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WWE - Time for a change

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I stepped off the plane into the cool air of New York and looked around. I was in New York to begin my job as head booker for the WWE. Vince had taken me on as he felt I could inject some new ideas into the brands. However I couldn't make the changes I proposed until after my first show for each brand. Vince had run me through the current rosters via the Internet and I'd learnt that RVD, Lita and Christian had all returned. RVD was back on ECW; Lita and Christian were both on Smackdown. Lita was managing Matt again and I could only guess that they had patched things up. I had gotten my job as I was Batista's girlfriend and he'd suggested to Vince that he take advantage of my booking skills after I won the Diva Search last year. I had been to numerous shows so I had a pretty idea of how the shows worked. I also had a wealth of ideas for storylines and was looking forward to seeing how these panned out. However I was also a little nervous, as one of my first jobs would be to come clean about something I'd been keeping secret for a while. Ever since meeting Edge after Vengeance, I had been helping him with his recovery and rehab. I hadn't actually cheated on Batista but I knew that I loved Edge and no longer wanted to be with Batista. I knew Batista would be angry when he found out so I had come up with a storyline pitting him against Edge with the end result that Batista would be moved to another brand and be out of my hair. I booked into my hotel room then hooked up my laptop and joined Vince in a video conference where we discussed the next night's RAW. Three storylines were going to be starting that night and we needed make sure we had all the details right. Candice Michelle and Beth Phoenix were going to be feuding, as were Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton. Shawn Michaels and Carlito were also going to be starting a feud. I went over the angles and matches I had planned with Vince to see if he liked them and to fine-tune them. When that was done I decided to have a meal so I went down to the hotel's restaurant. I knew Batista wasn't going to be there as he had an autograph signing session to do, which was going to keep him busy for most of the day so I had arranged for Edge to join me. There were some things we needed to discuss. He was waiting for me in the lobby of the hotel and when I reached him we hugged. "Hey, did you have a good flight over?" he asked. I told him that I had and we made our way into the restaurant. After we'd ordered our meals Edge asked me what I wanted to discuss with him. I explained about how I wanted to end things with Batista as I wanted to be with him but wasn't sure what the best way of doing that was. Edge told me that the easiest thing to do might be to be his guest on the cutting Edge and make some sort of announcement to the effect that I was ending it with Batista. "I like it," I said. We both knew that Batista would probably do his nut so Edge suggested I book the two of them in a match as Batista would probably want to get his hands on him and that I help him win. Then I would appear as his manager after that. When I wasn't wrestling myself. I thought it was a great idea so made a note of it. That evening I went over the changes I proposed to make to the rosters. I wanted to expand the ECW brand so it was the same size as RAW and Smackdown. To do that I would need to hire some more wrestlers. 25 of them in all. I decided to have a look at some of the other promotions and see where some of the former WCW wrestlers were. Obviously I would only hire those I thought I could be popular with the audience. I also planned to bring up some of the up and coming talent from OVW including Nattie Neidhart and Teddy Hart. My plan for them was to push them as the New Hart Foundation. Nattie was Jim Neidhart S daughter and Teddy was Bret Hart's nephew. After noting down those I wished to sign I also looked at those that had been released and decided to rehire Booker T and The Sandman. Then I turned my attention to the new titles I would need to create. ECW only had one belt, the ECW World title. I proposed to add a World Tag Team Title and the hardcore title as the secondary singles title. Satisfied with my nights work I turned in for the night. The next morning I worked out the programme for the show and sent it to Vince for final approval. Once I received that I sent it through to the road agents. I would not be attending the show as I was going to be part of the Smackdown brand. That night I tuned in to see how the show went. [CENTER][B]RAW Louisville Gardens, Kentucky[/B][/CENTER] "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM-BA-BOOM! BOOM!" The show started with an impressive opening salvo of fireworks, before the lights were raised and several sections of the excited crowd were shown waving various signs and pieces of promotional merchandise. The focus then switched to the announce table where Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross introduced and hyped the night's proceedings. The cameras then cut to backstage where Shawn Michaels and Carlito could be seen arguing. I was pleased with the intensity both were showing and from the crowd's reaction I could tell that the argument had gone over well. I had scripted the argument to be about their tag team match the previous week. Carlito had been pinned and Michaels felt that he could have done better. Then