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WWE: The Next Generation

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The highlights of last week’s show play out, with the announcement of the elimination chamber, Batista and Shawn Michaels booking their places in the chamber, The Undertaker and John Cena beating Triple H and Kenny Dykstra in tag team action, and finally clips of Jeff Hardy assaulting Shane McMahon last Monday and then Edge last Friday night on Smackdown. After the usual Raw intro video and the pyro display, we go live to the arena and hall of famers [B]Jim Ross[/B] and [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Monday Night Raw comes to you live from St. Louis, MO tonight, but there is a lot of confusion in the air over the recent actions of Jeff Hardy. [B]King:[/B] Well we found out last week that Edge went to Shane McMahon and sought out the help of Revolution in winning the Royal Rumble. Now, we’ve seen Jeff attack both Shane and Edge. [B]JR:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, we don’t know if Jeff Hardy is here tonight, if Shane McMahon is here, we haven’t got a clue what’s going to happen tonight. [B]King:[/B] I gotta admit JR< I’m worried about what sort of repercussions Jeff could face tonight. [B]JR:[/B] If Jeff Hardy is here tonight, it could be a long night for him... [I]JR is interrupted as ‘Break the Walls Down’ rings out, and [B]Chris Jericho[/B] steps out onto the ramp to a chorus of boos...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Well here comes a man who quite frankly shocked me with his actions last week. Chris Jericho, who turned his back on his tag team partner Mr Kennedy last week, and then left him laying, bloody, in the centre of the ring. [B]King:[/B] Well it was certainly a shock to first of all see Chris walk out on he and Kennedy’s tag title defence against the Canadian Bulldogs, but to then return to the ring afterwards and assault Kennedy the way he did... I just couldn’t understand it. [B]JR:[/B] Well it looks like we’re about to hear from Jericho now, so maybe we’ll get some answers here... [I]Jericho moves the mic towards his mouth and looks to speak, but the sheer volume of the boos makes his stop before he gets started. A scowl crosses Jericho’s face, and the boos die down enough for him finally to address the crowd...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] How dare you people boo me. How dare you people have the nerve to sit there and boo me. You people are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. Why are you hypocrites? I’ll tell you why. What happened last week to Kennedy... it wasn’t my fault... it was each and every one of you who was responsible for it. Let me cast your minds back to four months ago and Cyber Sunday. I’m sure you all remember. Kennedy needed a tag team partner to take on the Canadian Bulldogs, and you people were going to decide who his partner should be. And just my luck... you people chose me. You people chose me to carry Kennedy to victory that night. You people chose to subject me to having to deal with the worse possible tag partner I have ever had. Every match we had, every title defence we took place in, I carried our team. Not only that, but I had to endure Kennedy and his little saying his name twice thing, I had o listen to his asinine stories, I had to put up with his general incompetence, and by the end, quite frankly... I had enough of it. That’s why I did what I did last week, but I take no blame in the matter whatsoever. The blame lays with those of you who cast your vote for me at Cyber Sunday... you people... you are the biggest hypocrites of them all. So from here on out, I refuse to pander to you people, I refuse to play up to you as a fan favourite. I will no longer compromise my beliefs or my opinions, I will no longer... [I]KENNEDY! Finally Jericho is stopped as [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] emerges onto the ramp and walks down to the ring, a bandage clearly evident over the cut he suffered to his forehead from the shot he took from Jericho with the title belt last week. Kennedy of course has a microphone in his hands...[/I] [B]Kennedy:[/B] Jericho... I’m sorry, I may not have heard you properly but... did you say you carried me for all those months we were tag team champions? Is that what you said? Because I don’t quite remember it happening like that Jericho. From what I remember, I did all the work, while you did nothing but whine like a little bitch! You know, when I nailed you in the head a few weeks ago and cost you the Intercontinental Title, I said sorry... and I meant it. And when I accidently eliminated you from the Royal Rumble... I said sorry... and I meant it. But now... now I take all of that back. I’m glad you’re not eh Intercontinental Champion, I’m glad I tossed your ass out of the Rumble, hell I’m glad we’re no longer tag team champions because now I get to kick your ass without having to feel bad about doing it! And I realise there’s elimination chamber qualifying matches going on... but I’m not interested in that right now. What I’m interested in is teaching you a lesson. So how about this? At No Way Out, Chris Jericho one on one with... Misssterrrrr... Kennedydyyyyy.... Ke- [B]Jericho:[/B] How dare you. How dare you challenge me to a match at No Way Out. I have no interest whatsoever in facing you Kennedy. Last week, when I smashed that championship belt across your head, I not only ended our partnership... I ended any chance of me stepping into the ring with you ever again. I realise you and all these sycophants out here would love to see me and you have a match, but like I said, I am done pandering to you and all these idiots out there. So in response to your request for a match Kennedy... my answer is no. [I]Jericho drops his mic and begins to exit the ring, leaving Kennedy with a stunned look on his face. Jericho slowly makes his way back up the ramp, a smile across his face as the boos ring out. Kennedy, still surprised at Jericho’s refusal for a match calls out to him...[/I] [B]Kennedy:[/B] Hey! Hey Jericho! Why does the sight of you walking away from me seem so familiar? How about you man up and face me at No Way Out Jericho? I mean hell, from here I got a great view of that yellow streak running down your back! [I]A few “ooooh” from the crowd at Kennedy’s comment, and Jericho does indeed stop at the top of the ramp, his smile quickly replaced by another scowl. The fans cheer at the thought of Jericho and Kennedy getting it on right now... but Jericho just smirks, shakes his head and walks backstage, leaving Kennedy dumfounded in the ring as we go to commercial...[/I] ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/LanceCade.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match Lance Cade v Carlito [/B] The third spot in the Raw elimination chamber kicks off the show, with Carlito, accompanied by [B]Primo[/B] and [B]Apolo[/B], taking on Lance Cade, who has [B]Trevor Murdoch[/B] with him. The two lock up, and Carlito immediately targets Cade’s arm, wrenching on it, but Cade quickly counters, turning it into a short-arm clothesline. Carlito is quickly back up... but a back-body-drop sends him down again. Cade continues to attack, dropping Carlito with a dropkick before hoisting him up for a long vertical suplex, gaining a near fall from it. Cade starts teeing off with right hands and kicks to the gut, and he goes for an Irish whip... reversal... but as Cade comes off the ropes, Primo grabs him by the foot... and Carlito drives the knee into Cade’s back sending him to the outside. Carlito then picks a fight with Murdoch to distract the referee, with Apolo and Primo taking advantage, pummelling Cade behind the refs back. Carlito comes out and rolls Cade back into the ring, and from the apron he nails a springboard corkscrew senton for a near fall. Now Carlito looks to punish Cade, aiming stiff kicks to the spine, taking Cade to the corner and pummelling him with kicks and punches before slamming Cade to the mat and locking on a reverses chinlock. Cade fights back to his feet and breaks the hold with elbows and punches before sending Cade off the ropes... but he ducks his head and Carlito hits a kick to the chest, following with a clothesline for another near fall. Carlito then sends Cade to the corner, but when he charges in, Cade gets a boot up, and he drops Carlito with a side-suplex. Carlito is back up, but a bulldog puts him down again, with Cade getting a near fall. Carlito is then sent off the ropes... kick to the gut... Cade-bomb... no! Carlito franticly hits elbows to the head, and he backs off to the corner, but Cade charges in... and misses with the clothesline, allowing Carlito to hit... the backstabber! 1... 2... 3. Carlito is the third man in the Raw elimination chamber. [B]Carlito beat Lance Cade to qualify for the elimination chamber (C+)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]In their office, [B]Triple H[/B], [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] relax on the couches, until some random backstage worker enters the room. Shane McMahon is nowhere to be seen though...[/I] [B]Worker:[/B] Uh... you wanted to see me Triple H? [B]Triple H:[/B] Yeah you’ll do. Listen, I don’t know if he’s here tonight, but I want you to find Jeff Hardy and tell him I want to see him in this office within the hour, you understand that? [I]The nervous worker merely nods and quickly leaves the room, while the Game turns his attentions to Harry and TJ...[/I] [B]Triple H;[/B] As for you... just where the hell where you when Shane was getting his ass handed to him last week? Me and Kenny where on our way down to the ring for our match, and Jeff Hardy decides to beat up Shane, and you two weren’t even here to stop him! [B]Harry:[/B] Uh... we’re... we’re real sorry Game. [B]TJ:[/B] Yeah we’re really sorry. [B]Triple H:[/B] If anything like that ever happens again, you two are history. You understand me? [B]Harry:[/B] Yeah, we understand. [B]Kenny:[/B] How is Shane anyway? I mean, is he gonna be here tonight? [B]Triple H:[/B] Shane’s back home resting up, trying to recover from the concussion he suffered last week. So that means I’m running the show tonight. [B]Kenny:[/B] Oh yeah? So uh... what you got in mind for Jeff? [B]Triple H:[/B] Oh don’t worry, you’ll find out soon enough... ------------------ [B]JR:[/B] Welcome back to Raw folks. As you can see, we are being joined at ringside by the WWE Women’s Champion, [B]Beth Phoenix[/B]. Beth, pleasure to have you out here. [B]Beth:[/B] Thanks JR. [B]King:[/B] And Beth, I gotta ask you, what is this thing between you and Natalya all about? I mean, the two of you have been coming out to watch the other’s match for a number of weeks now. [B]Beth:[/B] Well, I think Natalya decided she wanted to scout me, so I started returning the favour. [B]JR:[/B] Well Natalya is in action next, and you’ll get a great view of her match sat next to us... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MickieJames.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Natalya.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mickie James v Natalya[/B] As the bell rings, Natalya keeps her eyes locked on the champion, smiling at Beth before she finally turns to tie-up with Mickie. Mickie tries to take control by going for a waistlock, but Natalya counters into a fireman’s carry... and then she drops Mickie throat-first across the top rope. Mickie rolls under the bottom rope, landing right infront of Beth and the announce desk. Natalya follows her out, hitting a kick to the gut and then grabbing Mickie... and sending straight into the ringpost! Mickie crashes to the floor, and Natalya turns to Beth and smiles, before rolling Mickie back into the ring for a cover, scoring a near fall. Natalya now focuses on Mickie’s arm, wrenching on it, driving her shoulder into it and placing Mickie’s arm behind her back then slamming her down on top of it. Natalya looks to continue the attack, taking Mickie up and bouncing her off the ropes for a slingshot suplex... but Mickie lands on her feet... and drops Natalya with a neckbreaker! Now it’s Mickie who attacks, teeing off with forearms, but just like that, Natalya ducks a right and drives Mickie to the corner. Natalya charges in... but Mickie gets a boot up, and she uses the ropes to wrap her legs around Natalya’s head... and nails a twisting headscissors! Natalya is back up, but Mickie charges... Lou Thesz press, and she rains down with right hands before sending Natalya to the corner... reversal... Natalya charges in... but Mickie uses the ropes to avoid her... and then comes out of the corner with a tornado-DDT! 1... 2... Natalya kicks out, but Mickie has all the momentum, and she climbs to the second rope... but when she launches herself, Natalya catches her... and counters with a spinning powerbomb! 1... 2... 3. [B]Natalya beat Mickie James (C-)[/B][/CENTER] [B]King:[/B] Well, we all saw that Beth. Natalya just pinned Mickie James. [B]Beth:[/B] Well I have to hand it to her, she did a great job. [B]JR:[/B] And at some point, surely we’re going to see the two of you one on one for the Women’s Title. [B]Beth:[/B] I’m sure at some point we... [B]King:[/B] Wait a second... oh c’mon now. Natalya is attacking Mickie after the bell and... hey! [B]JR:[/B] Beth Phoenix is heading into the ring! [I]The champion refuses to stand by and watch Natalya attack Mickie, so she slides into the ring, but before Beth can get her hands on Natalya, Natalya dives for the outside, a huge smirk on her face as she knows she has the champion rattled...[/I] ----------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Revolution[/B] are still in their dressing room, although Harry and TJ look a little sheepish after what Triple H said to them earlier. A knock on the door makes Triple H stand up, as he assumes it’s Jeff Hardy... but instead... [B]Ric Flair[/B] walks into the room![/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] Ric? What the hell are you doing here? [B]Flair:[/B] Woooo! What the hell am I doing here? What is the Smackdown general manager doing here on Monday Night Raw? What am I...? [B]Triple H:[/B] Ric, Ric... cut the crap. What do you want? [B]Flair:[/B] What do I want? I’m here to talk to Shane McMahon about Jeff Hardy. [B]Triple H:[/B] Oh yeah? Well because of Jeff Hardy, Shane isn’t here tonight. I’m in charge tonight. [B]Flair:[/B] Alright. Listen Hunter, I love Jeff Hardy. He’s a hell of a guy, hell of a wrestler. But I can’t have him turning up on my show unannounced, attacking my guys backstage. I just can’t stand for that. [B]Triple H:[/B] For once Ric, I agree with you. I don’t know where Jeff is, but I sent a message for him to come meet me here. So when he arrives in my office, I’ll let you know. [B]Flair:[/B] Let me know? I don’t think so Game. Hey, scoot up junior, I wanna make myself comfortable. Whoa, I gotta get couches like these on my show, these are great... ------------------ [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/RandyOrton.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CodyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match Randy Orton v Cody Rhodes[/B] Spot number four is on the line, as Orton and Rhodes go at it, the tension between the two building in the run up to the Rumble. From the first tie-up, Cody goes for a waistlock, only for Orton to hit an elbow, sending Cody to the corner and following in with a clothesline. Orton sends Cody across, but when he charges in, Cody leapfrogs him... only for Orton to nail a big clothesline, sending Cody down. Now Orton aims kicks to the ribs, before using the ropes to choke Cody, all the while hitting forearms to the chest. Cody is then dumped outside, and Orton follows out... but Cody catches him with an elbow, slamming Orton’s face into the apron, rolling him back into the ring and coming off the ropes... Cody ducks a clothesline... and connects with a crossbody! 1... 2... Orton kicks out, and both are quickly back up... Orton ducks a right hand... inverted backbreaker! Cody goes down again, and now Orton begins to stomp his way round Cody’s body, before again targeting the ribs, aiming stiff kicks and forearms to the body, taking Cody down with a suplex and then locking on that trademark chinlock. Cody struggles back to his feet, breaking the hold with elbows and coming off the ropes... but a knee to the gut from Orton sends Cody back down, with Orton getting a near fall. Orton then drags Cody back to his feet, arrogantly thinking he has the match in control... but Cody starts teeing off with rights and lefts, sending Orton to the corner and charging in... Orton elevates Cody over the ropes, but Cody lands on the apron and rocks Orton with a forearm, before climbing to the top rope... missile dropkick! 1... 2... Orton kicks out! Cody almost had the chamber spot in his hands, but now he looks to build on the momentum, rocking Orton with more punches and dropping him with a Russian legsweep before again going to the top rope... moonsault... no! Orton rolls out of the way, and as Cody staggers back up, Orton is waiting... RKO! Orton nails the RKO and hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. Randy Orton becomes the fourth entrant in the Raw elimination chamber. [B]Randy Orton beat Cody Rhodes to qualify for the elimination chamber (B)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Backstage, [B]Todd Grisham[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... the Heartbreak Kid, [B]Shawn Michaels[/B]! And Shawn, last week you qualified for the Raw elimination chamber at No Way Out. Shawn, can you go into No Way Out and leave with a WWE Championship match at Wrestlemania? [B]Michaels:[/B] Can I do it? Can I win the elimination chamber and go on to Wrestlemania? Can Mr Wrestlemania turn back the clock one more time, win the elimination chamber, go on to Wrestlemania and become the WWE Champion? You’re damn right I can! The Heartbreak Kid is back baby, and I’m back to go on headline Wrestlemania 25 in my home state of Texas! Now, I realise that... [I]Michaels comes to a stop as the Animal [B]Batista[/B] walks up to him, a menacing growl on his face...[/I] [B]Batista:[/B] You’re going to win the elimination chamber? You really believe that Shawn? When I look at you, I don’t see Mr Wrestlemania... I see a broken down loser. You might be in that elimination chamber but you... [I]Oh! Michaels out of nowhere strikes with sweet chin music, knocking Batista to the floor![/I] [B]Michaels:[/B] A broken down loser? Listen to me Batista, I may be older, but I’m a lot wiser. And at the elimination chamber, you’re gonna find out chump! ------------------ [I]Backstage, [B]Maria[/B] and [B]Candice Michelle[/B] are talking, when [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] walks past...[/I] [B]Kennedy:[/B] Hey, girls, you seen Chris Jericho around here? [B]Candice:[/B] Uh... no. [B]Maria:[/B] Sorry... [B]Kennedy:[/B] Alright thanks girls. [I]Kennedy continues to walk, still searching for Jericho... when out of nowhere [B]Chris Jericho[/B] blindsides him, knocking Kennedy to the floor and pounding him with punches and kicks...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] You want a match with me Kennedy? Huh? I’ll give you your damn match! [I]Jericho continues to pound Kennedy, until finally we get some officials running over, trying to drag Jericho away. Eventually they pull Jericho away from Kennedy, but Jericho screams out...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] Who’s yellow now Kennedy? Huh? Who’s yellow now? ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/DolphZiggler.jpg[/IMG] [B]Finlay v Dolph Ziggler[/B] As the bell rings, we are treated to the usual Ziggler ritual of him offering his hand for a handshake... but Finlay just stares at Dolph... who slaps the veteran and again demands a handshake... so Finlay nails Dolph with a stiff right hand, and the match is underway. Finlay hits more right hands, before pulling Ziggler in for a short-arm clothesline and then a scoop slam for a 2 count. Ziggler immediately rolls to the floor to regroup. [B]Hornswoggle[/B] is in attendance, and Dolph scares the little guy away, leading to Finlay coming through the ropes... but Dolph jumps to the apron... step-up enzuigiri! Now Dolph strikes with right hands, only for Finlay to his a knee to the gut and then drive Dolph into the barricade and roll Dolph back in. In the ring, Finlay scoops Ziggler up for a scoop slam... but Dolph drops to his feet... and takes Finlay down with an inverted-DDT, gaining a near fall. Dolph now hits kicks and a series of elbows to the back of the head, before hitting a jumping elbowdrop to the chest and getting another near fall. Dolph now comes off the ropes... but Finlay is back up, and he levels Ziggler with a clothesline. Dolph backs off into the corner, and Finlay charges in for a clothesline... but Dolph avoids him with a leapfrog, and now he climbs to the second rope and rains down with fists... but Finlay is able to hoist Dolph on his shoulders... Celtic cross... no! Dolph drops down the back, hitting a dropkick to the knee, and now Dolph walks over to the corner... and he picks up the shillelagh! Dolph waits for Finlay to rise and he draws back... but the ref grabs the shillelagh out of his hand, turning away to place the shillelagh back in the corner. While this is happening, Hornswoggle reappears... and he slides another shillelagh into the ring! Finlay picks it up, and with the ref still not looking... he nails Dolph across the head with it! Finlay quickly tosses the shillelagh out of the ring, just in time for the ref to turn and count the cover... 1... 2... 3! [B]Finlay beat Dolph Ziggler (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Finlay picks up the win, and Hornswoggle jumps into the ring to celebrate with him. As Finlay and Horny celebrate, Ziggler recovers, rolls outside and grabs a steel chair... and nails Finlay from behind! Finlay slumps to the mat, and Hornswoggle tries to comfort him, only for Ziggler to push the little guy out of the way so he can continue to wear out Finlay with the chair. Eventually, after about 10 chair shots, Ziggler drops the chair, and he grabs Hornswoggle by the jacket and pulls him in close...[/I] [B]Dolph:[/B] I’m... Dolph... Ziggler! [I]Again Hornswoggle is pushed to the mat, and Dolph makes his way to the back, with no-one quite sure as to why he did what he did...[/I] ----------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Triple H[/B] and [B]Ric Flair[/B] are alone in the Revolution dressing room, the tension between the two clearly noticeable... and it only gets worse as [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] enters the room...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Hey! Jeff, how are ya? [B]Jeff:[/B] What’s up Ric? [B]Triple H:[/B] Alright let’s cut to the chase Jeff. What you did last week to Shane... there’s no excuse for that. [B]Jeff:[/B] Oh really? I thought backstage attacks were one of your favourite moves Game? [B]Flair:[/B] He’s got ya there... [B]Triple H:[/B] Shut up Ric. Listen Jeff, I’m in charge here tonight... and I’ve decided I want to see you in action tonight. So here’s what we’ll do. Tonight, it’s going to be you... one on one... with The Undertaker. [B]Jeff:[/B] Me and the Deadman huh? [B]Triple H:[/B] That’s right. And the winner of that match... they get a shot at me at No Way Out. But the loser... the loser forfeits any chance they ever had of making it into the elimination chamber. [B]Jeff:[/B] Is that right? Well... I guess I just better beat Taker and face you at No Way Out. [B]Triple H:[/B] Fine by me. Good luck Jeff... you’re gonna need it. ------------------ [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MarkHenry.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheamusOShaunessy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match John Cena v Mark Henry v Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B] The fifth spot in the chamber is on the line, as Cena battles a pair of monsters in the form of Henry and O’Shaunessy. As the bell rings, Cena quickly realises this triple threat is going to be fair from every man for himself, as Henry and Sheamus slowly back Cena into the corner... but Cena comes out fighting... only to be nailed by a clothesline from Henry. It’s Henry who does all the early damage, pummelling Cena in the corner with elbows to the head and then sending Cena off the ropes... right into a bodyblock, the force sending Cena crashing to the outside. Sheamus follows Cena out, and after a few shots, he sends Cena crashing into the steel steps, before Henry follows them out... and picks up the steel steps! He charges at Cena... but Cena ducks... and it’s Sheamus who tastes the steel! Cena quickly rolls back into the ring to recover, while Henry merely shrugs at the fallen Sheamus, returning to the ring, where Cena is waiting for him, striking with rights and going for a powerslam... but Cena’s legs give way and Henry lands on top of him! 1... 2... Cena gets a shoulder up. Sheamus has finally recovered from the steel steps shot, and he gets back in the ring, punishing Cena and sending him off the ropes... big boot from Sheamus, and Cena wisely rolls under the ropes. Now it’s Sheamus and Henry alone in the ring, and the two monsters turn to square up to each other... and soon the fists start flying! It’s Sheamus who gets the upperhand, hitting three in a row and coming off the ropes... but he runs into a sideslam, and much like Cena, Sheamus rolls out the ring to recover. Cena is slowly climbing back up the apron, and Henry goes to confront him... but Cena rallies of right hands, coming off the ropes... flying shoulderblock, but it only staggers Henry, so Cena tries to scoop him up... FU... no! Henry uses elbows to fight free, and he pummels Cena into the corner and sends him across... and follows in with big splash! Cena slumps to the mat, but here comes Sheamus back in, and he strikes Henry, rocking him with clotheslines but he can’t get Henry down, so Sheamus climbs to the second rope... flying clothesline drops Henry. Sheamus now turns to Cena, scooping him and slamming him to the mat, then coming off the ropes... but Sheamus misses with a legdrop, and Cena takes advantage, hitting the one-handed bulldog and coming off the ropes... five knuckle shuffle! Cena connects, and now he waits for Sheamus... he scoops him up... FU! Cena plants Sheamus... but Henry nails him from behind with a forearm, and Henry comes off the ropes... big splash... no! Cena rolls out of the way... and he quickly locks on the STFU! Sheamus is still down from the FU, and Henry is stuck in the middle of the ring... he taps! John Cena becomes the fifth man in the Raw elimination chamber! [B]John Cena beat Mark Henry and Sheamus O’Shaunessy to qualify for the elimination chamber (B-)[/B][/CENTER] --------------------- [I]We return to Raw for our main event, and after Jeff Hardy and The Undertaker make their entrances, the match is ready to start until... [URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out... [B]Triple H[/B], [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] all step out onto the ramp, the Game with a mic in his hand...