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[B][I]The WWE struggling to make a ends meet. Vincent Kennedy Mcmanhon had no other choice but to give WCW to Paul Heyman-Knowing Vince Killied his baby ECW.Paul being a former WCWer knew what gave its name.[/I][/B] [B]Paul:[/B]Vince I want WCW,to build some new talent and TNA is falling apart. [B]Paul:[/B]I think you give me WCW and I can Kill TNA just like you did ECW and WCW [B]Vince:[/B]Alright I'll give it to you now get them bastards of TNA out of Business. [B]Paul:[/B]Ok Vince will do (Heyman leaves)
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[CENTER]Photobucket[[/CENTER]Heyman goes Extreme by signing [I]Rhino[/I] [I]Rob Van Dam[/I] [I]Cody Rhodes[/I] [I]Sonny Siaki[/I] [I]The Boogeyman[/I] [I]Venus(Val Venis)[/I] [I]Kimo(Rosey)[/I] [I]Steven Regal(Vince gave him to Heyman)[/I] [I]Kofi Kingston[/I] [I]Kristal Romeo Antonio Alexis Roucka Chris Masters[/I]
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Heyman calls Vince up [B]Heyman:[/B]Hey Vince [B]Vince:[/B]Paul [B]Heyman:[/B]Vince I was wondering if I could reastablish The Cruiserweight Title and United States Title. [B]Vince:[/B]No,Paul I'm going to keep control of those titles but what I will do is give you the European and Light Heavyweight Title. [B]Heyman:[/B]Thank you Vince. [B]Vince:[/B]Bye [B]Paul:[/B]Bye
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[CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][B]Paul Heyman signs some youth in[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [I]Kenny Dykstra KC James Cassidy James Ted Dibiase Jr Lacey Von Erich Shad Gaspard JTG Horshu(Luther Reigns) Finlay Ryan O' Reily Krissy Vaine Daniel Puder Wagner Brown Chris Harris James Storm Test "The Truth"Ron Killings Matt Bentley Cheerleader Melissa[/I]
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[SIZE="5"]WCW Roster[/SIZE] [B][I]1.Wrath(Bryan Clarke) 2.Mark Jindrak 3.Kanyon 4.DDP 5.Sean O' Haire 6.The Hurricane(Shane Helms) 7.Shannon Moore 8.Jimmy Yang 9.Kaz Hayshai 10.Jamie Noble 11.Pcosis 12.The Giant 13.Elix Skipper 14.Super Stacy(Manages Hurricane) 15.Rhino 16.Rob Van Dam 17.Cody Rhodes 18.Sonny Siaki 19.The Boogeyman 20.Venus(Val Venis) 21.Kimo(Rosey) 22.Steven Regal(Vince gave him to Heyman) 23.Kofi Kingston 24.Kristal(Manages Kofi Kingston) 25.Romeo 26.Antonio 27.Alexis Roucka(Manages The Heartthrobs) 28.Chris Masters 29.Tajiri 30.Amazing Red 31.Mistico 32.Kenny Dykstra 33.KC James 34.Cassidy James 35.Ted Dibiase Jr 36.Lacey Von Erich(Manages Ted Dibiase Jr) 37.Shad Gaspard 38.JTG 39.Horshu(Luther Reigns) 40.Finlay 41.Ryan O' Reily 42.Krissy Vaine(Manages Ryan O' Reily) 43.Daniel Puder 44.Wagner Brown 45.Chris Harris 46.James Storm 47.Test 48."The Truth"Ron Killings 49.Matt Bentley 50.Melissa Anderson(Manages Matt Bentley)[/I][/B]
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[B]WCW Nitro Nitro returns under new management in the "Hardcore Messiah"Paul Heyman.What will Heyman have in store for the new WCW.[/B] Prediction Key Wrath vs.Ron Killings The Hurricane/Super Stacy vs.Elix Skipper Matt Bentley/Melissa Anderson vs.Siaki Miavia Kofi Kingston/Kristal vs.DDP Wagner Brown vs.The Giant Rob Van Dam vs.Steven Regal Rhino vs.Chris Masters
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[B]Wrath[/B] vs.Ron Killings [B]The Hurricane/Super Stacy[/B] vs.Elix Skipper Matt Bentley/Melissa Anderson vs.[B]Siaki Miavia[/B] Kofi Kingston/Kristal vs.[B]DDP[/B] Wagner Brown vs.[B]The Giant[/B] [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs.Steven Regal [B]Rhino[/B] vs.Chris Masters
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heyman: hey vince can i have taker, michaels, hhh, and john cena? vince: no, but you can have snitzky. heyman: bye vince: bye I think Ron Killings will be Wrath Skipper will beat hurricane. Siaka miavia will win by name DQ. He will also become popular for his oh-so-annoying to pronounce name. Kofi will beat DDP, I heard hes being pushed. Wagner Brown will beat the Giant clean pin. Regal will beat RVD and then RVD will be injured later on that night by Goldberg in his debut. Masters will beat Rhino to prove how poorly something could be booked.
