention to Jeff clubbing him from behind, while Taker grabs Orton and tosses him to the corner. Umaga is pummelling Christian, while Jericho picks himself up off the mat. Jericho goes to help Christian in his battle with the Samoan, while Morrison almost elevated Jeff over the top rope, with Jeff still somehow managing to hold on. The ring is starting to fill up now with 7 men in it... and it’s about to become 8, as here comes entrant number 21... [B]Mr Kennedy[/B]! Jericho’s fellow tag team champion makes his way into the ring, and he sees Umaga almost has Jericho out... but Kennedy races over and saves his partner, striking Umaga, allowing Jericho to land on the apron and pull himself back in. Kennedy then targets Randy Orton, while Undertaker takes a breather and Christian, Jeff and Morrison battle away. Jericho and Jeff are going at it, and at one point Jericho ducks a right... and nails Jeff with the codebreaker! Jeff is down near the ropes, and here comes Morrison... split-legged corkscrew moonsault! The crowd rises for Morrison’s offense, and they stay on their feet in anticipation for entrant number 22... [B]Edge[/B]! There’s no Hawkins, Ryder or Torrie as a focused Edge races down the ramp, and Christian is waiting for him... but Edge ducks his clothesline... spear! Edge nails Christian with a spear, and he’s right back up... spear to Jericho... and Orton... and Undertaker takes on too! Edge is on fire, but Jeff catches him from behind and launches him over the top rope... but Edge hangs on, pulling himself to safety! Jeff is quickly nailed by Umaga, while Jericho manages to pick himself back up, only for Morrison to nail him with a kick. At the ropes, Morrison tries to eliminate Jericho, looking to force him over, but here comes Kennedy for the save... Kennedy tries to force Morrison out... but he pushes too hard... and it’s Jericho who goes over the top rope and lands on the floor! Kennedy can’t believe it, he’s eliminated his own tag team partner! Jericho is furious, but Kennedy pleads his innocence, and the tension between the champions only gets worse, and remember, they’ve got to defend their titles tomorrow night on Raw against the Canadian Bulldogs. Jericho slowly makes his way back up the ramp, but we’re about to be joined by number 23... it’s [B]MVP[/B]! MVP makes his way down to the ring, flashing a smirk at Jericho as he does, and he enters to see Christian getting to his knees... drive-by kick! MVP nails Christian, and Edge in the corner loves it! Undertaker is currently being choked by Orton in one corner, while over on the ropes, Jeff and Morrison are trying to force Umaga out. Edge crouches in the corner, waiting to pounce, and when Jeff turns he strikes... spear... no! Jeff makes him miss and tosses him over... but again Edge holds on! Jeff moves quickly to try finish him off, but Edge has pulled himself back under the rope. The clock winds down again, and we’re about to be joined by entrant number 24... it’s [B]Shawn Michaels[/B]! Michaels races down to the ring and immediately heads for Orton, rocking him with right hands, but here comes Edge from behind... sweet chin music! Michaels nails Edge... then MVP tastes a kick too! Still over on the side, Morrison is working on Umaga, but Umaga gets him up on his shoulders and forces him over the top rope... but Morrison lands on the apron... oh! A Samoan spike sends Morrison flying to the floor, and he’s eliminated... but as Umaga turns... Jeff nails him with a dropkick that sends Umaga out too! Just like that, Umaga and Morrison are gone, but we’re not slowing down, as here comes entrant number 25...[/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Six men left to enter, and one of these men has to be considered the favourite. [B]Coach:[/B] Absolutely. You’re in with a great shot if you come in from here on out. [B]JR:[/B] The stats don’t lie. Most Royal Rumbles are won by men entering after number 25, number 27 has the most winners. [B]King:[/B] So how’s going to be number 25? [B]Cole:[/B] Here he comes... [B]Styles:[/B] Oh... it’s that absolute snake in the grass [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B]! [B]Tazz:[/B] I wish I was in the Rumble, I’d kick his ass right now! I hope he gets eliminated after 5 seconds... [CENTER]No such luck for Tazz, as Benjamin makes an athletic entry to the match, spotting Jeff and MVP brawling in the corner, so he charges to the corner and nails Jeff with a tornado DDT, before turning to Christian... paydirt! Benjamin plants Christian, and now he goes after HBK, while Edge and Orton battle and MVP and Kennedy try force each other out. Undertaker slowly makes his way across the ring, and he and Benjamin trade right hands before Taker sends him off the ropes... Benjamin ducks his right hand... and drops Taker with a bulldog! Benjamin arrogantly plays to the crowd... but Taker sits up and grabs Benjamin by the throat! Undertaker goes for the chokeslam... low blow! Shelton kicks Taker in the groin... and then Edge follows with a spear! Taker is down, and Benjamin and Edge now look like they’ll work together to eliminated Undertaker... but Edge grabs Shelton... and tosses him out! Edge ends the brief partnership by eliminating Shelton, and Tazz is loving it! Now though, it’s time for entrant number 26... [B]Finlay[/B]! Finlay makes his way down, but Hornswoggle is nowhere to be seen. As Finlay enters, he rocks the charging Jeff and Kennedy with right hands, before aiming kicks to Orton in the corner. Edge and Christian are battling away, while Shawn Michaels almost has MVP over the top rope. Undertaker returns to his feet, and he nails Jeff with a right hand, before sending him to the corner and following in... clothesline sends Hardy down again. Finlay almost had Orton forced over, but he’s hanging on, same as HBK, with MVP having turned it around with him. There’s not much happening just now, but we’re about to welcome number 27... [B]Carlito[/B]! Carlito races into the ring, and he immediately attacks Jeff Hardy, sensing a chance to eliminate him... by nailing the backstabber! Jeff cries out in pain, but Carlito picks him up and tosses him towards the ropes... but Jeff hangs on, despite all of Carlito’s efforts. Undertaker is now trying to get rid of Edge, and Christian is helping, but Edge wraps a leg around the bottom rope to save himself... so Taker rocks Christian with a right hand. Michaels and Finlay are trying to eliminate MVP, while Kennedy sends Orton off the ropes... Orton ducks... RKO! Orton nails the RKO... and then he tosses Kennedy over the top rope to the floor! ( men are in the ring... but here comes one more, as it’s entrant number 28... [B]Rey Mysterio[/B]! Mysterio heads into the ring, and MVP goes straight for him, but Rey ducks his clothesline... dropkick from behind sees MVP on the middle rope, and here comes Rey... 619! MVP staggers to his feet... only for HBK to nail him with sweet chin music, sending MVP over the top rope to the floor! Before anyone can celebrate, Edge nails Rey with a clothesline and Finlay clubs Michaels from behind. Jeff is being targeted by Carlito, while Orton and Christian are trying to force Undertaker out... until Taker strikes with elbows and kicks, sending both men down. Edge sends Rey off the ropes, but Mysterio goes for a springboard crossbody... right into a mid-air spear! Edge plants Rey, and once again the clock is ticking down, and here comes entrant number 29... [B]Colt Cabana[/B]! ECW’s Cabana heads down to the ring, where he immediately clocks Finlay and Jeff with hard right hands. Carlito tries to attack him, but a back-body-drop sends him flying! Cabana then starts laying into Orton, while over in the corner, Undertaker is almost being forced out by Edge while Michaels and Mysterio go at it. The clock winds down, and it’s time now for entrant number 30...[/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] Well here it is, the last entrant. [B]Coach:[/B] And this guy right here has to be considered the favourite. [B]Cole:[/B] No doubt about it. Entrant 30 is the freshest man in this thing. [B]King:[/B] So who hit the jackpot tonight? Who’s it gonna be? [B]Styles:[/B] Here he comes... [B]Tazz:[/B] Oh man... [B]JR:[/B] It’s the Animal, [B]Batista[/B]! [B]King:[/B] What an advantage for Batista to enter at number 30! [CENTER] The Animal slowly and methodically makes his way down to the ring, and as soon as he enters the ring, he starts tossing bodies left right and centre, knocking down Michaels, Hardy and Christian with clotheslines before grabbing Finlay... and launching him over the top rope to the floor! Instant impact from Batista, and he isn’t done yet, grabbing Cabana... and eliminating him too! The Animal is on fire, and he now begins to pummel Edge, nailing him with right hands and driving him to the corner before thrusting his shoulder into the guy. Carlito charges Batista in the corner... but he gets elevated over the top onto the apron... so Batista nails him with a huge right hand, and Carlito hits the floor hard! We’re down to the final 8, and with Batista nailing Edge in the corner, Randy Orton comes over to help the Animal, their recent partnership still in effect. Michaels and Hardy are trading rights, while Mysterio is lying prone on the ground, and Christian and Undertaker go at it. Orton now turns his attentions to Rey, sending him to the corner... Rey bounces to the top rope... and he looks to drop the dime on Orton... but it’s Batista who catches him in mid-air... and nails the Batista bomb! Batista plants Rey, and it’s Randy Orton who scoops him up and tosses him out. Orton smiles as he sees Mysterio lying hurt on the floor, but when he turns... Michaels rocks him with sweet chin music to send him over the top rope to the floor! The crowd pops for Orton’s elimination, but here comes Batista... clothesline sends Michaels over as well... but Michaels skins the cat, pulling his feet back up... and catching Batista in a headlock... but the Animal doesn’t budge, as he fights to hold on... only for Jeff to come up from behind and dump both Batista and HBK out!![/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] We’re down to the final four! [B]Coach:[/B] Ad right now, I have to pick Edge as the favourite. [B]Tazz:[/B] I still can’t believe Jeff hardy is still in this! [B]King:[/B] Can Jeff Hardy go the distance and win this thing JR? [B]Cole:[/B] He’s made it this far... [CENTER] Four men remain, Jeff Hardy, who entered number one, Undertaker, who entered number 13, Christian, number 19 and Edge, who came in at number 22. Edge and Christian of course battle it out, and Jeff and Taker again pair off. Jeff comes off the ropes, looking to attack Taker... but he runs into a boot... only for Christian and Edge to grab Undertaker and force him towards the ropes... and Undertaker is out! It took Edge and Christian working together to eliminate the Deadman... and Edge turns and spears Christian! Here comes Jeff... he tastes a spear too! Jeff is down, Christian is down, and Edge grabs Christian and tosses him over... but Christian hangs on! Edge attacks Christian on the apron... shoulder to the gut, and then Christian uses the ropes to slingshot himself back in, landing on his feet... and grabbing Edge... unprettier... no! Edge pushes Christian off, and as Christian hits the ropes... Edge clothesline him over to the floor! We’re down to two, but it’s Edge who’s standing tall, with Jeff, feeling the effects of being in there for over an hour, prone on the mat. Edge, tries to drag Jeff to his feet, but he had a better idea, retreating to the corner and crouching, begging Jeff to get up. Slowly, Jeff uses the ropes to drag himself up, and here comes Edge... spear... no! Jeff leapfrogs it, and Edge crashes into the ringpost, and when he staggers out, Jeff is waiting... twist of fate! The crowd erupts as Jeff plants Edge, and now... Jeff is climbing to the top rope... swanton bomb! Jeff nails Edge, and the roof is about to come off the arena![/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] He’s gonna do it! Jeff Hardy is going to go coast-to-coast and win the Royal Rumble from entrant number one! [B]Coach:[/B] Edge still has a chance! I mean, he can... [B]Cole:[/B] Face it Coach, Edge is done! [B]King:[/B] Yeah c’mon Jeff, pick Edge up and toss him out. [B]JR:[/B] Here he goes, Jeff has Edge on his feet... [B]Cole:[/B] Hey! What the hell? [B]JR:[/B] It's the WWE Champion [B]Triple H[/B]! [B]Tazz:[/B] What the hell is he doing out here? [B]Styles:[/B] The Game is taunting Jeff Hardy! He wants to kick Wrestlemania off tonight! [B]King:[/B] Don't do it Jeff! Stay focused, remember Edge is still... [B]Cole:[/B] Hey... from behind... [B]Coach:[/B] Yes! [B]Tazz:[/B] You gotta be kiddin' me! [B]JR:[/B] Edge just eliminated Jeff Hardy! [B]Coach:[/B] And that means Edge wins! [B][CENTER]Edge wins the Royal Rumble (B+)[/CENTER][/B] [B]JR:[/B] Triple H has just robbed Jeff Hardy! [B]Coach:[/B] What a victory for Edge! He overcame so much to make... [B]Tazz:[/B] Shut the hell up Coach! [B]King:[/B] I can't believe it. Jeff Hardy went from the first man in, to the last man eliminated... and he would've won if it wasn't for Triple H. [B]JR:[/B] I can't believe this. I just can't believe it... [B]Styles:[/B] There is heartache in the eyes of Jeff Hardy. He gaev it everything he had, and he's once again been screwed by a Revolution member! [B]Coach:[/B] What a night! I'm just so happy right now! [B]King:[/B] Unbelievable... [B]Cole:[/B] What a night it has been. Edge has won the Royal Rumble... but who's he going to choose to face in the main event of Wrestlemania? We'll haev to wait and find out. For all of us here, thank you for joining us, and we'll see you tommorrow night for Monday Night Raw. Goodnight... --------------- [SIZE="1"]Christian beat Edge (A) Kane beat Kurt Angle to become the new ECW Champion (A) CM Punk beat Bobby Lashley