[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] Whoa, whoa... wait, wait, wait. Jeff... I completely forgot to tell you this earlier. You see, while it will still be you and The Undertaker one on one... just to ensure this match is fair, Revolution is gonna have to be here. So... allow me to introduce to you... the special guest referee for this match, the Intercontinental Champion, Kenny Dykstra. The guest ring announcer, one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Harry Smith. The guest timekeeper, the other half of the World Tag Team Champions, TJ Wilson. And finally, you’re guest commentator for this match, the WWE Champion, the Game... Triple H! [B]JR:[/B] You gotta be kiddin' me! This is a damn disgrace! [B]King:[/B] Careful JR, you don't want Triple H to hear you say that... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Undertaker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Undertaker v Jeff Hardy[/B] After the ridiculous ring announcements from Harry, Kenny tells TJ to ring the bell to start the match, with the Game on the mic loving what he’s done. Taker and Jeff are reluctant to attack early on, and it takes encouragement from Kenny for them to finally go at it. The first tie-up sees Jeff being sent off the ropes, and while he ducks a clothesline, he can’t avoid a big boot to the face. Taker comes off the ropes and drops an elbow, but when he goes for an early cover, it takes Kenny an age to finally make the count, with Triple H on commentary putting it down to nerves. Taker has all the momentum early, rocking Jeff with hard rights and sending Jeff to the corner... but when Jeff tries to use to avoid him, Taker catches him on his shoulder... snake eyes, and Taker looks to follow with... another big boot to the face. Here’s the cover... but Kenny conveniently isn’t paying attention, and Taker forgets the cover and gets on his feet... and grabs Kenny by the collar! Kenny franticly points at the stripes, reminding Taker that if he hits him he’ll be disqualified and miss out on the chance to go to No Way Out. Taker relents, but by the time he’s done this, Jeff is back up, and he catches Taker with a sitout jawbreaker before sending Taker to the corner... reversal... Jeff bounces to the top rope... whisper in the wind! Hardy connects, and now he looks to build some offence, striking Taker with right hands and sending him off the ropes... reversal... flying forearm from Jeff, but Taker only staggers, so Jeff tries again... but this time he runs into a sidewalk slam. Taker comes off the ropes... legdrop connects, but again it takes Kenny forever to make the count. Jeff is now dragged towards the apron infront of the announce desk, and Taker runs the apron... guillotine legdrop! Taker connects, and as Jeff rolls back into the ring, Taker drops to the floor infront of Triple H, using the announce desk to drag himself back up... and he rocks Triple H with a right hand! The champion goes down, but Harry and TJ quickly rush to his add... big boot to TJ... and Taker has Harry, by the throat... chokeslam through the table... no! Kenny dives through the ropes and attacks Taker from behind, and TJ quickly makes it a three-on-one assault, with the Game shouting instructions. Quickly the top and the monitors are ripped from the announce desk, and Taker is rolled onto it. Kenny quickly climbs to the top rope... he’s looking for the sky-high legdrop through the table... but Jeff is back up, and he pushes Kenny... Taker rolls... and it’s Kenny who goes crashing through the table! Taker now strikes TJ and Harry, and Jeff is running the ropes... suicide dive to all three! Jeff now hits everything in sight, until Triple H nails him from behind with the title. Jeff is down, and now Triple H turns his attentions to Taker, pummelling him with right hands... until Taker grabs him by the throat... chokeslam on the floor! Jeff is down, Revolution is down, but the Undertaker is standing tall, and he grabs Jeff and rolls him back into the ring. Taker slides in, and he readies his hand, waiting for Jeff to get back up... he has him by the throat... chokeslam! Chokeslam to Jeff... but the ref, Kenny, is still down from going through the table! Wait... another ref is sprinting down to the ring... 1... 2... Jeff gets the shoulder up! Somehow Jeff stays alive, but the end could be near, as Taker gets back up and waits for Jeff... he scoops him up... tombstone... no! Jeff slips down the back, and pushes Taker off the ropes... twist of fate! Jeff hits the twist of fate, and now he’s climbing to the top rope... swanton bomb... no! Undertaker rolls out of the way, and he staggers to his feet first, ready for... another chokeslam! 1... 2... 3! Undertaker wins, and he’s going to No Way Out to face Triple H... but as soon as the bell rings, the champion storms the ring to assault Undertaker, and slowly the rest of Revolution drags themselves into the ring to attack Jeff... [B]The Undertaker beat Jeff Hardy (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] The Undertaker is going to No Way Out to challenge for the WWE Championship, but Jeff Hardy now has no chance of being in the elimination chamber. [B]King:[/B] Yeah and now, Revolution are in the ring... [I]And of course, they begin laying a beatdown on Taker and Jeff, with Triple H taking shots at both men...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] For God’s sake, enough is enough! [B]King:[/B] Revolution is really doing a number here on The Undertaker and... [I]WOOOO![/I] [B]King:[/B] What?! [B]JR:[/B] What in the world? It’s [B]Ric Flair[/B]! Ric Flair, who we saw earlier tonight is making his way out here. [B]King:[/B] Yeah but why? I mean this is Raw, he’s got no authority here... [B]Flair:[/B] Hey! Enough of this! Hunter, this ends now! Call off your boys, cause I got something to say. Now... I realise that I am the general manager of Smackdown, and this is Monday Night Raw. Hunter, you decided to put yourself in charge tonight, and I have sat back there with you and watched as you’ve had your fun, making your matches, adding these stupid stipulations and referees... and I’ve had enough! I am the general manager of Smackdown, and I am on a show which has no general manager in attendance. And as far as the chain of command goes Hunter... that means I beat you! So this is what I wanna have happen. You said earlier that the loser here had no chance in hell of being in the elimination chamber. Well let me tell you this Hunter... over on Smackdown, I got a problem by the name of Edge that I need taking care off. You remember Edge don’t ya Game? He’s the man you helped win the Royal Rumble. Well... since I really hate Edge... and since I like Jeff Hardy... I’m gonna try kill two birds with one stone. This Friday night on Smackdown... it’s going to be Edge one on one with Jeff Hardy... and Jeff... if you beat Edge... you’ll get your spot in the Raw elimination chamber! [B]JR:[/B] Alright! Ric Flair has just handed Jeff Hardy a lifeline! If Jeff can beat Edge this Friday night, he’s going to No Way Out! [B]King:[/B] Yeah but... but... can Ric Flair do this? [B]JR:[/B] Why the hell not? He’s the highest authority in the building tonight! He can do whatever the hell he wants! And there’s not a damn thing Triple H can do about it! Thank you for watching and join us next week for Monday Night Raw! Goodnight! ------------------- [SIZE="1"]Carlito beat Lance Cade to qualify for the elimination chamber (C+) Natalya beat Mickie James (C-) Randy Orton beat Cody Rhodes to qualify for the elimination chamber (B) Finlay beat Dolph Ziggler (B-) John Cena beat Mark Henry and Sheamus O’Shaunessy to qualify for the elimination chamber (B-) The Undertaker beat Jeff Hardy (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B] [QUOTE=WeeMan;636564]Santino = pure gold. And the sticking things where they don't belong joke... my god. :D[/QUOTE] Childish humour, ya gotta love it! :p
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Another great show. I was hoping you'd posted when I came on here. Everything is coming together so well, No Way Out is going to be a great event without a doubt but Wrestlemania will be something else, I love the way you're building to it. I'm guessing we'll have Triple H vs Jeff, Edge vs Christian vs Punk at Mania, both of which will be great main events. And I'm also guessing either Kennedy and Jericho will have a match at Mania, or they'll be a part of MitB, both of which options work in my opinion, and maybe Orton vs Cody, HBK vs Batista or Undertaker and Natalya vs Beth, all of which seem to be getting a good build already which is great considering how far away it is. Anyway, loved that last show. Just one little thing- I assume Triple H meant that the winner of Jeff vs Undertaker will fcae him at No Way Out rather than Backlash? Out of interest, has the game tried to retire anyone yet? Like Undertaker or HBK?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/ECWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Highlights of last week’s ECW include Mick Foley’s announcement regarding the tournament to crown a number one contender for No Way Out, Shelton Benjamin and Colt Cabana advancing in the tournament, and then Tommy Dreamer taking Kane to the limit in the ECW Championship match, but ultimately coming up just short as Kane retains. The usual opening video plays out, and after seeing the pyro and checking the crowd, we got to the announce desk and [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B]...[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Last week Tommy Dreamer came so close to becoming the ECW Champion, but tonight we continue with the ECW Championship Chase as the countdown to No Way Out continues. Hello everyone, I’m Joey Styles alongside Tazz, and Tazz, it was an unbelievable effort last week from Tommy Dreamer, but sadly he came up just short. [B]Tazz:[/B] It was a tough break for Tommy, but any doubts about his ability that he had should be put out of his mind after that performance last week. [B]Styles:[/B] Tonight, Umaga and Balls Mahoney plus John Morrison and The Brian Kendrick in Championship Chase quarter final matchups, plus Colt Cabana and Tommy Dreamer in tag team action against Shelton Benjamin and Kane... [I]The sounds of cars crashing stops Joey, and the ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B] emerges and makes his way down to the ring...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] First of all, I just want to say that it’s great to be here tonight in Kansas City, MO! Second of all, I want to address what happened last week in the ECW Championship match between Tommy Dreamer and Kane. So right now, I’d like to ask the innovator of violence, the heart and soul of ECW, Tommy Dreamer to come out here and join me. Tommy, get out here! [I]The crowd rises in appreciation as [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] steps out onto the ramp, looking dejected over his loss last week but still managing a smile in response to the crowd. He enters the ring and shakes hands with Foley...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] Now Tommy, last week I heard you say to me that you didn’t think you had it in you anymore to compete at this level. You said you felt like you were done. Well... I can only hope that your performance against Kane last week helped you realise that you’ve still got it Tommy. You’ll always have a place here on ECW, and you’ll always be the backbone of this roster. And Tommy... not only did you prove to me, yourself and everybody watching that you’ve still got it... you gave me an idea. Tommy, I gave you that title match last week because I genuinely believed you could become the ECW Champion... and I still believe that. That’s why, at No Way Out, it’s going to be Kane and Tommy Dreamer, one on one for the ECW Championship! [B]Styles:[/B] Wow! A rematch scheduled for No Way Out. [B]Tazz:[/B] I’m so happy for Tommy. He gets another shot at the title, and he’s gonna win it. I just know he will. [B]Dreamer:[/B] Mick... I can only thank you man. Not just for another chance at the ECW Championship... but for lighting the fire under me again. For over 15 years I have bled ECW. And last week... I gave it everything I had, I put it all on the line, and while I didn’t get the job done... I’ve got the hunger back again. The fire has been lit, I am going to No Way Out and I’m going to become the new ECW Champion! [B]Foley:[/B] That’s great to hear Tommy. Now, as for tonight... [I]Foley is stopped in his tracks by a burst of flames rising from the corners of the ring, and soon the gruesome sight of [B]Kane[/B] appears on the titan-tron, with not only the boiler-room Kane is in but the entire arena being bathed in that eerie [COLOR="Red"][B]red[/B][/COLOR] glow we’ve seen in recent months...[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Hahahaha! Tommy Dreamer... you call yourself the heart and soul of ECW. That’s means I despise everything about you Dreamer. I have long preached about seeing this brand go up in flames... and where better to start than at No Way Out. Tommy... I will face you in a rematch for my ECW Championship... on one condition... you and me... in an inferno match! Hahahaha! [B]Styles:[/B] Oh my God! [B]Tazz:[/B] Oh now c’mon, not even Tommy Dreamer is nuts enough to step into the ring with Kane for an inferno match. [B]Foley:[/B] Kane, you listen to me. There is not a chance I am going to agree to sign off on an inferno match. I refuse to subject any member of the ECW roster to... [B]Dreamer:[/B] Hey Kane... I accept! [B]Styles:[/B] What?! [B]Tazz:[/B] You gotta be kiddin’ me! [B]Styles:[/B] Tommy Dreamer... just accepted an inferno match with Kane! [B]Kane:[/B] Hahahaha! I knew you wouldn’t say no. Dreamer... at No Way Out... your championship hopes... and the so called heart and soul of ECW... will go up in flames! Hahahaha! [B]Styles:[/B] I can’t believe this. Kane and Tommy Dreamer at No Way Out in an inferno match. [B]Tazz:[/B] I don’t know how smart it was of Tommy Dreamer to accept that challenge. I mean, an inferno match with Kane is gonna be brutal. [B]Styles:[/B] And what about the Championship Chase? I thought the winner of that was supposed to face Kane at No Way Out? [B]Tazz:[/B] Well, I guess we’ll need to hear from Mick about that one, but he looks too shocked to speak right now. ---------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BallsMahoney.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Chase Quarter Final Match Balls Mahoney v Umaga[/B] The third spot in the semi finals of the Championship Chase is now up for grabs, as Umaga, with [B]Armando Estrada[/B], and Mahoney, with [B]Stevie Richards[/B], face off. The two square up as the bell rings, with Mahoney swinging the first right hand... but Umaga doesn’t budge. Mahoney swings again... again Umaga is unaffected, so Mahoney comes off the ropes... and runs right into a clothesline. Umaga now sends Mahoney to the corner and charges in... but Balls avoids him, and now Mahoney strikes with kicks and punches... only for Umaga to push him across the ring. Mahoney is quickly back up, and he charges again... but this time he runs into... a swinging side slam! Umaga plants Balls, and after a few stomps, he locks on the nerve hold. Eventually Mahoney fights back to his feet, swinging with rights to the gut and sending Umaga to the corner... reversal... Umaga follows in... but Mahoney avoids the contact, and he climbs to the second rope... axe handle, but it only staggers Umaga, so now Balls begins teeing off with left hands... and he winds up for the right... down goes Umaga! Mahoney waits for Umaga to rise... he charges in... right into a Samoan drop! Out of nowhere Umaga strikes back, and now he drags Balls to the corner, props his head up against the bottom turnbuckle and goes to the other corner... he charges in... Samoan wrecking ball... no! Balls avoids it... and he lifts Umaga up... nutcracker suite! Balls is gonna do it... 1... 2... Estrada grabs Umaga’s foot and places it on the ropes! The ref stops his count at 2, leaving Balls dejected. He drags Umaga back up and sends him off the ropes... reversal... oh! Balls runs right into a heel kick, and now Umaga drags him to his feet... Samoan spike! 1... 2... 3. Umaga advances to next week’s semi finals. [B]Umaga beat Balls Mahoney to advance in the ECW Championship Chase (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]We cut backstage to the general manager’s office and a nervous looking [B]Mick Foley[/B], franticly shuffling through papers on his desk and generally stressing out... and it’s about to get worse as [B]The Brian Kendrick[/B] and [B]Danny Rodimer[/B] enter the room...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] God... what do you want Kendrick? [B]The Kendrick:[/B] That’s Th- [B]Foley:[/B] Don’t you dare say “that’s The Kendrick” to me! I am not in the mood for any of your crap right now, so what do you want? [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Hey, hey, chillax Mick. I was just wondering, since last week you said the winner of the Championship Chase... and it’s gonna be me... was gonna get a title match at No Way Out... and now Tommy Dreamer is taking on Kane... when in the hell is the winner of the chase... me... gonna get my title shot? [B]Foley:[/B] Well, before I was interrupted by Kane, I was about to make an announcement regarding the championship chase. Your quarter final is tonight right Kendrick? [B]The Kendrick:[/B] That’s right... [B]Foley:[/B] And the semi-finals and final were scheduled to be next week, right? [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Yeah... [B]Foley:[/B] Well why don’t we tweak it a little bit? Let’s have the semi finals next week... and have the final live on pay-per-view at No Way Out! [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Oh... so when I win the final at No Way Out, I get my title shot that night? I like that Mick. Yeah, I can let Kane and Tommy Dreamer burn each other to a crisp, then I swoop in and win the title. Yeah! I like it Micky! [B]Foley:[/B] No, no, no! What is it with people not letting me finish tonight? The final of the Championship Chase, but the winner won’t be getting his title shot at No Way Out. [B]The Kendrick:[/B] So when then? [B]Foley:[/B] The winner of the Championship Chase at No Way Out... will face the ECW Champion, whoever that may be... at Wrestlemania! [B]The Kendrick:[/B] Wre-Wre-Wrestle- [B]Foley:[/B] Yeah that shut you up didn’t it? Rodimer, get this stuttering fool out of my office. ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Miz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KofiKingston.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Miz v Kofi Kingston[/B] Miz and Kofi Kingston now go at it, with Miz looking to build on his victory from last week. As the two tie-up, Miz drives Kofi to the corner, but the ref calls for the break, to which Miz obliges... only for him to slap Kofi in the face... so Kofi rocks him with a kick to the head, and he follows with rights and then a snapmare... and a stiff kick to the spine. Miz tries to back away, but Kingston stays on him, sending Miz off the ropes... monkey flip sends Miz flying! Kofi looks to attack again, but Miz is able to hit a knee to the gut, and a kick of his own sends Kofi crashing through the ropes to the floor. Miz follows out, scooping Kofi up and dropping him across the barricade, then driving Kofi into the apron before tossing him back in for a 2 count. Now it’s Miz who attacks with kicks, aiming them at Kofi’s ribs, then going for an abdominal stretch. Miz wrenches back to apply pressure, but eventually Kofi strikes with kicks to the head, only for Miz to hit a forearm to the gut and go for a slam... but Kofi counters with a roll-up... 1... 2... Miz kicks out, and he charges... but Kofi strikes with an elbow... but then Miz hits back with a huge clothesline! 1... 2... Kofi kicks out. Miz again locks on the abdominal stretch, this time holding it on for longer...but again Kofi kicks his way free, and he ducks a Miz clothesline... and nails a kick to the head! 1... 2... Miz gets the shoulder up, but Kofi is in control now, and he sends Miz to the corner... reversal... Miz bounces to the second rope... springboard crossbody... no! Miz rolls through... 1... 2... Miz has the tights... 3! Miz steals the win from Kofi Kingston. [B] The Miz beat Kofi Kingston (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] And Shelton, last week we saw you advance to the semi finals of the Championship Chase. Earlier tonight, Mick Foley said the winner of the Chase would now not be getting a title shot at No Way Out, but would be getting a title shot at Wrestlemania! Shelton... how are you feeling about all this? [B]Benjamin:[/B] You know, I had every intention of walking into No Way Out and becoming the new ECW Champion. But now... I can wait for Wrestlemania. I don’t know if you remember... but last year, Wrestlemania 24... that’s when I became the ECW Champion. How ironic that one year later, at Wrestlemania 25... I’m going to become ECW Champion again. I took out Kurt Angle... next week I’ll take out Colt Cabana... and then at No Way Out I’ll take out whoever dares to get in my way, and I will go to Wrestlemania... and become the new ECW Champion. ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TheBrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Chase Quarter Final Match John Morrison v The Brian Kendrick[/B] The final semi final spot is on the line as Morrison, with [B]Kelly Kelly[/B], takes on Kendrick, with [B]Danny Rodimer[/B]. Both men start at a fast pace, with Morrison taking Kendrick down with a headlock... but Kendrick quickly counters with a headscissors... with Morrison transitions into a pin... but Kendrick kicks out, and both men are quickly back up... and Kendrick begins unloading with kicks to the thigh, driving Morrison to the corner for more kicks... but when Kendrick arrogantly taunts the crowd, Morrison grabs him and tosses him to the corner, and now Morrison attacks with kicks and punches before sending Kendrick off the ropes... reversal... Morrison bounces off the second rope... springboard roundhouse... no! Kendrick ducks, but Morrison lands on his feet... and connects with an enzuigiri! 1... 2... kick out by Kendrick, and he backs off to the corner and begs for a time out... and when Morrison eases up, Kendrick is able to send him shoulder first into the ringpost. Now Kendrick begins to target the arm, aiming kicks at it, taking Morrison down with an armdrag and driving the knee into the shoulder and then locking on a seated armbar. Morrison fights back up, but Kendrick sends him to the corner... Morrison reverses and charges in... drop-toe-hold drops Morrison shoulder first onto the middle turnbuckle, and now Kendrick returns to the kicks to the arm. Kendrick sends Morrison to the opposite corner and charges in... but Morrison avoids his running knee, and now Morrison swings with his good arm, before going for an Irish whip... Kendrick reverses... Morrison bounces to the top rope... springboard roundhouse connects! Morrison then hits a twisting legdrop and hooks the leg... 1... 2... Kendrick kicks out, but Morrison has all the momentum, and he sends Kendrick to the corner... but Kendrick uses the ropes to avoid him, and after a few kicks he goes for... sliced bread... no! Morrison hangs on to the ropes, and Kendrick crashes to the mat, so Morrison moves quickly... split-legged corkscrew moonsault! Morrison connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]John Morrison beat The Brian Kendrick to advance in the ECW Championship Chase (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] John Morrison advances to the semi final stages of the Championship Chase! And that means next week on ECW on Sci-Fi, it’s Shelton Benjamin and Colt Cabana in one semi final, and Morrison and Umaga in the other. [B]Tazz:[/B] Great win for Morrison. I’d love to see Tuesday Night Delight as the ECW Champion again. If he... [B]Styles:[/B] Wait... what the... it’s [B]Umaga[/B]! [I]Behind Morrison’s back, Umaga has slipped into the ring... and he waits for Morrison to turn... Samoan drop! Umaga plants Morrison... but he’s not done yet, as he drags Morrison to his feet... Samoan spike! Umaga sends a devastating message to his opponent next week. Who’s going to stop the Samoan bulldozer from going onto Wrestlemania?[/I] ------------------ [B]Styles:[/B] Welcome back folks to ECW on Sci-Fi. It’s time for our main event of the evening. [B]Tazz:[/B] Tommy Dreamer and Colt Cabana teaming up to take on Shelton Benjamin and the ECW Champion Kane... [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kane and Shelton Benjamin v Tommy Dreamer and Colt Cabana[/B] Benjamin and Cabana, opponents next week, kicks things off, and the ruthless side we saw from Shelton continues this week, as he quickly gains the advantage with kicks to the gut and clubbing forearms before sending Cabana to the corner... Cabana bounces to the top rope... moonsault to the onrushing Benjamin, and Cabana gets an early near fall. Dreamer gets the tag, and he continues the attack, teeing off on Benjamin and sending him off the ropes... but Dreamer ducks, and Benjamin kicks him in the chest and swings with a right hand... but Dreamer ducks... pumphandle slam! 1... 2... Shelton kicks out again, and Cabana tags back in. Colt looks to keep up the momentum, but Benjamin catches him with a knee to the gut, and then hits a northern lights suplex for a near fall. A swinging neckbreaker drops Cabana again, and now Kane enters the match, and he sends Colt down with a snapmare and comes off the ropes for a low dropkick, gaining another near fall. Stiff uppercuts drive Cabana to the corner, and now Kane strikes with elbows, before slamming Colt to the mat and locking on a chinlock. Kane squeezes down on Cabana’s neck, while on the apron Dreamer tries to get the crowd behind Colt. Cabana eventually fights back to his feet, and he tries to reach out for a tag... but Kane drags him back to his corner and tags in Benjamin. Kane and Benjamin now make plenty of quick tags to wear Cabana down, with Benjamin connecting with a somersault neckbreaker and Kane hitting big boots and a sidewalk slam for a near fall. Kane is in the ring, and he climbs to the top rope, looking for the flying clothesline... but Cabana moves, and he charges... step-up enzuigiri! Cabana plants Kane, and both men crawl for their corners... here comes Benjamin... here comes Dreamer! Dreamer comes in and knocks Shelton down with a series of clothesline, before going for an Irish whip... Benjamin reverses... Dreamer ducks his clothesline... falling neckbreaker! Here comes Kane... dropkick to the knee, and Dreamer runs the ropes... bulldog! Kane rolls outside, and Dreamer sends Benjamin off the ropes... reversal... Kane pulls down the top rope, sending Dreamer crashing to the floor, but here comes Cabana... somersault plancha onto Kane! Cabana now brawls with Kane, while Dreamer rolls back into the ring, where Benjamin is waiting for him to stand up... paydirt... no! Dreamer catches him with a clothesline, and as Benjamin gets back up, Dreamer is waiting... DDT! Dreamer plants Shelton, and hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]Tommy Dreamer and Colt Cabana beat Kane and Shelton Benjamin (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] They did it! Dreamer and Cabana beat Kane and Benjamin! [B]Tazz:[/B] What a great victory for Dreamer and Cabana! [B]Styles:[/B] What’s going to happen next week? Who will advance in the Championship Chase? Join us to find out. Goodnight! ----------------- [SIZE="1"]Umaga beat Balls Mahoney to advance in the ECW Championship Chase (C+) The Miz beat Kofi Kingston (C+) John Morrison beat The Brian Kendrick to advance in the ECW Championship Chase (B) Tommy Dreamer and Colt Cabana beat Kane and Shelton Benjamin (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B [/B] [QUOTE=keefmoon;637284]Another great show. I was hoping you'd posted when I came on here. Everything is coming together so well, No Way Out is going to be a great event without a doubt but Wrestlemania will be something else, I love the way you're building to it. I'm guessing we'll have Triple H vs Jeff, Edge vs Christian vs Punk at Mania, both of which will be great main events. And I'm also guessing either Kennedy and Jericho will have a match at Mania, or they'll be a part of MitB, both of which options work in my opinion, and maybe Orton vs Cody, HBK vs Batista or Undertaker and Natalya vs Beth, all of which seem to be getting a good build already which is great considering how far away it is. Anyway, loved that last show. Just one little thing- I assume Triple H meant that the winner of Jeff vs Undertaker will fcae him at No Way Out rather than Backlash? Out of interest, has the game tried to retire anyone yet? Like Undertaker or HBK?