we were returned to the ring where Todd Grisham called out Jeff Hardy for an interview. In it, the two discussed recent events, which led to Jeff cracking a joke at the expense of Randy Orton. The two shared a laugh amongst themselves. Again this seemed to go over well with the audience. I started to relax confident that I was doing well so far. Next up was the first match of the night. It was Beth Phoenix V Mickie James. I had booked Beth to win and she defeated Mickie James in 9:31 by pinfall with a Down in Flames. I had purposely not made the match too long and it was pleasing to see that Beth's powerfulness coming through. It was also pleasing to see that Beth's technical skills were improving. Unfortunately the crowd didn't seem to enjoy this quite as much as the previous angles. While the ring was being set up for the next match Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross hyped the tag team match between Cade and Murdoch and the Highlanders. The winner of this would go to Armageddon to face Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly for the World Tag Team Championship. Unfortunately the crowd didn't seem to be very interested in this. However the crowd soon became excited again when Jeff Hardy came out and announced that he was glad that Triple H was there. After a short commercial break the next match was shown. It was Shawn Michaels V Mr Kennedy. Unfortunately the two didn't click and seemed awkward in the ring. Even to me the match looked a bit off. Thankfully the audience still seemed to enjoy it. Mr Kennedy eventually defeated Shawn Michaels in 15:18 by pinfall with a Green Bay Plunge. On a positive note Mr Kennedy seemed to be improving in both Rumble and Technical skills. The match wasn't a complete loss after all. After the match as Shawn Michaels returned down the isle, Carlito appeared in front of the curtains. As Michaels reached the curtains Carlito clearly taunted him about his loss, which he responded to with a shove. They both saw red and started brawling, before officials ran in and broke it up. I was pleased to see that Michaels had reacted to the taunt in exactly the way I'd hoped he would. A short commercial break aired while the ring was set up for the next match. When Raw returned a video package containing highlights from the most recent edition of Smackdown aired. It focused on the exploits of Edge, Kane, The Undertaker, The Great Khali and Batista in particular. Of course I enjoyed seeing the highlights of Edge's match. Seeing Batista reminded me of what I was going to be doing on Friday night. Then the tag team match between Cade and Murdoch and the Highlanders took place. Murdoch and Cade defeated The Highlanders in 12:51 when Trevor Murdoch defeated Robbie McAllister by pinfall with a Sweet and Sour. Unfortunately the match didn't seem to go down well with the fans even though both of the McAllisters improved in performance skills. At the end of the match a video aired to hype the main event of the evening, which was Jeff Hardy and Triple H against Carlito and Umaga. This was received well by the audience and everyone seemed eager to see the match. After the video ended there was a short commercial break. Raw returned with the cameras backstage where John Bradshaw Layfield appeared and told Chris Jericho that he is no ordinary human, and when he and Jericho meet, he'd take his soul. The crowd seemed keen to see their match as well. This was the next match up and Chris Jericho defeated John Bradshaw Layfield in 12:53 by pinfall with a Code Breaker. Unfortunately the two didn't seem to click in the ring and the bout was clearly awkward. On a brighter note JBL was improving in technical skills so the bout wasn't entirely a loss. At the conclusion of the match the cameras go back stage to find Jeff Hardy who walks around a corner to come face-to-face with Randy Orton. Both say not a word, and walk round each other the opposite way, but there was definite tension. This was good, as I had told them to make it appear that there was tension between them. Their acting was clearly believable as the crowd really bought into it. The next and final match of the night was the main event Jeff Hardy and Triple H V Umaga and Carlito. During the match the cameras went backstage briefly to show Randy Orton intently studying a backstage monitor, watching the match. Jeff Hardy and Triple H defeated Umaga and Carlito in 14:55 when Jeff Hardy defeated Carlito by pinfall with a Twist of Fate. The match lifted the crowd and I knew it had come off well. Jeff Hardy and Carlito were both improving in performance skills and Umaga was improving in Rumble skills. Overall this was a good match to end the show with. After the victory Jeff Hardy and Triple H celebrated and I could see that Jeff was improving in performance skills. The match was then recapped highlighting the main sequences that took place. The show ended with Jeff and Triple H lying on the floor exhausted the match having taken its toll on them. After the show had ended I received a text from Vince. He told me that he felt JBL had been used too much but other than that he rated the show a B+. That was a huge relief. I had begun with a good start. Vince praised me and told me he was looking forward to the next show and hoped it was more of the same. After I'd cleared Vince's text, I received a call from Edge. He'd been impressed with the show and that meant a lot to me. We talked for awhile and then I decided to go to bed. Let me know what you guys think please.
