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DAVE: The Buyout/Hardcore Uprising

Guest TDubTNA

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Guest TDubTNA
[CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/internet.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][I]**Breaking News**[/I][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/DAVE.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Struggling wrestling promotion DAVE has been purchased by Multi-Billionaire Sports Store owner Gerald Woods...He owns the largest sports store chain in the US named Complex Sports...Details are emerging that his son Tim Woods will be in charge of the everyday operations of DAVE...A meeting is said to be taking place within the next day or two with Tim Woods and the talent of DAVE... The wrestling world is shocked by what has transpired as DAVE was struggling to stay open...Apparently a secret meeting was held between Gerald and Tim Woods and now former owner of DAVE Phil Vibert a few days ago about Phil wanting to sell the struggling company because he felt he didn't have the money to make it as big as he had hoped...Word is going around that Phil will stay on as part of the creative team...We will let you know what goes on in the meeting which will be held in a few days concerning the future of DAVE... [B]Source: TEW Wrestling News[/B]
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Guest TDubTNA
The Meeting (Cameras are rollling while the whole DAVE roster is walking into the conference room...The room keeps filling up with members of the roster until the final member of the roster walks into the room...All the guys sit down and Tim Woods begins to talk) [B]TW: I'd like to thank all of you for coming today...This is a big day for DAVE...First I want to go over some of the major changes that will be taking place here...I'll open it up to questions if anyone has any...First off we have agreed to terms with CZCW about having them be our child company...We have signed some guys to development contracts...Also our TV program has been extended to two hours so guys will get to shine who weren't getting a chance before...[/B] [I]Nemesis: Just wanted to know something...I'm retired so it doesn't really matter to me but I know some guys are wondering about there jobs...And if you're bringing new guys in...[/I] [B]TW: That's a good question...I appreciate that...Everyone here has there jobs...But we have signed a handful of guys so some of you won't be getting as much TV as you probably would have hoped...So before this meeting continues if anyone would like there release just raise your hand and walk out of here and we will accept your release and you'll be free to work wherever...[/B] (Just before Tim finishes a few guys raise there hands...The guys include...The Wolverine, Tank Bradley, Alex Braun, Nathan Coleman and Johnny Martin...) [B]TW: Ok you five guys can leave this meeting right now and I appreciate your honesty even know I want you guys to stay...I'm sorry you don't want to stick around...[/B] (The five men leave and Tim has a disgusted look on his face...When the men leave he smiles and gets back to talking...) [B]TW: Well, now that is over let's get back to you guys who matter...First let me say thank god those guys left...Now I know who wants to really help this company thrive...This company has been struggling lately but no more...I'm making sure we never go under ever...We have some of the best talent ever...Why do you think SWF and TCW always steal our talent? It's because were the best promotion in the US...We're going back to our hardcore roots...No more of this sports entertainment garbage...[/B] [I]Eddie Peak: I speak for everyone here but we all want to know who you've signed to deals...[/I] [B]TW: Well, Eddie we signed a few guys to the main roster...The guys are Shooter Sean Deeley and just yesterday we came to an agreement with Hell Monkey...Also we are building a new division called the No Limits Division...It's a high flying division and we have signed Mainstream Hernandez, Snap Dragon, Remmy Skye, Velocity...who is out of Mexico, Black Optimus and Ultimate Phoenix...I hope everyone is excited about our signings...I want to thank everyone for coming today...I'd like to call an end to this meeting...Bye everyone...[/B] (The meeting comes to an end and the guys on the roster are smiling and seem to be happy with the direction Tim is starting to take the company)
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Guest TDubTNA
DAVE: Danger Zone TV #1 Card [CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/DAVE.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][COLOR="Blue"]Card for Danger Zone TV:[/COLOR][/B][/U] McWade's vs. The Latino Kings Black Optimus vs. Ultimate Phoenix Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Travis Century Hell Monkey vs. Vin Tanner The New Wave vs. Adrenaline Rush Acid vs. JD Morgan Big Cat Brandon vs. Eric Tyler [CENTER][U][B][COLOR="Red"]**Main Event**[/COLOR][/B][/U][/CENTER] Jack Giedroyc vs. Art Reed vs. Joey Minnesota - [I]#1 Contender for Unified Title[/I][/CENTER] Predictions are welcomed!