[/QUOTE] Cheers for the comment keef. Eh... some of your guesses are right, others not so much. Couldn't possibly say which is which, but hopefully No Way Out will give a few answers, and also the build to Wrestlemania will give a few more. Right now, every storyline is kinda getting jumbled together due to the elimination chambers, but like I say, hopefully No Way Out will sort things out. Dunno what my brain was thinking with that Backlash line, good spot. I've gone back and edited it. Um, not so far. Way back at the start, Ric Flair retired the night after No Way Out 2008, but I kept him going until Wrestlemania 24 for his farewell. Taker and HBK are both still active wrestlers to this point. The only changes I've seen have been Finlay and William Regal becoming semi-active, but apart from that nothing. Hopefully it stays that way, as I'd hate to have to change plans at this late stage.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A quick recap of last week’s show, with Ric Flair announcing the Smackdown elimination chamber, MVP and Big Show grabbing the first two spots in the chamber and then JBL winning a fatal-four-way with Bobby Lashley’s help to win a championship match at No Way Out. We also see the ending of last Monday’s Raw, and Ric Flair’s announcement that if Jeff Hardy can beat Edge tonight on Smackdown, he’ll earn a spot in the Raw elimination chamber. The pyro goes off, and we hear from the Smackdown announcers [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Last Friday night, JBL became the number one contender for CM Punk’s World Heavyweight Championship at No Way Out, but tonight, who is going to join MVP and Big Show in the elimination chamber? Hello everyone, I’m Michael Cole alongside Jonathan Coachman, and Coach, what about... [B]Coach:[/B] Wait, wait, wait. Forget whatever you were about to say. I want to talk about the injustice that Ric Flair has repeatedly put upon Edge. First, he makes Edge’s Wrestlemania main event a triple threat match with the elimination chamber, now, after Edge was assaulted by Jeff Hardy last week, he puts Edge in a match with him! It’s ridiculous! [B]Cole:[/B] Well Ric Flair, doing his buddy Jeff Hardy a favour, giving Jeff one last chance to qualify for the Raw elimination chamber if he can beat Edge tonight. [I]The bells ring out and the white limo emerges, as [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B], [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] and [B]Maryse[/B] step out into the arena and down to the ring, where JBL is handed a mic...[/I] [B]JBL:[/B] Last week I earned myself the chance to go to No Way Out and compete for the World Heavyweight Championship. At No Way Out, that title that I have sought after for all these months will finally be mine. I tried to use my powers as general manager to become champion... and failed. I tried to use my wealth and buy my way to the championship... and failed. At No Way Out, I will go back to what has always served me well in the past... I’ll just do it my damn self. I am the wrestling God! I am the longest reigning champion in Smackdown history! I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to realise it, but now I realise that the best way for me to become champion again is to just go out and teach CM Punk a wrestling lesson. At No Way Out, I will become champion, and then I will go to Wrestlemania to my home state of Texas, and I will have my Wrestlemania moment by beating Edge... and Bobby Lashley. You see, Lashley tonight has an elimination chamber qualifier... and when he wins tonight, he will win at No Way Out. At Wrestlemania, it’s not going to be a triple threat match... it’s going to be the World Heavyweight Champion JBL... and Bobby Lashley... against Edge in a two on one match. Edge... I’ve never liked you. Hell, the amount of times you embarrassed me and let me down when I was general manager, I should hate you. But at Wrestlemania, it’s not going to be personal... it’s going to be strictly business. And business... is what I do best. [B]Cole:[/B] Well an interesting proposition there from JBL. He says tonight, Lashley will qualify for the elimination chamber, then both he and Lashley are going to No Way Out. [B]Coach:[/B] Right and when they both win at No Way Out, the Wrestlemania triple threat becomes a two on one match. [B]Cole:[/B] Well I’m sure both Edge and the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk will have something to say about that... --------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ZackRyder.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match Matt Hardy v Zack Ryder[/B] The United States Champion Matt Hardy now stakes his claim for an elimination chamber spot, going against Zack Ryder, who of course has [B]Curt Hawkins[/B] in his corner. From the first tie-up, Hardy gains control, working into a headlock, only for Ryder to sends Hardy off the ropes... Hardy runs him down with a shoulderblock. Ryder quickly backs off to the corner to regroup with Hawkins, and when the two tie-up again, Hardy returns to the headlock, and when Ryder tries to fight out of it, Hardy slams him to the mat, coming off the ropes for a legdrop and scoring a near fall. Both men are back up, but Hardy strikes with rights and sends Ryder off the ropes... but Hardy ducks his head, and Ryder aims a kick to the chest and then takes Hardy down with a clothesline. Now Ryder begins to stomp away, before he goes for a side-headlock on the mat. Hardy is able to fight back up, and he breaks the hold with a jawbreaker that backs Ryder into the corner... but when Hardy charges in, Ryder gets a boot up, and Ryder goes to the second rope... missile dropkick! 1... 2... Hardy gets the shoulder up, but Ryder stays on him, dragging Hardy to his feet and tossing him to the outside. Ryder now distracts the ref, allowing Hawkins to take a few cheap shots on the floor, but Hardy gets back up... and nails Hawkins with a clothesline, but as he returns to the ring, Ryder hits a baseball slide that sends Hardy crashing into the barricade. Ryder comes out and tosses Hardy back into the ring, but his cover only gets him a near fall. Back on their feet, Ryder sends Hardy to the corner and charges in... but Hardy avoids him, and Ryder crashes into the ringpost. He staggers back out, and Hardy climbs to the second rope... legdrop bulldog! 1... 2... Ryder kicks out, but Hardy stays on the attack, kicking Ryder and sending him off the ropes... kick... twist of fate... no! Hawkins jumps up on the apron... right hand from Hardy knocks him down... but Ryder connects with an inverted-DDT and hooks the leg... 1... 2... Hardy kicks out! Ryder can’t believe it, but he tries to finish Hardy off, dragging him to his feet and going for an Irish whip... Hardy ducks a clothesline... and nails the twist of fate! 1... 2... 3! Matt Hardy qualifies for the Smackdown elimination chamber! [B]Matt Hardy beat Zack Ryder to qualify for the elimination chamber (B-)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Josh Matthews[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Josh:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is one of the men who will compete in the Smackdown elimination chamber at No Way Out... [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B]. And MVP, last week we saw you qualify but earlier tonight we heard some pretty strong words from JBL who was adamant that it would be Bobby Lashley who would be qualifying and then winning... [B]MVP:[/B] Yeah I heard JBL say that, but he better realise one thing. I’m the man who’s gonna win that elimination chamber. JBL, he likes to talk a lot, he likes the sound of his own voice, but that’s all he is... talk. Me? I deliver. And I guarantee it right now, that I’ll... [I]MVP stops dead in his tracks as [B]Big Show[/B] walks up to him...[/I] [B]Show:[/B] Go on... finish what you were gonna say. [B]MVP:[/B] Uh... uh... nah man, nothing. [B]Big Show:[/B] No, no... you were gonna say something. Say it. [B]MVP:[/B] Uh... you know what? It don’t matter right now. I’m outta here... --------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ValVenis.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [B]Val Venis v Santino Marella[/B] After their two previous meetings have ended in Santino victories, Val needs to win this match to try win back some respect, for him and [B]Rosa Mendes[/B] at ringside. As in previous encounters, Val dominates early, rocking Santino with punches and kicks before sending Santino off the ropes... big back-body-drop! Val looks to stay on the attack, but Santino quickly rolls to the outside to regroup. Val isn’t the mood to let him rest though, and he goes under the ropes... but Santino sees him coming, and he takes off running! A foot race round the ring ensues, with Val finally catching Santino... and slamming him face first into the steel steps! Santino comically flops to the floor, only for Val to roll him back into the ring... but Val doesn’t go for a cover, as he wants to inflict more damage. After Santino is sent off the ropes and into a spinebuster, Val then drops a couple of elbows and looks to climb to the top rope... but Santino out of desperation pushes the ref into the ropes, causing Val to fall to the mat. Santino takes his time, still trying to recover from the early beating, but he finally looks to attack, dropping an elbow and stomping away, before going to the second rope... fistdrop... no! Val gets a boot up, and he’s quickly up to nail Santino with a clothesline. Val continues his assault, hitting a belly-to-belly suplex and then sending Santino to the corner... Val charges in... but Santino pulls the ref infront of him... and Val nails the ref by mistake! The ref slumps to the mat, and Santino is able to send Val shoulder first into the ringpost. Santino has taken such a beating though that he can’t take advantage, so when Val finally emerges, he’s able to plant Santino with another spinebuster. Val now climbs to the top rope, and he readies himself for the money shot... but Rosa slips into the ring... and she stands over Santino! Val can’t understand it, so he drops back down to the ring to see what Rosa is doing... and she kicks him square in the nuts! Val slumps to the mat, and Santino goes for a rollup just as the ref stirs... 1... 2... 3. Rosa has just handed victory to Santino... and now she and the Italian are leaving the arena together! Val, can’t believe it, he’s lost the match and he’s lost his girl! [B] Santino Marella beat Val Venis (C+)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Ric Flair[/B] is in his office when he’s joined by [B]Ted DiBiase[/B]...[/I] [B]DiBiase:[/B] C’mon Ric please. I’m begging you. [B]Flair:[/B] You’re begging me? Ted, I gotta admit, I’m kinda surprised you’re offering me your credit card right now. [B]DiBiase:[/B] Alright Ric, I admit it, I made a mistake that one time. But c’mon, you gotta give me another chance to qualify for the elimination chamber. [B]Flair:[/B] You want another chance? Alright, I’ll tell you what. Tonight Ted, you can have another chance at qualifying. [B]DiBiase:[/B] Yes! Thank you so much Ric. Who’s my match against? [B]Flair:[/B] Against Rey Mysterio! [B]DiBiase:[/B] Rey Mysterio?! [B]Flair:[/B] That’s right my friend. Now... get outta here... I gotta talk to somebody... [I]As Ric has been talking, [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] enters the room, passing DiBiase as he leaves...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Hey Jeff! Welcome to Smackdown. [B]Jeff:[/B] Thanks Ric. Hey man, I just want to thank you again for what you did Monday night. [B]Flair:[/B] Hey, don’t worry about. Just go out there tonight and kick Edge’s ass for me! [B]Jeff:[/B] After what he did to me at the Rumble, I owe him an ass kicking. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks again, I won’t let you down. [B]Flair:[/B] Alright buddy... ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/DrewMcIntyre.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JTG.jpg[/IMG] [B]Drew McIntyre v JTG[/B] With Cryme Tyme and The Empire set to tangle next week for the titles, [B]Shad[/B], [B]William Regal[/B], [B]Paul Burchill[/B] and [B]Katie Lea[/B] are all in attendance as McIntyre and JTG go at it. The early moments see both men trading waistlocks and wristlocks, until McIntyre cracks JTG with an elbow, hitting kicks to the gut and going for an Irish whip... but JTG ducks his clothesline... and connects with a diving shoulderblock. Both men are quickly back up, only for JTG to hit a dropkick, getting a near fall. JTG then goes for a headlock, but McIntyre sends him off the ropes... and then flapjacks JTG onto the top rope, following by slamming him head first into the top turnbuckle. McIntyre pummels JTG with fists and boots, and when the ref calls for a break, Regal hits a cheap shot. After another near fall, McIntyre goes for a slam, but JTG counters with a roll-up... 1... 2... McIntyre kicks out, and he explodes back to his feet to nail a hard clothesline, getting another near fall. McIntyre pulls JTG up and tries for a suplex, but JTG lands behind him, and he connects with a neckbreaker. Both men are back up, and JTG starts teeing off with rights and lefts before coming off the ropes for another diving shoulderblock, and he climbs to the second rope... diving legdrop! 1... 2... McIntyre kicks out, but JTG wastes no time in coming off the ropes... crossbody... but Burchill is up on the apron! The ref tries to get him down... but Shad runs over and knocks Burchill down, and the two start brawling. While the ref tries to sort that out, Regal tosses a pair of brass knucks into the ring for Miz... but JTG intercepts them... and he cracks Miz in the face! Regal jumps up on the apron... he takes a shot too, and JTG disposes of the evidence and goes for a cover... 1... 2... 3! Cryme Tyme grab the win and build momentum ahead of their tag title match next week. [B]JTG beat Drew McIntyre (C+)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I]In some random backstage area, Cruiserweight Champion [B]Paul London[/B] is talking to some equally random backstage worker... when [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B] approaches him...[/I] [B]London:[/B] Hey Chavo... [B]Chavo:[/B] How’s it going Paul? [B]London:[/B] It’s good, it’s good. How about you? [B]Chavo:[/B] Everything’s great... except I’m still waiting for another shot at your Cruiserweight Title. [B]London:[/B] Uh... look Chavo, I already beat you a couple of weeks ago. If you want another shot you should go ask Ric Flair or something. [B]Chavo:[/B] I’m not asking Ric Flair Paul... I’m asking you. [B]London:[/B] What’s with the attitude Chavo? I mean, I thought we settled this last week in that tag team match? [B]Chavo:[/B] Hey, hey... calm down. Fine, we’ll do it your way. I’ll get my rematch from Ric Flair. There’s no problem here... [B]London:[/B] From the way you’re talking... there’s a pretty big problem between us. And I won’t have any worries settling it in the ring. ---------------- [I]Elsewhere, [B]Jamie Noble[/B] and [B]Gregory Helms[/B] are discussing the altercation between Jimmy Yang and Shannon Moore last week...[/I] [B]Noble:[/B] I’m just sayin’ that them two splitting up has got everythin’ to do with us. [B]Helms:[/B] That doesn’t mean we need to get involved. Hell, let them fight out between each other. We ain’t got no business being involved in it. [B]Noble:[/B] You might not think we do, but I sure as hell do! When them two finally have a match, I wanna be there to see it, I wanna get involved in it. [B]Helms:[/B] Well I don’t Jamie. And to be honest, you shouldn’t either. [B]Noble:[/B] What? You know, I’m startin’ to wonder about you Helms. This got anything to do with you and Shannon Moore being friends back in the day? [B]Helms:[/B] That’s got nothing to do with this. I just think if they’re gonna fight it out, we should just let them. [B]Noble:[/B] Whatever man. I’m outta here... ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TedDibiase.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match Rey Mysterio v Ted DiBiase[/B] After losing an elimination chamber qualifier last week to Big Show, DiBiase goes from one extreme to the other as he takes on Mysterio this week. DiBiase clearly has a size and strength advantage, and he shows it early on as he comes off the ropes and bowls Rey over with a shoulderblock. DiBiase again runs the ropes, but this time Rey leapfogs and then connects with a dropkick, before he kicks Ted to the corner and sends him across... reversal... DiBiase runs into a boot... Rey goes for the wheelbarrow bulldog... but DiBiase sends Rey crashing into the corner. A stiff kick to the back follows, before Ted pummels Rey to the mat before taking him up and down with a vertical suplex for a near fall. A belly-to-back suplex takes Rey down, and then a series of elbowdrops follow, with DiBiase getting another near fall. After a stiff kick to the spine, DiBiase locks on a bodyscissors, squeezing down to apply pressure. Rey manages to twist into a bridging pin, causing DiBiase to break the hold, and both men are quickly back up, where Rey hits kicks to the gut and swings a right... but DiBiase ducks... and nails Rey with a reverse Russian legsweep... 1... 2... Mysterio kicks out, and DiBiase begins to show signs of frustration. Ted now sends Rey off the ropes, but when he drops his head, Rey kicks him in the chest, climbs through the ropes and bounces from the apron to the top... seated senton! 1... 2... DiBiase kicks out, but Rey now looks to take control, hitting more kicks and going for an Irish whip... reversal by DiBiase... but Rey grabs the top rope, only for DiBiase to charge... drop-toe-hold, and DiBiase is in position and here comes Rey... 619... no! DiBiase ducks, but Rey charges... DiBiase elevates him over and onto the apron... shoulder to the gut... springboard sunset flip... but DiBiase drops to his knees for the cover... 1... 2... Mysterio somehow kicks out! DiBiase though he had it, and now he stalks Rey from behind and goes for... the million dollar dream... no! Rey counters with an armdrag, and DiBiase is again in position on the middle rope... 619 connects! Mysterio to the top rope... springboard splash! 1... 2... 3! Rey Mysterio books his place in the Smackdown elimination chamber! [B]Rey Mysterio beat Ted DiBiase to qualify for the elimination chamber (B)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Eve Torres[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the World Heavyweight Champion... [B]CM Punk[/B]! And Punk, what is your reaction to the fact that last week JBL won the fatal four way to earn the right to face you at No Way Out for your title? [B]Punk:[/B] Earn? JBL didn’t earn the right to face me. JBL never earns anything. He did what he always does, he had Lashley help him steal another victory. Well JBL... you can talk all you want about what you’re gonna do at No Way Out, I don’t really care what you say anymore. You had your chance at my title back when you were general manager. Back then you could change the rules during matches to suit you... but at No Way Out, it’s just you and me, straight up one on one. JBL... you haven’t got a chance against me. I... [I]Yet another interview is interupted, as [B]Edge[/B] steps into the shot...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] No Way Out huh? God, I wonder what I'll be doing that night... oh yeah, I'll be relaxing, watching the show, whereas you... you could quite easily lose your World Heavyweight Championship. Now, wouldn't that be a shame? Wouldn't it be a shame if say, somebody who didn't like you very much happened to get invovled in your match at No Way Out? [B]Punk:[/B] And why would you do that? [B]Edge:[/B] Let's just say me facing an old, broken down loser like JBL sounds like a great Wrestlemania moment, for me anyway. [B]Punk:[/B] Oh yeah? Well... I kinda want a Wrestlemania moment of my own. So at No Way Out, I will beat JBL... and then I'm coming after you... and whoever else happens to be there with us. ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JakeHager.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match Bobby Lashley v Jake Hager[/B] Rookie Jake Hager now gets a shot at earning an elimination chamber spot, but sadly he takes on Bobby Lashley, who of course has [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] and [B]Maryse[/B] along with him. With both of these men coming from an amateur background, the early moments are spent with the two fighting over a waistlock, trying to gain the advantage over the other. Hager eventually takes Lashley down, but Lashley fights back up, connecting with an elbow to the head and sending Hager off the ropes... and sending him flying with an overhead belly-to-belly. After a near fall, Lashley sends Hager to the corner, and he pummels Hager with rights to the head and body, before taking Hager up and down with a vertical suplex. Lashley now tosses Hager through the ropes, and as he distracts the ref, JBL strikes, kicking Hager in the head and sending him into the barricade. Lashley comes out and tosses Hager back in the ring, and he uses his boot and the bottom rope to choke Hager. Clearly Hager is in trouble, but he manages to swing a right out of desperation, and after a couple more he sends Lashley off the ropes... reversal... Hager with a crossbody... but Lashley catches him... fallaway slam! 1... 2... Hager kicks out, but Lashley goes right back to work, hitting stiff forearms to the back and taking Hager up for a torture rack submission. Lashley wrenches on Hager’s chin to apply pressure, causing Hager to cry out in pain. After repeatedly being asked by the ref if he wants to submit, Hager slowly begins to fight his way out of it... only for Lashley to drop to his knees for a torture rack drop! 1... 2... again Hager hangs on, and Lashley and JBL are furious. After remonstrating with the ref, Lashley turns back to Hager... who hits a kick to the gut, and another, and now Hager tries to build some offence, connecting with right hands and going for an Irish whip... Lashley reverses... Hager ducks his clothesline... and takes Lashley down with a belly-to-back suplex. Lashley is quickly back up, but Hager again ducks and this time drops Lashley with a neckbreaker, scoring a near fall. The momentum is slowly changing as Hager looks to send Lashley to the corner... Lashley reverses, and when Hager tries to use the ropes to avoid him, Lashley catches Hager on his shoulders... running powerslam... no! Hager pushes Lashley into the corner, and here’s rollup... 1... 2... Lashley kicks out! Hager almost had it, and realising this, JBL jumps up on the apron... Hager swings a right, but JBL jumps back down before it connects... and Lashley takes advantage with a huge clothesline! Now Lashley picks Hager up... dominator! Lashley plants Hager, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. Lashley grabs a place in the elimination chamber, and it looks like JBL’s prediction could come true. [B]Bobby Lashley beat Jake Hager to qualify for the elimination chamber (B-) [/B] [/CENTER] ---------------- [I][B]Jeff Hardy[/B] paces the backstage area, making his way towards the ring for his match with Edge... when [B]Christian[/B] appears infront of him...[/I] [B]Jeff:[/B] Christian? [B]Christian:[/B] Hey man... long time no see. [B]Jeff:[/B] No, I guess not. [B]Christian:[/B] Listen... about your match tonight. Be careful out there. I haven’t seen Edge look so crazy in a long time. Watch your back tonight. [B]Jeff:[/B] I will. But uh... why you so worried about Edge? [B]Christian:[/B] Let’s just say me and Edge still have some unfinished business to settle. Anyway, good luck man. I’ll be watching... ------------------ [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match Edge v Jeff Hardy[/B] As the bell rings, Jeff looks determined to not only grab the final spot in the Raw elimination chamber, but also to extract revenge on Edge for the deal Edge cut with Shane McMahon at the Royal Rumble. Edge on the otherhand looks nervous, and [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] at ringside seems concerned for him. Jeff looks to take the fight to Edge early, but the two tie-up and break several times, with Edge sticking his head between the ropes and backing away into the corners to keep Jeff at bay. Jeff turns his back, and Edge sees this as his chance to attack... but Jeff is wise to him, countering with an armdrag, and another as Edge is quickly back up. Jeff looks to work on the arm, but Edge is able to back him into a corner and hit a cheap shot as the ref calls for the break. Edge then sends Jeff across, but Jeff runs to the top rope... whisper in the wind... no! Edge slides underneath, and Jeff crashes to the mat. Edge now looks to target Jeff’s back, driving the elbow and knee into the spine and then tossing Jeff through the ropes to the floor. Edge follows out, and he drives Jeff into the barricade before sending him crashing into the steel steps. Edge then rolls Jeff back into the ring for a near fall, and again the shots the back follow, before Edge scoops Jeff up and places him on the top turnbuckle, with Edge climbing up and looking for a suplex... but Jeff hits rights to the midsection, and he sends Edge crashing to the mat and steadies himself... swanton bomb... no! Again Edge rolls out of the way, and Jeff cries out in pain as he further damages his back. Edge now connects with a falling-DDT for another 2 count and then locks on a leg-scissors, applying more pressure to the spine. Edge squeezes down, causing Jeff to cry out in pain. Eventually, the crowd starts to stir, trying to get a response from Hardy, and he delivers, nailing elbows to the face and countering into a bridging pin... 1... 2... Edge kicks out, and both men are back on their feet... Irish whip to the corner from Jeff... Edge reverses and charges in... but he goes shoulder first into the ringpost! Jeff waits as Edge staggers out the corner, connecting with a sitout jawbreaker for a near fall, before he sends Edge to the corner... reversal... whisper in the wind! This time Jeff connects, and he goes for the cover... 1... 