to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (B+) Triple H beat John Cena to retain the WWE Championship (A*) Edge wins the Royal Rumble (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: A[/B] [SIZE="1"]Order of Entry 1. Jeff Hardy 2. Kenny Dykstra 3. The Brian Kendrick 4. Matt Hardy 5. Big Show 6. TJ Wilson 7. Paul London 8. Cody Rhodes 9. Sheamus O’Shaunessy 10. Ted DiBiase 11. Harry Smith 12. Tommy Dreamer 13. The Undertaker 14. Santino Marella 15. Umaga 16. Chris Jericho 17. Matt Sydal 18. Randy Orton 19. Christian 20. John Morrison 21. Mr Kennedy 22. Edge 23. MVP 24. Shawn Michaels 25. Shelton Benjamin 26. Finlay 27. Carlito 28. Rey Mysterio 29. Colt Cabana 30. Batista Order of Elimination 1. The Brian Kendrick by Jeff Hardy 2. Cody Rhodes by Big Show 3. Paul London by Big Show 4. Ted DiBiase by Big Show 5. Big Show by Jeff Hardy 6. Tommy Dreamer by TJ Wilson 7. Matt Hardy by Kenny Dykstra 8. Harry Smith by The Undertaker 9.TJ Wilson by The Undertaker 10. Kenny Dykstra by The Undertaker 11. Sheamus O’Shaunessy by Jeff Hardy 12. Santino Marella by The Undertaker 13. Matt Sydal by Randy Orton 14. Chris Jericho by Mr Kennedy 15. John Morrison by Umaga 16. Umaga by Jeff Hardy 17. Shelton Benjamin by Edge 18. Mr Kennedy by Randy Orton 19. Montel Vontavious Porter by Shawn Michaels 20. Finlay by Batista 21. Colt Cabana by Batista 22. Carlito by Batista 23. Rey Mysterio by Randy Orton 24. Randy Orton by Shawn Michaels 25. Shawn Michaels by Jeff Hardy 26. Batista by Jeff Hardy 27. The Undertaker by Edge and Christian 28. Christian by Edge 29. Jeff Hardy by Edge[/SIZE] [QUOTE]Well... that was all rather big wasn't it? :o Tbh, once I started I just couldn't stop. I realise the Rumble match is going to be a nightmare to read, but I tried my best to break it up into chunks by using the commentators. Please try and read it to the end if you can. And 8 predictions without even a bump? :eek: It's a new record (for me anyway)! Anyhoo, I'm out for a few weeks now to study for my exams. If anyone has any comments or questions or whatever, I'll try answer them over the weekend. Apart from that, cheers for reading and I'll see you in a couple of weeks! :) And oh yeah, front page has been updated with full title histories, and hopefully more will be added to it in the upcoming weeks. ;)[/QUOTE]
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Loved it, loved it, loved it. amazing stuff. Jeff came out looking as good in a loss as he would have in a win, Christian looks good by beating the Rumble winner and coming third in the Rumble, Edge looks great in the win, 'Taker lasts a while and looks good, no-one got buried, all in all the whole show made huge sense, was a great read and showed some fantastic booking. I LOVED that show.
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Cheers for all the comments guys! [QUOTE=critical-23;629857]Great Rumble!! I finally caught the end of this diary and I must say it is like a fanbpy's dream, IMO. KUTGW and I will start predicting soon!!!!!!!:D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=The Final Countdown;630055]Really good stuff, man. Much more interesting than real WWE at the moment.[/QUOTE] Cheers guys. Glad you both enjoyed it. [QUOTE=Tripps04;630061]Excellent write up! really enjoyed the rumble. I liked how you broke it up. Looking for your return in a few weeks![/QUOTE] I'm glad you liked the way it was written. Like I said, I tried to break up with the commentators, so I'm glad it worked and you were able to read it all OK. [QUOTE=keefmoon;630176]Loved it, loved it, loved it. amazing stuff. Jeff came out looking as good in a loss as he would have in a win, Christian looks good by beating the Rumble winner and coming third in the Rumble, Edge looks great in the win, 'Taker lasts a while and looks good, no-one got buried, all in all the whole show made huge sense, was a great read and showed some fantastic booking. I LOVED that show.[/QUOTE] Glad it all made sense to you. The way this show went down sets up so many things for No Way Out and of course Wrestlemania. Cheers for the comment keefy! Again thanks for all the comments. A lot fo effort went into the RUmble and I'm glad it was enjoyed. Now if I can just pass my exams everything will be peachy...
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;630650]Helluva good show, iMac. Very well done. If only the WWE could put together shows like that at this point...[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=SeanMcFly;630669]Wow, Just Amazing.[/QUOTE] Again guys thanks so much for the kind responses. The reaction to the Rumble has been truly humbling. I'm glad it was enjoyed and thankful so many have taken the time to express they enjoyed it.
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[QUOTE=ya_its_me;631189]Grats iMac for making it through a [B]whole[/B] game year![/QUOTE] A whole year. That's kinda nuts I think. I was still in school when I started this, now I've just got my exams to go and then I've finished my first year of uni. Time flies huh? :o [QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;631194]I must agree with all of these people here, it was a great rumble and I am really glad that piece of trash Bobby Lashley didn't win CM Punk's World Heavyweight -title.[/QUOTE] Aw c'mon he's not that bad! :p I think I'm kinda getting somehwere with him by pairing him with JBL and going for the silent monster type character. But yeah, far too soon for him to be World Heavyweight Champion. Again guys, many thanks for the comments. :)
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I've finally register after lurking the site just so i can say how good this dynasty is. Seriously, when i'm bored, i would come on here as a guest and read from where I left off. I've read from Page 1 to Page 40 (I think it was page 40. I'm past One Night Stand already) and i'm hoping to get up to the latest post later on. Thank you for making such an interesting dynasty! :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A video plays out recapping the events of last night’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view, including the WWE Championship where Triple H retained against John Cena, and Jeff Hardy’s heroic effort in the Rumble match, entering number one and making all the way to the end until Triple H came out and distracted him, allowing Edge to sneak up from behind to eliminated Jeff and win the Rumble. The normal Raw opening video plays out, and we go live to the arena and pan the crowd until we go to the announce desk and [B]Jim Ross[/B] and [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! I’m good ol’ JR, Jim Ross, alongside me as always is Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, we are live in Cleveland, OH less than 24 hours removed from a dramatic Royal Rumble that saw Jeff Hardy be the first man entered and the last man eliminated. [B]King:[/B] It was an unbelievable effort from Jeff Hardy last night, I really thought he was going to do it, he was going to go from start to finish and win the Rumble, only for Triple H to come out and distract Jeff, allowing Edge to come from behind and steal the victory. [B]JR:[/B] IT was an heroic effort from Jeff, but he couldn’t quite get it done, thanks to Revolution. Tonight folks, the World Tag Team Titles are on the line, plus, The Undertaker will make his first appearance on Raw in over 2 months... [I][URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] But it seems we’re going to kick things off with our general manager. Here comes [B]Shane McMahon[/B]. [B]King:[/B] And we both know Shane had to be so pleased to see Jeff Hardy be eliminated last night. That’s what he wanted all along. [B]JR:[/B] Yeah and you can’t help but feel like Shane had something to do with it... [B]Shane:[/B] Wow... the Royal Rumble. What a night huh? What an incredible night. I mean... first of all, Triple H beat John Cena to retain the WWE Title... and then... poor Jeff Hardy, he just couldn’t quite do it could he? He just couldn’t quite make it. And that’s been the story of your life really Jeff. You’ve never been able to take the final step have you Jeff? It’s kinda sad when you think about it really. Ah well... anyway, the reason I’m out here tonight... is because I want to bring out a man who always takes that final step. A man who is ruthless... a man who takes what he wants, when he wants it... a man who has never fell short of anything his entire life... and a man I’m proud to say is my hero. Ladies and gentlemen... my father... Vincent... Kennedy... McMahon! [I]’No Chance’ plays out in the arena, and the chairman of the board [B]Vince McMahon[/B] steps out and struts his way down to the ring, where he and Shane embrace in a completely over-the-top hug, before Shane hands his Dad the mic...[/I] [B]Vince:[/B] Thank you Shane. Now, last night was a great night for the McMahon family... but it was also a great night for another man. It was a great night for the Rated-R superstar, Edge. And after such a courageous effort last night from Edge, after such a great victory... I figured Edge would want to be relaxing at home right now, getting ready for Smackdown this Friday night. But no... Edge spoke to myself and Shane last night, and he said he wanted to appear on Raw tonight to announce which championship he wants to challenge for at Wrestlemania. So without any further ado, let me welcome the winner of the 2009 Royal Rumble... Edge! [I]’Metallingus’ rings out as [B]Edge[/B] and [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] step out onto the ramp to a chorus of boos, but Edge just laps it up and makes his way down to the ring...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Mr McMahon... Shane... I just want to thank you both for welcoming me to Monday Night Raw tonight. Yes it’s true, I do with to announce my decision right here tonight. As soon as I won the Royal Rumble match, my mind was clear as to which championship I wanted to challenge for. I mean... here on Raw you have Triple H and Revolution. I don’t really want any part of that, I’m sure you two understand. So... respectfully, I won’t be challenging for the WWE Championship. Then there’s the ECW Championship. A great title, a lot of history behind it... but the guy holding that belt right now is Kane. I don’t want any part of that freak. Anybody who challenges that guy has some serious problems. So the ECW Championship... I think I’ll pass on that. So that leaves with the World Heavyweight Championship and Smackdown. Smackdown... is my show. I want that World Heavyweight Championship so badly. So right here, right know... I don’t care who it is, but at Wrestlemania, I will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship. [B]Vince:[/B] Thank you Edge. And with that in mind... we of course now need to determine challengers for the ECW and WWE Championships. Of course, I’ll let Mick Foley handle things over on ECW... but here on Raw... the number one contender for the WWE Championship will be determined at No Way Out... in an elimination chamber match! [B]Shane:[/B] That’s right Dad. Whoever steps into the elimination chamber and survives will face Triple H at Wrestlemania 25. And I say it’ll be Triple H that defends the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania... because Triple H will not be defending the WWE Title at No Way Out. Infact, Triple H will not be defending the WWE Championship from this moment until Wrestlemania. As far as I’m concerned, Triple H has defended the championship against most of the Raw roster anyway. Infact... to be honest... I was kinda hoping you would challenge Triple H Edge, purely in the interests of competition. But I respect your decision. Now, as for the elimination chamber, there will be a series of qualifying matches starting tonight to determine the six man who will enter the chamber. And let me assure all of you... that Jeff Hardy... will not be one of those six men. Anyway, have a good night, enjoy the... [I]GONG The lights go out, and the ‘thunder’ and ‘lightning’ we’ve been treated to in recent weeks, with everyone being frozen to the spot in fear. The titan-tron begins to flicker, but instead of us seeing a message, we hear directly from [B]The Undertaker[/B]...[/I] [B]Undertaker:[/B] Shane McMahon... the sands of time have run out for you and your Revolution. When you and Triple H closed the lid on that casket all those months ago... you may have closed the lid on my body... but you did not close the on my soul. But you Shane McMahon... I will take your health... and I will take your soul. I will have my revenge on you and Revolution... and when it’s all said and done... you will... rest... in... peace! [I]A bolt of ‘lightning’ strikes the ring, and the lights finally return. In the ring, Edge looks relieved, Vince looks concerned, while Shane... Shane looks like hell![/I] ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TrevorMurdoch.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/DolphZiggler.jpg[/IMG] [B]Trevor Murdoch v Dolph Ziggler[/B] As always when Dolph is in action, he starts the match by introducing himself and offering his opponent a handshake... to which Murdoch can only laugh at... so Dolph gives him a stiff slap to the face... prompting Murdoch to knock him down with a big right hand! Dolph is quickly back up, but just as quick he’s being sent off the ropes... big back-body-drop! Ziggler wisely rolls to the outside to regroup, eventually returning to the ring, and the two tie-up... and Dolph fires a knee into the gut, hitting a series of fists and then sending Murdoch off the ropes... another knee sends Murdoch down. We now see the vicious side of Ziggler, as he stomps away and then sends Murdoch crashing into the ringpost shoulder first. After a roll-up for a near fall, Dolph begins to target the arm he just damaged, laying into the shoulder with a flurry out punches, driving his knee into the joint and then locking on a cross-armbar. Dolph wrenches back, causing Murdoch to cry out in pain, but eventually the redneck battles back to his feet... elbow to the gut... and another... but Dolph grabs Murdoch’s hair and yanks him down to the mat, before nailing a jumping elbowdrop for another near fall. Dolph goes back to work on the arm, but Murdoch ducks his right hand, sending Dolph down with a scoop slam. Murdoch builds momentum by scoring with a clothesline... and another... and a third... and finally a full-nelson slam keeps Dolph down. 1... 