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The next morning I flew to the location of that night's Smackdown tapings and after booking into a hotel, started work on putting together Smackdown and ECW. It didn't take long for the shows to come together as another two storylines were kicking off on Tuesday and three on Friday including the one with Edge. I decided that I should call Batista and be honest with him so the storyline wouldn't come as a shock. So I called him and getting straight to the point told him that it was over between us and the reason why. He thanked me for being honest with him and for not cheating on him and told me that he would accept my decision. I then outlined the proposed storyline I'd come up with. Batista told me he liked it as he could get some revenge on Edge and I without actually hurting either of us. After I ended my conversation with Batista I turned my attention to putting together that night's shows. ECW was filming first followed by Smackdown. Finally I was done and had sent the script for the show to Vince for final approval, recieved it and sent it to the road agents. I was free to relax for the rest of the day. Edge was taking me out to lunch where we'd work out the details of his Cutting Edge segment and what I'd say when I announced my decision to break up with Batista. Everything went smoothly and after lunch I was all set for the Smackdown taping. My discussions with Edge were VERY productive and we'd come up with a great angle for that night's show. Later that evening I made my way down to the Caldwell Events Center where I met up with Edge so we could brief Batista on that night's angle. Once that was done I changed into what I'd be wearing for my first appearance, black pants and a red top that showed plenty of clevage. I also took my hair out of its ponytail and let it fall losely around my shoulders. As ECW was filming first Edge and I watched it together on a monitor. [center][B]ECW Caldwell Events Center, North West[/B][/center] The show starts with John Morrison in the ring, which only gave the commentators a few moments to hype the upcoming show. Morrison is there for a press conference and during it he challenges Tommy Dreamer to a match later that night. We then go to a video clip, which opened with a hand putting a cassette into the tape deck of a Firebird. As the opening refrains of Willie Nelson’s “On the Road Again” blared, the camera pulled back to reveal Rob Van Dam. A Hero is coming home. The show seemed to be starting out reasonably well with the audience seemingly enjoying themselves. The cameras returned to the ring where the first match of the night, Nunzio and Shelton Benjamin V The Boogeyman and Balls Mahoney was just getting underway. Nunzio and Shelton Benjamin defeated The Boogeyman and Balls Mahoney in 9:55 when Shelton Benjamin defeated The Boogeyman by pinfall with a Dragon Whip. Unfortunately I could see that it wouldn't be a good idea to put Nunzio and Shelton Benjamin together again as they just didn't work well as a team and their timing was all over the place. However the announcing quality lifted the match and the colour commentary gave the match a boost. Also on the positive side of things Shelton Benjamin is improving in Technical skills and The Boogeyman is improving in Rumble skills. There is a commercial break then ECW comes back with the cameras backstage where Tommy Dreamer confronts John Morrison backstage and says he'll accept Morrison's challenge. He then tells John Morrison that he is going to beat him to a pulp and the two get into an argument. Back in the ring Armando Estrada cuts a promo and tells the crowd that tonight, John Morrison will take on Tommy Dreamer in a number one contenders match! The winner will face C M Punk for the ECW World Title at Armageddon. Next up was the second match of the night. It was The Miz V Stevie Richards and The Miz defeated Stevie Richards in 9:34 by pinfall with a Mizard of Oz. Unfortunately I could see that the match although better than the previous one still hadn't really excited the crowd. I was pleased with the colour commentary as it gave the match a boost. Also of note was that Stevie Richards was improving in flying skills. The show went to commercials and the next segment started with a video warning the TV audience not to copy what they saw at home starring Big Daddy V was airing. Unfortunately I could tell from watching it that it wasn't all that good. I made a mental note not to use it again. Next a graphic hyping the