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[Release] Montreal Aftermath 2.0

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Here is the first official release of Montreal Aftermath 2.0, a revision of the original database created by CarlitoCool. A great deal of effort went into revising this database in an attempt to correct inaccuracies and redesign the mod to work within the TEW game programming. I believe I have done a respectable job. The reality of the time period creates certain problems that the gamer will find dissapointing, namely, that the WWF is likely to fall to Cult within a year's time due to the lack of talent on its roster. This was unfortunately unavoidable. With that preface out of the way, let me take a moment to thank Carlito Cool and all of the people who originally assisted him in the creation of this fantastic database. It was initial work that made this possible. I also want to thank TommyTomlin for all of his suggestions to the original database and Adam Ryland for his brief, yet important contribution to my understand of the promotion overness system in TEW 07. And then a special thanks to BenJacko for his efforts testing and searching for errors. Features: 20 Promotions 616 Workers *More than 50 updated worker pitcutres *Updated gimmicks *Updated biographies for many workers *New location file borrowed from TommyTomlin's WarsEnd mod *New relationships *Vastly revamped overness ratings for all workers under contract to ECW, WCW, and WWF *Vastly revamped statistical ratings for all workers under contract to ECW, WCW, and WWF *Missing workers added *Corrected title histories for WCW, ECW, WWF, and the NWA World Heavyweight Championship *New belts courtesy of Misfit's belt mod *New logos *Injury, storyline, and match files courtesy of sprinklefurball Here are the downloads. Rapidshare was down today, so I had to use Sendspace. Please feel free to post any missing or inaccurate information you may find. I already plan to release further updates, but unless there are major game engine flaws pointed out, most will be of a cosmetic nature. Here are the files: Data: [url]http://www.sendspace.com/file/2hwj2x[/url] People: [url]http://www.sendspace.com/file/jk9xgb[/url] Belts & Logos: [url]http://www.sendspace.com/file/ox971l[/url]
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Downloaded this about an hour ago. So far it looks like everything is going smoothly. I'm in a phase where i just sim through years and see what's happening. So far in Feb, Week 4 of 98 No big major stories to break. Hogans still WCW Champ HBK still WWF. Both have been putting on solid B+/C shows depending on area. So, overall, good job :) I'll do another update in another few months of game time
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Let me start by saying thank you for the effort involved in restarting work on this mod. I haven't had a chance to play through very much, but after a quick glance I did see a few "overness issues" as the AI tends to autopush several wrestlers much higher than their actual card position should be. A couple of examples: Bagwell, Hennig, Davey Boy, Rick Steiner autopush as main eventers to start the game and I'm not really sure they really ever achieved main event status in WCW. In WWF, the same happens with Ahmed Johnson, Farooq, Goldust, and Road Dogg ... I feel pretty safe in saying that while he did get pretty popular, Ahmed Johnson was never considered a main eventer. I know this can be a very subjective opinion, but just thought I would pass it on. One other question....Any future plans to expand on some of the other game areas (UK, Japan, Canada, Mexico)? Thanks again for all of the work you and your team have put in.
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Okay. So i simmed it through last night while I went to sleep. In December 01 so about to hit 02. WWF have fell to Cult and pretty much suck. WCW are global. So are NJPW and AJW. For some reason ROH opened too early? It seems to play well, so good job on the mod. Now to take over WWF and get rid of Mosh as champ. Yeah, Headbanger Mosh...
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[QUOTE=brat99;361328]Let me start by saying thank you for the effort involved in restarting work on this mod. I haven't had a chance to play through very much, but after a quick glance I did see a few "overness issues" as the AI tends to autopush several wrestlers much higher than their actual card position should be. A couple of examples: Bagwell, Hennig, Davey Boy, Rick Steiner autopush as main eventers to start the game and I'm not really sure they really ever achieved main event status in WCW. In WWF, the same happens with Ahmed Johnson, Farooq, Goldust, and Road Dogg ... I feel pretty safe in saying that while he did get pretty popular, Ahmed Johnson was never considered a main eventer. I know this can be a very subjective opinion, but just thought I would pass it on. One other question....Any future plans to expand on some of the other game areas (UK, Japan, Canada, Mexico)? Thanks again for all of the work you and your team have put in.[/QUOTE] The problem with the WWF is there aren't enough people to fill the main event slots (which again, echoes reality.) I'm more than willing to lower those guys overness, but it only hurts the simulation of the game as the WWF will think the only guys it has in the main event is The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. Unfortunately some of those guys just have to be pushed as main eventers.
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;361388]The problem with the WWF is there aren't enough people to fill the main event slots (which again, echoes reality.) I'm more than willing to lower those guys overness, but it only hurts the simulation of the game as the WWF will think the only guys it has in the main event is The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. Unfortunately some of those guys just have to be pushed as main eventers.[/QUOTE] My 1993 mod has similar issues regarding the autopush of workers. The key is during testing make sure you know who will be autopushed by each promotion and then continue to adjust overness until all of the slots are filled. Also the number of workers needed for each level (main eventer, mid carder, etc) is of course determined by promotion size, etc so sometimes it is a combination of adjusting worker overness and certain company variables. You do also have to take some creative license and bump up a few workers to make up for the lack of high level guys. Another thing to remember that the WWF roster actually has MORE workers on it than the game thinks it needs so guys like Goldlust, A Johnson, and others are getting pushed up into the Main Event when they should not be. That is a game issue, not a mod issue, and really can not be fixed unless you remove the "extra" workers by cutting them or reducing their ratings. If you are playing with the WWF then none of this matters because you can fix it, however if you are playing against the WWF then you might consider cutting a few of their extra guys so the company will be more competitive and tough to beat. I would remove some of their lower level guys and then the guys getting the extra push will be moved back down into the mid card where they belong. Sorry for the long winded commentary but I just wanted to share some insight I have gained from mod making. Good work!
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[QUOTE=alden;361592]just a few small things i have noitced. 1: virgil in wcw was vincent 2: i might be totally wrong on this one but.........the hardys as lifetime to omega? wasen't omega still around when they both signed deals for wwf?[/QUOTE] 1. Corrected 2. That's how it was in the original database. I'll look that over and see what should be done about it.
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