2... Ziggler kicks out, but Murdoch stays on the attack, driving Dolph to the corner with right hands and sending him across... running boot to the head connects! Ziggler staggers out of the corner, and Murdoch goes for... ace of spades... no! Dolph counters with a back-body-drop, and he goes for the cover... 1... 2... he’s got his feet on the ropes... 3. Dolph Ziggler picks up his first win on Monday Night Raw. [B]Dolph Ziggler beat Trevor Murdoch (C-)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]In their locker-room, the World Tag Team Champions [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] and [B]Chris Jericho[/B] are getting ready for their title defence later tonight, but it’s clear you could cut the tension with a knife...[/I] [B]Kennedy:[/B] Look man... I uh... I want to apologise for last night. [B]Jericho:[/B] Save your apologies Kennedy. I’m not interested in hearing them right now. [B]Kennedy:[/B] Hey, look man, I swear to you, I didn’t mean to eliminate you from the Rumble. I mean you’ve seen the footage, you know I was going for John Morrison. [B]Jericho:[/B] No I don’t know that. I don’t know about anything with you anymore. It’s not just last night either. I mean, what about two weeks ago and my match with Dykstra, you hit me with the Intercontinental Title! [B]Kennedy:[/B] It was an accident... [B]Jericho:[/B] Was it? Was it really an accident? Because I’m not so sure anymore. [B]Kennedy:[/B] What do you want me to say Jericho? Huh? I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all the times I screwed up. [B]Jericho:[/B] Listen... let’s just get through tonight. Let’s just focus on defending these titles, and then we’ll talk it out. [B]Kennedy:[/B] Alright, sounds good. [I]The two then shake hands, but as the camera fades away, you can sense something isn’t right...[/I] ----------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CandiceMichelle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Natalya.jpg[/IMG] [B]Candice Michelle v Natalya[/B] Natalya has been on a roll recently, even picking up a pinfall over Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix last week in tag action. Tonight, she takes on Candice Michelle, but it’s clear from the first tie-up Natalya is out to dominate, as she takes Candice down with a fireman’s carry and going for an armbar... but Candice counters with a headscissors, which Natalya quickly works out of, and both are back up... headlock takedown from Candice. Again Natalya is quickly back up, and this time she leaves the technical wrestling behind and goes for power, levelling Candice with a stiff clothesline and then sending here off the ropes... Candice ducks a right hand... tilt-a-whirl headscissors! Candice takes Natalya down, but again Natalya is up quickly... kick from Candice... and another... but Natalya catches the third one... and hits a painful looking legdrag. Now Natalya zeroes in on the knee, as after hitting some rights and slamming Candice to the mat, she drops an elbow across the knee and then wrenching back on it. As this is going on, a commotion can be heard, as at the top of the ramp [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] has stepped out, returning the favour after Natalya came out to watch several of the champ’s matches in recent weeks. Natalya loses focus, leaving Candice on the mat to approach the ropes and shout insults at Phoenix... and Candice sneaks up for a rollup... 1... 2... Natalya kicks out, and she quickly looks for a clothesline... but Candice ducks... and scores a clothesline of her own... and a second... and a third sends Natalya crawling to the corner. Candice follows in, hitting rights and then sending Natalya across... reversal... Natalya charges in... but she runs into a boot... and then Candice goes to the second rope... crossbody! 1... 2... again Natalya kicks out, but Candice has her worried, and here she comes... bridging Northern lights suplex! 1... 2... again Natalya barely kicks out. Candice has all the momentum, and after a few more rights and kicks, she comes off the ropes... hurricanrana... no! Natalya keeps her balance... and counters with a spinning powerbomb! Candice hits the mat hard, but instead of going for the cover, Natalya goes for... the sharpshooter! Natalya has it locked on tight, and with the earlier damage done to the knee, Candice has no option but to tap-out. Natalya gets the win, but she refuses to let go of the sharpshooter, as all the while she’s had it locked in, she’s been staring up the ramp at the Women’s Champion, the two locked in an intense staredown. Could a sharpshooter be in Beth Phoenix’s future? [B]Natalya beat Candice Michelle (C-)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I]In the Revolution office, [B]Shane McMahon[/B] is sat on the couch, still visibly shaken from what he heard earlier. [B]Triple H[/B] and [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B] are also in the room, trying to calm Shane down...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Did... did... did you hear what he said? I mean... my... my health and my soul? [B]Kenny:[/B] Here, drink some water Shane... [B]Triple H:[/B] Will you just relax? He always pulls this crap. [B]Shane:[/B] Yeah but... he... he said he was coming for my soul... my soul! [B]Triple H;[/B] Oh c’mon Shane! Since when you were such a crybaby? You know what? As soon as Harry and TJ are done with their match, I’m going out to that ring and I’m calling him out! [B]Shane:[/B] Whoa, what? [B]Kenny:[/B] Uh... Game... you sure about that? [B]Triple H:[/B] What the hell is wrong with you two? I thought we were Revolution! I thought we were the dominant force on this show? I thought we ran this show?! Well let me tell you something... I am the Game, and I will not be intimidated by anybody! I’ll see you two later... ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MrKennedy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TJWilson.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Tag Team Championship Match Mr Kennedy and Chris Jericho (C) v Canadian Bulldogs[/B] Despite their recent problems, Jericho and Kennedy look determined to hold onto their gold here, and as Jericho and TJ kick things off, Jericho gains the early advantage, locking on a headlock, twisting it into a hammerlock and then tagging in Kennedy, who aims a stiff kick to the gut. Right hands follow, and then it’s back to the headlock... but TJ sends Kennedy off the ropes... shoulderblock sends TJ down. Kennedy runs the ropes, but TJ avoids him with a leapfrog, but when he lands on his feet and turns Kennedy is waiting... huge right hands knocks TJ down, and then Kennedy rags him to the corner and tags in Jericho. The champions show good teamwork early as they isolate TJ, but when Jericho sends him off the ropes, TJ nails a great spinning heel kick and tags in Harry. Now it’s the challengers turn to isolate Jericho, as they target his ribs by aiming plenty of kicks and elbows. Harry sends Jericho off the ropes, but when TJ tries a cheap shot from the apron, Jericho catches him with a right hand, only for a knee to the back to send Jericho to the floor. Harry now picks a fight with Kennedy, distracting the ref, allowing TJ to further punish Jericho outside, driving him into the barricade before rolling him back into the ring. The Bulldogs continue to target the ribs and spine, with Harry taking Jericho up for a delayed vertical suplex and TJ driving his knee into the back and pulling back on Jericho’s neck. Jericho battle to his feet, breaking the hold with elbows and coming off the ropes... one-handed bulldog! Jericho nails TJ and now he crawls for his corner... but Harry bursts into the ring and runs across to knock Kennedy off the apron. As Jericho makes it to the corner and extends his hand for the tag, his partner is down on the floor, and this allows TJ time to regain control, dragging Jericho back to his corner and tagging in Harry. The punishment to the back continues, as Harry hits a belly-to-back suplex, and again lays into Jericho with the boots. A hard Irish whip sends Jericho crashing into the corner, and as he staggers out, Harry scoops him up... running powerslam! 1... 2... Kennedy makes the save, but the Bulldogs stay on Jericho, as Harry tags in TJ and they go for... a double suplex... no, Jericho counters... double DDT! Jericho plants both Bulldogs, and eh crawls to his corner... and tags in Kennedy! Kennedy explodes into the ring, knocking down both Bulldogs with clotheslines before grabbing TJ... and sending him flying over the top rope! Now he turns to Harry, ducking a right hand... and scooping him on his shoulders... Green Bay plunge! 1... 2... TJ makes the save, but here comes Jericho, stinging TJ with chops to the chest and sending him off the ropes... spinning wheel kick, but Harry nails Jericho from behind. Harry now turns to Kennedy... but Kennedy ducks... mic check! Kennedy plants Harry... 1... 2... Jericho makes the save?! What is Jericho doing? He just stopped Kennedy from pinning Harry! Kennedy confronts his partner... and gets a codebreaker for his troubles! What is going on? Jericho just planted his partner... and now he’s walking out on the match! Jericho leaves the ring and makes his way up the ramp, stopping at the top to watch as Harry lifts up Kennedy and TJ comes off the ropes... Hart attack! TJ nails Kennedy and goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! We’ve got new tag team champions! [B]Canadian Bulldogs beat Mr Kennedy and Chris Jericho to become the new World Tag Team Champions (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]King:[/B] I don’t understand this! I mean, Jericho just nailed his own partner with the codebreaker and then watched as the Bulldogs became new tag team champion. [B]JR:[/B] Jericho has just turned his back on his own partner! What the hell is the meaning of this? [B]King:[/B] I mean I know these two have had some problems lately but... I didn’t think it was as bad as that. [B]JR:[/B] And now where’s Jericho going? [CENTER][I]As Harry and TJ are handed the titles, they make their way back up the ramp, crossing paths with Jericho as he makes his way back down the ramp to the ring. As they cross, Jericho snatches one of the titles from TJ’s hand, and he slides back into the ring, waits for Kennedy to stand up... and then nails Kennedy across the skull with the belt! Jericho then tosses the belt out to TJ, and as the Bulldogs make their way up the ramp, Jericho begins assaulting Kennedy, who has [COLOR="Red"][B]blood[/B][/COLOR] pouring from his head thanks to the shot from the title. Jericho viciously aims punches at the wound, and despite the referee’s protests, he is unrelenting. Eventually Jericho stops with the fists, but that’s only so he can lock on... the walls of Jericho! Jericho screams out as he applies pressure, and Kennedy is so hurt he can’t even tap. Eventually it takes four referees to drag Jericho away to break the hold, and Jericho offers a sick smile at the damage he’s caused.[/I][/CENTER] ------------------- [B]JR:[/B] Welcome back to Monday Night Raw folks. At this time, we believe we are soon to be joined by the WWE Champion Triple H. [B]King:[/B] Yeah, but JR, did you hear what Triple H said earlier? He said he was going to call out The Undertaker. [B]JR:[/B] Quite frankly, I can’t wait to see that... [I][URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] And it looks as if I won’t have to wait very long. Here comes the Game now. [B]King:[/B] I don’t I can ever remember someone calling out The Undertaker before. [I][B]Triple H[/B] confidently makes his way down to the ring, obviously living up to what he said earlier by not showing any fear. The Game enters and grabs a mic...[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] Alright... I’m gonna make this really clear. Forget all the mind games crap, forget all the lights going out, forget all the lightning bolts. I’m not afraid of you Deadman. You don’t scare me Undertaker. You’re obviously in the building tonight... so I tell you what. How about you and me get in the ring tonight? I’m not talking you and me one-on-one, oh no. How about you and me in a tag team match? I’ll take Kenny in my corner, and you... oh, I dunno... how about that broken down piece of trash I destroyed last night, John Cena. Yeah, that’ll work. Cena can be your partner Deadman. But right here, right now I just want you to know... I am your worst nightmare Undertaker. I’m Triple H! I am the Game! I’m the WWE Champion! You wanna try freak out Shane, you wanna try freak out Kenny and the Bulldogs... but why don’t you try freak out me Deadman? Why don’t you... [I]GONG The lights go out... but only for a few seconds... and when they return... [B]Undertaker[/B]’s in the ring! Triple H hasn’t seen him yet... the Game turns... Undertaker has him by the throat... but before he can go for a chokeslam, Triple H is able to roll out of the ring and stumble his way up the ramp.[/I] [B]JR:[/B] The Undertaker was so close to getting his hands on the WWE Champion! [B]King:[/B] Yeah, and did you hear what Triple H said? It’s going to be the Game and Kenny Dykstra against John Cena and The Undertaker tonight! [B]JR:[/B] What a main event that’s going to be! ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match Shawn Michaels v Mark Henry [/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER]Straight from the tie-up, Henry shows his intentions, pushing Michaels to the corner with force and rocking him with big right hands. Henry then sends Michaels across and charges in... but Michaels gets the boot up, and after a few right hands, Michaels aims kicks at Henry’s knee, eventually dropping him to one knee and coming off the ropes... kick to the head sends Henry down. Now Michaels mounts Henry and rattles off the fists, but Henry is quickly back up, only for Michaels to go for an Irish whip... reversal by Henry... and he sends Michaels crashing down with a shoulderblock. Henry then goes for a series of quick elbowdrops, before grabbing Michaels by the throat and repeatedly slamming his head off the mat. Back on their feet, Michaels is able to his a series of rights to the gut and then the head before going for an Irish whip... which Henry reverses... but Michaels stops himself by hanging onto the top rope, and here comes Henry... but Michaels pulls the top rope down and Henry crashes to the floor! Henry makes it back to his feet, but here comes Michaels... slingshot crossbody... no! Henry catches him... and drives him into the ringpost! Michaels crumples to the floor in pain, but Henry is quick to roll him back into the ring and punish the back with clubbing forearms. In the corner, Michaels is nailed by rights before being sent across... and upside down into the corner goes Michaels, and when he lands on his feet he staggers out... right into a bearhug! Henry applies the pressure, but Michaels tries to fight out of it... only for Henry to dump him in the corner and again whip him across... this time Henry charges in... but he misses with the splash, and now Michaels unloads with chops to the chest before coming off the ropes... Michaels ducks a clothesline... flying forearm... and Michaels kips up! Now he waits in the corner, tuning up the band, and Henry rises to his feet... sweet chin music... no! Henry counters... world’s strongest slam! Henry plants Michaels and goes for the cover... 1... 2... Michaels gets a foot on the ropes! Henry is enraged, but he stays on the attack, again pummelling Michaels and sending him off the ropes... Michaels ducks his clothesline... and connects with sweet chin music! 1... 2... 3! Shawn Michaels becomes the first man to qualify for the elimination chamber! [B]Shawn Michaels beat Mark Henry to qualify for the Elimination Chamber (B)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Todd Grisham[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]John Cena[/B]! And John, I know you’re still hurting from last night. John my question to you is how are you feeling and what’s your thoughts on having to team with The Undertaker tonight against Triple H and Kenny Dykstra? [B]Cena:[/B] How am I feeling? Not gonna lie to you man, I don’t feel great. The fact that I lost last night don’t make me feel any better. As for The Undertaker... I learned a long time ago when I was just a rookie in this company that you don’t screw with the Deadman. Triple H calling him out? I gotta say... guy’s gotta have some guts to do that. But he ain’t got any brains either. So tonight... I consider it an honour to team with The Undertaker. And just like the Deadman... I’ll get some revenge tonight too. ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match Finlay v Batista[/B] Another spot in the chamber is up for grabs, as this time Batista and Finlay square off. From the first tie-up, it’s clear the battled veteran Finlay isn’t going to be a pushover, as he swings with stiff right hands... only for Batista to toss him to the corner and nail a series of knees to the gut, following with hard punches and chops to the chest before sending Finlay across... and charging in for a big clothesline. More right hands, and again Finlay is sent across the ring and Batista charges in... but this time Finlay gets a boot up, staggering the big guy, but again Batista charges... drop-toe-hold sends him face first into the middle turnbuckle! Now Finlay rocks Batista with uppercuts, then sends him off the ropes... dropkick to the leg drops Batista to a knee... kick to the head sends the Animal down! Finlay off the ropes... legdrop! 1... 2... Batista powers out, and he’s quickly back up... to catch Finlay with a powerslam! Now the Animal looks to take control, taking Finlay up for a vertical suplex and then going for another... this time Finlay lands on his feet... and he locks on a sleeper! Finlay jumps up to lock it on... but Batista counters... sidewalk slam! Batista takes back control, and now he drags Finlay up... but Finlay counters with a jawbreaker, and the match swings back in his favour as he nails a series of rights and sends Batista off the ropes... reversal... spinebuster from the Animal! Batista plants Finlay, and now he calls to end it, pulling Finlay in and up... Batista-bomb... no! Finlay fights out of it with right hands, dropping to his feet... single-arm DDT! Finlay plants Batista and hooks the leg... 1... 2... Batista kicks out! Finlay thought he had it, but not quite, but he stays on the attack, dragging Batista up and hitting uppercuts before sending him off the ropes... reversal... Finlay ducks a clothesline... and he goes for the Celtic cross... no! Batista lands on his feet... and nails a huge clothesline! Batista almost takes Finlay’s head off, and now he drags him to his feet and sends him up... Batista-bomb! 1... 2... 3. Batista books his spot in the elimination chamber. [B]Batista beat Finlay to qualify for the Elimination Chamber (B+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]In the Revolution office, [B]Shane McMahon[/B] is sat nervously on the couch, waiting to watch the main event on his TV, when [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] burst in, dressed in sharp suits with their newly acquired gold on their shoulders, bottles of champagne in their hands and some cheap (but hot) girls they’ve managed to pick up...[/I] [B]Harry:[/B] Woohoo! Hey Shane... we’re going out to party man! [B]TJ:[/B] Yeah we’re gonna take these girls out and show them a good time! [B]Shane:[/B] Yeah that’s nice... [B]Harry:[/B] Hey, you should come with us! C’mon we’re going out to celebrate! [B]TJ:[/B] And you can have anyone of these girls Shane. C’mon man! [B]Shane:[/B] I’m a married man guys. [B]Harry:[/B] Well that never stopped your Dad before. [B]Shane:[/B] Hey! Enough of that kinda talk! My Dad loves my Mom dearly, you understand that? [B]TJ:[/B] Yeah we get it Shane, relax. We were only kiddin’. [B]Shane:[/B] Listen, you two get out of here and enjoy your night. I got to stay and see this match. [B]Harry:[/B] Alright fine. We’ll see you next week. [B]TJ:[/B] See ya boss. Let’s go ladies! [I]Harry, TJ and their posse of babes leave the room, and Shane is again alone...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Idiots... [I]KNOCK KNOCK[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Yeah come in... oh no! [I]It’s [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]! Jeff Hardy has stormed the room, and he’s kicking the crap out of Shane! Jeff tears up the office, sending Shane flying into the couch, into the walls, even into the plants! He then grabs Shane by the throat and presses him against the wall...[/I] [B]Jeff:[/B] I’m gonna make this quick Shane. Did you send Triple H down to that ring last night to cost me the Rumble? [B]Shane:[/B] *cough* Jeff... you’re choking me... [B]Jeff:[/B] Answer me! Did you, or did you not send Triple H out to cost me the Rumble? [B]Shane:[/B] Yes! [B]Jeff:[/B] Then you leave me no choice... [I]Jeff releases his grip on Shane... only to grab a champagne bottle![/I] [B]Shane:[/B] No! No don’t! Don’t! It wasn’t my idea! It wasn’t my idea! [B]Jeff:[/B] What? Then who’s idea was it? [B]Shane:[/B] It was Edge! Edge came to me, and he said if we helped him win he promised to not to challenge Triple H. We didn’t know you were gonna get that far! We thought it would Undertaker or Jericho or Christian or somebody like that. We never thought it would be you at the end, I swear. [B]Jeff:[/B] So at the Rumble... when Edge said “There’s only one man who can help me now”... that man... was you? [B]Shane:[/B] Jeff, I swear, we just couldn’t take the chance. [I]Jeff, feeling dejected, drops the bottle and eases up on Shane... only to then grab him and toss him straight into the TV! Shane and the TV crash to the floor, sparks fly and smoke rises, and Jeff walks over and crouches near him...[/I] [B]Jeff:[/B] I hope it was worth it Shane... ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KennyDykstra.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Undertaker.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [B]Triple H and Kenny Dykstra v The Undertaker and John Cena[/B] The Undertaker makes his return to Raw, and as a nervous looking Kenny steps into the ring to face him, the Deadman wastes little time in gaining control, backing him into the corner and unloading with rapid right hands, before grabbing Kenny’s arm, wrenching and twisting it, driving his own shoulder into Kenny and then climbing to the top rope... old school! Cena gets the tag, and he knocks Kenny down with a series of shoulderblocks before going for an Irish whip... reversal from Kenny... and Triple H hits a knee to the back from the apron... but Cena knocks him down with a right hand! Here comes Kenny... Cena sends him sailing over the top rope to the floor! Cena goes out and continues his attack, driving Kenny into the apron and rolling him back into the ring... but as Cena tries to go back in, Triple H grabs him from behind... falling neckbreaker on the floor! The Game tosses Cena back into the ring, and Dykstra quickly brings the WWE Champion into the match. Triple H enters the ring and lays into Cena with hard rights, before sending him off the ropes... high knee strike from the Game, and he hooks the leg... 1... 2... Taker makes the save, and Triple H backs away with fear in his eyes, the confrontation earlier still on his mind. Dykstra gets the tag, and the Intercontinental champion strikes with kicks before taking Cena down with a snapmare and aiming a stiff kick to the spine and locking on a chinlock. Cena battles back to his feet... and he nails Kenny with a side suplex, before getting to his feet and walking to his corner... but before he can tag in Taker, Triple H comes in and drops him from behind with a chopblock. Dykstra drags Cena back to his corner and tags in the Game, and now he targets Cena’s knee, dropping an elbow across it, driving his own knee into it and then stomping away it. Quick tags between the two Revolution members follow, as they slowly damage Cena’s knee, with Dykstra also hitting hard shots to the spine that Triple H worked on last night. Cena is clearly in pain, and it only gets worse as Triple H enters the ring... and locks on a figure-four leglock! Cena cries out, but Triple H has it locked on in the middle of the ring. Cena reaches and strains for the ropes, but he can’t get there... but slowly, he twists and turns... and reverses the figure-four! Now the pressure is applied to the Game, but Kenny quickly jumps in and breaks the hold, taking a few cheap shots at Cena before the ref ushers him to the apron. Both Cena and the Game slowly get back up, with Triple H charging at Cena... sitout hiptoss from Cena! Triple H is back up... back-body drop puts him down again... and Cena makes the tag! Undertaker storms the ring and unloads on Triple H, going for an Irish whip... reversal... Taker ducks a clothesline... and connects with a flying clothesline! Here comes Kenny... he runs into a boot to the face! Cena is back up, and he spots Kenny down, so he comes off the ropes and dusts off his shoulder... five-knuckle shuffle! Here comes the Game... but Taker scoops him up... snake eyes! Triple H rolls out of the ring, not wanting to take more punishment, leaving Kenny all alone... and Cena has him up... FU! Cena plants Kenny with the FU... and now he drags him to his feet... and tosses him into the hands of the Deadman... chokeslam! Triple H thinks about getting involved, but he changes his mind and can only watch as Undertaker goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! Undertaker returns to Raw with a bang, and as Triple H slowly backs up the ramp, the Deadman locks eyes with him and slowly draws his thumb across his throat. [B]The Undertaker and John Cena beat Triple H and Kenny Dykstra (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] The Undertaker is back, and he’s here for Revolution! [B]King:[/B] Yeah but what about Shane? I mean, what’s going to happen to Jeff after what he did tonight? [B]JR:[/B] You’ll have to join us next week to find out! Thank you for watching Raw. Goodnight! ----------------- [SIZE="1"]Dolph Ziggler beat Trevor Murdoch (C-) Natalya beat Candice Michelle (C-) Canadian Bulldogs beat Mr Kennedy and Chris Jericho to become the new World Tag Team Champions (B) Shawn Michaels beat Mark Henry to qualify for the Elimination Chamber (B) Batista beat Finlay to qualify for the Elimination Chamber (B+) The Undertaker and John Cena beat Triple H and Kenny Dykstra (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B] Second exam in the bag, one more to go, but I've been studying during the day and working on this at night and since about 3 this afternoon, as I wanted to get a show up just to keep things ticking over. Only 25 shows until Wrestlemania (yes I am sad enough to have counted :o). Anyway... [QUOTE=The Final Countdown;631380]Especially a year as WWE and their hectic schedule. And with the level of detail you put into your shows, too.