2... Edge gets the shoulder up. Jeff looks to stay on the attack, dragging Edge to his feet... leg-feed spinning mule kick sends Edge back down, and Jeff slowly makes his way to the top rope... but Torrie is on the apron, and she grabs Jeff by the foot, causing Jeff to lose balance and land on the turnbuckle. Edge is back up, and he climbs up with Jeff... this time he nails the suplex from the top, and here’s the cover... 1... 2... Jeff kicks out! Edge can’t believe it, but he now crouches in the corner, urging Jeff to get up... here comes Edge... spear... no! Jeff avoids with a leapfrog... and he nails the twist of fate! But wait... here comes [B]Zack Ryder[/B] and [B]Curt Hawkins[/B]! Hawkins and Ryder make their way down the ramp... but they’re blindsided by [B]Matt Hardy[/B] and [B]Christian[/B], both determined to see no interference in this match. As the four brawl at ringside, Torrie slips a chair into the ring... oh! A sick shot to the skull from Edge, and the ref never saw it! Edge goes for the cover, and the ref turns... 1... 2... Jeff somehow gets a shoulder up! Edge can’t believe it, but again he crouches, determined this time to nail the spear... here he comes... spear... but Jeff counters with an inside cradle... 1... 2.. 3! He did it! Jeff Hardy books his spot in the Raw elimination chamber, and as he celebrates with Christian and Matt, Edge is left stunned in the ring. [B]Jeff Hardy beat Edge to qualify for the elimination chamber (B+)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Jeff Hardy will be in the Raw elimination chamber at No Way Out! [B]Coach:[/B] Shane McMahon and Triple H will not be happy about this. [B]Cole:[/B] Tune in Monday night for Raw to see what Revolution’s response will be, and be sure to join us next Friday night for the last Smackdown before No Way Out. Goodnight! ----------------- [SIZE="1"]Matt Hardy beat Zack Ryder to qualify for the elimination chamber (B-) Santino Marella beat Val Venis (C+) JTG beat Drew McIntyre (C+) Rey Mysterio beat Ted DiBiase to qualify for the elimination chamber (B) Bobby Lashley beat Jake Hager to qualify for the elimination chamber (B-) Jeff Hardy beat Edge to qualify for the elimination chamber (B+)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B] [QUOTE=Texasrangers13;637668]Again great show. I am really like the way things are presented, and consistent.[/QUOTE] Again man, thanks for the comment!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]We start with a recap of last week’s show, including seeing Carlito, Randy Orton and John Cena grab spots in the elimination chamber. Also, brief highlights of the Undertaker/Jeff Hardy match, which was riddled with Revolution interference, but ultimately leading to a Undertaker win. During a post match beatdown, Ric Flair announces Jeff Hardy will get one last chance at qualifying for the chamber in a match with Edge on Smackdown. In that match, Jeff won, becoming the sixth entrant in this Sunday’s Raw elimination chamber. Regular opening video, pyro and look at the crowd leads us to [B]Jim Ross[/B] and [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] No Way Out is just 6 days away, but tonight in Oakland, CA, which one of the six men will emerge as the favourite for the elimination chamber? Hello everyone, I’m good ol’ JR, Jim Ross, alongside me as always is Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and King, what a night this going to be. [B]King:[/B] Well JR, before we talk about the rest of tonight, you mentioned the six men in the elimination chamber, tell me JR, why are five of those six men in the ring right now? [I]We cut to the hard camera and see five of the elimination chamber participants standing in the ring. [B]John Cena[/B], [B]Randy Orton[/B], [B]Carlito[/B], [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] and [B]Batista[/B] are all present... but there’s no sign of Jeff Hardy...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] I have no idea why these five men are in the ring right now. I also have no idea why Jeff Hardy is not out there with them. [I][URL="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QUD5wJ6Xc"][B]Heroes[/B][/URL] by [B]Motorhead[/B] plays out...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Although we might be about to get some answers. Here comes the general manager of Raw, [B]Shane McMahon[/B]. [B]King:[/B] I had a feeling Shane might have something to do with this. What do you think he’s got to say to these men? [B]JR:[/B] I honestly don’t know, but I doubt it’ll be good news for Jeff Hardy... [B]Shane:[/B] Good evening gentlemen, I’m sure you’re all wondering why I asked you to meet me here. I’m out here to issue the five of you a challenge. Or maybe challenge isn’t the right word. I am dangling a carrot out there for all of you. Aw hell, let’s just call it a good old fashioned bounty. This bounty is something that I know all of you desperately want. The prize on offer here gentlemen... is the chance to headline Wrestlemania 25. [I]Everybody in the ring suddenly peaks their ears, interested in what Shane has to offer...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Got your attention now don’t I? How can I offer such a prize? Well guys, it really simple. We all know the elimination chamber is the most barbaric, sadistic structure in the WWE. And, we also know that much like in the Royal Rumble, order of entry into the elimination chamber is very important, almost crucial to your chances of victory. Gentlemen, I am offering one of you the sixth entry spot in this Sunday’s elimination chamber... if you take out Jeff Hardy... tonight! [B]JR:[/B] Oh for God’s sake! How much more is Shane McMahon going to put Jeff Hardy through? [B]Shane:[/B] Think about it guys. The chance to headline Wrestlemania 25. That’s a pretty big incentive. I mean, Carlito... this could be the chance you’ve been waiting for all these years. Batista... you won your first championship headlining Wrestlemania. Same for you Cena, and you defended a championship in the Wrestlemania main event. Randy Orton... you headlined Wrestlemania 24 in a classic, where you not only retained your title, but you ended Ric Flair’s career. And Shawn... you accomplished your boyhood dream... in the main event of Wrestlemania 12. Think about it guys... you want to relive those moments this year? Then it’s real simple guys... take out Jeff Hardy tonight, grab that number 6 entrant spot, win the elimination chamber... and you’re there. [I]All five men now show a range of emotions. A sadistic smile crosses Orton’s face, Batista merely nods his head, Carlito arrogantly takes a bit out of an apple, Cena defiantly stands with a disgusted look on his face, while Michaels... Michaels seems to be conflicted, as if the demons are whispering in his ears...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] If one of you takes Jeff out... great. I have a suitable replacement standing by. However... to all you other Raw superstars out there... let me throw this out to you guys too. If anybody in the back... I don’t care if it’s man, woman or leprechaun, if anybody can take out Jeff Hardy... if you can make it so Jeff Hardy is unable to compete this Sunday... then you’ll get his spot in the elimination chamber! I don’t care how the hell you do it, but if somebody back there can eliminate Jeff Hardy from the chamber tonight... then you’re in. Oh... I almost forgot. All six of the elimination chamber entrants will be in action tonight. It’s going to be Shawn Michaels one on one with Randy Orton... John Cena and Carlito... and our main event tonight is going to be Jeff Hardy one on one with the Animal Batista... if Jeff makes it to the end of the night of course. Cena and Carlito... you guys are up... now! --------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [B]John Cena v Carlito[/B] We return from commercial with only Cena and Carlito left in the ring, although [B]Primo[/B] And [B]Apolo[/B] have joined Carlito at ringside. Cena and Carlito tie-up, and Carlito is able to back Cena into the corner, so the ref asks for a clean break... but Carlito swings a right, only for Cena to duck, score with a right of his own then send Carlito off the ropes... big back-body-drop! Again Carlito goes off the ropes... reversal... and Carlito catches Cena with a back-elbow, that sends Cena through the ropes to the floor. Apolo and Primo look to get involved, but Cena rocks both of them with rights, and he jumps back into the ring... and levels Carlito with a clothesline! 1... 2... Carlito kicks out. Cena then looks to slam Carlito, but he lands on his feet... and plants Cena with a DDT, getting a near fall. Now Carlito looks to attack, driving Cena to the corner and hitting boots to the gut, taking Cena out the corner with a suplex and then sending him off the ropes and down with a flapjack for another near fall. Cena is then sent to the corner and Carlito charges in... but Cena gets the boot up... only for Carlito to answer back with a dropkick, followed by a swinging neckbreaker for another 2 count. The boots now start to drop from Carlito, before he drags Cena up and goes for a suplex... Cena blocks... and hits a suplex of his own! Both men are slow to get back up, but when they do, a slugfest ensues, with hard rights being traded... until Cena rattles off four in a row and sends Carlito off the ropes... sitout hiptoss! Carlito is back up, but here comes Cena... flying shoulderblock! Carlito is down, and Cena comes off the ropes... five-knuckle shuffle! Cena nails Carlito and waits for him to get back up... but Apolo is on the apron... right hand sends him down! Here comes Carlito... Cena ducks his clothesline... he has him on his shoulders... FU... no! Primo pulls Carlito down... backstabber... no! Cena grabs the top rope and holds, and when Carlito hits the mat, Cena makes his move... STFU! Cena has the STFU locked on... and Carlito is tapping! Cena makes Carlito tap out, and he quickly rolls out of the ring before Primo and Apolo can try anything. [B]John Cena beat Carlito (B)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Randy Orton[/B] and [B]Batista[/B] discuss Shane McMahon’s proposition from earlier...[/I] [B]Orton:[/B] So... you and Jeff tonight huh? Seems like as good a time as any to take Jeff out. [B]Batista:[/B] Yeah, and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna destroy Jeff Hardy tonight. [B]Orton:[/B] Oh really? Well, I doubt Jeff Hardy is going to be able to compete in that match tonight. [B]Batista:[/B] Yeah? And why’s that? [B]Orton:[/B] Because I’m going to make sure he leaves the arena early tonight, in the back of an ambulance. [B]Batista:[/B] You think you’re getting that sixth spot? You’ve not got a chance. [B]Orton:[/B] Well, we’ll just see what happens Dave... ----------------- [I]Elsewhere, [B]Todd Grisham[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Todd:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]! And Jeff, I’m sure you heard the announcement from Shane McMahon earlier tonight regarding the bounty placed on your head ahead of No Way Out this Sunday. Jeff, I realise that... [B]Jeff:[/B] Let me stop you right there Todd. I heard what Shane had to say, hell the whole roster heard it. I just want to say to anybody who wants to take a shot at me tonight... I’m not hard to find. I will not run from anybody, I will not back down, I will give the fight to anybody that wants it! I have worked too damn hard trying to regain the title that was taken from me at Armageddon. I will be walking out of this arena tonight, and I will walk into No Way Out and out again with a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship in my hands! And if anybody thinks that’s not gonna happen, then... [I]Jeff is interrupted as [B]Mark Henry[/B] storms the interview set, pushing past the cameraman and driving Jeff into the wall... but Jeff fights back, swinging with a flurry of punches, managing to wrestle free... and then grabbing one of the nearby spotlights and nailing Henry on the head with it! Glass shatters, sparks fly, and Henry is left grounded as Hardy grabs the mic from Todd’s hand and stares into the camera...[/I] [B]Hardy:[/B] C’mon guys! I’m waiting for ya! ------------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CodyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/DolphZiggler.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cody Rhodes v Dolph Ziggler[/B] Last week Dolph lost to Finlay, but afterwards he viciously assaulted Finlay with a chair and then got in Hornswoggle’s face. Tonight, Dolph takes on Cody Rhodes, who also suffered a loss last time out. Dolph, naturally decides to offer a handshake to Cody, but Cody just stares at him... so Dolph aims a kick to the gut and the match is underway, and Cody is sent off the ropes... Cody reverses... leapfrog... and Dolph goes down from a hiptoss. Dolph is quickly back up, but so is Cody... armdrag... and another, with Dolph backing off to the ropes. Cody makes his way over, but the ref tells him to back off... and Dolph takes advantage, grabbing Cody and sending him crashing to the outside. Dolph follows out, and he pummels and kicks Cody against the barricade, before Cody is rolled back into the ring. Again the fists and boots fly from Dolph, before a quick series of elbows land, getting Dolph a near fall. Dolph then locks on a chinlock, wrenching on Cody’s neck. Cody slowly fights his way back up, and he scores with elbows to the gut before sending Dolph off the ropes... kick... Russian legsweep! Dolph staggers back to his feet, and here comes Cody... bulldog connects! 1... 2... Dolph kicks out, but Cody stays on the attack, teeing off with left hands and again sending Dolph off the ropes... dropkick connects, and now Cody climbs to the top rope... moonsault... no! Dolph rolls out of harm’s way... but hey... [B]Hornswoggle[/B] emerges from under the ring! Dolph sees him and dives outside to try catch him, but Hornswoggle disappears again. Dolph goes back into the ring... Hornswoggle appears at the other end! Again Dolph tries to grab him, but again the little guy avoids him... wait... Cody from behind with a rollup... 1... 2... 3! Cody Rhodes grabs the win, and Dolph can’t believe it! [B]Cody Rhodes beat Dolph Ziggler (B)[/B][/CENTER] [I] Cody quickly leaves the ring, but Dolph is determined to find Hornswoggle, so he looks under the apron... but through the crowd, [B]Finlay[/B] emerges! He waits for Dolph... shillelagh shot to the skull! Finlay and Hornswoggle get a measure of revenge on Dolph Ziggler![/I] -------------------- [I]In the Revolution dressing room, [B]Shane McMahon[/B] and [B]Triple H[/B] are talking, while [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] linger in the background...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] What the hell happened last week? I mean, I’m gone one week and now you’re facing Undertaker at No Way Out, and Jeff is in the elimination chamber. [B]Triple H:[/B] It wasn’t my fault. Ric Flair showed up and overruled me. [B]Shane:[/B] Flair? God I can’t stand that guy. Alright listen, we need to do some damage control tonight. Now, I am taking care of Jeff Hardy, so I need you four to focus on Undertaker. [B]Triple H:[/B] Relax, we’ll take care of him. Infact, I got a great idea. [B]Shane:[/B] What’s that? [B]Triple H:[/B] How about tonight, Undertaker has a match with Kenny? [B]Kenny:[/B] Whoa, what? Me and Undertaker tonight? [B]Triple H:[/B] Yeah. What’s the matter Kenny, you wouldn’t be scared of the mean old Undertaker would ya? [B]Kenny:[/B] No... no, but you know... it’s the Undertaker. [B]Triple H:[/B] Listen relax. Take Harry and TJ out there with you. Do a little damage... and I’ll pick up the pieces this Sunday. [B]Kenny:[/B] Oh so I’ll do all the work and you can take all the credit is that it? [B]Shane:[/B] Hey! Not this again! I am not gonna let you two do this again. Listen, Kenny, Harry, TJ, if ever you were going to help me out, it needs to be tonight! I’ve got too much going on right now. [B]Kenny:[/B] Alright, alright. We’ll do it. [B]Shane:[/B] Thank you. Oh and Kenny... if Jeff Hardy happens to be removed from the elimination chamber tonight by one of the other five guys... then you’re the replacement. Just think about that for a bit. [B]Triple H:[/B] Forget that! You better focus on tonight Kenny, or else... [B]Kenny:[/B] Or else what huh? [B]Shane:[/B] Stop it! Enough of this. Look guys, just go get ready. [B]Kenny:[/B] You better hope you win this Sunday Game. It’ll look bad if you lose this Sunday after I win tonight. [B]Triple H:[/B] Seriously Shane, I am getting sick and tired of him. [B]Shane:[/B] Relax... just relax. ------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CandiceMichelle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Melina.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MickieJames.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Natalya.jpg[/IMG] [B]Candice Michelle v Melina v Mickie James v Natalya[/B] A fatal-four-way now for the Divas, with the winner getting a title shot against champion Beth Phoenix next week. When the bell rings, Natalya and Melina quickly take the fight to Mickie and Candice, and quickly Mickie and Melina pair off in one corner while Natalya and Candice battle in another. Melina is quickly removed from the ring by Mickie with a headscissors sending her through the ropes, while Natalya sends Candice off the ropes... flying clothesline from Candice sends Natalya down, and now Mickie and Candice go at it, trading right hands until Candice sends Mickie off the ropes... and Melina grabs her foot and drags her outside. Natalya sneaks in behind Candice, and Natalya sends her off the ropes... but Candice connects with a crossbody... 1... 2... Melina makes the save, and now she works on Candice, grabbing her hair and slamming her to the mat, but Natalya nails Melina with a clothesline, leaving her as the only Diva standing... wait, Mickie is back in the ring, and she tees off with forearms before going for an Irish whip... Natalya reverses... Thesz press, and now Mickie again attacks with punches, only for Melina to drag her up... split-legged neckbreaker! Mickie drops to the mat, but now Candice and Melina brawl again, allowing Natalya to take advantage, going for the cover on Mickie... 1... 2... Mickie kicks out. Candice is quickly dumped out by Melina, and now Melina and Natalya work together to punish Mickie, with Natalya hitting a backbreaker and Melina nailing a roundhouse kick to the face. Melina the tries for a cover, but Natalya quickly pulls her away, and now they begin going at it, with Melina and Natalya trading right hands under Natalya is sent off the ropes... charging facebuster from Melina, and Natalya rolls outside. Candice is back in, and she catches Melina from behind, and she sends Melina flying to the outside with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. We’re now down to Mickie and Candice, and Candice has control until Mickie is sent to the corner, as when Candice charges in, Mickie gets her legs on her shoulders... twisting headscissors! Candice is back up, so Mickie runs her to the corner... tornado-DDT! Mickie goes for the cover... 1... 2... Natalya drags her off, and she quickly locks on... the sharpshooter! With Melina and Candice down, there’s no-one left to break the hold, and despite trying to reach the ropes, Mickie has no choice but to tap. [B]Natalya beat Candice Michelle, Melina and Mickie James (C+)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Natalya gets another impressive win, but she refuses to release the sharpshooter, wrenching back and causing Mickie to cry out in pain. The ref tries his best, but it takes Women’s Champion [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] charging down to the ring to make Natalya finally let go. Natalya sees Beth coming and exits the ring just as Beth gets there, and she backs up the ramp staring at Beth, knowing the two will meet next week with the Gold on the line.[/I] --------------- [B]JR:[/B] welcome back to Raw folks. Right now, it’s time for the highlight reel. [B]King:[/B] And [B]Chris Jericho[/B] is already in the ring, and I have a feeling who his guest is going to be. [B]Jericho:[/B] I don’t want to waste anytime pandering to the demands of you people, so I’m going to get straight to the point. My guest tonight is the man I will face this Sunday at No Way Out... the man I will systematically destroy this Sunday to prove a point to each and every one of you hypocrites out there... [B]Mr Kennedy[/B]. [I]Kennedy confidently makes his way down to the ring, with the crowd cheering loudly. As he enters the ring, Kennedy immediately gets in Jericho’s face, only for Jericho to encourage him to calm down and take a seat...[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] Kennedy, before we get started, I just want to say it’s obvious from the way you walked down the ramp there that you’re still suffering from the brutal beatings I have inflicted upon you in the last couple of weeks. But anyway... you are my guest on the highlight because I’ve got something that I feel needs to be said to you. You see, these people like you Kennedy. These people cheer for you... yet they have the nerve to boo me. I find that very ironic. I also realise that you can barely spell ironic, nevermind know what it means, but that’s not the point. The point is Kennedy, in the months that I spent as a fellow tag team champion with you, I realised that you are the biggest hypocrite I have ever met in my life, and now these people... these hypocrites, chant your name. I honestly don’t understand it. I mean, you cost me the Intercontinental Title, you eliminate me from the Royal Rumble, and when I finally decided to try and beat a little sense into you, I’m the one who is booed. Kennedy... I remember a time when I played up to these people, I came out and I got them to cheer for me, I said my stupid catchphrases, I told jokes, I made them laugh, I made them cheer... just like you’re trying to do now. You come out here, you say your name twice, you tell a few jokes... you’re just like me when I was younger. But now Kennedy... it took me teaming with you to realise that I don’t have to do that anymore. I refuse to play up to them, I refuse to make them laugh... and if you had any sense, if you have any hopes of being a major player in this company... you’ll learn from my mistakes and stop pandering to the masses. [B]Kennedy:[/B] Are you finished? You mind if I talk now? Jericho, I... oh wait a second I almost forgot... I am... Misssterrrrr... Kenneddyyyyy.... [B]Jericho:[/B] This is ridiculous. You haven’t got a cl- [B]Kennedy[/B] Kennedy! You know something Jericho? I’m sick and tired of listening you man. I mean, I don’t think I can take anymore of your crap! You are such a whiny, pathetic little bitch! Alright, I cost you the Intercontinental Championship. So what? Yes, I eliminated you from the Royal Rumble... big deal. How about you man up and get over it, instead of coming out here week after week and complaining about it. I mean, do you realise that when you come into the ring, the ratings on this show bomb worse than the sales of a Fozzy CD? People can’t stand you Jericho! And neither can I. This Sunday at No Way Out... I think I’ll tell a few jokes, I’ll make the people laugh, I will entertain them, because this is sports entertainment and that’s what I do best! Oh yeah... I’m gonna kick your ass too! Because, I am... Misssterrrrr... Kenneddyyyyy... [I]Much like last week, Jericho attacks Kennedy as he tries to say his catchphrase, taking Kennedy down to the mat... but Kennedy fights back, getting on top of Jericho and then unloading with rights and lefts. Jericho staggers to his feet, but Kennedy is waiting... mic check! Kennedy leaves Jericho laying in the middle of his own talk show![/I] ---------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/RandyOrton.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B]Randy Orton v Shawn Michaels[/B] As the bell rings, Orton and Michaels get in each other’s faces, the two trash talking at each other... until Michaels delivers a hard slap to Orton’s face! Enraged, Orton swings with a right, but Michaels ducks... and he starts unloading with chops to the chest, driving Orton to the corner where he delivers more and sends Orton across... Orton crashes into the corner and out into... a huge back-body-drop! Michaels gets a near fall, and then he locks on a side-headlock, keeping Orton grounded. A couple of times Orton is able to roll HBK onto his shoulders for a 2 count, but Michaels reverses the pressure and continues to work the headlock. Orton struggles back to his feet, and he finally breaks the headlock by grabbing Michaels’ hair and slamming him down to the mat. Now Orton attacks with kicks and right hands, until Michaels is sent off the ropes... Michaels with a Thesz press, and now he unloads with right hands! Both men are finally back up, and Michaels looks to send Orton to the corner... Orton reverses... and he sends Michaels upside down into the corner, and then nails a huge clothesline as Michaels staggers out. Now Orton looks to attack, and he stomps his way round Michaels’ body before sending Shawn off the ropes... right into a standing dropkick for a near fall. Boots and knees now fall on Michaels, until Orton locks on his trademark chinlock. Eventually Michaels fights back to his feet, and he scores with elbows to the gut, and he sends Orton off the ropes... Orton ducks a clothesline... inverted backbreaker! 1... 2... Michaels kicks out, but Orton stays on the attack, hitting uppercuts and forearms before again going back to the chinlock. This time Orton has it locked in longer, but like before, Michaels is able to battle back up, and the two beginning trading blows as Michaels hits chops and Orton hits rights, until Michaels connects with three in a row and goes for the Irish whip... Orton reverses... flying forearm from Michaels... and there’s the kip up, but Orton is up too... Michaels hits the inverted atomic drop, and he chops Orton into the corner and climbs to the second rope... and the fists rain down on Orton... until he flapjacks Michaels on the top turnbuckle! Both men go down, but it’s Orton who rises first, waiting or Michaels to rise... RKO... no! Michaels avoids the contact, and Orton crashes into the corner... and out into a back=body-drop! Now Michaels climbs to the top rope... elbowdrop off the top! Now Michaels stands in the corner, and he tunes up the band... sweet chin music! 1... 2... 3! [B]Shawn Michaels beat Randy Orton (A*)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B] is seen walking the corridors, carrying a large metal pipe. Sheamus walks past several doors, checking inside them, searching for somebody (wonder who eh?), eventually reaching the end of the corridor... and his eyes light up! As the camera turns, we see what appears to be [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] though he has his back to us. Sheamus charges towards Jeff, draws back the pipe and swings... and he nails Jeff in the back! No, wait, the person rolls over... and it’s just some random backstage worker with rainbow coloured hair (cause you know, lots of guys have hair like Jeff Hardy)! Sheamus can’t believe it isn’t Jeff, and he slams the pipe against the wall... only for the real Jeff Hardy to nail Sheamus from behind with a chair! Sheamus cries out in pain and drops to his knees... and Jeff nails him again with another shot to the head! Sheamus goes down and he looks out, so Jeff kneels down next to him...