upcoming World Tag Team match between Cade and Murdoch and Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes at Armageddon was shown and the announcers briefly hyped the match. Finally it was time for the main event of the evening the match between John Morrison and Tommy Dreamer. John Morrison defeated Tommy Dreamer in 14:47 by pinfall with a Standing Step-Up Enzuigiri. The match was a great way to end the card as it went over well. The show ended with Morrison celebrating his win. Edge and I went to get ready as Edge would be in the ring as soon as the Smackdown taping started. We hugged and gave each other a kiss for luck and then Edge was heading out down the ramp to the ring. As he took his place in the ring I felt Batista join me. "Ready?" he asked. "As I'll ever be. I hope they like me," I said. I expected that after my announcement I'd get boos as I'd be working as a heel. If I got a lot of boos that meant I'd be doing a good job. I rolled my head a few times to try to relax as I was feeling a little nervous. I hoped I didn't screw this up. Finally the show started. [center][B]Smackdown Caldwell Events Center North West[/B][/center] The show opened straight up in the ring where Edge was present, giving The Coach and Michael Cole only a few moments to hype the show before diving straight into the action. Edge was in the ring to do a Cutting Edge segment. This was where I was going to do my big announcement. I took a deep breath as I stood next to Batista. Then Edge was giving us our welcome and we were making our way through the curtain. The crowd noise was unbelievable as they gave Batista a huge pop. Of course they had no idea who I was but that would all change shortly. Edge welcomed us to his show and then briefly explained who I was to the crowd. Then he got to the nuts and bolts of the interview, hyping up his and Batista's talent. Finally it came time for my announcement. I told Edge I had an announcement that I'd like to make and Edge nodded to me to go ahead while Batista looked confused. "Batista I'm sorry but I don't wish to keep on seeing you. I've fallen in love with Edge and I want to be with him now." I explained Edge smirked at that. "Well I'm glad that's all out in the open," he said. Batista turned to Edge "Why you no good son of a bitch. How dare you steal Melly from me? Mark my words you'll be sorry," he said. He then turned to me and warned me he was going to make my life miserable. He left the ring leaving Edge and I pretending we didn't really care what he had said. While the ring was set up for the first match of the night Michael Cole and The Coach hyped the fact that Cade and Murdoch were getting a title shot against Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly at Armageddon. We made our way back down the isle to an explosion of boos and then it was time for the first match of the night. As I wouldn't be required to be out in the ring again until my match later on I would watch the proceedings on a monitor. The match was a tag team match between MVP and Matt Hardy and Deuce n Domino Deuce 'n' Domino defeated Montel Vontavious Porter and Matt Hardy in 10:20 when Deuce defeated Montel Vontavious Porter by pinfall with a Crack in the Mouth. I was a bit disappointed with Coach and Michael Cole as their announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard of the match and I knew it had pulled the matches rating down. However I was pleased to see that MVP was improving in performance skills and Matt Hardy was improving in rumble skills. The show cut to a commercial break. When the show returned the cameras were in the locker area where Matt Hardy and Montel Vontavious Porter were arguing over who was to blame for their earlier loss. Neither looked happy with the situation, but they put their differences aside and left together. Back down in the ring Christian Cage, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder appeared together, and make the announcement that they are going to be allies from now on, watching each other's back. Unfortunately this didn't seem to go over very well with the crowd. I could only hope that as the storyline progressed they would get enough heat to get over more. After they left the ring the next match was on. It was Mark Henry V Kane and Kane defeated Mark Henry in 12:37 by pinfall with a Chokeslam. Unfortunately I could see that Mark Henry was tiring towards the end and that again the announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. Fortunately the color commentary gave