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Roflwaffles;632686]I've finally register after lurking the site just so i can say how good this dynasty is. Seriously, when i'm bored, i would come on here as a guest and read from where I left off. I've read from Page 1 to Page 40 (I think it was page 40. I'm past One Night Stand already) and i'm hoping to get up to the latest post later on. Thank you for making such an interesting dynasty! :)[/QUOTE] Again guys thanks for the comments. Roflwaffles (awesome username btw) I'm honured you felt the need to sign up to offer a comment. I'm amazed you've read since page one, hopefully you've enjoyed it all the way through. Anyway, back to the books...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/ECWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The highlights from ECW’s participation in the Royal Rumble play out, in particular the brutal last man standing match between Kurt Angle and Kane, which saw Mike Knox get involved only for Shelton Benjamin to make the save... and then turn his back on Angle! Finally, we see Kane tombstone Angle onto the steel steps, and the video fades from the screen as the ref slowly reaches 10 and Angle can’t make it back to his feet. The usual ECW intro plays out, and after the pyro display and a look at the crowd, we hear from [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B]...[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Two nights removed from the Royal Rumble, everyone in the land of extreme has one question on their mind... what the hell is Kane going to do now he’s ECW Champion? Hello everybody, I’m Joey Styles alongside Tazz, and Tazz it’s something that you and me have been asking ourselves ever since Shelton Benjamin screwed Kurt Angle out of the ECW Championship. [B]Tazz:[/B] Honestly, I still don’t understand why Shelton Benjamin would turn his back on Kurt Angle like that. I mean, Kurt asked Shelton to watch his back at the Rumble because he trusted him, because he thought Shelton was his friend and he’d do the right thing for ECW. But now, we’ve got Kane as our champion. [B]Styles:[/B] And who knows what Kane will have in mind on his first night as ECW Champion? [B]Tazz:[/B] I don’t even want to think about it. I mean... [I]Tazz is interrupted as [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B]’s music plays out, and the most hated man in ECW steps out onto the ramp. Shelton swaggers his way down to the ring and grabs a mic...[/I] [B]Benjamin:[/B] Why? Why Shelton? Why’d you nail Kurt Angle with that chair at the Royal Rumble? Why’d you cost Kurt Angle the ECW Championship? Why’d you practically hand Kane the ECW Championship? Why Shelton? Why? You wanna know why? I’ll tell you why. Because the fact of the matter is... I hate Kurt Angle. I remember a time when I was the ECW Champion... and I ruled this brand. This was my show. I was the man here in ECW. Everybody talks about how Kane is gonna destroy this brand, about how Kane as champion means bad news for everybody. Well I don’t owe this brand a damn thing, and I don’t owe Kurt Angle a damn thing either! You want to know why I did what I did? Cause I’m sick and tired of living in Kurt Angle’s shadow. Ever since I arrived in the WWE, that man has done nothing but hold me down. Team Angle... I was nothing but his puppet. Here on ECW... I done nothing but play backup to Kurt Angle ever since he got here. Ever since I lost the ECW Championship, I wanted it back, but I never got the chance. And when I finally do get the chance, I got to go through tables, ladders and chairs at Cyber Sunday against Edge to get it. Survivor Series, I finally get my shot at Kurt Angle... and he beat me. And it killed me inside. I know I’m better than him, I don’t need gold medals to prove it. That night at Survivor Series, I knew needed to get revenge... but the big question was... when? When would be the right time to screw Kurt Angle out of the ECW Championship? Armageddon, triple threat match... that wasn’t the right time. But at the Royal Rumble... Kurt Angle one on one with Kane in a last man standing match for the ECW Championship... that was my time. That was my moment to shine, that was my moment to step out of the shadow. I took that title away from Kurt Angle... and now I want it back. So Kane... you’re the champion... and that means you’re the guy I’m challenging for an ECW Title match right here tonight! [B]Styles:[/B] Well... that’s quite the challenge. [B]Tazz:[/B] The last thing Shelton Benjamin deserves is an ECW title match. Not a chance in hell. [B]Styles:[/B] Well I guess it’s not up to us... [I]Styles is interrupted by the sound of cars crashing, and that can only mean one thing, here comes the ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B]...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] First of all let me say how great it is to be here tonight, live in Indianapolis, IN! Shelton... a title match with Kane? That’s what you want? Well Shelton... as much as I feel like giving you a match with a crazed psycho... Kane is otherwise engaged tonight. You see, with Kurt Angle not being here tonight... and after a tombstone onto steel steps and considering his neck history, God knows when he’ll be back... I figured it was time Kane stepped into the ring with a man, who unlike yourself, bleeds ECW. A man who’s oxygen is extreme. Tonight, it’s going to Kane... one on one for the ECW Championship... against the heart and soul of ECW... Tommy Dreamer! [B]Tazz:[/B] Alright! What a choice by Mick Foley! [B]Styles:[/B] And who better to step into the ring with Kane than the man who personifies what ECW is all about... [B]Foley:[/B] As for you Shelton... like I said, I don’t know when Kurt Angle will be back. But what I do know, is that when he returns, he’s gonna kick your ass! Now... since Kane is defending the title tonight against Tommy Dreamer... and since Kurt Angle is out of action and unable to cash in his rematch clause at this time... I’m gonna need a number one contender to face Kane at No Way Out. So what I have decided is that starting tonight, there will be a tournament to crown a new number one contender to face the ECW Champion, whomever that may be, at No Way Out! I like to call it the ‘ECW Championship Chase’. Shelton... despite my better judgement, you will have a quarter final match tonight. If you win the Championship Chase... then you get a title match at No Way Out. Now... everybody enjoy the show... and have a nice day! [B]Styles:[/B] Well there you have it. Kane and Tommy Dreamer go at it one on one for the ECW Championship, and we kick off a tournament to crown a new number one contender for No Way Out. [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah, the ECW Championship chase. As long as Shelton Benjamin doesn’t win, I’m happy. [B]Styles:[/B] Could we see a new ECW Champion tonight? Can Tommy Dreamer take that title away from Kane? We’ll find out later tonight... ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MikeKnox.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Chase Quarter Final Match Colt Cabana v Mike Knox[/B] After his interference in the ECW Championship match at the Rumble, Mike Knox is out to earn himself a title shot, as he looks to advance in the championship chase. However, his opponent Colt Cabana is also looking to get back in the title hunt, so this match has a lot riding on it. Knox of course looks to attack early, but Cabana uses his quickness to avoid Knox’s offense... until Knox catches Cabana and begins swinging with massive forearm shots to the spine, before driving Cabana to the corner and then sending him across... Knox charges in... but Cabana uses the ropes to avoid him, and now Colt starts aiming kicks to Knox’s legs, but Knox is able to his back with a shot to the head... and then he nails Cabana with a short-arm clothesline. Knox then drops knees and boots before again sending Cabana to the corner... and following in with a splash. Cabana slumps to the mat, but Knox quickly drags him back up and goes for an abdominal stretch. Knox applies pressure, wrenching back, hitting elbows to the gut, all the while Cabana cries out in pain. Slowly, Cabana manages to fight against it, and the crowd rallies behind him... but just as it looks like Cabana will break free, Knox pummels him with another shot to the spine, and he scoops Cabana up... running powerslam... no! Cabana slides down to the back, and he pushes Knox into the corner, hitting right hands and sending Knox across... reversal... Cabana jumps to the second rope... springboard enzuigiri! Cabana connects and hooks the leg... 1... 2... Knox kicks out, but Cabana stays on the attack, sending Knox off the ropes... reversal... bicycle kick... no! Cabana slides under it... hurricanrana! Knox is down, and Cabana climbs to the top rope... missile dropkick! 1... 2... again Knox kicks out. Cabana struggles to put Knox away, but he stays on the attack, driving Knox to the corner with rights and sending him across... reversal... Knox charges in... but Cabana gets a boot up, and he climbs to the second rope... but Knox catches him in mid-air... and counters into a backbreaker! Cabana cries out, but Knox is ruthless, dragging Cabana to his feet and going for... the Knox-out... no! Cabana counters with a roll-up... 1... 2... 3! Colt Cabana pulls out the victory and he advances to the semi finals of the championship chase! [B]Colt Cabana beat Mike Knox to advance in the ECW Championship Chase (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Much like before, we cut backstage to the boiler-room of sorts to see the new ECW Champion [B]Kane[/B], bathed in that strange [B][COLOR="Red"]red[/COLOR][/B] light as always. The champion lets out a sinister laugh, and he grips the championship belt in his hands as he addresses the camera...[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Hahaha! So... Mick Foley has decided to send Tommy Dreamer out to face me tonight. Tommy Dreamer... the heart and soul of ECW. Well Mick... since tonight marks the first night in the end of ECW... what better place to start than by ripping out it’s heart... and destroying its soul? Last night, Kurt Angle became my first victim... and tonight... you Tommy Dreamer will become the second. And soon... all you who call the land of extreme your home... you will all become victims too! Hahaha! ------------------- [I]Elsewhere, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time... [B]Armando Estrada[/B] and the Samoan bulldozer, [B]Umaga[/B]. Now, Mr Estrada, earlier tonight we heard Mick Foley state that there will be a tournament to crown a new number one contender for No Way Out. My question is, can Umaga win that tournament and grab himself an ECW title shot? [B]Estrada:[/B] Listen amigo, I don’t know who else is in this tournament... and I don’t care. Because the Samoan bulldozer, Umaga... is going to be the one to go to No Way Out to become the new ECW Champion. Next week, when Umaga has his quarter final match, he will prove to you and to everybody watching, that it’s not Kane you people need to fear... it is... Umaga! ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Miz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Miz v Super Crazy[/B] Smackdown’s Super Crazy steps into the ring with the Miz, who’s looking to re-establish himself after a torrid run of loses in recent weeks. The new aggressiveness in Miz is clear early on, as he quickly drops Crazy with a clothesline, until a series of kicks backs the Mexican into the corner. After right hands, Miz sends Crazy across, but Crazy uses the ropes to avoid the charging Miz, taking him down with an armdrag. Crazy applies pressure, but Miz fights back up, grabbing the hair and forcing Crazy to the ropes, The ref calls for a break, and Miz obliges... only to nail a stiff kick to the gut and sends Crazy off the ropes... reversal... tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! 1... 2... Miz kicks out, and he backs off into the corner, but Crazy goes for an Irish whip... reversal... Crazy to the top rope... moonsault... no! Miz grabs Crazy and slams him hard to the mat, and after a near fall, Mix hits a legdrop and then begins stomping away. Back on their feet, Miz nails a clubbing forearm to the spine and goes for a suplex... but Crazy counters into a rollup... 1... 2... Miz kicks out, and he’s quickly back up... and he nearly takes Crazy’s head off with a clothesline. A Russian legsweep gains Miz another near fall, before going for a headlock... but Crazy sends Miz off the ropes... into a back-body-drop! Miz is quickly back up, but Crazy tees off with kicks to the legs before coming off the ropes... right into a powerslam by Miz! 1... 2... Crazy kicks out. After fists and knees to the head, Miz has had enough and he comes off the ropes... reality check... no! Crazy counters... backslide... 1... 2... Miz kicks out, but Crazy looks to take control, pummelling Miz to the corner and climbing to the second rope... and now raining down with punches. The crowd count along, but when Crazy gets to 7, Miz drops him face first off the top turnbuckle! Crazy staggers to his feet, and Miz is waiting... kick... off the ropes... reality check! This time Miz connects, and he hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. [B]The Miz beat Super Crazy (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Mick Foley[/B] is in his office, when he is joined by tonight’s challenger for the ECW Championship, [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B]...