[/I] [B]Jeff:[/B] Better luck next time Sheamus... ----------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/KennyDykstra.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Undertaker.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kenny Dykstra v The Undertaker[/B] The fear in Kenny’s eyes in clear, despite him having [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] at ringside for support. When the bell rings the Deadman wastes no time in attacking, backing Kenny into the corner and striking with elbows and shots to the head before Kenny is sent off the ropes... big boot to the face! Taker now wrenches Kenny’s arm and climbs to the top rope... old school connects, gaining Taker a near fall. Kenny is dragged back up, and he’s able to hit a knee to the gut out of desperation, following with shots to the back of the head before looking to send Taker to the corner... Taker reverses... Kenny tries to leapfrog him... but Taker catches him on his shoulders... snake eyes! Taker comes off the ropes... and TJ grabs him by the boot, which only lead to Undertaker going to the outside, and he goes after Harry and TJ who quickly back away... and Kenny takes advantage, hitting a baseball slide that sends Taker crashing into the barricade! Kenny now distracts the ref, allowing Harry and TJ to lay in with the boots before rolling Taker back into the ring. After a near fall, Kenny goes to work, stomping away, dropping elbows and sending Taker off the ropes... dropkick connects. Taker is tossed through the ropes, and once again Harry and TJ lay the boots in, with the ref being distracted. After Taker is again rolled in, Kenny goes for a reverse chinlock, and he applies pressure while wearing down the Deadman. Undertaker manages to fight back up, but Kenny clubs him in the spine and sends him off the ropes... Taker ducks a clothesline... and connects with a flying clothesline of his own! Now Kenny is sent off the ropes... into a sidewalk slam! Undertaker is building momentum... and he could be about to end it as he draws his thumb across his throat... but Harry and TJ jump onto the apron... until both are sent back down with right hands! Kenny tries to take advantage, but Taker grabs him by the throat... chokeslam! Taker plants Kenny and goes for the cover... 1... 2... Harry and TJ hit the ring and attack Undertaker! The ref calls for the bell, and the match is over via disqualification. [B] The Undertaker beat Kenny Dykstra by disqualification (A)[/B][/CENTER] [I]And now the three on one beatdown ensues, as Kenny, TJ and Harry all begin assaulting Undertaker. Soon, the WWE Champion [B]Triple H[/B] makes his way down to the ring, smile on his face, pleased with what Kenny and the Bulldogs have done. Soon, Triple H has Harry and TJ drag Undertaker to his feet, and Triple H takes his belt off his waist... and nails Taker across the skull with it! Harry and TJ hold on to Taker, keeping him stood up, as Triple H lines him up again... and swings again with the title! Undertaker falls to the mat, and Revolution smile, swapping high fives before leaving the ring, the tensions of earlier seemingly forgotten. The four men make their way up the ramp, as the camera stares at the Deadman... he sits up! Undertaker sits up, and he stares at Triple H! The fear in the champions eyes is clear to see, and the camera fades away with the two opponents from this Sunday locked in a deadly staredown...[/I] ----------------- [I]In the locker-room, [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] is sat, still in his wrestling gear despite already competing tonight, when he’s joined by [B]John Cena[/B]...[/I] [B]Cena:[/B] Hey Shawn, great win tonight man. [B]Michaels:[/B] Hey, thanks John. You too. [B]Cena:[/B] Listen uh... I was just wondering... you’re not thinking about taking a shot at Jeff tonight are ya? [B]Michaels:[/B] Uh... well... I don’t know John. Are you? [B]Cena:[/B] What? No way man, listen, Jeff Hardy is my boy. I’m not gonna take a pop at him this close to No Way Out... and I don’t think you should either. [B]Michaels:[/B] And why not John? Because it’s wrong? Well listen, I am Mr Wrestlemania. The chance to be the showstopper, the chance to be the headliner on the biggest show in WWE history doesn’t come around all that often, so if Jeff Hardy is the guy I need to take out to get that main event spot, then that’s what I’m gonna do. [B]Cena:[/B] Alright. Now I know where you stand. You know, I got every intention of eliminating Jeff Hardy this Sunday... but I’m gonna do it the right way. I’m gonna walk into No Way Out, I’m gonna beat him, you, Carlito, Batista, Orton, hell anybody else who wants some, and I will go on to Wrestlemania! [B]Michaels:[/B] Nice speech John. Listen... you do what you gotta do... and I’ll do what I’ve gotta do. Either way... I don’t think there’s much hope for you boy Jeff. ------------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jeff Hardy v Batista[/B] As Jeff makes it into the ring, he offers a quick salute to the fans... and that allows Batista to attack him from behind before the bell even rings. Stiff rights drive Jeff to the corner, but he fires back with a kick to the gut before looking to send Batista off the ropes... Batista reverses... but Jeff hits a crossbody, and now he hits rapid punches to the Animal. Batista tries to get back to a knee, but Jeff quickens the pace by coming off the ropes, sending Batista to the corner. Jeff now charges in... rope-assisted dropkick connects, and now Jeff climbs to the top rope, looking to end things early... swanton bomb... no! Batista is quickly up, and he shakes the ropes, causing Jeff to be perched on the top turnbuckle... and then a clothesline from Batista sends Jeff crashing from the top turnbuckle to the floor! Batista goes out and drives Jeff into the apron, before rolling him back into the ring, and with Jeff in the corner, Batista repeatedly drives his shoulder into the midsection. The Animal now targets Jeff’s back, hitting a backbreaker as well as taking Jeff up and down with a vertical suplex. Batista though doesn’t make any attempts at a cover, and it soon becomes obvious to JR and King that the Animal is more concerned with causing pain than winning the match. The punishment to the spine continues, as Jeff is sent off the ropes into a huge spinebuster, and Batista follows that by tossing Jeff outside. Now Batista looks to inflict pain, driving Jeff into the barricade, sending him crashing into the steel steps and scooping him up and sending him into the ringpost. Every the time the ref counts to 10, Batista slips in and back out at 8 or 9, allowing to continue the punishment outside. Soon, Batista pulls the top off the announce desk, and JR and King head for cover as it looks like... a Batista-bomb through the table... no! Jeff strikes with rapid fists, and he manages to land on his feet... and push Batista into the ringpost! Jeff rolls back into the ring to recover, and the Animal soon follows, with Jeff looking to attack, hitting right hands and sending Batista to the corner... reversal... Jeff to the top rope... whisper in the wind! Jeff nails Batista, and now he looks to build momentum, catching Batista with a sitout-jawbreaker and then coming off the ropes... Batista takes him up for a spear... but Jeff counters with a DDT! 1... 2... Batista kicks out. Jeff fights on, hitting tired right hands and sending Batista to the corner... but as Jeff charges, the Animal explodes back out... spear! Batista hits a spear, and it could be over, as Batista drags Jeff to his feet and takes him up... Batista-bomb... no! Again Jeff hits a flurry of rights, and he lands on his feet... kick... twist of fate... no! Batista pushes Jeff off the ropes... Jeff ducks a clothesline... twist of fate! Jeff hits the twist of fate, and now he climbs to the top rope... swanton bomb! 1... 2... 3! [B]Jeff Hardy beat Batista (B+)[/B] [/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] He did it! Jeff Hardy has survived Batista! [B]King:[/B] Yeah but JR... is he gonna survive this? [I]As soon as the bell rings a host of Raw superstars begin sprinting down the ramp or coming through the crowd and over the barricade. The posse includes [B]Carlito[/B], [B]Apolo[/B], [B]Primo[/B], [B]Randy Orton[/B], [B]Deuce[/B], [B]Domino[/B], [B]Dolph Ziggler[/B] (who stops to shake hands along the way), [B]Mark Henry[/B] (again?), [B]Snitsky[/B] (you mean he still has a job?) and [B]Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/B]. Basically every heel has made it out, and they quickly have Jeff cornered in the ring. Late appearances are now made as [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] and [B]John Cena[/B] run down and slide into the ring, and a standoff ensues. The heels jockey for position, each of them inching closer to Jeff, readying themselves to strike first... but Carlito and Primo begin to argue about who’s going to go first, and Deuce and Domino soon do the same, and now shoving starts... and soon it’s all out brawl between everybody in the ring! They all want the glory for themselves, and now they’re fighting with each other! Bodies fly as Cena, Michaels, Carlito, Orton and Batista remove the non elimination chamber participants, only for [B]Shane McMahon[/B] to walk out onto the stage...[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Hey! What the hell are you doing? You’re supposed to be fighting Jeff Hardy, not fighting with each other! What the hell is wrong with you? Wait... where the hell is Jeff? [I]Oh... um... wait... Orton, Cena, Carlito, Batista, Michaels... they’re all in the ring... but where’s Jeff? The cameras scan the bodies strewn on the floor... nope. No sign of him out there either. Where the... wait! At the top of the ramp... Jeff’s stood behind Shane![/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Where the hell is he? Somebody find him and... [I]Oh! Twist of fate! Twist of fate to Shane at the top of the ramp! Shane’s plan has backfired! The rest of the roster see Jeff and take after him, but it’s way too late as Jeff has already bailed backstage![/I] [B]JR:[/B] Jeff Hardy is running straight into the elimination chamber! Shane’s master plan came back and kicked him on the ass! [B]King:[/B] Well Jeff’s spot in the chamber is secure, but he can do it? Can Jeff win the elimination chamber? [B]JR:[/B] Join us this Sunday live on pay-per-view to find out. Goodnight! ----------------- [SIZE="1"]John Cena beat Carlito (B) Cody Rhodes beat Dolph Ziggler (B) Natalya beat Candice Michelle, Melina and Mickie James (C+) Shawn Michaels beat Randy Orton (A*) The Undertaker beat Kenny Dykstra by disqualification (A) Jeff Hardy beat Batista (B+) [/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B]
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Another great show. It [I]has[/I] to be Jeff versus Triple H at Wrestlemania. I can't believe that would would push ihm this hard to not be in the main event. And I suspect it will be the last show on too because at the moment it is this match which is being pushed the hardest. Really enjoyed the show though, liked the bounty idea for sure.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/ECWBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The highlights from last week include Umaga and John Morrison advancing in the ECW Championship Chase, plus the huge announcement that the ECW Championship match at No Way Out between Kane and Tommy Dreamer will now be an inferno match! Opening video plays out, and after the pyro is down to the announce desk with [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B]...[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] No Way Out is just five days away, but tonight in Fresno, CA, the reality that somebody is going to be set on fire this Sunday has finally set in. Hello everyone, I’m Joey Styles alongside former ECW Champion Tazz, and Tazz, the inferno match has to be one of the most brutal and barbaric matches in WWE history. [B]Tazz:[/B] No doubt about it. I’ve never been in an inferno match, I’ve never commentated on one, but the thought that either Tommy Dreamer or Kane are going to be set on fire this week, it makes me feel pretty sick thinking about it. [B]Styles:[/B] Well that’s to come this Sunday, but tonight, the Championship Chase semi finals take place as Shelton Benjamin and Colt Cabana square off, as well as John Morrison and Umaga. [B]Tazz:[/B] And also tonight, Tommy Dreamer and The Brian Kendrick square off in an extreme rules match! [B]Styles:[/B] And we’re not wasting any time tonight, it’s our first semi final as Benjamin and Cabana go at it... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Chase Semi Final Match Shelton Benjamin v Colt Cabana[/B] We kick things off with the first Championship Chase semi final, as Benjamin and Cabana go at it with the chance to go on to No Way Out and book a spot in the ECW Championship match at Wrestlemania. The two tie-up, and Benjamin backs Cabana into the corner, delivering a kick to the gut and forearms to the back that drive Cabana to the mat. A backbreaker follows, and then Shelton locks on an abdominal stretch, firing shots into the ribs at the same time. The crowd rallies behind Cabana, and he breaks free with a hiptoss, before coming off the ropes... Shelton hits a knee to the gut that sends Cabana back down. Shelton then sends Cabana to the corner and charges in... big splash... Cabana avoids the offence, but Shelton lands on the second rope, but here comes Cabana... belly-to-back overhead from the second rope! 1... 2... Benjamin kicks out, but Cabana looks to stay on the attack, connecting with right hands, knocking Benjamin down with a clothesline and sending him off the ropes... standing dropkick... 1... 2... Benjamin kicks out. Cabana has all the momentum now, and he sends Benjamin to the corner... double knee strike! Cabana now goes for a suplex, but Benjamin lands on his feet... and counters with a falling neckbreaker... 1... 2... Cabana gets the shoulder up. Benjamin now waits for Cabana to rise, before charging in... paydirt... no! Cabana ducks... rollup... 1... 2... Benjamin kicks out, and he quickly hits a knee to the gut... t-bone suplex! Benjamin nails Cabana and hooks the leg... 1... 2... Cabana gets a foot on the rope! Benjamin can’t believe it, and he remonstrates with the ref, allowing Cabana to recover and sneak up from behind... kick... Colt. 45... no! Benjamin hits punches and lands on his feet... paydirt! This time Shelton nails the paydirt, and he slumps down for the cover... 1... 2... 3. [B]Shelton Benjamin beat Colt Cabana to advance in the ECW Championship Chase (B+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Much as we’ve seen in recent months, we go backstage to the boiler-room to the sight of ECW Champion [B]Kane[/B], bathed in that strange [COLOR="Red"][B]red[/B][/COLOR] light...[/I] [B]Kane:[/B] Hahaha! Tommy Dreamer... what a fool you are Dreamer. In your quest to become ECW Champion again, you’ve allowed yourself to be blinded by the idea of a legacy. The legacy of ECW, a company that went out of business all those years ago, yet you still cling to the ideas of which it lived by. Extreme... violence... pain. Pain? I’ve known pain my whole life. I’ve been burned many times in the past. This Sunday Dreamer... you will feel my pain. You will feel the pain I felt when I set you on fire Dreamer. I will burn the heart and soul of ECW... and when I do... I’ll burn this brand to the ground too! Hahaha! --------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/StevieRichards.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Miz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stevie Richards v The Miz[/B] Miz has been on a roll lately, and tonight he faces Stevie Richards, who’s been on quite the losing streak lately. Richards starts this match the fastest, coming off the ropes and taking Miz down with a clothesline for an early 2 count. Miz is quickly back up, driving his knee into the gut and locking on a headlock... only for Richards to counter with a side-suplex. Miz backs off to the corner, but Richards stays on the attack, hitting right hands and chops before going for an Irish whip... reversal... Richards jumps to the second rope for a crossbody... but Miz ducks and Richards crashes to the mat. Miz now targets Richards arm, nailing a single-arm DDT and then turning an armdrag into an armbar. Richards is able to kick his way out of it, but Miz stays keeps the pressure on, holding Steve’s arm behind him and slamming him to the mat for a 2 count. Back to the armbar, and this time Miz drives his knee into Richards back, increasing the pressure. The crowd urges Stevie back to his feet, and he manages to send Miz off the ropes... kick... snap suplex takes Miz down. Miz again backs off into the corner, but Stevie follows him in and sends him across... but Richards runs into a boot, and here comes Miz... Richards ducks his clothesline... enzuigiri! 1... 2... Miz kicks out. Miz is dazed, and Stevie drags him to the corner... tornado DDT! 1... 2... Miz barely gets a shoulder up. Miz is in trouble now, and Stevie sends him off the ropes... sidewalk slam! 1... 2... again Miz gets his shoulder up. Richards now looks to send Miz to the corner, but Miz reverses... and hits his running clothesline in the corner. Stevie staggers out of the corner, and Miz looks for the reality check... but Richards avoids the knee, and goes for... the Stevie-kick... but Miz ducks that, and he spins Stevie round... reality check connects! 1... 2... 3. Miz grabs the win. [B]The Miz beat Stevie Richards (C)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Anastacia Rose[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Rose:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the men who will face Kane this Sunday for the ECW Championship... [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B]! And Tommy, I’m sure everybody wants to know why you agreed to face Kane in an inferno match at No Way Out? [B]Dreamer:[/B] Why am I facing Kane in an inferno match? You know, I’ve never been one for chasing titles. I’ve always gone out and giving my all for the fans. But if there’s some sick freak who’s threatening the standards I live by, then I’m gonna be the one to stand up to him! Did I want an inferno match? No, course not. But if setting on you fire is the only way to take that ECW Title away from you... then that’s exactly what I’m gonna do Kane. This Sunday at No Way Out... you’re gonna get burned Kane... and I’m gonna enjoy doing it to ya! ----------------- [B]Styles:[/B] Welcome back to ECW on Sci-Fi folks. As you can see, we’ve been joined here on commentary by the gold standard, [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B]. Shelton, welcome to... [B]Tazz:[/B} Wait a second Joey, don’t welcome this guy anywhere. If it wasn’t for Benjamin we wouldn’t have Kane as the ECW Champion right now! [B]Benjamin:[/B} You better tell him to calm his fat ass down Joey. [B]Tazz:[/B] What you gonna do about it huh? [B]Styles:[/B] Hey guys, can we please focus on the match here? [B]Benjamin:[/B] Yeah exactly. I’m out here to see who I’m gonna beat this Sunday at No Way Out. [B]Tazz:[/B] I oughta choke your ass out right now... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Chase Semi Final Match Umaga v John Morrison[/B] The winner of this match will face Shelton Benjamin at No Way Out, so both Morrison and Umaga know what is stake here. Morrison starts the match at a quick pace, using his agility to avoid Umaga’s early attacks, firing back with fists and kicks to the head, until Umaga pushes him off the ropes... spinning wheel kick from Morrison, but only staggers Umaga, so Morrison comes off the ropes again... clothesline, but still Umaga is up, so Morrison runs the ropes again... right into a swinging sideslam! Umaga now locks on an early nerve hold, but eventually Morrison struggles back to his feet, breaking the holds with elbows and kicks... but an uppercut to the throat sends Morrison back down again. Umaga now scoops Morrison up and slams him into the corner, leaving Morrison hanging upside down. Umaga goes to the opposite corner and charges in... diving headbutt connects! Morrison slumps to the mat and Umaga gets a near fall, and after scooping Morrison up and slamming him to the mat, Umaga climbs to the second rope... another diving headbutt... no! Morrison rolls out of the way, and now he strikes with punches and kicks before sending Umaga to the corner... reversal... Morrison to the top rope... springboard roundhouse... no! Umaga sidesteps it, and Morrison crashes to the mat. Morrison is down and he is hurt, and it could get worse as Umaga drags him to the corner and props his head on the bottom turnbuckle. Umaga goes to the opposite corner and charges in... Samoan wrecking ball... no! Morrison rolls out of the way, and again he hits kicks to the head, driving Umaga to the corner and then sending him across... reversal... springboard roundhouse from Morrison connects, but the force sends Umaga through the ropes, right infront of the announce desk. Morrison follows Umaga out, but when he tries to drag Umaga back in, Shelton Benjamin grabs a steel chair... shot to Umaga... shot to Morrison! Shelton Benjamin lays out both men, and the ref is calling for the bell. [B]Umaga and John Morrison ended in a no contest (B-)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Styles:[/B] What the hell?! Shelton Benjamin just laid out both Morrison and Umaga! [B]Tazz:[/B] What does this mean? I mean, who’s Shelton Benjamin gonna face this Sunday? [I]Benjamin returns to the desk and puts his headset back on...[/I] [B]Benjamin:[/B] You see what I did there? I took out both of them. Nobody won that match, so now I got nobody to face this Sunday. That means I just guaranteed myself that shot at Wrestlemania![/I] [B]Styles:[/B] You gotta be kiddin’ me! [B]Benjamin:[/B] I’m not messing around Joey. That’s why I’m the gold standard! That’s why I’m gonna be the next ECW Champion! That’s why... [I]The sound of crashing cars can only mean one thing... it’s ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B]![/I] [B]Foley:[/B] Shelton... Shelton, I bet you think you’re pretty smart don’t ya? I bet you think that with Morrison and Umaga ending in a no-contest, that means you’ve just given yourself a bye straight into the ECW Championship match at Wrestlemania? Well Shelton, I gotta admit, that was pretty smart. But unfortunately for you, I just really, really don’t like you. So here what’s gonna happen. This Sunday at No Way Out, there will be a Championship Chase final. It’s going to be you Shelton... again both Umaga and John Morrison in a triple threat match! [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah! Alright Mick Foley! Look at Benjamin, he don’t know what to think! [B]Styles:[/B] The Championship Chase comes to an end this Sunday at No Way Out. Benjamin, Morrison and Umaga in a triple threat match! --------------- [B]Styles:[/B] Welcome back folks. Up next, our main event! [B]Tazz:[/B] Tommy Dreamer and The Brian Kendrick , and it’s under extreme rules! [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TheBrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] [B]Extreme Rules Match Tommy Dreamer v The Brian Kendrick[/B] As soon as Dreamer hits the ring, he starts bringing out the weapons, including pulling out chairs, trash cans, stop signs and kendo sticks. Kendrick and [B]Danny Rodimer[/B] come down to the ring, but as soon as they climb the steps, Rodimer takes a kendo shot to the face, and Kendrick takes one to the back. The bell rings with both men on the outside, and Kendrick is tossed into the barricade and then into the ring. Dreamer grabs a crutch... oh! Shot to the back of Kendrick... and another... and the crutch shatters on the third shot! Dreamer grabs the kendo... and he starts wearing it out on Kendrick’s knee, before locking on a Texas cloverleaf! Kendrick cries out in pain, but he’s eventually able to make it to the ropes... but there’s nothing the ref can do as there’s no rope breaks under extreme rules! Eventually Dreamer lets go, and he grabs a trash can... but Kendrick hits a single-leg dropkick, and then he tosses Dreamer shoulder first into the ringpost. Kendrick now looks to target the arm, nailing the shoulder with the kendo and then following with well placed kicks. Kendrick goes for another kick, but Dreamer blocks it, and he sends Kendrick flying with a fallaway slam. The momentum sends Kendrick under the bottom ropes, and Dreamer goes out too... only for Kendrick to nail him with a stop sign! Dreamer falls to the floor, but Kendrick jumps up on the apron... double foot stomp to Dreamer’s chest! Kendrick now rolls Dreamer back into the ring, but he takes a trash can in with him. After a few shots to the injured arm, Kendrick looks to nail a tornado-DDT on the trash can... but Dreamer counters... sitout spinebuster on the can! 1... 2... Kendrick kicks out, but Dreamer stays on the attack, looking for an elbowdrop... but Kendrick rolls, and Dreamer connects with the trash can instead! Now Kendrick senses victory, and he runs Dreamer to the corner... sliced bread... no! Dreamer counters by pushing Kendrick so he’s perched on the top turnbuckle, and now Dreamer places the trash can on Kendrick’s head and hangs him upside down... tree of woe dropkick with a trash can! Kendrick is a wreck, but Dreamer’s not done, as he places chair on the mat and lifts Kendrick up... Dreamer driver on the chair! 1... 2... 3! [B]Tommy Dreamer beat The Brian Kendrick (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Tazz:[/B] A huge win for Tommy Dreamer ahead of his match this Sunday. [B]Styles:[/B] Tommy Dreamer challenges Kane for the ECW Championship in an inferno match at... [B]Styles:[/B] Wait! [I]Dreamer celebrates in the ring, but [B]Kane[/B] has came through the crowd, and he sneaks into the ring behind Dreamer. Dreamer finally turns... and Kane nails him with boot to the face that sends Dreamer over the top rope to the floor. Kane now starts to pummel Dreamer... before he rips the top off the announce desk! The monitors are pulled out too, and Dreamer is dragged to his feet... but Tazz attacks Kane from behind, trying to save Dreamer... only for Kane to nail Tazz and send him crashing into the steel steps. Kane now turns his attentions back to Dreamer, grabbing him by the throat... chokeslam through the table![/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Oh my God! Kane has just chokeslammed Tommy Dreamer through the announce desk! This Sunday, Kane and Tommy Dreamer will meet at No Way Out, but will Tommy Dreamer even make it to the inferno match? Join us live on pay-per0view to find out. Goodnight! ----------------- [SIZE="1"]Shelton Benjamin beat Colt Cabana to advance in the ECW Championship Chase (B+) The Miz beat Stevie Richards (C) Umaga and John Morrison ended in a no contest (B-) Tommy Dreamer beat The Brian Kendrick (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B[/B] [QUOTE=keefmoon;638674]Another great show. It [I]has[/I] to be Jeff versus Triple H at Wrestlemania. I can't believe that would would push ihm this hard to not be in the main event. And I suspect it will be the last show on too because at the moment it is this match which is being pushed the hardest. Really enjoyed the show though, liked the bounty idea for sure.[/QUOTE] Jeff v Trips? I couldn't possibly say at this point. Glad you enjoyed the show, and thanks for the comment!