the match a boost. And Mark Henry was improving in performance and rumble skills. Next a pre taped video airs starring Kane who tells the TV audience that the moves they are seeing are performed by trained professionals and that the moves take years of training and experience to learn and do safely. He then warned the TV audience not to try what they see at home. I was pleased at how the video clip had turned out. I had heard about the clips from Vince but not seen any of them till then. The show went to another commercial break coming back with Anastacia Rose interviewing Batista in the ring and during the interview he challenged Edge to a match. Now it was time for my next appearance. I had changed into my ring gear while some commercials aired. When the show returned the cameras were backstage where Edge was hyping me up for my match. He was encouraging me to do my best and telling me that I was going to do well. I then went out for my match. Unfortunately I nearly didn't complete my match, as I was very tired near the end. I was wrestling Torrie Wilson and she defeated me in 10:21 by pinfall with a Nose Job. Some of the crowd were very vocal in their hatred of me but that was what I wanted as I was working as a heel. Although the color commentary gave the match a boost the match brought the crowd down. I guessed that it was partly because it was my first match for the WWE and I hadn't done very well. Another Don't Try this video aired this time staring The Undertaker. This revved the crowd up and their excitement continued after Edge came down to the ring and said that he'd accepted the challenge laid down by Batista, and would face him in a match. The Raw Rebound then aired and this kept the crowd's excitement up. It reviewed the storylines that had started. A commercial break allowed time for the ring to be prepared for the next match. I had returned backstage after my match and was watching on the monitor again. Next up was the match between Edge and Batista. Edge defeated Batista in 18:03 by pinfall following interference from me. I had come out to the ring and handed Edge a chair while the ref was distracted enabling Edge to whack Batista with it then get the pin. Unfortunately Batista seemed to be off his game and was visibly tiring towards the end and the announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. I made a mental note to have a talk with Coach and Cole and see what was going on. While Batista recovered in the ring, Christian Cage, Curt Hawkins and William Regal ran in and attacked him, beating Batista down into the mat. Edge and I had gone backstage and when the beat down was over the cameras came backstage where Edge took the opportunity to taunt Batista and drill home the fact that Batista had lost the love of his life to a superior man. "Melody decided she wanted to be with a REAL man," was his last statement. The angle ended with Edge kissing me to add insult to injury and then the show cut to commercials. Raw returned with the final match of the night and second main event, which was a three on three match, Christian Cage and The Edge-heads V Chuck Palumbo, Jamie Noble and Shannon Moore. Christian Cage and The Edge-heads defeated Chuck Palumbo, Jamie Noble and Shannon Moore in 17:49 when Christian Cage defeated Jamie Noble by pinfall with an Unprettier. I could see that Chuck Palumbo was visibly tiring toward the end. However the colour commentary gave the match a boost and I could see that the match wasn't too bad. Not great either. It did however show that Christian Cage was improving in Rumble skills, Chuck Palumbo was improving in Performance skills, Jamie Noble was improving in Rumble skills and Technical skills and Shannon Moore was improving in Performance skills. I showered and returned to my hotel room where Vince told me that he felt that both shows were just average. Not bad but they could have been a lot better. He'd rated ECW a C and Smackdown a C+. He also felt that I'd used Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder too much on Smackdown and that the audience felt that ECW lacked any really hot storylines to follow. Ok so the shows weren't as good as RAW but I still felt confident that they would get better. I was still in my first week of my new job. Edge had already told me down at the arena that he still felt I'd done a good job. Of course he was trying to be encouraging and I knew I could do better. Well there you have it my next two shows. I'd love to know what you guys think. Should I continue this?