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] Tommy, how’s it going? [B]Dreamer:[/B] I’m good Mick, I’m good. Listen uh... about this match with Kane tonight... [B]Foley:[/B] Hey, don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts about this Tommy. If anybody knows what ECW is all about, it’s you. [B]Dreamer:[/B] I know that Mick, I know that but... I don’t know if I’ve got it in me anymore. I mean for 15 years ECW has been my life but... when me and Morrison lost those tag titles last week, I started having some doubts. [B]Foley:[/B] Now you listen to me Tommy. I know you. Me and you, we go way back. I know the real Tommy Dreamer, I know the old Tommy Dreamer. I know the Tommy Dreamer that would go out into that ring night after night and give it all for three simple letters... ECW. And now you’re telling me that guy isn’t there anymore? [B]Dreamer:[/B] I’m not saying that Mick. What I’m saying is that... I don’t know how much longer I’ve got left. [B]Foley:[/B] Well if that’s how you feel Tommy... then why don’t you roll back the clock tonight? Why don’t you go out there tonight, kick the living hell out of Kane, win yourself an ECW Championship... and then we’ll talk about how long you’ve got left. [B]Dreamer:[/B] Alright... alright. [B]Foley:[/B] I’m counting on you Tommy... don’t let me down. -------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KofiKingston.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Chase Quarter Final Match Shelton Benjamin v Kofi Kingston[/B] Another championship chase quarter final match now, as Kofi Kingston and the hated Shelton Benjamin go at it. Kingston starts swinging with kicks straight from the bell, but Benjamin is wary to get too close. Eventually the two tie-up, and Benjamin viciously hits knees to the guts and forearms to the back before sending Kingston off the ropes... but when Benjamin ducks, Kofi aims a kick to his chest, and he charges... but Benjamin fires back with an Northern lights suplex for an early near fall. Benjamin now looks to target Kofi’s knee, looking to take away some of that kicking ability. Benjamin drags Kofi to the corner, rolling under the bottom rope... and slamming Kofi’s knee into the ringpost! Back in the ring, Benjamin continues his attack, stomping on the knee, dropping elbows across it and then going for a single-leg Boston crab. Kofi slowly manages to make his way to the ropes to break the hold, but Benjamin takes the whole 5 count from the ref before finally letting go. Again more kicks to the knee, but Kofi manages to strike with his good leg... and again... but Benjamin catches his kick... enzuigiri... no! Benjamin ducks... but Kofi connects with a mule kick! Kofi can’t take advantage though, as the damage done earlier means Shelton is able to get back up first, and eh charges at Kofi... but he runs into a dropkick! Kofi crawls over for the cover... 1... 2... Shelton kicks out, but Kofi limps over and looks to stay on the attack... Russian legsweep! Here comes Kofi... jumping legdrop... no! Benjamin rolls out of the way, and he goes for a rollup... 1... 2... Kofi kicks out, but Benjamin quickly aims more stomps on the knee, driving Kofi to the corner. Shelton then goes for an Irish whip across... here comes Shelton... big splash... no! Kofi avoids the contact, and Benjamin staggers out of the corner with Kofi ready to strike... trouble in paradise... no! Shelton ducks the roundhouse kick... and strikes with the paydirt! 1... 2... 3. Shelton Benjamin sees off Kofi Kingston to advance to the semi finals of the championship chase. [B] Shelton Benjamin beat Kofi Kingston (B-)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I][B]John Morrison[/B] and [B]Kelly Kelly[/B] are backstage, when the pair are confronted by [B]The Brian Kendrick[/B] and [B]Danny Rodimer[/B]...[/I] [B]The Kendrick;[/B] Well, well... Kelly Kelly. Still hanging around with a loser like Morrison huh? [B]Morrison:[/B] What do you want Kendrick? [B]The Kendrick:[/B] That’s [I]The[/I] Kendrick. I just talked to Mick Foley about being in the Championship Chase, and guess what? I got a quarter final match next week... against you. [B]Morrison:[/B] You and me next week? That’s it? That’s what you came here to tell me? [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Whoa, whoa... what do you mean that’s it? Maybe you didn’t hear me? It’s you and me one on one. [B]Morrison:[/B] Yeah, I heard you the first time. [B]The Kendrick:[/B] So why aren’t you shaking in your leopard fur boots right now? [B]Morrison:[/B] Because only one girl can get me shaking in my boots... and I just don’t feel that way about you Kendrick. I’ll see ya next week... -------------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/ECWChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Match Kane (C) v Tommy Dreamer[/B] The ECW Championship is on the line as Tommy Dreamer looks to roll back the years as he steps into the ring with the monstrous champion Kane. Dreamer looks to attack from the bell, but before he can even tie-up Kane kicks him in the gut, before slamming Dreamer’s head off the top turnbuckle and then pummelling him down with hard shots and following with kicks to the head. Dreamer uses the ropes to drag himself up, and he manages to catch Kane with a few rights before sending him off the ropes... reversal by Kane... clothesline from Dreamer, but it only staggers the champion, so Dreamer comes off the ropes again... but this time Kane nearly takes his head off with a clothesline of his own! Kane drags Dreamer to his feet, but a hard shot to the throat sends Dreamer back down again, with the champion following up with kicks to the head. Kane slams Dreamer to the mat, comes off the ropes for a low-dropkick to the face, and after a near fall the champion continues to dominate by sending Dreamer crashing into the corner... and as Dreamer staggers out, he walks right into a sidewalk slam. 1... 2... Dreamer gets the shoulder up, but so far his doubts earlier look justified. Kane now climbs to the top rope, perches himself and waits for Dreamer to rise... flying clothesline... no! Dreamer avoids the contact, and he hits rapid rights and lefts before sending Kane to the corner... Kane reverses and charges in for a big boot... but Dreamer ducks, and he’s able to hang Kane up in the tree-of-woe, before going to the opposite corner... dropkick connects! Kane slumps to the mat, and Dreamer goes for the cover... 1... 2... Kane kicks out. Now Dreamer looks to build some offense, landing punches and sending Kane off the ropes... reversal... Dreamer ducks a right hand... falling neckbreaker! 1... 2... again Kane kicks out, but Dreamer has the momentum, and he goes to the second rope... crossbody... no! Kane catches him, and scoops Dreamer onto his shoulder... but Dreamer drops down the back... inverted DDT! Another cover... 1... 2... again Kane kicks out. The crowd is behind Dreamer now, and it seems the veteran believes he can get it done, as he pummels Kane and sends him off the ropes... spinning sitout-spinebuster! 1... 2... but Dreamer can’t out Kane away. Dreamer is back up, and he waits for Kane before going for... the DDT... no! Kane counters with a back-body-drop, and just like that match swings back in the champions favour, and he again unloads with stiff rights before scooping Dreamer up... fallaway slam! Kane sends Dreamer flying, and the momentum sends Dreamer under the bottom rope to the floor, where Kane follows him out. The champion drives Dreamer spine first into the ringpost, before tossing the timekeeper out of the and grabbing his chair. Dreamer is propped against the ringpost, and Kane swings... but Dreamer ducks, and Kane smacks the steel! Dreamer takes advantage, making Kane drop the chair with a kick to the gut, and then slamming Kane’s head off the announce desk. Dreamer then grabs the championship belt, and he goes to swing... but the ref grabs the belt away, stopping what would’ve been a disqualification. Styles and Tazz question Dreamer’s actions, and the ref hands the belt back to the timekeeper... so Dreamer picks up the chair... and nails Kane with it behind the refs back! Dreamer drops the chair and rolls Kane back into the ring... 1... 2... Kane gets the shoulder up! Dreamer can’t believe it, but he presses on, dragging Kane up and again going for... the DDT... no! Kane grabs the top rope, and Dreamer crashes to the mat, and when he gets back up, Kane is waiting... chokeslam! Kane hits the chokeslam and goes for the cover... 1... 2... Dreamer gets a foot on the rope! Now it’s Kane’s turn to be in shock, as Dreamer stays alive. Kane is furious, and he drags Dreamer to his feet and scoops him up... tombstone... no! Dreamer slips down the back, turns Kane around... and hits the DDT! 1... 2... somehow Kane kicks out! Dreamer cant believe it, he’s thrown everything at Kane but somehow the champion holds onto the title. Dreamer slowly drags Kane back up, and after a few rights he tries to scoop Kane up... Dreamer driver... no! Kane franticly hits elbows to the head, dropping to his feet... and scooping Dreamer up... chokeslam! A second chokeslam in the middle of the ring, and Kane slumps down for the cover... 1... 2... 3. [B] Kane beat Tommy Dreamer to retain the ECW Championship (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Tazz:[/B] Dammit! I thought he had it. I thought Tommy Dreamer was going to get the win. [B]Styles:[/B] What an unbelievable effort from Tommy Dreamer. That was the old Tommy Dreamer that Mick Foley was talking about earlier. Tommy Dreamer took Kane to the limit tonight. [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah but unfortunately for us, Kane is still ECW Champion. [B]Styles:[/B] Kane’s reign as ECW Champion continues. Join us next week to see how will be the next man to step up and face the ECW Champion. Goodnight! ----------------- [SIZE="1"] Colt Cabana beat Mike Knox to advance in the ECW Championship Chase (C+) The Miz beat Super Crazy (C+) Shelton Benjamin beat Kofi Kingston (B-) Kane beat Tommy Dreamer to retain the ECW Championship (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B] Miss me? No? Oh well :( . Anyway, exams are over so now it's back to business. 7 shows until No Way Out and 24 to Wrestlemania. The countdown is on people! :p
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A video shows the highlights of Smackdown’s involvement in the Royal Rumble, especially Christian’s victory over Edge, CM Punk retaining the title against Bobby Lashley and finally Triple H coming out and distracting Jeff Hardy, allowing Edge to sneak up from behind to eliminate Jeff and win the Royal Rumble. After the usual opening video, we cut to the arena, and after panning the crowd, we settle on the announce desk and [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Welcome everybody to another episode of Friday Night Smackdown. I’m Michael Cole, alongside me is Jonathan Coachman, and we’re all still reeling over the fact that Smackdown’s own Edge overcame 29 other men to win the Royal Rumble last Sunday night. [B]Coach:[/B] Well you might be reeling, but I am ecstatic right now. I don’t think I’ve smiled so much in my entire life. All the injustices, all the vindictiveness shown towards Edge by Ric Flair has all been erased by Edge’s glorious victory last Sunday night. [B]Cole:[/B] And of course on Monday Night Raw, we heard Edge say he will be challenging the World Heavyweight Champion, whoever that may be, to a match at Wrestlemania. [B]Coach:[/B] I can’t wait for Wrestlemania when Edge finally reclaims what is rightfully his... [I]Coach is interrupted as the [B]Rated-R Entourage[/B], [B]Edge[/B], [B]Zack Ryder[/B], [B]Curt Hawkins[/B] and [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] step out onto the ramp and make their way down to the ring...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] What a night the Royal Rumble was! I mean, and this is no understatement, it could quite easily go down as the greatest night in WWE history! I mean, despite being forced into a match with Christian, a match I wrestled in under protest, I somehow recovered from that and went on to win the Royal Rumble. Honestly, I don’t know how I do it sometimes. Christian... you may have won the battle Sunday night... but you lost the war. I won the Rumble, I’m the one going to Wrestlemania, I’m the one who’s going to be the World Heavyweight Champion again. But you Christian... you’re going to be nothing more than an afterthought. The only reason anybody cares about you Christian is because of me, and from this moment on, I’m moving past you. I... [I]Edge stops dead in his tracks as ‘Close Your Eyes’ plays out and [B]Christian[/B] emerges from the back and makes his way down to the ring...[/I] [B]Christian:[/B] You’re moving past me? You think this is over Edge? As far as I’m concerned, this thing between me and you... is far from over. As I see it, I hold a victory over the Royal Rumble winner. And for me, that means your Wrestlemania shot... should be mine. So Edge, I am out here to challenge you to a match at No Way Out... a Royal Rumble rematch for your Wrestlemania title shot. If you’re any kind of a man Edge... you’ll accept my challenge. [B]Edge:[/B] Hmm... you want a rematch with me at No Way Out for my Wrestlemania title shot? You think that because you beat me at the Rumble, that if I put my title shot on the line at No Way Out, you’ll beat me again and you’ll get the Wrestlemania match. Is that right? I bet all you people would love to see that wouldn’t you? [I]The crowd pops at the idea of Christian challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Edge, Christian, No Way Out, one on one for the chance to go to Wrestlemania to face the World Heavyweight Champion, that’s what you people want to see? [I]Again the crowd cheers...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] You know what? I don’t really feel like doing that. Infact, I don’t really feel like wrestling at No Way Out. After my heroic effort Sunday night, I think I’ll be taking the night off when No Way Out comes around. So all you people... and especially you Christian... can kiss my ass! There’s not... [I]WOOOO! The crowd rises as the Smackdown general manager, [B]Ric Flair[/B] struts his way down to the ring...