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Still an awesome dynasty/diary and you've really managed to breathe life into ECW. If that was shown on TV, I'd actually watch it (although to be fair, the ECW at the minute is actually pretty good). No Way Out should be awesome.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Banners/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The highlights of last week’s show include the main event featuring Jeff Hardy and Edge and Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio and Bobby Lashley all booking spots in the elimination chamber. The opening video plays out, and after the pyro display, we arrive at the announce desk with [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]...[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] No Way Out is just 48 hours away, but tonight, Smackdown is in Fresno, CA, and we’ve still got a spot left in our elimination chamber. Hello everyone, I’m Michael Cole, my broadcast partner is Jonathan Coachman, and Coach, what’s going to happen tonight with No Way Out just around the corner? [B]Coach:[/B] Tonight, I’m looking for JBL to prove that he will go into No Way Out and become the new World Heavyweight Champion, and I’m looking for Edge to send a message to all the elimination chamber participants, that at Wrestlemania 25, it’s his main event and he shouldn’t be forced to share the spotlight. [B]Cole:[/B] Edge will be in action tonight, as will CM Punk and JBL as they face off in tag team action... [I]Cole is interupted as 'Metallingus' plays out and the [B]Rated-R Entourage[/B], [B]Edge[/B], [B]Torrie Wilson[/B], [B]Zack Ryder[/B] and [B]Curt Hawkins[/B] make their way down to the ring...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] So... No Way Out is this Sunday huh? well, for all of the Smackdown superstars entered into the elimination chamber so far... Rey Mysterio, Bobby Lashley, MVP, Big Show, Matt Hardy and whoever the sixth man becomes tonight... I got a little message for all of you. Don't for a second think I'm going to let any of you get in the way of my Wrestlemania moment. I won the Royal Rumble, and the fact that Ric Flair has the nerve to make my title match at Wresltemania 25 a triple threat match is a damn disgrace. None of you are good enough to headline Wrestlemania with me, none of you deserve a Wrestlemania moment on my behalf, none of you are worthy enough of my time and effort. So... tonight, I'm going to send each and every one of you a little message. I asked Ric Flair for a match tonight, I don't care who it's with... but whoever steps into the ring with me, you are in for a night of serious pain. I will make an example of you, I will beat the hell out of you, and I hope all of you in the elimination chamber are paying close attention to my match... because whoever decides to stick their nose in my Wrestlemania moment, is going to suffer the exact same fate. This Sunday, I will be at No Way Out, and I will make my presence felt. There's not a chance in hell that I am going to stand by and watch one of you try steal my moment in the spotlight. Whoever... [I]WOOOO The Smackdown general manager [B]Ric Flair[/B] steps out and makes his way down to the ring, with Edge furious Flair has interupted him mid-rant...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Woooo! Did somebody say we were in Fresno, CA tonight? Woooo! Now Edge... ever since you won the Royal Rumble, you've been walking around here on Smackdown with a huge chip on your shoulder. Edge, you won the Rumble, you earned a title shot at Wrestlemania... and there's nothing I can do about that. I can't take you out of the match at Mania... but I can damn well make sure you don't play any part in the elimination chamber this Sunday. Was that your plan Edge? To go to No Way Out, take a shot at some of the guys in the chamber? Maybe wait until the winner is announced and then look to take them out of Wrestlemania before they've even had a chance to savour the win. That was your idea wasn't it? Well Edge... if I see you anywhere near the ring at No Way Out... you will forfeit your opportunity at Wrestlemania! [B]Edge:[/B] What?! You can't do that! You can't... [B]Flair:[/B] I may not be able to straight up remove you from the match... but I can make it so that if you get involved at No Way Out, you will not be going to Wresltemania. Edge... I'm warning you man. Why don't you just except it? There's nothing you can do this Sunday. [B]Edge:[/B] There's nothing I can do? Oh we'll see about that Ric... we'll see about that. [B]Cole:[/B] Well what did Edge mean by that? [B]Coach:[/B] Uh... I don't know, but if Edge has it mind, it's gonna be something big. ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TedDibiase.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rey Mysterio and Big Show v Montel Vontavious Porter and Ted DiBiase[/B] We kick things off with four men who have had their share of problems in recent weeks, with DiBiase losing elimination chamber qualifiers to both Show and Mysterio, while MVP as also been at odds with that pair. Mysterio and DiBiase start, and the it’s Rey who makes a quick start, avoiding most of DiBiase’s offence and striking with kicks to the thigh before coming off the ropes, ducking a clothesline and dropping DiBiase with a dropkick... that leaves him hung up on the second rope! Here comes Rey... 619... no! MVP pulls his partner out of harms way, and he gets the tag and charges, but Mysterio avoids him to, hitting more kicks to the thigh and coming off the ropes... tilt-a-whirl headscissors! Again Mysterio charges... but this time he runs into a snap belly-to-belly overhead! MVP now lays in with the boots, and he tags in DiBiase who continues the damage by dropping his fist and knee across Rey’s head before sending him to the corner... Rey tries for a wheelbarrow... but DiBiase counters with a sitout facebuster! 1... 2... Rey gets the shoulder up. MVP comes back in, and he goes for a facelock, while repeatedly driving his knee into Mysterio’s head. A facebreaker knee smash puts Rey down, and MVP comes off the ropes... ballin’ elbow! 1... 2... again Rey kicks out. MVP and DiBiase now make plenty of tags, wearing Mysterio down, with DiBiase getting a near fall from a belly-to-back overhead. MVP is back in, and he sends Mysterio to the corner and charges in for a bit boot... Mysterio ducks, and after a few kicks to the leg Rey Mysterio bounces to the top rope... springboard missile dropkick! Now Rey crawls for his corner... here comes Big Show! Show enters and knocks down both DiBiase and MVP with big rights, before sending Ted off the ropes... big boot to the face! Now he has MVP in the corner... stinging slaps to the chest, then MVP is sent off the ropes... sidewalk slam! 1... 2... DiBiase makes the save, and he jumps on Show’s back for... the million dollar dream... but Show reaches back and snaps Ted over his head, but here comes MVP... drop-toe-hold from Rey, MVP’s in position... 619... no! MVP rolls to the floor... and he walks out on the match! MVP makes his way up the ramp, with DiBiase shouting at him to come back! Eventually DiBiase turns... and Show has him by the throat... chokeslam! Mysterio to the top rope... springboard splash! 1... 2... 3! [B]Rey Mysterio and Big Show beat Montel Vontavious Porter and Ted DiBiase (B)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]Backstage, [B]Ric Flair[/B] is in his office, when [B]Christian[/B] walks in...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Hey, Christian, what’s up? [B]Christian:[/B] Uh listen Ric... I realise last week that you wanted to do Jeff Hardy a favour. I’m cool with that. But uh... I still haven’t had a qualifying match for the elimination chamber. [B]Flair:[/B] Christian, before you even ask, let me tell you, your qualifying match is tonight. [B]Christian:[/B] Yeah? Who against? [B]Flair:[/B] Um... it’s a surprise. But trust me... you’ll like it. [B]Christian:[/B] A surprise? What you're not even gonna tell me who it is? [B]Flair:[/B] Hey, listen buddy... you're just gonna have to trust me on this one. ----------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShannonMoore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JimmyYang-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shannon Moore v Jimmy Yang[/B] Gone is the cowboy hat as a much more serious looking Yang steps into the ring, and as soon as the bell rings, the two former partners are quickly trading rights and lefts before Moore sends Yang off the ropes... headscissors takedown! Jimmy is quickly back up, but he runs into an armdrag, and Moore goes for an armbar. Yang fights back to his feet, and he sends Shannon off the ropes... hard knee to the gut sends Moore down. Yang now shows an aggressive side we haven’t seen from him, sending Moore into the ringpost shoulder first, aiming stiff kicks and forearms to the arm and then dropping Moore with a shoulderbreaker. As Yang continues to target the arm, [B]Jamie Noble[/B] and [B]Gregory Helms[/B], the team who caused this split make their way out and down to the ring for a closer view. Yang continues his assault, aiming punches and kicks to the arm before sending Moore off the ropes... Moore ducks his clothesline... atomic drop... hurricanrana! Yang struggles to his feet, and Moore connects with a neckbreaker before climbing to the second rope... legdrop! 1... 2... Yang kicks out, but Moore looks to stay on the attack, sending Yang off the ropes... spinning heel kick! This time Moore climbs to the top rope... but Jamie Noble climbs up on the apron, distracting Moore. Helms pulls his partner down to the floor, asking Noble why he’s getting involved, but the distraction allows Yang to get to his feet... and he jumps to the top rope... suplex takes Moore down! Now Jimmy again goes to the top rope, steadies himself... corkscrew moonsault! Yang nails Moore, and with Noble and Helms still arguing on the outside, he hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. [B]Jimmy Yang beat Shannon Moore (C)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Yang beats Moore, and now Noble and Helms slide into the ring. Noble raises Yang’s arm in victory, while Helms merely stands and looks down at Shannon. Noble now walks over and starts laying boots into Moore, but Helms pushes Noble away, and he helps Shannon up to his feet... only for Noble to again strike with right hands... and now Helms and Noble are getting in each other’s faces! The tag partners square up... but Noble turns away, not wanting to pick a fight, so Helms again tries to help Moore back up... allowing Noble and Yang to attack Helms from behind! Noble and Yang lay the boots into Helms, and pretty soon Noble sets Helms up... for a double-knee gutbuster. Helms and Moore are beaten and down, and now Noble and Yang are leaving together...[/I] --------------- [I][B]Eve Torres[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time, they are the United States Champion [B]Matt Hardy[/B] and the World Heavyweight Champion... [B]CM Punk[/B]! And guys, tonight the two of you team up to take on JBL and Bobby Lashley. Can you two send a message tonight to two men you'll face this Sunday at No Way Out? [B]Matt:[/B] First of all, I just want to say that I heard your little talk last week JBL, and if you think your boy Lashley is just gonna walk in and win the elimination chamber this Sunday, then you got another thing coming. I am the United States Champion, and since my brother Jeff is taking part in the Raw elimination chamber... me and Jeff think it would be a great idea for us both to win at No Way Out, and then for both of us to go onto to Wresltemania and become the first set of brothers to win World Championships on the biggest stage of them all. [B]Punk:[/B] JBL, not onyl is Lashley going to be dissapointed this Sunday, but so are you. You see, you've been around this company for a while now, you've had your Wrestlemania moments. Me? My Wresltemania's are losing the Money in the Bank match, and then losing the ECW Championship. So this year, Wrestlemania 25... I fully intend on walking into Wresltemania champion... and leaving that way. ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWETagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/DrewMcIntyre.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShadGaspard.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JTG.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Tag Team Championship Match The Empire v Cryme Tyme[/B] The tag titles are on the line as The Empire, who as always have [B]William Regal[/B] and [B]Katie Lea[/B] with them, take on Cryme Tyme. McIntyre and JTG squared off last week, and it’s those two who start this match, with McIntyre driving JTG to the corner and swinging a right... but JTG ducks, and he floors McIntyre with a shot of his own. McIntyre now gets in Shad’s face, and when the big guy tries to enter the ring the ref has to stop him... allowing Burchill to sneak in and club JTG from behind. Now McIntyre nails forearms and sends JTG off the ropes... but he lowers his head and JT hits a kick and follows with a clothesline, and after a near fall Shad gets the tag. Shad comes in and takes McIntyre up for a big press slam, and when McIntyre lands he tags in Burchill... who runs straight into a back elbow. A boot to the face sends Burchill out of the ring, where he, McIntyre and Regal try regroup, but Cryme Tyme aren’t done as Shad stands near the ropes and JTG charges... Shad sends JTG flying over the top onto all three of them! Burchill is rolled back into the ring, and JTG climbs to the top rope... but Katie lea shakes them, and JTG crashes to the mat, and now Burchill takes control with clubbing forearms and a backbreaker. The Empire now look to wear down JTG, dropping elbows and boots across the back and making quick tags to keep him away from Shad. The punishment of the back continues, with Burchill doing most of the damage. McIntyre gets a tag, and now The Empire look for a double team move as Burchill sends JTG to the corner and McIntyre follows in... but JTG avoids him, and he ducks Burchill’s clothesline... and Burchill nails McIntyre by mistake! JTG dives for the corner... and here comes Shad! Clotheslines rock both Burchill and McIntyre, and McIntyre goes flying from a back-body-drop, before Shad sends him off the ropes... powerslam! 1... 2... Burchill makes the save, but now Burchill and JTG go at it, with Burchill being tossed outside. Shad now scoops McIntyre up, and JTG comes off the ropes... G9... no! Regal grabs JTG’s boot and drags him outside, while McIntyre counters Shad into a roll-up... 1... 2... McIntyre grabs the ropes... 3! [B]The Empire beat Cryme Tyme to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (C+) [/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Once again we go to [B]Ric Flair[/B] in his office, alone until [B]Paul London[/B] and [B]Chavo Guerrero[/B] burst in arguing with each other...[/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Hey, hey, hey! What is this? You can’t just barge into my office like this! [B]Chavo:[/B] Listen, Ric, we’re sorry but... we need you to settle something for us. [B]Flair:[/B] What’s that? [B]Chavo:[/B] See, I keep asking Paul for a rematch for the Cruiserweight Championship, and he won’t give it to me. [B]London:[/B] Yeah, but I already gave Chavo a shot when he asked for it about a month ago and I beat him. So if he wants another shot, he’s gotta earn it. [B]Chavo:[/B] What do you mean earn it? I should... [B]Flair:[/B] Enough! Alright listen, Chavo you want another shot? London is right, you gotta earn it. So next week, we’re gonna have a cruiserweight invitational. All the Cruiserweights on the show can step up and try win a shot at Paul London. You win the invitational Chavo, you get to face London. [B]London:[/B] See, I told you he’d say something like that. [B]Chavo:[/B] Fine. I’ll win your invitational, and when I do, I’m taking that title away from you. [B]Flair:[/B] Guys... take this fight somewhere else huh? --------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JakeHager.jpg[/IMG] [B]Edge v Jake Hager[/B] After his rant earlier, Edge is out to hammer home his message against rookie Jake Hager. Edge shows Hager no respect early on, slapping the youngster across the face... so Hager fires back with a double-leg takedown, and he rains down with punches causing Edge to flee for the ropes. Hager encourages Edge to attack, with he does, only for Hager to catch him with a clothesline, with Edge rolling outside and kicking the steps in frustration. Eventually Edge comes back in, and as the two tie-up, Edge hits a knee to the gut and then connects with shots to the head and back before taking Hager down and striking with hard right hands, then using his boot and the ropes to choke Hager. An Inverted-DDT gets Edge a near fall, and after a Russian legsweep, Edge locks on a side headlock. Edge applies pressure, but Hager struggles back to his feet, hitting elbows to the gut and then sending Edge off the ropes... belly-to-belly suplex! Hager runs the ropes... shoulderblock knocks Edge back down, getting Hager a near fall. Edge backs into the corner, but Hager follows him in, hitting right hands and sending Edge across... clothesline in the corner... northern lights suplex... 1... 2... Edge kicks out. Hager appears to be building momentum, but when Hager goes for an Irish whip, Edge reverses... and drops Hager with a dropkick. Edge now crouches in the corner, urging Hager to get back up, and when he does, Edge attacks... spear... no! Leapfrog from Hager... belly-to-back overhead! 1... 2... Edge kicks out. Now Hager looks to end it, dragging Edge for... the gutwrench powerbomb... but Edge hangs on to Hager’s leg, and Jake has to drop him. Edge hits a shot to the midsection, and he sends Hager off the ropes... into a spear! Edge connects, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3. [B]Edge beat Jake Hager (B)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [B]Cole:[/B] Welcome back to Smackdown folks. As you can see, [B]Christian[/B] is in the ring, which means it’s time for the final elimination chamber qualifying match. [B]Coach:[/B] Yeah but who’s Christian gonna face? [I]La Vittoria è Mia plays out, and out steps [B]Santino Marella[/B] and [B]Rosa Mendes[/B], Santino with a mic in his hand...[/I] [B]Santino:[/B] Si, si... it is I... the love doctor... Santino Marella! If I could have-ah your attention for a moment... shaddupa-ya-face! I’d like to show you all my new girlfriend Rosa Mendes. Finally she-ah saw sense and dumped that porno star Vil Vanus. Now that I finally have a new girlfriend, I now have to-ah qualify for the elimination castle. And for Christian... that’s-ah bad news my friend. So... put up your dukes and prepare for a beating... courtesy of... Dr. Marella! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match Christian v Santino Marella[/B] Christian has a smile on his face as Santino enters the ring, knowing Ric Flair has done him a favour in making this match. Santino as always is pure comedy early on, and he spends much of the early goings sticking his head between the ropes, trying to stay away from Christian. Eventually the two tie-up, and Santino tries for a waistlock takedown, only for Christina to counter into a belly-to-back suplex, and he quickly locks on a reverses chinlock. Both men struggle back up, and Christian is sent off the ropes... but he bowls Santino over with a shoulderblock, getting a near fall. Christian tries to send Santino to the corner, but Santino reverses and charges in... Christian gets a boot up, and he climbs to the second rope... tornado-DDT! Christian is about to go for the cover, but Rosa jumps up on the apron, distracting both Christian and the ref. This allows Santino to club Christian from behind, and he drives Christian into the corner and hits knees to the gut before taking Christian down with an armdrag and following with an elbow drop. After a near fall, Santino tries to take Christian up for a suplex, but Christian lands on his feet... inverted-DDT! Christian now goes to the second rope... diving uppercut! 1... 2... Santino kicks out, but Christian stays on the attack, and it doesn’t take long for him to put Santino away... unprettier! 1... 2... 3! Christian grabs the final spot in the Smackdown elimination chamber, making quick work of Santino. [B] Christian beat Santino Marella to qualify for the elimination chamber (B+)[/B][/CENTER] ------------------ [I]We return from commercial to the sight of [B]Christian[/B] walking backstage after his match, shaking off the effects of Santino’s offence, when walking straight towards are [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] and [B]Bobby Lashley[/B], on their way out for the main event...[/I] [B]JBL:[/B] Well, nice to see you could finally put away that freak show Santino. It’s time for the big boys to go to work now. [B]Christian:[/B] Yeah? Well with that gut your sporting, they don’t get much bigger than you JBL. [B]JBL:[/B] *sigh* Christian... such a waste. Always telling your little jokes, trying to make your peeps laugh... but really when it comes down to it, Edge is always gonna be remembered as the better one out of your tag team. [B]Christian:[/B] Oh yeah? Well... at No Way Out, I’m gonna beat your boy Lashley, and then I’m gonna beat Edge at Wrestlemania... and if you’re lucky, you might be on the losing end as well. [B]JBL:[/B] Oh make no mistake, I will be in that main event at Wrestlemania... but I won’t be losing to you or anybody else. I’ll be leaving as champion. Now excuse us... we’ve got a match to win... ---------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]CM Punk and Matt Hardy v John Bradshaw Layfield and Bobby Lashley[/B] With Punk and JBL set to meet this Sunday and both Hardy and Lashley participants in the elimination chamber, this match could give a huge momentum boost to whoever grabs the win. JBL and Punk start the match, with JBL backing Punk into the corner and connecting with knees and forearms before coming off the ropes and bowling the champ over with a shoulderblock. JBL tries again, but this time Punk fires back with an armdrag, following with a roundhouse kick and then tagging in Hardy. Hardy enters and continues the attack on JBL, connecting with rights, sending JBL to the corner and following with a clothesline then coming out with a bulldog for a near fall. Hardy then looks for a Russian legsweep, but JBL hits a series of elbows, then he drives Hardy to his corner and tags in Lashley. Lashley now comes in and shows off his power, clubbing Hardy with forearms and sending him off the ropes... crossbody... Lashley catches him... fallaway slam! 1... 2... Hardy kicks out. The punishment continues as Lashley sends Hardy crashing to the corner, and as Hardy staggers out, Lashley hits a back-body-drop and tags in JBL. JBL slams hardy to the mat and ropes a series of elbows, gaining a near fall, before sending Hardy off the ropes... into a sleeper! JBL clamps it on in the middle of the ring, and Hardy is beginning to fade. Slowly Hardy drops to the mat, and JBL squeezes tighter. The ref lifts his hand... it drops. Again the hand goes up... again it drops. The hand goes up a third time... and this time it stays up! The crowd rallies as Hardy battles back to his feet, and he breaks the sleeper with a jawbreaker and sends JBL off the ropes... swinging neckbreaker from JBL! Lashley gets the tag, and he looks to end things by scooping Hardy up for the running powerslam... but Hardy pushes Lashley into the corner... and nails the side effect! Now both men crawl for their corners... here comes JBL... here comes Punk! Punk jumps to the top rope... springboard clothesline! Kicks drive JBL to the corner, and then Punk sends him across and follows in... knee to the face... bulldog! 1... 2... Lashley makes the save, but Hardy quickly clothesline Lashley and himself over the top rope to the floor. Now Punk and JBL battle in the ring, with Punk hitting more kicks to the head and legs before sending JBL off the ropes... and scooping him on his shoulders... GTS... no! JBL grabs the ref to save himself, and Punk has to drop him, and JBL pushes Punk off the ropes... and nails the clothesline from hell! 1... 2... 3! [B]John Bradshaw Layfield and Bobby Lashley beat CM Punk and Matt Hardy (B)[/B][/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] JBL and Lashley get the win, and it this a sign of what’s to come this Sunday? [B]Coach:[/B] I think it’s the clearest sign yet. JBL is going to become the World Heavyweight Champion, and Bobby Lashley is going to win the elimination chamber! [B]Cole:[/B] Well we’ll find out this Sunday live on pay-per-view. Join us this Sunday for No Way Out! Goodnight! ---------------- [SIZE="1"]Rey Mysterio and Big Show beat Montel Vontavious Porter and Ted DiBiase (B) Jimmy Yang beat Shannon Moore (C) The Empire beat Cryme Tyme to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (C+) Edge beat Jake Hager (B) Christian beat Santino Marella to qualify for the elimination chamber (B+) John Bradshaw Layfield and Bobby Lashley beat CM Punk and Matt Hardy (B)[/SIZE] [B]Overall: B+[/B] [QUOTE=EdgeHeaD;639181]Still an awesome dynasty/diary and you've really managed to breathe life into ECW. If that was shown on TV, I'd actually watch it (although to be fair, the ECW at the minute is actually pretty good). No Way Out should be awesome.[/QUOTE] Thanks man. Was always my intention to have ECW be more than a development brand on TV, and I'm glad that's coming across. And finally, we have now reached No Way Out! :D
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I see someone's back to one show a day. ;) Which is absolutely great. Some comments: Still a big fan of Revolution, although I'd be okay with seeing Jeff Hardy go over HHH. And for ECW I'm definitely digging this new character you've given Kane, always loved seeing him as a psychotic badass. And one question, since JBL retired at Wrestlemania 25 irl, are you planning on doing the same?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PPV/NWOPoster.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]No Way Out 2009 Preview[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Chase Final John Morrison v Shelton Benjamin v Umaga[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MrKennedy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Jericho v Mr Kennedy[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Smackdown[/B][/COLOR] [B]Elimination Chamber[/B] [B]Big Show v Bobby Lashley v Christian v Matt Hardy v Montel Vontavious Porter v Rey Mysterio[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/ECWChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Inferno Match Kane (C) v Tommy Dreamer[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Heavyweight Championship Match CM Punk (C) v John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWEChampion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Undertaker.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Championship Match Triple H (C) v The Undertaker[/B] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/RandyOrton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Red"]Raw[/COLOR] Elimination Chamber Batista v Carlito v Jeff Hardy v John Cena v Randy Orton v Shawn Michaels[/B] ------------------ John Morrison v Shelton Benjamin v Umaga Chris Jericho v Mr Kennedy Big Show v Bobby Lashley v Christian v Matt Hardy v Montel Vontavious Porter v Rey Mysterio Kane v Tommy Dreamer CM Punk v John Bradshaw Layfield Triple H v The Undertaker Batista v Carlito v Jeff Hardy v John Cena v Randy Orton v Shawn Michaels ------------------[/CENTER] [QUOTE=ya_its_me;639492]I see someone's back to one show a day. ;) Which is absolutely great. Some comments: Still a big fan of Revolution, although I'd be okay with seeing Jeff Hardy go over HHH. And for ECW I'm definitely digging this new character you've given Kane, always loved seeing him as a psychotic badass. And one question, since JBL retired at Wrestlemania 25 irl, are you planning on doing the same?[/QUOTE] Well there's a pretty good reason for the show a day, which I'll explain after No Way Out. As for JBL, I have no plans to retire him, but if the game decides he (or anybody else for that matter) wants to retire then I'll do my best to write it into the show somehow. But for now, no. [QUOTE=Mtm2k6;639569]3 Count vs. Jung Dragons FTW![/QUOTE] Well, maybe not in name (and I quite like the names I've thought upf or them) but yeah it will be something simmilar. Ever since I moved over to TEW08 I've been getting bad chemistry for Moore and Yang, so I'm hoping the change will do all four guys good, plus it puts them in a long term storyline that I can use to drive the undercard for a bit. Cheers for the comments guys, and some predictions would be mint! :D
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Love the poster man, simple but effective as they should be. This diary continues to be one of the very best things on here and this card is a testiment to that, I'm sure it's going to be cracking show. [B]John Morrison[/B] v Shelton Benjamin v Umaga [I]Just because Kane needs a face to go against at Mania, but if Dreamer wins then you have former partners against each other. I presume Shelton will either be in MitB (and maybe win it) or against Kurt Angle so the alternative is Umaga so continue their stuff from before[/I] [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v Mr Kennedy [I]Jericho really could be the biggest thing in this diary if handled properly and as the guy who turned he needs the momentum[/I] Big Show v Bobby Lashley v [B]Christian[/B] v Matt Hardy v Montel Vontavious Porter v Rey Mysterio [I]Christian to face Edge and CM Punk at Mania. Not sure what everyone else wil ldo though from this, but I'm sure it'll be opened up by No Way Out[/I] [B]Kane[/B] v Tommy Dreamer [I]Dreamer is perfect to get extra heat on Kane ahead of Mania. Should be brutal to fit in with Kane's new persona[/I] [B]CM Punk[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield [I]Unless you are going to go the route of Lashley winning the Chamber and turning on JBL I assume CM Punk wil lretain here and rightfully so[/I] [B]Triple H[/B] v The Undertaker [I]I seem to remember you saying how bad 'Takers stats had become through age and how he wasn't having great matches anymore so someone screws 'Taker to set up 'Taker vs Someone and Triple H vs Jeff[/I] Batista v Carlito v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] v John Cena v Randy Orton v Shawn Michaels [I]As the underdog in this diary and seemingly liek the challenger even when he was the champion, Jeff needs that last little push to get him over as perhaps the top face in the company[/I] Looks to be a great show.