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OOC: just to let you guys know. I've hired a bunch of people as I'm wanting to make ECW as big as the other two brands. I've also reactivated the ECW Tag Team belts and the Hardcore Championship to be the ECW's secondary singles title. I plan to do a draft after Armageddon but those who are champions after Armageddon won't be drafted and those in storylines won't be drafted either. Otherwise it will screw up my storylines. I am also planning to have the cruiserweight and woman's title be non brand specific so that crusierweights and woman of all three brands have something to compete for. I have also resurrected King of the Ring. [center]Armageddon Card Edge V Batista (World Heavyweight Championship Match) Jeff Hardy V Randy Orton (Last Man Standing for the WWE Heavyweight Championship) The Great Khali V The Undertaker Mr Kennedy V Triple H Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder V Matt Hardy and MVP (No 1 contenders match) Candice Michelle V Beth Phoneix (Lumberjill match for the Woman's title) C M Punk V John Morrison (ECW Heavyweight Championship Match) Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly V Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch (World Tag Team Championship Match)[/center]
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The next morning I began the process of hiring more wrestlers to flesh out ECW. I emailed a number of former WCW wrestlers who were now working Indy's or not working at all. Some of them had worked for WWE previously but hadn't lasted long. It was my feeling that they could do well if given a better push and used more. At the time that WCW was bought out I felt that there were more wrestlers than the bookers at the time knew what to do with. Now that we had the brand split the wrestlers I would hire would mostly be used in ECW. A few would go to Smackdown, as my aim was to ultimately have all three brands be the same size. I planned to extend the length of the ECW show to make it the same as RAW and Smackdown. This would mean I could have more storylines running and make things much more interesting. I also planned to resurrect the ECW Tag Team Titles and the Hardcore Title. I felt that the ECW wrestlers needed more than one title to compete for. And I planned to make the Woman’s and Cruiserweight belt’s non-brand specific so the women and cruiserweights on the other bands would have something to compete for. I also really wanted to resurrect King of the Ring as I’d always enjoyed watching that pay per view. Of course when I’d mentioned it to Edge he’d wasted no time in reminding me of his win. I spent the next few days emailing and on the phone to various wrestlers. Most were happy to negotiate a contract with us but Booker T and Sharmell chose to decline. I was disappointed, as I knew that Booker had been quite popular before he left. I also managed to fit in a training session each day. I had been exhausted after my match on Smackdown so I focused on improving my endurance. Edge trained with me and constantly encouraged me. By the day before RAW we had roughly 25 new wrestlers. Some wouldn’t be able to start working for us for another seven days due to still having contractual obligations to fulfill. Some of those wrestlers were OVW wrestlers who I had decided were ready to be part of the main rosters. After several days of hard work I decided I deserved a break. I had gotten the next day’s RAW all planned and set up and the programme sent to the road agents. So I was free for the day. Edge and I treated ourselves to a day of relaxation. We hit the beach and caught some waves. That night Edge had dinner at my place and then we sat down to watch RAW. [center][b]RAW Reunion Arena, Mid South [/b][/center] The show started with highlights of the tag team match between Jeff and HHH and Umaga and Carlito played in a video package. The crowd was very receptive to this. Next Jerry Lawler talked about the night’s main event, a one on one between Carlito and John Cena. The crowd was also very receptive to this. I was pleased to see that the show seemed to be starting off on the right foot. Edge also seemed to think that it was a good start to the night. The first match of the night was between Lilly and Beth Phoenix. Beth Phoenix defeated Lilly in 7:57 by pinfall with a Down in Flames. Unfortunately Lilly needed to work on her endurance as like me she was exhausted by the end of her match. I made a mental note to make her matches shorter as well until her endurance improved. As a result of her exhaustion Lilly was really off her game tonight. Some portions of the crowd were very vocal in their hatred of Lilly. The announcing quality lifted the match and the colour commentary gave the match a boost. The great performance of Beth Phoenix really stood out. I knew that although the match hadn’t gone over well with the crowd there were some good things to take from it too. After the match a pre taped video airs starring Bobby Lashley who tells the TV audience that the moves they are seeing are performed by trained professionals and that the moves take years of training and experience to learn and do safely. He then warns the TV audience not to try what they see at home. This goes over really well with the audience. Edge told me he thought the video was great. After the first commercial break Jim Ross hypes the tag team match