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Interesting start, I'll be keeping an eye on this. Predictions...... [B]McWade's [/B]vs. The Latino Kings [B]Black Optimus [/B]vs. Ultimate Phoenix [B]Shooter Sean Deeley [/B]vs. Travis Century [B]Hell Monkey [/B]vs. Vin Tanner The New Wave vs. [B]Adrenaline Rush[/B] [B]Acid [/B]vs. JD Morgan [B]Big Cat Brandon [/B]vs. Eric Tyler **Main Event** [B]Jack Giedroyc [/B]vs. Art Reed vs. Joey Minnesota - #1 Contender for Unified Title
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That is quite a packed card. How long is your TV show? [B]McWade's[/B] vs. The Latino Kings [B]Black Optimus[/B] vs. Ultimate Phoenix - Have no idea who either of these are so I've gone with the cooler name! [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] vs. Travis Century [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs. Vin Tanner [B]The New Wave[/B] vs. Adrenaline Rush [B]Acid[/B] vs. JD Morgan Big Cat Brandon vs. [B]Eric Tyler[/B] **Main Event** [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. Art Reed vs. Joey Minnesota - #1 Contender for Unified Title
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Guest TDubTNA
thx Thanks for the predictions guys...and the show is two hours long...I'll be posting the show results soon...Hope you guys like the format of the TV shows the PPV one's will be different
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;360733]Black Optimus vs. Ultimate Phoenix - Have no idea who either of these are so I've gone with the cooler name![/QUOTE] Ultimate Phoenix is a lightweight/super junior who starts the game in CZCW, Black Optimus is an "alternate ego/pic" for the indy sensation known as Black Eage/Plague.
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Guest TDubTNA
Danger Zone TV #1 Results [CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/DAVE.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="DarkRed"]Danger Zone TV!![/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]Danger Zone TV opens up with a promo package showing highlights of the East Coast War days and the Cult Entertainment era...At the end of the package lights start flashing on the video then Hardcore is Back pops up on the screen and the fans in the arena go nuts...Everyone seems to be excited about DAVE's first show after the purchase from Phil Vibert...Then the video shows the roster one by one with the main eventers getting the biggest reactions...Then the video package stops and the music of Jack Giedroyc plays and he comes out to the crowd...[/I] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][I]JG: What's going on everyone? Tonight is a huge night...Not only for DAVE but for me...Tonight I can become #1 Contender for the Unified Title...The Brass Knuckles Title is good but Unified Title is the biggest title in the company...I'm ready for the challenge...I just hope Art Reed and Joey Minnesota are ready...And after tonight I hope Eddie Peak seems that I'm coming for the #1 spot in the company...Take care everyone and enjoy tonight...[/I][/COLOR] [I]Rating:[/I] [B]B[/B] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]The Latino Kings[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]The McWade's[/COLOR][/B] Good enough match I guess for the opening match...I didn't really expect much from this but an ok opener...The match ended with Jesus Chavez coming down to the ring and hitting Dean McWade behind the ref's back helping Rudy hit his Cutter on Dean for the win... [I]Rating:[/I] [B]D-[/B] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Black Optimus[/COLOR][/B] Very good match between the two men...I'm extremely happy with this match because I'm hoping the No Limits Division can take off and become big and if this match is anything then it could be big...The match had good high spots but in the end Ultimate Phoenix hit a super-hurricarana on Black Optimus for the win... [I]Rating:[/I] [B]C+[/B] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Shooter Sean Deeley [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Travis Century[/COLOR][/B] This was pretty much a squash match...Shooter Sean Deeley is one of the best wrestlers on the wrestling so I'm trying to get him some good wins before his push...Wins the match with a T-Bone Suplex... [I]Rating:[/I] [B]D+[/B] [I]Eddie Peak is seen on the tron and bashes everyone in the main event saying that at the PPV Back in Black whoever wins tonight will get destroyed in there match...