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Woooo! Did somebody say we were in Indianapolis, IN tonight? Woooo! Now... [B]Edge:[/B] Hold on! Hold on just one second Flair. Let me just stop you before you say it. You can’t force me to defend my Wrestlemania title shot at No Way Out. You don’t have the authority to do that. I won the Royal Rumble, and that means I am guaranteed a Wrestlemania title shot against the champion of my choosing, and there is not a chance in hell you can make me defend that right against Christian or anybody else for that matter. If you dare try and take my title shot away from me, I will sue you, I will sue this company, I will get an injunction stopping Wrestlemania from even taking place. I don’t need to defend my title shot and you can’t make me! [B]Flair:[/B] Are you finished? Edge, for once in your life, you’re right. You’re absolutely right. I can’t make you defend that Wrestlemania title shot. You won the Royal Rumble, and that means you get a World Heavyweight Championship match at Wrestlemania, that is a guarantee. [B]Edge:[/B] Thank you. Finally someone around here has... [B]Flair:[/B] However... there is nothing in the rules that says your Wrestlemania title match has to be... a one on one match. Your Wrestlemania match could be any kind of match I choose. And at Wrestlemania... I want to see Edge... the World Heavyweight Champion, whoever that may be... and another superstar in a triple threat match! [B]Coach:[/B] No! He can’t do that! [B]Cole:[/B] Why the hell not? [B]Coach:[/B] Because he... he just can’t! [B]Flair:[/B] And since Raw is using it earlier in the night... I figured we’d borrow that elimination chamber and settle in there! [B]Cole:[/B] A Smackdown elimination chamber to decide who will join Edge and the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania! [B]Coach:[/B] No, this is... this is so unfair! [B]Flair:[/B] However... however, I need a number one contender to face CM Punk at No Way Out. So tonight, not only will we be having elimination chamber qualifying matches... but we’re going to have ourselves a fatal-four-way! It’s going to you Christian... against the United States Champion Matt Hardy... against Rey Mysterio... against JBL, and the winner will face CM Punk at No Way Out. Now... unless there is any other business... let’s get this show going! Woooo! [B]Cole:[/B] What a night this is going to be! A fatal-four-way to decide a number one contender for No Way Out, plus we’ll have elimination chamber qualifying matches. [B]Coach:[/B] That’s not the story here. The story here is that Edge has been robbed of his Wrestlemania moment by Ric Flair! --------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChavoGuerrero.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChaseStevens.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/AndyDouglas.jpg[/IMG] [B]Paul London and Chavo Guerrero v Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas[/B] Last week London and Chavo squared off with the Cruiserweight Title on the line, but tonight they step into the ring as partners against Stevens and Douglas. London and Douglas kick things off, and the action is quick paced as London takes Douglas down with a drop-toe-hold, transitioning into a front headlock, before he sends Douglas off the ropes... hiptoss sends him down, and Stevens charges the ring... but he runs into a hiptoss as well, and now Chavo enters the ring... double dropkick from Chavo and London sends Stevens to the outside, and then London catches Douglas with a spinning wheel kick. Chavo gets the tag, and he continues London’s good work, taking Douglas down with a headscissors, but Stevens tries a cheapshot from the apron... Chavo knocks him down... but Douglas takes advantage with a hard clothesline. Now Stevens and Douglas look to target Chavo, making plenty of tags and wearing him down with stiff kicks to the gut, making sure to keep Chavo away from making the tag. Douglas and Stevens continue to apply the pressure, using gutbusters, backbreakers and back-body-drops to wear Chavo down, but when Stevens and Douglas send Chavo off the ropes for a double flapjack, Chavo lands on his feet... enziguiri to Douglas... tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to Stevens, and now Chavo crawls for his corner... and makes the tag! London jumps to the top rope... flying double-clothesline! London grabs Stevens and runs him to the corner... tornado DDT! 1... 2... Douglas makes the save, but Chavo is back up, and he strikes with right hands, before sending Douglas off the ropes... hurricanrana, and the momentum sends Douglas under the bottom rope. Now it’s just Stevens in the ring, and he catches Chavo from behind, only for London to spin him around... enziguiri sees Stevens slump to the mat, and now Chavo climbs to the top rope... frog splash! 1... 2... 3! [B]Paul London and Chavo Guerrero beat Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas (C+)[/B][/CENTER] [I]After the bell, the referee hands London his Cruiserweight Title and raises both London’s and Chavo’s arms in victory... but Chavo quickly pulls away and motions towards London that despite the two of them working well together tonight, he still has eyes for London’s Cruiserweight Championship...[/I] ------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Val Venis[/B] and [B]Rosa Mendes[/B] are backstage, seemingly engaged in a serious talk about their blossoming relationship...[/I] [B]Rosa:[/B] Val, why are you so worried? I mean, it was only one date. [B]Venis:[/B] It just seems to the big valbowski that you and Santino are spending a lot of time together. [B]Rosa:[/B] You’re not jealous are you Val? [B]Venis:[/B] The big valbowski doesn’t do jealousy. [B]Rosa:[/B] Good, because I don’t think you have anything to be jealous of. [I]With precision timing, [B]Santino Marella[/B] enters the room...[/I] [B]Santino:[/B] I wouldn’t be so sure about that Vil Vanus. I think there is lots of things for you to be jealous of. Such as... my new “Santino 2 – Vanus 0” t-shirt. I don’t see you with your own t-shirt Vanus. [B]Venis:[/B] Listen Santino, I am sick and tired of you sticking your nose where it don’t belong. [B]Santino:[/B] Oh really? I thought sticking things where they don’t belong was the norm for you porn stars? [B]Rosa:[/B] Can’t you just leave us alone Santino? [B]Santino:[/B] Not until you admit you have the hots for me Rosa. [B]Venis:[/B] You know what Santino? How’s this sound to you? You and me next week, one on one. If I win, you leave me and Rosa alone and don’t ever bother us again. [B]Santino:[/B] And what if I win? [B]Venis:[/B] I’ll end things with Rosa. [B]Rosa:[/B] Val! How could you say that? [B]Venis:[/B] Relax, he’s not gonna beat me, not this time. [B]Santino:[/B] Alright Vanus, I accept your challenge. [B]Rosa:[/B] You know what? Right now, I don’t want to have anything to do with either of you! I’m outta here... [B]Santino:[/B] Now you see what you’ve done Vanus... ---------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattBentley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JakeHager.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matt Bentley v Jake Hager[/B] Jake Hager is back in action, this week taking on Matt Bentley, with Hager looking to rebuild some of the momentum he had before the Royal Rumble. Hager starts the match in impressive fashion, using a waistlock to take Bentley down and going for a variety of headlocks and shoulderlocks. When both men return to their feet, Hager again displays his impressive amateur background, hitting an overhead belly-to-belly, following with clotheslines and bodyslams before getting a 2 count from a bridging German. Hager looks to stay on the attack, but as both get back to their feet, Bentley aims a kick to Hager’s knee, and he drives Hager to the corner and delivers a flurry of fists and stomps. Out of the corner, Bentley goes for an Irish whip... reversal... Hager misses with a clothesline... and Bentley takes him down with a chop-block, and he aims a stiff kick to the chest. After a near fall, Hager fights back to his feet, hitting right hands, only for Bentley to again target the knee, aiming a dropkick at it that sends Hager to the outside. Bentley rolls Hager back into the ring, but he keeps Hager close, dragging him to the corner... and slamming his knee off the ringpost! Hager cries out on pain, and Bentley goes for a cover... 1... 2... Hager kicks out. Bentley looks to continue to apply pressure, taking Hager down with a legdrag and driving his own knee into Hager’s and then locking on a legscissors. Bentley squeezes down on Hager, but eventually Hager counters into a bridging pin for a 2 count. Both men are quickly back up, with Hager connecting with a clothesline before sending Bentley off the ropes... kick to the gut... gutwrench powerbomb... no! Bentley lands on his feet... German suplex... 1... 2... Hager kicks out... and he explodes to his feet and nails a clothesline. Hager is quickly back up, and he slams Bentley to the mat and comes off the ropes for an elbowdrop, scoring a near fall. Hager looks to build momentum, hitting right hands and sending Bentley off the ropes... belly-to-belly overhead! Another near fall, but Hager is back up, and he waits for Bentley... gutwrench powerbomb! Hager plants Bentley, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]Jake Hager beat Matt Bentley (C-)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Eve Torres[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the World Heavyweight Champion... [B]CM Punk[/B]! And Punk, how are you feeling right now after what he heard Ric Flair announce earlier tonight? [B]Punk:[/B] Well first of all I just want to say that whoever wins the fatal four way tonight and earns the chance to face me at No Way Out... you’re not going to Wrestlemania as champion. I will walk into No Way Out champion, and that’s how I’m leaving. As for making the match at Wrestlemania a triple threat... I welcome the challenge. Edge... you better hope whoever wins the elimination chamber is a friend of yours... cause the only way I’m losing this title is if the two of you work together. ---------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CurtHawkins.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ZackRyder.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShadGaspard.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JTG.jpg[/IMG] [B]Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder v Cryme Tyme[/B] After picking up a win last week, Cryme Tyme look for more success this week, with the winners of this match guaranteed a shot at tag team champions The Empire. Shad and Ryder start the match, with Ryder quickly locking on a hammerlock, transitioning into a headlock, only for Shad to send Ryder off the ropes... and bowl him over with a shoulderblock. Another shoulderblock sends Ryder down again, and Hawkins tries a cheapshot from behind... but a big right hand knocks him off the apron, and Shad goes back to Ryder, who this time backs off into the corner and grabs the ref for protection... allowing Hawkins to sneak up from behind with a chopblock, taking Shad down. Ryder immediately targets Shad’s knee, taking him to the corner and aiming kicks at it, and then using the ropes to apply pressure. Shad fights his way out with right hands, but Ryder takes him down again with a dropkick to the knee, before tagging in Hawkins. Hawkins continues to attack the knee, but again Shad tries to fight his way out of it, landing nig rights and sending Hawkins off the ropes... but Hawkins ducks a clothesline and goes for a rollup... and transitions into a single-leg Boston crab. Shad cries out in pain as Hawkins wrenches back on his knee, but slowly the big guy is able to crawl towards his corner. Shad reaches out, but he can’t quite make the tag, and Hawkins pulls him back into the centre of the ring... but Shad is able to turn and kick Hawkins away, and he lunges to tag in JTG. JTG comes in and knocks down both Hawkins and Ryder with right hands, and follows with dropkicks to both before coming off the ropes... flying shoulderblock to Ryder, but here comes Hawkins... he runs into a back-body-drop, and now Shad is back up, and he grabs Ryder and sends him flying over the top rope. Hawkins is now left along, and he swings at Shad... but the big guy ducks, and he scoops Hawkins onto his shoulders, and here comes JTG... G9! Cryme Tyme hit their finisher, and it’s Shad who goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! [B]Cryme Tyme beat Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins (C+)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Cryme Tyme get the win, but any celebration is quickly interrupted as [B]The Empire[/B] steps out onto the ramp. Tag team champions [B]Paul Burchill[/B] and [B]Drew McIntyre[/B] are joined by [B]Katie Lea[/B] and [B]William Regal[/B], who has a mic in his hand...[/I] [B]Regal:[/B] Gentlemen, gentlemen... congratulations on your victory. It is my understanding that with that win the two of you have earned yourselves a WWE Tag Team Championship opportunity. But understand this Cryme Tyme... Burchill and McIntyre have no intention whatsoever of relinquishing these titles. The only way a pair of bloody hooligans like you two will ever get your hands on these belts is if you steal them from us like the common thieves that you are. But rest assured, that will not be happening. So gentlemen, revel in your victory tonight but know this... when the time comes that you two step into the ring with the Empire... you won’t be quite so jovial. We are better than you... we are superior to you... we are the Empire! ------------------ [I]Backstage, [B]Jimmy Wang Yang[/B] is stood talking to some random backstage worker, when [B]Jamie Noble[/B] and [B]Gregory Helms[/B] approach him...