between Triple H and Jeff Hardy and Mr Kennedy and Bobby Lashley that would be happening later in the evening. This kept the crowd lifted. The cameras go backstage where we find Beth Phoenix and Candice Michelle exchanging words backstage. The two stare each other down, but no more. This doesn’t go over as well as the previous two segments but at least it seemed to be better than the women’s match. Returning to the ring the next match gets underway. It is DH Smith and Drew McIntyre V London and Kendrick. London and Kendrick defeated Drew McIntyre and DH Smith in 12:13 when Paul London defeated DH Smith by pinfall with a Get Well Soon. The announcing quality and colour commentary gave the match a boost. London and Kendrick both looked good. Drew McIntyre had improved in Technical skills and DH Smith had improved in Rumble skills. So there were plenty of positives to take from the match despite the match not going over so well with the crowd. After commercials the show returns with the cameras backstage where Grisham Carlito is interviewed backstage by Todd Grisham, he hypes an upcoming singles match against John Cena. Triple H and Jeff Hardy who are looking for Randy Orton interrupt the interview. Judging from the crowd’s reaction this segment has gone over well. Next the Smackdown Rebound airs containing highlights from the most recent edition of Smackdown and the exploits of Batista, Edge, Melly, Montel Vontavious Porter and Matt Hardy in particular. This doesn’t go over quite so well with the crowd but I was still pleased with how it came out. Edge told me he thought we both looked great and we laughed at Batista’s reaction to my announcement. “Man that was a classic,” Edge said. “I know. He couldn’t have reacted better. It was exactly what I’d hoped for,” I said. Back in the ring the next match was getting under way. It was Santino Marella V Snitsky. Snitsky defeated Santino Marella in 14:21 by pinfall with an Egoist Schwein. Unfortunately the two didn’t click in the ring and both Edge and I could see that the match looked awkward. The crowd must have picked up on this too as the match didn’t go over well. However the announcing quality lifted the match and the colour commentary gave the match a boost. And it was pleasing to see that Snitsky was improving in Performance skills. The second don’t try this video airs and this one stars Jeff Hardy. It doesn’t go over as well as the previous one starring Bobby Lashley but still got a good reaction. Then there were more commercials. The show returns with Vince in the ring. During the promo, Vince tells the crowd that at Armageddon Mr. Kennedy will take on Triple H! It was good to see that this lifted the crowd. The next match then takes place and it is Jeff Hardy and Triple H V Mr Kennedy and Bobby Lashley. During the match the camera picks up on Randy Orton intently studying a backstage monitor, watching the match. Jeff Hardy and Triple H defeated Bobby Lashley and Mr. Kennedy in 17:34 when Triple H defeated Mr. Kennedy by pinfall with a Pedigree. I was pleased to see that the match went really well. Everyone looked good together. This match lifted the crowd. I also noted that Bobby Lashley was improving in Rumble skills and Mr. Kennedy was improving in Rumble skills. At the end of the match Jeff and HHH celebrate in the ring. The crowd really seemed to enjoy this. A music video is then shown to promote John Cena and the commentators then talk about him and his match against Carlito. This is now only minutes away. The cameras cut to backstage where a backstage worker is shown knocking on a door with "John Cena" on the placard. Moments later John Cena himself emerges from the locker room, looking psyched up. Whilst the capacity crowd chant his name continuously, the camera follows him the through the backstage area until he pushes back the curtain and emerges on the stage surrounded by torrents of pyrotechnics. The commentators hyped the match up while Cena made his way through the backstage area. Carlito defeated John Cena in 15:56 by pinfall with a Back Cracker. To my surprise the match had actually come off very very well despite Cena’s being unhappy about having to put Carlito over. I silently thanked him for being willing to do the job. Even Edge was confident that the match had been the best match of the night. The only negative was that I could see that Carlito was tiring towards the end. It was great to see that Cena’s performance skills were improving and that the match had lifted the crowd. At the end of the match, while Carlito is celebrating John Cena looks angry, and jumps him from behind, throwing a series of wild overhead shots. Carlito fights off the attack, though, and returns the favor, forcing Cena to rethink the attack. After a solid blow by Carlito lands, John Cena tumbles out of the ring and heads for the higher ground of the backstage. The camera scans the aftermath of the match as Carlito and Cena are both laying on the floor, Carlito in the ring and Cena at the top of the ramp, exhausted, the match clearly having took it's toll on them. As soon as the show went off the air Edge turned to me and told me he thought the show would get a good rating. A few minutes later Vince texted me to tell me he rated it a B+. Yes! I’d finally gotten it right again. Hopefully it would be all good from here on in. Comments anyone?
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