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[B]John Morrison[/B] v Shelton Benjamin v Umaga [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v Mr Kennedy Big Show v Bobby Lashley v Christian v Matt Hardy v [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] v Rey Mysterio [B]Kane[/B] v Tommy Dreamer [B]CM Punk[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield [B]Triple H[/B] v The Undertaker Batista v Carlito v Jeff Hardy v John Cena v Randy Orton v [B]Shawn Michaels[/B]
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[B]John Morrison[/B] v Shelton Benjamin v Umaga [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v Mr Kennedy Big Show v Bobby Lashley v [B]Christian[/B] v Matt Hardy v Montel Vontavious Porter v Rey Mysterio [B]Kane[/B] v Tommy Dreamer [B]CM Punk[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield [B]Triple H[/B] v The Undertaker Batista v Carlito v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] v John Cena v Randy Orton v Shawn Michaels
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[B]John Morrison[/B] v Shelton Benjamin v Umaga Chris Jericho v [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] Big Show v Bobby Lashley v [B]Christian[/B] v Matt Hardy v Montel Vontavious Porter v Rey Mysterio [B]Kane [/B]v Tommy Dreamer [B]CM Punk[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield [B]Triple H[/B] v The Undertaker Batista v Carlito v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] v John Cena v Randy Orton v Shawn Michaels
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[B]John Morrison[/B] v Shelton Benjamin v Umaga [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v Mr Kennedy Big Show v Bobby Lashley v [B]Christian[/B] v Matt Hardy v Montel Vontavious Porter v Rey Mysterio [B]Kane[/B] v Tommy Dreamer [B]CM Punk[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield [B]Triple H[/B] v The Undertaker Batista v Carlito v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] v John Cena v Randy Orton v Shawn Michaels
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John Morrison v [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] v Umaga Chris Jericho v [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] Big Show v Bobby Lashley v [B]Christian[/B] v Matt Hardy v Montel Vontavious Porter v Rey Mysterio [B]Kane[/B] v Tommy Dreamer [B]CM Punk[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield [B]Triple H [/B]v The Undertaker Batista v Carlito v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] v John Cena v Randy Orton v Shawn Michaels
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[B]John Morrison[/B] v Shelton Benjamin v Umaga [B]Chris Jericho[/B] v Mr Kennedy Big Show v Bobby Lashley v [B]Christian[/B] v Matt Hardy v Montel Vontavious Porter v Rey Mysterio [B]Kane[/B] v Tommy Dreamer [B]CM Punk[/B] v John Bradshaw Layfield [B]Triple H[/B] v The Undertaker Batista v Carlito v [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] v John Cena v Randy Orton v Shawn Michaels
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/PPV/NWOBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="1"][I]An opening video plays out, hyping the event and featuring everyone’s favourite narrator with the deep voice...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] Chasing a championship can be brutal... [I]Images of previous elimination chamber matches...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] Chasing a dream can be cruel... [I]More images previous chambers...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] That’s why six men will sacrifice it all... [I]Quick flashing shots of the Smackdown participants, Big Show, Bobby Lashley, Christian, Matt Hardy, Montel Vontavious Porter and Rey Mysterio...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] Six men will put their bodies on the line... [I]This time we see shots of the Raw participants, Batista, Carlito, Jeff Hardy, John Cena, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] For a chance at immortality... [I]Images of a bloody Ric Flair winning the chamber at last year’s No Way Out...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] In the most satanic structure known to man. [I]Shots of the chamber itself being lowered into position...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] The Road to Wrestlemania... [I]Quick glances at the huge pyro display from Wrestlemania 24...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] Goes through... [I]A wide shot of the chamber being lowered into position...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] The elimination chamber! [I]Now we see previous participants crying out in pain during previous chamber matches...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] It’s an instrument of pain... [I]Images of referee’s wrapping chains round the entrance of the chamber...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] From which there is no escape... [I] Now some classic chamber moments, like in 2002 where Shawn Michaels won the first ever elimination chamber to become World Heavyweight Champion...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] From which there are no hiding places... [I]The classic chamber moment from 2003 when Triple H tried to hide in his pod, only for Goldberg to kick straight through the glass...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] A structure so unforgiving... [I]Shots of a bloody and battered John Cena after the chamber match in 2006...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] That there truly is... [I]Quick fire shots of tonight’s participants...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] No... [I]Faster images of the participants...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] Way... [I]Again quick shots of the men involved...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] Out! [I]The final image is the chamber hanging high in the rafters of the arena...[/I] [B]Narrator:[/B] And now, AT&T present... No Way Out![/SIZE][/QUOTE] [I]The camera goes live to the arena for a massive pyro display, with the official No Way Out theme tune [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OnE7QsjshE"]'Hunt You Down' by Saliva[/URL] ringing out. We pan the crowd and then arrive at the Raw announce desk with [B]Jim Ross[/B] and [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]...[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Welcome everybody to the sold out Key Arena in Seattle, WA for what is sure to be a hellacious night as we continue the Road to Wrestlemania. I’m good ‘ol JR, Jim Ross, alongside me as always is Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and we thank you all for joining us for No Way Out! [B]King:[/B] Oh what a night this is gonna be JR! The WWE Championship is on the line as Triple H defends the title against the Deadman, The Undertaker! [B]JR:[/B] That promises to be a hell of a match, as does the Raw elimination chamber. Batista, Carlito, Jeff Hardy, John Cena, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels will battle it out for the right to go to Wrestlemania and face the WWE Champion. [B]King:[/B] And don’t forget, Chris Jericho and Mr Kennedy, they’ve had plenty of violent and bloody confrontations over the last few weeks, they’re gonna settle their differences tonight! [B]JR:[/B] It’s gonna be a hell of a night for Raw, but let’s throw it over to the Smackdown desk, to [B]Michael Cole[/B] and [B]Jonathan Coachman[/B]... [B]Cole:[/B] Thanks JR. Tonight, the World Heavyweight Championship is on the line as CM Punk defends the title against JBL, the man who made Punk’s life hell when he was Smackdown general manager. [B]Coach:[/B] Right and now JBL is back in the ring, he’s gonna win the World Heavyweight Championship, and Bobby Lashley is going to win the Smackdown elimination chamber, making it a clean sweep for JBL, just like he promised. [B]Cole:[/B] Well we know Edge is guaranteed a spot in the Smackdown Wrestlemania main event after he won the Royal Rumble, but who will be the champion and who will be the third man in the triple threat? We’ll find out tonight. Now we’ll pass it over to the ECW guys, [B]Joey Styles[/B] and [B]Tazz[/B]... [B]Styles:[/B] Our thanks to the Smackdown guys, and Tazz, we’ve got a few issues that need to be settled tonight before we find out what ECW’s plans for Wrestlemania are. [B]Tazz:[/B] Oh absolutely. Tonight, Kane defends the ECW Championship against Tommy Dreamer... in an inferno match. [B]Styles:[/B] The path of destruction that Kane has been on has lead us to the point that somebody is gonna be set on fire tonight. [B]Tazz:[/B] I can’t believe it’s come to this, I can’t believe Tommy Dreamer agreed to this match... I honestly just can’t believe it. [B]Styles:[/B] Well that’s to come later on, but right now, ECW is kicking off the show with the finals of the ECW Championship Chase. One of these three men will meet the ECW Champion at Wrestlemania... [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnMorrison.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Chase Final John Morrison v Shelton Benjamin v Umaga[/B] We kick things off with the Championship Chase final, with Morrison and Benjamin understandably wary of tangling with Umaga early on. Eventually Morrison does attack Umaga, but the Samoan sends Morrison to the corner, and he unloads with uppercuts while Benjamin watches the action unfold. Eventually Morrison is sent off the ropes... and he runs into a Samoan drop, but before Umaga can capitalize, Benjamin makes his move, nailing Umaga from behind. Morrison rolls to the outside to recover, while Benjamin and Umaga brawl in the ring, with Umaga now hitting hard shots and sending Benjamin off the ropes... swinging side slam, but Morrison is on the top rope... roundhouse kick connects! 1... 2... Umaga kicks out. Now Benjamin and Morrison look to double-team Umaga, driving him to the corner so both men can connect with punches and kicks. The partnership doesn’t last long though, as Benjamin quickly nails Morrison from behind and sends him to the corner... reversal... Benjamin hits the turnbuckle, and Morrison drops him with a spinning heel kick. Morrison then looks for the split-legged corkscrew moonsault, but Umaga clubs him from behind, leaving Morrison straddling the top rope. Soon Morrison is hanging upside down from the top turnbuckle, but Umaga and Benjamin trade hands, with Umaga sending Benjamin to the corner... and charging in for a splash, with causes Benjamin to slump to the mat, his head perched on the bottom turnbuckle. Umaga sees both his opponents in trouble in the corners, and he attacks, first charging at Morrison... diving headbutt, and he’s quickly up... Samoan wrecking ball to Benjamin! Morrison slumps to the mat, and Umaga goes for a cover... 1... 2... Morrison gets a foot on the ropes. Umaga now turns back to Benjamin, pummelling the gold standard with headbutts. Morrison staggers back to his feet, but a savate kick sends him back down just as fast, as Umaga is dominating. Benjamin catches Umaga from behind with a roundhouse kick to the back off the head, and when Umaga turns, Benjamin nails paydirt from nowhere! 1... 2... Morrison makes the save, and now it’s Umaga who rolls outside, leaving Benjamin and Morrison to brawl in the ring. Benjamin sends Morrison off the ropes into a belly-to-belly overhead for a near fall, but when he sends Morrison to the corner and charges in, Morrison gets a boot up, and then a kick to the gut... moonlight drive... no! Benjamin fights free... t-bone suplex! Benjamin nails a t-bone, hooks the leg... 1... 2... diving headbutt from Umaga for the save! Benjamin is tossed to the outside by Umaga, and now Morrison is sent off the ropes... double clothesline leaves both men down. Umaga and Morrison are down inside the ring, while Benjamin tries to compose himself inside, when there’s a commotion from the crowd, as somebody leaps over the barricade right next to Benjamin... [LEFT][B]Tazz:[/B] What the hell?! [B]Styles:[/B] It’s [B]Kurt Angle[/B]! Kurt Angle is here for Shelton Benjamin! [B]Tazz:[/B] God we haven’t seen Kurt since the Royal Rumble. [B]Styles:[/B] Benjamin and Angle are brawling through the crowd... [B]Tazz:[/B] And we’ve still got a match going on![/LEFT] Benjamin and Angle go blow for blow through the fans and eventually head into the distance, while in the ring, Morrison and Umaga slowly get themselves back up... right hand from Umaga... Morrison fires back. Another from Umaga... another from Morrison, and a third, and Morrison looks to build momentum, dropping Umaga with a Russian legssweep and then hitting a standing moonsault for a near fall. Morrison is in control, and he looks like he’ll pull out the win, as his kicks connect with Umaga’s skull to leave the Samoan dazed. Morrison has him staggered and comes off the ropes... ducks a clothesline... flying forearm drops Umaga! Morrison now looks to bounce to the top rope, but he doesn’t see Umaga stand up behind him... springboard roundhouse... Umaga counters... Samoan drop! Umaga nails the Samoan drop, but instead of going for the cover, he drags Morrison to his feet... and nails the Samoan spike! 1... 2... 3! [B]Umaga beat John Morrison and Shelton Benjamin to win the ECW Championship Chase (B)[/B][/CENTER] ----------------- [I]Backstage, ECW general manager [B]Mick Foley[/B] and [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] stand infront of a television screen, obviously having watched the previous match unfold...[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] Wow... Umaga huh? [B]Dreamer:[/B] Looks that way. [B]Foley:[/B] Tommy Dreamer and Umaga for the ECW Championship at Wrestlemania. Sounds good to me Tommy. [B]Dreamer:[/B] Yeah, me too. [B]Foley:[/B] No doubts tonight? No second thought? [B]Dreamer:[/B] Not one. [B]Foley:[/B] Alright. Then go out there tonight, set that freak Kane on fire and bring home that ECW Championship. [B]Dreamer:[/B] You got it Mick. [B]Foley:[/B] Alright, get out of here... ----------------- [QUOTE][I][SIZE="1"]A video begins to play, showing us the history of the feud between Chris Jericho and Mr Kennedy... Cyber Sunday, where the fans vote for Chris Jericho to be Kennedy’s partner against the Canadian Bulldogs, which leads to Jericho and Kennedy winning the tag titles that night. Armageddon where Jericho and Kennedy survived at tag team triple threat against the Bulldogs and Carlito and Primo. The first signs of tension between the two, when both Jericho and Kennedy ask Shane McMahon for an Intercontinental Title shot. Jericho and Kennedy facing each other on Raw, with Jericho winning and earning himself a shot at the Intercontinental Title. The tension continues as Kennedy tries to help Jericho beat Kenny Dykstra by swinging for him with the Intercontinental Title, only for Kenny to duck and Kennedy nailing Jericho, costing him the match. The Royal Rumble match, where Kennedy eliminates Jericho by mistake, with Kennedy pleading it was an accident. The following night on Raw where Kennedy and Jericho defend the titles against the Bulldogs, only for Jericho to walk out on the match and then assault Kennedy after the match is over. The last two weeks on Raw where Jericho has again attacked Kennedy, only for Kennedy to leave Jericho laying during an episode of the highlight reel...[/SIZE][/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MrKennedy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Jericho v Mr Kennedy[/B] The hatred between these two is clear from the second the bell rings, as the two square up only for Jericho to quickly slap Kennedy in the face... but Kennedy fires back with stiff right and then sends Jericho off the ropes... back elbow knocks Jericho down, and he quickly crawls to the corner, but Kennedy stays on the attack, aiming kicks to the gut and then a snapmare, with a stiff kick to the spine causing Jericho to cry out in pain. Again Jericho tries to back away into the corner, but Kennedy is unrelenting, pummelling Jericho with knees and punches, but when the ref calls for a break, Jericho strikes with an elbow to the head, and now it’s he who lays in with the boots before sending Kennedy across... reversal... Jericho staggers out the corner... into a back-body-drop! After a near fall, Kennedy tries a forward Russian legsweep, but Jericho fires back with elbows to the gut, and then he connects with an enzuigiri that leaves both men down. Jericho is first back up, and he looks to take control by hitting stinging chops to the chest and then sending Kennedy off the ropes and down with a spinning wheel kick. After a near fall, Jericho goes for a chinlock, and he heels it up by using the ropes to gain leverage and driving his knee into Kennedy’s back. Eventually Kennedy fights back to his feet... elbow to the gut... and another... and a third breaks the hold, and Jericho is sent off the ropes... reversal... hard clothesline knocks Kennedy down, and here’s a cover... 1... 2... Kennedy kicks out, and now Jericho looks to target the back, aiming elbows to the spine and hitting a backbreaker, but instead of dropping him to the mat, he keeps Kennedy on his knee and pushes down on his chin, applying pressure to the back. Kennedy cries out, but eventually he’s able to break the hold with a knee to the head, and as both men make it back to their feet, Kennedy goes for an Irish whip... reversal... and Jericho catches Kennedy with an abdominal stretch, and he makes it worse by firing punches into Kennedy’s ribs. Jericho continues to stretch the back and attack the ribs, but slowly the crowd gets behind Kennedy, and slowly he manages to break free, only for Jericho to hit right hands and then send Kennedy to the corner... Kennedy staggers out, and Jericho comes off the ropes...one=handed bulldog... no! Kennedy counters... snap DDT, but Kennedy has suffered so much damage he can’t take advantage, and it’s Jericho who’s up first and on the attack... but Kennedy hits a right, and another, and after a clothesline, he connects with a forward-Russian legsweep for a near fall. Kennedy now sends Jericho off the ropes... but he ducks his head, and Jericho hits a double-underhook backbreaker and runs the ropes... lionsault! 1... 2... Kennedy kicks out! Jericho can’t believe it wasn’t 3, so he goes for the walls of Jericho... but Kennedy kicks Jericho into the corner, and as Jericho staggers out, Kennedy goes for an inside cradle... 1... 2... Jericho kicks out. Both men are feeling the effects now, but Kennedy sends Jericho to the corner... but when he charges, Jericho avoids him... and takes him down... walls of Jericho! Jericho has it locked on in the middle of the ring, and Kennedy claws his way towards the ropes... and he slowly drags himself and Jericho ever closer... and Kennedy reaches out and grabs the ropes, but the damage is done, as Kennedy struggles back to his feet, using the ropes to pull himself up. Jericho hits a forearm to the back, and then sends Kennedy off the ropes... Kennedy ducks his clothesline... mic check... no! Jericho hits a flurry off elbows and pushes Kennedy off the ropes... into the codebreaker! Jericho nails Kennedy, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! [B]Chris Jericho beat Mr Kennedy (A)[/B][/CENTER] --------------- [I]In the Revolution dressing-room, [B]Shane McMahon[/B], [B]Triple H[/B], [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] sat having some mindless chat, when the chairman off the board himself [B]Vince McMahon[/B] enters...[/I] [B]Vince:[/B] Shane! Hunter! How are we tonight? [B]Shane:[/B] Hey Dad. We’re good, we’re doing alright. [B]Vince:[/B] Good. And uh... uh... boys! How are the rest of you doing? [B]Kenny:[/B] We’re fine Mr McMahon. [B]Vince:[/B] Excellent. So champ, how are we feeling tonight? [B]Triple H:[/B] I feel like I’m finally gonna kill the Deadman! [B]Vince:[/B] Now that’s what I like to hear. A little confidence, a little arrogance. Good. Now all of you listen up. I can’t begin to tell you how important tonight is. Wrestlemania is just around the corner, and I want my son and my son-in-law to be the biggest stars on my flagship show, and that means we all need to work together tonight. Understand? [B]Shane:[/B] Dad, relax. It’s all taken care of. [B]Vince:[/B] Alright... I’m going to watch the show. Have a good night gentlemen... and let’s just hope Jeff Hardy doesn’t win that elimination chamber. I refuse to let that embarrassment, with his purple hair and his painted nails headline Wrestlemania. [B]Shane:[/B] It’s never gonna happen Dad. [B]Vince:[/B] It better not... ---------------- [B]Cole:[/B] Well folks, up next it’s the first of tonight’s elimination chamber. [B]Coach:[/B] Who is going to join Edge and the World Heavyweight Champion in a triple threat match at Wrestlemania? [B]Cole:[/B] Let’s find out who’s going to be the four men that will start the match inside one of the pods... [I]The first three men introduced turn out to be [B]Big Show[/B], [B]Matt Hardy[/B] and [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B], and the three make their way into their pods. The camera cuts backstage to who we assume to be the fourth man, [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] making his way to the ring... when [B]John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] runs up behind him...[/I] [B]JBL:[/B] Lashley! Hey, Lashley! Wait up a second Lashley. [B]Lashley:[/B] What is it? [B]JBL:[/B] Listen uh... I’ve decided I’ve had a change of heart. I don’t want you to be in the elimination chamber anymore. [B]Lashley:[/B] What?! [B]JBL:[/B] I think it’s more important for you to be good and ready to be in my corner tonight for my match with Punk, so I’m pulling you from the elimination chamber. [B]Lashley:[/B] But... but what about my spot? [B]JBL:[/B] Oh don’t worry about that, I found a suitable replacement... [I]A nearby door swings open and out steps... [B]Edge[/B]! What the... is Edge in the chamber now?[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Mr Layfield... always a pleasure doing business with you. [B]JBL:[/B] It certainly was Edge. Let’s go Lashley... [B]Cole:[/B] No... he couldn’t have! [B]Coach:[/B] I think he just did! [I]Metalingus plays out and indeed Edge emerges onto the ramp and down into the chamber, where despite the mass confusion, Edge locks himself in the fourth pod.[/I] [B]Coach:[/B] I love it! Edge is a genius! He doesn’t want a triple threat match, so he’s bought his way into the chamber to win it for himself! [B]Cole:[/B] How in the hell can he get away with this? [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/BigShow.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Christian.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ReyMysterio.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Smackdown[/B][/COLOR] [B]Elimination Chamber[/B] [B]Big Show v Christian v Edge v Matt Hardy v Montel Vontavious Porter v Rey Mysterio[/B] [B]Christian[/B] and [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] soon enter, with Christian wanting to get in Edge’s face, but the pod separate the two and soon Christian and Rey are going at it for the opening five minutes. It’s a cagey start from the pair, with minds still concerned with Edge, but eventually they tie-up, with Christian targeting Rey’s arm, wrenching on it, only for Rey to counter with a springboard armdrag that sends Christian to the corner. Mysterio now looks to quicken the pace, hitting a tilt-a-whirl headscissors and looking to follow with a wheelbarrow bulldog... but Christian counters with a sitout facebuster, and the pace slows down again. Hard rights land from Christian, driving Rey to the corner and then Christian sends Rey across... reversal... Mysterio charges, but Christian gets a boot up... and he comes out the corner with a tornado-DDT! Again Christian connects with right hands, and his Irish whip sends Rey crashing to the corner and slumping to the mat, which leads to the first near fall. Christian then sends Rey off the ropes, but Mysterio counters Christian’s back-body-drop attempt with a DDT, and soon the clock is ticking down and it’s time for our third entrant... it’s [B]MVP[/B]! The ref takes off the chain and MVP quickly looks to attack, and with Christian using the ropes to pull himself abck up, MVP clothesline him over onto the steel surrounding the ring. Now MVP targets Rey, aiming kicks to the gut and sending him off the ropes... snap overhead belly-to-belly! NOW MVP comes off the ropes... ballin’ elbow! Mysterio wisely rolls to the corner so he can’t be pinned, so MVP now targets Christian, with MVP sending Christian face first into the side of the chamber and then locking on a facelock driving knees into the head, before Christian is placed against the side of the chamber... and a stiff kick to the head lands from MVP! Back in the ring, MVP goes back to work on Mysterio, sending Rey to the corner... springboard crossbody from Rey... but MVP catches him... and drops him with a backbreaker, but now Christian has climbed to the top rope... MVP sees him and slams Christian to the mat, getting a near fall. As the fresh man MVP is dominant, and he stays on the attack with elbows and knees to Rey and a snap suplex to Christian, but he can’t put either away. Eventually Christian manages to mount some offence, connecting with an inverted-DDT and a diving uppercut, and pretty soon Christian and Rey are working together, with Christian lifting Rey up for a legdrop... but the partnership doesn’t last long, as Christian rocks Rey with a clothesline. Once again the clock is ticking and the lights start flashing, and here comes entrant number four... [B]Matt Hardy[/B]! Hardy dives into the ring and knocks down Christian and Rey with clothesline, before dropping MVP with the side effect for a quick 2 count. MVP is then clotheslined onto the steel, and Matt follows him out with Rey and Christian battling in the ring. Right hands rock MVP, and then Hardy hooks him up... Russian legsweep onto the steel! Both men cry out in pain, both Hardy makes it back into the ring where he hits rights to Christian and sends him off the ropes... twist of fate... no! Christian counters... inverted-DDT, and now all four men are down. Slowly, it’s Mysterio who makes it back up first, and he hits kicks to MVP before going for an Irish whip... reversal... baseball slide from Rey... and a dropkick has MVP hung up on the second rope, here comes Mysterio... 619... no! MVP ducks it, and a clothesline from Hardy sends Rey over the top rope to the steel. MVP follows Rey out, and he pounds Rey’s head into the sides before hooking him up... overhead belly-to-belly... into the one of the pods! Edge gets a great view as Rey crashes into his pod, and there’s a sick thud as the pod, doesn’t break and Rey just collapses to the floor, and already the clock is ticking down for entrant number 5... it’s [B]Edge[/B], and the ultimate opportunist quickly covers Mysterio... 1... 2... 3! Edge eliminates Rey thanks to the sick overhead suplex from MVP, and after a few kicks to MVP, Edge enters the ring and nails Christian with a flurry of right hands. Matt then tastes kicks to his head, as Edge is dominant, and he waits for Christian to rise up... spear... no! Christian leapfrogs and Edge crashes into the corner, and Christian is waiting... unprettier... no! Edge pushes out of it... and MVP nails Christian with a clothesline. Edge and Matt pair off in one corner, with MVP and Christian going at it in the other, and eventually it’s time for our final entrant... [B]Big Show[/B], and the big man comes in and begins rocking everybody with headbutts, before grabbing Edge in the corner and repeatedly slapping him across the chest. MVP suffers the same treatment, and then Christian is launched over the top rope to the steel below. Big Show grabs Hardy and sends him off the ropes... big boot knocks him down, and now Show calls out for a chokeslam on Matt... he grabs him by the throat, hoists him up... only for Edge to connect with a spear! Edge takes Show down, but he struggles to a knee... drive-by kick! MVP nails Show, and Christian is on the top rope... frog splash! Christian connects, but it’s Matt who goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3! It takes all four working together, but Big Show is eliminated. The truce doesn’t last long though, as soon Edge and Christian battle while MVP and Hardy go at it. Edge and Christian soon take their fight to the outside, with Hardy and MVP trading rights in the ring. MVP drives knees into Hardy’s head, but when he sends Matt off the ropes, Matt ducks his clothesline and connects with a side effect, following with a legdrop from the second rope for a near fall. Matt tries to build momentum, rocking MVP with right hands and sending him off the ropes... kick... twist of fate... no! MVP counters... playmaker! MVP nails the playmaker, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! We’re down to three as Matt Hardy is eliminated. Christian is now back in the ring, and he takes the fight to MVP, swinging tired rights, but MVP fires back with a facebreaker knee smash that leaves Christian down. Edge is now back in the ring, but MVP is ready, nailing Edge with rights, sending him to the corner and following in with a boot to the head for a near fall. Christian is back up, and he tees off on MVP and goes for an Irish whip to the corner... MVP reverses and goes for the boot... but Christian ducks... inverted tornado-DDT! 1... 2... MVP kicks out, and Christian drags him up and into the corner where he hits shots to the gut and turns... here comes Edge... spear... leapfrog from Christian... and Edge nails MVP! A clothesline sends Edge over and out, and Christian covers MVP... 1... 2... 3! We’re down to Edge and Christian, and Christian wastes no time in taking the fight to Edge on the outside, smashing his head into the sides and then slamming Edge on the steel. Edge crawls back into the ring where Christian gets a near fall, and he drags Edge up and hits tired punches before going for the unprettier... no... Edge pushes Christian into the corner and charges... but Christian avoids him... and this time he nails the unprettier! 1... 2... Edge kicks out, and Christian can’t believe it, but he quickly makes a move to go to the top rope... frog splash... wait, Christian has second thoughts... he’s climbing to the top of the pod... super frog splash... no! Edge rolls out of harm’s way, and now he crouches and waits for Christian to rise... spear! Edge hits the spear, here’s the cover... 1... 2... Christian kicks out! This time it’s Edge who’s in disbelief, and he quickly begins stomping Christian to the outside. Both men are exhausted, but they battle on the outside, with Edge looking to ram Christian into the side... Christian blocks it... and does it to Edge, and now he goes for... unprettier on the steel... no! Edge blocks it... spear through the pod! Fibre glass goes everywhere, both men are bleeding, and Edge somehow rolls over for a cover... 1... 2... 