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[CENTER]WCW Nitro Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Arial Black"](Paul Heyman music hits) Paul Heyman confidently walks to the ring.He stops at the bottom of the entrance to view the crowd.His face lights up with a grin.Heyman then slides in the ring.[/FONT] [B]Heyman:[/B]Welcome to WCW! (Crowd cheers) [B]Heyman:[/B]Ever since Ted Turner killied WCW.People have been wanting a alternative.Guys like Rey Mysterio,Chris Jerichio,Steve Austin all made their names in WCW.Vince gave me WCW to give an alternative.Kill them bastards in TNA. [B]Heyman:[/B]Next week we will have Title tournaments for the WCW Heavyweight title,WCW European title,WCW Tag Team titles and WCW Light Heavyweight title.Thank you and enjoy (Crowd Pops). (Commercial Break) Ron Killings music plays as The Truth calmly walks to the ring.Wrath comes out to a chorus of boos,He sees a sign that says "Wrath Sucks" and grabs it and tears in half. [CENTER]Wrath vs."The Truth"Ron Killings[/CENTER] They start up in a lock up and Wrath tosses Killings across the ring.Wrath starts putting the boots to Killings.Killings starts rallying hitting the big man with everything.Killings kicks the big man in the gut and out of nowhere Wrath hits the Meltdown for 3. [B]Winner:Wrath[/B] We Go to the back with Letcia Cline,Hurricane and Super Stacy [B]Cline:[/B]Hurricane you take on Elix Skipper next what are your thoughts? [B]Hurricane:[/B]Citzen Cline my number one goal is to win the WCW Light Heavyweight title [B]Hurricane:[/B]And Elix Skipper you're one more stepping stone to reach my goal. (Hurricane Leaves) (Commercial Break) The Hurricane music plays as he comes out to cheers.Elix Skipper comes out angrliy to a chorus of boos. [CENTER]The Hurricane/Super Stacy vs.Elix Skipper[/CENTER] As soon as the bell sounds Hurricane hits a clothesline on Skipper.Hurricane throws Skipper to the outside.Hurricane then hits a suicide dive on to Skipper.Hurricane then throws Skipper back into the ring.Skipper hits Hurricane when he comes back into the ring.Skipper hits the POD for 2.Skipper goes for the POD again but Super Stacy is on the ropes Elix is mezmorized by her legs.Skipper turns around in to an Eye of the Hurricane for 3 [B]Winner:The Hurricane/Super Stacy[/B] Were in the back when Melissa Anderson knocks on the door. [B]Anderson:[/B]You Ready. [B]Bentley:[/B]Yeah im Ready. (Siaki Miavia vs. Matt Bentley is next) (commercial Break) Miavia comes out ****ily to cheers and Bentley arrogantly to boos. [CENTER]Siaki Miavia vs.Matt Bentley/Melissa Anderson[/CENTER] Matt Bentley starts by slapping Siaki Miavia.Siaki slapped Bentley back.Bentley hit him with left and right hands.Miavia fights back left and rights of his own.Miavia hits Bentley with a Samoan drop.Siaki then hits the Siaki Elbow for 2.Miavia couldn't believe it he got in the refs face.Only to turn around into a sweet chin music for 2.Bentley quickly goes for another pin for 2.Bentley gets in the refs face.Giving time for Melissa Anderson to low blow Siaki Miavia who walks right into the sweet chin Music for 3 [B]Winner:Matt Bentley/Melissa Anderson[/B] Were in the back with DDP [B]Cline:[/B] DDP you take on rookie Kofi Kingston next what are your thoughts facing this rookie. [B]DDP:[/B]My Thoughts(sarcastically)this punk thinks he can beat he has got another thing coming when I lock in the Diamond Cutter.Bang!!! (Commercial Break) DDP comes out confidently to the ring.Kofi comes out with Kristal and acts very pompous. [CENTER]DDP vs.Kofi Kingston[/CENTER] DDP takes control on the ****y Jamaican with a knife edge chop.Paige puts the boots to Kingston.he picks up Kingston whips him into the ropes and gets kicked in the face.Kingston whips Paige into the corner hitting the leapfrog hurracaranna.Kingston then hits the Jamacian splash for a 2.DDP kick is blocked by Kingston and spun around into the clothesline.Kristal gets on the rope DDP then hits a Diamond Cutter.Kristal then grabs her high heel takes it off and gives it to Kingston.Kingston then clocks Paige in the head for the 3. [B]Winner:Kofi Kingston/Kristal[/B] Were in the back with Letcia Cline and Wagner Brown. [B]Cline:[/B]Wagner Brown you are about to take on The Giant.What are your thoughts [B]Brown:[/B]The Giant it is time for things to change you have been a force in WCW before know it is my turn. (Wagner Brown Leaves)
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