[/I] [B]Noble:[/B] Well lookie here, it’s that Jimmy Wang Yang. [B]Helms:[/B] Man, Jimmy, we couldn’t believe it when you kicked Shannon Moore’s ass last week after our match. I mean, we hope we didn’t have anything to do with it. [B]Noble:[/B] Wait a minute... we beat their asses 3 times! Of course we had something to with it! [B]Jimmy:[/B] Listen... I’m not in the mood for any of your crap. And from now on, it’s Jimmy Yang. [B]Helms:[/B] Jimmy Yang? [B]Noble:[/B] So wait, are you telling me you’ve... you’ve lost your Wang? [B]Jimmy[/B] I guess you could say that. [B]Helms:[/B] Man that is funny! Anyway, we just wanted to say... [I]Helms is interrupted as [B]Shannon Moore[/B] storms the area, flying at Jimmy and taking him down to the floor and unloading with a flurry of punches. The pair grapple on the floor, with Helms and Noble watching on. Finally some referee’s arrive to drag Moore away... but he pushes past them and again starts laying into Jimmy. The ref’s struggle to stop Shannon... but he’s floored by a sick kick to the back of the head from Jamie Noble...[/I] [B]Helms:[/B] What the hell Jamie? [B]Noble:[/B] What? [B]Helms:[/B] This is ain’t our fight man! Let them sort it out between them. We ain’t involved in this. [B]Noble:[/B] We ain’t involved? What kind of attitude is that? [I]Helms merely shakes his head at Noble and walks away, with Noble following him, while Jimmy Yang also leaves the area, leaving the refs to attend to Shannon Moore who is still down on the floor...[/I] ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TedDibiase.jpg[/IMG] Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match [B]Big Show v Ted DiBiase[/B] The first spot in the Smackdown elimination chamber is up for grabs, and it’s a huge opportunity for Ted DiBiase to elevate his career if he can win... but sadly for him he’s up against the Big Show. Straight from the bell, DiBiase attacks, but Show merely swats him away. A headbutt sends Ted reeling to the corner, where Show grabs him... and delivers several slaps across the chest. Clubbing forearms send DiBiase to the mat, where Show then walks across DiBiase’s back, causing the rookie to cry out in pain. Again DiBiase retreats to the corner, so again Show delivers slaps to the chest, before sending DiBiase across and charging in... but DiBiase hits a drop-toe-hold that sees Show drop face first onto the top turnbuckle, allowing DiBiase to climb to the second rope and launch himself onto Show’s back, locking on a sleeper. DiBiase has it locked on tight, but Show staggers to the middle of the ring, trying to fight it... but slowly, Show begins to fade... and he drops to a knee, DiBiase still draped over his shoulder. DiBiase has it locked in for a good while, and Show looks like he might drop to the mat... but the crowd rallies behind him, and Show struggles back to his feet, and he backs into the corner, squashing DiBiase behind him. DiBiase slumps to the mat, but after another slap across the chest, Big Show sends him across... DiBiase hits the corner hard and staggers out... right into a chokeslam... no! DiBiase kicks his way free, and he tries for a legsweep... but Big Show counters with a hiptoss, and he comes off the ropes... huge legdrop... no! DiBiase rolls out of the way... and he moves quickly to lock on the million dollar dream! DiBiase has it locked on, and Show is down on the mat. DiBiase wrenches away on Show’s neck, trying to make him submit... but Show slowly is able to power his way out of it, breaking DiBiase’s grip, fighting his way back to his feet and scooping DiBiase up... for a sidewalk slam! Show plants DiBiase, but he’s back up, and he waits for Ted... so he can deliver the chokeslam! 1... 2... 3! Big Show becomes the first man entered in the Smackdown elimination chamber! [B] Big Show beat Ted DiBiase to qualify for the Elimination Chamber (B-)[/B][/CENTER] -------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] is getting ready for tonight’s fatal four way, with [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] and [B]Maryse[/B] nearby...[/I] [B]JBL[/B] Lashley, I want you to listen to me real close here. Infact, Maryse, take a memo of this... [B]Maryse:[/B] Oui Monsieur Layfield... [B]JBL:[/B] There will be no mistakes tonight Lashley. I hope you understand that. Last Sunday at the Royal Rumble, you made a mistake. Employees of mine do not make mistakes. If they do, their services are no longer required. Am I making myself clear? [I]Lashley nods his head in agreement...[/I] [B]JBL:[/B] Tonight, you will help me win that fatal four way. Since I couldn’t trust you to win me the World Heavyweight Championship at the Rumble... I’ll just have to go to No Way Out and win it for myself. But if you still wish to earn that bonus I promised you... then you’ll get the job done tonight. ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match Montel Vontavious Porter v Matt Sydal[/B] A second spot in the chamber is up for grabs, as former World Heavyweight Champion MVP takes on the high0flying Matt Sydal. Straight from the tie-up, MVP takes Sydal down with a headlock, but Sydal quickly counters with a headscissors... but MVP kicks out, and gets back up... only for Sydal to take him down again with an armdrag... and a second causes MVP to back off into the corner. When the two tie-up again, MVP hits a knee to the gut, and he clubs Sydal down to the mat, but Sydal fights back with kicks to the thigh, and then goes for an Irish whip... reversal from MVP... Sydal ducks his clothesline... and connects with a roundhouse kick! Sydal waits for MVP to rise before coming off the ropes... but MVP counters with a flapjack. Sydal crashes to the mat, and now MVP attacks, stomping down on Sydal, locking on a facelock and striking with the knee and then taking Sydal up with a suplex. MVP moves quickly to begin dropping boots, before a hard Irish whip sends Sydal to the corner and MVP charges in... oh! Big boot to the face connects, and here’s the cover... 1... 2... Sydal gets the shoulder up. Sydal is still dazed from that kick, and MVP sends him off the ropes... Sydal ducks a clothesline... but he can’t duck a snap overhead belly-to-belly! 1... 2... again Sydal kicks out. MVP now locks on a chinlock, driving his knee into the back and wrenching on the chin to increase the pressure. Sydal reaches out for the ropes, but MVP drags him back to the middle of the ring, stopping Sydal from breaking the hold. Eventually Sydal fights back to his feet, aiming kicks to the thigh to break the hold and coming off the ropes... but he runs into a back-body-drop, gaining MVP another near fall. MVP shows his frustrations to the ref, and this allows Sydal to regroup, sneaking up from behind for a rollup... 1... 2... MVP kicks out, but Sydal is quickly back up, connecting with a headscissors and then he quickly climbs to the top rope... diving double kneedrop! 1... 2... again MVP kicks out, but Sydal is building momentum, and again Sydal goes to the top rope... but this time MVP connects with a right hand, leaving Sydal perched on the top turnbuckle. MVP hooks Sydal onto his shoulders, looking for an electric chair... but Sydal swings with fists... and he twists into a hurricanrana! MVP is down and Sydal again goes upstairs... shooting star press... no! MVP rolls out of the way, leaving Sydal to crash to the mat, and MVP moves quickly to get in position... drive-by kick! MVP nails Sydal, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. MVP becomes the second entrant in the Smackdown elimination chamber. [B]Montel Vontavious Porter beat Matt Sydal to qualify for the Elimination Chamber (A)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I][B]Edge[/B] and [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] are relaxing in an office backstage, lounging back on leather couches. Torrie looks worried, as Edge has a depressed look on his face...[/I] [B]Torrie:[/B] Babe, are you alright? You don’t look too good. [B]Edge:[/B] A triple threat match? I can’t believe it. I mean, why does Ric Flair hate me so much? Why does he have it in for me? What did I ever do to him? [B]Torrie:[/B] Well you did interrupt him his first night on the job and start making demands... [B]Edge:[/B] Torrie! That’s not helping! I thought I had everything planned. I mean, I got Shane and Triple H to help me win the Rumble. I thought that meant I was guaranteed the champion one on one at Wrestlemania. But I... [I]KNOCK KNOCK[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Yeah? What the...?! [I]Edge and Torrie are stunned as [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] storms the room and starts laying a beating into Edge, extracting the same revenge he took from Shane McMahon last Monday night. Jeff pummels Edge, and despite the screams from Torrie, he is unrelenting, until he finally stops and looks Torrie in the eyes...[/I] [B]Jeff:[/B] When he’s finally up on his feet tell him I asked him a question... was it worth it? [B]Torrie:[/B] What? [B]Jeff:[/B] He’ll understand... ----------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [B]Christian v John Bradshaw Layfield v Matt Hardy v Rey Mysterio[/B] The chance to face CM Punk at No Way Out for the World Heavyweight Championship is on the line here, as Christian, Hardy, JBL and Mysterio go at it. JBL of course Has [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] and [B]Maryse[/B] at ringside with him, so it’s no surprise when the other three target JBL early. JBL however is able to fight off the early attacks, hitting boots to the head and clubbing forearms, before grabbing Christian and tossing him out, then turning to Hardy and slamming him to the mat. A Russian legsweep plants Mysterio, as JBL dominates the early goings... but wait, Christian has climbed to the top rope... flying uppercut takes JBL down! Mysterio is on the apron... he jumps up... springboard legdrop! Here’s the first cover... 1... 2... JBL kicks out, and now Hardy is back up, and he and Mysterio trade rights before Rey is sent off the ropes... tilt-a-whirl headscissors sends Hardy down, but now Christian and Rey go at it, and again Rey is sent off the ropes... but he counters into a wheelbarrow DDT! Mysterio is on fire, but JBL goes for a bit boot... no! Mysterio ducks... dropkick... JBL is in position, and Rey dials it up... 619... no! Lashley grabs Rey as he comes off the ropes, dragging Mysterio outside and then tossing him into the barricade. JBL staggers away from the ropes, but Christian is waiting... kick... unprettier... no! JBL pushes Christian off the ropes... clothesline from hell... no! Christian slides underneath... and connects with the unprettier! Here’s the cover... 1... 2... Matt Hardy drags Christian to the outside, breaking up the pinfall. Matt and Christian now brawl on the outside, while Mysterio has finally made it back into the ring, and he aims kicks to JBL’s legs and comes off the ropes for a crossbody... but JBL catches him... fallaway slam... no! Mysterio counters... DDT! Mysterio with the cover... 1... 2... Christian breaks it up, and now he goes to work on JBL rocking him with right hands and coming off the ropes... but JBL sends him down with a shoulderblock. JBL now looks to regain control, nailing Matt with a kick to the head as he drags himself back onto the apron, then landing clubbing blows to Rey’s back before coming off the ropes for a big boot to Christian. JBL then drops a series of elbows on Christian and hooks the leg for a near fall, and when he returns to his feet, JBL comes off the ropes... but Matt lands a knee to his back, and a dropkick from Rey sends JBL out. On the outside, Hardy sends JBL crashing into the steel steps, while in the ring Rey and Christian go at it, until Hardy re-enters the ring, knocking Rey to the outside and taking the fight to Christian, knocking him down with clotheslines and going for the side effect... but Christian counters... inverted DDT! 1... 2... Rey’s on the top rope... springboard legdrop... but Christian rolls and it’s Hardy who Rey nails! Again Christian and Rey go at it, with Christian gaining the upperhand, rocking Rey with rights and sending him to the corner... Christian charges in... but Rey ducks, and as Christian staggers out of the corner, Rey hits a dropkick... Christian’s in position for the 619... but Matt catches Rey as he runs the ropes... twist of fate! Matt plants Rey... oh! But before he can go for the cover, JBL nails the clothesline from hell! The impact sends Hardy to the outside, and now JBL waits for Mysterio to rise... another clothesline from hell! JBL goes for the cover on Rey... and Lashley drags Christian out of the ring! 1... 2... Christian can’t make the save... 3! [B]John Bradshaw Layfield beat Christian, Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Well there you have it folks. JBL is going to No Way Out to face CM Punk, but he got a huge assist from Bobby Lashley. [B]Coach:[/B] JBL said there would be no mistakes tonight, and thankfully for Lashley, he got the job done. [B]Cole:[/B] We now know CM Punk’s opponent for No Way Out, but who’s going to make it into the elimination chamber? Join us next week to find out. Goodnight! ------------------ [SIZE="1"]Paul London and Chavo Guerrero beat Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas (C+) Jake Hager beat Matt Bentley (C-) Cryme Tyme beat Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins (C+) Big Show beat Ted DiBiase to qualify for the Elimination Chamber (B-) Montel Vontavious Porter beat Matt Sydal to qualify for the Elimination Chamber (A) John Bradshaw Layfield beat Christian, Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B] [QUOTE=ya_its_me;635790]I missed you, want cookie? Get postin' man read thru the whole thread again so now I'm pumped into keeping up with it again. Now hurry up and get to 'Mania![/QUOTE] Chocolate chip right? Otherwise no sale. [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;635841]Enjoyed the show, iMac. Keep up the great work.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Texasrangers13;635843]Just read through the last 10 pages and i've gotta admit, I like it, a lot. Well written, and clearly thought out.[/QUOTE] Thanks guys. Hope you enjoyed Smackdown too... ;)
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