3. Edge has sneaked into the elimination chamber, and despite Christian being in from start to finish, he just couldn’t quite get it done. [B]Edge won the [COLOR="Blue"][B]Smackdown[/B][/COLOR] Elimination Chamber (B+)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Maria[/B] is standing by...[/I] [B]Maria:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the World Heavyweight Champion, [B]CM Punk[/B]! And Punk, how are you feeling after what we just saw in the Smackdown elimination chamber? [B]Punk:[/B] Well first of all, JBL... man you are some piece of work. I mean to pull Lashley like that just to suit yourself? C’mon man, that’s pretty cold even for a guy like you. I honestly never thought I’d say this but... I feel pretty sorry for Lashley. Anyway, as for tonight, JBL... I don’t care if you’ve got a fresh Lashley in your corner... I’m still gonna beat you. And Edge... I don’t know what the hell you winning the chamber means for Wrestlemania but... if it does mean you and me one on one... then I’m looking forward to beating you too. ---------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/ECWChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW Championship Inferno Match Kane (C) v Tommy Dreamer[/B] Both men enter the ring, with Dreamer showing nerves by letting out a deep sigh of breath, while Kane has that sick smile on his face, which turns into a laugh as the flames rise up to signal the start of the match. Kane slowly stalks his way towards Dreamer, backing Tommy into a corner, but when Kane swings a right, Dreamer ducks and rattles off right hands of his own, before sending Kane off the ropes... reversal... Kane nails Dreamer with a boot to the face. Big shots to Dreamer’s throat knock him down, and Kane now drags Dreamer towards the ropes, trying to force him head first into the flames... but Dreamer uses the ropes to push himself away, and he manages to connect with elbows to the head to keep himself away. Dreamer staggers to his feet, and Kane is waiting... he grabs Dreamer by the throat... low blow! Dreamer aims a kick to the groin to break Kane’s grip, and now he tees off with rights and lefts and comes off the ropes... but Kane counters with a powerslam. Kane now perches Dreamer on the top turnbuckle, and he looks like he’s going for a suplex... but Dreamer hits rights to the midsection, and Kane lands on his feet, but here comes Dreamer... crossbody off the top, and now Dreamer rattles off rights and lefts while on top of Kane. Dreamer is back up, and after connecting with a falling neckbreaker, he then tries to drag Kane into the flames... but Kane fights his way free, and he rocks Dreamer with uppercuts, and then sends Dreamer to the corner... Kane charges in for a boot to the face... but Dreamer ducks, and Kane kicks the turnbuckle... and then Dreamer takes his other leg and hangs him upside down! Kane’s head is literally inches away from the flames, and Dreamer backs away and charges... tree-of-woe dropkick! Dreamer connects, but the momentum causes Kane to fall to the mat, saving him from being set on fire. Dreamer now looks to turn up the heat (pardon the pun) as he walks Kane towards the ropes and goes for a suplex... but Kane blocks it, hits a right to the gut... and lifts Dreamer into the air and drops him across the top rope... leaving Dreamer literally balanced on the top rope! The flames rise, and Dreamer is just inches away, and despite the fear, Dreamer dares to move incase he loses balance and falls onto the flames! Dreamer manages to keep his balance, and Kane gets bored of waiting, so he kicks Dreamer in the side of the head, but thankfully for Dreamer he lands on the mat and doesn’t touch the flames. Now Kane takes control, sending Dreamer to the corner and following in with a clothesline, then connecting with a sidewalk slam. Dreamer is in pain, but that doesn’t matter to Kane, so he drags Dreamer to his feet... again he grabs him by the throat... but Dreamer out of desperation hits elbows to the head... and he plants Kane with the DDT! Dreamer now leaves Kane for a second, and he goes to a corner and begins trying to rip the turnbuckle cover off. Eventually Dreamer gets the turnbuckle cover off, and he holds it into the flames... the cover is on fire! Dreamer now goes back to Kane and swings with the cover... but Kane kicks Dreamer in the gut and the cover goes flying, but Kane moves quickly... he scoops Dreamer up... tombstone! Kane plants Dreamer with a tombstone, but he has to set Dreamer on fire to win. Kane staggers to his feet, and pulls a lifeless Dreamer up with him... he grabs him by the throat... takes Dreamer up... and chokeslams him right into the flames! Almost instantly the t-shirt on Dreamer’s back engulfs in flames, with Dreamer trying to put the flames out. Eventually some nearby staff members with fire extinguishers douse the fire, all the while the champion stares at Dreamer with that sinister laugh ringing out. [B]Kane beat Tommy Dreamer to retain the ECW Championship (B+)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]Backstage, [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] is getting ready for his match tonight, when [B]John Cena[/B] enters the room...[/I] [B]Jeff:[/B] Hey John! What’s up man? [B]Cena:[/B] It’s all good man. How about you? [B]Jeff:[/B] I’m good, I’m good. [B]Cena:[/B] Listen uh... I just wanted to swing by and tell you... that tonight in that elimination chamber... if I get a shot to eliminate you... I’m gonna take it. Friendship goes out the window when the main event of Wrestlemania is on the line. [B]Jeff:[/B] I wouldn’t have it any other way John. And you know... if the chance comes up and I see an opportunity to eliminate you... I’m gonna take it. [B]Cena:[/B] Alright man. Hey... whatever happens, let’s make sure at least one of us leaves Wrestlemania the champion. [B]Jeff:[/B] Deal... ----------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Heavyweight Championship Match CM Punk (C) v John Bradshaw Layfield[/B] JBL has [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] and [B]Maryse[/B] with him, but it’s clear Lashley isn’t happy after being pulled out of the elimination chamber earlier. Punk and JBL tie-up, and the larger JBL backs Punk into the corner, and he connects with elbows to the head and knees to the gut, before pulling Punk out of the corner to lock on a headlock. Punk is able to send JBL off the ropes, but JBL runs him down with a shoulderblock, and then runs the ropes... Punk ducks his clothesline, and connects with kicks to the thigh before coming off the ropes... flying forearm knocks JBL down, and when he gets back up, a dropkick sends JBL through the ropes to the outside. JBL lands near Lashley, but Lashley is very slow to help his boss back to his feet, and when he does, here comes Punk... suicide dive! Punk takes down both men, and the champ rolls JBL back into the ring and climbs to the top rope... crossbody! 1... 2... JBL gets the shoulder up. Punk tries to keep the pace fast, and he comes off the ropes... but JBL again knocks him down with the shoulderblock, and forearms knees follow before Punk is sent to the corner... but he gets a boot up as JBL charges in, and he goes to the top rope... but JBL hits right hand, and climbs to the second rope... fallaway slam! 1... 2... Punk kicks out, but now JBL is in control, nailing more clubbing forearms before sending Punk off the ropes... into a bearhug. JBL squeezes Punk, all the while aiming knees into the gut. Punk manages to break free with elbows and punches, and he aims a kick to the head that sends JBL to the corner, and Punk charges... but JBL gets a boot up that drops Punk, leading to a near fall. After a series of quick elbowdrops, JBL now goes for a grounded bodyscissors, continue to apply pressure to the midsection. Punk struggles back to his feet, but JBL quickly transitions into an abdominal stretch... but Punk fires out with a hiptoss, and JBL backs off to the corner, only for Punk to follow in... knee to the head... bulldog! JBL staggers to his feet... and Punk takes him up on his shoulders... GTS... no! JBL manages to drop to his feet, and he nails Punk with a short-arm clothesline. More of the quick-fire elbows land on Punk, gaining JBL a near fall. Both men are back up, and a slugfest ensues, with both men trading right hands until Punk hits three in a row, then drops JBL to a knee with a kick to the head and going through the ropes and bouncing to the top rope... springboard clothesline... but JBL counters... powerslam! 1... 2... Punk kicks out! JBL can’t believe it, and he gets to his feet, waits for Punk to rise then charges... clothesline from hell... no! Punk nails a jumping heel kick, leaving both men down. It takes an age for them to get back up, and when they do, Punk connects with kicks and goes for an Irish whip... JBL ducks his clothesline... clothesline from hell... Punk ducks... and JBL takes out the ref! The ref goes crashing to the floor, but JBL quickly moves to rock Punk with forearms and knees, before scooping him up and slamming him to the mat. JBL now motions towards Lashley to grab the title and bring it into the ring. Lashley at first looks apprehensive, but eventually he agrees, grabbing the belt and sliding into the ring, while JBL drags Punk back up. JBL holds Punk in place, and Lashley swings with the belt... but Punk ducks... and Lashley nails JBL! Lashely can’t believe it, and a kick from Punk sends him flying to the outside. Punk turns, just as JBL is staggering to his feet... he has him up... GTS! Punk nails the GTS, and here comes a second ref... 1... 2... 3! [B]CM Punk beat John Bradshaw Layfield to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (B)[/B][/CENTER] ---------------- [QUOTE][I][SIZE="1"]A video begins to play, showing us the history of the feud between Triple H and The Undertaker... We go way back to the final Raw before Survivor Series, where Triple H beats Taker in a casket match, before he and Shane send the casket flying off the stage in the electrical circuits, and when the casket is opened, there’s nobody inside. Over several weeks, we see the haunting videos proclaiming the Deadman’s return at the Royal Rumble. During the Rumble, Kenny, Harry and TJ have Jeff Hardy outnumbered, until the clock reads number 13... and out steps The Undertaker. Triple H claiming he’s not afraid, going so far as to call out Taker on Raw... but when the lights go out and Taker appears behind him in the ring, the Game makes a run for it. Finally, last Monday night where after the Undertaker/Kenny Dykstra match, Revolution beatdown Taker and leave him laying in the ring... only for the Deadman to sit up and engage in a tense staredown with the Game... [/SIZE][/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Titles/WWEChampion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Undertaker.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Championship Match Triple H (C) v The Undertaker[/B] As the bell rings, both men slowly walk towards each other, and they quickly are nose-to-nose, with the Game talking smack at Taker, but the Deadman simply stares into Triple H’s eyes. Eventually Triple H goes for a right hand, but it’s blocked... and Taker scores with a right of his own, and another, and a big shot sends the Game to the corner. Taker follows in and unloads with rapid punches to the gut, before sending him across... Triple H hits the corner... and walks right into a back-body-drop! Now Taker looks to send Triple H off the ropes, but the champion reverses... Taker ducks his clothesline... and hits a flying clothesline of his own! The Game backs away to the corner, but again Taker follows in for shots to the gut, and he scoops the champ on his shoulder... snake eyes! Taker runs the ropes... big boot to the head, and the Game wisely rolls outside to regroup, but Undertaker follows him out. The Game tries to score some offence, but Taker quickly ends the flurry, and soon the champion is crashing into the steel steps. Soon, Triple H is rolled onto the apron, and after a pair of elbows across the throat, Taker walks the apron... and delivers a legdrop across the Game’s throat! Back in the ring, the champ crawls for the corner, but that only invites Taker to deliver yet another set of quick-fire punches, before Triple H is sent crashing to the opposite corner, and he staggers out into a sidewalk slam for the first near fall. Taker then sends the Game off the ropes, but he ducks his head... facebreaker knee smash, and the champion follows with a clothesline. Triple H now tries to recover from the beating he took early on, but eventually he sends Taker to the corner and follows in for a clothesline, but Taker moves and comes off the ropes... another big boot to the face! Triple H has to use the ropes to get back up, and when he does, the challenger is waiting... he grabs him by the throat... chokeslam... no! Triple H counters... DDT! 1... 2... Undertaker kicks out. Now it’s the champs turn to attack, and he lays in with the boots and tosses Taker to the outside. After going face first into the Raw announce desk, Taker is rolled back into the ring and sent off the ropes... into a spinebuster! 1... 2... Taker kicks out, and Triple H demands a faster count from the ref. Triple H now waits for the Deadman to rise, and when he does... kick... pedigree... no! Taker grabs the Game’s legs, takes him down... and catapults him into the corner! Triple H’s head bounces off the turnbuckle, and he’s floored by a clothesline for a near fall. Now Undertaker looks to work the arm, wrenching on a wrist, driving his own shoulder into the Game’s and then walking the top rope... old school! Triple H slumps to the mat, and now Taker draws across his throat, and he pulls Triple H in... takes him up for the tombstone... no! Triple H lands on his feet and swings a clothesline... but Taker counters... triangle choke! Taker has the submission locked in, and the champion desperately flails at the ropes, but he can’t quite reach them. Taker wrenches back with all he has, but the Game is still struggling for the ropes... and he manages to kick out a leg across the bottom rope, but Taker takes every second of the 5 count before releasing the hold. The champion is reeling, but the challenger shows no signs of letting up, nailing big right hands and going for the Irish whip... Triple H reverses... but he ducks his head... DDT from Taker! 1... 2... Triple H kicks out. Now Taker rises, and he readies a hand in the air... here comes the champion... Taker has him by the throat... chokeslam! Chokeslam! Undertaker connects, and here’s the cover... 1... 2... foot on the rope! Triple H somehow is able to get a foot on the rope, and Taker shakes his head in disbelief. Undeterred though, he stand up and again draws across his throat, as the champion rises... Taker has him up... tombstone... no! Again Triple H drops to his feet... and this time hits the pedigree! The Game nails a pedigree, goes for the cover... 1... 2... Taker kicks out! Triple H can’t believe it, and he looks out of ideas... but then he looks to the aisle, as Shane has obviously sent in the troops as [B]Kenny Dykstra[/B], [B]Harry Smith[/B] and [B]TJ Wilson[/B] head down the ramp. Triple H stands near the ropes, motioning for them to hurry up... but behind, Undertaker sits up! The crowd cheers, but the Game doesn’t see him, until Kenny and the Bulldogs tell him to turn around... Taker is waiting... he has him on his shoulders... but Harry jumps on the apron, so Undertaker drops the Game... right hand sends Harry flying, and TJ takes on as well. Undertaker finally turns... kick... pedigree! The distraction costs Taker as the champion hits a second pedigree... 1... 2... 3! [B]Triple H beat The Undertaker to retain the WWE Championship (A)[/B] [SIZE="1"](God bless incredibly popular veterans who it turns out have great chemistry)[/SIZE][/CENTER] ---------------- [I]In the corridors, [B]Edge[/B] is heading for the exit, his arm around [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] as the two smile proudly at Edge’s achievement... when [B]Ric Flair[/B] steps infront of them...[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] Ric! Great to see you man! [B]Flair:[/B] I made it clear as day last Friday night that if you got involved in the elimination chamber that I would remove from Wrestlemania. [B]Edge:[/B] Aw shucks. He got me Torrie. You did say that Ric. But that was before I became an official participant in the elimination chamber. And as an official participant... well, I figured it would be downright rude of me not to get involved in the chamber. [B]Flair:[/B] You think you’re so smart don’t you? [B]Edge:[/B] Oh I’m an evil genius Ric! You made your little threat when I was only the Royal Rumble winner. Now... now I’ve won the Rumble and the elimination chamber. Ric... I want my Wrestlemania moment. I want to become the World Heavyweight Champion again, and quite frankly, me being in a triple threat match was not part of my plans. But now it’s just me and Punk, one on one... everything is falling into place. So, I’ll see you Friday night Ric... I think I might have a party to celebrate how great I am. [B]Flair:[/B] How about a live sex celebration? [B]Edge:[/B] Nah, I already did that. And besides, you’re a lot older now Ric. I don’t know if you’re heart could take it anymore. Later... [B]Flair:[/B] Just you wait Edge... I got something in store for you this Friday... ----------------- [CENTER] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/RandyOrton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/iMac2009/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Red"]Raw[/COLOR] Elimination Chamber Batista v Carlito v Jeff Hardy v John Cena v Randy Orton v Shawn Michaels[/B] [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] and [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] start this match, and the match starts at a fast pace as the two trade headlocks until Michaels is sent off the ropes... he knocks Jeff down with a shoulderblock, but just as fast Hardy is back up... only for Michaels to drive him to the corner with a series of stinging chops to the chest. An Irish whip sends Jeff across, but he uses the ropes to leapfrog Michaels, coming from behind with a rollup... 1... 2... Michaels kicks out, and the force sends Hardy into the ringpost, and now Michaels comes from behind with a rollup... 1... 2... Jeff kicks out. Michaels again attacks with chops, but his Irish whip is reversed... but Michaels connects with the flying forearm... and then a kip-up! Hardy is up too... atomic drop from Michaels, and now HBL goes up top... elbowdrop... no! Hardy rolls out of the way, and now it’s his turn to attack hitting rights and then sending HBK to the corner... reversal... Hardy to the top rope... whisper in the wind... but Michaels blocks it, grabbing Hardy’s foot... figure four leglock! Michaels locks in the figure four, and Jeff claws at the ropes... and now the clock is ticking down, and the lights flash as here comes entrant number 3... it’s the Animal, [B]Batista[/B]! Batista enters the ring and aims a boot right into Michaels face, breaking the figure four, and he then turns to Hardy and sends him off the ropes... clothesline knocks Jeff down, and then Jeff is sent over the top rope, crashing into the steel. HBK is now Batista’s target, as he’s sent to the corner, where the Animal drives the shoulder into the midsection and then sends Michaels across, following with a clothesline. Jeff is back up, and Batista suplexes him back into the ring and then drops an elbow. Michaels and Hardy both struggle back up, only for Batista to send them both back down with clotheslines, and he grabs Michaels and sends him off the ropes... spinebuster! Jeff climbs to the top rope... crossbody... but Batista catches him... and now Jeff tastes a spinebuster! The Animal is dominating, and after a near fall on Jeff, he clotheslines Jeff over the ropes and drives his head into the side of the chamber. In the ring, HBL is sent off the ropes and Batista looks for another spinebuster... but Michaels counters with a DDT, and he climbs to the top rope, connecting with the elbowdrop for a 2 count. Jeff is back up, and he and Michaels now work together to soften up Batista, with HBK hitting chops and Jeff connecting with the leg-feed mule kick. With Batista down, Michaels and HBK go at it, but the clock has run down and here comes entrant number 4... [B]Carlito[/B]! Carlito bursts out his pod and immediately bounces to the top rope... double springboard back-elbow takes down both Hardy and Michaels! After some boots to Batista, Carlito turns to Jeff, rocking him with rights and sending Jeff off the ropes... back-body-drop. Carlito then looks to attack HBK, nailing kicks to the gut and then clotheslining Michaels to the steel. Carlito climbs through the ropes and bounces to the top rope... springboard moonsault to Michaels on the steel! 1... 2... Michaels kicks out, but both men felt that move. In the ring, Batista and Hardy are trading rights, until the Animal sends Jeff to the corner... Jeff to the top rope... whisper in the wind connects, but Carlito is on the top rope, and Jeff turns... springboard clothesline! After a near fall, Carlito lays in with boots then tosses Jeff over the top rope, before coming off the ropes himself... suicide senton to Jeff on the steel! Again Carlito puts his own body on the line to mount offence, and he is in as much pain as Jeff is. All four men are down, and the clock is ticking and the lights once again flash as it’s time for entrant number 5... [B]John Cena[/B]! Cena enters the ring and is met by Batista... flying shoulderblock! Here comes Michaels, but he takes a flying shoulderblock too, and now Cena grabs Michaels and sends him to the corner... Michaels hits the turnbuckle hard and staggers out... one-handed bulldog from Cena! Cena now stands over Michaels, gives him the ‘You Can’t See Me’ taunt and comes off the ropes... five-knuckle shuffle! Cena connects, and he waits for Michaels to get back up, only for Carlito to nail Cena from behind. Carlito now stomps down on Cena, before picking him up and sending him off the ropes... Cena ducks his clothesline... sitout hiptoss! Hardy staggers back into the ring, but Cena flies at him with a Lou Thesz press, and he rains down with right hands before getting back to his feet... he waits for Jeff to rise... but here comes Batista... Cena catches him on his shoulders... FU! FU to Batista! 1... 2... 3! Cena enters with a bang by eliminating Batista! The Animal slowly rolls towards the entrance, and Cena goes back to work, nailing Carlito with rights and going for an Irish whip... Carlito reverses... and Batista low-bridges the ropes, which sees Cena crash to the steel! The refs try and get Batista to leave, but the Animal is enraged at his elimination, so he scoops Cena up on his shoulders... and hits a spinebuster through an empty pod! Plexiglas flies, and the Animal merely stares down at Cena, with the refs trying to usher him out... but Batista isn’t done, as he drags Cena back up... Batista-bomb on the steel surrounding the ring! Batista plants Cena, and he finally decides Cena has suffered enough, and he heads for the exit... but ever the opportunist, Carlito dives on Cena for a cover... 1... 2... 3. Batista does all the damage, and now Cena joins him as being eliminated. Carlito looks pleased with his efforts, and he goes back to work on Jeff Hardy, while HBL tries to recover in the corner. Carlito and Jeff brawl on the outside, and the clock has again wound down and it’s time for the final entrant... [B]Randy Orton[/B], and the legend killer wastes no time in targeting the prone Michaels, aiming boots while Michaels is down in the corner before sending Michaels across... Michaels goes upside down into the corner before slumping to the mat. Carlito leaves Jeff laying on the steel, and now he and Orton try to remove Michaels from the match, as the pair land stiff shots to the head and then both send Michaels off the ropes... double back-body-drop! Hardy tries to get back into the ring, but a stiff right from Orton knocks him down again, and Carlito whips Michaels towards Orton... standing dropkick knocks Michaels down, and now Carlito and Orton look to remove Michaels, with the two of them again sending Michaels off the ropes... this time he ducks the double clothesline... flying forearm to Carlito, and Michaels is quickly back up... atomic drop to Orton... and to Carlito... clothesline knocks down Orton, and now Carlito is slammed to the mat. Michaels again climbs to the top rope... elbowdrop to Carlito, but here comes Hardy... sweet chin music to Jeff... RKO to Michaels! Orton plants Michaels, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3! Shawn Michaels is eliminated, but now Orton tries to pin Jeff... 1... 2... Hardy kicks out! It took too long from the sweet chin music for the cover, but now Orton coils himself, slamming his fists off the mat, poised, ready to strike as Jeff finally gets back up... here comes Orton... RKO... no! Jeff pushes Orton off the ropes... kick... twist of fate... no! Orton counters... inverted backbreaker! Hardy is down again, and now Orton and Carlito rekindle their partnership, with the two determined to remove Hardy from the match. Orton nails stiff rights to the head, while Carlito drives his knee into the midsection before sending Hardy to the corner and following in... but Jeff gets a boot up, and he drops Carlito with a clothesline before charging at Orton... who back-body-drops Jeff over the ropes onto the steel! Carlito and Orton now slam Jeff’s head into the side, while back in the ring, Orton slams Jeff to the mat stomps his way around Jeff body while Carlito rains down with rights, and the pair now look for a double suplex... Jeff counters... double DDT! Jeff plants both men, and after using the ropes to get back up, he nails Orton with the sitout jawbreaker, and then rocks Carlito with rights before going for an Irish whip... Carlito reverses... flying clothesline! Jeff then now waits for Carlito to rise... twist of fate... no! Carlito counters... backstabber! Carlito nails Jeff... but Orton strikes Carlito with the RKO! 1... 2... 3! Carlito is gone, and again Orton dives to quickly cover Jeff... 1... 2... Hardy rolls a shoulder up! Orton is enraged, he can’t believe Jeff kicked out... but once again he slams his fists off the mat, only this time it’s not the RKO... he wants to punt Jeff in the head. Jeff makes it back to his knees... here comes Orton... no! Jeff ducks underneath and gets back up... twist of fate! Jeff connects with the twist of fate, and now he drags himself to the corner and up the ropes... swanton bomb! Jeff hits the swanton, here’s the cover... 1... 2... Orton rolls a shoulder up! This time it’s Jeff who can’t believe it, as Orton kicks out of the swanton. Both men take an age to return to their feet, and it’s tired right hands that Jeff swings, but he musters up the strength to send Orton off the ropes... reversal... Orton goes for a clothesline... Jeff ducks... twist of fate! Jeff hits the twist of fate, but he knows it’ll take another swanton to put Orton away, so he again goes towards the corner... Jeff stands on the top rope... but he then turns to the pod, and with the crowd cheering him on... Jeff climbs to the top of the pod! Jeff makes it to the top, uses the roof of the chamber to balance himself and then launches... swanton bomb from the top of a pod!! Jeff connects, and he collapses on Orton for the cover... 1... 2... 3! [B]Jeff Hardy won the [COLOR="Red"]Raw[/COLOR] Elimination Chamber (A)[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] He did it! He did it! Jeff Hardy is going to Wrestlemania! Jeff Hardy will face Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship! [B]King:[/B] What an unbelievable effort from Jeff Hardy, but Mr McMahon and Revolution are not gonna be happy about this. [B]JR:[/B] What more can they do to this man that they haven't done already? [B]King:[/B] Well I guess we'll find out tommorrow night on Raw. But right now, all that matters is that Jeff Hardy is going to Wrestlemania. [B]JR:[/B] Ladies adn gentlemen, we thank you fro joining us for No Way Out, and we hope you'll join us tomorrow night on Raw. Goodnight! -------------- [SIZE="1"] Umaga beat John Morrison and Shelton Benjamin to win the ECW Championship Chase (B) Chris Jericho beat Mr Kennedy (A) Edge won the [COLOR="Blue"][B]Smackdown[/B][/COLOR] Elimination Chamber (B+) Kane beat Tommy Dreamer to retain the ECW Championship (B+) CM Punk beat John Bradshaw Layfield to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (B) Triple H beat The Undertaker to retain the WWE Championship (A) Jeff Hardy won the [COLOR="Red"][B]Raw[/B][/COLOR] Elimination Chamber (A)[/SIZE] [B] Overall: A[/B] OK, so now I have to fill everyone in on some news. On the 23rd of June, I am going to America for 11 weeks to work at a kids summer camp. Now, this leaves me with a bit of problem, because there is 5 weeks until Wrestlemania (in the game that is), which means 15 shows to write... and sadly I doubt I'll have the time. So, what I am going to do is quickfire write up the first two weeks of shows and post them in a kinda recap form. My aim to have the first two weeks of shows up by around Wednesday, leaving me time to write the last three weeks in full, and of course Wrestlemania in full. I don't really want to do this, I just kinda have to. So, I hope people understand, and I'll do my best to get across as much of the story as I can in these shorter shows. By doing this I have time to get my stuff for America sorted, but at the same time, I'd hate to leave for nearly three months without having Mania posted. So, right now I am setting a date of Sunday 21st of June for Mania to be up. But anyway, that's all to come later. So, yeah, hope everybody enjoyed No Way Out, and hopefully a lot of you will still be wondering what is going on with regards to what some people are going to be doing at Mania. Head-scratching is a good thing in my book, although I'm sure certain guesses can be made as to some Mania matches from the show.
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Another great show. Loved Edge sneaking in to the Chamber and can't wait to see what Flair has in store for him. Don't worry about short shwos for a while, do what you have to to get to Wrestlemania because otherwise the gap will be huge and may take away from it. Do whatever you can do. As long as we get the idea that's the important thing.
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wow! i just read through this entire thread and i have to say that i am impressed with what ive seen so far....the writing is balanced, you get shows out regularly, and i can tell you have put a lot of effort into this diary No Way Out was another great PPV and i loved how Edge got the best of Flair...at least for now....Mania is shaping up to be a great show and i cant wait to see the fall out from the ppv and the ensuing weeks leading up to Mania ive enjoyed what ive read so far and i hope you have fun here in America!
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