[/I] [I]Rating:[/I] [B]B[/B] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Hell Monkey [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Vin Tanner[/COLOR][/B] Another squash match...Hell Monkey will be recieving a nice push and I need him to also get some good wins before I put him in any title matches...He wins the match with a tornado DDT... [I]Rating:[/I] [B]D-[/B] [COLOR="Black"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]The New Wave [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Adrenaline Rush[/COLOR][/COLOR] This was a good match between probably the two best tag teams we have...Some good brawling from the New Wave and some good high flying from Adrenaline Rush...The New Wave were to much though as they hit a Double Piledriver on Teddy Powell for the win... [I]Rating:[/I] [B]C[/B] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Acid[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]JD Morgan[/COLOR][/B]Very good match between the two...It was a good back and forth technical match...Acid had the upper hand because of his speed and high flying ability...JD Morgan though hung with him till the end when Acid got the advantage and hit the Acid Drop on JD for the win... [I]Rating:[/I] [B]C+[/B] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Big Cat Brandon [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Eric Tyler [/COLOR][/B] Good hardcore match...This was a straight streetfight between the two men...Neither really had the upper hand...It was just a back and forth beatdown...Chairs, Tables and other weapons were used in this bloody contest...The match ended when Big Cat Brandon powerbombed Eric Tyler off the top rope through a table for the win... [I]Rating:[/I] [B]C+[/B] [I]Before the match Eddie Peak comes down to the ring and gets a ringside seat...He is apparently going to scout the match and see who his future opponent is going to be...[/I] [I]Rating:[/I] [B]B-[/B] [CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Red"]**Main Event**[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Jack Giedroyc [/COLOR]defeated [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Art Reed and Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] to become #1 Contender for the Unified Title[/B] Good three way match...All three of these men are going to be big stars...It was a good back and forth match between the three...There were some good double team spots where Jack and Art teamed up against Joey...Joey did get the advantage later with a chair shot on Jack and Art...The three men battled outside of the ring for a good amount of time before coming back into the ring...Jack seemed to really shine in this match and was hitting some crisp offensive moves...Art Reed looked good as well...He had the Proton Lock on Joey Minnesota but Jack broke that up just before Joey was about to tap out...Jack in the end got the win and hit the JG Cutter on Joey Minnesota for the win... [I]Rating:[/I] [B]B-[/B] [I]At the end of the show Eddie Peak gets up from his chair and gets into the ring and into Jack Giedroyc's face...both men just stare at eachother for a minute...They then start yelling at eachother and pushing and shoving eachother as the locker room empties and breaks the men up...Eddie just smiles after the arguement and has a crazy look on his face as the show comes to an end...[/I] [I]Rating:[/I] [B]B[/B] [I]Overall Show Rating:[/I] [B]B-[/B] [I]TV Rating:[/I] [B]1.95[/B] [QUOTE][I]OOC: Overall not a bad show...Just trying to see what I want to do with each individual talent on the roster...Trying to hopefully have some good feuds going before my first PPV...I'm happy with the show overall though and I'm extremely excited about how good the No Limits Division matchup went...Hopefully that will be a big division...I hope to get a decent tag team division going at some point...But good show nonetheless...[/I][/QUOTE]
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Guest TDubTNA
DAVE #2 Card [CENTER][IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m145/TDubTNA/DAVE.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][COLOR="Blue"]Card for Danger Zone TV:[/COLOR][/B][/U] The New Wave vs. The Latino Kings Black Optimus vs. Ultimate Phoenix vs. Remmy Skye Velocity vs. Mainstream Hernandez vs. Snap Dragon Shooter Sean Deeley vs. T-Rex Hell Monkey vs. JD Morgan Big Cat Brandon vs. Chris Caufield Acid vs. Eric Tyler [CENTER][U][B][COLOR="Red"]**Main Event**[/COLOR][/B][/U][/CENTER] Eddie Peak vs. Joey Minnesota[/CENTER] Predictions are welcomed!
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